Panther Power Book - Lawton Chiles Middle School


Panther Power Book - Lawton Chiles Middle School
Your Principal is Mrs. Linda Mumey.
Your 6th grade Assistant Principal is Mr. John Antmann.
Your 6th grade School Counselor is Mrs. Jessica Ingolia.
Our mascot is the Panther.
Our school’s colors are cranberry and white.
Dear Incoming 6th Grade Panther and Parents,
Welcome to Lawton Chiles Middle School!
This Panther Booklet was created to help you
succeed on your path to success at LCMS. The
information provided will get you started in the
right direction. The choices you make are
important and will determine your level of
success. You have a dedicated group of
teachers, administrators, and staff here at LCMS
to support you.
Are you ready to follow the Panther Path to
Success? Let’s go…
How can I be successful in middle school?
Ask Questions
One of the most important things you can do while attending Chiles Middle
School is ASK QUESTIONS. If you are unsure of something, have a
concern, worry, or “what if,” ask your teacher.
Make Good Choices
Choose your path wisely. There are positive and negative consequences
for each choice you make. The right choice of friends, respecting
teachers, and doing school work will result in good grades, good feelings,
and rewards.
Stay Organized
Each teacher will ask that you keep your papers and school work
organized in different ways. Individual folders for each class are essential.
Keep all assignments in the correct place and access eCampus regularly.
This will increase your success in class!
Get Help
Asking for help is important to your success. If you find yourself needing
help, don’t be afraid to ask. Your parents/guardians and your teachers are
both great resources to use along this new journey. We suggest finding a
dependable and responsible friend in each of your classes and exchanging
contact information, another great way to ask for help.
Use Time Wisely
Balance your activities, schoolwork, and homework. If you know you have
extra activities outside of school coming up, PLAN AHEAD by working on
assignments ahead of time. Time management will become very
important this year. Setting priorities will lead to your success.
Attend School Regularly
Attendance is a critical part of your success. Continual absences and
tardies dramatically affect learning and will result in lower grades. YOU
are responsible for asking for your make-up work. When you return to
school after being absent, please remember to bring an excuse note,
written by your parent/guardian, explaining the reason for your absence.
This note can be given to your first period teacher or turned in to the
attendance office located in the 6th grade building.
What should be in my backpack?
Please keep the following supplies available in your backpack EVERY DAY:
Colored Pencils
Red Pens
Glue Stick
Flash Drive
Wide Rule Filler Paper
Canvas Pencil Pouch
Silent Reading Book (electronic readers are permitted)
Ruler (inches/centimeters)
Personal Pencil Sharpener w/ shaving container
Subject Specific Materials
Be sure to check the school website and/or local stores this summer for a complete supply list
and replenish your supplies when needed!
Students will need the internet to access their on-line textbooks for several core classes. Please notify
your teacher if you DO NOT have internet access at home, and accommodations will be made.
Do I have to change clothes/dress-out for P.E.?
Yes, you do have to change clothes/dress-out for P.E. class. Dressing-out is a
part of your daily P.E. grade. Your P.E. coaches will cover locker room
expectations during the first week of school. Most students are worried about
this, but soon learn that it’s no big deal. PE uniforms will be available for
purchase on schedule pick-up day and during the first week of school.
How does the bell/lunch schedule work?
On your first day of school, one of your teachers will tell you what lunch you
have. This information will determine what bell/lunch schedule you will follow for
the week. Most 6th graders will have A lunch.
Monday, Tuesday, and Friday: Periods 1-7
A Lunch
B Lunch
C Lunch
9:19- 10:05 Period 1
9:19- 10:05 Period 1
9:19- 10:05 Period 1
10:09-10:55 Period 2
10:09-10:55 Period 2
10:09-10:55 Period 2
10:59-11:45 Period 3
10:59-11:45 Period 3
10:59-11:45 Period 3
11:45-12:15 Lunch
11:49-12:19 Period4
11:49-12:53 Period4
Period 4
12:19-12:49 Lunch
Period 5
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 6
Period 7
Period 7
Wednesday: Periods Homeroom, 2, 4, and 6
A Lunch
B Lunch
C Lunch
HR: Period 8 9:15-9:44
HR: Period 8 9:15-9:44
HR: Period 8
Period 2
Period 2
9:48-11:15 Period 2
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:19-12:03 Period 4
11:1912:51 Period 4
Period 4
12:03-12:33 Lunch
12:51-1:21 Lunch
Period 6
12:19-12:49 Period 4
Period 6
Period 6
A Lunch
9:19- 10:44 Period 1
10:44-11:14 Lunch
Period 3
Period 5
Period 7
Thursday: Periods 1, 3, 5, and 7
B Lunch
C Lunch
9:19- 10:44 Period 1
9:19- 10:44 Period 1
10:48-11:32 Period 3
10:48Period 3
11:32-12:02 Lunch
12:06-12:50 Period 3
Period 5
Period 5
Period 7
Period 7
How will my grades be determined?
