“C” The Country With Chapter “C”


“C” The Country With Chapter “C”
July 2006
Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge
“C” The
Chapter Directors: Robert & Angela Cherry (281)573-2384 [email protected]
CHAPTER “C”’s MEETINGS are held on
the 1st Thursday of each month, 7:30 p.m.
at the Cedar Bayou Community Center,
7711 Hwy 146, Baytown, Texas
One mile South of I-10 East
Page 3 - Editor’s Notes
Page 4 - CD Chatter
Page 5 – Word From Our ACD
Page 6 - Rider Ed
Page 7 – Their Sooo Coy
Page 8– Chatter Room
Page 9 – Members Spotlight
Page 10 – One Hot Trip
Page 11 – Café Poblano
Page 12 – Blueberry Festival
Page 13 – Dinner at Star Café
Page 14 – Our Mall Show
Page 15 – One Lone Biker
on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, 7:00 p.m.
at Golden Corral, 4610 Garth Rd, Baytown, Tx.
(Northeast sector, behind the restaurant)
Chapter C Officers & Staff – 2005
Chapter Directors
Robert & Angela Cherry
(281) 573-2384
[email protected]
Chapter Treasurer
Shelia Lewis
[email protected]
Asst. Chapter Directors
Buddy & Shirley Ward
(281) 426-2589
[email protected]
Chapter Co-Secretary
Mary Wilkins
(281) 487-2972
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Rick & Sherry Lowe
(281) 471-0150
[email protected]
Asst. Chapter Directors
Michael & Betty Waddell
(281) 470-9026
[email protected]
Chapter Co-Secretary
Cheryl Morrison
(713) 453-0951
[email protected]
Web Master
Jim McCormack
(281) 422-3198
[email protected]
Chapter Educator
Phil & Annette Lockler
(281) 422-9473
[email protected]
Blood Bank Coordinator
Dennis Cude
(281) 479-1281
[email protected]
Phone Tree Coordinator
Ride Coordinator
Harold & Dianne DeLoach
[email protected]
Chapter COY
Jim & Yvonne Benton
(281) 576-5047
[email protected]
Chapter Historian
Diane Huntley
[email protected]
Sr. District Directors/ Webmaster District Educators
Asst. District Educators
John & Bonnie Simonick
San Antonio, Texas 78258
[email protected]
John & Lydia Bourg
Sugarland , Texas 77478
Collen Campbell
(281) 839-0176
Assistant District Directors
Membership Coordinators
Blood Bank Coordinators
District Trainers
Ron & Magaly Griffis
Ken & Barbie Peterson
Dist. Treasurer/Newsletter Editor
Pamela Meyer
(281) 578-8371
[email protected]
Texas Dist. 2006-2007 COY
Gene & Carolyn Tice
[email protected]
Page 2
District Couple Coordinator
Merlyn & Alyce Hartman
(361) 573-6529
[email protected]
Assistant District Directors
Vendor Coordinators
Ken & Barbie Peterson
(817) 293-4667
[email protected]
Rick & Sherry Lowe
Summer in Texas has arrived. If you have been out
riding I am sure you will agree. But we can still
have a good time, and we are. At the last months
planning meeting we filled up the calendar for June.
Hope you make this months planning meeting to do
the same for July. We had a great ride to Café
Poblano but you will get to read all about it. Rick
and I missed the dinner ride to Star Café but we
heard ya’ll had a good time. We did make the
blueberry festival and it was a lot of fun. Rick just
had his 24,000 mile check up on his bike and had
new brakes put on so we are ready to ride. When he
is off it is hard to catch us since we are normally out
and riding. We also did a little shopping to buy
protective clothing for riding and to keep us from
Dehydrating. Water, yes we always have it and
drink plenty I hope you do as well. Since we are
going to Wingding, Rick has been doing a few
extras for the Bike and Trike. He changed up my
trailer hitch so I can pull the Bushtec trailer since he
has been having some problems pulling it. We hope
that is fixed but just in case, we will be ready. We
are both set up to use the GPS. That gadget is great
I have used it getting here and there in Houston and
it’s on the money. Now, I am talking about his GPS
not the one he gave me. We also hope to get my
decorative lights working again. Thanks to many of
you for reminders to get him to work on it. Phil
comes to mind. Oh, by the way Phil, Rick says,
“Yea Thanks a lot”. Seems he is so grateful. Now
you ask, while Rick’s doing all of this what am I
doing? I am working on the newsletter and trying to
get Rick to fix my lights. We do have to print early
since we are going to Tennessee so I am trying to
get it going. By the time you are reading this we
will be at Wing Ding. We are riding with a group
and we are sure to have a great time. You will hear
all about it. I am sure we will be so excited we will
be talking about it for a while.
