Special Issue 82a - ScotsGay Magazine


Special Issue 82a - ScotsGay Magazine
Zoe Lyons
Bethany Black
Charlie Ross
Andrew Doyle
talks to
K Amos
Joan Rivers
The Adventures
of Butt Boy & Tigger
Boys of the Empire
I’m Not Convinced
What’s Wrong
With Angry?
Loud & Proud
Dance Base
Inside this
Issue of ScotsGay
Going Out
The Largest Arts Festival on Earth
very year in August, Scotland
hosts the largest, most successful
arts festival on the planet. Just
think about that for a second - Largest
On The Planet!
Contents and
LGBT stuff to do from
The Highlands to The Borders
[email protected]
Massive coverage of the best
arts festival on earth
Outwith the Fringe
Gay Venues
LGBT Groups
Edinburgh International Festival,
The Book Festival & New Art
Scotland’s bars, clubs, cafes
and shops listed
Over 150 Community
Groups listed
It’s not a bad boast is it? Yet there
are those at home that would rather the
Edinburgh Festivals simply went away
and left them in peace.
I can understand it. Edinburgh
residents still need to get to work every
day - and with the never ending tram
developments causing chaos already,
we’re all going to be dealing with even
more mayhem on our roads this year.
I’ve heard a few from Glasgow
voice their displeasure too. “It’s an
Edinburgh thing” they say, “and it’s
nothing to do with us.”
Well, I love the Festivals, and in
particular, the Fringe. Why? Well to be
honest, the first attraction for me was
the bar opening hours. 5am. Yes - 5am.
Even on a Sunday. During my first
Fringe I didn’t go anywhere near any
shows - it was all about the beer.
For many that's still true. You
should check out the Spiegal Garden
or the Underbelly Pasture if you’re
looking to make a night of it.
In my second year I found a bar
that happened to be staging a comedy
show, and then another, oh and a
Post/E-mail and
Phone Ads
Awarded to ScotsGay for Fringe coverage
Fringe Coverage in Association with
couple of bits of theatre. Then I started
hanging out around the Royal Mile
during the weekend - watching the
diverse range of street performances.
Last year I saw almost 50 shows and there are people that see more!
It’s all very infectious. And
addictive. And like smoking, the
festivals can be expensive - but it
needn’t be. 2008 sees more Free
shows than ever before. I can
recommend Glasgow’s own Charlie
Ross at the Beehive, Shelley Cooper at
Espionage and Bruce Devlin’s Daily
show at The Stand for starters.
And our gay scene is doing its bit
for the Fringe, which is fab. The New
Town Bar, for example, is not only
showcasing top Fringe talent during the
festivals, but raising money for
Waverley Care whilst they're at it.
As the festivals have grown, so has
the stuff of LGBT interest, so this year
ScotsGay is devoting more coverage to
the festivals than ever before. Comedy,
theatre, music and dance - 70 shows
previewed over 15 pages.
You’re reading the festivals
Previews edition. Look out for the
Reviews edition - out mid fest.
And if we’ve missed something, or
there’s a show out there you really
think we should see and review - drop
me an E-mail and we’ll check it out.
Martin xx
The Luvvies is an Edinburgh based LGBT theatre
company - which aims to give LGBT people the
chance to act, direct, produce, organise theatre or
take part in any aspect of the creative process.
If you want to be part of it, get in touch.
E-mail: [email protected]
ScotsGay: a monthly magazine for LGBT folks and friends.
ScotsGay 60/- Light (Scene Edition) appears at the end of odd numbered months, whilst
ScotsGay 80/- Heavy appears at the end of even numbered months. ISSN: 1357-0595.
Unless otherwise stated © Pageprint Publishers Limited, July 2008. PO Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7 5YW.
Non profit use by the LGBT community of material in the magazine, to which we hold copyright,
will normally be permitted free of charge, but you must contact us first for permission.
Editorial: 0131-539 0666
[email protected]
Advertising: 07722 388903
[email protected]
Views expressed in ScotsGay don't necessarily reflect the views of ScotsGay.
People featured in ScotsGay may identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, straight or anything really.
Advertising Manager
ScotsGay Online
2 ScotsGay
Martin Walker
Jean Genie
John Hein
Stephen K Amos from the Edinburgh Fringe Show ‘Find the Funny’
Advertise with
For rates & terms contact our
Advertising Department
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 07722 388903
Web: www.scotsgay.co.uk/advertising
Address: PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
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ScotsGay is published by Pageprint Publishers Limited
Registered in Scotland: No 340162.
ScotsGay 3
Hello my lovelys! It’s been a while since
I graced your pages, I hope you haven’t
missed me too much...? And for those of
you who have no idea who I am? I’m
fabulous and that’s all you need to know.
Well enough about me let’s talk about you...
what do you think about me?
Well Aberdeen has sure been buzzin’ the last
month, what with the anticipated build up
for the Rainbowfest which ended up being
cancelled at the last minute, making it well
and truly a rainbow fiasco! But never ones
to let a little bad luck get them down, the
Aberscene certainly made their own fun! The
night in fact was a barrel of laughs...
CHEERZ Bar really pulled the stops out
with their fabulous NEW entertainment team
keeping the crowd happy with a mix of
dance, pop and cheeeez. On Saturdays it’s
out with the OLD! and in with the fabulous,
as the marvellous Miss Cherry Bakewell and
the diamond disco diva Jamiqua get the
punters jumpin’ with joy with their camp
antics and outrageous outfits, they really
add that much needed sprinkle of glamour
and fun that Cheerz lacked before... and it
shows as no one really misses their
Every Thursday and Friday, the
sensational Stevie Motion gets Cheerz and
teaserz dancin’ with his mix of music... Mr
Motion never lets his audience down and
with marvellous Mike upstairs doing the
new and improved quiz on Thursdays,
there’s always something happening at
[email protected]
For Aberdeen’s
venues listings see
Page 26.
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 22-25.
There will be a Charity event for the
Terrence Higgins Trust, in connection with
All Out Entertainment on Saturday 9th
August. Starring my good self, It promises
to be an evening to remember with live
comedy, male and female strippers, and live
music... also there will be games and
raffles with all proceeds going to the Charity
so come on Aberdeen give us your support!
FOUNDATION night club is still going
strong with its relaxed environment and
comfortable surroundings you’ll be sure to
have a good night, especially with DJ Jolly’s
camp Karaoke on a Monday and
the Dynamic Disco Bus on a Saturday... if
you can’t dance to Disco Bus, then honey,
you ain’t got rhythm!
Aberdeen page
edited by
Andi Watson
" #
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4 ScotsGay
For those of you who like something a
little bit different then why not try
Club SAPPHIRE! It’s situated next to the
maritime museum on Ship Row and has live
music and various acts on from Thursday to
Saturday every week with my very own
show Lipstick and Lager with Lexie Lush
held on Saturday 16th August.
If you ain’t seen it, why not pop along
for a right good night of laughter and
I hope August sees everyone having a
fabulous time, and I pray the weather’s
fantastic. There’s something quite grand
about seeing the summer out getting drunk
and being in the company of good friends.
Ta Ra for now folks!
See more pics from
Aberdeen at
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It’s that anarchic time of chaos already
folks, Festival Fever is already gripping the
City as we prepare for the descent of
millions into our beautiful capital. Grab yer
handbags boys and girls, cos we’ve got a
veritable banquet of entertainment ahead!
The New Town Bar is hosting a Bank
Holiday Brunch on Monday 25th August at
11am. Sample their exquisite menu. The
New Town have a veritable feast of
entertainment on over the festival, starting
with their regular events like the Wii Play
night every Monday from 7pm. Head along
and compete against other players. And it’s
free! Wow … Then every Thursday, from
8.30pm they host a free Quizmaster session
for those wannabee brainiacs. With prizes to
be won! Every Sunday throughout the
festival, the New Town are holding
FUNdraisers. On Sunday 3rd August, their
free cavalcade is from 5-8pm, featuring
festival acts. On Sunday 10th August,
Sunday frolics from 5-8pm with more acts,
and the same for the following Sundays. If
you have an act which you would like to
appear at the New Town, please get in touch
with Alan Emerson (tel number on listings
page) and you may just have your act
showcased! There’s a few different nights on
for men at the New Town, whatever you
fancy – BLUF night on Saturday 26th July
from 9pm (Breeches and Leather Uniform
Fanclub). Saturday 9th August is Bearscots,
for bears, cubs and admirers from 10pm.
Saturday 16th August is MSC Scotland from
10pm – a leather/rubber/uniform night for
men only. Then on Saturday 23rd August at
12 noon, the HotScots Football Club are
meeting at the New Town. Get down and
wish our lads good luck as they head to
London for the Gay World Cup!
Planet Out’s re-introduction of the
Monday Club has been a resounding
success, and for this reason they’ve moved
their Quiz to a Wednesday night. This will
continue throughout the festival. Any
newcomers that feel game should totally get
involved in this – the Planet Quiz is
infamously impossible …. But there are
tasty treats available for winners and losers
alike, so give it a go and you might just get
more than your choccie cravings sated!
Don’t forget the sensational live music
which continues on the last Sunday of every
month at Planet, this month it will be Sun
3rd August from 9pm. There’s lots more
planned throughout the festival for Planet,
so check at the venue for more info.
For those with an appetite for more
than just chocolate dips and hula hoops, get
thee to the Blue Moon. I’ve never been
disappointed by the Moon. They consistently
provide an excellent standard of what
Gordon Ramsay would call ‘honest’ food. To
the layperson, that’s stuff like mac cheese,
steak pie, nachos …. Though they’ve gone
all posh recently and are also offering salads
with hairy fish (anchovies) and I feasted
recently on a Moroccan lamb burger which
was infused with yellow spicey stuff and
tasted mucho delicious! And if you have an
occasion of celebration, Deep Blue, the
Moon’s sophisticated basement bar, has
private function facilities for up to 60 people.
And if you happen to be taking in a
show in the Leith area, you must have a pit
stop at Bar Diesel. They’re open Tuesdays
[email protected]
For Edinburgh’s
venues listings see
Page 24.
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 26-29.
See more pics from
Edinburgh at:
CC Blooms 15th
Birthday Party The editor and
Jessica won a meal
for two that night in
the raffle. Now they
are off on a hot
to Sundays, serving food until 10pm. Diesel
is a lovely funky chilled out gay friendly
venue, and newest on the scene.
From new to old, there’s Frenchies, our
oft-forgotten oldest gay venue in the City.
It’s oft-forgotten because it’s away from the
scene, and hidden up a wee alley. It’s a small
and cosy little place which is conveniently
located just off Princes Street.
Just in time for analytical festival goer
eyes, the club formerly known as eGo has
re-opened post-refurb as Luna. And
throughout the festival, there will be many
an opportunity to sample the delights of the
new pad. For those wishing to party midweek, Vibe is an absolute must at Luna.
Every Tuesday from 9pm onward, Vibe is
where the party is at. With a meagre pittance
of an entry fee and practical give-away
drinks offers, party at the place which spans
age and gender and is really all about the
music and atmosphere.
Café Habana continues to work hard
with their fund-raising, and their beach party
last month was a big success raising funds
for the ERI Transplant Unit. Now they’ve
come up with the wacky idea of ‘Camp as
Christmas’ – a Xmas extravaganza which
will be held on Sunday 27th July! Come and
sit on Santa’s lap … or should that be the
other way round??? Anyhoo, there are
prizes for the best-dressed Xmas outfit so
get the tinsel and baubles out and get into
the party spirit! And for those would-be Pop
Idols out there, Habs host karaoke every
Thursday from 9pm, and every Sunday from
5pm. Miss Coco Chanel will also be on stage
from Midnight every Thursday, and festival
acts will be appearing on stage daily. Miss
Coco Chanel is currently a contestant in the
‘Opportunity Frocks 2008’ comp – the
search for the ultimate drag queen! So head
along to Habs and wish her luck.
And we can’t possibly talk about drag
queens without giving a big mention to
Priscilla’s Cabaret Bar. With the most
extended licensing hours of the festival
(5am openings people, 5am ….!) Priscilla’s
offer live cabaret and karaoke 7 days a week.
Hostess Diva Bliss will be hosting every
Friday and Saturday night throughout
August, with theme nights planned – and
perhaps an appearance or two from my old
mate, the wonderful Miss Cilla Slack who is
currently doing a tour of Edinburgh venues.
Miss Cilla Slack can be seen every
Friday and Sunday at GHQ, and Cilla hosts
her very own karaoke spectacular on
Sundays. Incidentally GHQ is currently
leading the pack, currently being voted the
best gay venue on a poll held on ScotsGay’s
very own bebo site. GHQ is the place to be
Hottest Gay Bar in Edinburgh?
To Vote and see the Results
go to:
or write to:
ScotsGay Poll, PO Box 666,
Edinburgh. EH7 5YW
for those would-be sophistikats, with
extended opening hours over the festival.
They feature a request night called ‘Call the
Shots’ every Monday, where revellers can
choose the tone of the music. Now I wonder
what would happen if I turned up and
requested a wee Murderdolls track ….
perhaps something in the way of Pendulum
or Combi Christ… I spy a challenge!!! They
have also started an alternative/indie/rock
night on Wednesdays, with drinks from £1.
This is defo a night I will be sampling at
some point throughout August! Hot
alternative chicks and rock music … does
that not sound like heaven, people?!
Now for those who are into serious
clubbing, Fever hosts a Festival Launch
Party on Saturday 2nd August at Luna.
Opening hours are a whopping 11pm-5am,
and the pre-club is at The Street. I would
totally recommend going to the pre-club,
‘cos you can acquire £2 discount pass for
Fever from DJ Miss Chris.
On Sundays throughout the festival
period (3th, 10th, 17th and 31st - no 24th)
More will be hosted at Cabaret Voltaire.
More is the night formerly known as
Bumfunk, with free entry and selected drinks
at £2. Open from 11-5am!
To end the party with a bang, Taste are
hosting a Clubbers Paradise at the Liquid
Room with their Bank Holiday Special from
11pm-5am on Sunday 24th August. You can
watch the fireworks up Calton Hill, or
whatever else you wanna do up there, then
head along to the Liquid Rooms and party.
The Claremont Bar is another little
diamond of an eaterie throughout the day,
with a pleasant relaxed ambience and one
hell of a good French chef. By night, the
Claremont turns into a place to party and on
Friday and Saturday nights is restricted to
men only. With the exception of course of
Saturday 26th July and Saturday 23rd
August, when males, females and all those
in between can enjoy Edinburgh’s gayfriendly fetish club, Fabulous Stunners.
Voyeurs, stick to dogging sites – this is a
strict dress code event - glam/goth/leather,
however you dress to party to excess ….
And of course not forgetting the Regent
bar, where one can sample many of the
finest ales in a chilled out, uber friendly
atmosphere. (I’m still hoping that if enough
people stand at the bar and distract the staff,
I can steal one of their tables with the
wrought iron legs with little faces on them!)
With free wifi connection, the Regent is an
ideal place to come day or night and they
have an exquisite menu served until late.
Well folks, it’s gonna be one hell of a
party – enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ScotsGay 5
dumphris is a’ ghall-ghaidhealtachd
Saturday 16th August
(I don’t follow the scene - I AM the scene)
Well it’s finally gonna happen...the first
ever Pride event in Dumfries & Galloway,
and we're gonna make sure its a blast!
It promises to be an immense day, with
loads of family friendly activities for you to
enjoy alongside some amazing live acts with an extra dose of randomness and
countryside curiosities!
So if you’re the type of person who
enjoys having a lot of fun and fancies
making new friends from across the region
and beyond you need to get yourself along
to this event!
It’s for all ages, and everybody is
welcome, so be sure to bring along friends,
colleagues and family.
There will also be Pride Prom after the
event, (for all those aged over 18) which will
be held at DG One, 8 till late.
GO ON...join them down on the farm for
a big fun gay day out and be a part of LGBT
• MICHELLE McMANUS (pictured)
[email protected]
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 26-29.
It’s Her Madgesty’s 50th Birthday on the
day of Pride, so lets "take some time to
celebrate" in The Candy Shop, Pride’s superduper Madonna themed space - all
Madonna, all day long. Featuring music,
videos, projections and installations, plus
some seriously special prizes for the
winners of the:
• "Dress You UP" (best Madonna
• "Into The Groove" dance-off
... so get practicing your Voguing!!!
The Candy Shop shenanigans will be
brought to you by: Dreads & Mullet (AKA
Fabulous Les & the Semtexgirl)
with very special guests: Cyx and Marshin
(the Nitro boys)
Plus some proper randomness around
the arena including Drag Races and Toss the
Stiletto, Petting Zoo, Youth Tent, Face,
Painting, Stalls and Beer Tent!
If anyone is needing accommodation,
send them a message and they can give you
some local places that they have used
For more info:
[email protected]
Michelle McManus
a’ ghaidhealtach
Friday 8th-Saturday 9th August is the
Belladrum music festival in Beauly,
Inverness. You should check out the Sexual
Health Marquee (collaboration between
NHS, Brook and Terrance Higgins Trust) to
pick up free Condoms, Femidoms, Dams
and Lube and some of the brochures with
information on sexual health.
Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland has
increased their online peer support services
with groups for people living with HIV and /
or Hepatitis C and for the Transgender
community. Join these groups and reap the
benefits: create contacts, communicate, and
share your concerns.
These groups are here for you:
• People living with HIV http://groups.yahoo.com/group
• People living with Hepatitis C http://groups.yahoo.com/group
• Transgender community http://groups.yahoo.com/group
• LGBT community http://groups.yahoo.com/group
• Information blog
6 ScotsGay
[email protected]
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 26-29.
Tuesday 5th August is Gay-friendly
party night at Cactus Jaks in Inverness for
LGBT and Friends.
Girlzone gives lesbians the opportunity
to meet on a regular basis. E-mail:
[email protected] for or check out
www.gay-ness.org.uk/girlzone for info.
The Metropolitan Community Church the LGBT-friendly church - is holding a
service every third Sunday of the month
(Sunday 17th August) at RNI Chapel, Ness
Walk, Inverness. Doors open at 2.30pm and
the service start at 3pm. More information
on www.MCCInverness.com
This month the Gay Outdoor Club
Highland offers several possibilities to get
out and do something different:
Friday 1st-Monday 4th August - Annual
Outdoor Gathering, Worcester.
Friday 15th-Sunday 17th August Edinburgh Festival weekend.
Friday 22nd-Sunday 24th August Scottish Highlands camping weekend near
Corrievuic. A chance to get into the Gleann
Fhiodhaig hills! For more information please
contact Alan on Inverness (01463) 751258.
Last but not least, Terrence Higgins
Trust Scotland offers the following LGBT
activities this month:
Monday 4th August - LGBT lunch dropin from 12-2pm
Sexual Health Marquee
Wednesday 13th August - monthly
evening group for transgender people 79pm
Thursday 14th August - LGBT social
group Caithness 6.30pm
Tuesday 19th August - HepCpositive
support group 6-8 pm
Thursday 21st August - LGBT movie at
Wednesday 27th August, HIV positive
support group 12-2pm
All activities take place at 34 Waterloo
place, Inverness, IV1 1NB. Visit
http://thtscotlandhighlandservices.blogspot.com or
or you can ring Inverness (01463) 711585
for more details.
Hola Senoritas, what’s the chat? Back
yet again (I feel as old as the dirt and ain’t
looking much better either) to bring you the
low down and goddamn general show down
here in The West! The current consensus in
Glasvegas at the mo’ is we need some new
faces goddamn it! Most of my friends love
lives have now went full circle round the
scene and they are now double backing on
themselves and that simply shall not do! It’s
getting awfy incestuous down here!
Eugggggh! So now is the time for all you
gaydos nationwide to hop on a
bus/train/horse and cart and get down here
to shake your shimmy! Tarts on tour 2008,
whoop whoop! Hold onto your hats ladies
because here is your social calendar for the
following month!
Starting with Babylon… the organisers
have been working their sweet asses off
trying to find permanent premises etc to get
this night up and running but alas their
previously arranged night at the Baby Grand
was not to be. But fear not I have been told
the eagerly anticipated night is still going to
‘rock n roll’ just on the Sunday 31st August
at Tiger on Glassford Street (and yes I know
what you’re all thinking, very handy for
Bennet’s if it’s a bomb out!) and tickets for
said event are currently on sale (although
where from I have no scooby doo? So bebo
their bum!) For £5 or, you could purchase
on the door where they will be going for an
also very reasonable eight squid.
Bennets has been busy arranging
personal appearances yet again and have
secured Kelly Lorrenna for Saturday 26th
July (what bloody age is this woman?!?!?!)
and even more exciting Sash and Tina
Cousins shall be wrapped in metallic lycra ‘n
miming away on Wednesday 16th August.
New comers to Glasgow - if you only
manage to get to one place when you visit
then it has to be Bennets and that’s for a
multitude of reasons. I can’t promise you
talent, or cheap booze or in fact much of
anything really - but there is a most
vivacious (check me and my GCSE level
vocabulary) and welcoming atmosphere
whatever night of the week you go. It’s
always memorable (think flashbacks not
Kodak moments) and I personally have
never been anywhere like it! So what more
reason do you need to go elastic on the
dance floor?!?
You may have heard on the
gossip/grapevine about the possibility of the
resurrection of Sadie Frosts which until it
closed it doors was situated underneath
Queen Street station (and way before my
time before any of you cheeky bastards
think otherwise!!!). Bennets is currently
investigating the possibility of bringing back
the ‘pub atmosphere’ and are looking for
your thoughts and ideas on the matter (see
Bebo for more information). Sounds like a
plan to me cos I get in some ‘nick for wan
chick’ - and a wee seat and a packet of
crisps mid boogie doesn’t sound bad to me!
But the gay scene in Glasgow is currently
expanding faster than Kerry Katona
(Speakeasy, FHQ etc etc etc) and one does
wonder where all the bloody people are
coming from to fill all these places??? Fuck
knows - let’s just watch this space and pray
for some new hotties……..
The Revolver Bar is now running a
‘filthy dirty homos’ night which has Corky
[email protected]
For Glasgow’s
venues listings see
Page 25.
Community Groups
are listed on
Pages 26-29.
See more pics from
Glasgow at:
on the decks kicking out some electro beats
every alternate Saturday 8pm-Midnight and also my personal favourite evening (no
pun intended) Pop Whores which is simply
‘craptabulous’ and is on alternate Fridays.
