Bulletin - Congregation Shaare Emeth
Bulletin - Congregation Shaare Emeth
C O N G R E G A T I O N S H A A R E E M E T H The Bulletin February 2014 Invitations are in the mail. To make a reservation, mail in your reply card or visit http://www.shaare-emeth.org/spring-fundraiser. 4XHVWLRQV"&DOO5RVDOLH6WHLQLQWKH7HPSOHRIÀFH Worship Schedule )5,'$<-$18$5< )5,'$<)(%58$5< 6 p.m. 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary Social Action and Advocacy Shabbat in the Sanctuary 6$785'$<)(%58$5< 6$785'$<)(%58$5< 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Samantha Megan Seigel, daughter of Brad Seigel and Laura Seigel, becomes a Bat Mitzvah Shabbat Morning Worship in the Chapel )5,'$<)(%58$5< 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary First Fridays February Birthday Blessing SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Miriam Elizabeth Sokora, daughter of John Sokora and Jean Sokora, becomes a Bat Mitzvah SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 10:45 a.m. Shaare Shabbat Service in the Youth Lounge 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship in the Sanctuary Hannah Leslie Guterman, daughter of Hal and Leisha Guterman, becomes a Bat Mitzvah FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary Worship Descriptions Each month Congregation Shaare Emeth has several themed worship services. Check the worship schedule for this month’s dates and times. Weekday Morning Minyan Morning Minyan is held in the Chapel each Monday and Thursday morning. Whether you are saying Kaddish or just want to start the day on a spiritual note, you’ll enjoy this intimate worship experience. First Fridays and Birthday Blessings !"#$%&#'()$#*(+,-.#/0#&-1%#2/"$%3#4/+"#5)#-$#6#7828#0/(#-#0599# Friday evening Shabbat Service for all generations called First Fridays. During the service, we take children ages seven and under from the Sanctuary to the Chapel for a special story and music program. Additionally, if you or a family member is celebrating a birthday this month, join us on the bema for a special birthday blessing and a small birthday treat! 2 Shaare Shabbat One Saturday a month, most months, at 10:30 a.m., join us for Shaare Shabbat, our all-generations, interactive Shabbat 1&9&:(-$+/"#;+$%#+"$+2-$&#-",#;-(2#)&(<+1&)#'99&,#;+$%#25)+13# (&=&1$+/"#-",#4/.8#>&2:&()#/0#-99#-?&)#-$$&",#-",#7-($+1+7-$&#+"# leading different parts of the service. Our youngest members do arts and crafts, as well. If you or someone in your family would like to read a prayer, participate musically, read Torah, or give a D’var Torah, please let Rabbi Goldstein ([email protected]) or Ron Cytron ([email protected]) know. Bagels and coffee are available at 10:30 a.m. Service starts at 10:45 a.m. and concludes by noon. Social Action and Advocacy Shabbat Occasionally during regular Kabbalat Shabbat Service, usually on the third Friday of the month, Shaare Emeth hosts a local expert to speak on a social action topic relevant to the St. Louis Jewish community. Some past topics and speakers include: hunger and food insecurity, Lift for Life Academy charter middle school, Gateway to Hope and breast cancer treatment for uninsured and underinsured individuals, and the advancement of music in underserved schools. Counting Our Blessings Can I Do Anything Else for You? V isiting a friend in the hospital recently, I was reminded of a simple truth. My friend commented that he was truly touched by the fact that seemingly every person with whom he came in contact at the hospital ended their interaction with him by asking, “Can I do anything else for you?” The doorman who welcomed him as he entered, the orderly who wheeled him to his room, the food service delivery person, and the person who cleaned his room all asked, “Can I do anything else for you?” Clearly, this particular hospital has trained its staff well in the theory and practice of customer service. Patients feel that they matter, and that everyone they meet at the hospital cares about them. Imagine what our world would be like if we all approached life like this. Our Jewish tradition implies that we should. Treat others with dignity and respect, seek justice, work for peace, “love your fellow human being as you love yourself,” the Torah teaches. When you see your neighbor’s ox struggling under its burden, you must offer to help. Feed the hungry. Visit the sick. It is not enough to take care of our own needs. When we think we have done all we are supposed to do, well, then we must ask if there is anything else we can do. The debates that occupy our civic discourse seem to revolve around this tension. On the one hand, everyone is worried about him or herself. Do I have “enough?” Will I have enough? Enough food, enough money, enough health care… On the other hand, there are so many with “less” than us – less money, less food, less health care, less everything. And there is enough, more than enough, for everyone. In this world, abundant in blessings, no one should be hungry, homeless, impoverished, without healthcare, without the basic needs of life. Each of us has the ability to do our own little part to help. Of course, we cannot eliminate all the need on our own, but we can each do some small act that makes a difference – we can all do more than we are doing. And we must. Doing nothing for others is simply unacceptable. We can begin in the smallest of ways by asking the next person we see, “Can I do anything else for you?” When we do our jobs, we can ask if there is anything else we can do to go above and !"#$%&'()*"%(+"(,-./(..(+*01(+"(,"".(23($-4(4"35$%32!2.21#(1$( those we love or with whom we live, we can then ask, “is there anything else I can do for you?” When we reach out to others out of obligation, we can ask if there is anything more we might &$(6$.-%1042.#'()*"%(+"(,-./(..($-4(3$720.(4"35$%32!2.21#(!#( paying our taxes, or voting, we might think about what we can do voluntarily to make even more of a difference. When we see someone suffering, we can ask them if we can do something 1$(0.."6201"("6"%(0(380..(08$-%1($,(1*"24(502%'()*"%(+"(,-./(..( our obligation to our families, our jobs, our community, our Temple, we can ask if there is anything more we can do to make a difference. As I left my friend’s room, of course, I bid farewell by asking him: “Can I do anything else for you?” And so I ask you as well, “Can I do anything else for you?” James M. Bennett, Rabbi [email protected] Did You Know the Temple Offers.....? 7RUDK6WXG\6DWXUGD\VDPDQG7XHVGD\VDP Weekday Minyans:0RQGD\VDQG7KXUVGD\VDP Babysitting: The Congregation provides free babysitting for children DJHVPRQWKVWR\HDUV )ULGD\HYHQLQJVGXULQJVHUYLFHVLQURRPRIWKH3UHVFKRROZLQJ Homebound Services:$YDLODEOHHYHU\)ULGD\DQG6DWXUGD\&DOO HQWHU,'LIUHTXLUHG ALL SERVICES ARE OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY 3 From the President Why Congregation Shaare Emeth Belongs to the Union for Reform Judaism and Why We Are Asking You to Support It E ach family unit of Congregation Shaare Emeth is asked to pay $97 as their share of our URJ membership dues. We have belonged to the URJ since 1876 because we believe that it takes a movement to do the things that no single congregation can do alone, !"#$%&!%$%&'$('"')$%*$+,$('-+"./".$%+$ the URJ clearly outweigh the cost of membership. Our URJ membership dues are payable regardless of whether or not our Members each pay the $97 they are billed. Your decision not to pay the $97 means that other Temple programs may have less funding because of our obligation to pay URJ membership dues. Why belong to the URJ? Among other things, 0$ The URJ supports nearly 900 congregations in North America by convening groups of congregations working toward similar goals and facing comparable challenges. 0$ The URJ hosts extensive online resources for expert advice, program banks, peer knowledge sharing, and virtual discussions. 