October 2015


October 2015
Friends for Fun, Safety and Knowledge
Region N
NC District
Catawba Valley Wings
October 2015
NC O2 Staff:
Chapter Directors
Ron and Beverly Chapman
[email protected]
Hello Fellow Goldwingers,
October has been a good month. Good weather for visiting and riding to
see the beautiful leaves in the mountains. We visited Chapter meetings at
Mooresville, Morganton and Gastonia – where we got the Western Travelers
Assistant Chapter Directors
The Western Chapters are getting ready to get our Christmas Season off
Tony and Rita White
to a great start at J Iverson Riddle Dev. Ctr. on Thursday December 3rd with
their Christmas parade, and on Saturday December 5th with the Gifts on
Chapter Treasurers
Goody Sales
Cycles Christmas party hosted by GWRRA. Jerry Herman is looking for
Sara & LaMar Shelly
GWRRA members who would like to ride in the December 3rd parade.
Please contact him if you are interested. There will also be a bike parade on
Chapter Educators
Dec 5th and you can volunteer to ride a resident – which they love to do.
Lamar & Sara Shelly
Coming up on Saturday, December 12th at 5PM will be our Hickory
MEPC & Ride Coordinator
Chapter Christmas party. The party will be at Our Savior Lutheran Church.
Steve Pruitt
We will have a covered dish dinner. Sure hope all will be able to attend.
OUR Hickory Chapter has several positions open which need to be filled.
Ways & Means
Some of our new members have stepped up and offered their help, and we
Archie & Brenda Reynolds
also need help from everyone in our Chapter. The positions we need to fill
Chapter Couple 2015
Gerald Sipe and the late
Rider Educator, MEPC, Chapter Couple, Ways and Means, Goody sales, Ride
Lena Sipe
Coordinator, and Sunshine person.
If one of these positions especially attracts your attention, please, PLEASE,
Newsletter Editor
let us know!! (We know that a lot of our members have done these jobs
Beverly Chapman
before, and that means you have the experience needed to keep our
chapter alive.) Please step up and help.
Our up coming November 3rd Dinner Outing will be to Untouchable’s
Next Gathering:
Pizza in Conover. It’s on the corner of Hwy 16 and 10th St in Conover –
November 15th 2015
beside Holiday Inn Express.
Dos Amigos
At our November 15th Chapter meeting we will be passing the Western
1222 Conover Blvd W
Travelers Plaque to the next lucky Chapter.
Conover NC 28613
Eat @ 5 – Meet @ 6
See you soon!
Ron and Bev
Chapter CDs
Brenda Reynolds – October 20
Meredith MacMillan – October 30
Darlene Pruitt – November 20
Tony White – November 29
November GWRRA Anniversaries:
Visit our web site:
Join us on Facebook at:
GWRA Catawba Valley Wings NC 02 and friends
Whiskers is at it again -- another detailed quilt pattern:
Brain storm.....................
I made a square of 10 x 10 pieces (photos) of material.............used that as a quadrant of final
design.......by rotating the quadrants.....I was able to make the 2 following designs............both
are sewed together the same way until you sew the 4 quadrants together. I can use the same
pieces of cloth that I have already cut for either design.
I will probably make the pattern that forms an X.
Happy Halloween
I took this picture at a “wedding”
near Camp Linn Haven. The sun
was just right when I took the photo
of the "bride" that makes her look
like a ghost.
NC District Newsletter – October 2015
Fall Back
Well it is that time of the year. I know you are thinking of time change. I am
thinking of riding style change. The weather is cooler and with that also means a change
in riding habits.
Our tires don’t get as warm as they do in the summer months. Therefore they
won’t “cling” to the road as they do in warmer weather. Guess that means cornering will
not be as “sticky” as warmer climates. Maybe I will need to slow it down. Just a thought.
Then we have to deal with wet and dry leaves. The wet ones don’t blow as
easy and will subject you to a slicker surface.
