Mors tua vita mea dicevono i romani. Ed in effetti l
Mors tua vita mea dicevono i romani. Ed in effetti l
Mors tua vita mea dicevono i romani. Ed in effetti l’amore dei nostri clienti per le aste immobiliari e’ piu’ vitale che mai in parte solleticato dalla stampa che pero’ raramente dice tutta la storia. Ci sono due tipi di asta, quelle alle quali il venditore partecipa sua sponte con l’obiettivo di accelerare il periodo di realizzo aste libere e quelle obbligatorie, le aste fallimentari, indotte dai creditori, generalmente la banca che ha fatto il mutuo e che non e’ stata pagata per un certo numero di mesi. Di seguito forniamo una panoramica di carattere generale, ma per avere i dati correnti sulle proprieta’ in vendita in asta o assistenza nel processo di acquisizione dati e assistenza occorre diventare nostri clienti e versare un anticipo non rimborsabile di $ 500 per le aste libere e di $ 2000 per le aste fallimentari. Contattare [email protected] per maggiori dettagli. ASTE LIBERE Le aste del primo tipo o sono indette periodicamente da alcune case specializzate e offrono un prodotto standard he potrebbe risultare interessante se il venditore vuole realmente realizzare ed e’ disponibile ad accettare un prezzo piu’ basso del mercato in cambio di una stipula rapida. Ho assistito a vendite in cui il prezzo e’ risultato del 35% inferiore a quello medio di vendita nel palazzo (in $/mq), ma poi nello stesso palazzo altri appartamenti sono stati battuti a prezzi superiori alla media. Meno di un terzo dei venditori che partecipano alle aste libere hanno veramente intenzione di chiudere sotto mercato quindi molte delle transazioni che avvengono in queste aste (alle quali si puo’ patrtecipare via internet vedi ) spuntano un prezzo di mercato se non addirittura superiore al mercato. Quindi per utilizzare intelligentemente questo sistema di acquisto occorre avere le idee chiare su quanto pagare e soprattutto conoscere bene il mercato locale per capire se uno sconto e’ veramente uno sconto o uno specchietto per allodole: per esempio potrebbero essere previsti grandi lavori di ristrutturazione. Oppure le tasse immobiliari (tipo ICI ) potrebbero risultare basse ma essere soggette a breve ad un importante aumento legato a certe incentivazioni che stanno per scadere. In certi casi i proprietari vendono con uno sconto perche’ sono previste costruzioni nei dintorni che possano compromettere sostanzialmente la vista. La nostra assistenza in loco e’ critica per permettervi di partecipare con soddisfazione e senza risci alle aste libere. Oltre agli aspetti sostanziali sopra indicati occorre capire bene che l’acquisto in asta avviene con una tempistica accellerata ed e’ necessaria un’ esperta e affidabile assistenza locale per preparare tutta la documnetazione e contrattualistica necessaria prima dell’asta. Nelle aste libere la casa d’aste si fa’ pagare il 3% del prezzo di transazione dal venditore e il 3% dall’acquirente, salvo che l’acquirente si faccia rappresentare da un suo broker, ȱ ȱȱǰȱǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱŗŗȱȱŘşȱȱȮȱŚŞȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǰȱ ȱȱŗŖŖŗŜȱ ȱ ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśřŝȱŜśŖŚȱȱȬȱȱȱ¡ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśŖŚȱŝşŘŜȱȱȬȱȱȱƸȱřşȱŖŘȱŞŚŞȱŜŜŜȱŚŝȱ ȱ¢ȓǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȬȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ǯȱǯȱ ȱ nel qual caso paghera’ il 3% al broker che rappresenta i suoi interessi e la casa d’asta sara’ pagata dal solo venditore. Quando un cliente ci chiede di rappresentarlo in questo tipo di aste chiediamo un contributo di $ 500 anticipato e a fondo perduto, poi se il cliente vince l’asta i dollari dell’anticipo verranno dedotti dal 3% di commissione, e se prima di arrivare all’asta giusta il processo si ripete 8 volte, allora dedurremo $ 4,000 dall’importo delle commissioni. Il deposito anticipato e’ necessario perche’ occorrono clienti impegnati a partecipare al processo ed il deposito tende a selezionarli. Per partecipare alle aste libere occorre fare un’iscrizione online e vincolare $ 5000 con carta