Everyone Has a Name - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Everyone Has a Name - Congregation Shaare Emeth
C o n g r e g a t i o n S h a a r e E m e t h The Bulletin January 2013 Project Atid: Strategic Planning Update I am happy to report that our strategic planning process, Project Atid (Future), reports and recommendations are starting to develop. Our Social Action and Advocacy team and our Early Engagement team both made presentations to the Board of Trustees at the Board’s last meeting, and the Board is working through the recommendations presented. The Shaare Emeth Experience team is currently evaluating the data we received from focus groups with members ranging from six months to over thirty years membership in the congregation. As the teams delve into their respective areas of Temple life, more members are becoming involved in helping determine the best future course for Congregation Shaare Emeth. I hope that you will join us in creating the best possible future for the Temple. As always, if you have any questions related to the work being done, or would like to add your voice, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Greg Yawitz, Board First Vice-President Everyone Has a Name Every person has a name, given by God, given by his father and mother Every person has a name, given by her stature and her way of smiling, and given by her clothes Every person has a name, given by the mountains, given by the walls Every person has a name, given by the planets, given by his neighbors.... -Israeli poet, Zelda You are invited to receive a Hebrew name Shabbat of Names Jan. 4, 2013, 6 p.m. (see page 3) Worship Friday, January 4 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary First Fridays / Shabbat of Names January Birthday Blessing Saturday, January 5 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Isabelle Rosen Essman, daughter of Sharyn Essman, becomes a Bat Mitzvah Friday, January 11 YOUR Shaare Emeth Members-Only Info Online D id you know that every member of Congregation Shaare Emeth has a login and password to the secure MembersOnly section of the Congregation Shaare Emeth website? You can use this Members-Only access to: 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary • View and update your information including address changes 11 a.m. • Search the membership directory Saturday, January 12 Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Leah Dolgin, daughter of Laurie Meltz-Dolgin and Harlan and Robin Dolgin, becomes a Bat Mitzvah Friday, January 18 6 p.m. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Social Action and Advocacy Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary Saturday, January 19 10:45 a.m.Shaare Shabbat in the Youth Lounge Friday, January 25 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary Saturday, January 26 9 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Madeleine Toskin, daughter of Valerie and Paul Toskin, becomes a Bat Mitzvah 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Benjamin Michael Remis, son of Sharon and William Remis, becomes a Bar Mitzvah • Look up yahrzeits • View and pay account balances • Register and pay for special events Find the Members-Only section by clicking “login” in the upperright corner of www.shaare-emeth.org. After agreeing to the terms of use, login with your family’s User ID and password. Don’t know or remember your password? Call or email Vilma Phillips in the Temple Office, 314-569-0010 or [email protected], or watch your postal mail this month for more information. Save the Date! Congregation Shaare Emeth’s Spring Fundraiser Event will take place March 9! Details to be announced! Torah Study: Saturday, 9:30 a.m., and Tuesday Mornings, 10 a.m. • Weekday Minyans: Monday and Thursday Mornings, 7:15 a.m. The Congregation provides babysitting for children ages 18 months-7 years Friday evenings during services in room 3 of the Preschool wing. Homebound Services available every Friday and Saturday. Call 1-800-846-4808; enter ID #91088047 if required. ALL SERVICES ARE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY 2 Counting Our Blessings Everyone Has a Name T he words of the Israeli poet Zelda (see page 1) remind us of the power of names. Our Jewish tradition holds our names dear. The rabbis teach that a name is one of our most precious possessions. We are given Hebrew names for use in our spiritual and ritual lives, and they can link us to those who came before, those we honor, remember, or respect. These Jewish names are an important gift to us that can bring us great meaning. Yet there are many of all ages in our community who have never been given a Hebrew name, for many different reasons. On Friday, January 4, which is Shabbat Shemot, when we begin reading the book of Exodus, known in Hebrew as Shemot or “Names,” we invite all those, of any age, who have never received a Hebrew name to receive one during our Shabbat evening service. If you would like to be given a Hebrew name that evening, please complete the form below and submit it to Gloria in the Temple office, call or email Gloria at 314-569-0010 or [email protected], or fill out the form available at www.shaare-emeth.org. During the service we will honor and ask God’s blessing on all those who will be named in the presence of our community and celebrate the names that help us to find meaning. James M. Bennett, Rabbi [email protected] Shabbat of Names – Jan. 4, 2013, 6 p.m. ____ Yes! I want to be given a Hebrew name! My given name: _____________________________________________________________________________ I would like my Hebrew name to be: ________________________________________________________ Please help me! I would like you to choose a Hebrew name for me: ____ in memory of: __________________________________________________________________________ ____ in honor of: ___________________________________________________________________________ ____ that means: _____________________________________________________________________________ My phone number:___________________________________________________________________________ My email:_____________________________________________________________________________________ Return to Gloria Schwartz at Temple by Jan. 2 by mail, by phone at 314-569-0010, by email at [email protected], or fill out the form available at www.shaare-emeth.org. 3 Israel Travel Would that I have wings that I could wend my way to thee, O Jerusalem, from afar! I will make my own broken heart find its way amidst your broken ruins. I will fall upon my face to the ground, for I take delight in your stones and show favor to your very dust. The air of your land is the very life of our soul. - Yehuda Halevi T hese lines, penned by Halevi in the 11th century, still express the feelings that the Jewish people hold in their hearts when it comes to Jerusalem and Israel. Many of our young people feel this way as well. They, too, have a yearning to return to the land of our ancestors, to visit and live in a place where Judaism comes alive not just in the synagogue, but also on the streets, at the mall, and in the laws that govern the land. Yes, our young people may feel more critical of Israel than generations past. Yes, their feelings about Israel may be more nuanced and conflicted. But their desire to connect with Israel in a personal way is still strong. And nothing can solidify a love for Israel, a commitment to Israel, and in turn, a love and commitment to Judaism, more than visiting Israel. Floating in the Dead Sea, picking fruit grown at a Reform kibbutz in the Negev desert, talking with Israeli teens from Yokne’am who share the same tastes in fashion and music, walking the streets of the Old City of Jerusalem and the bustling streets of Tel Aviv, walking in the footsteps of Abraham and Sarah and Ben Gurion and Moshe Dayan—these experiences are not fleeting. As anyone who has traveled to Israel knows, these moments lodge themselves somewhere in our souls. This summer there are wonderful opportunities for teen travel to Israel. NFTY in Israel – our Reform movement’s incredible program – allows teens to see so much of the country on their 4 five week programs. You can check out the varied itineraries of NFTY’s trips by visiting www.nfty.org/travel. Also, Israel Bound, St. Louis’ own amazing teen trip chaperoned by local youth advisors, is now accepting applications. To find out more about these and other Israel opportunities, as well as scholarships for travel to Israel, contact Karen Rader (krader@ cajestl.org) at the St. Louis CAJE office. Finally, if you are reading this and thinking, “My children are too young to think about a teen program in Israel,” I encourage you to look into the Passport to Israel program so you can begin to save for this amazing opportunity. And if you are reading this, and your children are too old to travel to Israel with a teen program, or you do not have children, please consider making a donation to one of our Israel scholarship funds so that we have the ability to help all of our students who wish to visit Israel do so. If you have any questions about travel to Israel now, or in the future, I encourage you to be in touch. Would that I have wings that I could wend my way to thee, O Jerusalem, from afar! I believe an experience in Israel is one of the greatest gifts parents and a congregation can give their children. May 5773 be the year in which many of our young people find their way “home.” L’shalom, Rabbi Andrea Goldstein, Rabbi [email protected] Teen Israel Bound Trip W hether despite of or because of all that has transpired in Israel since the Second Intifada began, it is heartening to know that Halevi’s poem also still expresses the thoughts and dreams of many of our young people. The teens of our congregation want to learn Hebrew, know her history, understand the political debates—and they want to visit. They want to go and know Israel in a personal and meaningful way. This coming January, record numbers of Reform high school students will begin their semester abroad in Israel. This summer, high school students can spend up to five weeks traveling through Israel on one of a variety of teen tours. And, for the first time, high school students from St. Louis will have the opportunity to travel to Israel together on St. Louis’ Reform Jewish Community Israel Bound trip. This 3 ½ week tour (June 10–July 3, 2013) for 10th -12th graders will be led by St. Louis Reform rabbis and will take teens on an exciting and spiritual adventure throughout our homeland. If you have questions about the Israel Bound trip or any of the many travel opportunities for teens in Israel, if you have questions about scholarships, or if you just want someone with whom you can talk through your concerns, please don’t hesitate to call. L’shalom, Rabbi Andrea Goldstein Congregational Israel Trip - July 28-August 8, 2013 You are invited to join us on an intergenerational Shaare Emeth journey to explore the land, people and culture of Israel. Feel, Touch, Taste, Listen, See, Learn, Understand! For more information, contact Gloria Schwartz, 314-569-0010 • [email protected] 5 deeds of Kindness What Do Tzedakah, Xerox and Ziploc all Have in Common? G lad you asked! We baby boomers refer to a copy machine as Xerox machine and a storage bag as a Ziploc. The name assumes the meaning of a deeper concept. Tzedakah is similar in that the word encapsulates deeper meaning and understanding. We often use the word tzedakah to refer to money that we donate. However, the root of the word (tzadei-dalet-kuf) comes from the word righteous, justice and fairness. How are we being righteous, just