0$ The URJ assembles groups of expert practitioners to work with congregations on social justice, Israel, early childhood education, worship and more. You can learn more about the URJ by visiting their website, www.urj.org. One only needs to attend a URJ/WRJ Biennial to gain an appreciation of the URJ. Thirteen members of Shaare Emeth joined 5,000 other attendees at this year’s Biennial and received %1'2'"#+3*$('"')$%*$!*$!$1'*3-%$+,$ their attendance: Ken Birenbaum, a new member of the URJ board; Bob Tucker; Liessa Alperin; Greg Yawitz; Amy Ogle; seven members of the Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth including Soozi Waxman (a member 4 of the WRJ Board), Lesley Levin (a new member of the WRJ Board), Dana Gaby Windsor, Jerri Livingston, Melanie Brimer, Julie Richter and Adrienne Eigles (Sisterhood president); and yours truly. Paying our URJ dues allows us to consult with URJ staff to help problem solve and see what other congregations of similar size are doing in this ever-changing environment. I was able to personally meet with URJ staff in one-on-one consulting sessions while at the Biennial. I also sat in on many educational workshops. The URJ operates the Religious Action Center (the RAC) of Reform Judaism in Washington, D.C. For over 50 years, the RAC has been the hub of Jewish social justice and legislative activity in Washington, D.C. It educates and mobilizes the Reform Jewish community on legislative and social concerns, advocating on more than 70 different issues including economic justice, civil rights, religious liberty, Israel and more. The URJ also understands the urgency of engaging the next generation in progressive Jewish life. Each year the URJ engages 20,000 participants in URJ youth, teen, camp and Israel programs who join the URJ network of more than 500,000 alumni. The URJ also operates 13 summer camps, including Camp GUCI in Indiana and the new 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy for students in grades 5-9. The URJ also spearheads the North American Federation of Temple Youth (NFTY). It has been proven that children who attend a Jewish camp or participate in youth group have more Jewish friends, are more inclined to raise a Jewish family when they become adults, and are more likely to stay actively engaged members of a Jewish community. That is one more reason to support the URJ. If you haven’t already paid your $97 invoice for URJ, please consider doing so. Don’t forget, you can always email me with questions or comments at [email protected]. Thank you. Joe Pereles, President Gratitude A More Intentional Approach to First Friday “Rabbi, is it OK if we bring our little ones to services this Friday night? I know it’s not a children’s service, but we were thinking of coming anyway. Is that all right?” “Cantor, we wanted to come to services last Friday night, but the kids are just too little. We tried taking them to a service once last year, but they couldn’t sit still and it wasn’t worth the frustration.” T hese are questions and statements that we hear quite a bit. In response, we wanted to point out a poem from our !"#$%&'()*+(,&$ prayer book by Rabbi Sidney Greenberg that reads in part: What is changing is how we integrate and welcome our youngest members of the Congregation into the service. Those seven and younger are invited to meet Cantor Warner in the 6"'0$*"52%1%4$(('%7&'*$(#%-(4+5(%$8(%#(5.&0(%$+%!("5'%"%#+'9%+5% two. Children will have the opportunity to sing from the bema, if they wish, and to have a special rhythm instrument during their songs. Parents will be invited to bless their children. Members of the Congregation without children will have an important role, too. Our goal is to involve the entire community in the celebration of Shabbat. May the door of this synagogue be wide enough to -*.*"/*(&,,(0$1($2'3*-(41-(,1/*5 Giving our children the gift of feeling at home in their synagogue – of feeling comfortable with the prayers of their people, of spending time with them in a place that is not about acquiring or winning or rushing or chasing, but simply about being – this is one of the most important ways we can nourish our young children’s souls. Children belong in the sanctuary, with us as we celebrate and rejoice and pray for healing and as we remember our loved ones each Shabbat. They belong there, even when they are not sitting perfectly quiet and still. It is worth us taking the time and making the effort and enduring the frustrations and celebrating the successes of sitting with them as we all learn what it means to pray together. 6,,(0$1(&-*(,1'*,7(41-(4-"*'8#$"9: !&7(";(0*,.1<*(&,,(0$1($&/*(.&-*#(;1(2'=2-8*'5( ;$&'%#(;1(*>9-*##5($19*#(;1('2-;2-*? !&7(";#(;$-*#$1,8(=*('1(#;2<=,"'3(=,1.%(;1(712'3(1-( #;-&7"'3(4**;: The poem expresses our desire to create a community and a place to worship where all are welcome and where concern for our neighbors’ well-being is always expressed; a place where joys are celebrated and sorrows are shared; a place where we learn and teach and grow and make space for one another. The !"#$%!&'(%)*+$(,%"-+.(%#/(0&1%0"!!2%#/("3#%+4%+*5%0+!!(0$&.(% responsibility to make the sanctuary a welcoming place to the youngest members of our Congregation. As you know, we have dedicated the First Friday of each month as a time for our Congregation to worship together with our youngest members and their families. This is not changing. In fact, we want to make the experience even more thoughtful and intentional. Children seven and younger will still have the opportunity to hear an age-appropriate story during the service. Adults will still have the chance to hear the Torah read and a sermon. We look forward to seeing you on Friday, Feb. 7, for our next First Friday Shabbat celebration, beginning with a light nosh at 5:15 p.m. and followed by services at 6 p.m.! Rabbi Andrea Goldstein [email protected] and Cantor Seth Warner [email protected] 5 Shaare Emeth To Receive Grant for Infusing Mindfulness and Character Development C ongregation Shaare Emeth has been selected to participate in the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Tikkun Middot Project, a ground-breaking initiative to integrate mindfulness practice and character development in 28 Jewish faith communities, led by clergy or lay leaders trained in mindfulness practice by the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. As a participant, Shaare Emeth has been awarded a $7500 grant to implement its plan to infuse mindfulness and character development throughout all aspects of the Congregation. The individual leaders of these 28 Jewish communities (which includes synagogues, a rabbinical seminary, Hillel and JCC), will engage personally in an intensive, ten-month program of integrating mindfulness with the !"#$%&'$%()*(+*,-.!%/*!*!(0.*#),,"&, or ethical and spiritual qualities, such as humility, patience, honor, mindful speech, and trust. They will then lead a select group of staff and lay leaders from their community in a similar process utilizing the same curriculum. Finally, from September 2014 through June 2015, each of the 28 communities will integrate this curriculum and approach throughout all aspects and demographics of their community’s life. Rabbis Andrea Goldstein and Jim Bennett, along with Shaare Emeth Members Renee Silverstein and Josh Wallach, will be among 60 or so leaders who, in late February 2014, will attend a three day orientation conference in Newark, N.J., during which participants will explore the nexus between mindfulness and character development practice, as well as a system theory approach to introducing innovation. The Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s Tikkun Middot Project is made possible through the support of a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. Torah Study 78(6'$<0251,1*6$0$1'6+$%%$76$785'$<0251,1*6$0 W e have Torah study at Shaare Emeth every Tuesday morning from 10-11 a.m. (except holidays) and again Shabbat morning from 9:30-10:30 a.m. No previous knowledge or experience required. We provide The Torah !"