Blocking Data


Blocking Data
1 Company Overview
2 Status Analysis after Webhard
Registration System
3 M-CAT’s Configuration and Services
4 Features & Expected Effects
I. Company Overview
01 General information and Retaining Properties
Company Name
MUREKA co., ltd.
C. E. O.
Eom, Seonghwan
Business Field
Number of employee
Digital Content monitoring and management(Filtering) / Parental Control Service / Digital Contents Distribution
9F, Samheung Yeoksam Bldg. 735-10 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-923 Korea
Tel)02-3413-4500 Fax)02-3413-4590
1st. Feb. 2004
Major Clients
NHN , Skcomms, Samsung Elec. SKT, KTF, Soribada and A couple of music company, 93
Audio & Video DNA Creation & Search
Method and system for providing music and video information by using audio and video DNA (Patent Registered)
Broadcasting contents analysis system and method through the generation of audio DNA (Patent Registered).
(Currently monitoring over 50 broadcasts in Korea.)
Copyrights management and monitoring system based on the technology of Audio and Video fingerprint. (Patent Registered)
A music DB by Audio DNA search technology to Samsung Anycall music, Alsong, MBC mini etc.
DNA DB Content RMI (Rights Management Information)
2,000,000 music RMI data (Artist name, album name, composer, copyrights, lyrics, performer, mobile content ID etc.)
 Connected with UCI (Unification Content Information)
700,000 Audio Fingerprinting Data and 200,000 Video Fingerprinting Data for accurate accounting and royalty distribution.
Film copyrights information data over the past 7 years
Broadcasted music data over the past 4 years
Retaining Rights Management Information, the accompanying technologies and experiences of adjustment and distribution
I. Company Overview
02 History
Obtain top honor certification in Korea Copyrights Commission
Release a new product solution M-ISO
Major Broadcaster Copyrights Protection Technology benchmarking test top honor
Korea Copyrights Commission performance evaluation top honor
ICOTEC 2011 business presentation
Major Broadcaster Filtering system supply contracts
EBS Filtering system supply contracts
Korea film producer association supervision Filtering system performance evaluation top honor
Provided a music and motion picture filtering solution to internet file hosting services,
‘Wedisk’ and 70 others. (Market share of 80%)
Established a subsidiary company ‘SesangeMordn Co.,Ltd’ for the contents distribution .
Achieved a certification of motion picture filtering solution by KFPA (Korea film producers association)
The first public demonstration of Motion picture filtering and for the internet file hosting service
Provided a music copyrights management system to NAVER which is the biggest portal site in Korea
Provided a Direct Music Linker service to MBC mini and Soribada etc.
Selected as operating company of broadcasting compensation distribution system
by KOMCA, KAPP and FKMP (All three music copyrights associations in Korea)
Praised as 2007 excellent digital content award content distribution part (content monitoring center)
Service open for P2P copyrights management as the first in the world (
Provided of Music Verification Service to Samsung anycall music
Service open for P2P copyrights management as the first in the world (
Provided of Music Verification Service to Samsung anycall music
Exported tagging solution to India Airtell
Developed broadcasting monitoring system
Achieved patent ‘search of audio date and sample’
Established Mureka Co.,Ltd.
2. Situation Analysis after WebhardRegistration System
01 Role & Responsibility
- Generating DNA of uncontracted Rights Holder’s
contents with no cost
- Generating DNA by using program from
Filtering company and sending it to Filtering
- Request for generating DNA from
rights Holder through TMIS service of Korea
Copyrights Commission – Filtering company apply
the DNA to the system
- In case of uncontracted rights holder with
filtering company, DNA registration is done
by Filtering company via OSP
- Block online distribution in advance
based on the rights holder’s starting date of
distribution on OSP site (Holdback period)
- Free DNA generation and registration for
preventing of personal information
disclosure and protecting privacy
Duplicated Requests for generating and registration of DNA
Maintaining DNA semi-permanently due to absence of policy and standard
of storage period of DNA
Abnormally charging small sum to OSP and increasing Uncollected amount
2. Situation Analysis after WebhardRegistration System
01 Role & Responsibility
- Module update after interlocking /
Regular inspection via own process
- Request correction to problematic OSP after
inspection and inform it to rights holder
- Surveillance of distribution of unpaid
contents of OSP through self-monitoring /
contracted company’s monitoring, and
gathering evidences of illegal act
- Clarification for the different settlement
amount through log data
Total 34
Contents Filtering Government,
56 15
- Clarification for the distribution of
unpaid contents through
hacking and detour
- Clarification for the contents disabled
Requiring the continuous increasing of resource and facility management due to
paid by manual, monitoring, clarification, etc. after generating DNA.
