CAN YOU EAT ON - Congregation Shaare Emeth
CAN YOU EAT ON - Congregation Shaare Emeth
C O N G R E G A T I O N S H A A R E E M E T H The Bulletin January 2014 Shaare Emeth is pleased to announce the Leanne and Harvey Schneider Interfaith Forum CAN YOU EAT ON JUST $4.50 A D A Y ? Join us in the 2014 SNAP Challenge! I n order to better understand the effects of hunger and food insecurity in America, we invite you to join other members of Shaare Emeth in participating in the 2014 SNAP Challenge. SNAP stands for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as Food Stamps). From breakfast on Sunday, Jan. 26, through dinner on Saturday, Feb. 1, we will try to live on the food budget of an average SNAP recipient. Last year, that budget was $31.50 per week, or $1.50 per meal. This year, the !""#$%&'()&*+$,'-./$-&01(*2*+$3((/-$-($45,6$3&7&8$-/$92/$7(-$*&7&9&:;$/($(<*$3<:=&-$ will be $29.25 for the week – which averages to less than $1.40 per meal. In again taking this challenge, we hope to raise awareness of the struggles faced by 0>??>(7/$(@$,0&*>'27/$9A($?>)&$>7$@((:B>7/&'<*&$A(</&A(?:/$27:$-($&C1&*>&7'&$8$*/-B A27:$A(9$:>@8$'<?-$>-$>/$-($2@@(*:$7<-*>->(</$@((:/;$2)(>:$A<7=&*$27:$/-2+$A&2?-A+$9>-A(<-$ adequate resources. We also renew our commitment to alleviating hunger here in our community, one of our chief Jewish values. Please join us in this challenge in any way you can. Visit our blog (address below) for guidelines and alternate ways to participate. To register, email the names of all 12*->'>12->7=$0&03&*/$(@$+(<*$A(</&A(?:$-($8$=A->7=A<7=&*D/A22*&B&0&-AE(*=;$27:$ we’ll send you an invitation to be an author on our blog. See page 3 for details We invite you to join or follow our blog, share experiences, and share low-cost recipes and ideas as we take the challenge together. We also hope to see you for our Jan. 24 and 29 hunger events! Friday, Jan. 24, 6 p.m. Rabbi Bennett will speak about the issue of hunger in America, and Wednesday, Jan. 29, 6:30 p.m. for the screening the documentary, A Place at the Table. S h a a r e E m e t h F i g h t i n g H u n g e r. b l o g s p o t . c o m Worship Schedule FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 SATURDAY, JANUARY 18 6 p.m. 11 a.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary Shabbat Alive! with Rick Recht First Fridays January Birthday Blessings Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Hale Nobuo Weil Masaki, son of Stephen and Leslie Masaki, becomes a Bar Mitzvah FRIDAY, JANUARY 24 SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Dylan Reiss Rosenthal, son of Craig and Jennifer Rosenthal, becomes a Bar Mitzvah FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary SATURDAY, JANUARY 25 10:45 a.m. Shaare Shabbat Service in the Youth Lounge 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Eli Maxwell Fox, son of Greg and Merle Fox, becomes a Bar Mitzvah SATURDAY, JANUARY 11 FRIDAY, JANUARY 31 11 a.m. 6 p.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Chapel Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 6 p.m. 11 a.m. Social Action and Advocacy Shabbat in the Sanctuary Dr. Martin Luther King Shabbat Choir members of Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis will participate Cultural Leadership students will speak Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Samantha Seigel, daughter of Brad and Laura Seigel, becomes a Bat Mitzvah MLK Shabbat at Shaare Emeth A long with civil rights, Dr. King also preached about the values of mutual respect, inclusivity, peace and love. We will be celebrating all of these values at our annual Martin Luther King Jr. Shabbat on Friday, Jan. 17. We will be joined by members of the Metropolitan Community Church of Greater St. Louis’ award-winning choir. We will also welcome speakers from Cultural Leadership’s ninth cohort (including our own Isabella Gross) and offer a blessing to their tenth cohort, who !"##$%&$'&&(")*$+,-$(.&$/$-0($("'&$(.1($!&&2&)34$$5#&10&$6,")$70$+,-$1$ Shabbat experience that is sure to engage, energize and inspire. Did You Know the Temple Offers.....? 7RUDK6WXG\Saturdays, 9:30 a.m., and Tuesdays, 10 a.m. :HHNGD\0LQ\DQV Mondays and Thursdays, 7:15 a.m. %DE\VLWWLQJ The Congregation provides free babysitting for children ages 18 months to 7 years Friday evenings during services in room 3 of the Preschool wing. +RPHERXQG6HUYLFHV Available every Friday and Saturday. Call 1-800-846-4808; enter ID #91088047 if required. ALL SERVICES ARE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY 2 Counting Our Blessings Announcing the Harvey and Leanne Schneider Interfaith Forum! O ur passions can inspire our actions. Harvey and Leanne Schneider are exemplars of this fact. Longtime Shaare Emeth members, Harvey and Leanne love Shaare Emeth, and they love being engaged in the greater interfaith community. They passionately believe that it is our obligation as Jews to know about and develop relationships with those of other faiths with whom we live, work and share civic responsibility. Harvey is a Past President of both our Congregation and of the Interfaith Partnership of St. Louis. Leanne is a devoted volunteer and participant in nearly every facet of Congregational life. Harvey and Leanne constantly urge our Congregation to make good on our commitment to being engaged in the interfaith community, and now, they have established a legacy that will ensure this work for the foreseeable future. Harvey and Leanne, through their generosity, have created the “Harvey and Leanne Schneider Interfaith Forum at Congregation Shaare Emeth.” This generous endowment will help to establish and support meaningful experiences for members of Congregation Shaare Emeth and the larger Jewish community about, and in relationship with, people of other faiths through education and engagement. We are now beginning plans, under the auspices of this fund, to sponsor at least one event each year that will bring together diverse faith communities at Congregation Shaare Emeth. We hope to create and implement meaningful and enjoyable opportunities at Shaare Emeth to help educate the Jewish community about the faith, practices, and culture of other faith communities and to build relationships between members of Shaare Emeth and the larger Jewish community and other faith communities in our region. Watch for more information! This past summer many of us gathered, at the Schneider’s urging, for a wonderful Iftar dinner with members of the local Islamic community as they concluded the month of Ramadan. Similarly, members of Shaare Emeth have participated in numerous other interfaith experiences with Christian, Mormon and other communities, all as a result of Harvey’s and Leanne’s hard work and relationships. The Schneider’s gift has now insured that such programs will continue and grow annually, helping all of us to deepen our knowledge and relationships! Thank you Harvey and Leanne! Your passion inspires us all! James M. Bennett, Rabbi !"