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View now - Jewish Home and Care Center
A newsletter from the Jewish
Home and Care Center, Chai Point,
the Sarah Chudnow Community
and the Jewish Home and Care
Center Foundation.
Winter 2012
Mission Statement
The mission of the Jewish Home and
Care Center is to provide our Jewish
Community with those services that
enable our seniors or infirm to be part of a
quality Jewish environment with comfort,
meaning, independence, and dignity.
Jewish Home and Care Center, Inc.
Chairman of the Board..............Arleen Peltz
President.......................... Michael I. Sattell
Administrator........................... Elaine Dyer
Marketing Director.............. Marlene Heller
Hand In Hand
Chairman......................... Phil Himmelfarb
Jewish Home and Care Center
Foundation, Inc.
Chairman of the Board.... William L. Komisar
President.......................... Michael I. Sattell
Prospect Congregate Housing, Inc.
(Chai Point)
Chairman of the Board..........William Elliott
Director.............. Deborah Rosenthal Zemel
Mequon Jewish Campus, Inc.
(Sarah Chudnow Community)
Chairman of the Board......Daniel Chudnow
Administrator.......................Paul J. Schultz
In this Issue:
Adult Day Center...................................... 1
Conceal and Carry Policy.......................... 2
2011 Annual Dinner................................. 3
Sarah Chudnow Community.................... 4
Chai Point Happenings............................. 5
JHCC Activities........................................ 6
About Our Volunteers............................... 7
JHCC Foundation..................................... 8
Thank You to Donors................................ 9
Adult Day Center Provides
Respite for Caregivers
estled between the Jewish
person who attends will be so well
Home and Care Center and
understood by our staff, that everything
Chai Point, in the 1410
we do throughout the day would be
N. Prospect building, is the Adult
able to focus on each person’s individual
Day Center. Here, people with the
strengths, abilities, experiences and
beginnings of dementia or isolated
memories.” Dana’s plan is for staff to
adults can come for the day and find
consider participants in every single
socialization in a loving and nurturing
thing they do… and not to do it for
environment. It is an
them, but to do it
ideal place for families
with them. “They [the
and spouses to bring
staff] should never be
their loved ones,
doing anything alone.
knowing that it is a
Even going to mail a
protected and safe area,
letter; they can have
leaving them with the
a participant walking
freedom to do other
with them and mailing
things for a few hours.
the letter. They should
questions for a caller in the newly use a creative approach;
Just knowing that a
decorated Adult Day Center.
spouse or parent is safe
do new things. When
can give the caregiver breathing space
you improve your mind, you boost
to run some errands, see a doctor, take a
your brain.” Even little things, such as
nap, or even visit with a friend.
mailing a letter, can involve interaction
between staff and participants.
Our Adult Day Center has been
undergoing some changes. With
Dana has been visiting other premier
the addition of Social Worker Dana
adult centers in the Milwaukee area, and
Rubin-Winkelman, MSW, CAPSW, in
meeting with their activity directors.
charge of the Day Center, the ADC has
She is focused on taking the best
taken on a new persona, physically,
practices from each and incorporating
programmatically and philosophically.
them into the ADC at the Jewish Home.
In September, she attended a national
Dana’s vision for the ADC is that it,
conference where she met experts from
like the Jewish Home, Chai Point, and
all over the country and began forming
Sarah Chudnow Community, follow a
her network of advisors. Working with
person-centered approach in a loving
Randy Crosby, facilities director for the
and nurturing environment. “It is a
JHCC, she has created an environment
sophisticated program that focuses on
in the Day Center that is more
nurturing souls, minds and bodies,
homelike; comfortable and welcoming
considering each person as a whole,”
and less cluttered.
she explains. “My idea is that every
continued on Page 2
continued from Page 1
“We made it so that there are areas for
specific activities. Along with a grant
from Hand In Hand, which enabled us
to purchase a refrigerator and a couple
of lounge chairs, the most apparent
changes are the warm colors on the
walls, and the furniture being set up so
that there is an actual sitting area. Now
it is like they are sitting in their own
family room. There is a game table for
checkers. There is a round table they sit
at for lunch, with a table cloth and china
where they have a hot kosher meal.
Some people prefer to have areas to do
activities on their own; there is room for
that as well.”
The piano was moved into the main
room so that Margaret Everson,
Activities Coordinator, can play for the
group. “She plays so beautifully, and
she will play Yiddish songs and show
tunes and other songs, and they will just
sing and it’s warm and haimishe. The
atmosphere changes.”
Indeed, the whole atmosphere has
changed, with real artwork and a warm,
inviting color palette on the walls, the
new furniture arrangements and more.
