HERE - Manasota Track Club
HERE - Manasota Track Club
35 YEARS OF FUN AND PARTICIPATION MANASOTA TRACK CLUB “SERVING MANATEE & SARASOTA COUNTIES” V O L U M E CONTENTS Page 3 Pres Message Page 4 Minutes Page 6 Training Sched. Page 8 Treas. Report Page 9 Event Schedule Page 11 Bolder Boulder Page 12 Out of Town Page 14 “Stuff” Page 15 Rate The Races Page 19 Beach Runs Page 20 Sammy’s Impact Page 22 Publix Tri/Du X X V I I I , N U M B E R 7 J U L Y , 2 0 1 0 SUMMER BEACH RUNS ARE UNDER WAY! Check the Beach Run Schedule on Page 19 of this issue. The events differ each Tuesday evening, but everyone has a great time and there is no fee! MTC partners with Sarasota County Parks and Recreation to put these popular events on during the summer months Ice Pops await finishers of the 6:30 P.M. kids run WIN AN ENTRY TO BILL’S BEER RUN!! Did you know that you could win an entry to Bill’s Beer Run? Watch the photos in the MTC Home Page photo carousel. Contest photos are marked with a number in the bottom right corner. Email your guess to: [email protected]. Contest ends on August 21st. The winner will be announced in the September newsletter. Everyone has a smile at the beach runs, and everyone gives it their best effort! Now, get out to those summer beach runs and get to know our members. Your entry to B B R is waiting for you! 1 PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT… Webmasters – Don Marshall – [email protected];—Patti Sarno—[email protected] Fit to Run 8123 Cooper Creek Blvd. University Park,FL 34201 358-5100 Parks Robinson New Balance Sarasota 1872 Stickney Point Rd Sarasota 921-3696 New Balance University Park 8204 Tourist Center Dr off University Pkwy 921-3696 Foot Solutions 5519 Palmer Crossing Circle 927-9629 (Clark & Honore) BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Tom Flanagan—922-2639 –[email protected] Vice President Rick Czerniak-266-0754 [email protected] Secretary Kathy Dubro—923-4404—[email protected] Treasurer Tom Treend—412-9367—[email protected] Board Members Dan Pollock—376-1495— [email protected] Paul Wilson – 809-0808 – [email protected] Guy Ealey - 270-0615 cell- [email protected] Felicia White –706-5301— [email protected] Patti Brustad –[email protected] Jen Robertson –915-0826 cell– [email protected] Patti Sarno—780-4913—[email protected] Lindsay [email protected] Maria [email protected] John Cox—544-3940—[email protected] Membership Renewals/Address Changes Kathy [email protected] Jan Mc [email protected] Newsletter Advertisements / Newsletter Editor Guy Ealey – [email protected] [email protected] Webmasters Don Marshall – [email protected] Patti Sarno—780-4913—[email protected] Photography Phyllis Siskel -922-8747 – [email protected] Calista Rutledge —524-0633—[email protected] Out of Town Race Results Tom Chambers – 921-0808 – [email protected] Race series coordinator Regina Koda—966-7984—[email protected] Andy Berster—544-4331—[email protected] Scholarship Committee Chair Steve Crane—379-6790—[email protected] Bill’s Beer Run Race Director Patti Brustad—650-6828—[email protected] On A Shoestring 3633 Cortez Rd W. Bradenton, Unit A4 782-7023 Steve Litschauer Fleet Feet Sports 1830 S. Osprey Ave. Sarasota 894-3338 Pat Jones NEWSLETTER INFORMATION Newsletter Contributions - All items to be included in the newsletter (articles, comments, race results, photos, etc.) should be submitted to the editor by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Email submissions are appreciated. Please keep articles to one page – due to the high cost of printing. Longer articles will be posted on the track club website. Race Flyers – All race flyers must be approved (Contact Vice Pres.) and prepaid (mail $50 fee to MTC @ P.O. Box 5696, Sarasota, FL 34277). After approval, deliver 350 copies to American Quick Print, 5708 Swift Road, Sarasota by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Please make flyers 8.5” X 11”. Newsletter Assembly - Newsletters are assembled each month at the Waldemere Fire Station at 6:00 P.M. on the FIRST WEDNESDAY of each month. Contact Candace Yelton – 485-2161 for details. Newsletter Advertising - Cards or inserts must be “camera ready” and must reach the editor by the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next newsletter. Continuing ads will be inserted monthly. To place or update an ad, please contact Guy Ealey at 270-0615 or [email protected] . Fees to: MTC @ P.O. Box 5696, Sarasota, FL 34277 ITEMS AD RATES 1 MONTH 6 MONTHS Bus. Card ¼ Page ½ Page Full Page Race Flyer $15 $30 $45 $60 $50 $75 $150 $225 $300 1 YEAR $135 $270 $405 $540 MTC P.O. Box 5696 Sarasota, FL 34277 2 Tom Flanagan - President’s Perspective - JULY 2010 USATF COURSE CERTIFICATION: Why is it Important and Why You Should Care? The purpose of the USATF course certification process is to produce road races of accurately measured distances. Why is this important? It assures all runners that the course distance is accurate and that all mile markers (etc) are as stated. This should eliminate any of those days when you run a personal best (PR) only to discover the course was short by several hundred feet. I just laugh when runners tell me they set a new PR for a 5K on a Siesta Beach run. Are you kidding me? Every time we set the cones out on the Siesta Beach it can be different. On the other hand , it also protects you from having to run 26.4 miles when all you signed up for was a 26.2 mile run. Trust me, I have invoked the “Rath of the Running Gods” on many a Race Director when late in a marathon you discover they are going to make you take one more lap around some parking lot just to line you up for where they wanted to conveniently set up their finish line. I hated that because it would always take away from the enjoyment of my marathon experience. Why should you care? You should care because it keeps Race Directors on their best behavior. By going through this certification process a Race Director assures the runners that they are important, and that assisting them in having a quality running/racing experience is of the highest importance. I have a few running friends who will only run in certified events. Hey, with so many events to chose from these days, why not select the ones with the runner’s best interest at heart. Can you blame them for only wanting to run on courses that are accurate? The past several years the MTC has been fortunate to have a cadre of Race Directors who understand the importance of going through the process of obtaining a USATF Course Certification. Once established, a USATF Certification is good for 10 years, provided the course is set-up and run exactly the same each year. If altered in any fashion, the Certification is invalidated. This is the USATF Certification