Electronic Electronic Blackboard Blackboard News News
Electronic Electronic Blackboard Blackboard News News
Electronic Blackboard News November 14, 2014 www www.kingslocal kingslocal.net kingslocal net Upcoming Events Nov. 15— Knight Madness, 7:00 p.m., KHS. Nov. 18— Kings Board of Education Meeting, 6:30 p.m., KEC. Nov. 19—College Lecture Series-Financial Aid, 7:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium. Nov. 20, 21—KHS Drama Presents Almost, Maine, 7:00 p.m., Nov. 22— 2:00 & &7:00 p.m., KHS Auditorium. Nov. 26-28— No School, Thanksgiving Break. More event information can be found at: http://www.kingslocal.net/Calendar/Pages/default.aspx Veterans Day Activities Around Kings Is the cold going to keep you away from the Regional Semi-Final Playoff game tonight? Watch the match-ups of your undefeated Knights and the undefeated Owls live on the internet via our WKNG Broadcast Team. Click this link to watch LIVE! GO KNIGHTS! There was a lot of activity around the district on Veterans Day. We met Veterans who served in World War II, as well as those who have just recently served in Afghanistan. Students lined hallways of our elementary buildings to cheer for visiting veterans. We were honored to host 3 veterans from the Wounded Warrior Project who shared their recent combat experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan with our students. The students at South Lebanon Elementary were able to meet Aggie, a service dog accompanying Staff Sergeant Anthony Paletta. Aggie assists Mr. Paletta with his Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The Wounded Warriors said it felt good to talk with the students about their experiences. The third grade students at SLE set up a white table in honor of fallen soldiers and those missing in action. They also read the book America’s White Table by Margot Theis Raven. The students at Kings High School had a special visit from Kings Graduate Matt Deatherage. While serving in Afghanistan, Matt stepped on a land mine and had to have both legs amputated. He recalled some of his most poignant memories of his service. His high school teacher, Dustin Goldie said, “His high school career is just as fascinating, overcoming many challenges that most of us would have given up on.” It was truly a moving day around the district. A day we look forward to every year! All-American Band Drum Major-Emily Swanson On Thursday, November 13, Kings Drum Major, Senior Emily Swanson was recognized for her selection as the Drum Major of the 2015 US Army All American Marching Band. Members from the US Army, Ohio Music Education Association, and representatives from the band were at Kings High School to present a "Selection Tour Event." Only 125 students in the entire nation are chosen for participation after a rigorous audition process. Emily is one of only 3 students chosen from the state of Ohio. She will receive an all-expenses-paid week-long trip to San Antonio, Texas to rehearse and perform with the finest young musicians in the country. Emily’s honor is particularly special as she was selected as the Drum Major of the group. The Drum Major is responsible for conducting the band in performance and is the highest student leadership rank within the marching band. During Thursday’s ceremony, Kings Band Director Brian McDonough was also recognized as not only Emily’s mentor and band director, but also as an alumni of the 2008 All-American Band. You can watch Emily lead the All-American Marching Band during the All-American Bowl on January 3, 2015. Congratulations on this incredible honor, Emily! KJH Canned Food Drive The KJH Canned Food Drive continues into next week. This week, students helped Mrs. Bigelow organize all of the donated food to get ready to distribute to the South Lebanon Food Pantry. Donations will be accepted until November 18th and food will be delivered on November 19th. CIS Students Dress as Their Favorite Book Character Columbia Intermediate School held a Book Character Dress Up day this week. Students and staff were to dress up as their favorite character from a book that they have read. Each homeroom voted on the best costume and the winner won a free book from the Book Fair! November 14, 2014 Page 2 #ReadWalkWater After reading the book A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park, the 6th grade students at Columbia Intermediate School were inspired to raise money to provide a well in South Sudan. Last Friday, November 7th, students walked carrying gallon jugs of water to symbolize the struggle of those who can’t go to school because they are walking most of the day to get clean water for their families. This year, CIS was challenged by Jen Kirby, a teacher at Loveland Intermediate School, to raise $7,500, half of the total amount needed to build a well in South Sudan. Even though Kings and Loveland are rivals, they were inspired by Salva Dut’s commitment to build wells in both the Nuer and Dinka Tribes’ villages. Both schools put aside their friendly rivalry to work together to make a change in the world. So far, Loveland has raised $7,100 and CIS has raised $4,354. CIS will continue to take donations and will be selling #ReadWalkWater water bottles until they run out. Before the students walked last week, Jordan Griebner, a student at Miami University who started the Miami Chapter of Living Water International, called The Wells Project, spoke to the students about the importance of clean drinking water. This year’s walk also benefited a local charity. The unused gallons of water that the students carried