Outings - Piedmont Hiking and Outing Club


Outings - Piedmont Hiking and Outing Club
The Piedmont Hiking & Outing Club Newsletter
March April 2011
Since 1982
Volume 29, Number 2
Perry’s Back Packers gather around for a picture by Ken Yates
Visit us on the web http://www.piedmonthikingandoutingclub.org/
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About Our Hike Rating System
Our rating system provides a useful, general gauge
of a hike’s difficulty. It factors in distance and elevation gain and is intended to help you choose
hikes that you will find most enjoyable. A hike
rated 20 isn’t a whole lot harder or easier than
hikes rated 18 or 22. But a 20 will definitely be
about twice as hard as a 10. And a 30 will be about
three times harder than a 10. In general, here’s
how the ratings work:
R0-R10 These are more walks than hikes.
They’re usually close to home, the trails are flat,
and distances are generally short. An after-dinner
walk around the block would be rated R1 or R2.
Our Wednesday Night Walks are R3. The 7 mile
hike along the Nat Greene and Piedmont Trails at
Lake Brandt in Greensboro is an R8, as is the loop
trail around Salem Lake in Winston-Salem.
R10-R20 Most of these hikes will be in the lower
mountains and foothills. Distances will be about 58 miles, with climbs ranging from 500-1000
feet...not easy if you’re new to hiking! Trails will
be dirt and rock, and not well groomed. As long as
you’re in moderately good shape, you should be
able to enjoy the outing. At a minimum, you
should carry water, lunch, and rain gear. Our
Sunday hikes are usually less strenuous than those
offered on Saturday and frequently fall into this
Outings Protocol
Let the outing leader know you are going to
attend. Arrive at least 5-10 minutes early for the
outing. If you carpool-pay your driver for gas. (A
suggested amount is $3.00 for each hour of driving.) Always take snacks, lunch, and plenty of
water. Always pack rain gear. Bring extra clothes
to change into after the hike. To keep vehicles
clean and the air fresh, always carry something
to hold muddy boots and sweaty clothes for the
ride back from a hike. Remember, your participation is at your own risk.
Every Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
Friendly Shopping Center
Note: We meet at PEC starting in April!!!
The Wednesday walkers will meet every Wednesday
evening in the parking lot near Tex & Shirley’s at 6:30
PM for a brisk walk before dinner. Rain or shine, the
group will go to dinner after the walk.
Sorry, No Power Walks For March and April
R30-R40 These are strenuous hikes. They will
usually be 10+ miles, with climbs of 2000+ feet.
1220 Penny Rd, High Point
R20-R30 Saturday hikes most often fall into this
range. Hikes in the low end of this range will be too
hard and overly stressful for many new members.
Plan on an all-day trip, with at least 4 hours of
continuous hiking in rugged and steep terrain. At a
minimum, be sure to pack two quarts of water,
lunch, a snack, and rain gear.
ny R
E. Fo
rk Rd
March 2
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Shag Lessons
Thirsty’s2 Beach Club
the mountain. Call Ben for meeting place and time.
Seven miles, R 32 for the scramble. R 24 for Jill’s group.
March 5
Come to Thirsty’s2 and join your fellow club members for beginner or intermediate shag lessons in a private beach club
atmosphere. Beginner classes begin at 6:30 p.m. followed by
intermediate classes at 7:30 p.m. each Wednesday in March.
Instructors are Pat and Archer Joyce. Cost is $45
for either level of instruction. Only individuals taking lessons
are there during the classes so learning will be relaxed and fun!
Thirsty’s2 Beach Club is located at 119 North Chimney Road in
Greensboro. Contact Sue if you have questions.
March 2
See Page 4 for details
March 3 at 7 PM
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
OPA restaurant outing
200 South Elm Street
Kick off the weekend early with a dinner out on a Thursday
night. I missed the last outing here, so please join me in trying
out this Greek gem of a restaurant. It offers a wide variety of
flavorful and healthy dishes at reasonable prices. It is located
downtown at 200 South Elm street . Let’s meet at 7:00 PM.