status of various MTC events: Bill’s Beer Run 5 miles USATF # FL00042DL Special Olympics 5000 meters USATF # FL09060EBD Ringling Bridge Run 4 miles USATF # FL09118ETM Sammy’s Run 5000 meters USATF #FL10026EBM Pal Half Marathon 13.1 miles pending Nov/2010 Life in the Son 10K 10,000 meters pending Apr/2011 When I was a competitive runner I always seemed to perform better when I knew I was on a certified course. Especially, when I could run the event over multiple years and know that the mile marks were going to be exactly where there were the year before. How many of you can say that about some of our local races? Again, with so many choices out there, why not chose the certified races? For example, if I was a local marathon runner and I was planning on spending the big bucks to go run in one of those Big City marathons sometime this winter I would chose to incorporate the Pal Half Marathon as part of my training. You are going to have to get in some long runs anyway, so you may as well sleep in your own bed, eat your food and get up in the morning and go for a run on a certified course in Palmer Ranch. The course will be totally flat and fast. Because it will be USATF certified, you can measure your training effort and performance mile by mile. What better way to get yourself ready for your Big City marathon adventure than by running in front of all of your MTC friends here is Sarasota. Who knows, you might even set a new 13.1 PR for yourself!! 3 Minutes of the Manasota Track Club June 2, 2010 Present: Tom Flanagan, Guy Ealey, Kathy Dubro, Felicia White, Dan Pollock, John Cox, Maria Sweeney, Lindsay Groover, Jen Robertson, Rick Czerniak, Patti Brustad, Patti Sarno, Tom Treend Absent: Paul Wilson Guests: Steve Crane, Sara Stople, Kyle Mason, Dave Low & Sherry Storms Meeting called to order at 6:01pm. May minutes were approved. Steve Crane, Chair of the Scholarship Committee, introduced Sara Stople to the board. Sara received a “special circumstance” award from the MTC. Sara stated she will be attending the creative writing seminar at Columbia University in New York from June 27 through July 17. Sara was very thankful to the MTC and commented how nice it is to be appreciated for being committed and staying on track. Steve then introduced Kyle Mason to the board saying this is the first time the MTC has had a 2nd time winner. Kyle is on the cross country team at Palm Beach Atlantic University; his major is exercise science. Tom Flanagan received written thank you notes from winners Lawrence Delany and Dave Tomchinsky. Tom said he will try to get some of the other winners to attend the August board meeting. Treasurer Report: Tom Treend distributed the May 2010 report to the board members. Tom said the first thing that pops out; the font is larger. The scholarship monies have not been paid out yet awaiting additional information. There will not be a report in July as Tom will be out of town. Felicia White will be in charge of the checkbook in his absence. 2011 MTC Picnic: Patti Brustad will run the picnic 3rd year in a row. The date is Sunday, May 1st from 4:00 to 8:00pm at Glebe Park. Event Schedule: Rick Czerniak reported that not much had changed; Scrub Jay scheduled for Feb. 19; Springfest for March 19. Springfest will be supported by Tom Bedford’s race team in 2011. May events: Girls on the Run 5K had 110-120 runners with an all female volunteer base. Molly may want to do the same next year; will discuss then. Dirty Duo: Best year ever; 182 teams plus 100 kids. This event raised $6,500 for PAL and the Tatum Ridge School. Don Bickel had trouble with results, however; will improve next year; needs more volunteers. Tom Flanagan noted that this is the riskiest event on the MTC schedule from a RRCA liability insurance point of view. Bill Rodgers Presentation: Tom Flanagan attended the event at Riverview High School. Bill Rodgers spent 1 ½ hours speaking to the kids; they were mesmerized. Tom reported that the Friday night event did not have the same energy as only 42 MTC members attended along with a couple of members each from the Zoomers & Bradenton running clubs. With only 50 in the room, Tom was very disappointed with the turnout in numbers. Sammy’s Run: Rick Czerniak exclaimed it was awesome. There were 1014 paid registrations. The food was great; however, the awards were slow. The course was changed from last year due to the USATF certification process. 41 runners went under 20:00 at this event. MTC Awards Banquet: Tom Flanagan prepared a chart comparing the last 3 yrs of banquet costs and distributed it to the board members. Rick Czerniak expressed concern over the expense to the club; perhaps tone it down. Could we have done better things with the money? Felicia White stated that BBR helps fund the banquet. The price is fantastic for this night out for the members. In 2010 spent $2,000 more, however after reviewed it was noted that some expense was not needed next year. Tom Flanagan said the monies are budgeted, but if BBR falls short we will need to reconsider. Tom Treend commented he is also uncomfortable with the amount the club subsidizes this event. Tom Flanagan asked the board for permission to form a committee to review the structure of the MTC Awards Banquet. An informal vote was taken with a show of hands; a majority approved this request. Tom Flanagan will pull together an action committee of 8-10 MTCers and meet sometime this summer. Mental Health Awareness 5K request for sanction 2011: Sherry Storms, Race Consultant and Race Team leader for this event, presented a report to the board at the request of Tom Flanagan. Concerns were expressed about the low turnout of runners for this MTC sanctioned event the past two years. Board discussion centered on the fact that this event is a Siesta Beach Run and is similar to the other 12 Siesta Beach Runs that we host during the year. The board unanimously voted not to sanction this event for the 3rd year, as requested. Tom Flanagan will contact Race Director Connie Woodruff and explain the MTC boards position on her request. Life in the Son 10K: Vice President Rick Czerniak received a request from Race Director Jon Ford for the MTC to sanction this event in 2011. Dan Pollock noted that the MTC schedule is full at the moment with 27 events on our calendar. After some discussion, the board agreed to table the vote of this request for 60 days, until the August 4th meeting. Tom Flanagan mentioned that unless something new develops that requires board action, the July board meeting will most likely be cancelled. Casual club business will be taking place each and every Tuesday, throughout the summer, on the Siesta Key Beach. Meeting adjourned at 7:36pm Submitted by Kathy Dubro 4 5 SARASOTA AREA TRAINING RUNS Mondays & Thursdays 6:00 PM Start at Fleet Feet on 1830 S. Osprey Ave. Routes of 1-7 miles, for all abilities. Call 894-3338 for info. Tuesdays 5:30 am This group meets at the parking lot in front of the Granary at Stickney Point Rd. near the intersection of US 41 in Sarasota. the course goes to the Pavilion at Siesta Key Beach and back (approx. 