28 Tauriko Business Estate
28 Tauriko Business Estate
Tauranga District Plan 28 Tauriko Business Estate 28.1 Introduction This Chapter of the District Plan contains provisions for the Tauriko Business Estate. Special objectives, policies and rules for the Tauriko Business Estate are identified. These form an overlay of resource management provisions for business activities that are in addition to the general objectives policies and rules in the District Plan. The special provisions must be read in conjunction with the other provisions of the District Plan, including, but not limited to,: n n Part A Policy Statement - Chapter 7 Physical Resources; Part B Management Rules - Chapter 20 Business Activity Zone Rules. (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules (c) Hazardous substances (Section 6.2) (d) Transportation (Section 7.4) (e) Wastewater and Stormwater (Section 7.8) In addition to the foregoing, and for the avoidance of doubt, Table 24-1 of the Tauranga District Plan (Activity Status of Transportation Activities and other Network Utilities) shall apply to the entire Tauriko Business Estate area. Tauriko Business Estate Issues, Objectives and Policies 28.2 Issue: Achieving "Good Urban Design" Outcomes The Tauriko Business Estate straddles the boundary between Tauranga City and Western Bay of Plenty District. The development has been planned to address cross boundary issues. The same land use, subdivision, servicing and funding policies are applied across both areas. The policies of the Tauranga City area are applied. Effective functioning of the Business Estate, both internally relation to adjacent areas, may achieved unless the design development is considered comprehensive manner. The direct control of discharges to air and water from business activities are outside the scope of a District Plan and are addressed under relevant Regional Air, Land and Water Plan provisions. Past planning for industrial business areas has tended to place little emphasis on urban design or the quality of the environment. There is an increasing need to consider the amenity provided within business areas to enhance appeal for business investment, and to promote an attractive, convenient and accessible environment for workers. The interface between industrial activities and sensitive activities such as residential development also needs careful management. Three special issues for the Tauriko Business Estate are identified and addressed in this chapter: (i) Achieving good urban design outcomes; (ii) Mitigating potential adverse visual effects on what was originally a relatively intact rural outlook; (iii) Achieving effective and efficient services provision and funding. Aside from these special issues, other issues of significance (and policy section references in the District Plan) are: (a) Amenity values (Section 3) (b) Heritage values (Section 5) Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauriko and in not be of the in a Issue Statement Tauriko is an important landmark location for the City and enhanced visual quality and a sense of place should be provided. The form and function of the main spine road through the development area is designed to support this with street tree planting and frontage development controls, and landmark features. Landmark features also provide an opportunity to celebrate the cultural heritage of the area. It is important to consider the accessibility of business areas both internally and externally and for range of modes of transport. This requires planning of safe routes for pedestrians and cyclists, and layout that supports public transport. The public transport route through Page 1 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauriko and associated facilities is within a five-minute walk of all parts of the business estate. Protection and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage features is also required. Storm water management areas provide multiple benefits of passive recreation, open space, and restoration, protection and enhancement of ecological features. An urban design vision can be used to ensure long-term development makes the most of opportunities for integrated and coordinated development to meet these needs. 28.2.1 Objective - Urban Design and Accessibility Provide an industrial and commercial business centre that promotes strong land use and access relationships in the southwest corridor of Tauranga, and provides for protection and enhancement of the natural and cultural environment. Policy: Urban Form Policy - Subdivision and land use and development should occur in an integrated manner, that: (a) (b) Provides functional access links to adjacent development, in particular Pyes Pa West; Provides safe and convenient internal routes for cyclists and pedestrians and enables future links to surrounding areas; (c) Supports the efficient and effective provision of public transport to, from and within the area; (d) Enables people working and carrying out business in the area to meet their day-to-day needs. Tauranga District Plan (b) Sympathetic design building frontages; of site and Policy: Protection and Enhancement of Natural and Cultural Heritage Values Policy - The natural and cultural heritage of the area should be recognised and provided for in development through: (a) Maintenance, enhancement and restoration of ecological features, biodiversity, and linkages, particularly in association with stormwater management areas; (b) Inclusion of species, such as rimu, in planted areas that reflect the natural ecology of the area; (c) Incorporating landmark features, such as traditional or contemporary art works, into the street network that reflect the history of the area; (d) Protecting natural landforms and landscapes that contribute to the identity of the area; (e) Naming of streets that reflect cultural associations of Tangata Whenua of the local area; (f) Protecting heritage values, including monitoring the effects of development on heritage features such as archaeological sites. (g) Maintaining the function of the floodplain area along the Kopurererua Stream and associated overland flowpaths and ponding areas to manage the discharge of storm water from the catchments. District Plan Methods Policy: Enhanced Visual Quality Provide an Urban Design Plan to guide and coordinate the development of the area, and to enable the implementation of plan rules. Policy -The development of the main thoroughfare through the Tauriko Business Estate, and adjacent development, should promote distinctiveness and a sense of place and provide a street scene that is attractive to passers-by through: Require subdivision and the development of public space to be consistent with the urban design elements illustrated on the Urban Design Plan. (a) Specimen tree planting on roads and on property frontages; Page 2 of 34 Require land use to comply with special permitted activity rules to promote high visual quality on the sub arterial road (called the "Spine Road") and collector road to Pyes Pa West. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan Require subdivision and development to recognise the cultural heritage of the area through the use of appropriate plant species, landmark features, and road names. Establish appropriately located small convenience centres, with a high level of amenity that will provide for the day-to-day needs of workers, including features such as sun shade, seating and bus shelters. Provide public transport routes, stops and facilities as development proceeds. Provide cycle and walking paths and lanes that will encourage use by those working and doing business in the Tauriko Business Estate and linkages to surrounding areas. Other Methods Provide landmark features that will promote a sense of place and arrival at defined locations, and maintain and enhance cultural heritage values. 28.2.2 Explanation and Principal Reasons The ultimate outcome from sustainable growth management should be to create an urban environment which offers a diversity of lifestyle choice with a sense of community ("live"), employment prospects ("work"), and recreational opportunities ("play"). The interrelationships of housing, business, community and recreational activities are critical to ensuring accessibility, in minimising energy use and in reducing vehicle emissions, and fostering social cohesiveness. At the sub-regional level, "live, work, play" includes the provision of land and services for housing, business, community activities and recreation to support the SmartGrowth Strategy. At Tauriko, this is achieved in association with the Pyes Pa West Residential area. At a local level it includes providing the opportunity for people to meet most of their daily needs within their own community and a vibrant social community. The Urban Design Plan for Tauriko will guide the overall development to produce an urban form that will achieve this outcome by providing appropriate linkages to the surrounding community and within the development. (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules outcome. Rules for permitted activities seek to avoid creation of blank featureless walls. The provision for convenience centres will enable people working and doing business in the area to have access to services such as news agents, hair dressers, cafés and child care. These centres will also be promoted as locations for public transport stops, as they will be recognisable, pleasant places with enough activity around them to make people comfortable and safe. Convenience centres will be initiated as part of the subdivision consent process. Any subdivision of land that includes a convenience centre will be required to show the design and layout of the centre including design elements within the public domain such as shelters, seating, and shade trees. These elements will be created as part of the subdivision development. As in other industrial business areas, residential activities are not permitted in the Tauriko Business Estate. Residential activities are also not permitted in the Commercial Business 1 Zone. Natural and cultural heritage values also require protection and enhancement. At Tauriko, there is an opportunity to restore the ecological corridor alongside the Kopurererua Stream, providing a continuation of the approach being undertaken to enhancement downstream. In addition, there is an opportunity for densely planted stormwater management ponds to form natural features within the corridor while serving to maximise the removal of contaminants from stormwater. There are important cultural values for Tangata Whenua in the area. A cultural heritage management plan has been prepared by Tangata Whenua that sets out a series of actions that will need to be