ay Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio
ay Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio
Sixth Sunday of Easter X saint charles borromeo parish | parma, ohio He is risen,Alleluia! Grünewald, Matthias (German). Isenheimer Altarpiece, second view of the altar, right panel: Resurrection of Christ, ca. 1515. Oil on panel. Musée d'Unterlinden, Colmar. Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 Entrance The God of All Grace...R. Manalo, CSP III Jennifer Jackson & Adam Ausperk II Sarah Black & Sergio Basurto II Julie Golem & John Garswood II Astrid Hernandez & James Smith I Nicole Hwodeky & Jeffrey Kincaid LIFE IS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Text & Music © 1996 , Ricky Manalo, CSP.. Published by OCP. All rights reserved Reprinted under license # 602033, LicenSingOnline. Psalm 67 Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Antoinette Mantz Frank Amato Diane Capretta PCRF (Parish Christian Religious Formation) Music: David Haas Copyright © 2013 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net A‐702572. Registration of PCRF for the 2016-2017 school year is going on now. Any child attending grades Kindergarten thru 8th in the Fall can register at the Parish Office. Classes are held on Mondays (September thru May). You can call the PCRF office (440)886-5668 for more information. Offertory #605—I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light Communion Peace...G. Norbet, OSB (includes Rome & Assisi) Text & Music: Gregory Norbet, OSB. ©1971, The Benedictine Foundation of the State of Vermont. Used with permission. Reprinted under license #602033, LicenSingOnline Closing #78—Be Joyful, Mary Lower Parish Hall ..after 7:30, 9:00 & 10:30 am Masses Delicious Scrambled Eggs, Sausage Pancakes, Fruit & Drink for only…. Adults: $6.00 Children: $5.00 Tickets available at the door; take-out also. Sponsored by the World Youth Day 2016 Pilgrims May 1, 2016 St. Charles Borromeo Church This Week’s Liturgy A few days ago, Sister Patricia Dippel, OSU, who has been with us at St Charles since 1988, informed me that the time has come for her to retire from active ministry and to return to the Ursuline Motherhouse in Pepper Pike. Sister Patricia grew up in a large family at St Philomena Parish in East Cleveland. After graduating from Ursuline Academy of the Sacred Heart in 1947, Sister joined the Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland. The Ursulines had educated her at both St Philomena Grade School and at Sacred Heart. As was the custom in those days, Sister received the religious name of “Joseph Francis.” Sister was, in turn, a classroom teacher at St Therese in Garfield Heights, Christ the King in East Cleveland, and served as principal at both St Jerome in Cleveland and then at St Francis de Sales in Parma. Sister also directed the formation program for young nuns at the Motherhouse. After the Second Vatican Council, Sister was permitted to take back her baptismal name, “Patricia.” Sister came to St Charles in 1988 as a sixth grade teacher. Some years later, Sister became a secretary in our school office. I then asked Sister to serve as Minister to Seniors. Sister began by visiting the oldest parishioners (in their 100’s) and then “worked her way down” to those in their seventies. Sister was faithful to Guild and to Seniors meetings. She has spent sixty-nine years doing good as an Ursuline Sister, twenty-eight of those years at St Charles. Sister Patricia’s many years of dedication to us calls for a formal farewell. On Sunday, May 29, at the 9:00am Mass, we will thank Sister for her loving service to St Charles. After Mass, in the Lower Parish Hall, our Parish Council will hold a Donut Social Reception in Sister’s honor. All are welcome at that Farewell Mass and Reception on Sunday May 29. God bless Sister Patricia Dippel and the dozens of Ursuline Sisters who have served St Charles Borromeo Parish so faithfully since 1924. This Sunday afternoon, at two o’clock, we will celebrate First Communion Day. My mother was fond of saying “If you have the second graders praying for you, you will have no troubles.” I think my Mom was right! Thank you to the teachers and to the administrators of our Day School and PCRF programs for all their dedicated work. This is one of the happiest days in parish life and one of the most joyous for me as a parish priest! Our new Jail