Let us not forget that the Revolver bar also
has free WiFi access for all your internet
perving needs!
Oh and the The Polo Lounge has come
up trumps yet again. By the time you’ve read
this The Freaks will have performed on
Friday 25th July. You might just make it to
the original Miss Rough Stuff Mutya Buena
on the Tuesday 29th July though.
Moda is now full on back to basics with
all cocktails at £2 which is going to be
extended to all week long, though has
anyone else noticed that the Sour Apple
Martini has vanished from the menu?!?!
This makes me very sad, though the new
baby Woo Woo shots for a pound are
helping me get over it… Either way if the
promise of cheap drinks and watching me
slumped in a corner after one too many isn’t
enough to allure you to Moda and Dels then
the bar staff bloody well should be, their
staff is one XXL selection of hotties!
Or why not give your weekend a happy
ending at Glasgow’s oldest (and possible
most notorious!) gay bar, The Waterloo,
where Sunday evenings promise bingo and
a live DJ from 9-midnight, putting on a
whole host of camp classics. Not forgetting
that The Waterloo also puts on a monthly
theme night (last month was a beach party!)
Unfortunately at the time of going to print
the latest one had not yet been announced
Hottest Gay Bar in Glasgow?
To Vote and see
the Results go
or write to:
ScotsGay Poll,
PO Box 666,
so pop into the pub for details and
remember to ‘double up your drink’ for a
measly pound, all your favourite spirits are
included so why the hell not!
Last but not least, congratulations to
the MED (meet eat and drink) Café who
recently celebrated their first anniversary!
Not only is the good food and drink still
being served at MED but Betty S is still
running the karaoke on a Friday and
Maureen and Rae are still belting out the
tunes and pulling the microphones off over
enthusiastic punters each and every
Saturday night. For all of you not in the
know, the MED café and bar is on Bell Street
and is open from 11am-Midnight Monday to
Saturdays and Noon to Midnight on
Sundays so the ideal location to grab a bite
to eat and relax!
As always was lovely speaking to you
all but enough is enough... till next month
my little homo friends!
First impressions last.
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ScotsGay 7
fringe 2008
Please check before booking as all details
are subject to change. If the show is listed
in the Fringe Programme, a page number
is given. See also www.edfringe.com
Martin Witts for Leicester Square Productions presents
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
8 ScotsGay
Kicking off our Fringe theatre coverage
with Joan Rivers - Work in Progress
by a Life in Progress. This is not billed
as simply a comedy, rather a play that
asks the simple question, “can we
talk?” Here Rivers uses her scorching
tongue and her own brand of wit to tell
her tale in what is probably the
funniest and certainly the most
personal and revealing show that she
has ever performed. As if to spoil us
though, she is also taking time out, for
four nights only, to treat us to her
world famous solo stand-up show.
Book really early!
Work in Progress by a Life in Progress by a Life in Progress
Underbelly Pasture
Sunday 7th-Monday 25th August at 3.45pm. £15-£35. P208
Joan Rivers Solo
Underbelly White Belly
Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th, Tuesday 19th & Wednesday 20th
August at 11.45pm. £15.
ScotsGay’s old
Patrick Wilde
and actors Oliver
Jack and James
Whittle are
involved with
What’s Wrong
With Angry?
Featuring a
stunning young
cast - it is the story of two boys falling in love during the
dark gay days of the 80’s. The play delivers politics,
humour, and a fantastic pumping soundtrack, in a heart
breaking love story. It tells of a time when life was much
tougher for young gay people and it serves as a poignant
reminder of how, until recently, things were very different.
C Chambers Street
Thursday 30th July-Monday 25th August at 3.25pm.
£8.50-£11.50. p241
Out Cast Theatre is hitting the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival with
Steven Dawson’s disgraceful
Adventures of Buttboy and
Tigger. It’s a truly outrageous
and raunchy rollercoaster ride
through the world of online
chatting, where lines between
fantasy and reality become
blurred! Two boys leap from
one over the top underpantsbursting pornographic
adventure to the next, until one
asks... “Can we meet?”
Pleasance Dome
Thursday 30th July-Monday
25th August at 10.50pm. £5£8.50. p180
Regretrosexaul - The Love Story is a coming
out tale turned on its head. Imagine that you
are in a loving relationship with a member of
the opposite sex - it’s not easy for some
ScotsGay readers I know, but stick with us now imagine that you need to confess to your
straight partner that you’d been gay for a
couple of years! An unusual story which
received rave reviews in the United States and
is set to do well here. A very entertaining
modern tale.
Sweet Grassmarket
Friday 1st-Monday 25th August at 3.25pm.
£5-£8. p226
I’m Not Convinced is a
controversial performance art
piece by the Bambi Killers, aka
three sisters Megan, Dawn and
Jade Dupre. Mixing up song,
dance and theatre, and with some
lurid behaviour, this is modern
social commentary in the
traditions of vaudeville, cabaret
and punk. Appearing for 5 nights
only - it demands to be seen.
Holyrood Too
Sunday 3rd-Thursday 7th August at 11:30pm. £2-£5. P116
The About Turn Theatre Company present us with Outward Bound
this year. Why on earth would a gay man and a Jewish mother spend
the night together? This is the Vagina Monologues meets Brokeback
Mountain from a group that have produced to a consistently high
standard over the years. 6 nights only.
Rocket @ Demarco
Monday 4th-Saturday 9th August at 5.30pm. £5-£7. p221
10 years ago in Laramie, Wyoming, USA,
a 21 year old university student was
kidnapped, severely beaten and killed for being openly gay. The Laramie
Project is a frightening but ultimately life
affirming play that tells the story of what
happened next. 4 nights only.
Church Hill Theatre
Friday 15th-Monday 18th August at
various times. £4-£6. p210
In International Woman of Mr’E’ Jonny Woo shares stories, song
and spoken word, created before and after a near-death experience.
He performs pieces from nimble tongue-twister Pretty Polly Piper (in
which Polly and Peter meet untimely, drug-related demises) and the
call-to-arms Woman of Mass Destruction, to taboo-confronting
Bareback Rider and Beep-Beep, a surreal Morrisey-esque rap about a
‘drag queen in a coma’.
Gilded Balloon Teviot
Thursday 30th July-Monday 25th August at 9pm. £5-£9. p208
Bully is a one hour tour-de-verse
dealing with homophobic bullying at
school, domestic violence in a same
sex relationship, suicide, isolation
and coping with death. It’s not all
doom and gloom though, it also
manages to take the piss out of such
luminaries as Su Pollard, Naomi
Campbell and Bucks Fizz.
Gilded Balloon Teviot
Thursday 30th July-Monday 25th
August at noon. £5-£9. p189
Edinburgh born Glenn Chandler, who created Taggart,
presents his new play Boys Of The Empire with the same
cast as Angry - also directed by Patrick Wilde. When Sam
Pyke makes his anxious entrance to St Ethelred’s School,
the one thing he does not anticipate is becoming
embroiled in a terrifying adventure encompassing sinister
gamekeepers, Islamicist members of the lower fifth and
the loss of his true love, fagging for older boys!
C Chambers Street
Thursday 30th July-Monday 25th August at 8pm.
£8.50-£11.50. p188
In Cross Stitching, Richard and Thomas’ burgeoning romance is
limited only by their feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment - as
their affection in everyday situations and scenarios garner the
unwanted disgust of a predominantly heterosexual society. In this
surrealist piece, the consequence of such unwanted attention is
Richard’s decision to have a gender-reassignment operation and
thus the introduction of his post-operational alter ego, Gail. ‘Nonlinear and surrealist in style, Cross Stitching serves up something
genuinely fresh and original in its analysis of contemporary social
acceptance and perception.’ - it says here.
C Soco
Wednesday 13th-Monday 25th August at 1pm. £5.50-£8.50. p194
turn to page 10
The acclaimed comedy play directed by Sean Foley
Joan Rivers
Emily Kosloski, Carrie Paff and Mark Phillips
Designed by Alice Power
Written by by Joan Rivers,
Douglas Bernstein and Denis Markell
Limited Edinburgh season
Thursday 7 - Monday 25 August
3.45pm (1hr 45)
E4 Udderbelly's Pasture
Cow Barn (venue 300)
£35: limited VIP package:
includes post-show meet & greet with Joan!
Only available through TicketWeb.co.uk
and 0844 24 75
Tickets also available from underbelly.co.uk
and edfringe.com: £25-£15
www.ticketweb.co.uk www.joanrivers.com www.underbelly.co.uk www.edfringe.com
ScotsGay 9
fringe 2008
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
We’ll start the comedy coverage with the Comedy Gala 2008 - In aid
of Waverley Care. A fast selling, one night only event for charity,
with all the biggest comics making an appearance. If you are only
going to pay for one Fringe comedy show this year - make it this 3
hour feast of talent. Book early.
Edinburgh Festival Theatre
Monday 18th August at 7.30pm. £24-£25.
10 ScotsGay
Susan Calman is on a laugh out loud mission to
help you to accept your flaws. This is audience
participation comedy at its most dramatic.
Deceptively innocent in appearance, Susan
Calman is a small but savage comedian. Sit at
the front at your own risk!
The Stand 4
Saturday 2nd-Sunday 24th August at 3.10pm.
£5-£7. p101
Also at the Stand is Stewart Lee - a firm favourite here at ScotsGay
Towers, best known for being one half of Lee and Herring and as the
co-writer of the controversial hit musical, Jerry Springer the Opera.
His stand up this year will exhibit a true professional at the very top
of his game. A real coup for The Stand Comedy Club this one.
The Stand 1
Sunday 3rd-Sunday 24th August at 7.45pm. £10. p100
Our final recommendation at the Stand is a show
which has become a Fringe institution, Devlin’s
Daily. Our own Bruce Devlin hosts a free comedy
review every weekday, with some very special
surprise guests. Grab a bite of lunch and enjoy!
The Stand 1
Monday 4th-Monday 25th August at 12.30pm.
FREE. p46
Two Birds, a Gay and a Fat Dude are Niamh Marron, Tasha K,
Gearoid Farrelly and James Marsh. Representing the four corners of
the comedic spectrum, they present their unique take on the
universe with stand-up hammered to perfection in Ireland.
The Merchant Bar
Sunday 3rd-Saturday 23rd August at 3.15pm. FREE. p106
Shelley Cooper is talking about all things
British this year. Culture, history, religion,
politics, the flag and The Queen all come under
her caustic microscope. Recommended.
Laughing Horse at Espionage
Thursday 31st July-Monday 25th August at
9.35pm. FREE. p35
Shaggers is a free, late night, no-nonsense show with a revolving
line-up of the best festival comedians telling shagging stories. Male,
female, gay, straight, and everything in between - we all like to shag and we all have funny stories to tell.
Laughing Horse at the Meadow Bar
Thursday 31st July-Monday 25th August at 11.50pm. FREE. p95
Lady and the Tramp features Lady
Carol - a songbird - and Tiffany
Stevenson - a joke telling mouthy
bird. Together they are a magnet for
twitchers. It’s funny stuff, but be
quick - the run is for just 10 days.
Holyrood Too @ Faith
Friday 1st-Monday 11th August at
5pm. £5-£6.
Please check before booking as all details
are subject to change. If the show is listed
in the Fringe Programme, a page number
is given. See also www.edfringe.com
Over at C Soco - Lizzie Bates, Anna Emerson and Catriona Knox
appear again as the inspired all girl sketch troupe The Boom
Jennies. A cracking good hour of proper comedy is promised - and
based on previous years - they won’t disappoint.
C Soco
Wednesday 30th July-Monday 25th August at 7.40pm.
£7.50-£10.50. p35
Sazia Mirza in a TV star. As seen on ‘Fuck Off I'm A Hairy Woman’,
‘Miss Real World’ and ‘Have I Got News For You’ (all BBC), ‘World
Stands Up’ (Paramount), ‘60 Mins’ (CBS). She was also Voted one of
the ‘100 Greatest Stand Ups’ (CH4). This female Muslim comic has
rare talent. And a great supporter of the gay community too.
The Pleasance Courtyard
Wednesday 30th July-Monday 25th August at 9.35pm. £5-£10.50.
Stop the press! It’s just a short run and he’s not
in the Fringe programme, but do catch Paul
Sinha if you can - fresh from a tour of the UK.
Paul is the UK’s leading openly gay Asian
commedian. Actually, forget the labels, he’s
simply one of the UK’s leading comedians. If
you’re a fit lad, I strongly suggest that you sit in
the front row. Trust me.
Pleasance Courtyard
Wednesday 13th-Sunday 17th August at 11pm.
One-time ScotsGay gossip columnist Isabel Fay, tells us not to let a
gift horse in the house. Yes you read that correctly. Isabel is an
absolutely lovely character comic who gay men adore and lesbians
fancy. She’s really funny too. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouse.
Pleasance Courtyard
Saturday 2nd-Monday 25th August at 4.45pm. £5-£9.50. p62
Last month’s ScotsGay cover boy, Scott
Capurro, is back in Edinburgh delivering his
totally unique brand of queer jokes. Not for the
easily offended, Scott’s humour is brash and
direct. A comedic version of a fully loaded
automatic weapon, fired repeatedly into your
skull. In other words bloody hilarious.
Underbelly Belly Laugh
Thursday 31st July-Sunday 24th August at
9.15pm. £6-£11.50. p94
Bridget Christie’s The Court of King Charles II (The Second) is a
follow up to last year’s hidden gem of a show, which will surely
come to mass attention this time round. In the hands of this
accomplished comedy actor, history has never been so funny.
Underbelly Baby Belly
Thursday 31st July-Monday 25th August at 4.50pm. £6-£10. p35
Christopher Green, aka Tina C struts her fabulous
country stuff in a new show ‘Tick My Box’. Tina’s
satirical spoof of the good ole USA and its music
never fails to impress. This is character comedy at
its very best, supported by the Loud & Proud
Choir. Tina writes: “Hi y’all! Who better to run the
country that your favourite 9 nine Grammy-awardwinning Country Music star? Yep, that’s right I’m
running for the White House in Nov ’08. Cue the
Underbelly Pasture
Wednesday 30th July-Monday 25th August at
10.20pm. £8-£14.50. p105
more comedy...
turn to page 13
The Times
31stJuly-25th August
(NOT 11TH)
ScotsGay 11
fringe 2008
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
Just One
12 ScotsGay
Show: Charlie Ross - Just One Word
Venue: Beehive Inn
When: Wednesday 2nd23rd August at 10.30pm.
Door Tax: FREE
More Info: www.charlieross.co.uk
Popular Scottish lesbian stand up comic Karen Dunbar is a radio, TV, and
(soon to be) movie star. For us though, it’s live on stage in the flesh where
she’s at her very best. And great hair. Really, great hair.
Gilded Balloon
Wednesday 30th-Sunday 17th August at 7.30pm. £7-£13.50. p68
Talking of Scottish lesbian stand ups, Rhona Cameron, from TV’s ‘grumpy
old woman’ is performing in Edinburgh for just seven nights this year.
Something to do with her tax bill apparently. Must be all those books she
keeps selling.
Gilded Balloon
Monday 18th-Monday25th August at 7.30pm. £10.50-£12.50. p91
How many Fringe shows is that now?
This is the third.
Just One Word?
What other Fringe shows will you be seeing?
To be honest I haven’t had time to really look! Although I really want to catch Michael McIntyre, he’s the best in the business at the moment!
Who is inspires you?
Woody Allen, Eddie Izzard and of course Billy Connolly!! You’re not allowed to come from Glasgow and not like him. I did have the good
fortune to have a drink with one of my heroes, Terry Jones from Monty Python recently, it was amazing… we got very drunk!
You’re a big Doctor Who fan and often gig at SF
conventions. Tom Baker or David Tennant. Discus.
Well the nostalgic part of me will always go for Tom, but
DT is brilliant isn’t he? The biggest realisation of the fake
regeneration in the last series was discovering how much
you wanted him to stay!
So what’s with the Free Fringe?
Well it’s more in the spirit of the Fringe, what it was meant
to be! Gutsy and raw. The Fringe has got to be a little
corporate, I was attracted to the Free Fringe because it
allows you to take more chances! For the audience, the
Fringe is about seeing someone you don’t see on the telly
and taking a risk - the Free Fringe encourages that. You
see the show, if you like then you can choose to leave
some money or not, the worth of the performer is
determined by the most important people, the audience!
Does your heart belong to Glasgow?
Oh Yes!! But I studied in Edinburgh, so will always have a
great deal of affection for it!
You toy with your audience a bit. Have you gone too far?
I like to have a ‘love-in’ really, and I want the audience to
feel that they can laugh at me and themselves… it’s all
harmless fun! That’s not to say I don’t go too far in my
mind when there’s a cute guy in the crowd!!
Do you see yourself as a role model for other gay
I’d like to think of myself as a role model for gay people in
general. I’d like to encourage people to get away from
having to define themselves, straight-acting, camp, bears
etc, I’m none of these - I’m just me!
What’s next for Charlie Ross?
Possibly filming something in Romania for the Sci-Fi
channel, it’s a fantasy version of Robin Hood which
should be fun, and taking the show on tour around the UK
towards the end of the year - on top of various writing
projects. I’m just biding my time until David Tennant calls
it a day and I can get the key to that bloody blue box!!!
Gay comedian James Judd stars in ‘7 Sins’.
“I'm one-eighth Scottish,” says James. “My
family immigrated to the States during the
American Civil War. What kind of moron
moves to a country that's in the middle of a
civil war?”
Gilded Ballon Teviot
Wednesday 30th July-Monday 25th August
at 3pm. £1-£10. p94
Craig Hill... ‘makes your whole week’. Yes, this year’s pun-in-the-title from
the Scottish gay boy doesn’t quite reflect the deeply funny nature of his now
famous stand up show. In terms of belly laughs per minute, Craig is, ahem,
right up there. So to speak.
Gilded Balloon
Thursday 31st-Monday 25th August at 8.15pm. £6-£14. p42
The Assembly Rooms is not too posh to hold a comedy show. Chris Neill’s...
Got a Bun in the Oven is the camp comic’s take on Delia, featuring live
The Assembly Rooms
Tuesday 5th-Monday 25th August at 6.30pm. £5-£11.50. p38
Pam Ann makes terror at 41,000ft funny in a way that is very, very wrong.
Imagine the best drag act ever delivered by an Ozzie women. Caroline Reid
gives us a cruel and camp hour in this international hit show.
The Assembly at George Street Music Hall
Thursday 31st July-Sunday 24th August at 9pm. £10-£17. p85
A very similar sounding show to Caroline’s is
Beautiful People (Don't Travel Economy)
performed by Robert Yule. SleezyJet
characters include the rambunctious
redheaded, head hostie and Alexis VanAirBust!
Sweet Teviot Place
Thursday 31st July-Sunday 24th August at
8pm. £7-£8. p31
Adventures of Pink Peter stars Stuart Miles, a former presenter and director
of the BBC’s famously popular ‘Blue Peter’. During this show he reveals some
of his colourful past and dishes the dirt. Also, Stuart’s show for Gaydar Radio
will be broadcast live from the Edinburgh Festival Monday-Friday, 11pm-2pm.
Sweet Teviot Place
Saturday 2nd-Sunday 24th August at 6.30pm. £5-£8.50. p22
Finally, Rosie Wilby is back at the Fringe, with more of her games and even
more of her life story. This soon to be well known lesbian comic is well worth
seeing. She was a ‘Funny Woman’ finalist don’t you know?
Sweet Teviot Place
Thursday 1st-Sunday 24th August at 5pm. £5-£8. p92
music and dance...
turn to page 14
ScotsGay 13
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
fringe 2008
14 ScotsGay
...music & dance
Loud & Proud Choir
Edinburgh’s own LGBT singing troupe, Loud and Proud Choir, will
be a highlight for all that love a cappella with a queer twist. Their
repertoire is in turns funny, uplifting and moving - delivered with
heartfelt emotion and infectious enthusiasm. Appearing for one night
only, this is a special event in aid of Waverley Care. Sponsored by
our friends at VMH LLP and supported by Tina C.
Greyfriars Kirk
Saturday 23rd August at 8pm. £9-£12. p156
Beatbox Bingo by Catapult Dance
Martin Powell writes: So, I’ve decided that the Fringe is so big,
that I’ll focus on just one area. What did I choose? Politics. What has
the Editor asked me to write about? Dance. Not much overlap there
you might think - but you’d be surprised. More of that later.
So what’s happened to St Stevens? It’s gone, but don’t worry,
Dance Base seem to have decided to fill the gap with global dance,
whilst remembering Scotland is on that globe. Thank you Morag.
But let’s start elsewhere - definitely on the must see list are Lea
Anderson’s Companies The Cholmondeleys and The
Feathstonehaughs with Dancing on Your Grave (Assembly Rooms).
It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen them. Another name always
worth looking out for is Nigel Charnock, who many years ago was
with DV8. He is co-directing The Gymnast (Pleasance Courtyard),
which tells of the Khmer Rouge and Nixon. This may not be what
everyone would class as dance but it is bound to be physical and I’ll
be amazed if it isn’t superb.
The Russian DEREVO Theatre have played to rave reviews in
recent years The Gospel of Anton (Pleasance Courtyard) breaks the
taboos of not featuring sex, religion, politics, and violence in their
work. Again this may be more theatre than dance. Another always
worth seeing are Scottish Dance Theatre (Zoo Southside), who have
a double bill of Liv Lorent’s Tenderhook and Hofesh Shechter’s Dog.
At the same venue is The Angel & the Woodcutter by Korean Cho-in
Theatre. A heartbreaking story with a profound anti-war message
told entirely without words.
I’m not sure what to make of Chicos Mambo with Meli Melo II
(Universal Arts Theatre) which looks like 4 Frenchmen doing their
own comic interpretation of all styles of dance. However, Chris
MacKay praised it to the rafters when he reviewed it for ScotsGay
last year, and I know the editor is really looking forward to seeing it.
Turning to Dance Base - and they really do seem to have
excelled themselves this year. An old favourite of mine is Alan
Greig’s Company X Factor. They are back with a reworking of the
2000 piece Unspoken, which explores the mystery and secrets of a
drowned man. This is part of a triple bill with Norwegian Alan Lucien
Øyen’s In Time and It Will Snow and presumably Icelandic Steinunn
Ketilsdottir’s Crazy in Love with Mr Perfect. A double bill there is
Norwegian Odd Johan Fritzoe’s Balls, a high energy male quartet
featuring four big balls. This is coupled with Rosie Kay Dance
Company’s Double Points: K.
