2013 May Newsletter - St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church


2013 May Newsletter - St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church
St. Sophia
Greek Orthodox Church
Newsletter May 2013
• Rev. Fr. George Gartelos
• Rev. Fr. Dan Suciu
Pastor Emeritus
• Rev. Fr. John A. Mangos
• Fr. John Stehling, Deacon,
• Holly Brkich, Office Manager
• Christ Coteff - President
• Bill Goodwin - V. President
• George Hathaway - Secretary
• Chris Rokas - Treasurer
• Effie Guiterrez
• Stan Masters
• Danny Organ
• Luis Salas
• Roger Sanftner
St. Sophia Greek
Orthodox Church
2504 N. St. Mary’s Street
San Antonio, TX 78212-3799
OFFICE . . . . . . . . . (210) 735-5051
HALL . . . . . . . . . . . .(210) 735-5043
FAX . . . . . . . . . . . . .(210) 735-7475
[email protected]
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday thru Friday
The Light of the Resurrection
“Come, receive the light from the
unwaning light, and glorify Christ,
Who has risen from the dead.”
With these words, proclaimed in the
midst of a darkened church, we are
invited to do something great…
something life-changing. Something
we have been preparing to do from the
beginning of our journey through
Triodion and Great Lent. Through the
Liturgical and Sacramental life in our
Holy Orthodox Church, we are
reminded of the realities of our Lord.
The messages we are sent throughout
the weeks leading up to the Feast of
Feasts speak to us about many things.
One of the themes present throughout is
that of preparation. And through the
spiritual disciplines of Fasting, Praying,
and Almsgiving, we strive to prepare
ourselves. But for what?
There are a couple of answers to this
On one hand, we are
preparing to celebrate the Resurrection
of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus
Christ. As we go through Great Lent,
and its services, we reach the
culmination on Holy and Great Pascha,
when we do in fact receive the Light of
Christ, Who is the Light. Throughout
the Pre-Lenten Sundays, as well as the
Sundays of Great Lent we are reminded
of the importance of repentance, and
I want to share part of an article that I
recently read, it is called The Light of
the Resurrection and was written by
Father Joseph Huneycutt.
All around the world Christians, just
like you, have been coming to
confession during Lent, and everyone
confesses the same thing. Oh, our sins
may be different, but the whole reason
we’re coming to confession is to
say: “I’m dark; I wish I was closer to
the Light. How can I be closer to the
Light?” Also, this time of year, I don’t
know if you’ve noticed, but the devil
knows that it’s Lent. You might not
follow the Church Calendar but the
devil does. And this time of year
brings temptations that seem to be
magnified by our unworthiness. True,
we are unworthy, but the devil tempts
us to think that we might just be
unworthy enough that we ought not to
be found in church; we’re not even
worthy to be called a Christian; we’re
not worthy to be a father, a mother, a
husband … These are lies. The light of
the resurrection disperses the darkness
and changes all of that. No matter
what co-worker you’re having trouble
with, what marital problems you may
be having, what problem child you
(Continued on page 2)
have – or what problem parents you have – the
light of the resurrection changes those
I’ve never met anyone who came to a Pascha
service and said, “Boy, I wish I hadn’t done
that.” But the only way that we can fully
appreciate the bright light of the resurrection, the
only way we can truly appreciate Pascha, is by
going to Jerusalem – and being beaten, and spat
upon, and crucified – which all begins with Holy
Week. In the end, all things look different in the
light of the resurrection even, according to the
hymns we’ll sing, the way we see our enemies will
be changed by the Light.
Without light, our darkened minds can play tricks
on us. It takes the light to show us the truth. Our
Lord is the Light. He is the Light and soon we are
going to participate in the greatest event in the
history of the universe: the resurrection of Jesus
But first, we must go to
Jerusalem. Beginning with Lazarus Saturday and
Palm Sunday, this is what we are all called to
do: go to Jerusalem. Why? Are we going to
Jerusalem to be beaten, spat upon, and
crucified? Sure. But the real reason we’re going
to Jerusalem is because the light of the
resurrection shines from there. And the light of the
resurrection changes people. Beatings, scourging,
crucifixions; they don’t really change you. You
may suffer; we all suffer in this life. But the light of
the resurrection changes things. Things look
different after the resurrection.
