Student Handbook - Newcomerstown Schools Parent Portal


Student Handbook - Newcomerstown Schools Parent Portal
Agenda # ____________
Newcomerstown Middle School
Parent - Student Handbook
BY 8:00 AM
Jeff Staggs
Jason Peoples
Middle School Office
Fax Machine
Board Of Education Members
Mr. Randy Addy
Mr. David Archer
Mr. Steven Brode
Mrs. Arlene Mayhew
Mr. Vince Nay
This agenda belongs to :
Grade _______________
Table of Contents
Section I Overview
Table of Contents
Section III Attendance
Early Dismissal
Leaving School During the Day
Limit of Days
Missing Student Policy
Student Absences and Excuses
Athletic Attendance
Deer Hunting
Section II General Information
Authority of Teachers
Body Piercing/Tattoos
Book bags
Bus Transportation
Bus Conduct
Change of Address
Dress and Grooming
Dressing Rooms
Electronic Communication Device
Emergency Closing
Emergency Medical Forms
Emergency Evacuation
Fines and Fees
First Aid
Grade Cards/Grading Policy
Grading System
Extracurricular 1.6 GPA Rule
Gifts to Faculty
Hall Passes/ Hall Conduct
Homework Policy
Lice Policy
Lost & Found
News to Parents
Public Displays of Affection
School Insurance
Student Records
Textbooks/School Equipment
Unnecessary Items
Visitors to School
Section IV Activities and Awards
Class Elections
Student Council
Field Trips
Honor Roll
Honor Society
Parental Involvement
Section V Code of Conduct
Behavior/Unauthorized Touching
Discipline/Minor Offenses
Discipline/Major Offenses
Discipline Definitions
Due Process/Emergency Removal
Due Process/ Suspension
Weapons/Look-alike Weapons
Due Process/Expulsion
Appeal Process
Substance Abuse Procedure
Look –Alike Drug Law
Permanent Exclusion
Medication at School
Anti-Bullying Policy
Computer Policy
Acceptable Use Agreement
Handbook Verification
Academic Integrity Policy
Wed. Aug. 17
Thurs. Aug. 18
Aug. 19
Mon. Aug. 22
Tues. Aug. 23
Mon. Sept.5
Sept. 23
Sun. Sept. 11
Mon. Sept. 19
Sept. 30
Oct. 14
Oct. 21
Thurs. Nov. 3-4
Thur. Nov. 24-28
Tues. Nov. 29
Wed. Dec. 21-30
Mon. Jan. 2
Tues. Jan. 3
Mon. Jan. 9
Mon. Jan. 16
Jan. 20
Feb. 17
Mon. Feb. 20
Mar. 17
Mon. Apr. 10-14
Mon. Apr. 17
May 26
Mon. May 29
Tues. May 30
Wed. May 31
Grading Period Begins
Mid-Term Grades
End of Grading Period
Grades Distributed
Days in Session
New Teacher Orientation
Teacher Opening Meeting
Teacher Workday
Teacher In-service
Student First Day
Labor Day – No School
Teacher In-service – No School
Guernsey Co. Fair
Tuscarawas Co. Fair
Coshocton Co. Fair
Teacher In-service – No School
End of First Nine Weeks
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thanksgiving Break – No School
Return from Thanksgiving Break
Christmas Break – No School
Christmas Break – No School
Return from Christmas Break
End of Second Nine Weeks
MLK Day – No School
Teacher In-service – No School
Teacher In-service – No School
President’s Day – No School
End of Third Nine Weeks
Spring Break – No School
Return from Spring Break
End of Fourth Nine Weeks
Memorial Day – No School
Student’s Last Day
Teacher’s Last Day
Grading Period 1
Tues. – Aug. 23
Fri. – Sept. 16
Fri. – Oct. 21
Fri. – Oct. 28
Grading Period 2
Mon. – Oct. 24
Fri. – Nov. 18
Mon. – Jan. 9
Fri. – Jan. 13
Grading Period 3
Tues. – Jan. 10
Thurs. – Feb. 16
Fri. – Mar. 17
Fri. – Mar. 24
Grading Period 4
Mon. – Mar. 20
Fri. – Apr. 21
Fri. – May 26
As Arrange
7:45 AM - 8:10 AM
8:03 AM
8:05 AM
8:07 AM
8:15 AM
8:15 AM
Our Core Values
We BELIEVE in . . .
B - Balanced
E - Encouraged
L - Learners
I - Individually
E - Engaged through
V - Valuable
E - Educational Experiences
Middle School Breakfast
6th Gr. Dismissed to H.R.
7th Gr. Dismissed to H.R.
8th Gr. Dismissed to H.R.
Tardy to School
Students in Homerooms
for Announcements and
Educational Philosophy
The Newcomerstown Board of Education is committed to providing a program of education which is
consistent with the following tenets:
1. Education shall contribute to the continuous
improvement of our democratic society and
cultures which exist through the development of
concerned, contributing and patriotic citizens.
2. The dignity and worth of the individual will be
respected and each individual should be given
the opportunity to participate in our society to
the best of his/her ability.
3. The educational program should be conducive
to the maximum intellectual, physical, social
and emotional well being of all students.
4. Basic knowledge, skills, understanding, and
appreciation’s are necessary for full-life functioning.
5. All students shall be introduced to the humanities, and the arts and provided the opportunity to
pursue further studies in these areas.
6. Appraisal of the immediate and projected personal and societal needs of our youth shall be a
continuous process.
7. The development of self-appraisal skills, decision-making techniques and self-discipline by
our youth should help them in assuming the
responsibility for setting realistic immediate and
long range personal, academic and career goals.
8. The development of moral and ethical values,
on the part of youth is an important aspect of
personal maturity, for which the parent(s)/
guardian(s) should assume the primary responsibility. However, the schools will strive to reinforce their efforts.
9. Continuous physical, mental, and emotional
growth and development should be promoted
through the maintenance of a personalized and
appropriate educational program for our students.
10. Self-realization and self-expression will be encouraged for our students.
11. The educational program shall meet or exceed
the State Board of Education Minimum Standards.
12. The development and implementation of a program of continuous evaluation based upon stated goals and objectives is necessary for effective program revision and improvement.
Handbook Overview
The Newcomerstown Middle School Parent/Student
Handbook is designed to clarify and answer any questions about the policies and procedures at Newcomerstown Middle School. There have been some policy
and procedural changes for the 2016-2017 school year.
These changes were designed to help enhance a safer
and more educationally sound school environment.
They were also implemented to place more responsibility and accountability for student behavior squarely
on the shoulders of the students and the parents.
This handbook has been divided into five separate
parts: A Handbook Overview, General Information,
Attendance Procedures, Activities, and the Student
Discipline/Conduct Code. We ask that you read this
handbook in its entirety, discuss it with your child,
then sign the letter of understanding and the network
usage agreement and return to the school by Friday,
September 2, 2016.
If at any time during the school year, you have questions concerning our handbook or policies, feel free to
call me at 740-498-8151.
~ Principal of NMS
Equal Educational Opportunities
All students of the Newcomerstown Exempted Village
School District will have equal educational opportunities. Students have the right to be free from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, marital status, pregnancy, national origin, physical handicaps, criminal
record, political activity, religion, creed, or opinion, in
all decisions affecting admissions, membership in
school-sponsored organizations, clubs, or activities,
access to facilities, distribution of funds, academic
evaluations or any other aspect of school-sponsored
activity will be based on criteria reasonably related to
that specific activity.
Vision Statement
“A collective effort towards excellence . . .”
Mission Statement
“We BELIEVE in providing a caring environment that
fosters collaboration while supporting all stakeholders;
setting high expectations and focusing on the whole
child in order to create lifelong learners.”
of school authorities, and while at interscholastic
competitions, extracurricular events, or other school
activities or programs. Misconduct by a student that,
regardless of where it occurs, is directed at a district
official or employee or the property of an official or
employee, is subject to school discipline.
Admission To School
The Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District provides free education to District residents between the ages of five (5) through twenty-one (21)
who do not possess a diploma. Students who do not
legally qualify as residents will be required to pay
tuition as established by law and board policy. A
student is considered a resident of the District if he/
she resides with a parent or parents or a person or
government agency with legal custody whose place
of residence is within the boundaries of the School
Authority of Teachers
Teachers have the responsibility to ensure a climate
conducive to the safety and welfare of the students
and others in the school. They are further responsible for the learning and social development of students at school. Teachers are therefore vested with
the necessary authority to discharge these responsibilities. It should be understood that any teacher has
this authority at any time on school property or at
school functions.
New entrants at all grade levels will be required to
present at the time of enrollment:
1. A birth certificate or other evidence of birth including: a) A passport or attested passport transcript showing the date and place of birth of the
child; b) An attested transcript of a birth certificate; c) An attested transcript of a baptism certificate or other religious record showing the
date and place of birth of the child; d) An attested transcript of a hospital record showing date
and place of birth; or e) A birth affidavit
2. Proof of having received or being in the process
of receiving required immunizations.
3. Any records given to him/her by the elementary
or secondary school he/she most recently attended.
Students riding bicycles to school are to park them in
the bicycle racks on the south side of the Middle
School building away from the sidewalk and entrance doors. Bicycles are the responsibility of the
owner. Students should lock their bicycles to the
bicycle rack as the rack cannot be supervised at all
Body Piercing/Tattoos
Students will not be permitted to wear large hoop
earrings, body piercing items, any type of facial jewelry to school or to school activities. Modest style
earrings are appropriate for school attire. Tattoos, if
present, must be covered by clothing.
Arrival to School
The Newcomerstown Middle School schedule operates from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM All students arriving
at school or on a bus before 8:00 AM should report
to the auditorium to be supervised until dismissed to
homeroom. Those students desiring breakfast at
school may arrive in the cafeteria no earlier than
7:45 AM. Breakfast is finished at 8:10 AM and all
students should be in homeroom for attendance and
announcements at that time.
Book Bags
Students are permitted to carry book bags to and
from school but NOT to classes, due to the limited
amount of space in the classrooms and for safety
factors. A purse large enough to carry a textbook is
considered a book bag and must be kept in the student’s locker.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is offered to all students living
beyond a two-mile distance from the school. Rules
of conduct are explained by each bus driver and students are expected to observe them. THE BUS
TEACHER. Students may be denied bus tr ansportation privileges if they are to be found in violation of the bus rules.
Dismissal from School
Students who are being picked up by parents are to
exit through the River Street or cafeteria doors. Parents may park to pick up students on Goodrich, River
Streets, or in our parking lot by our cafeteria. Students that ride bicycles may enter/exit through the
cafeteria doors by the bike rack. All bus students are
to exit through the new alley doors on the southeast
side of the building closest to the bus formation for
pick up of students. School is dismissed at 3:00 PM.
All students should be out of the building by 3:10
Bus Conduct of Students
The following regulations pertain to school bus conduct and are intended to ensure the safety and welfare of the students, the bus driver and other drivers
on the road, and the safety and proper maintenance
of school buses.
Scope of Jurisdiction
This code of conduct is in effect while students are
under the authority of school personnel or involved
in any school activity. This includes but is not limited to school buses and property under the control
Students will:
1. Be careful in approaching bus stops-walk on the
left, toward oncoming traffic; be sure the road is
Dress and Grooming
The Board of Education, administration, and faculty
of Newcomerstown Schools adheres to a dress code
that takes into consideration student comfort and
taste. Good taste should be interpreted to mean neatness, simplicity, cleanliness and appropriateness.
Good taste should also encourage student pride and
decorum. We also contend that good grooming includes proper haircuts of accepted styles and color
not considered extreme. It is with this in mind that
the following school policy has been established.
clear both ways before crossing the highway.
Be on time for the bus in order to permit the bus
to follow the time schedule.
Sit in assigned seats. Bus drivers have the right
to assign a student to a seat in the bus and to
expect reasonable conduct in a manner similar to
that of a teacher in a classroom.
Reach assigned seat in the bus without disturbing or crowding other students; remain seated
while the bus is moving.
Obey the driver promptly and respectfully; realize that he/she has an important responsibility
and that it is everyone’s duty to help.
Keep the bus clean and sanitary. Students are
discouraged from eating while on the bus.
Not engage in loud talking or laughing. Unnecessary confusion diverts the driver’s attention
and may result in a serious accident.
Keep head, arms and hands inside the bus at all
times. Windows are intended for light and ventilation.
Be courteous to fellow students and to the bus
Treat bus equipment as they would treat valuable furniture in their home. Damage to seats and
other parts is unnecessary and always costly.
Remain seated until the bus stops to unload;
wait for signal from the bus driver and then
cross the road in front of the bus.
All school rules as outlined in the Student Conduct Code will apply to all students riding the
school bus at all times while on the school bus.
If a student is planning to ride a bus other than
the one to which he/she is assigned or ride in a
car a written permission request from the student’s parents is needed. This is only for special
occasions and does not apply to students who
are normally picked up after school. The request for approval should be brought to the of
fice in the morning before school starts.
Candy, Gum, Pop, or Food
Students are not to eat candy, or drink pop, have
open containers, or have these items in their possession any time during the school day, at lunch, in
classrooms or in the hallways. These items are also
not allowed in the gym. Teachers may have classroom parties allowing students to consume these
Change of Address
Because current information concerning the address,
the telephone number, and the emergency contact
person for students is essential, all changes in a student’s address, phone number, or emergency contact
person should be reported to the office promptly.
You must have an emergency medical form on file in
the school office.
All Students:
1. Clothing designed to cause a disturbance in the
educational process or school procedure is not
2. Clothing/jewelry bearing patches, drawings or
sayings (stated or implied) which refer to drugs,
violence, death, alcohol, tobacco, sex, or hate
shall not be permitted to be worn. Obscenities
(stated or implied) will not be permitted.
3. Shoes will be worn and tied at all times. Slippers, flip-flops, and “heelies” are prohibited due
to safety reasons.