and fair when we give or do tzedakah? In Deuteronomy 16:20 we are taught, “Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof: Justice, justice shall you pursue, that you may live.” Rabbinic commentary teaches us that the word ‘justice’ is repeated twice in order to emphasize that we must pursue justice through means that are just, and we need justice not only for ourselves but for others as well. There are 613 mitzvot, or commandments, in the Torah. They are not weighted equally. We learn from the Talmud that, “Tzedakah is equal to all the other commandments combined.” (Bava Bathra 9b). Tzedakah is that important. Our texts are filled with numerous explanations of what it means to give tzedakah, what it means to be just and righteous. The rabbis specified why it is important, how to give, who is responsible for giving to whom and how much to give. Tzedakah is the way in which we acknowledge that we are all created B’tzelem Elohim: in the image of God. We share that divine spark with each other. Therefore, we have a responsibility to each other as we live in community together. “What is mine is yours and what is yours is yours.” (Pirke Avot). This is true sharing and loving kindness. This is tzedakah: righteous giving. Every Jewish holiday is connected to the act of giving tzedakah. Each week, before lighting the Shabbat candles, we give tzedakah. At Congregation Shaare Emeth, we have two beautiful tzedakah boxes made of Jerusalem stone. One is located in the front lobby and the other to the right of the doors of the Stiffman Sanctuary. Our Tzedakah Committee, chaired by Irl Scissors, makes decisions each quarter about what agency will receive the contents of the tzedakah boxes. They base their decisions on a set of criteria, and they include agencies that are not as well known in the community and appreciate our kindness. Each quarter, the kiosk in the lobby has information about the agency. When the agency is a local one, we have a speaker on the second Friday night of each month. Watch your Shaare Mail for more information about up-coming speakers. What can you do to fulfill the mitzvah of tzedakah? • Anytime you come to Temple, please put spare change or some contribution in either of the tzedakah boxes • Do you have an agency that you feel we need to support? Contact Debbie Bram at [email protected] • Do you want to be a part of this wonderful committee? Contact Debbie Bram “It is not your responsibility to finish the work [of perfecting the world], but you are not free to desist from it either” (2:16). Let us all begin the work of pursuing tzedek, justice through the giving of tzedakah. Debbie Bram, Director of Jewish Life and Learning [email protected] Knitting with Chesed K nitting with Chesed needs yarn! Knitting with Chesed (Knitting with Kindness) recently made and donated scarves and blankets to NCJW Back to School and to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry. To continue their work they need more yarn. If you would otherwise like to donate yard for their efforts, please drop off your yarn donation in the basket located in the Temple Lobby Tzedakah Center. 6 Melissa Kantrovitz, Marissa Rosen, Susie Sachs, Marci Bluestone Honorees Steve & Susan Lipstein O Harris Frank, Barbara Cooper Katz, Pam & Ron Rubin n Saturday, November 17th Congregation Shaare Emeth fall fundraiser celebrated Heart & Soul at our second annual gala. We honored congregation members Steve & Susan Lipstein with the Harris Frank Community Service Award. We were able to share with the nearly 300 guests (from Shaare Emeth and from the St. Louis community) stories of the wonderful contributions that both the Lipsteins and Congregation Shaare Emeth have made, and continue to make, toward positive social action in the St. Louis community. A success on many levels, the evening provided a great foundation for further social action. The fall fundraiser raised funds for our operating budget and we thank all who joined us and showed support. Susan Lipstein, Evelyn Ullman, Judy & Honorary Co-Chair Gil Grand Rabbi Jim & Amy Bennett, Cantor Seth & Shayna Warner, Rabbi Andrea & Brett Goldstein Lee Bohm, Hanna Strauss John & Eunice Reichman, Bob & Beth Tucker Temple President Joe Pereles presents Steve & Susan with the Harris Framk Community Service Award Co-Chairs Sue Matlof, Dick Brickson 7 Youth News Camp Emeth Registration C amp Emeth registration is on the way. We are excited to share the news that we are adding an additional two weeks to our summer— eight weeks of camp to meet your summer needs! Watch the mail for registration packets. We are looking forward to sharing another amazing summer with you. Summer camp dates are Monday, June 10, through Friday, Aug. 2. If you register before March 15, 2013, you will receive 2012 tuition rates. So don’t wait; make your summer plans early and save money! Jodi Miller, Youth and Camp Director [email protected] 8 SETYG invites you and your family to the annual Fundraiser Dinner and Rainbow of Talent Show Please join us for a delicious dinner and entertainment while helping SETYG reach their fundraising goal for Camp Rainbow, a weeklong camp for children with cancer and other blood related disorders. Friday, February 1, 2013 • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. $6 per child (age 12 & under) • $9 per person (age 13 & up) Name:________________________________________________________ Email address:___________________________________________________ # of kids (12 & under – $6 each) ______ # of adults (13 & up – $9 each)_______ Total amount enclosed $ _________ If you are in 3rd-12th grade and love to perform, The Rainbow of Talent Show will be the place to shine! If you are interested in being part of our show, please contact Jodi Miller for a registration form, 314-692-5362 or jmiller@ shaare-emeth.org 