taken as the subdivision and development of the area takes place. The following table summarises the mitigation measures applying to public and private open space areas within the Tauriko Business Estate: At site level, it includes ensuring the design of individual sites and buildings will contribute to public amenity. Frontage controls on important roads will contribute to the achievement of this Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Page 3 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) 28.3 Issue: Mitigating Adverse Effects on Surrounding Areas Tauranga District Plan Policy: Mitigation of Cumulative Noise Effects at Tauriko The Tauriko Business Estate is located within the outlook from existing and future residential development at Pyes Pa West, State Highway 29, and surrounding rural sites. Development of business land has the potential to have adverse visual and noise effects. Activities carried out in the Industrial Business and Commercial Business Zones at Tauriko should be carried out in manner that avoids the creation of cumulative adverse effects on residential activities in the surrounding area. Issue Statement Maintain the escarpment features that provide a backdrop and screening to the business land development using rural zoning. The Tauriko area has a strong existing rural character and provides a good quality outlook to surrounding areas. Business development will lead to the loss of rural character and reduce the visual quality of the outlook for surrounding areas. Business land uses may involve noisy activities that may have an adverse effect on sensitive surrounding land uses. 28.3.1 Objective: Landscape and Visual Amenity Protection Mitigate potential adverse visual effects of business land development at Tauriko on the outlook from surrounding areas. Policy: Large Scale Mitigation The visual effects of business land development at Tauriko as viewed from the surrounding areas should be mitigated through large scale landscape planting of roads and open space and adjacent industrial sites, and maintaining landform and vegetation that provides visual screening and a backdrop with rural character. Policy: On-site Controls 28.3.3 District Plan Methods Maintain the escarpment features within the Tauriko Business Estate that provide visual mitigation through permitted activity rules and resource consent requirements. Specify requirements for amenity planting on defined areas. Require land use to comply with rules to promote high visual quality at the interfaces between the business and residential activities in the rural and urban areas. Require establishment of buffer planting at zone and other key interfaces to reduce the visibility of development from rural and residential areas. Require a setback for buildings and structures located along the boundary with rural activities at Belk Road. Impose reduced building height limits on areas directly visible from residential areas in Pyes Pa. Impose controls that limit the use of high visual impact signage and colours on sites and buildings that are visible from areas overlooking the business estate. The visual effects of business land development at Tauriko should be mitigated through controls that limit the scale of buildings and impose building setbacks in prominent locations, limit the extent and location of signs, and limit the use of high impact and highly reflective colours on buildings visible from residential and rural areas. Require street and open space networks to include large scale mitigation planting consistent with the Urban Design Plan. 28.3.2 Impose special night-time noise controls between sites where business activities are being carried out. Objective: Noise and Vibration Objective 3.1.1 and associated policies shall apply, with addition of the following policy: Page 4 of 34 Require the creation of "green link roads" and a grid of connected streets accessing the area, and provide a visual linkage to areas of protected open space. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan 28.3.4 Explanation and Principal Reasons Opportunities are available to reduce the visual effects of business land development at Tauriko. A combination of measures is in place, tied to the overall form of development emphasising the use of public roads and open space. Control of site development and buildings to reduce effects is also in place. The general Business Zone permitted activity rules provide a range of controls on building scale and location where development interfaces with sensitive land uses such as residential areas and reserves. There are also policies that promote planting of landscape trees within roads and open space in business areas to provide improved visual quality. At Tauriko, the potential for overlooking into the business development is heightened due to topography of the adjacent areas. Therefore additional controls are imposed to reduce the cumulative visual effects of development particularly when viewed from Pyes Pa West and State Highway 29. Primary emphasis is placed on large-scale mitigation, through the planting of landscape trees within roads and other open space. This includes the careful design of open space and roads, and provision of buffer planting to maintain large scale screening that replicates the species typically found in the surrounding rural landscape. The street network is used to provide a framework of large-scale trees in public ownership to assist in mitigating the visual impact of industrial scale activities. This is particularly important in relation to land in surrounding areas that can overlook business activities. (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules The escarpment and plateau landform provides a backdrop to the site development and screening of views from residential and rural areas. Maintaining and enhancing the existing rural open space character of the escarpment can assist in reducing visual effects. Escarpment areas within the business estate area are defined on the Urban Design Plan. Modification of any defined escarpment area by earthworks will require resource consent where consideration must be given to maintaining landform and vegetation to provide visual screening and a backdrop with rural character for surrounding rural and residential areas. This requirement is in place of the general requirements of the district plan requiring land use consent for earthworks. Stormwater management areas also provide an opportunity to use space for planting to create visual buffers that can screen views into the estate and can add to the natural character of the area. Secondary emphasis is placed on-site controls. The way in which sites are developed can reduce the extent of adverse effects. Height controls reduce the potential for dominating structures when viewed from the developing Pyes Pa residential area. Scale controls to reduce the visual clutter of signs, and colour and reflectivity controls to reduce the visual impact and contrast of buildings all contribute to a reduction of adverse visual effects. The following table summarises the mitigation measures applying to public and private open space areas within the Tauriko Business Estate: Area Method In addition, the alignment of streets can connect open space, visual amenities and recreational areas. Spine Road and Green Connectors Large-scale tree planting Councilwithin the road. managed street trees. Landform and specially created buffer planting are used to reduce visual effects by screening views from areas of rural and residential development. Visual extension of Green Connector Continuation of street tree types within a 5 m corridor. Privately owned and maintained, and enforced by consent notice on title. At the rural zone interface at Belk Road, a 80m building setback is imposed to assist in mitigating reverse sensitivity effects on adjacent rural activities. Within this setback rural activities are allowed for including landscape and amenity planting. Streetscene protection Specimen tree planting on property frontage. Privately owned and maintained. Rural Escarpment Area Rural Zone controls continuing rural use. Privately owned and maintained. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Implementation Page 5 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Belk Road Escarpment Area Industrial Business Zone Privately owned Controls - permitted uses and maintained. limited to amenity planting. Earthworks are a discretionary activity. Visual Mitigation Buffer Industrial Zone Controls - permitted uses limited to amenity planting. Establishment of amenity planting following completion of earthworks as part of subdivision development. Established at developer cost (not funded through development contributions) and vested in Council for management in conjunction with Stormwater Management Area. Stormwater Management Area. Creation of ecological corridor, varying in width but generally not less than 20m from the stream edge, with appropriate native species as part of subdivision development. Councilmanaged stormwater area. Buffer Strip Large scale screen and specimen tree planting within 5-10m strip. Privately owned and maintained, and enforced by consent notice on title. Setback for buildings and structures. Controls on height of vegetation to avoid shading effects on adjacent horticultural land. 80m Separation Area 28.4 Privately owned and maintained, and enforced by consent notice on title. Issue - Efficient and Effective Services Provision and Funding Development of the Tauriko Business Estate requires full urban services to be provided and funded. Detailed preplanning of servicing and funding methods and the staging of development is needed for this to occur in an efficient manner, and ensure adverse environmental effects are avoided or mitigated in a timely manner. Issue Statement Ad hoc and uncoordinated development of services may lead to inefficient and ineffective mitigation of effects on natural and physical resources. In the long term costs may be passed on to the wider community to mitigate these effects which may not be financially sustainable. Page 6 of 34 Tauranga District Plan 28.4.1 Objective: Provision of Services Avoid or mitigate potential adverse effects on the natural environment and infrastructural services arising from subdivision, land use and development at Tauriko Business Estate. Policy: Provision and Standard of Services Services should be provided in a manner consistent with the standards defined in the Tauriko Estate Services Structure Plan and Council's Code of Practice for Development. Policy: Timing of Services Timing of services should follow the staging shown on the Tauriko Business Estate Staging Plan and associated staging prerequisites set out in the subdivision rules unless unforeseen circumstances result in the need for an amended sequence, the amended sequence does not result in any adverse effect on the performance of any infrastructure, and any resultant increase in costs fall on the developer. Policy: Services Capacity Land use should be restricted to activities that will generate effects that are within the design capacity of services, and in particular, the street network. 