Dana writes a monthly letter to the
families with highlights of activities and
includes a calendar of events. In this
way, families can choose which days will
be more meaningful for their loved ones
to attend, and it offers a touch point
for something to talk about when they
return. The families appreciate knowing
what is going on each day as well as
having a conversation starter for when
they are reunited at the end of the day.
Paula Ruby, whose husband, Bill,
attends the ADC, says, “The very,
very patient women {working in the
ADC} really pegged my husband. They
understood that he has to be kept busy.
I really appreciate that.”
Paul Elias finds the Jewish environment
very meaningful. His wife, Jenny, says he
likes the program and especially loves
the music. “I am so glad that he’s part of
this program, I really am. The staff is very
qualified, and they are good to him.”
She especially likes the calendars the
staff sends out with the daily activities.
“They have a fabulous program, and they
keep the family informed. They keep the
participants active. It gives me a break,
it really does. It gives me a chance to do
things on my own. It’s very important for
my husband to have some socialization
and interaction with other people. It’s
more than I could do for him.”
The Adult Day Center is more than
just a place to stay for a few hours.
Services such as nursing supervision,
physical therapy, occupational therapy
and more are available if needed. An
individual care plan is worked out for
each person attending. If you have a
loved one you think would benefit from
such an environment, call Dana RubinWinkelman at 414-289-9600, ext. 471
and ask about trying a day for free.
Concealed & Carry Policy on
JHCC, CP and SCC Properties
n July, Governor Scott Walker signed Wisconsin Act 35
into law, which makes it legal for Wisconsin residents who
meet certain requirements to carry concealed weapons.
The law permits employers to decide whether or not to allow
concealed weapons on their premises.
at all times while it is on any portion
of our property.
If you see anyone in possession of a weapon on JHCC property
and believe that someone may be in imminent danger, call 911.
And secondly, please contact the Front Desk of the building
for immediate internal response. If you suspect that someone
is violating the corporate Conceal and Carry Policy, but do
not believe there is imminent danger, you should contact
the Corporate Compliance Hotline at 414-277-8856 and
leave sufficient information so the matter can be addressed
appropriately. The Jewish Home and Care Center, Chai Point
and Sarah Chudnow Community are committed to ensuring
that complaints of weapons or violence are investigated and
resolved promptly and effectively. No employee will suffer
adverse employment actions as a result of reporting conduct
that violates this policy or a suspected violation of this policy.
The Jewish Home and Care Center, Chai Point and Sarah
Chudnow Community strictly prohibit employees and all
other persons from bringing, storing, concealing or possessing
any weapon including, but not limited to, firearms, handguns,
knives, and explosive devices on any portion of any of our
properties. This policy applies even if the individual is licensed
to carry a concealed weapon under state law. This property
includes the entirety of the offices, living and work areas of
each of our facilities, all areas surrounding each building such
as sidewalks, walkways, terraces, patios, gardens, driveways
and parking lots, and company-owned vehicles. The law
permits the storage of firearms, handguns and knives within
personal vehicles. Our policy requires that the firearms,
handguns and knives remain locked within the owner’s vehicle
Our goal is the safety of our residents, employees and guests,
while complying with the law.
2011 Annual Dinner
nce a year, the Jewish Home and Care Center hosts the
community at its Annual Dinner. In November 2011,
the JHCC honored Past President Mina K. Tepper with
a gala affair that was hosted by honorary co-chairs Sheila and
Larry Appel and included a special musical tribute by Joel and
Chana Eckhardt.
About 225 people paid tribute to Ms. Tepper in an evening
filled with praise and memories. The décor of the event centered
around dreidels, as Ms. Tepper is an avid collector of the
Chanukah spinning top, and the rooms were decorated in the
rose and purple colors that are among her favorites. The Annual
Dinner Committee worked hard to include those touches that
would be sure to please their honoree. Committee member Suzy
Peltz created a centerpiece that resembled a dreidel, except that
the letters spelled out M-I-N-A. Bottles of wine on each table wore
dreidel necklaces – also created by Suzy – and the gift presented
to Mina was a hand painted ceramic dreidel from Israel.
Sheila and Larry Appel, longtime friends of Mina and her
husband, Jerry, served as honorary co-chairs. Sheila displayed
and read the proclamations received from Governor Walker and
Mayor Tom Barrett, and a personal letter from Senator Herb Kohl.
Mina and Jerry Tepper and Sheila and Larry Appel.
Arleen Peltz, Chairman of the Board, presents Mina Tepper with a
handpainted dreidel from Israel.
