Cerec Doctors
Cerec Doctors
RESOURCES FOR CEREC SUCCESS 2015 As a doctor, CEREC® beta tester, educator and clinician, I value the importance of education as a driver of continuous change and the improvement of your practice to satisfy patient demands. This is why I am proud to present advanced CEREC training at the Spear Campus. From CEREC software training in both chairside and applications, to using CEREC as a business tool and integrating CEREC and implants, we give you the knowledge and tools to fully and successfully integrate CEREC technology into your practice. The cerecdoctors.com Academy was created to supplement the online community. In addition to full access to the website, Academy members will have practice management tools at their disposal to help with the business side of their practices. Additional opportunities will bring the best of the best in the CEREC community to present the latest techniques and research in CEREC technology. With more than 30 CEREC Omnicams1 and MCXL units on site and a world-class, second-to-none facility, we have every confidence that you will greatly benefit from the hands-on courses that are offered on campus. From the Rapid Integration course of Level 2 to learning about implants and abutments with the CEREC as well as multiple anteriors, we invite you to look at our course offerings. We look forward to helping you both personally and professionally, and we hope to see you soon at the Spear Campus or as part of our online community. Best regards, Our goal at cerecdoctors.com is to provide many different ways that clinicians can stay involved with the CEREC technology. cerecdoctors.com is an online community that provides CEREC users an opportunity to stay current with all things CEREC from anywhere in the world. With a robust discussion forum and more than 1,500 clinical videos, cerecdoctors.com is the go-to resource when you need CEREC information NOW. CEREC Omnicam, Bluecam & MCXL units. CEREC is a registered trademark of Sirona Dental Systems 1 Sameer Puri, D.D.S. CERECDOCTORS.COM RESOURCES FOR CEREC SUCCESS TABLE OF CONTENTS cerecdoctors.com Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Academy Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Live Patient Educational Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 cerecdoctors.com Mentor Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 CEREC Hands-on Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 CEREC Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 WEBSITE APP HANDS-ON MAGAZINE SEMINARS Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement 10/1/2014 to 09/30/2018 Provider ID# 319544 BECOME A CERECDOCTORS.COM MEMBER CEREC practitioners around the world rely on cerecdoctors.com for instant answers, the latest CEREC news and developments, and connection to a supportive network of other CEREC users around the world. Join thousands of CEREC owners on the world’s most powerful CEREC portal. Offering three levels of membership to meet the needs of CEREC clinicians of all proficiencies, cerecdoctors.com is YOUR source for knowledge, information, community and support. As a Premium member, the online tools you’ll find on cerecdoctors.com were created to increase your expertise no matter where you are in your CEREC journey. For every question or challenge you encounter, you’ve got a community of CEREC users and experts with you – every step of the way. With the Academy membership, we have added clinical, practice and team management tools to support CEREC owners on a new level. Additional opportunities allow CEREC owners to not only collaborate online but also in person. The cerecdoctors.com Mentor Group includes all of the amenities of Academy membership plus an annual meeting, product incentives and testing as well as mentoring CEREC courses and CEREC course audits. Learn more about cerecdoctors.com membership at 877.295.4276 or cerecdoctors.com/membership-options 4 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 WHICH MEMBERSHIP IS RIGHT FOR YOU? G N TI T AI IS W L PREMIUM ACADEMY MENTOR GROUP* $495 ANNUALLY $1,995 ANNUALLY $2,995 ANNUALLY Ideal for practitioners who want to stay current with the latest CEREC updates and access a digital library with more than 1,500 CEREC-related videos as well as the ability to upload cases and download content. Members also have access to Discussion Boards where they can post questions and view answers. Academy-level membership was created for those doctors who want to go deeper with their CEREC engagement with full access to cerecdoctors.com, a meeting benefit, amenities to aid in patient education and consumer marketing and all the benefits of Premium membership. Representing the highest level of CEREC proficiency, the