di credito (ATTENZIONE se dopo aver vinto l’asta non si procede nei tempi sottoscritti la somma vincolata viene persa). Occorre che il 10% dell’importo della vendita venga pagato entro 48 ore dalla aggiudicazione e il saldo entro 30 giorni. Prima di partecipare all’asta occorrera’ rivedere il contratto standard di vendita per assicurarsi che non comprenda articoli sbilanciati a favore del venditore e se non si ha gia’ un conto corrente a NY occorrera’ mettere in essere per tempo delle procedure adeguate. ASTE FALLIMENTARI Le aste fallimentari solo raramente riguardano singoli condomini a Manhattan, ma sono molto comuni per quartieri esterni quali Queens o il Bronx, come chiaramente illustrato dalla distribuzione dei fallimenti nei quartieri di New York all’inizio della crisi ȱ ȱȱǰȱǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱŗŗȱȱŘşȱȱȮȱŚŞȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǰȱ ȱȱŗŖŖŗŜȱ ȱ ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśřŝȱŜśŖŚȱȱȬȱȱȱ¡ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśŖŚȱŝşŘŜȱȱȬȱȱȱƸȱřşȱŖŘȱŞŚŞȱŜŜŜȱŚŝȱ ȱ¢ȓǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȬȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ǯȱǯȱ ȱ A Manhattan le aste fallimentari piu’ interessanti riguardano interi palazzi come ad esempio i 55 appartamenti fatti acquistare ad un nostro cliente al 200 east 89th Street. ȱ ȱȱǰȱǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱŗŗȱȱŘşȱȱȮȱŚŞȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǰȱ ȱȱŗŖŖŗŜȱ ȱ ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśřŝȱŜśŖŚȱȱȬȱȱȱ¡ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśŖŚȱŝşŘŜȱȱȬȱȱȱƸȱřşȱŖŘȱŞŚŞȱŜŜŜȱŚŝȱ ȱ¢ȓǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȬȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ǯȱǯȱ ȱ Perche’ per i singoli appartamenti, solo raramente le banche accettano di vendere in asta sotto al valore della loro esposizione. In genere le banche ‘ricomprano’ l’appartamento al valore di quanto devono ricevere. Il bene viene quindi gestito da una sezione speciale delle banca che si chiama REO (Real Estate Owned). La divisione REO spesso rivende gli appartamenti scontati (fino ad un massimo del 30% sotto al prezzo corrente di mercato) in pacchetti assortiti non modificabili di $ 10/20 milioni ad investitori liquidi che non richiedono finanziamento. Per un piccolo investitore, che non abbia la possibilita’ di investire milioni di dollari l’alternativa e’ di seguire con costanza le aste e verificare caso per caso se il prezzo dovuto alla banca rappresenta un vero sconto rispetto al mercato. Infatti spesso vanno in fallimento i mutui il cui valore supera il valore di mercato dell’immobile. Un’alternativa interessante e’ quella di comprare il bene prima che vada in asta, ma dopo che e’ iniziata la pratica di pignoramento attraverso un processo detto di ‘short sale’ con il quale, con il beneplacito del proprietario dell’immobile si negozia un prezzo di favore con la banca. Questa pero’ e’ una procedura molto lunga e laboriosa che ha senso seguire personalmente e vivendo sul posto. Limitandosi alle aste fallimentari occorre tener presente che il bene viene venduto libero da ogni altra pendenza salvo le tasse immobiliari arretrate e – indirettamente- le spese condominiali non pagate. Occorre fare molta attenzione a queste voci che possono valere molte decine di migliaia di dollari. In caso si richieda la nostra asistenza nel ricevere informazioni sulle aste in corso e nell’esecuzione delle offerte e procedure di stipula occorrera’ pagare anticipatamente la retta di ingaggio di $ 2000 e sottoscrivere un accordo con il quale il cliente si impegna a pagare il 5% del prezzo finale di acquisto alla Vivaldi al momento della compravendita. Di seguito alleghiamo un report relativo ad alcuni proprieta’ per le quali e’ prevista un’asta fallimentare entro la fine dell’estate 2010. ȱ ȱȱǰȱǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱŗŗȱȱŘşȱȱȮȱŚŞȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ȱǰȱ ȱȱŗŖŖŗŜȱ ȱ ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśřŝȱŜśŖŚȱȱȬȱȱȱ¡ȱȱƸŗȱŘŗŘȱśŖŚȱŝşŘŜȱȱȬȱȱȱƸȱřşȱŖŘȱŞŚŞȱŜŜŜȱŚŝȱ ȱ¢ȓǯȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȬȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ ǯȱǯȱ ȱ 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures 401 East 89 Street, Manhattan, 10128 Upper East Side Upper East Side, Lenox Hill, Yorkville, Roosevelt Island 18 story building 750 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-01569-1202 Condominium unit in a 18 story building. Currently 750 square feet classified as "condo apartment/elevated, residential unit ". 