#$$#%%&'())*#+#,#%(-.*/ Gloria Schwartz to be Honored with JPro Dedication Award S haare Emeth staff member, Gloria Schwartz, has been selected as the recipient of the JProStl Dedication Award and will be honored at the JPro Recognition Luncheon on Jan. 30. JProStl is an association dedicated to supporting professionals who work at Jewish organizations in St. Louis. They honor deserving professionals each year who exemplify excellence and dedication to their position, their organization and the St. Louis Jewish community. Gloria has worked at Congregation Shaare Emeth for 36 years. She is presently Administrative Assistant to Rabbi Bennett, Rabbi Goldstein and Cantor Warner, and previously worked with Rabbi Stiffman for 27 years before his retirement. She receives great satisfaction from helping others and working with Congregants not only during their simchas and life cycle events, but also during times of sorrow. Gloria loves to see young adults with their small children come by %(#0.1203#40#'5#36)77809(#$0'(#0:$#90%(#05)*#$%'0)'0 children. Gloria does not consider her job a job – more a labor of love. We are so proud of Gloria for this well-deserved honor! 3 *UDWLWXGH Shaare Shabbat Morning Schedule JANUARY 25, FEBRUARY 22, AND MARCH 28, 2014 Warm Up to Prayer… with Yoga! All my limbs shall say, “Who is like you O God?” – Psalms 35:10 I n Judaism, prayer has always been an act of both body and soul. Many of our prayers express gratitude for our bodies as our way of experiencing the blessings of the physical world around us. Yoga, too, helps us realize the blessings of our bodies and heightens our awareness of our physical selves. So, beginning this month, we are presenting an opportunity to explore this spiritual body/soul connection. TORAH STUDY – 9:30 A.M. IN ROOMS 23/25 OR YOGA 9:30 A.M. IN THE GREENBERG RESOURCE ROOM. All levels, ages 10 and older, are welcome. Some mats will be available, but please bring your own if you have one. Free babysitting for children under 10. SHAARE SHABBAT 10:30 IN THE YOUTH CENTER $%&&+9#$%&''&(#'9-,"#H,(%#)7DA#"=.# coffee and juice. There is a children’s table with activities to keep young ones engaged during services. If you would like to participate in any service, please contact Rabbi Goldstein at &-*;B=(9,"I=%&&+9J9)9(%0*+-0 !"#$%&''&(#)*+","-.#/&"0#12.#&(#3456#&0)0.#*7+#89)'9+.#:;;,9#<9=>+9?.#&#@9+(,A#9B#C*-&# teacher, and I will offer a class that focuses on the transition between the busyness *D#9E9+CB&C#;,D9#&"B#(%9#+9F#9@(,E9"9==#*D#G+&C9+#'C#@*)',","-#&#-9"(;9#C*-&#G+&@(,@9# with Jewish wisdom and insights. All levels are welcome. At 10:45 a.m. we will join together with those who have been studying Torah and other members for our monthly $%&&+9#$%&''&(#=9+E,@9.#&#G&+(,@,G&(*+C#$%&''&(#)*+","-#=9+E,@9#A#;;9B#H,(%#)7=,@#&"B# joy. Shaare Shabbat is the perfect service for families of all ages. If you have any questions about the yoga class or the Shaare Shabbat service, don’t hesitate to be in touch. L’shalom, Rabbi Andrea Goldstein &-*;B=(9,"I=%&&+9J9)9(%0*+- Thank You! From the St. Louis Rabbinical Association Thank you to everyone who participated in the St. Louis Rabbinical Association’s Chanukah Appeal. Your donations are appreciated! Rabbis Jim Bennett and Andrea Goldstein 4 !"#$%&'()%*+%"&(,'(-./0(1(2(34 5 Jewish Life & Learning WEDNESDAY MORNINGS, 9-10:15 A.M. AT THE SAUL MIROWITZ JEWISH COMMUNITY SCHOOL BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, JAN. 8 !"#$"%#&'(#$"%)*+,-#."'*/0'/,$#)%''1'2#-)"3#"'+#0./141/$#/"#/5+#'+6/7#."38,+/1'2#/0*9*# one after another with hardly a moment to breathe? Do you wish you were more present or more available for your children? Your partner? Yourself? :-#*"7#$"%#30$#;+'+&/#-)"3#/5+#8)0./1.+#"-#31'(-%,'+**< Mindfulness is the practice of becoming aware and awake to the world around us. To be mindful is to recognize what we are really doing and really feeling in any given moment. Mindfulness can happen at any time and in any place, and parenting offers endless opportunities to become mindful of our own lives. The practice of mindful parenting allows us to be more open and more present, without judgment or fear, to our lives and the lives of our children. When we take the time to do this, we are better able to respond thoughtfully to what is happening, instead of simply reacting to it. Whether the parent of a toddler or a teen, join us Wednesday mornings for study, discussion, meditation and friendship as we explore the challenges and surprises that mindful parenting can bring to our lives. =%+*/1"'*>#?"'/0./#@0;;1#A'()+0#0/#02",(*/+1'B*500)+C+3+/5<")2< Torah Study TUESDAY MORNINGS 10-11 A.M. SATURDAY MORNINGS 9:30-10:30 A.M. W e have regular Torah Study classes Tuesdays and Saturdays. No previous knowledge or experience required. We provide The Torah Commentaries. Jump in any time. 6 You’re Invited to a Tu Bishevat Celebration WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 7:15 P.M. THE MELTING POT, 294 Lamp & Lantern Village, &KHVWHUÀHOG02 I n honor of Tu Bishevat, the New Year of the Trees, join Rabbi Goldstein and Debbie Bram at The Melting Pot for wine, cheese, fruit and nuts, and a discussion of the book, The Lemon Tree: An Arab, A Jew, and the Heart of the Middle East, by Sandy Tolan. Copies of the book can be purchased at Shaare Emeth for $15. RSVPs appreciated by Monday, Jan. 13, to Paula Kanyo, 314-692-5372 or 890'$"B*500)+C+3+/5<")2<# .LQGQHVV Tzedakah Recipient O ur January/February/March Temple tzedakah recipient is the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, St. Louis Chapter. Money you donate will help provide medicine, inhalers, education and resources to low-income children. Place donations in either of our two Temple Tzedakah Boxes. The Jewish Food Pantry Needs Our Help F Thanksgiving Mitzvah Meals R 233%'42,5+*'(2678(9':;('%!'*+('<+6,',#!"+*!%3%0%(<'(+'&'*%!8'(8#'/+,='36('<+6'2,#' not free to desist from it either” (2:16). Rabbi Hillel taught: “Do not separate yourself from the community” (2:5). Our Shaare Emeth community joined together in a variety of ways to help make a difference in the lives of 100 homebound Medicaid patients by providing them with Thanksgiving dinner. Some of you cooked, some of you donated baked goods, some of you purchased canned goods, some of you donated money to buy the necessary food, and some of you helped assemble the meals. We had over 100 volunteers to help make a difference in the lives of 100 people. A special todah rabah: Thank you to Holly Goldblum for bringing this wonderful opportunity to our Congregation. If you were unable to participate this year, never fear; we will do this again next year. or the month of January the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these !"