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Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, Vol. 20, N°2, 2000, 42-46 CHARACTERIZATION OF VANADIUM CARBIDES COATINGS PRODUCED BY THERMOCHEMICAL DIFUSIVE TREATMENT IN MOLTEN SALTS: COMPOSITION AND RESIDUAL STRESSES. 1 ,,1 , 2 2 V. Herrera ,Lo M. Fernandez .B. Aragon e lo Zamora o 1. Centro de Estudios Aplicados al Desarrollo Nuclear (CEADEN). Departamento de Análisis y Ensayos. Calle 30 #502 el 5ta y a, Miramar, Playa. C.Habana, Cuba. CP 6122; E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Centro de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas. (CIME).Ave. 51 No. 23611 el 236 y 240, San Agustín, La Lisa. C. Habana, Cuba. r Resumen. Las tensiones residuales están presentes en casi toda estructura ensamblada. La Difracción de Rayos X, entre otros usos, es una técnica no destructiva de medición de tensiones residuales en un campo superficial del material. Los recubrimientos de carburos de metales de transición han ganado gran importancia en la fabricación de herramientas gracias a su alta resistencia al desgaste. El tratamiento termoquímico combina la acción de la temperatura con condiciones de saturación por difusión de un metal o aleación dado con metales o no metales, de manera que propicien la realización de reacciones químicas en una capa superficial. En el presente trabajo se efectúa la caracterización fásica de recubrimiento s de carburo de vanadio producidos sobre aceros de herramienta X12M y 09XBG (norma rusa) y se evalúa la tensión residual generada en el recubrimiento mediante la técnica de Difracción de rayos X. En la caracterización de las capas además se empleó la Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido. Los recubrimientos obtenidos tienen espesores entre 6 y 12 um con una microestructura globular y se componen de carburo de vanadio de estructura NaCl. Los recubrimiento s presentan macrotensiones de compresión relativamente bajas, entre 0.3 y 0,5 GN. m-2. Se observa además ciertas microtensiones. Palabras Clave: Recubrimientos herramientas, MEB. de Carburo de Vanadio, Esfuerzos residuales, difracción de rayos X, acero para Abstract. Residual Stresses are present in almost a11assembled structures. X Rays Diffraction, 1S a versatile non - destructive technique, which finds a high valuable use for residual stresses measurement on the material surface. Coatings of transition metals carbides have acquired a remarkable importance in the tool production, due to their high wear resistance. The coupled action of temperature and diffusion controlled saturation of a given metal or alloy with other metals or nonmetal s is the key element of thenno - chemical treatment. As result, surface chemical reactions are induced. In this paper X Ray phase characterization of vanadium carbide coatings produced on tool steels X12M and 09XBG (Russian norm) is carried out. X Ray Diffraction Residual Stresses analysis is achieved on coating surface. For characterization Scanning Electron Microscopy and Electron Probe microanalysis are also used. Studied coatings are formed by vanadium carbide (VC) with a NaCl structure. Low compressive macrostresses (0.3 y 0,5 GN. m-2.) are measured. Some microstresses are also observed. A globular microstructure is characteristic for these coatings. Keywords: Vanadium Carbide Coatings; Residual Stresses; X-Ray Diffraction; Tool Steels; Sem residual are presenr in almost all led srrucmre. .dnal stresses are produced in technological ¡;:n:ceSS:5 su h as welding, heat treatment, galvanic and diffusive coating, or as result of procedures plastic deformation is involved. Generally, compressive stresses have been considered cial for parts performance, due to the reduction of ice tensile stresses. Oppositely, tensile residual ~~::s can lead to unforeseen fractures. Therefore, the information on residual stresses ;;- nces to a large extent the concepts on technological ¡;:nJcedure,s. Coatings of transition metals carbide ha ve acquired a importance in the manufacture of tools and parts ID their high wear resistance. Therrno - chemical treatment causes surface chemical .ons where key elements are the coupled action of rature and diffusion controlled saturation of a given or alloy with metal s or non-metals. As result, sition, rnicrostructure and the stress level of gs can be