4. No loose fitting sandals shall be permitted.
5. Dress shorts, jean shorts, Bermuda shorts, or
athletic style shorts of appropriate length (midthigh) are permitted. Spandex shorts, frayed or
cut off blue jeans, or cut off sweat pants are not
permitted. Yoga pants/tights, if worn, must be
covered from waist to mid-thigh.
6. Midriffs, halters, tank tops/mesh tops, etc. are
not to be worn. Shirts that expose the front or
back midriff area are not permitted.
7. Skirts, shorts, or skorts deemed must be at least
mid-thigh length.
8. Pajama pants are not permitted. Any situation of
“depanting” will be classified as a MAJOR OFFENSE and will be subject to suspension from
school. See Major Offenses #17 on pg. 24.
9. All pants and shorts should be worn at the appropriate height to stay at the natural waist line.
Undergarments should not be visible. No oversized pants or pants having the appearance of
being oversized are permitted. The length of
pants, when unrolled, should not touch the floor.
10. Clothing which is ripped, torn or frayed is not
permitted. Holes in clothing will not be permitted above the knee or any holes exposing skin.
It is not permissible to cover holes with tape. No
writing is permitted on the rear of any pants or
11. Sunglasses, hats, caps, bandannas or other head
coverings are not to be worn inside the building
and must be kept in student’s locker during the
school day.
12. Large style earrings or ear gauges (that create
large holes in the earlobes) are not permitted to
be worn by students due to safety reasons.
13. Coats are not permitted to be worn in the school/
classrooms and are to be kept in the student’s
lockers. In the event of heating problems, students will be permitted to go to their lockers for
their coats.
14. No wallet chains. Chains that are perceived by
the administration as items that could possibly
be used as weapons are also not permitted.
Includes commons areas such as gym(s), in hallways
after school, and other areas designated by the school
administrator. While students are in a green zone,
appropriate use of cell phones is permitted, unless
otherwise designated by adult supervision. These
privileges may be denied for any reason deemed
necessary by school administration or staff. .
The above dress code will be in effect at all school
sponsored activities unless otherwise stated by the
principal. Students arriving at school inappropriately
dressed will be disciplined. School is a place of
*The building principal/building administration
will be the final arbiter of any dress code dispute.
Includes all classrooms, locker rooms and restrooms
and other zones, identified by the school administrator. While in red zones, cellular device use is strictly prohibited.
Students in Violation
Unusual or extreme cases will be left to the discretion of the principal.
Parents may be telephoned.
Students may be sent home to correct the violation.
Students may receive zeros in all subjects for
time missed in class.
Failure to comply with the dress code may lead
to suspension.
(1.) Use of cellular devices as a non-regulated internet access device, is prohibited.
(2.) All use of electronic devices must be appropriate
and follow all rules outlined in the student code of
(3.) School administration reserves the right to prohibit the overall use of any/all cellular devices or
electronic communication devices. Failure to comply, will result in consequences listed below.
(4.) Students are at no point permitted to audio record, photograph, or video record staff members.
Dressing Rooms
Girls and boys are to use only their designated locker
rooms and restrooms. Students are not permitted in a
locker room or restroom of the opposite sex.
2. Any use of a cellular phone or other electronic
device in violation of this policy may result in confiscation of the device and appropriate disciplinary
action as described below. When confiscated, the
student must surrender the entire device (including
the battery), and any attempt to disassemble, lock, or
otherwise render the device inoperable, or refusal to
submit the device, will be treated as insubordination
for which appropriate discipline may be imposed.
Electronic/Communication Devices
or Cell Phones
Possessing a cellular phone or other electronic device in any school building or on any school grounds
or premises is a privilege and not a right. The Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District strictly regulates the possession and use of such devices
since they can facilitate cheating, unlawful or otherwise inappropriate behavior, and distract from the
District's educational mission. Each student is responsible for complying with the terms of this policy. If you do not agree with or do not intend to abide
by all terms of this policy, do not bring a cellular
phone or other electronic communication device to
3. If there is reasonable suspicion of unlawful or
inappropriate behavior, a confiscated cellular phone
or other electronic device is subject to search by law
enforcement. A student who chooses to bring such a
device to a school building or onto school grounds or
premises (including a school bus or other school
vehicle) thereby agrees and consents to such a search
if the device is confiscated because of a violation of
the policy. A confiscated device will normally be
returned to the student (or the student's parent,
guardian, or custodian) as described in the consequences listed below unless intervening law enforcement circumstances make such return inappropriate
(as outlined in ORC 2921.22). The District will cooperate with law enforcement authorities in cases
where unlawful activity appears to have occurred, or
to have been abetted, in connection with the use of
the device.
The following regulations apply:
1. Cellular phones and other electronic devices may
be brought to class, however, cell phones may only
be used in accordance with proper authorization during the student instructional day, hallways, or while
in a school bus or other school vehicle. If brought to
school, they must be turned off and/or silenced during instructional times, unless otherwise directed by
adult supervision. If a student cellular device causes
any disruption to the school day, the said student
may be subject to the consequences listed at the end
of this policy. Should a student need to call a parent
or other person during the student instructional day,
the student is encouraged to use a school office
phone. During the regular school day, the use of such
cellular devices will be restricted by zones, labeled
by colors of Green and Red, as follows:
4. These regulations do not apply to attendance at
evening or weekend athletic or other extracurricular
events, but the use of cell phones, cameras, and other
recording devices are strictly prohibited at all times
in home and visiting locker rooms. Students are expected to exercise courtesy and sound judgment in
the use of a cellular phone or other electronic communication device, and such a device may be confiscated and searched upon reasonable suspicion that
the device is being used for an unlawful purpose or
in furtherance of a violation of school rules or regulations.
tornado coming, do not wait for the warning signalgo to your shelter area at once! If there is not time to
go to the shelter area, assume the protective position
on the floor at your location. In cases of emergency
procedures students are to move quickly and quietly
to their designated area following the directions of
their teacher and or principal.
The District assumes no liability if a cellular phone
or other electronic device is broken, lost, or stolen.
Fines and Fees
No student will be permitted to receive school records or advance to another grade until all financial
obligations; such as but not limited to class sales,
money, book fines, and supply fees, to Newcomerstown Schools have been met.
Consequences for violation of this policy may include:
1st Offense - Verbal Warning
2nd Offense - Confiscation, After-School Detention,
Phone/device kept in office for remainder of school
3rd Offense - Confiscation, ASD/Other disciplinary
Action, cell phone returned to a parent or guardian.
4th Offense – Confiscation, possible suspension, cell
phone returned to parent. Student is not permitted to
possess a cellular device for the remainder of the
term, semester or year (as deemed by the building
First Aid
The office maintains a first aid kit. If a student becomes ill or injured during the school day, the student’s teacher should be notified. The teacher will
give the student a pass to the office. Parents will be
contacted by the office when necessary.
"Gifted" means students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of
accomplishment when compared to others of their
age, experience, or environment and who are identified under division (A), (B), (C), or (D) of section
3324.03 of the Revised Code.
**Building administration reserves the right to assign discipline that skips the above offenses, or add
to those offenses; based on the severity of the offense.
Emergency Closing
When Newcomerstown Schools must be closed because of weather conditions or other reasons, announcements will be made on area radio stations, in
addition to our automated call system. (Cambridge—
WILE 1270 AM—96.7 FM; Dover – WJER 1450
AM—101.7 FM; Coshocton - WTNS 1560 AM—
99.3 FM; Uhrichsville—WBTC 95.9 FM; Uhrichsville– WTUZ 99.9 FM)
Please do not call the school or school personnel.
It is extremely important that phone lines be left
Screening and Assessment
The district uses a three-part approach to screen students who perform or show potential for performing
at high levels of accomplishment in the areas of superior cognitive ability, specific academic ability,
creativity, and visual and/or performing arts.
Stage I -Pre-Assessment
The Pre-assessment part of the process involves
gathering student date from a variety of sources including teacher, parent, and peer referrals, grades,
portfolios, observations, review of student records,
and outstanding products or performances, etc. All
students are involved in the pre-assessment pool.
By using the pre-assessment process, the district
ensures equal access to screening and further assessment by all the district children, including culturally
or linguistically diverse children, children from low
economic backgrounds, children with disabilities,
and children for whom English is a second language.
Emergency Medical Forms
Students must have an emergency medical form
filled out by their parents and filed in the administration office within one week of the first day of school.
Students and parents are responsible to turn these in
and notify the office of any changes of information.
Emergency Evacuations
In the case of a fire, tornado, bomb threat, or other
crisis that would necessitate the rapid removal of
students from the school building, a planned procedure must be followed. With this thought in mind,
evacuation drills will be held monthly during the
school year. Early in the year the student’s teacher
will explain to the student the evacuation procedure
from each classroom in which the student may be
scheduled. All evacuation plans are posted in each
room. In the case of a tornado warning you should
go to the area posted in each classroom and listen to
the directions of your teacher. If you see or hear a
Stage II - Assessment for Screening
The screening stage examines the data gathered from
the pre-assessment stage and determines if additional
assessment is necessary. In making decisions about
additional assessment, existing test data for students
is not the sole determining criteria. School personnel
examine all available information about a student to
determine if any evidence of possible giftedness exists for that student and conduct necessary additional
assessment. District-determined cut-off scores, to
move students from screening stage to the assessment stage, are lower than the scores necessary for
identification. Parents must be notified within 30
days of the results of screening.
written by the parent or the child to the building administrator or gifted coordinator. If children request
to withdraw, parents will be notified.
Appeal Procedures
An appeal by the parent is the reconsideration of the
results of any part of the identification process,
which would include:
* Screening procedure or assessment instrument
(which results in identification);
* The scheduling of children for assessment;
* The placement of a student in any program; and
* Receipt of services
Parents should submit a letter to the Superintendent
or designee outlining the nature of the concern.
The Superintendent or designee will convene a meeting with the parent/guardian, which may include
other personnel. The Superintendent or designee
will issue a written final decision within 30 days of
the appeal. This written notice should include the
reason for the decision(s).
If you have any questions, please call your building
principal or gifted coordinator.
Stage III
Assessment for Identification
Assessment strategies provide additional data necessary for an identification decision and the delivery of
service. Strategies for additional assessment include
the individual and group-testing requirements of
Sections 3324.01-3324.07 of the Ohio Revised Code;
and as described in the Gifted Identification Packet.
Once additional assessment has been completed, the
data obtained throughout the stages of identification
are evaluated, the identification decision is made and
the student's educational needs are determined.
The district ensures there are ample and appropriate
scheduling procedures for assessment and reassessment using:
* Group Tests;
* Individually-administered tests;
* Audition, Performance;
* Display of work;
* Exhibition; and
* Checklists
Children may be referred on an on-going
basis, based on the following:
* Child request (self-referral);
* Teacher recommendation
* Parent/Guardian request;
* Child referral of peer; and
* Other (psychologist, community members, principals, gifted coordinator, etc.)
Upon receipt of a referral, the district will:
* Follow the process outlined in the parent
brochure; and
* Notify parents of results of screening or
assessment and identification.
Grade Cards/Grading Policy
The Newcomerstown Schools are on a nine-week
grading period. It is particularly important to keep
parents informed of student progress. Class grades
are given every 9 weeks. This can be achieved by
telephone, letter, or midterm reports. Midterm reports will be sent home at the middle of each grading
period. Grade cards will be given out on Monday a
week after the end of a nine –week grading period.
In general the letter grade denote the following:
The district shall provide at least two opportunities a
year for assessment in the case of children requesting
assessment or recommended for assessment by
teachers, parents, or other children.
The district accepts scores on assessment instruments
approved for use by the Ohio Department of Education provided by other school districts and/or trained
personnel outside the school district.
The district ensures that any child transferring into
the district will be assessed within 90 days of the
transfer at the request of the parent. Parents shall
contact the building principal or gifted coordinator.
The district ensures equal opportunity for all students
identified as gifted to receive the services offered by
the district.
If at any time, a student wishes to withdraw from the
gifted programs or services, the request should be
Grading System
WP Withdrawn Passing
Withdrawn Failing
Below 60 S
Grades may be considered incomplete if a student is
absent and has missed required assignments, assignments are incomplete, or unsatisfactory. If incomplete work is not made up within a reasonable time
(1 day/absence), the grade will be recorded as failing. Failing grades shall be the average of all four
nine weeks, and are to be figured as follows:
93 - 100
A90 - 92
87 - 89
83 - 86
B80 - 82
77 - 79
73 - 76
C70 - 72
67 - 69
60 - 66
< 59
3.83 - 4.00
3.50 - 3.82
3.15 - 3.49
2.83 - 3.14
2.50 - 2.82
2.15 - 2.49
1.83 - 2.14
1.50 - 1.82
1.15 - 1.49
0.60 - 1.14
0.00 - 0.59
When the final yearly average is 3.5; 2.5; 1.5; or .5
the final grade will be determined by the average of
the second semester grades. At least a .5 must be
attained the second semester to pass the course. A
student must pass the second semester to pass for the
This 1.60 Grade Point Average Rule is meant to hold our
students to a higher level of academic accountability than
current Ohio High School Athletic Association Bylaws for
Academic Eligibility for participation in extracurricular
activities, including athletics. This policy requires that K12 students in the Newcomerstown Exempted Village
School District meet the Ohio High School Athletic Association Bylaws for Academic Eligibility and the additional
requirements of this policy outlined in Section 1-10 of this
Policy. This Policy also satisfies the requirements of ORC
3313.535(B) and ORC 3313.535(C).
College Credit Plus
Newcomerstown Middle School students (who meet
the set requirements) are eligible for College Credit
Plus enrollment. More information on this program
is available by request at the Newcomerstown High
School Office. Course offerings can be found at the
NHS Guidance Office in the Course Offering Guide.
