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ISSN 1829-5819 urnal ournal Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi / Journal of Geological Resources J Sumber Daya Geologi of Geological Resources Volume 20 / Nomor 3 / Juni 2010 Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi Journal of Geological Resources Vol. 20 No. 3 Hlm. 133 - 176 Bandung Juni 2010 Terakreditasi sebagai Majalah Ilmiah berdasarkan Keputusan Kepala LIPI No.178/AU/P2MBI/08/2009 PUSAT SURVEI GEOLOGI Diterbitkan berkala enam kali setahun oleh/Published periodically six times annually by: Pusat Survei Geologi/Centre for Geological Survey Gambar Sampul: Folded metalimestone in studied area (Foto: Hamdan Z. Abidin) CALL FOR PAPER : Redaksi menerima makalah ilmiah yang berkaitan dengan kegeologian (Geo-Resources, Geo-Environment, Geo-Hazards, Geo-Sciences) untuk dapat diterbitkan di Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi ini. Makalah yang diterbitkan akan diberikan honor sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku. Vol. 20, No. 3, J u n i 2010 urnal ournal J ISSN 1829-5819 Sumber Daya Geologi of Geological Resources KATA PENGANTAR Penasihat Kepala Badan Geologi Pembaca yang budiman, Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Tuhan YME atas berkat rakhmat dan hidayahnya, sehingga kami dapat menerbitkan Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi bulan Juni tahun 2010. Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi kali ini memuat dua makalah Geo-Resources dan dua makalah Geo-Sciences. Makalah Geo-Resources yang pertama membahas tentang karakteristik granit Arai dan hubungannya dengan mineralisasi cebakan endapan bijih besi, Zn, Cu, Pb, dan emas. Batuan granit Arai, yang merupakan granit busur vulkanik diinterpretasikan menjadi sumber panas untuk terjadinya mineralisasi di daerah ini. Granit Arai ini menerobos batuan karbonatan yang menghasilkan cebakan tipe skarn. Makalah Geo-Resources yang kedua mengetengahkan tema tentang karakteristik batubara dan potensi coalbed methane di daerah Muara Lakitan. Sejumlah analisis kimia dilakukan untuk mengetahui kualitas dan tingkat kematangan batubara di wilayah ini. Makalah Geo-Science pertama mengutarakan topik bahasan mengenai delineasi cekungan busur muka Simelue yang membahas mengenai batas-batas wilayah Cekungan Simeulue, struktur tinggian dan kedalaman/deposentrum cekungan Simeulue. Makalah ini dilengkapi dengan model penampang bawah permukaan dari data gaya berat yang selanjutnya dibuat model Cekungan Simeulue. Makalah kedua membahas tentang stratigrafi dan sedimentologi Formasi Merawu di Banjarnegara berdasarkan hasil pengukuran stratigrafi runtunan batuan Neogen di sepanjang Kali Tulis di Desa Sokaraja. Tulisan ini mampu memisahkan Formasi Merawu menjadi dua anggota, yaitu anggota bawah batulumpur dan anggota atas batupasir. Akhirul kata, kami Dewan Redaksi mengucapkan selamat membaca dan semoga mendapatkan manfaat dari tulisan yang tersaji. Salam, Penanggung Jawab Kepala Pusat Survei Geologi Dewan Redaksi Ketua Prof. (Ris.) Dr. Ir. Udi Hartono (Geologi Ekonomi-Petrologi Batuan Beku) Anggota Dr. Hermes Panggabean, M.Sc. (Energi Fosil Konvensional) Ir. Asdani Soehaimi, Dipl.Seis. (Seismotektonik) Ir. Sidarto, M.Si. (Struktur Geologi) Ir. Subagio, M.Si. (Geofisika Terapan) Ir. Syaiful Bachri, M.Sc. (Stratigrafi-Tektonik) Dr. A.A. Polhoupessy (Paleontologi) Redaksi Pelaksana Isnu Hajar, ST, MT. Imam Setiadi, S.Si, MT. M.H. Hermiyanto Z, ST, MT. Sukahar Eka A. Saputra, ST. Penyunting Ilmiah Edisi Ini Prof. (Ris.) Dr. Ir. Udi Hartono (Geologi Ekonomi-Petrologi Batuan Beku) Dr. Hermes Panggabean, M.Sc. (Energi Fosil Konvensional) Ir. Syaiful Bachri, M.Sc. (Stratigrafi-Tektonik) Ir. Asdani Soehaimi, Dipl.Seis. (Seismotektonik) Ir. Sidarto, M.Si. (Struktur Geologi) Ir. Subagio, M.Si. (Geofisika Terapan) Dr. A.A. Polhoupessy (Paleontologi) Dewan Redaksi Penyunting Bahasa Dra. Nenen Adriyani, M.A. Dewan Penerbit Ketua Anggota Alamat Redaksi Pusat Survei Geologi, Jl. Diponegoro 57, Bandung, 40122 Telp. (022) 7203205 Fax. (022) 7202669 E-mail : [email protected] [email protected] http://www.grdc.esdm.go.id Ir. Ipranta, M.Sc. Ir. Kusdji Darwin Kusumah Dra. Nenen Adriyani, M.A. Cipto Handoko Hari Daya Satya, A.Md. Vol. 20, No. 3, J u n i 2010 urnal ournal J ISSN 1829-5819 Sumber Daya Geologi of Geological Resources Daftar isi / Contents Geo-Resources 133- 146 Chracteristics of the Arai Granite Associated with the Iron Ore and Zn-Cu-Pb Deposits in Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Hamdan Z. Abidin 147 - 157 Coalbed Methane Potential and Coal Characteristics in Muara Lakitan Area, South Sumatra M.H. Hermianto and R. Setiawan Geo-Sciences 159 - 167 Delineasi Cekungan Busur Muka Simeulue Berdasarkan Data Anomali Gaya Berat L.D. Santi, I. Setiadi, H. Panggabean 169 - 176 Stratigrafi dan Sedimentologi Endapan Dataran Pasang-Surut di Kali Tulis, Banjarnegara S. Bachri, E. Slameto, dan I. Nurdiana Geo-Resources CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ARAI GRANITE ASSOCIATED WITH THE IRON ORE AND Zn-Cu-Pb DEPOSITS IN MUSI RAWAS REGENCY, SOUTH SUMATERA Hamdan Z. Abidin Centre for Geological Survey, Jl. Diponegoro 57, Bandung - 40122 Abstract The Arai Granite exposed in the Jangkat District, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra. This rock which is in the form of a stock, is assigned to be Cretaceous in age. Petrographical identification shows that this rock is dominated by quartz, feldspar (plagioclase and orthoclase), biotite with minor hornblende, pyroxene and secondary muscovite of holocrystalline- equigranular textures. On the basis of A/CNK ratio (<1.1), the Arai granite belongs to metaluminous type of calc-alkali composition (K2O/Na2O = 0.9-1.06). The Plot of trace elements indicates that this rock belongs to I-type and falls within VAG/SYNCOLG. This granite is intimately associated with subduction of Indian Ocean and Eurasian Plates. It is characterized by strong depletion of Nb, P and Ti significantly. The Arai granite intrudes the Rawas and Peneta Formations of older ages so that lithology of both formations experienced contact metamorphism (marble and hornfels) and mineralization. The presence of iron ore, Zn-Cu-Pb and gold deposits is closely associated with limestone replacement within those formations. Therefore, these deposits are classified into skarn style. Keywords: Arai granite, pluton, Rawas Formation, Peneta Formation, mineralisation, skarn Sari Granit Arai tersingkap di Kecamatan Jangkat, Kabupaten Musi Rawas, Sumatra Selatan. Batuan yang berumur Kapur ini muncul sebagai stok. Secara petrografis, batuan ini didominasi oleh kuarsa, felspar (plagioklas dan ortoklas), biotit dan sedikit horenblenda, piroksen dan muskovit sekunder dengan tekstur holokristalin-ekuigranular. Berdasarkan perbandingan A/CNK (<1.1), batuan granit Arai ini termasuk jenis metaluminus yang berkomposisi kalk-alkali (K2O/Na2O = 0.9-1.06). Plot unsur jejak termasuk granit tipe-I dan berasal dari granit busur vulkanik (VAG) dan granit tumbukan/orogenik (SYNCOLG/ORG). Granit Arai diduga berhubungan erat dengan subduksi Lempeng Samudra Hindia terhadap Lempeng Asia. Hal ini ditandai oleh penurunan unsur Nb, P and Ti secara mencolok. Batuan granit ini menerobos Formasi Rawas dan Peneta yang berumur lebih tua, sehingga litologi formasi ini sebagian mengalami malihan kontak (marmer dan batutanduk) dan mineralisasi. Adanya mineralisasi berupa cebakan bijih besi, Zn-Cu-Pb dan emas di daerah ini diduga berkaitan erat dengan “replacement” batugamping yang terdapat dalam formasi tersebut. Dengan demikian, cebakan tersebut digolongkan ke dalam jenis “skarn”. Kata kunci: granit arai, pluton, Formasi Rawas, Formasi Peneta, mineralisasi, skarn Introduction The Arai granite is one of the granite body occupying the Jangkat District, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra (Figure 1 and 2). The body is exposed as a window within the older sediment sequence of Peneta and Rawas Formations. The presence of the Arai Granite is important because it could be as a heat source for ore deposit in the area. Several ore deposits such as iron ore, Zn-Cu-Pb and gold are present in the area. Consequently, many investigators visit the area in order to evaluate the occurrence of those deposits Naskah diterima : Revisi terakhir : 24 Maret 2010 25 Juni 2010 (Van Bemmelen, 1949; Hamilton, 1979; Hartono, 2002; Kusnama et al.,1994). Suwarna et al. (1993) has carried out a geological mapping in the area. British Geological Survey (BGS) in cooperation with Directorate of Mineral Resources (DMR) as well as the Geological Research and Development Centre has collected stream and pan concentrate samples in order to compile a geochemical map of south Sumatra (Machali et al., 1997). During 1980s, DMR (Indonesia) joint cooperation with JICA (Japan) (JICA, 1987) carried out a detailed investigation on geology, mineralization and has established some drilling tests in order to evaluate the resource potential in the area. A detailed and systematic drilling to evaluate the deposit is being JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 133 Geo-Resources carried out by PT. Galtam, Indonesia (Prayogo, 2009). The main target of the company is to explore base metal deposits, mainly Zinc with minor lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and silver (Ag). 101 0 N 40 Medan 250 km m Su A geology team from the Centre for Geological Survey (CGS) (Harahap et al., 2009) undertook field work in the area to collect samples (volcanic and intrusive rocks, mineralized outcrops, and ore minerals) in order to study the geochemical characters of the rocks as well as to evaluate mineral occurrences in the area. an atr Sibolga 20 Base metal prospects ult Fa S A Padang M -2 0 ren aT atr This paper is to study basic petrology and geochemical characters (major, trace elements and REE) of the Arai granite which is intimately associated with ore deposit, mainly iron ore and ZnCu-Pb deposits in the area. A m Su TR m ste Sy U 00 studied area -40 ch Bengkulu -60 Sampling and analytical methods Sampling and fieldwork have been carried out during a research project under the Centre for Geological Survey (CGS) in 2009. Several samples of granite and other rocks have been collected in the area of study. However, in the office, these samples are again screened in order to delineate both altered and weathered materials. Samples have been selected for thin sections and geochemical analysis. All sample treatments were conducted in the Geo-Lab of the CGS. The chemical analyses including major and trace elements were analyzed using X-Ray Florescence (XRF) while ICP-MS type X-7 Thermo was used to analyze REE. Result of analyses is tabulated in Table 1. Figure 1. Map showing the location of the studied area. To Jambi Sungai jauh Pantai Surolangun Pangkalan Teladas IRON ORE PROSPECT Karanganyar Jangkat Karangwaru Pantai TUBOH PROSPECT Muara Kutu - 2°45 Muararupit N Batugajah 5 km To Lubuklinggau/ Bengkulu 102O45 102 O30 Figure 2. Access road to the Iron ore and Tuboh Prospects. Geology Regional Tectonics Sumatra forms a complex tectonic setting (Katili, 1969; 1973; Hamilton,1979; Curray et al.,1979; Daly et al., 1991; Taponier et al., 1982; Kusnama et al., 1994; Barber et al., 2005). A subduction process between the Indian Ocean Plate from the west and the Sundaland basement in the east, took place from Mesozoic to Caenozoic times. Consequently, a mixing rock originated from oceanic and continental areas within both volcano and magmatic zones were emplaced (Aspden et al., 1982). Tectonically, the studied area falls within the West Sumatra (Cathaysian) Complex (Figure 3) 134 (Hutchison, 1994). It is superimposed with the magmatic arc of the Bukit Barisan Range of the Southern Sumatra within the Sumatran Fault Zone where Indian Oceanic Plate is currently being obliquely subducted beneath the Sundaland continental plate (Hamilton, 1979). This oblique subduction has resulted in the formation of dextral transcurrent fault zones of Sumatran Fault System (SFS) or Semangko Zone, parallel to the plate margin (Katili, 1969). It links to a series of transform faults associated with spreading on the Andaman Sea (Curray et al., 1979). The SFZ can be traced over a distance of approximately 1650 km from the Semangko Bay in South Sumatra to Aceh Valley in the north (Bemmelen, 1949). Dextral displacements of approximately 130 km along the SFZ have taken JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources place since the Tertiary and have continued up to present. This movement has led to development of complexly superposed volcanic and magmatic arcs (granite/ andesite) as well as mineralization. The subsequent dextral fault zone is of more importance in localizing mineralization in the area. Table 1. Result of Analytical Data of the Arai Granit, Jangkat Area Regional Geology The studied area that forms flat to undulated hilly country is occupied by several formations (Figure 4). The oldest rock cropped out in the area is Peneta Formation. The age of this formation is assigned to be Cretaceous –Jurassic (Suwarna et al., 1993). It is comprised of slate, shale, siltstone and sandstone and