July - The City of Hurstbourne Acres


July - The City of Hurstbourne Acres
Hurstbourne Acres Post
July 2015
Next City Meeting
Thursday, July 9th
City Hall at 6:30 pm
Yard Waste- Monday
Trash & Recycling- Tuesday
Mayor..............................................Sean Fore, 1808 Addington Ave
phone. 727-6000
email- [email protected]
Commissioner Street & Lights.....Donna Nichols, 9104 Haviland Ave
phone- 491-7670
email- [email protected]
Commissioner--Police....................Teresa Renninger, 9005 Haviland Ave
phone. 491-6014
email- [email protected]
Commissioner--Parks & Rec……Troy Eskridge, 9002 Hurstbourne Ln
phone. 762-4407
email- [email protected]
Commissioner--Sanitation………Terry McAllister, 1907 Hurstbourne Cir
phone. 709-2509
email- [email protected]
Clerk...............................................Michael Bolten, 1913 Hurstbourne Cir
email- [email protected]
Treasurer........................................Sharon Hollkamp, 1812 Addington Ave
phone. 727-0943
email- [email protected]
Attorney...........................................Stephen C. Emery
phone. 565-4440
email- [email protected]
Financial Advisor............................Matt Anderson, Edward Jones Co.
phone. 348-5567
email- [email protected]
Metro District Representative........Marilyn Parker, 18th District
phone. 574-1118
email- [email protected]
State Representative........................Phil Moffett, 32nd House District
email- [email protected]
State Senator....................................Senator Paul Hornback, 20th District
phone. (502) 564-8100 Ext. 648
Chief of Police...................................Steve Griffin
email [email protected]
Police .................................................Kevin Mills and Michael Holston
Police Dispatch..................................phone. 574-5471
City Hall.....................1916 Hurstbourne Circle
phone. 499-2352
Newsletter..........................................Sara Beth Brown
email- [email protected]
It has been my sincere honor and pleasure serving you in the capacity of Police Officer, and that of Chief the past 5 years. The
kindness shown toward my family and I have been overwhelming. Mayor Sean Fore, and each and every Commissioner, (past and
present) truly had the best interests of the City at heart. They work tirelessly, and spend many hours doing City business, many of
which are unseen. Their jobs go beyond that of just attending a Commission meeting. Each and every one should be commended.
Your dedication to the City stands alone. I appreciate the faith you have shown in my ability to lead your Police Department.
Thank you Mayor Fore, and the Commissioners.
I would like to recognize Officer Kevin Mills, and Officer Mike Holston. Kevin and Mike are more than just my co-workers, they are
my friends. I have known these men for more than twenty years. Whether on duty, or off duty, I can count on each of them to do
the right thing. They have made my job easier. Thank you, Kevin and Mike.
I would be amiss if I failed to mention Gary Heggs. When I first was made Chief, I listened to you the citizens. I tried to model
myself after that of Gary Heggs. I knew Gary, but not as well as I would have liked. Gary had a sterling reputation. Thank you,
I would like to recognize Steve Griffin. I have known Steve for over twenty years as well. He has the respect of every Police Officer
in all walks of the police community. He is beyond reproach when it comes to his commitment, loyalty, and dedication to the job.
You could not have a better man to become your next Chief. I can see him taking the Police Department to an even higher level of
professionalism. Good luck. Thank you, Steve.
The Golden Watch Program has been my favorite part of my job, hands down. The Good Book commands us to take care of
Widows and Orphans. I have enjoyed my time getting to know each and every one of our senior residents. You have truly
enriched me and have helped me grow as a person. Thank you Golden Watch Residents.
I would like to recognize Commissioner Teresa Renninger. Teresa is a big part of the Police Department. I as well as the rest of the
Department are computer challenged. She spends an enormous amount of time maintaining our computers. The residents often call
her, (day and night) to alert her of a problem, to then notify us. The Golden Watch program was her idea. When you work as
closely with someone as I have done with Teresa, she is more than my boss, but that of my friend. Her dedication to the City is
unmatched. Teresa is a huge part of the Police Department. As a former public school teacher, and her husband Bill, a veteran
member of the fire service, they truly have the heart of a servant. Bill, I hope you finally get some uninterrupted family d inners.