This is interesting. Rosie Kay contacted Emio Greco and Emio
Greco PC with a view to them choreographing something for her and
she states “they’re interested in the process of reinterpretation which
is how Double Points:K came about”. It’s based on their Double
Points: Two. This is not Rosie’s only collaboration - she has also
been working with Clare Short and Edinburgh West MP John Barrett.
If this intrigues you as much as it did me you will have to visit her
Web site www.rosiekay.co.uk. All I’ll say is that if she is one quarter
as good a dancer as she is a writer, this will be superb. For more on
Dance Base’s brilliant programme go to www.dancebase.co.uk
There’s lots more good stuff, but space is limited. To find a
longer version of this and for details of what else I’m recommending,
not just dance, check out www.scotsgay.co.uk
London Gay Men’s Chorus
The London Gay Men’s Chorus went down a storm during their last
Scottish appearance. Now they are set to do it again with the world
premiere of their brand new show Far From Kansas. Sit back and
relax with your free glass of bubbly and let them take you to a better
place - over the rainbow. How camp. Are you ready for the pun?
There’s no place like homo!
Rocket @ Demarco
Monday 18th-Saturday 23rd August at 11.30pm. £6-£8. p171
‘Richard III’ meets ‘The Office’ in Fuck You! - The Musical. Alex is
having a bad day. His girlfriend has dumped him, his best friend has
been promoted and his boss is a jerk. It’s time to fight back. With 3
fucks a minute at 5 cunts an hour, it’s billed as this year’s ‘Jerry
Springer - The Opera’. By David Townhill and Ken Nicholson.
The Gilded Balloon
Wednesday 9th-Thursday 17th August at 4.30pm. £7-£9.
More great a cappella is on offer is with Oxford University’s all
female singing group In the Pink. Featuring gorgeous harmonies and
some rather good human beatboxing - the girls were a huge hit on
the Fringe last year. ‘An eclectic and winning cocktail of sixties
classics, modern pop, jazz, rock, soul and swing.’
C Chambers Street
Sunday 17th-Monday 25th August at 7.55pm. £5.50-£10.50. p152
Our final a cappella recommendation is the all male version of In the
Pink, Out of the Blue. Driven by a passion to get out there and just
do it, these guys stormed the Fringe last year with sell-out shows
every day, great reviews and oh, a world tour followed.
C Chambers Street
Tuesday 5th-Monday 25th August at 2.45pm. £5.50-£10.50. p160
ScotsGay 15
fringe 2008
Show: Beth Becomes Her
Venue: Baby Belly 3
When: Thursday 31st July-Sunday
24th August at 11.05pm.
Door Tax: £6-£10.50
More Info: www.myspace.com
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
with Bethany Black
16 ScotsGay
Are you looking forward to Edinburgh 2008?
I really am - it’s my first time performing my own show and doing a full run. It’s been a childhood ambition so I’m really excited!
What should ScotsGay readers expect from ‘Beth Becomes Her’?
60 minutes of true stories that will make them laugh their collective bottoms off about everything that happens on a journey
transitioning from male to female, oh and bring a hankie for the ending... no I don’t get naked.
You were a nominee for ‘Best Debut Show’ at the ‘Leicester Comedy Festival’ - that must have felt good!
It was brilliant, I’ve never won anything before - well I won a drag competition when I was 7, - but that doesn’t really count. This
was the first time I’ve even been nominated for anything, I was really excited up until the awards ceremony when they read out
the nominees and gave them all a big build up, listing their achievements and what their shows were about, and then they
announced me by saying “next is Bethany Black who got some good reviews and is probably taking the show to Edinburgh.” At
which point I knew it was going to someone else. The Prize for winning was a bottle of Champagne, and I don’t drink anymore, so
it’s just as well. Still, I got to fill my face with chocolate covered strawberries.
We don’t see many comedy shows about trans issues? How did you come up with the idea?
Well it’s the story of the last 8 years of my life really. So I didn’t really have to come up with anything, I just try to tell the truth and
be as honest and open as I can. I realised that the experiences I’d had and the story I’ve got to tell were different than pretty much
any other comedian on the circuit. And most of all living through it has brought about some of the funniest things that have ever
happened to me.
You discus and make jokes about sensitive subjects in your show. Do you fear coming across as ‘politically incorrect’?
I hate the term “politically correct”. I find it’s often used in the pejorative by people who are upset that they can’t call me a queer
or a tranny, or be prejudicial about people based on race gender or sexual orientation. Political correctness is essentially treating
people fairly and not being offensive to people for prejudicial reasons. All the comedy I try to do comes from a place of love and
understanding, I talk about abortion in the show and I talk about suicide and nervous breakdowns and I touch on race, but it’s
generally coming from a place of highlighting the stupidity in all these things, confronting my own prejudice and stupidity. If ever
I’ve offended people it’s generally because they don’t think that these should be topics that are up for discussion, but all I’m doing
it highlighting them.
Are you the ‘black sheep’ of the family?
Not at all, my parents are both quite liberal, aging hippies who live in France and my sister travelled the world and worked for
sexual health charities in India and is now a nutritionist and about the most lesbian straight woman I know, and when we get
together we all know how to party. If anything My Brother’s the Black sheep, he settled down and got married when he was 21 to
the eldest daughter of the biggest family in the village we grew up in and has two kids a cat and a dog and a well paid job he loves
and a lovely house less than half a mile from where we all grew up.
What was your worst ever heckle?
In Exeter just before Christmas I was hosting a gig that was going really badly, there was a table of fitness instructors in - all of
whom thought they were funnier than any of the acts on. One in particular was a nightmare to try and deal with, but I tried to talk
to him and give him some attention before trying to stop him from talking. It was fairly base stuff - I said something about him
going home alone and wanking in his bedsit wondering why he had no friends whilst I’d be going home with my girlfriend. His
response was “yeah, well neither of us will be having sex then, lesbians can’t even have sex.” I was floored by his ignorance and
tried to explain how it was possible but he wasn’t having any of it. As far as he was concerned if it didn’t end with a sticky cock
it’s not sex. Later that evening I think I adequately proved him wrong.
Which other comics do you admire?
I love Stewart Lee, watching him work is just a master class, Josie Long was a big influence when I first decided to give comedy a
go, I love her whimsy and good clean honest fun. Richard Herring I love because he has the same over analytical mind that I do.
Brendon Burns has been a big influence, watching him doing “Sober Not Clean” when he was just out of rehab and seeing that
blistering honesty was just immense. Glenn Wool and Craig Campbell too, those two are about the funniest comedians I’ve ever
seen, Glenn is just amazingly funny, it exudes from every pore of him, and Craig has the ability to make me laugh like no one else
on this earth. As a comic you find you stop laughing at other comics and get analytical about what they do, admiring the structure
and the rhythm, but every time I go and see Craig I wake up the next day with aching muscles from laughing. Plus just knowing
that he exists makes me smile. And finally, and possibly most importantly, Jason Cook. Jason took me under his wing when I
first started and taught me loads, he got me my first paid 20 minute set and just over a year ago whilst chatting one night he
persuaded me to do this show. His show “My Confessions” was the best show I saw last year and really deserved to win Best
international Act at the New Zealand comedy festival. I owe a lot to Jason Cook.
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Do you see yourself as a role model for other trans women?
Good God no! If I ever did that would be me setting myself up for such a fall! I suppose by putting myself out there and using
this platform and being so open about being trans - and attempting to start a debate - I’m putting myself in a position where I
could be considered a role model, but I think if anything it’s just important to be who you are and not let anyone tell you different.
Scottish Charity No. SC025512
What’s next for Bethany Black?
I’m going to find out who keeps changing all the “shes” to “hes” on my Wikipedia page.
image: Fearghus O’Conchuir in Match (part of Irish Cream), photo by Aidan Kelly
ScotsGay 17
fringe 2008
Show: Stephen K Amos - Find the Funny
Venue: Pleasance Courtyard
When: Wednesday 30th July to Monday 25th August at 9.40pm
(not 6th or 13th August)
Door Tax: From £12.50-£15. Previews £8
More Info: www.edFringe.com or www.edcomfest.com
tephen K. Amos wants his fish and
chips. He hasn’t eaten all day, he tells
me, and this is the only chance he’ll
have before his photo shoot later that
afternoon. With such an energetic schedule,
it’s understandable that he’s opting for
quick-order complex carbohydrates.
18 ScotsGay
[email protected]
Photo of Andrew
© Eamon McGoldrick
reschedule this interview following a last
minute phone call inviting him to appear on
Richard and Judy. As it transpires, they
wanted him to discuss the Max Mosely
controversy, in which, (it is alleged), the son
of the founder of the British Union of
Fascists was (allegedly) caught on film
participating in a (what may have been)
sadomasochistic Nazi-themed orgy with five
(apparent) prostitutes. Full marks for
creativity (I suppose).
But why should they ask Stephen K.
Amos on the show to discuss these issues?
“I have to say, I wasn’t sure what the
connection was myself. I asked the
producer, and he said, ‘well you’re a bit of a
celebrity now and so I wanted to ask you
what your views were on privacy’. It’s a bit
tenuous, but let’s face it, when Richard and
Judy call, you don’t ask questions. Who in
their right mind would turn them down?
They’re an institution.” I have to admit, he
has a point.
We are suddenly interrupted by a young
waitress carrying Stephen’s Pinot Grigio on
a silver salver. As she leans down to place
the glass onto the table she pauses, peering
at the wine as though it were some kind of
mysterious talisman. Stephen and I
exchanged a baffled glance. “Cork!” she
exclaims, her eyes wide with contempt.
“There’s some cork in your wine! I shall
exchange it immediately!” This brings a
smile to my face. There’s nothing more
satisfying that the combination of good
customer service and mild histrionics.
“I told her to do that,” says Stephen
with a smirk. “I said to her, if the interview’s
going badly just come over here and distract
us.” For a second I believe him, because I
can be surprisingly moronic at times.
There has been some disquiet in the
comedy world recently when it was
announced that the so-called “big four”
venues (Assembly Rooms, Pleasance,
Underbelly and Gilded Balloon) had clubbed
together to create the “Edinburgh Comedy
Festival” in the hope of attracting a major
corporate sponsor. Since Stephen is a
regular performer at these venues, I want to
know what he makes of this development.
“This year will be my fifth Edinburgh in a
“I think if you’re
a gay person in
this modern
world it is
imperative that
you come out,
because of the
weight that will
be lifted off your
row. And over the years I’ve seen the
Fringe evolve into this commercial beast.
It’s not good for up-and-coming comics
because if the big four haven’t heard of you
then they’re not going to take a chance. The
festival has turned into a very huge
corporate money-making machine. The acts
are never the ones who make all the money.
It’s the venues, the PR companies, and of
course those who own the accommodation.”
From the way Stephen talks, I get the
impression that he has no particular
sentimental attachment to the Fringe
festival. He tells me that as a result of all his
forthcoming projects it’s unlikely that he’ll
do a full run again after this year. That said,
he is still positive about the capacity of the
festival to nurture new acts, particularly
through the recent formation of the Free
Fringe which is, according to Stephen, “what
the Fringe used to be all about”.
So what’s the premise of your new
show? “This year I’m going back to basics.
It’s about being funny. I’m going to do in
Edinburgh what I do best; stand-up comedy,
every night of the week. That’s all. If you’re
expecting pathos and deep insight go and
see somebody else. But if you want to have
a laugh for an hour, then my show is for
you. Hence the title: Find The Funny.”
Stephen is right to emphasise that
comedy is his forte, but he is also a
proficient actor, having performed in
Edinburgh runs of Talk Radio and One Flew
Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, the latter
subsequently transferring to the Gielgud
Theatre in London’s west end. Last year, he
made the BAFTA-nominated documentary
Batty Man for Channel 4, in which he
explored the problem of homophobia in the
black community.
There’s a very revealing segment at the
beginning of the documentary which finds
Stephen conducting a test on a bustling high
street. He has eight young men lined up –
five black, three white – and asks members
of the public to identify which one is gay. In
the vast majority of cases, the white men are
picked out as the most likely candidates.
The gay man is hardly picked at all, partly
about. You can tell if somebody’s faking it,
doing all the jazz hands, which is what I
used to do. With the last couple of
Edinburgh shows I’ve been more candid,
and the audiences respond well. They start
to see a truth in you.”
“I think if you’re a gay person in this
modern world it is imperative that you come
out,” Stephen continues, “because of the
weight that will be lifted off your shoulders.
You think that there are people around you
who will hate you, resent you, whatever –
but it’s not worth beating yourself up about
or constantly having to look over your
shoulder. I remember the first time I went
to a gay bar, I walked around the building six
times before I went in, checking to see if
anyone had seen me. But then I thought to
myself, what would have happened if they
had seen me? The answer is nothing. If
you’re in the closet you’re only harming
Do you think religion is mostly to blame
for the lack of tolerance in our society? “I
have a problem with the word ‘tolerant’.
Because tolerant means you put up with
something. It has negative connotations.
We should respect each other, and celebrate
our differences. If you don’t agree with
what someone has said, then you move on.
You don’t condemn people, you don’t kill
people, you don’t judge people. A
fundamentalist Christian might presume to
judge me for who I am, and that’s wrong. I
may not like the clothes he wears, but I’m
not going to judge him for that.” He thinks
about this for a moment, before adding with
a grin: “Although, as a self-respecting gay
man, perhaps I should.”
I suggest that people are generally
educated out of religion, but that with the
proliferation of government-funded faith
schools the problem is getting worse.
Stephen agrees that such establishments
are essentially divisive. “You need to be
exposed to all kinds of people, not just those
who share your own beliefs. I certainly
don’t think that religious people have the
right to tell any of us how to behave.
Particularly when you look at the track
record of the Catholic Church, for instance.
It’s massive hypocrisy.”
Looking at my watch, I suddenly realise
that we’re out of time. Before Stephen runs
off to his photo shoot, I ask him about what
his plans are for after Edinburgh. “I’ve got a
tour coming up,” he says. “And early next
year I’ll be working on a new sitcom for BBC
2 with Omid Djalili. It’s written by Simon
Nye (of Men Behaving Badly fame) and at
the moment it’s called In My Country. It’s
very funny. I’ve got high hopes for it.” I ask
him for some details about the premise, but
he simply smiles and in true showbiz
fashion tells me that I’ll “have to wait and
By now Stephen has polished off his
Pinot Grigio and his fish and chips. As
meals go, it strikes as something of a
paradox: both sophisticated and down-toearth.
On reflection, it seems as good a way
as any to describe the man himself.
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
We’re in The Hospital, a private
members club in Covent Garden. It’s
nothing like a hospital, of course; the
corridors don’t smell of disinfectant, there’s
a fully-equipped games room, plush pastel
furnishings in every bar and, perhaps most
important of all, nobody’s dying. If you’re
fond of the medical analogy, this is the
BUPA of the London social scene.
Stephen orders a glass of Pinot Grigio
to wash down his fish and chips. You can’t
do that in Harry Ramsden’s.
“I’m very busy these days, and I’m
pleased about that,” he explains. “I’ve had
to take time off the comedy circuit. I haven’t
done any proper club gigs in two years.
That can be a bad thing because it’s in the
clubs where you learn your craft. If you take
your foot off the gas for too long you’ll
forget how to do it. But it’s also a good
thing because it means I can do my own
tours. These people have come just to see
me, so I can gauge more accurately the
types of audience member I’m getting”.
Whatever else you can say about his
following, it’s rapidly increasing in number.
Stephen puts this down to the regularity of
his recent television appearances, although
his unpretentious manner ensures that this
doesn’t seem boastful. “It’s only now that
people are recognising me in the street. It
started becoming noticeable last December,
when in one month I did The Royal Variety
Performance, Have I Got News For You, Live
at the Apollo, and a whole week on The
Wright Stuff. So people think I’ve just
appeared from nowhere, but as a matter of
fact I’ve been around for thirteen years.”
When I suggest that this makes him a
comedy veteran Stephen gasps audibly and
feigns horror. “Veteran? What a horrible
word!” The reaction is so dramatic that I
half-expect him to whip out a folding lace
fan and start flapping it about his face,
squealing “Mon Dieu!”
What’s wrong with being a veteran, I
ask him? Have I been inadvertently
offensive? “Yes, totally!” he says, laughing.
But surely, I counter, the word “veteran”
implies experience and wisdom. “No,” says
Stephen, “it implies that you’ve been around
the block for a hell of a long time. I’m not a
veteran in any way, shape or form. I’ve still
got it. I can work it with the best of them.”
He’s not going to let me off easily, it seems.
It’s clear that he’s rather enjoying pretending
to be offended.
This is one of the reasons why a
conversation with Stephen is such a
pleasure. He’s articulate and laid-back, but
he’s also a lot of fun. He manages to appear
likewise affable in his stand-up
performances, so it’s easy to see why he is
becoming so popular. He’s so much in
demand, in fact, that we’ve already had to
because of his choice of attire, but also
because he’s black. It’s a telling experiment,
one which effectively shatters some of our
deepest-seated stereotypical notions.
Do you think the pressures of being gay
are more intense if you’re black? “Of course
they are. If you live in the UK and you’re
black and gay, it’s a double whammy. But
you have to ask yourself, when will the
problems stop? It’ll only stop when you
make a stance. There’s a huge
misconception that to be black and to be gay
are mutually exclusive. But there’s a
monthly black and urban club night in
London called Bootylicious and it’s hugely
popular. A thousand people. Where have
they come from? Where are they hiding?”
Batty Man is an impressive piece of
work that needed to be made. When
Stephen discusses the film it is clear that he
feels a deserved sense of pride. “I’ve had
emails from people all over the world,
including guys in prison, saying at last
someone’s giving us a voice.” One of the
most affecting moments in the documentary
is when Stephen meets a 26-year-old gay
Londoner called Olisa, who at the time of
Stephen’s initial interview had yet to come
out to his mother. “He agreed to tell her that
very evening, and we met up again the next
day. The difference in his body language
and demeanour was immediately obvious.
His mother hadn’t disowned him, she had
told him that he was her son and she loved
him. I’m getting goose bumps just thinking
about it.” Stephen duly rolls his sleeve up to
prove it. “People shouldn’t assume that
their parents or friends will react negatively.
I mean, I totally understand the fear. I’ve
been there. But you have to be honest with
yourself, for your own sake.”
Although Stephen has never denied that
he’s gay, in recent years he has been more
open about his sexuality on stage. This is
principally because of a horrendous
personal experience that occurred three
years ago. “I was watching the news one
night and it said that a body of a man killed
in a homophobic attack had been found in
Clapham. I looked at the picture and
realised it was a friend of mine. And that
really, really affected me. I just thought to
myself, you’ve got to say something. It’s
your life. It’s too easy to hide. That was the
catalyst to me being open about it in my
How did your audience react? “Some
of them applauded, some of them gasped,
and some of the women said “oh no”, which
I found hilarious. But my decision was kind
of in tribute to my friend’s memory. I don’t
know what I would have done if that hadn’t
happened. I don’t know if I could have sat
here in some sanctimonious way urging
everyone to come out, because the truth is I
may not have done so myself without that
In many ways, Stephen’s decision to be
open about his orientation has worked in his
favour. “Audiences can sense dishonesty in
a comic. That’s why Daniel Kitson is so
adored, because there’s a real sense of
honesty about all the things he’s talking
Show: Stephen K Amos - Weekend Chat Show
Venue: Gilded Balloon Teviot
When: Friday 1st, Saturday 2nd, Friday 8th, Saturday 9th,
Friday 15th & Friday 22nd August at 11.30pm
Door Tax: From £10.50-£12.50
More Info: www.edFringe.com or www.edcomfest.com
ScotsGay 19
opular lesbian stand up comedian
Zoe Lyons’ new show is entitled
Mangled Mantra of the Messed Up
Modern Mind. Andrew Doyle scratches
his head...
20 ScotsGay
Andrew Doyle
[email protected]
Photo of Andrew
© Eamon McGoldrick
Andrew Doyle
is a playwright
and performer.
His plays
include Jimmy
Murphy Makes
Amends for
BBC Radio 4,
and Borderland
for 7:84
“I try to be
But I don’t
recycle as much
as I should and I
love foie gras,
which would
hardly be the
dish of choice for
any selfrespecting
“Every now and then I have to deal
with homophobic hecklers. I try not
to take things personally, but it’s
difficult. I think it’s like a slap.
It stings for a while and then you
forget about it.”
with knows what happened. But I’m getting
better at that. I’m getting more calloused
perhaps. Trying to care less.”
As an openly gay female performer, Zoe
of course can expect to receive occasional
flack on the comedy circuit from a minority
of idiots. “Most audiences are fantastic.
But every now and then I have to deal with
homophobic hecklers. I try not to take
things personally, but it’s difficult. I think it’s
like a slap. It stings for a while and then you
forget about it. I’m getting better at
shrugging it off. But sometimes I get so
angry. I think, ‘why should I have to listen
to this?’ I did a gig recently in Croydon
where a guy aggressively shouted out: ‘I
didn’t pay to listen to a fucking lesbian’.”
I point out that if this had been a racial
epithet the crowd would have turned on him,
and it seems that many people still feel it is
socially acceptable to express anti-gay
sentiments. With this in mind, I want to
know if Zoe believes that society’s attitudes
towards gay people are improving. “Yes and
no. Legally things are going well, but
culturally they’re not. There’s still a lot of
low-level homophobia in our country. It’s
still seen as a huge insult to call someone
gay, and the media just love gay sex
scandals, don’t they? They always
emphasise the sexuality in the headlines.
‘MP admits to sordid gay affair’, that kind of
“I heard a parent being interviewed on
the radio the other day,” she continues, “and
she was complaining about some gay
parents at her child’s school, saying: ‘I don’t
agree with it at all. These people have
chosen to live like this, and it’s wrong’. It’s
that kind of ignorance that you encounter
every day. That woman has probably never
even spoken to a gay person. She doesn’t
understand that most people are aware of
their orientation from a very early age. It’s
simply not a choice, and quite frankly why
would anyone choose to be beaten up at
school, or have abused hurled at them for
their sexuality?”
Zoe has been with her partner Sindy for
ten years and, two years ago, they decided
to make it official with a civil partnership.
“Sindy’s a much more emotional character
than I am, but actually on the day it was me
who blubbed like a baby. I had a poem to
read, but the words wouldn’t come out.
There were tears and snot flying
everywhere. It was lovely.”