Members of the Annual Dinner committee included: Suzy Peltz,
Arleen Peltz, Dee Stein, Audrey Laufman, Margie Stein, Della
Bornstein, Martha Yoselevitz, Peggi Glaser, Cindy Katzoff, Susan
Marcus, Suzy Ettinger, and Doreen Marcus.
It’s never too early to mark your calendar: Next year’s Annual
Dinner will be November 11, 2012! If you’d like to serve on
a committee, please call Marlene Heller at 414-277-8802 or
email [email protected].
All photos by Gary Heller
Mina Tepper talks with Bess Lerner.
Mina Tepper talks with son Michael.
Rabbi Mendel Shmotkin and Mike Sattell.
Sarah chudnow Community
We Made the List!
arah Chudnow has just completed
its annual mandatory health
inspection and has once again
shown itself to be one of the top
skilled nursing homes in Wisconsin.
Congratulations to the staff of SCC for
continuing to maintain the 5-Star rating
of which we are so proud! You can also
find Sarah Chudnow on the list of US
News and World Report’s annual list of
Best Nursing Homes in the country!
New Year’s Eve Celebration
New Year’s Eve was celebrated in Town Square with live music and a gala celebration. Entertainment was provided by resident Rose Dubester’s
great-nephew Noah Wolfe on guitar and great-niece Ariella Wolfe on clarinet and vocals. They were accompanied by their mom
Julie Hochman on cello and Rick Aaron on flute.
Do-Gooder’s Day of Deals
Voter Photo ID Event
In December, SCC held a fair to support the Alzheimer’s Association
of SE Wisconsin. More than 20 vendors set up booths in Town
Square, where residents and visitors were able to purchase anything
from kitchen products to haute couture. In addition, vendors
supplied items to be raffled off. The next fair will be held November
25. It’s never too early to mark your calendar!
Nadya Perez-Reyes, Elections Specialist, explained the new law in
detail and answered questions. She handed out written information
and told our residents they didn’t have to worry about the elections, as
long as they voted by absentee ballots. She also gave great information
to all of the community members who came to the presentation.
Chai Point Happenings
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra Visits!
onductor Francesco LecceChong brought half of the
Milwaukee Symphony
Orchestra to the Rubenstein Pavilion at
the Jewish Home and Care Center and
Chai Point on Oct. 28. Residents and
visitors were treated to an educational
program on symphonies, featuring
Beethoven’s 9th, some pieces by
Mozart, Haydn and Bach, and the full
Symphony #1 from Beethoven. Sarah
Chudnow Community residents also
came over to enjoy the program. Chai
Point Activities Director Trish Cohn
emceed the program, introducing the
young conductor. More than 100 people
crammed into the hall to enjoy the free
presentation, which is an outreach of
the MSO that residents get to experience
each year. Afterwards, residents said
that it was wonderful to be able to enjoy
the afternoon of culture and “forget
their own aches and pains for a while.”
Barbara throws a kiss to “her” residents,
who have all become friends and family
over the past 17 years.
The conductor explained the details of creating a symphony
to the audience.
Conductor Francesco Lecce-Chong leads his orchestra.
Cantorfest Returns
Pianist Karen Horwitz and
flautist Rick Aaron accompany
Cantor Rebecca Robins of
Congregation Sinai at the first
program of Chai Point’s annual
Cantorfest at the Rubenstein
Pavilion on December 21.
Residents of Chai Point and the
Jewish Home and Care Center,
as well as their families and
guests enjoyed listening and
singing along to traditional and
modern Chanukah songs. This
was the first of five programs
that lasted through the holiday.
Living the Chai Life
Chai Point is starting
its Chai year! Watch for
announcements of special
events and activities
throughout the year –
be prepared to help us
celebrate this milestone!
JHCC Activities
It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This!
he Jewish Home recently had
its State Survey and is pleased
and proud to report a Clinical
Deficiency-Free survey! Congratulations
to Administrator Elaine Dyer and
Director of Nursing Cara Hesse and
the whole staff on the teamwork that
keeps our Home among the best in the
country. We were also proud to find our
name listed in US News & World Report’s
roundup of 5-star Nursing Homes
around the country.
Tu B’Shevat Seder
Veteran’s Day Performance
Beth Draper, Volunteer Coordinator, leads the Tu B’Shevat seder for
Jewish Home residents as Kimberly Rosenau, activity coordinator,
accompanies her on the keyboard. Residents celebrated the new
year for trees with songs and grape juice of different colors, along
with dates, fruits and nuts.
Veterans Day was commemorated with an original play, written and
directed by Dreama Smith. Cast members were employees
of the Jewish Home, including members of the military who played
themselves. The impressive performances and entertaining script
were enjoyed by residents of the Jewish Home, Chai Point and
guests. Look out, Broadway!