Thank you, Teresa.
I would like to recognize Sgt. Michael Moore. Mike is my right hand. Mike was instrumental in every accomplishment that this
Department has achieved during my tenure as Chief. There was never a task that was too big, nor too small that Mike could not
handle. Every single job he handled with excellence. It has been by fortune to have served with Mike, not only as a fellow Police
Officer, but more of a brother. Thank you, Mike.
Lastly, I would like to give Jesus himself all of the credit. He has looked out over and protected me as well as my fellow Officers. I
owe everything to him. Thank you, Jesus.
Notes from the Mayor
I hope everyone is staying cool during the long hot summer.
Welcome to
Hurstbourne Acres
Police Chief
Steve Griffin!
Message from Police Chief Steve Griffin
I learned many years ago that the only constant in life
is change. This July has brought many changes to the
Police Department with the retirement of Chief Rusty
Bittle and Sergeant Mike Moore. It has been my
privilege to have served with both of these fine men
for many years and I know full well the positive
impact they have had on this community. I wish them
nothing but happiness and all the best that life can
offer as they move forward with their lives.
I am honored that Mayor Fore and the City of
Hurstbourne Acres have chosen to place their
confidence in me as your new Chief of Police. It is my
intent to continue the policies and build on the solid
foundation that was established by Chief Bittle for
this department. One of the first orders of business is
to hire two new Police Officers to bring us back up to
strength. We hope to have them on the job shortly.
If there is anything that you need, or if you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
I look forward to meeting and working with all of you.
Steve Griffin
Chief of Police
I know that all the residents will join me in wishing nothing
but the best for retiring Police Chief Rusty Bittle and Sgt
Mike Moore. They have been a great asset to the City and
we wish them all the best!
On Tuesday, June 30, 2015 I swore in our new Police Chief
Steve Griffin. I know that he will continue keeping our
neighbors safe and continuing the good work started by
Rusty and Mike.
I look forward to seeing you at the next meeting on the July
Sean Fore- Mayor
Save the date
City Picnic at Welch Park
September 13th 2-6 p.m.
There will be music, prizes,
face painting, glitter tattoo,
caricatures, and food by Ole
Hickory BBQ
Terry McAllister
The July 1/2015 thru June 30/2016 Sanitation contract has been
approved and signed by all pertinent parties with no changes in
service or cost.
Last month’s quote was from Henry Ford.
This month’s quote. "Now and then it's good to pause in our
pursuit of happiness and just be happy."
Streets and Lighting
Donna M Nichols
Commissioner McAllister and myself are going to do a "sign
survey" to determine which signs have proven beneficial and
which have not. I would like to see the signs removed from the
street signs and placed on a pole by themselves. We will make
you aware of changes when this is completed.
Parks and recreation Troy Eskridge
Stanley Welch Park has received 21 tons of new playground
sand, a new tire swing, a new flag and lighting. Over the next
week more improvements will be on the way. These include a
fresh coat of paint on the swing set poles, resetting the playground pavers, and mulch for the rose bushes. I would like to
thank the residents who helped with the shoveling and raking
of the playground sand.
Golden Watch
Teresa Renninger
Tips for a Safe Summer
Seniors can live active lifestyles, but it's important
to watch and maintain health during the hot summer
months! Here are a few tips to make sure you stay
cool and happy!
 Drink plenty of water! Even if you do not feel
thirsty, drink fluids and plenty of water if you
are going to be out in the heat. It’s important to
drink water all the time, but in the summer heat
it’s essential!
 Keep your skin covered- Sun exposure cannot
only be dangerous, but also uncomfortable. Be
sure to wear an appropriate SPF sun block as
well as a hat and cool clothing that covers the
skin. Even on cloudy days, the UV rays from
the sun can damage your skin.
 Do not over work yourself outside in the sun.