Yes, things do look different after the Resurrection.
We know the rest of the story. Saint John
Chrysostom reminds us of this fact in his Paschal
homily when he reminds us that He (Christ)
subdued it when it took hold of Him. He despoiled
Hades when He descended into Hades.
embittered it as it tasted of His flesh. And
anticipating this, Isaiah cried out, “Hades was
embittered when it encounterd you below”. He
continues a little later reminding us that“Christ is
risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen,
and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life
rules”. For Christ rising from the dead has become
the first to awaken among those who are asleep. To
Him be the glory and the power to the ages of ages.
Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
2013 Church Organizations
Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. George Gartelos...……....735-5051
Saturday, April 27
Lazarus Saturday
Parish Council, Christ Coteff, President……....372-1345
9:30 Divine Liturgy—Followed by
Sunday Church School Family Retreat
Theo Kaberides, President ......................... ….481-3846
Sunday, April 28
6:00 pm Bridegroom Service
Pamela Layden, Advisor............................ ….545-7597
Monday, April 29
6:00 pm Bridegroom Service
Tuesday, April 30
6:00 pm Bridegroom Service
Juleen Sanftner, President ……………………...872-0844
Wednesday, May 1
6:00 pm Holy Unction
Thursday, May 2
9:30 am St. Basil, Vesperal
6:00 pm 13 Gospels Service
Friday, May 3
9:00 am Royal Hours
Afterwards decorate Kouvouklion
3:00 pm Vespers –
Taking Down the Body of Christ
Stewardship Committee
John Lyons,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,682-556-2372
Barclay Anthony ........................................ ….495-8866
Stephanie Titerle, President ……….………….492-4958
Sunday School
Vanna Organ, Co-Director …………………….545-7597
6:00 pm Lamentations
Judy Coteff………………………..……………...413-9113
Saturday, May 4
9:30 am Holy Saturday Liturgy
11:30 pm Resurrection Service
Outreach Committee Chair
Sunday, May 6
Midnight Paschal Liturgy & YAL
Community Pot Luck
12:00 pm Agape Vespers
Nena Bratianu ........................................... ….651-6566
Librarian/Archivist & WEB Master’
Marlene Graham…………[email protected]
Easter Egg Hunt
Hellenic Organizations
Costa Sgagias, President …………….…………659-2677
Daughters of Penelope
Sandra Salas, President …………….……….....861-4627
College Graduates
Marie-Claire Alexandra Graham—will
graduate May 18th with a BFA (Bachelors of
Fine Arts) in Studio Art from the School of
the Art Institute of Chicago.
The Welzbacher family is proud to announce
the graduation of Robert Joseph Welzbacher
III from Texas A & M University, Mays
College of Business on May 11, 2013. He has
achieved a Bachelor of University Studies
with a Business Concentration, Minor in
Communication and Minor in Psychology.
High School Graduates
Theo Kaberides will graduate on June 7th
from Ronald Reagan High School. Theo
was a cadet for four years in the JROTC
program and participated on the armed drill
team, PT team and was commander of the
varsity orienteering team. In August, Theo
will continue his education at Texas A&M,
College Station in the Corps of Cadets. Theo
is the son of Peter and Kathy Kaberides and
brother of Niki Kaberides.
Congratulations Theo!
YAL (Young Adult League) Ministry
Sunday School News
The bible study portion of our meetings in April concluded
our review of the Old Testament and moved into the New
Testament. These discussions are setting the foundation for
our overall knowledge of the bible. Our appreciation goes
out to Fr. George for leading this study!
Nearly a dozen YAL members attended the General
Assembly on Sunday, April 14th. As growing families and
stewards of the church, it is imperative we become more
active in the decision making process at St. Sophia. If you
were able to stay, I'm sure you found the assembly to be
informative and perhaps even enlightening. Thank you to
everyone who attended - I hope we can increase our
attendance at the Fall assembly later this year!
