Install Kit Manual
Install Kit Manual
□ □ □ “ □ “ □ □ □ ShaWdirect diGitaL SateLLite tv dual Satellite installation manual mULtipLe aWard-WinninG 24/7/365Service Your simple Your simple guide guide to simple to simple installation. installation. Your ultimate television experience is here! Simply follow the steps outlined in this manual to install your system and you’ll be enjoying amazing 100% digital satellite TV in no time. Before you begin, we’d like to better acquaint you with Shaw Direct. With over 490 channels and growing, including your favourites in HD, Shaw Direct provides flexible programming options to suit every customer. We also provide 24/7/365 award-winning customer support for any of your questions. Our 100% Canadian service team is happy to help you at one of our three call centres in Calgary, Mississauga and Montreal. Here are a few of the great things you'll enjoy as a Shaw Direct customer: We also offer accessories to enhance your experience, like: ShaW direct’S WireLeSS eaSY jacK Turn any electrical outlet into a phone jack, and connect your receiver to order Pay Per View movies and events, right from your remote! Here’s why it’s handy: ■ caller id/call Waiting compatible ■ Built-in surge protection ■ eliminates the cost and challenge of hard-wiring a new phone jack ■ a lso works with other devices such as computers, phones and faxes When you go on holidays so can your bill, with our seasonal disconnect program. If you want to hear about customer offers and promotions, sign-up for our free email news at And tune into channel 299 where you’ll also find technical tips and movie and sports highlights. UniQUe eLLipticaL diSh Welcome to the Shaw Direct family! taKe a vacation From YoUr BiLL Get the power of two satellites in one, plus great reception, rain or shine. extenSive Free previeWS Over 30,000 hours of previews per year so you can sample before you buy. SimpLe SateLLite™ WarrantY A lifetime warranty on external equipment. no LonG-term contractS You don’t have to worry about a big commitment. 2 1. Getting Started This Shaw Direct Installation Manual provides all of the information required to setup your satellite system. The manual provides step-by-step instructions, however skills in construction, wiring and assembly will also be required to successfully complete the installation. Your Shaw Direct Dish Kit contains the following components: ■ S haw Direct 60 cm Elliptical Dish with dual satellite hardware (see images for complete inventory). 60 cm Elliptical Dish Important: We do not recommend installing the satellite dish on your roof, unless absolutely necessary. If you choose to mount the dish on the roof, we strongly recommend consulting a building or construction expert before installation. quad lnb IMPORTANT: Read this manual thoroughly before you start. WARNING: All satellite dish systems must be properly grounded, particularly if the dish is close to or above the roof line. Improper grounding can result in damage or serious personal injury. National, provincial and local electrical codes may require you to ground the dish directly and to insert a grounding block in the coaxial cables running from the dish to the receiver inside the building. Before beginning installation, carefully read the section on grounding the dish (see section 10). This installation requires you to: ■ U se hand tools such as a drill ■ D etermine whether water pipes, electrical wiring or gas lines are close to the installation area ■ R oute coaxial cable through walls and under floors ■ U se a compass, protractor and carpenter’s level ■ U se a ladder to climb structures ■ K now your local, provincial and national grounding codes If you do not have the experience to perform these tasks, contact Shaw Direct for assistance. You will need the following tools: clamp mount assembly 10 20 satellite feed support arm universal mount assembly 60 30 40 50 Hardware 1/4˝x 1-1/2˝ Long Hex Head Bolt (Feed Support Arm Mounting) 1 Supplied 1/4˝ External Tooth Washer 2 Supplied 1/4˝ x 1-3/4˝ Long Carriage Head Bolt (Antenna Mounting Bolt - Painted Head) 2 Supplied 1/4˝ Whiz Nut (Hex Head) 5 Supplied 1/4˝ x 1/2˝ Carriage Head Bolt (Mast Adjusting Bolts) 2 Supplied Spacer Sleeve (Feed Support Arm Mounting) 1 Supplied Hex Head Hi/Lo Screw 2 Supplied 1/4˝ Flat Washer 3 Supplied ■ #1 Philips screwdriver ■ 7/16 hex wrench, open or combination end ■ Electric drill and bits ■ Carpenter’s level ■ Compass ■ Protractor If you are installing a 75 cm dish, you will also require: ■ 2 - 13 mm wrenches (one to hold and one to tighten) ■ A wind brace support is recommended for high wind areas Note: You must use the mast that came with the dish. 3 Key points to remember when installing your Shaw Direct System: ■ D o not drill any holes until you’ve confirmed the best location for the dish. ■ M ake sure the installation of the dish conforms to local electrical and building codes, zoning requirements and other applicable laws and regulations. If you are unsure, contact a local electrician or building inspector for assistance. ■ F or possible periodic removal of snow, choose a site that is easily accessible. ■ E nsure there are no visible obstructions between the dish and your line of sight to the satellites. Keep in mind that trees will grow up and outward and may eventually block the signal. ■ T he maximum allowable length for the RG-6 coaxial cable connecting the receiver to your dish is 125 feet. Consult Shaw Direct if the cable will exceed this length. ■ U se only RG-6 grade coaxial cable. Using lower grade RG-59 coaxial cable may result in excessive signal loss and poor reception. Cable grade type is indicated on the outer jacket of the cable. Do not install the dish: ■ U nder power lines ■ W here it may be easily tampered with ■ W here it is exposed to high winds, during windy or stormy conditions We do not recommend: ■ M ounting the dish on a railing ■ I nstalling the dish on aluminum or vinyl siding (these are unlikely to be structurally sound) Keep grounding requirements in mind (see section 10 for additional information on grounding). Note: We do not recommend mounting the dish on the roof unless absolutely necessary. We also recommend that you consult a building expert for future tips on preventing roof leakage. 