Limit activities that will cause you to use a lot
of energy, this can lead to heat stroke.
Stay away from things that have caffeine in
them on real hot days, caffeine will be one of
the quickest things that will dehydrate you.
Water is the best option, but juices and some
electrolyte-enhanced drinks are also good.
 Wear sunglasses to ensure that the sun does
not damage your eyes or vision.
Seniors Stay Safe In Summer – Remember
the sun is a natural source of Vitamin D. Safety
is key, but enjoying the weather is a great way
to enjoy life!
June 11, 2015
The regular meeting of the City Commission was called to
order at 7:30 PM on June 11, 2015 at the meeting room of the
Hurstbourne Acres City Hall/Police Department, 1916
Hurstbourne Circle, Louisville, Kentucky, with the following
persons present;
Sean Fore, Mayor
Troy Eskridge, Commissioner
Terry McAllister, Commissioner
Donna Nichols, Commissioner
Teresa Renninger, Commissioner
Sharon Hollkamp, Treasurer
Michael Bolten, Clerk
Steve Emery, City Attorney
Sally Price, Resident
Nann Anderson, Resident
Teresa Myers, Resident
Dee Panke, Resident
Sarah Lynch, Resident
Jim Lynch, Resident
Ron Walter, Resident
Brent Hardin, Resident
Doug Rogers, Resident
Marlene Hess, Resident
Paul Caibe, Resident
Norma Pennington, Resident
Brent Renninger, Resident
May 14, 2015 Minutes
After review of the draft copy of the minutes, Commissioner
Renninger made a motion to accept the minutes as published.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nichols and
carried unopposed.
Treasurer’s Report
Sharon Hollkamp read the monthly treasurer’s report for
May, 2015 and copies were made available for all people in
attendance. After a discussion, Commissioner Renninger
made a motion to accept as reported. Commissioner
McAllister seconded the motion which carried unanimously.
Sharon Hollkamp read the monthly warrants report for May,
2015 and copies were made available for all attendees. After
a discussion, Commissioner Eskridge made a motion to
accept as presented.
The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Nichols and carried without opposition.
Police Report
Police Chief Bittle reported the following;
-2 offense reports,
-0 accident reports,
-5 arrests,
-20 traffic stops,
-7 citations issued,
-18 warnings issued,
-18 contacts with other agencies,
-5 House Watches,
-3 courtesy notices,
-1 directed patrol,
-11 dispatched runs,
-1 license plate confiscated,
-6 motorist assists,
-0 funeral watches,
-May Highlights
-All officers completed recommended KLC monthly
-All officers completed spring firearms qualifications,
-Put up and took down ‘No Parking’ signs for City
yard sale,
-All businesses in the shopping centers checked
-Golden Watch residents checked on weekly,
-Both the Impala & Explorer are in good working
order. All recommended service being completed,
-Preparations for the ABC renewals began,
-Entire department completed drug screening,
-Passed inspection from the Department of Juvenile
-The 2 offense reports in May were; stolen golf cart
from the Meadows Apartments which was recovered,
and a car break-in at East Chase Apartments,
-Numerous runs made to Speedway that involved
Kennedy Metro students. The runs included
suspected shoplifting, harassing customers, and
harassing staff. All officers that worked during
school hours patrolled lots heavily, and interacted
with Speedway employees. On the last day of
school, Officer Holston was assigned to the
Speedway lot, Schumanns Antiques, and the area of
Cardwell in anticipation of any problems. All ended
-Chief Bittle reported that he is retiring July 1. Sgt.
Moore will also be leaving at that time. Officer Steve
Griffin will be taking over as the new Police Chief.
Attorney’s Report
Attorney Steve Emery had nothing to report.
Commissioner Eskridge discussed issues that have developed
from a review of the Handbook for Playground Safety.