#$%&'$'%(#)!'%*'+,-#,'(+'",+.%-#'/#001 balanced nourishment for the community in need: 1. Canned Tuna Fish 2. Canned Beef Stew and Canned Ravioli 3. Any Type of Canned Vegetables (especially green beans, peas and mixed vegetables) 4. Healthy Soups 5. Kosher Food 6. Tomato Sauce and Spaghetti Sauce 7. Dry Pasta 8. Toilet Paper, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Hand Soap, Shampoo and Conditioner Items should be brought to the wooden bin inside the Temple main entrance. For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259. 7 (DUO\&KLOGKRRG 8 SGP Gets a New, Natural Wood Play Set! T he new Motor Room equipment is a gift from PAC (Parent Advisory Council). The equipment is a natural wood product from CedarWorks. It challenges children 3#&."#(&4"(*&51/$&6$(*37"88(&"#'&712#3/39,8(:;&#,&"#'&2+1**& motor, coordination, imagination and curiosity. The diversity of /$,&,<=36.,#/&"66+16+3"/,8(&*"/3*;&,*&"88&6+,*7$118&"2,&2+1=6*0 Early Childhood Spectacular Shabbat FOR AGES 0-5 AND SIBLINGS SATURDAY, JAN. 11, 9-10:30 A.M. & Karen Lucy, Director of Early Childhood Engagement >8=7()*$""+,-,.,/$01+2 S pectacular Shabbat is a Shabbat morning of casual play in the Motor Room followed by singing and a special activity. Please RSVP to !"##"$%&$'"("#)*$""+,-,.,/$01+2&1+& 314-569-0048. 9 Youth Groups and ZZZVKDDUHHPHWKRUJ\RXWKJURXSV Camp Emeth H appy New Year to all from the Youth Department! Camp Emeth registration will be in the mail in the next week or two. Once again we will be offering eight weeks of summer fun including both preand post-care. Here are a few of the new chugim offerings for this summer: !" Kidz Art – Led by Zolie Prior, one of our camp parents, Kidz Art will bring our chugim art program to a new level. meet-zolie-prior-owner-of-kidzart-inst-louis-missouri/ !" Afriky Lolo – Led by Diadie Bathily. This West African dance program will add a unique way for our campers to engage in movement and learn about new cultures. Diadie has taught at many schools throughout the St. Louis area, including Mirowitz Day School and Ladue Middle School. !" Hi-NRG – We are excited to bring Hi-NRG in as a chug offering this summer. They will add a gymnastics component !"#$"%!#&&%'(%)"(%*%+,)%)#-(%./+%/0+%chugim! We are also bringing back our very popular Soccer Shots chug, Our chugim will also include Outrageous Science with Brian Peck; Kids in the Kitchen cooking with A.J. Moll; and Starstruck, CE Music Videos, Photography and Movie Making with Danielle Lydon. Wednesday, Jan. 22, is the St. Louis “Wear Your Camp T-shirt Day.” It’s a day for you to display your camp pride! And perhaps it’s more than a coincidence that this is the time of year when you are thinking about your plans for next summer! Once you’ve got that camp T-shirt on, take a picture of yourself in your camp gear 123%,(23%#)%/2%)/%0,%1)%&-#&&2(+4,"11+(5 We’ll post it on our Camp Emeth Facebook page. Let’s see how many photos we can share! Jodi Miller, Youth and Camp Director 6-#&&(+4,"11+(5(-()"7/+8 Visit to learn how your child can experience the magic of Overnight Jewish summer camp, and you can save $1,000 on camp! Upcoming Youth Group Activities SE56 – (5/6th grade) – Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014 – Save the date – Event TBD. We will be leaving by bus after Religious School. SE7 – (7th grade only) – Sunday, Jan. 12, 2014 – Event and time TBD. Watch for the email near the beginning of January. J8M – (8th grade city-wide programming) – Saturday, Jan. 25. Event and time TBD. Details will be sent by email. 10 SETYG – (9th-12th grade): *Lounge Nights – Jan. 8 and 22 – 7-9 p.m. Dinner – $8 – any programming details will be sent in our weekly newsletter. *NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah – Jan. 17-20 – Temple Sinai, Denver, Co. - for registration information. If you have not already registered, please contact 6-#&&(+4,"11+(5(-()"7/+8%./+%)+19(&%#2./+-1)#/2%'(./+(%:/0% register online. Camps of Shaare Emeth Israel Bound in 2014? Scholarships are available from Congregation Shaare Emeth for teen summer trips to Israel. Please call Rosalie Stein for an application, 314-569-0010. Hurry! Scholarship forms are due Friday, Feb. 14, 2013! 11 5HOLJLRXV6FKRRO “Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, DJUHDWHUQDWLRQRI\RXUFRXQWU\DQGDÀQHUZRUOGWROLYHLQµ (MLK Jr. March for Integrated Schools, April 18, 1959) M y husband, Mark, and his family are from Washington D.C. We travel a few times each year to see them and visit with friends. A few years ago we realized these trips could be more than family visits and should include some sightseeing. It is Washington D.C. … Last summer we were excited to take our kids to see the relatively new Martin Luther King Jr. memorial. I very much wanted to see it, and we thought it would be a powerful experience for our children. As we approached the monument, Micah said very softly, “he’s big.” He was right. However, how big Martin Luther King Jr. was physically as a monument is far !"##$%&'()*+,!$(#$-./$0%1$-%#$%23$,"2)"$%#$.2$-./$/"$,24"5#*(24$ and act upon his ideas about equal rights. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great and powerful partner for the Jewish people. He stood beside us as we engaged in important conversations about equal rights and injustice. He helped us to move forward in helping the country—and perhaps the world—realize that being “different “ was not a reason for others to treat you as not equal. When we stood at the foot of the monument, Ellye began to tell Micah more about MLK Jr. and Rosa Parks. I heard Ellye compare MLK Jr. to Moses. I admit, as a mother and a Religious School director, I was very curious how she would make the connection. She explained that “they both helped people stop being hurt by others and get away from what was wrong.” Ellye helped Micah understand that it is our responsibility to stand up “tall and big” to the hate and intolerance in our world. This is the lesson that we will be teaching our students this year on MLK. As we teach them about Martin Luther King Jr.’s message and his beliefs, Tim Collins will join us. Tim Collins is a nationally recognized solo performer who works with students on issues of bullying, intolerance and hate. We are excited that he will be joining us and helping our students to continue, as MLK Jr. said, to make a career of humanity. ”Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better '"5#.2$.+$6.,5#"!+7$($15"(*"5$2(*%.2$.+$6.,5$).,2*567$(24$($8$2"5$ world to live in.” (MLK Jr.) Liessa Alperin, Religious School Director !