Happy Passover from Our Family to Yours
Happy Passover from Our Family to Yours
Happy Passover from Our Family to Yours Share a Seder - CBE will NOT be hosting a Second Night Seder this year. If you have room at your Seder Table for either night, or need a home to celebrate in, contact Deb Sokoler -- 436-9761 x228 or [email protected] The 2nd Annual CBE Night of Dinner and Music with the Albany Symphony Orchestra Join Sisterhood to see Saturday, April 18 5 p.m. Dinner at Yono’s - and pre-concert talk with David Alan Miller 7:30 p.m. Dynamic, classical string trio Time For Three brings their unique twist on classical tradition to the Albany Symphony. Contact Judy Kahn at [email protected] or 869-0002 bus leaves CBE at 8 a.m. bus departs NYC at 5 p.m. (right after show) May 27th Sisterhood Members $150; Non-Members $155 (checks payable to CBE Sisterhood) Mail reservations with full payment before May 8,to Cynthia Freedman, 74 Tampa Ave., Albany, NY 12203 more Purim Palooza 2 photos on page 8 The Bulletin this year is being generously underwritten by Margie and Larry Kirsch April 2015 Our Temple Family From the Desk of Rabbi Shpeen Special Birthdays and Anniversaries An acquaintance of mine in New Jersey is an avid collector of Jewish art. Recently he forwarded to me a copy of the catalogue from an upcoming sale from one of the most distinguished auction houses of Judaica in the United States in New York City. He thought that I might be interested in a particular item (#71) that was slated for auction on February 23rd. It was a silver Torah Crown made from coin silver and believed to be one of the earliest silver crowns extant that was made in the United States. Inscribed along the inner rim was “Presented by Herman Myers to the Anshe Emeth Synagogue, Albany, New York, September 27, 1875”. The catalogue notation went on to share a bit of the history of our congregation AND that when established it was “the fourth Reform congregation in the USA”. Needless to say, I was most intrigued by this item and especially how it came to be listed for auction. I immediately called the director of the auction house in an attempt to find out the history of how it came into their possession. I was informed that they had acquired the crown from an auction at Sotheby’s ten years ago with no prior knowledge of the history and every five years have included it in their regular auctions thus far with no interested purchaser. Well, as you can imagine, not knowing the history of how this precious Torah crown fell out of our possession, and realizing that it could well be one of the oldest remnants of our congregation’s collection of Judaica, I made inquiry about having the piece “return home”. The director assured me that if I could guarantee the amount that he paid Sotheby’s ten years ago in order to cover his cost, which was far below what the auction catalogue had listed the piece as the appraised value, as a mitzvah he would remove it from the auction in order for it to finally return to Beth Emeth. An hour later, having secured the necessary funds, I called back and told him that the Torah crown is “coming home”! We are now looking forward to welcoming this magnificent artifact back to its ancestral home and to including it prominently in our Lobby Gallery of Judaica. Once the details are finalized, I look forward to your joining us in rededicating this precious Torah Crown and the important link that it serves in the history of our congregation. Rabbi Scott Shpeen Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their Special April Birthdays: Joe Bierman Shellie Carr Amy Cohen Nancy Cummins Natalie Feigenbaum Jay Fluster Ron Gerrol Elyse Goodman Beth Harwood Scott Hildreth Alison Johnson Marla Kellert Gail Kendall Debbie Liebman Jane Melby Rick Ostroff Denise Pensky Joel Schaller Cindy Shenker Mim Sommers Beth Emeth wishes to congratulate the following on their Special April Anniversary Claudia and Joel Burtman ~ 30 years Asya Markova and Valentin Markov ~ 55 years Roberta and Dick Seiden ~ 55 years It is our practice to acknowledge the milestones in the lives of our congregants on special birthdays (starting at age 35) and anniversaries (beginning with the 10th) in multiples of five years. If, for some reason, we fail to acknowledge an occasion in your life or that of a member of your family, please help us by informing the Temple office at 436-9761 ext 222. Congratulations to Carol and Leon Aronowitz II, on the engagement of their daughter, Emily Aronowitz to Cameron Khani of Brentwood, CA. Emily is the granddaughter of Esther Levine and the late Solomon Levine, and Leonore Lebowitz and the late Lee Aronowitz. Cameron is the son of Nasrin Farahmand of Westwood CA and John Khani of New Hyde Park, NY. A July, 2016 wedding is planned. Carl Bloomberg and Barry and Leslie Feinman for being honored by the SAAJCC as Pillars in the Jewish Community. Contact Brigitte at 438-6651 ext. 114 to attend the Brunch in their honor on April 19, 9:30 - noon at Beth Abraham Jacob. In Our Community WMHT has the following upcoming broadcasts which may be of interest to the CBE Community: April 5th Shalom Sesame at 9 a.m. Jerusalem - The Center of the World at 2 p.m. The Gefilte Fish Chronicles at 4 p.m. April 17th Jascha Heifetz American Masters at 9 p.m. Cantorial Selection Committee We are pleased to announce that the Cantorial Selection Committee has been formed with Second Vice President, Andrew Safranko, as chair of the committee. The following have been named to the