##$%&'()$*+ No reservations are needed. 6 Early Childhood 7 Early Childhood SAVE THE DATE Mighty Micah Spring Break Camp 0$5&+ )25.,'6$*(6:((.672 <($56 Mighty Micah Winter Break Camp Wrap Up M ighty Micah Winter Break Camp was the place for kids 0-6 to be this winter break! Camp featured books by children’s authors, Eric Carle and Laura Numeroff, and a different animal everyday coinciding with the book theme, such as hog nosed snake, blue tongue skink, and a red foot !"#!"$%&'(()*$+,#&-(.&#&(*/0$-1(23-(2#"4(%!/#!(!"(5(-$%*'((6!*&#( fun included many, many trips to the art room, cooking in the teaching kitchen, scavenger hunts and much more. Karen Lucy, Director of !"#$%&'()$*(++*&!,-"-./.,0 [email protected] 8 ECE Morning Fun 681'$<)(%$0 “F” is for February and Fun! Let’s shake the winter blues by playing in the Motor Room. We’ll add some music just for fun! E arly Childhood Engagement activities are geared for children 0-5 years old. Siblings are also welcome. For all events, please RSVP for better planning to Hannah Dayan, [email protected] or 314-5690048. Events are cosponsored by Shirlee Green Preschool. Please invite your friends. All are welcome! For ECE updates by email, enter your email address in the box on the left side of any page at www.shaare-emeth.org. 6KDDUH(PHWKDQG6*3 Receive a New Lifesaving AED O n behalf of the David Brooks Memorial Endowment Fund, Congregation Shaare Emeth and Shirlee Green Preschool have been gifted a new automated !"#!$%&'()!*(+$,''&#-$(./0123(45,6(78%)(&%)(/01(5-%-$6(1&9,)(:$--;6(<5-( died in 1995 of sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 12. After learning that sudden cardiac arrest kills one person every 90 seconds, including several thousand children each year, David’s family began using David’s Fund to protect children – and the teachers, staff, and families who surround them – by placing AEDs in schools. AEDs are small, easy-to-use devices that, quite simply, save lives. In the event of sudden cardiac arrest every second counts, and immediate use of an AED can make the difference between life and death. With automatic voice and text prompts to guide rescuers, these devices are so simple to use that any bystander can safely operate them. The new AED has been placed near the main entrance to Shirlee Green Preschool, just outside the kitchen. This AED is equipped for both adults and children. An AED is also available in the Temple’s main hallway off the Lobby near the Auditorium doors. We hope you will take a moment to note their locations. While we sincerely hope this AED will never be needed, we are pleased to accept this extra level of safety in David’s memory. For more information on David’s Fund, please visit www.denverfoundation.org/community/page/david-brooks. SAVE THE DATES FOR THESE SGP EVENTS! Kidz Night Out 681'$<0$5&+²30<287+/281*( 6*33$&$QQXDO)XQGUDLVHU 6$785'$<$35,/²30$8',725,80 9 Religious School ´$K+Dµ0RPHQWVLQD&KLOG·V/LIH I was driving the car the other day when I heard Micah’s voice in the backseat. I strained to listen to what he was saying when it occurred to me… Micah was trying to read all the street signs! Wow! He’s actually reading. There are so many life changers in the !"#"$%&'"()*%+*,*-./$!0*1."(*)."2*3*45)*5'/$"0*1."(*)."2*3*45)* 6,66$"0*1."(*)."2*3*45)*5,2*',',*%4*!,!,*%4*-4,7$*%4*7,$89 :%7"#"4;*).4%<=.*)."'*,$$;*>*3*(!*)."*'%'"()*7."(*2%<4*-./$!* 3*45)*4",!5*)%*6"*%("*%+*)."*6/=="5)*?@.*.,AB*'%'"()5*%+*)."'*,$$A* Teaching a child to read is a true gift, a gift that opens doors to an incredible world no longer beyond their grasp. At Shaare Emeth Religious School, we feel strongly that the gift of a Jewish education includes the gift of teaching our students to read Hebrew. Although we begin much earlier by exposing our students to the sounds of Hebrew, their formal learning of the language begins in third grade. On February 23, please join us during our !"##"$"%&'"()**+, ceremony as we present our 60 third grade students with their own siddur (prayer book). We thank the Micah Davis Endowment Fund at Shaare Emeth for the gift of these -)**+,).. Our students receive their siddur as a gift marking their completion of learning the Hebrew alphabet and their ability to read Hebrew. Our own Tsila Schwartz then calligraphies the students’ Hebrew name into their own -)**+,/ It is a magical moment for our students and their families—and for us at Shaare Emeth. Our Congregation continues to honor our incredible students who are all blessed, through their own hard work, with the amazing gift of Jewish knowledge and the ability to read :"64"70*C(-"*,=,/(;*)./5*/5*,(*?@.*:,B*'%'"()*3*$$"!*7/).* great blessings as it marks one of many magical moment in their lifetime of Jewish learning. Liessa Alperin, 01$)2)3+-&(4533$&6),14%3, [email protected], 314-692-5361 Come Join Us at the Myseum! M y Jewish Myseum...an afternoon of interactive fun with a Jewish twist for families with preK-5th grade children (siblings welcome). 681'$<)(%30 MYSEUM /$03$1'/$17(519,//$*( 72:1$1'&28175<02 Open to the Shaare Emeth Religious School and the entire Jewish community $4/person, maximum $16/family Reservations preferred but walk-ins welcome. For more information, contact Marci Diamond in the Religious School at 314-692-5363, call CAJE at 314-442-3760, or visit www.cajestl.org. 10 My 718)-5&9:-1+.&)-&-;3<-3,1*&#:&=>7?&@"<1A&4)",:& "21<4:&3B&%51&718)-5&C1*1,"%)3<&3B&(%/&D3+)-EF&G")-&>#,"5".& =3<2,12"%)3<F&=3<2,12"%)3<&GH<")&>.33<"F&=1<%,"$&01B3,.& =3<2,12"%)3<F&'1$1<1&9),38)%I&C".)$:&=1<%1,&3B&%51&7==F& !3$&0)<"5F&=3<2,12"%)3<&(5"",1&?.1%5F&J1.;$1&?."<+1$F& =3<2,12"%)3<&J1.;$1&K-,"1$F&L<)%1*& '1#,18&=3<2,12"%)3<F&"<*& %51&718)-5&C".)$:&?*+4"%3,-H& M1%83,N/&C+<*1*&#:&"&2,"<%& B,3.&%51&O$"*:-&!/& Crown Foundation 53<3,)<2&%51&.1.3,:& 3B&(5),$11&O,11<&"<*& #:&"&."%45)<2&2,"<%& B,3.&%51&718)-5& Federation of (%/&D3+)-H&0)45&C+<*/ Youth Groups & Camp www.shaare-emeth.org/youth-groups Camp Emeth Early Bird Registration & Scholarship $SSOLFDWLRQV'XH0DUFK C amp Emeth registration is underway, and we are excited about this summer’s programming. We are introducing new !"#$%& and bringing back old favorites. Here are a few of them: New Chugim Afriky Lolo – Led by Diadie Bathily this West African dance chug will bring a new dimension to our afternoon programming. Diadie is well known and loved by students at Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School (SMJCS) and other public schools in St. Louis. HiNrg – This chug will bring a gymnastics and tumbling component to our !"#$%&. 3DVW)DYRULWHV Soccer Shots – A nationally recognized program which offers a high energy, fun, ageappropriate introduction to the game of soccer. Their innovative curriculum emphasizes both soccer skills and character development. Their goal is simple: to leave a lasting, positive impact on every child they serve. Kids in the Kitchen – Professional chef AJ Moll brings expertise and fun to our cooking chug where campers learn about and make healthy foods and snacks (AJ runs the lunch program and teaches cooking classes at SMJCS) Clowning Around and I Love Science – Both of these !"#$%& are led by Brian Peck who brings amazing experiments and a love of science. In addition, Brian (aka Boo the Clown) brings the excitement of learning and performing clowning skills. Starstruck – Always a popular chug, Starstruck gives our campers the opportunity to show off their singing and dancing skills. Led by Danielle Lydon, participants perform for the whole camp on the Friday of their chug week. Early Bird & Scholarship Deadlines We are looking forward to sharing the summer with our return campers and meeting new campers and their families. The early bird deadline is Monday, March 3, and applications for scholarship are also due March 3. Contact Rosalie Stein, [email protected] or 314-569-0010, for the scholarship forms. Jodi Miller, '(#)"*+,-*.+&/*0%12!)