Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan
Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan
Roman Catholic Church of Saint Aidan 505 Willis Avenue, Williston Park, New York 11596 516-746-6585 516-746-6055 (Fax) The Salvation of Souls is the Supreme Law Mission Statement We, the parish family of the Church of Saint Aidan, strengthened by the Eucharist and encouraged by the Word of God, welcome all, for we recognize that everyone is a child of God and no one should be excluded. Guided by the Holy Spirit through prayer, we strive as one to build the Body of Christ. We commit ourselves to nurturing life-long faith formation, fostering lay leadership, promoting social justice, engaging our youth in every aspect of parish life, and offering care and compassionate service to all. We invite everyone to walk with Jesus and experience His healing power and love. Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, 2016 Praise the Lord, who lifts up the poor. The Pastoral Staff Rev. Msgr. James M. McDonald, Pastor - ext. 9108 Rev. Jeff Yildirmaz, Associate Pastor - ext. 9105 Rev. Jerry Mathew, Associate Pastor ‘Rev. Damian Halligan, SJ In Residence Deacon Salvatore B. Villani Deacon Francis J. Love - ext. 9557 Deacon Rudy Martin - ext. 9412 Mr. Drago Bubalo, DMA (cand). Music Director ext. 9130 E-mail address [email protected] St. Aidan School (Grades Nursery-3. ext. 9202, 9203) (Grades 4-8, ext. 9302, 9303) Miss Eileen P. Oliver, Principal Mrs. Julie O’Connell, Assistant Principal Faith Formation and Spirituality - ext. 9404, 9405 Mrs. Elaine Smith, Director of Faith Formation & Special Needs ext. 9406 Parish Social Ministry - ext. 9408 Ms. Rosemarie Cavallaro, Director - ext. 9410 Youth Ministry Mr. Stephen Loewenthal, Coordinator - ext. 9403 [email protected] Pastoral Council - ext. 9592 Members: Toti Conforti, Cathy Frischmann, Bonnie Parente, Erin Flynn, Mary Ellen Testa, Suellen Peterson, and Jackie McHugh Xavier Fleming Buildings & Grounds Department—ext. 9122 Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday Morning 9:00 AM Saturday Evening 5:00 and 7:30 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, *10:30 AM, 12:00 PM & 5:00 PM *Liturgy of the Word for Children Daily: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 12:30 & 5:30 PM Monday thru Friday Morning Prayer 8:40 AM Monday thru Saturday Baptism Baptism of Children: Each month on the 1st Sunday and 3rd Sunday at 1:30 PM ceremony. Required: Parents’ class on the 2nd Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass. For baptismal information, contact the Rectory office ext. 9101 Tuesday-Friday between the hours of 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. BAPTISM CLASS FOR NEW PARENTS The required Baptism class for new parents is held the second Sunday of each month beginning with the 12:00 Mass parents are asked to gather at St. Joseph’s statue to the right of the main altar. Penance/Reconciliation The Sacrament of Penance is celebrated every Saturday from 1:00-1:30 PM and 4:00-5:00 PM in our church or by appointment. Marriage Arrangements are to be made at the Rectory office at least 9 months in advance. Pre-Cana and FOCCUS registrations must be arranged through the parish. Anointing of the Sick & Communion of the Sick The anointing of the sick takes place after the 12:00 PM Mass on the 4th Sunday of each month. Anyone who is homebound may receive Holy Communion at home on a regular basis. Eucharistic ministers assist the priests in this ministry. Please call the rectory ext. 9101. Adoration First and third Fridays of the month 1:00-3:00 PM in the Church. 12:30-1:30 PM on Saturdays in the church. TWENTY FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASSES AND SERVICES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 St. Januarius, Bishop and Martyr Prv 3: 27-34; Lk 8: 16-18 6:30 AM Eleanor Kelly (Birthday Rem.) 7:30 AM Rosa Barao-Thompson 9:00 AM Meghan Jestic (Birthday Rem.) 12:30 PM Clyde Perro, Jr. (Birthday Rem.) 5:30 PM Daniel Kopetic (2nd Anniversary Rem.) TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2016 St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon, Priest, and Paul Chong Ha-sang and Companions, Martyrs Prv 21: 1-6, 10-13; Lk 8: 19-21 6:30 AM Mary Ann Voulo 7:30 AM Susana Panal (Birthday Rem.) 9:00 AM Joseph Reardon 12:30 PM Msgr. Robert Kirwin 5:30 PM Angeline Castagna (1st Anniversary Rem.) 7:30 PM Meditation on Mary (Fr. Damian) WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Eph 4: 1-7, 11-13; Mt 9: 9-13 6:30 AM Danny Steiniger 7:30 AM Parishioners of St. Aidan 9:00 AM Joseph Sirotnak (1st Anniversary Rem.) 12:30 PM Julito De Castro 5:30 PM Pasquale Salva (Birthday Rem.) THURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2016 Weekday Eccl 1: 2-11; Lk 9: 7-9 6:30 AM Msgr. Robert Kirwin 7:30 AM Parishioners of St. Aidan 9:00 AM Lv. Ints. of Elise Sainato 12:30 PM Joseph Sayour 5:30 PM Esther Balisteri (Birthday Rem.) FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 St. Pius of Pietrelcina, Priest Eccl 3: 1-11; Lk 9: 18-22 6:30 AM Frances