Please RSVP by March 2nd, so I can give them a heads up.
March 5
Torrey's Den & Moore's Wall
Hanging Rock State Park
Seven Miles at Hanging Rock. Starting at Torrey’s Den and up
towards Moore’s Wall. After a mile and a half we go off trail to
scramble up the spine of Moore’s Wall. Expect to climb up big
rocks and fight briars. Close to the top we rejoin the trail to
the fire tower and start back down towards the visitor center.
Here the fun continues as we will go off trail once again down
the side of the mountain to the base of Moore’s Wall. After
another mile and a half or so we leave the climbers trail and
back down to the Tory’s Den parking lot. For hikers that do not
want to scramble Jill is leading a group up the traditional way
to the fire tower but is joining the group the new way down
Doughton Loop
Doughton Park
Come and join me for a hike of about 17 miles depending on who you ask. We’ll go up Cedar Ridge, along
Bluff Mountain, and down Flat Rock to complete the
loop. This hike is for experienced hikers. Please bring
plenty of water and rain gear. For those that would like
to stop for dinner, we’ll decide on a mutually acceptable dining establishment during the hike. Please contact me for the meeting time and place. I prefer email,
but if you call be sure to leave a detailed message.
Approximately 17 miles, +/- 3000 feet, R-47.
March 6
Palmetto/Nat Greene Hike
Greensboro Watershed Trails
We'll meet at the Nature Center at Bur-Mil Park at 1:00,
walk down the Greenway until we come to the Palmetto Trail. We'll take this to Old Battleground Ave and
return to the Greenway via the Nat Greene Trail.
Please call or email to let me know you'll be joining me.
(5 miles, R7).
March 6
State Park Trail Maintenance
Sunday 1-5 PM Hanging Rock & Pilot Mountain
We had so much fun last time, we’re doing it again!
Join Matt at Pilot Mountain or Jay at Hanging Rock for
Round Two of Trail Maintenance. Snow covered the
trails in December and prevented us from completing
the planned work so we will hope for better weather
this time. We will be using a mechanical wheelbarrow
to move and place large rock at Hanging Rock and employing a bucket brigade to place crushed sandstone at
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Pilot. Alternate work will be planned just in case weather is
a problem. The club will reward our efforts again with hot
dogs and hamburgers at Ben’s house afterward. Bring
snacks, water, and heavy work gloves. Contact Matt or Jay
with questions. Please let them know your choice of parks
so that they may coordinate with the Rangers for tools and
March 9
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
March 11
Bert’s Seafood Grille
4608 West Market Street
March 12
This will be a brisk 14 mile hike on the Falls Lake Trail
(MST). While there the elevation gain is minimal, the
distance and pace will allow for a good workout while
enjoying scenic views of the lake. This hike is good for
hikers who like to hike at a brisk pace. A car shuttle will
be required. Please contact me for meeting details. [14
miles R15].
March 12
Let’s meet at one of Greensboro’s finest seafood restaurants, Bert’s Seafood Grille. Bert’s offers a wide range of
seafood entrees and is recognized for their extensive wine
list. We’ll meet at the restaurant at 6:30 p.m. Please call
or email Sue by Wednesday, March 9 for reservations.
March 12
AT / Wilson Creek / Twin Pinnacles
Grayson Highlands State Park, VA
Military Park Walking Tour
Visitors Center Guilford Courthouse MP
We will meet at the Guilford Courthouse Military Park
visitor center, 2332 New Garden Road, Greensboro, NC
to see the film, map display and exhibits. Next we will
walk the 2.4 mile self-guided tour and listen to the DVD
lecture at each stop. The event will be timed to take full
advantage of the Revolutionary War reenactments taking place to honor the anniversary of this important battle. Watch for the e-mail broadcast for the start time.
March 13
Salem Lake Trails
Lets meet at 9 AM at the parking lot facing the lake just
outside the inner gate. The pace will be easy to moderate. Bring snacks, water,a light rain jacket just in case.