28.4.2 Objective - Funding of Services Ensure that sufficient financial resources are available to provide required services at Tauriko Business Estate. Policy - Contributions to Services New subdivision, use, and development at Tauriko Business Estate should meet the fair and reasonable capital costs of providing local and city wide infrastructure needed by the development. 28.4.3 District Plan Methods Through the subdivision and land use consent process require: (a) The funding and provision of services to be consistent with the Tauriko Business Estate Services Structure Plan and related Development Contributions policy. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules The upgrading of intersections with the State Highway network prior to development occurring. land south of Gargan Road should not occur until the intersection improvements on State Highway 29 have been completed. Show the indicative location of the possible corridor for a SH29 bypass as information only on the Urban Design and Structure Plans. Land uses within the Tauriko Business Estate will be restricted to activities that will not exceed the design capacity of services, particularly streets. Any retail or office uses that do not comply with the conditions for ancillary-type retail and office activities will need to establish through the resource consent process that traffic effects are within the design capacity of the street network. (b) 28.4.4 Other Methods Apply Development Contributions under the Local Government Act 2002 to the Tauriko Business Estate in accordance with the Councils Development Contributions Policy. Provide information to the public about the likely timing of development and infrastructure provision through the Long Term Council Community Plan. 28.4.5 Explanation and Principal Reasons The provision of infrastructure services is required as part of the mitigation of effects from development. Services design must also take account of existing services networks to ensure that systems have adequate capacity to cope with increased demand. The development of the Tauriko Business Estate will be in stages that will ensure consolidation of development and sequencing that will avoid premature extensions of services and ensure that the adverse effects of development on services capacity can be minimised. The staging prerequisites set out in the subdivision rules are defined in terms of the development of the street network. The streets within the development also serve as trunk service corridors. The intention is to achieve logical implementation, including provision of an access link to Pyes Pa West as part of the development of Stage 2. Any departure from the defined staging will require consideration as a discretionary activity where it will be necessary to establish that the objectives and policies for urban form and servicing will still be achieved, and that any financial effects of changing the staging of development are not borne by the wider community. The latter stages of development (Stage 3, generally south of Gargan Road to Belk Road) are partly reliant on access to State Highway 29 using existing intersections. Traffic assessment has identified that these intersections will require improvements to accommodate traffic in a safe and efficient manner. For this reason, development of the Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate A cap on the floor area for retailing in the Commercial Business 1 Zone is designed to ensure that the capacity of the street network is not exceeded. The Urban Design Plan indicates the position of a potential bypass route that is considered to be generally suitable, subject to further investigation. Infrastructural services for Tauriko Business Estate have been planned in detail to ensure efficient and effective provision is made to meet the expected units of demand. The cost of services provision and upgrading can be estimated accurately on the basis of detailed services structure plans, giving confidence for setting development contributions under the Local Government Act 2002 and the Councils Development Contributions Policy. The project is long term and the effects of development may not occur for several years. The existing policies, systems, and procedures for planning and provision of infrastructure for urban growth areas will also be applied to Tauriko. Tauriko Business Estate Management Rules 28.5 Permitted Activities The permitted activities in the Business Activity Zone Table 20.1 shall apply subject to the exceptions set out below and subject to compliance with the conditions in Rule 28.6. When the circumstances in Rule 28.10(b) apply, the use shall be a non-complying activity. 28.5.1 Tauriko Business Estate Commercial Business 1 The gross floor area for development within the Commercial Business 1 Zone shall not exceed 50% of the total site area. Page 7 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauranga District Plan For the purposes of this rule "total site area" shall mean the area of the site exclusive of any escarpment area, stormwater management area or area of road to be vested in the Council. 28.5.2 Tauriko Business Estate Convenience Centres For areas within 100m of the centre of the nodes defined in "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan" as a Tauriko Business Estate Convenience Centre permitted activities shall also include: (a) General Retail and Service Retail not exceeding 500m² in total gross floor area within each centre provided any one tenancy shall be limited to a maximum of 100m²; and all ancillary or accessory activities, including parking, shall be located within the centre. (b) Childcare facilities. 28.5.3 Buffer Strips, Escarpment Areas and Visual Mitigation Buffers For the areas defined on the "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan" as Escarpment Area or Visual Mitigation Buffer permitted activities shall be limited to protection, establishment, enhancement, and maintenance of landscape planting, and provision of walkways. This rule shall apply from the date that a Certificate is issued under Section 224 of the Resource Management Act for any subdivision of the subject land approved in terms of Rule 28.7.2. Note: 28.5.4 Earthworks within any Escarpment Area require resource consent except where such works comply with Rule 28.5.6 80m Separation Area For the areas defined on the "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan" and Appendix 28C as 80m Separation Area: (a) Use of the 80m Separation Area shall be limited to: (i) Page 8 of 34 Protection, establishment, enhancement, and maintenance of landscape planting, and provision of walkways. (ii) Uses (excluding any buildings) provided for as permitted activities under Rule 21.1 in the Rural Zone) (iii) Stormwater detention ponds, and associated earthworks and structures, (excluding any buildings). (b) Notwithstanding (a) above, parking, access and manoeuvring that is fully screened from view from any adjacent site in the Rural Zone may also be undertaken provided this shall not be closer than 60m from the boundary of any property in the Rural Zone. 28.5.5 Landmark Entry Treatment Areas For the areas defined on the Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan as "Landmark Entry Treatment", the following shall also be permitted activities: (a) Cultural and features; heritage landmark (b) Composite Signs that comply with Rule 28.6.5. For the purposes of this rule a "Composite Sign" shall mean a sign that indicates the location of one or more business activities physically located and operating within the Tauriko Business Estate. 28.5.6 Earthworks in Escarpment Areas For any area defined on the Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan as an "Escarpment Area", permitted earthworks shall not exceed a cut depth of 1m, or a volume of 50m3 . 28.6 Permitted Activity Conditions Permitted Activity Conditions 20.2, shall apply to any permitted activity in the Tauriko Business Estate subject to the exceptions set out below: 28.6.1 Tauriko Business Estate Special Height Area (a) All buildings on a site shown in "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan" as "Tauriko Business Estate Special Height Control Area (Recession Plane)" shall be contained within a building envelope measured 8m above ground level at Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan the boundary of the Industrial Business and Commercial Business 1 Zone and the Greenbelt Zone, and at an angle of 20 degrees above horizontal into the site to the maximum height applicable for the zone; (See Diagram - Appendix 28C). (b) All buildings on a site shown in "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan" as "Tauriko Business Estate - 12m Height Limit" shall not exceed a height of 12m above ground level. 28.6.2 Traffic Management, Safety and Convenience (a) Rule (a) shall not apply to any site within the Tauriko Business Estate; (b) (c) (d) (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules (i) All buildings on the site shall be set back a minimum of 5m from the Spine Road boundary; (ii) Loading and unloading, or outdoor storage activity shall be set back behind a line parallel to the Spine Road, no closer to the nearest part of any building to the boundary with the Spine Road, and extending across the full width of the site; (iii) In the Industrial Business Zone, for any exterior wall that faces the Spine Road and which is greater than 150m² in face area, provision shall be made for at least two of the following: n Between the roundabout at Takitimu Drive/Spine Road and the second roundabout on the Spine Road (approximately 400m) no direct vehicle access shall be provided onto the north side of the Spine Road unless that vehicle access is directly off the first roundabout on the Spine Road. n n No direct vehicle access shall be provided onto the south side of the Spine Road between the roundabout at Takitimu Drive/Spine Road and the first roundabout on the Spine Road (approximately 200m). Every activity shall provide on-site parking, manoeuvring, loading and access in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24 Transportation Activity and Other Network Utility Rules. 