5 miles) Info, call Linda at 374-2920 Tuesdays 6:00 pm A great evening gathering for runners of all abilities. The group meets at Siesta Key Beach in the South parking lot. The long course is out to Turtle Beach and back (approx. 8 miles) but many run shorter distances. Info call Janet at 374-1002 * * Tuesdays 5:30 pm (Beginning September 9th, 2008) Brookside Middle School speed workouts led by Coach Paul Wilson, certified level 2 coach. Workouts coordinated with local area race schedule and individual abilities and goals. Contact coach Paul Wilson , [email protected] or phone 809-0808. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6:00 am Downtown Venice. This group meets at Centennial Park near the public restrooms and Gazebo. Runners of all ages and abilities are welcome. Runs are over by 7:00 am. Distances and running pace vary based on one's ability. For more info call Tuula at 488-5688 Wednesdays 6:00 P.M. This group meets at the New Balance Store 1872 Stickney Point Rd. A cooler with water will be provided For all runners. Call New Balance Sarasota at 941-921-3696 for more information Wednesdays, 6:00 P.M. “Wednesday Night Runs @ The Rover” Meet at the Irish Rover Pub of Sarasota, 6518 Gateway Ave (Off Gulf Gate Dr.) Info, call Charlie at 953-8218 *Group Run followed by cold beer, great food, and live Irish entertainment Thursdays, 6:00 P.M. Fit2Run Running Group. We meet at our University Park Store on Cooper Creek Blvd. At 6 PM for a group run for any level and speed. Mileage ils based on you; we go any distance. We have a wide variety of routes coming from the store. We provide water and smoothies after runs. For more information contact [email protected] or call 941-358-5100. Thursdays 5:30 am This group meets at the parking lot on the north side of Publix at the Landings. Run from 5 - 8 miles...and plan laugh a bit too. This group has been known to visit Einstein Bagels afterwards. Info, call Linda at 374-2920 Thursdays 6:00 P.M. Boot Camp, meets on the greens at Hart’s Landing under the Ringling Bridge. We get together to exercise, situps, Pushups, lunges, and stuff (even Dirty Dogs) for 45 minutes or so. Bring a towel or mat, and Two 5# weights. Exercise for all levels. No fees, no formal sessions. INFO: Jerold Saef 941-518-7638 . Thursdays 6:30 pm Meets at the parking lot at Island Park (south of Marina Jack's). Run to Lido Beach or do Bridge repeats. Contact Dave Burke for more info: 379-6506 Fridays 7:30 am (walkers) The walkers group: For information, contact Ruth and Charlie Finocchiaro at 923-9192 Saturdays 5:30 - 6:00 am Saturday is a big training/long run day in Sarasota. Groups meet between 5:30-6:00 am at three basic starting points: The "Clock" building at 2900 S. Tamiami Tr., Southside School on Osprey The parking lot near Marina Jack’s downtown. You can find someone running just about any pace/distance at one of these spots. Afterwards, many Saturday runners join together for a "recovery" breakfast . Call Sharon at 321-1218 Saturdays 7:30 am Sleep in Saturday Run! Meets in the parking lot at Island Park, South of Marina Jack’s. A variety of distances. Anyone, all paces welcome. Run/walkers and walkers welcome. Sharon 941-321-1218 or Jim 651-621-5730 (This group on hold until November 6, 2010) 6 NEXT MTC BOARD MEETING AND NEWSLETTER ASSEMBLY FOR MAILING Next MTC Board meeting will be held at the Fire Station, located one block east of US 41 on Waldemere Street (east of Sarasota Memorial Hospital). The Meeting will begin at 6:00 P.M. Newsletter assembly occurs at the same location and time on Wednesday, July 7, 2010 WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Kathleen McDonald Tiffany & Jesse Prater Carol Wojtyna John Lay & Family Jim & Martha Threlkeld Alicia Whack Andrew Smith Kelli Tarala & Family 7 8 9 DO YOU WEAR FLIP FLOPS? Ryder (men’s) Tide (women’s) Solana (women’s) Seaside (women’s) FINALLY ….. Flip Flops that are good for your feet! ORTHAHEEL SANDALS have been awarded the American Podiatric Medical Association Seal of Acceptance. Try them on for size! 50% OFF ALL SAUCONY & BROOKS KIDS SHOES ~IN STOCK STYLES ONLY ~ SIZES 11-7 ~ ALL SALES FINAL ~ While supplies last!!! Shop early for back-to-school savings!!! 1830 S. Osprey Avenue Sarasota – 941-894-FEET 10 The Bolder Boulder 10K By Kathy Dubro & Jan McNutt So my friend says to me, “You mean you went to Boulder, Colorado just to do a 10K?” “No Marathon or Half Marathon?” Sure, to most people, traveling across the country to run a 10K sounds pretty crazy. But this is no ordinary 10K; Runners’ World Magazine named the Bolder Boulder “America’s Best 10K”. The first I’d heard about the Bolder Boulder was when I met my good friend and running partner Jan McNutt. Jan’s sister, Justine, lives in Boulder and had participated in this event for many years. This was a race that Jan hoped the two of us could experience together, so this was the year for us to “BE BOLD” and go to CO (along with 50,000 other runners!). In 1979, they had 2,700 registered runners for the inaugural race; 2,200 runners finished. This year 53,500 registered with a record number of 50,421 finishers; making the Bolder Boulder the 2nd largest 10K race in the country. The whole community of Boulder participates in some way to make this event a success. There is entertainment all along the course with music, dancers, and food (how about some bacon or Doritos as you run!) We even had to dodge marshmallows at one point. To top it off, you finish the race (uphill!) in the University of Colorado Folsom Stadium with spectators cheering you across the finish line. After all the runners are in, with t he elite runners racing last so the stadium is full when they arrive, there is a special Memorial Day tribute in the stadium. This includes sky divers carrying the U.S. flag, a flyover of four military jets in formation, and a 21-gun salute. Unfortunately, we missed the tribute as we (me, Jan & Justine) were busy meeting Dr. Oz! then treating ourselves to a well deserved pedicure. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that we met with fellow Manasota Track Club members, Nicole Chapman and Ren Hardman Schrock for dinner in downtown Boulder the night before the race. All and all definitely worth the trip as a one of a kind race in fabulous mountain setting! (Could they just get a little more oxygen there please?!) At left, Kathy Dubro and Jan McNutt bookcase famous “Doctor OZ” Below left, Ren Hardman-Schrock, Nicole Chapman, Kathy Dubro and Jan McNutt Below Right, Kathy Dubro, Jan McNutt and Jan’s sister, Justine Boston 11 Out of Town Race Results To see your personal race results on this page, call Tom and Rachel Chambers at 921-0808, Or email to [email protected]. 