during the walk were then donated to Matthew 25 Ministries to help needy families in our area. Special thanks to Mr. Griffin for working with Matthew 25 Ministries and giving us an opportunity to help our own community. CIS is still accepting donations toward their final goal. Click http://www.waterforsouthsudan.org/take-action/ and be sure to note that the donation is for CIS. Exploring Fossils at JFB Students in Mrs. Tuggle, Mrs. Bogard, Mrs. Blazek, and Mrs. Thomas' second grade classes at J.F. Burns Elementary have been busy as paleontologists! In their science unit, they have studied how living and non-living things impact the environment. They discussed extinct animals and how fossils show how they once lived on earth. The students then created and excavated small fossils of their own. The Warren County Soil and Water District shared real fossils from Cincinnati that they were able to compare to the student’s. November 14, 2014 Page 3 Learning with Rice Krispie Treats The second grade students at South Lebanon Elementary have been working on the concept of procedural text. A procedural text is a text which gives instructions on how to do something. The teachers at SLE thought that making Rice Krispie treats would be a fun activity to go along with this topic. They wanted the students to understand that following a recipe is very important! If they leave out a step in their process, or directions are unclear, the end result could be bad, or in this case, taste badly! Students were put into groups to work together to break down the recipe so that each student was responsible for one of the steps. Once the students followed the directions and worked together, they realized they could have a successful outcome. Mrs. Pagan said, “We had to eat the Rice Krispie treats to see if we were successful, and they were yummy!” KHS Academic Students of the Month Congratulations to the following students who were recognized by the KHS Staff for being Academic Students of the Month for the month of October. Freshmen: Logan Flinchum and Lexi Robertson Sophomores: Jacob Gilbert, Anne Neal and Olivia DeSouza Juniors: Ben Jackson and Mackenzie Mettey Seniors: Ben Dreikosen and Heather Dale The KHS PTO has provided congratulatory gift cards to each student to honor their achievement! Performing for the Class Second grade students in Mrs. Bogard and Mrs. Thomas's classes at J.F. Burns Elementary put on plays for their peers. They practiced their parts and then performed their plays for their classmates. Students focused on their fluency and reading with expression as they prepared for their performance. November 14, 2014 The students in Karen Manis’ 5th grade science classes at Columbia Intermediate School built “miniature ecosystems” as a culminating activity following their unit on Ecosystems. They will continue to use their scientific skills to observe the self- sufficient terrariums and monitor them over time. Page 4 Intervention Specialist Teaches Awareness Intervention Specialist Suzanne Dwyer presented her Circles Awareness Program to all of the 7th grade students this week at Kings Junior High School. Over time, she has compiled a presentation for students to recognize how we are all the same, no matter what our color, religion, race, or even disability. She has used this approach in many other districts and some have even made it part of their "guidance curriculum." Although the program increases awareness about disability to some extent, not much scientific information is given. General education students learn to take a perspective through their "circles" of what life would be like if they had one very different from the one they have now. She encouraged the students to reach out to the students at KJH with multiple disabilities. She also invited the students to be a part of the Best Buddies Club, a club that meets on Tuesday’s after school that brings together students with disabilities with typical peers. The club is hosting its November Icebreaker event on Friday, November 21st from 6:008:00 p.m. at KJH. Get Ready for Winter! It’s getting to be that time of the year when bad weather is upon us. In case of inclement weather and possible school closings or delays, please check www.kingslocal.net for the latest information. You can also check our Facebook Page and Twitter for the most up-todate information. Click the following link for information on how the district decides to close or delay school due to inclement weather: Inclement Weather Guidelines J.F. Burns Candy Drive a Success! The J.F. Burns 4th Annual Candy Drive for the Troops was a huge success! This year 954 pounds of candy was donated. The PTO also received $170 in donations for postage to send the candy, 650 Christmas Cards,and numerous letters and notes of encouragement tucked into bags of donated candy all for the Yellow Ribbon Support Foundation. Hope Cantrall, organizer of the drive said, “As a mother of two sons serving our country, I can not find the words to tell you all how much you touch my heart and how much it means to live in a community that supports our military.” The school’s goal this year was to exceed the 927 pounds of candy that was donated last year. Care packages will be put together with the candy, cards, and letters and will be sent overseas to give our deployed troops a little comfort from home. November 14, 2014 Page 5 Sammy Strong! The staff at Kings Mills Elementary gathered together this week to show their support for KME Kindergarten student, Sammy Simonson. Sammy underwent brain surgery