Promotion/Retention Policy is outlined in
the District Policy Manual, IKE-R
Extracurricular 1.6 GPA rule
The Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District Teaching Staff, Coaching Staff, Athletic Council and Administration recommend the Board of Education adopt the following policy concerning a student’s academic eligibility for participation in extracurricular activities in grade K-12 in the Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District.
The Policy
For a K-12 student to be academically eligible
for extracurricular activities, including athletics,
in the Newcomerstown Exempted Village
School District, a student must be enrolled as a
full time student in the appropriate district
In addition, to be academically eligible for extracurricular activities, including athletics, during a
grading period, the Newcomerstown Exempted
Village School District Grade 9-12 student must
have passed a minimum of five one credit courses or the equivalent during the preceding grading
period which count toward graduation.
In addition, to be academically eligible for extracurricular activities, including athletics, a Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District K
-12 student must have a 1.6 grade point average
or higher in all courses that he/she was enrolled
in during the preceding grading period. This rule
applies to all students in the Newcomerstown
Exempted Village School District, and those that
are new to the district during a grading period
and those that enrolled in the district in a previous grading period.
In addition, to be academically eligible for extra
curricular activities, including athletics, a Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District
K-12 student must meet all of the additional re
quirements for academic eligibility outlined in
the Constitution and Bylaws Handbook of the
Ohio High School Athletic Association.
If a student, new to the district, meets all the eligibility requirements of the Ohio High School
Athletic Association, and has at least a 1.60
grade point average before participating in extra
curricular activities in the district, then that
student is eligible for participation in extracurricular activities in the district.
Under no conditions is any student that has been
declared academically ineligible for athletics or
extracurricular activities to dress for, participate
in, or scrimmage in any scrimmages, games, or
tournament contests or activities during the period of ineligibility.
If a student that is academically ineligible, according to the Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District Board of Education 1.60
GPA Rule, participates in any Newcomerstown
Exempted Village School District interscholastic athletic contest then the student, team, and
school will receive the same penalties as outlined
in the OHSAA Constitution and Bylaws Handbook.
In order to be eligible, a student in grade 7 or 8
must be currently enrolled and must have been
enrolled in school the immediately preceding
grading period and received passing grades in
at least 5 of the subjects in which he/she receive
grades, with no more than 1 failing grade.
Gifts to Faculty Members
Gifts to faulty members by students can become a
source of embarrassment to the faculty members or
to the student who may not be able to contribute. In
order to control this problem, it is suggested that
gifts to the teachers no be given at Christmas or any
other time. Before groups may give their advisor a
token of appreciation, it must be cleared by the
building principal.
Hall Passes and Hall Conduct
Students are not permitted in the halls during class
time unless they have a valid hall pass or hallway
passport in their agendas. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain such a pass. Students found in the
hall without a pass will face disciplinary action. The
halls are a traffic way for students during class
changes. The following regulations should be kept
in mind and obeyed:
1. Keep to the right at all times
2. Do not loiter or form groups that block traffic.
Go directly to next class.
3. Do not run or make excessive noises in the hall.
4. Do not push or shove other students in the hallways.
5. Deposit all trash in waste cans. Any trash found
in the halls should be put in trash cans.
6. The stairway closest to the Principal’s Office is
used as a “DOWN” stairway.
7. The stairway closest to Room 103 is used as an
"UP” stairway.
It is the policy of the Board of Education to maintain
an education and work environment which is free
from all forms of unlawful harassment, including
sexual harassment. This commitment applies to all
School District operations, programs, and activities.
All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all
other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful harassment. This policy applies to unlawful conduct occurring on school property, or at another location if such conduct occurs during an activity sponsored by the Board.
The Board will vigorously enforce its prohibition
against harassment based on sex, race, color, national
origin, religion, disability, or any other unlawful
basis, and encourages those within the School District community as well as third parties, who feel
aggrieved to seek assistance to rectify the problems.
The Board will investigate all allegations of harassment and in those cases where unlawful harassment
is substantiated, the Board will take immediate steps
to end the harassment. Individuals who are found to
have engaged in unlawful harassment will be subject
to appropriate disciplinary action.
Sexual Harassment
Pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of
1972, "sexual harassment" is defined as:
For purposes of this policy, "School District community" means students, administrators, teachers, staff,
and all other school personnel, including Board
members, agents, volunteers, contractors, or other
persons subject to the control and supervision of the
D. Sexual harassment may involve the behavior of a
person of either gender against a person of the same
or opposite gender. Prohibited acts that constitute
sexual harassment may take a variety of forms. Examples of the kinds of conduct that may constitute
sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:
For purposes of this policy, "third parties" include,
but are not limited to, guests and/or visitors on
School District property (e.g., visiting speakers, participants on opposing athletic teams, parents), vendors doing business with, or seeking to do business
with, the Board, and other individuals who come in
contact with members of the School District community at school-related events/activities (whether on or
off School District property).
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual
favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a
sexual nature, when:
A. Submission to such conduct is made either implicitly or explicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment, or status in a class, educational
program, or activity;
B. Submission or rejection of such conduct by an
individual is used as the basis for employment or
educational decisions affecting such individual;
C. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's work or educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, and/or learning environment; or of
interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class or an educational program or activity.
Other Violations of the Anti-Harassment Policy
The Board will also take immediate steps to impose
disciplinary action on individuals engaging in any of
the following prohibited acts:
A. Retaliating against a person who has made a
report or filed a complaint alleging harassment, or
who has participated as a witness in a harassment
B. Filing a malicious or knowingly false report or
complaint of harassment.
C. Disregarding, failing to investigate adequately, or
delaying investigation of allegations of harassment,
when responsibility for reporting and/or investigating harassment charges comprises part of one's supervisory duties.
Unwelcome sexual propositions, invitations,
solicitations, and flirtations.
Physical assault.
Threats or insinuations that a person's employment, wages, academic grade, promotion, classroom work or assignments, academic status,
participation in athletics or extra-curricular programs or events, or other conditions of employment or education may be adversely affected by
not submitting to sexual advances.
Unwelcome verbal expressions of a sexual nature, including graphic sexual commentaries
about a person's body, dress, appearance, or sexual activities; the unwelcome use of sexually
degrading language, jokes or innuendoes; unwelcome suggestive or insulting sounds or whistles; obscene telephone calls.
Sexually suggestive objects, pictures, videotapes, audio recordings or literature, placed in
the work or educational environment, which
may embarrass or offend individuals.
Unwelcome and inappropriate touching, patting,
or pinching; obscene gestures.
A pattern of conduct, which can be subtle in
nature, that has sexual overtones and is intended
to create or has the effect of creating discomfort
and/or humiliation to another.
mance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working and/or learning environment; or of interfering with one's ability to participate in or benefit
from a class or an educational program or activity.
Such harassment may occur where conduct is directed at the characteristics of a person's national
origin, such as negative comments regarding customs, manner of speaking, language, surnames, or
ethnic slurs.
Remarks speculating about a person's sexual
activities or sexual history, or remarks about
one's own sexual activities or sexual history.
Consensual sexual relationships where such relationship leads to favoritism of a student or subordinate employee with whom the teacher or superior is
sexually involved and where such favoritism adversely affects other students and/or employees.
Disability Harassment
Prohibited disability harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based
upon an individual's disability and when the conduct
has the purpose or effect of interfering with the individual's work or educational performance; of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working
and/or learning environment; or of interfering with
one's ability to participate in or benefit from a class
or an educational program or activity. Such harassment may occur where conduct is directed at the
characteristics of a person's disabling condition, such
as negative comments about speech patterns, movement, physical impairments or defects/appearances,
or the like.
Not all behavior with sexual connotations constitutes
unlawful sexual harassment. Conduct must be sufficiently severe, pervasive, and persistent such that it
adversely affects an individual's employment or education, or such that it creates a hostile or abusive
employment or educational environment.
NOTE: Any teacher, administrator, coach, or other
school authority who engages in sexual conduct with
a student may also be guilty of the criminal charge of
"sexual battery" as set forth in R.C. 2907.03. The
issue of consent is irrelevant in regard to such criminal charge.
Race/Color Harassment
Prohibited racial harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based
upon an individual's race or color and when the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with the
individual's work or educational performance; of
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working, and/or learning environment; or of interfering
with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a
class or an educational program or activity. Such
harassment may occur where conduct is directed at
the characteristics of a person's race or color, such as
racial slurs, nicknames implying stereotypes, epithets, and/or negative references relative to racial
Reports and Complaints of Harassing Conduct
Members of the School District community and third
parties are encouraged to promptly report incidents
of harassing conduct to an administrator, supervisor
or other School District official so that the Board
may address the conduct before it becomes severe,
pervasive, or persistent.
Members of the School District community or third
parties who believe they have been unlawfully harassed by another member of the School District community or a third party are entitled to utilize the
Board's informal and/or formal investigation and
complaint processes. Initiating a complaint, whether
formally or informally, will not adversely affect the
complaining individual's employment or participation in educational or extra-curricular programs.
While there are no time limits for initiating complaints of harassment under this policy, individuals
should make every effort to file an informal or a formal complaint as soon as possible after the conduct
occurs while the facts are known and potential witnesses are available.
Religious (Creed) Harassment
Prohibited religious harassment occurs when unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is based
upon an individual's religion or creed and when the
conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with
the individual's work or educational performance; of
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working and/or learning environment; or of interfering
with one's ability to participate in or benefit from a
class or an educational program or activity. Such
harassment may occur where conduct is directed at
the characteristics of a person's religious tradition,
clothing, or surnames, and/or involves religious
The names and titles of the Anti-Harassment Complaint Coordinators with whom complaints of sexual
and other forms of unlawful harassment should be
filed are set forth in the administrative guidelines
that supplement this policy. The names and titles of
these individuals will be published annually in the
parent and staff handbooks.
National Origin Harassment
Prohibited national origin harassment occurs when
unwelcome physical, verbal, or nonverbal conduct is
based upon an individual's national origin and when
the conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering
with the individual's work or educational perfor-
The Superintendent shall establish Administrative
Guidelines describing both a formal and an informal
process for making a charge of harassment, a process
for investigating claims of harassment, and a process
for rendering a decision regarding whether the claim
of harassment was substantiated. This Policy and the
Administrative Guidelines will be readily available
to all members of the School District community and
posted in appropriate places throughout the School
mal complaint process; however, once the formal
complaint process is begun, the investigation will be
completed in a timely manner (ordinarily, within
thirty-one (31) calendar days of the complaint being
Although not required, members of the School District community or third parties who feel they have
been unlawfully harassed should file a formal written
complaint with the principal of their school building
or with one of the Complaint Coordinators identified
in the Administrative Guidelines. Oral complaints of
harassment will be reduced to writing by the individual receiving the complaint and the Complainant will
be asked to verify the accuracy of the reported
charge by signing the document. Complaints received by a school building principal will be immediately reported to the appropriate Complaint Coordinator identified in the Administrative Guidelines.
Any Board employee who directly observes unlawful
harassment of a student is obligated, in accordance
with this policy, to report such observations to one of
the Complaint Coordinators. Thereafter, the Complaint Coordinator must contact the student, if age
eighteen (18) or older, or the student's parents if under the age eighteen (18), to advise s/he/them of the
Board's intent to investigate the alleged misconduct,
including the obligation of the Complaint Coordinator or designee to conduct an investigation following
all the procedures outlined for a formal complaint.
The School District will respect the privacy of the
complainant, the individual(s) against whom the
complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the Board’s legal obligations to
investigate, to take appropriate action, and to conform with any discovery or disclosure obligations.
All records generated under the terms of this policy
and its related administrative guidelines shall be
maintained as confidential to the extent permitted by
After a complaint is filed, the Complaint Coordinator
or designee shall conduct a prompt and timely investigation. The investigation may include interviews of
the complainant, the individual accused of engaging
in harassing behavior, and any other witness who
may reasonably be expected to have information
relevant to the situation. All interviewed parties and
witnesses will be provided an opportunity to present
any evidence that they reasonably believe to be relevant to the situation.
Informal Process for Addressing Complaints
of Harassment
The administrative guidelines will include an informal complaint process to provide members of the
School District community or third parties who believe they are being unlawfully harassed with a range
of options designed to bring about a resolution of
their concerns. Members of the School District community or third parties who believe that they have
been unlawfully harassed are encouraged to initiate
their complaint through this informal complaint process, but are not required to do so. Those members of
the School District community or third parties who
believe that they have been unlawfully harassed may
proceed immediately to the formal complaint process
and individuals who seek resolution through the informal procedure may request that the informal process be terminated at any time to move to the formal
complaint process.
At the conclusion of the investigation the Complaint
Coordinator or designee will prepare and deliver to
the Superintendent a written report summarizing the
evidence gathered during the investigation and
providing his/her recommendations regarding whether or not the complaint of unlawful harassment has
been substantiated. The written report must be based
on the totality of the circumstances involved in the
complaint, the nature of the alleged conduct, the context in which the alleged conduct occurred, and the
ages and maturity of the individuals involved.
Formal Process for Addressing Complaints
of Harassment
The administrative guidelines will also include a
formal complaint process. While the formal complaint process may serve as the first step to resolution of a charge of unlawful harassment, it is also
available in those circumstances when the informal
complaint process fails to satisfactorily resolve a
concern. Because of the need for flexibility, no specific time lines are established for initiating the for-
The decision of the Superintendent shall be final.
Upon review of the written report the Superintendent
will either issue a final decision regarding whether or
not the complaint of unlawful harassment was substantiated, or request that further investigation be
conducted. A copy of Superintendent's action will be
delivered to both the Complainant and the individual
accused of the harassing conduct.
The Complaint process set forth in the policy and in
the administrative guidelines is not intended to interfere with the rights of a member of the School District community or a third party to pursue a complaint of unlawful harassment with the United States
Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights,
the Ohio Civil Rights Commission, or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The Board reserves the right to investigate and resolve a complaint or report of unlawful harassment
regardless of whether the member of the School District community or third party alleging the harassment pursues the complaint.
causing mental or physical harm to any person. Permission, consent or assumption of risk by any individual subjected to hazing does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.