(1 [email protected] Youth Group Activities SETYG – 9TH-12TH GRADE Saturday, Feb. 8 – Mamma Mia at the Fox Wednesday, Feb. 12 and 26, 7-9 p.m. Lounge Nights – $8 for dinner J8M – 8TH GRADE Monday, Feb. 17 – St. Louis 8th graders head to Hidden Valley for a day on the slopes SE56 – 5/6TH GRADE Sunday, Feb. 9 – Event TBD If you have questions contact Jodi Miller, Youth and Camp Director, at [email protected] or 314-692-5362. 2014 CAMP EMETH COUNSELORS NEEDED Thinking about what to do this summer? Be part of the Camp Emeth staff! !"#$%&&"'()*#'""+#(,#-#))#(."/"#0,/1(1,'/2 !" CIT (volunteer) open to those entering 9th grade in the fall of 2014 !" Support Counselor (paid) open to those entering 10th-12th grade in fall of 2014 !" Lead Counselor (paid) open to those who will have graduated high school by June of 2014 The online application may be found at www.shaare-emeth.org/camp-emeth. Contact Jodi Miller with any questions, [email protected] or 314-692-5362. 11 Auxiliaries & Clubs Yiddish Club 78(6'$<)(%$1'30 Y iddish Club is a unique way to explore the beauty and wisdom of the Yiddish language, literature and culture. Personal experiences shared by members of the club will allow you to understand the deep importance of the Yiddish language culture to history. !"#$% to the next meeting and &'$# over the Yiddish words you recognize and enjoy, even if you don’t “speak Yiddish.” Yiddish Club is held the second and fourth Tuesday of every month, excepting holidays, and starts at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in Room 15. All are welcome to the club meetings. For more information, please contact Paula Kanyo at [email protected] or 314-692-5372. 026+(0(12)6+$$5((0(7+ WWW.SHAARE-EMETH.ORG/MOSHE Kibitz Café 681'$<)(%$0 Enjoy a hand-crafted breakfast and kibitz with your friends at the Kibitz Cafe! New Mussar Group Forming Y ou are invited to join a new group sponsored by the Shaare Emeth Sisterhood exploring Mussar, Jewish ethical and spiritual teachings and practice. For more information, please contact Lesley Levin, Lesley@sbcglobal. net or 314-434-8803 12 SENIORS S haare Emeth regularly holds events for the sages of our community, including luncheons, brown bag lunch and learns, and a health fair. For more information or to be added to our Shaare Emeth Seniors mailing list, contact Paula Kanyo or Debbie Bram at 314-569-0010 or [email protected]. 6,67(5+22'2)6+$$5((0(7+WWW.SHAARE-EMETH.ORG/SISTERHOOD 6DQG\·V-XGDLFD6KRS+RXUV Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays A JUDAIC 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. SANDY’S G KOSHER SELLIN 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. IS NOW KURL! 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. closed 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 5 – 6 p.m. closed 9 a.m. – noon when Religious School is in session Looking for something fun to do in your spare time? We are looking for volunteers for Sandy’s. If you are interested, call Margaret in the gift shop at 314-692-5374. 2.$$)3/45)+.6%)7)*-)16#$1)568)7)9.-:$$;1)1<%%-.5)=->3.$365/->)!"66.$)?0$5" 58%,1/,%5$5<83'$7( Exciting News About Shaare Emeth’s Rubin Library! A fter four years of hard work by your dedicated Shaare Emeth Library Committee, every book in the Rubin Library is now included in a new automated system that incorporates advanced cataloging and electronic check-out. With the recent addition of the beautiful B’nai El library, we have created an !"#$!%!"&'(")!%*"+(",'!"'-.!/.'0*1'-!22'3"4'5"'*1,#,5"4!"&'/*22(/,!*"'*6'7(-!#.' reading material. Thanks to the Litvag family, we have enhanced an already impressive collection of 8**9#'80':,;'<*1!#'51,.*%#;'=*1'-!22'52#*'3"4',.5,',.('>18!"'<!8%5%0'.5#'+5"0'*6',.(' books highlighted at the recent Jewish Book Festival, in addition to books reviewed by various Jewish periodicals and ("$)*$+),-.&)(/0$1. ?2(5#('/*+('!"'5"4'8%*-#('*1%'5+5@!"&',!,2(#;'A#9',.('2!8%5%0')*21",((%#'*%'*63/('#,566' to add your name to our library user database. All students in our religious school have already been added! Come on in! The Rubin Library and Library Committee are here for you! Kindness Tzedakah Recipient O ur January/February/March Temple tzedakah recipient is the Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America, St. Louis Chapter. Money you donate will help provide medicine, inhalers, education and resources to low-income children. Place donations in either of our two Temple Tzedakah Boxes. The Jewish )RRG3DQWU\ Needs Our +HOS F or the month of February the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking for these !"#$%&'$'%(#)!'%*'+,-#,'(+'",+.%-#'/#001 balanced nourishment for the community in need: $Q$OO6WDII0LW]YDK 1. Any Type of Canned Fruit M 3. Any Type of Canned Vegetables 2. Canned Beef Stew and Canned Ravioli onday, Dec. 2, 2013, the staff of the Temple, Religious School and Preschool came together to cook a breakfast for our monthly guests from Room at the Inn. Fifteen of our staff members brought ingredients, gave their time, or 2+(34'5,67*%8#-'29'(3#':(7;;'<#07(%+*!'=#7)>'(3%!'/7!'(3#'&',!('+;'/37('(3#'(#7)'3+"#!' to be a series of staff mitzvah projects. For more information on Room at the Inn or how you can help, contact David Gerst, [email protected]. 4. Canned Tuna Fish 5. Kosher Food 6. Healthy Cereals 7. Toilet Paper, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Hand Soap Items should be placed in the wooden bin inside the Temple main entrance. For further information, please contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259. Left to right: Hannah Dayan, Debbie Bram, Paige Brown, Tammy McNaughton, Liessa Alperin Left to right: Karen Lucy, Hannah Dayan Photos by Michelle I. Gralnick 13 6WDII3KRQHDirectory To contact a staff member, call the office (all numbers are 314 area code), call their direct line, or send an email to (first initial) (last name)@shaare-emeth.org. For example, to email Rosalie Stein use email address [email protected]. Temple Office 314-569-0010 Rabbi Jim Bennett 692-5302 Rabbi Andrea Goldstein 692-5302 Cantor Seth Warner 692-5302 Rabbi Emeritus Jeffrey Stiffman 692-5302 Shandi Penrod, Communications & B’nei Mitzvah Assistant 692-5301 Gloria Schwartz, Administrative Assistant to the Clergy 692-5302 Stacy Jespersen, Administrative Assistant 692-5304 Vera Emmons, Tributes & Database Coordinator 692-5305 Paige Brown, Bookkeeper 692-5306 Christine Dickson, Accounting Manager 692-5308 Robert Colton, Operations Director 692-5309 Rosalie Stein, Executive Director & Membership 692-5353 Religious School/Youth/Jewish Life & Learning Office 314-569-1273 Debbie Bram, Director Jewish Life & Learning 692-5345 Tammy McNaughton, R.S. Administrative Assistant 692-5360 Liessa Alperin, Religious School Director 692-5361 Jodi Miller, Youth & Camp Emeth Director 692-5362 Marci Diamond, R.S. Family Engagement Coordinator 692.5363 Heather Silverman, R.S. Program Coordinator 692-5364 Paula Kanyo, Jewish Life & Learning Assistant 692-5372 Shirlee Green Preschool Office 314-569-0048 Karen Lucy, Director of Early Childhood Engagement & SGP 692-5320 Community Who’s Who At New Mt. Sinai? T his month we feature Major Adolph Proskauer. Major Proskauer grew up in Mobile, Ala., and served with the Confederate Army in the Civil War. He rose through the ranks to Major due to his acts of heroism on !"#$%&!!'#(#')*$+,'',-./0$!"#$-&12$"#$3#!!'#)$./$4!*$5,6.3$&/)$76136#)$&$8&1##1$ as a cotton merchant and eventually became the president of the Merchants and Cotton Exchange. Major Proskauer was also an original supporter of St. Louis Jewish Hospital. His monument at New Mt. Sinai is always a tourist destination. To see the Proskauer gravesite or to schedule a private tour of the 8#9#!#1:2$8&''$,61$,;(8#$&!$<=>?