Period of Filing of Application
Period of Filing of Application
Republic of the Fhilippines Department of the lnteriorand Local Govemment NATIONAL FOLICE CO!frMISXIION MakatiCity PN P EXAMINATION A}.INOUT.ICEMENT The National Police Commission, pursuant to its constitutional mandate tc administer and control the Phitippine National Police {PNP), will conduct nationwide the PI{P ENTRAF*CE EXAft#! fqATI*N on ocToBER 20. 2{tr3 The PNP ENTRANCE EXAMINATION is open to all Filipino citizens rivho meet lhe age, height and educational rcquirements as provided herein, as rlell as to Police Officers I (PO1) whose appointments are ternporary for lack of appropriate eligibility. Those who pass this examination are confened by the National Po{ce Comrnission (NAPOLCOM) the PNP Entrance eligibility which is appropriate for appointment to the rank of PO1, as prcscdbed under Sec. 30 of Republic Act No. 6975, as amended by Republic Act No. 8551. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. DO NOT APPLY IF YOU ARE NOT SUALIFIED. Examination Date October 20, 2OlS lt. Period of On-line Application Scheduting : Period of Filing of ut. Application July 29 -August 7,2A13 : August 19 - Septembsr 13, 2013 THE NAPOLCOM UTILIZES THE ON{-rNE EXAMtNAnOil AppLtCATtON SCHEDULING SYSTEM {OLEASS} FOR THE SCHEDULING OF THE FILING OF APPLICATIONS FOR THE PNP ENTMNCE AND PROMOTIONAL EXAMIIIATIONS. ONLY 4?EIICANTS WITI{ A C*NfIRMED SPI{ESUI-E,P APPS{ruTNEET WITH REFERENCE ruL}MPER $HALI BE ENTERT-AIruED, -- IN VIEW OF RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS, THE REGIONAL OFFICE RESER\IES THE RIGFIT TO LIMIT THE NUMBER OF E.]{AMINEES IT WLL ACCO{i{iIIODATE. ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS SHALL BE ON A FIRST-COME. FIRST-SERVED" BASISAND, UPON DUE NOTICE, MAY BE STOPPED EVEN AHEAD OF THE DEADLINE. IV. TEST CENTERS REGION EXAfrJI CENTER REGION EXAM CENTER Reg. 1 San Femando Cig ReS.6 lloiloCity Reg. 2 Tuguegarao City Reg. 7 Cebu City Reg. 3 San Femando City, Pampanga Reg. I Tacloban City Reg.4A Calamba City ReS. 9 Pagadian City Reg.48 Calapan City Reg. 10 Cagayan de Oro City Reg. 5 Legazpi City R€9. 11 Davao Citlt V. REGION EXAM CENTER 12 Koronadal City CAR Baguio City CAMGA Butuan ARMM Cstabato City NCR MakatiGily Reg. A $CHEDI,JLED APPOINTMENT FOR FILING OF APPLICATION FOR THE PNP ENTRANCE EXAMINATION HOW TO GET 1. A. Applicant logs on to the NAPOLCOM official website at *, clicks on the ONLINE EXAMINATION APPLICATION SCIIEDULING SYSTEM and fills out the mandatory fietds as follows: Last Name First Name Middle Name r . r . r . r r EmailAddress Home Address Cellphone No. Prefen€d Exam Center (for regional officewith turc (2) or mor€' Exam Centers) Exam Title \ Additional mandatory fields to be filled out by Entrance Exam applicants: Gender . r . r . : Height Age Birthdate Course Completed NameofSchool 2. A. Applicant clicks SUBilIT after filling out the mandatory fields. A CONFIRMATION wi[ appear if submission was successful. lf not, the.process should be repeated. B. Applicant waits for the letter*reply which will be sent to the email address he/she registered, confirmirg his/her scheduled appointment for filing hislher application for the PNP Entrance Examination. C. Applicant prints the letter-reply and presents/submits it, together with the other requirements, io the Exam Processor at the NAPOLCOM Regional Office where helshe prefers to take the examination. IMPORTANT Applicant rnust be ai the NAFOLCOi'"ri Regicnei Office at least 15 minutes pi"ior to hislher scheduied appa;rltu'fieni date rviih ali ii:e reqr.;iren:*nts. vt. WHERE TO GET APPLICATION FORMS AND INDEX CARDS