September 13 - Kings Local
September 13 - Kings Local
Electronic Blackboard News September 13, 2013 Check out page 5 of today’s newsletter about exciting details on next week’s Skyline Chili Showdown Series Pep Rally! www www.kingslocal kingslocal net Upcoming Events September 13—KHS Varsity Football vs. Hamilton, 7:30 p.m., Kings Stadium. September 18—College Lecture Series: Sophomore Parent Information, 7 p.m., KHS Auditorium. September 17—Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 p.m., KEC. September 19—KJH Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:30 p.m., KJH. September 18—KHS Market Day Pickup, 7:00-8:00 p.m., KHS Cafeteria. September 19—Skyline Chili Showdown Pep Rally, 6:00-8:00 p.m., Kings Mills Skyline. September 18—8th Grade Washington D.C.Trip September 21—ACT Test, 8:00 a.m., KHS. Parent Meeting, 6:00 p.m., KJH Multi-Purpose Room. More event information can be found at: 9/11 National Day of Service The Kings High School Community Service Club, managed entirely by student leaders, organized almost 300 seniors to serve at 12 different locations across the area on Wednesday as they participated in the 9/11 National Day of Service and Remembrance. Members from the Mason-Deerfield Rotary Club and other community members volunteered their time as they joined the students in building shelves at Interfaith Ministries, landscaping at KHS, cooking lunch and cleaning at the Ronald McDonald House, assisting with construction at Habitat for Humanity in Hamilton, sorting, labeling, and packaging food at Shared Harvest Foodbank, among many others. Congratulations to all of the students for their service to those in need. To view a gallery of pictures from the day click here. Congratulations to KHS National Merit Semifinalists! The National Merit Scholarship Association announced their 16,000 National Merit Semifinalists for 2014 this week. Three of those are Kings High School Students! Congratulations to Wesley Ball, Calvin Dailey, and Casey Ryan. These academically talented high school seniors will now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,000 National Merit Scholarships worth about $35 million dollars to be offered next spring. From the Left to Right-Casey Ryan, Wesley Ball, and Calvin Dailey approximately 16,000 Semifinalists, about 15,000 are expected to advance to the Finalist level, and in February they will be notified of this designation. Congratulations on your achievement Wesley, Calvin, and Casey! Safety and Security at KJH On Tuesday, September 10th Captain Dennis Waldbillig of the Deerfield Township Fire Department attended Kings Junior High School’s staff meeting to share and discuss general fire safety tips as well as provide instructions on how to properly discharge a fire extinguisher in the event of an emergency, as part of the Kings Local School District’s ongoing Safety and Security initiative. Pictured are Captain Waldbillig and 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher, Brent Allen. Warm 98 Teacher of the Week-KME’s Becki Blumer Mrs. Blumer was surprised yesterday by Bob and Marianne from Warm 98 and Todd Dykes from Channel 5 as she was named Warm 98’s Teacher of the Week. She was nominated by parent Sandy Brown. Mrs. Brown said, “Mrs. Blumer shows a genuine interest in her students and her families, listens to families’ concerns, and always inspires her students to learn and achieve their best.” She was given a gift certificate from Bond Furniture, Cincinnati Symphony tickets, a “swag bag” from Modern Office Methods, and her class was treated to a pizza party from Westshore Pizza! Her story was featured on Warm 98 and Channel 5 this morning. Congratulations Mrs. Blumer! September 13, 2013 Page 2 KHS Student Named Scholastic Student of the Month KHS Junior Sarah Sexton has been named Student of the Month in this month’s issue of Scholastic Art Magazine. She said she got serious about art after 8th grade when she started taking classes at a private art studio. KJH Art Teacher Jan Thomann said, “When I had Sarah, I was very impressed with her talent.” Sarah won a National Silver Medal in painting in the 2013 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. She has also painted murals for the city over the summer. Click here to see her story and view her artwork. Congratulations on such a great honor, Sarah! CIS Gifted Teacher Holly Mueller has begun writing for Choice Literacy, a multimedia website of article, videos, and professional development guides for literacy teachers and leaders. Mrs. Mueller got involved with Choice