Blood Drive is a Success
Emily Wilfong, Administrator
in Training, proudly shows off
the poster proclaiming “Total
Units Donated: 23; Total Lives
saved: 69. Emily coordinated
the successful Blood Drive
held on February 13. We
hope to hold another drive in
the summer. Employees and
visitors dropped in throughout
the day to donate blood.
Our Volunteers are Our Lifeline
eciding to become a volunteer at the Jewish Home, Chai Point or Sarah Chudnow is a very personal
decision. Some choose to do so because of a prior connection to the organization. Others do it because
they have time on their hands and are looking for something to do. Still others volunteer because they
want to be connected to the Jewish community. Whatever the reason, most volunteers soon find themselves part
of a whole new community… with new friends, new joys and a new appreciation of what it means to be part of
this large Milwaukee family, as volunteer Ken Stein can tell you.
Homespun: Why did you decide
to volunteer?
Ken: When I retired from the jewelry
a lot out of seeing people enjoying
business, I wasn’t ready to kick back and
do nothing. It was time to give back. I
was brought up that way. My mother
was very attached to the Home. She gave
to the Home. Her mother was here. My
parents lived near the first Jewish Home
for the Aged. My father’s father lived
in the Jewish Home in the 40s. It was
a different type of Home then; people
showed up with suitcases and moved in.
Homespun: What was the hardest
thing to get used to when you
started volunteering?
Ken: To see so many people who want
Homespun: Why volunteer at the
Jewish Home?
Ken: I am involved with a lot of
organizations; the Jewish Federation,
the JCC, I’m on an advisory board for
Concordia University, to name a few.
But not only did I want to get involved
in the Jewish community, we also
conveniently moved next door!
Homespun: How did you get
Ken: Arleen Peltz asked me to join the
board of the Jewish Home, of which she
is now chair. She asked me if I’d like to
get active, and here I am.
Homespun: Who were your
Ken: My parents and my wife. Dee
and I have been married 50 years. She
influences me by word and deed, in a
very quiet way.
Homespun: What activities do you
like best?
Ken: I enjoy group activities, because
we can make the residents smile. I get
your attention and who can’t do what
they used to do, what they want to do.
A smile from you makes a difference,
even if it’s just once a week. I would like
to see more family members assisting
and visiting because no one can give the
people you love everything you want
them to have. When family is here, it
helps. A smile from family is worth a
thousand words.
Homespun: How much time do you
spend volunteering at the JHCC?
Ken: At least few hours a week.
Homespun: What would you say
to someone who is thinking about
Ken: Just do it. You’ll get far more out
of it than you’ll put in. It’s very easy
to be a volunteer. You will get out of it
happiness and knowing that they are
enjoying it.
Homespun: What have you
learned since you started
volunteering here?
Ken: That the Residents just want to
be able to live and be happy. They have
challenges that do not allow them to
do what most people can; they have
restrictions. They want to laugh, they
want to kibitz, they want to lighten up.
They kid back.
Volunteer Appreciation
Luncheon: Hold the Date!
Monday, April 30
Active Volunteers,
Watch for Your Invitations!
We’re Taking it on the Road!
Attention Organizations!
To learn more about our Volunteer
Program or if you are looking for a
mitzvah project, call Beth Draper,
Volunteer Coordinator, at 414-2778848, or bdraper@jewishseniorliving.
org. She will bring a presentation to
your meeting that explains the value
and joys of volunteering at the Jewish
Home, Chai Point and Sarah
Chudnow Community.
Flu Shot Requirements
To protect our frail population, it
is now required that all volunteers
follow the same procedure as our
employees, and show proof of flu shot
in order to work with our Residents
during flu season. If you do not have a
flu shot, you will have to either wear a
mask or work only in a non-Resident
contact capacity. Please note that these
opportunities are extremely limited.
Volunteers may receive an
injection from the Jewish Home
or Sarah Chudnow Community
if it’s available after our resident
and employee populations have
been served.
Please call Beth Draper, Volunteer
Coordinator, with any concerns at
Jewish Home and Care Center Foundation
Long-Term Care… What does it mean?
he phrase “long-term care” can mean many different
things to many different people. It can mean moving in
with a daughter or son, moving out of your house of 35
years, relocating to another city, hiring a private duty caregiver,
moving into an assisted living apartment or placing a loved
one in a skilled nursing home. Since 70% of people over the
age of 65 require some long-term care services [1] it has become
increasingly important to plan for long-term care, not only
because it is very expensive, but because there is a good chance
you will need some long-term care service if you live beyond
the age of 65.