Application Forms (NAPOLCOM Form 1-A) and lndex Cards can be obtained for FREF at any NAPOLCOM Regional Office nationwi&, or may be dovwloaded from the NAPOLCOM websate at These may also be BEPRODUCEP using the original size of the Application Form and lndex Card. vlt. HOW TO FILE An applicant should file hisltrer application, together with all the required supponting documents, on hi#her scheduled appointment PERSONALLY only at the NAPOI-COM Regional Office where he/she intends to take the examination. APPLICATIONS RECEIVED THRU POSTAL MAIL SHALL NOT BE PROCESSED. vilt. WHAT TO BRING WHEN FILING 1 2. 3. lrinted lefter-reply/conesponding reference number confinning the scheduled appointment An Application Fortn (NAPOLCOM Form 1-A) and lndex Card, duly aceomplished by the applicant and two {2} recent and identical 1" x 1" lD picttrrcs (in color) with white background and cimptete laTe tag (indicate rank before the first, middle and last namesr if pNp member) Police Examination Fee: Four Hundred Pesos (p+00.00) NO OTI.NER FEES $FIALL BE COLLHCTED. 919 (1] legal-size vglndow enveloF with nine pesos (R).00) worth of rnaitino stqmos (for NCR, CAR, Regions 1, 2,3, 4 a1d 5) and twelve pesos (F12.@) wortr ot maiting6tamps (foi Visayas, Mindanao, Occidental and Oriental Mindoro, and palawan] Transcript of Sctrolastic Record (with Special Ader issued hy CHEil) or Diploma from CHEd" accredited scfrools, state universities and colleges. 6. Birth Certificate issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) or by the main and field offices of the National Statistics Otrce (NSOi 7. For a PO1 with temporary appointmer*, a mrtified copy d Attestect Appointnent, plantilla Appointment or Special Order. 5. An examinee who fails in an exam or afier being adrnit{ed to take said exam, fails to take it for one reason or another, need not rcsubmit the rcquirements should helshe apply again for the ssrne exam in the same exam center. The applicant will only have to: (a) submit the ADMlssloN sllp of the last exam appied foq {b) fill out a new applicalion farm and index card with lD pidures; and, {c) paythe exarninati,on fee. \ : .IX. OF EXAMINATION ',IOTIFICATION A qualified applicant shall be issued a Nctice of Admission on the day helshe files hislher application br the examination. However, to confinn the status of said application, he/she may verify from the NAPOLCOM Regional Office where said application was filed. X. EXAMINATION COVERAGE The thre+.hour examination consisting of objective-type/multiple choice items, covers the following subject areas: General fnfsrmation Philippine Constitution and Govemrnent Philippine History (Significant Events, People and Places) PNP Law and History Laws and Jurisprudence (Functions and Empowerment) Five (5) Piltars of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) Current Events {SocialAwareness and Value Judgment) Reasoning Vocabulary Comprehension Grammar Verbal XI. Reasoninq Concepts Skills Quantitative Logical Reasoning Basic Problem-Solving lnduction Deduc{ion Synthesis WHAT TOWEARON EXAMINATION DAY PLAIN WHITE T€HIRT OR WHITE POLO SH|RT, DARK PANTS and SHOES. EXAMINEES NgT I:{ THE PRE$CRJBED ATTIRE WLL NOT BE ALLSWSD TO ET{TER THE EXAMINATION CENTER XII. WHAT TO BRING DURING THE EXAMINATION 1. Notice of Admission 3. Any valid identification card with picture and signature 2. Pencil No.2 e WA-R.NING o tsRII\iGi$IG iN OF P.&iY OF Ti{E F*LLOHfiil$G IftdSI&g Ti+E TESTI*,iG CEI{TER Firearm {should be deposited o_-qlgldg the exanrination areai Cellular phone, pager or any two,way radio set Review ir.aterial is *TR{CTLY FRCIrilEITED. Caiculator sr any eiectronic gadget Explasive or any dead{y 'l'reafiron " " VIOLATION OF THIS RUI.E $I+ALL AUTOMATICALLY SISGUALIFYAN FXAF,{If.JEE FROtrITAKING THE EXAMIfiIAT}OI{ AF'i* $FIALL RE$ULT I&I THF F{U!