German-Indian Management Studies


German-Indian Management Studies
Education Made in Germany
Global Award for Educational Excellence
Master Program (MBA)
Management Studies
The relationship between India and Germany has
traditionally been close and amicable. Particularly in the
area of business both countries can look back on more
than 500 years of intensive Indo-German trade
relations. Over the centuries, India as well as Germany
experienced mutual benefits due to a substantial
exchange of goods and services.
As the third leading export nation in the world (behind
China and USA), Germany is highly interested in
expanding the business relationships with India. Since
the beginning of reforms in India in 1991, the
Indo-German trade volume has increased to 16.1 billion
Euros in 2013.
Although currently trade relations between India and
Germany only represent less than 1% of Germany‘s total
exports, the average annual growth rate has increased
to more than 10% over the last decade. These statistics
have encouraged German and Indian companies to
nominate each other as their preferred export partners.
Many marketing experts believe that this mutual
trading relationship can develop into becoming the top
export markets for both nations.
Currently Indian exports to Germany consist of
particular textiles, leather products, electro-technical
products, pharmaceuticals and machinery. German
exports to India primarily include machinery,
electro-technical products, automobile products and
Offering a Bright Future
Great Expectations
Germany is one of India‘s most vital trading partners
and German companies strive to contribute to the
fascinating development and success story of India‘s
growth and development. The vibrant economy of India
attracts a lot of German companies which are currently
setting up in India or are considering massive direct
investments. There are various joint ventures
established while other German companies are setting
up their own export organizations or are working on
negotiations with local distributors in India.
Similarly, Indian corporations have become
increasingly aware of the potential of the German
market that offers various interesting business
opportunities regarding technological know-how,
valuable business partnerships as well as potential
customers. Therefore, Indian companies also have great
anticipation regarding the German market, Europe‘s
economic powerhouse, and are establishing their own
branches there.
Great Opportunities
These economic developments offer great
opportunities particularly for young and determined
academics in the field of engineering, predominantly
engineering based on manufacturing of technical
components. German and Indian companies require
highly qualified employees and/or entrepreneurs to
support their business expansion plans to or from India.
Therefore, they are in great need of people acquainted
with business expertise and an in-depth cultural
understanding of both countries. The German language
skills will additionally be an asset to the graduates of
our program.
Great Support
Since the beginning of the MBA program the German
Business Community has been an integral part of the
program design – its support since then has been
overwhelming: Our corporate sponsors include various
regional and national German hidden champions with a
SME background operating on an international scale as
well as well-known German Global Players.
German-Indian Management Studies
Due to the positive long-term perspectives on economic developments both, German and Indian companies, are in desperate need of adequately skilled future
employees. For accomodating the companies according
to their specific requirements the Institute for Advanced
Studies (ifw) at Hof University offers in cooperation with
PSG Institute of Advanced Studies the unique MBA
program "German-Indian Management Studies" (GIMS).
This program aims primarily at Indian engineers with
the following specializations:
The focus of our MBA program is to prepare the
graduates for a management position in a variety of
functions within German companies operating a
subsidiary in Germany, India or worldwide. The main
focus of our MBA program is on "Marketing & Sales",
"Supply Chain Management" as well as "Procurement
Management" aiming at qualifying the students for the
following positions:
Our GIMS program is a full-time MBA program and
therefore takes two years (four semesters) to complete:
In the first semester our students are taught at our
partner institution PSG Institute of Advanced Studies in
Coimbatore, India; the second and third semester are
spent at ifw Institute for Advanced Studies at Hof
University in Hof, Germany; and the fourth semester is
conducted as a paid internship in a company located
either in India or Germany, chosen by the student. The
Master‘s thesis is also conducted during this time.
Award winning program
Due to the unique focus of our program, i.e. our studies
are taking place in two countries, the combination of
engineering background and management skills as well
as the focus on practical exposure of up to nine months
during the studies, our GIMS program has earned the
"Global Award for Educational Excellence" of the
Indus Foundation, Hyderabad, India in 2013.
Admission and Tuition Fees
Admission and Selection Process
The admission and selection process is a joint effort
between PSG Institute of Advances Studies and ifw
Institute for Advanced Studies at Hof University.
Application requirements and Dates
Eligibility for admission is based on the completion of
degree examination of any recognized university or
equivalent and a minimum composite score of 600 in
the Management Aptitude Test (MAT) conducted by All
India Management Association (AIMA) or an equivalent
test as well as one year of practical experience.
Applications can be submitted from Feb 15th onwards:
GIMS MBA Program
PSG Institute of Advanced Studies
Coimbatore, 641 004 India
[email protected]
Selection Process and Period
The selection process involves the following steps:
1. Written test for English language comprehension
and purpose of study (e.g. IELTS)
2. Group discussion
3. Personal interview
The selection takes place annually between March to
Beginning of Course
PSG Institute, India, July
Hof University, Germany, March
Tuition Fees / Costs of Living
The tuition fees are 3,750 € per semester for three
semesters at ifw in Germany and Rs. 1,50,000 for one
semester at PSG in India. This includes organizational
support from PSG during the visa application process
and assistance during the search for apartments in
Germany by ifw. Further, it includes organization of
student excursions to various companies and field trips
to cultural sights or events in Germany.
Accommodation and living expenses in Germany are
estimated at 650 € per month, including health
insurance, rent and food.
Corporate Finance
Human Resources
German I
Industrial Marketing Management
Procurement Management
Project Management
International Negotiation
Strategies and Styles
German II
Business German I and
Cultural Training I
International Marketing
Corporate Strategy
Management Accounting
Contract Law
German III
Business German II and
Cultural Training II
Master‘s Thesis
PSG Institutions
Logistics and Supply Chain
Hof University
Principles of Marketing
either in Germany or India
1st Semester: Jul-Feb
2nd Semester: March-Sep
3rd Semester: Oct-Feb
4th Semester: March-Sep
(Internship Semester)
About ...
... Hof and Hof University with its Institute for
Advanced Studies (ifw)
Hof is a small town in the northern part of Bavaria and
located in the heart of Europe. Hof has 45,000 citizens.
Hof‘s region shows the second-highest industrial
density across Europe, specialized in manufacturing
machinery, plastic (automobile) parts, ceramics and
textiles. Hof University, founded in 1994, offers a
modern and positive study environment. Small classes,
an ideal student to lecturer ratio of 1:25, modern
facilities as well as a safe and green campus are our
major arguments. Hof University has a strong focus on
India. Thus, we are happy to provide intensive personal
support to our growing Indian community.
... Coimbatore and PSG Institutions
Coimbatore with a population of over 1.6 million is the
second largest city of Tamil Nadu. It is an industrial hub
for textile factories, engineering firms, automobile parts
manufactures, health care facilities and educational
institutions. PSG & Sons Charities played an important
part in the development of Coimbatore with 23
institutions teaching from kindergarten to doctoral
education in various subjects of academic persuit. Since
1926, PSG is devoted to empowerment and social
change through technical education in India. In this
process, it has educated over 300,000 students and has
an annual intake of more than 6,000 students.
Managed by:
ifw Institute for
Advanced Studies
at Hof University
Alfons-Goppel-Platz 1
95028 Hof, Germany
Institute of
Advanced Studies
641 004 India

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