Thanks to the mission of the Jewish Home and Care Center
Foundation and the generosity of many donors over the
years, the Jewish Home and Care Center, Chai Point Senior
Living and Sarah Chudnow Community are able to work with
families and provide services regardless of their ability to pay.
To find out more about long-term care planning, visit
It is most common for people to first learn about long-term
care when they or a loved one require services due to some
type of crisis situation like a fall or an illness. However, if you
wait until a crisis occurs to start planning, your options may
be limited. The information you need may not be available,
you might not have the money you need to pay for the services
you want, or you may have to rely on family or close friends to
make important decisions for you.
“…if you wait until a crisis
occurs to start planning,
your options may be limited.”
Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, July 3rd
Family Festival of Fun is Back!
So, what do you need to consider when starting to plan?
Although there are many personal factors that should be
considered like age, gender, lifestyle and health status, the
most stress-inducing issue for most families is financial
resources. Long-term care can be costly. Since the cost of
healthcare only continues to rise, it is important to understand
your options and ask some vital questions about what your
current or future insurance covers.
Wanted: E-mail addresses
Help us save a tree by sending us your
e-mail address!
Did you know that our organization takes many different
forms of insurance including Medicaid, Medicare, Veterans
Affairs LTC Benefits, Long-Term Care Insurance, and
many private insurance Long-term Care Insurance policy
benefits? Currently, 70% of residents at the Jewish Home
and Care Center, 25% at Chai Point Senior Living and 15%
at Sarah Chudnow Community are receiving some type of
governmental assistance to help pay for their care.
Please send it to Elizabeth Katz at
[email protected] or call
her at (414) 277-8803.
We Thank Our Friends and Supporters
We are pleased to recognize our donors whose gifts help sustain our mission.
Donors are listed for contributions received between August 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011.
We strive to be accurate and complete. Please inform us of any errors and accept our apologies for any oversight.
Beatrice Miller Beauty
Shop Fund
Ms. Gerrie Boym
Ms. Kat Grinker
In Honor of Marlene Heller
Ms. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Mina Hirsh
Ms. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Ms. Audrey Laufman
In Memory of Tsirl Waletzky
Ms. Rosalie Levine
In Memory of Linda Miller’s
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmidman
Chai Point Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albert
Dr. and Mrs. P. Burstein
Ms. Tricia Cohn
In Honor of Elliott Bernstein
Ms. Tricia Cohn
In Honor of Gary and
Diane Sobel’s daughter Lexi
on her wedding
Dr. and Mrs. Avi
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon
Ms. Ruth Irvings &
Ms. Amy Shapiro
In Memory of Ann Tarney
Ms. Ruth Irvings &
Ms. Amy Shapiro
In Memory of Ann Tarney
Mrs. Phyllis Lensky
In Honor of Alice Budny’s
special birthday
Mr. Andrew Feiring and
Mrs. Florence Steinberger
In Memory of Lia Steinberger
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tolkan
In Honor of Debbie Zemel and
Trish Cohn
Herbert H. and Fern Elliott
Family Foundation
Chai Point Fund In
Memory of Jill Sandler
Mr. Dennis Ansay from B.C.
Ziegler and Company
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gottschalk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Greenebaum
Mr. Loyal Grinker
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gronik
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Howards
Mr. Harry E. Jankowitz
Mrs. Mary Kahn
Mr. Richard L Kahn
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Karan
Mr. Morris Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Koren
Bernard and Judy Kristal
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lauwasser
Ms. Ann Lederman
Mr. and Ms. Victor Likhterev
In Memory of Roman Likhterev
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Luber
Mrs. Ida S. Maiman
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Marcuvitz
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mauer
Mrs. Selma Mechanic
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyeroff
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William Orenstein
Rabbi and Mrs. Jeffrey Orkin
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Parker
Mr. Morris Parzen
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin Peltin
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Rapkin
Mrs. Rosalie Rellin
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Resnick
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rozansky
In Honor of Betty Rae Litow
Dr. and Mrs. Morris Sable
Dr. Robert Saichek
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Schwartz
Mr. Robert Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. David Shikhman
Mr. Donald Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Swerdlow
Mr. and Mrs. Royal Taxman
Dr. Roger and Adrienne
Turick Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Fleischer
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Mitz
Mr. Marc Muchin
Mrs. Shirley Muchin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles White
Dor L’Dor Corridor Fund
Ms. Roberta Forman
In Memory of
Martha M. Forman
Friends of the Jewish
Home and Care Center
Mrs. Freda G. Adashek
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Alligood
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Altman
In Memory of Tillie Jankins