committee: Mary Ann Cooper; Marjorie Dorkin; Amy Hawrylchak; Lauren Iselin; Benjamin Mendel; David Alan Miller; Garrett Sanders; Rabbi Scott Shpeen; Shara Siegfeld and Robin Sobol. Thank you to all the members of the congregation who offered to be a part of the committee. Please do not hesitate to contact Andy at [email protected] or 982-0770 with any questions. In Memoriam Beth Emeth recognizes with profound sorrow the death of our members Myron ‘Mike’ Greenberg Husband of the late Sandi Greenberg, Father of June (Dan) Pekrol, Randi (Kevin) Barrell and Lori (George) Andrews and dear friend of Felice Feldman Beth Emeth extends sympathy to those in our congregation who have lost a loved one Doris Groper Mother of Cantor Glenn (Micki) Groper Congregation Beth Emeth Bulletin April 2015 - 5775 Published monthly except August Congregation Beth Emeth 100 Academy Road, Albany, New York 12208 Volume LVIII, No. VIII Joseph H. Hoffman Father of Michael (Amy) Hoffman 2 President’s Perspective Worship Service Schedule At our March board meeting, the trustees discussed our proposed budget for 20152016. Talking about money is not always easy, but what our discussion showed us is how much we are doing with what we have. Only six years ago, we had a full-time Assistant Rabbi and Director of Education. Due to budget cuts, we had to make both positions part-time. As we talked about everything happening at Beth Emeth, it became clear that, in spite of these financial cuts, we are doing more with less. How does this happen? We have hard-working and committed staff, clergy, lay leaders and volunteers who continue to think of and implement new ways to connect with and engage our congregants in a personal way. Just by looking through this bulletin, you can see that we offer many opportunities for everyone to become part of the Beth Emeth community. In addition, we receive generous contributions from congregants. Some give to our Endowment, while others help underwrite items in our budget. Many also give above their annual commitment. These contributions make a significant difference and enable us to provide for you, our congregants. But we have much more to do. We must continue to look at how we can use the resources that we have to meet the greatest number of needs. This may mean re-thinking some aspects of how we provide services and programming. As we develop new ideas, we will be certain to involve you – our members – because we know the best solutions will come from an open and collaborative process. Lauren Iselin 475-0383, [email protected] First Night Seder for Passover (Exodus 12:37-42, 13:3-10) NO EREV SHABBAT SERVICE Friday, April 3 Saturday Morning, April 4 No Torah Study Passover Morning Service 10:45 a.m. Friday, April 10 7th Day of Passover/ Yizkor Memorial Service 10:45 a.m. Shabbat Sh’mini I (Leviticus 9:1 - 10:11)) Friday Evening, April 10 Service at 5:30 p.m. Saturday Morning, April 11 No Torah Study Shabbat Sh’mini II (Leviticus 10:12 - 11:47) Friday Evening, April 17 Social Action Shabbat Service at 5:30 p.m. Saturday Morning, April 18 Torah Study with Cantor in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Koenig at 10:45 a.m. Rosh Chodesh Women’s Service (Iyar) in the Larner Library at 11 a.m. Shabbat Tazria-M’tzora (Leviticus 12:1 - 15:33) Friday Evening, April 24 Service at 5:30 p.m. Kathy’s Comments Saturday Morning, April 25 Torah Study with Cantor in the Larner Library at 9:30 a.m. Bar Mitzvah of Eric Hildreth at 10:45 a.m. Shabbat Shalom Yeladim at 11 a.m. I love my job at CBE. I learn so much each and every day and I want to begin sharing with you some of my observations. In good times and bad, CBE is a place that truly cares and provides comfort. For example, each Friday different volunteers pick up a Bereavement Basket (challah and wine) and deliver it to a congregant who lost a loved one. When we learn of a new birth, Deb Sokoler delivers a Welcome Basket to the newly expanded family. Each congregant has the opportunity to be blessed by the Rabbi during their birthday month. People of all ages and generations, join together and recite the Shehecheyanu at our First Friday Service. It is heartwarming to see a group of individuals whose common bond is not just a birthday month, but also a connection to CBE. (Please note that there is no First Friday Service this month because of Passover.) CBE is blessed with an amazing hardworking staff that cares deeply about each and every one of you. We are here to assist you. Please let me know how we can help you and make your CBE connection more meaningful. Kathy Golderman, Executive Director [email protected], 436-9761 x 225 If You Would Like a Clergy Hospital Visit The Clergy of Beth Emeth take great pride in making themselves available to the members of our congregation at the time of their pastoral needs. However, in recent years the realities of hospital visitations have changed dramatically. First, because of the HIPPA Laws, the Temple is only notified of the hospitalization of a member IF the hospital is specifically instructed to do so OR if a family member chooses to inform us. Secondly, the typical length of a hospital stay has decreased significantly and many procedures require a minimal stay if any. In addition, we understand and fully respect the privacy of our members in that many individuals do not want or require a pastoral visit while hospitalized and, in fact, an unscheduled visit might well interrupt their recuperation, rehabilitation schedule or testing procedure. In light of this, please be reminded that if you are hospitalized and would, indeed, welcome the visit of a member of our Clergy or are in need of pastoral attention, PLEASE either have the hospital chaplain or nurse be in touch with us (as they can easily do) OR have a relative or friend let us know. The Clergy are not routinely in the hospitals and ONLY make calls upon request because of the aforementioned reasons and out of respect for your privacy. Bulletin Deadline All articles for the May Bulletin should be submitted by April 10. 