cerecdoctors.com Mentors are an exclusive group of doctors who have completed the core CEREC curriculum at the Spear Campus in Scottsdale, Ariz. They play a vital role in testing the latest CAD/CAM products and staying engaged in the next generation of CEREC evolution. Academy members have the ability to experience the power of cerecdoctors.com both online, hands-on and face-to-face. *Membership to the cerecdoctors.com Mentor Group is currently on a wait-list basis. Please call 877.295.4276 for more information. PLEASE NOTE: Membership benefits and value of benefits are non-transferrable and exclusive to the membership period. BENEFITS 1,500+ Training Videos View Discussion Boards, post questions and view answers Dedicated CEREC downloads Annual Membership Certificate/Plaque PREMIUM ACADEMY MENTOR GROUP $495 $1,995 WAIT LIST Live Patient Educational Seminars 3–D Patient Education Videos – NEW! Embeddable for Your Website Monthly Webinars Free website membership for 3 members of your team Practice Listing – onevisitdentist.net NEW! CEREC Office Marketing Tools Mentor Meeting at C30 in Las Vegas Product Incentives and Testing Mentor cerecdoctor.com Courses/CEREC ACCEPT CEREC Course Audit cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 5 Go deeper into your CEREC engagement with ACADEMY membership. You’ll enjoy full access to cerecdoctors.com, plus generous amenities for you, your team and your practice. FOR THE DOCTOR • Annual cerecdoctors.com Premium Access • More than 1,500+ CEREC Training Videos– Software, clinical application, team training and more • Case Analysis– Upload your case for instant review by the cerecdoctors.com community •CEREC downloads– Materials studies, recommended products, TiBase order forms and more • 2015 SEMINAR BENEFIT Choice of one CEREC Live-Patient Educational Seminar in Scottsdale, Ariz.: - Esthetic Techniques, Materials With CEREC and the New CEREC Ortho Software - Updates in CEREC Technology and Implants • Monthly Webinars hosted by CEREC experts and respected industry leaders that focus on tools to build your CEREC practice and your team. Topics include software updates, materials and clinical techniques. Membership includes access to complete webinar archive. • Dedicated Doctor Discussion Forum– Instant answers to virtually every CEREC challenge you encounter • Membership Plaque Academy offers benefits designed to 6 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 FOR THE TEAM FOR THE PRACTICE •Free Website Membership for three team members • NEW! CEREC Office Marketing Tools – Printed materials for your practice, to help patients understand and appreciate CEREC one-visit dentistry. • 1,500+ Training videos, including CEREC training for Assistants and Eaglesoft software training • Team Member Discussion Forum • Access to CEREC Webinars and Webinar Archive • NEW! 3-D Patient Education Videos – Explain conditions and procedures to patients with animated videos displayed on cerecdoctors.com or embedded into your own website. • Practice Listing on onevisitdentist.net ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $1,995 LEARN MORE AT: 877.295.4276 or [email protected] empower your entire practice. ACADEMY MEMBERS: Choose ONE Live Patient Seminar MENTORS: Experience BOTH Live Patient Seminars To register for your seminar, email [email protected] or call 877.295.4276 ESTHETIC TECHNIQUES, MATERIALS WITH CEREC® AND THE NEW CEREC ORTHO SOFTWARE 2015: March 7-8 or Oct. 22-23 14 CE Credits FACULTY: Sameer Puri, D.D.S., Mike Skramstad, D.D.S., Dennis Fasbinder, D.D.S., Ed McLaren, D.D.S., M.D.C., Kevin Kwiecien, D.M.D., M.S., and Mr. Bill Marais This seminar will present different techniques to improve the esthetics of all CEREC restorations. Additionally, the different applications and indications of Sirona’s new CEREC Ortho software will be discussed. Attendees will witness live patient treatment on stage as it relates to applicable seminar topics. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN: •Smile Design techniques utilizing the CEREC technology •Advanced Smile Design techniques with CEREC software and other platforms to maximize patient value and create a predictable result • Understanding the new CEREC Ortho software and how it works •How to utilize the CEREC Ortho software and its role to create modeless oral appliances for different clinical treatments PLUS: UPDATES IN CEREC TECHNOLOGY AND IMPLANTS 2015: May 16-17 or Nov. 6-7 14 CE Credits FACULTY: Sameer Puri, D.D.S., Mike Skramstad, D.D.S., Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D., M.S., Darin Dichter, D.M.D., Darin O’Bryan, D.D.S. and Nishant Chauhan D.M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A. This seminar is focused on implant integration with the CEREC and Galileos technologies. Ancillary new software updates related to this discipline will also be presented. Attendees will receive a broad overview of all the possibilities with regard to implant therapy as it relates to the CEREC technology, including imaging, design and materials available with the CEREC system to provide implant therapy for patients. The seminar will conclude with a live patient implant placement and restoration. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN: •The value of the CEREC system in providing implant therapy to patients •Understanding all the updates relating to materials and procedures for implant dentistry and how to utilize them •How to appreciate the CEREC and cone beam connection integration •New CEREC technology for 2015 and how it will impact your practice •Provisionalizing implants with CEREC: What are the options, and how to make the correct choice •Appliance therapy indications from a resident Spear Faculty member •Live anterior case demonstrating how PLUS: techniques can be done chairside for beautiful •SIDEXIS software upgrades for 2015 and how anterior restorations they will affect your practice •CEREC materials updates for 2015 and how the •Live patient on-stage implant surgery new materials impact a CEREC practice and provisionalization, integrating all the information presented in the seminar NOT AN ACADEMY MEMBER? If you have any questions, or would like more information about the Live Patient Educational Seminars and all of the Academy benefits that are available to you, reach us at [email protected] or 877.295.4276 Please Note: Your seminar benefit must be taken within your subscription period and is non-transferrable. The cerecdoctors.com Mentor Group is an exclusive group of doctors who have completed the core CEREC curriculum at the Spear Campus in Scottsdale, Ariz., staying engaged in the next generation of CEREC evolution. To learn more about the cerecdoctors.com Mentor Group, or be added to the wait list call 877.295.4276. 10 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 MENTOR GROUP Representing the highest level of CEREC proficiency cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 11 CEREC HANDS-ON WORKSHOPS: GET EDUCATED, CHALLENGED AND EXCITED Wherever you are on the learning curve, cerecdoctors.com has a CEREC course tailored to your skill level. Presented at the Spear Campus by the greatest minds in CEREC continuing education, your CEREC journey begins here. Learning CEREC goes far beyond reading the owner’s manual. To fully maximize the technology you need the most comprehensive hands-on education available. You’ve found it. FACULTY GIVE US TWO DAYS. WE’LL GIVE YOU CHALLENGING, EXCITING EDUCATION AND A RENEWED PASSION FOR DENTISTRY. 12 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 CERECDOCTORS.COM COURSE CERECDOCTORS.COM CURRICULUM COURSE CURRICULUM LEVEL While we recommend beginning your CEREC education with Level 2, please speak with an education advisor to determine the best course for your proficiency level. 1 OFFERED THROUGH PATTERSON LEVEL 2 LEVEL 5 CEREC INLAB PROFICIENCY AND MASTERY ESTHETICS LEVEL MASTERING MULTIPLE ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR RESTORATIONS WITH CEREC 6 APPLICATIONS OF CEREC AND GALILEOS INTEGRATION IN SURGICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY QUESTIONS? Contact us at [email protected] or 877.295.4276 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 HANDS-ON COURSES PROVISIONALIZING AND RESTORING IMPLANTS WITH CEREC 4 LEVEL LEVEL 3 CEREC MASTERY— RAPID INTEGRATION INTO YOUR PRACTICE 13 LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LLEVEL EVEL LEVEL CEREC MASTERY – RAPID INTEGRATION 4 PRACTICE 2 INTO 3 YOUR 5 6 1 2 You’ve completed Patterson Basic Training and viewed the training videos on cerecdoctors.com. Now it’s time to expand your CEREC knowledge and learn how to make better use of the CEREC technology and 4.3 software. CEREC Mastery lays down the fundamentals for CEREC success so that you will be able to practice ideal occlusion with shorter, stress-free CEREC appointments. Level 2 gives you the skill set necessary to use the software to its fullest capabilities. You will get a thorough review of what it takes to make the CEREC process predictable and efficient. Recommended for new owners and those owners who are looking to build a solid foundation for all CEREC knowledge. L EVEL 3 All cerecdoctors.com hands-on workshops are conducted on Omnicams utilizing the latest 4.3.x software. Prerequisites: Basic Training strongly recommended Credits: 14 CE Credits 2 Days | Lecture and Hands-on Day 1 Start time: 8:30 a.m. Concludes: 4:30 p.m. UPON COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: • Understand the importance of Prep and Picture, keys to all CEREC success with both Omnicam and Bluecam Day 2 • Grasp the importance of proper preparations for all ceramic dentistry for predictable success Concludes: 3:30 p.m. • Understand each design technique Biogeneric Individual, Biogeneric Copy and Biogeneric Reference Location: The Spear Campus Scottsdale, Ariz. L EVEL 4 • Know the secrets to Functional Beauty, how to create the best proposal possible combining Biogeneric Copy and Biogeneric Individual • Become efficient with inventory and use of the CEREC blocks • Design and mill multiple restorations adjacent as well as and opposing restorations L EVEL 5 • Understand the importance of the Model Axis and other tools with both the Omnicam and Bluecam • Fabricate chairside temporary bridges • Understand the difference between fabricating provisional and permanent bridges • Know how to contour and crystallize permanent e.max bridges • Understand the Virtual Articulator function of the software, how to use it and for what clinical situation 6 L EVEL • Know the range of materials choices and their indications • Know how to mix and match various design techniques, including Biogeneric Individual and Biogeneric Copy for the same patient • Understand advanced techniques to increase the efficiency of your CEREC fabrications HANDS-ON COURSES 14 • Know how to send your cases to the laboratory using CEREC Connect • Manage multi-unit fixed partial denture cases with CEREC, from temporization to digital fabrication of the final restorations • Manage multi-unit CEREC Connect cases • Understanding the bonding protocol and various types of cements available, from self-etching to total etch PLUS: • Thorough parameter review • Introduction to stain and glaze • Complete materials review • A comprehensive foundation of CEREC and CEREC Connect knowledge • Clinical application of parameters • Learn how to apply concepts learned to both Bluecam and Omnicam • Thorough software review cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 Start time: 7:30 a.m. Faculty: Sameer Puri, D.D.S. Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. Mark Fleming, D.D.S. Cost: $2,500 Doctors $900 Team Members LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LLEVEL EVEL AND RESTORING 5 4 2 3 PROVISIONALIZING 6 IMPLANTS WITH CEREC CEREC will produce highly esthetic implant restorations with perfect occlusion and contacts, whether you are treating a single tooth or complete quadrant. Fabricating chairside implant restorations opens an avenue to be more productive in one’s office whether you are temporizing an edentulous area for implants or fabricating the final restoration. 4 Prerequisites: Level 2 completion stongly encouraged Credits: L EVEL All cerecdoctors.com hands-on workshops are conducted on Omnicams utilizing the latest CEREC software. If you are using an earlier software version, please review these videos: Implants and Abutments and 4.3 Improvements. 14 CE Credits 2 Days | Lecture and Hands-on UPON COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Day 1 • Understand the differences between the various blocks for fabricating provisional and permanent chairside abutments Start time: 8:30 a.m. • Fabricate chairside abutments for implants utilizing CEREC software • Use CEREC to create temporary and permanent implant restorations 5 L EVEL • Utilize CEREC to create and restore both screw-retained and cement-retained implant restorations Day 2 • Understand how different tools affect implant proposals and where and when to use them • Understand the CEREC/Galileos connection and the integration between cone beam and CAD/CAM Start time: 7:30 a.m. Concludes: 3:30 p.m. Location: The Spear Campus Scottsdale, Ariz. • Create provisional and permanent Maryland bridges • Understand File and image management as it relates to implant restorations fabricated with CEREC L EVEL 6 • Create Maryland bridge temporary restorations for patients waiting for implant integration Concludes: 4:30 p.m. • Fabricate custom healing abutments with CEREC Faculty: Sameer Puri, D.D.S. Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. Cost: $2,950 Doctors $950 Team Members • Introduction to restoring implants with CEREC • Review the application of CAD/CAM and cone beam • Different provisionalization techniques for implant dentistry with CEREC • Thorough material review as it relates to CEREC and implants HANDS-ON COURSES PLUS: cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 15 LEVEL LEVEL LEVEL LLEVEL EVEL MULTIPLE ANTERIOR AND 4 MASTERING 3 4 6 5 POSTERIOR RESTORATIONS WITH CEREC Many doctors don’t realize the full potential of their CEREC technology because they don’t use it to its full capacity. Some feel they can only use CEREC for posterior teeth, and consequently they lose out on the opportunities offered by anterior CAD/CAM dentistry. In fact, with CEREC you can achieve esthetic results equivalent to with high quality labs. L EVEL 5 Prerequisites: Level 3 completion strongly encouraged Credits: Mastering Multiple Anterior and Posterior Restorations with CEREC provides you with the tools necessary to complete any large anterior or posterior case with ease, positively impacting your productivity, clinical outcomes and patient care. 14 CE Credits 2 Days | Lecture and Hands-on All cerecdoctors.com hands-on workshops are conducted on Omnicams utilizing the latest CEREC software. Day 1 Start time: 8:30 a.m. Concludes: 4:30 p.m. UPON COMPLETION OF THIS COURSE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: 6 L EVEL • Master the art of color and shade selection Day 2 • Understand the differences between all CEREC blocks and when to use one block over another for a cosmetic result • Prepare anterior teeth for optimal esthetics and how preparation plays an integral role in your success • Create a roadmap for staining and glazing success • Design in Biogeneric Individual, Biogeneric Copy and Biogeneric Reference and when it is appropriate to use each in anterior situations • Understand the principles of Smile Design and how to apply them treatment planning and case presentations, and more importantly the final outcome of the case • Do anterior cases same day, an indirect in two visits and the advantages/disadvantages of each • Understand esthetically enhance restorations milled from the CEREC system HANDS-ON COURSES 16 • Understand how parameters affect anterior restorations • Understand file and image management as it relates to the CEREC software • Predictably treat multiple units with perfect occlusion and contacts • Esthetically stain and glaze restorations that rival lab esthetics PLUS: • Understand the appropriate parameters that affect anterior teeth • Easy and predictable multiple anterior cementation techniques • Effective techniques to image large cases with the Omnicam and Bluecam • Learn how to integrate the Smile Design module in the CEREC software cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 Location: The Spear Campus Scottsdale, Ariz. Faculty: Sameer Puri, D.D.S. Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. $950 Team Members Concludes: 3:30 p.m. Cost: $2,950 Doctors • Contour anterior restorations for optimal esthetics • Complete three posterior restorations in less than 90 minutes, using ideal form, symmetry and occlusion Start time: 7:30 a.m. LEVEL LLEVEL EVEL This course is intended for doctors who want to increase their knowledge of the inLab software, as well as improve their ability to better manipulate porcelain for mastery esthetics. It is designed for doctors who already have the CEREC system, and those who have completed the core cerecdoctors.com training curriculum at the Spear Campus. 6 L EVEL This two-day course combines both lecture and extensive hands-on experience, and will give doctors advanced capabilities that are not possible with the chairside software. AT THE COMPLETION OF THIS PROGRAM YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: •Perform highly esthetic anterior contouring to bring your anterior restorations to the next level Prerequisites: Level 3 & 4 completion mandatory Credits: 14 CE Credits 2 Days | Lecture and Hands-on Day 1 Start time: 8:30 a.m. Concludes: 4:30 p.m. • Thoroughly understand the differences between the design techniques available in the inLab software, including Reduced, Framework, Telescope and Multilayer modes Day 2 Concludes: 3:30 p.m. • Know when and how to use the Stack Mill feature of the software • Understand how to splint together teeth and mill multiple restorations out of a single block • Fabricate a chairside three-unit anterior bridge using the inLab software and learn how to design full-contour posterior bridges and multilayer bridges • Fabricate chairside abutments for implants (Implant Frameworks, Hybrid Abutments and Hybrid Abutment Crowns) • Learn how to master the new Abutment Bridge mode in the inLab with the latest CEREC software • Fabricate esthetic Maryland bridges for any scenario • Understand different connector options and how to take advantage of them Start time: 7:30 a.m. Location: The Spear Campus Scottsdale, Ariz. Faculty: Sameer Puri, D.D.S. Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. Cost: $2,950 Doctors $950 Team Members • Demonstrate a thorough mastery of the inLab software PLUS: • inLab tips and tricks • Lecture and hands-on participation • Comprehensive CEREC inLab knowledge for you and your team HANDS-ON COURSES LEVEL INLAB PROFICIENCY AND 4 5 CEREC 6 MASTERY ESTHETICS cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 17 LEVEL LLEVEL EVEL 6 5 6 APPLICATIONS OF CEREC AND GALILEOS INTEGRATION IN SURGICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY This course will give you the experience to utilize the Sirona Cone Beam CT (Galileos or XG3D) for surgical planning of implants and understand the fundamentals of guided implant surgery. Intended for clinicians who are interested in, new to, or moderately experienced with implant therapy. This twoday course will take you from A to Z in all aspects of guided implant planning using the Galileos/XG3D and the CEREC, as well as a complete understanding of the CEREC and Galileos Integration protocol. Learn the basics of implant placement using a guided surgery protocol and the associated nuances specific to guided surgery. Prerequisites: None In the demonstration on Day 2, students will watch a surgical case that imports the CEREC models into the Galileos software, and virtually places the implants in the ideal position. Participants will then view the fabrication of a surgical guide for implant placement and how to utilize this guide according to the guided surgery protocol. This will provide a thorough understanding of the integrated digital implant dentistry protocol, where accurate treatment planning provides a blueprint for the surgical phase thereby rendering the final restorative phase predictable and ideal. Day 1 UPON COMPLETION OF THIS PROGRAM YOU WILL BE ABLE TO: Location: The Spear Campus Scottsdale, Ariz. •Understand the basics of dental implant treatment planning, including the advantages of prosthetically driven treatment planning • Understand the advantages of guided surgery over current freehand techniques • Explore all the fundamentals of planning and fabricating a radiographic scanning template for Galileos scanning, and how the surgical guide is prepared from this prosthesis •Import prosthetic proposals designed in CEREC into Galileos Implant to be used for implant planning •Know the basics of implant surgery, including avoiding and managing complications HANDS-ON COURSES •Understand the basics of flap design, bone grafting and suture techniques as they relate to implant surgery 18 • Discover the differences between the implant systems that are supported by the Galileos Implant software •Comprehend the steps involved from start to finish in planning, placing and restoring an implant using the guided protocol and CEREC cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 Credits: 14 CE Credits 2 Days | Lecture and Hands-on Start time: 8:30 a.m. Concludes: 4:30 p.m. Day 2 Start time: 7:30 a.m. Concludes: 3:30 p.m. Faculty: Sameer Puri, D.D.S. Farhad Boltchi, D.M.D., M.S. Cost: $2,950 Doctors $950 Team Members Every quarter, cerecdoctors.com magazine provides the most current and comprehensive insight into CEREC technology and techniques. • Interviews with the experts on the front lines of CAD/CAM • Case studies • Tips and tricks by CEREC experts • Doctor profiles • ...and much more Check out past issues at cerecdoctors.com/magazine/issues IN TR O D U C IN G cerecdoctors.com magazine is delivered FREE to every CEREC owner in the United States. THE CERECDOCTORS.COM MOBILE APP AVAILABLE FREE AT THE iTUNES APP STORE! HELP YOUR PRACTICE – AND BOOST YOUR CEREC PROFICIENCY HAVE THE POWER OF CERECDOCTORS.COM IN THE PALM OF YOUR HAND. APP Features Include: Case Timer: A unique tool for both new and seasoned ü users. Track your cases to determine the actual amount of time each procedure takes for sharing and proper scheduling. A summary of each case can also be saved to your ü cerecdoctors.com account and shared with the community for feedback on how to improve your CEREC proficiency Hundreds of clinical CEREC-related videos can be found ü in an easily accessible interface listing the newest videos– also searchable by category Questions about the cerecdoctors.com app? Ask our experts on the Discussion Boards cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 19 FACULTY Sameer Puri, D.D.S. Director of CAD/CAM cerecdoctors.com website founder Dr. Puri is a certified trainer and educator on CEREC proficiency. He has been a CEREC user since 2003 and has been heavily involved in beta testing of both software and hardware since the beginning of his CEREC ownership. He is also one of the few alpha testers of the CEREC software, and works closely with the developers of the CEREC system in Germany to ensure that the software is thoroughly tested prior to its public release. A graduate of USC School of Dentistry, Dr. Puri also completed an A.E.G.D. residency at the University of Tennessee. He has been published in various journals, and is a consultant with numerous manufacturers to help bring