Thanks to all of you who have submitted articles.
They are all great and make our newsletter fun to
read. I know I love reading everything. We enjoy
knowing what is going on with our members.
Page 3
Have you been on a trip, had a family event,
have news to share, or would you Like to see
an article from someone new. if so feel free
to send your article for the newsletter.
Sorry we missed the last mtg. and we will also miss
the June mtg. May 20th and 21st we rode 811
miles through the hill country. It was great, we
stayed at the YO Ranch Resort in Kerrville. This
weekend, June 3rd, we are leaving to go on a 9 day
ride to the Grand Canyon and parts of Colorado.
Should have a lot of pictures when we return.
Have a great mtg. and we will see everyone in a
few weeks.
Billy Thacker
-----------------------------------------We are moving to Kerrville and will be selling our
house. It was really nice being a part of the
Chapter, even though it was for a short time.
Thank you, Tony & Bea Dowdy
Check out your Wing World on page 81. There is a
picture of Rick and Sherry Lowe, and their bikes in
a bluebonnet field. The picture was taken this
CD Chatter
Robert & Angela Cherry
2005-2006 Chapter Directors
How Our Chapter Differs From a Club Part 2
Last month we read the guidelines on why we are a chapter and not a club. This month I copied the list of
differences as printed in the GWRRA guidebook.
A Club usually consists of:
1. Self-governing and regulated body of local individuals
2. Monthly Dues
3. Political officers and events, campaigns, voting, etc.
4. Popularity contests decide outcomes
5. Individual's qualifications may not be important in holding office
6. Attempts to maintain control and build "empires"
7. Many personality conflicts
8. "Bosses" and the potential for power struggles
9. Majority rules - 49% disagreement 100% of the time
10. Funding and disbursement disagreements
11. Seldom clear "directions" and "goals"
12. Non-educational
13. Everything must be VOTED upon
A GWRRA Chapter usually consists of:
1. Officers selected and appointed based upon qualifications and desire
2. Continuing officer development and training
3. Regular Operations seminars and meetings to establish new concepts
4. Officers are volunteer "employees"
5. Members wants and needs are the only guiding forces
6. Meeting with purposes - dissemination of valuable information, fun, education
7. Common purposes - no popularity contests
8. Decisions based upon member response and input from staff and committees
9. Limited financial goals and maximum stability - all officers have corporate liability
10. Members participate as they choose
11. Members are WELCOMED by all chapters
12. No additional dues or fees at the chapter, state or regional level
13. Full time Rider Education Division with trained professionals and Rewarding Programs
The more I understand why we do things the way we do, the more I enjoy GWRRA. Do you have any
questions, concerns, or comments? Let us know. We may not have all the answers, but we can certainly
get them from someone.
Page 4
And Now A Word From Our ACD
Assistant Directors
Buddy & Shirley Ward
Half the year is over now. We as a chapter have done a lot of riding and had a lot of fun. We had a
good Chapter Rally and gone to some good Rallies as well. We’ve had some good Fund Raisers for charities
and a great Ride for Kids. We’ve had new members to join us and some old members to return. There are still
lots of members out there that we need to check on and encourage to join us again. Peoples’ priorities change
from time to time and we understand that. But if you run into someone that hasn’t been to a meeting or a ride
for some time let them know that we miss them and try to encourage them to return. Find out what’s going on
with them and give the chapter an update. Also let’s be sure to keep our new members informed on what is
going on with the Chapter. So many times we assume that everyone knows what goes on and what we are
doing. Let’s take the time to explain things so there is no confusion. Be sure to meet and greet people when
they come to our meetings and functions. Chapter C is a large friendly group, but it’s easy to fellowship
amongst ourselves and leave visitors sitting in the side lines.