(!'"5%29#-((5":"&"*-;.517 314-692-5361 What’s New At New Mt. Sinai? N ew in 2014: Each month we will feature one of the prominent people interred at New Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Our inaugural feature is not one but almost 100 people. In 1850, after Mt. Sinai Cemetery was founded at its current location, the owners of the cemetery decided to relocate those previously interred in the Imanu-El Cemetery into an area known as Campsprings. In 1872, the remains of 43 adults and 53 children were carefully and lovingly exhumed and reinterred in one common grave in the front of the Mt. Sinai Cemetery. An obelisk was placed at the site to remember those 96 individuals. In 1990, a granite monument was donated by Rosenbloom Monument Co. and erected in front of the original monument to preserve the wording of the inscription. Dan Brodsky, Executive Director New Mt. Sinai Cemetery 314-353-2540 12 Auxiliaries & Clubs SISTERHOOD OF SHAARE EMETH WWW.SHAARE-EMETH.ORG/SISTERHOOD Connections – Find People with Similar Interests! H !4-#'(5#6!&"-7#"(#8&7#("+-,*#6+(#-&9('#"+-#*!/-#!2":4:":-*#'(5#7(#;5"#7(&<"# know where to start? Interested in book discussion, beginning Mah Jongg, pinochle, crocheting, theater group, dining out group or something else? Now, there’s CONNECTIONS#=#"+-#>:*"-,+((7.*$(&*(,-7#-??(,"#"(#+-3$#'(5#8&7#-!2+#("+-,@# Let’s suppose Susan, Alex, Jason, and Diane, who don’t know each other, each email CONNECTIONS and tell us they are interested in a beginner bridge group. Now that we have four names (bridge needs four people), CONNECTIONS re-contacts them to 3-"#"+-/#%&(6#"+-,-#!,-#-&(51+#$-($3-#:&"-,-*"-7#"(#*"!,"#!#1,(5$0#A+-'#*-"#5$#!#8,*"# /--":&1#!&7#7-2:7-#"+-'#!,-#1(:&1#"(#$3!'#-4-,'#8,*"#A5-*7!'#!"#B,-!7#C(#?,(/#DE.F0# CONNECTIONS then publicizes the group and passes along any new people. G&'(&-#/!'#5*-#CHIIJCAKHI>#,-1!,73-**#(?#!1-L#1-&7-,#!&7#"-/$3-#!?83:!":(&0#A(# 2(&"!2"#CHIIJCAKHI>L#$3-!*-#-/!:3#M53:!#!"#953:!)"+-,:2+"-,*0(,1#(,#2!33#(,#"-N"#+-,# at 314-495-0782. (If emailing, put “Connections” in the subject line so she can spot you easily.) Let Julia know what you are interested in doing and your preferred level, if appropriate (beginner, intermediate, advanced, or any). When we collect the minimum number of names for an activity (i.e. four people interested in the same level of bridge), 6-#6:33#+-3$#"+-#1,(5$#2(&"!2"#-!2+#("+-,#!&7#*-"#5$#!#8,*"#1,(5$#/--":&10#K?#7-*:,-7L# we will also help advertise for you. Let’s start making some CONNECTIONS! SISTERHOOD OF SHAARE EMETH WWW.SHAARE-EMETH.ORG/SISTERHOOD Sandy’s Judaica Shop Hours Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Y PIECES B 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. SELECT L A ON OSENTH R 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Y R A G SALE! closed 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 5 – 6 p.m. closed 9 a.m. – noon when Religious School is in session Yiddish Club TUESDAY, JAN. 14 AND 28, 7 P.M. T he Yiddish Club at Congregation Shaare Emeth is a unique way to explore the beauty and wisdom of the Yiddish language, literature and culture. Personal experiences by members of the club will allow you to understand the deep importance of the Yiddish language and culture to history. Shlep to the next meeting and kvel over the Yiddish words you recognize and enjoy, even if you don’t “speak Yiddish.” The Yiddish Club is held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, excepting holidays, and starts at 7 p.m. There will be no Yiddish Club Dec. 24. Meetings are held in Room 15. All are welcome to the club meetings. You are welcome to bring friends. For more information, please contact Paula Kanyo !"#$%!&'()*+!!,-.-/-"+0(,1#(,#2!33# 314-692-5372 MOSHE (MEN OF SHAARE EMETH) WWW.SHAARE-EMETH.ORG/MOSHE Kibitz Café SUNDAY, JAN. 19, 8:30-10:30 A.M. Delicious, handcrafted breakfasts made from scratch and served by MOSHE. Looking for something fun to do in your spare time? We are looking for volunteers for Sandy’s. If you are interested, call Margaret in the gift shop at 314-692-5374. !"##$%&'($)"*+$,$-.$/*0#/$(*1$,$2".3##4/$/5++."($6.7%"#%*(&.7$89**"#$:;#(9 13 Support Your Temple Commemorate Special Occasions with a Leaf on the Shirlee Green Preschool Growing Tree Not only will you be able to leave an honorarium, you will help us continue to provide early childhood programming. All funds are used for early childhood educational programs at Congregation Shaare Emeth and Shirlee Green Preschool. K&Celebrate preschool graduation K&Honor a teacher K&Recognize special events K&Celebrate special achievements K&Commemorate life cycle events K&Welcome a new family member =20),0&.)22&'50&=$0,.5""2&"1%&.0&)'&@AB;CDE;FFBL&"$&M*,*'& for more information. Scrip Gift Cards, or, How to Succeed in Philanthropy without Really Trying S crip is a program where companies provide gift cards to !"!#$"%&'&"$()!*+)'*"!,&)'&)&-*,."/!'0-&$)'0&1"$&$0,)203& 4"!#$"%&',&,/.5&),&65))$0&780'5&'50!&,022&'50&(*1'&.)$-,&)'& the regular face value. You don’t spend an extra penny! Special orders are due the 14th of each month and will arrive by the end of the month. Order forms are available in the Temple 91%&.0&)!-&)'&:::3,5))$0;080'53"$(3&6#0)<&:*'5&=)*(0&*!&'50& >08#20&91%&.0?&@AB;CDE;FFAF?&'"&"$-0$3 Additionally, our most widely purchased Scrip gift cards are <0#'&"!&5)!-&*!&'50&>08#20&91%&.03&6'"#&GH&)!-&,5"#&*!&"/$&G"IJ& Scrip is also available in the gift shop Friday evenings before services. Credit cards accepted for most purchases. Help Wanted – We Need You! T he Congregation’s spring fundraiser, The Greatest Show on Earth, will be held March 8 at Temple. We are having a silent auction this year and would like your help. If you have any tickets to the symphony, plays, baseball games, Blues games or just want to help put together a basket of goodies for the auction, please let us know. We are looking for theme packages such as a Mah Jongg evening, wine tasting or any other type of experience events. 14 The fundraiser will only be a success with your help. If you wish to help the evening of the event, please contact N",)2*0&6'0*!&)'&$,'0*!O,5))$0;080'53"$(&"$&@AB;CDE;FFAF3&& Tracy and Andy Speller & Shari and Yale Hollander, Co-Chairs W e would like to thank everyone who attended the Heart and Soul Gala on Nov. 16 at the Four Seasons Hotel. What a beautiful evening. Congratulations to Nancy and Randy Green for receiving the Harris Frank Community Service Award. Thank you to all of our sponsors. The evening was a tremendous success. Dick Brickson and Mark and Karen Zorensky, Co-Chairs Nancy and Randy Green receiving the Harris Frank Community Service Award, presented by Harris Frank and Rabbi Jim Bennett. Dr. Ron Wolfson’s surprise visit from California delights and congratulations Randy Green. Nancy and Randy Green, honorees Heart and Soul Co-Chairs, Mark and Karen Zorensky and Dick Brickson. 