1 total units. $45,112 assessed value. Unit #: 8GIH (1020 shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/1/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 12:30 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: Supreme Court House, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $1,000,000 Plaintiff's Attorney: Cohn & Roth Judgm ent: 6/24/2003 Attorney's Phone: (516) 747-3030 Plaintiff: Td Bank, N.A., Et.Al. Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Defendant: Bisqajit K. Das, Et. Al. Auction Notes: Vincent Deangelis, Auctioneer, Dca #1127571 Or Jessica Prince-Clatement, Auctioneer, Dca #1097640. 8 E 83 St, Manhattan, 10028 n/a School District: 2 BBL: 1-01494-0059cp11G Unit #: 11G (486 Shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/1/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 12:45 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $245,000 Judgm ent: 7/27/2010 Plaintiff: HSBC Mortgage Corporation (USA), Et. Al. Defendant: Katie Stern-Obstfeld, Et. Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Druckman Law Group, Pllc Attorney's Phone: 516 876-0800 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: Auctioneer: Law rence Estreich, Dca 1247619.A 10% Deposit By Certified Funds Or Bank Check Payable To Attorneys Is Required At Auction, Closing Within Thirty (30) Days. 1/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures Previously Scheduled Auction on 6/11/2009 1335 Avenue Of The Amer, Manhattan, 10019 Midtown Midtow n, Tim es Square, Herald Square, Midtow n South 46 story building 44,406 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-01006-1302 Condominium unit in a 46 story building. Currently 44406 square feet classified as "commercial condo unit". 1 total units. $10,998,000 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/1/2010 Index No.: Mn 2009 / 106987 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Jay Stuart Dankberg, Esq Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, Room 130, NY Lien: $20,328 Plaintiff's Attorney: Cruser, Mitchell & Novitz, LLP Judgm ent: 7/23/2010 Plaintiff: Hilton Resorts Corporation , Et.Al. Defendant: Jose Marquez, Et.Al. Attorney's Phone: n/a Foreclosure Type: Condo Common Charge Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 102 W 57 St, Manhattan, 10019 Midtown Midtow n, Tim es Square, Herald Square, Midtow n South 28 story building 112,850 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-01009-0037 75x100 28 story building on a 75x100 lot zoned NZS. Built in 2007. Currently 112850 square feet classified as "luxury type built after 1960". 2 total units. $8,299,350 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/1/2010 Index No.: Mn 2009 / 117613 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Bernard Mitchell Alter, Esq Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: County Courthouse , 60 Centre Street, Room 130, NY Lien: $26,828 Judgm ent: 7/13/2010 Plaintiff: Hilton Resorts Corporation , Et.Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Cruser, Mitchell & Novitz, LLP Attorney's Phone: n/a Foreclosure Type: 2/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures Defendant: Tracy Mckinney Stew art, Et.Al. yp Condo Common Charge Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 203 W 144 St, Manhattan, 10030 Central Harlem Central Harlem 6 story building 21,678 square feet School District: 5 BBL: 1-02030-0027 50x85 6 story building on a 50x99 lot zoned R7-2. Built in 1921. Currently 21678 square feet classified as "w alk-up, over six families w ith stores". 