3 What’s Happening in Brotherhood What’s Happening in Sisterhood Our community-wide Yom Hashoah candle distribution project kicked off last month. We have assembled over 100 delivery routes for more than 2,000 Capital District households. There are many Candle Routes that are still in need of a volunteer person or family to help distribute them! Contact me if you can help. Contributions to the project help support the Jewish Foundation of the Righteous or similar organizations. JFR provides financial support to more than 800 non-Jews who rescued Jews during the Holocaust and preserves their legacy through a national education program. Our monthly meeting will be on Sunday, April 19th in the Larner Library starting with Bagels and Coffee at 9:30 a.m. followed by a meeting at 10 a.m. To celebrate spring and the completion of our Maple Syrup making project, Brotherhood will host a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, April 19th at noon. See flyer for details. On Saturday, April 25th Brotherhood will be going to Café Cappriccio for an evening with the Chef. The CBE/SAAJCC Health Fair will be on Sunday, April 26th. Starting at 8:30 a.m., volunteers are needed to schlep vendor items from the parking lot. Lighter work is also available to assist with assembling box lunches. Please contact Rob Dorkin at 456-0503 or [email protected] to volunteer for this event. Mark Swyer, President [email protected] or 857-2850 One definition of “Sisterhood” is “a congenial relationship or companionship among women allowing for mutual female esteem, concern, and support.” All I can say is “wow”! Our own CBE Sisterhood totally meets the mark! And all for the amazingly small cost of a $36 membership! Our Sisterhood is a group that includes so many types of women...young women, women who are “young at heart”, women who work outside of the home, women who stay at home, Jews and non - Jews. Being a member of Congregation Beth Emeth Sisterhood will allow you the opportunity to socialize and work with a wonderful group of women who are there to support not only each other, but to support our congregation and the greater community as well. This Spring is full of many of our wonderful Sisterhood programs. Our annual Donor dinner will be held on May 14th and will be featuring a fashion show by Lord and Taylor. Look for your invitation in the mail. May 27th will be our semi annual bus trip to New York to see the new production of Gigi. Our regularly scheduled activities such as Chapter One book group, Rosh Chodesh and Knit and Nosh continue and details can be found on our webpage at bethemethalbany.org. Happy Spring and we hope you will consider joining this great group of women….. With warmest regards, Lisa Finkle and Robyn Marinstein Sisterhood members and their families and friends volunteer at the Soup Kitchen on the third Sunday of each month from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Please join us! Contact Jane Sanders to choose a date at 281-0991 or [email protected]. Tikkun Olam: Healing the World March 1st was the beginning of a two day Teen Advocacy Program sponsored by NFTY and the Reform Jewish Voice. Barbara Zaron, Co-Chair of RJV played a very active role in this program. I hope to engage our own teens in this program next year. On April 11th we are co-sponsors of a Faith and Hunger Network of NYS program about working together to end hunger. A copy of the flyer is available on our website. April 17th is Social Action Shabbat. Come hear from the teens that participated in the L'Taken Serminar with Rabbi Ross. Tzedakah Collection that night will go to support teens attending the seminar next year. April 26th-28th is the Consultation on Conscience in DC and it is an informative and inspiring collection of Reform Congregants from around the nation learning about the pressing issues being addressed by the National Leadership of our country. We will hear from political and social leaders and get a chance to advocate with our Congressional Representatives. Go to www.rac.org for the most up to date information on speakers and how to register Barry Z. Davis, 518-237-5553, [email protected] Sisterhood’s Chapter One Book Club The story of the first Hispanic and the third woman appointed to the US Supreme Court, My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayer will be discussed on April 23. It’s a celebration! May 28 we are looking forward to celebrating the five year anniversary of our book club with a dinner meeting at the home of Lynn Warheit. We will discuss The Summer Before the Dark by Doris Lessing. We encourage new members to join us at anytime throughout the year. Information on our book club can be found on the Temple website under Sisterhood. Please feel free to contact Nancy Lozman at [email protected]. CBE Youth Group CBEYG had a great month in March, with a group of our members attending L’Taken in Washington, D.C. See pictures on the back cover. We are gearing up for Spring Conclavette in mid - March with a (recent) record number of CBEYGers attending. April 18th is Havdallah Overnite, another great night of fun and friendship. Stop by any Wednesday from 5:30 - 7p.m. to see what everyone is talking about. Gabbi Schaffer, Executive V.P. Want to enjoy all of the photos of our Beth Emeth events? They are all being loaded to the Beth Emeth Shutterfly account. You can view them as well as order photos. Interested in accessing this account? Send your e-mail address to Deb Sokoler – [email protected] 4 Programming: Something for Everyone SHABBAT SHALOM YELADIM Saturday, April 25, at 11:00 a.m. Our pre-school program for children and their families. where we celebrate Torah with stories, music, crafts & of course, a nosh! We will be celebrating Yom Ha Atzmaut – Israeli Independence Day and will be making Jewish star necklaces! This is our last program for this season – Hope you can join us! RSVP to Debbie Sokoler – [email protected] Updates from our Programming Director Wednesday, April 1: noon ~ Lunch and Learn - with Cantor Groper ~ "Past Maters of the Cantorial Art" (see flyer for more information) Wednesday, April 15: noon ~ Lunch and Learn with speaker, Dr. Victor Assal “Israel after the Elections.” (see flyer for more information) MAZEL TOTS IS OPEN! Join teacher, Jen Steuer at our drop-in program located at The Parenting Center. Come with your preschooler between 9:30 – Noon on Sundays; enjoy a bagel and a cup of coffee. The room is filled with age-appropriate toys and Jen will have a craft project ready to do! This month’s dates are: April 19 and 26. Saturday, April 18: 5:00 p.m. ~ CBE Night at Yono’s and Albany Symphony Orchestra. (see flyer for registration information) Please note that the Parenting Center Room is available for families to use during Saturday morning Services. Please, no children without an adult. Wednesday, April 22: 11:00 a.m. ~ Lunch and Learn with speaker, Bennett Liebman - Congregation Beth Emeth: Not Merely the 4th Oldest Reform Synagogue in America. (see flyer for more information) Caring and Sharing Wednesday, April 29: noon - Lunch and Learn - Piano Concert with Asya Markova who will be performing a Chopin program. (see flyer for more information) The following beautiful Parenting Center “story” was written by Amie Bloom. SAVE THE DATE Friday, May 1: First Friday at Beth Emeth Pot Luck Dinner and Religious School Service and May Birthday Blessings 5:45 p.m. ~ Pot Luck Dinner; 6:30 p.m. ~ Services (see flyer for registration form) “The Parenting Center is an amazing Beth Emeth treasure…what started as a room for parents to gather with their little ones has become a room where friendships are formed, memories are made and Judaism is alive for young families. For me, when we first joined CBE 5 years ago, I had to stay on Sunday mornings in case my son, who was then in kindergarten, had a seizure. I was happy to spend time with my youngest son in the Parenting Center. I initially thought he would play, and the Parenting Center would be good for him; I had no idea that it would create a lifeline for us at Beth Emeth. You see, while Jacob played I got to know a group of amazing moms and dads. Each week we would talk about our kids, school, vacation plans and over time we developed friendships. Soon I found myself looking forward to my Sunday mornings in the Parenting Center as a highlight of my week. It was the time I got to hang out and enjoy the company of other Beth Emeth members; every Sunday included laughs, stories and time with friends. In addition, Jacob was meeting other little ones and learning about the Jewish holidays by making crafts, hearing stories and singing songs. Even now, 5 years later, the Parenting Center is a room that feels like home to me. I no longer have a little one who comes with me, but it is still a place to go on Sunday mornings to see friends and enjoy my time at Beth Emeth!” Tuesday, May 12: 8:00 p.m. (seating begins at 7:30 p.m.) 92Y Live Broadcast ~ TIM GEITHNER (see flyer for more information) Sunday, May 17: 6:00 p.m. ~ Movie and Deli Night with Dick Feldman “To Life” series, parts V & VI (see flyer for more information) Health Fair and Fundraiser Volunteers and Vendors Needed Congregation Beth Emeth Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center Health and Services Fair for Adults and Senior Adults Sunday, April 26; 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. at the Albany JCC, 340 Whitehall Road Free health screenings, information booths about area resources, refreshments, quick adult haircuts and therapeutic massage will be available. The fair’s physicians’ committee includes Drs. Marc Ginsburg, David Palat, Lawrence Perlmutter, Stuart Rosenberg, Gavin Setzen, and David Weinstein. Similar wonderful sentiments were expressed by a group of moms and dads who met in early March to share their Parenting Center stories. As we approach the Center’s 15th Anniversary this group is embarking on an effort to create an endowed fund to ensure the future of the Parenting Center/ Programming for Families with Young Children. If you share their enthusiasm and commitment please join them at their next meeting on Sunday, April 26th at 11 a.m. in the Larner Library. To learn more, contact Ruth Brass at [email protected] or Karen Friedman at [email protected] . Jill Goodman and Mark Rosen, Development Committee Co-chairs Volunteers needed: shift 1: 8 a.m. -10:30 a.m., shift 2: 10:15 a.m. -12:30 p.m., shift 3: 12:15 p.m. -2:30 p.m. To volunteer, contact Helene Ainspan, [email protected], 438-9561 Businesses and organizations wanting to display at this event should contact Claire Sigal, Albany JCC senior adult program director, 438-6651 x112, [email protected]. 