Fisher Parent News-November 2015
Fisher Parent News-November 2015
November 2015 Letter from the Principal, Michele Pilla Dear Fisher Families, It is with great pride and excitement that I write this le er of welcome to you as the newly appointed Principal of Fisher Elementary. It is my privilege and honor to join the Fisher School Community. I am looking forward to an exci ng year of learning and growing with our students and working with our professional staff and you, our parents and community members. I am eager to bring my skills as an educa onal leader to Fisher and to work with you as a partner in educa on to ensure your child’s academic success. I am energized and deeply commi ed to making a posi ve difference in the lives of your children. Our main goal here at Fisher is to ensure that every student is provided the highest quality of educa on possible in a safe, suppor ve, and nurturing environment. Working together as a team with our staff and parents, I am commi ed to helping each student achieve their personal best. As your principal, it is important to me that everyone who steps through our doors, teachers, students, parents, and community members are excited to be here! This a tude enables us to meet the challenges of academic excellence in a posi ve, fun, and nurturing environment. My door is always open and I welcome your input. Please feel free to stop in, call, or email me to discuss any concerns, sugges ons, or ideas to help make this school year a success! A special thank you to Mrs. LaPaglia for all that she has done for Fisher Elementary and for helping to make my transi on into the Fisher School Community a smooth one. Thank you, Michele Pilla, Principal Fisher Elementary CentralValleyCentralSchoolDistrict Important Dates Welcome Our New Principal! Mrs. Pilla November 2 Scholastic Book Fair—6 Days! Fisher Library ‐ School hours November 5—13 Veteran’s Day Program for 3rd and 4th grade November 10 Veteran’s Day—No School November 11 End of First Marking Period November 13 Picture Retakes November 13 PTO’s 6th Annual Turkey Trot—Jarvis 9:00am November 14 Parent/teacher conferences ‐ Dismissal for students @11:30 November 16‐17 Thanksgiving Break—No School November 25‐27 REMINDERS F FOR ARENTS REMINDERS ORPP ARENTS November 16 and 17 are parent teacher conferences and half days for students. Please plan accordingly to ensure you do not miss this important mee ng with your child’s teacher. You may be asked to fill out a form regarding free and reduced school meals at your conference. For car riders and walkers: Students remain outside un l 7:50 every morning. Please dress your child accordingly and do not have them to school earlier than 7:50 unless absolutely necessary. Second graders that need breakfast are the only excep ons, and must be to school by 7:40. Picture Retakes are Friday, November 13 Opera on Candy Cane is underway! We will be collec ng dona ons and making cards to be distributed to Military Personnel in transit through Syracuse airport as well as Veteran pa ents at the VA hospital in Syracuse. Dona ons will be picked up November 13! We are asking for: Pre‐K Wrapped Candy Kindergarten Travel size baby powder 1st Grade Small boxes of raisins 2nd Grade Packaged rice crispy treats 3rd Grade 8 oz. or larger bo led water 4th Grade Napkins and paper plates Cards will be picked up December 4. Thank you for your support! We will be hos ng a Veteran’s Day program for our third and fourth graders on Tuesday, November 10 at 9:30. Veteran’s Day is Wednesday, November 11, and there is no school. Please remind your child(ren) of the meaning of this holiday, to honor those who serve to keep our country safe. 2 IMPORTANT ATTENDANCE INFORMATION Using our a endance line helps our office staff a great deal. If we do not receive a call repor ng a child’s absence or tardiness, we must call for an explana on. If your child is going to be late or absent, you must please call our a endance line at 866‐4851 ext. 75006. Leave your name, name of the student, his or her teacher, and the reason for the absence. You must s ll send in a wri en excuse when your child re‐ turns to school. Any me your child arrives a er 8:00, they are considered absent. The adult re‐ sponsible for dropping them off must come in, sign the student in, and provide a wri en explana on from you. Central Valley CSD has set these policies to ensure the care and safety of your children. WINTER WEATHER PROCEDURES That me of year has come when school may close due to inclement weather. Please listen to the radio or watch local TV sta ons to see if school is going to be delayed, closed, or close early. If there is a delayed opening, DO NOT drop your children off at the usual me as there will not be staff available to ensure their safety or let them into the school. Please be sure to have a back‐up plan ready for child care in the event of such a delay or closure. If we have a snow day, that le er day will be skipped. Therefore, if we have a snow day on a B day, the next day will s ll be a C day as scheduled. Also, we ask that you please do not call the school, radio, or TV sta ons. The decision to close is made by the district and the decision is not made for our school alone. If you suspect a possible school closing or delay, please check the following radio or TV sta ons: TWCN WFRG FM BIG FROG— 104.3 WRFM FM—93.5 WKTV WBUG FM —101.1 WIBX AM—950 WRCK ROCK FM— 107 WODZ OLDIEZ FM—96.1 WLFH AM—1230 WKLL K‐ROCK FM— 94.9 WSKS KISS FM—97.9/105.5 WLZW LITE FM—98.7 WOUR FM—96.9 A NOTE FROM OUR P.E. TEACHERS As the weather gets cold and snowy, please make sure students have sneakers for P.E. class for safety reasons. Thanks! Coach Raux & Coach Patrei 3 HE NURSE, MRS. LORNA ZELMAN, RN A NOTE FROM T THE Should my child go to school or stay home? Many parents ask, “When is my child sick enough to stay home from school?” This is not always an easy question to answer, so I hope these tips can help! A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. We suggest making a plan for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a comforting place for your child to stay if he/she is ill. Our school policy states that you should not send your child to school if he/she has: Fever in the past 24 hours Vomiting in the past 24 hours Diarrhea in the past 24 hours Chills Sore throat Strep throat (must be taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning) Head lice—until your child has been treated according to the nurse or doctor instructions Bad cold, with very runny nose or bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night If your child becomes ill at school and the teacher or school nurse feel the child is too sick to benefit from school or is contagious to other children, you will be called to come and take him/her home from school. It is essential that your child’s teacher have a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your child home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. If your daytime or emergency phone number changes during the school year, please notify your child’s teacher immediately. Please call the school’s Health office, at 866-5117, if you have any questions or concerns. Lorna Zelman , RN 4 SCHOLASTICBOOKFAIRHOSTEDBYTHEFISHERLIBRARY The book fair will be open during school hours and un l 4:00 pm as needed. Shop when your class comes to the library or a er school. Thursday, November 5 Friday, November 6 Monday, November 9 Tuesday, November 10 (No school– Closed—Wednesday, November 11) Thursday, November 12 Friday, November 13 Come see some new books, like Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School or old favorites, like Hope to see you there! 5 Where? Weller Park, 28 Grove St, Mohawk When? Race day registra on 7:30 am—9:30 am Free Kids’ Fun Runs—ages 4‐12 begins at 9 am 5K Race / 2 mile walk begin at 10 am (cost $20) Prizes? T‐shirts and turkeys to top finishers! SPECIAL UPDATES Technology We’ve learned to use many programs and devices so far this year that will help prac ce Reading and Math skills. Most are accessible outside of school, as well!! Miss Huxley 6 A Making Strides Walk was held in the gym all day for breast cancer awareness. We raised and had a great me doing it! Our top fundraiser was 2nd grader Sandra Ferlo, who raised $220! Thank you to all who donated, wore pink, and par cipated! 7