15 7KH%·QDL(O&ROODERUDWLYH BEngaged Creative Collaboration: How Synagogues +DYH%DQGHG7RJHWKHUIRU0XWXDO%HQHÀW I am taking a break from my usual updates on the Collaborative to let you know that I was invited by the Union for Reform Judaism to present our efforts at its Biennial, held last month in sunny San Diego, on the topic above. For reasons widely discussed following the report, “Jews and Judaism,” by the Pew Research Center, and for reasons internal to a growing number of congregations, the Union organized sessions on the processes and pitfalls of synagogue mergers. However, recognizing that merger is but one model, the Union also organized a session on alternatives to merger, such as condo campuses, integrations, cooperatives, multipurpose centers and, in our unique case, collaboratives. In addition to collaboratives (my schtik), some of these alternatives were represented on a panel moderated by Rabbi David Fine, URJ synagogue merger and closure expert. Besides yours truly, the panelists were Brian Rissinger, Executive Director of Reform Congregation Kenesseth Israel of Elkins Park, PA; Tom Porter, Immediate Past President of Temple Israel, Canton, OH; and, Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz, Director of Education of Temple Israel, Dayton, OH. Along with presenting structural factors that distinguish a collaborative from other models of communal sharing, I emphasized certain prerequisites which, in my experience, lay the groundwork for a viable outcome of any joint venture. First and foremost among those prerequisites are: !" Ideological commitment to the founding spirit; and, !" Leadership of visionaries, networkers, and knowledgeable ambassadors. With respect to these two prerequisites, our Collaborative has gotten off to a great start. First, the historic legacy of B’nai El in this community has been duly recognized and valued. At the same 16 time, everyone intimately involved in laying the groundwork understands that our collaboration now is the legacy about which the current and future generations will speak. Second, we are on the cusp of rolling out tangible and appealing opportunities on and beyond our campus. You may ask why you #$%&'()"#&$*+",-",*".&&'"$'/".0&123"1.4"5#&"$'.6&*"2.".2708&"$'+" key: the Collaborative team is committed in principle and in practice to putting its collective ear to the ground and recruiting '97:&*.",-"/,9"$'+"/,9*"-*2&'+."),"09)";"&.#",'")#&".<&8&),'"6&" have been constructing. Nonetheless, to whet your appetite about what can be, imagine a long expanse of brightly covered fabric stretched out on Utah’s =,$:">&.&*)";",,*?"62)#"$'"$'27$)&+"@*,90",-"1$.9$88/"+*&..&+" folks seated on cushions, reclining in the breeze of the cooling $-)&*',,'?":&-,*&".&+&*"08$)&.?"1$'+8&.?",%&*;",62'@"@,:8&).?" musical instruments -- a celebration of Passover enriched with laughter, chatter, lively debate, and camaraderie. Or imagine joining a group of socially conscious St. Louisans boarding the River Run at the Kirkwood Amtrac station, headed for a day of mutual understanding and exchange at the Statehouse in Jefferson City. En route our seatmates are former strangers together, with whom we are treated to a short but intensive workshop by a dynamic expert on political relationship-building. Before our return, eagerly anticipating new seatmates with whom we will debrief, we begin to digest the day’s experience over an unrushed dinner at a restaurant of our choosing. Most importantly, imagine such opportunities not as one-off programs, but as gateways to widen our friendship circles and to enrich our very souls. You have glimpsed into what can be. Stay tuned. Rabbi Scott B. Saulson, PhD, Consultant !"#$%&'()$*+$,-++(.-/(0)1# Temple -R\ Mazel Tov/Simchas Welcome New Members Ken Birenbaum on his special birthday. Barbara and Bruce Feldacker on their 50th anniversary. Debbie and John Abrams on the birth of their twin great-grandchildren, Zachary Tyler and Zoey Lynn Abrams. Congratulations also to grandparents Betty and Paul Seligsohn. Barbara German on the birth of her grandson, Wolf Simon Hoffman. Gloria Schwartz on receiving the JPro Dedication Award. Bill and Kathy Norman on the birth of their granddaughter, Ariella Connor. Congratulations also to great-grandparents, Thelma and Arnie Schrier. To share your simcha, visit and click <Share a Lifecycle Event or Simcha>. Or, call Shandi or Gloria in the Temple 2IÀFH Amy and Kevin Fischer, with children, Samantha, Daniel and Leah Robin Rush Social Hour Sponsors JANUARY 3 David and Robin Brody, Scott and Tina Silk, and their families in honor of Dylan Rosenthal becoming a Bar Mitzvah JANUARY 25 Greg and Merle Fox in honor of son, Eli, becoming a Bar Mitzvah Greeters JANUARY 3 JANUARY 24 Platke-Lammers Family Cheri Winchell and Sharon Thompson JANUARY 10 JANUARY 31 Marci and Mark Thal Andy and Stan Shanker Candle Blessings JANUARY 3 JANUARY 17 The Rosenthal Family Siler Family JANUARY 10 Lynne Fogel JANUARY 17 The Masaki Family JANUARY 24 The Fox Family JANUARY 31 The Seigel Family Anyone wishing the honor of lighting the Shabbat candles when there are openings on Friday nights may call Gloria Schwartz at 314-569-0010. 17 Thinking of You Condolences to our Temple families who have recently lost a loved one. Condolences Sympathy Barry Hollander on the death of his brother, Stuart Hollander. RUTH ZEVE Mother of Carol Goldman Herb Rogul on the death of his sister, Phyllis Rogul Kiefus. DOLORES TODER Mother of Harry Toder and Steven Today Stephen Masaki on the death of his mother, Betty Masaki. ROSE BROWN Mother of Donald and the late Alvin Brown Dr. Sherry Shuman on the death of her father, Edward Leibson. Dale and Carol Wolf on the death of their son, Tony Wolf. Perpetual Memorials A memorial has been established for: MILDRED E. GOLDBERG Established by her Family LEE ZIMMERMAN Established by Rosalyn Hampel and Marianne Kestenbaum EDGAR B. KLEBAN Established by Ken and Jackie Kleban, Spencer and Betsy Garland, and Joyce Kleban VICTOR CLAYTON KELLY, JR. Established by Betsy Kelly and Family 72(67$%/,6+$3(53(78$/0(025,$/3/($6(&217$&7*/25,$$7 Yahrzeits JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 Julius Abramson Evelyn W. Aronson Jenny Lederer Aufrichtig Karl Baer Oscar Bailin Joseph Bain Sidney Bassin Bertha Baum 18 Samuel N. Benick Natalie L. Berg Rebecca Joy Berns Leah Birenbaum Benjamin B. Birnbaum Oscar Chorlinsky Simon Covinsky Raymond A. Epstein Lorraine S. Feldman Lillian Fishgoll Julius Gates Abram Gill Archille Goetschel Ruth E. Goldberg Eric David Goldman Dr. Melvin L. Goldman Morris G. Goldstein Sam Gorman Samuel Gottleib Sadie Greenberg Adolph Hirschberg Hannah Hirschberg Janet Carol Hoffman Herman S. Hollander Meyer Bud Inger Erwin Jaffe Edna H. Jarecki Julius Kantorwitz Maurice Aaron Kessler Bertha Kling Jason Koritz Adolph Lebermuth Ada Levin William M. Livingston, Sr. David A. Loiterstein Diana Mandel Yahrzeits Emanuel S. Margulis Ben Meisenberg Bertha Messenberg Sarah Frieda Mills Meyer Morrison