The Month of May bring a couple exciting events our way
- the Pascha Celebration and Miles for Megan! The
Pascha Celebration will be held after the evening Pascha
service on Saturday, May 4th. We initiated this event last
year and it was a wonderful success. This joyous occasion
is open to the entire parish. Please join us in Mangos Hall
so we can all break our fast together. If you would like to
sign up to bring an item for the potluck, the sign up sheet is
located on the double doors leading into Mangos Hall.
Miles for Megan is St. Sophia's team for the Walk for
Lupus in Brackenridge Park. Thankfully this event will be
held on a Saturday this year - May 11th. More details
about this event are included in this church newsletter.
YAL meets every other Tuesday night at 7 PM in the
church office with fellowship beginning at 6:30 PM. If you
are between the ages of 18-35, we invite you to join us for
our meetings in which we discuss our upcoming events
and our bible study under the guidance of Fr. George. Our
next meeting dates are May 14th & May 28th - however,
we may not be meeting at the church, keep an eye out for
YAL emails and text alerts for the locations!
Please visit www.StSophiaYAL.wordpress.com or
email [email protected] for more information!
We want to welcome back Mrs. Catsifas to Sunday
Church School! We are so happy that she has been
able to return before the end of this year.
Many thanks to Ms. Stephanie Moran who answered
our prayers and filled in for Mrs. Catsifas during her
God Bless,
Juleen Sanftner
San Antonio YAL Chapter President
Thank You
Sunday School Staff
This is our last month of Sunday Church School
until the coming fall. Our last day of classes will be
Sunday, May 19th. We will be distributing our
attendance awards and recognizing our appreciation
for our Sunday Church School Teachers on this day
as well. It has been another fantastic year thanks to
our teachers, children, parents, and parish
As you know, Mrs. Vanna Organ and Mrs. Kim
Masters have served as Co-Coordinators of Sunday
Church School. They have given their time, talent
and treasure to this effort and we thank them for
their dedication and service to our community over
the many years. We pray that now others will spend
time in reflection and prayer to consider stepping
forward to fill these Coordinator positions so we can
continue this important ministry with our children at
St. Sophia. If you are interested please, contact Fr.
George at (210) 735-5051.
As in previous years we will be looking for
volunteers and planning our Vacation Church
School to be held this summer. We will share more
information when it becomes available.
St. George
The Great Martyr &
Celebrated on
May 6, 2013
9:30 Divine Liturgy
Tessa Maropis and Irini Tsounakas both received
Honorable Mention at the Metropolis Oratorical Festival
Ladies Philoptochos Society
Love & Charity in Faith
We are looking for women
with extraordinary hearts!
Help those who need it most
Learn, grow, create bonds
Come and make a difference
This past year Philoptochos reached an even higher level of philanthropy, disbursing $1,623,640 to various
charities and worthy causes nationally and worldwide. The amount, the largest ever donated, reaffirmed
Philoptochos as a nationally recognized and respected organization of women united by faith and mission.
It's enormously gratifying to know that our chapter, working with tireless dedication throughout the year,
contributed to this proud accomplishment. As stewards of Philoptochos we must continually strive to improve,
to do more, to be all we can be, looking for new ideas, suggestions and innovation while we honor the
traditional, time tested practices to raise funds.
And now we have a great opportunity to inspire, to encourage, to sponsor new members of our community to
join us and volunteer their energy, enthusiasm and many talents so that we can further our reach, grow faster, be
more effective and more successful in the Philoptochos mission. We must clearly and diligently communicate
our message - love, charity and faith in the service of Christ. What better a cause to serve, how better to make a
Vicki Kouroumousis has graciously invited us to gather at her lovely home for our Spring General Meeting on
May 11th. It's the perfect opportunity to invite someone new to join us, to see who we are, the work we do, the
bond that unites us, the joy we share helping those in need.
A new Philoptochos board will be elected to office this month and we look forward to welcoming and
supporting them wholeheartedly. We also thank the departing board members who have given generously of
their time and resources and will continue to be available whenever needed.
Wishing everyone the blessings of Pascha, It's truly time for celebration. ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ!