-L'FIE&TECi{ OF iiiSIi*ER EXEMENATICIN XIII. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION STANDARDS PNP ENTRANCE EXAMINAR ON APPLICAIITI CLASSNFICATION AGE CIVILIAN Not more than POl fTemnorarvl I{EIGHT MALE : 30 vearsold 1,62 meters FEMALE: 1.57 rneters None None EDUGATIONAL ATTAINMENT BachebCsDegree Baciefor's Degree *MPOLCOM MC No. 2007{0S, $ec.7 ltim No. 4, re ilnended by MPOLCOM MC No. 2011{01, provides trat ffre minimrxn heigt requir*nent tur pNp 4pliwtb tito ae malsas of indigenous communili€s $ta[ be 1.52 rnebs for md€s and I .45 mders frr femabs. Fa e<aminalion prrp&e, trey are reqled to submit a Cerlifcation of lheir bbal membershb lssued b, tte Main Office of ihe National Commbsion on lndgenous Peoples tre Omce on tutustfi afalr* 1UCte1 (OMA) {now l,latkmal Gqnmission on Mr.elin Filipinos(NCMF)), or a Heighi l+aiva issued by ttre NAPOLcoii. i T 'XlV., ' NOTIi:ICATION OF RESULTS: The nationwide List of $uccessful Examinees will be posted at the NAPOLCOM Central Office located at 371 Senator Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City and at the NAPOLCOM website. Similarly, a Regional List will be posted in each of the NAPOLCOM Regional Offices. For inquiries, examinees may log on to the NAPOLCOM web address at www.napolqpm.go-v,ph. EXAMINATION RESULTS - Report of Rating (RR) will be mailed to the examinee's mailing address. Verification may be made with the Examination Division, Personnel and Administrative Service (PAS), NAPOLCOM Gentral Office. An examinee who passed the test but did not receive hislher RR may request for the issuance of a certificatiqn frorn the same office, upon payrnent of One Hundred Fiftv Pesos (F150.00). For requests sent through postal mail, payment shall be in money order form payable to the National Police Commission, # 371 Senator Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City 1200. XV. ADDITIONALINFORMATION: It is understood that all data written by the applicant on the Application Form and lndex Card, including infiormation contained in the required subrnitted documents are mnsidered TRUE AlrlD C9RRECT and shall be treated as official data. AN APPLICANT'S QUAL|FICRTIOI'{S RRf SUzueCf T.Q FINAL REVIBry AND VERIFICATION BY THE EXAMINATION DIVISION*PERSONN-L ANb ffiTMAYBE REQUlRHDToPRESFNTADDlTloNALDocUMffiNEcFsSARY'THETEST RESULT OF AN EXAMINEE SHALL BE CANCELLEDIINVALIDATED IF IT IS ESTABLISHED THAT HHSHE DOES NOT QUALIFY FOR THE EXAMINATION. THE NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION HAS A COMPUTER SYSTEM THAT KEEPS TRACK OF THE AN$WER PATTERNS OF EXAMINEES. IF TWO OR MORE EXAMINEES HAVE A HIGH PFRGENTAGE OF S"I4'TAR AIVSI4/ER PATTERJVS. THIS SHALL RESULT IN THE INVALIDATION OF THEIR TEST RESULTS. + f#ARNlFtiG ' ANYCINE WI.IS #ONfiMITS AruY FORfuI OF FXAffiINATISf-T $RRHGULARITY, $Uf;H AS Cl-IEATING' SMpER$ft[.JATlffiN, PERJIJRY, fiR Vl*LATESru SF EXAffI$hlF\TBffiFd RULH$, FTC", $HALL tsE DEALT WfTfr-i ASf$IIMISTRATIIfELY AFd*fSR SRIIffitMALLY" fFii -4trffiIT*ON, Fi{$/*{HR EXAtrINATi*M RffiSilLT'S Af{S f;LiGEfiII-ITY S*iA[-;- #H {MX/&LiffiATES" CONFIDENTIAL REPCIRT ON EXAMINATION.RELATED ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES MAY gE REFORTED TO: Examination Bivision, Personnel and Administrative Service NATIONAL POLICE COMMI $SION 371 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue, Makati City 1200 Telephone Nos: {02} 899-00-85 and (02) 403€5€8 or ANY NAFOLCOM REGIONAL OFFICE t