Kivatisky 7:30 AM Catherine F. Meyer 9:00 AM Helen Sullivan 12:30 PM Dcd. Mbrs. of Shuell/Grybowski Family 1:00-3:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration (Chapel) 3:00 PM Kasey Hughes/Michael Vila (Nuptial Ceremony) 5:30 PM Bob & Rita Hesse (In Thanksgiving 60thWedding Anniversary) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 Weekday Eccl 11: 9—12: 8; Lk 9: 43b-45 9:00 AM Kathryn Albertini (1st Anniversary Rem.) 12:30-1:30 PM Confessions SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 CONTINUED 5:00 PM John Persico (2nd Anniversary Rem.) Diane T. Coppolo (3rd Anniversary Rem.) Joseph Munson Margaret Monfort 7:30 PM Therese & Ralph Sposato SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Am 6: 1a, 4-7; 1 Tm 6: 11-16; Lk 16: 19-31 7:30 AM Parishioners of St. Aidan 9:00 AM Tim Foley 10:30 AM James G. Brassill (20th Anniversary Rem.) 12:00 PM Ryan Meegan Ronnie Ledwith (1st Anniversary Rem.) Antonio Machado John Fitzgerald 5:00 PM Maria Ester Oliviera ANOINTING OF THE SICK AFTER THE 12:00 PM MASS LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR The Little Sisters of the Poor will be at our parish this weekend, September 17th/18th. Many of you know the Little Sisters of the Poor in their ministry with the elderly poor. The Sisters depend on your generosity to help them provide a safe and comfortable home for the elderly men and women in the Queen of Peace Residence in Queens Village. There the Residents are surrounded with love, respect, peace and security until their death. The Sisters will be at the doors of the church as you leave Mass to receive your donations. Please be as generous as your means allow. BREAD & WINE MEMORIAL In Loving Memory of CHARLES DOMBECK Requested by Margaret Lyons SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 STUPID AND CHEERFUL About two weeks ago in New York City the radio psychologist Dr. Joy Browne died suddenly. At the time of her death she was still broadcasting and giving advice on a variety of subjects. As you might imagine, I had many areas of disagreement with her because she believed in a number things that are opposed to the teaching of Christ and the Catholic Church. For example, she accepted divorce and remarriage as well as artificial contraception. At the same time, I must say she was a superb listener and had a great talent of getting people to come to the point. She also treated her listeners with respect and dignity. In this article I want to reflect on three of her key ideas that I believe are very useful in the living of the Christian life. One piece of advice that was a constant with her was the principle of Stupid and Cheerful. I have found this very useful in a variety of situations. It goes like this. You are minding your own business and are confronted by someone who wants to stir up some kind of trouble. He or she is angry because what someone did or didn't do—and they want to bring you into the fray. It even may be that they want to criticize you or a friend or relative. Instead of getting involved, you simply act as if you knew nothing about the matter at hand and be kind and pleasant. You might be surprised how often it works! It's a new twist to the old biblical principle, "A soft answer turns away wrath, but harsh words make tempers flare.”(Proverbs 15:1) A great piece of advice was: Don't Start World War III. This is an absolute gem and can be used by everybody! Let me give you just two examples. You didn't get invited to a party at your in-laws and your feelings are hurt because you feel they never liked you anyway. Instead of making a big fuss, keep your mouth shut and enjoy a free day. Avoid a family ruckus. Help your marriage by letting something pass. Create your own happiness and don't depend on the affirmation of relatives or in-laws. Another good example is preserving peace and tranquility. Peace in the family is a priority. Don't disrupt that peace over unnecessary fighting. What they name the new baby is the parents' business—not yours. Avoid taking sides in family disputes—pray for the parties, listen and keep your opinions to yourself. You don't need to join the fight. There are, of course, situations in which a follower of Christ has to speak up. We can never countenance or even give the appearance of approving moral evil, but we don't need to be troublemakers or self-righteous people. After all, as St. Paul says "charity is the bond of perfection." (Col 3:14) Joy Browne was noted for the "dreaded one year rule." Basically she thought that if you left a serious relationship, you should not get into a new one for at least a year. I think this is debatable—but there is a wisdom behind it. People are often so hurt after a breakup that they almost immediately look for another relationship—and sometimes this is simply a band-aid approach. Whether or not you agree, the point is that human beings need to be honest with themselves and avoid a quick fix approach to the very complex matter of human relationships. Followers of Christ must always keep in mind that marriage is a sacred relationship