Watchung Hillbilly 15January
Watchung Hillbilly 15January
Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit ( Wally Byam Caravan Club International January 2015 President’s Message I hope everyone has had a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season and I wish you all a very happy new year. Every year I make the same resolution, to camp at lease once in every month of the year. I have been close, but have not managed to camp in all 12 months. Let this year be the year. I have my target on January 16th weekend at Dell Water Gap KOA to kick the year off. The more the merrier, come on out and join us … this is a camping club, lets get camping. Thank you for having me as your president. Here is a little history of how I got here. Six years ago I bought my 2008 DWR Bambi. I always wanted an Airstream. Design Within Reach outfitted a Bambi and it was on the cover of a catalog. Never thinking it could ever be mine, I felt like Lucy in the ‘Long Long Trailer’, I went and looked at it. Again like Lucy, it was love at 1st sight. Next thing I knew it was in tow. While at Colonial, they had a diorama of an Airstream gathering. I enquired about the “red numbers”. So I joined the club on a Sunday, never thinking I would get involved. On Wednesday Metro NY called and invited me as their guest to Fort Schuyler. As I towed in, I met Joe Fodor & Dave Morrison. Joe helped me with first perfect backing. Then it was off to happy hour, where I started meeting people who are now dear friends. From that 1st rally I have enjoyed many rallies and luncheons, lots of good memories with amazing friends. Again, thanks for having me as your president, I am looking forward to this year of camping with friends, special times and making more memories. A special thanks for those who came out for the Installation. Looking forward to seeing everybody at the January Luncheon. Warmest Regards, Jane Layman Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page - 1 - 2015 Watchung Officers President Jane Layman (917-887-5398) [email protected] 1st Vice President Richard Short (609-693-5986) [email protected] 2nd Vice President Mark Ratliff (609-730-8580) [email protected] Treasurer Marian Wooding (908-684-5239) [email protected] Recording Secretary Dave Morrison (973-627-3875) [email protected] Corresponding Secretary Dave Morrison (973-627-3875) [email protected] Directors: Howard Eldridge (609-452-9579) [email protected] Steve Nehlig (908-735-9546) [email protected] Barbara Bacon (908-876-4344) [email protected] Betty Lou Walker (973-702-3042) [email protected] Past President George Kiesel Membership Rich Short (609-693-5986) [email protected] Web Master Dave Morrison (973-627-3875) [email protected] Newsletter Editor Lea Plant (609-978-0152) [email protected] Sunshine George/Linda Kiesel (908-996-6949) [email protected] 2015 Watchung NJ Unit Schedule Send your coupon to George and Linda by January 3, 2015 January 10, 2015 => coupon in this issue Luncheon/Business Meeting The Little York Tavern, Milford, NJ George and Linda Kiesel 908-996-6949 February 8, 2015 => coupon in this issue Brunch New Orleans Steak House, Jefferson, NJ Betty Lou and Bill Walker 973-702-3042 Marian Wooding 908-684-5239 * March 21, 2015 => coupon in this issue Luncheon Harold’s New York Deli Restaurant Edison, NJ Lea and Jim Plant 609-978-0152 Rich and Kathi Short 609-693-5986 April, 2015 Unbutton Your Rig Rally/Business Meeting TBA Dave Morrison 973-627-3875 May /June, 2015 Region 2 Rally TBA June, 2015 Caravan to Farmington, NM TBA Fred & Jeanne Brugmans 908-647-3215 June 26 - July 4, 2015 58th International Convention/Rally Farmington, NM Jane Layman, President 917-887-5398 July, 2015 Rally TBA August, 2015 Rally/Business Meeting TBA George and Linda Kiesel 908-996-6949 Chris and Erika Beddiges 908-995-4648 September 18 - 20, 2015 NJ State Rally, Watchung NJ Unit (host) The Great Divide Campground Newton, NJ * = event update Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page - 2 - SUNSHINE Linda reports that the Watchung Community finished the year with NO cards sent out. Let’s keep that going and stay healthy into the New Year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY We hope all with ongoing health issues continue to keep a smile on their faces and know that we are always thinking of you. 1/15 - Jane Layman 1/21 - David Thomas 1/23 - Robert Hagman 1/27 - Artie Erickson 1/31 - Barbara Jakobson ☺ Please keep Linda Kiesel up to date, if you know of somebody who may ‘need’ a card. Mail Bag – Marian Wooding heard from Charles and Barbara Schreck. They have sold their trailer. Caravan to International Please contact Fred Brugmans, ASAP, if you are even ‘a little’ interested in joining a Caravan to International this year. Community Service Treasurer, Marian Wooding received a thank you letter from Watchung’s donation of $220.00 to the ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's Disease) Association. This was a result of several ‘wet’ people at the August Rally. 