Binder Reminder 2016-17 - Google Docs
Binder Reminder 2016-17 - Google Docs
CONDOR PLEDGE Canyon Middle School’s Mission Statement: Canyon Middle School is a community with high expecta ons where students become responsible ci zens who innovate and problem solve. In this rigorous and flexible environment, our staff works together professionally to support and respond to the needs of today’s middle school student. A Condor Pledge: As a Condor, I promise to be safe in all areas of campus by respec ng my space and the space of others around me, and by following direc ons of school personnel. I will learn to organize my academic and social commitments to reach the greatest level of success. I will achieve goals that I set for myself, as well as those that are set for me. I will respect differences, knowing that everyone is a unique individual. I will contribute posi vely to Canyon’s community. GENERAL RULES Canyon Expecta ons/ Rules Overview Canyon Middle School’s expecta ons for a posi ve learning environment have been developed as a standard in order to ensure that students can reach their maximum poten al in a safe, clean & comfortable learning environment. A Condor may . . . A Condor may not . . . Follow direc ons of staff members—first me, every me Refuse to follow direc ons of staff members on campus Encourage peers with posi ve language Show public displays of affec on like hugging, kissing, or holding hands Par cipate in school‐approved fundraisers Sell or distribute anything on campus without permission, including food Bring a binder reminder daily and use it to record important assignments and dates to remember Deface the cover of the binder reminder or rip out important pages Use approved school supplies as they were meant to be used Bring inappropriate supplies like paint or permanent markers Arrive on me and leave within 30 minutes a er the last class or ac vity of the day Leave campus without permission during the day, or stay more than 30 minutes a er the last class or ac vity of the day Bring PE clothes to school, as well as deodorant or other toiletries to help stay clean Bring spray deodorant or cologne containers Bring appropriate personal items, such as enough money to buy lunch Bring inappropriate personal items, such as large amounts of money, toys, or personal electronics Play approved games in designated areas like the gym or basketball courts “Play fight” with others or gamble Resolve differences with helpful words or ac ons Begin, encourage, or a end a fight among students Drink approved beverages on campus, or water when in class Bring or consume “energy” drinks Dress in a manner that promotes a posi ve learning environment Dress in a manner that is offensive or inappropriate Bring things from home that benefit Canyon’s learning environment, like playing cards or photos Bring things from home that disrupt Canyon’s learning environment, like s nk bombs, poppers, lighters, or squirt bo les Use a locker to stay organized and store belongings securely Share a locker, or a locker combina on, with another student, or leave belongings una ended, or leave spoiled food in lockers Eat meals and snacks in the cafeteria or approved areas Have or chew gum or eat sunflower seeds anywhere on campus, or eat in class without permission Be a respec ul spectator at events held at other schools Visit another campus without permission Bring a card or treat for friends Bring flowers or balloons to class ATTENDANCE A endance Office: (510) 538‐8833 x6002 ABSENCES Please report absences by: ● ● ● Calling the a endance office: (510) 538‐8833 x6002 Faxing the a endance office: (510) 247‐9439 Wri ng a note to send with your child (only notes wri en by a parent/guardian will be accepted) containing the following: ❖ Student’s full name ❖ Grade ❖ Date or Dates of Absence ❖ Reason ❖ Parent/Guardian Signature If you need/wish to have someone other than the parent /guardian write these notes, they must sign the Absence Signature Authoriza on Form during registra on. Please remember that EVERY DAY a child is absent from school a parent must verify/report the reason for the absence within 72 hours of the absence. Failure to do so within the 72‐hour period will result in the student receiving unexcused absences and possible truancy issues. Absences due to illness that are three (3) or more days should be verified by a doctor note. A er three (3) days of illness, schoolwork may be requested through the a endance office. As a courtesy, please allow 24 hours for the teachers to prepare assignments. It is recommended that students check with their teachers about making up any missed work upon their return. Students are responsible for comple ng the make up work within the me allo ed by each teacher. They can also check their teacher’s website for assignments and homework, as listed on the Canyon Website. TYPES OF ABSENCES Excused absence : school‐sponsored ac vity (e.g., athle c events, drama, music, student government, counselor, assessment); illness/medical/bereavement (e.g., personal illness, medical/dental/optometry appointment, funeral service‐immediate family member, quaran ne); prior approval from principal/designee (e.g., religious holiday, extended bereavement, court appearance, religious retreat‐four hours per semester). Unexcused absence : parent no fies school of absence not allowable by law (e.g., vaca on, work, oversleeping, baby‐si ng, visi ng rela ves, traffic/car problems, ill rela ves, appointments for rela ves); school directed exclusion (e.g., suspension, lack of immuniza on); absence cleared by parent a er the 72 hour me limit. Unverified absence = Unexcused absence : a er the 72 hour me limit