between a man and woman and should be entered into only after prayer, reflection and spiritual preparation. I said a prayer for Dr. Joy Browne when I heard of her death. While we had serious disagreements, I learned a lot from her. In Jesus and Mary, Monsignor James M. McDonald PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK & DECEASED SICK: Christine Schifaudo, Christine Lucivero, Cecilia Han, Geraldo Peixoto, Kimberly Holmes, Father Brian Dalton, Stacy Test, Owen Hogan, Kathleen Gattis, Joseph Fitzgerald, Rita Amendola, Virginia Fallon, Joyce French, Barney Rinaldi, Judy Eberso-Kostovick, Chris Lynch, Michael Vladich, Terry Laughlin, Anthony Rosario, Deacon Frank Love, Kimberly Kurz, Catherine Reardon, Bob Hesse, Margaret Cacioppo, Audrey Scott, Toti Conforti, Maryann O’Brien, Karen Manolis, Philip Capobianco, John Baglione, Cathy Fritz, Jessica Dribble DECEASED: Roland Truman, Ana Bubalo, James Dunn, Barbara Wasielewski, Frank Perri, Concetta Cusumano, Christopher Dowdell, Barbara Ueland and for all those who have died serving our country. REMEMBERING OUR SERVICEMEN & WOMEN Protect our service men and women, Lord Jesus, as we continue to pray for world peace. September 18, 2016 Catechetical Sunday Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: As the chief catechist of the Diocese of Rockville Centre I am delighted to join you in the celebration of Catechetical Sunday 2016! How appropriate it is for us to focus on this year’s theme: “Prayer: The Faith Prayed” as we continue our celebration of the Year of Mercy. This year’s theme reminds me of the adage used so frequently by liturgists for many centuries: lex orandi lex credendi. This Latin phrase states so succinctly the intimate relationship between the law of prayer and the law of belief. What a timely meditation for all of the baptized who are called by Pope Francis to be missionary disciples in the world today. We cannot spread the Gospel if we don’t first pray. We can’t know the Gospel if we do not hear the Word of God proclaimed in our Sunday assemblies. On this Catechetical Sunday we give thanks to all those in our parishes who give their time and talent to bringing the Word to life in our various catechetical programs. We give thanks too for all who strive to make our Sunday liturgies opportunities for our families to gather and pray as one, holy, catholic and universal church here in the Diocese of Rockville Centre as they pray together at Sunday Mass in the parish. As we continue to pray during this Year of Mercy let us reach out to all those who participate in our catechetical programs. Let us provide opportunities for them to come to Sunday Mass to experience the joy of being one with us as we come together each week as the Merciful Body of Christ. With my prayers and best wishes, I am Faithfully yours in Christ, PO Box 9023, Rockville Centre, New York 11571–9023 • telephone 516.678.5800 • fax 516.678.3138 • ST. PIUS X ENRICHED LIVING FACILITY FUND On September 24th/25th, we will have our special second collection for the retired priests of our Diocese who reside, or are recuperating at St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility in Amityville. The facility accommodates our retired priests who require assistance with daily living, while still allowing them to serve as active, fully engaged members of the community. It also is a place for our priests to go on a temporary basis as they recover from illness or other injury. A brochure highlighting the St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility may have been mailed to you, or may be found in church today. Please take a brochure and prayerfully consider a donation to the St. Pius X Enriched Living Facility Fund. You may use your envelope to place this donation in the mail or drop in the collection basket next weekend, the weekend of September 24th/25th. On behalf of all the priests serving our Diocese, I thank you for your concern and generosity. Monsignor James M. McDonald Pastor The Church of St. Aidan will be purchasing 6 new chalices for distribution of the precious blood at Mass. They will be available for memorialization at a cost of $600.00 each. They will be engraved on the bottom of the chalice. If you are interested in memorializing a chalice, please complete the following information, make all checks payable to the Church of St. Aidan and return to the Rectory office. Any questions please call (516) 746-6585 x9101. Name____________________________ Telephone________________________ Email address_____________________ Inscription _______________________________ _______________________________ STEWARDSHIP 09/13/15 $25,665 09/11/16 $27,292 (+0.28%) CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY COLLECTION 09/13/15 $ 3,864 09/11/16 $ 3,615 (-6.42%) This weekend’s second collection is for Religious Education. Next week second collection is for the Pius X Enriched Living Facility Thank you for your kind and generous support of our parish. FLOWER MEMORIALS In Thanksgiving (Mary’s Shrine) In Thanksgiving (St. Joseph’s Shrine) In Thanksgiving (Sacred Heart Shrine) In Thanksgiving (St. Therese Shrine) In Thanksgiving (St. Anthony’s Shrine) SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK The opportunity to be anointed with the Oil of the Sick will take place on Sunday, September 25th after the 12:00 noon Mass. All who wish to be anointed should gather in Mary’s transept immediately after the Mass. If you are facing surgery, suffering from increased physical, mental, emotional illness or suffering from chronic pain, you should consider being anointed. PEANUT BUTTER GANG Thank you everyone who volunteered to make peanut butter sandwiches at our last session. We made about 850 sandwiches and 187 wash-up kits. The Gang meets on the second Saturday of every month. Join us if you can. UNITED HEARTS OF JESUS AND MARY Join us for an evening of prayer on Friday, September 30th at 7:30 PM in St. Aidan’s School Cafeteria. Our evening will include Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Mass, blessing with the First Class Relic of Padre Pio Music by Michael Zabrocki. Refreshments and fellowship to follow. For information please call Tecky at (516) 655-9755 or Angela at (516) 6554429. LITURGY CORNER After the offerings have been placed on the altar and the accompanying rites completed, a single Prayer over the Offerings is said by the celebrant during which he prays that God will accept our offerings, and we join in this petition, by our “Amen”. BETHANY RETREAT 2017 Mark your calendar for the Bethany Retreat 2017, From Bethany to Calvary. The dates are March 10th & 11th. Open to all parishioners. BANNS OF MARRIAGE FIRST WEEK Adriana Cavallaro, St. Aidan Sean Manning, St. Aidan Dana Petrocelli, St. Aidan Simon Kiser, Williston Park, NY Christine Tedeschi, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Scarsdale, NY Christopher Cardone, St. Paul, Yonkers, NY SECOND WEEK Kara Shine, St. Aidan Sean Conroy, Our Lady of Lourdes, Massapequa Park, NY Liana Baldo, St. Raphael, East Meadow, NY Christopher O’Mara, St. Joseph, Garden City, NY Andrea Urgites, Notre Dame, New Hyde Park, NY Kris Pizarro, Notre Dame, New Hyde Park, NY THIRD WEEK Kasey Hughes, St. Aidan Michael Vila, Sacred Heart, Merrick, NY GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATION This Fall, couples that have been married fifty years or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, October 23, 2016 at the Church of St. Rose of Lima, Massapequa and on Sunday, November 6, 2016 at the Church of Christ the King in Commack.. Both liturgies will begin at 2:30 PM. Couples may register for ONE liturgy. Registration forms and complete instructions can be obtained at the Rectory office. Registration must be received by September 30th for the October 23rd liturgy and by October 15th for the November 6th liturgy. There will be additional celebrations in the Spring for those who may find that more convenient. Dates for the Spring celebrations will be communicated at a later time. If you have any questions please call (516) 678-5800 x207. Church of St. Aidan Blood Drive Sunday – September 25, 2016 8:00 AM ~ 2:00 PM Msgr. Kirwin Hall When you give blood, you give Another day at the beach, Another hike in the woods, Another night under the stars, Another smile, Another hug, Another chance at life. Eligibility Criteria: Bring ID with signature or photo. Minimum weight 110 lbs. Age 16–75 (16 year olds must have parental permission. Age 76 and over need Doctor’s Note) Eat well (low fat) & drink fluids No tattoos for past 12 months To make an appointment, please return the bottom portion to Ro Cavallaro 746-6585 x.9410 or parish office Name:_____________________________Phone #____________________ I would like to donate at: 8:00____8:15___8:30___8:45___9:00___9:15___9:30___9:45___10:00___ 10:15___10:30___10:45___11:00___11:15___11:30___11:45___12:00___ 12:15___12:30___12:45___1:00___1:15___1:30___ 1:45___ THE ST. AIDAN PARISH BUS IS FULL WITH A WAITING LIST. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GO, PLEASE CALL ANNE WALSH AT (516) 678-5800 x243 OR EMAIL [email protected] We have a beautiful assortment of fall foliage supplied by Eagle Nurseries of New Hyde Park. Buy your mums, cabbage, kale, and cornstalks from PACE and help support St. Aidan School. Remember to order for your friends and family! Available Items 8” mums/cabbage/kale……..…………….…...$ 6.99 each or 4 for $25 12” mums (in a terracotta pot)……….……....