FlashUnivCore01 - Shamiir
FlashUnivCore01 - Shamiir
FLASHING UNIVERSE DYNAMIC FLASHING THROUGH THREE "MODES" OR UNIVERSE FORMATS (HELIOTROPE OF LIGHT) CONE GOLDEN-RATIO SPIRAL VARIOUS RINGS (TELEDISKS) TORUS TELEDISK (8 NODES) SECTIONAL PLANE OR TELEDISK SELAH RING LOCKS IN THE STAR TETRA WHEN COMPRESSED. UPPER TETRA HAS ONE ALSO. CONCENTRIC SPHERES AND CONTAINED SHAPES (SPHERE PULLED INSIDE-OUT) (PYRAMID OF LIGHT) TETRAHEDRON NEUTRA MODE COMPRESSION (CUBE-SPHERE MODE) ) RSE(S NIVE ING U H FLAS UNIVERSE OF LIGHT ULTA-GATE “TELEPLANE” HAVING 8 POLES IN EACH CONTINUUM PLANE, TWO CONES AND TWO TETRAS USE THE PLANES. EXPANSION (TORUS) MODE NEUTRA MODE VAST WISDOM INPUT ALL SOULS SELF-RELEASE (HELIOTROPE OF LIGHT) MIND ULTA-GATE (NON-FLASHING) VAST WISDOM OUTPUT NEUTRA UNIVERSE (PYRAMID OF LIGHT) HA-REEM MEMBRANE TWO SIDES “PARTING OF THE REED-SEA” “REED-SEA” WHERE THE HOLLOW REEDS ARE SHAMIR FIELDS...THE “SHAMIR-SEA.” ITALY: TURIN 23 JUNE, 2015 MEMBRANE WITH 2 SIDES THIS SYSTEM FORMS INSIDE THE MEMBRANE ADVANCED FORMATIONS WORKING IN THE ULTA AND FLASHING UNIVERSE (2015) USING PHI 3 “EYES OF RA” THIS FORMATION APPEARS TO BE A “CROWN” CONSOLIDATING ALL THE LARGER GROUP OF FORMATIONS WORKING IN THE MEMBRANE AND BEYOND IT. THIS PETAL ACCESSES THE MEMBRANE (USE A VERTICAL EYE-OF-RA IN THE CENTER) WINTERBOURNE 10 JULY, 2015 ULTA: PYRA-RADICAL GATE EAST FIELD, ALTON BARNES 26 JULY, 2011 (HEBREW: Rt-Lft) MESSAGE: “SELF: PERCEIVES W/ INTELLIGENCE THE MANDATE IN PERPETUITY, IN ADVANCE, A WORLD W/O END, A SIGN FOR SELF, A MIRACLE AS EVIDENCE... (THEN AN “EXECUTIVE-STRIKE” AND SHAMIR’S INITIATIVE “WORD.”) "Between the two major guiding power realms is a point of balance called by the Inner Earth Illuminaries, the ULTA. The Ulta, in more scientific terms is known as the pyra-radical gate...the mechanism which encodes the pyra-conic Light frequencies (emitted by the 'Living Lights') into spectra color/sonic bands. These bands are filtered down through the pyramid or spiral acting on and reacting with all levels of Integration until it reaches our human condition, at which point these bands are synchro-radiated to the bio-chronic field of the brain/mind complex. The pitch and meter of synthesis resulting from the matching of brain waves to the x-grams or program codes of Morphionic (divine) Light, determines the time ratio of our field of consciousness. What all of this essentially means is that the 'gate' controls our perception of reality and since 'reality' is nothing more than perception itself, the Ulta feeds us our reality in a frame of limited quanta release..." (THOTH RAISMES) (Copyright: Maia Nartoomid, 1998) COPYRIGHT WM BUEHLER, 1992 FILE: AtlanStar (DNA)> “FlashUnivCore01.CDR” "Crop Circle photos and reports courtesy The Crop Circle Connector (cropcircleconnector.com)".