28.6.3 Visual Amenity - Streetscene (a) Rule shall not apply to any site within the Tauriko Business Estate; (b) For sites within the Commercial Business 1 and Industrial Business Zone having a direct frontage to the Tauriko Business Estate Spine Road shown on the "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan": Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate n A step or protrusion in the wall of at least 2m in depth for the full height of the wall. Doors and windows that cover at least 20% of the wall. A variation of surface texture that covers at least 30% of the wall and that provides relief from the wall of at least 20mm. Vegetation in the form of vines and other climbing plants attached to the wall or free standing plantings that cover or screen at least of 50% of the wall (iv) In the Industrial Business Zone, front entrances to buildings shall face the street and be entirely visible from any vehicle entrance off the Spine Road; (v) Specimen tree planting shall be provided and maintained by, or on behalf of, the landowner on sites adjoining the Spine Road boundary at the rate of one tree for every 10 lineal metres of road frontage or fraction thereof. The required trees shall be located in the area within 10m of the front boundary of the site with the Spine Road; (vi) At least 50% of the setback required by clause (i) above shall be landscaped in the form Page 9 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) of shrubs species. and Tauranga District Plan shall not exceed an area in excess of 10% of the total wall area of the building, within the profile of the building. For the purposes of this rule, a sign is considered to "face" an area if the outside face of the sign is parallel or at an angle of 45 or less to the boundary of the zone opposite. groundcover (vii) No more than 5 vehicle parking spaces may be located within the 5m setback required by clause (i) above; (c) For all other sites in the Tauriko Business Estate, specimen tree planting shall be provided and maintained by, or on behalf of, the landowner at the rate of one tree for every 15 lineal metres of road frontage. The required specimen trees shall be located in the area within 10m of the front boundary of the site with the Road; (d) For the purposes of this rule, "Specimen Tree" shall mean a tree species set out in the Species List in Appendix 28E. (e) For the purposes of clause (b)(iii) above a wall is considered to "face" a boundary if the outside face of the wall is parallel to or at an angle of 45 degrees or less to the boundary. 28.6.4 Visual Amenity - General Signs (a) Rule shall not apply to any site within the Tauriko Business Estate; (b) (c) No signs shall be placed on or above any building roof, ridgeline or parapet; (d) Any illuminated sign shall be designed and operated in accordance with Rule (e) For the avoidance of doubt, no sign shall be placed within a Visual Mitigation Buffer, Escarpment Area, Stormwater Management Area, Zone Interface 10m Planted Buffer Strip or 5m Planted Buffer Strip, or Visual Extension of a Green Connector, or the Greenbelt Zone (with the exception of interpretive or directional signage associated with the use of public open space). 28.6.5 Visual Amenity -Signs in Convenience Centres (a) Rule shall not apply to any site within a Tauriko Business Estate Convenience Centre. (b) For any site, signs shall not exceed: For any site, signs shall not exceed any combination of the following: (i) One freestanding, double-sided sign not exceeding 10 metres in height, or the maximum height for the zone, whichever is the lesser, and up to 2 metres in width; (ii) One freestanding sign not exceeding 3 metres in height and 2 metres in width for every 30 linear metres of road frontage; (iii) Signs, whether painted or attached, covering up to 30% of the total wall area of the building, within the profile of the building; subject to (iv) below. (iv) Page 10 of 34 Where the sign faces the Pyes Pa West residential area or Belk Road rural area the sign, whether painted or attached, (i) One freestanding sign not exceeding 3 metres in height and 2 metres in width for every 30 linear metres of road frontage; (ii) Signs, whether painted or attached, covering up to 30% of the front wall area of the building, and up 30% of any other wall within the profile of the building; subject to Rule 28.6.6 (iv) below. (c) No signs shall be placed on or above any building roof, ridgeline or parapet; (d) Any illuminated sign shall be designed and operated in accordance with Rule Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan 28.6.6 Visual Amenity - Composite Signs (a) Within a Landmark Entry Treatment location identified on the Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan, one composite sign may be erected subject to the following: (i) A design theme for the sign has been approved as part of a subdivision consent for the Landmark Entry Treatment Area as shown on the Urban Design Plan; (ii) The sign is a single, doublesided sign not exceeding 10metres in height, or the maximum height for the zone, whichever is the lesser, and up to 3 metres in width; (iii) The sign is not located on any public road or other public open space; (iv) The sign is not located within 200m of the intersection of the Spine Road and Belk Road. (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules (v) The use of colours under this rule shall not include any of the colours listed in Group E 49 - 58 in British Standard 5252:1976; (vi) For the avoidance of doubt, this rule shall not apply to any window frames, guttering, or down pipes. (b) Notwithstanding 28.6.7(a)(ii) above, any buildings on a site shown on the "Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan" as "Tauriko Business Estate Special Height Control Area (Recession Plane)" shall have all roof elements pitched so as to avoid creating glare from the sun when viewed from the Pyes Pa West residential area. 28.6.8 Visual Amenity - Outdoor Storage Outdoor storage of materials, products, containers and the like shall not exceed 16 metres in height, or the maximum height for the zone, whichever is the lesser. 28.6.9 Noise and Disturbance (b) Any illuminated sign shall be designed and operated in accordance with Rule 28.6.7 Visual Amenity - External Appearance of Buildings and Other Structures (a) Rules (a), (b), (e) and (g) shall apply; (b) Rules (c), (d) and (f) shall not apply; For any site within the Industrial Business Zone: (c) Noise from activities on any site within the Industrial Zone, measured at or within the boundary of any other site in the Industrial Zone or Commercial Business 1 Zone, or Greenbelt Zone shall not exceed the following limits: (a) (i) No part of any surface of any exterior wall shall have a reflectance value exceeding 35%; (ii) No part of any surface of any roof shall have a reflectance value exceeding 25%; (iii) (iv) No part of any surface of any other exterior structure or building shall have a reflectance value exceeding 35%; For the purposes of this rule, the term "reflectance value" shall have the same meaning as used in "BS5252:1976 Framework for colour coordination for building purposes"; Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate For any site within the Industrial Business Zone: (d) (i) Monday to Sunday 7.00 am to 10.00 pm: 65 dBA (L 10); (ii) All other times: 55 dBA (L 10 ) and 80 dBA (L max); Prior to commencement of any land use within 100 metres of any dwelling existing as at 10 December 2005 on a Rural Zone property, an acoustic design report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced acoustical engineer shall be submitted to the Council. The report shall outline the range of activities, their potential Page 11 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) noise levels and any noise mitigation / management measures that will be implemented to demonstrate compliance with Noise Rules (a) and (c). Tauranga District Plan (vi) (b) Where a land use is being carried out on a lot created from a subdivision under Subdivision Rule 28.7.4, the land use shall be deemed to have complied with Rule 28.6.10 above. 28.7 Restricted (Limited) Discretionary Activities 28.6.10 Stormwater Management No development shall occur in the Tauriko Business Estate unless management of the quantity and quality of stormwater to be discharged is in accordance with the criteria provided in Appendix 28F including the following: (a) (b) (c) The 50 year ARI flood peaks from each stormwater catchment as shown on Structure Plan SP14 shall not be greater than 50% of the predevelopment peak runoff rates (i.e. pastoral land use); The 2 year ARI flood peaks shall be reduced to 30% of the predevelopment peak runoff rates; Sediment and contaminants are removed in accordance with the best standards and best practices relevant to the management of industrial and commercial contaminants within the discharge. 28.6.11 Compliance of Land Use with Structure Plan, Services Strategy, Staging Plan, Urban Design Plan, etc: (a) No landuse shall occur in the Tauriko Business Estate unless it complies with the requirements of: Appendix 28C - Mitigation and Landscaping Features and Buffer Zone Diagrams. Rule 20.4 Limited Discretionary Activities shall apply. 