$19.99 each or 2 for $38 Cornstalks……………………………………$10.99 each or 2 for $20 (Please see order form below for plant color options.) All orders are due Monday, September 19th Plants will be distributed on Friday, September 23 from 2:00 – 5:00 PM in the parking lot across from the Church (on Bermingham Place). Plants must be paid for in advance. Please make checks payable to PACE and return to the rectory (505 Willis Avenue) or the school in an envelope marked Fall Plant Sale. If you have any questions please call Jennifer O’Sullivan (516-852-6323) for assistance. Name_______________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________ E-mail____________________________________________ *Please specify quantity for each item 8” Mums: ________White ________Yellow ________Maroon ________Rust Amount $__________ 8” Cabbage: ________White ________Purple Amount $__________ 8”Kale: ________White ________Purple Amount $__________ 12” Mums: ________White ________Yellow ________Maroon ________Rust Amount $__________ Cornstalks: ________ Amount $__________ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $__________ Williston Park Recreation invites you to the Fall Harvest Celebration The Recreation Committee would love for you and your family to join in kid’s races, face painting, live music, balloon animals, scavenger hunt, roasted corn, farmer’s market and so much more! Where: When: Time: Kelleher Field Saturday, September 24, 2016 3:00 -8:00 PM Admission is free! Food will be for sale! 50/50 raffle Questions? Find us on Facebook Williston Park Recreation Join the Mayor and The Village Board of Trustees in US Paralympian own Jaclyn Smith at 5:15 PM LIVE MUSIC with Harper’s Ferry Now Accepting Reservations Because We Are W-O-M-E-N! Featuring Cabaret by Reagan Stone Friends, Food, Fun, and Fabulous Prizes! Tuesday, October 25, 2016 Westbury Manor 6:30—10:30 pm $65 per Person Reservation Deadline October, 4, 2016 All Monetary or Raffle Donations Gladly Accepted & Appreciated! Please Send Reservation to: Mary Reardon: 19 Park Ave., Williston Park , New York 11596 (516-294-9842) Name:_______________________________ Phone_________ Email:________________ No. of Guests:_____________ Amount Enclosed:_________ I Wish to Sit With: (List on Back) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Make Checks Payable to: CDA, Court St. Aidan 1577 Thank You for Supporting the St. Aidan Catholic Daughters Scholarship fund! Call Any Co-Chair Helene Pacher (516) 294-3104, Shannon Bradley (516) 877-8097 Julie Orr (516) 739-0792 Can’t Make the Cabaret? You Can Still Participate in the Fun! 50/50 — $3 Each or 5 for $10 Chinese Raffles — 3 for $5 or 8 for $10 Super Raffles — $10 Each or 5 for $25 (Send Absentee Raffles to Mary Reardon) JOIN US… Saturday, October 29, 2016 Serving People in Need Diocese of Rockville Centre Purpose of the event: To raise funds and awareness for people in need on Long Island Event “A new Spin on Giving Back” Spin teams will cycle to raise money Locations of Events Nassau: Push Fitness, New Hyde Park Session 1: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM; Session 2: 3:00 to 6 :00 PM Suffolk: WFP FITNESS, Moriches Session 1: 11:30 AM to 2:30 PM; Session 2: 3:00 to 6:00 PM For more information, registration, or to make a donation, visit: Participants: Team captains: 20 bikes, per session, per location Teams consist of 3 to 5 people riding “relay” for 3 hours per session – or just for a few minutes at a time! You pick your Spin duration. Don’t have a team, no problem; contact Kathy Scarallo at (516) 678-5800 x264 or [email protected] and she will set you up on one. Prizes will be given out to the top fundraising teams. CATHOLICS FOR FREEDOM OF RELIGION "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference." Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor Few Christian refugees admitted to U.S.: Of over 10,000 Syrian refugees admitted to the U.S. in 2016, only 56 are Christians. While 10% of the population in Syria is Christian, less than one-half of 1% of those fleeing genocide have been admitted to this country. Since 2011, between 1/2 to 1 million Christians have fled Syria but have had to seek asylum in other countries. In March, Secretary of State John Kerry declared that ISIS has committed genocide against Christians, Yazidis and other minorities. He also accused ISIS of "crimes against humanity" and "ethnic cleansing." Yet, despite the strong words, few of these minority groups have been brought to the U.S. (, 8/2/16;, 9/3/16;, 9/2/16) Please pray: Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. We ask you Lord to spare their lives and grant them patience and courage to continue their witness of Christian values with trust and hope. Pray, Learn and Act to preserve religious liberty. Visit 2016 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL CHURCH OF ST. AIDAN 2015 GOAL: PLEDGED: # OF GIFTS: $172,900 $126,985 577 PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A GIFT TO THE 2016 Catholic Ministries Appeal! Every Gift Makes a Difference in the Lives of Others. Parish: ________________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________ Phone: _________________________________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________ Pledge $ ________ Down Payment $_________ Balance $_________ KNIGHTS HONOR LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR – At Its annual “States Dinner” the Knights of Columbus bestowed its highest honor, the Gaudium et Spes Award on the Little Sisters of the Poor. The sisters were recognized for their selfless charity and intrepid spirit. The Little Sisters of the Poor were chosen as the 12th recipient of the prestigious award for their witness to the Gospel in