on Wednesday. He suffers from epilepsy and his seizures have been quite debilitating. Sammy underwent brain surgery last year to disconnect one side of his brain from the other. He did well for some time, but then the seizures returned, sometimes up to 100 per day. His surgery this week consisted of disconnecting another part of his brain and cleaning up scar tissue. Please keep Sammy and his family in your thoughts. KJH Yearbook Early Order Special Order your KJH yearbook by December 1st so your student doesn't miss out on this $30 price! It's easy to order your copy of this year's book. You can order online, by phone or by mail. This year's book is a hardcover book with over 72 pages of your student and their friends. So order yours today because after December 1st, the price will go up to $40! To order online go to www.smart-pay.com and type in Kings Mills and follow the instructions. If you would like to order by phone, call 1-800-853-1337. Finally, if you would like to order by mail, send your form with the bottom portion filled out and mail payment to Balfour, P.O. Box 150069, Austin, TX 78715-0069. Health Heroes Administer Flu Vaccine Today, 230 students in the Kings District took part in a free Flu Vaccine Clinic and didn’t even have to leave school! Health Heroes, an affiliate of an Alabama-based immunization company worked with our district to provide the nasal FluMist Quadrivalent vaccine at no cost or out of pocket expenses for Kings students. The private company doesn’t require any out-of-pocket payment from parents or schools but bills insurance companies or Medicaid for the vaccine. Students who don’t have insurance or whose insurance doesn’t cover the vaccination, receive it for free. The company provides nurses and vaccinations to run the clinic. They have expanded into Ohio and Michigan this year. Kings has been providing onsite flu vaccine for our employees for many years. KHS Nurse Eva Garchar said, “When we heard about Health Heroes providing the same service for our students, we thought it was a wonderful opportunity! As we approach cold and flu season, we typically see more students with illness and increased absenteeism. If we can help keep kids healthy by providing the convenience of offering flu vaccine at school, then we can keep our kids in school where they need to be.” The Kings District hopes to offer the free clinic next year, as well. November 14, 2014 Page 6 Buy from any band member or contact Linda Austin at 513-444-0159 until 11/20. Try-outs for Kings Marimba Ensemble The Kings Local School District’s nationally recognized Kokorodza Marimba Ensemble is holding try -outs for new members now through December 3rd. The ensemble is open to students from Columbia Intermediate School and Kings Junior High School. To request an audition packet, the link to the YouTube audition practice video, and to schedule your audition contact Kings Mills Elementary School music teacher Matt Jenkins. (513) 398-8050 ext. 14025 [email protected]. November 14, 2014 Page 7 KHS Presents Almost, Maine Next week KHS Drama presents “Almost, Maine.” The show consists of a series of stories about love. It is written by John Cariani, and tells the story of 19 people who all struggle with love. Directed by KHS teacher Peter Moore, the show will be an up-close-and-personal experience for the audience. Show times are 7:00 p.m., Thursday November 20th and Friday, November 21st, at 2:00 and 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 22nd. November 14, 2014 Page 8 Don’t worry about baking for the holidays. Stop by the Kings After Prom Bake Sale on December 6th from 8:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. in front of the conceesion stand. All baked goods will be sold for $6.00 per pound. Calling all 7th & 8th graders! The Kings Junior High Winter Guard is seeking new members! Senior Picture Guidelines Seniors have until November 25, 2014 to submit a picture for the yearbook. Photos must be in color and in jpg form. They can be submitted by attaching the picture to an email to Mrs. Shields, or submitting the image on a CD. Click here for more detailed information. There’s still time to sign up for the Kings/ Hoxworth Blood Drive on November Monday, November 24th. It will be held in the KJH Multipurpose Room from 10:15 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. and 1:304:15 p.m. Donors must be at least 17 years old. 16 year olds may donate with parental consent. Kings Junior High Winter Guard is an “artistic” sport that meets after school on Tuesday’s until 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday’s until 4:00 p.m. The group learns a routine including elements of dance, acting and spinning flags and rifles that we will take to competition on Saturday’s January through March. It is a really fun activity that promises to entertain and challenge! The group is run by JF Burns Elementary Music Teacher Jennifer Maegly. The first practice for all interested students is on Tuesday, November 18th after school in the KJH cafeteria. Come prepared to find out how much fun is to be had by joining this group! If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Maegly at 398-8050 x 16045 or [email protected]. To schedule an appointment click here. November 14, 2014 Page 9 All About Kings Athletics Did you know that Kings Athletics has its own website? You can find out schedule information, upcoming events, news about teams, and even get directions to away venues. Click here to get to the Kings Athletics Webpage. Kings Day at Xavier Basketball