titanium - Events in America
titanium - Events in America
TITANIUM OCTOBER 6 - 9, 2013 CAESARS PALACE LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 13'-4" 3 3 9'-6" 3 3 134A BHN SHAANXI Special LASTING Materials TITANIUM 323 California Titanium LLC 422 Service Roentgen Steel Aerospace Butech Bliss Webco Industries Shanghai Dat Quang Huaxia Chu Lai Trepanning Specialists 321 420 421 521 3 125 3 132A 224 225 324 325 424 3 123 3 130A 3 3 128A 222 223 Monico Alloys, Inc 121 221 220 119 126A 320 20' Strohecker Service Inc Steel 3 Titanium Metal 3 322 REX Heat GeoCorp Treat 218 219 124A 3 115 122A 3 Japan Titanium3 3 3 118A 3 Consarc Corp 3 116A 3 J.L.Becker Company 114A3 ELG Utica Alloys HORIE Corp 3 GNB Corp 624 9' Thermo Scientific 214 Ulbrich Stainless 20' 111 210 Sierra Alloys ZAK, Inc 109 Medart, Inc 215 Fort Wayne Metals 113 208 20' Vulcanium Metals Incorporated 107 522 523 520 622 112A 20' 110A 519 9' 213 314 Timesavers Perryman Intl, BV Company 211 20' Danieli Corporation 209 310 20' Alcoa Howmet Titanium Ingot 306 TItanium Fabrication Corp Bahco Bodycote 101 315 414 415 Nu-Tech Precision 9' 313 412 GfE Metalle Solar Atmospheres of Western PA 20' 309 20' 408 Titanium 20' Industries, Inc Grandis Titanium 10' 20' 512 CEFIVAL 413 510 Xi'an Metals Specialty Metals 409 508 Dynamet 20' Incorporated 307 515 20' 9' 513 612 Verichek Cristal Technical Metals Inc Services 511 610 Fluor Corp Keywell LLC 509 608 20' 507 VSMPO 20' 301 3 LHI 621A 3 Schuler, Inc 3 619A 3 Outokumpu VDM GmbH. 617A3 3 3 3 613A 20' TSI TIMET 20' 401 20' 3 20' 501 611A 3 609A3 ATI 80 9' 615A 3 NA FRIGGI 3 Inc 607A 20' 20' 3 Western 3 Superconducting 3 RTI 20' 201 623A Retech Systems3 20' 20' 3 614 AMETEK-Reading Alloys 407 3 West Penn Cristal Testing Metals Inc 20' 3 MetaLinx ADMA 3 627A Baoji Jinsheng 10' 106A 102A3 3 625A Rolled Alloys KASTO 3 Inc 3 629A 618 3 Sims Metal 3 620 Parker Solar Messana Manufacturing Baoji3 3 Xinshengweiye S-Tech Corp 20' Torresin Titanio srl 20' IML 3 3 3 631A 3 10' 3 China Commerce 3 104A 3 633A 3 419 3 108A 525 Uniti20' Titanium Yunnan Titanium3 United Alloys 3 3 10' 3 120A Olympus 524 423 319 3 Invera 425 Evraz 20' Stratcor, Inc Spectore Corp 635A XI'AN TIANRUI 90 ALD 3 Vacuum 20' 3 605A 3 3 603A 3 Plymouth Engineered 3 100A 601A3 26'-2" ENTRANCE TITANIUM USA 2013 List of Exhibitors as of 4/16/2013, 8:55 AM Sorted by Exhibitor Name Exhibitor Booth # ADMA Products, Inc. 100A Alcoa-Howmet Titanium Ingot 306 ALD Vacuum Technologies, Inc. 605A Allegheny Technologies Incorporated 90 AMETEK - Reading Alloys 507 Bahco 512 Baoji Jinsheng Metal Material Co.,ltd 614 Baoji Xinshengweiye Rare Metals Co., Ltd. 625A Bodycote 414 CALIFORNIA TITANIUM, LLC 422 CEFIVAL 510 China commerce international exhibiton 110A Consarc Corporation 116A Cronimet/United Alloys & Metals, Inc 108A Dalian BHN Special Materials Ltd. 425 Danieli Corporation 209 Dat Quang Chu Lai Minerals Joint Stock Company 520 Dynamet Incorporated 407 ELG Utica Alloys 214 EVRAZ Stratcor, Inc. 319 Fluor Corporation 608 Friggi N. A. Inc. 607A GeoCorp, Inc. 220 GfE Metalle und Materialien GmbH 309 GNB Corporation 118A Grandis Titanium 413 HORIE Corporation 115 Industrial Metals Int'l Ltd 101 Invera 124A J. L. Becker Company / C. I. Haynes 114A Japan Titanium Society 120A KASTO Inc. 106A Keywell LLC 509 Lawrence Holdings, Inc. 80 Medart, Inc. 314 MetaLinx Material Management, Inc. 104A Monico Alloys, Inc. 221 Nu-Tech Precision Metals 412 Olympus 525 Outokumpu VDM USA, LLC 617A Parker, Messana & Associates, Inc 519 Perryman Company 310 Plymouth Engineered Shapes 601A Rene 612, 610 Retech Systems LLC 613A TITANIUM USA 2013 List of Exhibitors as of 4/16/2013, 8:55 AM Sorted by Exhibitor Name Exhibitor Booth # REX Heat Treat 121 Rob Henson 419 Roentgen USA 522 Rolled Alloys 515 RTI International Metals, Inc. 301 