caring for the elderly poor, and for standing up in recent years for religious liberty against the U.S. government mandate that would require them to violate their consciences by providing contraception and abortion-causing drugs in health plans for their employees. Accepting the award on behalf of the congregation was Mother Loraine Marie Maguire, mother provincial of the Baltimore Province. The inaugural Gaudium et Spes Award was given in 1992 to Mother Teresa of Calcutta; it includes a medal and a $ 100,000 honorarium. This was the first time that the award was bestowed upon a religious community rather than an individual. UPCOMING SOCIAL EVENTS - (both held at Corpus Christi Council, 186 Jericho Turnpike, Mineola) OKTOBERFEST – September 24th from 7:00 – 11:00 PM. Cost of $ 50 per person includes open bar, German food and German beer, dessert & coffee. Music provided by Smitty’s Polka Band (featuring Papa Bavarian) Reservations only; no walk-ins. Reservations needed by September 17th. For reservations contact Tom Kelly e-mail [email protected] or (516) 414-2229. ITALIAN NIGHT – October 8th from 7:00 – 11:00 PM. Cost of $50 per person includes open bar, antipasti, full multi-course sit-down dinner, music for listening & dancing pleasure. Join us as we honor our Italian Couple of the Year, Ed & Markey Pappalardo. Reservations only; no walkins. Reservations needed by October 1st. Contact Nick Pennacchio for further information and reservations at (516) 742-8379 or e-mail at [email protected]. CHARITY PERSONIFIED – The portrait of Mother Teresa displayed on the façade of St. Peter’s Basilica at her Vatican canonization on Sunday, September 4th was commissioned by the Knights of Columbus and painted by renowned American artist Chas Fagan. A graduate of Yale University, Fagan has painted portraits of all the U.S. presidents – a collection that regularly tours the country for the White House Historical Association. The official canonization image was seen publically for the first time at a press conference in Washington, D.C. at the Saint John Paul II National Shrine on Thursday, September 1st. It was commissioned by the Knights as a gift to the Missionaries of Charity, the order founded by Mother Teresa in 1950. DEFEND CHRISTIANS FACING GENOCIDE - Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson called on Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump, the candidates of the two major political parties, to commit to assisting Christians and other religious groups facing genocide and extinction in the Middle East. The remarks came Thursday, September 8th, following the presentation of the IDC Lifetime Achievement Award from the Group In Defense of Christians for the work of Anderson and the K of C in defending Christians in the Middle East. Members of Congress representing both parties were in attendance. The award was presented at IDC’s annual solidarity dinner. HALL RENTAL – Corpus Christi Council is available to rent for parties BIG or SMALL. For further information and/or rental arrangements contact Tom at (516) 746-8643. JUNIOR CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS 2016-17 MEETINGS & ACTIVITIES September 25th– Meeting in Convent 1:00-2:00 PM Bring dues $15, new members $16.50 checks made payable to JCDA; bring calendars September 18th-Face Painting at the Williston Park Fair (time TBA) October 23rd-Meeting in St. Francis Room 1:00-2:00 PM November 13th-Food Drive at King Kullen 9:00 AM-12:00 PM November 13th-Meeting Convent Community Room 1:00-2:00 PM December (TBA) Build-A-Bear December 10th-Parker Holiday Cards 11:00 AM Convent (drivers needed) December 10th– Christmas Party Eleanor Rigby’s 1:00-4:00 PM January 8th-Coat Drive 9:00 AM-12:30 PM Finamore Parish Center January 8th– Meeting 12:30-1:30 PM February 12th-Meeting Convent 1:00-2:00 PM March 19th-Meeting Convent 1:00-2:30 PM-Bring all reservations, raffles and baskets for Mother/Daughter Brunch April 2nd 10:30 AM Mass –27th Mother/Daughter Brunch at Lucky Duck April 13th-Easter Egg Coloring Parker Institute (time TBA) April 23rd-Birthright/Mommas House Drive 9:00 AM-12:00 PM April 23rd-Meeting St. Francis Room 12:00-1:00 May 6th-Plant Pick-Up 10:00 AM-12:00 PM May 7th-Bake/Plant Sale 9:00 AM-12:00 PM May 7th-Meeting Convent Community Room (elections) June 13th-Installation Mass and Reception 7:00 PM Church-refreshments in Kirwin Hall BEREAVEMENT GROUP FALL 2016 COPING WITH GRIEF: A DIFFICULT BUT IMPORTANT JOURNEY When a loved one dies, a period of grief usually follows. It is almost impossible for humans to experience loss without feeling some kind of grief. Grief can be painful, confusing and overwhelming. To share with others who are experiencing what you are experiencing can be supportive and healing. A bereavement group for people whose loved one has died (parent, spouse, sibling or friend) will be held in the Peter & Paul Room of the Finamore Parish Center by trained Bereavement Facilitators. TUESDAYS: 9:45 AM: September 20th, 27th October 4th , 11th, 18th & 25th THURSDAYS: 7:30 PM September 22nd & 29th October 