Our Lady of Fatima Piscataway, New Jersey
Our Lady of Fatima Piscataway, New Jersey
© 2014 Bon Venture Services, LLC | © Catholic News Service Our Lady of Fatima Piscataway, New Jersey SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION a. Pre-Baptism program (Infant Baptisms) (SEE FRONT OF BULLETIN) b. RCIA (Adult Baptism) Unbaptized adults wishing to join the Catholic Church are invited to attend inquiry sessions leading up to acceptance into the Order of the Catechumenate. Adults who have been validly baptized and wish to complete their Christian initiation within the context of the Catholic faith community by the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation are welcome to experience the catechumenate process with those adults who are preparing for Baptism. c. Adults who have already received the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist within the context of the Catholic faith community, and who wish to receive the sacrament of Confirmation must be active and participating members of Our Lady of Fatima Parish. They must also attend the instructional session in preparation for the reception of the sacrament upon the recommendation of the pastor. d. For children of grade school age, preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation is at least a two-year process. e. Persons wishing to sponsor candidates for the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and those wishing to witness the sacrament of Matrimony, must present a statement of eligibility for sponsorship from their pastor. In order to receive such a statement, one must be at least 16 years of age, a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church, and an active and participating member of his/her parish faith community. Reyes r/o Ruth & Lal Tanseco, Bobby Przybylski r/o Louis & Cathy Fortunato, Glenn Kreush (1st Anniversary) r/o Sharon Hensel 5:00PM Angela Mastroianni r/o Antonio & Teresa MONDAY – APRIL 28, 2014 7:00AM Jean Marie & Ronald Mataconis 9:00AM Josephine Doria r/o GranddaughterMarie TUESDAY – APRIL 29, 2014 7:00AM For the Intentions of Annalicia Di Lollo r/o Tina Schweyher 7:00PM For the Intentions of Scott Culver r/o Irene Russo WEDNESDAY – APRIL 30, 2014 7:00AM Thomas Mataconis r/o Brother 9:00AM Helen Estok r/o Lydia Soto THURSDAY – MAY 1, 2014 7:00AM Marie De Vito r/o Marilou Mendoza 7:00PM Dr. Les Smith r/o Barbara, Debbie & Sujata FIRST FRIDAY – MAY 2, 2014 7:00AM Theresa Smith r/o Dave & Connie Sprayberry 9:00AM George & Catherine Watson r/o George & Roberta Maurer FIRST SATURDAY – MAY 3, 2014 th 8:00AM William Van Ness (13 Anniversary) r/o Family 5:00PM Dorothy Wasielewski r/o Children & Grandchildren SUNDAY – MAY 4, 2014 7:00AM Andy Maderick r/o Sentiwany Family 8:30AM Victor Anthenelli r/o Linda Durkin & Family 10:00AM Raymond Shoppe r/o Wife & Daughter 11:30AM Christine Braun r/o O.L.F. Choir Members, Larry Russo, Dr. Lilia Bunales, Solito SANCTUARY LAMP IN CHURCH BURNING THIS WEEK FOR: LUCY COOK r/o Daughter Barbara & Family SANCTUARY LAMP IN CHAPEL (Parish Center) BURNING THIS WEEK: FOR THE INTENTIONS OF ANDY & EILEEN KEENAN r/o Dave & Gale Zensky VOTIVE CANDLES IN ADORATION CHAPEL (Parish Center) BURNING THIS WEEK: FOR THE INTENTIONS OF EVELYN NUGUID r/o Marie Delmar & Family FOR THE SPECIAL INTENTIONS OF KATIE SAWICKI r/o Mom & Marie FOR THE INTENTIONS OF SR. ERMELINDA (HAPPY EASTER) r/o Maria & Marc JOANANN & CHARLES RUGGIERO r/o Cheryl & Richie Sullivan Blessed Sacrament has been brought over to the Chapel in the Parish Center. If you would like to have the Sanctuary candle lit in either the Church or the Chapel in the name of a loved one please call 732-968-5555 - ext.1104 or just stop into the office. 2 HAVE YOU REGISTERED WITH US YET?? If not, please do so as soon as possible! It is not only quite painless but also very necessary if we are to know how we can better serve your needs while you are with us. It also saves everyone from the embarrassing moments that will inevitably occur: PARISHES REQUIRE CERTIFICATES OF SPONSORSHIP FOR GODPARENTS & CONFIRMATION SPONSORS. THESE WILL BE ISSUED ONLY TO THOSE WHO ARE CONFIRMED CATHOLICS; REGISTERED IN OUR PARISH, REGULAR PARTICIPANTS AT MASS, VALIDLY MARRIED IN THE CHURCH (if applicable). IT IS DIFFICULT TO HAVE TO REFUSE ANYONE BUT IT HAS HAD TO BE DONE AT TIMES (AND IT IS NEVER EASY TO DO OR TO ACCEPT). YOU SHOULD BE REGISTERED WITH THE PARISH AT LEAST SIX MONTHS BEFORE WE CAN GIVE YOU A CERTIFICATE TO BECOME A SPONSOR. We look forward to meeting you. WEDDING BANNS FOR THE FIRST TIME: CRYSTAL BOTTJEN & MARK PANTOJAN ALTAR FLOWERS: For our Church are always a welcome gift, a means of thanksgiving, or a special way to remember an important event of life or death. Flowers