Spring 2012 - St. Simons Land Trust


Spring 2012 - St. Simons Land Trust
spring 2012
Skilled Hands Preface Big Plans for Cannon’s Point
The St. Simons Land Trust’s vision for Cannon’s Point is to acquire and set aside, in perpetuity, all of its 600 acres as a quasiwilderness preserve, open to the public, offering passive recreation and low-impact educational and historic interpretive programs
for visitors.
Among the proposed, low-impact recreational opportunities at Cannon’s Point will be a 2-mile trail through the site’s maritime
forest_a delight for hikers, naturalists and birders. To ensure that the planned trail does not impact any areas containing buried
artifacts from Cannon’s Point’s rich history, a team of researchers _led by Dr. Nick Honercamp, an archaeologist from UTChattanooga and his wife Norma Harris, an archaeologist from the University of West Florida_recently began preliminary
shovel-testing (also known as “ground-truthing”) along the trail’s route. The group of 25 persons, including college students,
grad students and volunteers, carefully performed the work along the proposed trail route. At designated intervals, narrow
30-cubic centimeter holes were dug using hand shovels. The excavated material was then sifted through a wire-mesh
screen, exposing larger items for closer examination.
According to Susan Shipman, a Land Trust Board member and Chair of the Cannon’s Point Conservation Task Force,
finding items such as pottery sherds, bones or other artifacts along the trail can mean moving the proposed route to protect areas
of value. “The Land Trust is committed to a very holistic approach to enjoying Cannon’s Point once it is acquired. Everything we
are doing places the highest priority on preserving its rare natural, historic and cultural assets,” said Shipman.
Small, yet important. A sample of the many artifacts revealed during the recent shovel-testing at Cannon’s Point. All will
undergo greater examination by archaeologists.
Cannon’s Point Fundraising Update:
According to Ben Slade, Executive Director of the St. Simons Land Trust, $19.8 million of the $25 million needed to acquire Cannon’s Point has been
received or pledged from individuals, foundations and challenge grants. “The Land Trust and campaign committee co-chaired by Bill Jones III
and Davis Love III, is working diligently to reach our goal of completing the acquisition of Cannon’s Point by Fall of 2012,” Slade said.
A complete report of the Cannon’s Point campaign, including recognition of all those who donated to the project, will be published
upon reaching the funding goal–anticipated for Fall, 2012.
Land Trust Alliance Holds 2012 Land
Conservation Conference on St. Simons
With the St. Simons Land Trust as host, the Land Trust Alliance
presented the national organization’s 2012 Southeast Land
Conservation Conference at the Sea Palms Resort on March 14-16. The
Land Trust Alliance, headquartered in Washington, DC, promotes
voluntary private land conservation to benefit communities and natural
systems, and is the national strategist and representative of more than
1,700 land trusts across America, including the St. Simons Land Trust.
This was the first time that the regional Conference, attended by
representatives from more than fifty land trusts from twenty states, has
been held on St. Simons Island. The over 200 attendees included staff
and board members from land trusts who participated in the event’s
two days of intense learning and networking, including seminars,
workshops, keynote sessions and roundtable discussions. Workshops
delved into key areas of need and interest to land trust organizations,
including community relationships and partnerships, financing,
fundraising, communications, accreditation, tax incentives for
landowners and best practices. The Conference keynote speaker was
Rand Wentworth, President of the Land Trust Alliance.
“We are proud to have served as local host for this vitally important
regional Conference and we are proud to be a member of the Land
Trust Alliance,” said Chuck Cansler, Board Chairman of the St. Simons
Land Trust. “While land trusts in regions across the nation each face
unique challenges and issues in protecting land in our communities, we
are all focused on a common and compelling purpose: to save the
places and natural treasures that people love by increasing the pace,
quality and permanence of land conservation.”
On Thursday evening of the Conference, the St. Simons Land Trust
hosted a celebratory Oyster Roast for attendees at Village Creek
Landing. On Friday morning, attendees were treated to a field trip to
Cannon’s Point, led by Susan Shipman, a St. Simons Land Trust Board
member and Chair of the Cannon’s Point Conservation Task Force. The
St. Simons Land Trust is currently working to raise the funds required to
acquire and protect, in perpetuity, Cannon’s Point’s 600 acres as a
quasi-wilderness preserve.
To learn more about the St. Simons Land Trust, visit sslt.org.
For more information about the Land Trust Alliance, visit
(Left to right:) Rand Wentworth, President of the Land Trust Alliance; Susan Shipman,
Board Member, St. Simons Land Trust; Frances McCrary, Board Member, St. Simons
Land Trust.
Years from now,
we may all look back on the period
2010-2012 as the time when
St. Simons Island made the most
significant strides in its history toward the
goal of preserving the scenic and natural
beauty for which it is so well known.
Donation to Land Trust
Bringing New Dimensions
to Botanical Trail Experience
A cornerstone of that achievement
can be the successful preservation of
Cannon’s Point. The Land Trust is working
daily on a fundraising plan which will
make this preservation effort a reality with
many people having already stepped
forward to play a part in this important
task. The next six to eight months will be a
critical test in this effort to preserve what
can be a model for preservation,
conservation and nature-centered
recreation and education.
All gifts to The Campaign to Preserve
Cannon’s Point will be recognized in a
separate publication once the funding
goal has been met.
This Newsletter edition includes listings
recognizing those individuals,
organizations, companies and foundations
who gave generously in 2011 in supporting
the mission of the Land Trust. It is
gratifying to see such a lengthy listing. In
2011, Land Trust donors came from all
walks of life and from near and far. Yet all
stand on the common ground that is a love
of St. Simons Island and a commitment to
the preservation of its natural treasures.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
and the staff of the Land Trust,
I extend our sincere thanks and
gratitude to each and every donor from last
year and look forward to your continued
support in the years ahead.
Since its opening in December of 2009 as the Island’s first
new park in fifty years, Frederica Park has been the the kind
of community greenspace that is central to the Land Trust’s
mission. The 20-acre Park, funded by the Land Trust on land
donated by Sea Island Company, is now a beloved haven for
nature lovers, walkers, runners, children and families.
Among the Park’s most nature-centered features is the
Alice Richards Botanical Trail, a winding walk amid the live
oak forest made possible by a bequest from the estate of
Alice Richards for whom the trail is named. The trail already
includes a lovely gazebo, a children’s garden with miniature
faerie houses and an intriguing labyrinth–all made possible
by donations to the Land Trust.
The Waterfall Foundation has enhanced Frederica Park
with a $60,000 donation to the St. Simons Land Trust that is
funding the addition of new and engaging educational
dimensions for those who wander the botanical trail filled
with some 250 native plants and trees.
Already in place along the trail is a stepped platform
encircling the base of a live oak that serves as a wonderful
outdoor classroom for local school children and an inspiring
gathering spot for groups. Later will come a series of 8-10
fact-filled interpretative panels at key spots along the trail
that help tell the story of our Island’s emerging maritime
forests and give insights into coastal ecology. The panels will
feature special “QR codes” that, when scanned by visitors
with smart phones, are linked to internet resources that offer
additional information on the Island’s ecology and Land Trust
Individuals contributing their time and expertise to the
The Land Trust’s work on the Alice Richards Botanical Trail
enhancements include: Bill Edenfield, Sea Island Landscape
Architect; Vassa Cate, Sea Island Landscaping; Nate Brock,
Architect whose firm is Wiregrass Studio, Inc.; and Jacob
Thompson, a biologist with the Georgia Department of
Natural Resources.
Work Begins on St.Simons Island’s Newest Bike Path
Cyclists in the Golden Isles will soon be able to enjoy a newly planned bike path to be created along the
Sea Island Causeway linking St. Simons Island and Sea Island. The roughly one-mile path (shown in red on
the map below) will stretch from the intersection of Frederica and Sea Island Roads on St. Simons along
Sea Island Causeway to a turnaround point at the Sea Island security gate.