3. Dish Assembly Step 1: To avoid losing any hardware components, select a clear area for dish assembly. Step 2: On the Universal Mount, insert the (2) 1/4˝ X 1/2˝ Carriage Head Bolts (Mast Adjusting Bolts), through the mast and the curved slot of the mount. Capture with (2) 1/4˝ External Tooth Washers and (2) 1/4˝ Whiz Nuts. Tighten the bolts just enough to hold in place (see Figure A). Figure A 2. Mounting Locations Your dish will typically be mounted on a solid base. To ensure your dish doesn’t move in windy conditions, choose a location where it can be securely fastened. The mounting surface should be rigid and solid. IMPORTANT: The Elliptical Dish has a turn radius of +/- 35 degrees. If you are mounting the dish on the side of your house, check the assembled dish and mounting pole to see if you can rotate the dish in the desired azimuth setting. If you can’t rotate the dish, choose an alternate location. Key things to remember when choosing a mounting location: ■ T he mounting surface should be flat, even and in good condition. ■ I f you install the dish on the roof or side of your house, be sure to attach the bolts into a building stud, rafter or other solid surface. ■ W hen mounting on the roof of your house, use an adequate/approved sealant (for your type of roofing material) around the holes where the base of the universal mount meets the mounting surface. This will prevent the roof from leaking. Consult with a roofing expert to confirm best sealant. Universal Mount Assembly Assemble Mast Adjusting Bolts with Whiz Nut loose enough to allow movement in curved slot, without damage to painted surface. 1/4˝ External Tooth Washer, both sides Universal Mount 1/4˝ Whiz Nut 1/4˝ x 1/2˝ Carriage Head Bolt (Mast Adjusting Bolt) Step 3: Attach the dish to the Clamp Mount Assembly using the (2) 1/4˝ X 1-3/4˝ Long Carriage Head Bolts (Antenna Mounting Bolts-Painted Head), (2) 1/4 Flat Washers and (2) 1/4˝ Whiz Nuts. Ensure the Center Pivot Pin on the Clamp Mount Assembly is inserted in the mating hole of the Dish (see Figure B). 4 4. Locating the Satellite Figure B 1/4˝ x 1 3/4˝ Long Carriage Head Bolt (Antenna Mounting Bolt) Clamp Mount Assembly Step 1: Determine the direction in which to point the dish. The primary satellite (SAT A) is located at 107.3 west longitude; the secondary satellite (SAT B) will be located at 111.1 west longitude. 1/4˝ Flat Washer 1/4˝ Whiz Nut IMPORTANT: For dual satellite (elliptical) dish installation, use the SAT B Azimuth, Elevation and Skew listings in the Dual Satellite Locator Chart at the back of this manual for the city nearest your location. 10 20 30 40 50 60 Centre Pivot Pin Dish Socket Step 4: Before tightening the bolts, adjust the skew alignment to the 90 degree mark on the Clamp Mount Assembly (see Figure C). Tighten the bolts just enough to hold in place. You’ll have to make further adjustments to this setting later. TIP: Initially setting the skew to 90 degrees will make it easier to aim the dish. Figure C Write them here: Azimuth Elevation Skew SAT A: _________ SAT A: _________ SAT A: _________ SAT B: _________ SAT B: _________ SAT B: _________ Figure E Azimuth Clamp Bolts 0 14 Boss Holes 110 10 0 elevation Skew Step 2: Use a compass to determine roughly where to point your dish. 90 Skew Adjustment Nuts SK 60 EW 0 80 7 50 NOTE: Each Scale mark is 2 degrees azimuth W 12 0 KE S 13 0 Skew Alignment Mark 40 Step 5: Attach the Feed Support Arm to the dish using the (1) 1/4˝ X 1-1/2˝ Hex Head Bolt (1), Spacer Sleeve, (1) 1/4˝ Flat Washer and (1) 1/4˝ Whiz Nut, making sure the Feed Support Arm and Spacer Sleeve are positioned as shown (See Figure D). Position the 2 plastic cable clips (packaged with the LNB) around the support arm to secure the coax cable(s) from the LNB to receiver. Step 3: Choose a dish installation location with a clear line of sight to both SAT B and SAT A based on the settings you recorded earlier. There should be no trees, buildings or other obstructions between the dish and the satellite. Do you have a clear line of sight to both SAT A and SAT B? ■ I f YES, go to Step 4 and continue with the installation. ■ I f NO, find another location. ■ I f you’re not sure, contact Shaw Direct for more information. NOTE: To ensure an accurate compass reading, stay away from large metal objects. To double-check accuracy, take multiple readings several feet apart. Figure D Dish Socket Feed Support Arm Spacer Sleeve 1/4˝ Whiz Nut Flat 1/4˝ Washer 1/4˝ x 1 1/2˝ Long Hex Head Bolt Step 4: At the dish install site, hold a compass level and still in the palm of your hand. When the needle stops rotating (dark half of the needle always points north), slowly rotate the body of the compass so that the “N˝ marking is aligned with the dark half of the needle. Locate the tick mark on the compass edge corresponding to the SAT B azimuth number you wrote down earlier (see Figure F). This is the direction in which to point your dish to receive both SAT A and SAT B signals. TIP: Use a stick or other object to mark the correct azimuth direction. You’ve just finished assembling the dish. 5 0 90 Figure F Level Figure H Not Level ˚ 0˚ 27 0˚ 18 Use bubble level to plumb mast so it is vertical in all directions. If you live in Vancouver, the satellite will be to the Southeast. If you live in Newfoundland, the satellite will be to the Southwest. Step 5: Estimate the SAT B elevation (angle) setting you recorded earlier, using a protractor if needed (see Figure G). Check any obstructions at that elevation. If there are obstructions, then select an alternate location for the dish. Figure G Curved Slot 90° 60° Step 2: Drill holes in the structure on which you are mounting the dish to match the holes in the base of the Universal Mount. 