Sindy and Zoe live together in Brighton,
often described as the most gay-friendly
town in the UK. “Yes, Brighton is very
liberal, but there are still problems. There
have been a number of occasions when
we’ve been shouted at in the street, and only
the other day we had something thrown at
us from a passing car. Little episodes of
hate crime like that still happen very
frequently. And until that kind of behaviour
is deemed totally unacceptable then there
will still be a problem.”
Zoe pauses to sip her cappuccino, a
pensive look on her face. “I tell you what I
think it is,” she says in a measured tone.
“People always concentrate more heavily on
the sexuality of homosexuality, rather than
the sexuality of heterosexuality. With gay
couples, they never focus on their mutual
love and respect, or that they might live
happily together. They just see it as purely
sexual, as though they are people who
simply cannot control themselves. This is
why the media likes to connect
homosexuality with paedophilia. It’s
deemed to be some kind of sexual deviance.
Gay relationships are no different from
straight ones. The emphasis should be on
the love rather than the sex.”
The comedy circuit is a male-orientated
world, of course, so it’s not only
homophobia that Zoe has encountered. I
ask her about the perception that some men
have of women comics, in particular the
bizarre view that women cannot be funny.
Zoe assures me that attitudes have
improved over the past five years, although
she has had some bitter experiences with
men in her audience. She tells me how, only
last week, a man on the front row of her
show spent ten minutes staring at her
crotch. When she asked him what precisely
he was looking at, he shouted: “Your
minge!” Zoe is clearly right to describe him
as a “Neanderthal dickhead”, but at least he
had eloquence on his side.
When these things happen, do you ever
retaliate in kind? “There was an occasion
when I went on the attack, but it all went tits
up. I spoke to a friend of mine who is very
insightful and described the situation, and
what she said to me was so succinct and
wonderful. She simply told me that I had
lost my sense of humour. And she was
absolutely right. As a comic it’s your
responsibility to keep everyone laughing. It
just turned into a bitch fight, and if you lose
control like that then the heckler has won.
Since then, I’ve always tried to keep my
sense of humour above all else.”
Are you looking forward to Edinburgh
this year? “Oh definitely. I love being there
and seeing top quality shows every day.
There’s an amazing Russian physical theatre
company called DEREVO. I’ve seen them
every year, and they’re just incredible. By
the end of their last show I was weeping. I
just didn’t want it to stop.” And how do you
feel about your own show? “I feel much
more relaxed and prepared this year. Last
Edinburgh was a real journey for me. I
wasn’t selling out, and it was the first time
I’d done a full solo show.”
Zoe finishes her cappuccino and tells
me about a particularly gruelling experience
towards the end of her run. “It was a
nightmare audience, really. There was a
mother and her eleven-year-old son in the
front row, an elderly couple in their eighties
with their forty year old son (who clearly had
issues), an old friend I hadn’t seen for years,
and two judges from the if.comedy panel! I
nearly feigned a heart attack to get off.
When I left the venue it was raining, and I
saw Simon Amstell’s queue going all the
way around the corner, about five-hundred
hundred people in total. It was a really
depressing moment.”
But there is a silver lining to this story.
Two days later, Zoe received a phone call to
inform her that she’d been nominated for
the if.comedy Best Newcomer Award.
“When I heard about my nomination I was
having lunch with a friend in Harvey Nichols.
I literally spat out my salad and burst into
tears, lettuce leaves cascading everywhere.
But that’s Edinburgh isn’t it? There are
moments of joy and moments of sheer
Fringe coverage in ScotsGay Magazine in association with
The Luvvies LGBT Community Theatre Group
“That dead body belonged to me!” It’s
the kind of sentence that sounds rather
disturbing if taken out of context. But that’s
precisely what has happened on this
particular afternoon in a sleepy Soho café.
Zoe Lyons is talking about a human corpse
that she almost found on a beach near her
home in Brighton, and an elderly man at the
next table is looking over at us with a
disapproving grimace. It’s his own fault for
eavesdropping, really.
It’s not quite as disturbing as it sounds.
As Zoe explains: “I walk my dog on the
beach every morning, and every time I find
myself thinking, ‘I wonder if I’ll come across
a dead body today’? It’s like an eerie mantra
that keeps floating through my mind. But
then a few months ago I went for my usual
walk, and there actually was a body on the
beach. I didn’t find it, though. The man
walking one-hundred yards in front of me
did. Just think, if I’d have got up five
minutes earlier that day it would have been
me. Well, I was absolutely livid. Because it
was my mantra, it was my thing, it was my
body to find. That dead body belonged to
Unbeknownst to Zoe, it’s at this point
that the elderly man at the next table lifts up
his face from his baguette and scowls in our
direction. It’s the classic case of someone
hearing only the tail-end of a conversation
and making an unfair judgment. I try not to
Mind you, Zoe is the first to admit that
there is something ominous about this
particular obsession. “I told my friends
about it, and they said ‘that’s really messed
up, Zoe’. So I thought great. That’s going in
the show.”
The show in question is for this coming
Edinburgh Fringe Festival, entitled Zoe
Lyons: Mangled Mantra Of The Messed Up
Modern Mind. It’s quite a mouthful. “I did
that deliberately,” Zoe explains. “I wanted a
title that no one could remember, so that
hopefully there might end up being a kind of
kudos attached to being able to remember
all the words in the right order. I might be
talking total rubbish, of course. One thing’s
for sure; the box office will definitely hate
So what does it actually mean? “It’s
concerned with the mantras that go through
my head every day. Things like, ‘I must be
more environmentally friendly’, which is fair
enough because I don’t recycle as much as I
should and I love foie gras, which would
hardly be the dish of choice for any selfrespecting eco-warrior. Or sometimes the
mantra will be saying ‘I must drink less’.
But why should I drink less? I’ve got no
money in the bank, and this is one of the
few pleasures I have. What I’m interested in
for this show is all these mantras, these
private obsessions. That’s the thread that
holds it all together.”
It’s an effective conceit, because most
of Zoe’s audience will be able to identify
immediately with these so-called ‘mantras’.
She gives another few examples that I must
admit have certainly crossed my own mind
from time to time: ‘I must eat more
healthily’, ‘I must stay more positive’, ‘I
must stop obsessively checking my bank
account’, ‘I must stop hoping to stumble
across dead bodies’… Actually Zoe, I think
you’re on your own with that one.
For someone whose act is so warm and
vivacious, it’s strange to hear Zoe Lyons
talking so much about death. “I had a week
at the beginning of this year where I
genuinely felt like I was causing people to
die. I was over in the United States recently,
and I was driving along thinking to myself,
‘God, these people drive really badly. I bet
there’ll be an accident before long’. Sure
enough, the next minute there was a crash,
and someone flew off the road. Three days
later I was in San Diego surfing in the sea,
and I started to think about the possibility
that there might be sharks in the water. But
everyone I asked about it assured me that it
wasn’t possible, that there hadn’t been a
shark attack in years. And what happens?
The next day someone on the resort gets
bitten in two by a bloody great white. So in
the space of one week, these three things
happened: the car crash, the shark, the dead
body on the beach. Naturally, I started
thinking to myself – is it me? Am I causing
this? When I write in people’s birthday
cards now, “thinking of you”, they’re
probably saying to themselves, “I wish you
The common thread to all of Zoe’s
‘mantras’ are that they seem to be selfcritical in nature, which would suggest that
she has a healthily introspective quality.
Perhaps this comes from having a degree in
Psychology, or maybe it comes from an
abundance of neuroses. Either way, it’s very
funny, and that’s surely the point. Zoe
assures me that all of these thoughts are not
only healthy, but therapeutic. “I try to
prepare myself for the negative. If you do
that, then at least you’re ready for it when it
happens. And you’ll be less disappointed.”
Zoe’s words remind me of the Duke’s
advice to Claudio in Shakespeare’s Measure
for Measure: ‘Be absolute for death: either
death or life shall thereby be the sweeter’.
Does that make me horribly pretentious?
Oh God, these mantras are contagious…
Zoe still sees herself as a relative
newcomer to the comedy scene. This is
despite the fact that in her five-year career
she has already become a well-known name
on the circuit. In 2004 she won the Funny
Women Award and, last year, received a
nomination for the coverted if.comedy Best
Newcomer Award (formerly the Perrier). It’s
interesting to hear that, for someone who
has been so successful, she still feels that
she is “trying to find her voice”. As she
explains: “It takes a very long time. Even
though I’ve had half a decade’s experience, I
still feel like I’m just starting. You have to
really work at it. I just want to be the best
that I can be, and that’s a long process.”
There’s an obvious sensitivity to Zoe’s
personality that I find both endearing and
surprising. As a stand-up comic, you’d
expect her to have a skin so thick it’s
practically leather, but Zoe can still be
affected by bad gigs. “I was booed off stage
once, very early on in my stand-up career. It
felt awful. When something like that
happens to me I spend the next few days
thinking that everybody I come into contact
Show: Zoe Lyons - Mangled Mantra of the Messed Up Modern Mind
Venue: Pleasance Courtyard
When: Wednesday 30th July to Monday 25th August at 9.40pm
(not 6th or 13th August)
Door Tax: From £9.50-£12. Previews £6
More Info: www.edFringe.com or www.edcomfest.com
fringe 2008
ScotsGay 21
Pic: Szymanowski's King Roger
outwith the
Edinburgh International Festival
he Edinburgh International Festival will be held from 8th to 31st
August. One of the hottest tickets this year will be Dorian Gray,
a free dance adaptation of Oscar Wilde by Matthew Borne’s New
Adventures. You may remember his stunning male-swan version of
Swan Lake. Here we have a 21st century morality tale of fame,
fashion and greed. Gray becomes gay, and a beautiful young man is
corrupted. Tickets will go fast! King’s Theatre Edinburgh. Friday
22nd-Saturday 30th August.
Leading playwright David Harrower‘s new work, 365 is about a
group of young people who pass through a Practice Flat, one of the
state’s mechanisms for introducing young people who have been in
care to the adult world. What are their chances of success?
Edinburgh Playhouse. Friday 22nd-Monday 25th August.
There is a rare chance to see the best-known opera of reputedlygay Polish composer Szymanowski - King Roger. Reflections here of
last year’s Dionysus as a charismatic Shepherd threatens church and
state, and Roger has to attempt a balance between sheer hedonism
and classical rationality. Much for the senses and the mind here.
Festival Theatre. Monday 25th-Wednesday 27th August.
This year’s EIF includes a greater focus on Drama, and a larger
input from Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Notable are Dybbuk,
performed by TR Warszawa; Sarah Kane’s 4.48 Psychosis, also by
TR Warszawa; Jidariyya from Palestinian National Theatre; Class
Enemy by East West Theatre Company and performed in Bosnian
with subtitles; also Ruhe looks back at those who voluntarily enlisted
in the SS.
One musical event that fits with the above is Child of Our Time!
by the excellent gay, humanist, composer Sir Michael Tippett,
inspired by the story of a young Polish Jew who shot a German
diplomat, which action the Nazis used to justify the Kristallnacht.
Tippett’s pacifism was greatly tested in WWII; this work is an
extremely moving statement against all religious and racial division.
And there are those stirring spirituals! It’s at the Usher Hall on
Saturday 30th August (if you get back from Glasgow Pride in time).
Adonis Art
stablished in London in 1995, Adonis Art is situated in the Earl's
Court district of central London - one of the most gay-friendly
neighbourhoods in the city. The upstairs gallery is devoted to
works of contemporary and antique male figurative art. The display
is always changing as works are bought and sold.
There is no charge to view the gallery and visitors are always
welcome to browse. Exhibitors include some of the best artists of
the male form working today.
The artwork of David Carr is a highlight. Check back with
ScotsGay in future months to read more about this exciting artist.
International Book Festival
he International Book Festival will be held in Charlotte Square
Gardens from Saturday 9th-Monday 25th August. Included will
be Val McDermid, the queen of crime writers - listening to her
is always like eavesdropping on a well-stocked mind. Sunday 10th
August at 4.30pm.
Philip Hensher will be talking about his native Sheffield on
Wednesday 13th August at 10.15am.
Andew O’Hagan will be talking about his essays on Britain and
America, published as, The Atlantic Ocean. - including a
controversial take on nationalism and Scottish ‘victimhood’ Friday
15th August at 1.30pm.
Hanif Kureishi (Remember The Buddha of Suburbia?) has a
provoking new novel out, Something to Tell You, where the
protagonist is a psychoanalyst. Sunday 17th August at 11.30am.
Adam Mars-Jones discusses his new novel, Pilcrow where a
young boy has to deal with disability, and where reality and fiction
become blurred. Tuesday 19th August at 10.15am.
Polly Toynbee will be facing the issue of the widening gap
between rich and poor and setting out an agenda to revitalise British
society. Friday 22nd August at 3pm.
Andrew Sean Greer (pictured) is
one of America’s leading younger
novelists, and gay. His latest novel, The
Story of a Marriage is narrated by a
black woman in 1953. Married with a
son, a man appears who tells her he
was her husband’s wartime lover. He
sports a broken nose dating from an
argument with her husband over her.
He offers her a fortune if he can take
her husband away. Dilemma! Unlike,
say, Spielberg, there is no
romanticising the 50’s - this was a time
of McCarthyite fears. Andrew will be
talking at the Festival on Thursday 21st
August at 8.30pm.
These are just some of many highlights amongst two weeks of
intense stimulation. Do explore the full book festival programme.
EIF and Book Fest Coverage by Tony Challis
22 ScotsGay
*denotes ScotsGay available
2-8 Exchange Street.
Tel: (01224) 594511.
Bar: Mon-Sat 4pmMidnight, Sun
6pm-Midnight. Club:
Sun-Thu 10pm-2am,
Fri-Sat 10pm-3am.
Lively gay bar and club
with entertainment and
2 St Andrew's Lane.
Tel: (01382) 200660.
3pm-Midnight. Well
appointed LGBT bar
next door to OUT.
Karaoke: Wed, Fri &
Sun. DJ: Sat.
During the Edinburgh
Festivals, most
venues have greatly
extended opening
60 Broughton Street.
Premises (formerly
Sala Café-Bar) are
currently closed but
opening very soon.
E-mail: management
www.cheerzbar.net or
Carnegies Brae.
Tel: (01224) 611451.
Tue-Sun 10pm-3am.
New club opposite The
E-mail clubfoundation
13 Hadden Street.
Mon-Sat 11am-11pm,
Sun 1-11pm.
Traditional bar with
quizes and karaoke.
218 Holburn Street.
Tel: (01224) 211441.
Mon-Fri Noon-10pm,
Sat 11am-9pm, Sun 29pm. 8-man Jacuzzi,
sauna, steamroom,
café. Free Wifi Internet
access. Massage
E-mail rod@
26 Brewery Street.
Tel: (01387) 739888.
Mon 9am-5pm, TueWed 9am-5pm and
7-9pm, Thu 9am-5pm,
Fri 9am-5pm, 69.30pm. Newly
Birkhill Hotel, 16 St
Mary's Street
(Lockerbie Road).
Tel: (01387) 739888.
8pm-Midnight. Last Fri
of each month.
Monthly club night for
LGBT people and their
friends from Dumfries
& Galloway.
[email protected]
24 ScotsGay
Hustlers Snooker Club,
64 North Lindsay
Tel: (01382) 229226.
8pm-2am. 3rd Fri of
each month.
Scotland's most
Northerly monthly
fetish club. Usual fetish
dress code rules but
they will happily accept
glam. Come along and
join the fun on the
dance floor or
playroom or just sit
and socialise with
everyone else. £5
members/£10 nonmembers.
E-mail: saltire28
38 Albert Street.
Tel: (01382) 809080.
Mon-Wed, Fri 10am6pm, Thu 10am-8pm,
Sat 10am-5pm, Sun
11am-4pm, First Wed
of each month
(Dundee Munch)
10am-8pm. Alternative
clothing shop catering
for all genders and
sexualities. As well as
stocking a wide range
of clothing and sex
aids they pride
themselves on being
able to source
personal services such
as gender friendly
photographers and
offer a personal
shopping service.
75-79 Seagate.
Tel: (01382) 226840.
Sun 12.30pmMidnight, Mon-Sat
11am-Midnight. LGBTfriendly bar with free
disco Fri & Sat 8pmMidnight. Free use of
premises for prebooked groups.
124 Seagate. Tel:
(01382) 200660. WedSun 11pm-2.30am.
Good atmosphere,
very popular disco
with wide selection of
sounds and the
occasional act/PA.
Under new
management. Student
23-25 St Leonards
Tel: 0131-668 2934.
Sun 12.30pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 11.30am1am.
Everybody-friendly bar.
Real ale. Food served:
Mon-Sat 11.30am9.30pm, Sun
19 Shore Place, Leith.
Tel: 0131-476 6776.
Sun Noon-11pm, TueThu 11am-11pm,
Fri-Sat 11am-1am.
LGBT friendy
bar/restaurant. Food
served until 10pm.
E-mail: info
@bardiesel .co.uk
57/61 Blackfriars
Tel: 0131-557 6136.
Mon-Thu 6-10pm, FriSat Noon-2pm &
6-10.30pm. Superb
little vegetarian
restaurant. Friendly
staff. Mixed clientele.
1 Barony Street/36
Broughton Street.
Tel: 0131-556 2788
(Bar) or 0131-557
0911 (Office). Sat-Sun
10am-11pm, Mon-Fri
11am-11pm. Food
served until 10pm.
Popular LGBT café.
220 Morrison Street.
Tel: 0131-538 7069.
Mon-Sat 10am-1pm,
2-5.30pm. Mixed
bookshop selling a
selection of UK and
imported gay
23-24 Greenside
Tel: 0131-556 9331.
Sun 7pm-3am, MonThu 6pm-3am, Fri-Sat
6pm-3am. Two funky
floors! DJ Shazza v DJ
Blondie on Sat. Disco
every night from
E-mail: enquiries
133/135 East
Claremont Street.
Tel: 0131-556 5662.
Fax: 0131-558 3539.
Bar: Sun 12.30pm1am, Mon-Sat
Restaurant: Sun
12.30pm-6pm, MonSat 11.30am-2.30pm
and 6-10pm. "The
Claremont is one of
the most relaxed
attitude bars in the city
and has a policy that
the customer always
comes first."
Renowned for
courtesy, comfort and
good food. Male only:
Fri night from 10pm,
plus 1st 2nd & 3rd Sat
of each month from
9pm, (incorporating
Bears, Bikers, Leather,
Rubber, Skins, Kilts,
Camouflage, Fetish,
etc). 4th Sat of each
month: Stunners
(adult fetish group) strict dress code (no
street wear), £5 entry,
great music by DJ
Toni. 5th Sat (where
applicable): Ab Drag
for all TVs,
Transgender, Cross
Dressers and
admirers. Sun: mixed
chill out evening,
before those Mon
blues set in.
E-mail: mail
Medina Nightclub
(Under Negociants),
45-47 Lothian Street.
Info Line: 07736
936650. Sun 11pm3am. "It's our duty to
please your booty". DJ
Dale Lush and guests.
Club Classics, Funky
House, Soulful House,
US Garage, Old Skool
House, Hip Hop,
R&B.£3 entry.
E-mail: dale
1 Barony Street. Tel:
0131-556 2788 (Bar)
or 0131-557 0911
(Office). 4-11pm.
Friendly gay basement
bar. Unobtrusive
music - great for
talking to people.
Regular drinks
promos. Drinks
Promos £2+mixer,
Doubles £3.
Spiders Web
Basement, 258
Morrison Street. Tel:
0131-228 1949. 8pm1am. Last Fri of each
month. Fetish club
with strict fetish code
door policy (although
they do allow smart
black dresswear).
People of all genders
and sexualities are
invited to come along
and enjoy the friendly
atmosphere in the
company of Footman
John and his team.
E-mail: saltire28
58a and 60 Broughton
Street. Houses Café
Nom De Plume
(opening soon), Pride
Scotia (Edinburgh)
and Fitlads. Provides
meeting and
noticeboard space for
many LGBT
organisations. Free
WiFi Internet access
(sponsored by
ScotsGay). Bought in
1974 by the Scottish
Minorities Group, it is
the only LGBT-owned
LGBT Centre in the UK
and is also the oldest
LGBT Centre in Europe
if not the world. Tel:
0131-556 9471.
Meeting Room
Booking Tel: 07817
E-mail: hello@edinburgh
Luna, 14 Picardy
Place. Tel: 0131-478
7434. Info Line: 0131557 4656. 11pm-3am.
1st Sat of each month.
Next dates: Sat 2nd
Aug, Sat 6th Sep, Sat
4th Oct. Featuring
Taste resident DJs
Fisher & Price playing
an eclectic mix of the
current underground
tracks in the Ballroom
with the Visitor (aka
Jon Pleased) and
Kaupuss in the
Cocteau Lounge
playing a wide mix of
favourites, Fever is
aimed at the folk who
can no longer make a
Sunday night of it and
for any other open
minded clubbers who
feel like popping along.
Pre-club party at The
Street from 9pm with
DJ Miss Chris. Ask
him for discount
passes. £8
Members/£10 - Taste
members £5 before
4 Picardy Place. Tel:
0131-550 1780. 5pm3am. New bar for
women. Free entry.
E-mail: picardyplace
89 Rose Street Lane
North. Tel: 0131-225
7651. Sun 2pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 1pm-1am.
Vibrant gay bar
(Edinburgh's oldest) in
the heart of Rose
Street. Happy Hour 68pm every day.
GHQ (Back Room), 4
Picardy Place. Tel:
0131-550 1780.
10pm-3am. 2nd Fri of
each month. Popular
women’s club night.
Aural stimulation from
The Funky Diva,
Dejaybird, Boy Toy &
Debi T.
4 Picardy Place. Tel:
0131-550 1780. 5pm3am. Stylish bar and
club catering for the
capital's fashionable
gay crowd with some
of the country's top
DJs playing dazzling
tunes from musical
genres such as electro,
house, indie, funk and
soul. Free entry before
11pm £4/£3
E-mail: picardyplace
22 Greenside Place.
Tel: 0131-558 1270.
Sun 12.30pm-1am,
Mon-Sat Noon-1am.
Friendly pre-club bar
popular with locals and
visitors. Regular
promotions and
weekly entertainment
with free WiFi Internet.
E-mail: cafehabanaEH1
325-331 Leith Walk.
Tel: 0131-554 2430.
Noon-11pm. Award
winning gay-friendly
Italian restaurant.