The project is a collaboration of Sea Island, which designed the trail, the PATH Foundation of Atlanta,
and the St. Simons Land Trust. In designing the path, Sea Island also worked closely with officials
from Glynn County and the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. Due to its
proximity to the marsh, and to be in keeping with DNR guidelines, the path will
be constructed of a special pervious material to allow storm water to
percolate through the surface.
"We are very pleased to see this path come about. Our first major path, completed in 2010
along the length of Lawrence Road, involved these same organizations and has been very popular."
– Ben Slade, Executive Director of the Land Trust.
St. Simons Land Trust | Page 2
To exist as a nation, to prosper as a state, and to live as a people, we must have trees.
Live Oak Society News
Benefactors and Founders Circle
The Land Trust is a larger and more effective conservancy than at any point in its existence. Our
“Greenprint”_ a strategic conservation plan for St. Simons Island_ calls for protecting more land,
building more trails and developing more programming around these projects in the next 2–5 years.
At a time when achieving the Greenprint vision is more affordable and feasible than ever before, and
as the Land Trust continues to grow, we must be able to steward the properties we have protected
(almost 800 acres on St. Simons Island by the end of 2012), while acquiring new ones. The Live Oak
Society is the cornerstone of the larger, unrestricted financial support that is critical to the Land
Trust’s annual operating funds.
In recognition of Live Oak Society members who have generously and substantially increased
their annual giving level, the
St. Simons Land Trust recently
announced two new levels of
giving: Live Oak Benefactors
(annual gifts of $10,000 or
more) and the Live Oak
Founders Circle (annual gifts
of $25,000 or more). For
more information about the
Benefactor and Founder levels
of giving, contact Dana Pope
at (912) 638-9109. Or email:
[email protected].
Above: Live Oak Benefactors and Founders Circle donors were invited to a private reception with Hank Paulson (above,
second from right) in the Spanish Lounge at The Cloister prior to the recent reception honoring all Live Oak Society
members on April 20 to discuss Cannon’s Point and other important Land Trust initiatives on St. Simons Island.
Reception Honors Live Oak Society Members
The Land Trust’s annual reception, honoring members of its Live Oak Society, was held on April 20
at the Black Banks River Terrace at The Cloister on Sea Island. The event was highlighted by remarks
from Hank Paulson, former U.S. Secretary of the
Treasury, an avid champion of the work of the
Land Trust. There are currently 330 Live Oak
Society members whose financial leadership helps
sustain the work of the Land Trust through their
annual gifts of $1,000 or more.
Left to right: Pete Correll, a member of the Land Trust
Advisory Council, and Hank Paulson, addressed Live Oak
Society members at the reception; Bill Jones III, Co-Chair of
the Land Trust’s Cannon’s Point capital campaign; Ben Slade,
Executive Director of the St. Simons Land Trust.
The beautiful waterfront expanse of the Cloister’s Black
Banks Terrace was the setting for the 2012 Live Oak Society
A Living
The last sentence in the obituary
in the Atlanta Journal Constitution read
as follows: In lieu of flowers,
the family requests donations
to the St. Simons Land Trust.
The obituary for Billy Benton that
appeared following his death at age 83
on December 22, 2011, recounted the life
and accomplishments of this beloved
husband, father and successful real
estate developer, concluding with a
request that his family knows he would
have enthusiastically endorsed.
William Benton (Billy to his countless
friends) was officially a resident of
Atlanta. Yet emotionally, he was a
life-long resident of our area, beginning
with his visits to St. Simons as a small
child to the home his parents owned
on East Beach.
As his career in Atlanta commercial real
estate development and investment
grew, he and his wife Ida (Tuddy to her
friends) purchased a home on Sea Island
and continued their frequent visits here.
Billy and Tuddy first became involved
with the St. Simons Land Trust in 2010,
becoming members in that year and
later making a very generous donation
to the campaign to preserve the Old
Stables Corner, a site they often passed
during their stays here on the coast.
From that time until his death,
Billy Benton was a strong supporter of
the Land Trust and its mission to protect
and preserve land on the coast that he
loved so much. Billy is buried at
Christ Church, St. Simons.
“Billy and I were so happy with the work
the Land Trust is doing on St. Simons,”
remembered Mrs. Benton. “Protecting
the Island’s beauty is the greatest gift we
can all give to future generations.”
Numerous individuals have chosen to
honor Billy’s family’s wishes by making
Tribute Gifts to the Land Trust in his
memory. On page 7 of this newsletter
are the names of the 34 donors who did
so during 2011. Including those who have
done so in 2012, Billy’s legacy of support
of the Land Trust continues with over
60 Tribute Gifts in his name.
St. Simons Land Trust | Page 3
2O11 Donors
Live Oak Society
Live Oak Benefactor
$10,000 and Greater
Price & Nancy Harding
Mr. Carlton Henson
Wayne & Marti Huizenga
Ellen & Diane Kinsey-Dempsey
Bev & Jerry Latvala
Jim & Jeanne Manning
Wendy & Hank Paulson
Lee & Artie Richards
Live Oak Patron
Paul & Vicky Dekok
Nancy & Neil Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Perry L. Parke
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Robinson
Live Oak Sponsor
Bill & Lin Black
Alice & David Crawford
Lucia & Elliott Gumaer
Janice & Larry Lamattina
Sue & Butch Langfitt
Tim & Ann McGlaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mills
George & Nancy Montgomery
Mr. & Mrs. Albert N. Parker
The Coastal Bank of Georgia
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Waddell
Live Oak Supporter
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Deforest W. Abel Jr.
The Rev. Nancy Acree
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin L. Adler
Mr. & Mrs. Sangwoo Ahn
Page & Maryellen Aiken
Phillip & Linda Allen
Jimmy & Kathy Allgood
Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Allgood
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Alston
Ameris Bank
Marjorie Anderson
Frank & Kathy Argenbright
Bob & Pauletta Atwood
Dean & Elaine Auten
Pete & Lou Bailey
Jim & Diane Baldwin
Barbara Jean's Restaurant
Alice & Fred Barlow
Patricia Thrower Barmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. James Barta
Wil & Mary Becker
Robin & Lee Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Billy J. Bell
Ida & The Late William H. Benton
Elaine Blackmon
Ann Boardman
Claude & Judy Booker
Mr. Larry L. Braden
Ms. Sue L. Brase
Phyllis & AJ Braswell
Greer & Laura Brown
Rose & Howard Browning
Carol & Bob Brubaker
Tim & Nan Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Bryan Jr.
Linda & Jay Buchert
Belitje & Charles Bull
Robert & Jane Bunting
Burger King
Pamela Hamilton & Dennis Burgess
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Butler
Ruth & Willie Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Calvert
Mike & Marilyn Calvert
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cansler
Dr. Jack M. & Kay W. Cantrell
Mac & Leslie Carlton
Mr. & Mrs. Ben M. Cart
Chuck & Deborah Carter
Cassina Garden Club Inc
Castellini Foundation
Lee & Austin Catts
Mr. & Mrs. J. Samuel Choate Jr.
Debbie & Bruce Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D Clark
Lillian Clarke
Ms. Billie C. Cofer
Mr. & Mrs. E. Dargan Cole III
Larry & Jane Comer
St. Simons Land Trust | Page 4
Stiles & Neil Conrad
Kelly & John Considine
Frederick E. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Burt Cousar
Nancy Coverdell
Jack & Meg Crews
The George E. Crouch Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. David Curry
Patsy & Fred Cuthbert
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Davenport
Rick & Joyce Davies
David & Rebecca Dean
Judy & Jim Dellinger
Frank DeLoach III
Jim & Nancy DeLong
Martha Teasley Demere
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick DeRatto
Todd & Patty Deveau
Don Peppers & Pamela Devenney
Frank & Debbie Dineen
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dinos
Sam & John Dinos
Beth & Bill Downey
Mr. George B. Dunbar Sr.