30° 0° 0 degrees is straight toward the horizon and 90 degrees is straight upward. IMPORTANT: When evaluating the install location, make sure there are no trees, branches or objects visually obstructing the dish and the general direction of the satellite. Also, keep in mind that trees grow up and outward and may eventually block the signal. Step 3: Secure the Universal Mount with appropriate surface screws. Check the mount for movement. An improperly secured mount will affect dish performance. Step 4: Slide the Dish/Clamp Mount Assembly onto the mast by loosening the (2) Azimuth Clamp Bolts (see Figure C) and the Elevation Pivot Bolt just enough to slide the assembly until it makes contact with the Elevation Pivot Bolt (see Figure I). Tighten the Elevation Pivot Bolt just enough to hold it in place on the mast. Figure I You have just completed locating a site for your dish. 5. Attaching the Dish Step 1: Ensure mast is plumb before drilling any holes. Hold the Universal Mount in place on the mounting area. Use a carpenter’s level to plumb the antenna mast’s straight section. If the bubble levels (horizontal and vertical) are not centered, rotate the mast (in the curved slot) until it is plumb. Lock it in place by securely tightening the Mast Adjusting Bolts (see Figure H). IMPORTANT: Alignment of the dish will be difficult if the mast is not plumb. Use the metal edge, not the nut or L-bracket to set elevation. (For example, in this picture, the elevation is set at 26). Elevation Pivot Bolt When adjusting elevation, use edge of metal to line up with elevation setting for your area on the elevation scale. 10 20 30 40 50 60 Elevation Adjustment Bolt Elevation Indicator 10 20 60 30 40 50 Step 5: Loosen the Elevation Adjustment Bolt 1/3 turn from tight on either side of the Clamp Mount Assembly. Adjust the Clamp Mount Assembly to the edge of the white indicator line per the SAT B elevation setting you recorded earlier. Tighten the Elevation Adjustment Bolt (see Figure I). Step 6: Attach the Quad Satellite LNB/Feedhorn Clamp Assembly to the Feed Support Arm. Loosen the Feed Arm screw enough to allow the clamp to fit snugly into the Feed Support Arm. Securely tighten the Feed Arm screw. 6 Step 7: Using your compass, point the LNB in the direction corresponding to the SAT B azimuth setting (see Figure J). Draw a vertical mark overlapping the Clamp Mount Assembly and the mast. This mark will provide you with the approximate satellite location reference point when you are ready to tune to the satellite. Figure J Step 1: Connect the RG-6 coaxial cable provided with the install kit to one of the ports of the QUAD LNB. Connect the other end of the coaxial cable to the satellite receiver input connector. To make the dish alignment easier, we suggest you temporarily locate the receiver and TV at an electrical outlet close to where the dish is installed. Unless you can view the signal level on the TV screen from where the dish is being aligned, you will require an assistant to monitor the signal level reading on the TV as you align the dish. Step 2: When the receiver is first powered up, it should be tuned to channel 299. If you are using a legacy receiver and cannot tune to channel 299, go to channel 284 instead. Step 8: Loosen the Skew Adjustment Bolts on either side of the Clamp Mount Assembly. Adjust the Skew Alignment Mark with the scale indicator to the SAT B skew setting you recorded earlier. Finally, lock it in place by securely tightening the Skew Adjustment Bolts. IMPORTANT: Do not make any further adjustments to the Skew Setting from this point onward. Step 9: After making the permanent skew adjustment, install the (2) Hex Head Hi/Lo Screws in the dish boss holes (see Figure C). Four boss holes are available but you’ll only need to use two (the other two may be obstructed depending on the skew setting). Do not over tighten Hi/Lo Screws. You have just finished attaching the Dish to the Universal Mount. 6. Connecting Receiver and Dish You are now at the point in the installation where one of the output ports of the QUAD LNB needs to be connected to the Shaw Direct satellite receiver. Connect the receiver to a TV to see a relative scaled signal level meter that will assist you in obtaining maximum signal strength. If you are unsure of how to connect the TV to the receiver, refer to the User Guide that came with your receiver. If you are working with an non-activated legacy receiver, you should see the following displayed on the TV when you first turn the receiver on. Using the remote, tune receiver to channel 284 to align the dish. If the receiver has been activated before, tune to channel 299 (not 284). For new or non-activated Advanced receivers, you should see the following displayed on your TV when you first turn the receiver on. Tune to channel 299 if the receiver is not already there. Non-activated legacy receivers. Advanced receivers. Step 3: Access the Installation Settings menu. To access this menu on legacy model receivers: 1. Using the remote, press Options 2.Press 6: System Setup 3.Press 3: Installation settings 4.Press 1: Tune in Satellite Signal Position the yellow cursor on the Provider ID (using navigator keys on the remote control) and enter 4128 on the keypad. Installer Menu for legacy model receivers. 