9 Auxiliaries Kibitz Café Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth Sunday, Jan. 27, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Pinterest Night, Jan. 15, 7-9 p.m. M OSHE will host the second Kibitz Cafe serving a full service breakfast. Come eat handcrafted breakfast, drink great coffee and kibitz with your friends and fellow Congregation Shaare Emeth members. Enjoy eggs, bagels with fresh whipped cream cheese, pancakes and waffles, all made to order. All bagel sales will benefit SETYG. Remaining proceeds benefit MOSHE, the Men of Shaare Emeth, committed to giving back to our Temple and community through projects of service. Please support this cause and enjoy cooked-to-order breakfast. For information on the Kibitz Cafe or MOSHE, please contact Ken Levine, 1st VP of MOSHE, at 314-249-0093. Ken Levine, MOSHE First Vice President D o you know what PINTEREST is? What to do with it? Where to find it? On Jan. 15 from 7-9 p.m. come to Pinterest Night. Come make craft projects and enjoy the company of other women doing new crafts found on PINTEREST. Cost will depend on the craft you choose. Contact Sherri Tons for more information at 314-878-0240 or [email protected]. WRJ Women’s Retreat T ired of just sending your kids to camp? You, too, can go. Women’s Retreat sponsored by Women of Reform Judaism Southwest District You and your female family and friends can attend one or both sessions of Green Family Camp, Feb. 15-17, in Buceville, Texas or Henry S. Jacobs Camp, April 12-14, in Utica, Mississippi Contact Soozi Waxman for more information at 314-878-8267 Homemade Hamantashen for Sale! O h vey – Purim is on the way. If you missed the wonderful homemade hamantashen last year, don’t delay too long and miss out again. The Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth will be selling made-from-scratch hamantashen for Purim. Available in several popular varieties, ours are sure to outshine the mass-produced versions sold in supermarkets. We will bake the hamentashen from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 11, and Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2013, in the Temple’s main kitchen, and we still need volunteers! This is a great opportunity to socialize and have fun while supporting an important fundraiser. Look for order forms and prices in future Shaare Mails. For more information, please contact Charlene Taber at [email protected]. Adrienne Eigles, President Shaare Emeth Sisterhood Seniors Seniors Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Goldstein Jan. 9, 12:15-2 p.m. Topic to be announced • No cost • Bring your own lunch! 10 Happenings Attention All Maj Jong Players It is time to order your 2013 cards; orders are being taken by Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth and must be received by Jan. 15, 2013. Price: $7 regular and $8 for large card. Please make your check out to Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth and send your check to: Soozi Waxman, 1344 Glenrock Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 Please complete and return with your order: _____ Regular cards desired @ $7 each = $_________ enclosed _____ Large print cards desired @ $8 each = $_________ enclosed Name________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________ City _________________________________________________________________ T’filah Together Saturday, Jan. 12, 9-10 a.m. E njoy an interactive Shabbat morning experience for families with children ages 0-8 (older siblings welcome!). Each Shabbat will focus on a new theme incorporating prayer, music and art. Snacks will be provided. T’filah Together will occur 9 a.m. each month: Jan. 12, Feb. 9, Mar. 9 and Apr. 20 (this one is Havdalah from 4:30-5:30 p.m.). Questions? Email Debbie Bram at [email protected]. State_______________ Zip Code ____________________ 11 Temple Joy Welcome New Members Mazel Tov/Simchas Alan and Maxine Friedman on the birth of their granddaughter, Emma Ivy Tasman. Jay and Carole Goldstein Rebecca and Ray Turner on the arrival of their son, Atticus. Ariane Jaghar, with daughter, Amira Randy and Donna Gerber on the birth of granddaughter, Paige Ellery Gerber. Robert and Rebecca Levinson, with daughter, Maya Elliot Dr. Marc and Joan Lewen on the engagement of their son, Brian, to Andrea Riechers. Cantor Patrice and Jeffrey Kaplan Steve Friedman and Meredith Hanis on their marriage. David Livingston and Carrie Taylor on their marriage. Many Thanks A huge Todah Rabah; thank you to the wonderful group of congregants who contributed food and helped put together over 100 Thanksgiving meals for Medicaid homebound patients. A special thank you to our Shirlee Green Preschool students who made beautiful cards to go along with the meals. Rabbinical Association Thanks T hanks so much to all our members who participated in the annual Rabbinical Association Chanukah Appeal. We are so grateful for your kindness. Rabbis Jim Bennett, Andrea Goldstein and Jeff Stiffman Judy and Stan Kolker on their 50th wedding anniversary. Carole Levin who has been appointed as Chair of the Historic Preservation Committee for the City of Creve Coeur. Teri and Harvey Brandvein on the engagement of their daughter, Jessica, to Brian Palans. Congratulations also to grandparents, Judy and John Brandvein and Helyn and Morris Kevrick. Explore Shabbat Sponsors Thank you to the following for helping sponsor the Explore Shabbat Series as of Dec. 4, 2012: Esther and Al Applebaum Lil Goldman Si and Marsha Koski Dr. Stanley B. Lyss Adult Education Fund Social Hour Sponsors January 4 Alyn and Marlyn Essman in honor of granddaughter, Isabelle Essman, becoming a Bat Mitzvah January 25 Elizabeth and Dan Welsh and Jennifer and Richard Remis in honor of nephew, Benjamin Remis, becoming a Bar Mitzvah Val and Paul Toskin in honor of