controlled. As a way to raise the hardness, wear, cavitation and ion resistance, the thermo- chemical treatment also vides favorable residual stresses. Therefore, it finds rtant applications to increase the reliability and bility of parts. The quality of diffusive coatings is characterized by: its structure and phase composition, its total or effective depth, the concentration of diffusing element; • the fragile fracture capability under the action of a localload; the homogeneity, continuity and uniformity of the distribution of coating along the configuration of the metallic piece (configuration effect); • the magnitude and gradients of residual stresses . Several coatings types are known, especially PVD hysical Vapor Deposition) and the CVD (Chernical apor Deposition) of titanium carbonitride and nitride _-5], that have been those ones of more industrial ímportance. Coatings of tungsten carbide, iron silicide, hrornium carbide have been also studied. Several references on procedures to produce carbide layers, with MC (M = W, V, Nb) type structures [6-10] are reported. They are applied on low alloyed steels to raise their wear resistance. In this paper, phase characterization of vanadium carbide coatings onto tool steels X12M and 09XBG (Russian standard) was carried out. Residual stresses on coatings are also measured. Cylíndrical amples ofX12M and 09XBG steels with vanadium carbide coatings were obtained in molten salt mixtures with different sort and concentration of reducing agent. Nominal chemical composition of cited steels is shown on Table 1. Depth profile for carbon, vanadium and iron in the coating was measured by Electron Probe Microanalysis in a JEOL Scanning Electron Microscope. Phase composition was determined by X Ray Diffraction (XRD). Residual macrostress on produced coatings is also evaluated by the sin2 t¡rmethod [12,13]. XRD allows to measure the lattice strain E ~ '" directly in the direction (\jf, <») of a rectangular coordinate system xyz, where x- and y- axes líe on the sample surface plane and z axe is normal. The angle \jf is formed between the normal to the sample surface Ns and the normal to diffracting crystallographic planes N(hkl) in a plane normal to sample surface. The angle <p is forrned between the direction of the measured stress cr~ on the sample surface and one of the x- or y-axes. Ns• N(hkl) and cr~ lie in a plane, normal to the sample surface. The strain € in the (rp, \jf) direction is expressed by the equation: En = (dn-do)/do (1) where, d ~ 'l' ". interplanar spacing for (hkl) crystallographic planes measured in the (rp ,\jf) direction on the stressed material. do- interplanar spacing for (hkl) planes measured in the non stressed material. In an isotropic body the strain € ~ 'l' is given by the equation: 2 = V2 S2 [ ( cr~ " cr33) sin \jf + o 33 + (crl3 coso + cr23 símp ) sin 2\jf] + SI [crn + cr22 + cr33] (2) E~ IJI where, SI and Y2 S2 - X-ray elastic constants. They are functions of (hkl) planes o i i - normal components of stress ten sor i = 1,2,3 cr ij - shear components. where, cr~=cr llCOS2 <p + cr22sin2<p + 2cr12sin<p coso (3) For comparison purposes, the theoretical powder diffraction pattem of vanadium carbide was ca1culated. Revista Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales, Vol. 20, N°2,2000 44 Table I. Nominal chemical composition of tool steels X12M and 09XBG [11] C% Cr% Mo% Mn% Si% W% X12M 1,45 - 1,70 11,0 - 12,5 0,5 - 0,8 - - - 09XBG 0,85 - 0,9 0,9 - 1,2 - 0,8 -1,0 0,15 - 0,35 1,2 - 1,6 STEEL 3. ResuIts. • Chemical composition. • Phase composition and microstructure. The rnicrostructure of coating controls in a great extent its mechanical and tribological properties Coatings thickness with values ranging from 6 to 12 um was measured. These layers show a globular structure with some pares (fig.2). Cracks at the interface coating/bulk metal are not observed. (fig.3). X Ray Diffraction diagrams show a NaCI structure vanadium carbide VC (Table.II). In fig. 4 the calculated diffraction pattem is given. Influence of rnicrostresses was considered. Actually, experimental pattem exhibits this effect. The lattice parameter appears smaller than the calculated one. This could be related to differences in the vanadium /carbon ratio. The assessment of the chemical composinon of coatings is meaningful due to the influence of impurities on coating perfection. Furthermore, chernical, mechanical, physical and tribological properties of coatings are conditioned by their phase stoichiometry. In this study observed elements in coatings are carbon, vanadium and iron. (fig.l and 2). They are distributed homogeneously. However, in some cases a certain partial substitution of vanadium by iron was observed. 