2016 Winter Edition - Andrew Jackson Council


2016 Winter Edition - Andrew Jackson Council
Popcorn for Our Troops!
A few scouts on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 from Pack and Troop 124 of McComb were able to break
away from school for a few minutes for a very worthy cause. Scouts from the pack and troop were able to personally hand deliver donated popcorn to the military service members of the 155th Infantry Regiment HQ of
the MS Army National Guard. The service members were very grateful for the donations and the scouts had
been happy to trade the walls of school for a few min of service.
Andrew Jackson Council
Summer Camp 2016—Register Now!
Registration for Summer Camp 2016 is now open! Help your Scouts prepare for the adventure of Scouting at
Hood Scout Reservation. Our highly motivated and trained staff offers an outstanding program filled with fun
activities, high adventure, merit badges, and much more! New to the Hood Scout Reservation this year is our
Trade Skills Area, Dual Zip Lines, Swing by Choice, Dual Water Slides, The Blob, and new Mountain Bike
Trails. Space is limited and HSR is filling up fast. Don't miss out on the adventure of Scouting at HSR!
Did you earn the Eagle Scout rank in 2015?
The Andrew Jackson Council will recognize approximately 100 Scouts
who have attained the highest award in Scouting on Friday,
February 5, 2016, at the Hilton Jackson, 1001 East County Line Road,
Jackson beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Inside this issue:
This event will recognize the 2015 Class of Eagle Scouts and will also recognize 5 outstanding volunteer Scouters with the prestigious Silver Beaver
Commissioner’s Corner
Award. The 2015 Eagle Class Honoree is Dr. Carl E. Reddix, former Andrew Jackson Council President and current Executive Board Member.
Council News
Anyone interested in sponsoring an Eagle Scout or purchasing tickets
please contact Mike Tischer, Council Banquet Adviser at 601-948-6111
or email [email protected].
Tickets for the event may be purchased online at www.bsa-jackson.org.
You MUST be registered to attend.
Upcoming Events
Natchez Trace News
Back to School 2015
Challenge Tower Training
Winter Camp 2015
North Trace News
University of Scouting
Dedicated to Helping Units Succeed
On a recent trip for work I was able to visit
London and Gilwell Park. It was neat being a
commissioner and reading up on the history
of Gilwell and the role commissioners had to
bring it about. There were several commissioners and leaders of the early scouting
movement involved in making Gilwell Park
happen, and even more leaders who stepped
up and made Gilwell into the icon of scout
leader training it would eventually become.
The key to making Gilwell Park into what it
became was to start with a vision – a place
where scouting and scout leader training
could happen.
William F. de Bois Maclaren, a commissioner,
was on a business trip to London when he
noticed that the scouts there were literally
camping and practicing how to be scouts in
back alleys and abandoned, rubble-strewn
lots. Pondering this he realized that the
scouts needed a proper place, not too far
away, where they could actually camp in the
woods. In talking to Baden-Powell about his
idea, Baden-Powell added his vision to
Maclaren’s: a place where scout leaders
could be trained.
Baden-Powell and Maclaren shared their vision with others: the commissioners and
Trails End Popcorn
Sale Fall 2015
The 2015 Trails End Popcorn sale was a
huge success! A special thanks to our Trails
End Popcorn representative Mike Ollanove
for; Great new products, promotional materials, and prizes. There were over 75 units that
placed a popcorn order for 2015. Over
$110,000 went straight to local units and
Scouts in the way of commission, prizes, and
camp incentives. The popcorn sale is a great
way to finance the scouts year without asking
parents to pay for scout adventures. With the
right plan, enthusiasm, and support the Fall
Popcorn sale can be your only fund-raiser for
the year.
POPtober was a great success for many and
we hope that even more scouts will sell in
2016. If your scouts and unit did not participate in 2015 we encourage you to reach out
to some that did and get all the information.
With over $110,000 going directly to units and
Scouts how can you afford not too? A special
thank you goes to our District Popcorn Kernels we really appreciate your time and effort
to grow our popcorn sale in 2015.