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Arbiture
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Backer
Ms. Saundra Baron
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Baruch
Mrs. Barbara Bayles
Dr. and Mrs. Irvin Becker
Mr. Marshall Berkoff
In Memory of Richard Berkoff
Mr. Bernard Berson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bilsky
Mrs. Anne Borkowf
Dr. Myron Bornstein
In Memory of Samuel and
Sara Bornstein
Ms. Betty Chrustowski
Dr. Ronald Cohn
Dr. and Mrs. Irving Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dickman
Mrs. Roberta Dinkin
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dorf
Mrs. Madeline Dubman
Mrs. Elaine Durchslag
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Eglash
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Esser
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Fedderly
Dr. and Mrs. Jordan Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Flintrop
Mr. Morris Fox
Mr. Irving D. Gaines
Mrs. Hilda Geller
Mr. and Mrs. Sewall Glinternick
Mr. Jeffrey Goldberg
In Honor of Betty Turick
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wasser
Ms. Carol White
Mrs. Sandra Zetley
Dr. and Mrs. Burton
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Zupnik
Golden Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bass
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boerema
Mrs. Dori Chortek
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Corré
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Follick
In Memory of Mort and
Cinda Follick
Ms. Roberta Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Max Gendelman
Mr. Mark J. Goldstein
Mr. Ramie Hochman
Ms. Gail Hora
Mr. Leo Irvings*
Mr. and Mrs. Robin Irwin
Mr. Scott Behrendt and Ms.
Elizabeth Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Maiman
Dr. and Mrs. Bud Margolis
In Memory of Beatrice S. Butler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Polsky
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rakita
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Relles
In Memory of
Marion Chudnow
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sattell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stein
Mrs. Renee Weinshel
Helen and Bernard Soref
Memorial Endowment Fund
Peck Foundation, Milwaukee LTD
Hand In Hand Fund
Mrs. Babette Robitshek
In Memory of Sidney and
Lorraine Miner
Mrs. Judy Ann Saichek
In Memory of Ann Tarney
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Zimmermann
In Memory of Jill Sandler, Bob
Silverstein, Ann Tarney
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Zimmermann
In Memory of Toby Friesler
and Milton Cohen
Helen Bader Center Fund
Linda Cohn Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kaplan
Hyman Kastrul
Synagogue Fund
Mrs. Sharon Canter
In Memory of Louis Sosman
Mrs. Beverly Colton
In Memory of Ida Zilberbrand
Ms. Delores C. Ehrenreich
In Memory of
Allen M. Chaimson
Mr. Kenneth Eichenbaum
In Memory of Sam Eichenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ellis
In Memory of George Ellis
Mr. Joseph Erlich
In Memory of Ignoc Narciz
Miss Cecile Seena Fox*
In Memory of Lillian Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Burton Fredenthal
In Memory of Samuel
Dr. and Mrs. Avi
In Memory of
Charlotte Gellerman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glaser
In Memory of Bessie Glaser
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Herszenson
In Memory of Ellen Herszenson
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lerner
In Memory of Dorothy Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lever
In Memory of Carl Lever
Bernard and Jean Levy
In Memory of Frieda Levy
Mr. and Mrs. David Magar
In Memory of Alex Magar
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Medow
In Memory of Ida Zilberbrand
Mr. Fred Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mirviss
In Memory of Morris Y. Mirviss
Ms. Dana Mueller
In Memory of Richard Resnick
Riki Nedbeck
In Memory of Corinne Deibel
Mrs. Edith Pump
In Memory of Ellen Herszenson
Mrs. and Dr. Sharon Rapkin
In Memory of Dorothy Lerner
Mrs. Clarice Resnick
In Memory of Benjamin Urich
and Morris Resnick
Mrs. Clarice Resnick
In Memory of Richard Resnick
Mrs. Ida Ricco
In Memory of Sara Heller
Mr. Jack Richlen
In Memory of William
Pressman from the
Richlen Family
Mrs. Merilyn R. Ross
In Memory of Alvin A. Lapidus
Mrs. Rita Seitner
In Memory of Robert Seitner
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sereni
In Memory of Ben Turick
Mrs. Barbara Shafton
In Memory of
Dorothy Lubotsky
Mrs. Laurel Sherman
In Memory of Henry Temkin
Mr. Michael Sklyar
In Memory of Sara Sklyar
Dr. Roger and Adrienne
Turick Rosenberg
In Memory of Ben Turick
Dr. Roger and Adrienne
Turick Rosenberg
In Memory of William Turick
Dr. Roger and Adrienne
Turick Rosenberg
In Memory of Yetta R. Turick
Mrs. Beverly Ugent
In Memory of Jean Bard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Vayner
In Memory of
Millya Chernetskaya
Ms. Judith Weber
In Memory of Ruth and
Bill Weber
Mrs. Marilyn Zheutlin
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Berndt
In Memory of Sophie Spivack
Ms. Nancee B. Bernstein
Mr. and Mrs. Armin Blischke
Mrs. Harriet Blumberg
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. Edward Blumberg
Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Bodner
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bordow
In Memory of Carolyn Komisar
and Ann Tarney
Rabbi and Mrs. David Brusin
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cagen
Mr. David Chudnow
Ms. Sharon Cofar
In Memory of Charlotte Schur
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Cohler
“In loving memory of our dear
cousin, Jill Sandler.”
