Busy 2013 - Kintbury Scouts Home


Busy 2013 - Kintbury Scouts Home
24th September 2013
It is a pleasure to report another successful year for the Scout Troop with a wide variety of
activities, camps and expeditions.
Troop Meetings and Activities
These are some of the things we did at our weekly Troop meetings :
We cut and burnt undergrowth at Inkpen Common as part of our ongoing conservation project
in conjunction with the Friends of the Common;
We learnt to use Axes and light fires on which we cooked bacon and marshmallows and
prepared a “stew in a bag”;
We practiced Map Reading and learnt out find our way about ;
We carried out some experiments into the Science of Flight as part of the Aeronautics badge ;
We built the now traditional Rocket Launchers and sent up rockets for Bonfire Night ;
We had a Problem Solving evening with seven projects. The leaders were very impressed with
the speed with which they were solved ;
We completed level 3 of the Emergency Aid Badge, learning what to do at the scene of an
accident and how to preserve life until medical help arrives ;
We had a Bowling evening just before Christmas at Lakeside, Thatcham ;
During the snowy period, we experimented with going outside with varying amounts of clothing
and equipment. We found that we could use a sleeping bag and bivvy bag to keep really warm
in very light clothing ;
We made a Relief Model of Irish Hill to show how contour lines on a map tell us what the
landscape looks like ;
We learnt how to safely use camping stoves and how to prepare meals in plastic bags for a
backpacking expedition, We managed to cook meat, vegetables and custard in one pot at the
same time, without making the pot dirty ;
We had an outdoor air rifle shooting session at Linkenholt Activity Centre and a bike ride on
lanes and footpaths around Kintbury.
The Troop attended the Village Remembrance Day Parade with a very
smart contingent. At the previous Troop Meeting we each made
individual poppies and assembled them to make the wreath which one
of the Scouts laid at the service at the War Memorial.
We also attended the District St George’s Day Parade and service in
Expedition Challenge
Six Scout took part in a two day Expedition Challenge. On
the first day Scouts hiked over the downs from the Sanctuary
at Overton Hill to a campsite just outside Savernake Forest.
The views from the hilltops where spectacular, particularly
when we had a violent hailstorm that turned the whole
landscape white.
After camping overnight, the Scouts walked along the canal,
finishing at Wilton Windmill.
Camps and Hikes
We had a Night Hike from Kintbury to Inkpen and back, to
learn to navigate in the dark, followed by a sleepover in the
Scout Hut
We held Week End Camps at Angels Corner where, amongst
other things, the Scouts cooked “stew in a bag”, made kites
and waterwheels and built a simple bridge from poles without
using ropes.
District and County Events
We entered the District swimming Gala – our under 12 team came 2nd and the under 14 team
came 3rd – a really good effort.
Seven Scouts entered for the Kennet District ALAMO competition
night hike. After pitching their tents, “checking in” and having their
kit inspected, the Scouts planned their route and the set off along
footpaths and tracks in pitch darkness, using their map and
compass to navigate. On the way round the Scouts had to report to
various Bases and carry out simple tasks before moving on. At the
end of the hike they had a short sleep before a bacon roll for
breakfast.. After walking through rain, hail, wind, clear skies, frost
and lightning, the Teams had to pack away their tents in a blizzard
with 4 inches of snow. Although they did not win, all the Scouts had a great time.
We put a team into the District Six a Side Football and finished with the also-rans.
Eight Scouts entered the County Mount Challenge event, a lightweight camping activity with
various challenges. Four Scouts gained a bronze standard and the other four achieved Silver.
Crafty Craft
We were not able to enter
the Crafty Craft as Scouts
this year due to a change
in Scout safety rules. A
private team, the Kintbury
Krafty Krafters, with 14
Scouts in it, entered and
were third fastest juniors
overall and also won the
Junior Fancy Dress, kitted
out as astronauts to celebrate the Moon Landings in the 1960’s
Summer Camp
A detailed report is on the next page,
None of this could have been done without the dedicated help and support given by our Assistant
Leaders Jeff and Paul – many thanks to both of them.
At the end of the Summer Term we said “goodbye” to Jeff Keen who has been an Assistant with
the Troop for over 10 years. Jeff has been a tremendous asset to us and will be very much
missed. I am sure we all send Jeff our grateful thanks and wish him a happy “retirement”.
Ivan Osborne
September 2013 .
Summer Camp 2013
We camped on the Gower in South Wales again this year and had
a fantastic week in glorious sunshine. The site is in a narrow valley
with forest on each side and has an ancient burial chamber and
old lime kiln at its centre.
The Scouts lived in lightweight tents
for the week
The Scout did all their own cooking and we
enjoyed a home- made curry, home-made
bolognaise, paella and home- made pizzas
cooked in ovens made from cardboard boxes
lined with aluminium foil .
To store cooking pots, cutlery and crockery, the
Scouts built a dresser from poles and bamboo
canes anchored to a convenient tree
We enjoyed a wide variety of activities during the week
Mountain boarding
…the Mumbles lifeboat
While kayaking on the sea …. launched which was exciting
Rock climbing
A hike on the Coast Path
Exploring caves on
the beach
Building trebuchets that
could hurl a flaming rock !