CAD/CAM-related products to market. He serves as the director of CAD/CAM at the Spear Campus. Mike Skramstad, D.D.S. Faculty, CAD/CAM Dentistry Dr. Skramstad is a 2000 graduate of the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. He is a basic and advanced trainer for Patterson Dental and has lectured internationally on digital dentistry and the CEREC restorative process. Dr. Skramstad is a beta tester for the CEREC software and a product consultant for multiple dental companies. He currently is faculty in the CAD/CAM department at the Spear Campus and contributor for www.cerecdoctors.com. Dr. Skramstad maintains a private practice in Orono, Minn. focusing on esthetic and CAD/ CAM dentistry. Mark Fleming, D.D.S. Faculty, CAD/CAM Dentistry Dr. Fleming is a 1978 graduate of The Ohio State University College of Dentistry. He has spoken to several international groups on CEREC technology and has served on the board of an international academy which furthered the understanding and use of computerized technologies and machinable restorative materials in dentistry. He serves as a consultant to a variety of dental manufacturers helping in product evaluation and design. He has been a CEREC user since 2001, a beta tester for the CEREC software since 2004 and serves as a faculty member in the CAD/CAM department at the Spear Campus and the clinical editor of cerecdoctors.com magazine. Farhad E. Boltchi, D.M.D., M.S. Faculty, CAD/CAM Dentistry FACULTY Dr. Boltchi is on faculty in the CAD/CAM, department at the Spear Campus and runs the Level 6 Cone Beam Integration Program. 20 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 Dr. Boltchi received his dental degree from the Medical University of Hannover in Germany and a certificate in periodontics associated with a Master of Science degree in oral biology from Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas. He is a clinical assistant professor in the graduate periodontics program at Baylor College of Dentistry, and also maintains a full-time private practice in periodontics and dental implants in Arlington. He has achieved board certification status with the American Board of Periodontology and is a fellow of the International Team for Implantology (ITI). MANUFACTURER CONTRIBUTIONS cerecdoctors.com would like to thank the following companies for their contributions. 3M ESPE A-dec Brasseler Coltène/Whaledent Dentsply GC America Great Lakes Ortho Heraeus Kulzer Hu-Friedy Ivoclar Vivadent Meisinger Patterson Sirona VITA Cancellation Policy: After you have registered for a course, we consider your registration to be a firm commitment for you to attend. Lastminute participant substitutions are difficult to arrange, although we understand emergency situations may arise that will affect your attendance to programs offered by cerecdoctors.com/Spear Campus. We have established the following policy in case of course cancellation: Written notice must be given for course cancellation. If cancellation is made more than 90 days before the program date, 50% of the tuition, less the non-refundable deposit, is eligible for refund, or 100% of the tuition is transferrable to another program/date. If cancellation is made within 60 to 90 days of the program date, 25% of the tuition is eligible for refund, less the non-refundable deposit, or 100% of the tuition is transferrable to another program/date. If cancellation is made within 60 days prior to the program date, the entire tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable. Any refunds issued within the guidelines of the cerecdoctors.com/Spear Campus cancellation policy will incur a 6% non-refundable fee. In addition, cerecdoctors.com/Spear Campus reserves the right to cancel or reschedule events as necessary. In such a case, tuition or deposit may be refunded in full or transferred to a future seminar or course. In no event shall cerecdoctors.com/Spear Campus be liable for any cancellation or change penalties assessed by an airline or hotel as a result of course date changes or cancellations. Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement 10/1/2014 to 09/30/2018 Provider ID# 319544 cerecdoctors.com 877.295.4276 21 Online and on campus, the cerecdoctors.com community comprises thousands of doctors worldwide united in their eagerness to share and help others become more proficient. We bring you the resources to maximize CEREC and other digital modalities in your practice, and provide the best dentistry to your patients. PANTONE 145 CMYK 0,58,100,8 RGB R:228 G:124 B:29 7201 E. PRINCESS BOULEVARD SCOTTSDALE, ARIZONA 85255 T 877 295 4276 F 805 456 0714 CERECDOCTORS.COM
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temporization to digital fabrication of the final restorations