Nate Cunningham Staff advisor and all District Kernels for the Fall popcorn sale have
already started analyzing the sale and we are
eager to make changes to grow the sale in
2016. Thanks to all of you who participated
and we look forward to helping you with your
Pack, Troop, or Crew sales in the future.
scouts who would look for a site, the scouts
and scout leaders who would dedicate their
weekends to fixing up the estate, and the
many others who would spend their time
there making Gilwell into a fun place for
scouts to camp and a colorful, memorable
center of scout leader training. Each person
contributed their time and energy, each person added their leadership and effort to making Gilwell into what it would eventually become. But it all started with a vision and concrete goals to make that vision a reality.
Scouts I met while walking around London.
I almost had to ask for directions but we
had just figured out where we were.
Creating stronger units happens in the same
way. We have to step back, take a good look
at how things are, and then figure out how we
would like things to be. Do you struggle with
retaining your youth? Do you struggle with
going camping and having fun outdoor experiences? Do you struggle with having enough
leaders? Do you struggle with the advancement program? Do you struggle with having
enough funding? The role of commissioners
is to help you help your units. But first, you
have to have a vision of how you wish things
were better. Then you have to share your vision – with the other unit leaders, the parents,
and the boy leaders. Making strong units
takes effort from many leaders and many parents, not just one person who wants to make
a difference. To make your difference you
need to share your vision and work as a team
to bring the vision to life. As commissioners
we can help you review how things are, offer
a fresh perspective, and help you figure out
what you would like to have happen differently in your unit so that you can have a
stronger unit. That is our goal and our role as
commissioners, to help unit leaders be strong
unit leaders, and help units be strong units. I
encourage you to set your own goals for your
unit, share your vision, and work as a team,
including your commissioner, to make it happen. When we work together we can make
great things happen. Our Scouts deserve the
opportunity to a part of a great unit!
Toy Drive
2016 Camp Card
Dear Andrew Jackson Council Scouters and
Scout Supporters:
Thank you for your help with the Cade Ainsworth Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children toy
drive. It was another great success!
During the holiday season, we collected donations of new toys to create “Santa Bags” for
the patients who are hospitalized over the
holidays. These bags are delivered, with
Santa’s help, to each patient on Christmas
Shout out to the North Trace, Four Rivers,
Strong River, Big Creek and Natchez Trace
districts for participating in our toy drive.
Thank you for supporting the Child Life Program and the Blair E. Batson Hospital for
Children. Please know we appreciate your
concern for our patients.
The Andrew Jackson Council is pleased to
announce the 2016 Camp Card sale. This
initiative is designed to help Scouts earn their
way to a summer/day camp and additional
programs and activities throughout their
scouting year. Vendors will be very similar to
the 2015 sale and we expect to have a great
card for your Scouts to sell. Units participating in this program will earn up to 50%
commission ($2.50) on each $5 Camp Card
they sell. The cards will be distributed at the
Camp Card Kickoff meeting. The sale will
end in March/April , giving units 6+ weeks to
sell. In 2015 the Andrew Jackson Council
saw this sale double in size from $35,000 in
2014 to over $73,000 in 2015. Will your unit
be next to join this easy and hassle free fundraiser?
If you want more information or details call
Mike Tischer 601-948-6111
Order of the Arrow
Section Training
Big Creek District 2016
Winter Camporee
Big Creek’s “From Brownsea to
Hood” district camporee will be held
from Friday, January 15th to the
18th of January at Hood Scout Reservation. The cost will be $12 per
scout and adult. Scouts will have the
opportunity to earn the Scout Heritage merit badge, complete other
requirement for advancement, as
well as fellowship with other scouts.
Registration is currently open and
check in will began at 2:00pm. Program times are 8am-12noon and
2pm-7pm. Other events will include patrol games, Frisbee apocalypse,
and more.
ALL lodge and chapter leadership, both current and those with future
interest, youth and adult, including OA Troop Representatives, are invited to attend a weekend OA training event on Jan 22-24 at Camp
Maubila near Mobile, Alabama. A detailed registration form will be sent
out in the next couple of weeks, but if you are currently a member of the
LEC (Lodge Executive Committee) or if you plan to pursue lodge or
chapter leadership in the near future, you should reserve this weekend
and make plans to attend. The Lodge will be arranging transportation
for all youth that attend.