The rest of the year will come and go just as fast as the first part has. Summer is upon us now and the
riding may slow down. This is the time of the year that we try to maybe do some breakfast rides or moonlight
rides, and ice cream runs to avoid the heat in the middle of the day. These are fun rides and we usually do
have good turn outs. Be sure to keep water with you whenever and wherever you ride. If you know of a
good place to visit as a chapter let us know – plan a ride – get Mary the information to get the word out. Some
of our best rides have been spontaneous and even mysterious. Different rides keep interest up and people
coming back.
Remember to hydrate, ride for fun, ride safe and with knowledge.
Buddy & Shirley
Page 5
Chapter Rider Education
Phil & Annette Lockler
GWRRA Chapter TX-C
Baytown, Texas
2006 Chapter Educators
Tire Plugs
Apparently little known facts that are important
By: James R. Davis
Sometimes you can't win. I just had to replace a virtually new Elite II rear tire on my motorcycle because it
had picked up a couple of small nails.
I know, all I really had to do was plug the tire. Right? Wrong!
Here are a few things you might consider about tire plugs:
Almost any single puncture (thru the tread) can be repaired by the use of a tire plug. (I would be
willing to ride with a properly {from the inside} plugged tire anytime.)
You cannot put more than one plug within the same quadrant of a tire - safely.
You cannot put more than two plugs into a tire - period.
The manufacturers of tire plugs specifically disavow the safety of doing either of the last two items listed
above. They also void their speed warranties as a result of any tire plugging. Your tire is probably marked
with an 'H' speed designation, meaning it is rated for safety up to 130 MPH. If you have even one tire plug
in it you should not drive faster than about 80 MPH using that tire.
I had picked up three small nails in my tire. All three leaked air when I removed them. 'My kingdom for a
horse!' It cost me $150 for another new Elite II. (Life is too important to be left in the hands of three plugs
when the manufacturers refuse to stand up for their safety.)
[In case you missed it earlier, every reference made here about 'tire plugs' refers to professionally installed,
from the inside, tire repair plugs - NOT the emergency roadside repair kits which install from the outside of
your tire.]
Page 6
Coy Bits
Beautiful, Beautiful weather. It has been a
bit hot but beautiful. We made a trip to Lake
Jackson via Galveston on Saturday the 3rd.
Then we headed north to Woodville on
Sunday the 4 to the Picket House for
country dining on fried chicken. We had Jim
Wycoff for company. We met that morning
at The Biker Church at Eastside Honda.. It
was a great --laid back scenic ride. An all
day ride!! We then rode to Nacogdoches
Texas to eat Pancakes on the 10th. We left
here at 4:00 A.M. and arrived there at 7:00
A.M. to meet Bill and Jenny Cameron (from
Gladewater) at the Waffle House out south
of town....By 8:00 A.M. we were sitting
down enjoying those great blueberry pancakes. We really enjoyed seeing Bill and
Jenny who are formerly of Chapter J. We also saw all of our chapter C. friends
there. We didn’t make this ride with the “C” Group) as we were pulling the trailer
at a more relaxed pace ..... Left there at 11:00 A.M. Taking our blueberries
home...We will remember this trip every time we have blueberries. We also have
had enough pancakes until next year!
Yvonne and I had a nice moonlight ride to Kemah on the 11th. Now, if all goes
well we will party a little bit on the 24th with all of you and others if the powers
that be are willing!
It was a good month of riding! Rode about 800 miles.....