5-30-10 Madison, WI Mad city Half Marathon Mark Dunsmore 1:42:55 5th AG 1st AG 5-2-10 Anna Maria Island, FL Conner Wozniak Island Run 5k 28:55 5-31-10 Boulder , CO Bolder Boulder 10k Lindsay Groover Nicole Chapman Jan Mc Nutt Kathy Dubro Ren Hardman-Schrock 55:08 57:12 1:03:36 1:06:47 1:09 6-5-10 Blue Mounds, WI Blue Mounds 18k Trail Run Mark Dunsmore 1:46:53 2nd AG 6-6-10 Steamboat Springs, CO Steamboat Springs Marathon John “Maddog” Wallace 4:20:27 2nd AG 6-13-10 Estes Park, CO Estes Park Marathon John “Maddog” Wallace 4:36 2nd AG (60+) #331 39 Degrees Rain & Sleet 5-16-10 Clermont, FL NTC Track & Field Classic Rae Ann Darling Reed 1500 meter 5:30.91 1st AG 5-20-10 Holyoke, MA Holyoke Elks 5k Rae Ann Darling Reed 21:02 1st OA Female Age 36 Course Record #330 5-22-10 Northfield Mtn USATF Rae Ann Darling Reed New England Trail Ch.ships 5.3 mile trail race 45:33 4th AG 12th OA Female 6-5-10 Tampa, FL Spring into Summer 5k Rae Ann Darling Reed 20:47 1st AG 5th OA Female 6-11-10 Tampa, FL Picnic Island Adventure Run #2 Rae Ann Darling Reed 3.6 miles 28.17 3rd OA Female 1st AG 6-12-10 San Angelo, TX Texas State 8k Championships Rich Lomas 29:21 1st OA Hometown Race! Nice Hot Windy Texas Weather! Remember to check out the MTC website at for race results, vent scheduling, event photos, Calista Rutledge’s Photo Carousel, on line newsletters, membership information, scholarship information and MTC history Tom Flanagan says get your MTC logo vehicle magnets while they last! 12 13 A note from Tom Flanagan: Check out the Racing Series points on the website. They have been updated for the 4 events that have been held so far.Bridge Run, Scrub Jay, Turtle Run and the Sammy’s Run. So far, 167 MTC males and 197 MTC females have scored points in the racing series this year. These numbers are up from last year at this time. Regina Koda and Andy Berster are the Series Coordinators. Condolences to Dan Pollock, whose mother passed away on May 13, 2010 Louise Lumsden PollockAge 88 Originally from New York City, was living in Sarasota the past 30 years Died May 13, 2010 Service was held on June 2nd at Incarnation Catholic Church Condolences to Rod Roberts whose mother passed away in Vermont in Mid June MTC - HELP WANTED Nobody can replace MTCer Carol Greening, but we do need someone in the club to takeon one of the many tasks that she does for the board. For the past several years Carol has tracked and monitored all of the advertising that goes on in our monthly newsletter. She has created a simple spreadsheet that just about anyone should be able to keep updated on their home computer. No selling of advertising is required. You pretty much just have to keep our newsletter editor, Guy Ealey, up to speed on what ads have been paid for and when they due for renewal. No level of fitness is required to perform this critical task for the club. Carol will explain her system to you. Contact Tom Flanagan to volunteer. It is not a heavy time commitment. I learned at Beach Run #4 that Carol and her husband Mitch are becoming snow birds, living part of the year in Colorado. That makes it doubly important that someone volunteer to take on this task. John “Maddog” Wallace recovers in an idyllic western states setting following marathon #330 in Steamboat Springs, CO 14 Rate the Races By Terry Deshaies I rate the races based on 4 criteria: Organization, the course, the awards and most importantly post race party. Anyone who would like to comment about a race can email me directly at [email protected]. Dirty Duo: What can I say about this race? Get down, get dirty, have fun. Due to the construction at the Celery Fields, the course was changed this year. That doesn’t mean it was any easier. This year everyone started out doing a 3 legged race, then carrying their partners doing the piggy back. After that, it was out on the course for the bike/run portion of the race. When they returned to the starting area they had a number of obstacles to complete, including a big water slide and of course, the mud pit!! This was once again a double loop course, so once you went through the mud pit the first time, you got to do it all over again It looked like everyone was having a good time, especially when they splashed through the mud for the last time!! I give the Dirty Duo a 10 out of 10 on the fun scale…so get a partner and get ready to do this one next year!! Sammy’s Run 5k: This race was even better than last years. The early packet pick-up and the meet and greets with the Legendary Bill Rodgers made this a race to remember. Like last year, the T-shirt design was a most excellent tech shirt. The race started on time and was measured at 3.12 according to my Garmin. The course was about the same as last year. A very nice, semi-shady, trek through the Bent Tree subdivision. The only surprise was the finish, which I kept looking for, as I was heading back down the street toward the school. Much to my surprise and all the runners who remember last years race, the finish had moved to the second entrance to the school…those dirty dogs The good news was that they were handing out bottles of water right after you finished and freeze pops!! The awards were most excellent trophies for the over all and specialty group winners. The age group winners all got trophies of varying sizes and all the kids got a participation medal!! The post race party was one of the best of year…if not the best!! They had about the best hotdogs I’ve ever had!! They also had pizza both cheese and with toppings, Jersey Mike’s subs, apples, energy treats, sports drinks and all the usual staples. Ricardo once again gave a very moving speech about his son and the affliction he has and Ricardo and Bill Rodgers presented the awards. The Raffles were once again plentiful and they seemed to go through them a bit faster this year. I give the Sammy’s Run 5k a perfect 10 out of 10, if there was something to improved on, I sure couldn’t find it and trust me I looked The quick 1,2,3 on upcoming races: The Summer Beach Run Series: If you want a real challenge come out on Tuesday nights and do a beach run. They have something different scheduled each week, so check the website to see what is coming up. Like I always say if you can do these you can do anything!! It’s a great way to come out and meet your fellow track club members and there is also beer waiting at the pavilion at the end Also: Doug Schiller thanks for your comments in the last newsletter…this is just what I am talking about. As hard as I try to notice as much as I can, I’m always going to miss something. That is why I encourage people to write to me. It only makes the races better See you at the races!! 