Polar Bear Weekend
Join us for the 2016 Polar Bear Campout on January 22-24, 2016 at
Hood Scout Reservation. Fun for the entire family (Moms, Dads,
Scouts, and Siblings) and a chance to earn your Polar Bear Patch.
Events to include BB Shooting, archery, games, arts and crafts, campfires, opportunities for advancement, and most of all FUN! Activities
Start on Saturday, January 24th at 9AM will go until 4:30PM. Cost is
$15.00 per Cub Scout/Parent ($7.50 per Person) or $25.00 for a Family
Four or more. Camp Trading Post will be open all weekend with Hot Cocoa, hand-warmers, HSR Gear, and more!
Order of the Arrow
Lodge Banquet
Please go to www.bsa-jackson.org to register and for more information.
Forestry Day
Your lodge will be having a lodge banquet on the evening of Saturday,
Jan 30th. This event will take the place of the Winter Fellowship that
was scheduled for the same weekend. This will be a family invited banquet with recognition and awards, so plan on bringing your parents,
your spouse, siblings, friends, etc. Come out for a time of friendship and
fellowship. Go to www.bsa-jackson.org for more information.
Due to the tremendous success of the previous Forestry Day events at
Hood Scout Reservation, the Mississippi State Extension Service and
the Sustainable Forestry Initiative, is again providing this great activity
for Scouts and Webelos at Hood Scout Reservation. On Saturday,
February 6, 2016, the Council will be holding Forestry Day. Forestry
Day will provide a great outdoor experience for Scouts, Webelos, and
Scouters to learn about Pulp and Paper and Forestry from experts of
the Mississippi Forestry Commission and the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and spend a day and/or the weekend at Hood Scout Reservation.
The cost is $10.00 which covers materials and lunch on Saturday. Units
may campout during this weekend. A camp use permit will be required
for units planning to campout on Friday and/or Saturday night.
Summer Camp Staff
What does it take to have a great summer camp? It takes a great staff.
Would you like to be a part of HSR summer camp staff? Come out
January 23, starting at 9:00AM at the Council Service Center. We will
be interviewing those Scouts and Venturers that would like to be a part
of the 2016 Camp Staff. Counselor in Training Positions start at age 14.
Other paid positions start at 15. We have openings in all program areas.
Scouts and Webelos are encouraged to participate in Forestry Day as
an opportunity to learn about the outdoors, participate in hands-on activities such as Forestry Products processing and to complete requirements to earn Forestry Merit Badge (Boy Scouts) or Webelos/AOL
Elective Adventure: Into the Woods.
For more information or to register go to www.bsa-jackson.org
For more information or to get an application go to
www.bsa-jackson.org or by email at [email protected].
Spring Adventure
Camp 2016
What are you doing for Spring Break? Are you just sitting around the
house? Why not come out to Hood Scout Reservation and join us for
four days of fun and adventure during your spring break. From March 4
-7, come and join us for a selection of Merit Badges and programs that
will included Eagle required Merit Badges, Challenge Course, Shooting
Sports, and a whole lot more.
Natchez Trace District Wrap Up of Events
Spring Camporee
Golf Tournament
Will be held on March 18th- 20th at the Indian Village, Natchez. Registration is $10.00 per person; each registered participant will receive a
special 300 anniversary patch. All Camporee attendants in the scouting uniform with be granted free admission into the Annual Pow-Wow
held at the same location. There will also be the chance to earn Two
(2) merit badges and be a part of Natchez’s Tricentenial celebration.