Delivery service too
with online or phone
E-mail: Bruna.Pacitti
8 Drummond Street.
Tel: 0131-557 9413.
Fax: 0131-557 8336.
Sun Noon-9pm, MonSat 10am-9pm. 25
Easter Road. Tel:
0131-623 6969.
Noon-6pm. Toys and
video rental.
The Liquid Room, 9c
Victoria Street. Tel:
0131-225 2564. Info
Line: 0131-657 4633.
10.30pm-3am. 1st Sat
of each month.
Resident DJs Tommy
Kay, Dean Newton,
Grum Stone, and Jon
Cabaret Voltaire, 36
Blair Street.
Tel: 0131-220 6176.
Info Line: 0131-557
4656. 11pm-3am.
Every Sun. Just when
you thought the
weekend was over we
give you MORE !!
with DJs Miss Chris
and Kaupuss ,
Spinning the very best
of Funky Vocal House,
Electro and Club
Classics. Entry is free
and they have selected
drinks from £2 all
night long.
26B Dublin Street. Tel:
0131-538 7775. Sun
12.30pm-1am, MonThu Noon-1am, Fri-Sat
Noon-2am. Food:
Mon-Fri Noon-3pm.
Back to its old name
and under new
management after a
spell as Twist. Watch
out for changes.
Drinks Promotions
Daily. Downstairs: The
male-oriented Disco
Bar is open Fri-Sat
with resident DJ from
10pm-2am. Bears in
the Basement is on the
2nd Sat of each month
- 10pm-1am. Free WiFi
Internet access.
E-mail: newtownbar
18 Albert Place, Leith
Walk. Tel: 0131-553
3222. Mon-Thu Noon10pm, Fri-Sun
Noon-11pm. The UK's
first VAT registered gay
sauna! Relaxed and
friendly atmosphere
with excellent facilities
which include large
sauna cabin, 14-man
steam room, private
rooms, communal and
private showers,
themed rooms, video
area and TV lounge,
refreshments available.
£10 (£8 concessions).
Manager's special:
admission £5 after
6 Baxter's Place. Tel:
0131-556 5551. 4pm1am. Popular and
busy gay bar with
friendly staff. Promos:
Everyday from 4-9pm.
E-mail: planetout
Lulu, underneath
Tigerlily, 125 George
Street. Tel: 0131-225
5005. Sun 10am-3am.
Not the usual George
Street crowd. Mixed.
Music policy is mostly
cutting edge house
and disco classics.
17 Albert Place, Leith
Walk. Tel: 07986
591695. Sun
12.30pm-1am, MonFri Noon-1am, Sat
5am-1am. Friendly bar
that puts the fun back
into coming out
owned by Deb's and
Boozy Soozy. Sun:
Karaoke from 9pm.
Mon: Request Night
with DJ Daz Glaz .Tue:
Karaoke with Daz Glaz.
Wed: Boozy Soozy’s
'Open the Box' with
big CASH prizes then
boogie on down with
DJ Daz Glaz. Thu:
Karaoke Fri, Sat: FREE
E-mail: debra_keith100
5 Barony Street.
Tel/Fax: 0131-477
4756. Sun 1-5pm,
Mon-Fri 11am-7pm,
Sat 11am-6pm.
Scotland's only
licensed gay store. Not
just feelthy pictures lifestyle too! Now with
added girl interest.
In the process of
planning a few events,
parties, workshops
and film nights over
the summer - check
website. Against
representation and the
rest of the shit that
claims to be “the gay
lifestyle”. A DIY, nonhierarchical collective,
fed up with
commercial gay scene,
provides a queer
autonomous space
“because Edinburgh’s
gay clubs are
restrictive to our
E-mail: EdinburghQueer
[email protected]
2 Montrose Terrace.
Tel: 0131-661 8198.
Sun 12.30pm-1am,
Mon-Sat 11am-1am.
Edinburgh’s Gay Real
Ale Pub - voted Pub of
the Year (Edinburgh &
South East Scotland)
by CAMRA members.
Deuchars IPA is
always available plus a
range of guest real
ales. Relaxed
atmosphere and
surroundings. Snacks
and meals are available
all day, plus coffees
and teas. CAMRA's
Lesbian & Gay Real
Ale Drinkers meet here
on the 1st Mon of the
month from 9pm (ex
Aug - 2nd Mon to
avoid GBBF).
E-mail: theregentbar
2/4 Abbeymount. Tel:
0131-661 0982. MonFri 8.30am-3.30pm.
Attached to Waverley
Care Solas HIV/AIDS
Information Centre.
Solas is a Gaelic word
meaning ‘light and
comfort’. The cafe
serves home cooking
(everything cooked on
the premises), with
vegetarians and
carnivores catered for.
The Liquid Room, 9c
Victoria Street. Tel:
0131-225 2564.
Infoline: 0131-557
4656. 11pm-5am.
Next date: Sun 24th
Aug (Bank Holiday
Special with DJs Fisher
& Price and Miss
Chris). Edinburgh's
original and longest
running gay-friendly
club night that brings
together like-minded
people who enjoy a
club environment free
from hassle and bad
attitudes and for
whom sexuality is not
an issue. After nearly
14 years and over 700
Sundays, now running
one-off events
throughout the year on
holiday weekend
Sundays. Taste's
resident DJs Fisher
& Price play an
eclectic mix of the best
underground dance
music currently
available. £6/£5.
E-mail: cafe
5 Broughton Market.
Tel: 0131-477 3567.
Daily 11am-11pm.
Stylish sauna forming
part of busy gay hotel
and sauna complex in
centre of gay quarter.
facilities including large
spa pool, sauna cabin,
large steam room,
video room, labyrinth
with themed areas,
café lounge, free
Internet access,
tanning booth.
Massage available
daily. Choice of lockers
or private cabins.
Admission: Lockers
£5, Cabins £10 before
2pm. Lockers £10,
Cabins £15 at all other
times. Students &
under 25 £5 lockers all
day, every day! No
membership required.
Proudly gay owned &
2 Picardy Place. Tel:
0131-556 4272. Sun
12.30pm-1am, Mon
4pm-1am, Tue-Sat
Noon-1am. Small but
perfectly formed bar
run by Louise and
Trendy Wendy. Happy
hours Mon-Fri 4-8pm.
Heated outdoor
smoking area. Food:
Tasty wee bites,
nibbles, burgers,
pizzas and specials
daily until 9pm. Snack
menu and hot drinks
available Sun-Thu until
Midnight. Sun: "LOU
JOINT" - Top notch
roast dinner Noon7pm (£10 including a
drink). Mon: "Double
Trouble" 2 for 1 on
entire cocktail list. Tue:
Lots of promos with
your student card.
Same drink promos
apply to everyone
(student or not!) in
downstairs bar only with DJ LL Honky
Tonk (AKA Louise!!!).
Wed: Pub Quiz. Last
Thu of each month:
"GIRL-ESQUE" burlesque style night
for girls ONLY (mixed)
downstairs. Fri: DJ
Trendy Wendy. Sat:
DJs (Morgan, Danny T,
Miss Chris, Lick It &
Betty Ford).
No new dates until
further notice. Watch
this space.
E-mail: clubvelvet
Luna, 14 Picardy
Place. Tel: 0131-478
7434. Tue 11pm-3am.
All the normal
madness from James
Longworth, Jamie
Morrison and guests
with live cabaret
performances every
week. Super-popular
gay night. £1 drinks
promos all night. £4.
E-mail: jameslongworth
43-45 West Nicolson
Street. Tel: 0131-662
9112. Sun 12-5pm,
Mon-Sat 10am-6pm.
Independent radical
bookshop. Best
bookshop in Scotland.
E-mail: [email protected]
80-90 Glassford
Street. Tel: 0141-552
5761. Tue, Thu-Sun
Scotland's oldest gay
E-mail: manager
Unit Q, Merchant
Square, 75 Albion
Street. Tel: 0141-552
3895. Mon & Tue
11.30pm-3am. Mon Passionality: DJ
Shawn Roberts,
playing your favourite
music, from classic
dance to cheesy pop
and everything in
between. Tue AudioCouture: DJ
Shazza-Halliwell plays
the music YOU want to
hear - including charty
dance, R'n'B & cheesy
camp. £3/£2.
84 Bell Street. Tel:
0141-552 4958. Sun
1pm-Midnight, MonSat 11am-Midnight.
Welcomes lesbians,
gay men, bisexuals
and transgendered.
Services include:
M.E.D Café Bar, Info
Box, Health Info,
Interest Groups, Free
Newspapers. Diary of
Events, Reading
Room, Function space.
3rd Floor, 27 Union
Street. Tel: 0141-221
0415. Sun Noon8.30pm, Mon-Sat
Established gay sauna.
Entry £8.
You can also check out
the Relax Central
online shop at the
website address
E-mail: information
350 Sauchiehall Street.
Tel: 0141-352 4900.
Fax: 0141-332 3226.
Café Tel: 0141-332
7959. Box Office: Mon
9am-5pm, Tue-Sat
9am-7pm. Gallery:
Tue-Sat 11am-6pm.
Courtyard Café: TueThu 10am-10pm,
Fri-Sat Noon-Midnight.
Scott Street Bar: TueWed Noon-11pm, Thu
Noon-Midnight, Fri-Sat
Noon-1am. Food
served Noon-7.30pm.
The Centre for
Contemporary Arts. 6
performance &
exhibition spaces,
Café/Bar. ScotsGay
available in bar.
E-mail: gen
45 Virginia Street.
Tel/Fax: 0141-553
2666. Sun 12.306.30pm, Mon-Sat
Clothes, videos,
magazines, toys.
E-mail: admin
69 Hutcheson Street.
Tel: 0141-552 2463.
Sun 12.30pmMidnight, Mon-Sat
Intimate bar beside
former Sheriff Court.
Straight until midevening.
Unit 3, King's Court,
107 King Street. Tel:
0141-553 0942. Sun
Noon-5.30pm, MonSat 10am-6pm.
Alternative clothing.
E-mail: [email protected]
68 Virginia Street. Tel:
0141-552 4803.
Noon-Midnight. DJs
nightly from 9pm. Thu:
Quiz. Sun: Karaoke.
E-mail: delmonicas
E-mail: admin1
20 Candleriggs. Tel:
0141-564 1285. Sun
Mon-Fri 4pmMidnight, Sat
Upmarket bar in the
heart of the Merchant
City. Regular cabaret,
karaoke and disco.
58 Virginia Street. Tel:
0141-553 2553. MonThu 5pm-1am, Fri-Sun
5pm-3am. Fashionable
5-10 Metropole Lane.
Tel: 0141-552 5502.
Mon-Sun Noon-3am.
Glasgow's Men's
Health and Leisure
Club (formerly The
Garage). With 200+
lockers, 25 man spa
pool, 20 man steam
room, 20 man dry
sauna, 14 rest rooms,
sling room, tea &
coffee bar, free internet
access and TV lounge.
Entry £12 (£10
concession), after
1.30am Fri-Sat £8.
84 Wilson Street. Tel:
0141-553 1221. MonThu 5pm-1am, Fri-Sun
5pm-3am. Long
established pub/club.
Young crowd. Polo
Club (downstairs
dancefloor) open FriSun, £5 after 11pm.
Taste: new midweek
night open every Wed
9pm-3am (Free entry
all night - £1 all
drinks). First Fri of
each month: big name
PAs. Poptastic: every
3rd Fri of the month.
E-mail: polo
87-91 Saltmarket.
Tel/Fax: 0141-552
7575. Text: 07762
722460. Mon-Fri
11am-5pm. Glasgay's
year-round gallery
dedicated to queer art.
E-mail: info
E-mail: info@
6a John Street. Tel:
0141-553 2456. MonFri Noon-Midnight,
Sat-Sun 1pmMidnight. A refreshing
antidote to the current
gay scene. Pool table,
state of the art free
jukebox (with over
20,000 tracks on it),
no karaoke. Free WiFi.
Specialist DJ nights:
Fri & Sat. Quiz:
Starting Sat 1st Mar at
1-3 Bridge Street. Tel:
0845 4562310 or
0141-429 5764. SunThu Noon-11pm,
Fri-Sat Noon-6am.
Previously Club Eros,
Glasgow's oldest
licenced sauna & gym
for gay and bi men set
over three floors.
Licensed bar. Entry
from £9. Free Sunday
E-mail: schwartz.glasgow
308 Argyle Street. Tel:
0141-572 1017. Fax:
0141-221 0959. Sun
Noon-5pm, Mon-Sat
10am-6pm. Clothes
and toys catering for
gay, transvestite and
fetish tastes. Larger
sizes stocked.
Chisholm Street. Tel:
0141-552 8587. Fax:
0141-552 6657. Sun
11am-Late, Mon-Sat
Friendly theatre bar.
Mixed. Good food.
84 Mitchell Street. Tel:
0141-204 1000. Wed
11.30pm-3am. Wed:
Allure. DJ Darren plays
Pop, R'n'B & Dance.
Mid-week Night out!
Entry £3/£2. Double
Premium Spirits for
Only £3.50 All Day
Every Day - Bacardi,
JD, Gordons, SoCo,
Morgans, Smirnoff &
mixer until 31st Aug.
E-mail: information
The Art School,
Renfrew Street. 11pm3am. Second Sat of
each month. Next date:
Sat 12th Jul.
Glasgow's only
alternative queer night
that sticks two fingers
up at the mainstream
scene. £10.
E-mail: uttergutter
PO Box 808, Glasgow.
G71 7YN. Violate Club
Line: 09099 108174
(60p per min at all
times) or 07939
723387. BDSM and
general pervery.
Operates in Glasgow
and Edinburgh. Runs
regular clubs at the Big
Joint in South Street,
Glasgow on the first
Sat of each month.
E-mail: info
306 Argyle Street. Tel:
0141-248 7216. Sun
Mon-Sat NoonMidnight. Semper
idem! Popular,
crowded, down to
earth drinking shop.
Scotland's oldest gay
bar. Busy, busy, busy!
Base Nightclub, 10
Baker Street. 1st Thu
of each month. 8pm1.30am. New LGBT
friendly club night.
Free admission, but
you need to register
first at
39 High Street. Tel:
(01463) 248906. First
Tue of each month.
9pm-3am. Brought to
you by the Highland
LGBT Forum and
hosted by Mz Flint.
Dancers, Party Games,
Bucking Bronco.
3½ Barnton Street. Tel:
(01786) 461698. Sun
Noon-Midnight, MonThu 10.30amMidnight, Fri-Sat
10.30am-1am. Food:
until 7.30pm. Near to
railway station. Mixed,
busy, bohemian and
friendly bar/bistro.
Popular with students
and Sons/Daughters of
the Rock alike.
ScotsGay 25
Monthly magazine edited,
printed and published in
Scotland since 1994. All
of the words from the
magazine can be found on
our website as well as
interactive Meet Market
and our Listings which are
frequently updated.
Sample copy available by
phoning 0906 1100256
(calls cost no more than
£2). Tel: 0845 1208062
(+44 131-539 0666). Fax:
0131-539 2999. Write:
PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
EH7 5YW.
[email protected] or
Scottish gay lifestyle
magazine launched in
March 2008. Tel: 0845
643 9663. Write: 143/6
Ferry Road, Edinburgh.
EH6 4ET.
E-mail: [email protected]
Previously Pride Scotia
(Glasgow). Currently
planning Pride Glasgow
on Sat 30th Aug 2008.
Write: 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ. Tel:
0141-416 2300.
E-mail: pride
E-mail: lindajack57
LGBT Youth D&G:
As well as services for
young people, runs a
mailing list for information
and occasional events for
LGBT people of all ages
from Dumfries and
Galloway. Write: 26
Brewery Street, Dumfries.
DG1 2RP. Tel: Dumfries
(01387) 739888. Text:
07785 274147.
E-mail: DandG
Now busily organising
Pride Scotia 2009! provisionally Sat 27th Jun.
Tel: 0131-556 9471.
Write: 58a Broughton
Street, Edinburgh. EH1 3SA.
E-mail: edinburgh
The newsletter from
Diversitay. Available from:
Diversitay (LGBT Group),
PO Box 53, Dundee, DD1
Scotland's oldest lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender rights
organisation. It was
founded in 1969 as the
Scottish Minorities Group,
later became the Scottish
Homosexual Rights
Group and changed its
name to OUTRIGHT
SCOTLAND in December
1992. Currently
Campaigns for equality
and justice for gay,
lesbian, bisexual and
transgender people living
in Scotland. Write: 9
Howe Street, Edinburgh.
EH3 6TE. Tel: 0131-557
E-mail: info
Working for lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender
equality in Scotland.
Write: 30 Bernard Street,
Edinburgh. EH6 6PR. Tel:
07020 933952. Fax:
07020 933954.
E-mail: en
and http://equalitynetwork.invisionzone.com
Weekly e-mail and
quarterly paper
newsletters on LGBT
equality campaigns and
developments. Regular
conferences, forums, and
other events. E-mail or
write to join the network.
The UK's largest and
most significant collection
of materials relating to
lesbian lives. LAIC (at
Glasgow Women's
Library) 2nd Floor, 81
Parnie Street, Glasgow.
G1 5RH. Tel/Fax: 0141552 8345. Closed to the
public until Autumn 2008.
E-mail: info
26 ScotsGay
A social group for gay
men. Meets 4th Sat of
every month from 1-4pm
at THT, 11 Waverley Place.
Tel: Alan on 0845
2412151. E-mail:
[email protected]
North East Scotland Gay
Group: A befriending
group for gay and
bisexual men. Meets 3rd
Sun of each month at
E-mail: nesgg
Ayrshire Social &
Sexuality Support Group:
Meets 3rd Wed of each
month at 7pm in Irvine.
Details of venue from
David Bingham on 0141332 3838 (Mon-Fri
E-mail: david.bingham
Scottish Borders LGBT
Equality Forum:
Aims to provide advice
and act as a consulting
body to all community
planning partner
organisations, develop a
range of social and
recreational activities, and
provide a befriending
service to LGBT people.
Contact Alastair Lings Phone: Galashiels
(01896) 757861 or 07763
850087. E-mail:
[email protected]
Write: 79 Tweed Road,
Galashiels, TD1 3DX. Or
contact Linda Jackson:
Tel: 07877 381200.
Fife Free Lesbian and Gay
Society. Based in
Dunfermline, provides a
welcoming and safe
meeting space and dropin centre near the town
centre for the LGBT
community, our friends,
family and supporters.
Regular social group
meets on Mon 711.30pm. Generally has a
nice friendly mixed crowd
most nights across the
age range so come along
and join the fun. Internet
access, mini pool table or
just hang out and meet
new friends over coffee
and biscuits. Safer sex
information and supplies
available as part of the Fife
Health Board condom
distribution scheme. Tel:
Dunfermline (01383)
E-mail: Info@
Edinburgh LGBT Centre:
Owned and managed by
Lesbian Gay and Bisexual
Community Project
Limited, which is
registered as a Scottish
Charity and as a Scottish
Company. Bought in 1974
by the Scottish Minorities
Group, it is the only LGBTowned LGBT Centre in the
UK and is also the oldest
LGBT Centre in Europe if
not the world. Write:
Edinburgh LGBT Centre,
58a-60 Broughton Street,
Edinburgh. EH1 3SA. Tel:
0131-556 9471. Meeting
Room Booking Tel: 07817
E-mail: hello
Social group for guys and
gals who want to make
friendships and feel more
at ease in the company of
other gay people. Run by
Switchboard volunteers.
Takes place from 7.309pm in CC Blooms on
2nd & 4th Wed of each
month. If you're recently
out or new to Edinburgh
or just feel a bit cut off and
want a break, come along.
A welcoming and non-
threatening environment.
First timers can be met
outside. Phone Lothian
Switchboard for details.
Stirling Gay Men's Social
Meets monthly from SepJun (generally 3rd Fri) in
private houses.
[email protected]
Granite Sisters:
Glasgow LGBT Centre:
The Centre Board
manages Glasgow LGBT
Centre Limited, which is
registered as a Scottish
charity and as a Scottish
Company. Centre
Administrator and
Manager are on duty
(9.30am-5pm Mon-Fri).
Membership criteria for
Glasgow LGBT Centre
Limited is available to all
interested people agreeing
to the code of conduct.
See press for notice of the
Annual General meeting
of Members - childcare
and BSL interpreter can
be organised, but please
give advance notice.
Membership is closed in
the last month. Write:
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street, Glasgow. G1
1LQ. Tel: 0141-552 4958.
E-mail: admin1
Icebreakers Group:
For lesbians, gays and
bisexuals new to the
scene. 12.30-3pm on 1st
Sun of each month at
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street. Details from
Strathclyde Switchboard.
Highland Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender
E-mail: forum
Highland LGBT Social
Regular events and discos
in Inverness. Tel: 07969
E-mail: forum
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Gay Men's
Group (and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
Lanarkshire Gay Men’s
Group: Fortnightly social
group for LGBT people
living or working in
Lanarkshire. Meets
fortnightly Thu 7-9pm at
the Hamilton Town
House. Get together for
fun social activities and to
chat about issues that
affect men living in rural
areas. For more
information, contact Chris
Kimber at Terrence
Higgins Trust. Tel: 0141332 3838.
E-mail: chris.kimber
Aberdeen based social
and cultural group for
older (over 30's) lesbians
throughout Scotland. The
website is the main link
for members and
interested lesbians to gain
information etc. Although
under re-construction at
the moment it will be live
E-mail: [email protected]
Women's group meets
6pm on 1st Mon of each
month at THT, 11
Waverley Place. Tel: 0845
E-mail: info.aberdeen
AD Group:
Ancient Dykes is a long
established Edinburgh
based social group for
lesbians aged 40+
organised by women for
women. Holds monthly
meetings and frequent
social events such as days
out and about. Meets on
first Sat of each month
during the afternoon. Tel:
Ruth on 0131-554 7256
or phone Edinburgh
Lesbian Line.
Scottish Charity providing
counselling service to LBT
women in the Lothians.
The kind of issues they
expect to be contacted
about may include:
relationship difficulties,
sexual problems, drug or
alcohol use, abuse, loss,
self esteem, bullying,
mental health issues,
anxiety/depression. All
counselling sessions last
for one hour and you may
attend for counselling for
a short time or longer
depending on your needs.
All Connect-Ed
counsellors are lesbian or
bisexual. Presently has to
charge on a sliding scale
to pay their counsellors
and will discuss this when
you contact them. Tel:
07906 178220.