5 Your Donations Make a Difference Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund The Family of Florence Cohn Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund in memory of Renee and Evan Feinman Joe Fluster Jason Rice and Rosalyn Coleman Ed Gordon Caryl Newhof and Jan Reiss-Weitzman Aaron Newhof Jan Reiss-Weitzman and Caryl Newhof Hildreth Newhof Reiss Jan Reiss-Weitzman Robert H. Reiss in appreciation Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund in honor of Winifred Chuckrow and Howard Berkun Bat Mitzvah of Zoe Miller, granddaughter of Nancy and Eric Yaffee Mim and Don Sommers 90th birthday of Dr. Stanley Ball Rabbi Shpeen’s Discretionary Fund Helene Gordon Lillian Jacobs Leslee and Kenneth Leichman Phyllis Levine Nancy and Andrew Mann Judith Roth Mim and Don Sommers Mim and Don Sommers Dona and Harvey Stulmaker David Troeger in memory of Ed Gordon Richard Hanft Mike Greenberg Richard Hanft Peggy Mann Suellen Stuart Joseph Fluster Gertrude Iselin Marvin Rosenstein Suellen Stuart in appreciation of Cantor Groper Building Fund Henda and Sam Strasser in memory of Marvin Rosenstein David Goodman Reyut Fund Helene Gordon Bertha Kotlow Ellen Herkowitz Judaic Art Fund June and Jack Barach Gloria and Allan Herkowitz in memory of Joe Fluster Richard Hanft Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund Bert Weinberg contributions in honor of birth of great grandson, Samuel Harold Segal, son of Heather and Todd Segal 40th anniversary of Kathy and Dick Kotlow General Fund Mary Bogen Janice Cramer Amy and Marty Grey and Family Martha Karp Bertha Kotlow Ellen and Larry Kotlow Sheri and Gerry Lublin Michael Mullman Dona and Lee Rosen Julie and Andy Safranko Susan and Ronald Sanbury Barbara and Mike Scher Mary Vanderwarker David Goodman Reyut Fund in honor of Cynthia Freedman new home of Lauren and Harold Iselin Cynthia Freedman special birthday of Jason Rice in memory of Ed Gordon in memory of Gertrude Iselin Gertrude Iselin General Fund Bertha Kotlow in appreciation of the Reyut Committee David Goodman Reyut Fund Helene Gordon Fund for Development Ina Gonick Denise and Steve Gonick Fund for Jewish Education in memory of Bernard, Diane, Jennifer and Brian Kern Samuel Reichel Jane Loeb Daniel Gross Jane Loeb Julia Packer Robyn and Ed Marinstein Richard Hanft Maxine Silver Jon Kohn Nancy and Barry Simon Myron “Mike” Greenberg in memory of Gertrude Iselin Cantor Groper’s Discretionary Fund Helene Gordon in honor of special birthday of Harold Iselin Fund for Jewish Education in honor of Leslie and Barry Feinman Bat Mitzvah of Leah Faye Vener Leslie and Barry Feinman B’nai Mitzvah of Alexander and Mackenzie Townsend Marilyn and Ron Silverman speedy recovery to Merv Greene Rabbi Shpeen’s Distinguished Artist Fund in honor of Wendy and Jeff Benoit and family special birthday of Patricia Snyder Cynthia Freedman special birthday of Patricia Snyder Cynthia Freedman Bat Mitzvah of Leah Vener, granddaughter of Beverly Vener Kathie and Arnold Kaplan Bat Mitzvah of Zoe Miller, granddaughter of Nancy and Eric Yaffee Robyn and Ed Marinstein and family special birthday of Patricia Snyder Rabbi Shpeen’s Distinguished Artist Fund Dorry S. Kotzin and Family Fund for Development Denise and Steve Gonick in memory of Suellen Stuart Florence Cohn Sandra Patack Florence Cohn Richard Hanft Richard Hanft Florence Cohn Richard Hanft Richard Hanft Myron Greenberg Myron Greenberg Carol Fruiterman Suellen Stuart Inscribed Prayerbook Fund Martin Stein in memory of Phyllis Stein Rose Rogers Singer Memorial Fund Alison, Mark, Elyssa and Samantha Johnson in memory of Richard Hanft Sharon Seiden Stein Memorial Fund in honor of Roberta and Richard Seiden birth of granddaughter of Ilene and chip Stein Food Pantry/Soup Kitchen Fund in honor of Elaine Burrick speedy recovery to Roberta Fox Fran and Dave Dembling special birthday of Patricia Snyder Marlene and Howard Pressman special birthday of Patricia Snyder Bonnie and Stuart Rosenberg B’nai Mitzvah of Alexander and Mackenzie Townsend Marilyn and Ron Silverman wishing good health to Roberta Fox Sharon Seiden Stein Memorial Fund Roberta and Richard Seiden Roberta and Richard Seiden Sisterhood’s YES Fund Shirley Brand CBE Sisterhood Joan Paley Beverly Vener Beverly Vener in memory of Sidney Cohen Suellen Stuart in honor of good friend, Sara Barr special birthday of Lucille Ziebert special birthday of Patricia Snyder in memory of Myron Greenberg in memory of Regina Salamander Donations for the Sisterhood General Fund and the YES Fund (Youth Education and Special Projects Fund of the Women of Reform Judaism). May be made via the website or mailed to: Nancy Lozman, 35 Axbridge Lane, Delmar, New York 12054. Contributions to the Sisterhood Limud Confirmation Fund may be made payable to CBE Sisterhood and sent to: Karen Glaser, 103 Middlesex Court, Slingerlands NY 12159. 