Sanctions and Monitoring
The Board shall vigorously enforce its prohibitions
against unlawful harassment. While observing the
principles of due process, a violation of this policy
may result in disciplinary action up to and including
the discharge of an employee or the suspension/
expulsion of a student. All disciplinary action will be
taken in accordance with applicable State law and
the terms of the relevant collective bargaining agreement(s). When imposing discipline, the Superintendent shall consider the totality of the circumstances
involved in the matter, including the ages and maturity levels of those involved. In those cases where
unlawful harassment is not substantiated, the Board
may consider whether the alleged conduct nevertheless warrants discipline in accordance with other
Board policies, consistent with the terms of the relevant collective bargaining agreement(s).
Homework Policy
Students are expected to come to each class prepared
each day. Being prepared includes bringing the required materials to class, reading assigned textbooks
and class handouts, performing all problems, questions, and worksheets that have been assigned, completing all written work that has been assigned, and
responding appropriately during classroom discussions. Students in violation of the above stated expectations will be subject to the following consequences for missing assignments:
1st Offense-Verbal Warning from Teacher/Pink Slip
2nd Offense-Pink Slip
3rd Offense-Pink Slip/After School Detention
4th Offense-Referral to In-School Suspension
Remedial credit of no more than 50% will be given
for assignments completed as a result of an ISS
Additional Offenses - No further academic credit
will be issued for missed assignments.
Where the Board becomes aware that a prior remedial action has been taken against a member of the
School District community, all subsequent sanctions
imposed by the Board and/or Superintendent shall be
reasonably calculated to eliminate such conduct in
the future.
Education and Training
In support of this Anti-Harassment Policy, the Board
promotes preventative educational measures to create greater awareness of unlawful discriminatory
practices. The Superintendent or designee shall provide appropriate training to all members of the
School District community related to the implementation of this policy and its accompanying administrative guidelines. All training regarding the Board's
policy and administrative guidelines and harassment
in general, will be age and content appropriate.
R.C. 4112.02
42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.
42 U.S.C. 2000e et seq.
29 U.S.C. 621 et seq.
29 U.S.C. 794
42 U.S.C. 12101 et seq.
20 U.S.C. 1681 et seq.
42 U.S.C. 1983
Hazing / Anti-Hazing
Hazing activities of any type are inconsistent with
the educational process and will be prohibited at all
times. No administrator, faculty member or other
employee of the Newcomerstown Exempted Village
School District shall encourage, permit, condone or
tolerate any hazing activities. No student, including
leaders of student organizations may plan, encourage
or engage in any hazing. Hazing is defined as doing
any act of coercing another, including the victim, to
do or initiate any act to any student or other organi14
zation that causes or creates a substantial risk of
***The above listed consequences will start over
at the beginning of each nine-week period.***
The library provides students with educational resources and support, reading for enjoyment, and library skills development. Students are responsible
for the items they borrow from the library. Middle
School students may check out 2 books at a time.
Students who do not return their books by the due
date will receive a late notice. If the book is not returned or paid for by the Friday of the third late notice, a detention will be issued. A detention will be
issued each week after the third notice until the book
is returned or the fee is paid. If a book is lost or damaged, a replacement fee will be charged. Chapter
paperback books will have a fee of $3.00 and hardback books will have a fee of $5.00. If a lost or
damaged book is less than one year old, the purchase
price of the book will be charged. If a lost book is
found within the same school year it was paid for,
the fee will be returned to the student.
Any student with unpaid library fees at the end of the
school year will have their report card held until the
fees are resolved.
Students that are found to have lice or nits (lice eggs)
in their hair or on their body will be excluded from
school. According to the guidelines of the State of
Ohio Health statute addressing this issue, students
will not be permitted to attend school until they are
nit free. The School Nurse will check students and
contact parents concerning procedure to remove the
lice and nits. Students must be checked by the
School Nurse or principal to re-enter school.
Lockers are loaned to students by the Newcomerstown Board of Education. They are not the student’s individual or personal property. Students are
responsible for the proper upkeep and cleanliness of
their lockers. School administrators reserve the right
to inspect lockers at any time as per the Newcomerstown Board of Education Policy Manual. Students
are permitted to go to their lockers throughout the
school day. Students are not to leave a class to go to
a locker. It is suggested that students obtain locks
for their lockers. A student bringing a lock from
home and placing it on a school locker is required to
report the combination or turn in a duplicate key to
their homeroom teachers so that in an emergency,
the office can obtain entry into the locker. Students
not turning a combination or key to the office may
find the lock cut off in the event of an emergency.
If a student has any problem with the operation of a
locker, the student should report the problem to the
office so that the problem can be corrected.
Students are discouraged from bringing
valuable items to school. If it is necessary to bring
an item of value to school for a class project or
demonstration, etc. have it secured in the office. The
Newcomerstown Board of Education, administrators,
and teachers will not accept responsibility or be held
liable for lost or stolen articles. Student lockers are
the property of the District. Since random
searches have a positive impact on reducing drugs
and other criminal activity, it is the policy of the
Board of Education to permit the Building Administrator to search any locker and its contents
as the administrator believes necessary. Random
searches of lockers may include the use of dogs
trained to detect the presence of drugs This policy
will be posted in every building.
tons, and leftover food is to be taken to the disposal
area when a student finishes his/her lunch. After
finishing lunch, students will be dismissed to report
to the auditorium for supervision. Students will not
be permitted to remain in the cafeteria, the hallways,
or around classrooms. Remember , behave in the
cafeteria as though you are eating in a restaurant. A
student may be emergency removed from the lunch
room or auditorium in the same manner as they are
emergency removed from class.
Lost and Found
Articles that are found in the school building or on
school grounds should be brought to the office.
They will be returned to the owner upon request and
identification. Make it a habit to take care of your
own possessions and school property.
Note: School per sonnel ar e not r esponsible for
lost or stolen items. If you lose an item please check
in the office. Students lose fewer items by having
those items clearly marked with the student’s name.
The lost-n-found bin is located in the hallway by the
Books are to be taken to lockers prior to eating
lunch. They will be picked up after the lunch
period is over and a student returns to class.
Use restroom before entering gym.
Once you enter, pick an area, find a seat and
remain there until the end of the period.
The noon duty teacher will assign and assist
stage activities.
You must have a pass in order to leave the auditorium and go to another classroom.
Newcomerstown Middle School students will be
following the procedures set forth as required by
Ohio Revised code, section 3313.713, in regard to
medication at school.
 Please refer to page 30 of this handbook for
complete information concerning dispensing of
News to Parents
Report cards are issued at the end of each nine weeks
grading period. The report cards will be sent home
with the students on the Monday following the week
after the nine weeks grading period as marked on the
school calendar. Mid-term reports showing student
progress or the need for improvement will be sent
home midway through each grading period as noted
on the school calendar. These reports are intended to
inform parents of a student’s progress or lack of in a
subject before the end of the grading period. Parents
not receiving any of the reports home, should contact
the school office so that another copy can be sent
Lunch Period
The Newcomerstown Middle School operates on a
closed lunch period policy. Lunch per iods ar e
forty-five minutes in length. No students are permitted to leave the building at lunch time without proper
permission. Students who buy or bring their lunch
are to eat in the cafeteria. Courtesy and orderliness
shall prevail at all times in the lunch room. Students
are expected to take their turn waiting in line (no
cutting in line) to get their lunch trays. Trays, car15
For up-to-date information and calendars of events
occurring at NMS, check the Newcomerstown
Schools website at, or the Newcomerstown Middle School Facebook page. In addition, occasional newsletters/mailings will be sent
home and may also be published on the website.
The statute also provides for disclosure of pupil records to the state, any political subdivision of the
state, or any court, provided that the use of disclosure is required by a state statute adopted before November 19, 1974, or by a federal law, and permits
the transfer of a pupil’s record to an educational institution for a legitimate educational purpose. In
addition, law enforcement officers who are investigating missing child cases must be given free access
to student records. Note, however, that this is a special statutory exception which does not apply to law
enforcement investigations generally. This, the Attorney General has given his opinion that student
records relating to illegal drug or alcohol use may
not be released to law enforcement officers without
All rights and protections given to parents under law
and this policy transfer to the student when he/she
reaches age 18 or enrolls in a post secondary school.
The student then becomes an “eligible student.”
The District will provide notice to parent(s)/guardian
(s) and eligible students annually, in accordance with
the procedures set forth under administrative regulations, of the rights held by parents and eligible students under law and this policy. It is the intent of the
school District to limit the disclosure of information
contained in the student’s education records except:
1. By prior written consent;
2. As directory information and;
3. Under other limited circumstances, as enumerated under administrative regulations.
Public Displays of Affection
Physical displays of affection between students will
not be tolerated. Those boys and girls showing public displays of affection during the school day will be
disciplined. Physical contact between students is
reserved for physical education classes and athletics.
School Insurance
All school pupils will have the opportunity to purchase accident insurance endorsed by the Newcomerstown Board of Education at the beginning of each
school year. Students participating in athletics will
be required to have insurance with the school or elsewhere.
Student Records
In order to provide students with appropriate instruction and educational services, it is necessary for the
District to maintain extensive educational and personal information. It is essential that pertinent information in these records be readily available to appropriate school personnel, be accessible to the student’s
parent(s) or legal guardian(s) or the student in compliance with law, and yet be guarded as confidential
The Superintendent is responsible for the proper administration of student records in keeping with Ohio
law and Federal requirements and the procedures for
the collection of necessary information about individual students throughout the District.
Upon request, all records and files included in the
student’s cumulative file will be available to parents,
guardians or the student (if he is over 18 years of
age); school officials with a legitimate educational
interest; other public education systems; and state,
juvenile justice systems. This request must be in
writing and will be granted within seven calendar
days. No records are to be removed from the school,
a principal, teacher or other qualified school personnel must be present to explain any of the tests or other material.
A school official is a person employed by the District as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or
support staff member (including health or medical
staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person
serving on the School Board; a person or company
with whom the District has contracted to perform a
special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical
consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary
or grievance committee, or assisting another school
official in performing his or her tasks.
A school official has a legitimate educational interest
if the official needs to review an education record in
order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
The following rights exist;
1. The right to inspect and review the student’s
education records;
2. The right, in accordance with administrative
regulations, to seek to correct parts of the student’s education records, including the right to a
hearing if the school authority decides not to
alter the records according to the parent or eligible student’s request.
3. The right of any person to file a complaint with
the U.S. Department of Education if the District
violates relevant Federal law, specifically the
Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act
(FERPA) and
4. The right to acquire information concerning the
procedure which the parent/guardian or eligible
student should follow to obtain copies of this
policy, the locations from which these copies
may be obtained, as well as any fees to be
charged for such copies. *(See administrative
Directory information is defined to include the pupil’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place
of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight of
members of athletic teams, date of graduation, and
awards received. District videotapes of student assemblies, plays, award ceremonies, athletic events,
and the like are considered “directory information”
and subject to disclosure. Parents or students could
then exercise their rights as described above. Directory information of former students can be disclosed
without notifying the parents or students in advance
(34 C.F.R.99.37(a) .
unless permission is granted by school personnel for
unique circumstances.
White out and permanent markers are not to be
brought to school by students. Students in violation
will be asked to take the item to the principal’s office
where it will be stored for the remainder of the day.
Repeat offenders may face further disciplinary action
and/or possibly forfeit the item until such time as the
parent picks the item up in the principal’s office.
Prior written consent of the pupil’s parent or guardian is required prior to the release of any personally
identifiable information about a pupil other than directory information. In the case of pupils eighteen
years of age or older, the pupil may consent. Information released with consent may be transferred
only on the condition that it will not be given or disclosed to another without the further written consent
of the pupil or his parent.
A non-custodial parent is entitled to have access to
records pertaining to his or her child to the same
extent that such access is provided to the custodial
parent, unless otherwise provided in the separation
agreement, divorce decree, or other court order. The
burden is on the custodial parent to inform the school
of any such limitations. If a student leaves the district and the new school of attendance advises the
prior district that the student is under the care of a
shelter for victims of domestic violence, the noncustodial parent may not be told where the student is
currently enrolled or given any other information
which would enable the non-custodial parent to determine such fact.
For the protection of school property and for safety
reasons, the Newcomerstown Exempted Village
School District does not allow anyone to skateboard,
roller skate, or rollerblade on school district property.
All offenders will prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law.
Visitors to School
Visitors to our school must report to the principal’s
office immediately upon entering the school building
and state their business at the school. All visitors are
to have permission from the Principal to stay at
school. Visitors may remain in the school as long as
they observe the school rules and do not cause a disruption of the educational process, or hinder staff
members from performing their duties. Parents are
encouraged to visit the school. If parents would like
to conference with a teacher, phoning ahead to make
arrangements for a suitable time is recommended.
Students from other schools must have permission
from the Newcomerstown Middle School Principal
prior to their visitation.
School telephones are for business purposes. Permission must be granted by the secretary or principal
before a student may use an office phone. It is to be
used in case of emergency. Any messages or deliveries to be given to students must be taken to the
principal’s office. Students will then be notified.
The office will not deliver messages to students during the school day unless they are urgent in nature.
Only telephone calls from parents or guardians will
be relayed.
Students, employees, and citizens of the District are
urged by the Newcomerstown Board of Education to
report any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the District and the name (s) of the person (s)
believed to be responsible. The board may offer a
reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person who steals or damages Board of
Education property. The Superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press charges
against perpetrators of vandalism against school
property. The Superintendent is further authorized to
delegate as he sees fit, authority to sign such complaints and to press charges.
Any student found guilty of any form of vandalism or
defacement of school property may be subject to suspension or expulsion. A parent conference will determine the final resolution. Students guilty of vandalism on school property shall be required to pay in full
all damages. A student shall also be required to pay
the replacement cost of equipment which he/she may
have destroyed or lost through carelessness, mishandling, or usage contrary to the instructions of the
teacher. Notice of such damage or loss shall be sent
to the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the student by the
building Principal.