28.7.1 Restricted (Limited) Discretionary Land Use - Matters of Discretion and Conditions in the Tauriko Business Estate Visual Amenity - Streetscene The Council restricts the exercise of its discretion to: (a) The extent to which the activity will be consistent with the relevant objectives and policies for the Tauriko Business Estate; (b) Architectural detailing of the building that avoids the creation of blank featureless walls; (c) The screening of outdoor storage areas from passersby; (d) Building entry location and visibility; (e) Car parking layout and design; (f) (i) Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan; Landscape planting that will soften the appearance of structures and promote distinctiveness and a sense of place. (ii) SP14 Tauriko Business Estate Services Structure Plan; Visual Amenity - External Appearance of Buildings and Other Structures (iii) Appendix Business Strategy Schedule. (iv) Tauriko Business Estate Staging Plan The Council restricts the exercise of its discretion to the extent to which the site and/or building and/or other structure will be visible in whole or in part from rural and residential properties in the surrounding environment. (v) Page 12 of 34 28A Tauriko Estate Services and Sequencing Appendix 28B - Mitigation and Landscaping Specifications. Activities within the 80m Separation Area The Council restricts the exercise of its discretion to the extent to which the activity may result in restrictions on the carrying out of Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan lawful activities on adjacent sites in the Rural Zone, and the maintenance and enhancement of rural amenity values. (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules applications need not be notified or served on other persons in respect of an application made under Section 28.7. Earthworks in Escarpment Areas The Council restricts the exercise of its discretion to the extent to which the activity will maintain landform and vegetation that provides visual screening and a backdrop with rural character to business development, when viewed from residential and rural areas 28.7.2 28.7.4 Note: Restricted (Limited) Discretionary Land Use - Standards and Terms in the Tauriko Business Estate Special Rules for Controlled Activity Subdivision - Standards and Terms in the Tauriko Business Estate For the avoidance of doubt, where any of the matters in this rule have been addressed through earlier subdivision consent, they need not be readdressed in any subsequent subdivision application. Visual Amenity - Streetscene (a) Rules, (a), and , shall apply; A qualified landscape architect (or other suitably qualified design professional approved by the Council) shall prepare a visual assessment in respect of any application under Section (b) Any application shall demonstrate how the subdivision will be developed in a manner that is consistent with: Visual Amenity - External Appearance of Sites, Buildings and Other Structures A qualified architect or landscape architect (or other suitably qualified design professional approved by the Council) shall prepare a visual assessment in respect of any application under Section with particular regard to the appearance of the site, building, or structure as viewed from rural or residential properties in the surrounding environment. (i) Tauriko Business Estate Urban Design Plan; (ii) Tauriko Business Estate Staging Plan; (iii) SP14 Tauriko Business Estate Services Structure Plan; (iv) Appendix 28A: Tauriko Business Estate Services Strategy Statement and Sequencing Schedule; (v) Appendix 28B: Mitigation and Landscaping Specifications; (vi) Appendix 28C: Mitigation, Landscaping Features and Buffer Zone Diagrams; Earthworks in Escarpment Areas A qualified landscape architect (or other suitably qualified design professional approved by the Council) shall prepare a visual assessment in respect of any application under Section with particular regard to the visibility and appearance, including glare, of any industrial development as viewed from rural or residential properties in the surrounding environment. 28.7.3 Non-Notification In respect of: (a) (b) (vii) Appendix 28D: Typical Road Plans and Cross Sections; (c) A Landscape Concept Plan shall be submitted specifying the work required to achieve the requirements set out in (b) above, including, but not limited to: (i) Activities that do not comply with Rule 28.6.3; and Streetscape for Spine Road and Green Connectors; (ii) Activities that do not comply with Rule 28.6.7; Visual Extension Connector; (iii) Walkways linkages; Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate and of Green cycleway Page 13 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) (iv) Stormwater Management Area; (v) Escarpment Area; (vi) Visual Mitigation buffer; Tauranga District Plan predevelopment peak runoff rates (i.e. pastoral land use); (vii) Zone Interface 10m Planted Buffer Strip and 80m Separation Area; (ii) The 2 year ARI flood peaks shall be reduced to 30% of the pre-development peak runoff rates; (iii) Sediment and contaminants shall be removed in accordance with the best industry practice with particular regard to the removal of industrial and commercial surface and chemical contaminants within the discharge. (iv) Stormwater ponds shall be provided with all weather access that will enable ongoing maintenance to be carried out. (viii) Planted buffer; (ix) Landmark entry features; (x) A design theme, including location, for any composite sign within a Landmark Entry Treatment area. (xi) (d) Convenience Centres Any application shall demonstrate how the provisions of the Cultural Heritage Plan for the Tauriko Business Estate have been given effect to including: (i) (ii) Provision for cultural gateway structures and historical panels within the defined Landmark Entry Treatment Areas; Naming of streets, parks and other public amenities; (iii) Riparian protection and native planting alongside the Kopurererua stream and stormwater ponds; (iv) Archaeological site monitoring and protection; (e) Any application shall demonstrate how the recommendations of the archaeological assessments prepared for the Tauriko Business Estate (Mathew Campbell - June, November and December 2004) have been given effect to; (f) Management of the quantity and quality of stormwater to be discharged shall be in accordance with the criteria provided in Appendix 28F including the following: (i) Page 14 of 34 (g) The 50 year ARI flood peaks from each stormwater catchment as shown on Structure Plan SP14 shall not be greater than 50% of the A report shall be provided by a Category 1 Geotechnical Practitioner, or other person acceptable to the Council, to demonstrate that consideration has been given to geotechnical aspects, including: (i) Earth filling and peat deposits; (ii) Earthworks excavations; (iii) Slope stability; (h) Notwithstanding compliance with the Sequencing Schedule set out in section 7 of Appendix 28A, Section 224 Certification shall not be allowed for more than 500 Household Unit Equivalents (19 units per hectare for water supply) in the Tauriko Business Estate prior to a water reservoir site being secured and the double endfed water supply being provided via the Kennedy Road link route, provided that this standard and term shall not apply to that area of development adjacent to the intersection of Cambridge Rd and State Highway (approximately 5ha) as described in the Services Strategy Statement. (i) Notwithstanding compliance with the Sequencing Schedule set out in section 7 of Appendix 28A, Section 224 Certification shall not be allowed for more than 1,100 Household Unit Equivalents (19 units per hectare for wastewater) in the Tauriko Business Estate prior to the construction of a Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Business 1 Zones with the Rural Zone; pipeline (known as the "Southern Pipeline") to redirect the wastewater catchments in Tauranga South to the Te Maunga wastewater treatment plant as described in the Services Strategy Statement. (j) Notwithstanding compliance with the Sequencing Schedule set out in section 7 of Appendix 28A, the following additional requirements shall apply in respect of Stormwater Ponds B1 and C: (i) (ii) (k) prior to a section 224(c) certificate being issued for the subdivision of any land within the catchment of Stormwater Pond B1, or for Stormwater Pond B1 itself, the pond shall be fully constructed in accordance with engineering drawings approved by Council and a value for the land involved shall have been determined in accordance with Tauranga City Council's Development Contributions Policy; prior to a section 224(c) certificate being issued for the subdivision of any land within Stages 3A and 3B, or for Stormwater Pond C itself, Stormwater Pond C shall be fully constructed in accordance with engineering drawings approved by Council and a value for the land involved shall have been determined in accordance with Tauranga City Council's Development Contributions Policy. Public transport routes and facilities shall be provided for within the development. Special Rules for Controlled Activity Subdivision - Matters of Control and Conditions in the Tauriko Business Estate (a) The location of the following features shall, where relevant to the subdivision, be delineated on the plan of subdivision and identified in a consent notice: (i) Boundary between the Industrial Business and Commercial Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate (ii) Boundary between the Industrial Business and Commercial Business 1 Zones with the Greenbelt Zone; (iii) Escarpment Area; (iv) Landmark Area; (v) Convenience Centre; (vi) Special Height Control Area; Entry Treatment (vii) Visual Mitigation Buffer; (viii) Visual Extension Connector; (ix) of Green Zone Interface 10m Buffer Strip and 80m Separation Area (Belk Road); (b) Establishment and maintenance of landscaping on land to be vested in Council shall be at the consent holder's cost and shall be a condition of consent. A minimum two-year landscaping maintenance programme shall generally be established as a condition of consent. A maintenance programme period of up to four years may be required where there are special circumstances that apply to the site. Annual replacement planting shall be carried out for any plant losses. (c) Notwithstanding (b) above, the minimum three-year landscaping maintenance programme shall be established as a condition of consent for the Visual Mitigation Buffer. (d) On subdivision of any land that includes any part of any Road, Escarpment Area, Stormwater Management Area, Buffer Strip, or Visual Mitigation Buffer, provision shall be made for the planting of that area in accordance with Appendix 28C Buffer Zone Diagrams, Appendix 28D Road Plans and Cross Sections and 28E Species List. The planting shall be completed as part of the development of the subdivision. Protection in perpetuity through a consent notice shall be provided for any planting on land that will remain Page 15 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauranga District Plan and shall apply (i.e. Traffic Impact Study and assessment of transportation effects) and the application shall detail consultation undertaken with Transit New Zealand. in private ownership. Ongoing maintenance and development shall be identified as a requirement in the consent notice; (e) (f) Provision shall be made for a wire mesh (or other visually permeable material) fence or other physical barrier generally no greater than 1.2 metres in height to be erected at the time of subdivision and maintained to prevent any encroachment of any activity into any escarpment area, Visual Mitigation Buffer, stormwater management area or 5m or 10m buffer strip (Refer Appendix 28C). The Stormwater Management Area and Visual Mitigation Buffer and 10m Planted Buffer Strip shall be vested in the Council; (g) Conditions may be imposed relating to earth filling and excavations, building and infrastructure setback distances from the crest and toe of escarpment slopes, debris retention measures, and batter slope design; (h) Provision shall be made for practical access and servicing of any land adjacent to the subdivision to ensure that adjacent land parcels are able to be reasonably developed for their zoned purpose. (i) The 10m Planted Buffer Strip shall be established at a