Jane Beadles & John Dunham
Ellen Dunn
Dr. & Mrs. J. Laurence Dunn Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Dutson Sr.
Prentice & Eloise Eager
Mr. & Mrs. G. Douglas Edwards
Hutch & Marcia Eisen
Mike & Joy Elliott
Ed & Jean Ellis
Martha & Lamar Ellis
Epworth by the Sea
Mrs. H. E. Eschenbrenner
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Estes
Vicki & Randy Evans
Peggy Everett
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Feininger
Richard & Isabelle Firestone
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flickinger
Jeanie & Dan Flowers
Mrs. Faye Gorman Foster
Cindy & Bill Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Fox
Sam O. Franklin III
Sinclair A. Frederick III
Anna Belle Friedman
Mr. Richard Friedman
Sam & Susan Friedman
Ray & Cathy Gable
Heard Galis
Mack & Mary Grace Garrett
J. Lewis Glenn
Golden Isles Track Club, Inc.
Carol L. Goodman
GP Cellulose LLC
Mary Jo Busby Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. S. Tucker Grigg Jr.
Mary V. & Billy Grigsby
Sibby & Renn Gruber
Bill & Sue Gussman
Dr. & Mrs. Regis Haid
Halyards & Tramici
Loanne & Bob Hamje
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hansberger
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Harper
Mr. & Mrs. James S. Harrell
Mr. & Mrs. Maxwell Harrell
Carol & Duane Harris
Andrew & Deborah Harris
Herky & Joan Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Hartman
Pat & Carl Hartrampf
Georgia & Bob Hatcher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Hawie
Bud & Carolyn Hearn
James & Lee Heery
Ken Henson Jr.
Doris & Jimmy Hewell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hickey
John Higgins
Dan & Susan Hogan
Tommy & Beth Holder
John & Rhonda Howton
Sara & Fred A. Hoyt Jr.
Martha & Reid Hunter
Hunter Maclean
Mr. & Mrs. John Irby
J.C. Strother Co.
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Jacobs III
Susan Shipman & Mark Jicha
Sally & Warren Jobe
Mr. & Mrs. M. Alanson Johnson II
Mr. & Mrs. A.W. Jones III
Mrs. Betty M. Jones
Chris & Hilda Jones
Jan Jones
Jim Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Jordan
Mr. Jonathan J. Judge
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Keough
Jack & Brenda Kilgore
Marsh & Mary Gossett King
Mrs. Gail M. King
King & Prince Beach & Golf Resort
Brad & Shannon Kinzey
George-Ann Knox
David & Rebecca Kranc
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Kuntz
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen K. Lambright
Mark & Mary Langlais
Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation
Leonard & Julie Lawing
Tom & Dottie Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Buff Leavy
Scott & Gail Ledbetter
Clyde & Kathy LeTarte
Alfred Link
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lott
Davis & Robin Love III
Mr. & Mrs. John Ludwig
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. MacKethan
Mrs. Claudia Malone
Dr. D. Hubert & Gail W. Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Markley
Jane N. Marquess
Greg & Terri Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Preston Martin
Sen. & Mrs. Mack Mattingly
Mr. & Mrs. Howard McCandless
Frances & Dennie McCrary
Bob & Kathy McCullough
Allen & Sally McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Terence McGuirk
Mr. Bill McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Sam McReynolds
Jim & Melinda Meighen
Russ & Mary Mentzer
Mr. & Mrs. W. Walter Miller Jr.
Monkeywrench Bicycles
Marty & Berry Moody
Moore Stephens Tiller LLC
Ms. Mary Helen Moses
Susan & Dick Mueller
Diana & Reg Murphy
Kaye Teasley Muth
Susan & Don Myers
Mac & Brenda Nease
Peter & Paddy Neubauer
Allan & Janice Nichols
Mr. Hugh Nunnally
Mr. & Mrs. Clive Oatley
Jeanine & Kevin O'Brien
Robert & Gerry O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. O'Callaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul O'Connor
Jeffrey T. Chambers & Andrea Okamura
Jon & Debbie Osgood
Jimmy & Priscilla Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Parker
Frances Pastuhov
Fred & Kelly Paynter
David & Bonnie Perdue
Becky & Mitch Poole
Ms. Betty Pope
Dana & Ewell Pope
William P. & Erma Portman
Jack & Judy Powell
John & Linda Powers
Ethel & Bill Prescott
Scott & Mary Prince
Janet Purvis
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Rackley
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan S. Raclin
Larry & Vicki Radford
Bruce & Andrea Rado
Sybil & Ed Ralston
A.M. Redd Jr. & Susan W. Redd
Barbara & Vernon Reed
Shelley & Jim Renner
Mrs. Alfred R. Reppert
Richard D. Restagno
Bobby & Sandy Rice
Marie Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Riddle
Cesar & Janis Rodriguez
John & Mimi Rogers
Corinne R. Roxby
Antonia B. Ryan
Darrell Schwertner
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Scotti
Seaside Bank & Trust
Linda & Terry Seierstad
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Selman
Laura & Mike Shea
Mrs. Martha K. Shelhoss
Billy & Bonney Shuman
Denny & Lou Ann Silva
Mr. & Mrs. W. King Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Ben T. Slade III
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Small
Troy Hodges & Edward Smith
Dianne Searcy Smoot
Catherine & Steve Squire
The Late Colonel & The Late
Mrs. George J. Stapleton
Bill & Anne Stembler
Mr. & Rev. Mrs. Joseph F. Strength
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Sublett
Brooke & Rees Sumerford
Mr. Harry E. Teasley Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Thau
Mrs. Jane Thomas
Bob Thompson - Creative
Printing, Inc.
Larry & Brenda Thompson
Wilson & The Late Pat Thorpe
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Timmerman
Marti & Tee Tolleson
Sally G. Tomlinson
Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Trammell
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Turbidy
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Turbidy
Sue & Glenn Tuttle
Randall & Lynda Tye
Steve & Elizabeth Upton
Sarah & Nicholas Vrolijk
Mr. & Mrs. B. Sanders Walker Jr.
Bill & Ida Walker
Marguerite Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Wallace
Mrs. Raymond M. Warren Jr.
Jane & Jim Watson
Paula & Darrell Watt
Keith & Barbara Weikel
Jim & Yvonne Wethern
Dr. & Mrs. Gus Wetzel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Wheeler Jr.
Anne & J. Thomas Whelchel
Joe & MG Whittle Jr.
Paul & Jane Wilgus
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. John Wilsher
Muriel & Jack Windolf
Mrs. Jean Wommack
Mr. & Mrs. Landon R. Wyatt
Mrs. Peter F. Yelverton
Anne & George Youmans
David & Susan Zimmerman
Anonymous (2)
Bonneau Ansley Jr.
David & Paula Berry
Furman & Lynda Bisher
Mr. & Mrs. Braye C. Boardman
Anne & Morton Boyd
Dr. & Mrs. J. Derrell Clark
Jon & Tanya Clarkson
Chuck & Kathleen Cottone
Jean N. Courson
Jim & Mary Crain
Paul & Dale Cronin
Scott & Ellen Clare Dreyer
Keith & Susan Eastin
Patricia Garrison
Lanny & Diane Hoyal
Diana & Bruce Jacobs
Mrs. David A. Kohnen
Don McCue & Carol Koracin
Miriam D. & Wayne A. Lancaster
Ben Lee
Royce Leggett
Carla & Adam Lewis
Magnolia Manor
Bobby Mayers
Lisa L. Smith & Eric Mullis
Dennis & Victoria Myers
Ann Pequigney
Neal & Joan Pope
Caryn Riggs
Darrell & Debbie Rolston
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Sayer
Emwynn Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ken S. Trowbridge III
Mrs. Mildred H. Wilcox
David & Deborah Wright
Ms. Jeannie B. Wright
We work hard to ensure all 2011 donors are listed correctly. Please contact our membership department in the
event that a mistake has occurred, so we can keep our records up to date. Thank you for your contribution.