Textbooks/School Equipment
All textbooks and/or school equipment are loaned to
you by the Board of Education. You are expected to
keep these items in good condition and to pay for
any loss or damages. Failure to do so will result in
appropriate restitution to the school district.
Unnecessary Items
Students are not permitted to bring playing cards,
trading/dueling cards, electronic games, headphones,
earbuds, cameras, camera phones, or other devices
deemed a disruption to the educational process, into
the building for fear that they may be lost or stolen.
Students may bring to school and have on the bus
headsets to listen at a reasonable listening level so as
to not distract others around them. School personnel
are not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken
electronic devices including headsets, cell phones,
etc. Handheld games are not be brought to school
Parents and students will be made aware of the legal
implications involved. Parents are liable up to the
amount provided by law, for the willful destruction
of property by a minor in their custody or control. If
parents are found liable for monetary damages and
are unable to make restitution, the Board may allow
the parents or student to perform community service
for the schools instead of repayment of damages.
Emergency or other set of circumstances in
which the judgment of the superintendent of
schools constitutes a good and sufficient cause
for absence from school.
No other reasons are acceptable by Newcomerstown
Middle School. Accurate reports must be made to
the State Department each year regarding all absences. In addition, it is the responsibility of the school
to control tardiness and absence as important factors
in the educational and personal development of the
student. In order to fulfill these obligations, the following policies regarding attendance will be followed.
Withdrawal From School
Two days advance notice should be given by students who plan to withdraw from the school district.
This notice must be given to the office where the
student will be given instruction for withdrawal procedures. All textbooks must be turned in and fees
paid before a student leaves. No transcripts or other
information will be forwarded to any other school
district if these obligations are not met.
Attendance Procedure
No student shall be accepted in class without a form
indicating the extent of and reason for absence. Students are to bring a written excuse to the attendance
office immediately upon return to school after being
absent. This written excused must state the reason
for the absence, the date or dates of the absent period, and must be signed by the student’s parent or
guardian. This written excuse will be filed and kept
for the school year. This record will be available to
the administration and guidance department as an aid
in dealing with individual students. In writing notes,
parents are reminded that personal detailed explanations are not necessary; however, it is necessary to
list the excuse according to the broad categories
Example: Please excuse Bob’s absence on Tuesday
(date). [not acceptable]
Attendance Overview
All students regularly enrolled in Newcomerstown
Middle School are under its jurisdiction according to
the authority vested in it by the State of Ohio. These
students are subject to all regulations required by the
State of Ohio. In regard to attendance, the regulations are:
1. The enforce the state compulsory attendance
2. To use reasonable care regarding the welfare of
the student.
This implies that the school be responsible for knowing the location of its students at all times. This necessitates that school authorities keep a careful record of all absences from school.
Example: Please excuse Bob’s absence on Tuesday
(date) due to personal illness. [acceptable]
The attendance officer or Principal shall determine if
the absence falls into the categories accepted by the
State Department. These students will be provided
with an EXCUSED slip upon presentation of the
above note which PERMITS them the privilege of
completing school work issued during the period of
absence. Those students not having an acceptable
excuse shall be issued an UNEXCUSED slip. Such
students shall be DENIED the privilege of completing missed work. Students who report without an
excuse from home shall be issued a temporary admission slip for that day only. The student must
bring in the valid excuse the following morning or
be marked as UNEXCUSED.
Special provisions of Ohio law apply to any student
who is considered to be an “habitual truant” (defined
as a child absent from school without legitimate excuse for 5 or more consecutive days, 7 or more days
in a school month, or 12 or more school days in a
school year) or a “chronic truant” (defined as a child
absent from school without legitimate excuse for 7 or
more consecutive days, 10 or more days in a school
month, or 15 or more days in a school year). In such
cases, the Board of Education may proceed with an
intervention strategy in accordance with adopted
Board policy and/or initiate delinquency proceedings
in the juvenile court.
It is the student’s responsibility to contact all his/her
teachers upon returning to school to make arrangements for completing work missed during the absence. Work not made up in a reasonable amount of
time will be recorded as failing. Reasonable time
shall be interpreted as follows: One day’s absent,
one day to make up work; two day’s absence, two
days to make up work, etc. Students who are absent
the last half of a school day may not participate in
school activities held after the school day is over
The following are reasons for absence:
1. Illness of the child
2. Illness in the family
3. Quarantine of the home
4. Death of a relative
5. Medical or dental appointment
6. Observance of religious holidays
7. College visitation
without the permission of the Principal.
as set forth by the Newcomerstown Board of Education. Students may exceed the number of days absent
if there are extenuating circumstances. Permission
for extension on the number of days absent may be
granted by the principal if deemed appropriate. All
class work for excused absences must be made up.
Teachers will take attendance each class period and
record the absence in their record books and on the
office attendance slip. Each individual period that a
student is absent will be documented by the attendance office. All periods of non-attendance will count
toward the limit of days absent. The records kept by
the attendance officer will be the official attendance
records of the Middle School. The teacher’s attendance records will serve to substantiate the official
records. All absences will count toward the limit of
days absent except for the following:
Early Dismissal
Hopefully, dismissals from school will be kept to a
minimum to prevent disruptions to the educational
process; however, if a student must be dismissed for
a medical appointment, dentist appointment, or another serious reason, parents should write an excuse
on the day of the dismissal. Students are to present
the dismissal note to the attendance officer. At the
designated time students should sign-out in the general office. Upon returning students are to sign-in
the general office. Students may be dismissed by a
telephone call (upon verification), a note from the
parent, or the parent actually coming to the office
and requesting the dismissal.
Leaving School During the Day
No student is allowed to leave the school grounds
once he/she steps into a school bus or onto the school
premises unless he/she obtains permission from the
main office. To obtain permission to leave school
grounds, a student must have parents call the school
(verified by the main office) or send a written permission or arrive in person to pick up the student.
Limit on Days of Absence
It is the belief of the teachers, administration, and
Board of Education in the Newcomerstown schools
that maximum learning cannot occur without regular
attendance in classes. We believe there is a direct,
positive correlation between a student’s academic
success and the amount of time that is actually spent
on instruction or in other learning activities. Frequent
absences from school disrupt the continuity of the
instructional process. As a result, the benefit of regular instruction is lost and cannot be entirely regained
even by make-up work.
Missing Student Policy
In compliance with a recent state law, the school
must notify parents if their youngster does not arrive
at school. The Newcomerstown School Board has
adopted a policy requesting the parents of any student who is going to be absent notify the school on
the day of that absence.
THE ABSENCE LINE IS 740-498-4086.
Accordingly, the number of permissible student absences is limited. The following steps shall be taken
when student absences (whether excused or unexcused) reach a certain number of days during the
course of a school year:
1. Five Days – Letter mailed home notifying
parent of the number of days the student has
been absent from school.
2. Ten Days - Letter mailed home notifying
parent of the number of days the student has
been absent from school.
3. Fifteen Days – Letter mailed home notifying the parent of the number of days the
student has been absent from school and
mandatory conference between the parent
and principal or assistant principal. Charges may be filed in juvenile court.
4. Twenty Days – Charges may be filed in
juvenile court and the student could be denied academic credit.
A student WILL NOT r eceive cr edit for the cour se
if the limit of days absent is exceeded, as they have
not fulfilled the minimum requirements of the course
Verified excuses for county fairs (Excuses
must be signed by the appropriate 4-H advisor.)
School sponsored activities
(field trips, athletic events, band concerts, etc.)
A prolonged/chronic medical illness consisting
of 2 or more consecutive days as documented
by a physician. (Doctor’s excuses for single
days of absence will count toward the limit.)
Students are expected to make up all excused
absence work in a timely manner.
Example:1 day absent/one day to make up work
If no call is received, the school will attempt to reach
the parents by phone. If there is no contact by
phone, written notice of absence shall be mailed on
the same day the student is absent. A log of these
notifications will be kept.
Student Absences and Excuses
Student Habitually Absent Loss of Driving Privileges
When the Superintendent of the School District receives information that a student of compulsory
school age has been absent without legitimate excuse
for more than 10 consecutive days, or a total of at
least 15 days in any term or semester the
following procedure will apply:
The Superintendent will notify, in writing, the student
and his parent, guardian or custodian and state that
information regarding the student’s absences has been
provided to the Superintendent, and as a result of that
information, the student’s driving privileges will be
an admit slip when they sign in at the office. A written note should accompany the student. Realizing
that there are unusual circumstances from time to
time, students will be permitted four (4) tardies per
grading period to school without question. Excessive tardiness will be defined as five (5) or more
tardies per grading period and the disciplinary procedures will be as follows:
Tardy Number
5 or more
Detention or
B. Tardies to Class
Students who are in regular attendance and find that
they will be tardy to a class should report directly to
the class. Students should NOT report to the attendance office, the Principal’s office, or another teacher’s class. These offices DO NOT issue passes to
students who are tardy to class. Classroom or study
hall teachers will assign disciplinary action to students who are tardy to class. Students should be in
their rooms before the bell rings. Students have
three minutes to change classes. Each teacher will
grant two (2) tardies to his or her class per semester
without disciplinary consequences. After two (2)
tardies, the following sequence of disciplinary steps
may occur:
denied. Such notification will also state that the student
and his parent, guardian or custodian may appear before
the Superintendent or designee to challenge the information provided to the Superintendent.
1. The notice from the Superintendent to the student
must include the scheduled time, place and date of the
hearing, which must be scheduled between three and
five days after the notification is given. An extension
may be granted by the Superintendent upon request of
the student, parent, guardian or custodian. The Superintendent must then notify the student and the parent,
guardian or custodian of the new hearing time, place
and date.
2. At the hearing before the Superintendent or designee,
the student will have the opportunity to present evidence that he had not been habitually absent without
legitimate excuse. Ohio law defines “legitimate excuses” for absence from school to include, but not
limited to: 1) enrollment in another school or school
district in Ohio or another state, 2) possession of an
age and school certificate, 3) a bodily or mental condition that prohibits attendance under O.R.C.3321.04,
or 4) participation in a home instruction program
under O.R.C.3321.04.
3. If a habitually absent student does not appear at a
hearing before the Superintendent or designee, or if
the student does not convince the Superintendent or
designee that the absences were legitimate, the Superintendent must notify the registrar of motor vehicles
and the juvenile judge of the county. Such notification must be given to the registrar and the juvenile
judge within two weeks of the receipt of the information regarding habitual absences, or , if the hearing
for the student is held, within two weeks after the
Tardy Number
9 or more
If detained by a teacher, that teacher should give the
student a written pass to give to the teacher for admittance to the next class.
Notification to the registrar of motor vehicles and the
county judge must comply with O.R.C.3319.321 and with
the U.S. Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 (FERPA) and accompanying regulations.
Athletic Attendance Requirements
In order for a pupil to participate in extracurricular
activities including sports, band, cheerleading, etc., a
student must be in school at least the full day of a
contest, unless excused by the principal.
The registrar of motor vehicles is required to suspend the
temporary instruction permit or driver’s license of the
student who is the subject of the notice. If a temporary
permit or license has not been issued for that student, the
registrar is prohibited from issuing a temporary permit or
Deer Hunting
Newcomerstown Middle School has included the
first day of deer season as part of the Thanksgiving
holiday. Any student planning to go deer hunting
during school time should do so after careful deliberation and by following proper procedures. One day
may be permitted depending on a particular student’s
grades and/or attendance. A form must be completed and filed with the Principal a week prior to deer
season. Days missed will be excused for the purpose
of making up school work but will count toward the
limit of days absent. Students not meeting academic
or attendance criteria will not be granted additional days.
Denial of privileges will remain in effect until the student
reaches age 18 or until the denial is terminated for another
reason allowed by Ohio law. In accordance with Ohio
law, a student whose driving privileges have been denied
can file a petition with the juvenile court in whose jurisdiction he resides.
The development of good attendance habits includes
being on time. It shows responsibility on the part of
the student. Tardies are divided into two categories.
A. Tardies to School
AS TARDY TO SCHOOL. Those students must
report to the office to obtain an admit slip and sign
in. Students arriving at school after 9:15 must obtain
Vacation Absences
ing organization must obtain the principal’s permission, the necessary chaperones and security personnel at least seven days prior to the dance. A student
that is removed from a dance for disciplinary reasons
will not be permitted to attend any remaining dances
at the Middle School for the remainder of the school
year. Students that receive disciplinary action the
week of the dance will not be eligible to attend.
Students of Newcomerstown Middle School are encouraged to participate in various activities and
sports that are available throughout the school year.
These activities promote a positive self image, good
sportsmanship, school spirit, and an increased desire
to be successful in the many endeavors in life. A list
of many of the available activities follows, with
some brief descriptions. We hope your student will
enjoy as many of them as possible.
6th-7th-8th Grade Activities/Awards:
Class officers
Accelerated Reader
Student Council
Jr. Honor Society
Essay Contests
Science Olympiad
Science Night
Honor Roll
Caught Being Successful
Activity Clubs
Pres. Acad. Fitness
PACCT Awards
Pres. Phys. Fitness Award
Highest G.P.A.
Most Improved G.P.A.
Perfect Attendance
Class Elections/Student Council
The election of class officers will be conducted
during the month of October.
The responsibilities of Class Officers/Student
Council Members are:
A. To organize, with the aid of their
advisors, their classes;
Example: Class yell, song etc.
B. To collect dues if they are established;
C. To act as spokesmen for their respective
D. To aid the Principal and Teachers in
making decisions when called upon;
E. To plan and carry out any special functions, such as parties, fund raising, etc.;
F. To plan special school programs:
Thanksgiving Assembly
Christmas Assembly
Easter Assembly
At various times during the year, we will have a
variety of assembly programs. The aim of an assembly program will vary from program to program.