Now comes that cold blast of air today when yesterday it was very
comfortable. Oops, did I pack that extra warm clothing, just in case? When you are
chilled, response time slows down. All we think of is how to get warm and our mind is not
as alert to the dangers on the highway. I think this is the most important part of riding in
the fall. Being comfortable during the ride helps keep our minds on the ride. Maybe
stopping earlier and starting later is a great idea for our rides now.
So let’s slow it down a little, watch for the wet leaves, and make sure to dress
or be able to dress appropriately for the weather conditions. Ok, now lets ride.
Be Safe,
LaMar Shelly
NC O2 Chapter Education
Hickory NC O2 at Billy Graham Library for Bikers with Boxes
Jeff & Teresa Hill
Ron, Bev & Sarah
(not pictured John Cardea)
News from National – Insight – October 2015
Ironman Triathlon – Wilmington NC – October 2015
Brian Shelly, son of Lamar and Sara Shelly, did an Ironman on Saturday, October
17th in Wilmington, NC. He swam 2.2 miles, rode bike 112 miles and ran 26.2.
He did it all in 13 hours. Brian was ahead of his goal for the swim, bike and the first
half of his marathon. He got sick and struggled after mile 20 of the run; but, he still
finished!!! Was an exhausting day for us. We didn’t feel we had a right to be
exhausted …. after all, Brian just completed an Ironman.
Proud Parents!
Region N – Appalachian Gazette – October 2015
Fall Beauty Captured by Sara Shelly
Ghoulish Pictures from Beach
Introducing Paul Kennedy, Paulla Little and ME…
Hello, my name is Boomer and I would like to tell you about myself.
My momma is Paulla Little and my best buddy in the whole wide world is
Paul Kennedy. I really like riding with them on the motorcycle everywhere we
travel. (see my picture??) Would you believe I have been over 1200 miles
this year already? We are members of GWRRA, Hickory O2 Chapter. I have
met so many nice people in this organization. I even helped work the
registration desk at Wings Over the Smokies in July, and met so many nice
people. It is true that you meet the nicest people on a Honda. If you happen
to see us out on a ride give us a shout and feel free to take my picture, as I
enjoy posing. You won’t see me on the bike with Paul alone, as Mom doesn’t
trust the two of us together without “adult” supervision..Ha-ha..
Remember to ride safe and wear the right gear, I do.. see ya’ll on the road..
Oh, I almost forgot if you want to follow my travels, be my friend on Facebook
--- Bouncing Boomer .
New Members Hickory NC O2
– Jeff and Teresa Hill
Hello everyone, Beverly ask if we would write a article for the newsletter telling
something about ourselves. So here it is.
We joined GWRRA in May of 2008. We have been an active couple from the start.
We love meeting people and making new friends.
We work hard for our home chapter, and try to help any way we can.
We were the couple of the year in 2012 and we are the couple of the year for 2015 for
our old chapter in Tennessee. We were the MEC for two different chapters, because
we like to visit with friends from other chapters our chapter CD ask us if we would be
chapter TN Y's Visitation Coordinators so we did that till we moved over to chapter TN
L in February of 2014.
We are in the levels program and just got our Senior Master patches in September. As
you will see in another article we have been to 13 States on our Gold Wing. Love to
ride and just got our 100,000 mile patch this year. Since joining GWRRA we have
recruited sixteen people to GWRRA. Two of which are members of NC O2. So lets go
have some fun and go riding. Ride safe and often.
Jeff & Teresa Hill
2002 GL1800 trike (pewter in color) with less than 58,000 miles
Trike is a Motor Trike 2+2 conversion, disk brakes on rear unit, on board air ride and
new VStream windshield. Hartco touring saddle, CB, Bike mp3, Garmin GPS, and
teal LED lights done by Lightumup.
1999 Kompak trailer (color matched to trike) has been changed to 12 inch tires
Also included:
Heated vests
Helmets with J&M headsets.
Riding chaps
Battery Tender
All for $21,000
Call: 828-612-5380
Contact Johnny Perry – 828-396-3777
2003 Cyclemate 200 LTD cargo trailer
Light inside trailer, 1900 cubic feet
Also for sale: Ladies "Cruiserworks" leather
motorcycle boots, size zipper, like new, size 9,