Teleworking and begird demand management
Teleworking and begird demand management
Teleworking and begird demand management J.Y.K. Luk ABSTRACT Teleworking or telecommuting reduces the amount of car travel related to work trips, especially during congested periods. One of its impacts is therefore on travel demand and it is often regarded as a travel demand management (TDM) measure. In Australia, 83 per cent of all vehicle-kilometretravelled (VKT) is by passenger cars, and 25 per cent of car-VKT is for journeys to/from work. Car commuting therefore constitutes only about 21 per cent of all road travel demand. A small reduction in road demand can substantially reduce congestion delay and other social costs. The annual cost of congestion delay in Sydney is estimated to be $2.1 billion. If the acceptance rate for teleworking is 10 per cent across all industries, or if 50 per cent of car commuters telework one day per week, delays in Sydney would be reduced by up to $0.8 billion depending on how the teleworking days are distributed over a 5-day week. At this level of acceptance, the total social cost saving including delays, vehicle operating costs, accident, noise and air pollution costs is in the range $240 million to $1 billion. 26 Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 14.+ AV&X44 MOV) 0 OM 96:4610 0 X 200401444.16: 610:4400 00 V, XVIA, We Y. 444//////MW/AY/eX•V/A01,....////oW////////oW/e7/44/////eW//////////44,////////////////#///e547////////e ot, T ravel demand management (TDM) refers to the application of a range of measures to address the traffic congestion issue and environmental concerns. These measures attempt to reduce the impact of travel on the road network, and also the amount and need of car travel. They include flexi-working hours, ride-sharing, parkand-ride schemes, traffic calming, pricing measures, parking control, and also long-term measures such as urban and social changes and communication substitutions (see, for example, Luk 1992). Teleworking is a TDM measure that reduces car commuting, i.e. car travel related to work trips, by allowing a teleworker to work parttime or full-time from home, a telecentre, or a vehicle (Chung 1992). It has been facilitated in recent years by advances in communication technologies, but the concept of working from home on an ad hoc basis for whatever reason is certainly not new. This paper studies the transport impacts of teleworking. Going to or from work can be by car, bus, rail, or other modes of transport. Overloading of public transport systems may occur at peak hours in Sydney or Melbourne, but congestion is a far more important issue for car commuting than for rail or bus commuting. Teleworking also has the potential to reduce overloading or to reduce service frequency in rail or bus. However, the focus of this paper is on car commuting and on its impact on road congestion. The impact of teleworking on travel demand depends on various factors that include the level of acceptance, the travel behaviour of teleworkers, and the prevailing levels of congestion and travel Teleworking and travel demand management demand. Surveys on attitudes and behaviour are the common means to determine travel behavioural changes. This paper reviews published survey results and estimates the impact of teleworking on delay, accidents and pollution from available data in travel demand and congestion level in Australian cities. TELEWORKING SURVEY RESULTS Various pilot projects were undertaken in recent years to evaluate the impact of teleworking on travel demand, productivity, staff morale, cost savings and other objectives. The results from two well-publicised studies are used to give some insights into the impacts. Table I summarises the survey results from the studies carried out in California (Pendyala et al. 1991) and The Netherlands (Hamer et al. 1992). Those results relevant only to the impacts of teleworking on travel are shown. Some broad conclusions are as follows: (a) teleworking reduces car commuting trips, especially during peak hours; (b) non-commuting and off-peak trips do not increase; (c) trip-chaining does not increase; (d) teleworkers tend to shift activities to destinations closer to home; (e) there is no significant increase in travel behaviour by household members (except the second experiment at Rijswijk). Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 27 Teleworking and travel demand management The survey results are dependent on factors such as residential locations, car ownership, and household structure and income. The teleworkers surveyed in both countries lived further away from the city centres than the national averages and had higher levels of car ownership. The results in Table II therefore may not be representative, and possibly represent the upper bound of the expected impact of teleworking in travel demand. Mokhtarian (1992) also reported some results from the 1989-1990 Hawaii Demonstration Project. A target group of 15 in a telecentre at Mililani (32 km from Honolulu town centre) reported a 76 per cent reduction in the number of downtown trips and a saving of 7.4 hours per week. The Road and Traffic Authority of New South Wales has a teleworking project in progress and should provide useful information in an Australian context (Edwards 1993). IMPACT OF TELEWORKING IN AUSTRALIA hence to reduce delay and other social costs