Ministry Group will meet this Monday, May 2, 7:00pm, in the John XXIII Room (second floor) , Parish Activities Center. Interested in learning more about simple but significant things we can do to help the imprisoned? If so, please stop by at our meeting. No commitment required at this time; just bring an open mind! Remember: Pancake Breakfast this Sunday morning after the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30am Masses, Lower Hall. This year’s intern, Matt Cortnik, returned to St Mary Seminary on Monday. Has asked me to share this note: “I am very grateful for my year with you at St Charles. I thank you for your prayers, support, and friendship. Father CarCongratulations and lin, the parishioners, priests, religious, and staff have inspired me to priestly ministry wholeheartedly. You remain in my prayers God’s blessings to our seek and I ask you to pray for me, my classmates, and my fellow semi2016 First Communicants. narians. Please pray, too, that more young men may consider a priestly vocation. SUNDAY, MAY 1 Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23; John 14:23-29 9:00 AM Intention of Ladies Guild 10:30 AM Polish Constitution Day Mass 2:00 PM First Holy Communion Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm MONDAY, MAY 2 St. Athanasius Acts 16:11-15; John 15:26—16:4a 7:00 AM † Margaret Benko 8:30 AM † Dec'd of Michalko Family 7:00 PM † Daniel Tanko TUESDAY, MAY 3 Ss. Philip & James I Corinthians 15:1-8; John 14:6-14 7:00 AM † Joseph & Alice Olsavsky 8:30 AM † Robert Fiegelist 7:00 PM † Conan & Thomas Rush WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 Acts 17:15, 22—18:1, John 16:12-15 7:00 AM † Edward & Mary Ostrowski 8:30 AM † Loretta Opava 7:00 PM † Robert Winter THURSDAY, MAY 5 Acts 18:1-8; John16:16-20 7:00 AM † Nick & Terry Rosenbaum 8:30 AM † Anna & Bartolomeo DiNallo 7:00 PM † Helen & Stanley Nowacki FRIDAY, MAY 6 Acts 18:9-18; John 16:20-23 7:00 AM † Ernest, Alice, Thomas & David Schmidt 8:30 AM † Mr. & Mrs. Ed Horr 7:00 PM Intention of John & Jacki Szopo SATURDAY, MAY 7 Acts 18:23-28; John 16:23b-28 8:00 AM In Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 2:00 PM Wedding— Jennifer Jackson & Adam Ausperk 4:00 PM 40th Wedding Anniversary Karen & Joe Janesz VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 & 6:00pm SUNDAY, MAY 8 The Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11; Ephesians 1:17-23; Luke 24:46-53 10:30 AM Mother’s Day Confraternity Knights of Columbus Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm May God bless you! Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 2nd Annual May Crowning HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP MINISTRY (Grades 9-12) Upperclassmen Leadership Team Youth‐Focused & Youth‐Led Mass New Days & Times for Events Twice a Month Events for 9th‐12th Graders Saturday, May 7 Encounter! ...7:30-10:15pm starting in church with Mass followed by Open Gym & hanging out this evening. Jeff Botos will lead praise & worship during the Youth Mass. All 8th graders are invited!! June 17-18-19… Save the date...Franciscan University’s Steubenville Summer Conference. Registration forms available in Parish Office. Deposit of $50 is due ASAP to Any questions, contact: Lena (216)-544-6164 / [email protected] Fr. Ryan (440)884-3030 / [email protected] Sr. Denise (440)884-3030 / [email protected] Our 2nd Annual May Crowning will take place on Sunday, May 15th, 2016 at 2:00pm in our church. We are asking that any member of our parish that would like to participate in the “Living Rosary” to please call the Parish Office and leave your name and phone number. This could be one adult or teen individual, a couple or a family of no more than four who would be willing to lead a Hail Mary or another part of the rosary. ATTENTION ALL 2016 GRADUATES BOTH COLLEGE AND HIGH SCHOOL Mark your calendars now for Sunday, June 5th at 10:30am. Your parish family is planning a special Mass and reception to celebrate your graduation. We invite ALL graduates to be a part of this celebration (high school, college). Please call the Parish Office (440)884-3030 if you can attend. Invitations to known high school seniors were mailed out recently. More details to follow. JUNIOR HIGH YOUTH MINISTRY HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE (7th and 8th graders) Welcome 6th graders to Junior High Youth Ministry! Thank you 8th graders for all