Rebecca Perlmutter Sidney Plattner Max Reznik Simon Rosen Jay Rovak Ann Rudman David Samson Melissa Ann Posdamer Santacreu Anne R. Schimel Jerome Schneider Lillie S. Schwarz Freda Scissors Jacob Scissors Bessie Silver Shieber Sara G. Sicher Jacob L. Siegel Jack Silberstein Dan J. Silverman Milton Silverstein Marvin R. Sonnenschein Sarah Sorin Norman Arthur Stack Marie Steiner Linda M. Tilley Sidney Towerman Gabriel Urnstein Louis Wantuck Lillian Weiss Ludwig Wolf Susan Yaffe Marvin Zvibleman JANUARY 10 & 11 Stephen Abelov Lena Becker Selma B. Berger Anne Bernstein Maurice L. Bleich Benjamin J. Bly Arthur Bromberg Ann Jacobs Cohen Celia Eisen Beatrice Glaser Epstein Harry Epstein Libbe Feigenbaum Dr. Gerald S. Feit Fanny Feldman Myer Robert Fisher Alice Fishman Cantor Edward R. Fogel Sam Frank Mary Zeffren Funk Harry Galkin Ellsworth W. Ginsberg Louis Glazer Mark L. Gottlieb Ted E. Grazman Samuel E. Gross Alvin E. Grossman Herman Gutman Michael Handelman Jeanne Inez Hoffman Sarah Feinberg Hogan Hilda C. Hollander Alexander L. Jacobs Ann Jacobs Fan B. Jacobs Max W. Jacobs Abraham W. Jacobson William Julius Ruth Leona Kalmon Dorothy Kaplan Albert S. Klarberg Belle Klearman Fanny Kramer Samuel D. Kramer Edgar Kreisman Sandra Kronemer Maria G. Laupheimer Stanley A. Levy Tillie Levy Samuel Lewis Edith Liepmann Jack Marcus Lipsitz Leopold Loew Henry Malashock Leon M. Middleman Sue Morris Joseph Movshin Jennie F. Neuman Lillian Novack Olga Oberdorfer Elizabeth Parker Anna Paskar Joseph Paskar Helen Pasternak Ben Peck Dorothy Peck Edna L. Posnansky Audrey G. Preston Caroline Price Paul B. Radloff Lee Krisman Ritter Bert Rosen Mary Roth Esther Rothenberg Fay S. Rovin Jacob Sanofsky Louis Sanofsky Shirley Glass Shacat Alex Shear Marjorie Beryl Shuman Zelda Y. Siegfried Jerry Cyril Silverberg Jacob Silverstein Randy Michael Silverstein Irvin A. Sorger Ann Spector Bernice Spevack Blanche C. Steele Rose Stern Gail Weinberg Tobin Anna Tureen Frieda Wallerstein Leon M. Weinberg Herman M. Williams Manuel M. Wohl Arthur Mike Wolff Nathan N. Yalem JANUARY 17 & 18 Eugene Adler Monroe Adler Louis P. Aloe Dora Krell Appell Pauline Asher Dr. Roland S. Bassman Louis Bearman Benjamin Birenbaum Archie Bregman Milton David Breschell Earl S. Brody Mary R. Burgheim Allen Burstein Milton Carlie Marion Sue Cohen Rose Cohen Harriette Dubinsky Leslie Eberhard Gertrude Feldman Eugene Fishgoll Albert G. Flaum Clarice !"#$%&'()*+, Samuel J. Glassman Florence K. Goetschel Eugene J. Goldberg Manuel Goodman Charles Gorenstein Ann Grazman Brent I. Greenberg Maxwell &(**-)*+, Bernard B. Gross Bernard Grossman Ben Harris Marty Hendin David L. Hirsch Ruth G. Hoffman Samuel Horwich Robert Aaron Horwitz Harry L. Israel Louis Kaplan Leo Kapp Joseph Kohm William Kohn Jenny Kramer Ben Krasner Sarah Kyman Joseph Landers Geraldine Lapin Dr. Sherman J. LeMaster Lucille F. Levy Nathan Levy Mamie Lewin Ada Lieberman Louis I. Lippe Walter M. Loewenstein Andrew Markman Goldie Matusofsky Charlotte B. M. Metzger Abraham Miodowski Rabbi Julius J. Nodel Henry Pasternak Maurice L. Pasternak Johanna Popper Kay M. Preston Benjamin L. Rader David M. Resnick Ruth Rich Harry Rickensohl Samuel S. Rickensohl Vera B. Rittenberg Clarence B. Roth Leslie Roth Gussie Schneider Jake Schneiderman Theresa Schwab Samuel Seligman John Shaiova Debra Joy Shapiro Ida Sigoloff Jean Sigoloff Louis M. Silverman Tessie C. Small Theresa Hartman Stampfer Pauline Fine Tzinberg Beverly Kasnetz Wagner Nathan Warshafsky Julius Weinberg Louis Weltman Edwin Wolff Marvin Yavitz David F. Yawitz Saul Zerman JANUARY 24 & 25 Theresa Aaron Ethel Abelov Leo Frankel Abrams Walter Adler Anna Affelder Maurice David Artstein Isadore Barge Albert Bensinger Robert Berlinger Sidney S. Biernbaum Wendy Joy Biernbaum Lillian Birenbaum Harry Bloston Abraham N. Brickman Joseph D. Cohen Sarah Goldberg Cohen Herman Cronheim David Davidson Arnold Erber Charles H. Fendell Betty Fierstine Minnie R. Fleischer Eli P. Flusser Frank F. Fowle, III Leah .'/)*%012 Milton R. Fox Melba Frank Hildegard Friedman Dorothy Gad Allan Jack Gale Sam A. Gardner Louis Goldford Sylvia Goldstein Dora Greenberg Martha Jane Gross Frances M. Hartmann Feiga G. Hoffman Salie Horowitz Sidney Jacobs Eileen E. Katz Louis Kaufman Edwin L. Klauber Essie Klein Carrie G. Kleinhauser Morris Kleinhauser Morris Kornblum Alan G. Krasnoff David Langfelder David D. Lerner Marion Lee Levy Barbara Glaser Lewis Rose Krisman Lewis Gilda Lee Librach Louis Loebner Stanley Lopata Lisa Sher Lux Robert M. Mayer Ernestine O. Meyer Morris M. Michaels Bessie Millner Emanuel Munchweiler Rebecca Novoson Dr. Joseph M. Orenstein Jerome B. Pepper Isaac Price Fannie Radloff Alfred L. Richter Samuel Rosenthal Clara Rubin Sylvia B. Rubin Muriel Sanders Elizabeth Satanovsky Fannie Schaap Marion Schaffel Irv Schankman Henrietta Schwarzkopf Abraham ‘Abe’ Sharney Benjamin Sher Gussie Kessler Silverstein Bertha Siteman Harry Slein Esther Block Spitz Samuel W. Stein Annie Stern Rose Stone Bernard Storozum Claire E. Tauben Theodore S. S. Taxman Charles C. Weitzman Julius Zinner 19 Tributes These tributes are those recorded during November 2013. RABBI’S SPECIAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Rabbi Bennett for participation in wedding of Jessica Brandvein and Brian Palans !"#$%&!'!(#)*+!,#-#&. Rabbi Bennett for the blessing Charles & Susan Frank Rabbi Goldstein for help preparing Michael to become a Bar Mitzvah !,#/$*01!'!2*03%-%!4*-%$!'!5#6*-7 Rabbi Goldstein for participation in the Sisterhood Women’s Retreat William & Suzanne Bierman Rabbis Bennett and Goldstein for acknowledgement of Yahrzeit of Bobette Guller Mitchell & Jody Waldman Rabbis Bennett and Goldstein for help preparing Hannah to become a Bat Mitzvah !8$%&/!'!9*.#!4:;<#& IN HONOR OF: Adam and Jenn Goldstein on their marriage Ronald & Ellen Gross Bill Glassman on his special birthday !=>?%$/!'!2#$0*#!,#.. Paul Grossman for a speedy recovery Melroy & Marian Hutnick IN MEMORY OF: Arline and Bud Inger Gerald & Judith Shanfeld Bernard Susman William & Lynn Elliot Bertha Levin Marvin & Barbara Levin Bobette Guller Sidney Guller Jann Shapiro Wagner Janice Fishman & Jerry Kravitz Joseph E. Beil Melroy & Marian Hutnick Mary Sarnoff Annette & Jack Heller Melford Cohen and Marsha Appt Ted & Carol Barr Meyer Shacat and Esther Jonas Stephen & Debra Lee Jonas Pauline Krasner !9%>&#$+!'!@>$6#!"#A-#&!'! Family 20 Ronnie Steinman Barbara German Sheila Radman Balk Mark & Karen Zorensky Sophie Rovics Milton & June Steinberg Rae Hollander Judy, Jeff, Mark & Ryan Finkelstein CANTOR’S SPECIAL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Cantor Warner for help preparing Hannah to become a Bat Mitzvah !8$%&/!'!9*.#!4:;<#& Cantor Warner for help preparing Michael to become a Bar Mitzvah !,#/$*01!'!2*03%-%!4*-%$!'