Dress weather appropriate and in layers. Dogs are welcome but should be on a 6 foot leash. And please clean
up after them. Please call or email me to RSVP, call my
cell if you RSVP and need to cancel, or will be late or
decide at the last min you want to join us! We can all go
out to lunch after if we would like to...if not that ok too!
The hike should last about 3 hours. Please call for directions. [7 miles, R-10].
Please update your email address!!
This hike has something for everyone; waterfalls, big views,
wild ponies and stream crossings. We park at the overnight
backpackers lot and take the blue blaze feeder trail to the
AT; follow the AT until it intersects with the Wilson Creek
trail; have lunch beside one of two waterfalls on Wilson
Creek; stay on Wilson Creek trail to the campground; follow
Stamper's Branch Trail to the Visitor's Center; follow Twin
Pinnacles trail for two large views; cross over to Massie Gap
to see the wild ponies and hook back up with the AT to the
feeder trail back to the cars. I may change the order
around so we hike up Wilson Creek, snow cover may make
this hike strenuous, bring poles and traction devices; it can
get bitterly cold and windy up there so bring extra clothes,
leave them in the car if you don't need them. Call or email
for time and place.
Falls Lake Trail (MST)
near Raleigh/Durham
Please update your email address!!
March 14
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PHOC Monthly Meeting
PEC - Jamestown
of clothes, towel, money for driver (phoc recommends $3/
hr per person), good attitude. We did this section last
March as a pick-up paddle and everyone had a great time.
We will stop for lunch on private property that has a picnic
table and a porta-potty that usually is not locked. Please be
at Colfax Furniture parking lot at 9:00 AM. Colfax Furniture
is located at 801 Silas Creek Parkway, Winston-Salem, NC
27127-7150. Please let me know if you plan to attend.
Meet for refreshments and fellowship at 7pm. The evening
presentation will begin at 7:30. Jon and Caroline Maxwell
will do a forty-minute presentation on: (1) some thoughts
and options for walking in Britain, and (2) the 102-mile walk
of the Cotswold Way...one of Britain's prettiest... that they
March 19
Townsend/Osprey Trails
did in May 2010, together with a few photos. All members
are welcome and there is no need to RSVP. A map to the PEC
is on page 4.
Let's hike the Lake Townsend Trail, starting near Bryan
March 16
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
Park, and see the first signs of spring along the lake shore.
See Page 4 for details
We'll hike to Yanceyville Rd and back for a total of eight
miles (R9) . For those who want to stretch out further,
we'll cross Yanceyville onto the Osprey Trail, for an addiMarch 17
Green Valley Grill Dinner
tional five miles round trip (R14) . We'll have two leaders,
622 Green Valley Road
so take your pick. Call John Farmer (271-4046) for specific
directions to the trail-head and starting time.
March 19
Crowders and Pinnacle Trails
This restaurant is a local mainstay, locally owned by the
Crowders Mountain State Park
Quaintance family. Excellent food quality and
preparation; meals range from $9.00 to $30.00....good wine
list. Pleasant atmosphere. Meet at 7:00 pm.
Notify Jon by evening of March 16 so final group table arCrowders Mountain State Park, near Gastonia about two
rangements can be made.
hours from the Triad, has peaks high enough above the
surrounding countryside to afford excellent vistas of quite
March 19
New River Paddle (Day Trip)
some distance. The morning portion of this outing will be
Galax to Riverside
an ascent of Crowders Mountain itself, from which views
toward Charlotte are very interesting. Following lunch at a
picnic area near the visitor center, the remainder of the
Join us for an easy, 8 mile day trip paddling the New River in hike will be to Kings Pinnacle. From there during a PHOC
hike in the winter of 2010, the group was able to see in the
Galax, VA, putting in at the Rt. 58 access and taking out at
the Rt. 94 access. We will be on the water for about 3 hours. distance the snow-covered mountains above Brevard.