ground level that maximises its screening effect in relation to permitted buildings on adjacent industrial land. (j) Where applicable, conditions may be imposed requiring completion of relevant works listed in the Sequencing Schedule contained in Section 7 of Appendix 28A. 28.8 Restricted (Limited) Discretionary Activities (a) Rule 20.4 - Limited Discretionary Activities shall apply with the exception that 20.4 (d) shall not apply; (b) Any activity that does not comply with Rule 28.5.1 (i.e. floor area limit for the Commercial Business 1 Zone) shall also be a limited discretionary activity. The requirements of Rules Page 16 of 34 28.9 Discretionary Activities (a) Rule 20.5 - Discretionary Activities shall apply; (b) Any land use that does not comply with Rule 28.6.11 shall be a discretionary activity. (c) In addition to the foregoing, the following shall also be discretionary activities: (i) Any subdivision or land use within any Stage of the Tauriko Business Estate (as identified in Diagram 9) where any of the prerequisites set out in Column 2 of the Sequencing Schedule table contained in section 7 of Appendix 28A in relation to that Stage have not been completed. (ii) Any subdivision of land within any Stage of the Tauriko Business Estate (as identified in Diagram 9) where any of the prerequisites set out in Column 3 of the Sequencing Schedule table contained in section 7 of Appendix 28A in relation to that Stage have not been completed, unless the application for subdivision consent specifically undertakes that those prerequisites will be completed prior to a Section 224(c) RMA Certificate being issued in repect of the subdivision. (iii) Any land use within any Stage of the Tauriko Business Estate (as identified in Diagram 9) where any of the prerequisites set out in Column 3 of the Sequencing Schedule table contained in section 7 of Appendix 28A in relation to that Stage have not been completed unless the land use concerned requires resource consent under some other rule in this Plan and an application for resource consent for that land use specifically undertakes that Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules with Appendix 28A including Sequencing Schedule. those prerequisites will be completed prior to commencement of the activity. (b) (d) Notification and service of any application shall be in accordance with the matters set out in Rule 11.1.3. 28.9.1 Assessment of Applications and Conditions Unless otherwise stated in the Plan, in considering an application for a discretionary activity under this rule, and without limiting Council's general powers under the Act in respect of such applications, Council shall have particular regard to the Assessment Criteria under Rule 28.9.2 An assessment shall be provided that: (a) Identifies any relevant effects (b) Includes both short and long term effects and cumulative effects (c) Includes an assessment of effects on all services (including the local road and state highway network) and an assessment of the extent to which the proposed activity is consistent with the Tauriko Business Estate Services Strategy Statement and Sequencing Schedule in Appendix 28A. Where it is contended that the effects on any particular service will be negligible, the basis of any such contention shall be specifically addressed. (d) Has been prepared by a person or persons who, in the opinion of the Council, are suitably qualified to provide the relevant assessments. Assessment Criteria Without restricting the Council’s discretion to consider other matters, in making a decision the Council will consider: (a) Where, at the time the application for resource consent is considered, any prerequisite in the Sequencing Schedule has not been completed: (i) Whether the activity will result in any adverse effect on any infrastructure, including any effect on the safe and efficient operation of the local road and state highway network. (ii) Any effect on the funding and/or programming of the provision of infrastructure, when and on whom any resultant increase or decrease in costs will fall, and how the applicant proposes to mitigate any adverse financial effects. (iii) The outcome of any consultation with the network utility operators in respect of the infrastructure to which that prerequisite relates. Special Standards and Terms for Activities that require Consent under Rules 28.9 (b) and (c) Information Requirements The effects (including short term and long term, and cumulative effects) of the activity including any effects arising from the activity not complying Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate (c) the Matters relevant to Council’s general powers under the Act in respect of discretionary activities. Conditions Without limiting the Council’s general powers under the Act to impose conditions on consents, particular matters that may be addressed through conditions include: (a) Requiring the provision infrastructure at a specified time; of (b) Requiring the payment of a bond to ensure specified infrastructure works are undertaken; (c) Restricting the scale of an activity. 28.10 Non-Complying Activities (a) Rule 20.7 - Non-complying Activities shall apply; (b) Any land use or subdivision within the Tauriko Business Estate shall be a non-complying activity unless a Development Contributions Policy for the Tauriko Business Estate is adopted and in operation under the Local Government Act. Page 17 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) (c) Any activity accessory or ancillary to an activity in the Tauriko Business Estate Convenience Centres which is located outside of the Convenience Centre locations identified on Structure Plan SP14 shall be a noncomplying activity. (d) Notification and service of any application shall be in accordance with the matters set out in Rule 11.1.3. 28.11 Prohibited Activities Tauranga District Plan There are no prohibited activities. Page 18 of 34 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Appendix 28A: Tauriko Business Estate Services Strategy Statement and Sequencing Schedule This statement describes key proposals for the development of infrastructure at Tauriko Business Estate that are illustrated on the Services Structure Plan SP14. 1. Roads, Internal Roading Transport services are all road based, with no available alternatives such as rail. Provision for road access to the site is external, relating to the connection to the existing arterial network, and internal, relating to the functional hierarchy of access within the development. External Roading Improvements to the intersections of Cambridge Road/State Highway 29, and Belk Road/State Highway 29 will be required as a result of traffic growth in the network whether or not development at Tauriko takes place. Improvements (additional left slip lanes as shown on Concept Diagram, Mitigation Measures and Staging at Lakes and Route K/ SH29 Roundabouts, Drawing No. Z1040601, Sheet No. G004, Rev. B Diagram 12) will be required to the intersection at Takitimu Drive/ State Highway 29 and the intersection of Takitimu Drive/Spine Road, as a result of the development at Tauriko. Timing is tied to the staging of development. These works are shown on an inset to the Structure Plan. As a result of the business land development at Tauriko either: n n Interim improvements to the intersection of Belk Road/State Highway 29 will need to occur; or, If a long term solution for that intersection is developed prior to such an interim solution being implemented, that long term solution will need to occur at an earlier date that would otherwise be required. Any such intersection improvements will require substantial reconstruction of part of the State Highway. Diagram 11 (Concept Diagram, Mitigation Measure at Belk Road) illustrates the type of intersection improvements which are likely to be required as an interim solution and the location of the proposed works is shown on Structure Plan SP14. However, the final Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate design of any interim solution may differ from that shown. Prior to any intersection improvements of the aforementioned nature proceeding, separate notice of requirements and designation procedures under the RMA may need to be completed. Belk Road will be upgraded to a width and pavement standard suitable for heavy commercial vehicles. The design of the improvements will include provision of streetlights in the vicinity of the intersection with the Spine Road, footpaths and kerbs to provide a safe environment for vehicles and pedestrians. In association with Transit New Zealand and the Tauranga City and Western Bay District Councils, preliminary investigations have been undertaken to assess the benefit of providing a possible re-alignment of State Highway 29 to bypass Tauriko that will pass through the structure plan area. Whilst the bypass is not currently on Transit New Zealand's 10 year plan, nor required to serve the Business Estate, there is significant merit in considering possible route options that may be capable of being protected and secured for the future as the development proceeds. The staging of development means that route choices exist that will not become critical to development planning for several years and therefore the parties will continue to cooperate in order to achieve the best possible option into the future. A possible future alignment for the bypass is shown indicatively on the Structure Plan for Tauriko. Should a decision be made to proceed with the bypass, the route will require authorisation by way of a publicly notified requirement for designation under the Resource Management Act. A notice of requirement will address the mitigation of any actual or potential environmental effects of the proposed road. If the Tauriko Bypass is constructed, the improvements to the Belk Road/SH29 intersection described above are unlikely to be required. Page 19 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Internal Roading The internal road hierarchy comprises a subarterial (Spine) road, other collector roads and pedestrian/walkway routes are shown on the Services Structure Plan. A road cross section is shown for the spine road in Appendix 28D. Tauranga District Plan to be prevented from using the Gargan Road/ SH29 intersection. Measure to address this may include stopping parts of Gargan Road and/or the use of appropriate road design and traffic management measures. A primary public transport network is provided along the spine road, with opportunities for secondary routes along collector roads if required. Provision for cycles and pedestrians include: Road Function Design Features Sub Arterial (Spine Road) Mobility route connecting all stages of development to the surrounding arterial