fOR_tSTA Nt\JS - Foresta Preservation Association


fOR_tSTA Nt\JS - Foresta Preservation Association
I1abor -Dav Ba.rb eoue - Sentember 1. 1985. Sunday
10: 30 a.m.
Board Meet i ng at Leask Meadow
Members welcome.
1:00 p .m.
Barbeque at Leask Meadow
Barbequed beef and dr inks provided
Br i ng table servic e, chairs and table
and salad or dessert to shar e .
2 : 00 p.m.
Short meet i ng.
After the annual meeting in July, Morey Col es vo l unteered to head a
committee to cook the barbequed beef and keep alive our traditional
Labor Day Feast. Thanks, Morey.
Election of Board Members
At th e annual meeting in J uly, four members were unanimously el ect ed to
the board for a two year term. They are: Ann Knutson , Dick Park er,
Shirley Sargent, a nd Rae Santos. Elected to serve as President:
Dick Parker and Vice President : Ann Matteson. Continui ng unelected
of f i cers a r e: Ruth Schilling, Secreta ry; and Anna Davis, Treasurer.
Other boa rd members are : Lill e tta Denny~ Gale Randall .
Retiring President
Dan Eis enstein has r etired as President after four years of dedicated
servic e to t he Foresta Assoc i a tion and its welfare. His very time
consuming devotion was much apprec i ated by the board and members.
Many thanks.
Annual Dues
Annua l dues of $10 . 00 for June 1985 to June 1986 are due and payable.
Mail your check, mad e out to For esta Improvement Asso cia tion, to:
Ruth Schilling
745 San Ma teo Ct.
Concord, CA 94518
We will als o be happy to a ccep t your check at the barbequ e.
1. Continue to dear pin e needles and debris around your property.
Needless to say, this is a very dry year and the fire danger is
2. Traffic continues to be a serious problem on the main road in
Foresta. Several serious collisions have occurred with damage to
both cars involved. Please take special concern at the blind curve
near the campground road.
The speeding cars are a potential hazard to bike riders and hikers .
Please check your speed before someone gets killed.
Steed, Ranger for Foresta said he would have a summer ranger
helping him. - His name is :Soi:J 7 ilk. --- _ __
_ 3.~~y
4. Ranger Harry Steed spoke about the miscommunication of access through
park entrance stations for Forestans and guests.
All Foresta property owners and leasing residents have stickers for
their cars to enter the park with no fee.
Persons residing in Foresta and working in the park have employee
All guests must have a note signed by resident to present at the
entrance station ranger. (entrance stations should have fo rms for
guest entrance)
Guests are persons staying with you in your home and
not coming to the park to use recreational facilities(ex. skis attached
to their c:ar).
Renters of homes in Foresta must pay the entrance fee.
5. There have been some burglaries in Foresta this past year. Don ' t
make entrance to your home easy for intruders. Dan Eisenstein brought
samples of booklets available from yo~ home cities on prevention.
Identify with engraving device any valuables in your cabins. Ke ep a
watch for suspicious cars and get license numbers and descriptions of
Don't forget the
Sunday, September 1st at 1 p . m.