6 Bima Flowers Contributions can be made to the fund in memory of or in honor of a person or event. Please send all the information including the name of the donor, and the name of the deceased (with date of the Yahrzeit) or the name of the honoree, with a check payable to Congregation Beth Emeth to Lynn Warheit, 17 Marion Ave. Albany, NY 12203. Shabbat of February 27-28 The Friedlander Family in memory of Anna Friedlander Jackson Shabbat of March 6-7 Jennifer and David Vener in honor of Bat Mitzvah of Leah Vener Shabbat of March 6-7 Linda Rosenthal Barbara and Algird White The Friedlander Family Micki and Cantor Groper Liz and Brian Epstein in memory of Gertrude M. Cadan Shirley Lewis Cohen Sophie Friedlander Herbert Groper Ervin Rosenfeld Shabbat of March 13-14 Sheri and Scott Townsend Shabbat of April 17-18 in memory of Cathy Chazen Stone and Family Milton Chazen Marilyn Frisch, Yvonne and Jim Frisch Sadye Marcus Frisch Martin Goldstein Louisa Goldstein Gloria and Allan Herkowitz and Family Samuel A. Herkowitz Nancy and Jeffrey Lozman Dr. Harvey Lozman Marion L. Strasser Paul Edward Langdon Marion L. Strasser Arnold Levy and Anna Behrens Levy The Davidoff Family Samuel Sylvan Raab Bea and Sol Greenberg Samuel Sylvan Raab Jan and Alan Rubenstein and Herb and Marilyn Weisburgh Casper Weisburgh in honor of B’nai Mitzvah of Alex and Mackenzie Townsend Shabbat of March 13-14 Jill Kapner The Schaffer/Sykes Families Shabbat of March 20-21 Margaret and Jonathan Harvey Estelle Halpern Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Lori Strong The Davidoff Family Judith Roth Nancy and Arthur Roth Shabbat of April 3-4 Hazel, Les and Brian Boyer The Davidoff Family Karen and Steven Fein Liz and Jerry Goldstein Gloria and Allan Herkowitz and Family Margie and Larry Kirsch Zalie and Bob Linn Nancy and Eric Yaffee and Anne and Michael Marmulstein and Families Sandra and Charles Stern Shabbat of April 24-25 Jill and Scott Hildreth in memory of Eva Segall Edna Schaffer Shabbat of April 24-25 in memory of Sara Lee and Barry Larner and Family Esther Bloom Joseph Boochever Clara Simon Boochever Marti Cohen Betty Cohen Pat and Bob Friedman Harriet Friedman Marilyn Frisch, Yvonne and Jim Frisch Samuel Frisch Joyce and Sanford Bookstein Neil Hellman Leslie and Mark Laven Merrill L. Laven Jeff Shapiro and Family Mona Kasselman Shapiro Betty and Bill Nathan Samuel Stein The Sykes Family Paul Sykes Eileen and Greg Lurie and Toby and Fred Wander and Families Howard Wander in memory of Dr. Philip L. Forster Joseph B. Halpern Sylvia Plotkin Malkin Herman S. Mendelson Lois A. Rice Paul J. Roth Paul J. Roth in memory of Eric H. Boyer David Dembo Caroline Fein Donald Goldstein Ellen Sue Herkowitz Archie Linn Archie Linn H. Robert Rosenblum Louise Mayer Stern Shabbat of April 10-11 in memory of A. Richard Goodman Samuel S. Allan Jodi Boyle and Matthew Kohn Rita S. Boyle Steven M. Sumberg Billie Sumberg Daffner Lori Strong Juliet R. Mendelsohn Betty and Bill Nathan Betty G. Nathan Hope B. Nathan Betty G. Nathan Mary and Richard Nathan Betty G. Nathan Carol and Robert Rosenblatt Mary-Jo Tout Rosenblatt The Rosenblatt Family Mary-Jo Tout Rosenblatt The Sykes Family Donald Sykes Robert Zinnershine, Merna and Lou Zinnershine and Donna and Andrew Goldslager Jacqueline Crowley Zinnershine Shabbat of April 17-18 Julie and Mike Koenig in honor of Bar Mitzvah of Eric Hildreth in honor of Samuel Koenig 7 Purim at Beth Emeth Purim Palooza 2 was a great night filled with entertaining music, delicious food and wonderful friends. Look at all these smiling faces!! Religious School Triangle Dinner (Pizza, Chips and Hamentashen) followed by the Megillah Reading (led by our 10th grade students) CBE Annual Purim Carnival co-sponsored by CBEYG, The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education and Brotherhood 8 The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education The seder is a time for coming together, retelling our history, and reliving the experience of the Israelite departure from Egypt. In the Talmud, we are taught that the seder is to be structured in a certain way - to begin with our degradation and end with our salvation. These are great questions for discussion; what do you think is the lowest point in our Jewish History and what would be our highest point, our salvation? The rabbis of the Talmud provide two answers for the degradation, our slavery and having been idol worshipers; both of these opinions are included in the hagaddah. The salvation, all agreed, was the redemption from Egypt. More modern opinions would likely differ from these answers, as very few of us consider such ancient history when we think of these questions. In fact, when I raise these questions to students and discussion groups, I would say the answers 95% of the time are: our lowest point was the Holocaust and our salvation was the establishment of the modern State of Israel. Although these are excellent, and fitting answers, our modern Passover seder experience is about reliving our biblical history, about fulfilling the command for each of us to view ourselves as if WE were participants in the Exodus from Egypt. As we sit down for our seders this year, may we all appreciate that we share a bond of freedom and fortunately not a life of bondage. Chag Sameach, Happy Passover! Shara Siegfeld, Director of Education 7th Graders had a great time in the Art Room working on their Siddur Covers A very special thank you to FotoMagic and Capital Region Photobooths for donating their services for Purim Palooza 2 and our Purim Carnival. Our 6th Grade Class had the unique opportunity to learn about the Israeli Elections from Chaim Ben –Eliezer . Our B’nai Mitzvah As is our custom, all B’nai Mitzvah participate in Candle Lighting and Kiddush at services on the Friday evening prior to their Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Samuel Koenig, son of Julie and Michael Koenig, will become a Bar Mitzvah on April 18th. See BE: Opportunities for everyone: New Year, New Start Connect with CBE in 2015 Help out for an Hour at the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education. Contact: Shara Siegfeld - [email protected] Put on your Apron Prepare, serve or clean-up after a function/meal with our Brotherhood Kitchen Crew – Contact: Rob Dorkin [email protected] Like to Sing? Eric David Hildreth, son of Jill and Scott Hildreth, will become a Bar Mitzvah on April 25th. Join our Volunteer Choir. Contact: [email protected] 9 Yahrzeit Kaddish will be recited for those beloved departed whose names are perpetuated in Permanent Memorials established by their families. We invite your inquires about this thoughtful way of remembrance. Passover Friday April 3 - NO EREV SHABBAT SERVICE Shabbat of April 4 Morris Alpart Rose Blatner Barnet Malvina G. Barr Sidney L. Benson Eric H. Boyer Bessie M. Caplan Louis Cohn Morris Cohn David Dembo Lansing S. Doling Minnie Felheim Einstein Caroline Fein Sanford M. Feldblum Celia Feuer Charles Finkle Elaine Drooz Friedman Donald A. Goldstein Ellen Sue Herkowitz Michael Hydeman Jacob Isaacs Meyer A. Jeneroff Bernice Meyers Karp Lizzie Blatner Kaufman David Klugman Recilla Rudnick Koblintz Samuel H. Larner Shabbat of April 10-11 (continued) Alter Nidetch Alexander B. Nye Mary-Jo Tout Rosenblatt Alice Rosenstock Rabbi Alvin S. Roth Eliza Pfeiffer Schlesinger Sarah Yaku Silverman Judith G. Simon Archie Linn Dr. Philip L. Livingston Samuel London Sanford S. Markowitz Goldie S. Meckler William Meckler Mildred M. Miller Bernard G. Milstein Hannah Holzer Newhof Sadie E. Poskanzer Martin L. Press Murray L. Ronson H. Robert Rosenblum Herman Rosner Therese Schaler Barnard Schmidt Rudolph W. Schwartz Flora Sperry Louise Mayer Stern Emanuel Swartz Jerome Swartz Dr. Benjamin M. Volk Ruth Winig Weil Sophie Weinbach Dorothy A. Weiss Mary Worthman Shabbat of April 17-18 Passover Yizkor Memorial Service - Friday, April 10, 10:45 a.m. Shirley Auerbach Eleanor Bernardini Florence Cohn Joseph Fluster Elaine Giller Richard Gordon A. Edward Gordon Myron “Mike” Greenberg Doris Groper Daniel Morris Gross Kenneth Hall Hon. Richard Allen Hanft Gloria Hatch Tillie Hausler Joseph H. Hoffman Irving Hyman Gertrude Iselin Marion Kirsch Robert Charles Lieberman Leah Matin Toby Messer Adelaide deBeer Muhlfelder Anne Smuckler Paktor Sandra Patack Regina Salamander Shirley Salzberg Leonard Shay Susan Siegel Myrna Silver Richard Smith Leonard M. Sochin Suellen Stuart Marvin L. Taks Michael J. Wicks Louis Green Arthur S. Grossman Nancy Stark Holzer Harriet G. Iselin Joseph C. Klein Lilian Olcott Klugman Esther Rabineau Kramer Philp Krimsky Manny Krips Abram Benjamin Lerner Mollie Rosen Levy Juliet R. Mendelsohn Aaron Mendleson Belle Adler Mendleson Hyman Meyers Betty G. Nathan Dr. Babette Neuberg Aaron Newhof Joseph Anker Ida Atkin Milton E. Berman Lena Brickman Milton Chazen Beatrice Drapkin Jennie deWilde Fleishman Benjamin L. Foreman Sadye Marcus Frisch Eva Borlawsky Ginsburg Luisa Goldstein Alex Halpin David Handler Samuel A. Herkowitz Morris Lewis Hirsh David S. Isaacman Paul Edward Langdon Anna Behrens Levy Arnold Levy Michael Lindner Benjamin S. Livingston Freda R. Livingston Dr. Harvey Lozman Arthur Joseph Merin Florence B. Myers Saidee L. Oppenheim Ida Rosen Polka Samuel Sylvan Raab Isaac Reinfelder Dr. Robert H. Reiss Kenneth C. Roskin Irving M. Shelsky Lewis Spaner J. Milton Steinhardt Manning N. Stern Philip A. Swartz Casper Weisburgh Shabbat of April 24-25 Mamie Swartz Abraham Simon L. Bach Esther Bloom Harry Bloom Clara Simon Boochever Leonard I. Brilleman Betty Cohen Henrietta Finklestein David Jacob Freedman Harriet Friedman Samuel Frisch Carrie Stern Getz Neil Hellman Bernice Rosenthal Haood David W. Isenbergh Lilian R. Klein Merrill L. Laven Edward S. Laventall Leona Lefkowich Matilda Dick Livingston Anna May Lomax Samuel Lyons Shabbat of April 10-11 Samuel S. Allan Sam Ambinder Ruth Bernhard Berke Rita S. Boyle Marilyn Bronstein Richard Emery Brown Billie Sumberg Daffner Emil Deiches John Doctor Ruth Chudnovsky Dropkin Seymour Englander Julia Marcus Fenster Adelia Stern Frank Henry Blatner Fuld Irving R. Fulder Anne Ganeles Stanley Gonick Martin Gordon Samuel T. Sonnenfeld Alfred J. Sporborg Dr. Fred I. Stern Donald Sykes Benjamin Robert Tarsey Martin Gary Weitsen Jacqueline Crowley Zinnershine Ruth Mendleson Mendel Henry David Muffson Marvin Oscar Myers Frank Newell Hildreth Newhof Reiss John J. Rose Simon W. Rosendale Rebecca Strauss Rosengarden Fannie G. Rosenthal Mendel Salit Humboldt M. Schlesinger Betty E. Shapiro Mona Kasselman Shapiro Manny Solomon Samuel Stein Sarah Stern Susqholz Carrie R. Swartz Paul Jay Sykes Dr. Louis Wald Howard Wander Jacob Wasserman When services are in the Chapel, yahrzeit plaques are located in the alcove to the right of the ark. When services are in the Sanctuary, yahrzeit plaques are placed on the rear brick walls. Please note: If you wish to have a name included on our Shabbat Kaddish list or have a question about a Perpetual Kaddish name being recited, please call Joan Paley in the Temple office, 436-9761 x222. (Please do not leave a name for the Yahrzeit list on email or voice mail.) When phoning in a name, please do so by the Thursday of the week it is to be read. 10 Tree of Life Thank you for supporting our Tree of Life Scholarship and Special Needs Appeal (as of press-time) Bequest Caryl Newhof Crown Sara Lee and Barry Larner Heartwood Lauren and Harold Iselin Leslie Newman and Mark Rosen Tree Roots Beth Emeth