Mimi Gerleman
May 2 - Dyeing of Eggs, following Divine Liturgy
May 3 - Decorating Kouvouklion, following Royal Hours
May 6 - Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
May 11 - General Membership Meeting & Elections at 12 noon at Vicki Kouroumousis home.
May 12 - Swearing-in of new Board
May 19 - Teachers Appreciation Day
May 20 - Executive Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m.
A ‘Big’ thank you to everyone that
supported our Blood Drive!
I’m still not
doing it!!
At our April meeting, we
welcomed, Ion Bratianu, to the
AHEPA Family. Afterwards
we enjoyed some fellowship
along with some delicious food
provided by Ralph and Maria
Costas Sgagias, John Fotopoulos, Ion Bratianu, Jim Vamvakias, Christ Coteff
Our Dan Anthony Memorial Scholarship Fund/Sunday School Teachers Appreciation Day Luncheon
will be on Sunday, May 19th. Proceeds from the luncheon go to the scholarship fund. Right after that on
Monday, May 20th, we will have our AHEPA/Dan Anthony Scholarship Golf Tournament at the Club at
Sonterra. There is still time to be a sponsor and/or a player!
Right after that it will be time to get ready for the Texas Folklife Festival.
Our ‘Greek Booth’ will once again be part of the festival for 42 straight years.
Volunteer sign-up sheets are available. Please sign up to help.
We work hard every year to keep expenses to a minimum in order
to maximize our profit. However, with the cost of items increasing every year, this is very difficult to do. Raising our prices is
not really a practical option with the state of the current economy.
However, another option is to seek donations to offset the cost of items needed for the festival. As we have
done in the past, enclosed is a letter asking for donations to help off-set the expenses of our booth. In addition,
this option provides an excellent opportunity for those who may not be able to work at the Folklife Festival to
make a contribution to this worthwhile effort.
Following the festival the members of our AHEPA chapter and DOP Hecabe Chapter will
be hosting the 82nd AHEPA Family District 16 Convention in our beautiful city on June
21 -23. The theme for the convention is “Service to the AHEPA Family”. At the Grand
Banquet, on Saturday night, (see enclosed flyer) we will recognize Brother Jim Vamvakias
and Sister Helen Georgacakis, who combined have provided 123 years service to the
AHEPA Family.
This important gathering will host representatives and their families from the cities of Dallas, Houston, Clear
Lake, Galveston, Austin, Shreveport, Little Rock and New Orleans.
Our major fundraiser for this event is the publication and distribution of a Commemorative Convention
Album (see enclosed form). It provides an excellent opportunity to show your support of this event by placing an ad in the album in memory of family members, as a personal note or to showcase individual companies/
Thank you in advance for your outstanding support of all our AHEPA events.
Last but not least, next meeting will be May 13, 7pm
God Bless and Kalo Pascha, Costas Sgagias
Vita, Cindy, Stephanie, and Ellen serving a Lenten Meal.
CAM (Christian Assistant Ministries)
Food, Clothing and limited financial aid as well as employment resources
Some Hunger Facts: * Over 38 million Americans are food insecure. Of those 38 million, more than 13% skipping
meals so your children can eat. 16.4% of Texas' population is food insecure. 4.9% of Texas' population experience
hunger on a regular basis-more than one million people. Source: www.safoodbank.org)
..and the facts continue, but you can help. CAM is how.
The CAM box is in the Mangos community center for the collection of dry food staples. The OCMC canister(s) is
also there and in each Sunday school class for the collection of monetary funds.
Thank you to the following people that
read the prayers during the Friday
night Salutations Services, Panos and
Katerina Papanikolaou, Kaliana and
Con Gartelos, Lindsey Walker, Zayd
Kaberides, Penny Danos and Nikos
Papaniklaou. We appreciate you commitment to our Orthodox faith. God
bless each of you always.
Greek Independence Day Luncheon
We would like to thank the Community for your donations to
Goya as we provided our famous BP/J sandwiches at the General
Assembly in April.
Goyans will be serving lunch at Dan Anthony Memorial
Scholarship and Sunday School Appreciation Luncheon on May
There is still time to sign up for Camp Emmanuel in New
Mexico. Registration closes by midnight May 10, 2013. Go to
http://youth.denver.goarch.org click on Metropolis of Denver
Youth/ Youth Ministries.