Join us for Kings Day at the Cintas Center on Saturday, January 24, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. where the Musketeers take on DePaul. The Kings Firecrackers will be performing at half time, too! Tickets can be purchased by clicking the special link below Cost of the tickets is $17 or $22 depending on seat location. Click this link and enter promo code: Kings. We hope to fill the Cintas Center with our own Knight Nation and support our Firecrackers that day! Good luck to our Knights Football Team who travel to Lakota West tonight to play Mt. Healthy in the Division II Regional Semi-final Playoff Game. Kick-off is at 7:30 p.m. #WhyNotUS #KINGSSTRONG #GOKnights Christmas Trees and Kings Men’s Lacrosse-Your NEW Family Tradition There is still time to order your beautiful fresh cut Christmas tree and support Kings Men’s Lacrosse. Student athletes in grades 7-12 will benefit from your generosity. And you will select your family’s Christmas tree from a large selection of the finest Balsam and Fraser firs in the area. Prices for our trees are comparable to trees you’ll find in local tree lots, but if you buy from Kings Lacrosse, 30-50% of your purchase will come back to our program! These funds allow Kings Lacrosse to keep participation fees low giving more of our students an opportunity to play. Start your family’s New Tradition this year and support our student athletes. Contact a player, scan the QR code with your smart device, or visit here to purchase your tree, wreaths or greenery today. You will receive an email receipt and voucher to print and bring to The Green Corner where you will find the perfect tree and trimmings for your holidays. The Green Corner - 6524 Montgomery Rd., Cincinnati, OH, 45213 (~2 miles south of Kenwood Mall) Nov. 22 – Dec. 20, Weekdays: 5pm - 9pm, Saturdays: 9am – 9pm, Sundays: 9am – 7pm November 14, 2014 Page 10 Boys Youth Lacrosse Boys Youth Lacrosse registration is now open. Boys in grades 3-6 of all experience levels are welcome. Equipment will be provided by Cory’s Closet. Practices will begin in mid -February with games from March -May. Players are required to have a U.S. Lacrosse Membership and can be purchased at www.USLacrosse.org. Register at www.KingsYouthLax.com. For more information contact Erin Deutsch at [email protected]. Support Women’s Bball When you eat at Buffalo Wild Wings at Harpers Station, 11363 Montgomery Road, from November 1st through February 28th, you can have a great meal AND support Kings Women’s High School Basketball Program at the same time. Just show the teammate card on your mobile device and 10% of your entire bill will be donated to the team! November 14, 2014 Congratulations to the Kings Junior High Men’s Lacrosse team for winning all three games in their off season tournament at Sycamore High School last weekend. They defeated Wyoming, Bellbrook, and Sycamore’s A Team. Page 11 Don’t forget to use the #KINGSSTRONG when you post pictures from Kings events! Gold Star Chili Team of the Week Congratulations to the Kings Football Team for being awarded Gold Star Chili Team of the Week for week #9! This week at practice, Jamie Pollard and Bobby Gannoh from Gold Star Chili presented the team with a plaque and each team member received a coupon for a free 3– Way! Way to go Knights! Girls Youth Lacrosse Sign-ups are now open for Kings Girls Youth Lacrosse. Registration is open to girls in grades 3- 6. Cost is $130 per player plus US Lacrosse membership which is $25. Practices will start in late February to early March on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Each player will receive a jersey. Sweatshirt, and skort. Player sill need to supply their own stick, mouth guard, and mask. Registration is open now until December 1st. For more information go to www.kingslax.info. Kings U8 Soccer Team at State The U8 Team Kings United went to the state tournament last weekend. They played hard on Saturday and won their game taking them to the final 16. On Sunday, the boys had a fierce match and ended scoreless at the end of regulation play. The game went into double overtime, still with no score and the boys finally lost when the game went to penalty kicks. Way to represent he Say North bracket and our Kings district! November 14, 2014 Page 12 Kings Local School District 1797 King Ave. PO Box 910 Kings Mills , Ohio 45034 Dawn Gould Community Relations Coordinator Phone: 513.398.8050 ext. 10014 Fax: 513.229.7590 E-mail: [email protected] www.kingslocal.net Kings is on Facebook! Find us at: http:// www.facebook.com/ KingsLocalSchoolDistrict Find us on Twitter: @Kings_Schools Follow Us on Social Media Last spring, deadly twisters hit Oklahoma. For many, there was no power but people still had cell service. Social media helped victims and responders alike to share information and offer assistance. In the event that something like that would happen in our area, we will use social media to pass along information. You can keep up-to-date on what’s going on around the Kings School District by “liking” us on our Facebook page and following us on Twitter. We also have a new hashtag for the district. If you are tweeting positive stuff about the district, don’t forget to add #KINGSSTRONG! Did you know that Kings Superintendent Tim Spinner and Kings High School Principal Doug Leist have a Twitter Account? Follow Mr. Spinner @EducationSpin and Mr.Leist @dougleist. COMING SOON-Kings’ Mobile App! More details later. Find KJH on Twitter! November 14, 2014 Page 13
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