Schuler Incorporated 619A Service Steel Aerospace 218 SHAANXI LASTING TITANIUM INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 524 Shanghai Huaxia Industry Co., Ltd. 421 Sierra Alloys Company 208 Sims Metal Management Aerospace 102A Solar Atmospheres of Western PA 408 Solar Manufacturing Inc. 618 Specialty Metals Processing Incorporated 508 Spectore Corporation 219 S-Tech Corp. 315 Strohecker Incorporated 119 T.I. (Titanium Industries) 307 Thermo Scientific Portable XRF Analyzers 215 Timesavers International B.V. 211 TIMET – Titanium Metals Corporation 401 Titanium Fabrication Corporation 415 Titanium Metal Supply, Inc. 126A TORRESIN TITANIO S.R.L 213 Trepanning Specialties, Inc. 521 TSI Titanium 501 Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc. 111 Verichek Technical Services, Inc. 511 VSMPO-AVISMA 201 Vulcanium Metals Incorporated 107 Webco Industries 420 West Penn Testing Group 513 Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd. 621A Xi'an Metals & Minerals Import & Export Co., Ltd. 409 XI'AN TIANRUI NEW MATERIAL CO., LTD 424 Yunnan Titanium IndustryCo,.Ltd. 112A Zak, Incorporated 109 TITANIUM USA 2013 List of Exhibitors Booth # Exhibitor 80 Lawrence Holdings, Inc. 90 Allegheny Technologies Incorporated 101 Industrial Metals Int'l Ltd 107 Vulcanium Metals Incorporated 109 Zak, Incorporated 111 Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc. 115 HORIE Corporation 119 Strohecker Incorporated 121 REX Heat Treat 201 VSMPO-AVISMA 208 Sierra Alloys Company 209 Danieli Corporation 211 Timesavers International B.V. 213 TORRESIN TITANIO S.R.L 214 ELG Utica Alloys 215 Thermo Scientific Portable XRF Analyzers 218 Service Steel Aerospace 219 Spectore Corporation 220 GeoCorp, Inc. 221 Monico Alloys, Inc. 301 RTI International Metals, Inc. 306 Alcoa-Howmet Titanium Ingot 307 T.I. (Titanium Industries) 309 GfE Metalle und Materialien GmbH 310 Perryman Company 314 Medart, Inc. 315 S-Tech Corp. 319 EVRAZ Stratcor, Inc. 401 TIMET – Titanium Metals Corporation 407 Dynamet Incorporated 408 Solar Atmospheres of Western PA 409 Xi'an Metals & Minerals Import & Export Co., Ltd. 412 Nu-Tech Precision Metals 413 Grandis Titanium 414 Bodycote 415 Titanium Fabrication Corporation 419 Rob Henson 420 Webco Industries 421 Shanghai Huaxia Industry Co., Ltd. 422 CALIFORNIA TITANIUM, LLC 424 XI'AN TIANRUI NEW MATERIAL CO., LTD 425 Dalian BHN Special Materials Ltd. 501 TSI Titanium 507 AMETEK - Reading Alloys 508 Specialty Metals Processing Incorporated as of 4/16/2013, 8:55 AM Sorted by Booth # TITANIUM USA 2013 List of Exhibitors Booth # Exhibitor 509 Keywell LLC 510 CEFIVAL 511 Verichek Technical Services, Inc. 512 Bahco 513 West Penn Testing Group 515 Rolled Alloys 519 Parker, Messana & Associates, Inc 520 Dat Quang Chu Lai Minerals Joint Stock Company 521 Trepanning Specialties, Inc. 522 Roentgen USA 524 SHAANXI LASTING TITANIUM INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 525 Olympus 608 Fluor Corporation 614 Baoji Jinsheng Metal Material Co.,ltd 618 Solar Manufacturing Inc. 100A ADMA Products, Inc. 102A Sims Metal Management Aerospace 104A MetaLinx Material Management, Inc. 106A KASTO Inc. 108A Cronimet/United Alloys & Metals, Inc 110A China commerce international exhibiton 112A Yunnan Titanium IndustryCo,.Ltd. 114A J. L. Becker Company / C. I. Haynes 116A Consarc Corporation 118A GNB Corporation 120A Japan Titanium Society 124A Invera 126A Titanium Metal Supply, Inc. 601A Plymouth Engineered Shapes 605A ALD Vacuum Technologies, Inc. 607A Friggi N. A. Inc. 612, 610 Rene 613A Retech Systems LLC 617A Outokumpu VDM USA, LLC 619A Schuler Incorporated 621A Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd. 625A Baoji Xinshengweiye Rare Metals Co., Ltd. as of 4/16/2013, 8:55 AM Sorted by Booth #
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