Junior Session: June 9-15, 2013 (Ages 11-14)
Senior Session: June 16-22, 2013 (Ages 15-18)
Kalo Pascha, Pam Layden
Daughters of Penelope
Christós Anésti̱ - Christ has Risen!
It’s May! A special month this year for all Orthodox Christians throughout the world with the celebration of
Pascha on May 5th. We must take the time to remember the sacrifice that was made by Christ for us all.
May 12th, is also a special day because we will be celebrating Mother’s Day. Be sure to take the time to honor
that Special Lady in your life by telling her how important she is and how much you love her!
Well, we have just one more month until the AHEPA Family District Convention here in San Antonio! Are
you ready for the GREAT event? Make sure to mark your calendars for the dates of June 21st thru June 23rd.
The weekend will be one to remember, so don’t miss it! If you have any questions on how to register so you
can join in on the exciting weekend, contact me at (2010) 861-4627.
The month of April proved to be a busy month for our sisterhood. We started the month with our meeting on
4/8/13 followed by all of the hard work making ready for our annual EASTER BAKE SALE. I would like to
thank, Maria La Rochelle, Andrea Nichols and Toni Grauke for leading the preparations of all of the items that
were sold. Without their help, we would still be trying to decide what to do first! Also, a THANK YOU goes
out to all of the wonderful ladies who showed up with their gifted hands to help put together all of those delicious treats. Thanks to you all, our sale was a big success!
Our May meeting will be on 5/13/13. We have lots of things going on! We will be initiating a new member.
Please make your plans to attend and help us all welcome our new sister. We also will be having our elections
of the new 2013-2014 officers for the chapter. Come and help us decide who will lead our organization this
next year. In honor of Mother’s Day, we are asking all of the sisters to wear a special hat, maybe one like your
mother would have worn during the days of hats! Be creative! There will be a judging for the “BEST HAT”
and prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!!!
It is spring and I know that many of you are doing your spring cleaning right now. Don’t forget to gather up
all of your “NO LONGER WANTED” items for our July Rummage sale. You can start bringing these items
to the church starting May 20th.
We are looking forward to your generosity and a GREAT sale in July.
Remember, we are always interested in talking with ladies who would like to join our Sisterhood. Please
contact Effie Guiterrez, our Membership Chairman at [email protected]. She will be happy to assist you
by sending you an application.
Here’s to MAY! Have a GREAT month!
Christós Anésti̱ - Christ has Risen!
Sandra Salas
President 2012-2013
Hecabe Chapter #185
2013 Stewardship Pledges As of April 26th
Mr. & Mrs. Themis Alyfantis
Ms. Nicolette Alyfantis
Mr. & Mrs. Barclay Anthony
Mrs. Chrissy Anthony
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Anthony
Mr. Peter Anton
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Arthur
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Asvestas
Mr. Peter Azzouni
Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Bagnato
Ms. Jenny Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Eddie Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Boehme
Mr. & Mrs. Nasr Botros
Mr. & Mrs. Ion Bratianu
Mrs. Nena Bratianu
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Broadaway
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Brown
Mrs. Charlotte Bullock
Mr. Steve Calamar
Mrs. Olga Callins
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Callins
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Caris
Mrs. Catherine Carson
Mr. Chris Carson
Mr. & Mrs. George Carson
Ms. Niki Cascio
Ms. Annette Cash
Mrs. Beatrice Cataclos
Mrs. Katherine Catsifas
Mr. & Mrs. James Chagaris
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Chambers
Mrs. Leza Chryssovergis
Mr. & Mrs. Hayden Colby
Mrs. Katherine Copas
Dr. Maria Cormier
Mr. & Mrs. John Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Costas
Mr. & Mrs. Christ Coteff
Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Crabtree
Mrs. Anastasia Dale
Mrs. Lynda Dale-Roos
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Danos
Mr. John Danos
Mrs. Beatrice Demitre
Mr. Philip Demitre
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Dimas
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Dolan