Ride Safe and Ride Often
Jim and Yvonne
Page 7
The Chatter Room
June 1, 2006
Deana Moore
Molly Forse
Dennis Cude
Jim Wycoff
Annette Lockler
Charlotte Cooper
Ron Thibodeaux
Linda McKinney
Jerry Huntley
Peggy Browning
David Sailer
Don Campbell
Charles & Pepper Taylor
Richard & Karen Beck
David & Kathy Sailer
If you don’t find your birthday or
anniversary here, please contact
Mary Wilkins at (281) 487-2972 [email protected]
If you have an event or need to
send out a group email, you can
Mary Wilkins, (281) 487-2972
or email, [email protected]
Page 9
Hello, All!
We had a good monthly meeting this past week. It
was so good to see some faces we hadn't seen in
a while...Don Campbell and Michael, Joann and
Katherine Cash.
We had 31 members present at our meeting.
There were no visitors/new members.
Ride safe and often,
Jo D4
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who
has supported Sue during the time of her accident. The
notes, phone calls and cards are appreciated more than
you know. Diane, Robert, Angela and Judy even
stopped in after Sue was back at work to say hello.
Your kindness has meant so much to us.
Thank You, Bob & Sue Offenbacher
Cheryl Morrison joins the ranks of the retired. She
worked for GM.
Calling Post is now making our reminder calls about
upcoming events. So far it seems to be working great. If
you have any comments please let Robert or Angela
Cherry know.
Steve and Judy Ferguson bought a 2006 Goldwing and
matching trailer. Way to go, it sure is pretty.
Don Campbell bought The Ferguson’s 1500. Happy to
have him riding with us.
Each month “C” Another Member In The Spot Light
This month, meet Bob & Sue Offenbacher
Bob and Sue have been married 24 years. They have 5 children and 2 grandchildren. Bob is a supervisor for
Dragon Products and served in Germany in the Army. Sue is a manager for Amos Asian Grill in San Jacinto
Mall. Bob is originally from Ohio and he decided to head south for warmer weather. He lived in Florida for a
while until his work brought him closer to Texas. Sue is from Korea. They met in Lake Charles in La. when
Bob hired Sue to work for him. That was all she wrote. They now live in Baytown and are happy to be here.
Although they admit the heat can be a little rough at times.
They ride a beautiful yellow 2005 Goldwing as most of you know. Bob has been riding since he was very
young and he loves it. Sue is somewhat new to riding. She had ridden with him a little, years ago, but since
purchasing their Goldwing, it has been the majority of her experience. She is also loving it. He asked her if
she ever thought when they married she would be a motorcycle mama and her reply was adamantly NO.
Wow how things do change. She is very comfortable riding with Bob and has faith in his abilities. She has
even been known to take naps while riding.
I asked them how they found the GWRRA and Chapter C. They said one evening in June of 2005 they were
going to Kemah, after parking they ran into a nice group of folks. They enjoyed their company so much they
joined them for the evening. They all went for ice cream at The Boardwalk and had a good time visiting.
During the visit their new friends told them about GWRRA and Chapter C and invited them to a meeting.
They had met Jim and Yvonne Benton, Ray Elam and Donnie and Sheila Lewis. Yvonne did a follow up
visit with Sue at work and made sure they knew where our meetings were held. They have enjoyed the
fellowship so much with Chapter C and say they have never met any finer folks. They have made many
friends and feel they are true friends. They told me it touched them so much how everyone reached out to
them after Sue’s accident. They were so grateful. They enjoy riding with the group and everything they have
learned as well. They feel Chapter C is their family. Their favorite ride was The Ride For Kids. Getting to
see the kids and learn about this worth while event. Sue said she also enjoyed the Blueberry Festival. She had
heard of these types of festivals but this was the first one she attended. Except for the heat, she loved it. She
also mentioned she rode a little with Judy Ferguson on her trike and what a joy that was. She could see
everything but the best thing was getting to know Judy better.