such as accidents and pollutant emission. This section describes the level of congestion in Australian cities, and ascertains the amount of car commuting in the total amount of vehicle travel demand. The impacts of teleworking are estimated at various levels of acceptance. Level of congestion A current project at the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) is investigating the cost of car travel in Australian cities. It estimates the cost of congestion in terms of delay and other social costs by means of a spreadsheet model (Hepburn and Luk 1994). The model makes use oftravel demand data, or vehicle-kilometre-travelled (VKT), and average car speeds on different road types under congested and uncongested conditions. VKT statistics are routinely collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and car travel speeds are regularly monitored by State road and transport authorities. A primary objective of TDM (and teleworking) is Table II shows the cost of delay for each of the to reduce car commuting trips at peak hours and capital cities. These results were calibrated with TABLE I Impacts of teleworking on travel demand Study Design California • • • • • The Netherlands • 30 hh • 7-day travel diary • 1-3 T-days • no control group First experiment at Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam • • Second experiment at Rijswijk • • 219 persons in 142 hh* 3-day travel diary at least 1 T-day 2 waves (`before/after') with control group Impact • • • • • • 2 car trips less on T-days* —39% on non-work trips —60% peak period trips —90% freeway distance on T-days no sig.* increase in hh travel —25% in trip chaining 60 persons 5 waves • • • • • —16% in total travel distance —34% in peak travel distance no sig. change in off-peak travel no sig. change in hh car travel —12% in trip chaining 60 persons 4 waves • • • • —14% in total travel distance —22% in peak travel distance +73% in weekend distance +34% in hh car/peak distance Abbreviations: hh = household, T-day = teleworking day, sig. = significant at 10% level or better. 28 Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH /V it • • t ////,////////////////////, /////////////, V.V.V..., ///, //////////////,, It 4441.014{4.444/1/~.444~.4~.444,/~1/.444,/,,fietWet~/,./441/4/4444,4:4V/~///////, Teleworking and travel demand management TABLE II Costs of congestion City Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Perth City Delay cost ($ million) Adelaide Canberra Hobart Darwin 2080 1820 398 366 estimates prepared for Sydney (Commeignes 1992) and Melbourne (Miles 1992). The total delay cost for all capital cities is about $ 5.1 billions in 1992 prices. The values of time savings are $4.3/h for private travel and $25.9/h for business travel; vehicle occupancy is assumed to be 1.6 persons per vehicle (Taylor and Thoresen 1992). Note that the delay costs of Sydney and Melbourne are about four times those of Perth, Adelaide and Perth. As expected, there is relatively little congestion in Hobart, Darwin and Canberra. The implication is that teleworking would have more impact in Sydney and Melbourne than in other cities. Delay reduction The most recent survey of motor vehicle use by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (1993) found that 83 per cent of all VKT was by passenger cars. It also reported that 25 per cent of all car VKT was related to journeys to work. The percentage of car commuting travel to the total VKT is therefore about 0.25 x 0.83 = 21 per cent. In other words, even if the impossible target of eliminating all car commuting trips is achieved, the road network still has to cater for the other 79 per cent of vehicle demand due to education, shopping, business, social activities, and road freight. The delay in a road network increases non-linearly with the level of congestion. The marginal delay (i.e. the extra delay due to an extra vehicle on the road) increases rapidly as the road travel demand reaches the network capacity. Any reduction of peak demand by teleworking, mode shift to public transport, or any other TDM measure would have significant effect. Delay cost ($ million) 274 105 42 24 It is difficult to predict the adoption rate of teleworking and the VKT reduction in a city. The adoption rate depends on factors such as the total labour force, the number of teleworking days per week, and the nature of the industries concerned. Teleworking would probably be quite suitable for workers in the information service industries (Olszewski and Lam 1993). Consider the hypothetical case that all workers telecommute one day per week. Assuming a 5-day week and all workers take the same day for teleworking, the adoption rate is 20 per cent and the reduction in VKT is 1/5 x 20% = 4.2 per cent. This case represents the upper bound in VKT reduction at this level of acceptance. If teleworking days are evenly distributed from Monday to Friday, the reduction in VKT would be 1/5 of 4.2 per cent, or 0.84 per cent, representing the lower bound of road demand reduction. Table III shows the relationship between adoption rates and reduction rates in VKT for the two scenarios of `telework on the same days' and `telework with even distribution'. Note again that a universal adoption rate of 20 per cent should be interpreted as all workers teleworking one day per 5-day week. Similarly, a 10 per cent rate means that half of the work force takes one teleworking day per week. In reality, not all industries and not all workers adopt teleworking, and some telecommute more frequently than one day per week. Boghani et al. (1991) anticipated an adoption rate of 10-20 per cent in the United States. Fig. 1 shows the reduction in travel time costs in Sydney for teleworking adoption rates in the range from 0 to 20 per cent for the two scenarios. For a 10 per cent adoption rate, the travel time cost Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 29 Teleworking and travel demand management =======:=========:;=============4:: TABLE III Hypothetical adoption rate and VKT reduction rate Adoption rate of teleworking VKT reduction rate (%) (telework on same days) VKT reduction rate (%) telework with even distrib.) 