for the Altar: Can be arranged by calling the Parish Office at 732-968-5555, ext 1104. The donation is $75.00. SICK RELATIVES & FRIENDS Catherine Herrle, Suzanne Hanselmann, Mario Peralta, Cynthia Harris, John & Linda Rescigno, Elia Maceren, June Cilento, Mark Monzeglio, Judy Cox, Estrella Crisostomo, Theresa Simon, Bernadette Bavoso, Stephen Giordano, Vincent Cannata, Vitaliano Mellijor, Patricia MiIller, George Matey, Christina Viso, Angelina Mango, Haydee Rivera, Thomas Toomey, Joy Szumel, Rosalito Lim, Diane Mazro, Duncan Mc Caskill, Thomas Knapp, Guy Mione, Sam Clark, John Zaremba, Aloysius Mueller, Sharon Hensel, Martha Parada, Helen Monahan, Mary Minetti, Walter Pine, Sal & Diane Valanzola, Agnes Perry, Hildegard Barnes, John McDonnell, Harold Krieger, Selina McDonald, Donna Martinez, Susan Vaiculevich, Medardo Casino, Michael Coove, Marilyn Rolas. Please Note: Names of the sick recommended to our prayers will remain in the bulletin for one month. If you wish their names to remain beyond that time, please call the Parish Office. A name is only added to the sick list if called in by a family member. IN PRAYER FOR THOSE WHO SERVE ********************************************************* CPO James Adamiak, Jr.–Naval Station Earle, NJ SSGT Richard Atkins, Jr. – Japan LCPL Jhordan Baque – San Diego, CA AS3 Keith Bailey – Naval Reserves CAPT Chad Fitzgerald – Bahrain SSGT Jason Hernandez Chaplain MAJ Timothy J. Hirten–McGuire A.F.B., NJ LCDR Peter Ketterer – Afghanistan CAPT Andrew King - Afghanistan Chaplain MAJ Stuart King – Reserves Scott A.F.B., Illinois. Chaplain CAPT Louis A. Mattina – Reserves Dover A.F.B., De. 2LT Ronald Medina – Ft. Hood, Texas MAJ Antonio Martinez – Ft. Dix, NJ ET2 David Miller - USS Fort Worth SGT. Stephen J. Roy - Japan LT. Wilford Sa-Onoy – Coast Guard Reserves SSGT Timothy Spring – Camp Lejeune, NC 50/50 RAFFLE: Tickets are $5.00 each & are available from Captains or at the Parish Office. The prize is 50% of the proceeds. REMEMBER - YOU HAVE TO BE IN IT TO WIN IT!!!! APRIL DRAWING WILL TAKE PLACE ON APRIL 28TH. CAPTAINS PLEASE REMEMBER TO RETURN YOUR 50/50 TICKETS. REMEMBER YOU CAN’T WIN UNLESS YOU PLAY!!! 3 MEETINGS FOR THE WEEK RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: First Holy Communion practice for children attending second grade classes (CCD and Holy Savior) will be held on Monday evening, April 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. An Evening of Reflection for all First Holy Communicants (those in second grade CCD and Holy Savior and Mrs. Nancy Hernandez’s sacramental preparation class) will be held on Thursday evening, May 1st, and will begin with Holy Mass at 7:00 p.m. in the church. Re-registration forms were due in the CCD office by Tuesday, April 15th. Please return you forms with payment as soon as possible. Do not wait until September to register. New registrations (families registering for the first time) are now underway. Please call the CCD office for information/appointment. New registrations are accepted at any time. The last day of CCD for this year are Sunday, April 27, and Monday, April 28. The current architectural renderings of our proposed church and chapel renovation are on display in the St. Joseph Cottolengo Room of the Parish Center. Visitors are welcome to stop by and view them during regular office hours. FRIDAY, MAY 2ND IS FIRST FRIDAY: Prayers for vocations will take place at 7:00 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel. SATURDAY, MAY 3RD IS FIRST SATURDAY: The rosary will be recited following the 8:00 a.m. Mass. Please make an effort to attend Mass & receive Holy Communion in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. SUNDAY: C.C.D. - 10:00 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. – School (Education Center) Last Class Children sing at 10:00 a.m. Mass Adult Choir sings at 11:30 a.m. Mass Pilgrimage Choir Rehearsal – 12:45 to 2:15 p.m. – St. Joseph Cottolengo Room Filipino Mass – 2:00 p.m. – Social to follow in Cafeteria (Recreation Center) Kalahi Basketball - 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. – Gym Bible Study – 7:30 p.m. – Church - Fr. Halbing MONDAY: C.C.D – 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. – School Last Class th TH C.C.D. – 7 & 8 Grade 7:00 p.m.- 8:15 p.m. School (Education Center) Last Class First Holy Communion Practice – 7:00 p.m. - Church Badminton – 8:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m.