Page 10
One Hot Trip
Last week Peggy and I took a vacation on our 05 Pearl Yellow Goldwing, (which we know Yellow is the
fastest). We went with friends from church and there were six bikes in all. The other five were Harley’s but
we didn’t mind. We left on Saturday June 3rd and headed west. We went to Buffalo, Texas and went
through Waco, Abilene and on to Roswell N.M. and traveled a little over 700 miles the first day. FYI - They
have some really good steak in Roswell. The second day we saw where Billy the Kid was killed and went
through Lincoln County N.M., the site of the famous Lincoln county range wars. Then it was across the
White Sands Desert. It was 102 degrees and it was the most nothing that I have ever seen. When I say
nothing, I mean absolutely nothing unless you count the lizards. The Valley of Fire is about 5 miles of black
lava rock. I don’t need to tell you what BLACK lava rock does to heighten the heat experience. Phoenix AZ
was a completely new experience in heat. It was 113 degrees. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s OK because
it’s a DRY heat! So is the inside of your oven!! After Phoenix, we crossed the Painted Desert. That’s 200
miles of 110 degrees. It is pretty to look at with the bright colors on the rocks and the Indians trying to sell
jewelry and blankets. On the third day, we made it to the Grand Canyon. That made the whole trip worth
while. If you haven’t seen it I can tell you, and I have the pictures to prove it, that it is one BIG ditch. I
highly recommend seeing it. God was definitely showing off that day because it is amazing. We traveled on
to Utah to see Zion Canyon, Bryce Canyon and Glen Canyon. Be careful because Southern Utah is mostly
open range. That means that cows and horses roam freely and they love the road. I have never seen so many
Mule Deer in my life. They are everywhere you look. Thursday we broke off from the rest of the group in
Hanksville, Utah. They were going on to Grand Junction Co and other places. We headed down to Durango
and over to Pagosa Springs where we stayed the night. That is a really nice area. As we rode over Wolf
Creek Pass we left the hot weather for while because it was snowing. We had to stop and break out the
jackets and gloves for a short while. But soon the cool weather left us and we were back in the heat again.
We rode on to Walsenburg Co and dropped down to Raton NM. We spent the night in Dumas TX and from
there it was just a short hop to Amarillo, Fort Worth and home. In 8 days, we covered 3,486 miles. The
wing ran great. Even though it was hot on most of the trip, we had a great time. We rode with and met great
folks along the way. We got a chance to see and enjoy some of the wonders that God created. And on the
back of a Goldwing is a great way to see it. And the best thing was just spending a week with my wonderful
wife who I love more than life. She puts up with a lot and she still loves me. Go figure.
Billy & Peggy Thacker
Café Poblano
By Harold and Diane DeLoach
On Saturday, a group of bikes (and riders) left
the Cracker Barrel for the Café Poblano. There
were nine bikes in all.
Jerry & Diane Huntley were there to ride with
us on their 1300 VTX, we were glad to have her
with us after all she has been though. Jim
Wycoff was also there on his VTX, Sherry
Lowe rode her big blue Trike. Robert & Angela
Cherry were on their black one, the rest were on
two wheelers. We were the only ones there on a 1500, the rest were on 1800’s or VTX’s.
There was Mike & Wanda Nelson, our (surprise) birthday couple (more later), Wayne
(newly retired) & Stephanie Howser, Bob & Sue Offenbacher, and Joe & Sandy Huntley.
We knew that we would meet Rick Lowe there, ‘cause
he was coming from work, but guess who else was
there, Dennis & Traci Cude, long time no see.
Now about the special couple! Food consumed, it was
time to sing “Happy Birthday”, along with them being
given Big Ice Cream Sundaes!!! See what you missed if
your Birthday is in June!
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” to Mike & Wanda Nelson.
This was a pretty hot ride. Especially the stop, and go in Kemah. Not recommended for
just anyone, but if you missed the heat you missed some good food.