The Natchez Trace Golf Tournament was held August 22, 2015 at Beau
Pre Country Club in Natchez. Sixteen teams competed in a four man
scramble format to raise money for the youth of the Andrew Jackson
Council. In addition, to winning First and second in a two flight format,
there were hole in one prizes on every par 3 on the course. Door
Prizes, Great Food and Fellowship were had by participates. Please
mark your calendars for next years’ event – you don’t want to miss the
fun! This year’s date is August 27, 2016 at Beau Pre Country Club, $75
a person or $300.00 for a four person team. For more information,
Spring Camporee - Veterinarian Medicine Merit Badge Class 2015
Pinewood Derby
Beaver Day
Fall Beaver Day was held October 3, 2015 at Hood Scout Reservation
under the direction of Ken Echols. There were many volunteers who
came out and help get camp ready. With Hullabaloo being the following
weekend, there was much work to do to get the new Zip line field
cleared and ready for the scouts to use. Other volunteers worked on
painting, clearing, cleaning, and doing many repairs and maintenance to
the camp. All workers enjoyed lunch and fellowship with other scouters;
and received a special patch for volunteering their time and talents to
Natchez Trace District Pinewood Derby will be held March 12th at the
First Presbyterian Church Gym in Natchez from 9AM-12AM. Tigers,
Wolves, Bears and Webelos will compete in each category for
trophies, special designs, and a chance to be overall champion of the
Natchez Trace District! We also will have special Fun-Run for all siblings and any parents that would like to participate in the event. The
Entry fee is $5.00 per car. For more information, contact Robert
Hargon or Shana Hargon 601-431-5484 or [email protected].
School Night for Scouting 2015
The annual School Night for Scouting season was a great success for the AJC,
Council and District Membership Teams, and many of our Packs and Troops. We
had the opportunity to recruit many new scouts and Scout families this Fall. The
AJC finished the 2015 School Night for Scouting campaign by exceeding our membership projection. We set an aggressive goal of recruiting 1,500+ new youth into
the Cub Scout, Boy Scout, and Venturing Programs during our August, September,
and October drive. With the help of all the great volunteers in the Andrew Jackson
Council we have exceeded that goal by recruiting 1,700 new youth in Scouting.
Although our annual coordinated drive is in August-October, remember that every
boy deserves a chance to join Scouting. We have the opportunity to recruit many
boys, and also girls in our Venturing program, throughout the year so don’t miss an
Again, thank you to all those adult volunteers, parents, and youth who participated
in this year’s recruiting season and we look forward to serving you with a great Scouting Program.
NYLT - National Youth
Leadership Training
 Deposit of $75.00 per participant must be
paid at the time of registration..
Who Should
Attend NYLT? For More
Any youth in a Troop or Venture Crew who is
looking to fill a leadership position should attend NYLT. The course content and leadership principles and skills will provide the participant the tools necessary to handle and
solve problems commonly encountered in any
leadership position in Scouting, the home,
and at school.
April 22-24 and
May 13 – 15, 2016
Hood Scout
Experience the ultimate Council Level
training for youth! National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) brings together youth
from Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews
who want to become better leaders. The
course focuses on leadership and team
building skills in a youth-led, Boy Scout
troop setting. Participants will learn the
skills necessary to build and maintain highperforming teams in any organization, both
inside and outside of Scouting. They will
gain the skills and tools to solve common
problems and challenges quickly and efficiently, and help provide the kind of youthled Scouting experience for their units that
Lord Baden-Powell envisioned.
The course will be held on two
weekends. April 22-24, 2016 and
May 13-15, 2016. Both training sessions must be completed in order to
earn NYLT certification.
Participants who complete the
course will receive the National
Youth Leadership Training certificate, patch, belt buckle and other
recognition items.
Had This To
“I really liked the games and competitions
where we used the skills that had just been
“NYLT has given me the skills to be a better
leader and to solve the problems I face in the
troop, at home, and at school.”
“NYLT was a blast! I want to come back next
year and be on staff!”
“Some of the classes were long, but the
games and contests were a lot of fun, and I
learned a lot of skills to take back to my
“I liked the geocaching the best! The food
was pretty good also.”
The following requirements must be met by
those attending NYLT:
 You must be registered in a unit with the
 You must be a First Class Scout or higher.
 You must be at least 13 years of age and be
capable of appropriate behavior with minimal
adult supervision.
 You must be in good health, and have a
completed BSA Health Form, parts A, B
and C, with physical after May 15, 2015.
 Registration is at the Andrew Jackson Council
website www.bsa-jackson.org. You MUST
register online. Total fee for the course is
Course Director:
Marsella Farnam
[email protected]
Staff Advisor
Mike Tischer
[email protected]
NYLT Course
The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what he
must KNOW, and what he must DO. The
key elements are then taught with a clear
focus on HOW TO. The skills come alive
during the week as the patrol goes on a
Quest for the Meaning of Leadership.