30 total units. $504,000 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/1/2010 Index No.: Mn 2008 / 602936 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Charles Boulbol, Esq. Date Entered: 8/20/2010 Lien: $3,416,546 Auction Location: New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, NY, Room 130. Judgm ent: 6/7/2010 Plaintiff's Attorney: Greenberg Traurig Attorney's Phone: Plaintiff: 144 Harlem Venture LLC, Et. (212) 801-9200 Al. Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Defendant: 203 West 144TH St., Realty Auction Notes: Corp., Et. Al. n/a Previously Scheduled Auction on 8/11/2010 530 Grand St, Manhattan, 10002 n/a School District: 1 BBL: 1-00331-0120cp6C Unit #: 6C (27 shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/1/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 2:00 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/18/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $70,774 Judgm ent: n/a Plaintiff: Richard Lehler, Et.Al. Defendant: Hillman Housing Corporation, Et.Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Bauman Katz & Grill, LLP Attorney's Phone: (212) 684-0300 Foreclosure Type: Other Foreclosure Auction Notes: William Mannion - Dca 796322 3/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures 61 West 62 Street, Manhattan, 10023 n/a BBL: 1-01115-1501cpCOMA Unit #: 4A (338 shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/2/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 12:30 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $358,556 Plaintiff's Attorney: n/a Judgm ent: n/a Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, Inc., Et. Al. Defendant: Eddie Cruz, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: n/a Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: Law rence Estreich, Auctioneer, Dca #1247619 61 W 62 St, Manhattan, 10023 Lincoln Square Lincoln Square, Upper West Side 26 story building 318,448 square feet School District: 3 BBL: 1-01115-7502 Condominium unit in a 26 story building. Built in 1981. Currently 318448 square feet classified as "condo billing lot". $0 assessed value. Unit #: 4A (338 shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/2/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 12:30 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/26/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $358,556 Judgm ent: 12/11/2009 Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank, Et. Al. Defendant: Eddie Cruz, Et. Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Steven J. Baum Attorney's Phone: (716) 204-2400 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 920 3 Ave, Manhattan, 10022 Murray Hill Murray Hill, East Midtow n, Stuyvesant 25x90 6 story building on a 25x95 lot zoned C6-6. Built in 4/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures Tow n 6 story building 13,842 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-01310-0036 1920. Year last altered: 1994.Currently 13842 square feet classified as "miscellaneous office building ". 6 total units. $1,206,000 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/8/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 9:30 AM Referee: Lindsay Eason, Sheriff Date Entered: 7/15/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: not available Plaintiff's Attorney: n/a Judgm ent: n/a Attorney's Phone: n/a Plaintiff: Lil & Son Realty Corp, Et.Al. Foreclosure Type: Sheriff's Sale Foreclosure Defendant: Cynthia Olivaria, Et.Al. Auction Notes: John Gaiser Dca #0867680 476 Broadway, Manhattan, 10013 n/a BBL: 1-00473-1006cp10R Unit #: 10R (690 Shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/8/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 10:00 AM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/26/2010 Auction Location: Rotunda Of The Supreme Court Of The State Of New York, County Of New York, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: not available Plaintiff's Attorney: Rosicki Rosicki & Associates Judgm ent: n/a Plaintiff: JP Morgan Chase Bank, Na, Et. Al. Defendant: N/A Attorney's Phone: (845) 897-1600 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: Auctioneer: Victor D. Raw ner 1224356 Previously Scheduled Auction on 1/20/2010 311 East 23 Street, Manhattan, 10010 n/a BBL: 1-00928-1107cp4C Unit #: 4C (84 shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/8/2010 Index No.: n/a 5/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/18/2010 Auction Location: On The Rotunda Of The Supreme Court, New York County Courthouse, Located At 60 Centre Street, New York, New York. Lien: $305,200 Judgm ent: 8/24/2006 Plaintiff: Citimortgage, Inc., Et. Al. Defendant: Casimiro Almendral, Et. Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Sw eeney, Gallo, Reich & Bolz, LLP Attorney's Phone: (718)459-2634 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: William Mannion, Dca796322 And/Or Ronald Deboer, Dca086498, Auctioneers 273 Lexington Ave, Manhattan, 10016 Murray Hill Murray Hill, East Midtow n, Stuyvesant Tow n 24 story building 129,964 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-00892-0025 99x100 24 story building on a 98x100 lot zoned R10. Built in 1966. Currently 129964 square feet classified as "elevator apartments cooperatives (other than condominiums)". 117 total units. Corner lot: NE. $8,955,000 assessed value. Unit #: 6A (522 Shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 9:30 AM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/26/2010 Auction Location: New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, Rotunda, New York, NY. Lien: $500,297 Judgm ent: 8/28/2007 Plaintiff: Wachovia Bank, Na, Et. Al. Defendant: Leonard Kahn, Et. Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: McCabe Weisberg & Conw ay Attorney's Phone: (914) 636-8900 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: Auctioneer: Victor Marino, Dca 1005640 Previously Scheduled Auction on 12/16/2009 409 Grand St, Manhattan, 10002 n/a School District: 1 BBL: 1-00315-0001cpE806 Unit #: E80610 (39 shares) Auction Details Auction Date: Index No.: 6/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures 9/15/2010 n/a Auction Tim e: 12:30 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/26/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $564,750 Plaintiff's Attorney: Sheldon May & Assoc. Judgm ent: n/a Plaintiff: Park Housing Corporation, Et. Al. Defendant: Lillian Krupin, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: (516) 763-3240 Foreclosure Type: Co-op Common Charge Foreclosure Auction Notes: Vincent Deangelis, License Number 1127571 Or Jessica Prince-Clateman, License Number 1097640. 551 W 161 St, Manhattan, 10032 Washington Heights Washington Heights, Inw ood 4 story building 4,739 square feet School District: 6 BBL: 1-02120-0055 19x64 4 story building on a 18x99 lot zoned R7-2. Built in 1910. Year last altered: 1989.Currently 4739 square feet classified as "old law tenements". 8 total units. $211,050 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2007 / 105264 Auction Tim e: 12:45 PM Referee: Lora Tell Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: Rotunda Of New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $812,207 Judgm ent: 11/21/2008 Plaintiff's Attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, LLP Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank, Na, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: (631) 969-3100 Defendant: Errol Walters, Et. Al. Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a Previously Scheduled Auction on 7/14/2010 437 W 147 St, Manhattan, 10031 West Harlem West Harlem , Morningside Heights, Manhattanville, Ham ilton Heights 4 story building 2,896 square feet School District: 6 BBL: 1-02062-0020 13x56 4 story building on a 12x99 lot zoned R7-2. Built in 1926. Year last altered: 1986.Currently 2896 square feet classified as "four families". 4 total units. Historical district: Hamilton Heights/Sugar Hill. $459,000 assessed value. 