15 16 17 18 2010 MANASOTA TRACK CLUB - SUMMER BEACH RUNS Dan Pollock and Paul Wilson have committed themselves to being there every Tuesday evening this summer to help the MTC put on the annual summer beach runs. They have agreed to head up the MTC volunteer crew that is needed to set up all the equipment and run the finish line for all 10 summer beach runs. Dan and Paul will need about 6-8 other MTC’ers to help them out each week down at the water’s edge. If you have never worked an MTC finish line before, a summer beach run is the perfect time for you to learn a new skill. Since all of the runs are free, the atmosphere is very casual. What better volunteer opportunity can you ask for? Contact Tom Flanagan (922-2639) to help out. To spread out the volunteer load there will also be a different MTC Board memberthere each week to function as the Adult-in-Charge. They will need about 5-6 volunteers to assist with the scoring table and membership table. All beach runs are free of charge for any adult, but we do need to have everyone fill out a liability wavier card for insurance purposes. We also need volunteers to hand out free ice pops to all of the kids that run in the one mile event. Sometimes the weekly free ice pop give away total can reach the 600 level. Val Ealey says “handing out free ice pops is a great excuse for not having to run in the summer heat”. Help is also needed to work the beer keg each week and collect donations. Again, contact Tom Flanagan (922-2639) to let us know when you can do your part. 2010 SUMMER BEACH RUN SCHEDULE Date June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27 Aug 3 Aug 10 Event Wall Run - 3.77 miles Skirt Chaser – 5K Don Bickel Adventure Run 2 Mile Dash Jim Fixx 5K Wall Run Skirt Chaser 3.77miles North and South 4 miles Run and Swim Duathlon Pace and Race - 2 miles Beauty & Beast 2+2 = 4 miles The kids one mile run starts promptly at 6:30pm. Adult-in-Charge Tom Flanagan P. Brustad & L. Groover Rick Czerniak Kathy Dubro Felicia White John Cox Maria Sweeney Jen Robertson Tom Treend Guy Ealey 922-2639 650-6828 266-0754 923-4404 706-5301 544-3940 504-2913 915-0826 412-9367 270-0615 All adult runs start at 7:00pm. The Free Summer Beach Runs on Siesta Key have been an MTC tradition for over 30 years. They are only made possible by our incredible MTC volunteer base. Call and offer up your services to any MTC board member listed above. We are counting on you. 19 IMPACT OF SAMMY’S RUN FROM MARIA SWEENEY It’s over but it’s really not! Environmental sign’s that the run ever took place are totally gone. Cones and chalk marking’s are gone, parking lots are not overflowing, sign’s are packed away and all is quiet at the schools again. Sammy’s Run Committee has already had a review meeting with lists for what to do differently next year. We want to make the event better, make it friendlier towards special needs participation and get it to run smoother. For now, summer is here, school is out and our lives go on. So, why do I say it’s really not? Because it’s the impact Sammy’s Run made on a lot of lives that reverberates! Community neighbors now know each other better. The sharing of their streets, parking lots and their help have brought about a new acknowledgement of each other. Brand new “runners” now know that they can enjoy the sport of running for what it has to offer. It does not need to be an intimidating sport where you have to have the foot skills of Beckham or the racket skills of Williams. You can go out and run with little more than a pair of running shoes, (not even for some folks). The social, physical or mental benefits may be the new motivator to keep moving. For our elite athletes, there were some fast runners with impressive times and new personal bests. For our special athletes, they had the chance to run, walk and roll with friends and family. They had fans cheering and they were racing like everyone else! Their smiling eyes reflected their impressions of the whole event. We were extremely lucky to have a special guest this year, Bill Rogers. His talks with area high schoolers with whom he shared enthusiasm, respect and information were a gift….. maybe we have another Bill Rogers or Ryan Hall type in our midst. Bill also spent some time with Sammy’s (our race’s namesake) class. He addressed each student, talked with them, told stories and autographed pictures for them. These students are non-verbal but communicated with vocalizations and facial gestures that they liked this man who spent time with them and gave them his attention, He also made his presence at a talk at Oak Park School the night before the race. Although not as many attended as expected, he was well received and did a nice job answering questions and telling about some of his running experiences. I look at Bill Rogers as an inspirational spirit who has a way of giving what the receiver wants to get from their exposure to and experience with him. His role as an athlete promoting running and as a specials needs advocate was a plus to our community. Community relationships have been fostered. Because so many teachers and committee members are part of The Manasota Track Club, we were very open to their expert guidance. We initially hovered under the wings of two of the Clubs most active members, Tom and Nancy Flanagan. As they try kicking us out of the nest, race directors Sue and Rich Lomas take on more of the responsibilities. As part of the MTC running series we were almost guaranteed a higher running attendance. When recommendations were made to get the course certified, we did and we were able to make it a very desirable course for our very elite runners. The Manasota Track Club members have been there for us the whole way; the “A team” finish line crew with Dan Pollock, the volunteers for marshalling, parking, photographing and yes, letting me write this article (thanks Guy). They offer to help with their services and we are working towards reflecting back a reputable race. 20 Bill Rodgers smoozes Josephine Nicolosi, a member of MTC, Zoomers, and BRC. In addition to Rich & Sue Lomas, and of course Sammy!, Nancy & Tom Flanagan, Maria Sweeney and Robin Sadlo Other relationships fostered include local businesses that donate sponsorships, services and products, running stores that align themselves with our goals to promote fitness, schools with their running clubs, community members that “Race” with special needs folks, pushing jogging strollers so