required for parent/guardians to no fy the school regarding their child’s absence, an unverified absence will be noted as an unexcused absence. LATE ARRIVALS Please report the reason through a note wri en by a parent/guardian, calling the a endance office, or mee ng with the a endance clerk. Late arrivals due to doctor/dental appointments: please bring a note signed by your child’s physician documen ng the date of the visit. EARLY RELEASE Due to safety concerns, we will not accept phone calls to release your student during the school day. To request early release for your student, you may: ● Send a note with your student to obtain an off‐campus pass on the day of the early release ● Please include student’s full name, specific me to be released, specific reason for early release, and parent/guardian signature (or name and rela onship of person releasing the student if other than parent/guardian) ● Come into the A endance Office with your photo ID TARDINESS Students must be on me to all class periods. Students who are frequently tardy should expect their ci zenship grades to be affected and receive deten ons and/or Saturday Schools. Tardy Sweeps are used periodically to encourage and remind students to be on me to class. These may happen at any me during the day. If a student is found tardy during a tardy sweep, they will receive a deten on. Excessive tardiness will result in consequences. Please refer to the Canyon Behavior Matrix in this handbook for details. INDEPENDENT STUDY CONTRACTS These contracts are for extended absences that cannot be avoided during the school year. It is not designed to accommodate vaca ons. Minimum prior no ce of ten days is required. A student’s academic progress, a endance, and behavior are factors that are considered during the approval process. More informa on on independent study is located in the main office. TRUANCY Truancy le ers are sent when a student has: ● Three (3) or more unexcused absences from a period ● Unexcused tardies in excess of 30 minutes or more ● Fourteen illness absences without a doctor’s note The first le er serves as a reminder to the parent/guardian to be aware and/or address the student’s a endance issues and avoid possible future truancy. Second and/or third le ers will be sent if the a endance does not improve. This ini ates ac on by the SARB (School A endance Review Board) or SART (School A endance Review Team). Student consequences for truancy le ers are: 1 st le er………….........Warning 2 nd le er………………Saturday School / SART 3 rd le er………………SARB DELIVERIES / MESSAGES FOR STUDENTS Deliveries (including phone messages) during the school day disrupt the instruc onal se ng for all students. Students may pick up deliveries before school, at lunch, and a er school. Only items provided by parents or guardians will be made available to students and inappropriate items that violate our rules and policies will not be accepted. In addi on, families may only bring food items for their student only. VISITORS Any person coming onto campus must report to the Main Office a nd o nly visitors with legi mate educa onal business will be permi ed on campus. In addi on, visitors to classrooms are subject to CVUSD policy which includes minimum 24 hour no ce and approval by a site administrator or designee. People on campus without a Visitor's Pass will be asked to report to the Main Office. Student guests are not allowed at any me. Safety and security of our students is one of our top priori es. STUDENT ACADEMICS PARENT PORTAL Parents are encouraged to check their student’s grades on the Aeries Portal. This is where you will be able to see updated informa on about grades for each of your student’s classes. Students and families can sign up for unique login informa on to track academic progress. ● Please visit the Portal at: h ps:// ● If you have ques ons about se ng up your account or need login informa on, please contact the scheduling office: (510) 538‐8833 x 6010 ● If you have ques ons about a specific class or grade, please contact the teacher RENAISSANCE Students are eligible for Renaissance rewards when they: ● Earn and keep good grades (no “F” grades) ● Avoid a endance problems (no more than three unexcused tardies/no unexcused absences per quarter) ● Have no a dministra ve deten ons, Saturday Schools or suspensions during the previous quarter Reward s ckers (a ached to students’ ID cards) en tle the students to receive free gi s or discounts throughout our community, a end special school assemblies, and receive free/reduced admission to a er‐school events. All students are eligible for one of two Renaissance reward levels (if all criteria are met): ● Gold S cker Status: Earn a 3.5‐4.0 GPA ● Silver S cker Status: Earn a 3.0‐3.49 GPA Renaissance is not just for “Honor Roll” students. The goal is to improve student performance at all levels. The failing student who raises his or her grade to a “D” is just as important to Renaissance as a “B” student whose grades become “A’s.” ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: Chea ng, in forms such as: ● Copying from others ● Using notes, formulas, etc. without permission ● Having a communica on device (ie: cell phone) even if it was not used ● Taking an exam for another student, or having someone take an exam for you ● Making up data for an experiment ● Asking for or accep ng payment for help on assignments ● Forging a signature ● Giving test ques ons or answers to someone, or receiving ques ons/answers for yourself ● Taking or giving out assignments or test materials without permission ● Adjus ng computer records to change your grade ● Lying to a teacher to get special considera on on an assignment ● Working on an assignment a er you’ve been asked to stop Plagiarism in Papers and Assignments, in such forms as: ● Giving or ge ng help to complete large parts of an assignment meant to be individual work ● Turning in any assignments for credit that use anything but your own research and wri ng. This includes: ● Paying for a student or a company to write a paper for you ● Copying part or all of someone else’s paper and submi ng it as your own ● Taking money to write a paper for someone else ● Failure to use quota on marks to cite words or phrases that are not your own ● Ci ng nonexistent sources (ar cle, books, etc.) ADVANCEMENT/ASSIGNMENT/RETENTIONS Castro Valley Unified School District’s Board Policy and Administra ve Regula ons 5123 and AR5123 establish the criteria for advancement/reten on. Canyon Middle School follows this policy and suppor ng regula ons. To par cipate in the advancement ceremony, students must have a second semester 8 th grade GPA of 1.75 and must meet all extra‐curricular ac vi es par cipa on requirements, and adhere to Canyon’s dress code. STUDENT USE OF TECHNOLOGY Safety Organiza on Get permission first Achieving Goals Use technology as it is meant Visit only approved sites Keep phones in a backpack or locker to be used, and only when necessary Respect Share posi ve messages using kind language Telephone Use The office phone is a business phone and will only be available to students in case of an emergency. The office phone is not available for daily use by students when they forget items. Electronic/Technology Devices (including Cell Phones) Canyon supports responsible use of technology and understands that students need to be taught responsible use. Furthermore, the school and district do not assume responsibility for lost or stolen items. Viola ons of our student electronics/technology policy can result in confisca on of the device by a staff member and consequences assigned. Condors may… Condors may not… Bring cell phones to communicate during appropriate mes and in appropriate loca ons ● before school – only in the phone zone out in front of school and in the cafeteria ● a er school – a er final dismissal Use cell phones during school hours, have phones on during school hours, text, call, or take a photo, audio, or video recording without staff permission Keep cell phones and devices in secure, out‐of‐sight areas such as a backpack or locker Have cell phones out or in use during school hours without staff permission Bring personal music players for use off campus before school and in appropriate areas a er school Use music players to play amplified music (speakers) anywhere on campus at any me or wear headphones/earbuds while on campus for safety reasons Use e‐readers, tablets, Kindle or Nook devices for silent reading with teacher approval Have e‐readers, tablets, Kindle, or Nook devices out and around campus without staff supervision for safety reasons Use other technology for academic purposes with staff approval and supervision Use technology for viewing inappropriate videos, photos, or for non‐academic and purposes that are not staff‐approved Bring devices that contribute to their learning and avoid disrup ng the learning of others Bring laser pointers or hand‐held electronic games or use social media for non‐learning purposes If any of these policies are not followed, the student will be subject to the following consequences: 1 st Viola on 2 nd Viola on 3 rd Viola on 4 th Viola on Talking or tex ng in class Audio/Video/Photo Recording Warning – device may be returned to student Deten on – device may be returned to student Saturday School; device may be held un l picked up by parent/guardian In‐school Suspension; device may be held un l picked up by parent/guardian Saturday School (Aligned with the District Board Policy 5131) Subject to consequences up to and including suspension Internet Use Canyon Middle School encourages students to use the Internet to enrich classwork, guide projects, supplement research, etc. From our school computers, students can find vast amounts of informa on. To prevent students from being exposed to undesirable material, district computers use a filter to block access to inappropriate content. However, even with Internet filtering and supervision, it is impossible to predict what materials students may locate. Students are expected to use all technology and networks in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. The use of the informa on system is a privilege, not a right, and improper use will result in appropriate consequences. Google Apps for Educa on Every student has a CVUSD‐managed Google account which is accessible by using their ID number and a password. Please note that Google accounts are not fully secure and that families and school staff have access to student Google Accounts and login informa on. Through this account, students are able to use the features of Google Drive for schoolwork and educa onal purposes. LUNCHTIME BEHAVIOR Cafeteria/Quad In addi ● ● ● ● Safety Organiza on ∙ Stay in approved areas ∙ Form single‐file lines without cu ng ∙ Clean up a er yourself using the correct bins ∙ Have money ready Achieving Goals ∙ Get back to class on me Respect ∙ Listen for and follow direc ons of staff ∙ Use appropriate volume and language on to the SOAR expecta ons listed above, students are expected to: Clean up a er themselves Stay quiet near classes that are in session Stay in designated supervised lunch areas and only use their lockers during the first five and last five minutes of lunch Refrain from giving, trading, or selling items from their lunch AFTER SCHOOL / BUS BEHAVIOR Front of Campus Safety Organiza on ∙ Use