<@<?A@>B* Dan Brodsky, Executive Director New Mt. Sinai Cemetery 314-353-2540 14 Hannah Dayan, SGP Administrative Assistant Beth Kodner, Camp Micah Director 692-5321 692-5322 The B’nai El Collaborative Office 314-692-5347 Michelle Gralnick, Director of The B’nai El Collaborative 692-5303 Rabbi Scott Saulson, Consultant 692-5307 Gift Shop Library/Moshe Resource Room Jodi Granok, Resource Coordinator Archives Fax (for the entire building) 314-692-5374 314-692-5383 314-692-5346 692-5346 314-692-5384 314-569-0271 The B’nai El Collaborative BEngaged The Greatness of Leadership T he greatness of a leader lies not in his/her perfection. Turning to the example Moses set, nothing could be more evident. One familiar with the legend of his life instantly recalls that because of one imperfection Moses is not granted permission to enter the Promised Land. His temper offends God, even if we grant God’s rebuke as a case of “the pot calling the kettle black.” So, Moses’ greatness must lie elsewhere. That elsewhere is illustrated by his reaction to unsolicited wisdom from none other than an underemployed outside consultant, his father-inlaw. Jethro points out that Moses is draining precious energy !"#$%&'$()*!%+,-%&'(%.%#/0%12%$'/"#%$+,+3',3%$+44)"(5%6#()(% listens and remedies his behavior accordingly. In essence, Jethro recommends Moses embrace “capable” collaborators. The father-in-law, however, does not specify what he means by “capable”—an opening for biblical analysts to go to town. One prominent analysis: “Capable” means “wealthy.” Another: “Capable” means “insightful.” In both cases, the analysts have the same intent. Capable collaborators withstand distractive, albeit well-meaning, bribery and blackmail. They walk the path of righteousness and keep faith with their constitutional mission. They not only can sleep at night, they have a sense of self associated with, but independent from the group and an immunity from, scoliosis of the moral spine. “Capable,” as articulated by Jethro and as acknowledged by Moses, is critical for smooth and trustworthy organizational development. Yet, as suggested by “collaborators,” Jethro’s intervention is prompted by the failure of a system that is relying too heavily on centralized control. Decentralized control has distinct advantages. It mindfully projects a respect for individuality. It welcomes diversity and experimentation. It underscores the importance of teamwork for the success of its mission. The B’nai El Collaborative is founded on Jethro’s model. Rabbi Scott B. Saulson, PhD, Consultant !"#$%&'()$*+$,-++(.-/(0)1# Meet the Leadership of The B’nai El Collaborative T he partnership between the former B’nai El Congregation and Congregation Shaare Emeth is sustained through the efforts of two leadership groups, one of which is the Collaborative Advisory Cabinet. The charge of the CAC is to oversee, monitor and evaluate The B’nai El Collaborative and its relationship with Shaare Emeth +,-%4#%$#,'4#"%4&)%!7*8%**$),4%#!%4&)%9#**+1#"+4':);(%$'(('#,5% The Cabinet is comprised of three B’nai El Members of Origin: Amye Carrigan, Steve Muchnick, and Craig Roth, and three Shaare Emeth Members of Origin: Randy Brodsky, Carl Moskowitz, and Lesley Levin. Lesley is a licensed Clinical Social Worker and recently retired as the President/CEO of Behavioral Health Response, the Eastern Region of Missouri Crisis System. As a Para Rabbinic Fellow, Lesley serves many functions in the Jewish community including conducting funerals, stone settings, shiva minyans and leading Sabbath morning services. She has been a member of Congregation Shaare Emeth for the past 28 years. Lesley is currently the President of the Board of Directors of NAMI St. Louis, Vice President of the Sisterhood of Shaare Emeth, and on the boards of Covenant Place, the Women of Reform Judaism and CHADS Coalition. She has been married to Mark Levin for nearly 42 years and is the proud mother of Sara and Joshua. Lesley loves to ride her motorcycle, knit and read (but not all at the same time). Lesley Levin, Chairperson, Collaborative Advisory Cabinet 15 Temple Joy 6RFLDO+RXU Sponsors Mazel Tov/Simchas Rachel and Jeffrey Spector on the birth of their daughter, Carly Danielle Spector. Congratulations also to grandparents, Teri and Harvey Brandvein, and great-grandparents, Judy and John Brandvein and Helyn and Morris Kevrick. Ellen Paskar on the birth of her granddaughter, Madeline Rachel. Harriet and Larry Glazer on the birth of their granddaughter, Mila Layne Levy. Jane and Jim Grossman and Barbara and Bruce Feldacker on the birth of their grandson, Matai Jay Feldacker-Grossman. Congratulations also to great-grandparents, Betty and Jack Grossman. Todd Newstead on his engagement to Jessica Waeltz. Congratulations also to parents, Steve and Sherri Newstead, and grandmother, Ruth Newstead. Emily Thal and Brent Ohen on their engagement. Congratulations also to parents, Jane and Sandy Thal. -$18$5< Allen Yaffe and Michelle Drabin and Mark and Karen Seigel in honor of Samantha Seigel becoming a Bat Mitzvah FEBRUARY 7 Jean Sokora and John Sokora in honor of daughter, Miriam, becoming a Bat Mitzvah )(%58$5< Beverly Guterman in honor of Hannah Guterman becoming a Bat Mitzvah FEBRUARY 28 Michael and Arlene Patterson in honor of Jessica Goldberg, becoming a Bat Mitzvah Sharon and Barry Baker on the marriage of their son, Bradley, to Angela Nelson. Norm and Marsha Schwesig on the birth of their granddaughter, Talia Ilyse Mellick. Candle Blessings Michael Levy on being elected president of the Residents Council of Delmar Gardens West. FEBRUARY 7 To share your simcha, visit www.shaare-emeth.org and click <Share a Lifecycle Event or Simcha>. Or, call Shandi or Gloria in the Temple 2IÀFH )(%58$5< Jean, Rachel and Miriam Sokora Debbie Guyer )(%58$5< Beverly Guterman Welcome New Members Greeters FEBRUARY 7 Eisen Family Lenora and Alvin Sachar )(%58$5< Ira and Julie Richter Suzanne and Bill Bierman )(%58$5< Cheryl Perry FEBRUARY 28 Marilyn Ratkin 16 FEBRUARY 28 Goldberg Family Anyone wishing the honor of lighting the Shabbat candles when there are openings on Friday nights may call Gloria Schwartz or Stacy -HVSHUVRQDW Thinking of You Condolences to our Temple families who have recently lost a loved one. Condolences Sympathy ALVIN MOLOS Father of Eric Molos, Wendy Green and Amy Neeter Jim Willis on the death of his father, Charles Willis. JANE MEYERS Mother of Robert, William, and Katy Meyers Grandmother of Sam Meyers Steven Friedman on the death of his father, Daniel Friedman. Karin Krakover on the death of her father, Marshall Friedman. Teresa Prince on the death of her sister, Mary Sissin. 3HUSHWXDO0HPRULDOV Lillian Arky on the death of her sister, Sylvia Faintich !"#$#%&'()"*(+",$$-"$+.(,)'+*$/"0%&1 Marcia Feit !"#$%&#'&($%#!)#%&*#)($%&*+#,&-.!/*#0(1)2&# DAVID OWEN WOHL Steve Schwedt on the death of his father, Arnold Schwedt Established by Matthew D. Wohl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ahrzeits JANUARY 31 & FEBRUARY 1, 2014 Albert Sidney Aloe Rudolph Berger Charles Berns Hyman Bierman Louisa Bloom Janice S. Blotkey Adolph S. Brown Rose C. Brown Sam Burman Jennie Cohen Hyman Cytron Michael Edlin Sue P. Erber Anne Faintich Herbert Frank Matilde Mannheimer Frankenthal Emma Freund Flora D. Freund C. Lew Gallant Sam Gelb John J. Gersmann Eva Glazer Lane Kent Glazer Samuel D. Goldman David Grosser Jack Haimes Ella Harris Sidney J. Heiman Hyman Hian Bessie Himeles Benjamin Leonard Holmes Kalmon Horwitz Lillian Immerman Genevieve Jaffe Joseph Jaffe Abe Sharney Kalin Shirley Sharney Kalin Mildred Pareira Kalish Leah Markovitz Klamen Sophie W. Klauber Albert Kopolow Henrietta G. Krasner Milton Kushkin Adolph Levy Fred T. Lowy Meyer Lubin Rose Lubin Willard L. Mange Fritz Josef Mann Ludwig Mayer Molly H. Mayer Fannie McFarland Edward Meyer Sam Minner John H. Morrison Anna Moss Norma Nissenbaum Samuel Oberdorfer Irwin Arthur Page Michael Meyer Platke Bella K. Popper 18 Julia Engle Pressman Ruth Richman Dorothy R. Roach Harriet S. Rosenbloom Florence M. Ross Claude P. Rosser, Jr. Mary Rubin Sarah Sacks Moses N. Sale Morris Schapiro Miriam Krupnick Schneider Richard Jan Schwadron Joseph G. Schwartz Dorothy Seigel Melba Rose Shapiro Dorothy K. Sherman Harry Shopmaker Dora S. Shucart Herman H. Shucart Alvin Hubert Siegfried