-Gym (Recreation Center) TUESDAY: Children’s Choir – 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Church Boy Scouts 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. – Cafeteria Legion of Mary – 7:30 p.m. – Fr. McGivney Room World Apostolate of Fatima – 7:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Blessed Margaret Castello Room Men’s Basketball – 7:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. – Gym WEDNESDAY: Italian Class – 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Psalms – The School of Prayer–7:00 p.m.- 9:00 p.m. St.Lorenzo Ruiz Room Lazarus Ministry–7:30 p.m.–St. Joseph Cottolengo Room H.I.S. – 7:15 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. – School Charismatic Prayer Meeting–7:45 p.m. - Blessed Margaret Castello Room Adult Confirmation Classes – 7:30 p.m. – . Fr. McGivney Room Men’s Basketball–7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m. Gym THURSDAY: Procession Committee – 7:30 p.m. – Fr. McGiveny Room Pastoral Council Meeting – 7:30 p.m. St. Joseph Cottolengo Room Cub Scouts – 7:30 p.m. – Cafeteria Night of Reflection – First Holy Communicants – 7:00 p.m. Mass - Church Badminton Club – 7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. – Gym Adult Choir Practice – 7:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. - Church FRIDAY: Jr. Legion of Mary – 5:30 p.m. – Fr. McGivney Room Girl Scouts – 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – Blessed MOTHER’S DAY CARDS Margaret Castello Room WE HAVE BEAUTIFUL MOTHER’S DAY CARDS IN Holy Hour for Vocations – 7:00 p.m. – THE PARISH OFFICE. PLEASE STOP IN TO PICK Adoration Chapel UP ONE FOR YOUR MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, Filipino Choir Practice – 7:30 p.m. – AUNT, ETC. St. Lorenzo Ruiz Room 4 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Charismatic Prayer Meeting – 8:00 p.m. – Fr. McGivney Room Men’s Basketball – 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Gym The following items are available for sponsorship on a weekly basis. They may be sponsored in honor of a loved one, living or deceased, or to commemorate an anniversary or special event. CHURCH Sanctuary Lamp (next to Tabernacle) Flower Arrangement (by the Tabernacle) Flower Arrangement (in front of altar) 2 Flower Arrangements (by the Crucifix) 2 Flower Arrangements (by the Blessed Mother statue) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL Sanctuary Lamp 4 Votive Candles SATURDAY: First Holy Communion–10:30 a.m. Society of St. Paul – Book Exhibit – following 5:00 p.m. Mass - cafeteria Hawaiian Luau – Dinner/Dance – 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 Midnight - Auditorium Cancelled - Kalahi Men’s Basketball – 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m. –Gym (Recreation Center) SUNDAY: Society of St. Paul – Book Exhibit – following all Masses - cafeteria Rosary Altar Communion Sunday – 8:30 a.m. Choir sings at 11:30 a.m. Mass Baptisms – 1:00 p.m. – Church Choir Concert – 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. – Church Kalahi Basketball Practice – 3:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. – Gym (Recreation Center) Youth Group – 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. - Cafeteria Bible Study – 7:30 p.m. – Fr. Halbing WE ARE A TITHING PARISH FOLLOWING GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING ******************************************* Dear Parishioners: I would like to thank all those who helped make Holy Week such a beautiful experience for the many people who visited our church and took part in the Solemn Liturgies of the Lord’s Passion, Death and Resurrection. Our parish is truly blessed to have so many generous people who never grow tired of sharing their time, talent and resources. EASTER COLLECTION FIGURES WILL BE PUBLISHED AT THE END OF THE MONTH. Comment: “Giving is more than a responsibility – it is a privilege; more an act of obedience –it is evidence of our faith.” We need only to humbly accept this love. A Blessed Easter to you all!!” Pastor’s Comment: After the Resurrection, the Apostles went about doing and teaching as Jesus had done. Their lives were a testimony to their faith and the presence of Christ in them. I thank God for so many of you who walk in the light of Christ, giving of yourselves from your time, talent and finances. You have no idea of the value and affect of your generosity. You make an incredible difference in the vitality of this parish family. May God bless you many times over for the good that you do.” Thank you also to our parish youth group and the Knights of Columbus for hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt. All the children who participated had a wonderful time. Scripture: What return can I make for all the good the Lord has done for me?” Psalm: 116-12 5 May God bless you and may the joy of the Risen Christ continue to live in your hearts and homes throughout the year. Fr. Paul Da Silva NEW IMAGE OF THE RISEN CHRIST Our parish recently