Texas Blueberry Festival in Nacogdoches
In the wee hours of the morning we met at
Cracker Barrel. Ok it was 6:30 AM but many
of us got up at 4:00 AM. Really that was not
too bad once I had my coffee. Some of us
looked like we had not had any and I will not
mention any names. Shhh did you see
Angela? Robert was falling asleep while
pumping gas. Ok we are all awake now and
ready to roll. Randy gave us the details and
off we went. It was a very nice ride. It was
not hot yet and I think we all enjoyed it. We
arrived and found other C Members already there. Jim & Yvonne left even earlier and
said it was a great ride. Buddy and Shirley rode with
Pat and Berta. As you might imagine we were all
hungry so we headed straight to the line for the
blueberry pancakes. It was a long line but it went
fast. Last year Rick and I missed the pancakes so we
were not about to this time. We did decide to share a
plate and they were very good. After having our
breakfast we decided to do some shopping. At this
point everyone went different ways. While Judy,
Angela and I browsed the shops Rick and Steve followed us around looking for shade.
We all had fans since by this time it was pretty hot. Angela
bought a new hat. We always need those right. Judy picked up a
few goodies for her grandkids while I just looked. We all agreed
we did not want to spend a lot with Wing Ding right around the
corner. Judy and I did come home with blueberry jelly and
Angela had stuffies for her babies. We even got the men in line
to help even out the things we got. You had to spin a wheel
whatever turned up was your prize. By the time the shopping
was done we decided we better find Robert. We did in the shade
which is right where we all wanted to be. We decided it was time to head home. Some
decided to stay longer. Off we went. We stopped at Jack in the Box to cool off and eat
lunch. Then we headed home. It was a good day, a great ride and a good time with
friends. We were happy to hit the AC by the time we got home. We stayed home the rest
of the day. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves.
By Sherry Lowe
Dinner Ride to Star Café
Shirley Ward
Yum! Yum! It was a hot muggy evening on Thursday, June 8th.
I was running late as usual from work and Buddy was patiently standing by. HA!
He was hungry and so was I, so we jumped on the trike and tried not to be late.
Meeting 10 other bikes we leave the Cracker Barrel at 6pm sharp. NOT!
Buddy led the first group with Randy in the drag.
Robert followed with the second group with Harold at the back door.
No U-turns, no scenic ride, just strait down Garth we ride,
Hitting 1942 and 2100 and into the parking lot to meet some more.
Meeting us there as a 4 wheeling group and a couple more bikes.
We piled into the Star Café and took our seats below.
The waitress takes our orders, everyone getting what they like.
We eat and talk and laugh and plan again to go.
With tummies full and hearts content we say our warm goodbyes.
A happy fellowship is over and we go our separate ways.
As cars and bikes roll out onto the road this night,
We smile and know we’ll soon be together to ride another day.
On Friday the 16th, we were all watching the
weather & hoping we could make it to San
Jacinto Mall with our clean, shiny bikes
before it started raining. We got up (early)
Saturday morning and off we went, to show
off our bikes, trikes, & trailers at the mall.
We set our bikes up in the middle of the
mall, Robert was directing traffic & the
bikes were set up in a good pattern. We
won’t mention the rearranging we had to do
when a certain couple wanted their blue bike
& trike next to each other - sorry Robert. I
went upstairs & took a few pictures of the
bikes and, as you can see in the picture,
Robert did a good job of arranging everyone for the show. We had 8 bikes, 2 trikes, 4 trailers, and a
Kawasaki representing Chapter “C”. The Kawasaki belongs to Steve & Judy Ferguson’s son Jason. Steve
arrived on his pretty new 2006 with matching trailer, Robert was on his shinny
black trike, Rick & Sherry brought their bike & trike with trailer, Phil rode his
bike with trailer, Wayne (Deputy Dawg) on his bike, Mike Waddell with his
silver bike, Bob & Sue couldn’t be missed on their bright yellow bike, & Gary
was on his red 1500 with trailer. There were many of our members that
showed up later to help. We also had a visit from quite a few of our friends
from Chapter “Z”, they had just returned from Chapter N2’s 20th anniversary.
There was a lot of interest in our bikes from people out shopping. We all
stayed busy talking with people about our bikes, I think the question that
was asked the most was “How much does something like that cost?” Judy
& Sherry stayed busy all day taking pictures of people on the bike of their
choice for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation and it was a big success.