7/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2008 / 107118 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Marc Landis Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: New York County Courthouse , 60 Centre St., Rm. 130, New York Lien: $860,693 Plaintiff's Attorney: Druckman Law Group, Pllc Judgm ent: 6/17/2010 Plaintiff: Dow ney Savings And Loan Association, F.A., Et.Al. Defendant: Neamyah Francis, Et.Al. Attorney's Phone: 516 876-0800 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 26 West 74 Street, Manhattan, 10023 Lincoln Square Lincoln Square, Upper West Side 5 story building 1,620 square feet School District: 3 BBL: 1-01126-1201 Condominium unit in a 5 story building. Currently 1620 square feet classified as "condo - 2-10 unit residential bldg, commercial unit ". 1 total units. $163,350 assessed value. Unit #: 1 Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2006 / 116822 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Aimee L. Richter Date Entered: 8/12/2010 Auction Location: Room 130 Of The New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $747,049 Judgm ent: 11/21/2008 Plaintiff's Attorney: Frenkel, Lambert, Weiss, Weisman & Gordon, LLP Plaintiff: Bank Of New York, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: (631) 969-3100 Defendant: Jonathan M. Hunt, Et. Al. Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a Previously Scheduled Auction on 5/20/2009 124 W 123 St, Manhattan, 10027 Central Harlem Central Harlem 3 story building 2,115 square feet School District: 5 BBL 1 01907 0046 17x48 3 story building on a 16x100 lot zoned R7-2. Built in 1910. Currently 2115 square feet classified as "four families". 4 total units. $324,900 assessed 8/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures BBL: 1-01907-0046 value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2008 / 105322 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Alan Michael Bronfeld, Esq. Date Entered: 8/17/2010 Auction Location: The New York City Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, Room 130, New York, Ny10007 Lien: $1,035,476 Plaintiff's Attorney: Rosicki, Rosicki & Associates, PC Judgm ent: 4/14/2010 Plaintiff: Washington Mutual Bank, Et.Al. Defendant: Ann Marie Maida, Et.Al. Attorney's Phone: (516)-741-2585 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 120 Greenwich Street, Manhattan, 10006 Civic Center Civic Center, Wall Street, Governors Island, Liberty Island, Ellis Island, Tribeca 13 story building 698 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-00053-1072 Condominium unit in a 13 story building. Built in 1903. Year last altered: 2003.Currently 698 square feet classified as "condo - apartment/elevated, residential unit ". 1 total units. $58,651 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2009 / 114325 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Lee Michael Huttner Date Entered: 8/19/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $621,369 Judgm ent: 6/17/2010 Plaintiff: HSBC Bank, Et. Al. Defendant: Andrew Gormley, Et. Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Steven J. Baum Attorney's Phone: (716) 204-2400 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 1335 Avenue Of The Amer, Manhattan, 10019 Midtown Midtow n, Tim es Square, Herald Square, Midtow n South 46 story building 44,406 square feet Condominium unit in a 46 story building. Currently 44406 square feet classified as "commercial condo unit". 1 total units. $10,998,000 assessed value. 9/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures School District: 2 BBL: 1-01006-1302 Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2009 / 111421 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: How ard M. Adelsberg Date Entered: 8/19/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $6,067 Plaintiff's Attorney: Cruser, Mitchell & Novitz, LLP Judgm ent: 7/13/2010 Plaintiff: Board Of Managers Of Nyh Condominium, Et. Al. Defendant: William A. Boudreau, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: n/a Foreclosure Type: Condo Common Charge Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 1335 Avenue Of The Amer, Manhattan, 10019 Midtown Midtow n, Tim es Square, Herald Square, Midtow n South 46 story building 44,406 square feet School District: 2 BBL: 1-01006-1302 Condominium unit in a 46 story building. Currently 44406 square feet classified as "commercial condo unit". 