2. Situation Analysis after WebhardRegistration System
02 DNA Generation and Management
After generating DNA
Paid by Manual
Input more than 8 people
3 shifts 24 hours
Registration and Change
of RMI
Over 300 cases/day
OSP Interlocking,
Inspection, Management
10 members are managing 92 OSP
Average over 10,000 cases/day
Approx. 10 cases/month upon requesting
from police and rights holder
Module Update
Approx. 15 times/year
2. Situation Analysis after WebhardRegistration System
03 Structure and Issues of the current Contents Distribution
DNA Registration,
Request DNA Generation,
Active Anti-Piracy
Passive Anti -Piracy
Request DNA
Lawsuit cost, penalty↑
sales, uploader, user↓
Blocking request, collecting
evidence, clarification, legal
Contents not
requested antirequested
(unpaid) 70%
Billing data, Clarification, Penalty
Total contents management,
collecting evidence, field test
2. Situation Analysis after WebhardRegistration System
04 Current Needs & Status of Market for Blocking Contents Distribution
-Protection of Members
and Rights holder’s
Copyrights and Benefit
-Formation of Correct
distribution of contents
-Uniform Policy
-Direct Damage from
illegal Distribution
-Poor Result of accusation
and Lawsuit
-Needs for actual Result
Data of blocking and
Illegal Distribution
-Indiscreet blocking request,
accusation and lawsuit after
blocking contents
-Increasing of time and labor
-Expecting decreasing of burden
from Accusation and Lawsuit
after market formation
- User Protection
-Lack of Personnel
and of Physical
Resource to execute
every requests
-No evident market for
the blocking of
contents distribution
Needs for the principal party in charge of the cost for Generation and management of DNA
Mureka’s Proposal
for Needs of Contents Blocking
3. M-CAT ‘s Configuration and Services
01 Configuration
Evidence DATA
Provides Various
Management Data,
Verification Page
Management and
Blocking DATA
Pay for DNA
Generation and
Management Cost
Statistic DATA
DNA Filtering
3. M-CAT ‘s Configuration and Services
02 Services – DNA Filtering, Statistic Data
DNA Filtering
Authorized Technology
(Korea Copyrights Commission’s Performance
Evaluation, BMT from Korea Film Producer
Association and TV Broadcasters)
Accurate Recognition
(Over 97% of recognition rate, Recognition within 1s
“Page Preview of Statistic data”
Statistic Data
③ ④
CMC page preview
(Provides Real-time Monitoring Page)
Large Database and its Operation
(310,000 RMI DB including Movie, Drama, TV Show)
Customized data by period, contents
and webhard
Sales / Correction Log
Log for Contents sales and correction data via Mureka’s filtering
Integrity (Filtering Key) Integrity of filtering key issued by Mureka upon downloading
Integration Rates
Ratio of Filtering log /sales log
Unpaid log
Unpaid contents with filtering key and board number
Additional Charge
Charging through analysis for the reason of fault
Total No. of
Module distributed
Total No. of Module distributed by OSP
⑦ Actual No. of D/L Module No. of Module upon downloading Broadcaster’s Contents
3. M-CAT ‘s Configuration and Services
03 Services – Block Data
Blocking Data
Verifying blocked Contents
(Verifying no. of filtering of blocking contents,
sales of contents detoured filtering
and Additional charging )
“Page preview for Statistic data of blocking contents ”
Providing page for the status of blocked contents by requesting from rights holder
Providing data for total sales and expected additional charge of the contents
when Blocking contents are uploaded through malicious alteration of module and detour
3. M-CAT ‘s Configuration and Services
04 Components– Management and & Inspection
Management & Inspection
24 hours - Monitoring
(Real-time fundamental blocking of Distribution
of Illegal Contents)
Strict Process of Inspection
(Checking 20 items of inspection till its success)
Verifying every Up/Down loadings from User’s PC are normal or not, and its real
successfully transferred and stored
Verifying successful
Verifying whether
data is
on DB
change of RMI upon its request
the contents were successfully blocked or not, and recognition of harmful/
malicious code and blocking of them
Various Test for all environments and factors to be expected occurring
from telecommuniction
and user’s PC
Verifying the malicious alteration of module and blocking detour
3. M-CAT ‘s Configuration and Services
05 Services - Evidence Data
Evidence Data
Checking in detail
Raw data of unpaid
Analysis of Unpaid data
(Providing Analysis and Result for unpaid data)
Providing Legal Evidence
Collecting System of Unpaid Contents
System which charge over charge to OSP by analyzing
(Data from collection evidence program)
logs of all up/download contents via OSP clients. It is
based on the no. of download during the period of
Automatic Clarification Data
(Simple clarification process, Automatic Data
collection via Data Analysis)
WebhardRaw data Automatic Analysis System
change for unpaid contents to paid contents, and the
reason for fault.
Data to charge after verifying the reason
CMC 3.0 based Real-time Data
Analysis tool such as filtering for 92
OSP/sales/correction/Duplication, etc.
Real-time discrimination of the
reason for fault through automatic
analysis of collected evidence data
Filtering Log
Sales Log
4. Features & Expected Effect
01 Features
Statistic/analysis page to verify real-time blocking /distribution data
Discrimination of the reason for fault through reasonable standard
Simplified the calculation of the amount of damage through the
forecasting service for it
Over 97% of contents recognition via largeDB
and specified filtering technology
Verified real data of contents distributed online in real-time
Recognize contents within 3 seconds from DNA extraction to searching it
Reliable Contents Management through the know-how
from experiences for a long time
Providing clear standard for dispute through management and
analysis technology of large scale of DB
4. Features & Expected Effect
02 Expected Effect
- Fair Payment of Costs
- New sales by distribution of
blocking contents
- Protection of Copyrights
- Decreasing of burden for legal act
- Recover mutual reliability between
each parties
- DNA Filtering for blocking
- Fundamental blocking of
Illegal Distribution of Contents
Thank You