0 0 5 10 15 20 1.05 2.10 3.15 4.20 0 0.21 0.42 0.63 0.84 reduces from $9.1 billions to $8.2 billions under the 'same day' scenario and reduces to $8.8 billions under the even distribution scenario. The reduction in congestion delay is from the current estimated level of $2.1 billions to a level in the range from $1.3 to 1.9 billions. Federal Office of Road Safety (1988) found that the car travel distances for the purpose of education were about 1.1 per cent of all car-VKT. It is well known that the absence of these trips during school holidays results in noticeable reduction in congestion. This level of reduction is equivalent to the case when the adoption rate is 5 per cent or when 25 per cent of all workers telework on the same day (Table III). Hence, even at a moderate level of acceptance, teleworking would have a large impact on congestion. Other social costs The Australian Road Research Board travel cost model also provides estimates of savings in vehicle operating cost (VOC), road accident cost and pollution cost. The premise is that a reduction in road travel would improve traffic flow and hence reduce fuel consumption, maintenance cost, tyre cost, etc. Accidents are reduced due to less exposure to road travel. The VOC and accident cost estimates are based on ARRB research (Bowyer et al. 1985; Andreassen 1993). Noise and air pollution costs are based on Inter-State Commission (1990) research. The accident cost makes use of an average value of 5.05 cents/km. Noise pollution costs are based on 0.1 cent/km for cars and 5 cents/km for heavy Travel cost $million 9500 9000 8500 — 8000 — 7500 7000 6500 15 10 5 Teleworking adoption rate % With delay 30 Telework with even dist. 20 No delay Figure 1 Travel time cost and teleworking Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH /el<hV.4.V.L.VA4VRNE.00WAC4V/AtV.NAVAWV//...W/..X.V.W/AOCVKV/o.M.G4V..W•WA49ENV.WMW/e. Teleworking and travel demand management With the Sydney road travel demand data for 1991, the estimates are shown in Table IV at a teleworking adoption rate of 10 per cent. Teleworking could reduce the social costs by up to $1 billion for Sydney alone. The lower bound to this estimate is $0.24 billion when teleworking days are evenly distributed from Monday to Friday. suburbs. For example, the CBD jobs in Melbourne account for 11 per cent of the total metropolitan jobs (VicRoads 1991). When jobs in all nine inner suburbs in central Melbourne are considered, this percentage is about 28 per cent. In other words, the majority of jobs are in areas not usually well serviced by public transport systems and commuting is mainly by car. There are indications that the average commuting time and distance may have stabilised due to job dispersals in spite of urban sprawling at the city fringes (Brotchie 1992). Teleworking is therefore one effective tool in reducing road demand for those who choose to live and work in the suburbs, and certainly for those who commute to work from country resorts! DISCUSSION CONCLUSIONS Many argue that the reduction of travel demand may not reduce congestion in cities where there is latent or suppressed demand. Any improvement in traffic flow conditions, due either to the provision of extra capacity or to reduction of demand, would quickly induce the suppressed demand onto the road network (e.g. by shifting from public transport to car commuting). Congestion itself is therefore an effective instrument of demand management. Car commuting is about 21 per cent of all vehicle travel in Australian cities. If teleworking achieves an average acceptance level of 10 per cent across all industries, or when 50 per cent of workers telework one day per 5-day week, the maximum reduction in car travel is about 2.1 per cent. This level of road demand reduction is not high. However, if this level is maintained, the delay cost in Sydney could be reduced from $2.1 billions to $1.3 billions in 1992 prices. The maximum total savings in social costs including delay, vehicle operating cost, accident, and pollution cost is about $1 billion at this level of acceptance. A lower bound to this estimate is $240 millions when teleworking days are evenly distributed from Monday to Friday. Teleworking is therefore an important tool in the armoury for congestion and environmental management.1 vehicles. Air pollution costs are subjects of ongoing research; the values used are 0.5 cent/km for cars and 1 cent/km for heavy vehicles. Recent research by the Environment Protection Authority (Vic) indicates that their air pollution cost estimates are of the same order of magnitude as the