!5#6*-7 Cantor Warner for his acknowledgement of Yahrzeit of Bobette Guller Mitchell & Jody Waldman IN MEMORY OF: Shale Rifkin Audrey Ludwig MAX AND BERNICE BABCHICK JEWISH FAMILY INVOLVEMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Max and Bernice Babchick !@#&07!8>$6#./%$ BEMA FLOWER FUND IN HONOR OF: Hale Masaki becoming a Bar Mitzvah Stephen & Leslie Masaki Eli Fox becoming a Bar Mitzvah Greg & Merle Fox IN MEMORY OF: Ann Simon Goldman Barry & Marti Simon Friedel Oberdorfer Harvey & Elizabeth Meyer; Hans & Marcia Oberdorfer Jane Abramson Harvey & Leanne Schneider Jane Schachter Stephanie Turner & Willard Schachter; Goodman Family BROCKMAN-SIEGELMAN GEMILUT HASADIM FUND IN HONOR OF: Aryeh Gross on becoming a Bar Mitzvah Jay & Carole Goldstein IN MEMORY OF: Helen and Oscar Brockman, Evelyn and Sidney Goldberg, Wilma Siegelman Allen & Ronnie Brockman Sandra Mayer Joel & Julie Mayer CHUSED ISRAEL EXPERIENCE FUND IN MEMORY OF: Shirley Rosenthal Alvin & Anna Silverstein MICAH DAVIS MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: !"##"$%&'()"#%*+,-./#0%"% Bat Mitzvah !@>$6!'!,#6!(#)*. Sis Mange on her special birthday !@>$6!(#)*. Karen and Mark Segal on their new home Leon & Susan Kravetz IN MEMORY OF: Joseph Hoffman !@>$6!(#)*. Donna Meyers Roberta Feinstein Judy Wallach !B#$)%7!'!@#&07!9%3$%$ ESSMAN-SCHAEFFER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: Lenard Pearson and Sidney Guller on their 90th birthdays Alyn & Marlyn Essman IN MEMORY OF: Sheila Radman Balk Ken & Leiba Levine SHIRLEE GREEN PRESCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Randy and Nancy Green for receiving the Harris Frank Community Service Award Carl & Marcia Moskowitz; Sonia & Dan Dobinsky; Richard & Sherri Goldman ALAN GREENBERG EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sheila Radman Balk Susie & Jonathan Sachs HARRIS KRAMER SOCIAL ACTION FUND IN HONOR OF: Ida Kramer on her birthday Ronnie Glazer KUSHKIN LANDSCAPING FUND IN MEMORY OF: Honey Kushkin Judy Rawdon & Family TODD JASON KRONEMER YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Jann Shapiro Wagner !F:D%&%!'!,37-*.!"#3& NANCY LEVIN PRESCHOOL FUND IN HONOR OF: Birth of Cora Reppy !,CG!>;!43*$-%%!H$%%&!,$%.03>>- STEVEN MORGAN FERMAN MEMORIAL FUND FOR GIFTED CHILDREN DOROTHY LEVITT/BIRDIE FURSTENBERG SUPPORT STAFF PENSION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Nancy Winer Bettie Gershman; Ann Fendelman; Gary & Jobeth Omell; Harvey & Marlene Sachs; Kent & Deborah Hirschfelder; Mike & Debra Klevens; Leon & Susan Kravetz; C-#&!'!,%DD7!403#;;%$ IN MEMORY OF: Terri Freeman Ethel Greenberg GOLDBERG CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Birdie Prywitch !2#$)*&!'!43*$-%7!,$7E*/03 LIBRARY FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Library use on Wednesdays Wednesday Mah Jong IN HONOR OF: Birth of Lila Elizabeth Bremen Ellis & Jaqueline Kantor IN MEMORY OF: Godfrey Lebon Harvey & Marlene Sachs Tributes DR. STANLEY B. LYSS ADULT EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sheila Radman Balk Carl & Marcia Moskowitz EUNICE B. MANN JEWISH EDUCATION FUND IN HONOR OF: !"#$%&'()*+%,-%#'./#'0.1&'2345' years in the excellence of legal practice Marilyn & Gary Ratkin John and Eunice Reichman on their 50th anniversary Harvey & Leanne Schneider MICHAEL MATLOF FUND FOR HOMEBOUND SERVICES A DONATION: David & Susan Cort IN HONOR OF: David Freyman for Daniel and Nikki’s wedding Richard & Yvonne Darrow Marc and Holly Bernstein and Family Alene Kopolow Sue Matlof for her kindness !"#$!%!&'(!")*+$ IN MEMORY OF: Ben Dalin Karl & Deborah Guyer Ceil Paster: Robert & Margie Summers HARRY & LUCILLE MIDOWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sheila Radman Balk George & Rita Heymann OPERATIONS ENHANCEMENT FUND IN HONOR OF: Jim Schulman and Tricia Landes on their engagement Kenneth & Jacquelyn Kleban Joe Pereles for his accomplishments as President !"#*,-.!%!/'$01!2'3('$ Katie Garland and Paul Sorensen on their engagement Jeffrey & Carol Schulman Speedy recovery for Spencer Garland and Ken Kleban Jeffrey & Carol Schulman Todd Newstead and Jessica Waltz on their engagement Kenneth & Jacquelyn Kleban; Jeffrey & Carol Schulman Tricia Landes and Jim Schulman on their engagement Jeffrey & Carol Schulman IN MEMORY OF: Adolph Horwitz Suzy Elkins Godfrey Lebon Mark & Sharee Feldman, Kenneth & Jacquelyn Kleban Judy Wallach /'$0+!%!4+55!6#578!9'-0+'! /#:,8!;,$$,.<!%!=5+:+'! Schimel, Barry & Rita Worth, Bette Komm, Rick & Hillary Lubin Louis Karsh Saul & Marilyn Dien Sheila Radman Balk Daniel & Ellen Bluestone, Jay & Carole Goldstein, Dolores Kling, Joseph & Brenda &,-,5,>8!"#$!%!&'(!")*+$8! Steven Fogel & Randee Shenkel & Bailey, Richard & Lisa Tash Victor Clayton Kelly Lauren Yaeger William LeMaster Burton LeMaster RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND IN APPRECIATION OF: Jodi Granok and Natalie Goldman for their help preparing Michael to become a Bar Mitzvah !&'.-+0?!%!9+0<,5,!@+5,-! & Family IN HONOR OF: Rick and Jean Millner on birth of granddaughter, Everly Rose !/'.'5+,!%!A'--1!6#57('$ IN MEMORY OF: Beth Radinsky Carole & Lissie Levin Edward Lewis Carol Lewis Ervon Brasler Wayne Brasler Godfrey Lebon Stephen & Ava Schwedt Mildred Brooks and Rueben Brooks Jerome & Madelyn Brooks SAM & GOLDYE ROSEN MUSIC FUND JANE WOHL EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sarah Tager and Howard Jerome Gene Jerome IN MEMORY OF: Edna Feit !/'$01!4,-$>.,+$ WILLIAM SELTZER OLDER ADULT FUND KATHY AND MARTY ZIGLER ENDOWMENT FUND FOR PRESCHOOL IN MEMORY OF: Mamie Neuman Kenneth & Estelle Kent ROBERT J. SIEGEL SETYG PROGRAM FUND IN HONOR OF: Maxwell Robert Zelman for his birthday Faye Siegel IN MEMORY OF: Edna Feit and Rosalyn Stone !4-)0,!%!&'.-+0+'!6'-*,Roslyn Stone Faye Siegel IDA STACK SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Myrtle Orenstein Martha Senior MAC & HANNA STRAUSS IMPROVEMENT FUND IN HONOR OF: Ken Birenbuam on his special birthday Stevie & Johnny Shuchart TEMPLE ENDOWMENT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Sarah Liese Knol. Stephanie & Geoffrey Gross Sheila Radman Balk Jay & Joy Liss, Harvey & Leanne Schneider MARSHALL WEISMAN FUND FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN IN HONOR OF: Josh Horowitz becoming a Bar Mitzvah Eugene & Roxanne Weisman IN MEMORY OF: Godfrey Lebon Marty & Kathy Zigler Rose Margulies Jenn & Scott Sagett IN HONOR OF: Jim Schulman and Tricia Landes on their engagement !@.,:,$!%!@<,--+!/,B>.,'7 Katie Garland and Paul Sorenson on their engagement !@.,:,$!%!@<,--+!/,B>.,'78! Kenneth & Sally Katzif Spencer Garland for a speedy recovery Kenneth & Sally Katzif; Steven %!@<,--+!/,B>.,'7 IN MEMORY OF: Henry Newstead Ruth, Steve, Sherri, Andrea & 2#77!