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th COPING WITH THE HOLIDAYS November 10th– 7:30 PM Parish Finamore Center “Ours is a time of mercy” - Pope Francis at World Youth Day, 2013 A two-night series presented by The Jesuit Collaborative Damian Halligan, SJ and Pat McDonough, Director of Ministry in New York TUESDAY EVENINGS SEPTEMBER 20 & 27 7:30 p.m. St. Aidan’s Church Willis Avenue Williston Park, NY At his very first Mass, Francis, our Jesuit pope, said ,“The message of Jesus is mercy. It is the Lord’s strongest message.” The message of mercy continues to be the cornerstone of his papacy. In this Holy Year of Mercy, let’s spend two evenings reflecting on “the Lord’s strongest message.” Tuesday, September 20th and 27th at 7:30 PM in the church RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS: Are you aware that the Diocese of Rockville Centre requires ANYONE 18 YEARS OR OLDER IN ANY MINISTRY MUST BE VIRTUS TRAINED AND HAVE A BACKGROUND CHECK. A MINISTRY INCLUDES Catechists, CYO Coaches, Liturgical Ministers, and all parish organization members. Check the Virtus Training Schedule and Register Online at Classes are offered by several parishes throughout the diocese. REGULAR OFFICE HOURS: The Religious Education Office is open Mondays and Thursdays 1:30PM to 6:30 PM and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 1:00 PM to 7:30 PM. Fridays are by appointment only. PLEASE HELP!!! WE CURRENTLY NEED CATECHISTS WHO COULD SERVE AS SUBSTITUTES TO COVER CLASSES WHEN NECESSARY. WE ALSO NEED AN ADDITIONAL CATECHIST FOR MONDAYS AT 5:30PM. IF YOU CAN HELP, PLEASE VISIT US IN THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE OR CALL US AT (516)746-6585 x9404 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Religious Education Office needs volunteers who can help with some office tasks while the classes are in session. If you can volunteer to assist us for an hour from 4 to 5PM, 5:30 to 6:30 PM, or 7:15 to 8:15 PM on Tuesdays or Wednesdays or 4:00 to 5:00 PM or 5:30 to 6:30 PM on Mondays, please call the office. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: The Special Needs Religious Education program meets every Thursday afternoon during the school year. There is a great need for energetic volunteers to serve as student aides. Please consider sharing your time with our children. We provide service hour documentation, college entrance, and scholarship letters for our student volunteers. Please consider joining us. For more information, call (516) 746-6585 x9406. There are wonderful children waiting for you. SERVICE HOURS FOR CONFIRMATION: Please remember to submit your Service Hours Projects as well as any outstanding Projects and Mass Reflections from the 7th and 8th Grade Confirmation Packets to the Religious Education Office as soon as possible. August 31st was the due date for this past school year’s service hours. OPENING SCHOOL YEAR DATES Religious Education classes for the 2016-2017 school year will begin the Week of September 19th for classes that meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Thursday Classes will begin on September 29th and the once a month Kindergarten program will start on October 6th. Class assignments were mailed. FIRST COMMUNION VIDEOS: The First Communion Videos have arrived!!! If you ordered a video, please pick it up in the Religious Education Office as soon as possible. ATTENTION SIXTH GRADE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION STUDENTS: Sixth grade students are asked to attend the 5PM Mass on Sunday, September 25th. The students’ Bibles will be blessed at that Mass. Each student will be presented with his/her Bible. PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY As Pope Benedict XVI said in his Encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, “Everything has its origin in God's love, everything is shaped by it, everything is directed towards it. Love is God's greatest gift to humanity; it is his promise and our hope.” FOOD PANTRY - If you would like to donate food or personal hygiene items, please bring it to the back of Church or across the street to the parish social ministry office. We also have a refrigerator for eggs, dairy products, sliced bread and a freezer for ground beef, chicken cutlets and frozen pizzas. ITEMS OF THE WEEK - coffee, jars of sauce, canned vegetables, detergent, and water JOHN MCALISTER MEMORIAL MEN’S PRAYER GROUP – All men are welcome to gather together for prayer and friendship. The men’s prayer group meets every Thursday at 9:45 AM following the 9:00 AM Mass. Of course refreshments will be served. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY – Our Prayer Shawl Ministry meets the second and fourth Monday of each month at 9:45 AM in the Peter and Paul Room of the Finamore Center to knit or crochet prayer shawls or lap blankets for our sick and homebound parishioners. New members are always welcome. You need not know how to knit or crochet. We have talented parishioners who can teach you. The prayer shawl committee will meet again on Monday, September 26th. Please call our office if you would like to receive a blessed prayer shawl or if you know of someone who would like one. If you have any questions, please call Parish Social Ministry (516) 746-6585 x9410. PLEASE NOTE - The Parish Social Ministry is open MondayFriday, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM. Please use the Finamore Parish Center entrance (across from the church on Willis Avenue). PROMISE TO PROTECT-PLEDGE TO HEAL If you have been abused or victimized by someone representing the Catholic Church please believe in the possibility for hope and help and healing. We encourage you to come forward and speak out. Every arch/diocese/eparchy in the United States now has a victim assistance coordinator who is available to obtain support for your needs, to help you make a formal complaint of abuse to the arch/diocese/ eparchy, and to arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, if you desire. The victim assistance coordinator for your arch/diocese/eparchy is Mary McMahon, LCSW, Director at (516) 594-9036. All volunteers 16 and over must be background checked and all volunteers 18 and over must attend the Virtus class. SUNDAY SUNDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY OPEN HOUSES FOR CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOLS OF LONG ISLAND SEPTEMBER 18TH 1:00-3:30 PM ST. DOMINIC COLLEGE PREP HS SEPTEMBER 25TH 12:00-2:30 PM HOLY TRINITY DIOCESAN HS OCTOBER 1ST 10:00 AM-1:00 PM KELLENBERG MEMORIAL HS 11:00 AM-2:00 PM SACRED HEART ACADEMY 2:00-4:00 PM CHAMINADE HS OCTOBER 2ND 10:00 AM-1:00 PM ST. ANTHONY HS OCTOBER 15TH 9:00 AM-12:00 PM MCGANN-MERCY DIOCESAN HS OCTOBER 16TH 10:30 AM-2:00 PM ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST DIOCESAN HS 2:00-4:30 PM ST. MARY’S HS TEAM VISCARDI BIKE CLUB presents the 2nd Annual Legacy Ride on Saturday, October 1, 2016 (rain date 10/15/16), 8:30 a.m. Registration and 9:30 a.m. Start at:201 I.U. Willets Road, Albertson, NY. 12 Mile Loop Using Long Island Expressway Service Road (Police Assisted) Registration at: or contact Joe Slaninka at 516-368-2271 or [email protected] Its a family fun day (between 12 noon and 3:00 P.M.) bring the family down, child friendly concessions and games. We will have pumpkin decorating, face painting, raffles and prizes and much more. A great day for all. B.B.Q. by the Williston Park Rotary Club and neighborhood Fire Departments. DOMINICAN SISTER OF AMITYVILLE-The Dominican Gala will be held on October 25th at the Crest Hollow Country Club to benefit the ministries of our Sisters. Our 2016 Veritas Award Recipient is Deputy Chief of the NYPD, Theresa Tobin. Our St. Catherine of Siena Award Recipients are: Ann Elizabeth Diliberti, OP; Regina Corde Hockenberry, OP; Loretta Maggio, OP; Jeanne Elaine Matullo, OP; Fran Monuszko, OP; Christine Sammons, OP; Margaret Rose Smyth, OP and Kathleen Sommerville, OP. For more information about our 50/50 raffle or a listing in the 2016 Dominican Gala Journal, please contact Mary Fuchs, Director of Advancement at (631) 842-6000 x241. Print deadline is October 11th. KELLENBERG MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL-A Faith Enriching Experience. You are invited to a Conference Celebrating the Year of Mercy on Saturday, October 22nd. Keynote Speakers include: Dr. Larry Feingold and Dr. Benedict Nguyen as well as Dr. Tim Herrman and Prof. Douglas Bushman. $25 registration fee includes a light breakfast at 9:00 AM as well as lunch at noon. $15 registration fee includes morning or afternoon session only (lunch not included). We will close the Conference with a Mass at 4:00 PM with Bishop Robert Brennan. Register at or call Alex Basile at (516) 292-0200 x342. OPPOSITION TO ASSISTED SUICIDE INFORMATION MEETING-Thomas Renker, Esq. General Counsel, Diocese of Rockville Centre will speak on the proposals to legalize Assisted Suicide in NYS on Thursday, September 29, 2016, 7:00 - 9:00 PM at Our Lady of Victory School—Memorial Hall, 2 Bellmore Street, Floral Park, NY. For information call: Camille Gagliano 516-488-4217 Sponsored by Diocese of Rockville Centre Respect Life Deanery 4 Our Lady of Victory, St. Catherine of Sienna, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Anne’s. DIOCESE OF ROCKVILLE CENTRE, YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY-The First Paint Night will be held on September 26th at the Wantagh Inn, 3264 Railroad Avenue, Wantagh. Cost is $20. For information please call (516) 678-5800 x615.31587 FILM-Apparition Hill will be shown at the Manhasset Movie Theatre on September 28th at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $15. For information visit WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS, DIVORCED AND SINGLE CATHOLICS OF LONG ISLAND-A new member orientation, nondenomination-all are welcome on September 20th at 7:30 PM. The meetings are held every fourth Tuesday at St. Francis de Chantal School, 1309 Wantagh Avenue, Wantagh. Please bring proof of single status to join. Refreshments will be served after the meeting. For
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