your service these past two years in Junior High Youth Ministry. Look forward to seeing you in the High School Youth Group! ~ Sister Denise Marie ([email protected]) May 7th & 8th After all Mother’s Day weekend Masses. Carnations will be available in a variety of colors for $1.00. Surprise your Mom with the gift of flowers or honor her memory if you plan a visit to the cemetery. FOR MOM ON MOTHER’S DAY Summer 2016 Steubenville Conference St. Charles High School Youth Group Friday - Sunday June 17, 18, 19 !! Space is Limited !! Registration forms available in the Parish Office. Please return to Sr. Denise Marie with a $50 deposit ASAP (Weekend cost is $195.) Looking for the perfect way to remember Mom on Mother’s Day? Enroll your Mom, living or deceased, in St Charles Mothers' Memorial Confraternity. All Moms will be remembered at the 10:30am Mass on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8th. Moms will also be remembered at a Mothers' Memorial Confraternity Mass to be offered once-per-month June 2016 to Apri1 2017. Pick up a Confraternity card from the Parish Office after Mass today. Your free-will offering will be gratefully accepted. May 1, 2016 St. Charles Borromeo Church SUNDAY COLLECTION April 24, 2016 St. Charles Ladies Guild presents t [|@gxt _âÇv{xÉÇ Offertory Collection $17,716.85 ACH / Online / Credit Card Total 2,793.50 $20,510.35 “Bring your own tea cup & saucer” Saturday, May 21st 12Noon—2:30pm Lower Parish Hall Ages 10—110 A lite luncheon with all the tea & coffee you can drink will be provided. Our speaker will be Deborah Lime — “What Parma has to offer its Residents” Door Prizes & Raffle Prizes Welcoming great grandmas, grandmas, mothers, nieces, daughters, sisters (no children under the age of 10, please) $5 for ages 10-16 | all others $7 Stop in the Parish Office to purchase tickets. For more information, please call Pat Lawler (440)843-9186. Visit us on‐line at… www.stcharlesonline.org Thank you! SUMMER BIBLE FUN July 25 ‐ 29, 2016 It is time once again to register for Summer Bible Fun. This year's theme is The Rosary. SBF will take place July 25th-29th for students entering grades 1-5 in Fall 2016. Registration forms are available in the Parish Office and are due back to the Parish Office by May 9. If you have any questions, please contact the PCRF office at 440-886-5668. Merici Chapel… As you make plans for Spring activities, sporting events, graduations, showers, weddings and gardening, try & make time for the most important event in your life — preparing for eternity. Visit Jesus in Merici Chapel. He’ll help you with your plans. Sixth Sunday of Easter May 1, 2016 St. Charles Borromeo Church May 1, 2016 CERTIFICATE PROGRAM $100 WINNER Kevin Gallagher LOVELY LADY, DRESSED IN BLUE SENIORS CITIZENS The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 4th in the Lower Parish Hall. Doors open at 9:00am. A terrific and delicious hot lunch will be served at 11:00am. You might like to become a member of our St. Charles Senior Citizens Club. Think about it and pray about it! New members are welcome. Dues are $5.00 per year. Call Shirley Potoczak (440)281-2586. Thank you! Do you remember a custom of long ago when a statue of the Blessed Mother belonging to the parish would travel from home to home and stay for a period of time? When the statue was brought to your home, you, your family and friends would pray a Rosary a day for one week and then she was picked up and taken to another waiting family. This devotion will again be sponsored by the Legion of Mary at St Charles during the month of May and you are being invited to pray to this lovely Lady in your home. You need only to fill out the form found in the carousals in the church's lobbies or call Chris Brindle at (440) 845-5810 with your name, address and phone number to be put on the waiting list. The Legion of Mary will contact you to make arrangements for your personal visit. CASINO BUS TRIP Fundraiser Sponsored by the St. Charles Ladies Guild Meadows Casino Washington, PA Wednesday, June 8th $40/pp / $30 play back money Leave new parking lot 9:00am; return around 7:30pm All are Welcome!! Reservations due by June 3rd to the Parish Office in envelope marked Ladies Guild Bus Trip ‐or‐ Pat Lawler Checks payable for $40 to: St. Charles Ladies Guild For more information, call Pat Lawler (440)843‐9186 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Thank