Mrs. Fay Colberg
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Ms. Cynthia Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeSmet
Ms. Edeltrude Ebenhoch
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Edelstein
In Honor of Sharon Lewin’s
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eisenberg
In Memory of
Semion Groysman
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ellis
In Memory of George Ellis
Mr. Michael Erman
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Dr. Alan E. Feen
In Memory of Sara Feen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fenwick
In Memory of Sophie Spivack
Mr. Stanley Ferstadt
Mr. Alan Schweber and
Mrs. Francie Fox-Schweber
In Memory of Bessie Ann
Miss Ethel J. Gardner*
Ms. Sofia Gladkovitser
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gold
In Memory of Mae Faich
Ms. Kat Grinker
In Honor of Loyal Grinker
Ms. Ellen Guiseppi
In Honor of Jewish Home and
Care Center Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Jewish Home and Care
Center Fund
Rabbi and Mrs. Steven Adams
In Honor of Alice Budney’s
95th birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Anderson
In Memory of Betty Colbert
Mr. Steven Appel
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. Susan G. Atlas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bates
Mrs. Dorothy D. Bern
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Ellis’s 65th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. William Heilbronner
Mrs. Elizabeth Hermann
In Memory of Lena Bloom
Ms. Adrienne Hirsch
Mr. Ramie Hochman
In Honor of your
annual meeting
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Hoffman
In Honor of Mina Tepper and
Arleen Peltz
Ms. Maureen Jackson-Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Kaback
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Karan
Dr. James Barnett and Mrs.
Nancy Kennedy Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kohn
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. William Komisar
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. William Komisar
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Ms. Lynn Kozlowski
In Memory of Mae Faich
Mr. and Mrs. William Laev
Mr. Victor Lebedinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leon
In Memory of Evelyn Davidoff
Mrs. Wendy Lerner
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. Fanchon Lessing
In Memory of Gilbert H. Meisel
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Levin
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Ms. Shirley Levy
In Memory of
Semion Groysman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Lewensohn
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Lovett
Mr. Joseph Lurie
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Machi
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford Mallin
Ms. Wendy Manor
In Memory of Mae Faich
Mr. and Mrs. David Marks
In Memory of
Semion Groysman
Mrs. Julian Matsoff
In Honor of Dr. Marshall Weber
Mr. and Mrs. William Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark McQuide
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Mrs. Sunny Mendeloff
Mrs. Bernice Mesken
Ms. Nell Minow
Mrs. Eileen Moses
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Newman
In Memory of Sara Feen
Mrs. Shirley Ollman
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mrs. Edith Orth
Ms. Nancy Padden
Ms. Arleen Peltz
In Memory of Bob Silverstein
Ms. Arleen Peltz
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Mr. and Mrs. John Pfender
In Memory of Leon Beiler
Mrs. Lillian Rakita
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Rapkin
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mrs. Patricia Rieselbach
In Memory of Lillian Post
Ms. Tracy Rothman
In Memory of
Semion Groysman
Mr. and Mrs. Merton Rotter
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rudack
In Memory of Rifka and
Kalman Usher Jubelirer
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Sadowsky
In Memory of Edith Gershon
Mrs. Gertrude Sadowsky
In Memory of Edith Gershon
Mrs. Louise DeCasseres Salinsky*
Dr. and Mrs. David Sandock
In Memory of Ruth Babbitz
Ms. Lona Schindler
In Memory of Herman Langer
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schmidman
Mrs. Liane Schuminsky
In Memory of Ann Tarney
Mr. and Mrs. James Schwid
Mrs. Christina Scott
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mrs. Helen Sher
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Jules Smith
In Memory of Elsie Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Smuckler
In Honor of Betty Colbert
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Solochek
In Memory of Esther Freilich
Mrs. Bernice Spivek
In Honor of Mina Tepper and In Memory of Bob Silverstein
Mrs. Barbara A. Stein
In Memory of Bob Silverstein
Hazzan and Mrs. Jeremy Stein
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Stolbach
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sundell
In Memory of Tobi Friesler,
Louise Pinsky and Margot Baer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tepper
In Honor of Peggi Glaser’s
Birthday and In Memory of
Helen Katzin
Mr. and Mrs. David Tutaj
In Memory of Mae Faich
Mr. and Mrs. James Walters
In Memory of Steve Solochek
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wasser
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wasserman
In Memory of Henry Lerner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Wasserman
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Ms. Esther Weinberger
Ms. Margo Winter
In Memory of Ann Tarney
Ms. Bonnie Witkow
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Milwaukee Jewish Sacred
Society- Chevra Kadisha
Directed to the Jewish Home by
Howard Loeb
Helen and Morris Zolin Fund
William H. Wasweyler Fund
Milwaukee Funeral Services, LLC
In Memory of Jill Sandler and
Semion Groysman
In Memory of Marjorie Turner
R & J LLC.