Grading Scale:
90% or above
80% - 89%
70% - 79%
60% - 69%
0% - 59%
Homework Policy:
Regular homework completion is required for success in all classes, so be
sure you turn in your homework.
Late homework will be accepted for partial credit (see teacher’s syllabus
for specific details regarding late task penalties).
A temporary zero/NTI (Not Turned In) score will be recorded until that
assignment is completed.
Make-Up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to complete all missed work or
tests when absent.
Reference your teachers’ websites or information boards in the classroom
for missed assignments.
Schedule a time with your teacher to come in early to make-up missed
tests or quizzes.
Missed assignments that are not made up within the required time will
result in a temporary zero/NTI (Not Turned In) score until that assignment
is completed.
Grade Communication:
Skyward – Check Skyward regularly to stay informed of grades.
Progress Reports are sent home in the middle of each quarter.
Report Cards are sent home at the end of each quarter.
What is PRT?
PRT stands for Panther Reading Time. Every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday
during 4th period, students must read silently for 20 minutes. Each student is
REQUIRED to have a personal silent reading book (eBooks are permitted) in
their backpacks at all times.
How will my teachers get my attention?
When you see a teacher or adult raise their right hand,
Stop talking.
Raise your right hand.
Look at your teacher.
Listen to instructions.
Follow directions.
Will I have a planner?
Yes, a planner will be given to you. Your planner is an important resource on your
path to success.
Fill out your planner completely and never leave a
subject area blank.
Use the monthly calendar to note upcoming
assignments, projects, and tests.
Keep your planner within PAWS reach and remember your planner is a
REQUIRED supply.
Where is important information posted?
Each teacher posts the following information on their common board: bell
work, learning goal(s), class work, vocabulary, and homework.
You can also access eCampus to find out more specific details regarding a
teacher’s classroom expectations and/or things going on around campus.
Is it difficult to get to class on time?
No, you will have four minutes between classes. Now, four minutes may not seem
like enough time, but really it is! Just remember the following tips:
Always WALK on the RIGHT side of the hallway or
staircase, leaving the left side open for opposing traffic.
Enter through the doors on the right side.
Walk & Talk – You have four minutes between classes.
Keep walking on the path to your next class. You may talk on your way, but
do not stand in the hallway or outside on the balcony to socialize.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
You are tardy if not seated when the tardy bell rings.
Visit the restroom or water fountain before arriving to class.
Are hall passes needed?
Yes, keep that planner handy. It’s your pass to be in the hallways during classes or
before school.
Before School – Students should remain in the courtyard, cafeteria, or media
centers before school. Visits to classrooms should be prearranged so that
your teacher may write a pass.
During School – Passes are REQUIRED whenever a student is outside of the
classroom except between classes.
When can I use the restroom?
Restroom and water breaks should be taken between
classes and during lunch.
Restroom use during class times should be limited.
Does the office make announcements?
Yes, announcements are indicated with a series of tones. When you hear
the announcement tones, stop talking and silently listen to announcements.
What happens at dismissal time?
Dismissal in middle school is different from dismissal in elementary
school. After a teacher dismisses the class and the final bell has rung,
you will be allowed to walk independently to the car line, bus ramp,
or bike area. If you are a walker, you may begin your journey
home. Just remember, ALL students will be dismissed at the same time, so
please walk and be respectful and courteous to one another as you leave.
What are the lunchroom procedures?
We all love lunch and can’t wait to get there. Following a few simple procedures
will make this much needed break enjoyable for everyone.
Walk to lunch – Don’t run.
Once you are seated, stay at your table until you are dismissed. You may
not walk around while eating. Raise your hand if you need to use the
restroom or shop in the school store.
Keep our school clean. Pick up all trash from your area before leaving
the table. You might even help someone else clean up their area.
You may sit with your friends, but make room for new friends.