Because of the relatively low altitude of this park, the trails
Beginners welcome, this section is easy to handle. We will
leave from the Colfax Furniture parking lot in Winston-Salem there are not often difficult to hike in March. Contact
at 9:00 AM, drive for about 1.25 hours, and be on the water David if interested in this outing. (Approximately 10 miles
and 1800 feet of elevation gain, R 28)
by 11:00 AM. We will run a shuttle once we get there to
have a vehicle at the take-out. You will need to bring your
Owls Roost Loop
own kayak or canoe, pfd, paddle, appropriate clothing, spray March 20
Bur Mil Park
skirt will help keep you warm, lunch in dry container (I have Sunday
extra dry bags), change of clothing, plenty of fluids, change
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Lets meet at 1:30 PM at the Wildlife Center in Bur Mil Park
and hike the Owls Roost watershed trail to the Greenway,
and then back again, using the Fire Lane trail for part of
the return trip. Proceed North on 220, past Horse Pen
Creek on the left, then right at the traffic light at Owls
Roost, and then left into Bur Mil Park. Bear right at the
club house, park in the circular drive way at the bottom of
the hill. No need to call. [7 mi, R-9].
March 23
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
March 26
Sugarloaf, Morrow Mt, Hattaway Trails
Morrow State Park
Let's check out Morrow Mtn park before warm weather
and annoying insects get in our way! We’ll start from the
horse parking lot, but avoid the muddy horse trails. We’ll
head out the Sugarloaf Mtn Trail; meet with Hattaway Mt
Trail, then retrace some of Sugarloaf Mtn trail to meet up
with Morrow Mtn Trail, around the Mountain Loop Trail;
and return. Bring plenty of water. Greensboro folks meet
at Four Seasons Mall parking lot beside the Old NASCAR
Cafe, next to Outback Steak House; Winston meet location to be determined. Please call or e-mail Shari with
questions, to find out meet time for and to let me know
which location you are leaving from. [Approximately 10
miles +/- 1,700 feet, R-27].
Mar 26
Heartbreak Ridge to Pinnacle
Old Fort, NC
This hike starts near Old Fort, parallels a creek for a warm
up stretch, and then starts climbing up Heartbreak
Ridge.The climb is not steep but it is unrelenting.To compensate, there are lots of good views to be had along the
way. It then goes up steeply for a relatively short distance
to the top of Blue Ridge Pinnacle, with 360 degree views
of Mt. Mitchell, Graybeard, Table Rock, etc… After lunch
on Pinnacle, we’ll head back down. Those interested will
stop at Yianni’s for dinner on the way back. Call or email for
meeting times and places. [14 miles; +/- 4000’; R54]
March 27
New Member Orientation
Lake Higgins Marina
Prospective, recent, and new members will meet at 1:30 in
the small conference room at Lake Higgins Marina on Hamburg Mill Road in Greensboro. Participants will be welcomed with discussion of the PHOC, it's opportunities, appropriate gear and what to expect on the trail. The class
room orientation should take about 45 minutes. Afterward,
the group will have the opportunity to hike in a scheduled
outing or we can take a leisurely stroll through the woods
and experience the scenery of Greensboro's Watershed
Trails. Participants should bring something to eat, plenty of
water, and wear appropriate clothing to be outside. The
orientation and outing should wrap up no later than 5:00
depending on the groups decisions. If you would like to attend the new member orientation and need additional information please contact Ken Cook
March 27
Nat Greene Trail
Lake Brandt Marina
We'll meet at the Lake Brandt Marina at 1:00 P.M. Depending on the weather and what the group wants to do, we
have a couple of options. Option #1 would be an out and
back hike on the Nat Greene trail for about 5 +/- miles rated
about R8. Option #2 would be hiking out the Nat Greene
Trail to the Greenway and returning on the Wild Turkey
Trail. This should be somwhere around 7-8 miles and a little
more difficult (don't know the 'R' rating). Option #2 would
include some multi use trails so we would have to watch out
for bicycles. Please e-mail or call if you plan on attending.
March 30
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
March 31
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Southern Roots Restaurant
119 East Main Street
Want to meet other thirty-somethings in the Triad? We
invite you to join us for dinner at 6:30 pm on
Thursday March 31 at the renowned Southern Roots Restaurant. The wine list is great, the food and appetizers are
to die for! Atmosphere is casual and many nights there is a
live band performing. Please email Amy Bennett at [email protected] by 3/25 if you would like to join in on
the fun!
April 2
Moore’s Knob Loop
Hanging Rock State Park
April 3
Join us to start April’s Dan River exploration. We will
begin in the upper Dan where hwy 704 crosses near
Francisco and take out in Danbury. The upper section
often is too low to paddle in the summer months. This
trip is good for beginners and above. Rentals can be
arranged in Danbury. After the trip, you may wish to
join us at Hillbilly Hideaway Restaurant in Walnut Cove
where the all-you-can-eat family style meal runs about
$15. We will leave Shoney’s in Greensboro at 9:00. Call
if you plan to participate and for rental information.
April 3
Join me for a slightly different Moore’s Knob Loop. We will
begin at the Visitor’s Center and head up by the Bath
House to start the loop in the normal manner. The difference is that we will go off-trail for short distances to investigate an unusual rock outcropping or take in a view not
often seen; these will include Balanced Rock and Indian
Face among others. The pace of this hike will be moderate
and each of the optional side excursions will be moderate
as well. Nothing hard here. Email with questions or for
meeting time and location. [ ~ 6 miles+; R17 ]
April 2
Bluff Ridge/Flat Rock Ridge
Doughton Park
Dan River Canoe/Kayak
Dan River, Virginia
PEC Trails
Piedmont Environmental Center
Join me at 9:30 AM for a Sunday morning hike along the
lake shore trails at the Piedmont Environmental Center
(PEC) on Penny Road in High Point. We will hike 3 of my
favorite trails: The Bill Faver Lakeshore Trail and Raccoon
Trail, both in the South Preserve, and the Deep River
Trail in the North Preserve. We will return via the Greenway. Just a word of caution: Lake trails can be a tad
muddy in wet conditions. Be sure to bring water. No
need to contact me unless you have questions. Doggies
welcome. Please meet at 9:30am in the PEC parking lot.
[7.5 miles].
April 6
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
This hike includes the demands of the steep Bluff Ridge
primitive trail but also the viewing rewards of a portion of
the Bluff Mountain trail along the Blue Ridge Parkway and
of the Flat Rock Ridge trail. A dinner stop at one of Elkin’s
renowned eating establishments can be a reward for the
day’s physical exertion. Contact David if interested in this
outing. [13 miles, 2800 feet, R41)
April 9
Roan Mountain
Too early for flaming azaleas and rhododendrons, but
Roan Mountain is spectacular at any time of the year.
Starting at Carver Gap, we will follow the AT, trekking
through high meadows with fabulous views. After pass-
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ing three balds, we will descend through a beautiful valley
to the trailhead at RT 19E. The weather is always unpredictable….especially in April….and there are a lot of exposures. Please bring plenty of warm clothes and rain gear.
Group size will be limited. Call or email for meeting place
and time. (13.5 miles +2150 ft, -4650ft Rated 40).
April 9
Rock Castle Gorge
Blue Ridge Parkway
Join me for the Rock Castle loop hike. This hike starts with
a rather steep uphill section followed by open meadows
along the Blue Ridge Parkway providing many scenic
views. We’ll lunch at the old AT shelter. If someone
would like to volunteer to supply the group with ice
cream or orange sherbet atop this hike, I would not be
opposed. Otherwise, you are free to bring your own although it will most likely be liquid by the time we reach
the shelter. Afterwards we’ll descend back into the
gorge, lined with gigantic boulders and end along a rushing mountain stream. Please contact me if you are joining
us. I prefer email, but if you call please leave a detailed
message. A caravan will depart Greensboro at 8 am and
meet others at Hardee’s in Stuart, VA at 9 am. (11 miles,
+/- 2800 feet, R39).
April 10
April 10
Spring Fling
Bur-Mil Park Shelter #2
Entertainment & Social Committee
Join us at 2 pm for our annual celebration of spring with a
good ole American Cook Out! Bring your favorite side
dish, appetizer or dessert to share. Bring a serving utensil
for your dish. The club will provide hot dogs, hamburgers,
plates, cups, silverware, tea and soda. Bur-Mil park prohibits alcohol so attendees who want to bring their own
adult beverages should bear this in mind. Feel free to
bring your camp chair. Enjoy fishing, hiking, biking, volleyball or visiting with friends. Heck, we may even crank
up the music and shake a leg! Festivities and meal begin
at 2:00 pm at Bur-Mil Park off of Owl's Roost Road in
Greensboro. Meet at shelter #2 on the left just past the
swimming pool. Please RSVP so we know how many burgers and hot dogs to provide.
April 13
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
April 14
7:00 pm
Southern Lights Dinner
2415 Lawndale Drive
pre Spring Fling hike
Bur-Mil Park
Let’s meet at the parking area in the circle beyond the
Wildlife Center at 12:00 pm. We’ll walk a little over 4
miles on the Owl's Roost Trail which is part of the NC
Mountains-to-Sea trail and return in plenty of time to
enjoy the Spring Fling festivities. Call or email with any
Note: The Spring Fling will serve in lieu of the Monthly
Meeting that would normally be held on Monday, April
Need a break from taxes or just a taxing day at work?
Come on out and join the fun at a terrific local restaurant.
They offer a wide variety of items from soups, salads,
sandwiches and entrees. Located on Lawndale Avenue
directly in front of Golden Corral. Contact Dan by
Wednesday April 13 so we can reserve adequate seating
for everyone.
April 15-17
Weekend Camping and Kayaking
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Cape Lookout Area
What: Weekend camping and kayaking the Cape Lookout
area at the coast. Distance paddling: Friday – easy paddle
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on the creek where we camp, Saturday – paddle from Harkers Island to Shackleford Banks, to Cape Lookout Lighthouse and back to Harkers Island (4-6 hours paddling, along
with time to explore the two islands, see wild ponies, have
lunch, etc.) Sunday – paddle around Carrot Island, a barrier
island only 100 yards from the launch in Beaufort, NC –
expect 3 hours on the water paddling easy.
Skill level: Depending on wind and tides, confidence in a
kayak and the ability to do a wet exit (if necessary) is useful. This is not a trip for beginners.
When: April 15-17 – leave Shoney’s in Greensboro at 8:00
a.m. on 4/15 – the drive is about 5 hours to Coastal Riverside Campground where we will set up camp. Leaving from:
Shoney’s in Greensboro at 8:00 a.m. on 4/15 Returning:
Leaving the coast by 2 pm, back to Shoney’s by 7 pm. What
to take: Kayak, pfd, paddle, appropriate clothing, spray skirt
will help keep you warm, dry bags, change of clothing,
plenty of fluids, change of clothes, towel, money for driver
(phoc recommends $3/hr per person), good attitude. Getting boats there: We will either car-top carry the boats or
use a boat trailer, depending on the number of drivers. I
recommend giving the person who carries your boat $10
for the weekend.
Food: Depending on preferences, we can cook and eat
together or separate (TBD). Alcohol is allowed in the campground. Camping: Take your own camping gear – we will
camp right on the creek’s edge. There are no picnic shelters there, but there is a clean bath house with showers
and flush toilets. Cost is $9/night per person for camping.
April 16
Doughton Park
Primitive/Cedar Ridge Trails
the trailhead. Please call or email Nicole for meeting time
and place: [12.5 mi].
April 16
This is not your usual Rock Castle hike unless you want to
make it so. Susan led this hike in the spring and we will
follow the creek and enjoy the wild flowers along the way.
We will hike to the CCC camp and up to the rocks to hopefully see the trillium in full bloom then return the same
way. If some want to do the great circle hike that can be
done also. This is a leisurely hike with not much elevation
gain. Bring water, lunch etc. Call or email for time and
place to meet.I do not know the mileage and have no way
to calculate it. It might be 6-8 miles. R 12.
April 16
Linville Gorge
Pisgah National Forest
Another great hard day in the Gorge. Today we will go
down the Pine Gap Trail to the Linville Gorge Trail. We will
then hike about eight miles along the river up and over
Babel Tower until we come out of the Gorge on the
Conely Cove Trail. This is for experienced Saturday hikers
only. Please call Ben for meeting place and time. App 9
miles +/- 2500ft. R-42.
April 17
Mid-April is without a doubt the best time of year to be at
Doughton Park to see rhododendrons and mountain laurels
emerging from the dullness of winter and donned in magnificent greenery. Even though this hike will give you a
good workout, we will take it at whatever pace is required
to give everybody a chance to enjoy the scenery and the
gentle breezes of spring. This is a strenuous hike that starts
out level, with one stream crossing, followed by 2.8 miles
of very steep uphill, letting you enjoy the remaining 8 miles
or so of meandering ups and downs and descent back to
Susan Getty Memorial Hike
Rock Castle Gorge
Foster Falls to Fries Junction Bike Ride
New River Trail State Park
This will be a two-option, out-and-back ride at Virginia’s
New River Trail State Park—one of the southeast’s best
rails-to-trails conversions. The relatively flat and cartraffic-free ride begins at Foster Falls, a village that dates
from the mid-1800s. Our trip will take us through the 135
-foot New River train tunnel and over the 670-foot Ivanhoe Trestle, which is a great place to stop for water and
enjoy the panorama of the river valley. Shortly after passing two dams built in 1913 for the Appalachian Power
Company, the riders doing the 32-mile option will arrive at
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their turnaround point and shady lunch spot where the
Chestnut Creek spur of the trail from Galax meets the main
trail from Fries. Outing participants for whom the longer
route is more strenuous than desired can opt for the 22mile ride, proceed at a slower pace, and eat lunch at a
picnic area near Buck Dam. The long-ride group and the
short-ride group should be back at the Foster Falls parking
area at approximately the same time. There is a nominal
parking fee at Foster Falls. The trail requires durable tires.
Individuals interested in the outing should contact David.
April 17
Dan River
Madison (704 Bridge) to Settles Bridge
Lets float down an historic section of the Mighty Dan River,
Length 9 miles, Time 4-5 hours, Difficulty: Class 1. In the
early 1800's barges, known as Batteau's navigated up and
down the Dan River providing trade for the area economies. To facilitate navigation of the Batteaus, sluices and
wingdams had to be constructed. There are 8 such navigation sites on this section. We will also float through the
confluence of the Mayo and Dan River. This is section 1 of
the Dan River Batteau Navigation Trail. Must bring, boat,
life vest, paddles, rain gear, water, lunch (picnic at Long
Island Ford), extra clothes in case you get wet and for the
shuttle ride. Water activities are inherently risky and include dangers of serious personal injury, property damage
and death. Email or call for meeting time and place.
April 17
Nat Greene Watershed Trail
Lake Brandt
Lets meet at 1:30 PM at the Nat Greene watershed trailhead for an out and back total of 6 easy miles. Proceed
north on Lake Brandt Road, turn into the Lake Brandt Marina entrance on the left, and then
left again at the bottom of the driveway. [R-7].
April 20
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
April 23
Hawksbill, LTR, Apricot,TR
Linville Gorge
Let’s catch some views from the eastern rim of Linville
Gorge! We’ll head up Hawksbill Mtn to enjoy the panorama there, scramble down the Ledge trail to the base of
the Hawksbill cliffs, and connect to the steep Little Table
Rock trail. After enjoying the cliff-side views at Little
Table Rock, we’ll pass the Chimneys and head down to
the Apricot Buttress area for some more views from the
edge of a 200-foot high wall. We’ll then do an optional
scramble up the steep Devil’s Cellar chute, bask in the
views from atop Table Rock, and then return to the cars
on the MST.
The upper section of the Ledge trail is a rugged boulder
field which requires careful scrambling up and down
large rock fragments. In addition, parts of this hike are
not on official trails, thus there will be areas not well
maintained and somewhat overgrown. We’ll leave
early, hike about eight hours, and have dinner in Morganton. Hike will be limited to sixteen people and no
pets. Call or email for meeting place and time. [10
miles, 3000 ft, R40].
April 23
Daniel Boone Scout Trail
Grandfather Mountain State Park
The first half of this hike will be a 3.7 mile, 2100-foot
ascent of the northeastern end of the Grandfather
Mountain ridge from the Blue Ridge Parkway to
Calloway Peak by way of the Daniel Boone Scout Trail,
which has two magnificent overlooks—one to the north
and one to the south. Lunch will be eaten on 5964-foot
Calloway Peak, with superb views in many directions.
The return route will be partly the same but will also
include overlooks along the Cragway Trail and the Nu-
Page 13 of 16
wati Trail. Shade and the high altitude will reduce the
impact of the July heat. This can be a good warmup for
Debby Harris's more demanding Grandfather Mountain
hike on April 30. The difficulty of the trail surface in
sections makes comfortable hiking boots advisable.
Bring water, lunch, and rain gear. Contact David if interested in this outing. [7.5 miles, 2200 feet, R32].
April 24
tions. In addition, there is the Douthat Lake View Restaurant located in the park. It will be open Saturday and Sunday serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. For more information on Douthat State Park Facilities and information go to
www.dcr.virginia.gov/state_parks/dou.shtml. NOTE: Overnight accommodations are the responsibility of each club
member that attends the outing. The park has cabins, but
will also accommodate car camping (tents) and RV's
Lake Townsend Trail
Greensboro Watershed Trails
Lets meet at 1:30 PM for an easy, scenic hike along the
wooded southern edge of Lake Townsend. From Battleground Ave or Lawndale, proceed east on Pisgah
Church, continue east on Lees Chapel, bear left at Brightwood School, turn left at the T at Rudd Station Road,
cross over the RR tracks and keep straight on South
Shore Road for about 1/3 of a mile. Park in the gravel
parking lot of your left. Allow about twenty minutes
drive time from Battleground. No need to call. [8 mi, R8]
April 27
Wednesday Night Walk and Dinner
See Page 4 for details
April 30
Weekend camping and hiking Outing
Douthat State Park, Virginia
April 30
Let’s do lunch! Join me at my all time favorite lunch spot,
Mac Rae Peak. We will hike the Profile Trail to Calloway
Peak for a short rest and to soak in the lovely views
(appraised by Lloyd’s of London at 2.3 Million Dollars.) We
will continue on the Grandfather Trail to our lunch destination, MacRae Peak. This hike does include ladders, rock
scrambling, and the World Famous…Grandfather Mt
Chute. Bring lots of fluid, snacks, lunch, camera, and good
humor. Call or email Debbie for meeting time and place. [9
miles 3000 feet R 45].
April 30
This weekend we are going to Historic Douthat State
Park in the Allegheny Mountains of Bath and Allegheny
Counties located in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The
park is on the National Register of Historic Places
opened June 15, 1936. With more than 40 miles of hiking trails in the park, the outing is planned for Saturday,
April 30 and Sunday May 1 and will include leisurely
strolls around the 50 acre lake to strenuous treks for the
adventurous members of the club. Campsites with water and electrical hookups for tents/RVs and 1, 2 and 3
bedroom cabins are available for overnight accommoda-
Grandfather Mountain
“T” Hike
Umstead Circular
Umstead State Park
This will be a brisk paced hike in this scenic state park. This
hike will be on trails and carriage roads. We will do a 9
mile loop before lunch and then have an option to do another 5 mile loop after lunch. We will share the trail with
joggers. While there is minimal elevation gain, the pace
and distance will allow for a good workout. This hike is
good for hikers who like to hike a brisk pace. Please contact me for meeting details. [ 9-14 mi, R10-14]