They collected $130 !! It was mostly children (and a few adults) that
would get their picture taken and make a card for Father’s Day. It was a
long day, but I think we all had a good time – especially since we all like
talking about our bikes and this day, we had plenty of people to talk to.
Rick Lowe
Saturday, June 17, 2006, Chapter “C” Members proudly displayed their Gold Wing
Motorcycles for the enjoyment of the San Jacinto Mall Shoppers. The members gathered
at 8 a.m. to setup the motorcycle exhibit to be ready for the mall to open at 9 a.m. The
exhibit was to be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There were many interested people of all ages at the mall that took the opportunity to
enjoy looking at the exhibit of bikes. The Chapter “C” Members are always ready to
discuss motorcycle riding and motorcycle safety with the interested people.
The day went quickly by and it was time to go home. Everyone exited the mall except
for one lone biker. Where is “Deputy Dawg”?
Steve Ferguson and the Mall Security patiently waited as Deputy Dawg’s bike stood
alone in the corridor of the mall continuing
to draw interested mall shoppers. Finally,
appears Deputy Dawg strolling along in his
usual casual steps. The man never gets in a
hurry as many of the chapter members are
aware. He strolls up to visit with the
interested shoppers to realize that his bike
was the only one in the
corridor. Much to his
shoppers, he was escorted
out of the mall by
The assumption can be made that some of
the shoppers thought that this BOLD BIKER
had parked his bike in the middle of the mall and security was only doing their job.
Under these circumstances you would want to leave without being identified, but not so
with this BOLD BIKER. His name was on the back of his helmet “Wayne” and “Deputy
Dawg” proudly displayed on the back of his bike as he rode away.
Since the general public thinks everyone rides a Harley, their story will surely be about
the BOLD BIKER who parked his Harley inside the mall.
P. S.
Wayne says that if it had been a Harley Mall Show he would have known when they
exited the mall.
Cheryl Morrison
June 10
June 17
August 12
August 12
October 14
Texas Chapter L 2
Annual Blueberry
Festival Fun Run
Texas Chapter N 2
20th Birthday Bash
Texas Chapter M
Annual Moonlight
Fun Run
Texas Chapter I
3rd Annual Spirit
Texas Chapter R
Texas Chapter X
Mardi Gras Rally
Texas Chapter H
Wings In The Park
Annual Rally
Texas Chapter M 2
Texas Chapter Z
17th Annual
Birthday Party
Nacogdoches, Texas
Wayne Heflin
American Legion Hall
Humble, Texas
Mansfield, Texas
Carolyn Thomsen
Marshall Civic Center
Marshall, Texas
Ruby Seale
Gary & Alice
Ron & Magaly
Charles Fleming
Dennis & Nancy
Kadie Shipley
Rick & Robin Greninger
[email protected]
John & Paula Crow
[email protected]
Guth Park
Corpus Christi, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
Montgomery Community
Montgomery, Texas
Pasadena, Texas
Gary & Beverly Lewis
Jun. 16-17
Sep. 23 -25
District Rally
District Rally
Payne Co. Expo Center
Stillwater, Oklahoma
Winfield, Kansas
July 3-6
Page 24
WING DING XXVIII Gaylord Opryland Resort
Nashville, TN
July 2006
Let the
begin at
7:30 PM
Ice Cream
Ride to E.J.’s
Golden Corral
7:oo PM
8:30 am
11:00 am
Ride to
Texas City
6:00 pm
August 2006
Breakfast Ride
to Elane’s
Leave 7 am
Pasadena Honda
(713) 941-5920
Eastside Honda
(281) 385-0700
Northwest Honda
(281) 447-3476
Honda of Houston
(713) 476-2426
Galveston Honda
(409) 938-4820 or 1-800-342-7151
(866) 489-TOYS (8697)
Houston Trikes & Trailers
(281) 488-3686
Baytown Accessories
(281) 383-3738
Kowboy Korner
Crazee Wear
(214) 579-8222