IonCUDOS eBrochure
IonCUDOS eBrochure
CUDOS © OBE / CBE Platform OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION So ware Pla orm for Ins tu onalizing Best Prac ces and Successfully Delivering Outcome Based Educa on IonIdea, a 20 year old so ware solu ons company headquartered in USA, has developed an OBE Pla orm and several other solu ons for Educa onal Ins tu ons. Our IonEduca on products have several successful implementa ons and have been developed in collabora on with leading educa on researchers and academicians Compliance with Accredita on requirements needs a strong OBE / CBE implementa on Are these some of your challenges on the OBE journey? Dean Ÿ Crea ng confidence in Stakeholders Ÿ Integra ng Design Delivery and Assessment Ÿ Ins tu onalizing common process across programs Ÿ Reducing faculty's me and effort in documenta on and report genera on Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Chairman and Program Owner Visibility into the progress of design Enabling measurements and thresholds Consistency in computa on Consistent usage of Bloom’s Taxonomy Using historical data at various levels for con nual improvement Key inputs for SAR Report Course Owners Ÿ Consistent usage of ac on Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ verbs in outcomes and assessment occasions What is enough in each topic delivery? Consistency in Rubrics for internal assessments Indicators for con nual improvement Overwhelmed by volume of data Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Controller of Examina ons How to align ques on paper with outcomes from design Op mizing ques on paper se ng cycle me Finalizing ques on paper on Bloom's Levelwise marks distribu on, coverage of outcomes Import students performance data for compu ng a ainment IonCUDOS © is an innova ve so ware pla orm developed by IonIdea Inc., for Designing Curricula, Delivery Planning, Assessment Planning and demonstra ng a ainment of Graduate A ributes for Outcome Based Educa on and Competency Based Educa on. IonCUDOS © is a unique solu on, which assists an Ins tu on on its path to achieve Outcome Based Educa on, equipping the ins tu on for Accredita on and to meet stakeholders’ expecta ons effec vely and efficiently Contact us Email: [email protected] Address Website Phone IonIdea, 3913 Old Lee Highway Suite 33B Fairfax, VA 22030, USA on www.twi USA : +1 (703)-268-2928 INDIA : +91(80) 66581500 IonIdea, #38-40 EPIP Whitefield, Bangalore, 560 066, INDIA Course Outcome A ainment CO level a ainment (vis-à-vis the target) is calculated from direct source of data (based on students’ performance in forma ve assessments, summa ve assessments)and indirect source of data (students' feedback on course delivery and outcomes) Program Outcome A ainment PO a ainment (vis-à-vis the target) is based on the mapped CO level performance of Students across the terms. It also takes into considera on feedback and surveys from various stakeholders at the program level Bloom’s Levelwise Performance Students’ Performance (vis-à-vis the target) through various ac vi es measured through established rubrics for various levels A ainment of Competency through Performance Indicators Students’ Performance (vis-à-vis the target) for a par cular competency, measured through its performance indicators across various ac vi es in courses Dynamic reports You can rely on IonIdea! Ÿ For Core courses, Target courses and an All courses Ÿ Separately for forma ve (internal) assessments, summa ve Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ (term-end) assessments. Both for forma ve and summa ve assessment data by applying weightage Ÿ Complexity of calcula ng student outcome a ainment when mul ple outcomes are mapped to a ques on in an assessment Ÿ Reports within courses, across courses within a term, across terms for a batch and across batches can be generated Ÿ Threshold a ainment drill-down reports including student performance analysis Domain and Accredita on exper se Product Training Webinars Se ng up Prerequisites Department level support though Webinars Telephonic support Customiza on and data Integra on eHelp, eUserGuide, “How-to” videos on