the special athlete can feel the same exhilaration with the speed/crowds/excitement of the race, Sherriff’s, medical personnel and many more. Lastly, the funds raised will have a big impact. We split the proceeds equally between the Oak Park School and PMSF. Each year we have agreed to purchase at least one jogging stroller to give to a deserving community member with the hope that he or she will be an active participant in the wheelchair division of Sammy’s Run. Last year it was awarded to Nadia----- and this year it went to Christina Vargas. Both were very appreciative and participated as part of the 5 team wheelchair division. The funds from Sammy’s Run went to the PTSO to distribute as needed. Oak Park School serves students with physical, intellectual and emotional needs. Classes are run a little differently than the typical school. There are greater student/teacher ratios and need for special resources. Some of the teacher requests for funds included: Funds to allow students to participate in community based outings. These are school outings that help integrate our students in the community, whether it be to a work site to practice vocational pursuits or a restaurant to practice social and executive skills. Parent participation and funds were used for special recognition to our wonderful teachers during staff appreciation week. Funds were used to provide a fantastic prom night for our students ( a magical night that lets our students be like other students, partaking in a dance, dressing up and practicing their social etiquette). A much needed computer was provided to a high school student. Curriculum enhancement tools were also purchased. See! It‘s not over…. running may now be a lifelong sport for fitness, competition, socialization, mental health and whatever! There is more awareness of Oak Park School, the Phelen-McDermid Syndrome Foundation and for people with special needs. Relationships between people and community groups are fostered and dynamic. Funds raised do go to a good and worthy cause. It’s never really over! 21 LOCAL ATHLETES COMPETE IN PUBLIX FFW TRIATHLON AND DUATHLON ON SIESTA BEACH Several MTC members and other local athletes competed in the Publix Family Fitness Weekend triathlon and duathlon, held Saturday, June 12th on Siesta Key. In listing participants, I need to put out a disclaimer. I know that I am not listing every local athlete or MTC member who participated. I am listing the names and times of those individuals whose names I saw in the event results. IN THE TRIATHLON John Stevenson 1:06:47 Matt Bertrand 1:07:52 Sean Koscho 1:08:47 Rachel Chambers 1:10:50 1st overall female Doug Manning 1:16:15 Chinyere Uwah-King 1:19:13 Sharon Butler 1:21:01 Carl Knutsson 1:27:47 Dick Sanks 1:31:35 Al Springer 1:32:03 Nicole Chapman 1:32:47 Jon Ford 1:49:27 Rachel Chambers and her Aunt Celebrate First Overall finish! IN THE DUATHLON Bruce Day 1:07:13 Matt Depenbrock 1:09:15 Toby Holland 1:09:17 Terry Rouillard 1:11:12 Guy Ealey 1:14:28 Regina Morris 1:17:57 Kim Seagren 1:29:55 Ginny Poyner 1:29:55 83 starters in the duathlon Cyclists finish the bike leg before starting 5k run 22 Get your butt kicked By Rae Ann Darling Reed 5/16/2010 Today I ran the 1500 meters in an open track meet. This is something I have not done since 1995. I raced with Di and Amanda from the high school track team I coach. I rarely go “head to head” in c ompetition with the teenagers I coach but today was the exception. Di beat me by a couple of seconds in our 1500 meter time trial a week and a half ago but I still thought I might have a chance today – meet conditions, adrenaline, competition, and all that good stuff. I mean, I am a COMPETITOR! ;) My finishing kick is not what it used to be so I knew I had to run the first three laps a little faster. Comparing the time trial to today’s race, I ran the first lap one second faster, the second lap one second faster, the third lap two seconds faster, and the last lap two seconds slower than the time trial. While my overall race time was one to two seconds faster than the trial my legs just had nothing left on that last lap. As predicted, Di flew by me with a little over 200 meters to go. I thought I might be able to close a little of the gap in the last 100 but no luck. She ran a perfectly executed race. As I walked around out of breath after crossing the finish line I thought about how I had no speed left in these 36 year old legs! Di beat me in a race. It’s official. I was a little down for a short time. Very short. The trip to the track meet was so much fun with my husband, Di, Amanda, and Taylor. It’s hard to feel down with such a wonderful group of people. Between the car ride, name that tune, and lunch my spirits were quickly lifted. Today helped me make a decision. I was going to see how I did in today’s 1500 meters before deciding about running in the 1500 at the Sunshine State Games and the Southeast Sports Festival later this summer. With the lack of speed I felt today, I knew that the only way to get some of that speed back would be to do lots of speed work and strength training. If there is one thing I have learned since my injury plagued days of running in college, it is LISTEN TO YOUR BODY! That is the best advice I can offer to anyone. So based on how my hamstring has felt after my short, fast speed sessions of the past few weeks, I know that my track days are behind me. I will not race the 1500 this summer. Instead I will stick to my original plan of racing a few key races between now and the final Picnic Island of the summer (July 9). I will then take a short break and start working towards my three big races – Daytona Beach Half Marathon in October, Disney Half Marathon in January, and then the Boston Marathon in April…of course racing some shorter stuff along the way. So sometimes it is good to get your butt kicked to help you realize what PRs might be behind you and which ones are still ahead of you. Read more by Rae Ann at 23 Walter White at an SRQ Marathon And 5k awards ceremony. The “smile” is always present! HAPPY 85TH WALTER WHITE! Walter White and Dave Siegwald at a recent MTC Awards Banquet 24 Age 36 course record or “How to pick your races!” By Rae Ann Darling Reed 5/20/2010 When I first planned this trip back home I only intended to race the USATF New England Trail/Mountain Championship race on Saturday but once I looked at the website for the local running club and saw that I had a shot at the female age 36 course record for their Thursday night cross country races at the reservoir, I had to do it! I grew up running these 5K cross country races during the summer as part of my summer training. They were held every Thursday night from late spring to early fall. My parents and