Literacy when her former colleague from Lebanon City Schools, Megan Ginther, and she started writing about literacy contracts, a framework they use in their classrooms for reading and writing that they developed and honed while they job shared for three years. Mrs. Mueller and her colleague are now aligning them with Common Core while keeping choice and independent reading and writing of central importance. Mrs. Mueller’s first article, an introduction to the concept of literacy contracts, was published on the Choice Literacy subscriber section in August. Her contracts will be published as a monthly series starting in September. For more information on Choice Literacy, go to index.php. There you will find options to sign up for the free weekly newsletter, The Big Fresh, or become a subscriber. It’s a wonderful resource no matter what you choose. Science at JF Burns Third graders in Mrs. Roewer’s Science Class at J.F. Burns are learning what it means to be a scientist. They broadened their understanding of what scientists do while using science tools and the scientific method to make discoveries. September 13, 2013 Page 3 Artwork at CIS Each year, Columbia Intermediate School Art Teacher Drew Thomas selects student’s artwork to be framed and hung in the building. Four pieces of art from the 5th and 6th grade each were chosen. Pictured below are the lucky artists whose artwork will be displayed. Congratulations to Elise Belanger, Grace Bernius, Cody Cooke, Michaela Williams, Kaylynn Daumeyer, Ella Hanlon, Grant Shields, and Ellie Wade. Senior Picture Guidelines Seniors have until November 25, 2013 to submit a picture for the yearbook. Photos must be in color and in jpg form. They can be submitted by attaching the picture to an email to Mrs. Shields, or submitting the image on a CD. Click here for more detailed information. Buy a KHS Yearbook and Yearbook Ad Yearbook ads are a great way to recognize your student, show your support, and advertise your business. Parents have an opportunity to purchase a yearbook and or ad for their student. Visit to find out more. Students are Loving the New Google Chromebooks! The Kings School District’s Technology Department has made available almost 600 Google Chromebooks for students to use. The 5th and 6th graders at Columbia are loving their new technology. Student’s in Mrs. Wagner’s class used the Chromebooks for the first time. Mrs. Stovall and Mrs. McKiernan have held mini training sessions for teachers to learn more about the Chromebooks and how they can be used with students. And, to the right, students in Mrs. Westley’s 4th grade class at SLE used the Chromebooks to research foods people eat around the world. September 13, 2013 Page 4 ReDo Day at KHS The Violence Free Coalition of Warren County in conjunction with the Kings High School Catalyst group brought ReDo (Respect Everyone Despite Odds) to Kings High School this week. They held a program for the freshman through junior class on Thursday, and today they had a session for the senior class. ReDo Day is an all day program that addresses the issues of bullying, stereotyping, and diversity through respect. The one day program incorporates students, as well as the high school staff to work in small and large groups to center on creative learning experiences to help the students learn to break down stereotypical barriers and teach them how to embrace diversity. Pat Clark, Education Specialist from the Violence Free Coalition Program, said, “The ReDo day program at Kings High School has been very successful. Kings has had the largest number of students participate in ReDo day, as well as the largest participation of high school staff in all of the districts who have hosted a ReDo day.” Kings High School has been chosen to be a part of the Skyline Chili Showdown Series this fall. The Skyline Showdown Series was created three years ago and designed to serve as an extension of the Skyline Chili Crosstown Showdown, which is celebrating its 16year anniversary this August. The Showdown Series extends the theme of crosstown or neighborhood rivalries throughout the regular season, by either hosting a tailgate at the home school’s neighborhood Skyline Chili, or by integrating the Skyline Chili brand into the Friday night game. The tailgate will be held next Thursday, September 19th from 6-8 p.m. at the Kings Mills Skyline to get fans ready for the Turpin game on Friday night. Fans will have a chance to win great prizes like Skyline Chili gift cards, Commemorative Skyline Showdown Series T-shirts, Skyline Chili minifootballs, and