1 total units. $10,998,000 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2007 / 113187 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Ellen Sakany, Esq. Date Entered: 8/19/2010 Auction Location: Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY., Room 130. Lien: $29,428 Plaintiff's Attorney: Cruser, Mitchell & Novitz, LLP Judgm ent: 6/25/2010 Plaintiff: Hilton Resorts Corporation, Et. Al. Defendant: Shaw n Dolven, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: n/a Foreclosure Type: Other Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a 9 Ft Charles Pl, Manhattan, 10463 Upper East Side Upper East Side, Lenox Hill, Yorkville, Roosevelt Island 2.75 story building 2 431 square feet 28x32 2.75 story building on a 104x40 lot zoned R5. Built in 1920. Currently 2431 square feet classified as "tw o stories detached". 1 total units. $37,440 10/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures 2,431 square feet School District: 10 BBL: 1-02215-0411 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/15/2010 Index No.: Mn 2007 / 101692 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Alicia Kaplow , Esq. Date Entered: 8/19/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $307,667 Plaintiff's Attorney: Steven J. Baum Judgm ent: 1/7/2008 Attorney's Phone: (716) 204-2400 Plaintiff: Indymac Bank, FSB, Et. Al. Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Defendant: Leandro Hidalgo, Et. Al. Auction Notes: n/a Previously Scheduled Auction on 5/19/2010 333 E 119 St, Manhattan, 10035 n/a School District: 4 BBL: 1-01796-0020cp1A Unit #: 1A (446 Shares) Auction Details Auction Date: 9/16/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 2:15 PM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/26/2010 Auction Location: Front Steps Of The Supreme Court, New York County, 60 Centre Street, New York, New York. Lien: $113,159 Plaintiff's Attorney: Steven J. Baum Judgm ent: 8/30/2006 Plaintiff: HSBC Mortgage Corporation (USA), Et. Al. Defendant: Tanisha Harris, Et. Al. Attorney's Phone: (716) 204-2400 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: Auctioneer: Law rence Estreich, Dca 1247619.A 10% Deposit By Certified Funds Or Bank Check Payable To Attorneys Is Required At Auction, Closing Within Thirty (30) Days. Previously Scheduled Auction on 9/24/2009 49 Pinehurst Ave, Manhattan, 10033 n/a School District: 6 BBL: 1-02177-0154cp47 Unit #: 47 (108 shares) 11/13 8/27/2010 PropertyShark Foreclosures Auction Details Auction Date: 9/23/2010 Index No.: n/a Auction Tim e: 11:00 AM Referee: n/a Date Entered: 8/24/2010 Auction Location: The Front Steps Of The Supreme Court County, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $43,088 Plaintiff's Attorney: Helfand & Helfand Judgm ent: n/a Attorney's Phone: n/a Plaintiff: Federal Credit Union, Et.Al. Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Defendant: John David Baker, Et.Al. Auction Notes: In Satisfaction Of An Indebtedness In The Principal Amount Of $43,088.48 Plus Interest In The Amount Of $1,272.76 Which Interest Continues To Accrue At The Per Diem Rate Of $7.07, Plus Late Fees Of $6.02 And Other Expenditures By Federal Credit Union And Subject To The Coop's Areas For Maintenance Charges, Coop's Late Fees, Attorney's Fees Etc. 222 West 135 Street, Manhattan, 10030 Central Harlem Central Harlem 5 story building 1,220 square feet School District: 5 BBL: 1-01940-1302 Condominium unit in a 5 story building. Built in 1920. Year last altered: 2005.Currently 1220 square feet classified as "condo - 2-10 unit residential bldg, residential unit". 1 total units. $92,571 assessed value. Auction Details Auction Date: 9/29/2010 Index No.: Mn 2007 / 112603 Auction Tim e: 1:00 PM Referee: Anthony DeLorenzo, Esq. Date Entered: 8/26/2010 Auction Location: Room 130 Of The New York County Courthouse, 60 Centre Street, New York, NY. Lien: $532,462 Judgm ent: 2/26/2008 Plaintiff: Washington Mutual Bank, Et. Al. Defendant: Camilo Zamora, Et. Al. Plaintiff's Attorney: Fein Such Crane Attorney's Phone: (585) 232-7400 Foreclosure Type: Mortgage Foreclosure Auction Notes: n/a Previously Scheduled Auction on 7/28/2010 12/13