Inter-State Commission values. The analysis in this paper does not consider the effect of releasing suppressed demand as a result of reduced delay due to teleworking. This effect is quite plausible in Sydney and Melbourne. The reduction in delay and other social costs could be only short-term benefits. Another issue relates to job dispersals in Australian cities. In the last two decades, jobs have dispersed from the Central Business District (CBD) to the TABLE IV Social cost reduction at an adoption rate of 10% Social costs Travel time or delay cost Savings ($ million) (telework on same days) Savings ($ million) (telework with even distrib.) Vehicle operating cost Accident cost Noise pollution cost Air pollution cost 823 161 22 0.5 2.2 197 34 4.4 0.1 0.4 Total 987 236 Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 31 Teleworking and travel demand management REFERENCES ANDREASSEN, D.J. (1993). Road Accident Costs and Their Use. Australian Road Research Board Special Briefing No. 4. (ARRB: Vermont South, Vic.) AUSTRALIAN BUREAU OF STATISTICS. (1993). Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia. Catalogue No. 9208.0. (AGPS: Canberra.) BOGHANI, A.B., KIMBLE, E.W. and SPENCER, E.E. (1991). Can Telecommunications Help Solve America's Transportation Problems? Arthur D. Little Inc. Report No. 65740. (Arthur Little: Cambridge, Massachusetts.) HEPBURN, S. and LUK, J.Y.K. (1994). User Guide to the ARRB Travel Cost Model (ATCM). Australian Road Research Board Working Document No. WD TE 94/ 001. (ARRB: Vermont South, Vic.) INTER-STATE COMMISSION. (1990). Road Use Charges and Vehicle Registration: A National Scheme. Volume 1. (AGPS: Canberra.) LUK, J.Y.K. (1992). Models for travel demand management. Road & Transport Research, 1(3), pp. 58-73. BOWYER, D.P., AKCELIK, R. and BIGGS, D.C. (1985). Guide to Fuel Consumption Analyses for Urban Traffic Management. Australian Road Research Board Special Report 32. (ARRB: Vermont South, Vic.) MILES, J. (1992). The Cost of Congestion. Vic Roads Corporate Development Division Report no. IR 92 - 5. (Vic Roads: Kew, Vic.) BROTCHIE, J. (1992). The changing structures of cities. Urban Futures, Special Issue 5, pp. 13-26. MOKHTARIAN, P.L. (1992). Telecommuting in the United States: letting our fingers do the commuting. TR News, 158, pp. 2-7. CHUNG, P. (1992). A Practical Guide to Starting a Telecommuting Program. Telecom Australia Consumer Business Unit Report. (Telecom Australia: Brisbane) OLSZEWSKI, P. and LAM, S.H. (1993). Can teleworking help to reduce traffic congestion in Singapore?CityTrans Conference, September 2-4, 1993, Singapore. COMMEIGNES, H. (1992). The Cost of Congestion in Sydney. Report prepared for the Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW. (RTA: Sydney.) PENDYALA, R.M., GOULIAS, K.G. and KITAMURA, R. (1991). Impact of telecommuting on spatial and temporal patterns ofhousehold travel. Transportation, 18(4), pp. 383-409. EDWARDS, M. (1993). Telecommuting case study pilot study of Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW. 3rd National Telecommuting Conference, December 2, 1993, Sydney. FEDERAL OFFICE OF ROAD SAFETY. (1988). Dayto-Day Travel in Australia 1985-86. FORS Report CR 69. (FORS: Canberra.) TAYLOR, S. and THORESEN, T. (1992). Road User Costs for Use in Economic Evaluation of Road Works. Australian Road Research Board Working Document No. WD TE 92/011. (ARRB: Vermont South, Vic.) VICROADS (1991). Central Area Transport Strategy, Revitalising Central Melbourne. Special Report no. 90-9. (VicRoads: Kew, Vic.) HAMER, R., KROES, E. and VAN OOSTROOM, H. (1992). Teleworking in the Netherlands: an evaluation of changes in travel behaviour - further results. Proc. 20th PTRC Summer Annual Meeting, Manchester, Seminar C, vol. P355, pp. 211-23. (PTRC Education and Research Services Ltd: London.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This paper is adapted from one presented by the author at the Third National Telecommuting Conference, 2 December 1993, Sydney. The comments from reviewers are much appreciated. 32 Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH X4,,,,,,,V.4}X.X.:144:•XAMW~V.4.4.:~4444.441914,/.../.4%.44.4X......../.....V......,:.:///....41:0:4:44~/.44/.44/////////////////,//////////////////////////////, Teleworking and travel demand management James Luk Dr James Luk is a Principal Research Scientist in congestion and travel demand management. Before joining ARRB in 1975, he worked for Racal Electronics Pty Ltd and Amalgamated Wireless Australasia Ltd in Sydney. He was seconded to the Roads and Traffic Authority NSW (formerly Department of Main Roads) in 1979-80, and also to the Queensland Department of Transport (formerly Main Roads Department) in 1989-90, to develop traffic control systems. His current research interests are in incident and queue management in urban road networks, and in traffic restraint schemes and the associated technologies. Contact: Dr J.Y.K. Luk Australian Road Research Board Ltd PO Box 156 Nunawading Vic 3131 Australia Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 33 AAA report land transport infrastructure: maximising the contribution to economic growth The Australian Automobile Association (AAA) recently released a report 'Land Transport Infrastructure: Maximising the Contribution to Economic Growth'. The report was undertaken by the Allen Consulting Group under the