purchased a statue of the Risen Christ for the Easter “Resurrection Scene” currently displayed in our church. If anyone would like to make a contribution towards the cost of the beautiful image, please contact the Parish Office. PROPOSED CHURCH RENOVATION FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT Parishioner’s will find in this week’s bulletin a 2 page summary report of the feasibility study recently conducted by the development firm, Guidance in Giving, Inc. A copy of the entire 29 page report is also available in the Parish Center for those who wish to stop by and office and read it. Thank you again to all those who participated in the study. CRS RICE BOWL Please return your Rice Bowls into the BIG Rice Bowl in the back of the Church. FUTURE PARISH EVENTS & MEETINGS PSALMS – THE SCHOOL OF PRAYER – WEDNESDAYS FROM 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. – ENDING MAY 28, 2014. ST. LORENZO RUIZ ROOM. ITALIANO ENZA DOLORE! Learn to read and nverse in simple Italian. Class is held on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. - in the St. Joseph Cottolengo Room in the Parish Center. All are welcome. CI DIVERTIAMO MOLTO! Come & see! VENITE E VEDETE! HAWAIIIAN LUAU – DINNER/DANCE RD FUNDRAISER – SATURDAY – MAY 3 – 6:00 P.M. TO 12:00 MIDNIGHT – OUR LADY OF FATIMA AUDITORIUM-ADVANCE TICKETS $30/PERSON, $15/12 & BELOW $35/PERSON AT DOOR, $20/12 & BELOW Call Dr. Bunales 732-968-6298 Lourdes Paredes 732-213-5404 Gemma Ross 908-265-3213 Net proceeds will be donated for the renovation of the Church. SAVE THE DATES!!! SOLEMNITY OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA – TUESDAY – MAY 13TH 6:00 p.m. – Confessions 6:30 p.m. - Holy Rosary with “Living Mysteries” 7:00 p.m. – Solemn Mass in honor of Our Lady of Fatima 8:00 p.m. – Refreshments FATIMA CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION SUNDAY – MAY 18, 2014 – 7:30 P.M. To manifest Mary’s Queenship over the whole world we would like to increase the number of banners and international flags carried in our procession. If you would like to make a donation toward the purchase of a particular flag or banner call Lynn at 732-968-1403. PARISH “66TH ANNIVERSARY” CELEBRATION – SUNDAY MASS AT 11:30 A.M. AND LUNCHEON TO FOLLOW – JUNE 29, 2014 MOSES – TRIP TO SIGHT & SOUND – AUGUST 23rd PRAY– REFLECT – READ AND BE RENEWED The Priests and Brothers of the Society of St. Paul, through their ministry of Communications, will be here with us Saturday, May 3rd following the 5:00 p.m. Mass & Sunday, May 4th following all Masses in the cafeteria. They have a wide variety of books in English & Spanish for Spiritual Reading and Reflection. Bibles, CD’s, Children’s Books, Videos, Music, Lives of Saints and Religious Articles. Take this opportunity to deepen your personal Christian life and to learn more about the Sacraments and the teachings of the Church, through good reading and the use of devotional materials. Take a few minutes and stop by, say hello 6 to the Brothers and Priests and browse. FATIMA CANDLELIGHT PROCESSION The Procession Committee of Our Lady of Fatima Church invites you to join us on Sunday evening, May 18, 2014 for our thirteenth annual Fatima Candlelight Procession. We will gather at 7:00 p.m. outside of the Church. The procession will begin at 7:30 p.m. Recitation of the rosary will take place inside the church for those unable to walk the procession route. The program in the church following the procession will include music by Our Lady of Fatima Choir, a homily by our guest presider, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction and the traditional Fatima Farewell. The church is located at 501 New Market Road in Piscataway. For information call Roberta Maurer at 732-245-9124. We look forward to praying with you as we honor our parish patroness, Our Lady of Fatima. Please join us!! PARISH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: This coming June, our parish will celebrate the 66th anniversary of its founding by Bishop William A. Griffin of Trenton. We will be celebrating a mass of thanksgiving to commemorate this milestone, on Sunday, June 29th at the 11:30 a.m. Mass followed by a luncheon buffet at The Rosewood, 2863 Woodbridge Avenue, Edison, New Jersey. The cost of the luncheon is $35 for adults and $20 for children (ages 2-12). To purchase tickets for the luncheon, please contact the parish office. Let us all gather as a family in thanksgiving to celebrate the anniversary of our beloved Our Lady of Fatima Parish. NOMINEES FOR THE REV. HERBERT J. STAB STEWARDSHIP AWARD – Last year Our Lady of Fatima parish established the Rev. Herbert J. Stab Stewardship Award to recognize individuals or couples who have exemplified the true meaning of