2O11 Donors
Red Cedar
Anonymous (3)
Mr. Mark Abner
Carol & Buddy Adams
Michelle R. Albright
Dr. & Mrs. Don Alexander
Henry & Diane Ansley
Rose & Richard Applegate
E.T. Avret, M.D.
Carl & Woodie Baumgardner
Fred & Carolyn Beatty
Reese & Tiffany Bischoff
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Blanchard
Nancy & Jim Bland
Mrs. Robert H. Bolling Jr.
Jack & Dottie Brodhag
Terry & Amy Brown
Robert & Pamela Cofield
David & Barbara Collins
Mrs. Mildred Corn
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Cullifer
William & Mary Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. Corbin J. Davis
Tom & Mary Douglass
Dean & Jane Drake
Terri L. & Joyce B. Dunkle
Judy & Bill Eason
Ken & Leslie Faulkenberry
Lt. Eric W. Friedrich
Miriam Webb & Ewell Gay
Debbie Geiger
Ms. Alice Glenn
Golden Isles Association of Realtors
Dr. Ivan & Romola Goldner
Drs. Neil & Margaret Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Buddy Greenwood
Mitzi Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Halderson
Susan & Frank Hardwick
Peggy Hatcher
Kevin & Jane Heeney
Neil & Kathy Henry
Dr. Aimee Herring
Leigh P. Holley
Billie & Bob Huggins
Margaret & Douglas H. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Jackson Jr.
Duane & Marguerita Johnson
Steve & Linda Jungers
Mike & Nardis Kellar
Pat & Rick Kerns
Congressman Jack Kingston
Bill & Tina Kirby
John Kroeze
Zdenek & Jennifer Kuja
Lon Lewis
Bob & Smokey Lynch
Thomas W. Marshall
George & Theresa Matuch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McCooey
Dave & Frances McLean
Alex & Cathy Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Mooney III
Katharine & Kenneth Mountcastle
Mr. & Mrs. C.V. Nalley III
Alex & Justine Pais
Mr. Pat Patel
Joan & Dan Pattillo
Wayne & Rhonda Perry
Nancy & Arthur Pittman
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Plyler
Richard Poppell
Brenda Reynolds
Dr. & Mrs. Terry L. Reynolds
John & Carolyn Rodman
Jerry Rose
Gary & Pam Roseman
Bob & Barb Roth
Mr. Louis J. Rubino Jr.
Howard & Patricia Rugaber
Kevin & Brenda Runner
BB Shelander
Betsy & Greg Simmons
John & Geri Sink
Victoria Ellen Slater
Ralph Lynwood & Emily O. Smith
Don & Amy Snell
Roger & Beverly Steffens
Mary L. Summer
Joe & Sue Taylor
Doug & Beth Thornton
Mr. Wallace Tillman
Terry & Jeanie Trotochaud
Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Viviani
Joanna & Dave Wilkins
Janie Shaheen & Richie Williamson
Elizabeth Wilson
Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Clinton Winne
Bootie & Royce Wood
Ms. Frances A. Zwenig
Anonymous (5)
F. William & Barbara D. Abbate
C. Taylor & Camille Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Adams
Merritt & Dixie Alexander
Mr. & Mrs. Millard Allen
Andrea & Richard Altman
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Andreae
Joe Andrews
Martha & Richard Armstrong
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Artman
Jane & Paul Asher
Anne & Michael Aspinwall
Ramsey & Ljiljana Badre
Dennis & Judith Bagarozzi
Emily S. Bair
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph M. Baker
Betty & Bill Bakun Jr.
Lyle & Vickie Bandy
Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Barkley
John Barnes
Beryl F. Barrett
Lander & Cynthia Beal
Sam & Laura Beckham
Dr. & Mrs. Jim Becton
Dianne S. Beisel
Patricia L. Bell
Elaine & Richard Bello
Jean Belt
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Belt
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Birdsong
Susan & Tilman Blakely
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Blick
Carolyn & John Bliven
Hobby & Carol Bourque
Maude & Jim Bradford
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Branca
Hilary & Robert Brandt
Laura & Paul Brennan
Miller & Beth Brice
David & Beverly Brisendine
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Broderick
Al & Gayle Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Brown
Barbara A. Browne
Steven Simberg & Lisa Browning
James & Barbara Bruce
Kenn & Carole Bruley
Karen C. & Gunar Brunavs
Charles & Tammy Kay Brunson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bryan
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf Bueken
Nelda & Robert Burke
Allen & Angie Burns
Mrs. Joy Butterfield
Patricia & Kenneth Byers Jr.
Ms. Janie P. Byrd
James & Claire Campbell
Canopy Asset Management LLC
Rosa Capps
Dr. Allen Carrier
Pete & Jane Carter
Carter Land Services LLC
Lynn W. Cates
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Chadwick
John & Maxine Chambless
Jay & Jolie Chaney
Paul & Cathy Chicos
Mark & Gena Churchwell
Glen & Deanna Clark
Lynn P. Cochran
Curt & Barbara Coleman
Martha A. Coleman
Eddie & Sandy Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Turner Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Comley
Mr. & Mrs. Marcus A. Cook
Joann C. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Earl P. Cook
Linda & Henry Cooper
Scott & Ann Cown
Sonja Cox
Linda Crafton
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Crane
Mr. & Mrs. James Crankshaw
Merilea Creighton
Dennis & Rebecca Crews
Myrna & The Late Ray Crook
Ann Crowther
Mike & Linda Culver
Jeff & Karen Culwell
David & Leah Curtis
John & Ann Marie Dalis
Richard & Priscilla Darby
Col. & Mrs. Gordon Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert de Heinrich
Gay & John Dekle
Tom & Marie Dennard
Lorraine & Victor deSola
W. Blaise Dismer
Chas. T. Dismer
Marg & Andy Dodd
Fred & Rainey Donovan
Susan & David Dorman
Margie & Bud Dorsey
Ray Drexler
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dunlap
David & Merrill Edens
John & Christine Edwards
Richard Ehlers
Oran & Sandy Eichler
John & Sue Elder
George & Cay Ellis
Mrs. Suzanne Engel
Julie & Eric Epstein
Susan & The Late Samuel N. Evins
Marjorie Farley
Carin Berolzheimer & Mark Farver
Bill & Betty Faulkner
Ms. Joann M. Felder
Joyce & Albert Fendig
Robyn Fendig
Crystal Ferrier
Drs. Don & Dottie Fielder
Melvin & Karla Fishman
Mr. & Mrs. William Flatau
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Foltz
Lynn & Wally Forsythe
Jim & Mary Graham Foster
Jim & Jody Fraser
Patricia & Douglas Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Freyer
Richard, Jenny, & Alex Fricks
Mark & Betsy Friedman
Dan & Sue Fronk
John & June Galland
Pat & Gary Galloway
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Gansereit
Mr. & Mrs. David Gardner
Al & Susan Garrett
Mary Jane & Ray Garrett
Mary & Jimmy Gash
Nancy & Charlie George
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Gibson
Donna & Pat Godbey
John M. Goff
R. Warren Gordon
Rawson & Janet Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gower
Mr. Walter M. Graham
Mrs. Henry D. Green
Rev. George G. Greenway
Mr. Jeffrey Gregg
Ms. Ann Jones Gregg
Dr. Mary Gress
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Grubb
Mr. & Mrs. James Hackendale
Barbara Halambeck
Jody & Susan Haley
Kenneth & Carolyn Hall
David & Christy Hand
Mr. John Hand
Mr. & Mrs. William Hanger
Barry Hannah
Michael & Carol Hanneld
Walt & Diane Hardee
Jan & John Harper
Zachary Harris
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Harris
Hensell & Toddie Harris
Nick & Emily Hart
Wade & Cindy Hatcher
Claire Malone & Walter Haun
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Heeg
Ms. Stacia Hendricks
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Henson
James & Nancy Hewson
Chip & Janet Higginbotham
Dan & Theresa Hill
Charles H. Hill
Mrs. Marie Hines
Laura Hull Hinton
Carol Hoffine
Mary Bolling & Charles Hoffman
Jack & Donna J. Hoh
Betsy & John C. Holman
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Holt
Dr. & Mrs. William Horn
We work hard to ensure all 2011 donors are listed correctly. Please contact our membership department in the
event that a mistake has occurred, so we can keep our records up to date. Thank you for your contribution.