direction of Dr Vince Fitzgerald, author of the report to the Federal Government on national saving. The AAA is the Federal Secretariat of the State and Territory motoring organisations and represents their interests and the interests of their 5.7 million members, at the national level. The AAA commissioned the report because of concerns about the level and variability of funding for roads. In addition, the AAA believed that decisions on investment in roads and other land transport infrastructure were being made on an ad hoc basis, which had more to do with political factors and institutional arrangements than rational economic principles. The AAA also wanted to contribute to debate about directions for the development of transport infrastructure policy and to increase understanding of the economic role of investment in land transport infrastructure. The report was to include an analysis of the widereconomy effects of marginal investments in rail transport infrastructure, and the modelling framework does include intermodal substitute effects. However, because ofdifficulties in obtaining basic case study data on rail investment in Australia and its impacts, the study was not able to be extended to estimating economic effects of marginal rail investments. The following extract is taken from the Executive Summary of the report. If you would like to obtain a copy of the report, please contact: John Metcalfe, Manager Economic & Public Policy, Australian Automobile Association, GPO Box 1555, Canberra ACT 2601. 34 AAA REPORT The report includes new results in two significant areas, as well as dealing with many aspects of land transport infrastructure in Australia. The first of these new results is an evaluation of the wider-economic effects of a marginal increase in investment in the major categories of roads (Chapter 6). The second is an analysis at the aggregate, macroeconomic level of the relationship between investment in roads and private sector productivity in Australia for the period 1966-67 to 1991-92 (Chapter 5). EVALUATING GAINS FROM ALTERNATIVE ROAD INVESTMENTS Chapter 6 contains analysis of the economy-wide effects of marginal investment in the major categories of roads. This analysis was based on results from a collection of case studies of investment in roads, gathered from State road authorities and other sources. Based on the case studies, and information from technical literature, benefits arising from a $1000 million (1990-91 dollars) investment in each category of road were estimated. These benefits — such as time saving, vehicle operating cost savings and accident reduction — were disaggregated and attributed to different groups of industry and other transport users. Time savings for private travel were excluded from the analysis. For the purposes of modelling, the benefits were taken as the annual benefit in the 10th year after the investment had occurred. An annual financing charge (over 35 years at a 6 per cent real interest rate) was imposed by an increment to income tax to pay for the investment. A modified version of the ORANI model was then used to simulate the effects of these changes on the Australian economy. Vol .3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH TABLE I Summary of economic modelling results Road category Estimated benefit-cost ratio for each $1 billion investment Annual financing cost over 35 year life Long run (year 10) annual net increase in GDP 1992-93 $m Per cent of GDP 1992-93 $m Rural national 2.1 70 0.07 270 Rural arterial 2.0 70 0.07 270 Rural local 1.0 70 0.03 120 Urban freeway 4.8 70 0.15 620 Urban arterial 6.0 70 0.20 810 Urbabn local 1.0 70 0.03 110 As Table I indicates, the results show very high net returns from the investments in urban freeways and urban arterials — an annual benefit of 0.2 per cent of GDP per year from an initial, one-off investment in urban arterial roads of $1 billion (1990-91 dollars, or 0.26 per cent of a year's GDP). Returns from investments in rural national and arterial roads are also high by private sector standards of investment return. Even with relatively low benefit-cost ratios (BCRs), economy wide returns from investment in rural and urban local roads are greater than break-even. The investments have wide ranging effects on the economy. These changes arise fundamentally because of the investments' effects of improving the productivity of industry. This is shown in the modelling by significant increases in export volumes and improvements in the balance of trade. The modelling results for the effect of the investments on the public sector borrowing requirement imply that the investments are self funding from a whole of government perspective. In the case of urban arterial investment, additional taxation and government revenue generated from flow-on economic activity is estimated to be $180 million (in 1992-93 dollars). This is substantially higher than the annual financing charge of $70 million (in 1992-93 dollars). It indicates that the specific taxes imposed to finance the investment could be forgone and that the servicing cost could be fully met from additional taxes resulting from increased economic activity generated by the investment. Vol.3 Large potential gains from investment in road infrastructure are implied by the results. The results also suggest that the historical pattern of investment has led to relative