7 To access this menu for on Advanced model receivers: 1. Using the remote, press Options 2.Press 6: System Setup (if available) 3.Press 4: System Settings 4.Press 3: Installation Settings 5.Press 1: Tune in Satellite Signal Step 5: Standing behind the dish, using both hands, grasp the dish on each side and slowly move the dish in very small increments to the east or west (several degrees) while your assistant observes the TV installation menu for increases in signal strength. Step 6: As you start to get an indication of increasing signal, make a second reference mark on the dish clamp and pipe mast to serve as a point where signal strength increased. Installer menu for Advanced receivers. Position the yellow cusor on EMM Provider ID (using navigator keys on the remote control) and enter 4128 on the keypad. Use the above illustrated installer menu to align the dish for maximum signal strength. You should have the assistance of a second person to monitor the TV while you complete the adjustments to the satellite dish. As you align the dish for optimum signal strength, the signal level bar will increase in length from left to right and will change colour from red (no signal) to yellow (marginal signal) to green (good signal). Continue to align the dish until you achieve maximum strength. Under clear sky conditions and depending on your location, you should be able to achieve a signal strength of between 80 and 90%. In addition to the visual signal strength indicator, the receiver also emits an audio beeping that will increase in speed as signal strength increases and will become a monotone once you have aligned the dish to the satellite and achieved approximately 50% signal strength. When audio beep becomes monotone, the front panel signal LED should change from Red to Green, indicating signal lock on the satellite. 7. ALIGNING DISH TO ACQUIRE SHAW DIRECT SIGNAL Step 7: As you move dish past the point of maximum signal strength, move dish back in the opposite direction until you achieve maximum signal. Step 8: Tighten the dish clamp screws. Step 9: Now make small adjustments to the elevation of the dish to see if you can further improve on the signal strength. Loosen the Elevation Adjustment Bolts and make slight adjustments (1/2 degree increments) in the elevation, finding the maximum signal strength. When you’ve located the maximum signal strength possible, securely tighten all bolts. Step 10: As a last step, adjust the skew of the dish according to the skew setting you recorded for the location where you are installing the dish. Again, make small adjustments as your assistant monitors the signal strength. When you have reached maximum signal strength tighten the screw to lock down the skew setting. With the receiver on and your assistant ready to monitor signal strength on the TV, you are now ready to make adjustments to the dish to acquire the Shaw Direct satellite signal. NOTE: Do not be discouraged if you do not acquire signal on your first attempt. Be patient and try again. Recheck the pipe mast for true vertical 90 degrees. Once you acquire signal, you may need to make very small adjustments to the dish compass heading (azimuth), elevation and skew settings to maximize signal strength to between 80 and 90%. Step 1: Refer to the azimuth, elevation and skew settings for the location that you recorded on Page 5. Signal Verification Step 2: For initial alignment, set the skew to 90 degrees. Skew will be readjusted to your specific location setting once you acquire the Shaw Direct satellite signal. TIP: It is easier to locate satellite signal with skew set to 90 degrees. The front panel of the satellite receiver will indicate if the correct Shaw Direct signal is being received. On the receiver, observe the LED signal status indicator light. Once this light is no longer red, it indicates the receiver is tuned to a valid channel and has acquired the Shaw Direct signal. Step 3: Check that the dish elevation is set to the elevation setting listed for your area. You are ready to proceed to the next step. Step 4: Draw a reference mark on the dish clamp and pipe mast as a starting point before you make any adjustments to the dish. If this LED light is RED it indicates NO SIGNAL is being received by the receiver. The dish is not properly aligned to receive the Shaw Direct satellite signal. 8 Authorizing Receiver for Service If your receiver installer menu displays signal strength of between 80 and 90%, you have successfully aligned the dish to the Shaw Direct satellite. 9. Alternate Tuning Method Figure K Congratulations, you are now ready to authorize your receiver for programming. Record the receiver serial number (SN) and receiver unit address (UA) from the bar code label on the back panel of the receiver or from the bar code label that is applied to the receiver’s shipping carton. Record these numbers below for future reference. SN (16 digits) _________________________ UA, 0 0 0 – 0 __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ 8. Fine Tuning Step 1: Call Shaw Direct at 1.888.554.7827 to authorize your receiver for programming. Shaw Direct will ensure the correct channel map is set for your receiver and verify the reception of both satellites. After your receiver has been activated, you can fine tune the dish to ensure maximum signal strength on all channels. While speaking with the Shaw Direct representative, ask for a reference channel from each satellite to use when fine tuning the dish. You may prefer to locate the satellites using a SF-100 Satellite Finder (see Figure K), a standalone satellite signal finding meter which can be purchased separately from Shaw Direct or your Shaw Direct retailer. Step 2: Tune to the first reference channel provided and access the Installation Settings menu as described in Section 6. Step 1: Connect a short coaxial cable from the LNB terminal on the Satellite Finder to the Quad LNB. Connect