Student conduct at a pep assembly will be somewhat
different than that at an awards assembly; however,
there are a few general rules of behavior that are
required at all times.
1. Show respect and consideration for those putting on the assembly.
2. Pay attention to the assembly program and do
not distract others by talking or laughing.
3. Throwing objects, or other equally disruptive
behavior is totally inappropriate at any time.
School Dances
Dances sponsored by the various clubs or organizations of Newcomerstown Middle School WILL
NOT be open to the public. Students will not be
permitted to bring guests to any Middle School
Dance unless they are students at Newcomerstown
Middle School. All students will conduct themselves according to the rules established for the
dances or be asked to leave. Once the dance has
begun and admission is paid, students are not permitted to leave until the dance is over. The sponsor-
Procedures for obtaining an Office:
A. Students who are interested in running
for a class office or student council are to
pick up a petition from the office. This petition is to be completed and returned to the
office. The approved candidates will be
listed on the bulletin board outside the
Principal’s office.
B. Each slate of class officers will include:
1 President
1 Treasurer
1 V. President
2 Social Chairpersons 1 Secretary
(1 boy and 1 girl)
C. A student may run for only one office. A
student may sign as many petitions as he
D. Speeches may be given during home
rooms. Previous arrangements must be
E. Campaign signs may be erected as
6th Grade
3rd Floor
7th Grade
2nd Floor
8th Grade
1st Floor
F. Voting will take place in homeroom.
Field Trips
Teacher planned field trips are a valuable part of
instruction and students are expected to participate.
Field trips are relevant to the subject areas of the
curriculum and to the needs of our students. You
will receive information prior to your student going
on a field trip. Please sign the necessary permission
forms and return them promptly to school. We have
taken much care to provide field trips for your student that will enhance the educational process. All
students are expected to go on field trips. However,
students may be omitted from field trips due to suspensions or behavioral issues that would distract
from the educational experience of the trip. This will
be a cooperative decision between the building administrator and the trip coordinator.
ing those who meet the criteria into the group. One
who does not attend, without reasonable excused
absence from the NJHS Advisor and/or the Middle
School Principal, will not be entered into the Newcomerstown Junior Honor Society.
Parental Involvement In Education
The Board believes that parent/guardian involvement
is an important part of the educational program.
Current research indicates that a home-school partnership and greater involvement on the part of
parent/guardians in the education of their children
generally results in higher achievement scores, improved student behavior and reduced absenteeism.
All parent/guardians of students enrolled in the district are encouraged to take an active role in the education of their children. The board directs the administration to develop the necessary regulations to ensure that this policy is followed and that parent/
guardian involvement is encouraged. The regulations will:
1. Encourage strong home-school partnerships.
2. Provide for consistent and effective communication between the parents/guardians and school
3. Offer parents/guardians ways to assist and encourage their children to do their best.
4. Offers ways parents/guardians can support
classroom learning activities.
5. Provide opportunities for parents/guardians to
be involved in the parental involvement program.
Honor Roll
Students at Newcomerstown Middle School are eligible to qualify for four different honor roll distinctions during each nine weeks of the school year.
Their criteria is listed below:
Principal’s Roll
4.0 G.P.A.
Distinguished Roll
3.99 to 3.60 G.P.A.
Honor Roll
3.59 to 3.30 G.P.A.
Merit Roll
3.29 to 3.00 G.P.A.
Students will be recognized each nine weeks and at
the awards assembly at the end of the school year.
Certificates of recognition and various coupons for
prizes and food will also be given to these students.
Honor Society
The faculty and staff of Newcomerstown Middle
School would like to recognize those students who
exhibit exemplary academic standards, and uphold
the values of educational excellence. In order to sign
the roll of the Newcomerstown Junior Honor Society, one must fulfill (2) two or more of the following
criteria(s), in addition to maintaining a cumulative
3.5 G.P.A. on a 4.0 Scale, since enrollment:
 Provide artifacts of at least (1) form of community service
 Complete Newcomerstown Honor Society
Application / Form(s)
 Students who engage in repeated “Conduct Unbecoming” of a NMS Student may be omitted;
such conduct may include/but is not limited to:
Out of School Suspensions
In-School Suspensions
Multiple After School Detentions
Other issues known by school staff,
unbecoming of NMS students
Legal Issues Outside of the normal school
operation, such as Juvenile Probation/
Criminal Investigation
 Must have been enrolled at N.M.S. for a period
equivalent to (1) Semester
 Scholastic requirement to maintain membership
is 3.5 or its equivalent, not rounded
 Proof of involvement in Extra/Co-Curricular
Activities, which must be approved by the Staff
Advisor / N.M.S. Administration
 Appeals for those who are not selected for candidacy, will be handled by the NJHS Advisor
and the Administration of Newcomerstown Middle School.
Qualified Applicants will be required to attend the
Award Ceremony/Book Signing Ceremony welcom-
Girls Sports - 7th and 8th Grade:
Cross Country
Boys Sports - 7th and 8th Grade:
Cross Country
Overview of Discipline
This discipline rules and conduct code is designed to
satisfy the requirements of Section 3313.66 of the
Ohio Revised Code and related statutes. It is not
intended to guarantee any procedural or substantive
rights in addition to those that appear in Ohio law.
Should Section 331366 or a related statute be amended, this code shall automatically be amended to reflect all changes in Ohio law that may be relevant.
Discipline is the positive direction of behavior toward established standards. Ideal discipline is selfdirected and self-controlled. Parents, communities
and schools share this responsibility for helping students develop self discipline. Discipline is necessary
to assure an orderly environment in which each person may live and learn to his/her full capabilities.
When self-control falters and self-discipline fails,
discipline must be imposed to protect the rights of
others. In keeping with the philosophy adopted by
Unauthorized Touching
Unauthorized touching is the act of physically touching or hitting a student or employee of the school
system, or any other person while on school property
or at a school event. The administration may assign
consequences ranging from detention to suspension.
In accordance with board policy, recommendations
for expulsion may also be made to the Superintendent.
the Board of Education and the Middle School faculty, two major educational objectives are to develop
good citizenship and ethical character in our students. Our hope is that students develop a respect
and sense of cooperation for the school, faculty, and
toward each other. The rules of behavior in this
handbook are the minimum expectations of all students.
Any student found guilty of any form of vandalism
or defacement of school property may be subject to
suspension or expulsion. A parent conference will
precede the final resolution. Under Ohio law, parents may be liable for up to $10,000 or adjudicated
amount by law for students vandalizing school
The levels of Unauthorized Touching are as follows:
LEVEL I – pushing, shoving, grasping, grabbing,
LEVEL II – exchange of punches
LEVEL III – exchange of punches, or an act of assault is involved, including touching of a sexual nature
LEVEL IV – any type of unauthorized touching
that includes the act of physically touching or hitting
towards an employee of this school system.
Expected Student Behavior
All students attending Newcomerstown Middle
School are expected to:
A. Act in ways that clearly demonstrate they under
stand and accept the rights of others.
B. Act in a courteous and respectful manner to all
members of the school community.
C. Use their time in school for its intended purpose,
namely, to gain as good an education as possible.
D. Demonstrate through actions that they understand the necessity of appropriate authority.
Examples of MINOR OFFENSES may include but
are not limited to the following:
1. Tardiness/cutting class.
2. Public display of affection
3. Hallway misconduct /unauthorized touching,
Level I.
4. Non cooperation with staff/school personnel.
5. Disrespect toward other students (including inappropriate language).
6. Loitering/being in an unauthorized area.
7. Negligent misuse of school machinery/
8. Violations of the Dress Code.
9. Disruption of class/educational process.
10. Plagiarism.
11. Technology/cell phone violation
12. Continued social conflict with another student(s)
Unacceptable Student Behavior
The following examples of unacceptable student
behavior may result in disciplinary action even if the
misconduct occurs off property owned or controlled
by the Board of Education if the misconduct is connected to activities or incidents that occurred on
property owned or controlled by the Board. In addition, student misconduct, regardless of where it occurs, may result in disciplinary action if it is directed
at a District official or employee or the property of a
District official or employee. The Board of Education, Administration and staff at Newcomerstown
Middle School place unacceptable student behavior
into two broad categories:
A. Behavior which creates a threat to the life,
safety, or health of anyone in the school setting
or that takes, damages, or interferes with
school property or the property of others.
B. Behavior which prevents, disrupts, or interferes with the processes involved in the
education of a student.
Disciplinary action for Minor Offenses may include:
1. Verbal Warning.
2. Denial of privileges.
3. Parental involvement.
4. Detention
5. Emergency Removal
6. Suspension
Please Note: Teacher s ar e encour aged to handle
minor disciplinary problems in their classrooms by
following the assertive discipline technique. Basically, that technique is a systematic approach whereby a student is:
A. Warned
B. Assigned Detention
C. Given an emergency removal
D. Parent contact (phone call/letter)
Unacceptable student behavior can be further divided
into Minor Offenses and Major Offenses.
All offenses are evaluated case-by-case. The listing
of various disciplinary options does not mean in a
particular case that preliminary progressive steps will
necessarily be utilized. The surrounding circumstances and the student’s response to detection may
warrant bypassing some or all preliminary steps in
some cases.
Examples of MAJOR OFFENSES may include but
are not limited to the following:
1. Repeated/expanded minor offenses
2. Insubordination/extreme disrespect toward staff/
school personnel/students (including ethnic/
racial slurs)
Fighting/assault/instigating violent act towards
another person/endangering safety of others/
unauthorized touching levels II, III, IV
Possession/use of weapons or look-alike weapons (including but not limited to, firearms and
Arson/False alarm/Bomb threats/Unauthorized
attempt at a fire or burning an item
Forgery/cheating (plagiarism)
Using, consuming, possessing, purchasing, attempting to purchase, ordering, paying for, sharing the cost of, accepting, or receiving cigarettes
(including clove cigarettes, hand-rolled cigarettes, or E-cigarettes/vaporizers), other tobacco
products, papers used to roll cigarettes, or other
tobacco paraphernalia (lighters, matches, etc.).
Extortion/theft/possession of stolen goods
Possession/use/distribution/purchase/sale, etc. of
illegal substances, non prescribed drugs, drug
“look alikes”, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol.
Violation of state and local laws.
Truancy/unauthorized and/or chronic absence
Possession/use/distribution/purchase/sale of
offensive materials. Examples may include but
are not limited to:
A. Materials which appeal predominately to
deviant sexual interests, are contrary to prevailing standards in the community and are
without redeeming social value.
B. Materials which contain language/illustrations/pictures, etc. that are offensive to prevail
ing community standards.
C. Materials which are libelous/slanderous
of any person or religion
Gang activity - Gang activities create an atmosphere of intimidation in the entire school community.
Deliberate misuse of school equipment/
Indecent exposure/inappropriate attire, or action
with the intention to cause indecent exposure.
Sexual harassment
Texting/Sexting or any other forms of electronic
transmission of materials that be deemed as
harmful or threatening (as defined in R.C.
2907.01(E) or otherwise viewed by the building
administrator as unacceptable or inappropriate
for middle school aged students.
B. Engage in any act, either verbal or non-verbal,
including gestures or handshakes, showing
membership or affiliation in any gang.
C. Engage in any act in furtherance of the interests
of any gang or gang activity, including, but not
limited to:
1. Soliciting membership in or affiliation with
any gang .
2. Soliciting any person to pay for
“protection” or threatening any person,
explicitly or implicitly, with any other
illegal act.
3. Painting, writing, or otherwise inscribing gang-related graffiti, messages,
symbols or signs on school property.
4. Engaging in violence, extortion, or other
illegal act or other violation of school
5. Soliciting any person to engage in physical
violence against any other person.
These offenses are not to be committed on school
premises (including school vehicles) or during a
school sponsored curricular or extracurricular activity. Nor is such conduct permitted on property adjacent to school premises in connection with ingress or
egress to school or school sponsored activities or
within one half hour of the start or end of a school or
school sponsored activity that the student attends.
Similarly, such conduct is not permitted at school
bus pickup points while waiting for or disembarking
a school bus.
Disciplinary Action for Major Offenses may include, but not necessarily in this order, depending
on severity of offense:
A. Verbal Warning-Student will be verbally
warned by someone of authority that his/her
actions are unacceptable.
B. Denial of Privileges– Not allowing a student to
participate in a favored but non-essential activity. (Teacher helper, media center aide, access to
the computer room, etc.)
C. Parental Involvement-Notification to parents
by phone or mail of a potential or ongoing discipline problem.
D. Time Out - If a student is disr upting the educational process, then he/she may be removed
from the classroom for the remainder of the
period. The student will complete a “time-out”
in the office. Additional consequences such as
detention may also be issued.
*In accordance with R.C. 2921.22(A): such
materials will be reported to local law
enforcement by the building administrator.
A. Wear, possess, use, distribute, display or sell any
clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign,
or other items that evidences or reflects membership in, or affiliation with any gang.
Parental involvement
Emergency Removal
Star Alternative School
Court Referral
Permanent exclusion (where permitted by
Ohio law)
E. Detention-May be assigned by an individual
teacher or the principal. It will be held after
school and will be forty-five minutes in length.
Students have 3 days from the date of issue to
serve a detention. To alleviate transportation
problems, twenty four hours advance notice must
be given. (Teachers are encouraged to use the
disciplinary referral form and/or telephone the
parents when assigning detention).
Failure to serve a detention without proper notification of parents will result in an additional detention assigned. Refusal to serve detentions will
result in suspension.
1. Building principal will refer an appeal to an
ASD to the assigning teacher. If no compromise is
reached, the Administrator will meet with the parents.
G. Suspension-Suspension means the removal of a
student from his or her regular school program for some
time longer than one (1) school day but for no longer
than ten (10) school days per offense (length to be determined by the nature and severity of the offense).
“Any part of his or her regular school program” refers
to things such as school bus transportation, a certain
class, or any other required school-day activity. A suspension may extend into a subsequent school year.