I would go to a few each summer. The cool thing about these races is how low key they are. You show up, pay your $4 (yes, that is correct, only four dollars), pin on your laminated number, and head down to the reservoir for the race. No frills. Just a weekly race in a beautiful place, no cars or exhaust, no road closures or cones, no goody bags or shirts, no mile markers or split callers, just run on a cinder path around a reservoir, enjoy the beauty and see who you can beat this week or try to beat your time from the last time (since it is the same basic course each week). Since I was racing on Saturday, my only goal going in was to run fast enough to set the female age 36 course record. They have a course record for each age male and female. I turn 37 next month so this was my only chance at it. Once I started the race, I saw two women ahead of me – one “youngster” who was probably a high school runner or possibly college age way ahead and a woman who was probably o ver age 40. I stayed comfortable for the first mile, knowing I was running only what I needed to for the record. We passed the girl who “won” the first mile shortly after my Garmin buzzed letting me know we reached that first mile. I closed in on the over 40 woman and just stayed behind her since I was running the pace I needed to. But once we reached half way, I felt like I was maintaining my pace and she started to slow so I went by her. Then when I felt the 2 mile buzz on my wrist, I picked it up since I felt good. So I ended up racing a couple of guys in that last mile. I looked at the Garmin again and saw we had about a half mile to go. I leaned into the downhill and took off. Saw the clock at the finish line in the high 20s and thought how cool it would be to drop that old 22:36 record down to below 21:00. But my slower pace earlier set me back a little and I didn’t want to kill myself trying (Saturday’s race in the back of my mind). I did sprint to the finish where I outkicked and out leaned a gentleman at the finish line. Official time was 21:02 but this was an age graded race so my age graded time was 20:46. I don’t know how that works, but I will stick with my 21:02 new age 36 female course record. Oh, and I was the overall female winner. That was a nice bonus. Sometimes the best thing you can do is “pick your races” and find a small race, low key race, and who knows what might happen. I overheard the race director say how tonight’s race was their biggest weekly race ever with around 134 runners. Very cool. =============================== Read Rae Ann’s blog at 25 MADDOG IN COLORADO TRAINING I can't believe not one single reader accepted Maddog's invitation to join him for an 'easy' trail training run. So he had to do his first trail run of the season all by himself! Unfortunately a combination of injuries (right foot) and health problems (stiff and sore neck) had confined MD to the sidelines for most of the past week. I missed 5 days of training and couldn't even cross-train because of the sore neck! Finally/luckily a local doc prescribed a six-pack of steroids to relieve the inflammation/soreness in the neck and it also healed the foot injury. Now I was concerned about the lack of time to prepare properly for the Leadville Trail Marathon next weekend. I had no choice but to accelerate my training to use the limited time left. So on Sat morning I went out my back door and looked up at the false peak of Ptarmigan Mtn (photo #04). This is a false peak at 12,000 ft and hides the real peak behind and at 12,500 ft! It was time to run the trail to Ptarmigan Peak and back! I started at the new Angler Mtn trailhead near our back yard. It is lower so the trail is longer and steeper than the old Ptarmigan Trailhead in Silverthorne. I left our house at 8am and ran to the trailhead to begin the 3800 vertical ft ascent over 7 miles. It didn't take long before the 'run' became a 'walk' because the new trail is very steep in some sections! It took 1 hr to reach the point where the new trail merges with the old trail and another hour to reach the false peak and another 1/2 hr to run across and up an alpine meadow to the real peak at 12,500 ft! A total of 2 1/2 hrs for the ascent. My PR for the ascent is 1:45 but that is on the old trail so it is not a direct comparison. I stopped at the Peak to take a few photos to share with my lazy, couch-potato readers who may never have the opportunity to view such spectacular scenery for themselves. Photo #03 is a view of the Williams Forks Range looking north from Ptarmigan Peak. Photo #01 is a view of the Gore Range with (from left) Buffalo Mtn, Red Mtn and Willow Mtn and Silverthorne (and our home) at the base. Lastly photo #02 shows a view looking over a snowfield of Lake Dillon and the Ten Mile Range to the south west! Now aren't y'all sad/sorry that you did not accept Maddog's invitation? I completed the descent in 1 1/2 hrs w/o any walking! My PR for the descent is 1 hr but on a shorter trail. Overall I was pleasantly surprised that I did as well as I did. Although there was a lot of walking involved in the ascent there were no rest stops and no "sucking for air" as expected! I don't have time to do another run on Ptarmigan. Early next week I must do a 'trial' run on Mosquito Pass (3,000 vertical ft over 3 miles) that is actually the hardest section of the Leadville course! Not exactly the preparation I had planned but I will have to improvise and make do with the very short time left before the race. Top left is #4, Top Right #3 Getting ready to head out my back door to run to Ptarmigan Peak (12,500 ft) - and Back! 1st test/evaluation of my condition and readiness to run the Leadville Trail Marathon next week. Bottom left #2, Bottom Right #1 Sadly I think I already know the answer! 