the receiver terminal on the meter to a coaxial cable, which in turn connects to the SAT IN port on the Shaw Direct receiver. Fine tuning the Azimuth: Step 2: Tune to channel 299 (Advanced receivers). If you have a non-activated legacy receiver, tune to channel 284. Step 3: With your assistant monitoring the signal level, move the dish back and forth slightly (about a millimeter at a time) to attempt to acquire the highest reading possible on the signal strength meter. Step 4: Once you have found the maximum signal strength, lock the azimuth rotation position in place by tightening the Azimuth Clamp Bolts (see Figure C). NOTE: Fine tuning to a high signal strength reduces signal interference in adverse weather conditions and ensures optimal reception from both satellites. Although the signal level bar goes to a maximum of 99, you will not reach this level. Note: For satellite finder and LNB to function, they must be connected to a satellite receiver, plugged in and turned on. Step 3: Adjust the dish as closely as possible to the elevation and azimuth settings you recorded earlier. Step 4: Move the dish azimuth rotation very slightly to the right of the reference mark you drew on page 5. Step 5: Loosen the Elevation Adjustment Bolts and make slight adjustments (1/2 degree increments) in the elevation, finding the maximum signal strength, as you did in the azimuth tuning process. Step 5: Slowly rotate the dish back toward the reference mark and and listen for pitch changes in the audible tone. If your elevation is set correctly, you should hear two major pitch changes as it picks up the satellite signals. A weak first change of pitch may be the wrong satellite. Continue rotating the dish until the second major deflection, which will be SAT A (107.3), your intended target. Step 6: Exit the Installation Settings menu and tune to the second reference channel provided. Go back into the Installation Settings menu and repeat steps 3-5 to maximize signal strength from the second satellite. Step 6: When you have located both signals, move the dish slightly to the right and left of the mark until you’ve maximized the signal. Then tighten the Azimuth Clamp Bolts. Verify you’ve located the correct satellite (see Signal Verification on page 8). Fine tuning the Elevation: Step 7: When you’ve located the highest signal possible on both channels, securely tighten all bolts YOU HAVE JUST COMPLETED FINE TUNING. Skip ahead to section 10. 9 Step 7: While listening to the meter, apply gentle pressure to the top of the dish to move the dish – first slightly downward, then upward to see if you can increase the signal strength further. Carefully adjust the elevation until you’ve maximized the signal. Tighten the Elevation Adjustment Bolts. Figure L Step 8: Follow the steps described in Fine Tuning (Section 8) to obtain the highest reading possible on the signal strength meter. Step 9: The dish should now be peaked to its maximum. Remove the Satellite Finder and plug the LNB directly into the receiver. Confirm the signal strength by checking the on-screen signal strength meter, as described in the previous section. Your system is now fine tuned. 10. Grounding the Coaxial Cable The Shaw Direct dish kit includes the following items to ground the outdoor coaxial cable: ■ Coax Cable Connector Grounding Block ■ Grounding Wire ■ Grounding Clamp Outdoor coaxial cable that may be subject to static discharge or contact with electrical wiring must be grounded through a grounding block located as close as possible to the cable entry point (see Figure L). ■ Run the Grounding Wire for the coaxial cable from the Grounding Block connector to a cold water pipe nearest the cable entry point. ■ Wrap the copper grounding strap around the cold water pipe. Tighten the strap using a bolt and secure the ground wire under the binding post nut, as illustrated below. IMPORTANT: For more information on grounding, refer to the receiver’s User Guide included with your Shaw Direct system. Grounding Block 11. Troubleshooting if you are having trouble finding the satellite signal, try each of the following: ■ The cable can be plugged into any of the 4 available ports on the quad LNB, but must be plugged into the SAT IN port on the Shaw Direct receiver. ■ Make sure all cables are secure and re-verify your azimuth, elevation and skew setting for your location. The settings straight section must be plumb. ■ Adjust the elevation by +1 degree from the settings you recorder earlier and repeat the steps in Section 7 to acquire Shaw Direct signal. ■ Adjust the elevation by –1 degree from your original settings you recorded earlier and repeat the steps in Section 7 to acquire Shaw Direct signal. ■ Ensure cables are connected properly at the grounding block. if you cannot change channels, try the following: ■ Unplug the receiver, wait 30 seconds and plug it back in. Turn on the receiver and try selecting channel 299 with your remote (Advanced receivers). If you have a legacy receiver and cannot access channel 299, try 284. If you still can’t select or acquire signal on 284 or 299, call us at 1.888.554.7827 for further assistance. Ground block (shown with 2 coax cable feeds and ground wire secured to binding post) 10 Satellite Locator Chart Satellite Look Angles are listed for both Satellite A (107.3W longitude) and Satellite B (111.1W longitude). The reception of satellite signals in areas with a dish elevation less than 12 degrees may not be possible. Consult with a Shaw Direct retailer in your area. All information is listed in degrees. NOTE: Please refer to the SATELLITE B settings if you have an elliptical dish. SATELLITE A should only be used for a round dish. Town/City Newfoundland Bonavista Cartwright Corner Brook Gander Grand Falls Hebron Indian Harbour Labrador City Nain North