the grand prize, a Skyline Chili gift basket. Skyline will donate 20% of food sales during the per rally to the Kings Athletic Department. We hope to see everyone there to support our football team! September 13, 2013 Page 5 KHS student Becomes U.S. Citizen Congratulations to KHS Senior Kaan Unal on becoming a United States citizen this week. Kaan, his brother Sancar, also a KHS Senior, and his father came to the U.S. in May of 2010 from Turkey. His mother came to the U.S. two years prior and began working. Although Mr. Unal had a very good job in Turkey, his parents decided to immigrate to the U.S. for better educational opportunities for him and his brother. Since Kaan is a minor, he was able to automatically become a citizen because his mother has lived in the U.S. for 5 years and she passed the citizenship exam. Kaan and his older brother, Sancar both helped their mother study for the exam. Sancar, who is 18, must wait until he has lived in the U.S. for 5 years and then will take the exam himself. Kings Homecoming 5k and Mile Fun Run The Kings Women’s Soccer Program is having a fundraiser at Thirsty’s on Saturday, September 21st. Ten percent of your bill will go back to the soccer program. Contact Coach Hoffert at [email protected] if you would like a team support card which would give 10% of your bill back to the program every time you visit! September 13, 2013 It’s time to start thinking about the 18th annual Kings Homecoming 5k and Mile Fun Run! It will be held on Wednesday, October 2nd starting at the Kings Stadium at 6:15 p.m. Be sure to register early. Click here for the registration form and more information. Page 6 Cody Mayo Texas Holdem Tournament Friday Night Pinks Tshirts We are just a week away from the 3rd Annual Friday Night Pink Game. Be sure to help us PINK OUT the Kings stadium as we battle Turpin on Friday, September 20th. It will be a great night to honor all those that have been affected by breast cancer and raise money to help families in our area as they battle this disease. We will be selling the Kings Friday Night Pink t-shirts at the game on the 20th but you can also buy yours ahead of time at the stadium during the 9/13 Kings Varsity Football Game, 9/14 Kings Freshman & JV Football Games and the 9/15 KYO Football Games. Shirts will also be sold next week at KHS and KJH during lunch hours. Just look for the Pink Ribbon Girls table in the courtyard area. Shirts are $10 each. Make checks payable to Pink Ribbon Girls. September 13, 2013 Help raise funds to assist families who want to send their child on the Washington DC trip with Kings Junior High. The fundraiser is in memory of Cody Mayo, a young man who died of cancer. One of his last school memories was his trip to Washington D.C. KJH Teacher Brent Allen said, “Cody was a great kid who always thought about others. When Make-A-Wish asked him what he would want, he replied that he wanted to see his sister be able to go to college.” The fun starts at 5pm on Saturday, September 28th at the Foster's Point Community Activity Center. Click here for more information. Kings Cheerleading Raffle Please don’t forget to buy a raffle ticket from any high school or junior high cheerleader for our RAFFLE FUNDRAISER for your chance to win $1000 dollars! (2nd prize $100 and 3rd prize $50) Tickets are on sale now: $6 for one, or two tickets for $10! Only a limited amount of tickets are sold to increase your chances of winning. Drawing will be held on October 15, 2013. Winners will be notified by phone. For more information contact High School Rep-Lisa Mathias at 513-260-7583 or Jr. High RepMichelle Werner at 513-494-2753. Page 7 Kings Local School District 1797 King Ave. PO Box 910 Kings Mills , Ohio 45034 Dawn Gould Community Relations Coordinator Phone: 513.398.8050 ext. 10014 Fax: 513.229.7590 E-mail: [email protected] Kings is on Facebook! Find us at: http:// KingsLocalSchoolDistrict Find KJH on Twitter! Kings Soccer Cornhole Tournament Mark Sunday, September 29th on your calendars for the 4th Annual Kings HS Soccer Cornhole Tournament. Held in the high school gym starting at 1:oo p.m. It is one of the biggest fundraisers for the program and a good time for the whole family. There will be a raffle, prizes, and food. Tickets for the raffle will be sold at the first few Women’s and Men’s home games or through a team player. You can also contact Bev Williams [email protected] or Tina Weidner [email protected] for tickets. Click here for the registration form. September 13, 2013 Page 8
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