Ethel Horton
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Howard
Jenny & Stan Humphries
Ed Hungler
Mr. Jack Hutto
Emily T. Ingram
Tim & Donna Ishmael
Gary & Lolly Jackson
Marietta Jacobson
Hank Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jensen
Rev. James & Barbara Jensen
Dr. & Mrs. William Jinkins
Steven & Roselle Johnson
Gail & Bob Johnson
Herbert A. & Jane McCue Johnson
Linda Johnston
Buddy & Brenda Jones
Judy & Geoffrey Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Leon Jorgensen
Dick & Betty Justice
Ron & Carla Kalil
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Kaufman
Tim & Deanna Kavel
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kehoe
Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Ulrich Keller
Ms. Loraine Kelly
Bill Kelso
Mr. Steve Kendall
Cinde Kent
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Keys
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kicklighter
Aidine & Kevin Kiernan
Ellen Kiley
Mr. John Knight
Peter & Ingrid Kolln
Joseph & Donna Kuchar
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert P. Ladds
Dan & Libby Lane
Mr. Jack A. Lang
Susan & James Langan
Jane & Lee Larkin
Kitty & Joe Larkins
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Law
Mr. Chris Lee
Lucy R. & Gary Lee
Milton & Donna Leggett
Dr. Jan Lemasters
Mary & Charles Lewis
Lisa Torbett Interiors, Inc.
David & Lucy Loehle
Joe & Miranda Loehle
Robert Burney Long
Gary Peil & Dede Long
Sue & Bud Long
Penta B. Love
Mrs. Carolyn H. Lovell
Katherine & Byron Lowe
Mr. Jerry R. Lyman
Charles & Frances Magbee
Fran Manor
Carroll & Sylvia-Hurd Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon D. Martin
Quinn & Rebecca Martin
Mary-Bryan Peyer Designs, Inc.
Lori & Phillip Maxwell
Dr. & Mrs. P. D. May
Lisa & James Mayes Jr.
Timothy B. McBride
Michael & Susan McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. George McChesney
Hans & Jody McCollum
Maryalice McDonald
Kendall & Jennifer McGreggor
Stefanie & William McHugh
Tom & Claudia McIlvain
Charles & Jean McKnight
Joyce A. McNeely
Paul & Jamice Meschke
Kitty Meyers
Darrell & Toni Miller
R.J. & Janice Miller
Ken & Nancy Miller
Charlotte & Charlie Mills
Mrs. Peggy Mitchell
Dr. William Mitchell
Ron & Linda Mizer
William T. Mobley
Dale & Harry Moffett
Benjamin Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mooney
Albert & Faye Moore
Starr Moore
Rachel L. Moore
Billie & Bud Moore
Laura & Mark Morelli
Barry Mosser
Chip & Betsy Mues
St. Simons Land Trust | Page 5
2O11 Donors
Mike & Cathy Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. J. Peter Murphy
Terry & Rev. Beverly Myers
Donna Walker Naylor
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Nemetz
George & Laura Nies
Molly & Bill Norrett
Nancy & Guerry Norwood
Page Oberlin
Paul Obirek
Martin & Janet O'Hara
Mr. & Mrs. O. H. Olsen
Don & Dot O'Quinn
Lyneath & Jimmy Orr
Lee & Cannon Owen
Bill & Elizabeth Owens
Emily Owens
Randall & Laura Ozment
Jack & Ashley Parish
Joanne B. Parker
Fred & Margaret Parkinson
Mike & Jeannine Patrick
Honey Pauxtis
Dwight & Jan Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Clifton Pease
Mr. & Mrs. J. Thomas Perambo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Raiford S. Pierce
Arthur & Dale Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Pinson
Dotty Plage
Dr. & Mrs. J. B. Polhill
John Von Egidy Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Porter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Prator
Benjamin & Patricia Prescott
Ann & Clark Price
Ray & Linda Pulliam
Sandy Phillips & John Quarterman
Cecelia Raines
Diane Ray
Terry & Jennifer Readdick
Vicki B. Ream
Toinette & Charles Reed
Lucy & Chuck Richardson
Peter & Nancy Richmond
Barney & Peggy Riley
Rob & Nancy Rittgers
M.L. & Eve Robinson
John & Chris Rogone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Root
William & Joan Roper
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ross
George & Donna Rountree
Robert A. Rowell
Dr. & Mrs. J.R. Rudzki
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Runyan
Mr. & Mrs. John & Mary Rutherford
Jack & Jackie Ryder
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scarbrough
Carol Ann & Carl Schlich
Martin & Barbara Schmidt
Jerry & Alison Schueneman
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Scott
Ms. Lena Ansley Scoville
Mr. & Mrs. K. Edward Shanbacker
Brad & Kimsey Smart Shanks
Siler Jane Shanks
Barbara C. Shelhoss
Betty & Lamont Shell
Ms. Lynda Sheltmire
Claire & George Sherrill
Nick & Peg Shorey
Mr. & Mrs. J-Mastin T. Simmons
Dr. R.E. Singiser
Skip Russell Construction Co.
Joyce & Chris Slack
Bob & Emma Smart
Ty, Ashlee, Emerson & Joel Smart
Duke & Susie Smith
Ellie & Jim Snow
Dick & Lee Snyder
Dr. & Mrs. Willard A. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Holcombe Green &
Monica Spencer
Luke & Gayle Staley
George Steadman
Mr. Dale Steffens
Dr. & Mrs. E. John Steinhilber
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. tewart
Joan & Robert Strande
Mr. & Mrs. H. E. Strange
Mr. Gordon Thomas Strother
Frankie & Gordon Strother
Marie & John Stubbs
Barbara & Paul Sullivan
St. Simons Land Trust | Page 6
Dawn Swan
Sherry & Ernie Sweek
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd T. Taylor
Virginia S. Taylor
Don & Julie Taylor
Dr. & Mrs. John Teel
Doug & Karen Terry
Jim & Patti Thompson
Mr. Francis Tokar
Tom & Mindy Tolle
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Trethaway
Anna & Bruce Tripp
Tony & Nancy Tucker
Nora Tulchin
Jeff & Elizabeth Turk
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Turner
Roger Turner
Bob & Ruth Uhlig
Mr. & Mrs. William T. &
Ardath S. Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Valentine
John W. & Mary L. Vice
Edie & Tim Vinson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Vose
Mr. Jeff Wainright
Cecil & Chotsy Waites
Bruce Walters
Arthur & Mary Walters
Adrian Walton
Jeanne Warwick
Harold & Helen Weathers
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Webb
Robert & Lynn Wenige
Mr. & Mrs. Bartley L. Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. Jere F. White
Linda & Harry White
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Whitehead
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wiley
Grier Williford
Dr. Frederick L. Williford
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wills
Ronald & Forrest Wilson
Robert M. Winter
Richard & Lisa Wood
Garret & Alissa Wood
Hugh & Marilyn Wooldridge
Ray & Ann Worthington
Linda Wright
Dick & Jane Yarbrough
Harriet Govan & Peter Yaun
Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Zavala
Howard & Beverly Zeller
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Zimmer
Steve & Sara Zirkel
Sea Oats
Up to $99
Anonymous (2)
Jimmie Ann Abner
Mr. & Mrs. C. Ray Acosta
Ms. Margaret J. Altman
Sue Amiano
Patrick Anderson
Mrs. Frances Ansley
Norman & Betty Lou Applegate
Tom & Susie Arnold
Hank & Dian Ash
Martha & George Atkins
Larry & Susan Bacon
Barbara Baethke
Karen Bair
Mrs. Belle G. Baker
Nancy H. Barnes
Claudia & John Barnes
Drs. Amy Pavlou & Steve Barr
Jeanne Wolf & Marshall Barrett
Bill Barrow
Carol Becker
Jo S. Bennett
Kay Benson
Ms. Betty A. Bentley
Mrs. Virginia Bickers
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Bickley
Ms. Beverly Bittinger
Jon & Cathy Blankman
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Bledsoe
Ranny & Sharon Blount
Mark Rushlow & Tricia Boatright
Miss Beatrice Boglione
Marcia Boney
Juanita & Porter Boyer
Joe H. & Alice D. Bradford
Lawrence & Becky Bridges
Anne Brown
Kathy & Jim Brown
Paul Brown
Janice Browning
Donald & Mary Beth Bruce
Mrs. Berta Buck
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Buntin
Jennifer Boyer & Rob Burns
Joseph & Eileen Candella
Mrs. Scott Candler Jr.