Isador J. Siegfried Arnold Singer Corinne Schweig Singer Mildred Spiegel Pauline Mook Spyer Flora Stein Dr. George Charles Steinger Leo L. Steyermark Ben P. Stromberg Nelson Tabachnick Samuel Teper Tillie A. Voda Samuel Wallach Harry H. Weil Tillie P. Weiman Albert Weinstein Robert Weissman Benjamin Wexler Matilda Winer Edward H. Wolff William Zinner FEBRUARY 7 & 8 Alfred A. Allina Emma Baer Joseph Bensinger Grace D. Brickman Albert Cann Max A. Davis Irma N. Demba Isaac Dillenberg Toba Erlich Molly Fadem Isadore Faintich Leona Feldman Ida Fishman Mark Follman Edna Cohen Friedman Samuel H. Goldman Anna G. Goltzman Jacob Goran Harry Greenberg Lillian Greenberg Era Magill Greiman Anne Grosser Betty Jane Haffner Max Hesselberg Bertha Heyman Walter Heymann Samuel Hirschberg Charles L. Hirson Henrietta Hochschild Hyman D. Hollander Rose Hollin Melvine H. Hyken Roland Kahn Ike Kaiser Isidore Kalishman Sandy Gilden Kaplan Beatrice Landau Kramer Dr. David Edward Lehr Benjamin A. Levin Bernice D. Lieberman Julius Loewenstein Hattie Mathes Ruth (Billie) Miller Herman W. Mostow Fannie Nehmen Louise Franzel Pearlstein Samuel J. Phillips Edith W. Press Irwin Reif Julius Roth T. L. Rubinstein Ralph D. Sapot Minnie Sawyer Bess Brand Schneider Max J. Schoemann Jerome J. Schorsch Bernadine Shucart Albert J. Silver Ronald M. Simon Max Solomon Debbie Lynn Soule Ida Stack Karl Stein Lillian Mae Steinberg Eric Steiner Joseph M. Stepman Solomon Stockhamer Saul Torgove Nat Tucker Etta Weber Ellen R. Weiss Gizella Weiss Tesse B. Werner Samuel Westheimer Florence Wohlgemuth Sarah Wohlgemuth Clara A. Wolff Robert L. Wolfson FEBRUARY 14 & 15 Anne Abrams Norman Abrams Leopold Ackerman Frank Baker Barnett D. Bearman Louis H. Berg A. Milton Bernstein Hyman A. Binowitz Melva Blath Ida Bleich Dorothy C. Bogard Saul Chick Brown Jacob Carl Moses M. Cohn Pearl Comensky Lillian Dalin Alex Deutsch Wallace N. Emmer Rosa Epstein Fannie Flaum David H. Fleischer Morris I. Fleischer Sam Fleischer David Fox Merrill D. Freeman Gene S. J. Frenzel Max Gardner Joseph E. Garrison Joseph Gershman Pearl Goldberg Louise E. Golman William Gordon Bertha Grosby Rebecca Gross Fannie Guckenheim Rose Gelb Harris Abraham Heyman Mildred Hilburg Jacob Hirschberg Julius David Hyken Henry Stephen Iglauer Lillian Levy Kaplan Dr. Friedrich C. (Fritz) Katzenstein A. Lena Klauber Marvin Kling Leo Konrad Leonard Kreisman Max B. Landau Sam J. Levin Esther Epstein Lewinsky Henry L. Lewis Carl Lippman Dave Ludwig Charles Aaron Mathes Albert Mayer Abraham Meissner Sara (Sunny) Mielziner Sam Moses Harry Mosinger Harry Myerson Leon Neuman Celia Niedenberg Samuel Obermayer Herschel Parks Barbara J. Pessen Sam Plattner Barney Max Pressman Bessie Prusank Arthur Richman Col. Earle K. Rosen Nathan Rosenthaler Flora Roth Benjamin Rubin Dr. Samuel Rubin Lena Salzberg Pearl Salzberg Harry Saxe Lottie Schneider Julia A. Segelbohm Eugene J. Shapiro Dr. Allen B. Shopmaker Shirley L. Siegel Libby I. Silk Bonnie Solomon Simon Abe Sitrin Frieda Clara Sitrin Adolph A. Solomon Solomon Steiner Sidney Stone Sam Taryle Phil S. Taxman Carrie Dubinsky Tober Reuben Tockman Sam Totarsky Eve Weingart David S. Weinreich Joseph Winesuff Joseph Winkler Levi Wolfort Donald A. Yatkeman Dolores Feinstein Zigler FEBRUARY 21 & 22 Edwin Affelder Morris Alexander Becky Appelman Jack Barbarash Leon Block Rose Blumberg Joshua Bromberg Max Buchman Clara Cohen Sidney Simon Cohen William Cohen Jack S. Enger Oscar Feir Bernard Feldman George G. Feldman Esther Ferster Edna Fiman Carl Foster Lillian Itskowitz Friedman Rose Shea Gerskovitz Eva A. Goldstein Rebecca Handelman Adolph Hartman Irving Nathan Hoffman Harry A. Horwitz Julius Jacobs Ella Wall Jacobson Dora Helman Kahn Louis Krasner Harry Kravetz Ruth Kristal Blima Laba Morris Lefton Thomas V. Levin, I Hattie Tureen Levison John Loebner Albert Mark Manlin Yahrzeits Cacilia Mayer Edna Rice Meissner Adolph S. Milder Donald Miller Rowena Milton Naoma C. Myer Ben Novack Harold Gene Oglander Nathan Petrofsky Sophie Portnoy Armin H. Price Samuel Recht Fred M. Reichman Barney Reiss Maury Rich Evelyn Kogan Roskin Philip Roth Abraham I. Rubin Harvey Sarner Helen Schaffer Abe Schneider Leon Shapiro Allan M. Siegel Simon Silverberg Tillie Silverman Gussie Spiegel Sokol Jack Solomon Harry Steinberg Emanuel Steiner Florence Summers William Tauben Anna Weingart Peter Jacob Witte FEBRUARY 28 & MARCH 1 Jerome Alfend Leah Applebaum Marcia Erlich Baru Fannye Leah Baum Sarah K. Baum Dora Becker Alex Bernstein Sylvia Bernstein Celia Biernbaum Helen S. Brockman Natalile Babe Canis Sadie M. Cohen Brian Cressner Elie Dayan Eugene J. Demba Sarah K. Deutch Morris ‘Moke’ Epstein Lilly Y. Ferman Celia Fishgall Ira Fleischmann David Friedman Walter L. Frumson Birdie Furstenberg Idge Matz Galperin Sam Gartenberg Marillyn Geffen David E. Gers Harold Milton Gilden Harry Glassman Bessie Goldstein Evelyn Goldwasser Shirlee Green Regina Greenberg Helen !"##$%#&' Florence Gutnick Bertha Hollander Theodore Horowitz Frances L. Horwitt Rose Ikin Lester Klauber Joseph Kohn Annie Krisman Abbey Kurlander Elias Laupheimer Oscar Charles Lehr Israel Lerner Ellen M. Levinson Abe P. Levy Beryl Lieberstein Louis Lite Pepi Loew Carl Lott Elsa Lowy Rachel Vogel Magidson Minnie Mankofsky Edwin M. Marcus Henrietta S. Markus Katie Mathes Leslie Lazarus Mathes Milton Meyer Mathes Maurice H. Mednik Joseph Medve Esther Milder Lee Monashkin Jacob Neuman Marjorie Tagerman Pack Fannie R. Passer Robert Permuter Sam Prywitch Goldye Rosen Millicent R. Rubin Herman Sachs Adolph Safron Sol Samuels Max Schucart Raymond H. Seltzer Dora Sharney Robert Sigoloff Adele Silk Selma Silverman Marie Reiter Steiner Martha Muriel Stone Michael Turken Thelma Wagner Freida D. Weingart Eve Weitzer Dorothy Virginia Williams Charles H. Wolff Dr. Charles H. Wolff James Henry Yalem Ida Zellinger Rose Zimmerman Victor Zimmerman Tributes These tributes are those processed during the month of December 2013. RABBI’S SPECIAL FUND $'21$7,21 !"#$$%!&!'(#$)*!+#$*,-,1$335(&,$7,212) Rabbi Bennett for baby naming of Shya Jude !.)/$012!&!3,44%!3,#$50*, Rabbi Bennett for help preparing Hannah to become a Bat Mitzvah !.)6,$-!&!7#$)5%*!'89:#* Rabbis Bennett and Stiffman for ()%*+,-+$./,-/)0$#",&/()/1'2,"'/ Leibson !.)6,$-!&!'(,$$%!'(8;#* Rabbis Goldstein and Stiffman for ()%*+,-+$./,-/2#''+$./()/3+*4+/,$'/ Brian Schaff !+$0#*!&!<0120!'1(#99 Rabbi Goldstein for the honor of carrying the Torah !=)*01#!'0;)* Rabbis Bennett and Goldstein !=#$>0*!&!3(%550?!@#$6,$ Rabbis Bennett and Goldstein for baby naming of Mia Brooks !A5,*,!+$))2?!&!.01(#$/! '1(#$*()$?Rabbis Stiffman, Goldstein, Bennett and Cantor Warner for hospital visits to Gail !7(#$5,?!&!B#05!C0?,*2$#;,$ ,1+21252) Greg and Yukari Pass on their marriage !+$81,!&!7#$)5!7#*0? Gloria Schwartz for receiving the JPro Dedication Award !7(#$5,?!&!B#05!C0?,*2$#;,$ Rita and Barry Worth on their 50th wedding anniversary !D#%!&!7#$)5,!B)5/?-,0* Birth of Carly Danielle Spector !D)(*!&!D8/%!+$#*/>,0* ,10(025<2) Betty and Sherman LeMaster !"#8$0,!'-,$* Bobette Guller !.)%!&!E#*10!=#*?)* Charles Willis !F$-(8$!&!<0>0#*!3$,*?2% Dolores Toder !D8*,!.)>01?!'-,0*6,$4 Edna Feit !+$81,!&!7#$)5!7#*0? Eli Flusser !G,*/%!H58??,$ Ludwig Priebat and Mary Sperling !D)(*!&!D8/%!+$#*/>,0* Phyllis Kiefus !@,$6,$-!&!I,5/#!.)485 Selma Berger !=05-)*!&!D8*,!'-,0*6,$4 Shirley Glass Shacat !J,6$#!",,!D)*#? CANTOR’S SPECIAL FUND ,1+21252) Adrienne Eigles Mellovitz for receiving the Georgia Frontiere Community Quarterback Award !E#-#50,K!"#$$%!&!.#1(,5!B)5/;#* ,1$335(&,$7,212) Cantor Warner for baby naming of Mia Brooks !A5,*,!+$))2?!&!.01(#$/! '1(#$*()$?Cantor Warner for his help preparing 5,$$,6/70)%,$/-(/8#*(9#/,/ Bat Mitzvah !.)6,$-!&!7#$)5%*!'89:#* :,$-("/;,"$#"/)("/()%*+,-+$./,-/ funeral of Edward Leibson !.)6,$-!&!'(,$$%!'(8;#* Joe Pereles for favor when leaving St. Louis !D)?,L(!7)(,* 19 Tributes ,10(025<2) Celia Eisen !"#$%&'!()*&+!,! -)./#*#!0/&$#%12' Charles Willis and Marshall Friedman !3&%#4/!,!05%2'!6&/#' Tony Wolf !3&%#4/!,!05%2'!6&/#'7! 