network. Operates as a green link delivering a high quality street environment, and provides mitigation of visual effects. Posted speed - 60 km/h. Intersection spacing as shown on SP 14. Reserve width - 27m. Provision for Public Transport - Bus embayments/shelters at 400m maximum spacings Pedestrians - Pathways both sides. Provision for a cycleway, central raised median, and landscaping. n Collect or Roads Mixed access routes TCC standards. connecting to Spine Road. Operate as a green link and provide mitigation of visual effects. The Spine Road includes intersections that will be controlled by large roundabouts. The Spine Road has two lanes, except where it approaches the intersection with Takitimu Drive where this increases to four lanes to accommodate increased flows. The Structure Plan also shows road improvements and ramps to provide access from Gargan Road to the Spine Road. These ramps are indicative only, as they are not required to enable the servicing of the Tauriko Business Estate. There is also no provision for funding by Development Impact Fees. The purpose of showing the ramps is to flag the long term potential for rural land at Gargan Road to be used for urban purposes, and that an option for access from Gargan Road to the Spine Road be kept open. This needs to occur without placing unreasonable or unfair restrictions on the land owner. At the time a subdivision or development occurs on the land where the ramps are indicated, a decision will need to be made by the Council on the most appropriate outcome taking into account relevant matters at that time. In the future event that Gargan Road was to be connected to the Spine Road, additional traffic would need Page 20 of 34 n n n 2. Links to Pyes Pa West residential area; Crossing points roundabouts; separated from Median refuges on Spine Road; Off road corridors. routes along stormwater Wastewater The management of wastewater generated within the Tauriko Business Estate shall be undertaken by a combination of gravity and limited rising mains and pump stations to the main pump station that is to be constructed at a location near to the Kopurererua Bridge at SH 29 as depicted on TCC SP13. This pump station is within the Pyes Pa West urban growth area structure plan and will discharge via twin rising mains to a new gravity sewer at Barkes Corner and into the existing Maleme St pump station. The Tauranga City Council system, into which it is intended to direct wastewater cannot accommodate design flows for the development. TCC is to construct a pipeline to redirect the catchments in Tauranga South to the Te Maunga waste treatment plant. This project is to be commissioned in mid 2008. The Tauriko Business Estate development will be then able to continue unrestricted by wastewater disposal capacity. Development staging and infrastructure provision will be managed accordingly. Summary details of the proposed wastewater system are shown on SP 14. 3. Stormwater The land drains largely to the Kopurererua Stream to the north with some to the Wairoa River to the south. In accordance with best practice, peak stormwater runoff rates and discharge volumes discharging into the catchment areas and will be managed by the Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan construction of a number of stormwater detention ponds. These ponds will also deal with stormwater quality and provide visual, ecological and passive recreational functions. To achieve this multi-functional purpose, the stormwater ponds will generally have a sediment forebay for retaining coarse sediment, and a densely vegetated main pond for settling out fine sediment and contaminants. The vegetation will consist of rush and sedge species designed to reduce the potential for channelisation of stormwater flow and to maximise the settlement of fine particles. The ponds will not be lined. A permanent water quality volume of water will be retained within the ponds that is additional to the storage volume. The water quality volume will be replenished by ground and spring water as well as runoff passing through the system. This recharge in combination with the vegetation, will reduce the potential for mosquito populations and odour to cause a nuisance. Peak runoff will be reduced to pre-development rates in the same manner as the stormwater system being developed for Pyes Pa West Urban Growth Area. Summary details of the proposed stormwater management system are shown on SP 14. Stormwater reticulation and ponds are limited to standard stormwater runoff criteria. Businesses which have a higher risk of contamination are to have restrictions and conditions placed on them to provide on-site treatment in accordance with standard TCC practice. 4. Water Supply There are two principal sources of water to supply both the Pyes Pa West Urban and the Tauriko Business Estate developments. The treatment plant at Oropi Rd supplies lowpressure water to Barkes Corner from which the initial supply to the developments will come. This system can only service areas below the RL 40m contour to maintain the minimum domestic supply pressure of 300kpa. A high level supply will be put in place above the 40m contour. A limited amount of development (500 household unit equivalents) can occur before the construction of a double fed water main is provided. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules A small area (around 5ha) of development can be serviced from the existing Cambridge Road reservoir and reticulation. Internal reticulation is designed to ensure that 100l/s can be delivered where specified to any part of the development as this is a Fire Service requirement. 5. Utilities 5.1 Power Power will be provided to the site in line with staging and will deliver the minimum general industry standard of 100 Amps per site. Sufficient supply is available and security of supply will be provided through industry best practice. 5.2 Gas Natural Gas Corporation will supply gas and there is sufficient supply. The existing gas transmission line running through is protected by way of an easement over part of the site. This line may require relocation. The cost of relocation will not be met by the Council or funded through development contributions. 5.3 Telecommunications Full industry standard service is available to the development. 6. Infrastructure Efficiency The design, delivery and staging of infrastructure will be undertaken to deliver a sustainable system that reflects industry best practice. Staging has been defined that will ensure a logical development sequence is followed. Full industry standard service is available to the development. 7. Sequencing Schedule The sequence of subdivision and land development shall be in accordance with the following Sequencing Schedule [Note: reference should also be made to the requirements set out in clauses (h), (i) and (j) of rule 28.7.4]: Page 21 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauranga District Plan 3B Stage as shown on Services Structure Plan Prerequisite to any resource consent being granted or to any land use activity being established Prerequisite to Land Use and Subdivision relevant to Rules 28.9(c)(ii) and (iii) 1 Spine Road designed and alignment determined for Stage 1. Pyes Pa bypass connection to SH 29 completed. Plant and fence off Visual Mitigation Buffer adjacent to development.Left Slip lane from State Highway 29 to Takitimu Drive. Left slip lane to Pyes Pa West from Takitimu Drive. Left slip lane from Takitimu Drive to State Highway 29 2 Spine Road and Kennedy Road link and bridge designed and alignment determined for Stage 2. Final design and associated estimated cost for the Belk road, State Highway 29 intersection or for such other alternative southern access to State Highway 29 approved by statutory road authorities. Spine Rd formed and vested in Council for Stage 1. Spine Road designed and alignment determined for Stage 3A. Intersection of Belk Road and SH29 designed to a standard approved by statutory road authorities, all necessary statutory authorisations are obtained, and any additional land needed is acquired. Spine Rd formed and vested in Council for Stage 3A. Belk Road and intersection with State Highway 29 upgraded, or an agreed alternative provided, .to a standard approved by statutory road authorities. 10m Planted Buffer Strip at Belk Road established. Stormwater pond C constructed and acceptable for vesting in Council. Kennedy Road Link and Bridge constructed and acceptable for vesting in Council. 3A Page 22 of 34 Spine Rd formed and vested in Council for Stage 3A. Stormwater pond C constructed and acceptable for vesting in Council. Belk Road and intersection with State Highway 29 upgraded, or an agreed alternative provided, .to a standard approved by statutory road authorities. Stormwater ponds and 50m floodway established. Left slip lane from Spine Road to to Takitimu Drive. Plant and fence off Visual Mitigation Buffer adjacent to development. Left slip lane from SH29 to Route K. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Appendix 28B: Mitigation and Landscaping Specifications Mitigation Type Purpose Spine Road Street Trees Dimension Planting Density and Specification Plant Size at time of planting Mitigation of effects on distant views. Streetscape enhancement. 1 tree/15m general spacing. Both sides of street. PB150 Central median planted in grass with 1 tree/10m general spacing. For roundabout diameters less than 10m no trees in centre, for diameters > 10m more than one tree can be planted. PB150 Connector Road Street Trees Mitigation of effects on distant views. Streetscape enhancement. 1 tree/15m general spacing for both sides of street. PB150 Visual Extension of Green Corridor 5m width protected from Completes linkages between buildings by BLR. riparian areas and escarpment. 1 tree/15m general spacing. PB95 Visual Mitigation Buffer\ Screening near views from Pyes Pa West to Business Industrial Area. As shown on Urban Design Revegetation species on steep slope at PB3 Plan. 1m spacing, free from defect, pest and disease. Where the natural slope has been altered by Trees minimum Soil appropriately conditioned. earthworks, it shall be cut PB95 grade. Top 5m section of bank - 2 rows of trees at to a maximum of 30o 5m spacing. Trees true to form. Native and (1V:2H), prior to topsoil exotic species appropriate for screening replacement. and achieving a height of at least 15m Stormwater Management Area Enhancing amenity values, ecological functioning and storm water contaminant removal. Screening mid range views into the Commercial Business and Industrial Business area. As shown on Urban Design Species that are invasive, weedy or likely Plan, but generally not less to infest waterways shall be avoided. than 20m in width Revegetation species at 1m spacings. Reveg species PB3 Root trainers may used for wetland areas. Root trainer plants at 3 plants/m2. Trees in clump plantings at 5m spacings, Trees minimum 10 trees per clump, and maximum spacing PB95 grade. of 50m between clumps. Half area in open grassland. Pond species provided. Zone Interface Buffer Strip Screening short and mid- range views into the Industrial Business Area. 80m Separation area including a 10m wide planted buffer located a minimum distance of 50m from the boundary of any rural zoned property. 