you very much to all the parishioners who participated in the Baker's Square event for the Measure Up Campaign. We could not do it without you. Spring is around the corner and it is time for the Annual Knights of Columbus Super Cash Bonanza. Each ticket is only $5 and the proceeds from each sale benefit St. Charles. For more information and for tickets please contact a fellow St. Charles Knight, PTU member, or visit the Parish Office by May 9th. Please Pray the Rosary. T he Isenheim Altarpiece is an altarpiece sculpted and painted by, respectively, Niclaus of Haguenau and Matthias Grünewald, between the years 151216. It is on display at the Unterlinden Museum at Colmar, in France. In 2012, the museum celebrated its 500th anniversary of this masterpiece. By far, it is Grünewald’s greatest and largest work. It was painted for the Monastery of St. Anthony in Isenheim, which specialized in hospital work. The Antonine monks of the monastery were especially noted for their care of those suffering from the plague, as well as their treatment of skin diseases, such as ergotism. Ergotism, a devastating skin disease, often fatal, caused by eating ryes and other grains or grasses infected with ergot fungus, was, in fact, commonly known as St. Anthony’s Fire. The image of the crucified Christ is pitted with plague-like sores, showing patients that Jesus understood and shared their afflictions. WINGS CLOSED: The altarpiece has two sets of wings, displaying three configurations. With the exception of certain holy days, the wings of the altarpiece were kept closed, displaying most often, the Crucifixion (Fig 1), framed on the left by the martyrdom of St. Sebastian pierced by arrows, and on the right by St. Anthony the Great, remaining placid although he is being taunted by a frightening monster. The two saints protect and heal the sick; St. Anthony as the patron of the victims of St. Anthony’s fire and St. Sebastian, whose aid was invoked to ward off the plague. Grünewald’s Crucifixion stands as one of the most poignant representations of this scene in Western art due to the artist’s masterful depiction of horrific agony, with Christ’s emaciated body writhing under the pain of the nails driven through his hands and feet. This body covered with sores and riddled with thorns must have terrified the sick, but also left no doubt about Christ’s suffering, thus comforting them in their communion with the Savior, whose pain they shared. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is shown at Christ’s right, collapsing in anguish in the arms of John, the beloved disciple of Christ, and shrouded in a large piece of white cloth. At Christ’s left, John the Baptist is accompanied by a lamb, symbolizing the sacrifice of Jesus. The presence of John the Baptist is chronologically inconsistent. Beheaded by order of Herod in 29 ad, he could not possibly have witnessed the death of Christ. This last figure announces the New Testament by crying out in Latin: illum oportet crescere me autem minui (John 3:30), “He must increase, but I must decrease.” The inclusion of John the Baptist in this scene is symbolic, since he is considered as the last of the prophets to announce the coming of the Messiah. OUTER WINGS OPENED: When the outer wings were opened for important festivals of the liturgical year, on Sundays and special feast days, particularly those in honor of the Virgin Mary, a splendorous array of four brightly colored panels presented the viewer with an even more unorthodox program of familiar Christian themes: the Annunciation, the Incarnation (the Nativity of Christ), and the Resurrection of Christ (Fig 2). One of the great masterpieces of mystic expression in art is Grünewald’s Resurrection, represented on the final panel. The figure of Christ rises in a burst of light so bright that the soldiers are struck down and cannot face his radiant glory (Front Cover). Here, the artist turns to pure colors, a rainbow spectrum in fact, that transforms all corporeal matter into divine light. The giant glory about Christ radiates in nearly imperceptible circles from the golden yellow at the center through the spectrum of colors to darker blues, violets, and purplish-black of the night sky. In turn, these colors transform Christ’s long, unfurling shroud into a translucent train of delicate draperies floating above the harsher and more metallic costumes of the guards and