Skills Taught
Vision – Goals – Planning: Creating a
Positive Future Success
SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely
Planning and Problem-Solving Tool:
What, How, When, Who
Assessment Tool: SSC – Start, Stop,
Teaching EDGE: Explain, Demonstrate,
Guide, Enable
Stages of Team Development: Forming,
Storming, Norming, Performing
Making Ethical Decisions: Right vs.
Wrong, Right vs. Right, Trivial
This course is taught in a week-long format,
beginning Sunday afternoon and ending
Friday evening. The staff and participants
model an ideal troop using the patrol
method, with the first three days modeling
three weeks of troop meetings, and the final
two days modeling an overnight camping
experience. Skills are taught with a combination of lectures and hands-on activities
designed to practice the skills just taught.
Patrols will summarize what they have
learned by presenting a 10 – 15 minute
Challenge Tower Training Event
Our Challenge Tower has a training event planned for the weekend of February 1921. It will begin at 6pm on February 19th at Camp Hood at the Challenge Tower. There
are a two levels of training. Both levels of training will begin on Friday night. The Level I
training will finish on Saturday around 6pm and it is for leaders who have not ever attended one of the Tower's training events. The Level II training will finish on Sunday afternoon around 3pm. All meals will be provided. You must eat before you get
there on Friday night. Attendance for all events is required depending on your level of
There are currently only 12 people in our council that are trained to operate our
tower. In order to operate the tower one must be trained to a Level II instructor level . It
takes a minimum of 2 trained people to operate the tower. One instructor is required for
every 6 participants. There are two levels of training:
Level II training takes at least two weekends to complete. A skills check off and written
test must be completed. The Level II candidate must also operate the Tower under the
supervision of a Level II trainer in order to be cleared as a Level II instructor. Once
training is completed, a Level II instructor may operate the tower. It is very important that
we get some new instructors this year. Our Tower has been in operation for 3 years
now and some of our original instructors training level will expire this year leaving us
possibly short staffed if we don't get some new instructors. This training level is good
for 3 years but annual check offs must be completed and regular participation in the
tower activities must be recorded.
Level I training takes one weekend to complete. A skills check off is required to become
a Level I instructor. Once someone completes this training they can ASSIST in operating the tower with the assistance of a Level II instructor. This training level is only good
for 1 year but can be extended with regular participation in tower activities.
I'm informing you of this information to let you see how important it is for the Andrew
Jackson Council to train more adults and leaders to assist us in running our Challenge
Course. Troops with trained leaders will be given priority in requesting use of the
tower. Trained leaders will also be given a discount on the per scout fees that are
charged for use of the tower. Those that complete the training will also be expected to
assist us in operating the tower at council events. Training is free.
With the addition of our new Zip Line and Swing By Choice, our demand for use of the
Tower and trained staff will increase. Please consider becoming a staff member at the
HSR Challenge Tower.
Remember you are required to participate in activities at the tower in order to keep your
level of training current. Participating in this training can keep your training level current
or you can advance to the next level. ALL Level II Instructors will receive a Tower
STAFF T-shirt and can purchase a Tower STAFF POLO with your name on it. Level I
Instructors will receive a Tower STAFF T-shirt once they have been active in at least 3
activities at the Tower. Everyone who completes this training is expected to participate
in at least 2 events each year at the Tower.
Please sign up on the council web site. Here is the link.
Winter Camp 2015 at Hood Scout Reservation
Winter Camp 2015 at Hood Scout Reservation was held Friday, November 20Tuesday, November 24, 2015.
Over 500 Scouts and Leaders participated in a great time of earning, learning,
fellowship, fun, great food, and programs. Thousands of merit badges were
earned and Scouts enjoyed many of the camp’s programs and activities.
A special “Thank You” to Rhuel Dickinson, Scoutmaster of Troop 81 who served
as the Winter Camp Director and Marsella Farnam, Assistant Scoutmaster of
Troop 300, who served as the Winter Camp Program Director. Great job also by
Steven “Squeaky” Smith who served as Activities Director, and Jeremy Schilling
who served as Camp Ranger.