service to God and others by the extraordinary way in which they have shared their time, talent and resources with our parish. The award is named in honor of our beloved Pastor Emeritus, who was its first recipient. During our parish’s 66th anniversary luncheon we plan on honoring individuals/couples with the award. We are requesting nominees for this year’s award and invite you to nominate a parishioner, living or deceased. Please send or bring your nomination to the parish office by Sunday, May 7 18, 2014. Place it in a sealed envelope marked “Stewardship Award Nominee.” Nominations should include the name(s) of the nominee(s), along with your name and contact information, and a brief summary of why you believe this individual/couple is deserving of the award. The names of those chosen to receive the award will be announced the last week of May. OUR LADY OF FATIMA CHURCH SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB INVITES Anyone, age 55 or older to join the OLFC Senior Citizens Club which meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at the Parish Recreation Center. REMINDER: When attending the meeting please bring FOOD FOR FISH. Call Betty Schick – President at 908-625-5227 for information or questions. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY FUND RAISER: It’s back our ‘BAKELESS CAKE SALE.” This fund raiser enables us to provide for the various events our Pastor and Spiritual Director, Fr. Paul, asks us to host or provide the refreshments for in addition to other charitable causes that we sponsor. Thank you for your generosity. Please make checks payable to Rosary Altar Society of Our Lady of Fatima Church. For other information please call Sharon at 732-9860325. Thank you!! OLF CHOIR CONCERT – MAY 4TH – SAVE THE DATE: OLF Adult & Children’s Choirs will hold a Spring Concert on May 4th from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Church. The concert will offer a variety of music, including some parish favorites like This Little Light of Mine and We Are Marching. The choir will also sing newer arrangements of Amazing Grace and the Ave Maria, as well as selections by John Rutter & J.S. Bach. Please join us on the 4th. A free will offering will be taken during the concert. For further information contact Jean Lyons at 732-642-6747. Our Lady of Fatima Parish invites EVERYONE on a trip to see BETTER WITH A BAND at the Hunterdon th Hills Playhouse on Thursday – June 5 – Price $77.00 includes, bus, lunch, show, all gratuities & drivers tip. Call Betty at 908-625-5227 or Eileen at 732-968-8318. Italy Pilgrimage: It is not too late to enroll for the Pilgrimage to Italy (November 12-20,2014. You do not need to sing to accompany the Adult Choir on this Pilgrimage. Fr. Edmund Luciano will be traveling with us as Spiritual Director, so we will celebrate Mass every day along the way (especially in basilicas in Florence, Orvieto, Assisi & Rome.) The choir will also sing for the Sunday Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. A highlight of the trip will be the weekly audience with Pope Francis in addition to visiting many sacred and historic sites along the way. We welcome fellow pilgrims to join us for this special journey. For further information, please call Jean Lyons at 732-642-6747. CHOIR REHEARSALS FOR ITALY PILGRIMAGE: Pilgrimage Choir rehearsals will be held on the 2nd & 4th Sundays from 12:45 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. in the Parish Center – St. Joseph Cottolengo Room. Anyone who is interested in joining the Pilgrimage Choir should contact Jean Lyons for further information 732-642-6747. The Pilgrimage Choir will be singing for five liturgies at basilicas in Florence, Orvieto, Assisi, Rome and at St. Peter’s. OTHER PARISH INFORMATION NEW PARISH WEBSITE: Check out our new parish website at www.olfparish.org. It contains the weekly parish bulletin, monthly newsletter, special announcements, information on parish events, inspirational videos and much more. It’s one of the best ways to continually keep up with the latest news from the parish. Our Lady of Fatima Parish Altar Servers Ministry is seeking new members. If you are a 4th grade student or older and would like to serve God through serving His church community, come and join us. For more information call Rochielle Guanlao at 732-369-6365/732-328-0787. You can also reach me at via email:rochie [email protected] POSTCARDS – As part of a major evangelization project being conducted by our parish, every household in Piscataway (within our parish boundaries) received a mailing from us which includes several post cards. If you live in Piscataway, or in a neighboring town and did not receive one, please pick up one from the table in the