Chandra Capps
Mr. & Mrs. Elden Carmichael
David & Ryanne Carrier
Anita Rurka Cash
Helen & Jose Castrillo
Mr. Jim Cavanaugh
Bonnie Chandler
Thomas A. & Norma J. Cherry
Joan D. Childs
Paul & Jane Christian
Ms. Marion A. Clark
Ben & Christa Clark
Scott Coleman
Peggie Stewart Coleman
Patricia H. Collins
Sarah & Jim Concannon
Elaine L. Cook
Bob & Joanne Cooper
Linda Gardner Cordell & Sarah Cordell
Jay & Leigh Cort
George & Sue Crain
Ms. Julie Criss
Donna Crossland
Milton & Mary Crosswy
Susan Crowley
Bob & Sally Cunningham
Don Daleen
Mr. Isaac Daley
Charles & Janet Daniel
Mr. Charles D. Davis
Mrs. Brenda Davis
Judy & John Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Melvin Deese
Jeanine Dell
Pat & Dot Donahoo
Mrs. Joyce M. Douglass
Fran & Clarke Dowling
James & Regina Drake
Kristin Eatom
Thomas & Louise Eaton
Peggy Egan
Wells Ellenberg
Sarah Ellerbee
Frampton Ellis
Skip & Laurie Ellison
Sonny Emmert
Dan & Carol Engle
Ron & Joann Eulenfeld
Angela Everett
Rev. John & Mary Lou Farmer
Mark & Chrissy Felton
Linda Ruth Ferrill
Ellen E. Fleming
Joseph G. C. Francis
Bill & Mary Ann Freeling
Dr. Mary G. Freeman
Claudette & Bob French
Reese & Kelly Freyer
Jane E. Fryer
Thomas A. Gaines
Sue Gannon
Joy Garner
Tom & Gloria Gash
John C. Hamilton & Pamela Gass
Jack Gathright
Paula & Robert Gerhardt
Bill Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. David Ginzl
Ms. Georgia Golden
Wallace & Kay Gonsalves
Susan Goodhue
Jean Gordon
Chrys & Keith Graham
Mike Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Greer
Edward M. Griffith Jr.
Joseph & Janice Grimes
Mary Lou & Paul Grinwis
Toby & Tina Hardigree
Patricia Hardy
Sandy & Brett Harper
Norma & Jim Hartnett
Carolyn Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. James Henderson
Anne & Steve Hendry
Carol & Victor Herbert
Dr. & Mrs. Carlton Hicks
Ms. Suzanne C. Hill
George & Michele Hinchcliff
Stephen D. & Miranda F. Hires
Michael & Sharon Hirschman
Mr. & Mrs. John Hofmann
Craig Andrew Hooson
Leah & Lee Hopkins
Mrs. Robert F. Hopper Sr.
Nancy & John Hornby
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Howenstine
Mr. Jim Hyde
Priscilla Hynes
Island Cottage Co.
Mr. & Mrs. David Jaret
Lillian B. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Johnson
Mr. Craig Johnson
Mr. Blake Jones
Clif & Penny Jones
Ms. Enid Ford Jones
Mr. Jeff Jones
Barb & Dick Kasak
Susan Keagy Trust
Ed & Gail Kellis
Elizabeth & John Kennedy
Burke & Joan Kile
Mrs. Frank N. King Jr.
Kirby's Paint & Body
Janice & Preston Kirkendall
Robert & Jane Klem
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Klimp
John & Maria Kowal
Amy L. Kutrufis
Jett & Leslie Lamkin
Theodosia R. Landis
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Langston
Lois & Bill Lashlee
Joseph Laundry
John & Karen Laws
Elizabeth F. LeSueur
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Levanos
Karen & William Lightbown
John & Barbara Lindgren
Eileen LoForte
David & Jenny London
Colby & Laurie Longley
Michael & Donna Lynch
Joe & Jackie Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Maggiore
Charles & Lori Magliaro
Mrs. Marcia L. Maguire
Mike Malone
Don & Karen Manning
Les & Judith Manzer
Russ Marane
Susan & Bob Marett
Dick & Lou Markline
Mrs. Martha G. Martin
Norma Jo Marwitz
Elaine & Phil Mason
Mr. & Mrs. John Matthews
Carol Lee & Meril May
Richard McBride
Helen & Charles McDaniel
Vel Knight McGrath
Elexis McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. Matt McKeon
Mr. & Mrs. John McKnight
Charlene & Carl McManamy
John R. McQuown
Chase & Nate Miller
Mrs. Carol Equen Miller
Jim Mimbs M.D.
Marjorie F. Mitchell
Jack Moffett
Sloane Molloy
David Monson
Suzanne Frehse &
Thelma Montgomery
Patrick H. & Marilou C. Moore
Ms. Craig Morgan
Jerry & Nancy Morrisey
Deborah Moscato
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Muir
Mary & Jim Muir
Mr. Brian Mulligan
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Murphy
Donald B. Napier
Phil & Patricia Newton
Mr. Michael L. Northrup
Eric O'Brien
Mrs. Dennis O'Connor
Ms. Linda Olsen
Henrietta Palacio
Lodi Palmer
John & Mary Ellen Parkins
Robin Patton
Mr. Frank G. Paul
Camille Penders
Toby & Ann Peterson
Judy Phillips
Sher & Mike Pollard
Susan M. Pope
Brenda & Larry Powell
Charles & Nancy Pruett
George Pugh
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Quickle
Mrs. Charlotte Raymond
Rev. Douglas Renegar
Barbara Rentschler
Kally Revels
Ms. Ann Rewis
Anne Reynolds
Matt Riggs
Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Rightnour
Charles & Sara Rinkevich
Jane E. Rives
Cynthia Robinson
Wendy Robinson
Richard & Jill Rogers
Paul & Sarah Rook
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Salter Jr.