over-investment in local and rural roads and under-investment in major urban roads. An economically optimal pattern of investment should result in returns from investment in each category of road being similar. Instead the results show higher returns from investment in urban roads than from investment in local and rural roads. The imbalance may reflect governments' concern with equity and social aspects of road provision rather than with maximising overall economic returns. The sensitivity of the findings to some key changes in assumptions was tested in two cases, or can be estimated from the results. Modelling was carried out to simulate the effect of financing additional road investment through higher fuel excise rather than through general taxation revenue. Funding through higher fuel excise reduced GDP by 0.0176 per cent compared to a reduction in GDP of 0.0070 per cent when the investments were financed through increased income tax. This result comes about because of the economic efficiency loss resulting from a tax on a relatively price-elastic business input (that is, fuel is more price-elastic than labour). This is not to say that financing road investment through increased fuel charges is not desirable if funding from other sources, such as increased income taxes, is not feasible. No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 35 TABLE II Long run macroeconomic effects of each road investment (Per cent change in GDP; or 1992-93 $ million indicated as *) Rural National Rural Arterial Rural Local Urban Freeway Urban Arterial Urban Local Real GDP 0.07 0.07 0.03 0.15 0.20 0.03 Real consumption 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.11 0.00 Real investment 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.10 0.14 0.00 Export volumes 0.23 0.21 0.10 0.45 0.54 0.12 Import volumes -0.00 -0.02 -0.02 0.02 0.02 -0.01 Terms of trade -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 -0.05 -0.05 -0.01 109 104 59 204 240 64 After tax wages -0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -0.09 -0.09 -0.06 CPI -0.07 -0.06 -0.03 -0.15 -0.19 -0.04 Real after tax wages 0.01 0.01 -0.01 0.06 0.10 -0.02 Aggregate employment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 Aggegate capital stock 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.10 0.14 0.00 Public sector borrowing requirement (excluding annual financing cost)* -99 -96 -77 -159 -180 -83 Balance of trade* The sensitivity of the modelling to changes in labour market conditions was also tested. In standard, long-run, economic modelling, wages adjust to clear labour markets with the result that there is no growth in employment. This assumption can be criticised as unrealistic in the present economic environment. An alternative assumption was tested by fixing real wage rates (rather than allowing wages to adjust to clear the market) and simulating the effects of investment in urban local roads. Employment increased by 0.03 per cent (around 2400 jobs) with real wages fixed compared to 0.002 per cent (around 160 jobs) with wages free to adjust. The net benefit to the economy of the investment, as measured by change in GDP, was almost doubled to a 0.05 per cent increase as a result of the changed assumption. If a similar result occurred in modelling other investments, an upper bound on the employment effect of investment in urban arterials might be expected to be an employment increase of 0.22 per cent (around 19,000 jobs). The results are upper bounds as it is unlikely that real wages can be held fixed for the 10 year period considered in the model. 36 The sensitivity of the findings to higher real interest charges or a reduced investment life can be estimated by increasing the financing charge for each investment. The effects of changing these assumptions are unlikely to be significant. Increasing the required real rate of return to 8 per cent and reducing the life of the investment to 25 years is estimated to reduce the net benefits from each investment by a further 0.003 per cent of GDP from the results indicated in Table I. The sensitivity of the results to changes in the initial BCR used in the simulation was not directly tested. The results indicate however that the final net benefit to the economy is broadly proportional to the initial BCR used in the simulation. The effect of changing the size of initial benefit can therefore be estimated from the results. The study does not investigate the number of investments which are potentially available in each category of roads. However, road authorities indicated that they believed they could identify a stock of presently unfunded, economically justified projects costing between $14 billion and $19 billion. This suggests that a significant stock of unfunded projects exists although no information is available to assess the likely returns from this stock, or the Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH potential size of the stock if changes were introduced to other aspects of road management (for example, user charges). MACROECONOMIC RESEARCH Chapter 5 contains the second significant, new analysis arising from the report — a direct analysis at the broad aggregate level of the relationship between road investment and economic outcome in Australia. This analysis by University of NSW economists Graham Otto and Glenn Voss identified a statistically