In Memory of Sophie and
Gershan Spivack
Harri Hoffmann Family
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Edith Arnstein Charitable Trust
Milwaukee Jewish Sacred
Society- Chevra Kadisha
Martin F. Stein
Intergenerational Fund
Gene and Ruth Posner
Foundation, Inc.
Nita Corré
Educational Fund
Ms. Mara Dykas
In Honor of Nita Corré
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
In Honor of Nita’s Retirement
Ms. Natalie Frankel
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Mr. Isaac Hallegua
In Memory of Jerome Traxler
Richard J. Rakita Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rakita
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Ruth Coleman
Educational Fund
Mrs. Ruth E. Coleman*
Sam and Dora Levinsky
Shabbat Fund
Mr. Ely Levinsky
In Memory of Sam Levinsky
Sanford J. Ettinger
Chai Point Library Fund
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
In Honor of Mina Tepper
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Mrs. Suzy Ettinger
In Memory of Tobi Friesler
Sarah Chudnow
Community Endowment
Ms. Judy Abrahamer
In Honor of Dora Russek
Mr. Elliot Berman &
Cantor Karen Berman
In Honor of Rick Aaron
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Bomzer
Mrs. Fay Colberg
In Memory of Evelyn Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Max Fishman
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gruen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Heller
In Memory of Evelyn Heller
Ms. Paulette Heller
In Memory of her mother
Evelyn Heller
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Jacobs
Jewish Home and Care
Center Capital Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Appel
Rose Derzon*
Mr. Franklyn M. Gimbel
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Gimbel
Mr. Arnold Peltz
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Selig
Fannie and William Kesselman
Memorial Foundation
Kruglak National Nursing
Home Week Fund
Mrs. Marion Rice
Mrs. Harriet Kranz
In Honor of Anne Sherman’s
95th Birthday and Bob Lewin,
Janice and Mark Swimmer and
Harriet Kranz
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Myers
Ms. Ruth Renzelmann
In Memory of
Charlotte Dulberger
Mr. Norman Rosenfeld
In Honor of Rick Aaron
Ms. Marilyn Saffro
In Memory of Evelyn Heller
Mrs. Mildred E. Schapiro
In Memory of Marian Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Shayne
In Memory of
Charlotte Dulberger
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Sterns
In Memory of Sy Sterns
Mrs. Beverly Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric Wein
William L. Komisar Fund In Memory of Carolyn
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Bacher
Ms. Betty Chrustowski
Mr. Donald and
Mrs. Marlyn Chudnow
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ellis
Mr. Jeffrey A. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grande
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Jacobson
Ms. Jo Ann Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Peckerman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rudman
Mr. Jeffrey Shavzin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shavzin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shavzin
from Delta Epsilon Sorority
Charles Wallens
William L. Komisar Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kleiner
In Honor of Bill Komisar
Mr. and Mrs. William Komisar
For the Golden Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Komisar
In Memory of Jill Sandler
Yaker and Sarah Rakita
Mrs. Lillian Rakita
In Honor of Carl Millman’s
90th birthday
Caring for an Aging Relative
A series of 6 free seminars designed to help the caregiver understand and
survive the experience of caring for another person.
Seats are limited.
Topics will include caring for a person with Alzheimer’s Disease and related
dementias, sex and aging, the physical changes of aging, important financial
issues to be aware of, and medication issues and mental health.
April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9, May 16, May 23
6:15 p.m.
Light refreshments will be available.
For more information,
call Gayle Barris, 414-277-8840
Hand In Hand
Partners in Caring with the
Jewish Home and Care Center
1414 North Prospect Avenue
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202-3089
Jewish Home and Care Center
Chai Point
Sarah Chudnow Community
U.S. Postage
Milwaukee, WI
Permit No. 3120