Food and drinks may not leave the cafeteria and should not be in the halls or
Information and forms regarding Free and Reduced Lunch will be handed out
during the first week of school.
When purchasing lunch, students will use their same lunch number that was
used during elementary school.
What are some good study habits?
Successful students have good study habits. Read about each study habit below
and try to use them to stay on the Panther Path to Success.
Try not to do too much studying at one time.
If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your
studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over
shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental
Plan specific times for studying.
Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. It
can be completing assigned reading, working on a paper or project, or
studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your
study time. Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that
becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating.
Set specific goals for your study times.
Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting
down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want
to accomplish during your study times.
Start studying when the task is assigned.
You may delay starting your studying because you don't like an
assignment or think it is too hard. A delay in studying is called
"procrastination." If you procrastinate for any reason, you will find it difficult
to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the
time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and errors.
Work on the assignment you find most difficult first.
Your most difficult assignment will require the most effort. Start with your
most difficult assignment since this is when you have the most mental
Review your notes before beginning an assignment.
Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing an
assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will
help you complete an assignment.
Tell your friends not to call or text during your study times.
Two study problems can occur if your friends call you during your study
times. First, your work is interrupted. It is not that easy to get back to what
you were doing. Second, your friends may talk about things that will
distract you from what you need to do. Here's a simple idea - turn off your
cell phone during your study times.
Call another student when you have difficulty with an assignment.
This is a case where "two heads may be better than one."
Review your schoolwork over the weekend.
Yes, weekends should be fun time. But there is also time to do some
review. This will help you be ready to go on Monday morning when another
school week begins.
Use all available resources.
Your teachers will provide you with the resources needed to be successful.
Be sure to utilize items such as: eCampus, Skyward, study guides, on-line
textbooks, etc.
What are my behavior expectations?
At LCMS, we like to focus on positive behaviors rather than negative behaviors. The
chart below contains the four positive behavior expectations that will help you stay on
the path to success. Students will be rewarded for demonstrating the four expectations
as well as their positive behavior choices. We are RESPECTFUL students with
outstanding ENCOURAGMENT who are always PREPARED and RESPONSIBLE
What happens if behavior expectations are not followed?
Our goal is to help you correct the misbehavior, so that you can get back on the
path to success. The intervention steps below are used to help you achieve that
1st Step
Friendly Reminder
No further
2nd Step
Same Behavior
Student Behavior
Contact Parent
No further
3rd Step
Same Behavior
Contact Parent
No further
4th Step
Same Behavior
Follow Referral
Contact Parent
Student takes
referral to Dean or
Does LCMS have a school website?
Yes, it is full of information for you and your parents. Find out all you need
to know by logging on today at .
School Calendar – Wondering when your next day off will be?
Check out the school calendar!
LCMS Events – These events are happening right here on campus!
Dates/times of sporting events, club meetings, special activities,
school announcements and other “Breaking News” are found here.
Student Resources – click on STUDENTS and you will find a ton of
resources available via the Internet. Most sites are educational, but
we did include some fun stuff, too!
Staff Directory – Includes email addresses and LCMS phone
numbers for all staff members.
SKYWARD– No reason to bother your teacher by asking, “What’s
my grade?” You can log into SKYWARD and find out for yourself!
This site (made available by SCPS) requires a log-in and password
because the information you are retrieving is considered
confidential! Your parents need to visit the LCMS webpage for
information on how to sign-up. Once your parent/guardian has
signed up, it is very important that the email address assigned to the
account is kept up to date because school-wide and individual email
alerts are sent through this system. Eventually, you will register and
sign up for your own personal SKYWARD student account. Please
use SCPS email, rather than SKYWARD when contacting teachers.
eCampus – Visit eCampus (using your log-in and password) to find
information on class work and homework assignments, project
deadlines, grading rubrics, and announcements.
Communication Ladders
Following the steps posted below will help you and/or your parent get
answers to questions that you may have. These communication ladders
were designed to help you stay on the Panther Path to Success!
1. Ask your child.
1. Check planner, class
notes, class handouts,
2. Refer to your child’s
2. Check web resources.
3. Check web
3. Phone a friend.
4. Contact teacher via
Email or Voicemail.
4. Ask a parent for help.
5. Schedule a
5. Make arrangements with
your teacher for help.
What sport teams and clubs are available?
LCMS Sports
LCMS offers several sports opportunities for students throughout the school year.