crosswalks and sidewalks ∙ Walk at all mes ∙ Follow direc ons ∙ Move to assigned wai ng areas ∙ Use electronics when safe/appropriate Achieving Goals ∙ Arrive and leave campus on me Respect ∙ Speak without shou ng ∙ Use appropriate language Rules & Expecta ons Students being transported on the bus are under the authority of the bus driver. As such, they are expected to act according to the following guidelines: ● Students must have a bus pass or cket ● Students must remain seated while on the bus ● The driver may choose to assign seats to a student if s/he considers it necessary to maintain proper behavior. Students are expected to follow instruc ons for assigned sea ng when asked ● Students will keep arms, legs and head inside of the bus at all mes ● Students will not leave the bus, except other than arriving at home or at school, unless they have permission from an administrator ● The administrator must no fy the driver when such special permission has been granted ● Students will keep the bus clean by picking up trash ● Students will finish all snacks and drinks before they get on the bus, as food and drink are not allowed ● Students will keep all personal objects and trash with them inside the bus and will not throw it out the windows ● Students will speak in a respec ul tone using appropriate language ● Students will ask permission from the driver to open or close windows ● Students are expected to show respect to the driver, fellow passengers, and passersby ● No animals are allowed on the bus at any me ● Students must not cause damage to the bus. All damage must be paid for by the parent/guardian of the student concerned. ● Students refusing to accept a cita on from the driver will be automa cally suspended from the bus. CANYON STUDENT DRESS CODE Canyon students are expected to dress in an appropriate and respec ul manner at all mes by following our dress code: Things I can wear at Canyon Things I cannot wear at Canyon Tops (shirts, sweaters, etc) Tops (shirts, sweaters, etc) ● Shirts with straps that are at least three‐fingers’ ● Sleeveless or spaghe ‐strap shirts, tank tops with width wide straps narrower than three‐fingers’ width wide ● Hooded sweatshirts and crew‐neck sweatshirts ● Tops with inappropriate or disrup ve messages ● Sweaters (drugs, alcohol, ethnic slurs, gambling, gangs, hate ● Any top long enough to remain tucked in when messages, violence, sugges ve statements, etc.) I raise my arms ● Any clothing that promotes gang ac vity (slogans, ● Shirts/sweaters that cover appropriately ini als, colors, etc.) (undergarments remain covered at all mes) ● Tops that are mesh, see‐through, or cut away to ● An undershirt that helps me remain covered reveal skin Pants, shorts, skirts, dresses ● Comfortable pants, such as jeans or khakis ● Sweats or track pants ● Skirts or shorts that are no shorter than the length of finger ps with arms relaxed at sides ● Pants that are free of holes, rips, tears, etc. above the length where my finger ps extend ● Tops with arm holes that cover my torso appropriately Pants, shorts, skirts, dresses ● Pants, skirts, shorts, or leggings that are see‐through ● Pants with holes, rips, or tears above dress code‐appropriate length that have not been patched or repaired ● Pants worn low enough to reveal undergarments ● Pajama bo oms and blankets Shoes ● ● ● ● Shoes ● High heels ● Flip‐flops or athle c slides ● Pla orm shoes, sandals, or slippers Hats ● ● Flat shoes Tennis shoes Boots without a high heel Sandals that have an ankle strap Baseball caps or beanies that contain an appropriate message Head coverings worn for religious or health reasons (Ed Code 35183.5) Hats ● Hats that contain an inappropriate message (drugs, alcohol, ethnic slurs, gambling, gangs, hate messages, violence, sugges ve statements, etc.) Accessories ● Jewelry of an appropriate size (earrings smaller than ½”, etc) and message ● Prescrip on glasses ● Ties, bow‐ es, or scarves ● Belts with a small, plain belt buckle Accessories ● Costumes and/or masks that hide the face ● Any accessories that hang loose from clothing‐‐like chains‐‐from a belt loop (except hats) ● Jewelry that is unsafe or distrac ng ● Accessories with an inappropriate message ● Earbuds, headphones, or other electronics Others (as approved through the Canyon bulle n) Others (as approved through the Canyon bulle n) This dress code will be enforced at all mes on campus and at Canyon Middle School ac vi es held off campus. Students who do not follow the dress code may receive a deten on (during a dress code sweep) and may be sent home if they have no appropriate clothing to change into. STUDENT ACTIVITIES EXTRA‐CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES & EVENTS **ALL school rules apply at all school‐sponsored ac vi es and events!** Canyon Middle School has a number of a er‐school and evening ac vi es for students. A ending these ac vi es/events is a privilege , and students may be excluded from any school ac vity including 8 th grade advancement due to inadequate academic performance, behavior problems, financial obliga ons, and overdue library books. Students who exhibit pa erns of inappropriate behavior will not be allowed to par cipate in extra‐curricular ac vi es. Inappropriate behavior is measured by teacher‐assigned deten ons and administra ve consequences. There are also a number of lunch me clubs and offerings change from year to year. For more informa on, please contact your counselor. Extra‐curricular Ac vi es Par cipa on (including sports events on or off campus) Students may be excluded from extra‐curricular ac vi es for any of the following reasons: ● Any suspension during the past nine‐week period ● Three (3) or more behavioral incidents during the past nine‐week period ● Outstanding financial obliga ons ● A endance issues, including absence on the day of the ac vity ● 3 or more PE suit cuts ● If you have an assigned deten on that day For severe viola ons of the school rules, students may be restricted for a longer period of me than nine weeks. DANCES Canyon holds periodic dances to support social interac on and connec on with our school community. Dances are held throughout the year a er school and in the evening. For more informa on on upcoming dances, please see the Canyon website and Student Bulle n. Canyon dances are for students currently a ending Canyon Middle School. NO STUDENTS FROM OTHER SCHOOLS WILL BE ADMITTED In addi on to the par cipa on criteria outlined above under “extra‐curricular ac vi es”Students will be allowed to a end the dance only if: ● They a ended school the day of the dance ● They bring a current Canyon ID and pay for a dance cket or use a Renaissance pass, if earned ● Students arriving late will only be allowed into the dance if a parent walks them to the door ● Once a student enters the dance, s/he will not be allowed to leave unless accompanied by a parent/guardian ● Cell phone and dress code policies are strictly enforced at all dances ● Students must be picked up when the dance ends. Any student who has not been picked up within a half‐hour a er the dance ends will not be allowed to a end the next ac vity ● Valuable items, cash, or purses should not be brought to the dances. There is no place to check items and school is NOT responsible for any loss END OF THE YEAR ACTIVITIES Beginning 4 th quarter, a point system will be in effect to determine students who will not have the privilege of par cipa ng in End of the Year Ac vi es (including Advancement). Each grade level tradi onally par cipates in an end‐of‐the‐year field trip within the last week of school. These are school‐sponsored events during the school day, so students must either a end the trips with the school or a end school as a regular day. There is an Advancement Ceremony Ac vity for eighth graders. STUDENT RESOURCES SCHOOL TO HOME COMMUNICATION ● ● ● ● ● Website : h p:// Teachers regularly post homework assignments and news on their teacher websites. Please find these in the teacher directory link on our website. Daily Bulle n: A Daily Bulle n for students/families is posted on the Canyon website. Canyon Communique: The Canyon Communique (monthly school newsle er) includes a calendar for the upcoming month as well as Canyon news and informa on about upcoming events. This is also available online each month and mailed home twice during the school year (January, April) Auto‐dialer Message: If you missed an Auto‐dialer message sent out by the school, you can find a copy of the message on our website Nightly Absence Calls: An automated system will call out each evening when a student was marked absent for one or more periods and that absence has not been verified by the parent/guardian. GUIDANCE & COUNSELING Our school provides a counseling program to guide the students throughout their middle school experience and preparing them for later life. All students should be familiar with the guidance system and feel free to use it to its full extent. The counseling services at Canyon include: ● Individual student counseling with ques ons and problems concerning student study skills, educa on in high school, college, test interpreta ons, voca onal (career) guidance, and other school‐related problems. ● Student conferences concerning low and failing grades. ● Program and schedule changes. ● Assis ng in enrolling new students. ● Helping with personal problems. HEALTH OFFICE Students who are injured or become ill at school will go to the health office where a parent/guardian will be contacted. If no one on the student’s emergency card can be reached, the student will be sent back to class. Students may only be released to individuals listed on the emergency card. Emergency informa on must be kept up to date. The school is not permi ed to give any kind of medica on to a student unless the medica on is brought from home and a physician fills out a permission form. Permission forms are available in the registra on packet and in the health office. All medica on must be kept in the health office. It is the responsibility of the student to come into the health office and take his/her medica on as needed under the supervi sion of the health clerk. Medica ons must be picked up by a parent on the last day of school or they will be disposed of before school starts in the fall. For safety reasons, students may not carry prescrip ons or over‐the‐counter medica ons at school. The health clerk handles emergency first aid procedures. LUNCHES Our cafeteria staff provides breakfast and full lunch services each day school is in session, in addi on there is a nutri on break provided on every full school day for students where there will be a second chance breakfast. Students have the choice of a regular full lunch or purchasing from the snack bar. The POS system allows families to put money onto their account any me during breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, or online at home. (student ID # required – w ). Money may also be deposited at Student Services. BUS INFO Bus passes and ckets can be purchased at Castro Valley Adult School, 4430 Alma Avenue, Castro Valley. All bus passes (not ckets) will be a picture ID which will require the student to be present when the bus pass is purchased. Bus ckets are NOT REFUNDABLE at the end of the year, nor can they be used the next school year, so plan carefully. If you have ques