400 350 300 • ~ -," en e::s o . ~'r~ I~ ~~ 250 I --w 200 o • -- -- • 150 100 50 O O 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Depth,l'm e _c~ - v~ -----=- FeKa- Fig.l Depth profiles for carbon, vanadium and iron in a ve coating. SEM Electron Microprobe v. Herrera y col./Revista Latinoamericana Fig.2 VC Coating de Metalurgia y Materiales 45 Fig 3b. Vanadium distribution in the coating. SEM Electron Probe Microanalysis SEM • Residual Stresses. The residual stresses can be established on coatings, due to deformations induced by growth defects, which affect locally the lattice pararneter; or by anisotropy of the elastic properties of grains during the growth of the layer. [14]. In some coatings residual stresses can be present, that are able to produce plastic deformation or even rnicroscopic cracking. In residual stress measurements vanadium carbide (333) peak (d = 0.0800 nm) was used. Line position for different \jf orientations (O < sin2\jf <0.5) was deterrnined by a para bola profile fit around the maximum. Fig.3a. Coating cross section. Table II:Calculated and experimental XRD line intensities and positions for Vanadium Carbide VC (NaCl structure). 28teor. Iteor. Iexp. Dteor. Dexo. (hkl) F2 P Iabs. 37.237 43.267 62.849 75.376 79.366 95.0lí 106.927 111.048 129.119 148.593 92.7 100.0 55.8 30.6 17.3 8.6 15.1 30.8 36.4 47.,7 100 31.8 8.5 8.0 2.4146 2.0910 1.4786 1.2609 1.2073 1.0455 .9594 .9351 .8537 .8049 2.429 2.089 1.475 1.254 1.202 1.041 .956 .930 .851 .800 111 2 OO 220 3 1 1 222 4 OO 331 420 422 333 2836. 5716 3748 1504 2796 2249 969 1904 1672 731 8 6 12 24 8 6 24 24 24 8 71.13 76.77 42.81 23.52 13.31 6.61 11.62 23.68 27.95 6.52 17 5.7 5.7 5.7 9.1 11.4 Revista Latinoamericana 46 I- (a) de Metalurgia y Materiales, Vol. 20, N°2,2000 I 27M 1SIl n' ~ IIlIl o Sil L io.., Il 31l Sil • 9IJ 11l .1 ,11. 11[] 13[] ...l.. 1S[] 2 theta ~0r-----------------------------------' - (b) ve (calculado) 4. I l:l § 100 8 50 110 70 1S0 theta Fig.4 Experimental (a) and calculated (b) diffraction pattem of vanadium carbide coatings 2 The obtained strain distribution is cuasilinear (fig.5), pointing out the lack of shear components. It shows a weak texture effect, as indicated by the small oscillation around the linearity. According to the slope of this dependence, compression stresses are present. (333) line ve 149.1 -.- 149.0 linearfit 148.3 / 0.0 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ~ 148.7 148.4 1. 5. 148.8 148.5 5. experimental 148.9 148.6 -~ 12. 13. 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Conclusions. Residual macrostresses yielded during thermochemical treatment in molten salts were measured for vanadium carbide coatings (NaCl structure) on tool steel X12M and 09XBG.Measured macrostresses are compressive with values between 0.5 and 0,7 GN. m", The studied coatings show some microstresses. Produced coatings have a thickness between 6 and 12 mm with a globular microstructure. Cracking at the coatinglbulk metal interface was not observed. 150 O~----.-----.-----.-----.-----.---~ :xl According to [15] for vanadium carbide E =276 GN.m -2 compression stresses between 0,70 ± 0,08 and 0,49 ± 0,07 GN. m ,2 are calculated fram the measured strains. These stresses are lower to those ones reported in [14], where values from 2 to 3 GN. m'2 are obtained for titanium nitride coatings (TiN) and values between 17 and 20 GN. m,2 for titanium carbonitride (Ti(C,N). The observed halbwidth of diffraction lines gives a measure of the microstresses in these systems. The e may be related to a high defect density or local composition gradients. 0.6 14. .2 SIIl\jf . Fig.5 Strain distribution for vanadium carbide coating onto steeJ 09XBG, Reported values of Y oung Module E for titanium nitride and carbide are between 200 and 600 GN. m ,2 [14]. The constant Y2 S 2 is re1ated with Poisson coefficient E in the following way 15. REFERENCES. L.G. Voroschnin, L.S.M. Liajovich. 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