Ms. Megan Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dolan
Mrs. Mary Beth Dracopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. John Dracopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle Dunn
Mr. Mark Epstein
Mrs. Kalliopi Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Fadrowski
Mr. Anthony Fafoutakis
Ms. Athena Fafoutakis
Mrs. Maggie Flannery
Mr. & Mrs. Sostenes Flores
Mr. & Mrs. John Fotopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fugate
Fr. & Presv. George Gartelos
Mr. & Mrs. George Gavallos
Mrs. Helen Georgacakis
Ms. Nicolette Georgacakis
Mr. William D. Georgacakis
Dr. & Mrs. James Georgoulakis
Mrs. Mary Ellen Georgoulakis
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Gerleman
Mr. & Mrs. William Goodwin
Mr. Basile Goungetas
Mr. & Mrs. John Graham
Ms. Antoinette Grauke
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Green
Mr. & Mrs. Gabe Gutierrez
Ms. Christina Hamblin
Mr. George Hathaway
Ms. Elizabeth Heacox
Mrs. Patsy Hensley
Mrs. Evagelia Hloros
Ms. Jean Homitsky
Ms. Athena Houghtaling
Mr. & Mrs. Marq Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Kaberides
Mrs. Lucille Karagas
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Karras
Mr. & Mrs. Kostantinos Kastis
Fr. & Presv. John Kondratick
Miss Irene Kondratick
Mr. Steven Kotsatos
Mr. & Mrs. Iraklis Kouroumousis
Mr. Jerry Kouroumousis
Mrs. Juanita Krause
Ms. Eunice Kritsidimas
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph LaRochelle
Ms. Anna Larkin
Mrs. June Laurel
Mr. & Mrs. William Layden
Mr. & Mrs. Albert Lymberry
Mr. John Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Macris
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Malouf
Mr. George Manolopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Maropis
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Maroudas
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Masters
Mr. William Mastoris
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mayo
Mr. & Mrs. William McQueen
Miss Kalli McQueen
Mr. & Mrs. Symeon Michaelidis
Ms. Stephanie Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Munoz
Ms. Amanda Myres
Mrs. Helen Nelson
Ms. Andrea Nichols
Mrs. Isabelle Nichols
Ms. Katherine Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Organ
Mr. & Mrs. Harris Papahronis
Mr. & Mrs. Nikos Papanikolaou
Mr. John Paris
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Peña
Mrs. Ellen Pepps
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Peppas
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Petrutsas
Mrs. Catherine Postolos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Pourliakas
Ms. Amy Polykratis
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Quinton
Ms. Danielle Rappaport
Mr. & Mrs. John Reeves
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Reeves
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Rokas
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Rokas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Romell
Mr. Earl Ryburn
Mrs. Mary Saflekos
Mrs. Juliann Sakelakos
Mr. & Mrs. Luis Salas
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sanftner
Mrs. Dorothy Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Costa Sgagias
Mr. & Mrs. Munther Shamieh
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Sidler
Ms. Annie Sierra
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Skinner
Mr. Dante Small
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Smith
Ms. Genet Solomon
Mrs. Helen Stanley
Mr. James Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. James Stutzman
Fr. & Presv. Dan Suciu
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Swainhart
Ms. Negatwa B. Tachebele
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Titerle
Mr. & Mrs. Kline Torres
Ms. Senia Tovar
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Tsirigotis
Mrs. Beth Tsounakas
Mr. James Vamvakias
Mr. & Mrs. Augustus Vangelakos
Mrs. Georgia Varelas
Mr. & Mrs. James Varelas
Mr. & Mrs. John Velentzas
Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis Velentzas
Mr. & Mrs. James Verreos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Vlattas
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John Watkins
Ms. Christina Welzbacher
Mr. & Mrs. Dylan White
Dr. & Mrs. Jerome Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wolfe
Mrs. Elly Xenakis
Mr. Reggie Yamanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Yiannos
Mrs. Georgia Zannares
Mr. & Mrs. John Zannidachis
Our Church Family
May 2013
Happy Birthday!