ons regarding the specific bus routes, please call CVUSD Transporta on Department (510) 881‐5271. For rules regarding students’ behavior on the buses, please see General School Rules. STUDENT POLICIES Student ID Cards Student ID cards are issued to each Canyon student free of charge, to assure student safety. The ID cards must be carried at all mes and presented to staff upon request. Lost ID cards may be replaced. The cost of a new card is $5. A student must pay for a replacement ID card in Student Services. Lost & Found Students must assume sole responsibility for loss or damage to personal property. The school will assist students in trying to locate lost/stolen property, but the school is not responsible for the replacement of these items. Students should write their names or put iden fying marks on their personal belongings. Ar cles that are lost or found should be reported or taken to the cafeteria (clothing) or main office (small items). Lockers Students may use their lockers before and a er school and during passing periods. The school reserves the right to revoke locker privileges at any me. Sixth grade students will be issued lockers during the first month of school. To keep the privilege of using a locker, Condors must: ● Use only the locker assigned to them. ● Keep their locker locked at all mes ● Remember their locker combina on and keep it private. ● Pay for repairing any damage they cause to lockers. ● (In the event of a jammed locker) Get a pass from their classroom teacher to visit Student Services and report their jammed locker ● Keep the outside of their locker free of decora on ● Use only the lock built in to the locker ● Treat their locker gently without slamming, kicking, or abusing it Restrooms ● ● ● Students are not to loiter in the restrooms. Food must not be taken into the restrooms. Students must have a pass dated and signed by a staff member in order to use the restroom during class me. Bicycles/Scooters In order to maintain a safe environment on campus the following rules are in effect. Students must remember that riding a bicycle/scooter to school is a privilege and will be revoked if a student fails to observe the rules and/or laws. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Bicycles must be operated in a safe manner. Students are required by state law to wear helmets. Students need to walk bikes up and down the hill. Once on campus, bikes must be walked to the bike storage area. Bicycles must be locked to the bike rack. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen bicycles, missing or damaged bicycle parts. The bicycle storage area is “out of bounds” during school hours. Students must take their bicycles home within 15 minutes a er dismissal. Bicycles, skateboards, skates, wheelies (shoes with wheels), and scooters, should not be ridden on campus at any me and will be confiscated if ridden. Bell Schedule 6 th Grade Tradi onal ‐ M, T, Th, F 6 th Grade Collabora on ‐ Wednesdays Period 0 7:35 8:25 Period 0 7:35 8:25 Advisory/Period 1 8:30 9:35 Advisory/Period 1 8:30 9:25 Period 2 9:40 10:30 Period 2 9:30 10:10 Nutri on Break 10:30 10:40 Nutri on Break 10:10 10:20 Period 3 10:45 11:35 Period 3 10:25 11:05 Lunch 11:35 12:10 Lunch 11:05 11:40 Period 4 12:15 1:05 Period 4 11:45 12:25 Period 5 1:10 2:00 Period 5 12:30 1:10 Period 6 2:05 2:55 Period 6 1:15 1:55 7/8 th Grade Tradi onal ‐ M, T, Th, F 7/8 th Grade Collabora on ‐ Wednesdays Period 0 7:35 8:25 Period 0 7:35 8:25 Advisory/Period 1 8:30 9:35 Advisory/Period 1 8:30 9:25 Period 2 9:40 10:30 Period 2 9:30 10:10 Nutri on Break 10:30 10:40 Nutri on Break 10:10 10:20 Period 3 10:45 11:35 Period 3 10:25 11:05 Period 4 11:40 12:30 Period 4 11:10 11:50 Lunch 12:30 1:05 Lunch 11:50 12:25 Period 5 1:10 2:00 Period 5 12:30 1:10 Period 6 2:05 2:55 Period 6 1:15 1:55 See our website at for more informa on about: ● Traffic ● Academic Awards ● Advisory/Homeroom ● Grades ● AERIES ● Library ● Homework ● CJSF ● Bookroom ● Honor Roll / Honor Society ● A er School Sports ● Student Council ● Textbooks ● Staff contacts and websites ● Add other informa on CANYON BEHAVIOR MATRIX If I . . . 1 st me 2 nd me 3 rd me 4 th me or more One or more of the following may happen . . . Do not follow classroom rules Staff will remind me of the rules Staff will encourage me to make a be er choice Staff will give me a warning Staff will talk with me about my choices Staff will call my parent/guardian Staff will give local consequences I will be asked to fill out a reflec on sheet I will be asked to explain my ac ons to a staff member I will be asked to change my seat, behavior, ac vity, loca on, etc. Staff will meet with my parent/ guardian Staff will ask me to sign a behavior contract I will be referred to a counselor I will be assigned an a er school deten on with a teacher I will be asked to write a le er of apology I will be sent to student services with a referral A principal will contact my parent/ guardian A principal will give me a consequence: ∙ Saturday school ∙ Community service ∙ Suspension ∙ Loss of privileges ∙ Behavior contract ∙ Deten on Dress in a way that does not meet the dress code I will be sent to Student Services I will be asked to change I will be given a warning I will be sent to Student Services I will be asked to change My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will be sent to Student Services I will be asked to change My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive a deten on I will be sent to Student Services I will be asked to change My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive a Saturday School or a suspension Use my personal technology when I’m not supposed to, when it is visible, or when it creates a distrac on My device will be taken and turned into Student Services I will receive a warning My device will be taken and turned into Student Services My parent/ guardian will be contacted My device will be taken and turned into Student Services I will receive a deten on My device will be taken and turned into Student Services I will receive a Saturday School or a suspension Cheat I will receive a warning I will receive a lower grade or no grade at all, or I will be asked to re‐do work I will receive a lower grade or no grade at all My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive a lower grade or no grade at all I will receive a deten on I will receive a lower grade or no grade at all I will receive: ∙ Suspension ∙ Loss of privileges If I . . . 