The procedures for the suspension of a student
are as follows:
Accumulation of detentions may result in more serious consequences such as suspension, as follows:
5 ASD’s per 9 weeks = 1 day ISS (if applicable)
7 ASD’s per 9 weeks = 3 days ISS (if applicable)
9 ASD’s per 9 weeks = OSS (if applicable)
F. Emergency Removal-The teacher, the person who is
supervising an activity or the school’s principal has
the authority to temporarily remove a student who is
creating a problem that poses a continuing danger to
persons or property or an ongoing trend of disrupting
the academic process taking place either within a
classroom or elsewhere on school premises.
The rules for an Emergency Removal are as follows:
When a teacher or activity supervisor removes a student
from the classroom or from an activity, the student must
be sent and/or escorted to the principal’s office. The
teacher or activity supervisor does not have the authority
to send the student from the school building and/or
1. The teacher or activity supervisor must send a written statement to the office which lists the reason (s)
why the student was removed from class or from the
activity. The written statement must be sent on the
same day the removal takes place. Additionally, a
phone call from the teacher to the parent or
guardian informing them of the removal must be
2. The emergency removal will last no longer than the
rest of the school day.
3. The school administrator who deals with the student
will give a verbal or written summary to the teacher
or activity supervisor of the action that was taken.
(That action will primarily be removal from the
school premises or isolation in the principal’s office
or other designated area for the remainder of the
school day).
4. The principal, assistant principal, or the superintendent DOES have the authority to remove a student
from the school building or grounds and may do so.
Please note: Chr onic emer gency r emovals (mor e than
three (3) per semester) will lead to a suspension and/or
expulsion from school. School time missed due to emergency removal will count toward the limit of days absent.
The District Superintendent, a principal, an assistant principal, or the dean of students can
suspend a student.
2. Prior to suspension, the student will be informed
in writing that the school officials intend to suspend him or her, along with the reasons for the
intended suspension.
3. The student will be given a chance to meet with
the District Superintendent, a principal, an assistant principal, or the Superintendent’s designee
to challenge the reasons for the intended suspension, or explain his/her actions.
4. If, after this informal hearing, school officials
decide the student will be suspended, the student will be informed in writing of the suspension, the length of the suspension, and whether
the suspension is to be an internal (in school) or
external (out of school suspension).
5. School officials will make an honest attempt to
telephone the parent or guardian on the same
day the student is told that he/she is to be suspended.
6. Within one (1) school day of the student’s being
suspended, a letter will be sent to the student’s
parent or guardian which gives them information about the suspension and also informs
them of their RIGHT TO APPEAL along with
an explanation of the process followed during an
7. Copies of the written notification of the student’s suspension must be sent to the superintendent, and to the school district’s treasurer. A
copy of the notification must be placed in the
student’s cumulative record.
8. Suspensions may be “in school” or “out of
school” depending on the nature of the offense.
 In school suspension will be served in the time-out
room or other area designated by the principal. Students may make up tests during in school suspension and may keep up on homework but will receive credit for homework or daily work. The procedures for the suspension of a student outlined
above need not be followed if only an “in school”
suspension is contemplated.
 Students suspended out of school for the first time
in an academic year may receive credit for academic work while suspended. All work shall be due the
day the student returns to school. Whether a student
receives academic credit for any additional out-ofschool suspension in an academic year will be at the
discretion of the principal or assistant principal. The
days suspended will count toward the limit of absences allowed for credit in semester or year-long courses.
While under suspension, students will not be permitted to participate in extracurricular activities or be
admitted on school grounds.
9. Notwithstanding any other provision of this
code, under ORC3313.664 , the District Superintendent, a principal, and assistant principal, the
dean of students, or any person employed to direct, supervise, or coach a pupil activity program
may prohibit a student from participating in any
particular or all extracurricular activities of the
District or a school in the District for a period of
time not to exceed the remainder of the school
Please note: In the event that In-School Suspension
is not available, all suspensions will be Out-ofSchool. The building administrator may allow the
student to make up work that is missed during suspension and the student may be given credit for the
work. Students may not be given credit for any
work missed for a suspension that occurs following
the first one of the school year.
Also note that Suspensions may be progressive in
nature (i.e. thr ee (3) days 1st offense, five (5) days
for 2nd offense, ten (10) days for 3rd offense, ten (10)
days with recommendation for expulsion for 4th offense). The dates of suspension will be assigned at the
discretion of the Principal.
H. Expulsion - Expulsion is the total removal of a
student from his/her regular school program, as
well as from all school activities, and from all
school buildings and grounds. An expulsion can
last up to eighty (80) days and may extend into a
subsequent school year.
Weapons and look-alike weapons in a school safety
zone (defined as a school, school building, school
premises, school activity, and school bus) are addressed in ORC 2923.122. Specifically, the look-alike
weapons language reads as follows.
No person shall knowingly possess an object in a
school safety zone if both of the following apply:
1. The object is indistinguishable from a firearm,
whether or not the object is capable of being fired.
2. The person indicates that the person possesses the
object and that is a firearm, or the person knowingly displays or brandishes the object and indicates that it is a firearm.
As used in this section, an “object that is indistinguishable from a firearm” means an object made, constructed, or altered so that, to a reasonable person without
specialized training in firearms, the object appears to
be a firearm. Although there are many scenarios
which would apply to both numbers 1 & 2 above, the
“classic” situation is one in which a student knowingly
possesses an object which looks like a firearm (a cap
gun, for example) and exclaims, while pointing the cap
gun at other students or personnel, “Don’t move or I
will shoot!” Under this provision, the student in this
scenario presumably meets the criteria of both items
1 & 2 and thus could, in addition to being subject to
appropriate school discipline, be prosecuted criminally as having possessed a look-alike weapon.
However, if a student brings a firearm or knife to
school, onto school property, into a school vehicle,
or to any interscholastic competition, extracurricular
event, or other school program or activity not located
in a school or on property owned or controlled by the
Board of Education, or possess a firearm or knife at
such times that was initially brought on to school
property by another person, the student will be expelled for a period of one (1) year (365 days). For
this purpose, the following definitions apply:
A “firearm” shall include: any weapon
(including a starter gun) which will, or is designed to, or may readily be converted to, expel
a projectile by the action of any explosive; the
frame or receiver of any such weapon; any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or any destructive device (as defined in 18 United States Code
Section 921), which includes any explosive,
incendiary or poisonous gas, bomb, grenade,
rocket having a propellant charge of more than
four ounces, missile having any explosive or
incendiary charge of more than one-quarter
ounce, mine, or device similar to any of the devices described above.
A “knife” shall include: any cutting instrument
consisting of a blade fastened to a handle or any
other implement or tool sharpened or filed to
operate functionally as such a cutting instrument.
In addition, a student may be expelled for a period of
one (1) year (365 days) for committing an act that
would be a criminal act if committed by an adult and
that results in serious physical harm to persons as
defined in ORC2901.01(A)(5) or serious harm to
property as defined in ORC290101(A)(6) while the
student is at school, on property owned or controlled
by the Board of Education or at an interscholastic
competition, extracurricular event, or any other
school program or activity. In addition, a student
may be expelled for a period of one (1) year (365
days) for making a bomb threat to a school building
or to any premises at which a school activity is occurring at the time of the threat. The Superintendent
may reduce any such one-year expulsion in an individual case based upon one (1) or more of the following factors: The age of the student and its relevance to the punishment; the student’s prior disciplinary history; the intent of the student; the extent of
injuries, if any, to a victim; the possession rather
than actual use of the dangerous weapon; the extent
to which the student demonstrates an appreciation of
the seriousness of the offense and likelihood of a
recurrence; the willingness of the student and/or his
or her family members to participate in appropriate
counseling or therapy and the student’s and/or family’s follow-through in doing so; and such other factors as the District Superintendent reasonably deems
to be extenuating in light of the surrounding circumstances.
The Superintendent will initiate expulsion proceedings with respect to any student who has committed
an act warranting expulsion under this code even if
the student has withdrawn from school for any reason after the incident but prior to the expulsion hearing or decision to impose the expulsion. If, following the hearing, the student would have been expelled for a period of time had the student still been
enrolled, the expulsion will be imposed for the same
length of time as on a student who has not withdrawn
from school.
I. Permanent Exclusion-Permanent exclusion is
the removal of a student 16 or older by the State
Superintendent from attendance in any school in
the state of Ohio.
The procedures for the expulsion of a student are
as follows:
1. The District Superintendent can expel a student.
2. Once the superintendent has determined that a
student is likely to be expelled, he will inform
the student’s parent or guardian in writing of his
intent to expel. The written notice will contain
the following information.
A. The r easons why the super intendent
intends to expel the student.
B. The par ents or guar dian may meet
with the superintendent or someone ap
pointed by the superintendent, to challenge
the superintendent’s decision to expel or to
explain the student’s actions.
C. The student and/or his or her par ent
or guardian may choose to be represented or
not to be represented at this meeting with
the superintendent.
D. The time and place to appear will be
no sooner than three (3) days, but no later
than five (5) days after the parent or guardi
an has been informed of the intent to expel
the student unless the superintendent grants
an extension at the request of the student,
parent, guardian or representative.
E. The par ent or guar dian does not have
to attend the meeting if he/she chooses not
to do so.
hearing must be made within five (5) calendar days
after the student has been informed in writing that he
or she is being suspended or
Step 2. If the student and/or his or her parent or
guardian are not satisfied with the result of the informal appellate hearing, there may be an appeal to a
higher authority:
A. If the person who made the original decision to
suspend is the principal, the next higher authority is the superintendent. A written request to the
superintendent must be made within five (5)
calendar days following the informal appellate
hearing. The student and/or his or her parent or
guardian may be at this hearing by any other
person, including a legal counselor.
B. If the person who made the original decision to
suspend or expel is the superintendent, or if the
student and/or his or her parent or guardian is
not satisfied with the outcome of the hearing
with the superintendent, the student and/or his or
her parent or guardian may appeal to the Board
of Education by writing a letter to the District
Treasurer requesting that the Board hold a hearing.
Step 3. The Appeal to the Board of Education
A. The wr itten appeal must be made
within fourteen (14) school days after the
student has been informed in writing that he
or she will be expelled.
B. he student and/or his or her par ent or
guardian may be represented by a legal
counselor, or other representative during the
C. The hear ing may be held in pr ivate if
the student and/or his or her parent or
guardian ask that it be. Otherwise the hear
ing will be held as a public meeting which
anyone may attend. Any action on the ap
peal must occur in a public meeting.
D. A ver batim r ecor d will be kept of the
hearing. A written record may be kept, or a t
ape recording may be made.
E. The Boar d may affir m/agr ee with the
original decision, may overrule it, or modify it
in some way.
Substance Abuse Procedure
When a student is found to be involved with the abuse
of alcohol, drugs, drug look-alikes, etc. at school, on
school property or at school related activities, the following disciplinary steps will be taken:
A. The first occurrence will result in a ten (10) day
out-of-school suspension, and/or recommendation
for expulsion. The student will be encouraged to
enroll in an approved substance abuse program.
Some of the days of suspension may be revoked
upon successful completion of the program. Approval of the program and days revoke will be left
to the discretion of the principal.
B. The second occurrence will result in expulsion.
The Right Of Appeal
When a student is suspended or expelled, he or she,
or the student’s parent or guardian may appeal the
decision. The steps in our appellate process are as
Step 1. The student and/or his or her parent or
guardian must meet with the person who
the decision to suspend or expel. At this informal
hearing the right to be represented by a legal counselor is not guaranteed. A request for an informal
taken, route of administration and possible side effects.
This form may be obtained on the web site or from any
school office. All medication must be received in the
container in which it was dispensed. Your pharmacist
will prepare another labeled bottle if you ask. Pills in
envelopes and baggies are not acceptable. All medication is kept in a locked area and administered in the
school clinic or designated area.
PLEASE NOTE: It is illegal for a student to be in
possession of, be involved in the distribution of, or
to consume/be under the influence of any mood altering substance or chemical. In cases involving an
illegal or criminal act, or the possession of illegal
objects or substances, appropriate law enforcement
agencies will be notified.
Look-Alike Drug Law
Ohio’s “look-alike” or counterfeit drug law basically
states that no person will knowingly represent, directly
or indirectly, a substance to be an illegal or a prescription/non-prescription substance for the purpose of distribution, sale, manufacturing, etc. Violation of the law
could result in serious criminal penalties, including stiff
fines and possible prison time.
According to Newcomerstown School Board Policy,
students are NOT permitted to bring any medications to school. An adult must transport medications to school.
Permanent Expulsion
The Board may seek the permanent exclusion of a student under the age 16 who is either convicted in criminal court or adjudicated delinquent by a juvenile court
of any of the following offenses that occur on school
grounds or at a school function.
Bullying/Cyberbullying and
Other Forms of Aggressive Behavior
*** If you have any questions, please call your
school nurse.
The Newcomerstown Exempted Village School District
Board of Education is committed to providing a safe,
positive, productive, and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. The Board encourages the
promotion of positive interpersonal relations between
members of the school community. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying toward a student, whether by
other students, staff, or third parties is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes
aggressive behavior, physical, verbal and psychological
abuse, and violent within a dating relationship. The
Board will not tolerate any gestures, comments, threats,
or action which cause or threaten to cause bodily harm
or personal degradation. This policy applies to all activities in the district, including activities on school
property, on a school bus, while en route to or from
school, and those occurring off school property if the
student or employee is at any school-sponsored, schoolapproved or school-related activity or function, where
the effect of which occurs, such as field trips, or athletic
events where students are under the school’s control, in
a school vehicle, or where an employee is engaged in
school business.
1. Illegal conveyance or possession of a deadly weapon or dangerous ordinance carrying a concealed weapon, aggravated trafficking, trafficking in drugs, trafficking involving the possession of a bulk amount of a controlled substance or the sale of a controlled substance
2. Aggravated murder, murder, voluntary or involuntary manslaughter, felonious or aggravated assault,
rape, gross sexual imposition or felonious sexual penetration, if the victim is a district employee. In addition,
complicity in any of the above acts may be the basis for
permanent exclusion.