Mrs. Billie Sargent
Paula Sarrey
Ms. Martha Savoldi
Vicky & Rodney Sawall
Rodger & Betty Lou Schoneker
Ms. Ginnie Schroder
Gary L. & Beth O. Schwartz
Letitia C. Searcy
Mrs. Patti Shaffer
Melinda Smith
Susan & Clyde Smith
Wilfred & Judy Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith
Connie R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Grady Alexander Smith
Edith Smoak
Ted & June Sortwell
Florence L. Stanford
Becky Stephenson
Gwendolyn Stevens
David & Audrey Stewart
Larry & Barbara Stinson
Ms. Judith B. Stipp
Jenny Strauss
Sandra S. Suarez
Mr. & Mrs. William Sullins
Mrs. Pat Sullivan
Harlow B. Sumerford
Douglas & Al Suto
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Sweat
Mrs. Walter D. Swift
Skip Slocum & Sara Taylor
Mr. Chuck Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Taylor
Jonathan & Tracey Tennant
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Thigpen
Katherine Thurber
Tamara & Scott Torontali
Brion & Beverly Trainor
Mr. & Mrs. S. Stevens Tucker
Tommy & Micki Turk
Mr. & Mrs. James Turner
Turner & Associates Insurance
Al & Louise Ufer
Lynda T. Vaughn
Mr. Edward Vinhateiro
Mrs. Lois B. Vogelmann
Ms. Pat Walker
Ms. Carol Warner
William K. Warren
Frances D. Wasko
Julie Waugh
Mr. & Mrs. F. William Weaver
Bo & Laurie Weber
Kenneth & Jean Webley
Robert & Neile Weis
Sherie & Bill Welch
Ms. Sandy Wells
Verlon & Barbara Westmoreland
Judy & Buddy Weston
Theron & Betty White
Ed Whittle
Nancy & Robert Wiley
Josephine M. Williams
Ron & Connie Williams
Dr. Ervin Williams
Ms. Thornton Willingham
Constance & Hall Wilson
Alan Wilson
Mary Wilson
Dan & Jett Wooldridge
Jack & Suzie Wright
Mrs. Elaine W. Young
Elizabeth S. Young
Janet Jones & Don Young
We work hard to ensure all 2011 donors are listed correctly. Please contact our membership department in the
event that a mistake has occurred, so we can keep our records up to date. Thank you for your contribution.
2O11 Donors
Tribute Gifts Made in Honor Of
Susan Ashburn
By Marsha Rooks
Mr. & Mrs. Al Bilotti
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Margaret O. Blackstock
By Kristin Lawson
Ann Boardman
By Lillian Clarke & Family
Patsy Cuthbert
Ellen Dunn
Lillian Quantz
Kathryne Raclin
Mr. Peter Boorn
By Erin Drury
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Chamberlain
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Jennifer Cofield
By Bobby & “P”
Dargan Cole
By The Edens
Betsy Haid
By Anna Jones
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Hansen
By Stiles & Neil Conrad
Miss Hadley Hart
By Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Whittington
Stacia Hendricks
By Susan Shipman
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Henry
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Bunny Holman & Jim Browning
By Jean Smith & Tom Sweeney
Mr. & Mrs. S.B. Langfitt
By Pete Langfitt
Jim & Jeanne Manning
By Mary & Wil Becker
Dana Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nance
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Mr. Chris Nance
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Nelson
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Mr. Jackson P. Nelson
By Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Whittington
Martin O’Hara
By Bert Roughton
Dr. Amy Pavlou
By Yvonne Koulouthros
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Peterson
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Adelaide & Graham Ponder
By Jim & Mary Graham Foster
Lee Richards
By Price & Nancy Harding
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith
By Stiles & Neil Conrad
Betty & Jack Steinhilber
By Margaret Reider
Laura Lamattina & Sam Vollen
By Janice & Larry Lamattina
Dr. & Mrs. David T. Watson
By Stiles & Neil Conrad
Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. Williams
By Stiles & Neil Conrad
Elizabeth H. Smith
Ruth Stephenson
Mr. & Mrs. Ham Stockton
Ruth Strickland
Kenneth Wiesen
Carolyn & Bruce Wilson
Richard & Susan Yow
Helen “Kitty” Bryant
By Mrs. Mildred Ayer
Mary Graham & Jim Foster
David & Barbara Henderson
Kara & Jim Lawrence
Kathy & Scotty MacGregor
Douglas Ponder Suto
Gene Buchan
By Carter & Joyce Ramsey
Rebecca Mackey Burch
By Carl & Woodie Baumgardner
Mary & Bob Foster
By Adelaide & Graham Ponder
The Suto Family
Nancy George
By Carl & Woodie Baumgardner
Cindy & Fred Grootendorst
By Robert & Jane Bunting
Edwin Harrison
By Carl & Woodie Baumgardner
Mr. Mark King
By Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Whittington
Jim Leahy
By Barb & Robert Roth
Loraine Livesey
By Barbara Grosvenor
Mr. Jack Oswald
By Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Whittington
Murf Rodormer
By Mr. & Mrs. Mike Creeden
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fruda
Fred & Sunny Kaiser
Laura Rodormer
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Rodormer
Mr. & Mrs. Ward Rodormer
Mr. Win Rodormer
Joel & Lisa Yuodsnukis
Rebekah Rogers
By Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Whittington
Zachary Rose
By Jason Foltz
Lindsay Foltz
Mary Foltz
Barbara Rose
Eloise Ellis Simons
By Dorothy & Franklin Chandler
Mrs. Carol Goodman
Gigi & Hugh McCutcheon &
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Shaffer Jr.
Sara & John Shlesinger
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Wilgus
Bertha Snyder
By Dottie & John Bromley
Conrad Williams
By John Hume
Gifts In Kind
Beachview Tent Rentals
The Brunswick News
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Caldwell
Carpet One
Coastal Illustrated
Creative Printing Inc.
Peggy Everett
Halyards & Tramici
Homes and Land Magazine
Jim Jones/Grant Street Studio
Left Bank Art Gallery
Malone Electric
Mix Art & Interiors
Marty Moody
E.G. Pope Inc.
Schell & Hogan LLP
Steve Schoettle
Sea Island Company
Southwire Company
Gifts to Old Stables Corner
While permanently preserved in 2010,
this scenic and historic property
continued to receive donations in 2011:
Anonymous (3)
Ms. Sue L. Brase
Greer & Laura Brown
John & Lind Bussey
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Cansler
Ms. Marsha Certain
Jon & Tanya Clarkson
Nancy Coverdell
Ted & JoAnn Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick DeRatto
Jane Beadles & John Dunham
Bob & Kathy Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Freyer
Andrew & Deborah Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Hoven
We apologize for inadvertently omitting
the following names from last year’s list of
donations to the Old Stables Corner:
Mr. & Mrs. Roy K. Hodnett
Mrs. Mildred H. Wilcox
Donors and gifts to The Campaign to Preserve Cannon’s Point
will be published and recognized upon reaching the project’s
funding goal, anticipated for Fall, 2012.
Estate of Mary Gee
Tribute Gifts Made in Memory Of
Billy Benton
By Dodd Adair
Julia Ballard
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bowen
Dodie Bowen
Nancy & Dan Carithers
Dorothy & Charlie Crawley
Mr. & Mrs. Corbin J. Davis
John DeBorde
Catherine Dukehart
Doug Ellis
Rebecca Frazer
Bob & Betsy Glenn
Hix & Beverly Green
Holcombe & Nancy Green
Amanda & Henry Gregory
Christine & Allen Hardin
Julia Janas
Ladd & Rosie Jones
James Kenkelen
Bill & Joan Law
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Pennington
Letitia & Rowland Radford
A.M. Redd Jr. & Susan W. Redd
Hugh Richardson Jr.
Frampton Simons
Bill & Willou Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Jackson
Susan Shipman & Mark Jicha
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Jones
Mrs. Gail M. King
Mr. & Mrs. Buff Leavy
Scott & Gail Ledbetter
LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Foundation
Ruthanna & Bill Bost Jr.
Malinda & Gordon Mortin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lott
Art & Lindee Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. John Ludwig
Michael & Susan McCarthy
Frances & Dennie McCrary
Bob & Kathy McCullough
Russ & Mary Mentzer
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Mills Jr.
Sen. & Mrs. Sam Nunn
Jon & Debbie Osgood
David & Bonnie Perdue
Sybil & Ed Ralston
Rich Products
John W. Robinson Family Foundation
Cesar & Janis Rodriguez
John & Mimi Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Selman
Billy & Bonney Shuman
Mr. & Mrs. Ben T. Slade III
The Late Col. & The Late
Mrs. George J. Stapleton
Frankie & Gordon Strother
Mr. Harry E. Teasley Jr.
Tull Charitable Foundation Inc.
Janie Shaheen & Richie Williamson
The Zeist Foundation
Support for Special Projects
Frederica Park & Trails Initiative
Frank Boland, in loving memory of
Loraine H. Livesey
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flickinger
Davis & Robin Love III
Sea Island Gardening Group
Waterfall Foundation Inc.