West River Nutak Placentia Port aux Basques Rigolet Schefferville St. Anthony St. John’s Trepassey Wabush City Nova Scotia Bridgewater Cape Breton Is. Chesterfield In. Dartmouth Freeport Mulgrave Port Hawkesbury Port Maitland Sable Is. Shelburne Sydney Truro Wedgeport Yarmouth Satellite A Satellite B Satellite A Satellite B Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Town/City Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew 264 262 260 263 262 259 262 251 258 259 259 263 258 261 251 262 264 263 251 14.4 13.8 17 15 15.7 13.6 13.6 19.1 14.4 15.5 13.8 15.5 18.5 14.3 17.8 14.4 14.6 15.4 19 126 120 124 125 125 114 119 116 116 119 115 127 125 119 115 122 127 128 116 267 265 263 266 265 262 265 254 262 262 262 266 262 264 255 266 267 267 254 12.1 11.9 14.8 12.8 13.5 12 11.7 17.3 12.7 13.6 12.2 13.2 16.2 12.4 16.1 12.3 12.3 13.1 17.2 127 121 125 126 126 115 120 118 117 120 116 128 126 120 116 124 128 129 118 252 256 208 254 250 256 256 250 258 251 257 254 250 250 23.7 20.5 17.5 22.9 24.8 21 21 24.9 21.1 24.6 19.9 22.3 25 25 125 125 98 125 124 125 125 125 128 125 125 125 125 125 256 260 212 257 254 259 260 254 261 255 261 257 254 254 21.3 18.2 16.9 20.6 22.5 18.6 18.6 22.5 18.6 22.2 17.6 20 22.6 22.7 127 127 100 127 126 127 127 127 129 127 127 126 127 127 254 21.7 124 258 19.4 126 248 251 251 250 247 250 249 248 249 252 249 251 250 249 250 24 22.2 22.5 22.3 23.8 23.9 24.9 24.1 23.1 22.7 23.8 22.6 23.9 23.6 24 122 122 122 121 120 123 124 122 121 123 122 122 123 121 123 252 255 255 254 251 253 253 252 252 256 253 255 253 252 254 21.9 20.1 20.3 20.2 21.7 21.7 22.6 22 21 20.5 21.6 20.4 21.6 21.5 21.7 123 123 124 123 122 124 126 124 123 125 124 124 125 123 125 242 231 254 24.7 27.6 19.6 118 114 121 246 235 258 22.7 25.9 17.5 120 116 123 Asbestos Baie Comeau Baie St.Paul Asbestos Beattyville Cap-de- la-Madeleine Charlesbourg Chibougamau Chicoutimi Cowansville Dolbeau Donnacona Dosquet Drummondville Eastmain Festubert Fort Coulonge Gagnon Gaspe Gatineau Granby Grand Mere Hauterive Hull Inukjuak Ivujivik Joliette Kuujjuaq Kuujjuarapik La Sarre La Tuque Levis Madeleine Malartic Maniwaki Matagami Matane Mingan Miquelon Mistassini Monet Mont Laurier Mont Louis Montmagny Montreal Mont Joli Natashquan Noranda Parent Paspebiac Pointe aux Anglais Pointe-aux-Tremble Port Cartier Quaqtaq Quebec Rimouski Riviere-du-Loup RivierePentecote Roberval 242 248 244 242 232 241 243 238 243 240 241 242 242 241 231 240 233 248 253 235 240 241 248 235 235 240 239 252 234 228 240 243 256 230 235 232 249 253 234 241 235 235 251 244 239 247 256 229 237 251 249 239 250 253 243 247 245 249 241 246 251 248 246 237 245 247 242 247 244 245 246 246 245 235 244 237 252 256 239 244 245 251 239 239 244 243 256 238 233 244 247 259 235 239 236 252 257 238 245 239 239 255 248 243 251 260 233 241 255 253 243 253 256 247 251 249 253 245 Prince Edward Island Charlottetown New Brunswick Bath Bathurst Chatham Dalhousie Edmundston Fredericton Grand Manan Is. Hartland Kedgwick Moncton Napadogan Newcastle Oromocto Plaster Rock St. John Quebec Alma Amos Anticosti 26.9 22.4 24.9 26.9 26.9 26.8 25.7 24.9 24.4 27.8 24.7 26.1 26.2 27.1 24.5 26.2 29.3 20.4 20.7 29.1 27.6 25.1 22.5 29.1 19 15.4 27.5 15.8 21.5 27.8 26.1 25.7 20.1 28 28.5 26.5 22.3 19.5 26.2 24.6 26.8 28.1 21.1 25.3 28 22.9 18.4 28.2 26.6 21.7 21.6 27.8 21.2 14.1 25.8 23.1 24.1 21.5 25 120 119 119 120 114 119 119 115 118 120 117 119 119 119 111 118 117 117 121 118 120 117 119 118 107 105 119 112 109 113 118 119 124 114 117 113 120 120 114 117 115 117 120 120 119 119 121 113 116 121 119 119 119 109 119 119 119 119 117 24.9 20.4 22.9 24.9 25.2 24.7 23.7 23.1 22.5 25.7 22.8 24.1 24.1 25.1 23 24.2 27.4 18.6 18.6 27.1 25.6 23.2 20.5 27.2 17.8 14.4 25.5 14.4 20.1 26.2 24.1 23.7 17.8 26.2 26.6 24.8 20.3 17.5 24.5 22.8 25 26.2 19.1 23.2 26 20.9 16.3 26.5 24.7 19.6 19.6 25.8 19.2 12.8 23.7 21.1 22.1 19.5 23.1 122 121 121 122 116 121 121 117 120 122 119 121 121 121 113 120 119 118 123 120 122 119 121 120 109 106 121 113 111 115 120 121 125 116 119 115 121 122 116 119 118 119 122 122 121 121 123 116 119 123 121 121 121 110 121 121 121 121 119 11 Satellite A Satellite B Satellite A Satellite B Town/City Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Town/City Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Rouyn Salluit Senneterre Sept Iles Shawinigan Sheldrake Sherbrooke Sorel St. Paul du Nord St. Agathe-des-Monts St. Agapit St. Anne de Beaupre St. Augustin St. Boniface St. Eloi St. Hyacinthe St. Jean St. Jerome St. Jean de Matha St. Laurent St. Pacome St. Pascal St. Simeon St. Stephen Tadoussac Trois-Rivieres Val d’0r Valleyfield Vandry Verdun Victoriaville Waskaganish Wemindji Windsor 229 244 232 250 240 252 242 240 246 238 242 243 259 188 246 240 239 238 239 239 245 245 245 249 245 241 231 238 239 239 242 230 231 241 28.2 15 27.3 20.8 26.7 20 27.2 27.3 23.5 27.9 26 25.5 16.1 32 23.8 27.6 28 28 27.4 28 24.7 24.5 24.3 24.8 24 26.8 27.8 28.5 26.1 28 26.7 25.3 24 27.1 113 106 114 119 119 120 120 119 119 118 119 119 121 99 119 119 119 118 118 119 119 119 119 123 119 119 114 119 117 119 119 111 110 120 233 248 236 254 244 256 246 244 250 242 246 247 263 193 250 244 243 242 243 243 249 249 249 252 249 245 235 242 243 243 246 234 235 245 26.5 14 25.6 18.8 24.7 18 25.1 25.3 21.5 26 24 23.4 14.1 31.3 21.8 25.5 25.9 26 25.4 26 22.6 22.4 22.3 22.5 22 24.8 26.1 26.4 24.2 26 24.6 23.8 22.5 25 116 107 117 121 121 121 122 121 121 120 121 121 123 102 121 121 122 121 121 121 121 121 121 125 121 121 116 121 119 121 122 113 112 122 231 234 231 227 232 220 228 228 227 235 227 234 220 223 227 230 225 226 237 218 232 198 221 228 202 223 222 224 197 212 234 212 231 223 30.8 29.4 30.5 31.9 31 31.6 31.2 32.1 32.6 29.8 32.9 29.6 30.4 34.8 29.3 31.6 28.3 32.1 29 30.3 29.4 31.1 31.3 30.7 31.4 31.2 29.8 25.6 32.6 23.8 30.2 29.8 30.6 