the Shaare Emeth community as their daughter, Madeleine, becomes a Bat Mitzvah 12 With Kindness Greeters January 4 Jeanne Becker January 11 Marty and Marilyn Warren January 18 Esther and Al Appelbaum January 25 Elaine Alexander Candle Blessings January 4 The Essman Family January 11 The Dolgin Family January 18 Marilyn Ratkin January 25 The Toskin Family The Remis Family Anyone wishing the honor of lighting the Shabbat candles when there are openings on Friday nights, please call Gloria Schwartz at 314-569-0010. Condolences to our Temple families who have recently lost a loved one. Condolences Myrtle Barge Mother of Jill Barge Harriet Kolchinsky Mother of Sheri Tons Sister of Edna Garfield Grandmother of Staci, Kyle, and Lani Tons Victor C. Kelly Jr. Husband of Betsy Kelly Father of Aaron and Ben Kelly and Emily Tryson Meyer Burman Father of Barbara Kramer, Robbi Shibi and Howard Burman Selma Wax Mother of Dr. Sanford Wax Alan Bernstein Husband of Nancy Bernstein Father of Julie Schack and David Bernstein Grandfather of Jordan, Jonathan and Isabel Schack and Elena, Daniel and Lucas Bernstein Brother of Mitchell Bernstein Sympathy Rosalie Erlich on the death of her brother, Harold Keyser Harlan Dolgin on the death of his mother, Letty Dolgin. Dr. Norman Druck on the death of his father, Charles Druck. Dr. Deborah Novack on the death of her mother, Eve Veis. Debbie Hirschfelder on the death of her father, Dr. Leon Lapides. Lynne Fogel on the death of her mother, Freda Haber. 13 Yahrzeits January 4 & 5, 2013 Julius Abramson Oscar Bailin Bertha Baum Samuel N. Benick Natalie L. Berg Selma B. Berger Rebecca Joy Berns Anne Bernstein Simon Covinsky Raymond A. Epstein Lillian Fishgoll Mary Zeffren Funk Julius Gates Abram Gill Dr. Melvin L. Goldman Morris G. Goldstein Sam Gorman Sadie Greenberg Meyer Bud Inger Erwin Jaffe Edna H. Jarecki William Julius Julius Kantorwitz Bertha Kling Jason Koritz Ada Levin William M. Livingston, Sr. David A. Loiterstein Diana Mandel Emanuel S. Margulis Ben Meisenberg Sarah Frieda Mills Olga Oberdorfer Rebecca Perlmutter Sidney Plattner Max Reznik Simon Rosen Jay Rovak Ann Rudman David Samson Melissa Ann Posdamer Santacreu Anne R. Schimel Jerome Schneider Bessie Silver Shieber Marjorie Beryl Shuman Sara G. Sicher Jack Silberstein Milton Silverstein Marvin R. Sonnenschein Linda M. Tilley Lillian Weiss Ludwig Wolf Nathan N. Yalem Marvin Zvibleman January 11 & 12 Stephen Abelov Louis P. Aloe Lena Becker Benjamin J. Bly Archie Bregman Milton David Breschell Arthur Bromberg Milton Carlie Leslie Eberhard Celia Eisen Beatrice Glaser Epstein Harry Epstein 14 Dr. Gerald S. Feit Fanny Feldman Myer Robert Fisher Alice Fishman Cantor Edward R. Fogel Sam Frank Harry Galkin Ellsworth W. Ginsberg Samuel J. Glassman Manuel Goodman Mark L. Gottlieb Ted E. Grazman Bernard B. Gross Samuel E. Gross Alvin E. Grossman Michael Handelman Jeanne Inez Hoffman Ruth G. Hoffman Sarah Feinberg Hogan Max W. Jacobs Abraham W. Jacobson Ruth Leona Kalmon Dorothy Kaplan Louis Kaplan Belle Klearman Edgar Kreisman Sandra Kronemer Joseph Landers Maria G. Laupheimer Samuel Lewis Jack Marcus Lipsitz Henry Malashock Leon M. Middleman Sue Morris Joseph Movshin Elizabeth Parker Anna Paskar Joseph Paskar Helen Pasternak Maurice L. Pasternak Ben Peck Dorothy Peck Edna L. Posnansky Paul B. Radloff Lee Krisman Ritter Bert Rosen Esther Rothenberg Fay S. Rovin Shirley Glass Shacat Alex Shear Zelda Y. Siegfried Jerry Cyril Silverberg Louis M. Silverman Jacob Silverstein Randy Michael Silverstein Irvin A. Sorger Ann Spector Bernice Spevack Norman Arthur Stack Blanche C. Steele Gail Weinberg Tobin Frieda Wallerstein Leon M. Weinberg Louis Weltman Herman M. Williams Manuel M. Wohl Arthur Mike Wolff January 18 & 19 Leo Frankel Abrams Dora Krell Appell Pauline Asher Dr. Roland S. Bassman Louis Bearman Benjamin Birenbaum Earl S. Brody Mary R. Burgheim Allen Burstein Marion Sue Cohen Rose Cohen Harriette Dubinsky Arnold Erber Gertrude Feldman Charles H. Fendell Eugene Fishgoll Albert G. Flaum Frank F. Fowle, III Clarice Ruth Garfield Eugene J. Goldberg Louis Goldford Charles Gorenstein Ann Grazman Brent I. Greenberg Bernard Grossman Ben Harris David L. Hirsch Hilda C. Hollander Samuel Horwich Leo Kapp Joseph Kohm William Kohn Jenny Kramer Ben Krasner Geraldine Lapin Dr. Sherman J. LeMaster Lucille F. Levy Marion Lee Levy Mamie Lewin Gilda Lee Librach Ada Lieberman Louis I. Lippe Walter M. Loewenstein Stanley Lopata Lisa Sher Lux Charlotte B. M. Metzger Abraham Miodowski Rabbi Julius J. Nodel Henry Pasternak Jerome B. Pepper Johanna Popper Benjamin L. Rader David M. Resnick Ruth Rich Samuel S. Rickensohl Vera B. Rittenberg Clarence B. Roth Leslie Roth Clara Rubin Sylvia B. Rubin Gussie Schneider Jake Schneiderman Theresa Schwab Debra Joy Shapiro Jean Sigoloff Rose Stone Claire E. Tauben Pauline Fine Tzinberg Beverly Kasnetz Wagner Nathan Warshafsky Edwin Wolff Saul Zerman January 25 & 26 Ethel Abelov Anna Affelder Maurice David Artstein Isadore Barge Robert Berlinger Hyman Bierman Sidney S. Biernbaum Wendy Joy Biernbaum Lillian Birenbaum Harry Bloston Abraham N. Brickman Jennie Cohen Sarah Goldberg Cohen Herman Cronheim David Davidson Anne Faintich Betty Fierstine Minnie R. Fleischer Eli P. Flusser Leah Jaffie Fox Milton R. Fox Melba Frank Hildegard Friedman Dorothy Gad Allan Jack Gale Sylvia Goldstein Dora Greenberg Frances M. Hartmann Sidney Jacobs Eileen E. Katz Louis Kaufman Essie Klein Carrie G. Kleinhauser Morris Kleinhauser Morris Kornblum Alan G. Krasnoff Adolph Levy Barbara Glaser Lewis Rose Krisman Lewis Fritz Josef Mann Robert M. Mayer Edward Meyer Ernestine O. Meyer Morris M. Michaels Bessie Millner Dr. Joseph M. Orenstein Fannie Radloff Ruth Richman Samuel Rosenthal Muriel Sanders Elizabeth Satanovsky Marion Schaffel Irv Schankman Melba Rose Shapiro Benjamin Sher Gussie