APPLICATION FORM PADWORTH SUMMER SCHOOL 2016 Student: Date of birth: Family name: First name: Nationality: Male Expiry date Passport number: Age on arrival Do you require a visa? No Home address: Post code City Home telephone: Country Mobile: (inc. international code) Email address: (inc. international code) How did you hear about our summer school? Any special notes e.g.allergies, medical conditions , medication, dietary requirements or religious observances Parent (or Guardian) : Name Address if different: Emergency contact 1 (inc. international code): Email address: Emergency contact 2 (inc. international code): I consent to my child participating in supervised group activities with other students. I give permission for my child’s photograph to be taken and used for promotional purposes by Padworth College & Oxford Spires Language School. Signature Date Course selection: (Please select ) Minimum stay: 2 weeks. Maximum stay: 6 weeks. Courses run between Sunday 3rd July and Sunday 14th August 2016. Students arrive and depart on Sunday 2 week courses 3 July 10 July Course A2 £1580 3 week courses £2370 4 week courses 17 July 24 July 31 July Course C2 Course B2 Course D2 Course A3 Course B3 Course A4 5 week course £3950 Course C3 Course A5 6 week course £4740 14 August Course D3 Course B4 £3160 7 August Course E2 Course C4 Course B5 Course A6 Flight Information if known: Airport Flight Number Arrival Eurostar - St Pancras (+£100 each way) Departure Eurostar - St Pancras (+£100 each way) Please return this form and any queries by email to Date [email protected] Page 1 of 2 Time DETAILS AND CONDITIONS OF BOOKING Fees £790.00 per week Fees include: • 21 hours of tuition • Full board residential accommodation including all meals • Two full-day excursions per week • All sports, social and leisure activities taking place on or off campus (except horse riding for which a charge is made) • Escorted transfer to and from Heathrow on official arrival and departure dates • • (an additional charge will be made for this service on alternative dates and via any other airports) Weekly change of bed linen Personal laundry for machine washable clothes Payment of fees: 1. You must pay at least 20% of the total course fee, at the time of application in order to confirm your booking. This deposit will be non-refundable. 2. You will then be required to pay a further 40% before 30th April 2016. 3. The final 40% must be paid by 1st June 2016. Fees can be paid using BACS transfer or via Please use the student's FULL name as reference. 4. Bookings made after 1st June 2016 must be paid in full. Account Name: Oxford Spires Account number: 23130142 IBAN: GB61 BARC 2065 2123 1301 42 Bank Name: Barclays Bank Sort code: 20-65-21 SWIFTBIC: BARCGB22 Failure to pay on time may result in cancellation of your booking and the loss of your 20% deposit. Cancellation • Cancelling before 1st June will result in the loss of your 20% deposit and the further 40% charge. • Cancelling after 1st June will result in the loss of your 20 % deposit and further 40% charge. If you have paid in full you will receive a 40% refund. Behaviour Oxford Spires Language school reserves the right to discipline, suspend and ultimately expel any student whose behaviour is not compatible with the operational aspects of the centre. If this occurs no refund will be given and the student or family will be expected to pay any associated costs associated with their repatriation. PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF THESE DETAILS AND CONDITIONS OF BOOKING FOR YOUR REFERENCE Page 2 of 2