Medication at School
As required by Ohio Revised code, section 3313.713
When students require medication at school for illness
or other chronic medical reasons, there are rules and
laws regarding medication administration at school that
must be followed. These requirements are not intended
to create unnecessary inconvenience for parents, but
rather to help insure student safety and prevent medication errors while at school.
This policy has been developed in consultation with
parents, district employees, volunteers, student and
community members as prescribed in R.C. 3313.666
and the State Board of Education’s Model Policy.
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying means: Any intentional, written, verbal, electronic, or physical act that
a student or group of students exhibits toward another
particular student(s) more than once and the behavior
both causes mental or physical harm to the other student(s) and is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for the other student(s);
or violence within a dating relationship.
Students are NOT permitted to carry any medication at school.
The only exceptions are for life saving medications that
include inhalers or epi-pens with required authorization
forms as described below, on file in the school nurse’s
H.B. 121 effective 11-3-99
The complete Newcomerstown Exempted Village
School District Board of Education policy addressing
bullying and other forms of aggressive behavior is distributed to all students and is available in each school
office. Reporting forms are also available in each
school office. In addition, NEVSD has instituted a Safe
School Hotline at 855-605-1814, available 24 hours a
For medication to be administered at school
(prescription and over-the-counter), a Medication
Authorization Form must be completed by the parent or guardian and returned to the school office
before any medication can be administered at
This form must be signed by the parent and the doctor
and indicate the name of the medication, the time to be
The Newcomerstown School District is pleased to make available to students access to interconnected computer systems within the district and to the Internet, the worldwide network that provides various means of accessing significant
educational materials and opportunities. In order for the Newcomerstown School District to be able to continue to
make its computer network and Internet access available, all students must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access. Students must understand that one student’s misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize the ability of all students to enjoy such access. While the Newcomerstown teachers and other staff members
will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet access, they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access.
Below are the Computer Network and Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement (“Policy and Agreement”) of the
Newcomerstown School District and the Data Acquisition Site that provides Internet access to the Newcomerstown
School District. Upon reviewing, signing, and returning this Policy and Agreement as the students have been directed,
each student will be given the opportunity to enjoy network privileges, an email account, and Internet access at school
and is agreeing to follow the Policy. If a student is under 18 years of age, he or she must have his or her parents or
guardians read and sign the Policy. The Newcomerstown School District cannot provide access to any student who, if
18 or older, fails to sign and submit the Policy to the Newcomerstown Schools as directed or, if under 18, does not
return the Policy and Agreement as directed with the signatures of the student and his/her parents or guardians.
Listed below are the provisions of your Agreement regarding computer network and Internet use. If you have any
questions about these provisions, you should contact the person that your school has designated as the one to whom
you can direct your questions. If any user violates this Policy and Agreement, the student’s access will be denied, if
not already provided, or withdrawn and s/he may be subject to additional disciplinary action.
I. Personal Responsibility
By signing this Policy and Agreement, you are agreeing not only to follow the rules in this document, but also are
agreeing to report any misuse of the network to the person(s) designated by the Newcomerstown Schools for monitoring this activity. Misuse means any violations of this Policy or any other use that is not included in the Policy, but has
the effect of harming another or his or her property.
II. Term of the Permitted Use
A student who submits to the Newcomerstown Schools, as directed, a properly signed Policy and Agreement and follows the Policy to which she or he agreed will have computer network, an email account, and Internet access during
the course of the school year only. Students will be asked to sign a new Policy and Agreement each year during which
they are students in the Newcomerstown School District before they are given an email account.
III. Purpose and Use
A. The Newcomerstown School District is providing access to its computer networks, email accounts, and the
Internet for only educational purposes. If you have any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational, you may consult with the person(s) designated by the Newcomerstown School to help you decide if a use is
B. Unacceptable Uses of the Network
Among uses that are considered unacceptable and constitute a violation of the Policy and Agreement are:
1. Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law. Don’t transmit offensive or harassing messages;
offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the Newcomerstown
School District’s Student Conduct Code; view, transmit or download pornographic materials or materials that
encourage others to violate the law; intrude into the networks or computers of others; and download or transmit
confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials. Even if materials on the network are not
marked with the copyright symbol, you should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit
permission on the materials to use them.
2. Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property. For example, don’t engage in defamation (harming
an other’s reputation by lies); employ another’s password or some other user identifier that misleads message
recipients into believing that someone other than you is communication or otherwise using his/her access of the
network or the Internet; upload a worm, virus, “Trojan horse,” “time bomb,” or other harmful programing
or vandalism; participate in “hacking” activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, net
works, or information systems.
3. Uses that jeopardize the security of student access and of the network or other networks on the Internet. For
example, don’t disclose or share your password with others; impersonate another.
4. Uses that are commercial transactions. Students and other users may not sell or buy anything over the Internet.
You should not give others private information about you or others, including credit card numbers and social
security numbers.
Netiquette. All users must abide by rules of network etiquette, which include:
1. Be polite. Use appropriate language. No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or threatening
2. Avoid language and uses, which may be offensive to others. Don’t use access to make, distribute, or redistribute
jokes, stories, or other material, which is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.
3. Don’t assume that a sender of email is giving his or her permission for you to forward or redistribute the message
to third parties or to give his/her email address to third parties. This should only be done with permission or when you
know that the individual would have no objection.
4. Be considerate when sending attachments with email (where this is permitted). Be sure that the file is not too large
to be accommodated by the recipient’s system and is in a format, which the recipient can open.
IV. Internet Safety
A. General Warning: Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users.
All users and their parents are advised that access to electronic network may include the potential for access to materials
inappropriate for school- aged pupils. Every user must take responsibility for his or her use of the computer network and
Internet and avoid these sites. Parents of minors are the best guides to materials to shun. If a student finds that other users
are visiting offensive or harmful sites, he or she should report such use to person designated by the school.
B. Personal Safety.
Be safe. In using the computer network, email, and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your home address
and telephone number. Do not use your real last name or any other information which might allow a person to locate you
without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher. Do not arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you
“meet” on the computer network or Internet, if you are under 18, without parental permission. Regardless of your age, you
should never agree to meet a person you have only communicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or setting.
C. “Hacking” and Other Illegal Activities.
It is a violation of this Policy to use the Newcomerstown Schools’ computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized
access to other computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access. Any use which violates
state or federal law relating to copyright, trade secrets, the distribution of obscene or pornographic materials, or which
violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance, is strictly prohibited.
D. Confidentiality of Student Information.
Personally identifiable information concerning a student may not be disclosed or used in any way on the Internet without
the permission of parent or guardian or, if the student is 18 or over, the permission of the student himself/herself. Users
should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the Internet, particularly credit card
numbers and Social Security numbers. A supervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information, as defined by Ohio law, for internal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities.
E. Active Restriction Measures.
The Newcomerstown School District, either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site providing Internet
Access, will utilize filtering software or other technologies to prevent students from accessing visual depictions that are (1)
obscene, (2) child pornography, or (3) harmful to minors. The school district will also monitor the online activities of
students, through direct observation and/or technological means, to ensure that students are not accessing such depictions
or any other material, which is inappropriate for minors.
V. Privacy
Network, email, and Internet access is provided as a tool for your education. The Newcomerstown School District reserves
the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer
network, email, and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All
such information files shall be and remain property of the Newcomerstown School District and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.
VI. Failure to Follow Policy and Breach of Agreement.
The user’s use of the computer network, email and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user who violates this Policy and
breaches his/her Agreement, shall at a minimum, have his or her access to the computer network and Internet terminated,
which the Newcomerstown School District may refuse to reinstate for the remainder of the student’s tenure in the Newcomerstown School District. A user breaches his or her Agreement not only by affirmatively violating the above Policy,
but also by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. Further, a user violates this
Policy and Agreement if he or she permits another to use his or her account or password to access the computer network,
email, and Internet, including any user whose access has been denied or terminated. The Newcomerstown School District
may take other disciplinary action.
VII. Warranties/Indemnification
The Newcomerstown School District makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its
provision of access to and use of its computer networks and the Internet provided under this Policy and Agreement. It shall
not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or costs (including attorney’s fees) of any kind suffered, directly or
indirectly, by any user or his parent(s) or guardian(s) arising out of the user’s use of its computer networks or the Internet
under this Policy and Agreement. By signing this Policy and Agreement, users are taking full responsibility for his or her
use, and the user under 18, the parent(s) and or guardian(s) are agreeing to indemnify Data Acquisition Site that provides
the computer and Internet access opportunity to the Newcomerstown School District and all of their administrators, teachers and staff harmless from any and all loss, costs, claims or damages resulting from the user’s access to its computer network and the Internet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by
the user. The user or, if the user is a minor, the user’s parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to cooperate with the Newcomerstown
School District in the event of the Newcomerstown School District initiating an investigation of a user’s use of his or her
access to its computer network, email, and the Internet, whether that use is on a Newcomerstown School computer or on
another computer outside the Newcomerstown School District’s network.
VIII. Updates
Users, and if appropriate, the user’s parents/guardians, may be asked from time to time to provide new or additional registration and account information or to sign a new Policy and Agreement, for example, to reflect developments in the law or
technology. Such information must be provided by the user (or his parents or guardians) or such new Policy and Agreement must be signed if the user wishes to continue to receive service. If after you have provided your account information,
some or all of the information changes, you must notify the person(s) designated by the Newcomerstown School District to
receive such information.
Please retain the preceding pages for your information.
Sign the front and back of the
next page (33 & 34) and the
Academic Integrity Policy on page 35,
and return them to
Newcomerstown Middle School
as soon as possible.
Upon signature and return of these pages,
the Technology Department
will create/activate an email account for the student.
Student’s Agreement
(every student regardless of age must read and sign below)
I have read, understand and agree to abide by the terms of the foregoing Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement. Should I commit any violation or in any way misuse my access to the Newcomerstown School District’s computer network, email, and the
Internet, I understand and agree that my access privilege may be revoked and school disciplinary action may be taken against
Name (Print clearly)
User signature:_____________________________________________________
Home Phone:______________________________________________________
User (place an “X” in the correct blank):
I am 18 or older
I am under 18
If I am signing this Policy and Agreement when I am under 18, I understand that when I turn 18, this Policy and Agreement
will continue to be in full force and effect and agree to abide by this Policy and Agreement.
Parent or Guardian Network Usage Agreement
(to be read and signed by parents or guardians of students who are under 18):
As the parent or legal guardian of this student, I have read, understand and agree that my child or ward shall comply with the
terms of the Newcomerstown School District’s Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement for the student’s access to the Newcomerstown School District’s computer network and the Internet. I understand that access is being provided to the students for
educational purposes only. However, I also understand that it is impossible for the Newcomerstown School to restrict access to
all offensive and controversial materials and understand my child or ward’s responsibility for abiding by the Policy and Agreement I am therefore signing this Policy and Agreement and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Newcomerstown School
District and the Data Acquisition Site that provides the opportunity to the Newcomerstown School District for computer network, email, and Internet access against all claims, damages, losses and costs, of whatever kind, that may result from my child
or ward’s use of his or her access to such networks or his or her violation of the foregoing Policy and Agreement. Further, I
accept full responsibility for supervision of my child or ward’s use of his or her access account if and when such access is not
in the Newcomerstown School setting. I hereby give permission for my child or ward to use the building-approved account to
access the Newcomerstown School District’s computer network and the Internet.
Parent/Guardian Name (Please print clearly)
Newcomerstown Middle School Handbook
Student/Parent Verification
I have read and understand the policies contained in the student/
parent handbook for Newcomerstown Middle School. I will strive to do
my best as a student/parent/guardian to adhere to these regulations
throughout the course of the year. If I have any questions concerning
the various procedures, I will contact the principal immediately.
Signature of Student
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Please return to the Middle School by
Friday, September 2, 2016.
Newcomerstown Middle School
Academic Integrity Policy
Preamble: These guidelines support the belief of the Newcomerstown Middle School community that the goal of
a good education is not just academic learning but is also the development of a strong and admirable character.
To that end, these guidelines are designed to inform and assist students, teachers, parents and administrators in
promoting honesty in all aspects of schoolwork, in hopes of enabling students to acquire honor and self-respect
and to experience genuine academic achievement.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you copy or allow to be copied any assignment by any method.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you use any unauthorized aid on quizzes, tests, homework, or exams.
YOR ARE CHEATING IF you use a calculator for math problems unless told to do so by your math teacher.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you steal, possess or view a copy of a test beforehand.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you give or receive help on a test or quiz.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you take or copy someone else's work and submit it as yours.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you scan, alter or forge any school document.
YOU ARE CHEATING IF you plagiarize, meaning you submit material written or designed by someone else
without giving the author/creator credit or naming the source, or you submit work created by family, friends
or tutors.
If you cheat on a semester examination or a final examination, you will receive a zero for that work.
Please be reminded that cheating becomes part of your record and may jeopardize your eligibility for school
activities and school organizations such as National Junior Honor Society, Student Council, etc.
1st offense-Zero (0) on the work, detention issued by the teacher, and successful contact with the parent by the
2nd offense-Zero (0) on the work, conference with the student, teacher, and/or administrator, and 1 day either inschool (ISS) or out of school (OSS) suspension.
3rd offense-consequences determined by administrator (additional days of suspension and/or recommendation of
expulsion may be pursued)
When you are falling behind in a class, ask for help from the teacher, or an administrator.
Ask successful students to share their study habit tips, rather than copying their work.
Ask your teacher to organize study groups before major tests.
Accept the fact that some learning requires serious, even tedious effort.
************************************Cut Here*******************************************
I have read and understand this Academic Integrity Policy at Newcomerstown Middle School.
Homeroom # ____________
(This form will be on file in the main office.)