Lesbian Book Group:
Meets monthly (Wed
7.30-9.30pm). Contact
Kerry for further details /
next book by
E-mail: kjmcdoll
Sappho @ The
Sappho promotes positive
health for lesbians and
easier access to sexual,
reproductive and
women's health services.
A well-woman clinic and
screening service is
provided in a lesbian
friendly setting. Tel: 0141211 8130 for
appointment. Counselling
takes place fortnightly on
Tue eve. There is a crêche
within Sandyford - Tel:
0141-211 8647 for info.
Glasgow Women's
2nd Floor, 81 Parnie
Street, Glasgow. G1 5RH.
Tel/Fax: 0141-552 8345.
Closed to the public until
Autumn 2008. Lending
and reference library books, magazines,
journals, videos, leaflets
and information. UK and
overseas feminist and
lesbian publications.
Contains the Lesbian
Archive and Information
Centre - a unique national
collection of publications,
journals and ephemera by
and for lesbians.
E-mail: info@
To further lesbian issues,
follow a lesbian agenda
and foster lesbian
E-mail: High_Les
See our Youth Groups
OLGA - Older Lesbians
Get Around:
Meets monthly on 2nd
Sat of each month at
2.30pm in Glasgow LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street.
Lorna on Dumfries
(01387) 247536.
E-mail: roseodoherty
Support and social
network for people who
are bisexual or
questioning their sexuality.
Also organises training
and activist activities in
support of bisexual
visibility and pride.
Informal 'safe space'
meetings are held on 1st
Wed of each month in
Glasgow (7.30pm
downstairs in the LGBT
Centre, 84 Bell Street) and
3rd Wed of each month in
Edinburgh (LGBT Centre
for Health & Wellbeing, 9
Howe Street). Meetings
(open to all bi or
questioning people) are
usually followed by social
gatherings which are
open to partners or
Write: BiScotland, c/o
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street, Glasgow. G1
1LQ. Information line:
07963 960321.
[email protected]
Friendly, informal social
group for LBT and friends
- all welcome. Meets 1st
Sat and 3rd Fri of each
Tel: Joanne on 07792 223
687 for details and venue.
E-mail: girlzone
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Bisexual Group
(and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
[email protected]
Highland Lesbian Group:
A friendly lesbian social
group which offers
support and information.
Organises fundraisers for
Womankind Worldwide:
E-mail: High_Les
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Lesbian Group
(and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
Lesbian Film Group:
Meets 3rd Thu of each
month at 7.15pm (for
7.30pm start). Open to
lesbian and bisexual
E-mail: gaybookfilm
E-mail: jan
Lesbian Social Group:
Meets 3rd Wed of each
month at 7.30pm in The
Regent, 2 Montrose
E-mail: lesbiansocialgroup
The Sandyford:
Counselling and Support
Services at Sandyford
Place (old Eye Infirmary),
Glasgow. G3 7NB.
Tel: 0141-211 6700.
Minicom: 0141-211 6703.
Fax: 0141-211 6702.
the interests of lesbian,
bisexual and transgender
women in Scotland.
Write: 97 Lower Granton
Road, Edinburgh, EH5
E-mail: [email protected]
Activist group promoting
Works to change the
situation for LGBT people
facing domestic violence.
Runs a helpline for
lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender people, their
family, friends, and
agencies to support LGBT
people around domestic
violence. Mon & Thu 28pm, Wed 10am-1pm.
Tel: 0845 2604460.
E-mail: mail
1-2-1 counselling for adult
male survivors of
childhood sexual abuse,
male rape, male domestic
abuse and under 18's. Tel:
0141-550 2048.
E-mail: masacounseling
For male and female
survivors. Women answer
the Tel: Freephone 0808
8000123 (or Dingwall
(01349) 865316) hours
as advised on telephone
answering machine. Men
answer the Tel: Freephone
0808 8000122 (or
Dingwall (01349)
862686) hours as advised
on telephone answering
machine. Callers are
welcome to phone either
line. Write: PO Box 10,
Dingwall. IV15 9HE.
E-mail: scotsskins
Scotland-wide telephone
service providing support
to women and men
experiencing sexual
violence, as well as their
friends and families. Tel:
Freephone 0808 8010302
(6pm-Midnight). Minicom
Counselling service for
male survivors of
childhood sexual abuse.
Write: The Sandyford
Initiative, 4 Sandyford
Place, Glasgow. G3 7NB.
Tel: 0141-211 8133.
E-mail: thrive
E-mail: info
National organisation
providing information,
advice and support on
BDSM and related issues.
Write: SM Pride, PO Box
413, Torquay, Devon. TQ1
1WZ. Tel: 0845 094 2250.
Fax: 08702 415058.
E-mail: theteam
GALHA is a membership
organisation promoting a
gay-friendly Humanist
outlook and LGBT rights
as human rights.
Membership is open to
supporters worldwide and
gives access to a range of
events. Write: GALHA, 1
Gower Street, London.
WC1E 6HD. Tel: 0844 800
E-mail: secretary
PTT is a gay Humanist
charity which can arrange
non-religious ceremonies
of love and commitment
for lesbian and gay
couples at very
reasonable rates in most
parts of Scotland. Write:
34 Spring Lane,
Kenilworth, Warwickshire.
CV8 2HB. Tel/Fax:
Kenilworth (01926)
E-mail: ceremonies
Lively Blog at
A club for men interested
in Leather, Rubber,
Uniform. Meets in
Edinburgh from 9pm at
the Claremont Bar on the
1st Sat of each month and
at the New Town Bar on
the 3rd Sat of each
month. Write: PO Box 28,
Edinburgh. EH3 5JL.
E-mail: president
Information Site for
Scottish Gay Skinheads.
ScotsSkins meet
informally in The
Claremont in Edinburgh
on the 2nd Sat of each
For hairy, moustached,
bearded or bulky men and
their admirers. Write: PO
Box 12785, Edinburgh.
EH6 7YU. Tel: 0131-516
4553. E-mail: info
Edinburgh BearScots:
1st Sat of each month:
Men Only pub night,
Claremont Bar, 9pm-1am.
2nd weekend of each
month: Edinburgh Bear
Weekend. Sat: Edinburgh
Bear Sauna, Steamworks,
2-8pm. Bears in the
Basement, New Town Bar,
9pm-2am. Sun: Bearlyawake Brunch, New Town
Bar, 12.30-2.30pm.
Glasgow BearScots: 1st
weekend of each month:
Glasgow Bear Weekend.
Fri: BEARlinnie, Revolver
Bar, 8pm-Midnight. Sat:
Bearly-awake Brunch,
M.E.T., 12.30-2.30pm.
Bear Sauna, Pipeworks,
Network in the Church of
Scotland of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender
Christians, their friends
and supporters. Formed
in 2006 in response to the
issue of ministers and
deacons being able to
conduct ceremonies to
mark civil partnerships
without fear of censure.
Write: Monica Stewart, 37
Main Street, Invergowrie.
DD2 5AB.
E-mail: membership
Meets on the 3rd Wed of
each month at 7pm in the
downstairs bar of the
Royal Oak, 1 Infirmary
Street (except Aug -
contact for venue).
E-mail: edinburgh.qlgf
Lesbian, gay or bisexual?
From an Evangelical
tradition? So are we. Tel:
Andrew on Mid Calder
(01506) 499926. Write:
c/o 123 Byron Road,
Chelmsford. CM2 6HJ.
E-mail: [email protected]
A small gay friendly
fellowship in the Old
Catholic tradition. Monthly
public service in
Edinburgh as well as
private Masses and other
sacraments. Also
Relationship Blessings,
Hand-fastings, Funeral
ministry and Healing.
Contact Bishop Alistair
CCP on 07817 767445.
E-mail: alistair_bate
Write: RC Caucus, PO Box
24632, London. E9 6XF.
Tel: 020-7226 0847.
E-mail: lgcm_rccaucus
A UK-wide club for
women and men. Active
Scottish section. Write:
PO Box 33, Long Eaton,
Nottingham. NG10 2BF.
E-mail: info
A church of the LGBT
communities welcoming
all people. Next Sunday
Gathering: 3rd Aug at
11.30am in Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street. Tel or Text: 07972
E-mail: kate
A welcoming and
supportive national group
for people of all sexual
orientations and their
friends. Write: Ruth (SG),
46 The Avenue, Starbeck,
Harrogate. HG1 4QD.
E-mail: qlgfcontact
A new venture aiming to
bring together individuals
interested in singing a fun
repertoire, including pop,
rock and songs from the
shows and movies. Now
is a great time to get
involved, whether you're a
closet shower singer or
have some experience.
For full details and to signup www.egmc.co.uk
details. Tel: 07857
Scotland's annual
celebration of queer
culture. Next dates: 1st
Oct - 9th Nov 2008. Q!
Gallery is Glasgay's new
year-round gallery
dedicated to queer art and
artists. Mon-Sat 11am5pm. The Stud!o is an
adjacent performance/
research/workshop and
holistic arts space.
The Q! Gallery, 87-91
Saltmarket, Glasgow. G1
5LE. Tel/Fax: 0141-552
7575.Text: 07762 722460.
E-mail: info
Contact and social group
for guys interested in
viewing/wearing kilts.
Regular newsletter. Write:
Mervyn Tacy, 'Ziveli', 20
Ordsall Park Road,
Retford. DN22 7PA.
Please enclose sae.
Tel: 01777 708270.
E-mail: [email protected]
Meets on the first Thu of
each month at 7.30pm
(contact for details of
venue). Books are chosen
by group members in
E-mail: gaybookfilm
Organisation for lesbian
and gay Catholics.
Monthly meetings are
held in different regional
groups throughout
Britain. Scottish meetings
held in Glasgow. Quest
Linkline - The Helpline for
Gay and Lesbian Catholics
- Tel: (Freephone) 0808
808 0234. Write: BM Box
2585, LONDON. WC1N
E-mail: quest
Edinburgh based LGBT
theatre company, which
aims to give LGBT people
the opportunity to act,
direct, produce or
organise theatre or take
part in any aspect of the
creative process.
No previous experience is
Tel: 07854 836605.
E-mail: info
An inclusive church of the
LGBT community open to
all irrespective of sexuality.
Services: Every Sun at
6pm (11am during Aug)
at Augustine United
Church, 41 George IV
Bridge, Edinburgh.
Relationship blessings
conducted by
arrangement. Tel: 0131226 1691. Write:
Metropolitan Community
Church, 41 George IV
Bridge, Edinburgh. EH1
E-mail: mail@
Scotland's original choir
for LGBT singers is made
up of approximately 45
singers and holds regular
concerts in the Central
Belt. The repertoire, which
is sung a capella in
varying numbers of parts,
includes simple rounds,
popular music, traditional
music, light classics,
festive and seasonal
songs, lesbian/gay
anthems, and show tunes.
Meets weekly for
rehearsals in Edinburgh.
E-mail: info
A charity which works to
collect, archive and
present the life stories and
experiences of the LGBT
Community in Scotland. If
you have a story to tell or
experiences to share, or
would like to find out
more about their
upcoming programme of
events, then please
contact them.
Write: OurStory Scotland,
Archives and Special
Collections, The Mitchell
Library, North Street,
Glasgow. G3 7DN.
E-mail: info
New LGBT choir in
Glasgow welcomes
anyone who identifies as
queer or part of the LGBT
Community. Rehearses Fri
from 7pm in Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
E-mail: glasgow_lgbt_
[email protected]
Documenting the
collective history of
Edinburgh's LGBT
communities, recording
life-stories and personal
memories across the
generations, and
celebrating our rich and
varied contributions to the
quality of life in the city.
The culmination of this
work was an exhibition
entitled 'Rainbow City:
Stories from Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender
Edinburgh' held at the City
Art Centre, Edinburgh in
2006. Write: Remember
When Project, c/o The
Living Memory
Association, The
Reminiscence Centre, 101
St Leonards Street,
Edinburgh, EH8 9QY. Tel:
0131-667 0761, and leave
a message, stating clearly
that it is for Remember
E-mail: rw
Meets monthly during
autumn through to the
spring, and views
videos/DVDs with a gay
theme or character. For
more details please
contact Alastair on
Galashiels (01896)
757861 or
E-mail: alastairlings
Support group for anyone
- friends, families,
partners, co-workers affected by or dealing with
someone else's drinking.
Relaxed, friendly, group.
All are welcome! Meets
Thu 6.30-7.45pm (contact
for details of venue).
E-mail: LGBTalanon
[email protected]
Whilst AA runs the
following LGBT meetings
in Edinburgh and
Glasgow, please note that
it is a non restrictive
organisation and LGBT
people are welcome at
any meeting.
AA Edinburgh:
Tue 8pm (LGBT Centre for
Health & Wellbeing, 9
Howe Street). Please note
that the last meeting of the
month is open to non AA
AA Glasgow:
Tue & Thu 7.30pm (Nye
Bevan House, 20 India
Street), Fri 7.30pm (The
Ogilvie Centre, 25 Rose
AA National:
Helpline: 0845 7697555
(24 hours). Northern
Service Office: 0141-226
2214. www.alcoholicsanonymous.org.uk
Carers' contacts for gay
men and lesbians are
trained and skilled
volunteers able to offer
understanding and a
listening ear to gay,
lesbian, bisexual,
transgender or
transsexual carers of
people with Alzheimer's
disease or with any
other form of dementia.
To contact the
Alzheimer's Society's
LGBT Carers:
Tel the Alzheimer's
Helpline on 0845
300 0336
or write to Alzheimer's
Society LGBT Carers,
Alzheimer's Helpline,
Alzheimer's Society,
Devon House, 58 Saint
Katharine's Way,
London. E1W 1JX. or
E-mail: gaycarers
1st Floor, 31 Hawkhill,
Dundee. DD1 5DH. A
charity that exists to
empower HIV and HepC
positive people and those
affected thereby to
eliminate the stigma and
isolation they experience.
Tel: Dundee (01382)
Fax: Dundee (01382)
322606. Tue-Thu (Drop
In) Noon-3.30pm.
E-mail: admin
Gartnavel General
Hospital, 1053 Great
Western Road, Glasgow.
G12 0YN. Confidential
information, advice,
counselling and direct
access testing for HIV and
The Centre provides
ongoing medical and
social care plus
psychological and
emotional support for
people living with HIV
infection and one to one
counselling for people at
risk of HIV.
Tel: 0141-211 1089.
Fax: 0141-211 1097.
Mon-Thu 9am-5pm, Tue
5-7pm, Fri 9am-4.30pm.
Gartnavel General
Hospital, 1053 Great
Western Road, Glasgow.
G12 0YN. Social work
service for people with
HIV/AIDS providing
intensive community
based support. General
advice and information on
community care and
housing needs also
Tel: 0141-211 1090.
5 South Fergus Place,
Kirkcaldy. KY1 1YA.
(Behind Sheriff Court).
Information, advice and
support on gay and health
issues, free condoms, and
much more! Mon-Fri 15pm, Sat 10am-3pm. Tel:
Kirkcaldy (01592)
265666. Fax: Kirkcaldy
(01592) 643866.
E-mail: enquiries
10a Union Street,
Edinburgh. EH1 3LU. A
community led Lothian
wide project for gay and
bisexual men.
Wide ranging volunteering
opportunities which
provide services including
support and counselling,
scene work, peer
education and training,
provision of condoms,
lube and Safer Sex
Tel: 0131-558 9444.
Fax: 0131-558 9060.
E-mail: [email protected]
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street, Glasgow. G1
1LQ. Tel: 0141-552 0112.
Fax: 0141-552 4928. A
community led project
across the Greater
Glasgow and Clyde Health
Board Area for gay and
bisexual men. Wide
ranging volunteering
opportunities which
provide services including
support, scene work, peer
education and training,
provision of condoms,
lube and Safer Sex
E-mail: glasgow
Exists to promote the
sexual and holistic health
of gay and bi men living in
Angus, Dundee and Perth
& Kinross (including men
who have sex with men
but who do not identify as
gay or bi), reduce the
spread of HIV within those
communities and
challenge the
discrimination, health
inequalities and social
exclusion that can be
faced by gay and bi men,
including HIV positive gay
and bi men, and those
affected by HIV. Tel:
Dundee (01382) 424070.
Fax: Dundee (01382)
E-mail: info
A self help group offering
support and assistance
for individuals with
HIV/AIDS in the Grampian
area. Contact THT, 11
Waverley Place,
Aberdeen. AB10 1XH.
ScotsGay 27
A national HIV prevention
& sexual health
promotion programme
for gay and bisexual men.
Offers a range of services
including info on its
website, campaigns and
resources and a free
condoms by post
10 Elderpark Workspace,
100 Elderpark Street,
Glasgow. G51 3TR. MonFri 9am-5pm. Telephone
Support Service Mon-Fri
7pm-10pm. Tel: 0141445 8797. Fax: 0141-445
E-mail: hiv-aids_carers
Suite 2, 27 Beaverhall
Road, Edinburgh. EH7
4JE. Tel: 0131-558 3713.
Fax: 0131-558 9887. The
independent voice for HIV
in Scotland, this charity is
a policy and strategic
body and runs Healthy
Gay Scotland and Black
Minority Ethnic-related
HIV work.
E-mail: info
Counselling Service,
Monklands Hospital,
Monks Court Avenue,
Airdrie. ML6 0JS. One
stop shop for HIV and
Hepatitis health services.
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Also
Tue & Thu 7-9.30pm
(appointments only). Also
runs support group for
HIV Positive men. Tel:
Airdrie (01236) 712247.
Fax: Airdrie (01236)
E-mail: liz.mccann
9 Howe Street, Edinburgh.
EH3 6TE. Currently closed
to the public for redecoration. May not
re-open due to funding.
Working in partnership
with the LGBT community
and health service
providers to improve the
physical, mental and
social wellbeing of lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender people in
south-east Scotland.
Tel: 0131-523 1100.
E-mail: admin
13a Great King Street,
Edinburgh. EH3 6QW.
Practical help for people
who are infected or
affected by HIV and AIDS
in Edinburgh, their
families and carers.
Tel: 0131-558 1122.
Fax: 0131-558 3636.
E-mail: posihelp
37-39 Montrose Terrace,
Edinburgh. EH7 5DJ. Self
help for people living with
and affected by HIV and
Hepatitis in Lothian,
offering individual
28 ScotsGay
advocacy, peer support
and subsidised
complementary therapies
in a safe, confidential and
welcoming environment.
Tel: 0131-652 0754. Fax:
0131-661 9100.
E-mail: enquiries
Part of the Harm
Reduction Team within
Lothian NHS. Offers a
confidential and
anonymous service for
men who have sex with
men, including male sex
workers throughout
Edinburgh and the
Lothians. Provides a wide
range of services
including sexual health
and safer sex advice,
information and advice on
drug use, personal safety,
police and legal advice,
including operating in the
Remote Reporting
Scheme. A great deal of
their work is done on an
outreach basis in Public
Sex Environments and
venues as well as on-line
as part of the SNN group.
They run an 'Out of
Hours' Testing Service
Mon 5-7.30pm at "The
Exchange", Lady Lawson
Street, Edinburgh where
you can have a full
up including Hep A & B
vaccinations. No
appointments necessary.
For further information or
to receive condom and
lube supplies contact
Vaughan, Del or George
on Tel: 0131-537 8300 or
07774 628227.
E-mail: enquiries
2-6 Sandyford Place (old
Eye Infirmary), Glasgow.
G3 7NB. Glasgow's main
sexual, reproductive and
emotional health centre.
Free web access and
health library with large
LGBT lending collection.
Specialist services for gay
men (See separate
ScotsGay Listing for Steve
Retson Project) and
lesbians (See separate
ScotsGay listing for The
Sandyford under
Women). Self-referal
sexual health service with
open access clinic each
weekday with registration
from 8.30-10am or book
on 0141-211 8130.
E-mail: helpsandyford
Sex Addicts Anonymous
is a twelve-step recovery
programme. Our primary
purpose is to stop our
addictive sexual behavior
and to help others recover
from their sexual
addiction. Our members
define their own sexual
boundaries with the
guidance of their Higher
Power, their sponsors and
other group members.
We encourage our
members to discover and
explore what healthy
sexuality means to them.
Meetings in Edinburgh &
Glasgow. Tel: Scottish
Helpline on 0141-552
0154 (24 hours).
E-mail: info
Freephone 0800 567123.
24 hours. Confidential
advice and information.
Minicom: Freephone 0800
The Sandyford, 2-6
Sandyford Place (old Eye
Infirmary), Glasgow. G3
7NB. A free sexual health
screening and counselling
service for gay and
bisexual men. Clinics run
Tue & Wed 5.30-8.30pm.
Also Thu 5.30-8.30pm at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street. Same-day HIV
test Tue morning 8.3010am. Tel: 0141-211
THT Direct 0845 1221200
Mon-Fri 10am-10pm, SatSun Noon-6pm.
E-mail: info.highland
/information group for
men living with HIV.
Meets 1st Sun of each
month from 2-4pm at
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell St.
call Gay Men's Health.
E-mail: together
Old Coates House, 32
Manor Place, Edinburgh.
EH3 7EB. Waverley Care
is responsible for a
number of projects for
people living or affected
by HIV and/or Hepatitis C
in Scotland.
Tel: 0131-226 2206.
Fax: 0131-226 2209.
E-mail: director
Support for Africans
affected by HIV.
Tel: 0141-211 0192.
134 Douglas Street,
Glasgow. G2 4HF. HIV
prevention and support
services in Lanarkshire,
Ayrshire & Arran, Argyll &
Bute, the Glasgow area
and Western Central
Scotland. Support &
Advocacy Service
provides a full range of
welfare rights advice and
representation as well as
community service
volunteers (buddies). Also
provides a range of health
promotion services for
gay and bisexual men
throughout the West of
Scotland. Please contact
for further details.
Volunteers welcome!
Tel: 0141-332 3838.
Fax: 0141-332 3755.
Helpline: THT Direct 0845
1221200 Mon-Fri 10am10pm, Sat-Sun
E-mail: info.scotland
11 Waverley Place,
Aberdeen. AB10 1XH.
Formerly Phace Scotland.
HIV prevention and
support services in
Grampian including
Community Support,
Group Support and LGBT
groups. Also provides a
range of health promotion
services for Gay and
Bisexual men throughout
Grampian. Please contact
for further details.
Volunteers welcome! Tel:
0845 2412151. Fax: 0845
2412152. Helpline: THT
Direct 0845 1221200
Mon-Fri 10am-10pm, SatSun Noon-6pm.