8)./2$9!,!0/2$&'!6&/#' MAX AND BERNICE BABCHICK JEWISH FAMILY INVOLVEMENT FUND ,10(025<2) Max and Bernice Babchick !:2'.;!(&$12%<#$ JOSEPH & LILLIAN BEIL ISRAEL FUND ,10(025<2) Lillian and Joseph Beil !8&%2*)'9!0#** BEMA FLOWER FUND ,1+21252) Samantha Seigel becoming a Bat Mitzvah, -2$=!,!>2$#'!0#)?#*7!@**#'! A2BB#!,!-)./#**#!C$2D)' Hannah Guterman becoming a Bat Mitzvah E%$2#*!"5<#$12' Miriam Sokora becoming a Bat Mitzvah 32.&D!,!82./#*!0&=&$2 ,10(025<2) Anna Handler !8)./2$9!,!0/2$&'!02B$&' David Samson and Clementine Samson !"2$$;!,!6;'</)2!0#*<F#$ David Samson and Sidney Morris !05%2'!02G#!,!"2$;!-&$$)% Louis Lippe and Mildred Spiegel !H)**)21!,!05F2''#!()#$12' Marjorie Shuman !3&%#4/!0/512' Olga Oberdorfer and Samuel Oberdorfer !I2'%!,!-2$.)2!JD#$9&$B#$7! 6&*K!I2$L#;!,!M*)F2D#</!-#;#$ Sylvia B. Rubin and Hyman A. Rubin !8&'!,!N21!85D)'7!O&99!85D)'7! 35*)#P!32;P!02**;P!2'9! 82;!Q)D#$12' Ted Grazman !-2$%/2!"$2F12' 20 BROCKMAN-SIEGELMAN GEMILUT HASADIM FUND ,1+21252) Adam and Jen Goldstein on their wedding !Q2+$#'.#!,!3&;.#!>&*=#$ ,10(025<2) Helen and Oscar Brockman, Evelyn and Sidney Goldberg and Wilma Siegelman !@**#'!,!8&'')#!($&.=12' SEYMOUR AND ROSE BROWN COLLEGE ,10(025<2) Alan Bernstein !-)<./#**!,!-#*2')#!(#$'%<#)' Rose Brown !@*&)%!,!>2</*##'!(5$927! 6&''#$!@%/P!NK6K BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND ,10(025<2) Hannah Solomon Rosen !:&$12'!,!(&'')#!0&*&1&' Herman S. Hollander !(2$$;!I&**2'9#$ CHUSED ISRAEL EXPERIENCE FUND ,10(025<2) Charles Willis; Harry, Sammy and Jerry Lebman !02'B&$9!,!I292%%2/!Q#D12' MICAH DAVIS MEMORIAL FUND ,1+21252) Edith Levine on her special birthday !@*).#!0./+2$<F Niki and Daniel Freyman on their marriage !0<2'!,!@'9;!0/2'=#$ ESTELLE AND ED FISCHER CHILDREN’S SCHOLARSHIP FUND ,1+21252) Hannukah !@1;!,!>#L)'!R)%./#$ ,10(025<2) Ed and Estelle Fischer and Julie Levey !0.&<<!,!@921!"&BB%<#)'7!3#BB! R)%./#$!,!O#$$)!8&9$)?5#F7! 8&D;'P!O)1P!@*)!,!-2G!I5'<#$7 !0<#4/2')#P!0<#4/#'P!35*)#P! C2')#*P!@*#G2'9$2!,!M*)2'2! Q#L#;7!3&'!,!62$;'!Q#L#;!,! R21)*; AL AND EVA FLEISCHER HEALING FUND ,1+21252) Adrienne Weiss for a speedy recovery !(SA2./29!8&%/!6/&9#%/!"$&54 GOLDBERG CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND $'21$7,21 !85%%#**!,!"2*#!>&/' ,10(025<2) Mildred Goldberg !C&*&$#%!@K!0./5**)2' SHIRLEE GREEN PRESCHOOL FUND ,10(025<2) Dorothy Kaplan -&$<!>24*2' Edward Leibson !6)'9;!,!>#)</!"5**#$ Gloria Mark Flowers Sack 8&'!,!N21!85D)'7!8&D#$<!,! 8&%2*)#!0<#)'7!-2$=!,!Q)%2! "5D#$')=7!0<2.;!,!3&#!-.:#+ Judy Wallach !6)'9;!,!>#)</!"5**#$ Bruce and Barb Feldacker on their 50th anniversary !@*2'!,!0/2$&'!H#)%%12' Gloria Schwartz for receiving the JPro Dedication Award !-2$=!,!Q#%*#;!Q#L)' Ida Kramer for her birthday !Q)'92!T&**#$ ,10(025<2) Charles Willis and Edward Leibson !-2$=!,!Q#%*#;!Q#L)' TODD JASON KRONEMER YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND ,10(025<2) Marshall Friedman and Sandra Kronemer !:&$<&'!,!0/)$*#;!>$&'#1#$ KUSHKIN LANDSCAPING FUND ,10(025<2) Jann Shapiro Wagner !02'B&$9!,!02'9$2! >$2./12*').= DOROTHY LEVITT/BIRDIE FURSTENBERG SUPPORT STAFF PENSION FUND ,1+21252) Gloria Schwartz for receiving the JPro Dedication Award !E*#'#!($&&=% LIBRARY FUND ,1$335(&,$7,212) Debbie Bram for her help !E*#'#!Q)<L2? Rabbi Stiffman for his kindness !E*#'#!Q)<L2? Use of library !H#9'#%92;!-2U!"$&54 ESSMAN-SCHAEFFER CAMP SCHOLARSHIP FUND ,10(025<2) Albert and Ruth Kopolow !@*2'!,!N#??;!0./2BB#$ ,1+21252) Barb and Bruce Feldacker on their 50th anniversary !-2$<)'!,!32.V5#*;'!Q)4%)<F ,10(025<2) Abram and Sara Wolk !-&').2!0)1&' Myron and Byrnece Jaffe Judith Jaffe ,1+21252) Greg Fox for a speedy recovery !@*;'!,!-2$*;'!M%%12' HARRIS KRAMER SOCIAL ACTION FUND MANN FAMILY HUNGER FUND ,10(025<2) Ronald Steinman !@*;'!,!-2$*;'!M%%12' ,1+21252) Birth of Talia Elyse !-2$)*;'!,!"2$;!82<=)' ,1+21252) Jane Meyers >2<;P!-2$.P!Q25$#'P! T&#!,!0<5!-#;#$% ,10(025<2) Claire Harris and Miriam Cohn !0<2'!,!@'9;!0/2'=#$ ALBERT AND RUTH KOPOLOW BEAUTIFICATION FUND Tributes ,1+21252) Cheryl Maayan and Gloria Schwartz for recognition by JPro $,-./#0$1$2#-**#$34"*#)5#. Fran and Ronnie Kunitz on their 50th wedding anniversary $,-./#0$1$2#-**#$34"*#)5#. ,10(025<2) Charles Willis and Tony Wolf $,-./#0$1$2#-**#$34"*#)5#. MICHAEL MATLOF FUND FOR HOMEBOUND SERVICES ,1+21252) Amy and Jim Bennett on their 25th anniversary $3&6-*$7-('89:$7)4"-#'$;8"#*:$ <.#=$7-('89 Daniel Freyman on his marriage $,-..)#($3&>>#.6 HARRY & LUCILLE MIDOWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND ,1$335(&,$7,212) Harry and Lucille Midows for love and support $;8.#0$1$?>)'0$@#)*"-&6A$ <)'>8.#$9->)'0 ,1+21252) Michelle Shanker for a speedy recovery $,-..0$1$2&4)''#$7)58B6 OPERATIONS ENHANCEMENT FUND ,1$335(&,$7,212) Use of library $78*5-0$7-C$<.8&D ,1+21252) Larry Waldbaum and Joni Antweil a for speedy recovery $@)'')->$1$2)*5-$2#/)* ,10(025<2) Tony Wolf $%#(60$E#''0 Anita Fischer and Salwin Fischer $2&4)''#$F'#G-*5#. Bella Baum, Jacob Temkin and Paul Temkin $7)'5.#5$!#>H)* Charles Willis $7-./)*$1$?)'##*$I)4">-* Edward Leibson $J8.>-*$1$%8**)#$38'8>8:$ I-*5-''$1$J-*40$<.##* J.B. Margolies $<#.-'5$7-.=8')#6 Joe Bain and Ann Disner $<'8.)-$3).H)* Judy Wallach $F&5.#0$3"-*K#'5:$?5B-.5$1$ L8.#((#$<8'5M#.= Louis Rafsky, Cecil Gerr and Sylvia Gerr $;-.8'$I-96H0 Marshall Friedman $7-./)*$1$?)'##*$I)4">-*:$ 3->&#'$1$I#*##$3)'/#.6(#)*:$ I8M#.($1$I86-')#$3(#)* Martin Goldstein $%-..0$1$3"#..0$3"-9>-* Melvin L. Goldman $L8.)6$<8'5>-* Nancy Benson $2&4)''#$F'#G-*5#. Oscar and Marian Feir $L#/8.-$78')(8. Robert Aaron Horwitz $3&N0$?'H)*6 Tony Wolf E#*$1$3-*5.-$%).#*M-&>:$ E#**#("$1$O-4P&#'0*$E'#M-*:$ O86#D"$1$%.#*5-$Q#.#'#6:$3->&#'$ 1$I#*##$3)'/#.6(#)*:$I8M#.($1$ I86-')#$3(#)* William Davis $%#.*)#$1$J-*40$@)*8=.-5 RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND ,1+21252) Ben Thal for a speedy recovery $3&6-*$R'#>)*=#. ,10(025<2) Paul Kram $O804#$1$O-4H)#$I&58'D" Rachel Hollander $;-.8'$2#B)6 Ruth Hoffman $<)'M#.($,899>-* SAM & GOLDYE ROSEN MUSIC FUND ,10(025<2) Bessie Newman $%-..0$1$I)(-$@8.(" Pearl Schultz $3(#/#$1$%8**)#$I86#* WILLIAM SELTZER OLDER ADULT FUND ,10(025<2) Ruth Bernstein $7)(4"#''$1$7#'-*)#$%#.*6(#)* Stella Schwander $F.'#*#$I&M#' ROBERT J. SIEGEL SETYG PROGRAM FUND ,1+21252) Max Zelman on his second birthday $R.)#5>-*$R->)'0:$;'-.H$R.#)#.:$ L8&='-6$1$%#(()*-$3)#=#':$3&6-*$ S#'>-* ,10(025<2) Bev Lamberg $%.&4#$1$3"#..)$!8*6 SHIRLEY SOLOMON PLAY YARD FUND ,1+21252) Torrin Schumaker $I866$1$,)''-.0$34"&>-H#. TEMPLE ENDOWMENT FUND ,10(025<2) Anne Schimel $E#**#("$1$T')/)-$34")>#' Charles Willis Richard Cohen LOUISE TEPER FUND FOR ZAMIR CHORALE ,10(025<2) Nancy Benson $U'#*#$%.88H6 MARSHALL WEISMAN FUND FOR PRESCHOOL SPECIAL NEEDS CHILDREN ,1+21252) Lindy Weatherby for a speedy recovery $78*)4-$3)>8* SISTERHOOD PHYLLIS & MARK KAPLAN CHILDREN & YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND ,1+21252) Cliff Segal on his marriage to Joan Gold O#..)$1$%)''$2)/)*=6(8*$$$$ Dale Wolf on his special birthday O#..)$1$%)''$2)/)*=6(8*$$$ Bernard Bornstein on his special birthday 30'/)-$E-D'-* Barbara and Bruce Feldacker on their 50th wedding anniversary and on the birth of grandson, Matai Jay Feldacker-Grossman O#..)$1$%)''$2)/)*=6(8*$$$$ Jane and Jim Grossman on the birth of their grandson, Matai Jay FeldackerGrossman O#..)$1$%)''$2)/)*=6(8*$$$$ ,10(025<2) Nancy Benson O#..)$1$%)''$2)/)*=6(8*:$ ;"-.'#*#$1$2-..0$!-M#. Adeline Mass 28&)6#$7-66 Tony Wolf O#..)$1$%)''$2)/)*=6(8* +RQRURU Remember a Loved One M ake a tribute in someone’s honor or memory. For a donation of at least $7, we’ll print and mail your recipient a card stating a donation has been made to the Shaare Emeth tribute fund of the sender’s choosing. For a donation of at least $10 or more, we’ll also print your tribute in !"#$%&''#()*+ To make your tribute, visit www.shaare-emeth.org and !"#!$%&'()*+,-.