Sisterhood Bertold E. Weinberg in memory of Irma K. Weinberg Trunk Eric M. Larner Cynthia Shenker and James Campbell Barry and Beth Davis in honor of Shay-Lynne Davis in memory of Rose Pearl Davis Branches Jill Goodman and Arthur Malkin Leaves Leslie and Barry Feinman Neil and Penny Manasse Allison and David Meyers and Family Stewart’s Foundation Ronald Richardson Shara and David Siegfeld Acorns Berg-Shumann Family Susan and Joseph Bierman in honor of Ron Miller's good health Danziger Family Joanne and Don Davidoff Eitan and Malka Evan Richard Feldman Barbara Hai Freed in memory of Mae Hai Brecher and Joseph B. Hai Robert and Elaine Freedman Mark and Karen Friedman Gail Kendall and David Galletly Karen and Mark Glaser Kathy and Billy Golderman Denise and Steve Gonick in memory of Stanley Gonick Cindy and Neal Greenstein in honor of Eric, Robyn and Adam Greenstein Dr. and Mrs. Michael Grenis in honor of Emma Farman Susan and Thomas Hager Marge and Barry Hollander Mark and Jane Levine Susan and Robert (z’l)Lieberman in honor of Dalia Lieberman’s Bat Mitzvah Melissa and Michael Lurie Ruth and Benjamin Mendel, Jr. in memory of their parents Betty and Bill Nathan Laurie and Mike Pferr Rochelle and Paul Riven in honor of all children and instructors Judy and Larry Rosen Larry and Linda Schechter Rabbi Scott Shpeen Nancy and Barry Simon Shirley and Fred Simon in memory of Andrew Simon Miriam and Donald Sommers Miriam Swyer Sally Tillman Sheri and Scott Townsend Mel and Jane Waldman Buds Anonymous Gloria and Alan Arnold Sorelle Brauth in honor of Joshua Brauth Edith Burman in memory of Paul Burman Margie and Rob Dorkin Ileen and Daniel Duffy in memory of Roslyn and Sam Cohen The Eisenberg Family Gail Katzman and Bill Estes Cynthia Freedman and Family in memory of Sue Gersten-Becker in honor of David and Sue Freedman Marilyn Frisch in memory of Joanne Kramer Carol and Harold Goldman Joan Goldstein in memory of Daniel Goldstein Dr. Ed and Helene Haven Kathie and Arnold Kaplan Wendy and Dan Keyser in honor of Michael Keyser Judy Koretz in memory of Donald S. Koretz MD Dorry S. Kotzin Deborah and Bennett Liebman Heather and Anthony Linsk Sue & Paul Lipman Judy and Stuart Madnick Ron and Nan Miller in memory of Tom Nathan Jan and Alan Rubenstein 11 Nanci Saltwell in honor of her 4th grade class Irene and Murray Saperstein in memory of Lawrence Hochfeld Roberta and Richard Seiden in memory of Sharon Seiden Stein Linda and Bob Siegfeld Marilyn and Ron Silverman Patricia Snyder in memory of Daniel Gross Sandi Storfer Lynn and Andrew Warheit Harriet B. Wicks in memory of Michael J. Wicks Sandi Zarch in honor of Stacy Goldfarb Wood Insuring Beth Emeth and Its Families for Over 40 Years 129 Winnie Street Albany, NY 12208 * 518-253-1323 [email protected] * www.namascarservices.com 12 52 Holmesdale Street Albany, New York 12203 518-728-0345 www.judyrosenre.com Deborah Rosen Zamer, licensed salesperson Anna Brickman, licensed salesperson FRED B. WANDER, ESQ. JAMI DURANTE ROGOWSKI, ESQ. MATTHEW J. DORSEY, ESQ. 13 Michael S. Lurie, CPA Gregory H. Lurie, CPA 518-456-4094 www.luriecpas.com Tax, Accounting & Wealth Management COMPLEXITY MADE SIMPLE Proudly Serving the Capital District for Over 25 Years www.stefanazzispargo.com 14 15 100 Academy Road, Albany, NY 12208 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED Phone 518.436.9761 Fax 518.436.0476 The Einhorn Center for Jewish Education 518.432.1392 www.BethEmethAlbany.org General Inquiries: [email protected] Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen [email protected] Rabbi Dennis S. Ross [email protected] Cantor Glenn Groper [email protected] Kathy Golderman, Executive Director [email protected] Shara L. Siegfeld, Director of Education Phone Calls for Clergy: [email protected] Please know that phone Deborah Sokoler, Programming Director messages left outside of [email protected] office hours are not forDebbie Schaffer, Bulletin Editor warded to clergy until the [email protected] next business day. To Lauren Iselin…..…..….….…………...President leave a message outside Lee Rosen...…...……..……..1st Vice President of office hours: for Rabbi Andrew Safranko.…….…...2nd Vice President Shpeen use ext. 229; for Michael Lurie ..………..…..……….….Treasurer Cantor Groper ext. 226; Robyn Marinstein.…..……..………….Secretary and for Rabbi Ross ext. Mark Swyer..……...…...Brotherhood President 230. Robyn Marinstein……Co-Sisterhood President Lisa Finkle…………...Co-Sisterhood President Miranda Miller...………….....CBEYG President Seven members of CBEYG joined Rabbi Ross for The L’Taken Social Justice Seminar in Washington D.C. Start saving your donations for the Giant Garage Sale now June 14th (opening night June 13th) This event is a key fundraising activity for CBE and provides an important service to the Capital District community. Volunteers Needed! Even if you can only help for a couple of hours in the evenings during the week to help organize and set up, that’s fine. Garage Sale Committee Members Needed! Your commitment would involve attending 2 to 3 one-hour meetings to help organize and plan the event. Fresh and original ideas are welcome. If you are interested in joining the Garage Sale Committee, please e-mail Margie at [email protected] or contact the Temple office. Thanks for your continued support. Rob and Margie Dorkin Look how much fun our Knit & Nosh ladies are having making blankets for Mary’s Corner. Join them any Mondays at 7 p.m. New members are always welcome.
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