3 rows of staggered tree planting at 5m intervals. Shrubs PB3 Trees minimum Soil appropriately conditioned. PB95 grade. Vegetation heights controlled to avoid shading as shown in Appendix 28C. Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Page 23 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauranga District Plan Mitigation Type Purpose Dimension Escarpment Mitigation Re-establishment of ground cover and trees on modified escarpments that provide a backdrop to industrial and commercial buildings. As shown on Urban Design Revegetation species at 2m spacing. Plan. Scattered clusters of mixed deciduous species PB2 5m width Shrubs PB3 Planted Buffer Strip Screening short range views into the Industrial Business Area. Page 24 of 34 Planting Density and Specification 2 rows of staggered tree planting at 5m intervals. Shrubs between. Soil appropriately conditioned. Plant Size at time of planting PB40 Trees 2m minimum height Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Appendix 28C: Mitigation, Landscaping Features and Buffer Zone Diagrams Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Page 25 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauranga District Plan Appendix 28C: Mitigation, Landscaping Features and Buffer Zone Ctd Diagrams continued Zone Interface 80m Separation Strip and 10m Planted Buffer Strip Note 1: Vegetation to be designed to avoid trapping frost on adjacent horticultural land. Note 2: See Rule 28.5.4 80m Separation Area for land use and building controls. VISUAL EXTENSION OF GREEN CONNECTOR Page 26 of 34 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Appendix 28D: Typical Road Plans and Cross Sections Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Page 27 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Tauranga District Plan Appendix 28D - Typical Road Plans and Cross Sections continued Page 28 of 34 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Appendix 28E: Mitigation & Landscaping Features - Species List Notes: 1. The following list identifies species of vegetation suitable for use in different applications within the Tauriko Business Estate. Species not listed may be also used with the approval of the Council where they have the same or similar environmental mitigation and/or amenity characteristics Davids Maple 9 Acer griseum Paper bark maple 9 Acer platanoides Norway Maple 9 9 9 9 9 9 Agathis australis Kauri 9 Agathus robusta Queensland Kauri 9 Alectryon excelsus Titoki Aristotelia serrata Makomako 9 Jointed twig rush 9 Baumea juncea 9 Baumea rubiginosa 9 Baumea tenax 9 Taraire Marsh clubrush Carex geminata Carex secta 9 9 Blechnum species Bolboschoenus fluviatilis 9 9 Astelia grandis Beilschmiedia tarairi 9 9 Acer rubrum Baumea articulata 9 Buffer Strip Zone Acer davidii Escarpment Mitigation 9 Visual Mitigation Buffer Trident maple Stormwater Area Acer buergerianum Connector Road Common Name Property Frontage Botanical Name Spine Road 2. Where the term "species" is noted against a botanical name, the species is to be approved by the Council at the time of landscape plan approval. Purei Carex virgata 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Carpodetus serratus Putaputaweta 9 9 Coprosma grandifolia Kanono 9 9 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Page 29 of 34 Escarpment Mitigation Buffer Strip Zone 9 9 9 9 Coprosma propinqua Mingimingi 9 Coprosma repens Taupata 9 9 9 9 Coprosma robusta Karamu 9 9 9 9 Coprosma tenuicaulis Hukihuki 9 Coprosma tenuifolia Wavy leaved coprosma 9 Cordyline australis Ti kouka 9 9 Cornus florida Flowering dogwood 9 Cornus nutalli Pacific dogwood 9 Cortaderia fulvida Toitoi 9 9 9 9 Cortaderia toetoe Toitoi 9 9 9 9 Corynocarpus laevigateus Karaka 9 Cyperus ustulatus Giant umbrella sedge 9 Dacrycarpus dacrydioides Kahikatea 9 Dacrydium cupressinum Rimu Dodonaea viscosa Akeake 9 9 9 9 Dysoxylum spectabile Kohekohe 9 Eleocharis sphacelata Bamboo spike sedge 9 9 9 Entelea arborescens Whau 9 Fagus species Beech Gingko biloba Gingko Griselinia littoralis Broadleaf 9 9 9 Hebe corriganii Koromiko 9 9 9 Hebe stricta Koromiko 9 9 9 Hedycarya arborea Porokaiwhiri 9 Hoheria populnea Lacebark 9 9 Connector Road Karamu Common Name Property Frontage Coprosma lucida Botanical Name Spine Road Visual Mitigation Buffer Tauranga District Plan Stormwater Area Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) 9 9 9 9 9 Juncus edgariae syn. gregiflorus 9 Juncus pallidus 9 Page 30 of 34 9 9 9 Rewarewa 9 9 Juncus australis Knightia excelsa 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate 9 9 Laurelia novae-zelandiae Pukatea 9 9 Lepidospermum australe 9 Buffer Strip Zone Escarpment Mitigation 9 Connector Road Kanuka Common Name Property Frontage Kunzea ericioides Botanical Name Spine Road Visual Mitigation Buffer (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Stormwater Area Tauranga District Plan 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Leptospermum scoparium Manuka Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar Liriodendron tulipifera Tulip tree Macropiper excelsum Kawakawa 9 9 9 Melicytus ramiflorus Mahoe 9 9 9 Meryta sinclarii Puka 9 Myoporum laetum Ngaio 9 9 9 Myrsine australis Mapou 9 9 9 Nyssa sylvatica Tupelo Olearia rani Heketara 9 Olearia solandri Coastal tree daisy 9 9 9 Phormium tenax Harakeke 9 9 9 9 Phormium cookianum Wharariki 9 Phyllocladus glaucus Toatoa 9 Phyllocladus trichomanoides Tanekaha 9 Pittosporum crassifolium Karo 9 9 9 9 Pittosporum tenuifolium Kohuhu 9 9 9 9 Plagianthus regius Ribbonwood 9 9 9 Platanus species Plane Podocarpus totara Totara 9 9 Poplar varieties Poplar Prumnopitys ferruginea Miro 9 9 Prumnopitys taxifolia Matai 9 9 Pseudopanax arboreus Five finger 9 9 9 Pseudopanax crassifolius Lancewood 9 9 9 9 9 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Pseudopanax laetus Pseudopanax lessonii 9 Houpara 9 Page 31 of 34 9 9 Quercus species Oak Salix varieties Willow Schefflera digitata Pate 9 Schoenoplectus validus Lake clubrush 9 Sequoia sempervirens California redwood Sophora microphylla Kowhai Syzygium maire 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Maire tawaki 9 9 Taxodium distichum Swamp cypress 9 Tilia species Lime Vitex lucens Puriri Weinmannia racemosa Kamahi Page 32 of 34 Buffer Strip Zone Escarpment Mitigation Visual Mitigation Buffer Stormwater Area Connector Road Common Name Property Frontage Botanical Name Tauranga District Plan Spine Road Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Tauranga District Plan (Amended as at 01/12/2008) Part B - Management Rules Appendix 28F: Stormwater Management Criteria - Tauriko Business Estate The following actions shall be implemented in the Structure Plan 14 area. These provisions will be implemented through a variety of mechanisms, including the District Plan, No Design Standards, and the process of granting individual development consents. Action Mechanism 1 The provisions of the TDC Code of Practice for Development is a means of compliance with the standards of the District Plan. District Plan Code of Practice 2 No building shall be located in the 50-year flood plain. District Plan and Subdivision Consent 3 All developments shall provide a stormwater management plan demonstrating: District Plan n that their primary stormwater drainage discharges to an approved drainage system; Code of Practice n how they will pass surface flows from above without causing erosion SWMP or flooding of buildings; n how surface flows will be captured, or pass safely downstream; n management of runoff peaks to downstream so they are no greater than from the pre-development catchment. Subdivision Consent 4 Subdivision consent conditions shall be applied to ensure that the provisions of the SWMP are applied comprehensively to all developments on the Tauriko Business Estate Structure Plan area. 5 The 50-year ARI flood peaks from each subcatchment/pond system shall be no Discharge Consent Conditions greater than 50% of the pre-development peak runoff rates (i.e. existing pastoral land use). Code of Practice for Development The 2-year ARI flood peaks shall be reduced to 30% of the pre-developed peak District Plan Structure Plan provisions runoff rates. These targets can be achieved through a range of measures including low impact design flood detention ponds, in-stream attenuation areas, etc. 6 Best management practice for sediment and contaminant removal shall be required on all development areas. District Plan SWMP 7 All stormwater treatment devices shall have adequate access for maintenance purposes. Code of Practice, District Plan 8 Stream and riparian areas shall be enhanced with protection works and planting. District Plan, SWMP, Urban Design Plan, Cultural Heritage Management Plan 9 All site developments (both subdivision earthworks and subsequent building excavations and earthworks) shall comply with relevant EBOP requirements. (e.g. EBOP publication Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Land Disturbing Activities, 2001/03). District Plan, Regional Land and Water Plan 10 The education of the general public, property developers and contractors shall be a focus for both Regional and District Council. Councils 11 All on-line structures with natural channel upstream shall provide for fish passage. Structure design shall incorporate cascading weirs or other suitable permanent fish passage (for eels and inanga) into the outlet works of all instream structures. Resource consent for stormwater discharge 12 All structures in the Kopurererua Stream shall be designed with adequate clearance in accordance with the requirements of the Transit New Zealand Bridge Design Manual. Resource consent design and conditions 13 Site development shall include on-site containment and treatment devices. Sediment and contaminants shall be removed in accordance with the best standards and practices relevant to the management of industrial and commercial contaminants within the discharge Code of Practice for Development, NZ Building Code, Maintenance programme Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate Page 33 of 34 Part B - Management Rules(Amended as at 01/12/2008) Page 34 of 34 Tauranga District Plan Chapter 28: Tauriko Business Estate