/,B>.,'7 PHYLIS & MARK KAPLAN CHILDREN & YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN HONOR OF: Speedy recovery for Jan Goldstein Charlene & Larry Taber Helene Reif on her new granddaughter, Cora Reppy Jerri & Bill Livingston Speedy recovery for Matt Markus Jerri & Bill Livingston Make a Tribute For a donation of at least $7, we’ll print and mail your recipient a card stating a donation has been made to the Shaare Emeth tribute fund of your choice. Donations of $10 or more will also be printed in The Bulletin. 21 -DQXDU\ 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY DECEMBER 29 NO SCHOOL DECEMBER 30 NO SCHOOL MIGHTY MICAH CAMP 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan TUESDAY DECEMBER 31 NEW YEARS EVE OFFICES CLOSE AT 3 P.M. NO SCHOOL MIGHTY MICAH CAMP 1/2 DAY WEDNESDAY 1 NEW YEARS DAY OFFICE CLOSED NO SCHOOL THURSDAY 2 6 SE 56 (5/6th grade) Event TBD 12 SGP RESUMES 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 6 p.m. Room at the Inn 13 CONFIRMATION TRIP CONFIRMATION TRIP SE7 (7th grade) Event TBD 7:15 am Weekday Minyan 12 p.m. Senior Luncheon 19 20 NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah-Denver MLK DAY OFFICE CLOSED NO SCHOOL NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah-Denver 7 10 a.m. Torah Study 11:15 a.m. Reform Judaism Magazine Discussion Group 14 SCRIP SPECIAL ORDERS DUE 10 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Senior Steering Commitee Meeting 7 p.m. Yiddish Club (p. 13) 7 p.m. Israel Trip Meeting 21 10 a.m. Torah Study 7:15 am Weekday Minyan 26 27 28 8 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (at SMJCS, p.6) 7 p.m. SETYG Lounge Night 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 15 SATURDAY 3 4 NO SCHOOL MIGHTY MICAH CAMP NO SCHOOL MIGHTY MICAH CAMP 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 5:15 p.m. Nosh 1 p.m. K-5 Parents Day Out 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, First Fridays, PreK-2 on the Bema, Shabbat Alive! with Rick Recht (p. 5) !"#$%&'(.*(,()*(- 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Service 9 10 11 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan CONFIRMATION TRIP CONFIRMATION TRIP 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 5th & 6th Grades !"#$%&'()*(+,(+*(- 9 a.m. Early Childhood Spectacular Shabbat 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Services 10 a.m. Torah Study 5 FRIDAY 16 17 18 EREV TU BISHEVAT TU BISHEVAT 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (at SMJCS, p.6) 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 7:15 p.m. Tu Bishevat Celebration (at Melting Pot, p. 6) 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah-Denver NFTY-MV Winter Chavurah-Denver 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service MLK Shabbat (p. 2) Exodus 18:1–20:23 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Services 22 23 24 25 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (at SMJCS, p.6) 7 p.m. SETYG Lounge Night 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 29 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 30 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service Hunger Speaker: Rabbi Jim Bennett (p. 1) !"#$%&'/(*(,/0*(1 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 9:30 a.m. Yoga (p. 4) 10:30 a.m. Nosh 10:45 a.m. Shaare Shabbat 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Service, TBD J8M Event 31 FEBRUARY 1 SNAP CHALLENGE SNAP CHALLENGE SNAP CHALLENGE SNAP CHALLENGE SNAP CHALLENGE SNAP CHALLENGE 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m. Camps of Shaare Emeth Open House (p. 11) SNAP CHALLENGE 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 10 a.m. Torah Study 7 p.m. Yiddish Club (p. 13) 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (at SMJCS, p.6) 6:30 p.m. Documentary: A 23456'47'786'94:36' (p. 1) 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service !"#$%&'/;*(,/+*(< 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Service ADVERTISER OF THE MONTH FOR JANUARY Mortgage Resources Erik Rudin (636) 399-7962 Kerry Rudin 314-973-2620 Thank you for supporting The Bulletin 22 EMILY HABERL Disney Travel Specialist Call me for FREE Disney planning! 618.206.5021 [email protected] BROKER PROCESSOR 8BMMBDI*SPO.FUBM$P*OD 6670 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Louis, MO 63133 AL WALLACH PHONE (314) 389-1129 '"9 rCELL (314) 574-9194 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE Steven B. 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ROTHENBERG D.D.S. 636-391-6990 PROVIDING SMILES SINCE 1973 Rosenbloom Monument Co. E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 0 5 ELITE SMILE DESIGN OFFICE Call for a FREE Consultation & Lumismile Portrait 7511 Olive Street Road St. Louis, MO 63130 ofc 314-721-5070 Fax 314-721-5874 TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 BRYAN CRADY SERVICE MANAGER Schneider Electric Company &WFMJOFt4U-PVJT.0 0GmDF t'BY ELEANOR GERSHIEN Broker Sales Associate (314) 307-0437 CELL (314) 993-8000 OFFICE [email protected] Ladue Office 9651 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 Italian Restaurant 8213 Delmar Blvd. 314-991-2022 The Only Jewish Family Owned and Operated Funeral Chapel In St. Louis. Since 1884 Rindskopf-Roth FUNERAL CHAPEL 5216 DELMAR BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO 63108 367-0438 FOR AD INFO CALL Bob Swagman 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH, CREVE COEUR, MO A 2C 31-0824 11-25-2013 08:03:43 The Bulletin is published monthly by Congregation Shaare Emeth. For more LQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFDOOWKH7HPSOHRIÀFH at 314.569.0010 RABBIS James M. Bennett Andrea M. Goldstein Jeffrey B. Stiffman, Emeritus Time Sensitive Material CANTOR Seth P. Warner 1RQ3URÀW Organization Us Postage PAID St. Louis, MO Permit #5844 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rosalie R. Stein DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LIFE AND LEARNING Debbie Bram DIRECTOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD ENGAGEMENT Karen Lucy RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DIRECTOR Liessa Alperin CAMP AND YOUTH DIRECTOR Jodi Miller DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Robert Colton DIRECTOR OF THE B’NAI EL COLLABORATIVE Michelle I. Gralnick BULLETIN COORDINATOR Shandi Penrod Happy New Year from Congregation Shaare Emeth! Board !"#$%&' PRESIDENT Joseph Pereles FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Greg Yawitz VICE-PRESIDENTS Eric Feinstein Laura Kaplan Renee Silverstein Bonnie Solomon Bob Tucker SECRETARY Jonathan Sachs TREASURER William Livingston, Jr. ASSOCIATE TREASURER Jason Hoberman IMMED. PAST PRESIDENT Kenneth Birenbaum MEMBER AT LARGE Larry Sparks CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH 11645 LADUE ROAD ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63141 WWW.SHAARE-EMETH.ORG )$; DATE E H T SAVE
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