%(/%0""%(1+%*% 2(/3%#)%+4,%5,36",%(20!,7 21 February SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JANUARY 26 JANUARY 27 JANUARY 28 JANUARY 29 JANUARY 30 JANUARY 31 1 61$3&+$//(1*( 61$3&+$//(1*( 61$3&+$//(1*( 61$3&+$//(1*( 61$3&+$//(1*( 61$3&+$//(1*( 61$3&+$//(1*( 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Camps of Shaare Emeth Open House, 11:30 a.m. Shaare Tunes Youth Choir 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 10 a.m. Torah Study 7 p.m. Yiddish Club (p. 12) 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (SMJCS) 6:30 p.m. Documentary & Discussion: 1'23456' 47'786'94:36 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service !"#$%&'/.*+,/0*+; 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Service 2 3 9 a.m. ECE Morning Fun (p. 8), 11:30 a.m. Shaare Tunes Youth Choir 9 4 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 6 p.m. Room at the Inn 10 8-10:30 a.m. Kibitz Café (p. 12), TBA SE56 Event, 11:30 a.m. Shaare Tunes Youth Choir 16 11 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 17 NO RELIGIOUS 6&+22/ 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Shirlee Green Preschool Open House 23 10 a.m. Torah Study 7 p.m. Israel Trip Meeting 7 p.m. Yiddish Club 18 35(6,'(17·6 DAY OFFICE CLOSED 1235(6&+22/ 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 12 p.m. Seniors Luncheon (at United Hebrew) 8 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Services TBA SETYG Mamma Mia (at The Fox, p. 11) 13 14 15 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, Social Action & Advocacy Shabbat !"#$%&'()*++,(-*(. 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Services 26 10 a.m. Torah Study 7 p.m. Yiddish Club (p. 12) 11 a.m. Seniors Steering Committee Meeting 7 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service, First Fridays (p.2,) February Birthday Blessings, !"#$%&'/0*/),()*+) 12 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (SMJCS) 7 p.m. Sisterhood Meeting 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 25 6 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (SMJCS) 7 p.m. SETYG Lounge Night 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 19 10 a.m. Torah Study 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan Time TBA JM8 Skiing (at Hidden Valley, p. 11) 24 11:30 a.m. Shaare Tunes Youth Choir 5 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (SMJCS) 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 10 a.m. Torah Study 9 a.m. Mindful Parenting (SMJCS) 7 p.m. SETYG Lounge Night 7 p.m. Adult Hebrew 20 63(&,$/6&5,3 ORDERS DUE 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 27 7:15 a.m. Weekday Minyan 21 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service !"#$%&'(.*+<(=*/) 22 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Breakfast Nosh 10:45 a.m. Shaare Shabbat Service 28 MARCH 1 6&5,3635,1*)/,1* RAFFLE DRAWING S NFTY 09-<* &+$985$+ NFTY 09-<* &+$985$+ 5:15 p.m. Nosh 6 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat Service !"#$%&'(=*/+>-)*(= 9:30 a.m. Torah Study 11 a.m. Shabbat Morning Worship Service ADVERTISER OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY +:35LJJLQJ 029(+:3:::+:35,**,1*&20 Thank you for supporting The Bulletin 22 EMILY HABERL Disney Travel Specialist Call me for FREE Disney planning! 618.206.5021 [email protected] BROKER PROCESSOR 8BMMBDI*SPO.FUBM$P*OD 6670 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Louis, MO 63133 AL WALLACH PHONE (314) 389-1129 '"9 rCELL (314) 574-9194 EMAIL [email protected] WEBSITE www.wallachironandmetal.com Steven B. 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LOUIS 7730 Bonhomme Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105 West County Volvo For All Of Your Home Mortgage Needs Brad Pearlman 1/4 mile west of 141 on Manchester Road Since 1951 Free Measuring & Free Consultation t$6450.."%&*/5&3*03&95&3*038*/%084)655&34 t4)"%&4#-*/%4#:(3"#&3)6/5&3%06(-"4 t$0.1&5*5*7&13*$*/( #SFOUXPPE*OEVTUSJBM%St4U-PVJT.0 1I r'BY XXXEBOEFFTIVUUFSDPNrEBOETIVUFS!BPMDPN *Low Fees/Low Rates* Office (314) 579-1630 Direct (636) 346-7454 Ken Levine (636) 227-8303 Office (314) 249-0093 Cell [email protected] www.firstbankmortgage.com/bradpearlman #1 Volvo Dealer & 100+ Pre-Owned, All Makes & Models Volvo, Safest Vehicle on the Planet! 0-*7&45&$45-06*4.0 5&-.07&)81 '"9 888)813*((*/($0. Call Pres Presidential Limousines for weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs or special occasions. 636-451-3600 www.prezlimos.com www.facebook.com/prezlimos SAM GOODMAN, Sales Associate Creve Coeur/Chesterfield 314-882-7150 Cell 314-878-9820 Office 314-878-9064 Fax [email protected] 13718 Olive Blvd., Chesterfield, MO 63017 www.cbgundaker.com LASER DENTISTRY No Shots, No Drill–Pain Free Dentistry ROBERT P. ROTHENBERG D.D.S. 636-391-6990 PROVIDING SMILES SINCE 1973 ELITE SMILE DESIGN OFFICE Call for a FREE Consultation & Lumismile Portrait Rosenbloom Monument Co. SEE THIS AD? SO DO YOUR CUSTOMERS. E S TA B L I S H E D 1 9 0 5 TREE & LAWN CARE EXPERTS SINCE 1880 $20 OFF Tree Pruning/Removal (314) 961-5440 www.davey.com 7511 Olive Street Road St. Louis, MO 63130 ofc 314-721-5070 Fax 314-721-5874 To Have Your Customers See You, Call Bob Swagman 1-800-950-9952 x2650 [email protected] www.SeekAndFind.com BRYAN CRADY SERVICE MANAGER Schneider Electric Company &WFMJOFt4U-PVJT.0 0GmDF t'BY ELEANOR GERSHIEN Broker Sales Associate (314) 307-0437 CELL (314) 993-8000 OFFICE [email protected] Ladue Office 9651 Clayton Road, St. Louis, MO 63124 Italian Restaurant 8213 Delmar Blvd. 314-991-2022 The Only Jewish Family Owned and Operated Funeral Chapel In St. Louis. Since 1884 Rindskopf-Roth FUNERAL CHAPEL 5216 DELMAR BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO 63108 367-0438 FOR AD INFO CALL Bob Swagman 1-800-950-9952 r WWW.4LPi.COM CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH, CREVE COEUR, MO A 2C 31-0824 12-26-2013 12:26:45 The Bulletin is published monthly by Congregation Shaare Emeth. For more LQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHFDOOWKH7HPSOHRIÀFH DW Time Sensitive Material RABBIS James M. Bennett Andrea M. Goldstein Jeffrey B. Stiffman, Emeritus CANTOR Seth P. Warner 1RQ3URÀW Organization 8V3RVWDJH PAID St. Louis, MO 3HUPLW EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rosalie R. Stein DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LIFE AND LEARNING Debbie Bram DIRECTOR OF EARLY CHILDHOOD ENGAGEMENT Karen Lucy RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DIRECTOR Liessa Alperin CAMP AND YOUTH DIRECTOR Jodi Miller DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Robert Colton DIRECTOR OF THE B’NAI EL COLLABORATIVE Michelle I. Gralnick BULLETIN COORDINATOR Shandi Penrod When You Make a Charity Car 'RQDWLRQLQ<RX:LOO 5HFHLYHIUHHYHKLFOHSLFNXS ZKHWKHUGRQDWHGFDULVUXQQLQJRUQRW FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT Greg Yawitz $YRLGFRQIXVLQJ'HSDUWPHQWRI0RWRU9HKLFOHVSDSHUZRUN VICE-PRESIDENTS Eric Feinstein Laura Kaplan Renee Silverstein Bonnie Solomon Bob Tucker 4XDOLI\IRUDQ,56WD[GHGXFWLRQ $YRLGDOOWKHKHDGDFKHVRIVHOOLQJDXVHGFDU³ no expensive want ads, no phone calls, no showing the car repeatedly, no price haggling. Board !"#$%&'( PRESIDENT Joseph Pereles SECRETARY Jonathan Sachs TREASURER William Livingston, Jr. ASSOCIATE TREASURER Jason Hoberman IMMED. PAST PRESIDENT Kenneth Birenbaum MEMBER AT LARGE Larry Sparks CONGREGATION SHAARE EMETH /$'8(52$' 67/28,60,66285, :::6+$$5((0(7+25* )$; We make it simple and your vehicle donation helps Congregation Shaare Emeth. W hen you donate a car, we will take the information over the phone, handle all of the documents and pick up your vehicle for a charity auction sale, and you will receive a tax deduction equivalent to Congregation Shaare Emeth’s gross receipt from the sale of your vehicle or the fair market value if Congregation Shaare Emeth gives it to a needy person. In addition, the fair market value can be taken if the car’s value is below $500. Contact Stacy Jespersen, 314-692-5304, for more information.
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