limestone intercalation. In general, these rocks have been metamorphosed, collectively termed as “meta” (meta sandstone and meta siltstone, marble and hornfels). This formation is interfingering with the Rawas Formation consisting of turbidite, pebbly wake, sandstone, siltstone, limestone, grewake, argillite, diabas and basalt. Both formations are well distributed in the studied area and become as a host rock for mineralization. The Peneta and Rawas Formations were intruded by Cretaceous Arai Granite consisting of granite and aplite. The granite is exposed in the Iron Ore prospect while the aplite formed as a dyke and cut the volcanic rocks. The older rocks are unconformably overlain by the Air Benakat and Muara Enim Formations. Prospect geology In the prospect area, a detailed geology has been mapped by JICA (1987) (Figure 5a). The oldest sequence found in the area is meta-sediments and limestone. The meta sediments consist of sandstone, siltstone and andesite lava, slate, and phyllite (Figure 5b, c). Sandstone is light grey, meta, fine grained, well-bedded and folded. Limestone is light grey, meta, luticeous, thin bedded and strongly folded. Due to contact aureole metamorphism, some limestones have been changed into marble (Figure 5d) while siltstone changed into hornfels (Figure 5e). These rocks are exposed both in the iron ore deposit and in the Tuboh prospects. This meta sediment/limestone sequence is unconformably overlain by interbedded sandstone, shale, slate, basalt and pyroclastics. As a whole, the oldest formations were unconformably overlain by younger sediments. The lithology of older meta sediment sequences are very similar to those of Kluet and Kuantan Formations of Carboniferous age in the north Sumatra (Aspden et al., 1982). Kuantan and Kluet formations have been proved to contain base metal deposit (Cu-Pb-Zn). Within the Kluet Formation, the well known Sedex deposit has been discovered while within the Kuantan Formation, the skarn Latong deposit which is similar to the Tuboh deposit has been identified (Noya et al., 2002). The metasediments were intruded by granite, aplite and andesite. Granite is in the form of blocks or small outcrops, exposed in the Jangkat and the Tuboh prospect. Granite is light grey, medium grained, hard and compact (Figure 5f). It is mixed within the iron ore deposit. The granite body could be a heat source for the formation of ore deposit that hosted within the metasediments. Aplite and andesite are in the form of dykes cutting the metasediment. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 135 Geo-Resources S -2° STUDY AREA Figure 3. Tectonic map of Sumatra (Hutchison, 1994). 136 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 -4° Geo-Resources Figure 4. Regional geological map of the studied area (Suwarna et al., 1993). JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 137 Geo-Resources 102o17’E 2o36’S O 2 36’S 102o44’E un im ur ut K S. S. M efiki L S. ban S. Re IRON ORE PROSPECT LEGEND Andesite Dacitic lava, pyroclastics Granite Sst, shale, slates, piroclastics Limestone 2o50’S Slate, phyllite, andesite, dacitic tuff. TUBOH PROSPECT Syncline/ Anticline Fault/ Lineament n 2o50’S Alluvial bo u .S S o 102o44’E 102 17’E Figure 5a. Prospect geology of the studied area (JICA, 1987). Figure 5b. Meta sandstone in the studied area. 138 Figure 5c. Folded metalimestone in the studied area JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources all metal prices including the iron ore. Zn-Cu-Pb prospect refers to as the Tuboh Prospect (Figure 6b) which is located in the eastern part of the iron prospect. The Tuboh deposit is polymetallic minerals (Zn, Cu, Pb, Py, and Ag). Besides this, it is also found oxidized hematite/magnetite, goethite and oxidized copper ore as malachite and azurite) within the Tuboh deposit. These ores are associated with NE-SW trending structures. The placer gold is mined by the local people using mechanic technology and gold panning during the dry season in the Rawas River (Figure 6c). Figure 5d. Marble in the Tuboh prospect. Petrography Figure 5e. Hornfels outcrop in the Tuboh prospect. A total of five fresh granite samples has been petrographically identified. In general, granites are light grey, medium to coarse grained, and show holocrystalline/granular textures (Figure 7a). The primary minerals are quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase, biotite with minor hornblende, pyroxene and secondary muscovite (Figure 7b). Quartz is subhedral to euhedral and represents as free from alteration. Plagioclase is colourless, subhedral, bladed and represents the most abundant phenocrysts phase. It is generally displays simple oscillatory zoning and twining (Figure 7a). Apatite inclusions are common found within plagioclase. In contrast, orthoclase forms as megaphenocryst, fractured, and show microperthitic textures (Figure 7b). Biotite is typical bladed crystal and showing strong pleochroic colour. Hornblende is found as bladed crystal while pyroxene forms as small discrete crystals. Both hornblende and pyroxene are minor constituents. Secondary muscovite due alteration is found within feldspar. Geochemistry Major Element Figure 5f. Granite expore in the Iron ore deposit. Mineralization As mentioned earlier that the studied area is attractive for the mining company due to the presence of several ore deposits (iron ore, Zn-Cu-Pb and placer gold). The iron ore prospect owned by PT MAJU, is located about 1 km northwest of Jangkat Village. Iron ores as hematite and magnetite have been exploited (Figure 6a). However, it is now terminated due to the drop of The result of major oxide analysis is shown in Tabel 1. The content of SiO2 is quite constant, ranging from 70-71 wt.%. This is also followed by low content of CaO (1.6-2.22 wt.%), Fe2O3 (3.15-3.65 wt.%), MgO (0.49-0.56 wt.%) while K2O is slightly higher (3.634.27 wt.%). In order to plot the oxide mineral within diagrams, it is firstly calculated to 100% total without LOI while Fe2O3 is calculated for FeO total using division of 1.111. Plot of the Alkali Index versus SiO2 (Figure 8a) indicates that this granite composition falls within calc-alkaline. It is consistent with the ACF diagram (Wright, 1969; Miller, 1985) (Figure 8b), where they fall within “mataluminous granite” JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 139 Geo-Resources a _! b ! c ! d ! e ! f g ! h ! i ! j ! k ! ! l ! 1 ! Plg 2 3 4 5 Qtz Bio - Plg era Qtz Qtz 6 - Plg era 7 8 Bio 9 0 _ Plg era Figure 6a. Iron ore mining by PT. Maju, Jangkat. Figure 7a. Microphotograph of granite (09HZ53PK) showing primary minerals of plagioclase (Plg), quartz (Qtz) and biotite (Bio). Plagioclase show zoning textures. a _! b ! c ! d ! e f ! ! g ! h ! i ! j ! k ! l ! ! 1 2 - Ort era 3 4 - Bio Qtz z Bio Bio 5 6 Bio 7 8 9 Figure 6b. Local mining in Tuboh prospect. Plg era Ort 0 _ Qtz Plg Figure 7b. Microphotograph of granite (09HZ53PK) showing primary minerals of plagioclase (Plg), orthoclase (Ort), quartz (Qtz) and biotite (Bio). Orthoclase shows microperthitic texture. the rock is possibly related to subduction process. Moreover, plot of Rb- (Y+Nb) (Pearce et al., 1984) (Figure 9b), belongs to volcanic arc granite (VAG) while plot of Y-Nb (Fig 9c), falls within VAGSYNCOLG. This is also respectively confirmed by SiO2-Rb and SiO2-Y plots (Figure 9d, 9e). Figure 6c. Local gold panning in Rawas River. Trace elements In order to obtain the trace element contents, five selected samples have also been analyzed (Table 1). This rock indicates a slightly depletion of Nb and strong depletion of P and Ti in the spider diagram (Figure 9a). However, mobile elements such as K and Sr, Rb, Th significantly increase. This means that 140 Rare Earth Elements The result of analysis of samples for Rare Earth Elements (REE) is shown in Table 1. Chondritic normalized plot of rare earth element data is shown in Figure 10. The figure shows a flat pattern with a slightly enriched in LREE, drop of Eu and decrease in HREE. The drop of Eu suggested due to plagioclase fractionation or the presence of garnet within the rock. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources Discussion The Arai granite in the studied area belongs to calcalkaline (Figure 8a) and falls into I-type (metaluminous) (Figure 8b). Mole ratios of Al2O3/ Na2O + K2O + CaO (A/CNK) indicate the value of <1.1 which also confirms that the Arai Granite belongs to I-type granite (Chappell and White, 1974; Hanson, 1978; Takahasi et al., 1980; Chappel et al. (1987). The presence of biotite and hornblende within this rock also supports the characteristic features of I-type granite for the Arai granite. Major and trace element characteristics (Figure9) indicate the rocks arc originated from magma in an orogenic environment. This is confirmed by the regional geology that the genetic origin of the Arai granite in the area is intimately related to tectonic development of Sumatra due to the oblique collision (Taponier et al., 1982) of Australian Plate and Eurasian Plate with respect to the Indian Ocean Plate. Amiruddin (1998) suggests that the granite was formed during collisions. Magma source of the Arai granite which mostly belongs to calc-alkaline (Figure 8a) due to an anaxtesis/partial melting of lower crust (i.e., amphibole/biotite break down in the presence of quartz and feldspar). It is possibly coincident with initiation of SE–directed subduction of Indian Ocean Plate with respect to the Eurasian plates (Hamilton, 1979; Watanabe and Izawa, 2002). This is also confirmed by the ratio of K2O/Na2O (0.9-1.06) suggesting that the rocks are calc-alkaline (Vogt and Flower 1989). The presence biotite and hornblende suggest that the source of materials of the Arai Granite were possibly derived from an original igneous source of basalt (gabbro), andesite (diorite) within the continental crust and belongs to the contact aureole granite (Chappel et al., 1974; Takahasi et al., 1980). In Sumatra as a whole, many deposits (Au, base metals, Fe) are formed due to the influence of the granite intrusions (Sukirno, 2006). The presence of Pb-Fe deposit in Lokop District, East Aceh Regency is due to the effect of Lokop Granite (Abidin and Harahap, 2006). The occurrence of gold deposit in Bonjol area, East Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, is also triggered by the granite intrusions (Abidin and Harahap, 2007). Again, the Latong skarn Pb deposit in Latong River, Madina Regency, North Sumatra was associated with granite intrusions (Noya et al., 2002). Also, the presence of Pb-Fe in Abai District (Solok Selatan) and iron ore in Surian area, Alahan Panjang District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra are also related to granite intrusion (Abidin, 2005; 2006; Abidin and Baharuddin, 2008). Granite, in general, can be divided into two main types i.e., I-type (magnetite series) and S-Type (ilmenite series) (Chappel and White, 1974; Chappel et al., 1974; Ishihara, 1977; Takahashi et al., 1980; Kutsukabe, 1988; Andrew, 2009). The I-type granite which is referred to magnetite series is formed by the melting of igneous rocks while S-type granite is produced by the partial melting of sedimentary rocks. The type of ore deposits associated with granotoids can also be related to these classifications. Molibdenum (Mo) and base metals (Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn), precious metals (Au) and porphyry copper are the product of I-type granite of magnetite series (Takahasi et al., 1980). On the other hand, tin deposits (greisen-type) occur characteristically in ilmenite series of S-type granites (Smirnov, 1976). Similarly, the Arai Granite is also I-type of magnetite series in character. Therefore, the Arai granite could also produce such base metals and gold. For example, gold mineralization in the Kerinci Regency, Jambi is associated with I-type granite (Abidin and Suyono, 2004; Abidin and Suwarti, 2005). As discussed earlier that the area of study belongs to Rawas Cluster” (Machali et al., 1987) (Figure 11). In this cluster, geologically it is occupied by Peneta and Rawas Formations which consist of interbedded claystone, sandstone and intercalation of limestone. The emplacement of the Arai granite (Cretaceous in age) has generated a metamorphic contact with limestone and changed lithology of both formations. As a result, most lithology of both formations become “meta” referred as to meta sandstone, meta siltstone etc. A strong thermal metamorphic effect of the granite intrusion to both formations has resulted marble and hornfels. At the same time, it is also followed by a metasomatic process. The process transformed the existing minerals into totally/partially new mineral by replacement of their chemical constituent (Lapidus, 1987). In this regard, the limestone has been changed partially/totally by new minerals such Fe, Cu, Pb, Zn, Py, Au etc. As a result, iron ore and Zn-Cu-Pb as well as gold were formed in the area of study. The iron ore prospect is found together with the granite body while base metal is present in the eastern part of the other granite body. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 141 Geo-Resources SiO2 (wt. %) 80 70 Nb ALKALINE 1000 CALC-ALKALINE 60 PERALKALINE 50 100 WPG (Al2O3+CaO+(Na2O+K2O) (Al2O3+CaO-(Na2O+K2O) 5 4 3 2 1 Nb 6 7 8 91011 VAG+SYN-COLG 10 ORG Figure 8a. Alkali index of the Arai granite (Wright, 1969). 1 A (AL-Na+K) 1 Muscovite 10 Y 100 1000 Figure 9c. The Arai granite within Y vs Nb (Pearce et al., 1984). Peraluminous Plagioclase Cordierite 1000 um all et M SIN-COLG us ino Biotite 100 Hornblende C (Ca) F (Fe+Mg) VAG Figure 8b. ACF diagram showing the distribution of the Arai granite (Wright, 1969) . SiO2 10 60.00 70.00 80.00 SiO2 1000 Figure 9d. The Arai granite within Rb vs (Y+Nb) (Pearce et al., 1984). 100 Rocks/chondrite Rb 09H0Z50Pk 10 09H0Z51Pk Y 09H0Z52Pk 09H0Z53Pk 1 09H0Z54Pk 1000 0.1 0.01 Ba Rb Th K Nb Ta La Ce Sr Nd P Sm Zr Hf Ti Y Yb 100 WPG+ORG Y Figure 9a. Spider diagram of the Arai granite. Y+Nb VAG+COLG+ORG 10 60.00 1000 70.00 80.00 SiO2 Figure 9e. The Arai granite within Rb vs (Y+Nb) (Pearce et al., 1984). WPG 100 VAG Y+Nb ORG 10 1 10 142 100 Y 1000 Figure 9b. The Arai granite within Y vs (Y+Nb) (Pearce et al., 1984). JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources 1000.00 Rocks/chondrite 100.00 09H0Z50Pk 09H0Z51Pk 09H0Z52Pk 09H0Z53Pk 10.00 09H0Z54Pk 1.00 La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Figure 10. Chondrite REE normalized plot from the Arai granite. 1O 2O STUDIED AREA Figure 11. Mineralization zones of South Sumatra (Machali et al., 1987). The presence of such mineralization (iron ore and base metal) which is associated with the Arai granite could be classified into skarn type. This is confirmed by the marble and hornfels within the deposit. The occurrence of the iron ore together with granite body may be classified into indoskarn while those associated marble and hornfelsic rocks may classified into exoskarn. Conclusions On the basis of petrologic and geochemical characteristics, the Arai granite is metaluminous I-type calc-alkaline affinitiy. Tectonically, the Arai granite is Volcanic Arc Granite (VAG) or SYNCOLG/ORG, which is intimately associated with compression due to oblique collision between Australian - Eurasian JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 143 Geo-Resources Plates and the Indian Ocean Plate. The Arai granite which is assigned to be Cretaceous in age intruded the older formations (Peneta and Rawas). Therefore, this granite is expected to be a heat source for mineralization in the studied area. Mineralization which is associated with the Arai granite is iron ore, Zn-Cu-Pb-Py-Fe-Ag and Au deposits. The deposits host within the Peneta and Rawas Formation. The iron ore deposit has been mined for magnetite and hematite ores by PT. MAJU but for the time being it is terminated. It is classified into indo-skarn type. In contrast, Zn-Cu-Pb-Py-Fe-Ag of the Tuboh deposit which is classified into exo- skarn is also mined for Zn ore by the locals while placer gold is mined by the locals in the Rawas River. Acknowledgements The writer thanks to the head of the Centre for Geological Survey who permits to publish data from the Research Project. Ir. Amiruddin MSc who read the early draft to improve the manuscript was kindly appreciated. Thank also goes to the GSI-Geollab that prepared all analytical data. All Sumatran magmatic research personel groups are acknowledged. References Abidin, H.Z., 2005. Report of site visit in Latong area, Madina Regency, North Sumatra. PT. Galtam Indonesia. Unpubl. Rep. Abidin, H.Z., 2006. Report of site visit in Surian area, Alahan Panjang Regency, West Sumatra. PT. Galtam Indonesia. Unpubl. Rep. Abidin, H.Z. and Baharuddin, 2008. Laporan hasil Bengkulu. PT. KSM 2008. Unpubl. Report. peninjauan lapangan di Provinsi Sumatra Barat dan Abidin, H.Z. and Harahap, B.H., 2006. 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Diponegoro No. 57, Bandung - 40122 Abstract A research on Coal Bed Methane (CBM) of the Muaraenim Formation has been conducted in the Muara Lakitan area. Megascopically, the coal lithotype varies from dull to bright banded, with black – brownish black and brownish to black streaks, brittle – friable, dull-greasy luster, even-uneven, dirty on fingers, with resin patch and striation, dirt bands (clay/mud layers), pyrite striation, and pore structures. The coal quality, gained from geochemical analysis, indicates that its ash content ranges between 1.22% and 2.47%, total sulphur content is from 0.15% to 0.3 %, and the volatile matter of 38.02% - 40.81%. The coal is dominated by vitrinite (73.6 – 85.8 %), with minor amount of exinite (1.4 – 4.0 %), inertinite (4.2 – 21 % ) and mineral matter (2.4 – 8.2 %). Vitrinite reflectance, varies from 0.44% to 0.45 %, tends to indicate a sub-bituminous to high volatile bituminous-A coal rank. Kaolinite clays are the most prominent mineral matter within all coal samples analyzed, although the clay textures show irregular shapes. Iron oxides are also present in several samples. Microcleats found within the coals are mostly open, and are rarely filled by clay minerals. Based on Barbara/Winter diagram, the methane gas content in the studied area ranges from 0.57 m3/t – 1.70 m3/t = 20.44 scf/t – 60.96 scf/t. The total reserve of gas within six coal seams in the studied area is 15.524,28 scf. Keywords : Coal Bed Methane (CBM), Muaraenim Formation, Muara Lakitan Sari Penelitian gas metana batubara (GMB) Formasi Muaraenim telah dilakukan di daerah Muara Lakitan. Secara megaskopis, batubara mempunyai ciri yang bervariasi dari “dull” sampai “bright banded”, cerat hitam-hitam kecoklatan dan hitam – kecoklatan, getas - rapuh, kilap buram-berminyak, pecahan rata - tak rata, mengotori jari, mengandung resin, adanya lapisan lumpur atau lempung, pirit, dan struktur pori. Berdasarkan analisis geokimia, kualitas batubara mengindikasikan bahwa kandungan abu berkisar antara 1,22 dan 2,47%, sulfur total dari 0,15 – 0,3%, dan volatile matter dari 38,02 – 40,81%. Batubara didominasi oleh vitrinit (73,6 – 85,8%), eksinit (1,4 – 4,0%),inertinit (4,2 – 21%) dan bahan mineral (2,4 – 8,2%). Reflektansi vitrinit, dari 0,44% sampai 0,45%, cenderung termasuk dalam tingkat subbituminous sampai high volatile bituminous-A. Kaolinit merupakan mineral lempung yang dominan di semua percontoh batubara, dengan tekstur lempung yang berbentuk tidak beraturan. Oksida besi juga hadir di beberapa percontoh batuan. Mikrokleat ditemukan dalam batubara sebagian besar terbuka, dan jarang yang terisi oleh mineral lempung. Berdasarkan diagram ”Barbara/Winter”, kandungan gas metana di daerah penelitian berkisar dari 0,57m3/t – 1,70m3/t = 20,44 scf/t – 60,96 scf/t. Total cadangan gas pada enam lapisan batubara di daerah penelitian adalah 15.524,28 scf. Kata kunci : Gas metana batubara (GMB), Formasi Muaraenim, Muara Lakitan Introduction Administratively, studied area is a part of the Muara Lakitan Subregency, Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province (Figure 1) that is located approximately 15 km to the northwest of Muara Lakitan. The study has been focused in the Bare Santos coalfields, which is presumed to be potential coalbed methane resources. A research on geological condition and coal characteristics has significantly Naskah diterima : Revisi terakhir : 4 Maret 2010 25 Juni 2010 enhanced the opportunity for profitable exploitation of the CBM resource in the region. Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is an economic source of gas methane that is generated and stored in coal beds. Methane, both primary biogenic and thermogenic types, in coal is a result of coalification. However, in some cases, a post-coalification biogenic activity occured. Calcification is a process by which peat is transformed into coal during progressive burial, involving the expulsion of volatiles, mainly methane, water, and carbon dioxide. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 147 Geo-Resources 106° E 104°E S Muara Lakitan Lubuklinggau S 0 SYMBOLS Fault Anticline Thrust fault Syncline Studied area 40 80 120 km N Figure 1. Regional locality map of the CBM study in the Muara Lakitan Area. Late-stage or secondary biogenic methane is generated by bacterial activities within groundwater systems. Most coals at shallow depth are aquifers, due to the presence of a well-developed cleat (fracture) system. The late-stage biogenic methane is significant and reaching maximum phase at the subbituminous level or lower rank coal. As a result, subbituminous coals have comprised dominant target of coalbed methane exploration. Thereby, low rank coals, which exist at shallow depths and crop out significantly, may contain mainly late-stage biogenic (secondary biogenic) methane. The aim of the study is to collect information obtained from coal and its coal measures, both from field and laboratory analysis. The result of the analysis is important for a better understanding on the coal characteristics relating to CBM potential, predominantly, within the Tertiary coal measures. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the CBM potential of low rank Tertiary coals in Muara Lakitan area, in order to define future exploration objectives in regions, that contain rich CBM resources. An overall objectives is to advance our understanding of geological processes in the sedimentary basins in the Muara Lakitan area, in particular with the formation of the Tertiary coalbed methane resources. 148 Specific objectives are: (a). to determine quantity and quality of CBM generated from the Muaraenim coals, and exploration implications of CBM as a source for new alternative energy, (b). to determine and analyze the coal deposits and their coalification proceses, (c). to evaluate source rock characteristics of the coals and identify the major CBM source area. The results of the study, as the primary objective of the project, could provide information for companies regarding to the occurrence, including quality and quantity of CBM, which will be used as alternative and additional energy resources, and in turn would give contribution in energy sector. During the fieldwork, the base camp was located at Muara Lakitan, whilst the subcamp was situated inside Pelita Jaya Village (Figure 1). Field activities were concentrated in several areas with suitable geological conditions for the CBM potency. This activity was carried out in 2007 under the Coal Bed M e t h a n e D e v e l o p m e n t Pr o j e c t ( P r o y e k Pengembangan Coal Bed Methane), a program of the Research and Development Centre For Oil and Gas Technology (Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi ) “LEMIGAS”. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources Special geologic field investigations and laboratory techniques were conducted, in order to achieve the aims of the study. The fieldwork investigations including detailed determination, observations, and measurement on cleat, lithotype, position, and characteristics of the coals within the measures, were performed in selected areas occupied by the relatively complete coal seams (Figure 2). Geological Setting and Stratigraphy Geology or interfingers the Gumai Formation and composes of marl, claystone, shale, and silty shale, with occasionally thin limestone and sandstone. The Gumai Formation was deposited in a deeper open marine environment and underlies comformably litoral to shallow marine Airbenakat Formation, which comprises sandy and marly claystone, numerous sandstones with glauconite, sometimes calcareous. Deposition of the Talangakar and Airbenakat Formations occurred during OligoMiocene time. The geological setting of the South Sumatra Basin was described in several published and unpublished reports. This basin is located in the southern part of Sumatra Island, and de Coster (1974) suggest as a back-arc basin bounded by the Barisan Mountain in the southwest and by the pre-Tertiary of the Sunda Shelf to the northeast. The South Sumatra Basin was formed during east-west extension that took place during pre-Tertiary and early Tertiary times (Daly et al., 1987). The tectonic history and stratigraphy of this basin have been described by de Coster (1974), Darman and Sidi (2000). The Late Miocene-Pliocene Muaraenim Formation, comformably overlying the Airbenakat Formation, is divided into member “a” (interstratified sandstone and brownish claystone with principal coal seams), and member “b” (greenish blue claystone with numerous ligniteous coal seams). Both members were deposited in a brackish environment. The youngest unit is Kasai Formation consisting of gravel, tuffaceous sands and clays, volcanic concretion, pumice, and tuff. The formation comformably overlies the Muaraenim Formation and has PlioPleistocene age. The deposition of the Kasai Formation coincided with a volcanic and magmatic activities. This activities formed some igneous intrusions which intruded the coal measures in the Bukit Asam coalfields, particularly in Bukit Kendi, Air Laya, Muara Tiga Besar, and West Bangko areas. Regional Stratigraphy Coal Characteristics The oldest rock in the South Sumatra Basin is preTertiary basement, which comprise various igneous and meta sediments. The Eocene–Oligocene Lahat Formation consists of purple green and red brown tuff, tufaceous clay, andesite, brecia and conglomerate, unconformably overlies the basement. The Lahat Formation is unconformably overlain by Oligocene – Miocene Talangakar Formation that compose of medium-to coarse-grained sandstones and coal seams in the lower part; and calcareous grey shale and sandstone with coal seams in the upper part. The thickness of the Talangakar Formation is approximately up to 900 m. Locally, the Talangakar Formation was deposited in a terrestrial to paralic environment, rest unconformably on top of preTertiary Basement. Moreover, the Talangakar Formation is conformably overlain by the shallow marine calcareous shale and limestone of Baturaja Formation. The formation is conformably overlain by Lithology The studied area is in a small intra-montane basin or presumably the centre of the South Sumatra Basin. In general, morphology of the studied area comprises gentle low hill, rolling country, and rugged mountainous areas. The coal seam horizon occupies the upper portion of the lower part of the coal-bearing measures. These sediments or coal measures are located in a small subbasin. The coal seams distributed in NW – SE direction, and parallel to the Barisan Range. The coal deposits are found in Bara Santosa Coalfields, the Muara Lakitan Regency, South Sumatra Province. Coal seams In the field, a potential coal deposit was recognized in the Muara Lakitan area. Its caloric values vary from 4900 to 5100 cal/g. The coal seams in the area occur in the unclear geologic condition; due to fault disturbances taking place within the area are hardly observed. Based on the core samples present, thickness of each subseam is more than 75 cm. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 149 Geo-Resources 103º15'E 103º14'E 103º16'E 0 750m N -2º49'S W E S -2º50'S Legend Qtk : Kasai Formation Tmpm : Muaraenim Formation Figure 2. Sample location of the CBM Study in the Muaralakitan area. Sample code Coal seam STRATIGRAPHIC COLUMN OF COAL SEAMS IN MUARA LAKITAN AREA, SOUTH SUMATRA SCALE SYMBOL GRAIN SIZE 5 10 15 20 m SEAM THICKNE SS SAMP LE AG E FORMATION 0 DESCRIPTION Meter 0 SEAM 300 Black, dull-bright, brittle, dull-greasy luster, uneven-even, dirty to fingers, containing resin patch , dirt bands (clay/mud layers). SEAM 400 Black, dull-bright, partly banded bright, brittle, dull-greasy luster, uneven, dirty the fingers, containing resin patch. 10 20 LATE MIOCENE MUARAENIM FORMATION 30 SEAM 600 SEAM 700 Black-brownish black, dull-bright, brittle, dull-greasy luster, uneven-even, dirty the fingers, contain resin patch, dirt bands (clay/mud layers), and silicified wood fragment . Black, dull-bright, brittle, dull-greasy luster, uneven-even, dirty to fingers, containing resin patch, dirt bands (clay/mud layers). 40 50 SEAM 800 Black, dull-bright, brittle, dull-greasy luster, even-uneven, dirty to fingers, containing resin patch and striation, dirt bands (clay/mud layers) and occasionally fragments of silicified wood. SEAM 900 Black brownish black, dull-bright, brittle friable, dull-greasy luster, evenuneven, dirty to fingers, containing resin patch and striation, dirt bands (clay/mud layers), pyrite striation, occasionally pore structure. N 295 E/ 12 60 70 80 90 SEAM 1000 Black, dull-bright, banded bright in the lower part, brittle, dull-greasy luster, uneven, dirty to fingers, containing resin patch and striation, pyrite. SEAM 1100 Black, dull-bright, partly banded bright, brittle, dull-greasy luster,uneven, dirty to fingers, containing resin patch, pyrite. 100 110 120 130 Figure 3. Schematic stratigraphic column of coal seam at Muara Lakitan, South Sumatra. 150 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources The coal samples (11samples) from Muaralakitan, South Sumatra analyses have been labeled as 07RL201A, 07RL202, 07RL203, 07RL204A, 07RL205A, 07RL206A, 07RL207A, 07MH51A, 07MH52B, 07MH53B and 07MH54B. All samples are purely coal. Megascopically, the coal lithotype is dull - bright banded, black – brownish black, brown to black streak, brittle – friable, dull-greasy luster, evenuneven, dirty, containing resin patch and striation, dirt bands (clay/mud layers), pyrite striation, and pore structure (Photo 1). Photo 1. Field feature of coal seam cropping out at Pagar Gunung, Muara Lakitan, Sumatra Selatan. Coal Quality The coal quality, gained from geochemical analysis, indicates that its ash content is 1.22 – 2.47%, total sulphur content is 0.15 – 0.3 %, and volatile matter is 38.02% - 40.81% (Table 1). Based on ash and total sulphur contents, the mineral matter contained in the coal is low to high level. Furthermore, organic petrographic analysis shows that the coal is dominated by vitrinite (73.6 – 85.8%), with minor amount of exinite (1.4 – 4.0 %), inertinite (4.2 – 21 %) and mineral matter (2.4 – 8.2%) (Photos 2, 3, 4 and Table 2). Vitrinite reflectance having a value of 0.44 – 0.45%, tends to indicate a subbituminous to high volatile bituminousA coal rank. Photo 2. Microphotograph of telocollinite associated with semifusinite and sclerotinite within the coal seam in the Muara Lakitan region. Sample: 07 RL 207A. Coal Cleats and Coalbed Methane Content A field study on cleats from coal exposures in the Muara Lakitan area demonstrates that the dip direction of coal face cleats varies from N160oE/80o to N330oE/50o, space ranges between 0.2 cm to 19 cm, aperture of 1 to 8 mm, frequency of 0.239 cm -1 to 1.69 cm -1, and density of 0.0099/cm to 0.21/cm (Photos 5 and 6). The coal seams having a volatile matter content of 38.02% - 40.81% show that predicted calculated methane content of the coal seam is 0.57 m3/t –1.70 m3/t. It is obtained by plotting the volatile matter contents on Barbara/Winter diagram as shown in Figure 4. This methane content variation indicates that in-situ coal has low to moderate methane or coalbed gas content. The volatile matter characteristic indicates that in-situ coal has low to moderate methane content. However, it is not a pessimistic methane value excepted from the coal, because the coals collected from outcrops. Photo 3. Microphotograph of semifusinite associated with tellocolinite and pyrite, within a coal sample, from Muara Lakitan region. Sample: 07 MH 52B. Photo 4. Microphotograph of pyrite recognized in coal of the Muara Lakitan area. Sample: 06 MH 47A. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 151 Geo-Resources Photo 5. Coal outcrop showing cleated dull banded lithotype, cropping out at the Pagar Gunung, Muara Lakitan area. Photo 6. Coal outcrop showing cleated dull banded lithotype, cropping out at the Simpang Kulit, Muara Lakitan area. Table 1. Proximate Geochemistry of Coal Samples Taken from the Muara Lakitan Area, Sumatra Selatan No. Sample marks Moister in Air Dried Sample (%, adb) Ash (%, adb) Volatile Matter (%, adb) Fixed Carbon (%, adb) Calorific Value (Cal/g. Adb) Total Sulphur (%, adb) 1 07 RL 201A 20.57 2.47 40.81 36.15 5151 0.23 2 07 RL 204A 21.49 2.08 36.54 37.89 4975 0.19 3 07 RL 205B 23.65 1.49 38.31 36.55 5023 0.15 4 07 RL 206A 22.87 1.48 39.00 36.65 5187 0.30 5 07 RL 207A 25.47 1.22 38.02 35.29 4930 0.15 6 07 MH 52B 21.33 1.43 39.69 37.55 5092 0.22 Table 2. Organic Petrology Analysis of Coal Samples Taken from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas 152 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources In general, cleat intensity is related to maturity of coal rank, higher coal rank is more developed cleat intensity. Commonly, the coal rank in the studied area is low (Rv < 0.5%), that it is due to cleats intensity. Coals permeability is moderate, although the coals are fairly well cleated, and they have very low porosity. This condition tends to indicate moderate methane desorption capacity. Another substantial factor is desorption rate influenced by both rank and coal. With increasing rank, the effective diffusivity coefficient decreases. In higher rank coal, gas-release rate is slower than it is in lower rank coal. Additionally, the mineral matter acting as a simple influence to decrease the methane adsorption capacity indicates that the mineral matter content had the strongest effect on the adsorption capacity. The mineral matter content of the coal studied is low to moderate level. Therefore, it is presumed that the adsorption capacity of the coal is relatively moderate. The higher moisture content ranges from 20.57 to 25.47%, indicating that methane adsorption of the coals will be slightly high. On the other hand, methane sorption will be moderate to high. Based on the coal adsorption capacity, coalbed methane content derived from the Muara Lakitan area expected to be at least a moderate level. It is indicated by the presence of bright to bright banded lithotype, maceral composition dominated by vitrinite; low moisture content, moderate to slightly high volatile matter, moderate to high vitrinite reflectance, and low to medium ash content. SEM Analysis Results Each sample of a total 11 (eleven) coal samples from Muara Lakitan area was examined carefully under the SEM method. Summary of the SEM results on microcleat characters and measurements of each coal sample are listed in Table 3. Maceral identified under SEM comprises predominantly telocollinite, followed by desmocollinite. Liptinite maceral are typically sporinite, resinite and exsudatinite. Droplet oil is also visible in some samples (Photo 7). Inertinite consist of semifusinite in one coal sample (07MH51A). Other samples have inertinite maceral. Kaolinite is the most prominent mineral matter within all coal samples, and it has an irregular shape. Iron oxides are also present in several samples. Detailed observation and examination on microcleat occured within coal samples recorded, including frequency A B C D E F G H I J K L 9 K Sp 8 7 Sp 6 K Do 5 K 4 3 2 1 Photo 7. Sample no. 07 RL 204A, Microphotograph SEM, showing droplet oil (Do) surrounded by maceral sporinite (Sp) and clay mineral of kaolinite (K). A B C D E F G H I J K L 9 8 I Sp 7 K I 6 K K 5 4 3 K K 2 1 Photo 8. Sample no 07 RL 203, Microphotograph SEM, showing microcleat maceral sporinite 20%(Sp) and clay mineral of kaolinite 50%(K) and illite 30%(I); Magnification 250X. density, length, aperture and the type of microcleat (face or butts). Butts microcleat appears to be most abundant compared to face microcleat. Microcleats found within the coals are mostly open aperture with very rare filled by clay minerals (Photo 8). The density of microcleat ranges from 0.02 micron square/freq microcleat to 0.08 micron square/freq microcleat. Three coal samples (07RL202, 07RL203 and 07MH52B) have low-density value of microcleat ranging from 0.02 to 0.05. It means that those three coal samples are categorized as poor for CBM reservoirs. While the other eight samples (07RL201A, 07RL204A, 07RL205A, 07RL206A, 07RL207A, 07MH51A, 07MH53B and 07MH54B) have high-density values (0.06 to 0.08), may be categorized as favorable for CBM reservoir. Many microcleat are connected to each other. Thus, they facilitate for the pathway of gas migration and adsorption. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 153 Geo-Resources CBM Potential and Content This section attempts to evaluate CBM potential in the Muara Lakitan area based on the field works and laboratory data. Physical properties (of type, porosity/ permeability, and rank) and thickness of coal, structural geology, and cleats assessed in the previous section and only the important result will be extracted for the purpose of Muara Lakitan CBM resource assessment. The Muara Lakitan area, located in the Sumatra back - arc region, possesses many favorable and risks for CBM development. Favorable attributes include slightly thick coals in the Mio-Plio Muaraenim Formation, low ash and sulfur content, low to moderate inherent moisture and volatile matter content, low rank coal (subbituminous B to A grade), and well-developed cleat. Negative attributes include poor data control, poor sorption isotherm data, structural complexity, probably extremely high CO2 gas content, and relatively narrow prospective area for CBM play. Gas In-Place Resources Considering the availability of the Muara Lakitan field and laboratory data set required for calculating CBM resources, the calculation of gas in-place potential in the area conducted. Parameters used to calculate the gas in-place potential of the Muara Lakitan consist of theoretical gas content based on Barbara and Winter diagram, and Lost Gas during drilling (Q1) (Figure 4) plus gas desorption during transportation (Q2) and residue gas (Q3). Thereby, the parameter is the theoretical gas content calculation based on the Barbara/Winter diagram. In order to calculate the theoretical gas in-place potential of the Muara Lakitan area, the required important parameter is the volatile matter content of the coal. The gas in-place potential/content of each selected coal seams shown that methane gas content is from 0.57 m3/t – 1.70 m3/t = 20.44 scf/t – 60.96 scf/t. The graphics of Volatile Mater versus Methane content according to Barbara-Winter are shown in Figure 4. The methane content within the coal seam in the Muara Lakitan and its surrounding areas is as follows: According to Barbara-Winter Diagram, the content of methane gas ranges from 20.44 scf/t – 60.96 scf/t. Gas in-place which is supported by the Q1, Q2 and Q3 values, as well as laboratory result has been calculated (Table 4). The calculation follows the formula proposed several studies (Asian Development Bank/Migas, 2003) with some modifications as written below: Gas in place = (1 - Ash content) x (1 – Moisture Content) x Density x Adsorption The total reserve of gas in reservoir in the investigated area (six coal seam): 15.524,28 scf. Table 3. SEM Observation of Micro Cleat Content of the Coal from Muara Lakitan No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 154 Sample No. 07RL201A 07RL202 07RL203 07RL204A 07RL205A 07RL206A 07RL207A 07MH51A 07MH52B 07MH53B 07MH54B Microcleat type Length (micron) Width of Aperture (micron) Density ( 100 micron2/ FreqCleat Butts (80%) Face (20%); 110; 20; 40; 50; 30; 40; 20;20 0.8; 0.3; 0.3; 0.8; 0.7; 0.7; 0.5; 0.5 0.06 Butts (80%) Face (20%); 250; 200; 220; 150 0.4; 0.4; 0.5; 0.5 0.02 Butts (90%); Face (10%) Butts (90%); Face (10%) 750; 400; 200; 600; 600; 500 300; 250; 1000; 150; 400; 200 0.9; 0.4; 0.8; 0.7; 0.7; 0.7 0.8; 0.8; 0.9; 0.5; 0.7; 0.8 0.05 Butts (90%); Face (10%) Face (60%); Butts (40%) 300; 100; 75; 300; 150 300; 200; 150; 200; 100; 350; 75 400; 100; 500; 150; 100 150; 200; 100; 100; 250; 50 500; 300; 150; 0.6; 0.6; 0.5; 0.6; 0.5 0.4; 0.6; 0.4; 0.3; 0.3;0.6; 0.3 0.06 0.7; 0.6; 0.6; 0.5; 0.5 0.8; 0.7; 0.7; 0.8; 0.7; 0.7 0.6; 0.6; 0.5 0.07 700; 250; 600; 200; 200; 250; 100; 100; 700; 400; 500; 200; 250; 1.20; 0.8; 1.20; 0.8; 0.8; 0.9; 0.6; 0.6 0.8; 0.6; 1.0; 1.0; 0.8 0.08 Butts (90%); Face (10%) Face (60%); Butts (40%) Butts (90%); Face (10%) Butts (90%); Face (10%) Butts (90%); Face (10%) JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 0.08 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.08 Remark Open aperture (90%); some filled by clays Closed aperture (100%) filled by clays. Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Open aperture (100%) Geo-Resources Table 4. Gas Content Calculation of the Six Coal Seam Taken from Muara Lakitan area (For sample location see Figure 3) No. No. Sample Geochemical content Adsorption value Density 1 - Ash 1 - Moisture 1 - CO2 content Gas In Place m2/t Scf 1 07 RL 201 82.4059 0.9753 0.794 0.976 1.3 80.967 2903.49 2 07 RL 204 74.1285 0.9851 0.765 0.979 1.3 71.097 2549.55 3 07 RL 205B 67.5145 0.9852 0.763 0.981 1.3 64.723 2320.96 4 07 RL 206 65.7020 0.9852 0.771 0.98 1.3 63.581 2280.01 5 07 RL 207A 73.3795 0.9878 0.745 0.974 1.3 68.376 2451.96 6 07 MH 52B 84.9056 0.9857 0.787 0.983 1.3 84.169 3018.31 METHANE CONTENT,m /t OF PURE COAL SUBSTANCE 15,524.28 Geological Risk Assessment for CBM Potential 24 Most of parameters for assessing CBM potential in the Muara Lakitan area, including coal thickness, rank, ash content, moisture content, and gas content, have been identified. However, the calculation of CBM resource using theoretical 'gas in-place formula' will remain a tentative estimation due to the unavailability of accurate in-situ drill hole data. This condition leads to some geological risk as follows : 20 1 3 3 16 12 2 8 4 Y=- 0,277 4 x+1 1,76 1. over estimate on the adsorption value of a given coal seam due to limited data. B B D C F E E C D F A A 0 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 VOLATILE MATTER, % LEGEND : 1. 2. 3. 4. ACCORDING TO SCHULZ ACCORDING TO WINTER ACCORDING TO STUFFKEN EXPERIMENTAL MINE ACCORDING TO BARBARA Code Samp. Coal Seam 07 RL 201A 07 RL 204A 07 RL 205B 07 RL 206A 07 RL 207A 07 MH 52B a b c d e f Volatile Matter 40,81 36,54 38,31 39,00 38,02 39,69 Methane Content (4) 0,57 1,70 1,21 1,01 1,29 0,87 (2) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4. Coalfields consist of theoretical gas content based on Barbara & Winter diagram, and lost gas during drilling (Q1) in Muara Lakitan Area. Maceral and Chemical Analysis Relationship The graph (Figure 5) shows that vitrinite and ash contents have negative relationships. On the other hand, vitrinite and moisture have increase trend (Figure 6) but vitrinite versus volatile matter have a negative style (Figure 7). Inertinite versus ash was decreases or in negative pattern (Figure 8). After that, inertinite versus volatile matter were interpreting positive model (Figure 9). Methane gas content (CH4) versus vitrinite and versus inertinite present that CH4 versus vitrinite have a positive trend (Figure 10) but CH4 versus inertinite is negative correlation (Figure 11). 2. over estimate the density of fracture/cleat within the coal seams, which will create the difficulties in realizing CBM gas molecules from coal micropores. 3. the low CBM content produced is interpreted to be due to unfavorable groundwater condition (both chemically and physically) for microbial development. Discussions Increasing exploration of the coalbed gas type is due to the growing recognition of CBM sources. A notable predictable CBM expectation occurring in the Muara Lakitan coalfields is derived from the coal characteristics of the coal measures studied. The coal characteristics in the areas studied enhance significantly the opportunity for profitable exploitation of the CBM resource. Coal type, rank, porosity/permeability, the presence or absence of seals, stratigraphic or structural traps, local pressure variations, and basin hydrodynamics are factors controlling the distributions of gas contents in coal beds. Gas content measurement depends on several factors, such as sampling procedures, sample type, JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 155 Geo-Resources coal properties, and analytical methods and qualities. The gas storage capacity of coal beds assumed to correlate with coal rank. There is a relationship between gas content and depth for each rank coal category. Furthermore, sorption capacity increases with progressive coalification. The investigated coal seams for CBM purpose located in the Muara Lakitan, South Sumatra based on the vitrinite reflectance, categorized as a subbituminous to high volatile bituminous-A coal rank. Furthermore, commonly, the coal seams are characterized by low ash and moderate sulfur contents. Due to the level of vitrinite reflectance values of coal tending to thermally immature (Rv: 0.44 – 0.45%), the expected gas present is suggested to be of biogenic origin. The coalbed gas level category is indicated by the presence of dull to bright banded lithotype; maceral composition dominated by vitrinite with minor content of exinite and inertinite; moderate moisture content; moderate to slightly high volatile matter; low to medium vitrinite reflectance, and low ash content. A coal rank. Methane content of the coal seam is 0.57 m3/t – 1.70 m3/t = 20.44 scf/t – 60.96 scf/t. Coal Cleats of each coal field is as followed: the dip direction of coal face cleat varies from N160°E/80° to N330°E/50°; space ranges between 0.2 cm to 19 cm, averaged cm; aperture of 1 to 8 mm, frequency is 0.239 cm -1 to 1.69 cm -1, and density of 0.0099 cm to 0.21/cm . Coal bed methane content of the coal seam, based on the Barbara-Winter Diagram, ranges from 0.57 m3/t – 1.70 m3/t = 20.44 scf/t – 60.96 scf/t. This character indicates an in-situ coal have a low to moderate methane content. Gas in-place reserved in six coal seams supported by the Q1; Q2 and Q3 calculations show a calculated varieties value 15.524,28 scf. The coal bed gas level category is indicated by the presence of dull to bright banded lithotype; maceral composition dominated by vitrinite with minor content of exinite and inertinite; moderate moisture content; moderate to slightly high volatile matter; low to medium vitrinite reflectance, and low ash content. The SEM analysis displays that the coal is dominated by vitrinite maceral, with minor exinite and inertinite. The microcleat occurs in rare to medium density, and shows an opened texture. 90 80 Vitrinite It can be summarized, that coalbed gas in-place contents derived from the Muara Lakitan area, coal seams expected to be low - moderate level. However, in the Muara Lakitan area, based on Barbara-Winter diagram, the content of methane (CH4) within coalbed gas ranges from 20.44 scf/t – 60.96 scf/t, whilst according the formula, the total reserve of gas in reservoir in the investigated area (six coal seam) is 15.524,28 scf. 70 60 50 40 30 1,0 2,0 3,0 Ash Vitrinite vs Ash Linear (Vitrinite vs Ash) Figure 5. Relationship between percentages vitrinite and ash of coal from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. Conclusions 90 156 Vitrinite 80 The coal quality, gained from geochemical analysis, indicates that its ash content ranges between 1.22 – 2.47 %, total sulphur content is from 0.15 – 0.3 %, and volatile matter of 38.02% - 40.81%. The dominant maceral is vitrinite (73.6 – 85.8 %), with minor amount of exinite (1.4 – 4.0 %), inertinite (4.2 – 21 %) and mineral matter (2.4 – 8.2 %). Vitrinite reflectance having a value of 0.44 – 0.45 %, tends to indicate a subbituminous to high volatile bituminous- 70 60 50 40 30 20,0 25,0 30,0 Moisture Vitrinite vs Moisture Linear (Vitrinite vs Moisture) Figure 6. Relationship between percentages vitrinite and moisture of coal from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Resources 30 25 Inertinite 20 15 10 5 0 90 -5 80 Vitrinite 35,0 37,0 39,0 70 41,0 43,0 45,0 Volatile Matter (VM) 60 Inertinite vs VM Linear (Inertinite vs VM) 50 40 30 30,0 32,0 34,0 36,0 38,0 40,0 42,0 Volatile Matter (VM) Series1 Figure 9. Relationship between percentages inertinite and volatile matter of coal from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. Linear (Series1) 88,0 30 86,0 84,0 Vitrinite Figure 7. Relationship between percentages vitrinite and volatile matter of coal from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. 80,0 78,0 76,0 25 74,0 20 Inertinite 82,0 72,0 15 0,00 0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 1,75 2,00 10 CH4 5 Vitrinite Vs CH4 0 Linear (Vitrinite Vs CH4) -5 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 Ash Inertinite vs Ash Linear (Inertinite vs Ash) Figure 10. Relationship between percentages vitrinite and CH4 of coal from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. Figure 8. Relationship between percentages inertinite and ash of coal from Muara Lakitan,Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. 25,0 Inertinite 20,0 Acknowledgments 15,0 10,0 5,0 The authors thank the Head of Geological Survey Institute and Head of Research Group on Basin Dynamics for supporting to publish this paper. The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. Nana Suwarna, and Ivan Sofyan Suwardi as partners during fieldwork. 0,0 0,00 0,20 0,40 0,60 0,80 1,00 1,20 1,40 1,60 1,80 CH4 Inertinite Vs CH4 Linear (Inertinite Vs CH4) Figure 11. Relationship between percentages inertinite and CH4 of coal from Muara Lakitan, Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. References Asian Development Bank/Migas, 2003. Coalbed Methane TA No. 3671–INO-Final Report Preparing a Gas Sector Development Plan (Part B). Daly, M.C., Hooper, B.G.D. & Smith, D.G. 1987. Tertiary plate tectonics and basin evolution in Indonesia. In : Indonesia Petroleum Association. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Convention, Jakarta, 1, 399 – 426. Darman H., dan F. Hasan Sidi, 2000. An Outline of The Geology Indonesia: Indonesian Association of Geologists, Jakarta Selatan. De Coster, G.L. (1974): The Geology of the Central and South Sumatra Basins. Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Assosiation 3th Annual Convention, 77-110. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 157 Geo-Sciences DELINEASI CEKUNGAN BUSUR MUKA SIMEULUE BERDASARKAN DATA ANOMALI GAYA BERAT L.D.Santi, I. Setiadi, H. Panggabean Pusat Survei Geologi Jl. Diponegoro No 57 Bandung - 40122 Sari Penelitian cekungan busur muka di barat Pulau Sumatra telah banyak dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensinya sebagai cekungan pembawa hidrokarbon. Cekungan Simeulue sebagai bagian dari rangkaian cekungan busur muka, baru-baru ini banyak disinggung sebagai hasil publikasi terbaru dari penelitian team BGR-Jerman yang memperlihatkan adanya akumulasi sedimen yang relatif tebal. Meskipun banyak informasi baru dan juga spekulasi yang timbul dari hasil penelitian tersebut, namun batas – batas Cekungan Simeulue sendiri belum diketahui secara pasti. Delineasi Cekungan Simeulue pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data anomali gaya berat yang mampu mencakup wilayah yang lebih luas, sehingga penentuan batas pelamparan sedimen dapat dilakukan dengan lebih pasti. Hasil pembuatan profil gaya berat menggunakan metode forward modelling memperlihatkan geometri cekungan yang melampar dengan panjang maksimum 418 km, bagian utara dan selatannya dibatasi oleh tinggian yang memisahkannya dengan cekungan – cekungan lain yang berdekatan. Kata kunci : Delineasi cekungan, Anomaly gaya berat Abstract The study of hydrocarbon potential at the fore-arc basins of west offshore Sumatra has been done by many writers. Recently, Simeulue basin, has been put at the spotlight as the Germany's BGR research team published several latest seismic lines showing great sediment accumulation in this basin. Although many new information and speculation emerge by the result of that research, until now the exact basin boundary itself has never been discussed. Delineation process of Simeulue basin in this study is done by applying gravity anomaly data that covers a wide area enough to determine the apparent boundary of sediment distribution within the basin. A gravity anomaly profile is produced using forward modeling method, showing the geometry of the basin, with maximum length of 418 km. The northward and southward of this basin is bounded by high topographies that separate Simeulue basin with the other adjacent basins. Keywords : Basin delineation, Gravity anomaly Pendahuluan Cekungan Simeulue merupakan bagian dari rangkaian cekungan busur muka di depan zona subduksi Sumatra yang memanjang dengan arah barat laut – tenggara. Kegiatan penelitian dan pembuatan profil seismik telah dilakukan oleh tim peneliti BGR, tahun 2006, yang bekerja sama dengan BPPT. Hasilnya telah mengungkapkan bahwa cekungan ini memiliki sedimen tebal dan diduga berpotensi sebagai cekungan pembawa hidrokarbon. Penelitian terdahulu di daerah ini belum mengungkapkan dengan tepat nama resmi maupun batas cekungan yang dianggap sebagai bagian dari Naskah diterima : Revisi terakhir : 15 Maret 2010 25 Juni 2010 Cekungan Simeulue. Secara umum cekungan ini terletak di antara 2°LU – 4.5°LU dan 95°BT – 98°BT yang berada di sebelah barat Pulau Sumatra. Barber dan Crow, (dalam Barber et al., 2005) menyebut cekungan ini sebagai Cekungan Meulaboh, sedangkan Rose, 1983, dan Syam drr., 2007, menyebutkan sebagai bagian dari Cekungan Sibolga. Penelitian-penelitian tersebut umumnya memakai metode korelasi seismik dan data log. Namun, profil seismik dan sebaran titik sumur pemboran yang ada di daerah ini kurang memadai untuk delineasi cekungan. Panjang profil seismik yang terbatas hanya memberikan sebagian citra cekungan. Oleh karena itu dalam penelitian ini digunakan data anomali gaya berat dengan cakupan data yang lebih regional untuk memperkirakan geometri dan batasbatas cekungan secara keseluruhan. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 159 Geo-Sciences Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari bangun struktur kerak bumi yang melandasi Cekungan Simeulue dan batas-batas pelamparannya terhadap cekungan lainnya yang berdekatan. Telford drr. (1990). Model gaya berat yang dihasilkan merupakan hasil susunan poligon-poligon dari kelompok-kelompok rapat massa batuan sebagai berikut : Metode 1. Kelompok rapat massa 1.03 gr/cc adalah massa air laut di sekitar Pulau Simeulue perairan sekitarnya. Data anomali gaya berat diperoleh melalui dua cara, yaitu anomali gaya berat di wilayah darat (onshore) yang merupakan kompilasi dari peta-peta anomali gaya berat yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Survei Geologi/ Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi dengan skala 1:250.000 (Nainggolan dan Tasno, 2000; Lelitoly drr., 2000; Sjarif drr., 2000; Indragiri dan Setiadi, 2007; Mirnanda drr., 2007; Nasution dan Indragiri, 2007; Setiadi dan Mirnanda, 2007; Setiadi dan Nasution, 2007. Sementara data anomali gaya berat di perairan (offshore) diperoleh dari data anomali gaya berat bebas udara (Free Air Anomaly). Dari hasil kompilasi diperoleh peta anomali gaya berat dengan interval kontur 12.5 mgal. Variasi nilai anomali gaya berat yang terpampang merupakan cerminan dari perubahan ketebalan sedimen di dalam cekungan, kompensasi isostasi dari akar pegunungan atau deposentrum yang lebih tua, ataupun karena variasi litologi di daerah tertentu. Tiga lintasan anomali gaya berat dibuat melintang barat laut – tenggara, tiga lintasan lainnya dibuat melintang barat daya - timur laut. Lintasan – lintasan tersebut dibuat saling berpotongan dengan tujuan untuk memperoleh bidang saling berhubungan dengan titik-titik pengontrol satu lintasan terhadap lintasan lainnya sebagai kerangka dasar untuk membangun geometri cekungan. Penampang anomali Bouger pada masing – masing lintasan diperoleh dengan mendigitasi nilai kontur di s e p a n j a n g l i n t a s a n. Fo r w a r d M o d e l l i n g menggunakan perangkat lunak (software) geofisika dilakukan terhadap keenam penampang untuk memperoleh profil geometri bawah permukaan. Metode ini menggunakan data anomali Bouger sebagai pengendali utama. Penampang seismik dari data BGR (BGR 135, BGR 136, BGR 137, dan BGR 139) digunakan pula sebagai panduan bagi penentuan bentuk geometri poligon dari kelompokkelompok rapat massa batuan. Dalam analisis dan pemodelan untuk membuat profil bawah permukaan, digunakan nilai rapat masa dari 160 2. Kelompok rapat massa 3,07 gr/cc merupakan rapat massa dari mantel bagian atas. 3. Kelompok rapat massa 2,77 gr/cc merupakan rapat massa kelompok material yang menyusun kerak samudra (basaltic layer). Rapat massa ini diperoleh berdasarkan rata-rata rapat massa material penyusun kerak samudra secara umum, yang terdiri atas batu-batuan ultrabasa, batubatuan malihan derajad tinggi, dan sedimensedimen pelagos. 4. Kelompok rapat massa 2,67 gr/cc adalah kelompok material penyusun kerak benua berupa batuan granitik. 5. Kompleks akresi yang tersusun atas percampuran batuan malihan, batuan vulkanik, sedimen halus, dan sedimen pelagos diberi harga rapat massa 2,60 gr/cc. 6. Nilai dari kelompok outer arc ridge dianggap sama dengan nilai rapat massa Pulau Simeulue, yaitu 2,50 gr/cc. Pulau ini tersusun atas bantuan malihan derajat rendah aneka bahan (filit, batusabak, metasedimen), baturijang, gabro, batugamping, konglomerat aneka bahan, batupasir, napal dan batulempung (Endharto dan Sukido, 1995) . 7. Kelompok rapat massa 2,15 gr/cc diberikan untuk rata-rata batuan sedimen pengisi cekungan. Nilai rapat massa batuan sedimen umumnya adalah 2,20 gr/cc. Namun sedimen di cekungan muka busur umumnya banyak dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas vulkanisme yang bersifat menurunkan nilai rapat massa batuan (Setyanta dan Setiadi, 2007). Oleh karena itu, nilai 2,15 gr/cc dianggap lebih mewakili sifat pelamparan batuan sedimen dalam cekungan Simeulue. 8. Kelompok rapat massa 2,40 gr/cc diberikan untuk batuan penyusun Pulau Sumatra yang terdiri atas kerak granitik yang telah terfragmentasi, batuan malihan Pre-Tersier, batuan vulkanik, dan batuan sedimen. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Sciences ° ° ° ° ° ° ° H CE K.A CE Area Penelitian Si r sa Ban ee Bat r naik Se i E wa LU ta ar Ses U ME en M Sesa m ste SI r sa K. Se CE ° Su yak ra at m ° P. Banyak KE NG SI K. CE L gS lun Pa i ks du ub ° P. Batu Gambar 1. Struktur regional Pulau Sumatra dengan perkiraan pelamparan cekungan Simeulue (dimodifikasi dari Barber et al., 2005). Delineasi Cekungan dari Profil Gaya Berat Bagian barat daya peta merupakan wilayah perairan yang didominasi oleh nilai anomali positif yang berkisar antara + 50 mgal hingga +280 mgal. Ke arah timur laut nilai anomali menunjukkan penurunan hingga mencapai -170 mgal. Tiga profil gaya berat yang dibuat dari lintasan tegak lurus terhadap arah jurus jalur anomali (lintasan GH, IJ, dan KL, Gambar 2) menunjukkan bahwa rata- rata nilai anomali positif tinggi dihasilkan oleh posisi Moho yang relatif dangkal di zona subduksi, di bawah fragmen kerak benua dan sedimen penutup tipis. Penurunan nilai gaya berat semakin besar ke arah timur laut seiring bertambahnya sudut dan kedalaman penunjaman, menebalnya kerak benua, dan menebalnya sedimen penutup di atasnya. Tiga profil gaya berat lainnya dibuat sejajar dengan jalur subduksi (lintasan AB, CD, dan EF, Gambar 2). Tujuan profil tersebut adalah untuk memperoleh arah sumbu panjang cekungan busur muka. Nilai anomali pada ketiga lintasan umumnya berkisar antara +55 mgal hingga -20 mgal. Hasil pembuatan profil AB, CD, dan EF menunjukkan adanya perubahan ketebalan kerak benua dan kedalaman Moho yang membesar seiring makin menjauhnya dari jalur tunjaman (trench) (Gambar 3). Namun demikian, ketebalan kerak relatif konstan di sepanjang profil itu sendiri, menandakan bahwa kerak tidak mengalami penipisan (thinning) atau penarikan (stretching) seperti umumnya terjadi pada daerah rifting di busur belakang. Dengan adanya fakta ini maka pembentukan cekungan di daerah busur muka Simeulue diperkirakan berasal dari gaya lepasan (release tension) sebagai pengaruh gaya-gaya regional yang bekerja di daerah ini. Hasil pembuatan profil gaya berat dan peta ketebalan sedimen (Gambar 5) menunjukkan bahwa cekungan Simeulue memanjang dengan arah barat laut – tenggara, mencapai panjang maksimum 418 km, sedangkan lebar cekungan sebesar 140 km ke arah utara, dan menyempit ke arah selatan sebesar 110 – 115 km. Cekungan ini dibatasi pada bagian utaranya oleh tinggian Meulaboh (Gambar 2), yang memisahkan Cekungan Simeulue dengan Cekungan Aceh. Pada bagian selatan cekungan ini dibatasi oleh Sesar Banyak, yang menciptakan tinggian yang memisahkannya dengan Cekungan Singkel. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 161 Geo-Sciences Penjelasan terperinci setiap profil yang dibuat adalah sebagai berikut : Lintasan AB Lintasan AB dibuat dengan arah barat laut – tenggara, sejajar sumbu panjang cekungan sedimen, dengan panjang total 418 km. Lintasan ini diapit oleh lintasan CD dan EF. Hasil pembuatan profil AB menunjukkan kedalaman Moho 35 km. Kerak benua pada lintasan AB menunjukkan ketebalan konstan sebesar 25 km. Di atas, kerak benua menunjukkan adanya perkembangan dua deposentrum yang dipisahkan oleh suatu tinggian antara jarak 226 – 322 km di sepanjang lintasan. deposentrum pertama, disebut sebagai D1, melampar sepanjang 250 km, dengan ketebalan rata-rata sedimen sebesar 5,1 km. deposentrum kedua, disebut sebagai D2 yang terbentuk sejauh 91 km, dengan ketebalan sedimen mencapai 7,9 km. Ketebalan sedimen pada D2 merupakan ketebalan sedimen terbesar di Cekungan Simeulue. Lintasan CD Lintasan CD yang relatif sejajar di sebelah barat dari lintasan AB, merupakan lintasan paling barat terhadap posisi jalur subduksi. Lintasan ini memiliki panjang 300 km, namun demikian lintasan ini hanya melingkupi jarak 202 km dari bagian deposentrum D1, sedangkan sisa lintasan ini melewati tinggian yang meluas di arah barat (Gambar 2 dan Gambar 3). Kedalaman Moho pada lintasan ini adalah 30 km, sedangkan kerak benua mencapai ketebalan sekitar 23 km. Ketebalan sedimen rata-rata dari D1 pada lintasan ini sebesar 3,8 km, dengan ketebalan maksimum mencapai 4,9 km. Lintasan EF Lintasan EF memiliki panjang total 306 km, berada paling timur dari ketiga lintasan yang sejajar dengan jalur subduksi. Pada lintasan ini Moho terletak pada kedalaman 45 km, dan ketebalan kerak benua hingga alas cekungan setebal 34 km. Pada lintasan ini tinggian yang memisahkan dua deposentrum hanya melampar sepanjang 12 km, membatasi deposentrum D1 sepanjang 175 km dan deposentrum D2 147 km. Makin ke timur pelamparan tinggian makin menyempit hingga akhirnya dua deposentrum bergabung menjadi satu (Gambar 2). deposentrum D1 pada lintasan ini memiliki ketebalan rata-rata sedimen sebesar 4,5 162 km, dengan ketebalan terbesar mencapai 5,9 km. deposentrum D2 memiliki rata-rata ketebalan 4,8 km, dengan ketebalan sedimen terbesar hingga 6,4 km. Lintasan GH Lintasan GH dibuat dengan arah barat daya – timur laut, dengan panjang total 213 km. Lintasan ini tegak lurus terhadap jalur penunjaman, sehingga profil lintasan ini dapat menggambarkan perubahan geometri bawah permukaan dari kompleks akresi hingga busur magmatik. Lintasan GH memotong hampir tegak lurus lintasan AB, CD, dan EF, dan merupakan lintasan yang dibuat paling selatan di daerah penelitian. Profil lintasan GH menunjukkan adanya perubahan sudut penunjaman dari arah barat ke timur. Sudut penunjaman di bagian barat (mendekat ke arah trench) memiliki besar sudut penunjaman 16° hingga 20°. Ke arah timur (menjauhi trench) sudut penunjaman makin besar, dan mencapai sudut 27°. Pada lintasan ini geometri cekungan sedimen pada sumbu barat daya – timur laut (sumbu pendek) memiliki lebar hingga 115 km. Sedimen menebal ke arah timur laut, dengan ketebalan terbesarnya mencapai 6,9 km. Diduga cekungan masih melampar hingga daratan. Ketebalan sedimen pada poligon Pulau Sumatra yang dilewati lintasan ini mencapai 23 km. Ketebalan yang relatif besar ini merupakan hasil kompensasi isostasi saat profil gaya berat melewati pegunungan. Lintasan IJ Lintasan IJ terletak di sebelah utara lintasan GH, dan memiliki panjang total 222 km. Pada lintasan ini sudut penunjaman lebih mendatar dibandingkan pada lintasan GH, yaitu 12° hingga 16° di bagian yang mendekati trench, dan mencapai 20° ke arah busur magmatik. Geometri cekungan sedimen pada lintasan ini lebarnya mencapai 125 km, dengan ketebalan ratarata sedimen sebesar 4,4 km. Bagian profil yang melewati pulau Sumatra pada lintasan ini menunjukkan ketebalan sedimen 6,5 km. Tebal sedimen Pulau Sumatra yang jauh lebih tipis dibandingkan terhadap profil GH ini disebabkan tidak terpengaruhnya profil oleh kompensasi isostasi, karena profil tidak melewati akar pegunungan. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Sciences Lintasan KL Kesimpulan Lintasan KL berada paling utara di area penelitian, dengan panjang total 220 km. Lintasan ini memperlihatkan bahwa geometri cekungan makin melebar ke arah utara, mencapai 140 km. Ketebalan maksimum sedimen yang terlintasi mencapai 5,3 km, menipis ke arah daratan Pulau Sumatra. Profil bagian Pulau Sumatra yang dilewati oleh lintasan KL hanya memiliki ketebalan sedimen sebesar 1,5 – 3 km. Tipisnya sedimen yang terbentuk di bagian utara ini diduga karena erosi yang lebih intensif, sebagai akibat lebih terangkatnya bagian utara Pulau Sumatra saat fase kompresional berlangsung di daerah ini. Cekungan Simeulue merupakan cekungan busur muka yang memiliki geometri cukup besar. Cekungan ini memiliki sumbu panjang maksimum mencapai 418 km dan sumbu lebar maksimum 140 km. Geometri cekungan ini melebar ke arah utara (140 km) dan menyempit ke arah selatan (115 km). Tinggian yang terbentuk dengan arah timur laut – barat daya di depan Pulau Simeulue telah menyebabkan terbentuknya dua deposentrum dalam cekungan ini. deposentrum D1 memiliki sumbu panjang maksimum 250 km, sumbu lebar maksimum 140 km dan ketebalan sedimen terbesar 5,9 km. deposentrum D2 memiliki sumbu panjang maksimum 91 km, sumbu lebar maksimum 60 km, dan ketebalan sedimen terbesar 7,9 km. Geometri subduksi pada lintasan paling utara ini juga memperlihatkan makin mendangkal, dengan sudut penunjaman 12° hingga 15°. Penelitian yang lebih terperinci mengenai potensi cekungan perlu dilakukan, bukan hanya pada bagian utara cekungan yang menjadi bagian D1, tetapi juga pada deposentrum D2 yang lebih kecil dengan tebal sedimen yang paling besar. mgal U h an Ace Cekung ° km Skala 0 50 100 labo Meu batas cekungan Simeulue ° gh h Hi A ° L E J C ° Ce D1 ° ku ng an K H Si m eu le u ° I basement high/ carbonate plarform Sim eu lue ° F D2 D G ° ° ° ° ° B ° ° ° ° ° Gambar 2. Peta anomali gaya berat daerah Simeulue dan sekitarnya (Sumber : kumpulan peta anomali gaya berat terbitan P3G/ PSG periode 2000 – 2007 dan Free Air Gravity). JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 163 Geo-Sciences mGal 55.0 45.0 35.0 25.0 15.0 5.0 -5.0 -15.0 -25.0 C D = calc = obs -20 20 100 60 140 180 220 260 300 J a r a k (km) D1 (202 km) 5.0 IJ KL 2.15 gr/cc 4.6 km SE GH .0 4.9 km 5.0 km -5.0 -10.0 basement high/ carbonate platform (?) 2.67 gr/cc -15.0 continental crust -20.0 2.77 gr/cc oceanic crust 3.07 gr/cc upper mantle -25.0 Moho Kedalaman (km) NW -30.0 -35.0 C D -40.0 mGal 40.0 A 20.0 .0 -20.0 B -40.0 = cal -60.0 = obs -80.0 0 -50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 J a r a k (km) D2 (91 km) D1 (250 km) KL IJ 2.15 gr/cc 5.0 km 5.0 SE GH .0 5.3 km 7.9 km -5.0 basement high/ carbonate platform (?) -10.0 -15.0 2.67 gr/cc continental crust -20.0 -25.0 Kedalaman (km) NW -30.0 2.77 gr/cc oceanic crust 3.07 gr/cc upper mantle Moho -35.0 A B -40.0 mGal E = calc = obs -20 F 60 20 100 140 180 220 260 -45.0 45.0 35.0 25.0 15.0 5.0 -5.0 -15.0 -25.0 -35.0 300 J a r a k (km) NW D2 (147 km) IJ KL 4.6 km 5.9 km 5.0 SE GH 2.15 gr/cc 6.4 km -5.0 -15.0 2.67 gr/cc continental crust 2.77 gr/cc oceanic crust 3.07 gr/cc upper mantle -25.0 -35.0 Moho E Kedalaman (km) D1 (175 km) -45.0 F -55.0 Gambar 3. Profil geometri bawah permukaan dari hasil pemodelan pada lintasan-lintasan gaya berat AB, CD, dan EF (lokasi lintasan dari barat ke timur pada gambar 2). 164 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Sciences mGal 100 60 20 -20 -60 = calc = obs -100 H -140 -20 0 20 60 100 140 180 220 J a r a k (km) 115 km SW CD 2.6 2.60 gr/cc accretionary wedge 2.50 gr/cc Simeulue Is. AB 2.15 2.5 NE EF .0 2.4 2.40 gr/cc 2.15 gr/cc 6.9 km -10.0 2.67 2.77 G 3.07 continental crust Kedalaman (km) 2.67 gr/cc 2.77 -20.0 gr/c c oce gr/c3.07 c anic -30.0 crus t upp er m antl -40.0 Mo e ho -50.0 -60.0 H mGal 110 I 90 70 50 30 = calc = obs 10 J -10 0 -20 20 60 100 140 180 220 J a r a k (km) 125 km 0.0 4.5 km 4.8 km 2.15 gr/cc 5.0 NE EF AB CD 2.50 gr/cc accretionary wedge 2.40 gr/cc -5.0 -15.0 2.77 g r/cc 3.07 g I r/cc upper 2.67 gr/cc ocean continental crust -25.0 ic cru mantl e st -35.0 Kedalaman (km) SW Moh o -45.0 -55.0 J mGal 100 60 20 -20 -60 = calc = obs -100 H -140 -20 0 20 60 100 140 180 220 J a r a k (km) 115 km SW CD 2.6 2.60 gr/cc accretionary wedge 2.50 gr/cc Simeulue Is. AB 2.15 2.5 NE EF 2.15 gr/cc 6.9 km .0 2.4 2.40 gr/cc G 2.77 3.07 continental crust -20.0 gr/c c gr/c3.07 c oce anic -30.0 crus t upp er m antl e Kedalaman (km) -10.0 2.67 2.67 gr/cc 2.77 -40.0 Mo ho -50.0 -60.0 H Gambar 4. Profil geometri bawah permukaan dari hasil pemodelan pada lintasan-lintasan gaya berat GH, IJ dan KL (lokasi lintasan dari utara ke selatan pada gambar 2). JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 165 Geo-Sciences Gambar 5. Peta pola penyebaran ketebalan sedimen dalam cekungan Simeulue. Ucapan terima kasih Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Kepala Pusat Survei Geologi yang telah memfasilitasi kegiatan penelitian yang kami lakukan. Penulis juga berterima kasih pada tim geofisika Pusat Survei Geologi yang telah menyediakan data gaya berat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ucapan terima kasih ditujukan pula untuk tim penelitian cekungan Simeulue dari Lemigas yang telah banyak membantu dalam penyediaan data pendukung serta dalam diskusi mengenai Cekungan Simeulue. Acuan Barber, A.J., Crow, M.J., Milsom, J.S. (ed.), 2005. Sumatra, Geology, Resources, and Tectonic Evolution. Geological Society Memoir No. 31, Geological Society, London. Syam Beiruny, Permana Wahyu, Perdana Aulia, Tiggi Choanji, 2007. The petroleum system of Sibolga basin based on correlation seismic and well log data, Proceedings of Indonesian Petroleum Association Annual Convention.Thirty-First Annual Convention and Exhibition , May 2007 BGR Research Team, 2006. Geo-Risk Potential Along The Active Convergence Zone Between The Eastern Eurasian and Indo Australian Plates of Indonesia, Cruise Report Sonne Cruise SO-186-2 SeaCause II, Unpublished Report. Endharto, M. dan Sukido, 1995. Peta Geologi lembar Sinabang, Sumatra. Skala 1:250.000. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung. Indragiri, N.M., Setiadi, I., 2007. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Calang, Sumatra. Skala 1:250.000. Pusat Survei Geologi, Bandung Lelitoly, D., Ermawan, T., Buyung, N., 2000. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Pematangsiantar, Sumatra. Skala 1 : 250.000. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung 166 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Sciences Mirnanda, E., Hayat, D.Z., Setiadi, I., Indragiri, N.M., 2007. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Takengon, Sumatra. Skala 1: 250.000. Pusat Survei Geologi, Bandung Nainggolan, D.A., Tasno, D.P., 2000. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Sidikalang, Sumatra, Pusat Survei Geologi. Skala 1: 250.000. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Bandung Nasution, J., Indragiri, N.M., 2007. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Tapaktuan, Sumatra. Skala 1 : 250.000. Pusat Survei Geologi, Bandung. Rose Robert, 1983. Miocene carbonate rocks of Sibolga basin northwest Sumatra, Proceeding Indonesian Petroleum Association Annual Convention. Twelfth Annual Convention, June 1983, p. 107-125 Setiadi, I., Mirnanda, E., 2007. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Langsa, Sumatra. Skala 1: 250.000 Pusat Survei Geologi, Bandung Setiadi, I., Nasution, J., 2007. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Sinabang, Sumatra. Skala 1:250.000. Pusat Survei Geologi, Bandung Setyanta, B., Setiadi, I., 2007. Anomali Gaya Berat dan Tataan Tektonik Sekitar Perairan Laut Banda dan Pulau Seram, Jurnal Sumber Daya Geologi Vol. XVII No.6, Pusat Survei Geologi, Bandung Sjarif, N., Tasno, D.P., Manurung, A., Widijono, B.S., Mirnanda, E., 2000. Peta Anomali Bouger Lembar Medan, Sumatra. Skala 1:250.000. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung Telford, W.M., Geldart, L.P., Sheriff, R.E., 1990, Applied Geophysics (2nd Edition), Cambridge University Press, London JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 167 Geo-Sciences STRATIGRAFI DAN SEDIMENTOLOGI ENDAPAN DATARAN PASANG-SURUT DI KALI TULIS, BANJARNEGARA S. Bachri, E. Slameto dan I. Nurdiana Pusat Survei Geologi, Jl. Diponegoro No.57 Bandung 40122 Sari Endapan dataran pasang-surut Formasi Merawu di Kali Tulis termasuk ke dalam Formasi Merawu, dan dapat dibagai menjadi dua bagian atau anggota, yaitu bagian bawah atau anggota batulumpur, dan bagian atas atau anggota batupasir, yang batas antara keduanya bersifat gradasional. Bagian bawah dikuasai oleh batulumpur dan sebagian besar diendapkan pada lingkungan dataran lumpur (mud flat), sementara bagian atas dikuasai oleh batupasir yang sebagian besar diendapkan pada dataran pasir (sand flat). Beberapa lapisan batupasir dan batulempung di bagian bawah mengandung foraminifera yang menunjukkan umur Miosen Awal – Miosen Tengah, sedangkan pada bagian atasnya sejauh ini belum dijumpai fosil. Pada kedua anggota dijumpai struktur sedimen tulang ikan, nendatan berskala kecil, perarian sejajar dan silang-siur, bioturbasi, flute cast, bed load, serta penghalusan butir ke atas. Batupasir pada kedua satuan tersebut banyak mengandung fragmen batuan gunung api yang mengindikasikan bahwa batuan asalnya adalah batuan gunung api dalam busur gunung api. Kata kunci : dataran pasir (sand flat), dataran lumpur (mud flat), struktur tulang ikan, Formasi Merawu Abstract The tidal flat deposits of the Merawu Formation in Kali Tulis belongs to the Merawu Formation, and can be divided into two members, i.e. the lower part or the mudstone member, and the upper part or the sandstone member, with gradational contact between the two members. The lower parts is dominated by mudstone which is mostly deposited in mud flat environment, while the upper part is dominated by sandstone which is dominantly deposited in sand flat environment. Some sandstone layers in the lower part contains foraminifers of Early – Middle Miocene age, whereas the occurrence of fossils in the upper part has not been known so far. Sedimentary structures found in the two members include herring-bone structure, small scaled slump, parallel and cross laminations, bioturbation, flute cast, bed load, and fining upwards grain size. The sandstone of the two members contains volcanic rock fragments abundantly, suggesting that the provenance is volcanic rock in volcanic arc. Keywords: sand flat, mud flat, herring bone structure, Merawu Formation Pendahuluan Pengukuran stratigrafi pada runtunan batuan sedimen Neogen di sepanjang Kali Tulis di Desa Sokaraja, Banjarnegara, telah menyingkap bahwa batuan yang dikenal sebagai Formasi Merawu (Van Bemmelen, 1949; Condon drr., 1975) atau Formasi Rambatan (Condon drr.,1996) di lintasan tersebut ternyata sebagian besar mengindikasikan sebagai endapan dataran pasang-surut, bukan sebagai anggota turbidit seperti yang ditafsirkan oleh beberapa penulis sebelumnya. Di samping endapan pasang-surut, juga dijumpai endapan laut dangkal, khususnya di bagian bawah runtunan, yang dicirikan oleh adanya batulempung gampingan yang mengandung fosil foraminifera. Naskah diterima : Revisi terakhir : 12 Maret 2010 25 Juni 2010 Berdasarkan analisis laboratorium (paleontologi) dapat ditentukan umur anggota tersebut, sedangkan dari analisis petrografi dapat dikenali adanya kandungan material vulkanik yang cukup melimpah. Pengamatan struktur sedimen beserta fosil jejak di lapangan sangat penting untuk mengenali jenis lingkungan pengendapannya. Pengukuran stratigrafi endapan dataran pasang surut di Kali Tulis dimulai dari sebelah bawah bendungan Kali Tulis sampai di dekat muara Kali Sidawangi (Gambar 1). Kondisi singkapan cukup bagus, terutama di bagian hulu. Ciri Litologi Dan Struktur Sedimen Berdasarkan pengukuran stratigrafi terperinci skala 1:100 di lintasan Kali Tulis, Formasi Merawu dapat JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 169 Geo-Sciences dibagi menjadi dua anggota, yaitu anggota batulumpur di bagian bawah, dan anggota batupasir di bagian atas. Bagian bawah runtunan dikuasai oleh batulumpur (batulanau dan terutama batulempung), dan bagian atas dikuasai oleh lapisan-lapisan batupasir berbutir sedang (Gambar 2, 3 dan 4). Batas antara anggota batulumpur dan anggota batupasir bersifat gradasional, yang ditunjukkan oleh semakin banyak dan semakin tebalnya lapisan batupasir ke arah atas. Batas yang sifatnya gradasional ini mengindikasikan hubungan selaras tanpa adanya perbedaan atau perubahan umur maupun lingkungan pengendapan secara mencolok atau tiba-tiba. Anggota Batulumpur Anggota batulumpur terdiri atas batulempung dan batulanau yang diselingi batupasir dan setempat batupasir konglomeratan, dengan perbandingan batupasir/batulumpur sekitar 70:30 (Gambar 5). Batupasir umumnya tipis-tipis kurang dari 30 cm, hanya di beberapa tempat bersifat konglomeratan dan mencapai tebal 50 -90 cm (Gambar 6). Setempat dijumpai konglomerat terpilah buruk, dengan perlapisan bersusun, dengan komponen batuan andesitan, mencapai tebal 90 cm. Di beberapa tempat, batupasir dan batulumpur bersifat gampingan dan mengandung fosil foraminifera kecil, khususnya pada bagian bawah anggota batulumpur. Berdasarkan pengamatan petrografi, batupasir pada anggota ini banyak mengandung fragmen batuan gunung api, hampir mencapai 50%, serta mengandung material silisiklastik lebih banyak lagi, dengan jenis batupasir umumnya litharenit atau volcanic arenite yang kaya akan gelas vulkanik, dengan bentuk butir umumnya runcing – bersudut tanggung (Gambar 7). Komposisi dan tekstur batupasir pada anggota ini mengindikasikan adanya sumber batuan gunung api atau lajur magmatik yang relatif dekat. Pada angota batulempung Formasi Merawu juga sering dijumpai fosil jejak pada bagian bawah lapisan batupasir, termasuk di antaranya adalah Cruziana (Gambar 8) di bagian tengah anggota batulumpur yang menunjukkan lingkungan laut dangkal. Adapun struktur sedimen yang sangat penting adalah struktur tulang ikan (herringbone 170 Gambar 1. Peta lokasi penelitian. structure) yang dijumpai pada beberapa lapisan batupasir di bagian atas (Gambar 9). Di samping itu, pada beberapa bagian, baik di bagian bawah maupun atas anggota ini, sering dijumpai struktur nendatan beskala kecil, berukuran beberapa puluh sentimeter (Gambar 10). Dalam anggota batulumpur dijumpai beberapa terobosan diorit yang diduga setara dengan diorit Pliosen yang dijumpai di tempat lain yang juga menerobos Formasi Merawu (Condon drr., 1975). Anggota Batupasir Anggota batupasir Merawu dicirikan oleh dominasi batupasir berbutir sedang, sebagian kecil berbutir kasar dan konglomeratan yang menunjukkan penghalusan ke atas. Perbandingan batupasir dan batulumpur rata-rata sekitar 75 : 25. Batupasir dijumpai berlapis tebal-tebal, rata-rata sekitar 20 cm sampai sekitar 1 meter. Anggota ini tersingkap baik di bawah bendungan Kali Tulis (Gambar 11). Di samping perlapisan sejajar juga banyak dijumpai perlapisan bergelombang, nendatan berskala kecil, serta struktur tulang ikan. Anggota ini tidak menunjukkan sifat gampingan. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 No. Lokasi Skala tebal (M) Geo-Sciences Litologi dan struktur sedimen Pemerian Gambar 2. Bagian bawah penampang anggota batulumpur Formasi Merawu di Kali Tulis. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 171 No. Lokasi Litologi Skala tebal (M) No. Lokasi Skala tebal (M) Geo-Sciences Litologi Gambar 3. Penampang bagian tengah (kiri) dan atas (kanan) anggota batulumpur Formasi Merawu di Kali Tulis. Simbol mengikuti Gambar 2. 172 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Sciences Gambar 4a. Penampang terukur bagian atas dan tengah anggota batupasir Formasi Merawu di bawah bendungan Kali Tulis. Simbol mengikuti Gambar 2. Gambar 4b. Bagian paling atas penampang stratigrafi terukur anggota batupasir di Kali Tulis. Simbol litologi dan struktur sedimen mengikuti Gambar 2. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 173 Geo-Sciences Gambar 5. Anggota batulumpur Formasi Merawu di Kali Tulis, terdiri atas lapisan-lapisan batulempung (10 – 100 cm) diselingi batupasir (5-25 cm), pada batupasir dijumpai perarian sejajar dan silang-siur, load cast dan flute cast. Gambar 8. Fosil jejak Cruziana pada bagian bawah lapisan batupasir anggota batulumpur Formasi Merawu di Kali Tulis sisi barat, S.07o19' 46”, E.109o47' 43.5”. Gambar 6. Batupasir sangat kasar, kelabu terang, bagian bawah konglomeratan dengan komponen batupasir, di Kali Tulis, S.07o19'49.2”, E. 109o47'43.4”. Gambar 9. Struktur herringbone pada sisipan batupasir dalam anggota batulumpur. _! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gambar 7. Mikrofoto batupasir litharenite (volcanic arenite) pada anggota batulumpur dari Kali Tulis, pandangan nikol menyilang. Tampak pemilahan buruk, dan komponen butirannya sangat dikuasai oleh kepingan batuan vulkanik kaya gelas. Tampak retakan batuan yang telah terisi oleh kalsit anhedral (Maryanto, 2006). 174 Gambar 10. Struktur nendatan pada sisipan batupasir gampingan pada anggota batulumpur. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 Geo-Sciences Penelitian sebelumnya (Raharjanti, 1996) pernah melaporkan adanya fosil bentonik yang menunjukkan lingkungan batial atas. Di samping itu, analisis petrografi yang dilakukannya menunjukkan bahwa jenis batupasirnya adalah wacke yang mencirikan pengendapan cepat. Atas dasar hal tersebut maka yang bersangkutan menafsirkan bahwa Formasi Merawu telah diendapkan melalui mekanisme pengendapan arus turbid. Namun, dalam makalah ini dimunculkan penafsiran lain sesuai dengan data baru yang diperoleh dari pengukuran stratigrafi terperinci skala 1:100, terutama bukti-bukti struktur sedimen, fosil jejak, dan jenis litologinya. Gambar 11. Singkapan anggota batuasir Formasi Merawu di bawah bendungan Kali Tulis. Umur Dan Lingkungan Pengendapan Pada penelitian ini dapat dikenali adanya kandungan fosil foraminifera pada bagian bawah anggota batulumpur. Dari analisis paleontologi pada beberapa percontoh batulempung gampingan di Kali Tulis, hanya dua percontoh yang dapat ditentukan umurnya, yaitu percontoh pada lokasi 08RY18 (lokasi 109 o 47'07,1”BT 07 o 20'35,2”LS dan percontoh 06RY13B (lokasi 109o47'31,2”BT, 07o20' 12,5”LS) (Sudijono, 2006). Percontoh 08SB18 mengandung fosil foraminifera planktonik Globigerinoides subquadratus Bronnimann, Globorotaloides suteri Bolli dan Praeorbulina transitoria (Blow). Adapun foraminera bentoniknya berupa Anomalinoides sp., Ammodiscus sp., Bathysiphon sp., Nodosaria sp., Nonion sp., dan beberapa genus bercangkang agglutinated yang tidak terdeterminasi. Berdasarkan table umur dari Blow (1969), maka kumpulan fosil planktonik tersebut menunjukkan umur N8-N9 (Miosen Awal – Miosen Tengah). Sementara itu percontoh 06RY13B hanya mengandung satu spesies foraminifera plankton berupa Globigerinoides subquadratus Bronnimann yang mengindikasikan kisaran umur N4-N13 (Miosen Awal–Miosen Tengah). Berdasarkan analisis paleontologi tersebut maka umur anggota batulumpur dapat ditentukan pada kisaran Miosen Awal – Miosen Tengah. Adapun pada anggota batupasir sejauh ini belum ditemukan fosil penunjuk umur. Namun berdasarkan hubungannya dengan anggota batulumpur yang bersifat gradasional, maka diduga kuat umurnya masih dalam kisaran Miosen Awal–Miosen Tengah. Keberadaan batulempung gampingan dengan fosil foraminifera di bagian bawah anggota batulumpur, kemudian keberadaan struktur herringbone di bagian atas anggota batulumpur dan bagian bawah anggota batupasir, menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan pengendapan Formasi Merawu di Kali Tulis adalah laut dangkal (bagian bawah anggota batulumpur) yang berangsur ke atas berubah menjadi dataran lumpur (mud flat) dan dataran pasir (sand flat). Di dalam satuan anggota mud-flat sendiri sering dijumpai interval relatif pendek yang dikuasai oleh batupasir yang menunjukkan adanya perubahan lingkungan jangka pendek menjadi lingkungan sandflat (Gambar 2,3 dan 4). Sebaliknya, dalam satuan atau anggota batupasir juga setempat diselingi interval relatif pendek yang dikuasai oleh batulumpur. Hal ini menunjukkan pula adanya perubahanperubahan pendek dari lingkungan sand-flat ke lingkungan mud-flat. Di beberapa bagian pada anggota batupasir maupun batulumpur juga dijumpai interval pendek dengan perbandingan lapisan batupasir dan batulumpur hampir seimbang, yang mengindikasikan adanya lingkungan mixed flat yang merupakan zone peralihan dari dataran pasir ke dataran lumpur, atau sebaliknya. Adanya beberapa lapisan batupasir konglomeratan dengan komponen batulempung dan batupasir di bagian bawahnya mengindikasikan adanya alur-alur yang berasosiasi dengan daerah dataran pasangsurut. Oleh karenanya, endapan batupasir konglomeratan dan konglomerat tersebut ditafsirkan merupakan endapan tidal channel. Keberadaan fosil bentonik laut dalam seperti bathysiphon di lokasi 08SB18 yang berasosiasi dengan tidal channel di dekatnya tidak sesuai dengan lingkungan batuan di sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu, fosil-fosil tersebut diduga merupakan hasil rombakan dari batuan yang lebih tua. JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 175 Geo-Sciences Kesimpulan Formasi Merawu pada lintasan Kali Tulis dapat dibagi menjadi dua satuan atau anggota, yaitu anggota batulumpur di bagian bawah, dan anggota batupasir di bagian atas. Secara umum, kedua anggota tersebut merupakan endapan dataran pasang surut, yaitu pada lingkungan mud flat di bagian bawah dan lingkungan sand flat pada bagian atas. Meskipun demikian, secara terperinci terdapat keragaman atau asosiasi lingkungan pengendapan, yang ditunjukkan adanya endapan laut dangkal di bagian bawah anggota batulumpur, adanya interval pendek yang dikuasai oleh batupasir pada satuan anggota batulumpur, serta adanya interval pendek yang dikuasai oleh batulumpur dalam satuan atau anggota batupasir. Demikian pula dengan keterdapatan batupasir konglomeratan dan konglomerat mengindikasikan adanya intervensi endapan alur pada dataran pasang surut. Secara umum terjadi peningkatan kelimpahan lapisan batupasir dari bagian bawah ke bagian atas Formasi Merawu, atau dari anggota batulumpur ke anggota batupasir. Ucapan Terima Kasih Ucapan terima kasih kami ucapkan kepada rekanrekan yang telah ikut bekerja sama dalam penelitian di lapangan, serta yang telah memberikan masukan melalui diskusi-diskusi yang sangat berharga. Dr. Hermes Panggabean, Dr. Surono, Ir. D.A. Agustiyanto, M.Phil, Ir. Rachmansyah, R. Fachruddin, R.Y. Saragih, Suprijono dan Sudijono telah banyak membantu selama pelaksanaan penelitian ini. Acuan Bemmelen, R.W.van, 1949. The Geology of Indonesia. vol. 1A, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague. Blow, W.H., 1969. Late Middle Eocene to Recent Planktonic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy. 1st International Conference Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva, Proc. Leiden, E.J. Bull. Vol.1. Condon, W.H., Pardiyanto, L. & Ketner, K.B., 1975. Peta Geologi Lembar Banjarnegara dan Pekalongan. Skala 1 : 100.000, Direktorat Geologi, Bandung. Condon, W.H., Pardiyanto, L., Ketner, K.B., Amin, T.C., Gafoer, S. dan Samodra, H., 1996. Peta Geologi Lembar Banjarnegara dan Pekalongan, Jawa. skala 1 : 100.000, Edisi ke 2, Puslitbang Geologi, Bandung. Raharjanti, P.Y., 1996. Geologi Daerah Pagarpelah dan Sekitarnya, Kecamatan Banjarmangu, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Skripsi S1 Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Fakultas Teknologi Mineral, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta, tidak terbit. Maryanto, S.,2006. Hasil Uji Petrografi Batuan dari Banjarnegara. Laporan Internal, Pusat Survei Geologi, tidak diterbitkan. Sudijono, 2006. Hasil Uji Mikropaleontologi Foraminifera. Laporan internal Laboratorium Pusat Survei Geologi, tidak diterbitkan. 176 JSDG Vol. 20 No. 3 Juni 2010 PANDUAN PENULISAN MAKALAH ILMIAH JURNAL SUMBER DAYA GEOLOGI UMUM 1. Naskah merupakan karya asli yang belum pernah diterbitkan di manapun sebelumnya. 2. 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Nama penulis, nama instansi, alamat dan nomor telepon/hp dituliskan pada lembar tersendiri. 2. Naskah diketik dengan komputer dalam MS-Word dengan huruf Times New Roman, Font-12, dua spasi. 3. Beri dua spasi antara heading dan teks di bawahnya, tiga spasi antaralinea tanpa menggunakan indentasi. 4. Naskah berisi : a. Judul (Title) b. Sari/Abstract; harus ringkas dan jelas mewakili isi makalah (concise summary), paling banyak 200 kata (words) diketik satu spasi (single space). c. Kata kunci (keywords); 4 sampai 6 kata ditulis di bawah sari/abstract. d. Pendahuluan (Introduction) : Latar belakang, Permasalahan, Tujuan Penelitian, Lokasi Daerah. (Scientific Background, Scientific Problem, Aim(s), Studied Area). e. Metodologi (Methods) f. Analisis dan Hasil (Analyses and Results) g. Diskusi (Discussion) h. Kesimpulan dan Saran (Conclusions/Recommendations) I. Ucapan Terima Kasih (Acknowledgment) 5. Acuan (References); harus diacu (cited/referred) dalam tulisan, mendukung isi tulisan dan ditulis dalam daftar serta disusun menurut abjad. Hindari penulisan nama penulis/pengarang maupun Call for paper: editornya dengan huruf besar. Semua nama penulis harus ditulis, tidak boleh hanya nama penulis pertama dengan tambahan drr. Contoh : Prosiding (Proceeding): - Koning, T. and Darmono, F.X., 1984. The Geology of the Beruk Northeast Field, Central th Sumatra. Oil production from pre-Tertiary basement rocks. Proc. 13 Ann. Conv. IPA, Jakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal/Buletin: - Reich, M., Parada, M.A., Palacos, C., Dietrich, A., Schultz, F. and Lehman, B., 2003. Adakitelike signature of Late Miocene intrusions at the Los Pelambers giant porphyry copper deposit in the Andes of central Chile: metallogenic implications. Mineralium deposita, 38: 876-885. Peta: - Simandjuntak, T.O., Surono, Gafoer, S., dan Amin, T.C., 1991. Geologi Lembar Muarabungo, Sumatera, skala 1:250.000. 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Biogeography of some Eocene larger foraminifera, and their application in distinguishing geological plates. Paleontologica Electronica 6(1):22pp, 1.3MB; http://paleo-electronica.org/paleo/2003-2/geo/issue 2-03.htm 6. Dalam draft, gambar/peta/potret diletakkan pada halaman akhir makalah. 7. Keterangan gambar ditulis terpisah dari gambar “caption figures”, jangan ditulis di bawah gambar 8. Keterangan tabel juga diketik dalam satu spasi, diletakkan di atas tabel, tidak diakhiri dengan titik. Setiap awal kata, ditulis dengan huruf besar, kecuali kata depan dan kata sambung. 9. Naskah dikirim ke Dewan Redaksi sebanyak 2 copy