Those issues include the need to keep monthly records by
means of a checklist regarding playground safety; depth of
the sand required in the playground should be between 6 & 9
inches (average in our playground is 3 inches). Most suppliers of playground sand charge $250/ton, and it is estimated
that our playground needs an additional 15 to 20 tons; some
equipment needs to be replaced (tire swing); special paint to
cover rusted areas; Park flag needs to be replaced; treatment
of sand to reduce or eliminate the bees.
Complaints have been made by some residents about a dead
tree on Hurstbourne Lane. Commissioner Eskridge indicated
that within the next couple of weeks the dead tree and debris
should be removed.
Updated information was provided regarding the City picnic,
September 13. The woman who did caricatures last year will
be returning. The Boy Scouts will again be setting up the
tents, Old Hickory will be catering for the same cost as last
year. McMahon Fire Department advised that they cannot
commit this far out, but will be contacted again at the
appropriate time for their participation.
The citywide yard sale was not as successful this year in
terms of people hosting and attending. Commissioner
Eskridge explained that to keep costs low, the yard sale was
not advertised in the newspaper, but relied on social media
sources to get the word out. He promised that this would be
remedied next year.
now been fixed. One of the ‘No U-Turn’ signs on Bunsen
Way is missing and the City is in the process of replacing it.
Both Commissioner Nichols and Commissioner Eskridge
believe that the Stanley B Welch Park sign needs to be
replaced due to its condition. As a result she has budgeted for
that. Lastly, she has asked Commissioner McAllister’s help
in reviewing the signage in the City to determine what is
working and what is not.
Commissioner Renninger explained further about the
decision to replace retiring Police Chief Bittle with Officer
Steve Griffin. She also said the City would be hiring
additional police personnel. There will be an open house for
Police Chief Bittle on June 30 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm to
allow residents to come and personally express their
appreciation. All ABC licenses have been prepared, and
checks are already being received.
Second Reading of Ad Valorem Tax Ordinance
With approval from the Commission, Mayor Fore completed
the second reading of Ordinance #1, Series 2015, establishing
the Ad Valorem Tax rate of $.14 per $100 of valuation for the
fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015. Commissioner Renninger
made a motion to enact and ordain. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner McAllister which carried unopposed.
Second Reading of the Budget Ordinance
With approval from the Commission, Mayor Fore completed
the second reading of Ordinance #2, Series 2015, establishing
the City budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015.
Commissioner McAllister made a motion to enact and ordain.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Nichols and
carried unanimously.
Commissioner McAllister first thanked Commissioner
Renninger for getting information on the Ethics Ordinance
and the members of the board on the City website. In other
news, he provided all of the Commissioners, Clerk and City
Attorney with a copy of the corrected Eco-Tech contract.
Reach Program
He presented the idea of changing the time for the monthly
meeting to 6:30 pm from the current 7:30 pm. After a
discussion, Mayor Fore completed the first reading of
Ordinance #3, Series 2015 to amend Ordinance #4, Series
2012 changing the monthly meeting time from 7:30 pm to
6:30 pm. Finally, Commissioner McAllister again asked
Treasurer Hollkamp about the status of the audit.
She advised that she would call tomorrow.
Commissioner Nichols reported that all of the reflective stop
signs have been installed. Several weeks ago, the light pole
next to the car wash on Hurstbourne Lane was found on the
ground, but has since been replaced. A resident called about
a non-functioning street light on Hoke Road, and that has
Commissioner McAllister provided an update to the Reach
program adopted by the City. More households/individuals
are signing up monthly. Commissioner Eskridge suggested
there be a table setup at the City Picnic to facilitate signups.
Resident Brent Hardin directed a question to Treasurer
Hollkamp regarding insurance premiums paid by the City this
year compared to last year. Mayor Fore asked her to prepare
a report for next month’s meeting outlining the differences.
Finally, resident Jim Lynch mentioned the difficulties in
getting out of the Circle particularly at rush hour. He requested that there be police coverage to enforce the stripping on
the south side. Police Chief Bittle explained the problem with
the distraction to drivers on Hurstbourne Parkway of a police
presence, and potential accidents.
There being no further business or discussion, the meeting
was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted, Michael Bolten, City Clerk