This was one of our best Winter Camps. Thank you first and foremost to the Unit
Leaders who brought your Troops to Hood Scout Reservation and spent a great
time at camp with your Scouts. Winter Camp would not have been possible without the support of Michael Williams, AJC Food Service Director and the Dining
Hall staff, John White and the Shooting Sports staff, Tim Shanks and the Challenge Course Staff, Steve Spell and the OA Service Corps, Karen Monju and the
Trading Post staff, Alan Jones, Tad Magruder and the ATV staff, Dr. Steve
Zachow and the Council Executive Board members for their support in making
HSR one of the Top 30 coolest camps in America, and all of the many volunteers
who taught merit badges, provided logistical support, medical personnel, and programs to the Scouts of the Andrew Jackson Council and other Council participants. You made this happen.
North Trace District Fall 2015 Recap
North Trace District scouts support Beaver Day Fall 2015
Jon Michael Jones, Chapter Chief of North Trace District, attended the Southern
Region, Order of the Arrow - National Leadership Seminar in Antioch, Tennessee. The National Leadership Seminar (NLS) is a weekend conference focus-
ing on the skills and characteristics of leadership. It is intended primarily to
enhance the leadership skills of the Order of the Arrow’s key youth as they
seek to improve their service to the Boy Scouts of America and the greater
The North Trace District Commission, Andrew Middleton, has developed and
started teaching a class called "The Road
to Eagle". This class is meant for scouts
who have earned their Life rank and have
not started on their Eagle project. It will be
taught at the North Trace District Round
Table once a quarter. The purpose of the
class is to prepare the scout and his parents for the Eagle Scout process including
paperwork, project, and board of review.
The class is open and encouraged to all
Life scouts in the Andrew Jackson
Council. Next offering in February of
Covey Lockhart, 1st Class Scout; David Ames Richards, 1st Class Scout
from Troop 716, North Trace District enjoy learning from the expert
about Shotgun Shooting.
Professional Skill Day — Fall 2015
North Trace Rountable- Council Executive-Tommie Milton
Jimmy Bustillo, Jack Zhu, Jacob Burt, David Ames Richards, Jay Warnock, and John Louis Black IV Troop 716, North Trace District
loving the weather this year at Winter Camp!
RJ Mack, Life Scout meets with Mayor Mary Hawkins to discuss future
Eagle Scout Project opportunity.
University of Scouting
Andrew Jackson Council
Saturday ~ February 27, 2016
Hinds Community College
Pearl, MS
The University of Scouting is a multilevel supplemental training designed for Leaders of Cub
Scouts, Boy Scouts and Venturers, as well as Den Chiefs, Committee Members, Commissioners, and anyone interested in helping and learning the Scout way. There is something for everyone. The classes being offered are aimed at supplementing the gaps between Basic Training
and Roundtable. The class schedule is set up so that you can take up to six classes of your
choice - take what YOU want or think you will need to help you in providing a better program for
your Scouts. Come learn and share the fun and adventure that is Scouting!
Registration. The registration fee for this day of training is $30.00. Participants will receive
lunch and a patch designed specifically for the 2016 University of Scouting.
You may begin registering now for University of Scouting at the Andrew Jackson Council website
Class schedule and additional information will be available on the website at the registration
Order of the Arrow & Sons of the American
Revolution Anniversaries
This year marked the 100th Anniversary of the Order of the Arrow as well as the 125th Anniversary of
the Sons of the American Revolution. It also was the 240th Anniversary of the, “shot heard around the
world”, the true beginning of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775 in Lexington and Concord,
Massachusetts. A special limited patch was made and distributed at NOAC this past August in East
Lansing, Michigan.
In this issue and all future issues of the Smoke Signal, it is important to let our scouts, in particular
those who have attained the rank of Eagle as well as their leaders, the scholarship opportunities available to the scouts.
As President of the Mississippi Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, I have as my initiative
to promote all youth activities. I encourage each and every recipient of this newsletter to share with
your troop this valuable information. Go to this website, sar.org., under Youth Education/SARCAAH
scroll down to view the different contests/scholarship opportunities. We are presently developing a
clinic to include American Heritage, Genealogy and Law Merit Badges. These three merit badges
bring additional points for the scholarship applicant. Please check out the requirements.
Respectfully Yours In Patriotism and Scouting.
Michael P. Schenk
President, MSSSAR
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Just re-subscribe.