back of the Church. The mailing requested that all those who are 18 years of age or older fill out a postcard and return it to us. We ask that every parishioner please participate in this endeavor and encourage their neighbors, whether they be Catholic or not, to participate as well. It only takes a minute to fill out each postcard and the return postage is paid by us. Returns can also be dropped in the collection basket or brought to the Parish Office. FILIPINO MASS th The Filipino Mass is held on the 4 Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Fellowship follows the Mass in the cafeteria. LINE DANCING IS CANCELLED FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. st nd th LINE DANCING – Every 1 , 2 & 5 Sundays of the month. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Gym (Recreation Center) with Fr. Virgil Tolentino. Open to all ages. Donation of $5.00 or more per person. Refreshments available for purchase. For information contact Cora at 732-968-5555 ext. 1109. VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.olfparish.org MONTHLY FLEA MARKET – The flea market is held on the last Saturday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. rain or shine, at the Parish Recreation Center parking lot or in the Cafeteria (during inclement weather). If you’re looking to get rid of things and/or make some extra money, this is the perfect vending event for you. If you’re looking for great bargains and/or unique items, this is the perfect shopping event for you. We have also recently acquired beautiful images of the Blessed Mother which are for sale. Join us as a Vendor and/or Shopper!! To reserve your space call: 732-7355472. The cost per (10’ by 10’ space) is only $25.00. MOSES – TRIP TO SIGHT & SOUND – The new date for our trip to Sight & Sound Millennium Theatre to see MOSES is AUGUST 23rd. Cost is $139.00 with deposit ASAP – Final payment is due June 2nd. Family style lunch at Hershey Farm Restaurant and shopping at Kitchen Kettle Village. Call Betty at 908625-5227, Bridie at 732-463-0862 or parish office at 732-968-5555. Hope you can join us for this special show. 8 Concords (Separated & Divorced Group) nd Meetings are held on the 2 Wednesday of the Month. Contact: Mel at 732-926-1963 or Lucy at 732-968-4093. Clearly leave your name & number. ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: PURCHASE YOUR GIFT CARDS AT THE PARISH OFFICE LOCATED AT 50 VAN WINKLE PLACE. WE HAVE GIFT CARDS FOR SHOP RITE IN DENOMINATIONS OF $100, $50.00, $25.00, $20.00; PATHMARK IN DENOMINATIONS OF $100, $50.00 & $25.00, STOP & SHOP IN DENOMINATIONS OF $100, $50.00, $25.00, & $10.00. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS STOP INTO THE PARISH OFFICE WE DO THE REST. YOUTH GROUP CORNER: th th The Youth Group/Ministry is open to youths (8 -12 Grade, 13 to 18 year olds.) st rd We meet the 1 & 3 Sundays of each month from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. NEXT MEETINGS – MAY 4th & MAY 18th. If you have any questions, ideas or if you just want to get involved, please contact us at the parish office 732-968-5555, ext. 1209. We can also be reached via email; [email protected] Face book – Our Lady of Fatima Youth Group – Piscataway. PRAY FOR PEACE: WANTED: Families that would like to have the Blessed Mother’s statue visit their home for a week. WHY: The Legion of Mary would like to pray the Rosary with them on Monday evenings. WHO: Please contact Cora Verdadero at 732-752-3889. FISH: $ALM$ NEEDED$ - FISH, INC. Asks you to consider a monthly gift this Lenten season so we are able to continue to provide food to the 500+ families in our area who call on us. Through regional food banks we can purchase basic food items at a very low cost. Monetary donations may be sent to: FISH, INC at P.O. Box 8565, Piscataway, N.J. 08854. NEEDED FOOD ITEMS: Powdered milk – Coffee – Tea – Cocoa – Dried Beans – Barley, hot cereals without – sugar - high protein cereals - canned fruit & juices. Anyone who needs help with food or clothing; or, who would like to volunteer to help others, may call 732-356-0081. A FISH volunteer will return your call. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK - Without advertisements in our bulletin from sponsors like ORTHODONTIC ASSOCIATES (Dr. Peter Clemente) located at 121 Metlars Lane, Piscataway this bulletin would not be possible. www.peterclemente.com BADMINTON If you want to have fun, meet new friends and practice/improve your badminton skills, join us at Our Lady of Fatima Church Badminton Club every Monday 8:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. & Thursday 8:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Bring your own rackets. Be a member, pay vouchers or pay as you play. One day free trial game upon registration. All proceeds donated to Our Lady of Fatima. DIOCESAN NEWS 2013 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL FAITH, FAMILY, COMMUNITY To date the Development Department has received pledges totaling $100,121.34 and payments totaling $86,271.4 from 457 parishioners. This represents 106.3% of our $94,200.00 goal. WE HAVE TEMPORARY ENVELOPES IN THE CHURCH FOR ANY PARISHIONER WHO MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN THEIR ENVELOPES. FILL OUT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS AND YOUR NUMBER IF YOU KNOW IT (IF NOT WE WILL LOOK IT UP). 9 BIBLE CLASSES FOR MATURING ADULTS 55+ th BRING YOUR BIBLE – WEDNESDAY – APRIL 30 ST TO MAY 21 – 10:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M. - $5.00 PER SESSION – Classes will center on the Old Testament concentrating on the Prophetic Books – St. John Neumann Pastoral Center – hot or cold lunch available for purchase. Greeting from the Office of the Diaconate How does someone know if he has a vocation to be a deacon? There is a maxim that says “Grace builds on nature.” In many cases, a person’s diaconal qualities have been observed and experienced by friends, family and members of a parish community; in these cases, it is often some of these same people, or a pastor, who suggest to a man that he ought to consider the possibility of the diaconate. Perhaps a man has been interested in the diaconate because of his own experience with deacons or through something he has read. In every case, a person who thinks he might have a vocation to the diaconate should first pray, then talk about it with his family, if he’s married, and find out more by calling the director of the diaconate for the diocese in which he lives. AREA NEWS KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS CORNER: Our local website is http://www.kofc2544.com. Council 2544 serves Our Lady of Fatima Church and we are always looking for Catholic men in good standing to join us. If you are interested in learning more about the Knights, please come to our web site located at http://kofc2544.com. DEANERY SCHOOL HOLY SAVIOR ACADEMY We are located at 149 South Plainfield Avenue, South Plainfield, N.J. For more info call 908-822-5890. SHOPPING REMINDER!!! We are still collecting General Mills’ Box Tops for Education programs and Tyson A+ programs which will be given to our Deanery School – Holy Savior Academy. Please check your purchases for these eligible items. Put them in a baggie or an envelope and place in collection basket. 10 The Third Annual Holy Savior Academy 5K Run and Family Fun Walk will take th place on June 7 at 9:00 a.m. Students, family and community members are encouraged to start a team or participate as an individual at the 5K race or the 1 mile family friendly walk. The race begins and ends at Holy Savior in South Plainfield. Registration is $25 for the 5K or $10 for students. Walkers will pay $10. (5K registration goes up to $30 after May 7th) Prizes & medals will be awarded to the top runners in age category and t-shirts are free to first 100 runners registered. To register, www.holysavior5K.eventbrite.com Volunteers are also needed to assist that morning & donations are being accepted. Please email [email protected] to help. CLEANING FOR A REASON: If you know of any woman currently undergoing chemo please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning – 1 time per month for 4 months while she is in treatment. All she has to do is sign up and have her doctor fax a note confirming the treatment. CLEANING FOR A REASON will have a participating service in her zip code area arrange for the service. This organization serves the entire USA and currently has 547 partners to help these women. It is our job to pass the word and let them know that there are people out there that care. Be a blessing to someone and pass this information along. http:/www.cleaningforareason.org. Jacqueline Pirante-Fuchs E.M. GAMAO, M.D. Sales Associate • ABR, ePro, SRF, Previews® Property Specialist Primary Care Internal Medicine Cell: 908.581.8513 • Office 908.766.2900x222 www.JackieFuchs.com [email protected] 39 Olcott Square Bernardsville, NJ 07924 Owned and Operated by NRT, LLC 732-981-9336 1032 Stelton Rd. Piscataway RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 732-469-3889 Heating • Air Conditioning Middlesex www.victorsairconditioning.com ✃ Please cut out this “Thank You Ad” and present it the next time you Patronize One of Our Advertisers Traditional Filipino Cuisine Thank you for advertising in our Church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Made Fresh Daily Every Day We Cater LYTWYN 732•667•5267 230 - 4 Mountain Avenue Middlesex, NJ 