E-mail: info.aberdeen
34 Waterloo Place,
Inverness. IV1 1NB. LGBT
Support and activities. Tel:
Inverness (01463)
711585. Fax: Inverness
(01463) 711793. Helpline:
Waverley Care Buddy
Service is a volunteer
befriending service
offering emotional and
social 1:1 support for
individuals living with HIV
in Edinburgh and the
Lothians. Write: Teresa
D'Astoli, Buddy Service
Co-ordinator, 113
Oxgangs Road North,
Edinburgh. EH14 1EB
Tel: 0131-312 9953 or
07929 132675.
E-mail: buddy
Offers a range of flexible,
creative and support
activities to people with
HIV in the community.
Tel: 0131-441 2791.
E-mail: daycare
113 Oxgangs Road North,
Edinburgh. EH14 1EB.
Creates tailor-made
residential care for people
with HIV which is flexible,
creative and supportive.
Tel/Fax: 0131-441 6989.
E-mail: milestone
2-4 Abbeymount,
Edinburgh. EH8 8EJ.
Information, support,
advice, counselling,
training and self
development, arts
activities, events, health
promotion, African
support, one-toone/group support and a
café. Also Crusaid
Hardship Fund - for those
experiencing economic
hardship due to HIV
infection. Café: Mon-Fri
8.30am-3.30pm. Support
services: Mon-Fri 9am5pm. Many support
groups and activities
outwith these hours,
please enquire. Tel: 0131661 0982.
E-mail: info
Nationwide Social and
Contacts Club for the
older gay gentleman and
his admirers, both young
and old. Scottish group
next meets at Habana in
Edinburgh on Sat 24th
Aug from 1pm. Write: PO
Box 2087, Blackpool. FY4
Tel: Blackpool (01253)
E-mail: Caffmos2
Edward is the Scottish
Contact E-mail: ebsc18624
Social group for men over
40. Meets 15 Roseberry
Crescent, Edinburgh,
every 2nd Sun from 24pm. Next dates: 6th &
20th Jul, 3rd, 17th & 31st
Aug. Tel: John on 0131556 1309 or Steve on
0131-558 9444.
E-mail: j.thompson39
Social group for men 40+.
Meets 1st Fri of each
month from 5.30-7pm at
the LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
St. Tel: Austen at Gay
Men's Health on 0141552 0112.
E-mail: primetime.
[email protected]
The Sisters and Brothers
of the OPI are part of a
world wide order of queer
men and women of all
sexualities which is open
to all who feel the habit. Its
tenets are: The expiation
of stigmatic guilt and the
promulgation of universal
joy through habitual
manifestation and
perpetual perpetration.
The Edinburgh convent.
Write: Mistress of
Communications, c/o PO
Box 666, Edinburgh. EH7
E-mail: opi
Write: Novice Maddie Za
Hatter OPI, c/o PO Box
666, Edinburgh. EH7
E-mail: maddie
For LGBT Birdwatchers.
Write: Gay Birders Club,
GeeBeeCee, BCM-Mono,
London. WC1N 3XX.
Tel: Annie on 0131-552
E-mail: info
For men and women.
Regular meets throughout
the UK. Tel: Marc on
07977 317872.
E-mail: info
Holds regular events
including walking, skiing,
cycling, climbing,
kayaking, mountaineering,
camping, youthhostelling, badminton,
running and swimming.
Please send an A5 sae to
PO Box 637,
Skellingthorpe, Lincoln,
E-mail: enquiries08
Walks and MountainBiking: Andrew on
0131-477 0499.
Monthly Social (2nd Thu):
James on 0131-229
Cycling/Kayaking: David
on 07747 465743.
Running: Meets every
Wed at the Jawbone, The
Meadows, Edinburgh
(junction of Melville Drive
and Marchmont Road) at
6.30pm prompt. Grid Ref
NT255726. Everybody
welcome, men or women,
from complete beginners
to the more experienced.
Contact Robert on 07738
E-mail: robert.cole
Walks: Robert on 0141950 1081. Cycling &
Swimming: Douglas on
0141-632 8707. Climbing:
Jonathan on 0141-334
0812. Badminton: Donn
on 07919 410042.
Running: Chris on 07786
Walks & Weekend Trips:
Alan on Dores (01463)
Tim on 0131-478 0844.
Leisurely walks in the
countryside. Bring
sensible footwear/clothing
and packed lunch. 2nd
Sat of each month. Meet
at Mitchell Library,
Berkeley Street. No
membership - just turn
up. Cars normally shared.
Tel: Robert on 0141-950
E-mail: robert@goc
A UK-Wide, web-based
organisation, offering a
wide range of activities:
from camping, hostelling,
hill-walking and indoor
climbing, to the more
extreme activities like
gorge scrambling, ice
climbing, technical
mountain biking and
many more. There's
something for everyone,
no matter what your
interest. Core
membership is Gay and
Bi-sexual lads, aged 1835, but OutdoorLads does
not discriminate on any
grounds including age,
sexuality, disability or sex,
and welcomes anyone
who agrees with the
group's aims and
Support group for gay
fathers. Meets on last Thu
of each month in a private
room in Edinburgh LGBT
Centre, 58a Broughton
Street. Gay dads from all
over Scotland welcome.
Tel: 07791 188742.
E-mail: info
Meets from 2pm on the
1st Sat of each month at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street.
E-mail: admin1
and other venues across
the UK. Write: Edward
Carpenter Community,
BM ECC, London. WC1N
3XX. Tel: 08703 215121.
E-mail: contact_ecc
Rowe - Tel/Text: 07808
263173 or
E-mail: kevrowe72
Regular cycle rides, of
varying distance/pace. Tel:
David on 07747 465743
or Douglas on 0141-632
E-mail: enquiries08
(2nd Sat of each month
from 7.30-9.30pm contact for details of
venue) and Glasgow (1st
Mon of each month at
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street from 7-9pm).
For further info Tel/Text
07948 735179 or
E-mail: admin@transmen
TV/TS Group:
Meets last Sat of each
month at 5pm. Tel: Kira on
07808 564626 (Mon-Thu
6-9pm), Gladys on
Buchlyvie (01360)
850516 or 07743
Coming out? Information
and support for parents of
LGBT people. Helpline and
admin: Tel: 0131-556
6047 before 10pm. Write:
c/o ScotsGay Magazine,
PO Box 666, Edinburgh.
EH7 5YW.
E-mail: parentsenquiry
Tel: 0151-259 5935
(Telephone Answering
Machine). Write: 41
Sutton Street, Liverpool,
L13 7EG.
E-mail: libgay
Copies of ScotsGay are
sent free of charge to
prisoners in UK prisons
and institutions. Please
contact us if you wish to
be added to the mailing
The Edinburgh group of
CAMRA's Task Group for
LGBT real ale and cider
fans. Meets in The Regent
on the 1st Mon of each
month from 9pm to
sample the brewers' art Aug 2nd Mon (to avoid
GBBF). Tel: Karen on
0131-557 8790.
E-mail: lagrad
.org.uk and
Committed to principles
of caring, trusting,
personal growth, sharing,
and creativity aimed at
nurturing 'community' as
an alternative to the
commercial scene.
Organises Gay Men's
Weeks and shorter events
each year in SW Scotland,
the English Lake District
Caledonian Thebans
Rugby Football Club is
Scotland's first gay/bi
friendly rugby club. Offers
gay/bi/trans men the
chance to learn the game
and play rugby in a safe
and supportive
Continually welcomes
new players (+18) at
whatever level or
experience and new
supporters to the club. If
you're interested in
playing or supporting gay
rugby in Scotland, please
get in touch. Come along
and get fit!
Tel: 07758 668784 or Text
"thebans" to 60300.
E-mail: membership
Meets 8pm prompt each
Mon at the Royal
Commonwealth Pool,
Dalkeith Road in the main
entrance area and
afterwards in the Blue
Moon Café from 9.15pm.
Meets 6.30pm prompt
Wed at the Jawbones, The
Everybody made
welcome from complete
beginners to the more
experienced. You can just
turn up but best to let us
know so we can expect
Contact: Robert on 07738
939836. E-mail:
The group runs regular
lessons and excursions at
various places throughout
Central Scotland. Contact
for more information. Tel:
David on 07747 465743.
E-mail: david
Meets each Thu from 810pm. Come along and
have fun and enjoy
meeting the other
members for a friendly
game. All welcome. Tel:
Paul on 07708 514676
Meets informally during
adults-only session 7.309pm Thu at North
Woodside Pool, Braid
Square. Tel: Douglas on
0141-632 8707.
E-mail: douglas
and include GOC in the
subject line. Also contact
E-mail: enquiries08
Write: GFSN Membership
Secretary, PO Box 7424,
Milton Keynes. MK8
9WQ. Tel: Barry on Milton
Keynes (01908) 564085.
Scottish Contact: Kevin
Scotland's very first LGBT
group for football players
and fans alike. Currently
organises regular socials
and kick-abouts, and
would love to hear from
anyone anywhere in
Scotland who would like
to take part. There is an
entire Gay League in
England, and in time, they
can organise friendlies
and competitive games up
and down the country.
However, all ability levels
are welcome, and the
social side is just as
important as the playing so what are you waiting
for? Text "Football" to
60300 for more
information (texts cost
25p) or
[email protected]
Edinburgh based gay and
lesbian badminton club
meets Thu 7-9pm at
Meadowbank Stadium.
Spaces are limited. For full
details visit
Glasgow based gay and
lesbian badminton club
meets twice weekly for
competitive games.
International tournaments
and matches against
clubs in London and
Europe are held annually.
Sorry - no beginners. Tel:
Raymond on 0141-778
E-mail: teamscotland
Many Universities and
Colleges have Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual and
Transgendered Societies.
Contact these via your
Student Union or Student
Association. ScotsGay
also links to a number of
LGBT Soc websites from
our own web page at
Many LGBT Socs are
open to non-students
living in the area.
Tel: NUS Scotland LGBT
Officer on 0131-556
6598. Fax: 0131-557
5679. Write: Tom French,
LGBT Officer, NUS
Scotland, 29 Forth Street,
Edinburgh. EH1 3LE.
E-mail: [email protected]
Transmen Scotland:
A national support group
for all female to male
transgender people.
Holds regular monthly
meetings in Edinburgh
Diversitay: T With
New Trans Group meets
monthly. For more
information, Tel: Diversitay
on Dundee (01382)
202620 (Mon 7-9pm).
Polygender Scotland:
Provides support and
friendship to all people
who identify as
genderqueer, androgyne,
third gender, polygender
or any other gender other
than male or female.
Meets 2nd Thu of each
month (contact for details
of venue). Tel: Kelli Neil on
0131-523 1100. Tel:
Lewis on 0131-477 0525.
E-mail: admin
Informal social for all
transgender people, their
partners, family and
friends, held the 3rd Sat of
each month (contact for
details of venue). A
friendly, safe and relaxed
environment where
there's also space to
change. Tel: 0131-523
E-mail: admin
Crosslynx TV/TS/TG:
Group meets 2nd Wed of
each month from 7-10pm
at Glasgow LGBT Centre,
84 Bell Street. Tel:
Crosslynx Helpline on
0141-847 0787 (Mon
Write: c/o 84 Bell Street,
Glasgow. G1 1LQ.
Sandyford Trans
Women's Support Group:
Meets at the Counselling
and Support Services
Group Room, Sandyford,
2-6 Sandyford Place (old
Eye Infirmary), on 1st
Wed of each month from
7pm and at the Peach
Room, Sandyford on 3rd
Sat of each month from
Noon. Phone Colin
MacKillop (Community
Access Co-ordinator) on
0141-232 8417 or
E-mail: colinmackillop
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland T Group (and
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
Write: Veronica Rankin,
National Officer
(Education and Equality),
46 Moray Place,
Edinburgh. EH3 6BH.
Tel: Veronica Rankin on
0131-225 6244.
E-mail: vrankin
For firefighters and control
staff. Write: c/o Pat
Carberry, FBU, 68
Coombe Road, Kingston
upon Thames, Surrey.
KT2 7SE. Tel: 07725
E-mail: [email protected]
Membership is open to all
police officers and police
staff, serving or retired.
Write: Inspector David
Lyle, Lothian & Borders
Police, 7 Chambers
Street, Edinburgh. EH1
1HR. Tel: 0131-247 4844.
[email protected]
(Central Scotland Police),
[email protected]
(Dumfries and Galloway
[email protected]
(Fife Constabulary),
[email protected]
om (Grampian Police),
[email protected]
(Lothian and Borders
[email protected]
m (Northern
[email protected]
(Scottish Police College),
com (Strathclyde Police),
[email protected]
m (Tayside Police),
Write: Regional Equal
Rights Officer, GMB
Scotland, Fountain House,
1/3 Woodside Crescent,
Glasgow. G3 7UJ. Tel:
0141-352 8109.
E-mail: louise.gilmour
Glasgow City Lesbian &
Gay Group. Meets last Tue
of month at 6pm in the
Glasgow LGBT Centre, 84
Bell Street.
LGBT group for people
aged under 26. Meets 2nd
Sat of each month Noon3pm at THT, 11 Waverley
Place, Aberdeen. Tel: 0845
E-mail: youth.aberdeen
Youth group for young
people 25 and under who
have issues with their
sexuality or with the
sexuality of a member of
their family. Meets Sat 46pm in Eighteen And
Under on Victoria Road,
Dundee. Offers a safe and
friendly environment to
meet and discuss issues
affecting the LGBT
community and our
families. Tel: Marley on
Dundee (01382) 206222.
E-mail: dv8_dundee
LGBT Youth
Groups, volunteering and
support for LGBT people
under 26 from Dumfries
and Galloway. Write: 26
Brewery Street, Dumfries.
DG1 2RP. Tel: Dumfries
(01387) 739888. Text:
07785 274147.
E-mail: DandG
Meets Wed 7-9pm at
LGBT Centre, 26 Brewery
Street, Dumfries. Run by
and for LGBT people aged
between 20 and 29. Has
been set up to be a safe
place where people can
meet others and make
friends, have fun, socialise
and raise issues! They
have lots of exciting plans
they want YOU to be a
part of so why not come
along and find out more?
John Cotton Centre, 10
Sunnyside, Edinburgh.
EH7 5RA.
Provides services and
opportunities for lesbian,
gay, bisexual and
transgender young people
(13-25) in Edinburgh, the
Lothians, Fife, Borders,
Tayside and Dumfries &
Galloway. The groups
include drop-ins at their
Edinburgh offices for
under-18's (Wed) and for
over 18's (Thu).
They also have a range of
different opportunities to
get involved with,
including volunteering and
projects involving video
and arts work, and they
offer training services.
Nationally, they run
regular events for young
people to get involved in
local and national
decision-making, and to
make new pals and have a
Confidential Youthline Tel:
0845 113 0005 (Tue 7.309pm). Office Tel/Fax:
0131-622 2266 (Mon-Fri
E-mail: info
The website has details of
Youth Groups throughout
Glasgow Head Office, 38
Queen Street, Glasgow.
G1 3DX. Tel: 0141-548
8000. Also at: Glasgow
LGBT Centre, 84 Bell
Street, Glasgow. G1 1LQ.
Tel: 0141-552 4807.
For young LGBT people
aged 13-25. Meets at
Glasgow LGBT Centre.
Group for 13-18 year
olds: Tue 7-9.30pm.
Group for 18-25 year
olds: Thu 7-9.30pm. Tel:
0141-548 8121.
Terrence Higgins Trust
Highland Youth Group
(and activities):
Tel: Inverness (01463)
711585 or
E-mail: agnes.boes
For under 26 year olds.
Tel: 0845 2412151.
E-mail: andi.watson
Mon 7.30-9.30pm.
Phone: 0141-847 0787
Mon-Fri 7.30-10pm. Phone: 0131-556 4049
E-mail: [email protected]
or via website www.lgls.co.uk
Nightly 6-9pm.
Phone: Bassenthwaite Lake (01768)
Mon 7.30-10pm.
Phone: 0131-557 0751
E-mail: [email protected]
or via website www.lgls.co.uk
Mon 7-9.30pm.
Phone: Dundee (01382) 202620
Write: PO Box 53, Dundee. DD1 3YG.
E-mail: [email protected]
Nightly 7-10pm. Phone: 0141-847 0447
E-mail: [email protected] www.sgls.co.uk
24 hours.
Phone: Freephone 0800 3891425
A freephone number for people who wish
support in reporting to Fife Constabulary
crime motivated by hate. For further
information about the service or becoming
a trained helpline volunteer, phone us now!
Nightly 7-10pm. Phone: 0141-847 0647 or
Stirling (01786) 469483
Wed 7.30-10pm. Phone: 0141-847 0547
Mon-Fri 10am-10pm, Sat-Sun Noon-6pm.
Phone: 0845 1221200.
Daily 10am-11pm. Phone: 020-7837 7324.
Minicom: 020-7689 8501.
FAX: 020-7837 7300.
E-mail: [email protected]
www.llgs.org.uk www.queery.org.uk
ScotsGay Listings are FREE. Send your group’s details and logo to [email protected]
For bang up-to-date info visit www.scotsgay.co.uk/listings
ScotsGay 29
should come forward. Box
Astrid - Stirling 94 - Osnabrück
Lost touch with policewoman
friend from Stirling 94. You repeatedly contacted me. Please
call me again to let me know
your whereabouts. Call old number or E-mail:
[email protected] - love Astrid.
Tats Big Tits Raise A Stink
Brighton: Bouncy pair of blokes,
masculine, tattooed, one with
gynaecomastia (massive
breasts) Kink/fetish. Your mansmells, ripe rear, smelly feet, pits.
Raise a stink with similar couples or singles. Box SG82110.
Fem Fun?
I’m looking for a sexy woman
for fun times. Box SG82105.
Glasgow Sporty Guy - Casual
Dressed - 6ft
Discreet Date?
Sexy female seeks sexy femme
for illicit liaisons and secret rendevous and more. Don’t be shy!
Let me show you the way. Why
not send a photo? Box
Edinburgh First Timer?
In town for the Festival? Why
not try something new? Your
friends need never know! Mature guy (50) looking for student
type guys for no strings attached meetings. Safe and sane.
Box SG82107
Palestine - Olive Picking - October
Gay guy, fit, attractive, 37, seeking other genuine guys for wonderful 10 day trip (Tours, Dea
Sea, Culture). Details alternative
trip. E-mail:
[email protected] or
Write: Box SG82108.
Indian Seeking An Indian In
I am a well educated (28 years
old), 6 foot tall fair looking Indian who wants to meet Indians
in Glasgow for a good relationship (28-35 years old). Good relationship, I describe as the one
in which sex is not the first priority but doing it after falling in
romance is the first priority. Sex
freaks, game players, hard
punchers, soft dolls and oldies
please stay away. People interested in genuine relationships
Genuine, honest, caring, 32,
look 25, straight acting/looking,
athletic build, cute, can accommodate/travel. Hobbies: driving,
gym, pubs, clubs, holidays. Own
car/flat. Want friendship/relationship. 16-40. Gay/bi. Box
Looking For Casual Relaxing
Fun With Younger Guy(s)
Just looking for fun with guy(s)
aged 16-26 - probably at my
place in Central Edinburgh.
Nothing complicated: love not
required although mutual respect is a must. One off is good,
so is longer term fuck buddy.
I’m mostly active but can be versatile if that‘s what really works
for you. Safer fun only - no
barebacking. And a kiss or cuddle can be just as good as (or
better than) anything else - so
there are a lot of options. What
have you got to lose by replying
and seeing if our needs/desires
are compatible? Other than your
virginity which is soon gone
with this poof! SG82112.
35 Year Old Novice Taker For
55+ Guy
35 medium only. Had experience
with one horny older gay male.
You must be 55 or over - genuine experienced gay who can
accommodate. Like gay porn,
toys. Never had a real one want to squat on one and more
and pop a cherry. Travel any
time. Must be discreet. May try
threesome with genuine over 55
couple. Box SG82113.
Leather Master Wanted
I live in London and want to
meet an experienced leather
master now. Please respond.
Box SG82114.
Small, Fat, Old, Hairy,
Bearded, Ginger Seeks Fun
With Young, Smooth Guy
Small (5’6”), fat (15st), old (50),
balding red hair and beard, very
hairy body, looking for fun and
friendship with young (16-22)
guy. You: No piercings (self mutilation is not good or clever),
preferably a full head of hair (no
shaved heads - why do you want
to be bald at your age?), smooth
chest (shaved is good, naturally
smooth is better), no facial hair,
not anorexic (I like a bit of
plump - although slim is OK).
I’m probably far too picky - but
then I bet most suitable guys are
too! I can accommodate (Edinburgh) or will travel. Box
Chubby Seeks Stocky!
I would like to meet a stocky
guy for mutual massage times
together. I am very genuine and
honest. Box SG82116.
Bi Curious Male - 21 - Aberdeen
I’m a bi curious male, 21, very
inexperienced (never been with
a man!). Be the first man to explore my hot, toned body. Into
cross dressing. WLTM like
minded, similar male in my area
(18-21) to show me fun times.
Must be discreet. Box SG82117.
Mates Wanted
Joe, 39, good looking straight
acting, fit, loves the gym, theatre, going out on the scene or
straight bars. Looking for similar guys for nights out in Glasgow. Sick of standing at the bar
on my tod. Mates all straight.
Please no older than 40, sporty
guys preferred. I love my football. Mates only. Sorry this
sounds really clinical. Box
Young 16 Looking To Be Dominated
Guys, I’m willing to be a slave
and you can be as rough as you
want to me. Box SG82119.
Hairy Bear (50)
Seeks cub (under 26). Your cave
or mine! Box SG82120.
No Strings Fun And Frolics
Mid 40’s guy, Edinburgh, slim
and mostly active, wants to
meet good looking guys, 40-55,
for fun and frolics. Box
I Can’t Be Arsed
Asperger’s guy in 50’s, can no
longer be bothered with feigning
interest in the usual mating rituals. If you’re an Aspie aged 1626, let’s have a bit of fun
together. It may only last for an
hour - or it could become regular. No social skills means no
bullshit. Non Aspies welcome
too. Box SG82123.
Up Up And Away!
Frequent flier with Ryanair and
easyJet seeks young companion
for overseas visits. I’m 50, you
should be 16-26. Must have
passport. Send photo and full
details. Box SG82124.
Up And Coming!