26 MADDOG AT MOSQUITO PASS Two days ago I sent you a brief report and photos from a 'training' run up Ptarmigan Peak. Today I completed my training for the Leadville Trail Marathon with an 'easy' run up Mosquito Pass - the hardest section of the marathon! I arrived at the base/start of Mosquito Pass and recognized the Diamond Mine (photo #001) at the entrance to the pass. Mosquito Pass is the highest two-way pass in the USA There are higher passes but they only go one way! There is a rough 4X4 road that travels over the Pass from Leadville to Fairplay, CO. Before I started the run I checked the elevation with my GPS - 11,100 ft. The ascent is only 2,085 ft over 3 miles to the top of Mosquito Pass (13,185 ft). It doesn't sound too bad when you step out of a car with fresh legs but in the race we arrive at this point at Mile 10 and after running more than 5,000 ft in elevation change! Photo #002 is a view of the 4X4 road at the start as you look up the mtn at the snowfields and peak. It is possible to run this section! Thirty minutes later I reached the first snowfield at 12,000 ft about 1 1/2 miles into the ascent (photo #003). Surprisingly I was not 'sucking for air'? I can now see the electric poles at the to of the Pass. However a few minutes later I reached another snowfield at 12,400 ft and here the road starts to climb steeply (photo #004). There is no hope of running the final section of the ascent from this point because the road becomes even steeper as it approaches 13,000 ft (see photo #005). But then the mtn takes some pity on the poor old bod and the incline/ grade becomes less steep for the final 200 vertical feet and I am at the top pf Mosquito Pass (13,185 ft) in 70 minutes! I After a carbo gel and water I was ready to begin the descent. Photo #011 shows the descent and you might be able to see the Diamond Mine below the 2nd lake. Again there is a panoramic view of Leadville and the Sawatch Range. I could afford to stop and enjoy the view today but in the race it is not possible because the road is very steep and dangerous. Photo #012 shows that if you take your eye off the road for 1 sec you will probably go down and suffer a serious injury! Finally I descended below 12,000 ft (photo #013) where I was able to haul ass and reach the car in 42 minutes. That is actually slow - I must make then ascent under 30 minutes in the race! However I was very pleased with the training run on Mosquito Pass. I enjoyed terrific weather and I really did run both the ascent and descent 'easy'. I figured there was no sense in killing myself (literally) on the training run. I hope you enjoyed your escorted tour up and down Mosquito Pass. Stay tuned for the race report. 27 I was wondering if you could let your club members know that the Mid Florida Chapter of the National MS Society has 18 open slots for the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon on October 2, 2010. Registration for the National MS Society’s team is $130 with a commitment to raise a minimum of $850 (the registration fee does count toward each individual’s fundraising goal). The following are included with the $850 fundraising: * Race Registration * Commemorative Champion® Tech Shirt * Goody Bag * Personalized Bib (Must register by August 2, 2010 for name to appear on bib) * On-course and Post-Race Refreshments * ChronoTrack D-tag timed race * Personalized results website * Inaugural half marathon finisher medal * Access to the exclusive after-hours Epcot International Food & Wine Festival * One (1) Complimentary "Taste" and one (1) complimentary "Sip" at the Finish Line Party * One night’s stay (Saturday, October 2, 2010) at a Disney All-Star Resort * Team MS Tech Shirt Guy, every hour of every day someone in the United States receives the devastating diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, an unpredictable and often disabling disease of the central nervous system. The National MS Society’s Marathon teams run, to help fund vital research needed to find more effective treatments and ultimately a cure for multiple sclerosis. I hope you will share the above information with your members and Join the Movement in creating a world free of MS. Please, let me know if you have any questions about this or any fundraising activities supported/sponsored by the N.M.S.S. Thank you! Olivia Moriarty Walk Manager National MS Society Mid Florida Chapter 2701 Maitland Center Pkwy. Ste 100 Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 478-8882 (407) 478-8893 fax Out of Town Race Results To see your personal race results on this page, email to [email protected]. 6-5-10 San Diego, CA Rock n’ Roll Marathon Raymond Turner 4:59:14 6-13-10 Chicago, IL Chicago Half Marathon Chris Litz Deb Litz 1:54 1:56 28 Manasota Track Club Membership Application Name___________________________________________________ Male_____ Female_____ Address____________________________ City___________________ State______ Zip___________ Phone (home) ____________________ (cell) _________________ DOB ___/___/___ Age____ Email Address________________________________________ (Please print clearly) I will read the monthly newsletter on line, no need to snail mail me a hard copy (circle choice) YES NO Annual Membership expires one year from the month of enrollment. _____New Member _____ Renewal ______Through high school $15 ______Individual $20 ______Family $25 ______General Club Donation $___________ ______Scholarship Fund $_________________ General club donations are used to support club activities. Scholarship fund aids student athletes. For Family Memberships: Name_____________________________________________ DOB___/___/___ Male ______ Female _______ Name_____________________________________________ DOB___/___/___ Male ______ Female _______ Name_____________________________________________ DOB___/___/___ Male ______ Female _______ Manasota Track Club Membership Waiver: I know that running and volunteering to work in club races are potentially hazardous activities. I should not enter and run in club activities unless I am medically able and properly trained. I agree to abide by any decision of a race official relative to my ability to safely complete a run. I assume all risks associated with running and volunteering to work in club races including, but not limited to: falls, contact with other participants, the effects of weather, including high heat and/or humidity, the conditions of the road and traffic on the course, all such risks being known to me and appreciated by me. Having read this waiver and knowing these facts, and in consideration of your acceptance of my application for membership, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, waive and release the Manasota Track Club and all sponsors, their representatives and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in these club activities even thought that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons named in this waiver. I grant permission to all the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings or any other record of an event for any legitimate purpose. Signature________________________________________________________________ Date___________________ Parent’s Signature__________________________________________________________ (if under 18) Send the signed form with check payable to: Manasota Track Club in the enclosed envelope to the membership secretary: Kathy Dubro, 6294 Sturbridge Ct., Sarasota, FL 34238 Form and Waiver must be complete for membership to be valid. 29 NON PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID MANASOTA FL PERMIT # 599 C/O PRESIDENT P.O. BOX 5696 SARASOTA, FL 34277 30
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