9-Volt battery storage Rich passed this along. This video was sent to me and I thought it important to send on for all to view. It has to do with the hazards of storing batteries, specifically the 9 volt type. Because of their design, they can be very dangerous if not stored/disposed of properly. Check it out. Newsletter Deadline – submissions for the monthly Hillbilly will remain the 20th of the preceding month. Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page - 3 - December 7, 2014 Installation Dinner Anthony’s Restaurant, Rockaway, NJ - Rich Short / Lea Plant The weather cooperated, we had a sunny day for travel and a great turn out to install our slate of officers for 2015. Let's all congratulate our new President, Jane Layman, and pledge to help her make 2015, the Watchung Unit's 50th Anniversary, a great year. Poinsettias, an installation program and a homemade calendar adorned each table. The 2015 calendar consisted of pictures of Jane’s Airstream, ‘A Trailerman’s Prayer’ by Wally Byam and members’ birthdays. I would like to say Thank You to all who made a contribution to the Wounded Warrior Project and brought toys to the luncheon. Between the sales of Region 2 stickers and of our new Watchung Unit decal, plus general donations and the wine raffle proceeds, we raised $156.00! I can't say enough about the generosity of our Watchung Unit. Between the Wounded Warrior donations and the huge pile of toys and gifts you donated for the needy children in our communities, it was a wonderful day. I've said it before and will say it again. I am proud to be part of a group that is so generous in their giving and mindful of the needs of others. From "sunshine" cards and letters that are sent, to your donations of money, food and gifts, it is a wonderful thing that you do. So, thank you all, again. The Bacons and Dave Morrison were presented with a set of Red Stars, as they celebrated (another) 5 years of membership in WBCCI! It was great to see Bill Walker and Steve Nehlig and to know they are in improving health. Keep it up, guys. And please keep Ed and Pat Brunner in your thoughts and prayers. We all missed them today and hope to see them in January. It was also nice to see Loretta Nauta and Paul and John Kuster, who came out to enjoy the food, friendship and to participate in our candlelight Installation. Thanks to Jane and Dave for hosting the luncheon, and a big thanks to Fred Brugmans for handling the Installment of our 2015 Officers. Another great job, Fred! Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page 4 Deadline Date: February 2, 2015 Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page 5 New Year Luncheon January 10th And First Business Meeting of the Year at The Little York Tavern 569 Spring Mills Road, Milford, NJ 08848 908-996-2857 MENU: 1. CHICKEN FRANCESE. * 2. PENNE PASTA- with artichokes, sundried tomatoes, roasted red peppers & mushrooms-in a toasted garlic sauce. 3. TILAPIA- stuffed with crabmeat stuffing.* *served with a vegetable and starch of the day. (Salad served for all entrees.) Coffee, Tea, Soda and Dessert is included. (Chocolate Mousse or Rice Pudding.) Cash Bar: Full bar service: Wine, Beer and Cocktails Please join us, to welcome in the New Year, at the first Watchung function of the year, in a beautiful part of our state, at a little country tavern with great home cooked food. Deadline: January 3rd Directions: Exit 11 off of Interstate 78, go Southwest on County Rd. 614 for 7 ½ miles. (Stay on 614 to the Tavern.) (I-78 West bound exit can be confusing: After Yield sign make next left on 614, go over I-78) ********************************Mail this coupon**************************************** Name________________________Phone/Cell_______________________ Number of people __________ Amount $28 pp ______________Checks made out to: Watchung Unit-WBCCI Please mail your checks to Hosts: George & Linda Kiesel, 133 Sweet Hollow Road, Milford, NJ 08848. 908-996-6949 E-mail address______________________ Menu Choices: Chicken______ Pasta______ or Fish ______ Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page 6 MARCH Luncheon When: March 21, 2015 Where: Harold’s New York Deli Restaurant Time: 11:30 AM GPS Address: 1173 King Georges Post Rd., Edison, NJ 08837 Address: 3050 Woodbridge Ave., Edison, NJ 08837 World’s largest Pickle Bar Even the large is x-large No need to send money now, as we will be ordering off the menu And will be billed separately… But, we will need to call in a count, so please reply by the Deadline Date of March 12, 2015 Name: _________________________ WBCCI #: _____________ Preferred Phone #: _______________________ Preferred Email Address: __________________________________ # attending: ____________ Mail coupon to: Lea and Jim Plant 23 Joshua Drive Manahawkin, NJ 08050-4257 Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page 7 OR Email response to: [email protected] with Subject line “Harold’s in March” Co-hosts: Rich and Kathi Short Publication of the Watchung NJ Unit January 2015 Page 8
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