08846 Plumbing & Heating For ALL your Plumbing Needs & Bathroom Installations www.manilabbq.com Family Owned & Operated Eamonn, Erin & John 732-968-0081 Call and We'll Deliver In this memoir, set as deeply in his mind as in the Southeast Asian jungle, a young American soldier embarks on a journey to a war that, for him, will never be over. The world was a playground for Mickey, a naive Irish American kid bored with his life. His father served in World War II, his brother was a Marine in Vietnam; now it was his turn. His 365 days in Vietnam builds in torment until an attack on a bunker complex in Cambodia. Wounded, his friend captured, he becomes a tormented survivor knowing he is always just a heartbeat from death. AVAILABLE Scan Here: NOW! or visit: http://goo.gl/ZGdeFF Holly Park Interiors SPECIALIZING IN: Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Attic & Basement Refinishing Renovations • Doors & Trim 732-667-8092 Eric W. Conrad [email protected] Piscataway • Lic. #13VH07827000 Carolyn A. Sheenan DMD, CACS General Dentistry 239 Dunellen Avenue Dunellen, New Jersey 08812 732/424-1111 45 Years Serving Your Community TV • Appliances Hot Water Heaters 732-968-1300 Ask About Our Free Delivery Removal & Hook-up G60603 (EM) - Our Lady of Fatima, Piscataway FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside GREENBROOK MEMORIALS Plumbing Professional Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Monuments • Marker • Bronze Plaques License #8741 • Piscataway 103 Bound Brook Rd., Middlesex 732-968-2543 908-561-1941 732-777-0017 A-1 Auto Repair B.K.’s Home Improvements Inc. Greg Pinho, Prop. Specializing In German & Asian Cars Foreign & Domestic Tamara L. Sinagra, Manager NJ Lic. No. 4577 Michael L. Castoral, Director, NJ Lic. No. 4305 Daniel M. Erickson, Director, NJ Lic. No. 4798 ~ HANS PETER HAFNER ~ 732-968-0037 206 Wilton Avenue · Middlesex (Off South Avenue) 752-7686 www.piscatawayfuneralhome.com Se Habla Español PETER L. CLEMENTE, DMD - ORTHODONTIST SPEC. LIC. #2741 Adults & Children Teeth Whitening Clear Braces Advanced Technology Invisalign TMJ Treatment Insurances Accepted ~ Evening Appointments www.peterclemente.com 121 Metlars Lane Piscataway 732-985-1666 Siding · Roofing · Windows Kitchens · Baths · Skylights 374 Livingston Ave. New Brunswick 732-545-0093 123 E. Maple Ave. Bound Brook 732-469-1345 Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt BTF Piscataway BTF Associates Business, Tax and Financial Experts Malvin Torralba 908-416-4341 200 Stelton Rd., Piscataway 732-752-2229 Owned & Operated by The Bussiere Family TAX RETURNS 15 Years In Personal/Business Tax Returns & Business Formation ROME PIZZA Quick Service Since 1967 The Pizza Specialists! EAT-IN OR TAKE-OUT Weekend Deliveries 334 No. Ave., Dunellen 732-968-1394 FOREVER FLOWERS ~ Your Neighborhood Florist ~ 136 Stelton Road • Piscataway 732-968-2345 LOCAL & WORLDWIDE DELIVERY ® TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENT A.F. Paredes & Co. Italian Ice Cakes Roofing · Windows · Siding Decks · Seamless Gutters Certified Public Accountants Accounting • Auditing • Tax Preparation We Serve Smiles Tim’s Lawn Maintenance 732-535-0439 Cutting · Edging · Clean Ups timslawnanddrivewayco.webs.com 908-754-0149 732-752-9530 732-424-7339 www.ajproconstruction.com 250 Stelton Road, #8, Piscataway website: paredescpa.com 474 So. Washington Ave., Piscataway THE DIOCESE OF METUCHEN Lisa Vorreas Consignment by Appointment Once Upon Again Catholic Cemeteries CONSIGNMENT BOUTIQUE www.onceuponagain.com Announcing pre-construction pricing at the new Mausoleum of the Holy Spirit, Piscataway 27 S. PLAINFIELD AVE., S. PLAINFIELD 908-561-3898 Fully Insured Free Estimate Holy Cross Cemetery Featuring Mary Sorrowful Mother Mausoleum Crematorium On Site For Your Peace of Mind & Information: www.penyakroofing.com • 908-753-4222 Resurrection Cemetery 840 Cranbury-South River Rd., Jamesburg Hoes Lane & Park Ave., Piscataway 800-943-8400 DioMetuchen.org/Cemeteries Piscataway Auto & Truck Repair DOMESTIC & FOREIGN - 24 HOUR ROAD SERVICE 732-968-8550 Thomas E. Sheenan, CFSP O WNER /M ANAGER NJ L IC . 2592 1801 WEST 7TH STREET PISCATAWAY Christenings • Communions Rehearsal Dinners • Repast Business Meetings • Private Parties Catering • Banquet Facilities 120 No. Washington Ave. Dunellen, NJ 732.968.2900 www.dunellenhotel.com Corner of Walnut & 7th Streets Town Plumbing & Heating J.J. Fosbre & Sons Lic. No. 5688 732-968-1220 G60603 (EM) - Our Lady of Fatima, Piscataway FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • Bon Venture Services, LLC 233 D UNELLEN A VENUE D UNELLEN , N EW J ERSEY 08812 p: (732) 968-4227 WWW . SHEENANFH . COM P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside