CORMIX application: Input and output options, visualisation and


CORMIX application: Input and output options, visualisation and
CORMIX Input / Output
CorVue provides interactive 3D and 2D near-field and far-field plume
visualizations of simulation model results, ambient boundaries, and
locations of regulatory mixing zone (RMZ) and toxic dilution zone
(TDZ) boundaries.
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CORMIX Input / Output
Section Outline
• Input and output methods and controls
• System components/ rule base messaging
• Flow classification/description
• Hydrodynamic simulation
• Interpretation of prediction files
• Session reports/system documentation
• User Help
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CORMIX Input / Output
Data Requirements for CORMIX
• All data input segments have similar features
• Current data entry box is highlighted in yellow
• Double-click clears entry
• Open format: decimals not required for numerical input
• Systems checks for data inconsistencies and errors
• If error occurs during validation - user will be prompted to check
and re-enter values
• Extensive online Help - CorHelp
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CORMIX Input / Output
Units of Measure
• CORMIX uses metric SI units (MKS) in all internal calculations
• CORMIX will automatically convert English/Mixed input units to
metric SI equivalents
• You can force input to SI with the pre-processing option
“Convert to SI Units”
• CORMIX reports only in SI units
• 3 - 4 significant digits is sufficient for most data
• Density values may require up to 5 significant digits
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CORMIX Input / Output
DATA INPUT - Project Tab
• SITE NAME or LABEL - descriptive text
• DESIGN CASE - descriptive text
• FILE NAME - maximum 256 characters w/o extension
– CORMIX will assign “.cmx” extension
• Prepared By, Date, Project Notes
Figure 3-13: Project Data Input Tab
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CORMIX Input / Output
DATA INPUT - Effluent Tab
• Flowrate (velocity)
• Density (temperature)
• Concentration
• Pollutant concentrations
– Any conventional measure
• mg/L, ppb, %,
bacteria-count, etc.
– Above existing background
• Pollutant Type
– Conservative,
Non-conservative, Heated,
Brine, Sediment
– Non-conservative
• Allows 1st order decay
• Specify k(1/day)
Figure 3-14: Effluent Data Input Tab
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CORMIX Input / Output
Effluent Types
CORMIX allows you to predict 5 types of effluent discharges
1. Conservative Pollutant: The pollutant does not undergo any
decay/growth processes.
2. Non-Conservative Pollutant : The pollutant undergoes a first order
decay or growth process.
– You need to specify the COEFFICIENT of decay (positive number) or
growth (negative number) in units /day (per day).
3. Heated Discharge: The discharge will experience heat loss to the
atmosphere IF the plume contacts the water surface.
– You need to specify the discharge condition in terms of EXCESS
temperature ΔT above ambient in units oC, and the SURFACE
4. Brines: Coastal applications – bottom slope controls trajectory
5. Sediments – Continuous pipeline dredge sources
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CORMIX Input / Output
Ambient Background Concentration
• To account for background concentration in CORMIX
– Enter all concentration values as excess above ambient
E.G. Ambient concentration = 10 mgl
Discharge concentration = 100 mgl
CMC=40 mgl; CCC = 15 mgl
– Enter into CORMIX as
C0 = 100 – 10 = 90 mgl
CMC = 40 – 10 = 30 mgl
CCC = 15 – 10 = 5 mgl
• If CORMIX predicts concentration at x = 100 m is c= 12 mg/l
– Actual concentration would be 12+10=22 mgl
– CMC and CCC values/messages will be reported correctly
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CORMIX Input / Output
Pollutant Growth / Decay
Non-conservative pollutants:
Adaptation to First-Order Reaction Processes
• Initial mixing mechanisms have very short time scale
– (order of minutes)
– Usually much less than the typical reaction times for growth or decay of
most discharged substances.
• If not apply exponential decay with reaction time Kr-1 to get nonconservative concentration cn
cn = c ⋅ e
− kr ⋅t
• Applied to physical, chemical, and/or biological reaction mechanisms
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CORMIX Input / Output
Cross-Section Schematization
• Ambient environments always
have boundaries
– Vertical
– Lateral
• One must enter boundary
information into CORMIX
– Process called Schematization
• Assemble cross-section plots
at several downstream locations
• Determine ”Equivalent
rectangular Cross-sectional area”
or schematization to account for
plume boundary interaction
Figure 3-17: Cross-Section Schematization
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Cross-Section Schematization
• Positively Buoyant Discharge
– Will rise upwards
• Deeper areas irrelevant
– Schematized in Figure 3-17a
– Neglect very shallow bank
areas/shallow floodways
• For highly non-uniform
– HD usually strongly
influences near -field mixing
– HA usually strongly
influences far -field mixing
Figure 3-17a: Schematizations for positively
buoyant discharge
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Cross-Section Schematization
• Negatively Buoyant Discharge
– Will sink downwards
• Shallow areas irrelevant
– Schematized in Figure 3-17b
– Neglect very shallow bank
areas/shallow floodways
• Assign more weight to crosssections near discharge
• Determine Surface width BS and
average depth HA for
• If discharge and ambient velocity
data is available, check continuity
of schematization
• Actual water depth at discharge
– +/- 30% of HA allowed by
Figure 3-17b: Schematizations for negatively
buoyant discharge
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Unbounded Channels
• Far shoreline very far away
– Large lakes, ocean
• Hydrographic and geometric
information are closely linked
• Assemble plots showing water
depth as function distance
from shoreline for the
discharge location and
several downstream
Figure 3-19: Bottom Contours – Cumulative
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Unbounded Channels – Cumulative Discharge
• Specification of actual water depth at submerged discharge
location HD for CORMIX1,2 same as for unbounded case
• Specification of HD for CORMIX3 identical to bounded case
• For unbounded cases, usually specify Darcy-Weisbach friction
factor f
– f ranges from 0.020-0.030
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Unbounded Channels – Cumulative Discharge
• Determine cumulative ambient discharge QAc from shore to
discharge location
• For each subsequent downstream location, mark the position for
the same cumulative ambient discharge
• Examine vertically averaged velocity and depth at these positions
for typical values of ambient depth HA and ambient velocity UA
• Give most weight to positions near discharge
• Distance from the shore DISTB is defined by
ua * HA
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Ambient Density Specification
• Ambient specified as fresh water or non-fresh
• Important dynamic parameter is density not temperature
• If fresh water and above 10 deg C, ambient temperature can be
• Ambient density can be uniform or non-uniform
– Neutral, Positive or Negatively buoyant discharges
• Up to 2 layer density profiles (CORMIX 1 & 2)
– Brine/Sediment discharges
• Up to 3 layer density profiles (Brine & Sediment)
– CorJet allows any arbitrary density profile
• Up to 10 layers
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Ambient Density Specification
• For CORMIX3 case, use an average density value
– Weighted towards surface density
– If strong near -field is present, larger averaging depth should be
• Pycnocline height HINT must be specified for profiles B,C
– May cause plume trapping
• Choice of pycnocline should be evaluated in a subsequent
sensitivity study
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Ambient Density Specification
Neutrally, Negatively or Positively buoyant discharge density profiles:
• If vertical variation of density < 1oC or 0.1 kg/m3
– Specify as uniform
– Specify average ambient density or average ambient temperature
• CORMIX1 and 2 allow for the stratification types shown in Figure 3-20
• CORMIX3 (Surface Discharge) assumes positive or neutral discharge and uniform
surface layer
Figure 3-20: Possible Approximations of Ambient Density Profiles
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Special Case – Brine/Sediment Discharges
• Coastal
• Near and Far
offshore slopes,
roughness, and
• Up to 3-layer density
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Density Calculator
• Pre- prosessing tool
• Calculates density
from temperature /
salinity values
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Wind Effects on Mixing in CORMIX
Wind Effects
• Wind is unimportant for near-field mixing
• Can critically affect plume behavior in the far-field
• Is non-directional within CORMIX
• Wind effects on ambient surface velocity should be captured by
• The typical wind speed categories (measured at the 10 m level) are:
– Breeze: 0-3 m/s
– Light wind: 3-15 m/s
– Strong wind: 15-30 m/s
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Wind Effects on Mixing in CORMIX
• If NO field wind data available:
• 2 m/s: RECOMMENDED value for conservative design conditions
• 0 m/s: Extreme low value
– Unrealistic for field conditions
– Useful when comparing to laboratory data
• 15 m/s: Maximum value allowed in CORMIX
• Wind speed Uw
• Effects far-field mixing, for heated discharges
• Is non-directional in CORMIX
– However wind direction may affect surface velocity field
– Surface currents should be captured by schematization
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Channel Roughness- Ambient Turbulence
• Channel roughness characteristics given
– Manning’s n or
– Darcy-Weisbach friction factor f
f = 8g 1/3 g =9.81m/ s
• Influences far -field mixing processes
• Does not have large influence on mixing
• Estimate friction factor by +/- 30%; prediction within +/- 10% at most
• Manning’s n shown in Table 3-1
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Typical Manning’s N values for Channel Roughness
Channel Type
Manning’s n
Smooth earth channel, no weeds
Earth channel, some stones & weeds
Clean & Straight natural rivers
0.025 - 0.030
Winding channel, with pools & shoals
0.033 - 0.040
Very weedy streams, winding, overgrown
0.35 - 0.150
Clean straight alluvial channels
(d = 75% sediment grain size in feet)
Table 3-1: Typical Manning’s n values
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DATA INPUT – Discharge Tab
Options for
• Single Ports
• Multiport Diffusers
• Surface –shoreline
discharges (CORMIX 3)
Discharge Data Input Tab – CORMIX2
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DATA INPUT - CORMIX1- Discharge Tab
• CORMIX1 - Single port discharges
• Definition diagram appears in Figure 3-22
Figure 3-22: Definition Diagram for CORMIX1 discharge data
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Limits of Applicability- CORMIX1
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DATA INPUT – Zones Tab (Contd.)
• Number of grid intervals NSTEP
– NSTEP Only controls lines of output
• If TDZ definitions apply
– CMC checked at edge of TDZ
– CCC checked at edge of RMZ
• RMZ can be specified by:
– Distance from discharge location
– Cross-sectional area occupied by the plume
– Width of effluent plume
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CORMIX1 Coordinate System
+z -axis
• Right hand coordinate
• Origin: (0,0,0) on bottom
directly below port
– Index finger: +x direction
of ambient flow ua
– Middle finger: +y lateral
+y -axis
– Thumb: +z discretion
+x -axis
• Nearest bank: left or right
as seen by observing facing
Origin (0,0,0)
Fig. CS1-2: Coordinate System shown in
CorSpy for co-flow discharge.
+x is the direction of the ambient
velocity ua
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CORMIX1- Discharge Location
• Nearest bank: left or right as seen
by observing facing downstream
• DISTB: lateral distance to nearest
• Port diameter, or cross-sectional
• Height of port above bottom H0
Fig. CS1-3: A) Distance to bank DISTB, and
B) Port height HO in CorSpy
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Port Orientation: Vertical Angle of Discharge θ
z- axis
Vertical angle of discharge
θ= 150
• Angle between port centerline and
horizontal plane
σ= 00
• -45<= θ<= 90o
x- axis
• Fig.CS1-5 shows co-flow discharge
z- axis
σ = 0o
θ = 450
σ= 00
x- axis
Fig. CS1-4: Side views of Coordinates in CorSpy
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Port Orientation: Horizontal Angle of Discharge σ
+y axis
Horizontal angle of discharge
• Angle between ambient current
and plan projection of port
centerline measured
+x axis
• 0o ≤ σ0 ≤ 360o
– σ = 0o or 360o : Co-flow
– σ = 90o : Crossflow to left
– σ = 180o : Counter-flow
+y axis
+y axis
+x axis
+x axis
Fig. CS1-5: Plan Views of
A) σ = 0o,
B) σ = 90o, and,
C) σ = 235o in CorSpy
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CORMIX2 Diffuser Types
3 Major CORMIX2 Diffuser Types
• Unidirectional diffuser: all ports point to one side of diffuser line,
more or less horizontally
• Staged diffuser: all ports point in one direction along diffuser line,
more or less horizontally
• Alternating diffuser: ports do not point in single horizontal direction
– Imparts no net horizontal momentum
– May point more or less horizontally in alternating directions
– May point vertically upwards
• CORMIX always assumes uniform spacing and round port
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Unidirectional Diffusers
Figure 4-15: Unidirectional Diffusers
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Staged Diffusers
Figure 4-16: Staged Diffusers
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Alternating Diffusers
Figure 4-17: Alternating Diffusers
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CORMIX2 - Multiport Diffuser Data Entry
CORMIX2: Multiport diffusers
• Generalized definition sketch appears in Figure 4-11
• Many parameters similar to single port definitions
Figure 4-11: Definition Diagram for CORMIX2 (special case HA= HD)
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CORMIX3 Data Input for Surface Discharges
• Surface buoyant discharges
• Definition sketch appears in
Figure 4-28
• CORMIX3 allows for three
discharge types shown in
Figure 4-29
– Flush with bank/shore
(Fig. 4-29a)
– Protruding from bank/shore
(Fig. 4-29b)
– Co -flowing along bank
(Fig. 4-29c)
Figure 4-28: Definitions for CORMIX3 input
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CORMIX3 Discharge Types
Figure 4-29: CORMIX3 surface discharge configurations
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CORMIX3 Cross-Section Schematization
• CORMIX3 uses actual water
depth observed at channel
entry HD0
• Requires specification of
receiving water bottom slope θb (THETAB)
• Slope of receiving water bottom
surface perpendicular to shoreline
• Important for bottom attaching
Figure 3-18: Surface Discharge Schematization
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Ambient Velocity Field
• Ambient discharge QA or mean ambient velocity UA is used to
specify ambient flow conditions
• Special case: stagnant ambient: QA or UA = 0
– Only near -field predictions given
– Steady-state far -field process require mean transport velocity
• May (not always) represent extreme limiting case for dilution
• More realistic assumption is a small but finite ambient crossflow
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DATA INPUT – Zones Tab
• Provides information
which allows SUMMARY
REPORT to tailor
hydrodynamic analysis to
current situation
• Information specified in
– If EPA toxic dilution
zone TDZ definitions
– If ambient water quality
criteria standard exists
– If regulatory mixing
zone RMZ definition
• The downstream extent of
the region of interest
Figure 3-23: Mixing Zone Data Input Tab
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CORMIX System Output Tab
• The output tab controls options for display, print of program output
• Print and save functions also available in each output window
Figure 5-1: CORMIX System output control tab
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Parameter Module
• Input data automatically
screened for logic and
parameter range errors
• Program module
PARAMATER computes
important length scales and
other dynamic parameters
• Also describes logic of flow
• Messages displayed in
Processing Record
Figure 5-2: Program element PARAMETER
calculates basic plume physical
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Processing Record Messages
Figure 5-3: The Processing Record as displayed in the processing tab
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Processing Record
• Conveys basic information on mixing processes present using
careful terminology
• Additional checks for data consistency with modeling assumptions
• Describes key calculation assumptions
• Subsequent tests may alter or amplify initial results
– Ambient density profiles may not be stable
• Stability is checked with a flux Richardson number
– Dynamic bottom attachments
– Near-field instabilities may prevent sinking plume
• Collects information for Flow Classification
– Alerts user if simulation is available for the assigned flow class
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Processing Record Messages
Parameter messages shown in Processing Record
• ”The effluent density (1000.45 kg/m^3) is greater that the surrounding water
density at the discharge level (997.2 kg/m^3). Therefore, the effluent is
negatively buoyant and will tend to sink towards the bottom”
• STRONG BANK INTERACTION will occur for this perpendicular diffuser
type due to its proximity to the bank (shoreline). The shoreline will act as a
symmetry line for the diffuser flow field. The diffuser length and total flow
variables are doubled (or approximately doubled, depending on the vicinity
to the shoreline). All of the following length scales are computed on that
• ”The specified two layer ambient density stratification is dynamically
important. The discharge near field flow will be confined to the lower layer
by the ambient density stratification. Furthermore, it may be trapped below
the ambient density jump at the pycnocline.”
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Flow Class Descriptions
• Flow Class description gives a
qualitative description of the
physical processes of near-field
and far-field mixing
• Option to view, print, or save is
available in Output Tab
• Actual HYDRO execution may
alter or change final physical
process simulations based upon
dynamic mixing parameters
– Density Current/Buoyant
spreading may not occur
depending upon amount of
near-field mixing
Figure 5-6: Flow Class descriptions describe
the physical mixing processes in
each flow class
• Figure 5.6 Gives example for V1
flow class description
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FC Tree for Current Simulation
Figure 5-7: The FC Tree displays the flow classification logic for the current simulation
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Hydrodynamic Simulation Modules
• CORMIX uses regional flow models
• Distinct Series of ’hydrodynamic modules” are executed
sequentially to simulate entire flow field for a given flow classification
• Flow class descriptions give qualitative description of physical mixing
processes likely to be present for flow
Figure 5-8: Illustrative example of a sequence of CORMIX hydrodynamic flow modules
executed for plume simulation for flow classification V1
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Brine / Sediment Density Currents
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V1 Flow Class Description
Table 5.1: V1 Flow Class Description
A submerged buoyant effluent issues vertically or near-vertically from the discharge port.
The discharge configuration is hydrodynamically “stable”, that is the discharge strength
(measured by its momentum flux) is weak in relation to the layer depth and in relation to the
stabilizing effect of the discharge buoyancy (measured by its buoyancy flux).
The following flow zones exist:
1) Weakly deflected jet in crossflow:
The flow is initially dominated by the effluent momentum (jet-like) and is weakly deflected
by the ambient current.
2) Weakly deflected plume in crossflow:
After some distance the discharge buoyancy becomes the dominating factor
(plume-like). The plume deflection by the am-bient current is still weak.
Alternate possibility:
Depending on the ratio of the jet to crossflow length scale to the plume to crossflow
length scale the above zone may be replaced by a strongly deflected jet in crossflow:
2) Strongly deflected jet in crossflow:
The jet has become strongly deflected by the ambient current.
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V1 Flow Class Description
Table 5.1 (cont.): V1 Flow Class Description
3) Strongly deflected plume in crossflow:
The plume has been strongly deflected by the current and is slowly rising toward the
4) Layer boundary approach:
The bent-over submerged jet/plume approaches the layer boundary (water surface or
pycnocline). Within a short distance the concentration distribution becomes rela-tively
uniform across the plume width and thickness.
*The zones listed above constitute the NEAR-FIELD REGION in which strong initial mixing takes place. *
5) Buoyant spreading at layer boundary:
The plume spreads laterally along the layer boundary (surface or pycnocline) while it
is being advected by the ambient current. The plume thickness may de-crease during
this phase. The mixing rate is relatively small. The plume may interact with a nearby
bank or shoreline.
6) Passive ambient mixing:
After some distance the background turbulence in the ambient shear flow becomes
the dominating mixing mechanism. The passive plume is growing in depth and in
width. The plume may interact with the channel bottom and/or banks.
*** Predictions will be terminated in zone 5 or 6 depending on the definitions of the REGULA-TORY
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CORMIX Hydrodynamic Prediction
Maximum Centerline vs. Flux Average Dilution
• To obtain flux average or bulk dilution (Sf)
• For single port discharges: Sf/S = 1.7
• For multiport discharges or surface discharges: Sf/S = 1.3
Dilution vs. Concentration
• CORMIX gives minimum centerline dilution S
maximum concentration C
• Dilution S is ratio of initial concentration C0 to concentration C at given location
• Dilution neglects any decay or growth for non-conservative pollutants
• Dilution S will NOT include 1st order effects; while Concentration C does!
Hydrodynamic Display
Plume centerline shift to bank after attachment more gradual than predicted
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FORTRAN Hydrodynamic Simulation
CORMIX Hydrodynamic Simulation and Flow Modules
The FORTRAN tabular simulation output is available as filename.prd
x, y, z trajectory of plume centerline
Concentration c of pollutant
Dilution S = c0/c
Plume width (B, BH, or BV)
Continuous modules
• Most subsurface modules based on CORJET or CorSurf
• Some buoyant spreading modules are integral
Control volume modules
• Used when no mechanistically based mathematical description is available
• Based on conservation of mass, momentum
Transitions from module to modules
• Continuous, satisfying conservation of mass, momentum, energy
• Occasional mismatches in plume width will result
• Most mismatches are small
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CORMIX1 Hydro1 Prediction File
Figure 5-10: CORMIX1 Hydro1 near-field prediction file
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CORMIX1 Boundary Interaction Prediction
Figure 5-11: CORMIX1 Hydro1 Boundary Interaction prediction file
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CORMIX2 Hydro2 Far-field Density Current
Figure 5-12: CORMIX2 Hydro2 far-field density current prediction file
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CORMIX3 Far-field Passive Diffusion Prediction
Figure 5-13: CORMIX3 Hydro3 far-field passive diffusion prediction file
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CORMIX Plume Profile Definitions
Figure 5-14: Profile Definitions for potting CORMIX simulations
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Plotting Plume Concentration Isolines
To Plot Plume Concentration Isolines
• For submerged plumes and passive mixing regions
c ( n ) = Cc e
− ( )2
C(n) = concentration a lateral position n
n= distance measured transversely away from centerline
Cc = centerline concentration
e= base of natural logarithm
b =local plume half-width
• Used with caution in control volume or buoyant spreading regions
– Use uniform or “top hat” distribution
• Figure 5-14 has useful relationships for plotting CORMIX simulation results
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Summary Output File
Program Element SUM
• Contains concise summary of simulations
• Interprets prediction results in relationship to regulatory criteria
• Alerts user to special plume characteristics
• SUMMARY Report output data includes:
Date and Time of analysis
Complete echo of data input
Calculated flux, length scale and non-dimensional parameter values
The CORMIX flow classification assigned
The coordinate system used in analysis
Summary of near-field hydrodynamic mixing zone (HMZ) conditions
Far-field locations where plume becomes fully mixed vertically and horizontally
Summary of toxic dilution zone (TDZ) conditions
Summary of regulatory mixing zone (RMZ) conditions
Describes bottom attachments, bank interaction, upstream intrusions
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Summary Program Element
Figure 5-9: Session Report Window
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Post-Processor: CorVue Visualization Tool
CorVue tool for mixing zone visualization
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V1 Flow Class CorVue Visualization
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Pre-processor: CorSpy
• Visualize 3-D source geometry for single ports, multiport diffuser and
surface discharges
• Check your geometry
• Visualize coordinate system
• Visualize lateral and horizontal boundaries
• Calculate YB1 and YB2 for multiport diffusers based on diffuser
alignment angle γ
• Communicate outfall design
• Load CorSpy Data into CORMIX Discharge Tab
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Pre-processor: CorSpy
Figure 6-18: CorSpy example of perpendicular fanned alternating diffuser where HD > HA
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Pre-processor: CorSpy Data Input
Figure 6-17: CorSpy data entry for outfall visualization
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Post-processor: CorSens Sensitivity Analysis
• Sensitivity analysis is always recommended
– Effects of schematization
– Normal variation in ambient / discharge conditions
• CorSens tool automatically allows you to create and run
simulations and vary input parameters
– Effect of duckbill check valves
• User can vary one or all multiple parameters
– discharge velocity, discharge density, ambient velocity, ambient
depth, surface and bottom density
• Produces CorSens Report and HMZ and RMZ values
• Graphs of dilution/concentration vs. single parameter are available
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Post-processor: CorSens Sensitivity Analysis
Figure 6-19: CorSens data entry GUI
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Post-processor: CorSens Sensitivity Analysis
Figure 6-20: CorSens data output table
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CORMIX Help / Documentation
• Hypertext User Manual
• F1 key access
• Linked to current data
input box
– Also contains technical
reports for CORMIX1,
2, & 3
– Available in
Figure 5-15: CorDocs hypertext system documentation
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Section Summary
• View, print, save output files
• Rule base messaging
• Flow classification and Hydrodynamic simulation
• Interpretation of system documentation
• User Help
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