earthbound forms of the landscape. The figure of Christ truly seems to rise upward as an earthly being transfigured in the bright light. Of the countless paintings of the Resurrection created across the centuries and throughout the world, there are few that can rival the beauty of Grünewald’s Resurrection. This painting immediately arrests the viewer with its striking use of vibrant color and dramatic contrasts. In this image, the words of the Exultet, proclaimed by the deacon at the Easter Vigil, find a visual resonance: Be glad, let earth be glad, as glory floods her, ablaze with light from her eternal King, let all corners of the earth be glad, knowing an end to gloom and darkness. The golden light of the sun and the silver light of the moon merge behind the head of the risen Christ, and the stars shimmer with an even greater brilliance in the midnight sky. These are the witnesses to the Resurrection. O truly blessed night, worthy alone to know the time and hour when Christ rose from the underworld! This is the night of which it is written: The night shall be as bright as day, dazzling is the night for me, and full of gladness. But there is more than mystical light to be reckoned with here. The body of the risen Christ is a translucent form dissolving in its own light. The legs and arms are white and glowing; the head of Christ dissolves into a sun with the facial features barely traced across it; and the festered wounds of his body are now sparkling rubies of pure red. For those afflicted with the terrible skin diseases of the day, these images offered a sense of hope: if they kept their faith in Christ, they too could be cleansed. In Grünewald’s Resurrection, we witness the deification of the human, the return of flesh to the divine in the most majestic of terms. Fig 1: Isenheim Altarpiece (closed position); Crucifixion. Panel (with framing), 9 ft 9½ in x 10 ft 9 in. (center); 8 ft 2½ in x 3 ft ½ in (each wing); 2 ft 5½ in x 11 ft 2 in. (predella). Fig 2: (opened position). Annunciation, Incarnation, and Resurrection of Christ. St. Charles Borromeo Parish Sunday Monday 1 2 WYD Pancake Breakfast 8:00am-Noon Ladies Guild Mass 9:00am Scout Mass 9:00am Polish Constitution Mass 10:30am Children’s Liturgy* 10:30am Youth Choir* PCRF Bell Choir* RCIA Rosary Makers Rosary Cenacle First Communion School Spring Book Fair 2:00pm Tuesday 3 2:30pm 4:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:45pm Not Alone 6:30pm YG Leadership Mtg 7:30pm Ladies Guild Board 7:00pm Fatima Pilgrim Virgin Statue Mass & Holy Hour 7:00pm SVDP 7:30pm Catholic Men’s Group* 7:30pm Men’s Basketball* 9:00pm School Spring Book Fair 8 9 Mother’s Day Knights of Columbus Mass Holy Name Mass 10:30am PCRF Worship Commission Knights of Columbus RCIA 15 16 May Crowning 2:00pm 4:15pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 10 Not Alone Cub Scout Pack 73 6:30pm 6:30pm Wednesday 4 Seniors Legion of Mary* Recovery* Adult Ed: 9:00am 9:15am 1:15pm 7:00pm Special Ed PCRF Troop 221* Pre-Baptism Adult Choir * AA Non-Smoking* 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Walking Wide-Awake” May 2016 Thursday 5 Dads Recovery* Sports Boosters 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm Friday 6 Ladies Guild Saturday 7:00pm Alcoholics Anon* 7:30pm Youth Group Encounter 7:30pm High School Youth Group Mother’s Day Flower Sale after all Weekend Masses School Spring Book Fair School Spring Book Fair 11 Adult Ed: 7:00pm “Walking Wide-Awake” 12 CLC 1:30pm Christopher West’s 13 School Drama Club Performance 7:00pm “Life, Love & Mercy” 18 Seniors 9:00am School May Crowning 9:30am Adult Ed: 7:00pm 19 Avilas Parish Council 8:00am 7:30pm 14 School Drama Club Performance 1:00pm Pentecost Campfire & Vigil 7:30pm The COR Project 7:00pm 17 7 20 Just Friends Legion of Mary 6:30pm 7:00pm 21 Ladies Guild 12:00pm Hi-Tea Luncheon “Walking Wide-Awake” PTU Family Bingo Nite 7:00pm 22 Fr. Kevin J. Klonowski Mass of Thanksgiving 12:00 Noon 29 Sr. Patricia Dippel Farewell Mass & Parish Council Donut Social 9:00am 23 Knights of Columbus 7:30pm 24 25 PTU Business Mtg Adult Ed: 6:30pm 7:00pm Walking Wide-Awake” 26 CLC Music Organization 1:30pm 6:30pm 27 Prime Time 7:00pm 28 Ladies Guild Salad Luncheon Mtg 7:00pm 30 Memorial Day 31 Ladies Guild Board YG Transform Mtg 7:00pm 7:30pm Corpus Christi Procession & Eucharistic Benediction 1:00pm Refrigerator Calendar *Denotes weekly meeting