Thousand Tree Project
Live Oaks Garden Club
Chevron Property Maintenance
Cassina Garden Club Inc.
Stewardship Fund
William C. Dinwiddie Jr.
Jim & Jeanne Manning
Community Partners Program
Barbara Jean’s Restaurant
King & Prince Beach & Golf Resort
The Cloister
The Lodge at Sea Island
Village Inn & Pub
We work hard to ensure all 2011 donors are listed correctly. Please contact our membership department in the event
that a mistake has occurred, so we can keep our records up to date. Thank you for your contribution.
Foundations and
Corporate Matching Gift Programs
that support the St. Simons Land Trust
Acuity Brands Inc.
Bancker-Williams Foundation Inc.
Bank of America
Bobolink Foundation
Broadfield Foundation
Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation
Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area
Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley
Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Community Foundation in Jacksonville
Community Foundation of West Georgia
Frederick E. & Helen D. Cooper Charitable Foundation Inc.
DeLong-Sweet Family Foundation
Dutson Family Foundation
Evergreen Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund of Cincinnati
Fraser-Parker Foundation
GE Foundation
Georgia-Pacific Foundation
Knox Foundation
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.
Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation
Lanier-Goodman Foundation
LeoDelle Lassiter Jolley Foundation
Macy’s Foundation
McReynolds Family Foundation Inc.
National Christian Foundation
Colleen & Sam Nunn Family Foundation
Piedmont Charitable Foundation
Potash Corporation
Powers Family Foundation Inc.
Rado Family Foundation
Raymond & Patricia Riddle Foundation
Slade Family Foundation
Small Foundation
SunTrust Foundation
Teasley Family Foundation
United Way of the Bay Area
Raymond & Doris Warren Foundation Fund
Weikel Family Foundation
Gus Wetzel Family Foundation
Sarah H. Woodruff Foundation
St. Simons Land Trust | Page 7
Land Trust Committees
The St. Simons Land Trust has standing committees whose members contribute their time and
expertise to advise the Board of Directors on matters relating to programs and functions of the Land
Trust. Most committees are chaired by a member of the Board and meet bi-monthly. The hard work
of these committees is vital to the success of Land Trust programs.
Executive Committee
Development Committee
Made up of the officers of the
Board of Directors, the Executive
Committee meets monthly to
review the operations of the Land
Trust and to consider new
initiatives or issues that need to be
taken before the full board at its
regular monthly meeting.
This committee is responsible for
Live Oak Society membership
and strategic planning for
general and project fundraising
Audit Committee
John Dunham, Chairman
Gordon T. Strother
Tom Flickinger
Don Myers, Chairman
Laurna Been
Chuck Cansler
E. Dargan Cole III
Ellen M. Dempsey
Sharon Flores
Jim Manning
Frances McCrary
Lee Richards
Gordon T. Strother
Brooke Sumerford
Ed Ralston
Keith Weikel, Ph.D.
Chuck Cansler, Chairman
Don Myers, Vice Chairman
Mitch Poole, Treasurer
Greer Brown, Assistant Treasurer
Ellen M. Dempsey, Secretary
Jim Manning, Assistant Secretary
John Dunham
Lee Richards
Susan Shipman
Tom Flickinger, Chairman
Chuck Cansler
Frances McCrary
Oyster Roast
Steering Committee
Mitch Poole, Chairman
Greer Brown
Chuck Cansler
Heard Galis
John Rogers
Jane Watson
This committee stewards and
monitors the SSLT properties
and conservation easements
as well as reviews criteria for
new property selection.
Susan Shipman, Chairman
Bill Edenfield
Sonny Emmert
Stacia Hendricks
Jim Jones
Roger Steffens
Michael Thomas
Sandy Turbidy
Frances McCrary,
Bob Atwood
Lovick P. Corn
A.D. Pete Correll
Nancy Coverdell
Martha Ellis
Brad Foster
Bill Jones III
Rep. Jerry Keen
Ben Slade, Executive Director
[email protected]
Dana Pope, Director of Development
[email protected]
Susan Crowley, Membership Director
[email protected]
The St. Simons Land Trust extends its sincere appreciation to all those who served on the Land Trust
Board of Directors of Advisory Council in 2011. Their leadership has helped prepare us for the years ahead.
Marty Moody, Staff Support/Social Media
[email protected]
Jeff Brittain, Membership Assistant
[email protected]
2011 Advisory Council
2011 Board of Directors
Bob Atwood
Laurna Been
John Dunham
Tom Flickinger
Jim Jones
Frances McCrary
Ed Ralston
Lee Richards
John Rogers
Susan Shipman
Gordon T. Strother
Brooke B. Sumerford
Sandy Turbidy
George Lane III
Buff Leavy
Davis Love III
Robin Love
Jeanne Manning
Leslie D. Mattingly
James T. Mills Jr.
Colleen Nunn
Sen. Sam Nunn
Susan Corn Wainright
Keith Weikel
Sue Tuttle, Finance Manager
[email protected]
Our Thanks!
Chuck Cansler,
Don Myers,
Vice Chairman
Mitch Poole,
Greer Brown,
Asst. Treasurer
Ellen M. Dempsey,
Jim Manning,
Asst. Secretary
Laurna Been
John Dunham
Tom Flickinger
Jim Jones
Frances McCrary
Ed Ralston
Lee Richards
John Rogers
Susan Shipman
Gordon T. Strother
Brooke B. Sumerford
Sandy Turbidy
Barbara Weikel
2012 Advisory Council
Jennifer Leavy, Chairman
Ann McGlaughlin, Co-Chairman
Richard Adams
Kathy Brown
Priscilla Hynes
Georgia Kellogg
Loraine Kelly
Frank Lane
Mike Malone
Bill Phelan
Olympia Poulakis
Jack Ross
Joan Ross
Lucy Thomas
Bob Thompson
Joanna Wilkins
Richie Williamson
Joe Wills
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is chaired
by the Treasurer of the Land Trust
and meets quarterly to review
quarterly reports of activities. It
also makes recommendations to
the board regarding financial
reports, internal accounting policies
and financial management, the
annual budget, and the proposed
use of capital funds for projects.
2012 Board of Directors
Chuck Cansler,
Don Myers,
Vice Chairman
Mitch Poole,
Greer Brown,
Asst. Treasurer
Ellen M. Dempsey,
Jim Manning,
Asst. Secretary
Frances McCrary,
Patricia Barmeyer
Lovick P. Corn
A.D. Pete Correll
Nancy Coverdell
Martha Ellis
Brad Foster
Bill Jones III
Rep. Jerry Keen
George Lane III
Buff Leavy
Davis Love III
Robin Love
Jeanne Manning
Leslie D. Mattingly
James T. Mills Jr
Colleen Nunn
Sen. Sam Nunn
Susan Corn Wainright
Barbara Weikel
Keith Weikel
Newsletter design and production by
Faulkenberry Certain Advertising, Inc.
St. Simons Land Trust
P.O. Box 24615
St. Simons Island, GA 31522
(912) 638-9109
Follow us on
The mission of the St. Simons Land Trust is to preserve the Island’s natural and scenic character
and to enhance the quality of life of our island community for present and future generations.
Your annual membership in the Land Trust allows us to fulfill our mission.
Join us today!
$25,000 and Up
NAME ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please print your name as you wish it to appear in Land Trust publications.
Please list me as “anonymous”
CITY, STATE, ZIP_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
EMAIL ADDRESS_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please mail check
and form to:
St. Simons Land Trust
P.O. Box 24615
St. Simons Island
Georgia 31522
AMERICAN EXPRESS $_______________________
NAME ON CARD____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CARD NUMBER_____________________________________________________________ EXPIRATION DATE_______________________________
The St. Simons Land Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your gift to the Land Trust is tax deductible