Bryan Cash
Juliann Sakelakos
Christina M. Hamblin
Christina Perdikis
Justin Strout
Panagiotis (Peter) Velentzas
Peter Z. Lardas
Leona Moore
Timothy Swainhart
Senia Tovar
Kyra Fugate
Caren Alyfantis
Kathie Maroudas
Joseph Fugate
Chris Maroudas
Nina Rokas
Alex Barrow Jr.
Ralph Cortinas
Maria Evans
Matthew Oserov
Sam Maropis
Emmanuel Michaelides
Rolf Butler
Peter C. Anton Sr.
Nicholas Berlint
Maritsa Dinibutun
Constantin Bratianu
Georgia Poenitzsch
Diana Tsirigotis
Dawn Mayo
Abel Tegene
Anastasia Dale
Lisa Papadopoulos
Ty Ledford
Jessica Sauerwein
Thomas Vlattas
Paula M. Dodge
Alexander Dracopoulos
John N. Fotopoulos II
Charles Koutras
Luke Butler
Shane Postor
Annette Constandine
Michael Milan Boutsis
Yanna Goodwin
Menna Teferra
Cynthia Asvestas
Alexia Organ
Andrea Nichols
Noor Shamieh
Elizabeth Diakogiannis
Helen Georgacakis
Sotirios Peppas
Helen Frank
Nicholas Mitran
Sherry Fotopoulos
Annie Sierra
Ralph Erian
Kalliopi Evans
Nick Papanikolaou
Christos Rodriguez
Eleni Kylitis
John E. Zannidachis
Happy Anniversary!
Victor & Mimi Gerleman
Jeffery & Maria Boehme
Sammy & Anna Hale
Christ & Judith Coteff
Peter & Lamar Kastis
Dennis & Chris Peppas
Rudy & Michelle Bagnato
John & Paula Dodge
Thimios & Barbara Partales
John & Francine Zannidachis
Michael & Christina Albrecht
Constantine & Sara Malouf
Eddie & Stacy Bishop
George & Liz Diakogiannis
Steve & Sofia Hudkins
Petros & Silvana Papagerakis
John & Sylvia Wolf
Please pray for the brothers and
sisters listed on the this page who
are sick. If you are sick, please let
us know so we can pray for you
as God’s family. Please let us
when you are having
surgical procedures and Fr.
George will perform the
PARAKLEISIS Service during your
procedure. In the event of any
hospitalization, please let us
know so we can bring the Lord’s
comfort in prayer or sacrament.
MEMORIALS can be announced
in the newsletter calendar, however,
must be recorded by the 15th in
the church office prior to the
printing of the following months
calendar. Newsletter deadlines remain the 15th of the month.
Remember in your
Fr. Dan Suciu
Stacy Bishop
Mary Ann Colias
Katie Copas
Dora Costa
Phillip Demitre
Megan Dolan
John Dracopoulos
Kristina Frey
Michelle Frey Gutt
Don Hucthinson
Fr. John Kondratick
Fr. John Mangos
Fred Marsh
Mimi Moultrup
Katie Nelson
Peter Papadakis
Tom Poulos
Harry Rokas
Georgia Schoells
Walt & Mina Sidler
Sophia Sotiriou
Helen Stanley
J. Tyler Stanley
Ismene Valescu
Niki Walker
Sylvia Wolf
Anthony Zannaras
John 14:6
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the
truth, and the life. No one comes to the
Father, except through Me”
Editor’s Note
Remember that the Newsletter
deadline is May 15 for the June/July
2013 issue. You may either mail, fax or
e-mail your articles or items before the
(Addresses are on the front page). If
your name does not appear in the
birthday or anniversary lists, please fill
out a Church Register form located in
the Hall pamphlet rack and return it to
the office. If you know anyone who is
ill and not on the Prayer List and
would like their name listed, call the
Church Office at 735-5051.
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Change Service Requested
May 5
Epistle Reading: Acts 1:1-8
Gospel Reading: John 1:1-17
May 12
Epistle Reading: Acts 5:12-20
Gospel Reading: John 20:19-31
May 19
Epistle Reading: Acts 6:1-7
Gospel Reading: Mark 15:43-47; 16:1-8
May 26
Epistle Reading: Acts 9:32-42
Gospel Reading: John 5:1-15