1 st me 2 nd me 3 rd me 4 th me or more Do not par cipate when I am supposed to Speak to adults with disrespec ul language Am dishonest Use my hands and feet inappropriately Act in a way that is unsafe to myself or others Use materials in a way other than they are meant to be used Use school technology in a way that is not allowed Am tardy One or more of the following may happen . . . Cut class I will receive a lower grade or no grade at all My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive: ∙ Deten on ∙ Suspension ∙ Loss of privileges Wear, write, or have gang related items I will be referred to Student services and my parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive a: ∙ Warning ∙ Deten on ∙ Suspension Bully others with my words I will be referred to Student services My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive a: ∙ Deten on ∙ Saturday school ∙ Suspension I will be asked to pay for anything I’ve damaged I will a end Youth Court I will be assigned community service I will be asked to sign a behavior contract I will lose privileges 1 st me 2 nd me 3 rd me 4 th me or more Plagiarize Bully others with my ac ons Use words to threaten others Choose not to do what an adult asks of me Act in a way that is dangerous to myself or others Use language that is meant to hurt another based on their religion, race, sexual orienta on, or gender Say or do things of a sexual nature Vandalize property Bring or use items to start a fire Avoid going to the office when sent Steal If I . . . One or more of the following may happen . . . Have or use drugs, alcohol, or related items Have a real or fake weapon or explosive on campus Falsely report a bomb or dangerous situa on Physically fight with, punch, kick, slap, or shove others Force others to say or do things of a sexual nature I will be referred to Student services My parent/ guardian will be contacted I will receive a: ∙ Deten on ∙ Saturday school ∙ Suspension I will a end Youth Court I will be assigned community service I will be asked to sign a behavior contract I will lose privileges I will be expelled DEFINITIONS OF CONSEQUENCES Teacher Deten on A teacher deten on may be assigned by a staff member for disciplinary reasons. Twenty‐four hours no ce of teacher deten on is given to allow the student to arrange for transporta on. Failure to appear on me or a end a teacher deten on will result in an a er school deten on. A er School Deten on A er school deten on is held in the cafeteria a er school, typically on Tuesdays and Thursdays. ( Days and mes subject to change ) Students must bring a quiet ac vity to work on for the dura on of deten on. Late students will not be allowed to serve their deten on that day. If a student fails to a end, he/she will automa cally be assigned two deten ons. Failure to serve these deten ons will result in being assigned to Saturday School. When a student has missed a deten on because he/she was ill, the student is expected to go to the next rescheduled deten on date available. If a deten on cannot be served and needs to be rescheduled, the parent/guardian must no fy Student Services by phone or by having the student bring a signed note, before 10:00 AM the day of the deten on. Behavior Contract An individual contract to address student behavior may be developed to address inappropriate classroom or social interac ons; examples might be bullying, t easing, inappropriate language, etc. Progressive discipline is enforced at Canyon Middle School. Lunch Deten ons/Community Service Lunch deten on may be assigned by a staff member. During that me students will be required to help with the beau fica on of the lunch courtyard area and the cleanup of the cafeteria. Saturday School Saturday School is held at Canyon from 8:30 ‐ 12:00 on selected days. Students are expected to report to the front of the school at 8:30 am. Students arriving a er 8:30 am will not be admi ed. Saturday School is spent doing community service and/or working in a classroom. The same rules in effect during a regular deten on will be in effect during Saturday School. Students who fail to a end, fail to report on me, or are sent home early due to disciplinary reasons may receive an in‐school suspension or may be suspended from school. In‐School Suspension In‐School Suspension is an alterna ve to suspension from school when appropriate. Rather than being sent home, the student remains in school in an assigned area and required to complete his/her assigned schoolwork. ● Students must report to Student Services when they arrive at school and must leave school immediately a er school (except if they have been assigned a deten on). ● Students must bring textbooks, binders, and work to complete. ● Students are to display appropriate behavior or they will be suspended from school. ● Student may not a end or par cipate in any co/extra‐curricular ac vi es the day of