Cheer (tryouts required)
Dance (tryouts required)
Volleyball (tryouts required)
Cross Country
Basketball (tryouts required)
Participation in sports requires the following paperwork:
Current SCPS sports physical (dated in the past year)
Athletic fee
Release and Consent form
Sportsmanship Agreement
For more detailed information on each sport, please visit the LCMS website.
LCMS Clubs
Student Council
Sunshine State Book Club
Read to Lead
FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)
Beta Club
Junior Thespians
FFEA (Florida Future Educators of America)
Math Counts
Writing and Math Clubs
Voice Out (Anti-bullying Club)
SECME (Science, Engineering, Communication, Mathematics,
For information on joining a club, please listen for announcements made
throughout the school year.
As a parent/guardian, how can I help my child have a
successful year?
Set Goals
Encourage your child to set and monitor their goals, both short term and long
term. Create a plan to reach success, discuss results, and celebrate
Make Attendance A Priority
Attendance is very important. If your child is absent he/she is responsible for
getting his/her makeup work, and/or scheduling makeup quizzes or tests. Also,
every effort should be made to schedule appointments and/or vacations around
school hours.
Know Your Child’s Friends
Getting to know your child’s friends is one of the most important things you can
do to keep your child on the path to success. Talk about “who” and “who not” to
be friends with. Discuss the qualities that a good friend should have.
Monitor Academic Success
Be aware when progress reports and report cards are sent home. Progress
reports are issued in the middle of the nine-week grading period. Also, sign-up
and create a Skyward account. Skyward is an on-line communication resource
that allows you to log-in and monitor your child’s academic success and receive
school-wide and individual email alerts. Visit our school website for more
information regarding this awesome resource!
Establish A Homework Routine
It is extremely beneficial to set up a place and time to do homework each day. A
daily routine will allow your child to be responsible for completing their
homework. If you ever hear, “I don’t have any homework,” ask your child to show
you his/her planner and/or check teacher websites.
Discuss Consequences
Help your child realize that each action has a consequence. The right choice of
friends, respecting teachers, and doing school work will result in good grades,
good feelings, and rewards.
Digital Resources 2016-17
Seminole County Public Schools, Florida
Seminole County Public School students and staff have 24/7/365
access to a number of "ebooks" and other digital resources.
Username or login: scpsfl Password:9301059
These resources can
be easily accessed
from the SCPS
Homepage by clicking
on the
Students tab then
selecting Library
Links under Student
Horizon Library Catalog Search - Search the Seminole school library catalog for both print and digital eBooks
Select the OverDrive tab to search for eBooks and audiobooks in the district collection
Check out eBooks and Audiobooks anytime, anywhere. Sign in using an SCPS library card number (student ID)
EBSCOhost - The district resource for periodicals, including professional journals, newspapers,
radio transcripts and Advanced Placement Source. One access for Student Research Center (Middle & High),
Kids Search (Middle & Elementary) and Searchasaurus (Elementary).
World Book Online - World book online provides an encyclopedia, dictionary, atlas, and other
geography resources with age appropriate articles on topics that change frequently with updates occurring as
world events happen.
TumbleBooks - TumbleBooks provides interactive digital ebooks, with corresponding readings
of the materials in a variety of languages. These interactive books can be used to supplement reading
TeachingBooks - An author resource website that provides access to pre-recorded interviews
with popular authors and links to other materials for book studies.
Florida Electronic Library - Internet resources such as “Ask a Librarian”
provided by the Florida Public Library System. FEL provides access to Gale Cengage databases at the Gale Virtual Reference Library.
CultureGrams - CultureGrams provide reference resources on cultures, peoples
and World events including Kids, States, World, and Provinces editions and topics frequently used in the
Social Studies curriculum.
Salem History Reference – Provides access to district owned secondary print reference materials.
Includes portions of titles from Great Events from History. Within district
Salem Literature Reference - Provides access to district owned secondary print reference
materials. Includes Critical Insights. Within district
Remote access
This document contains passwords and cannot be posted to the WEB
We hope you’ve found this booklet helpful.
You are now ready to follow the Panther Path
to Success, and we look forward to a GRRREAT
LCMS Teachers and Administrators
LCMS Mission Statement
Lawton Chiles Middle School, a collaborative environment embracing
diversity and supporting the local community, focuses on developing
students to be productive lifelong learners able to compete on the global
scale through self-directed learning, critical thinking, creative expression,
and inquiry-based study.