33.4 116 117 116 116 117 112 115 116 116 118 116 117 110 115 113 117 111 115 119 110 116 102 112 115 104 113 111 109 102 103 118 107 117 115 235 238 235 232 236 225 232 232 232 239 232 238 224 227 232 235 229 231 241 223 236 203 226 232 207 227 226 229 202 216 238 216 236 228 28.9 27.5 28.6 30 29 30 29.3 30.2 30.7 27.8 31 27.6 28.9 33 27.6 29.6 26.8 30.2 26.9 28.8 27.6 30.3 29.7 28.9 30.3 29.5 28.2 24.3 31.6 22.9 28.2 28.5 28.7 31.6 119 120 119 118 120 115 118 119 119 121 119 120 113 118 116 120 114 118 121 112 118 105 115 118 107 115 114 111 105 105 121 109 119 117 Gogama Gravenhurst Guelph Haliburton Hamilton Hanover Hearst Hornepayne Huntsville Ignace Ingersoll Iroquois Falls Kapuskasing Kenora Kincardine Kingston Kirkland Lake Kitchener Lindsay Little Current London Longlac Lynx Macdiarmid Madoc Magog Manitoulin I. Matachewan Mattawa Mattice Mekatina Michipicoten Midland Milne Inlet Mobert Moosonee Nakina New Liskeard Newcastle Nipigon North Bay Oakville Oba Opasatika Orillia Oshawa Ottawa Ottawa Is. Oulmet Owen Sound Pagwa River Parry Is. Parry Sound Pembroke Penetanguishene Perth Petawawa Peterborough Pickle Crow Picton Port Nelson Port Stanley Ramore Red Lake Renfrew Richmond Hill Sand Lake Sarnia Sault Ste Marie 223 229 226 231 227 225 219 217 228 201 225 225 222 194 223 234 227 226 229 223 224 213 214 209 232 241 221 225 229 220 218 216 227 259 215 226 212 227 230 209 228 227 218 221 228 229 235 233 208 225 216 194 227 232 227 234 232 230 205 232 200 224 226 196 233 228 217 222 217 228 233 231 235 232 229 224 221 233 205 230 230 226 199 228 238 231 230 234 227 229 218 218 214 236 245 226 230 234 224 223 221 231 263 219 230 217 232 234 213 232 232 223 225 232 233 239 237 213 229 220 198 231 237 231 238 236 234 209 237 204 229 230 201 237 232 222 227 222 ontario Apsley Arnprior Bancroft Barrie Belleville Blind River Bracebridge Bradford Brampton Brockville Burlington Carleton Place Chapleau Chatham Cobalt Cobourg Cochrane Collingwood Cornwall Dalton Deep River Dryden Elliot Lake Emsdale English River Espanola Foleyet Fort Albany Fort Frances Fort Severn Gananoque Geraldton Gilmour Goderich 29.9 31.1 32.9 30.6 33 32.7 28.7 29.5 30.9 31.4 33.7 28.4 28.5 31.6 33 30.5 28.7 33.1 31.5 31.5 33.9 29.5 29.1 30.4 30.8 27.4 31.9 29.2 29.8 28.7 31.4 30.8 31.7 7.1 30.4 26.2 29.2 29.2 31.8 30.9 30.1 32.7 29.5 28.6 31.6 31.9 29.1 18.3 31.2 32.3 28.9 5.4 31.2 29.5 31.7 29.8 29.5 31.3 28.9 31 23.7 34.1 28.6 30.2 29.6 32.2 30.8 34.4 31.9 112 116 116 116 116 115 109 108 115 103 116 112 110 101 114 118 113 116 116 113 115 107 107 106 117 120 112 112 115 109 110 109 115 98 108 110 107 113 117 106 114 116 109 110 116 117 118 105 106 114 108 91 115 116 115 118 116 117 103 118 99 116 112 101 117 116 110 115 111 28.3 29.3 31 28.7 31.1 30.9 27.3 28.2 29.1 30.3 31.8 26.9 27.1 30.7 31.2 28.5 27.1 31.2 29.6 29.8 32 28.3 27.8 29.2 28.8 25.3 30.3 27.6 28 27.2 29.9 29.4 29.9 6.6 29 24.7 28 27.5 29.9 29.7 28.4 30.8 28.1 27.1 29.7 30 27.2 17.2 30 30.5 27.6 5.3 29.4 27.6 29.9 27.9 27.6 29.4 27.8 29 22.9 32.3 27 29.3 27.6 30.3 29.4 32.6 30.4 114 118 119 119 119 118 112 111 118 106 119 114 113 104 117 121 115 119 119 115 118 110 110 109 120 122 115 115 117 112 113 112 118 99 111 112 109 116 119 109 117 119 112 112 118 119 120 107 109 117 110 92 117 119 118 120 119 119 106 120 102 119 115 104 119 119 112 118 113 12 Satellite A Satellite B Satellite A Satellite B Town/City Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Town/City Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Savant Lake Schreiber Simcoe Sioux Lookout Smiths Falls Steep Rock Lake St. Catharines St. Thomas Stokes Bay Stratford Sturgeon FaIIs Sudbury Sultan Swastika Tannin Temiscaming Thessalon Thetford Mines Thunder Bay Timmins Tionaga Tobermory Toronto Trenton Trout Creek Wallaceburg Waterloo Welland Whitby Whitney Windsor Wingham Winisk Woodstock 203 211 226 200 234 201 228 224 224 225 227 225 221 227 202 229 219 243 206 224 222 223 228 232 228 222 226 228 229 230 221 224 217 225 30.2 30.8 33.6 30.7 29.7 32 32.8 34 32.2 33.4 30.3 30.6 30.3 28.8 31 29.6 31.8 26.3 31.7 29 29.6 32 32.4 31.1 30.4 34.7 33.1 32.9 32 30.3 35.3 33.1 23.9 33.5 104 107 116 103 118 103 117 116 114 115 114 113 111 113 104 114 111 120 106 111 111 113 116 117 115 115 116 117 117 116 115 115 105 116 208 215 231 205 239 206 233 229 228 229 231 229 225 231 207 233 224 247 211 228 227 228 232 236 232 227 230 233 233 234 225 229 222 230 29.1 29.5 31.6 29.7 27.7 30.9 30.8 32.2 30.4 31.5 28.5 28.9 28.8 27.2 29.9 27.9 30.2 24.3 30.5 27.4 28.1 30.3 30.5 29.2 28.6 32.9 31.2 31 30.1 28.4 33.5 31.3 22.8 31.6 106 110 119 106 120 106 120 119 117 118 117 116 114 115 106 117 114 122 108 114 114 116 119 120 117 118 118 120 119 118 118 118 107 119 Rosthern Saskatoon Shaunavon Sherridon Stanley Swift Current Tisdale Uranium City Watrous Weyburn Wilkie Yorkton 168 167 165 178 170 166 173 161 170 174 163 176 29.8 30.3 33 24.8 26.4 32.4 29.5 22.4 30.8 32.9 30 31.2 91 91 89 94 92 90 93 89 91 93 89 94 173 172 169 183 175 170 177 165 175 179 168 181 29.6 30.2 33 24.4 26.2 32.3 29.2 22.4 30.6 32.6 30 30.8 94 94 92 97 94 93 95 91 95 96 92 97 182 181 188 177 188 183 185 187 179 182 186 185 186 178 186 188 200 32.4 31 32.9 27.3 31.2 28.8 30.2 30.6 25 32 32.8 32.1 27.8 28.3 25.9 32 23.7 96 96 99 94 98 96 97 98 94 96 98 98 97 94 97 99 100 187 186 193 182 193 188 189 192 183 187 191 190 191 183 191 193 204 31.9 30.5 32.2 26.9 30.5 28.3 29.6 30 24.7 31.4 32.2 31.4 27.2 27.9 25.3 31.3 22.9 99 99 102 97 101 99 100 101 97 99 101 101 100 97 99 102 102 154 151 157 158 154 156 151 156 154 149 156 156 157 148 145 158 145 147 156 154 154 156 148 145 160 147 154 156 157 157 159 155 27.3 30.9 31.6 31.9 31.2 29.2 32.7 30.9 28.6 28.2 23.2 24.8 25.3 23.2 26.2 30.8 25.1 28.7 27.4 29.7 28.9 32.8 25.9 22.4 32.5 25.3 29.9 29.9 28.7 28.7 29 29.2 86 83 86 86 