Kessler Silverstein Bertha Siteman Harry Slein Samuel W. Stein Bernard Storozum Marvin Yavitz Julius Zinner Tributes RABBI’S SPECIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Birthdays of Alyson and Kaitlyn Yawitz, Floyd Emert Special birthday of Susan Kelter, Alan & Maxine Friedman Speedy recovery of Marsha Koski, Bruce & Carol Canis IN APPRECIATION OF: Cantor Warner and Rabbi Bennett for hospital visits to Meyer Burman, Barb & Rich Kramer Naming ceremony for Clara Dahl, Brandon & Stephanie Dahl High Holidays services, Bob & Roberta Bayne; Sidney Guller; Beatrice Borenstein Rabbi Goldstein for hospital visit to Jerome Kopman, Bette Greenblatt Rabbi Bennett for his shiva service after the passing of Arlene Eisen, The Eisens Rabbi Bennett helping prepare Ari for becoming a Bar Mitzvah, Gary & Shana Singer Rabbi Bennett participating in naming ceremony, Robert & Rebecca Levinson Rabbi Bennett participating in the stone dedication for parents, Jerry and Arlene Feldman, Cindy Smith Rabbi Goldstein for her shiva service after the passing of Arlene Eisen, Jack & Ann Eisen Rabbi Goldstein for the funeral service of Myrtle Barge, The Family of Myrtle Barge Rabbi Goldstein helping prepare Ethan and Nathaniel to become B’nei Mitzvot, Alan & Tisha Singer & Family Rabbis Goldstein & Bennett for their caring ways and kindness following the death of Mildred Feldacker, Bruce & Barbara Feldacker; Linda & Barry Pass IN MEMORY OF: Melvin Weinberg, Marcia & Carl Moskowitz; Naomi Jaffe; Seva Kramer; Judith Jaffe; Eve Rudolph; Brenda Hapner; Arthur & Vivian Prensky; Morris Weinberg, Marilyn Weinberg Victor Kelly, Debby & Ed Baron; Ruth & Marty Rochester Arleen Emert, Floyd Emert Barbara Guller, Michael & Cookie Fishman Estelle B. Thal, Willard Schachter & Stephanie Turner Harriet Kolchinsky, Milton & Marjorie Karp Joseph E. Beil, Melroy & Marian Hutnick Muriel Greenberg, Rick & Lisa Gans Rueben Brooks, Jerome Brooks CANTOR’S SPECIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Cantor Warner, Kathy & Hal Shepard IN APPRECIATION OF: Cantor Warner helping the boys prepare to become B’nei Mitzvah, Alan & Tisha Singer & Family Cantor Warner participating at the funeral of Melvin Weinberg, Marilyn Weinberg & Family Cantor Warner for his service after the passing of Arlene Eisen, Jack & Ann Eisen Cantor Warner and for his hospital visit, Earl & Judith Schenberg Cantor Warner helping prepare Ari for becoming a Bar Mitzvah, Gary & Shana Singer Service for Lou Goldfeder, Daniel & Dana Weinstein IN MEMORY OF: Ben and Olga Emert, Floyd Emert Freda Haber, Sharon Weissman, B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh Group, Suzanne & Bill Bierman, Letty Lefkowitz; Mindy & Bruce Grossmann; Erica & Mitch Lefkowitz Harriet Kolchinsky, Gerry Weinman & Family Mildred Brooks, Jerome Brooks MAX AND BERNICE BABCHICK JEWISH FAMILY INVOLVEMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Max Babchick, Nancy Bormaster JOSEPH & LILLIAN BEIL ISRAEL FUND IN HONOR OF: Recovery of Gail Eisenkramer, Sanford & Hadassah Lebman IN MEMORY OF: Albert Cohen, Sanford & Hadassah Lebman BEMA FLOWER FUND IN HONOR OF: Daughter and sister, Isabelle, becoming a Bat Mitzvah, Sharyn Essman and Bennett Essman Granddaughter, Leah Dolgin, becoming a Bat Mitzvah, Suzanne Meltz & Jules & the late Letty Dolgin Daughter, Madeleine, becoming a Bat Mitzvah, Val & Paul Toskin Nephew, Benjamin Remis, becoming a Bar Mitzvah, Elizabeth & Dan Welsh; Jennifer & Richard Remis IN MEMORY OF: Leonard Bushman, Tama Bushman Michael David Tucker, Robert & Beth Tucker Friedel Oberdorfer and Ruby Koslow, Harvey & Elizabeth Meyer; Hans & Marcia Oberdorfer Hyman Rubin, Ronald & Pamela Rubin Isadore Rosen, Jay & Brenda Baron Jane Schachter, Arnold & Arlene Goodman & Family; Stephanie & Willard Schachter & Family BROCKMAN-SIEGELMAN GEMILUT HASADIM FUND IN HONOR OF: 25 years of Camp Rainbow, Ina Landsbaum Lesley Levin, Ken Birenbaum Special birthday of Jerry Brooks, Ina Landsbaum IN MEMORY OF: Helen and Oscar Brockman, Evelyn and Sidney Goldberg, and Wilma Siegelman, Allen & Ronnie Brockman Marsha Appt, Ina Kaplan Landsbaum Mel Weinberg, Allen & Ronnie Brockman; Sharon & Alan Weissman BUILDING FUND IN MEMORY OF: Victor Kelly, Steve & Marsha Birenbaum CHUSED ISRAEL EXPERIENCE FUND IN MEMORY OF: Harry Lebman, Samuel Lebman, and Jerry Lebman, Buddy & Hadassah Lebman SAM AND LIBBY COHEN YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Harriet Kolchinsky, Jeffrey & Jodi Miller Mel Weinberg, Harry & Joan Seltzer GLADYS FRANK CUTTER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Mel Weinberg, Donald & Sally Friedman Sanford Tex, Kenneth & Leiba Levine MICAH DAVIS MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Engagement of Jeremy Davis and Rachel, Norm Davis Marek Lander becoming a Bar Mitzvah, Norm Davis IN MEMORY OF: Bennett Del Gaiso, Dale & Carol Wolf Micah Davis, Stanford & Andrea Shanker Milton Schwartz and Micah Davis, Alice Schwartz 15 Tributes STEVEN MORGAN FERMAN MEMORIAL FUND FOR GIFTED CHILDREN IN MEMORY OF: IN MEMORY OF: Forest Jacob, Harvey & Elizabeth Meyer Estelle Slumpsky, Nancy Winer HARRIS KRAMER SOCIAL ACTION FUND AL AND EVA FLEISCHER HEALING FUND Birthday of Ida Kramer, Ron Glazer Retirement of Lesley Levin, Ron & Gloria Schwartz IN MEMORY OF: IN HONOR OF: Lilly Opinsky becoming a Bat Mitzvah, Simon & Marsha Koski Speedy and complete recovery of Lois Gusdorf, Suzanne Bierman & Ilene Brooks; B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh Group IN MEMORY OF: Victor Kelly, Christopher & Angela Hardi Eva & Al Fleischer, Alice Schwartz Marsha Appt, B’Yachad Rosh Chodesh Group; Marcia Oberdorfer SHIRLEE GREEN PRESCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Anniversary of Carol and Bill Pomerantz, Anne & David Rosenberg Special birthday of Jerry Brooks, Phil, Scott & Sandy