Canrpaign to tackle Mat Rempit off to good start
Canrpaign to tackle Mat Rempit off to good start
J' ---"'J r-' launchingthe FeldaYouth Convention2010in Putrajayayesterday.- Pictureby David Khoo -'-"r-"-- -"-- ^"o'*'. Alsoconductedat 59 community Oktira02010. Canrpaign to tackleMat Rempitoff to goodstart GEORGETOIVN:About 15,000people packedthe Esplanadeyesterdayfor the inaugural "Ride It Right" road safety campaign to eradicate Mat Rempit activities. MediaPrimaBhdand thei\ew Straits Times Presswere the media partners for the nationwide event, organisedto . go all out against the notorious road menace. Penangwas selectedto host the one-daycarnival which receivedan overwhelming responsefrom the public, who were thrilled byvarious motorcyclesshowcased. Themed "PencarianJuaru Sebenar' (Finding the True Champ),the event was aimed at gathering youth to race within a controlled track. A similar event is slated to be held monthly beginning next year at Batu Kawan,SeberangPrai Selatan,before expandingto other parts ofthe country. Statepolice chief Datuk Wira Alrrb Yaacobthanked co-organisers,Eramaster and LMW PenhzoilDistributors SdnBhd, for stagingthe event,sayingit was a step in the right direction to nip the Mat Rempitproblem in the bud. He alsolauded the eventwhich was usedasa launching pad to kickstart the campaignagainstlhe lepak floitering) culture amongstyouth. "This eventis a goodall,ernativeto police enforcementin curbing illegal road racing. It enablesyouth to pool their motorcycling talents while displaying their racing skills." Also presentwere Eramasterchief executiveofficer Suhaimi Abd Jalil and UMW Pennzoilgeneral manager Mohd RuslanAbdulGhani. -.lL +:,;tr,.1il; tg' "M PenangpolicechiefDatukWiraAyubYaacob(secondfrom right) posingwith Eramaster chiefexecutiveofficerSuhaimiAbd lalil (centre)and UMW PennzoilDistributorsSdnBhdgeneralmanagerMohd RuslanAbdulGhaniat the inaugural'Ridelt Right'roadsafetycampaignat the Esplanade - Pictureby Asmanlbrahim yesterday.