significant relationship between road investment and private sector output increases. Their results are similar to those which have been found in the US and elsewhere. They find that a one per cent increase in investment in road infrastructure increases private sector capital productivity by 0.24 per cent and private sector total factor productivity by 0.27 per cent (i.e. elasticities of 0.24 and 0.27). Both these results imply very high returns. In 1991-92 GDP output for the private industry sectors considered by Otto and Voss was $164 billion while the end year road stock was $42 billion (both 1989-90 dollars). Based on these numbers, a $1 billion investment in roads would produce a benefit of over $900 million, a first year rate of return of over 90 per cent. This result is marginally higher than $810 million annual return identified in the simulation of a $1 billion investment in urban arterials (in the base case which assumed labour markets clear). Otto and Voss suggest in an associated argument that the level of investment in road infrastructure has been too low. The trend to lower levels of investment in roads, as a per cent of total government outlays, is identified as having been moving further away from the economic ideal. The Otto and Voss analysis follows other macroeconomic studies in the US and other countries which have documented a relationship between investment in public infrastructure (including roads) and increases in private sector output. Although a wide range of criticism was made of this analysis, many other studies have now been carried out in the US. These have tended to confirm the general proposition that investment in public infrastructure has important effects on private sector productivity. This conclusion is not surprising. Cutting the cost of transport should reduce business costs. IMPLICATIONS The study results indicate that the level and pattern of investment in land transport infrastructure is an issue of comparable importance to other key areas of microeconomic reform, such as rail reform. However, the findings do not on their own make a case for devoting substantial new additional resources, on an ongoing basis, to this area of public infrastructure. Such an assessment would require analysis of demands on limited resources, and benefits from greater application of such resources in other areas of government activity. What is a much clearer implication of the results is that significantly improved economic returns would result from a reallocation of the available investment. For example, shifting investment from a pattern of even allocation of funds between the different road categories to one in which the categories with highest returns were funded approximately doubles overall returns. (This does not, however, demonstrate that one group of road users is cross-subsidising another group. Road users in those regions in which marginal returns are lower, such as non-urban areas, may still be paying road related taxes and charges that fund the investment in that particular road category.) The report raises important questions about the appropriate level and pattern of investment in land transport infrastructure and provides evidence of significant economic benefits which would arise from reform. These issues should be a matter of concern for all levels of government. OTHER CHAPTERS OF THE REPORT Chapters 1 to 4 of the report provide important background to the major analysis. Chapter 1 discusses our current understanding of the economic role of land transport infrastructure. Chapter 2 focuses on patterns of demand from transport. Chapter 3 considers the provision of land transport infrastructure. Chapter 4 discusses aspects of the institutional structure affecting infrastructure investment. Finally Chapter 7 discusses reform of infrastructure provision, including the relative importance of other transport policy issues. VoI.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH 37 New member of the editorial panel Associate Professor Lex Brown has agreed to replace Mike Mowle as the 'environmental' member of the Editorial Panel. Mike has resigned to take up an overseas posting. Lex is Associate Professor in Environmental Planning, and currently Head of the Australian School of Environmental Studies at Griffith University in Brisbane. That School was first established in 1975, and is one of the largest interdisciplinary environmental studies centres in the world — consisting of over 60 full-time faculty. He has extensive experience in environmental planning and management in Australia and in both developed and developing countries — and is currently involved in a series of United Nations Development Program courses on Environmental Management in the African and Asian regions. His major research interests are in community response to environment and pollution, environmental impact assessment, and working at the interface between the environmental scientist and the design professionals in modelling and implementation. Lex Brown He graduated in Civil Engineering and Regional and Town Planning at the University of Queensland and completed his doctorate there in the Departments of Architecture and Psychology investigating community response to transportation noise. His early research career was largely supported by the Australian Road Research Board and the Queensland Main Roads Department. Along with other environmental interests he has maintained his specialisation in environmental noise, and he has published extensively in this field. In 1990 he was co-author ofthe paper which won the Directors' Prize at the Darwin ARRB conference for the work which best translates research into practice. The paper described a methodology for combining environmental assessment with transport network modelling. 38 Address: Australian School of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland 4111 Australia Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH BOOK REVIEW Proceedings of the Workshop on Deep-Lift Recycling of Granular Pavements A review by George Kriflik, Manager Technology Transfer, Technology Development Branch, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW The use of recycling technology is providing the RTA with opportunities for cost-effective solutions to pavement rehabilitation. It is also assisting the RTA to achieve its environmental vision. Deep-lift, in-situ recycling of heavily trafficked rural road pavements using cementitious binders has become feasible in recent times as a result of improvements to stabilisation and compaction equipment as well as improvements to binders. In 1990/91 a feasibility study for this type of treatment was carried out as a research and development project and followed in 1991/92 by trials of equipment and procedures. These trials were followed by a workshop in Sydney in September 1992 to present the results. The conclusions of this workshop were: • pavement and materials design procedures are available A workshop was conducted in Sydney on 9 December 1993 to present the results of these trials, the draft guide-lines for the work and the QA specification. These proceedings provide a record of the workshop by outlining the papers presented and a summary of the discussions which took place. Included in the presentations, and so in the proceedings, is: • the background of deep-lift recycling • an overview of recycling trials • an analysis of the trial results • the contractor's perspectives • the RTA regional perspectives • the guidelines for deep-lift recycling • binder selection • the development of the specification • the future for in-situ recycling a summary of the discussion. • the construction equipment and processes are available and viable • • quality assurance schemes are available but require adaptation to this particular purpose. The Appendices of this publication contain the workshop program, a list of the workshop attendees, the draft guide for, and the draft specification for, in-situ recycling. As a result, four full scale trials under a Quality Assurance Specification were carried out in 1993. These studies and trials were managed by Statewide Roads Technical Management Pty Ltd under the supervision of RTA's Engineering Services Section and, more recently, the Pavements Branch. VoI.3 No.1 March 1994 The issues which were identified during the workshop are: • ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH the need for thorough site investigation prior to any work (e.g. use of ground penetrating radar) 39 • the variability of unconfined compressive strength tests • the advantage of a nuclear density meter capable of providing for probe insertion up to 400 mm • the requirement for long periods of daylight during this work • the difficulties of compacting in a single layer • X-Ray fluoroscopy (XRF) techniques for measuring uniformity of binder mix • the need for sufficient setting time for binders • the difficulty in achieving the specified roughness count on the finished pavement • the need to measure roughness during the final trimming (e.g. use of walking profilometer) • the lack of data available on long term performance of recycled pavements and the possibility of accelerated pavement testing • 40 the process of deep-lift recycling of granular pavements using cementitious binders is feasible and design criteria are able to be met using this process. • techniques need to be further refined to improve compaction techniques, particularly in the lower layers • contractors working in a QA environment did not achieve the ride quality on finished pavements in the trials but subsequent work has shown that the specified ride quality can be consistently achieved • further work is required to develop binders with the necessary working times to enable adequate compaction and ride quality to be achieved. These proceedings will serve as a useful guide for practising pavement engineers and are essential reading for all involved in deep-lift recycling of granular pavements. the use of 'partnering' techniques to improve efficiency and effectiveness in communication relevant to quality and productivity. A number of substantial conclusions were derived from the Workshop. These were that: • • Proceedings of the workshop on Deep-Lift Recycling of Granular Pavement, published by Technology Development Branch, Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW. Copies are available from Therese Bourne, telephone (02) 662 5783 or fax (02) 662 5133. deep-lift recycling of granular pavements using cementitious binders is a cost-effective pavement rehabilitation technique, and can be achieved in about half the time and at about half the cost of conventional rehabilitation techniques Vol.3 No.1 March 1994 ROAD & TRANSPORT RESEARCH