Looking for men who enjoy the
wild side of life. Into FF, toys,
Y/B, S&M, etc. Genuine interest.
No time wasters please. All letters answered. Quick reply! Box
Dirty Old Man Seeks Banal
Aged 16-26? Into older guys?
Why not come and join me in
my large spa bath? Box
Willing Man
Seeks femme, effete, elegant or
To reply to a contact ad, just pop your reply in an envelope with the box number written in the TOP RIGHT corner and place the
envelope with your reply inside another envelope with two loose first class stamps. If you are writing from outwith the UK, an International Reply Coupon (IRC) should be enclosed for each reply instead of postage stamps. International Reply Coupons are
available from Post Offices throughout the world. We are unable to send on replies without postage stamps or IRCs.
Send all replies to : ScotsGay, PO Box 666, Edinburgh EH7 5YW.
refined male - any age or shape.
I want to admire, adore you and
devote myself to you. Glasgow,
Central Belt. Box SG82127.
51, looking for some love and
affection from women and men
of all ages. Box SG82102.
North Ayrshire
Genuine youthful 59, slim, 5’7”,
smart appearance, would like to
meet discreet active top gay for
relationship. Likes cuddles and
kissing and O and A but a one
off sexy session would be nice
too. Box SG82129.
Want Summer Fun?
Any young guys want to spend
summer holidays in Shetland
Isles with young gay guy with
own place. Just want lots of fun.
Honest, genuine, looking for
same. Box SG82130.
Straight Lady Seeks Bi Gent
Intelligent slim brunette, 39,
would like to meet a bisexual
professional man, 45-55 years
old, for a loving long term relationship. Regular threesomes
with a mutual male friend would
certainly spice up one’s lovelife.
Inverness-shire. Box SG82104.
It All Comes Down To Friction
In The End
Would you like some in your
end too? Jovial 50 year old guy
seeks 16-22 year old for mutually pleasurable activities. Box
Bi Curious?
There has to be a first time for
everything! Aged 16-21? Get in
touch? Considerate, experienced, versatile, older guy will
talk you through things at your
own pace before getting down
to some safe fun. Your limits respected. Total discretion assured. Live in Edinburgh and
can accommodate but may
travel if required. Box SG82101.
Silver Bear
Edinburgh based 50something
guy seeks morally relaxed
women of all ages for fun and
friendship. Box SG82103.
You were at Pride Scotia 2006
and were in ScotsGay Magazine
of that month, you had very
spikey hair and an “I’m here I’m
queer” t-shirt on. I would love to
get to know you as I think I have
a crush on you! Please contact
me at this e-mail address so that
I can find out if there’s a chance
you might like me too? You
never know! Even if you are not
interested it would be nice to
hear that from you too. Please
e-mail: [email protected]
Retired Hippy
Penpal contacts with gay men
all over the world. Over 120
subscribers in 30 countries. To
join is free: send your ad. Only
subscribers get the booklet with
all data and addresses by enclosing £5. INTERGAY,
Voorstraat 12-A, 4033 AD Lienden, Netherlands.
right person. Contact Sales
Manager: 0141-229 1693. [99]
Military Inclined Single Gay
Single, manly gay Dad, strongbodied 55, clean-shaven, dark
eyes. Former competitive
wrestler/discus thrower. Seeks
gay, muscled Scot 35+ for
friendship/visits. Write: Robby
E. Sebala, 4901 Seminary Road,
Apt. 1526, Alexandria, VA
22311-1822, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
Models Wanted
Experienced photographer
needs good looking guys 18-22
for photo and video work for use
by adult websites or magazines.
Suitable guys will earn £110 for
under 2 hours work. Photo ID
required as proof of age. Examples at www.xpozure4u.co.uk Email: [email protected]
or contact Stuart on 07918
151496 (O2 Mobile). [99]
Loveable gay horny guy who is
friendly and caring required to
assist partially disabled guy part
time in comfortable house near
Perth, dressing and undressing
and other personal light duties.
Good wage and conditions on
main bus route. Free furnished
accommodation, gas, electricity
and community charge offered
for hands-on friendship and
companionship. Please apply
with full particulars to Box
SG82122. [82a]
Cash For Your Body
Photogenic guys can earn £100
cash posing for Mike Arlen who
has had 14 glossy magazines
published called Mike Arlen’s
Guys. Send snapshots of your
magnificent body to him: Mike
Arlen, Wetherby Studios, 23
Wetherby Mansions, Earls Court
Square, London. SW5 9BH or
Phone: 020-7373 1107. E-mail:
[email protected]
Looking For Staff
Seeking salespeople for Spanish
property shows in Aberdeen,
Edinburgh and Inverness areas.
Sundays only. Do you have
transport, access to PC, someone to work with? Commission
only. £700 a day expected with
approximately 15 week delay of
payments. Full training given to
Uniform Dating - Free Membership For Every ScotsGay
Fancy a date in uniform? Here’s
your chance! With thousands of
registered firemen, nurses, pilots, military, police officers and
singles from other professional
uniformed services, To take advantage of 10 day’s free membership, visit Web:
www.uniformdating.com and
create your free profile. Then in
the ‘Upgrade’ area, enter the
promotional code: SGM. [99]
Alternative Therapies Available
In the comfort of your own
home or clinics throughout Edinburgh. Therapies available:
Reiki treatments/teaching, Indian Head Massage, Spiritual
Readings and Hopi Ear Candles.
Fully qualified and insured therapist. Please contact Alan on
07747 714005 for clinics and
appointments. [99]
Contacts and friendships for
men over sixty. The organisation
for the more mature gentleman
and his admirers. Write to:
CAFFMOS, PO Box 2087, Blackpool. FY4 1WL. Or phone Blackpool (01253) 318327 [99]
A Twink4hire
Smooth, slim, cute, passive/versatile 18 year old, offers personal cam shows £30 - toys a
speciality! Based in Highlands,
but now taking bookings for out
calls on forthcoming visit to
Central Scotland. Web:
www.gaydar.co.uk/twink4hire Email: [email protected]
Central Scotland
29 year old good looking lad in
Central Scotland for 1 week
only. I have a 28” waist 38”
chest and a fit well toned body.
I’m well hung, passive always
horny and open to most things.
I’m available to work with other
escorts. Call (0034) 656 571089
(24/7) or E-mail: [email protected] [82a]
Festival Fun!
Hot Fit Lad
Zack - Straight acting and looking lad. Cute 20 year old guy,
slim, toned and well-hung. Easy
going and fun. If you like
straight-looking lads with a
good personality, Zack is your
man! Scotland and NE England.
Call 07050 174700. [82a]
Jordan - Glasgow & Edinburgh
New - Dundee!
Mike, 28 fit and good looking
guy. Well hung and horny, always ready for fun. My place in
Dundee or will visit you. Travel
to Aberdeen, Perth, Edinburgh,
Glasgow, etc. Tel Mike 07506
421425. [82a]
Massage And Male Grooming
Swedish and holistic massage,
waxing, scrubs, facials, thread
veins and skin tags removed,
body piercing by qualified insured male practitioners. 50%
OFF all grooming treatments for
Pride between 24th-30th Aug.
Contact 0141-423 8868 or visit
www.naturalartsuk.com [86]
ScotsGuys Escort Agency
The best gay escorts in Scotland
are at ScotsGuys! Visit
www.scotsguys.com for pictures and details or call 07961
988754 for all enquiries and
bookings. In calls available all
areas! Scotland’s Top Escorts
since 1995. [82a]
The Best
In stress therapy, 15 years experience. Aromatherapy, Swedish
Massage, Sports Masssage.
Glasgow/Edinburgh. Call Calumn 07821 399405. 24 hours.
Withheld numbers ignored. Outcalls available. [82a]
I’m Maxie, a 20 year old slim,
smooth and versatile guy. Available throughout the Edinburgh
Festival in Edinburgh, Glasgow,
and Central Scotland. Call now
for rates and availability! Maxie 07964 085282. [82a]
18 year old cute, blond lad. Built
to please and versatile! Sexy
friendly and fun. All areas covered. Great rates! Call Jordan on
07531 248009. [82a]
All New, All Gay Guesthouses Edinburgh
Two great locations. Exclusively
gay. Easy walk to nightlife. Stylish rooms, all with TV and video
(tapes available). Shared and
private bathrooms. Breakfast
available till noon. Non-smoking
houses. Easy parking. Room
rates: £29-£49 per night. Call
0131-558 1382 or Fax 0131-556
8279. Web:
www.gayscotland.com/alvahouse [83]
Edinburgh City Centre Accommodation
Apartments City Centre in Gay
Scene. Luxury self catering accommodation. Contact 07966
938055 and visit www.edinburghrentalapartments.com [86]
Penzance - Cornwall
Small, gay-friendly, period hotel
situated with own parking in
town centre. Rooms available
en-suite. Web:
www.cliffhotelpz.co.uk Tel: Penzance (01736) 368888. [99]
Edward Hotel - Blackpool
Gay and Lesbian Friendly Guest
house. Licensed Bar. 3 course
breakfast. On the top corner of
the Gay Village in the heart of
Gay Blackpool, TV/CD welcome.
Day visits available. Pet friendly.
Mostly couples and small
groups. Web: www.edwardhotel.co.uk Tel: Blackpool (01253)
624271. [83]
Pets Are Welcome
At Auntie Ruth’s Guest House in
Skegness, Lincolnshire. Lovely
walking country and miles of
sandy beach as well as the town
centre are just yards away. Open
all year. No single supplement
and cross-dressers can feel at
ease. Call Auntie Ruth now on
Skegness (01754) 767804.
Web: www.auntieruths.co.uk
B&B On Loch Ness - 4 Star
Pottery House: Beautiful location, outstanding rooms, luxury
en-suites, homecooked breakfasts. Gay run. See why we were
runners up in the 2006 Highland
Tourism Awards. Phone John or
Glen on Inverness (01463)
751267. Web: www.potteryhouse.co.uk [86a]
Inverness 3 Star Melrose Villa
Guest House
Friendly gay run. Town Centre 5
mins. All rooms en suite. Fab
breakfasts. Great beds! Relax,
make fiends with likeminded
people. Cum, stay, see, yourself!
Tel: Kenny on Inverness (01463)
233745. Web: www.melrosevilla.com [85a]
Cardiff - Wales
An exclusive gay and lesbian
boutique B&B, close to scene
and city centre, luxury styled
rooms, many extras, rates from
£39 per room inc gourmet
breakfast. Low cost flights direct
to city. Web: www.tyrosa.com
Tel: 0845 643 9962. [85a]
North West Highlands
Friendly and relaxed B&B with
spectacular mountain views. All
bedrooms are spacious with ensuite facilities. Ideal for walking,
climbing, cycling or touring. Ken
and Martin. Tel: 01320 340356.
Web: www.bedandbreakfastglenmoriston.co.uk [82a]
Quality 4 Star Rated B&B Near
To Inverness
Located on the Black Isle, its
quiet rural location is just perfect for walking cycling and
touring the Highlands, or even
just relaxing. Telephone Chris or
Paul on 01463 811779. Web:
www.kinneskie.co.uk [83a]
Seeking male or female, gay and
bi new friends, possibly more
spiritually inclined, occult/wiccan leanings, soulmate? Stamp
please to: Sadie, The Golden
Wheel, Liverpool. L15 8HH. [86]
Qualified counsellor and cognitive behaviour therapist, stress
management, etc. Fully qualified
and trained. Reasonable rates.
Tel: 07504 131707. [82a]
Limited Companies
Only £90 for your own Limited
Company. PLCs, Guarantee,
Charitable and Unlimited Companies also available. Freephone
0800 526421. E-mail: [email protected]. Web:
Proofreading And Tuition
In English (including TEFL),
French, Latin, Greek and Gaelic,
Typing Services, Historical and
Genealogical Research. Charles
S Coventry, 303/3 Colinton
Road, Edinburgh. EH13 0NR.
Tel: 0131-441 7898. E-mail:
[email protected].
A contact ads publication for
gay and bisexual men, 18+, who
enjoy all forms of male-to-male
discipline! Contacts, Stories, CP
Pictures, CP Videos & DVDs,
News, CP Clubs and Events.
SAE for details or E-mail. Write:
TD Monthly, PO Box 310, Manchester. M15 6WT. E-mail: [email protected]
m. Web: www.tdmonthly.net
Translation Services
Qualified translator based in Edinburgh offers translation services between the following
languages: English, Ukrainian,
Russian, Turkish and French. Email: [email protected]
Write: Box SG82100.
City centre based, friendly, good
looking 9” active/versatile, available 24/7, in or out calls,
overnights welcome. Tel: 07944
168321 - MOMO. [82a]
Glasgow City Centre
Tall, slim, hung, smooth, versatile lad into all scenes. In/out.
Satisfaction guaranteed. Daytime calls. Paul 07967 041313.
Glasgow Trackie Lad
Top 2 Toe sensual hot cream
body massage. Showering facilities available. Available 9am10pm, 7 days. Based West End,
Glasgow. Discretion assured
and expected. 6’1”, 28”w, passive/versatile 28 year old. Web:
www.massagalicious.co.uk Tel:
07838 217109. [82a]
Massage At Competitive Prices
Models required. Room to rent
for models and clients. Cumbernauld area. 01236 825656 after
6pm. [82a]
Massage For Guys - Edinburgh
Experience a full body Swedish
Massage using deep tissue manipulation using sensual Tantric
techniques - guaranteed to make
you feel relaxed. Offered by fully
qualified and friendly guy based
in Edinburgh near Holy Corner.
Sessions last just over an hour.
No out calls. Reasonable rates £30 (£15) for students. Phone
07983 422652 or E-mail: [email protected] [83a]
Jason - Slim and smooth sexy
lad. 25 years old fit and horny!
Can accommodate in West End
of Glasgow or visit you. Professional and friendly service. Tel.
Jason on 07050 030424. [82a]
Personal Ad: FREE!
Postal Subscriptions to ScotsGay
Massage For Men - Edinburgh
Enjoy a fantastic, affirming chill
out guys, with a deeply relaxing,
holistic, sensual, tantric, full
body pampering massage. City
Centre - nurturing masculine environment. Qualified, experienced, caring gay therapist. £20
per session. £15 students. Excellent value. Tel: Jim on 0131557 4643. [83a]
Russian Masseur In Glasgow
Black Masseur - Glasgow
32, muscular, black, smooth,
friendly, very well endowed professional bloke. Professional
Tantric oil massage starting
from £35. In/out calls. Extras
also available. Christopher
07740 066600. [83]
30 ScotsGay
Horni versatile sexi slim guy in
Glasgow city centre. Services
from vanilla to sleaze u decide
also availble with a range off
other sexi escorts for duo work
or alone - u decide. For the best
appointment in Glasgow, tanned
tonned and hung, call 07979
098389. Uniforms, leather,
trackies, army wear. [82a]
Experience the unforgettable
moments of a relaxed, full body,
Swedish or erotic massage in
Glasgow area. In or out calls. 7
days a week. 9am-10pm. Call
Jon 07908 679308. [82a]
ScotsGay Magazine
PO Box 666
Edinburgh EH7 5YW
We accept Mastercard / VISA - Make cheques/POs payable to ScotsGay
ScotsGay 31
Drummond Street: Sun Noon-9pm, Mon-Sat 10am-9pm
Easter Road: 7 days Noon-6pm
Vast range of leather and rubber wear!
New stock arriving every day!
Also, cards, mags and all the toys you could
8b Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9TU • Tel: 0131-557 9413
Also at 25 Easter Road, Edinburgh EH7 5PJ Tel: 0131-623 6969
32 ScotsGay
Next Day Delivery
Based in Edinburgh
Buy online or phone
0131 510 6969
Many items cheaper
than MEO & others
Telephone: 0131 510 6969
ScotsGay 33
Kevin From Aberdeen
Kevin from Aberdeen is a 44
year old slim, hairy guy who
is looking for guys, any age,
in the local area. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Edinburgh First-Timer
39 years old very discreet
married guy from Edinburgh
would like to meet an older
guy in his 50's or 60's for
first time fun. He describes
himself as being 5'11", a slim
12.5 stone with short dark
hair who keeps himself fit. "If
you're interested, get back
please". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7205.
Master sought for regular
meets in the Glasgow or
Edinburgh areas. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Retired Clergyman
Discreet, considerate guy in
his late 20's would like to
meet a retired Clergyman,
70+ for friendship and maybe
more. Inverness area. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Long Legged TV
30 years old slim, longlegged, understanding TV is
looking for fun and
friendship. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7176.
Slimline TV
Slim TV who is quite pretty
and convincing is looking for
a woman, preferably
bisexual, for a
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7207.
Good, Sound Spanking
A 36 year old Edinburgh guy
is looking for a dominant
Daddy type to "administer a
good, sound spanking on a
regular basis". Genuine and
can accommodate.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7181.
Glasgow Skin
40 years old slim Skin from
Glasgow is looking for
similar. Can accommodate or
travel. Phone 09068 556612
- Number 7211.
David From Aberdeen
David from Aberdeen is 43
years old, slim and looking
for guys 50 years or older.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7182.
Naked Wrestling
48 year old slim guy is
looking for others in the
Edinburgh area for wrestling
fun in shorts or nude. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Mike From Aberdeen
Mike from Aberdeen is 46
years old and slim. "Anything
goes".Phone 09068 556612 Number 7184.
Roger Robert
Robert is 58 years old, 5'9"
tall and of a medium build.
He is looking for a man in his
50's or 60's who is willing to
give him a first experience
with a man. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7213.
Take It Like A Man
"Cool, 56 year old chubby, bi
guy, outwardly straightacting; but after some
spanking I give in to my
passive side and take it like a
man". He can accommodate
in East Edinburgh.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7189.
New Arrivals
"New arrivals from other
countries, such as Eastern
Europe and the Far East,
should experience traditional,
British discipline. Rob, who is
in his late fifties, and smart,
will explain it all to you and
administer the punishment.
This will be a good
experience of a new culture.
You must accommodate preferably Central Scotland".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 7193.
You Choose
"So you have misbehaved again? And Richard has
caught you out. He will tell
the police and your parents;
or he will deal with you
himself, in the old-fashioned
way. You choose". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Buxom She-Male
Edinburgh she-male has a
44" chest, natural, welldeveloped boobs and a
smooth, buxom body. Would
like to meet "a manly he-male
who knows exactly to handle
such a body". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7202.
Edinburgh Slaveboy
25 year old slaveboy would
like to meet a Master, 18-30
years old. "If you want to
dominate and control me get in touch; I've got my own
place near Edinburgh". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Dressing As Required
Submissive, cross-dressing
Bi guy, 46 years old with a
slim build is seeking an
assertive guy or a couple to
please. "I am very genuine
and enjoy dressing as
required". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 7089.
Local To Tayside?
Tayside guy is looking for
local guys. Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6726.
Total Submissive Required
"I am a mature guy living in
Glasgow and looking for a lad
aged 25 to 60, height 5'6" to
5'11" although these are not
carved in stone. Weight must
be appropriate to height. He
must be well-presented and
willing to become my total
BDSM slave boy. He must
have a very submissive
attitude and know his place in
my presence: i.e. completely
subordinate and humble. He
must not have baggage and
be available any time outwith
his working hours. It should
be noted that it is not a 24/7
situation - but in any other
respect it will seem like it.
Me: I'm a very strict and
dominant guy, but don't
show it in public - any
disrespect or subordination
shown to me will be severely
dealt with in private". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
All Tied Up
Submissive guys wanted who
like bondage, preferably in
the Glasgow area. Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Over The Knee Spanking
"I am a guy in his late 40's
from the north-east of
Scotland who is looking for
someone older, 60+ if
possible, to put me over his
knee on a regular basis to be
spanked. I would prefer it to
be someone of a professional
disposition: someone who
wears a suit if possible. Or an
ex teacher". Phone 09068
556612 - Number 6854.
Chubby Bottom
hubby 42 year old bi male is
looking for older tops for fun
and friendship.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6821.
North East Scotland looking
for genuine, retired former
teacher to give me the belt. "I
have been given the belt
before and am looking to
make new contacts". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Green Flash
40 years old guy from
Aberdeen is looking for
others who are into jogging
suit bottoms, Converse
baseball boots and Dunlop
Green Flash trainers. "If you
would like to leave a reply, I
will get back to you as soon
as possible. I can travel as far
as Edinburgh or Inverness".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6531.
Wellies, Wellies, Wellies
Scotland/anywhere. Horny 40
year old would like to meet
guys who are into black
wellies, waders or riding
boots - muddy or clean.
"Phone with details. Can
travel anywhere". Phone
09068 556612 - Number
Slave Seeks Master
Slave from Glasgow looking
for a master. "I will do
anything my master wishes".
Phone 09068 556612 Number 6069.
Horny Uncle
Horny uncle type seeking
nephew for hot, horny fun
with no strings attached. He
is 40 years old, 5'7" tall with
a 30" waist and 40" chest. "No
camps, effeminates or
fatties". Can accommodate or
travel in the Glasgow area.
Phone 09068 556612 Number 5701.
Belting Memories
"I am looking for a genuine
retired or former teacher,
living in Scotland, over the
age of 50 to give me the belt
as per my schooldays.
I need my hands warmed
again". Phone 09068 556612
- Number 5252.
for ONE to ONE
It's completely FREE to place
your ad by phone on
0800 138 4 1-2-1
We'll not only print your ad in our
next few issues, but it will also be
available for phone callers to
browse on
09068 556612
Advertisers get their own private
voice mailbox and can pick up
replies on
09068 556612
Calls to 09068 numbers cost 60p per
minute at all times.
Conditions of service: All participants
must be 18 or over.
Ads will run for up to 3 issues.
It will not be possible to reply to
advertisers who have not collected
replies for more than 28 days.
Service supplied by BizOrg, PO Box
425, PE24 5FN.
E-mail: [email protected].
Helpline (10am - 4pm weekdays)
Tel: 0870 121 1210.
LGBT services for Tayside
Telephone Helpline
( 01382 )
20 26 20
Mondays 7 to 9pm
[email protected]
New Trans group now meeting monthly call for more details
Diversitay volunteers also required.
34 ScotsGay
08712 24 38 89
18+ Calls cost 10p per min. Mobiles may vary. 84469 costs 50p to send txts, 25p to receive profiles, 50p to respond to profiles & 10p to receive responses to your profile. First £5 usage FREE, then you are billed £1.50 at time in advance. APN, LS11 8BP. Customer Service: 08712 24 66 35