Brooks; Laurie, Todd, Carlie, Dylan & Brody Cohen IN MEMORY OF: Father of Harriet Brasch Sudduth, Ronni Gerstein Lillian Disman, Sanford & Sandra Krachmalnick & Family Marsha Appt, Rose Becker Ron Singer, Warren and Rose Becker EDITH AND ISADORE KOWARSKY FUND FOR JEWISH LEARNING IN HONOR OF: Speedy recovery of Al Appelbaum, Harvey & Elizabeth Meyer IN APPRECIATION OF: Gerry Kowarsky, Jay & Joy Liss 16 IN HONOR OF: Lois Harvey, Mel & Linda Jacobs TODD JASON KRONEMER YOUTH SCHOLARSHip FUND IN HONOR OF: 10th wedding anniversary of Shirley and Norton Kronemer and Shirley’s special birthday, Gail & Lou Glaser Dr. Gary Tobin being awarded the Dr. Neville Grant Award for clinical excellence. Norton Kronemer IN MEMORY OF: Birdie Prywitch and Paul Prywitch, Marvin & Shirley Prywitch Thea Spiegel, Norton Kronemer; Barry & Laurie Light KUSHKIN LANDSCAPING FUND IN MEMORY OF: Honey Kushkin, Judy Rawdon LIBRARY FUND IN MEMORY OF: Morris Kofsky, Florence Kofsky LISA’S STAR FUND FOR CAMP EMETH IN MEMORY OF: Elaine Goldberg, Lois Sher Harriet Kolchinsky, Marla Blanton EUNICE B. MANN JEWISH EDUCATION FUND DR STANLEY B. LYSS ADULT EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF: IN APPRECIATION OF: Jane Abramson, Mike Schneider Myrtle Barge, Harvey & Leanne Schneider Holiday Services, Howard & Marcia Denenholz IN MEMORY OF: MANN FAMILY HUNGER FUND A DONATION: Ted Grazman, Esther Lyss-Greenstein Freda Haber and Meyer Burman, Buddy & Hadassah Lebman Jon K. Olivetti IN HONOR OF: OPERATIONS ENHANCEMENT FUND Chanukah, Harvey & Leanne Schneider IN MEMORY OF: IN HONOR OF: Victor Kelly, Sharon & Alan Weissman Mel Weinberg, Harvey & Leanne Schneider MICHAEL MATLOF FUND FOR HOMEBOUND SERVICES IN APPRECIATION OF: High Holiday Services, Bob & Roberta Bayne Michael Matlof Fund call-in services and in recognition of the retirement of Sue Matlof, Ken Birenbaum IN MEMORY OF: Estelle Slumpsky, Chuck & Fran Mannis Ben Dalin, Karl & Debbie Guyer & Family Dr. Charles Druck, Margie & Bob Summers; SusanMatlof; Michael Cohen Estelle Slumpsky, Susan Matlof; Harriet Summers & Family Leon Lapides, Susan Matlof HARRY & LUCILLE MIDOWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Hospitality shown by Brad and Kim Gilmore, Harry & Lucille Midows IN MEMORY OF: Harry L. Zvibleman, Marcella Zvibleman Melvin Weinberg, Al & Esther Appelbaum Adelaide Katz, Sue Harper Marriage of David Livingston and Carri, Robert & Beth Tucker Birthday of Gigi Werner, James & Janet Singer IN MEMORY OF: Albert Pearlstein, Arrow Metals Trading, Inc; Robert & Ellen Fagin; Suzanne Weintraub; The Christopher J. Wienhoff Family Arline Inger and Meyer “Bud” Inger, Judy & Jerry Shanfeld Bobette Guller, Sidney Guller Henry Newstead, Ruth, Steve, Sherri, Andrea & Todd Newstead Irving and Esther Friedman, George and Mildred Charnas, and Michael Carter Friedman, Alan & Maxine Friedman Lottie Glantz, Jerry & Sondra Kootman Louis Karsh, Saul & Marilyn Dien Marsha Appt, Nancy Globe Melvin Weinberg, Ted & Evelyn Cohen; Betty Hoffman; Lester & Roberta Horwitz; Helaine & Burton Fendelman; Gay Lipmam; Brad & Marty Wastler; David Woll Selma Wax, William & Lynn Elliot Tributes Victor Kelly, Sue Acey; Marsha Grazman; Pam & Ron Rubin Zeke and Mae Krasner and Linda Krasner, Jerry Krasner PRAYER BOOK FUND IN MEMORY OF: Arthur Waldman, Rita Horwitz RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Birth of Ella Ivy Tasman, Alan & Maxine Friedman Megan Bernstein becoming a Bat Mitzvah, Suzy Elkins IN APPRECIATION OF: Jodi Granok helping prepare Ari for becoming a Bar Mitzvah and always having Cardinals information on hand, Gary & Shana Singer IN MEMORY OF: Mary Sarnoff, Jack & Annette Heller ROBERT J. SIEGEL SETYG PROGRAM FUND Harriet “Hashy” Kolchinsky, Nathan & Linda Cohen; Adrienne Giddan; Tom & Bobbi Frank; Joy Seltzer & Wayne Hoffman; Alan & Jackie Kofsky; Bob & Rosalie Stein; Sandy & Jane Thal Mel Weinberg, Bruce & Patricia Garber Sidney Pearl, Mildred Pearl & Family Victor Kelly, Alan & Jackie Kofsky MARSHALL WEISMAN FUND FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN IN HONOR OF: Holiday season, Jeff & Susie Horowitz WERNER ART FUND IN MEMORY OF: Barbara Umbogy McKee, Jay & Joy Liss IDA STACK SCHOLARSHIP FUND KATHY AND MARTY ZIGLER ENDOWMENT FUND FOR PRESCHOOL IN HONOR OF: IN MEMORY OF: Lauren Bayne receiving the Ida Stack Award, Bob & Roberta Bayne Father of Leslie Friedman, Kathy & Marty Zigler Sister of Erich Dahl, Kathy & Marty Zigler TEMPLE ENDOWMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF: SISTERHOOD Melvin Weinberg, Julie Forb; Herbert & Zelda Rogul PHYLLIS & MARK KAPLAN CHILDREN & YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND TREE OF LIFE FUND IN HONOR OF: IN MEMORY OF: Victor Kelly, Susan Fowler IN MEMORY OF: Frank Rubin, Mildred Pearl What’s New At New Mt. Sinai? T his is the time of year when most of us make resolutions to take action in our life. If you have not already purchased property at New Mt. Sinai Cemetery, now would be a great time to do so. There are so many reasons: • It’s Congregation Shaare Emeth’s cemetery (and you are a member of the New Mt. Sinai Cemetery Association) • 10% discount to Congregation Shaare Emeth members on pre-need purchases • A portion of your purchase is donated back to the Temple • New Mt. Sinai permits burial of non-Jewish family members • We accept cremations Marriage of David Livingston and Carrie Taylor, Melanie Brimer Amy Granick becoming a Bat Mitzvah, Jerri & Bill Livingston Riley Wolf becoming a Bar Mitzvah, Jerri & Bill Livingston Marriage of Travis Wolf to Holly Hansen, Jerri & Bill Livingston Birth of Paige Ellery, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. David Gerber, Jerri & Bill Livingston IN MEMORY OF: Lillian Disman, Sherri & Bruce Tons Andrew Eigles, Melanie Brimer Mildred Feldacker, Jerri & Bill Livingston; Barbara & Mitchell Schneider; Soozi & Scott Waxman; Myra & Steve Radinsky Shirley Slater, Melanie Brimer Charles Waxman, Jerri & Bill Livingston; Sharon Silverstein; Melanie Brimer; Marsha & Mark Schankman; Charlene & Larry Taber Harriet Kochinsky, Jerri & Bill Livingston; Scott & Soozi Waxman • New Mt. Sinai features the only Community Mausoleum in the St. Louis Jewish community • The cemetery is listed on the National Register of Historic Places • New Mt. Sinai is recognized as one of the most beautiful cemeteries in the region And most importantly: • The Cemetery Association needs sales of property to remain financially sound So, please call our office, visit us online or come by in person and see why so many of your friends and family have chosen New Mt. Sinai for over 160 years! Dan Brodsky, Executive Director, New Mt. Sinai Cemetery 314-353-2540 17 January 2013 Sunday December 30 Monday December 31 3 P.M. OFFICE CLOSES 6 7 11:30 a.m. SE56 Event 13 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 12:30 p.m. Maj Jong 5 p.m. Room at the Inn 14 12:30 p.m. Rainbow of Talent Auditions (p. 9), 4:30 p.m. KidzRock Concert (p. 11) 20 Scrip Special Orders Due 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 12:30 a.m. Maj Jong 21 SETYG MV Winter Chavurah 27 SETYG MV Winter Chavurah 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 12:30 a.m. Maj Jong 28 8:30 a.m. Kibitz Café (p. 10) 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 12:30 a.m. Maj Jong Tuesday Wednesday 1 2 SECULAR NEW YEAR, BLDG CLOSED 11:30 p.m. Maj Jong 8 9 10 a.m. Torah Study 1 p.m. Maj Jong 11:30 a.m. Maj Jong 12:15 p.m. Seniors Lunch & Learn (p. 10) 7 p.m. SETYG Lounge Night 15 10 a.m. Torah Study 1 p.m. Maj Jong 7 p.m. Sisterhood Pinterest Night (p. 10) 22 10 a.m. Torah Study 1 p.m. Maj Jong 29 10 a.m. Torah Study 1 p.m. Maj Jong Thursday Friday 3 4 5 SCHOOL RESUMES 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 11:30 a.m. Bridge 12 p.m. Maj Jong 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, First Fridays, Shabbat of Names Exod. 1:1-6:1 9:30 a.m. 10 11 12 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 11:30 a.m. Bridge 12 p.m. Maj Jong 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service Exod. 6:2-9:35 9 a.m. T’Filah Together (p. 11) 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship 16 17 18 11:30 p.m. Maj Jong 7 p.m. Sisterhood Meeting 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 11:30 a.m. Bridge SETYG MV Winter Chavurah 12 p.m. Maj Jong 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat / MLK Social Action & Advocacy Shabbat Exod. 10:1-13:16 23 11:30 a.m. Maj Jong 7 p.m. SETYG Lounge Night 30 11:30 a.m. Maj Jong Saturday 24 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 11:30 a.m. Bridge 25 Erev Tu B’Shevat 12 p.m. Maj Jong 5:15 p.m. Tu B’Shevat Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service Exod. 13:17-17:16 Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship 6 p.m. SETYG Event 19 SETYG MV Winter Chavurah 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Nosh 10:45 a.m. Shaare Shabbat Service 26 Tu B’Shevat 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship 31 february 1 february 2 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 11:30 a.m. Bridge 12 p.m. Maj Jong 5:15 p.m. Nosh 5:15 p.m. SE56 Shul-In 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, First Fridays Service SETYG Camp Rainbow Fundraiser Dinner (p. 9), Exod. 18:1-20:23 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Advertiser of the Month For December - Town & Country Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Stacey Wallach 636-227-PETS (7387) • www.TCVHSTL.com 18 The Bulletin is published monthly by Congregation Shaare Emeth. For more information, please call the Temple office at 314.569.0010 Rabbis James M. Bennett Andrea M. Goldstein Jeffrey B. Stiffman, Emeritus Time Sensitive Material Cantor Seth P. Warner Non-Profit Organization Us Postage Paid St. Louis, MO Permit #5844 Executive Director Rosalie R. Stein Director of Jewish Life and Learning Debbie Bram Interim Director Early Childhood Education Marci Diamond Director, Religious School Liessa Alperin Director, Camp and Youth Jodi Miller Accounting Manager Vilma Phillips Director of Operations Robert Colton Bulletin Coordinator Shandi Penrod Board Officers President Joseph Pereles First Vice-President Greg Yawitz Vice-Presidents Jim Kalishman Laura Kaplan Jonathan Sachs Bonnie Solomon Renee Silverstein Secretary John Corn Treasurer William Livingston, Jr. Asst. Treasurer Robert E. Tucker, M.D. Immed. Past President Kenneth Birenbaum Congregation Shaare Emeth Scrip Orders G ift cards aren’t just for December. Birthdays, anniversaries and grocery shopping days are great reasons to purchase gift cards from your Temple. We keep a small selection of gift cards available in the Temple Office all the time. Give Paige a call (314-569-0010) or stop by and ask if we have what you need in stock. Additionally, special orders are placed once a month, allowing you to shop from a much wider variety of restaurants, retail and grocery stores. Full Scrip order forms are always available in the Temple Office and on www.shaare-emeth.org. Special orders are due the 14th of each month and will arrive for pickup by the end of that month. Sandy’s Judaica Shop www.shaare-emeth.org Hours: Mondays 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Tuesdays 10 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; Wednesdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Fridays 10 a.m.-1 p.m., 5-6 p.m.; Sundays when Religious School is in session, 9 a.m. -Noon. 314-569-0010 • Fax 314-569-0271 Free gift wrap • No sales tax • Proceeds support Congregation Shaare Emeth 11645 Ladue Road st. Louis, Missouri 63141
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