his/her in‐school suspension. (This includes a er‐school ac vi es such as dances.) At Home Suspension Used to remove a student from school for disciplinary reasons for a period of one to five days. Expulsion Used to remove a student from school for the remainder of the semester or school year for disciplinary reasons. Expulsion is a process that is used for very serious ma ers. Expulsion may occur only with the approval of the Board of Educa on. Grounds for Suspension and/or Expulsion Recommenda on: Educa on Code: 48915 a. ( 1) Causing serious physical injury to another person. a. ( 2) Possession of any knife or other dangerous object. a. (3) Unlawful possession of any controlled substance. a. (4) Robbery or extor on. a. (5) Assault or ba ery upon any school employee. c. (1) Possessing, selling or otherwise furnishing a firearm. c. (2) Brandishing a knife at another person. c. (3) Unlawfully selling a controlled substance. c. (4) Commi ng or a emp ng to commit a sexual assault. c. (5) Possession of an explosive. Educa on Code: 48900 a.(1) Caused, a empted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person. (Mutual combat or verbal/wri en threats.) a.(2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self defense. (Ba ery, assault with a deadly weapon or a homicide.) The three elements of ba ery are: 1. An aggressor 2. Intended to cause physical injury. 3. An innocent vic m. b. Possessed, sold or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, and other dangerous objects. (CSSA Report necessary if knife is 2 ½” or longer or has a fixed or locking blade). c. Possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, drugs, alcohol, or under the influence of any controlled substance or intoxicant. d. Arranged, offered, or nego ated to sell look alike controlled substances, alcohol, intoxicants, or liquid, substance, or material represented as a controlled substance or intoxicant. e. Commi ed, or a empted to commit robbery or extor on. f. Caused or a empted to cause damage to school property or private property. g. Stole, or a empted to steal school property or private property. h. Possessed or used tobacco or any product containing tobacco or nico ne products, including but not limited to clove cigare es, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chew packets, or betel. i. Commi ed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity. j. Possessed, unlawfully offered, arranged, or nego ated to sell any drug paraphernalia. k. Disrupted school ac vi es or defied school personnel. l. Knowingly received stolen school or private property. m. Possessed an imita on firearm. n. Commi ed or a empted to commit sexual assault or sexual ba ery. o. Harassed or threatened or in midated a pupil witness. p. Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, nego ated to sell, or sold the prescrip on drug Soma. q. Engaged in, or a empted to engage in, hazing as defined in Sec on 32050. r. Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to bullying commi ed by means of an electronic act. t. A pupil who aids and abets. Apply to grades 4‐12 only: .2 Commi ed sexual harassment of another person. .3 Caused, a empted to cause, threatened to cause or par cipated in an act of hate violence. .4 Inten onally engaged in harassment, threat, or in mida on, directed against a pupil or group. .7 Terrorist threat. 48901.5 Electronic signaling device DRUG FREE POLICY Tobacco CVUSD is a tobacco‐free district. This means that possession or use of tobacco or any products containing tobacco or nico ne products, including, but not limited to cigare es, cigars, smokeless tobacco, electronic cigare e or possession of any tobacco product or related paraphernalia during the school day, on or off campus or at any school sponsored ac vity or athle c event is considered a viola on of Educa on Code 48900 H and Penal Code 308. Students found using or in possession of tobacco will be referred to the administra on and will result in disciplinary ac on. Alcohol and other drugs No student may use, abuse, possess, sell, distribute or be under the influence of any intoxica ng or illegal substance; or be in the possession of any equipment or paraphernalia connected with the manufacture or use of any substance during the school day, on or off campus or any school sponsored event. Students under the influence or in possession of the above will be referred to the administra on and will receive disciplinary ac on. GANG ACTIVITY Involvement in any “gang related ac vity or a re,” will be in viola on of the Castro Valley Code of Conduct related to Gang Ac vity. This cons tutes a disrup on of school ac vi es and willful defiance of the school’s direc ve to your child to stop the behavior (Ed Code 48900 k). This poses a danger to the student and others (Ed Code 48900 a). Specifically, student observed doing the following: ● Possessing of, or wearing, gang related/specific colored clothing. ● ● ● ● Having iden fiable gang symbols or graffi on books, binders, class‐work, student/school property, etc. Using gang specific hand signs on or around school campus. Displaying marks or ta oos on body indica ng possible gang involvement. Associa ng with other suspected or known gang members in a large group that is considered to be confronta onal or in mida ng to other students on campus. ● Other (Admission of gang membership/affilia on, recrui ng gang members, involved in gang fight, using gang slang, addi onal info, etc.). Gang ac vity or even suspected gang ac vity does not promote a safe school environment and will not be tolerated. Reoccurrences of these ac vi es may result in suspension/expulsion or other appropriate disciplinary ac on.