85 86 83 86 86 83 88 87 87 85 82 86 83 82 87 85 85 85 83 84 87 83 85 86 87 87 87 85 159 156 162 163 159 160 156 161 159 154 161 160 161 152 149 162 149 151 161 159 159 161 152 149 165 151 159 161 161 161 164 159 27.5 31.3 31.8 32 31.4 29.4 33.1 31.1 28.8 28.6 23.2 24.9 25.4 23.5 26.7 30.9 25.6 29.2 27.5 30 29.1 33 26.3 22.7 32.6 25.7 30.2 30.1 28.9 28.9 29.1 29.4 89 86 89 89 88 89 86 89 88 86 90 90 90 87 85 89 85 85 89 88 88 89 86 86 90 86 88 89 89 89 90 88 169 165 165 175 164 177 169 161 162 171 170 171 164 172 165 33.1 27.1 30.4 33.5 22.6 30.8 27.1 29.1 32.7 29.5 32.2 31 29.7 32.1 31 91 90 90 94 90 94 91 88 88 92 91 92 89 92 90 174 169 170 180 168 182 174 165 167 176 175 176 169 177 170 32.9 27 30.4 33.1 22.6 30.4 26.9 29.1 32.8 29.3 32 30.8 29.6 31.8 30.9 94 93 92 97 92 97 94 91 91 95 95 95 92 95 93 142 125 139 137 142 139 140 136 138 141 133 140 144 145 132 139 141 139 139 149 140 145 30.4 18.7 31.7 30.6 25.4 31.9 32.2 23.9 21.9 24.8 24.5 24.8 30.7 31.7 25.3 31.6 30.3 25.7 31.4 32.4 31.6 32 79 75 76 75 81 76 76 79 81 81 77 80 79 80 75 76 78 79 76 82 77 80 147 129 144 142 147 144 145 141 142 146 137 144 149 150 136 144 146 143 144 154 145 150 31.1 19.7 32.5 31.5 26 32.7 33.1 24.6 22.5 25.4 25.3 25.4 31.3 32.3 26.2 32.5 31 26.4 32.3 32.9 32.4 32.7 82 77 79 78 84 79 79 81 83 83 79 83 82 83 78 79 81 82 79 85 80 83 manitoba Brandon Dauphin Emerson Flin Flon Gimli Grand Rapids Gypsumville Hodgson Lynn Lake Minnedosa Morden Portage la Prairie Norway House The Pas Thompson Winnipeg York Factory saskatchewan Assiniboia Beauval Biggar Estevan Fond du Lac Kamsack La Ronge Lloydminster Maple Creek Melfort Moose Jaw Nokomis North Battleford Regina Rosetown alberta Athabasca Banff Bassano Brooks Calgary Camrose Cranbrook Drumheller Edmonton Edson Fort Chipewyan Fort MacKay Fort McMurray Fort Vermilion Grande Prairie Hanna Hines Creek Jasper Lac Ia Biche Lacombe Leduc Lethbridge McLennan Meander River Medicine Hat Peace River Red Deer Stettler Vegreville Vegreville Vermilion Wetaskiwin british columbia Ashcroft Atlin Chemainus Courtenay Dawson Creek Duncan Esquimalt Fort Grahame Fort Nelson Ft St. John Hazelton Hudson Hope Kamloops Kelowna Kitimat Ladysmith Lillooet McLeod Lake Nanaimo Nelson New Westminster Penticton 13 Satellite A Satellite B Satellite A Satellite B Town/City Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Compass Dish Dish Azimuth Elevation Skew Port Alice Port Renfrew Prince George Prince Rupert Quesnel Queen Charlotte Is. Revelstoke Saanich Sidney Simoom Sound Squamish Stewart Telegraph Creek Trail Vancouver Is. Vancouver Vernon Victoria Beach Victoria Williams Lake 134 138 139 130 140 127 147 140 140 135 140 130 128 148 136 140 146 189 140 141 29.2 31.9 26.8 24.7 27.8 25.1 30.7 32.2 32 29 31 23.1 20.9 32.8 30 31.5 31.3 31 32.3 28.8 74 75 79 74 79 72 81 76 76 75 77 75 76 81 75 77 80 99 76 79 139 143 144 134 145 132 152 145 145 139 145 134 132 153 141 145 150 194 145 146 30.2 32.9 27.5 25.7 28.5 26.3 31.2 33.1 32.9 30 31.9 24.1 21.8 33.4 30.9 32.4 31.9 30.3 33.1 29.5 77 79 82 77 82 75 84 79 79 78 80 78 78 84 78 80 83 102 79 82 252 253 158 211 165 268 233 261 197 257 198 247 251 254 134 190 268 264 223 142 205 228 231 259 226 230 212 200 213 201 12.8 7.1 14.8 5.4 12.4 7.6 6.1 5.4 19.8 11.7 12.5 10.3 15 12.8 4 19.3 7.7 9.2 11.9 13.6 17.8 13.4 6.5 12.2 8 14.9 11.4 18.9 14.7 18.3 106 97 90 92 91 108 93 96 97 107 94 100 110 108 89 96 107 107 97 87 98 99 93 110 94 101 95 97 97 97 255 257 162 215 169 272 237 265 201 261 202 251 255 258 138 194 271 267 227 146 209 232 235 263 230 234 216 204 217 206 11.7 6.7 14.8 5.2 12.3 6.4 5.9 5 19.3 10.5 12.2 9.6 13.7 11.6 4 18.8 6.6 8 11.4 13.7 17.2 12.7 6.2 10.9 7.7 14.2 11 18.3 14.1 17.8 107 98 91 93 92 109 94 97 99 109 96 101 111 109 90 98 108 108 98 88 100 100 94 112 95 102 97 99 99 99 nunavut Amadjuak Arctic Bay Bathurst Inlet Bathurst Is. Cambridge Bay Cape Dyer Cornwallis Is. Devon Is. Eskimo Point Frobisher Bay Gjoa Haven Igloolik Is Kangirsuk Lake Harbour Mackenzie King Is. Padlei Padloping Is Pangnirtung Pelly Bay Qurlurtuuq Rankin Inlet Repulse Bay Resolute Resolution Is. Somerset Is. Southampton Is. Spence Bay Tavani Wager Bay Whale Cove Town/City northwest territory Arctic RedRiver Banks Is. Fort Franklin Fort Good Hope Fort Liard Fort Norman Fort Reliance Fort Simpson Fort Smith Ft McPherson Ft Providence Ft Resolution Hay River Holman Island Inuvik Jean Marie Rvr Melville Is. Nahanni Butte Norman Wells Port Radium Rae Snowdrift Tuktoyaktuk Victoria Is. Wrigley Yellowknife yukon territory Big Salmon Carmacks Dawson Forty Mile Keno Hill Klondike Mayo Landing Old Crow Stewart River Tagish Teslin Watson Lake Whitehorse 120 126 132 126 136 130 158 138 154 120 143 150 147 135 120 139 144 135 129 139 145 155 120 149 134 148 11.6 7.9 15.3 13.6 20.3 15.4 19 19.1 21.8 11.4 20 20.5 20.7 10.5 10.9 19.4 6 19.5 14.8 15.1 18.6 19.4 10 10.5 17.3 19 79 86 83 81 81 82 89 83 87 79 84 87 85 86 80 83 89 81 81 85 86 88 81 89 82 86 124 130 136 130 140 134 162 142 159 124 148 155 151 139 124 143 148 140 133 143 149 159 124 154 138 152 12.3 8.2 15.8 14.2 20.9 15.9 19 19.6 21.9 12.1 20.3 20.7 20.9 10.7 11.5 19.9 6 20 15.3 15.3 18.8 19.4 10.5 10.5 17.8 19.2 81 87 84 82 83 83 91 85 90 80 86 89 87 88 81 85 90 83 83 87 87 90 82 90 84 88 122 121 118 117 121 118 121 116 118 124 125 129 123 2216.3 15.8 13.3 12.8 14.4 13.4 14.5 10.3 14 17.9 18.5 19.4 17.4 76 75 75 75 77 75 77 77 75 75 76 78 75 127 125 122 121 125 122 125 120 122 128 129 134 127 17.2 16.7 14.3 13.7 15.2 14.3 15.3 11.1 14.9 18.9 19.3 20.2 18.3 78 77 77 77 79 77 78 79 76 77 78 80 77 10.3 8.3 4.2 2.9 102 93 87 92 258 201 125 259 9.5 8.1 4.3 2.8 103 94 88 93 canadian arctic islands Prince Charles Is. Prince of Wales Is Prince Patrick Is. Queen Elizabeth Is 254 197 121 256 notes 14
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