thank you! - Georgetown Chamber of Commerce


thank you! - Georgetown Chamber of Commerce
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1 Chamber Way, Georgetown, TX 78626 (512) 930-3535
ChamberLink Newsletter -July 21, 2014
Welcome New Members
SCORE and the Texas Stte
University Small Business
Development Center
(SBDC) offer free,
confidential counseling
at the Chamber to
current and prospective
business owners
-----------------------------------------------------What's On Hold?, Manny Wlachos, Owner. What's
On Hold is focused on providing high-quality messages
and music for telephone on-hold marketing and virtual
telecommunication inexpensive business solutions
services. Our goal is to do everything we can to meet
your business expectations. Call today for a free trial,
(877)866-3327 or visit
--------------------------------------Roddy Duty, Individual. Georgetown, TX
-----------------------------------------------------------Click on logo for website and
more info.
SCORE August 23rd
Workshop $25
Financial Management:
Simple Steps to Starting
Your Business Part 4
click here to register
Visit SCORE on facebook
or Call the Chamber for
more information on
meeting with a mentor.
For Everyone who helped with the Bar-BidCue with Donations, Volunteering, Planning,
or Purchased/Won items, a special
"THANKS" to you from all of the Staff,
Board of Directors and Committees here at
the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce.
This is our largest fund raiser and your
contribution helps support the Chamber so
that we can provide you with member
services throughout the year. You helped
make this event very successful!
We hope to see you ALL next year!
Thursday, July 31st 6pm-8pm
Confused about small
business taxes.
Register here
Click on the logo to see
course categories at
Wednesday, July 23rd
Glick's Woodworking TX
here at the Chamber at 5:15 pm
--------------------------------------Monday, July 28th
AccuBuild Construction Software
1208 S. Main, 5:15pm
(in the former She Etc. building)
------------------Thursday, July 31st
Vitalogy Skincare at 5:15pm
New location: 4513 Williams Drive
(across from HEB)
Join the Chamber
Keep up with the City of
Georgetown news and events,
click on City Logo
Blessed Family Chiropractic
Ribbon Cutting has been postponed.
Rescheduled date TBA
Georgetown Chamber
Night 2014
Friday, August 15
(deadline to order tickets Aug 4)
Round Rock Express
Reno Aces
Post-game fireworks
click here for more details
Order your tickets now. Why not make it a company party night with fireworks?
--------------------------------------------------To see all Chamber events, go to our
Chamber Events Calendar here
Platinum Allies
Chamber & Member News
City of Georgetown N otific ation of Phone Payment Sc am
Br ow n Gr a h a m & Com pa n y
Cook -W a lden Da v is Fu n er a l
Hom e
Cit y of Geor g et ow n
Geor g et ow n Mor t g a g e, LLC
Gold Allies
-------------------------------------------Congratulations to Nathan Winstead, the new Vice President for Lone Star
Ag Credit (formerly Texas Land Bank) We would like to announce the opening
of their new location at 1930 Rawhide Drive, Suite #406, Round Rock. (Hesters
Crossing exit off IH35) Nathan can be reached at (512) 248-8486. Nathan is an ambassador and has contributed a lot
to our Chamber. Best of luck Nathan!
------------------------------------------------Be sure to register for a VENDOR BOOTH
for the Chamber's Health & Wellness
This expo is a community event that will
be held on September 20 at GHS. Vendor
booths are $200. Screening booths are
$100. Sponsorships are available and
levels are found on the registration form.
Details at
Ch a sco Con st r u ct or s
Cit y Lig h t s T h ea t r es
Fr ien dly Com pu t er s of
Geor g et ow n
HEB #2 3 7 & #4 8 7
Hom e Depot
Jim m y Ja cobs Cu st om
Hom es
Ma x w ell, Lock e & Rit t er
Mer r ill Ly n ch
Set on Medica l Cen t er
W illia m son
Sou t h w est er n Un iv er sit y
Spor t Clips
St .Da v id's Geor g et ow n
Hospit a l
Su dden lin k
Com m u n ica t ion s
Su n Cit y T ex a s
T A SUS T ex a s
W a l-Ma r t Su per cen t er
Silv er Allies
Click on the red button to register for a booth.
If you have additional questions, please call Allison McKee
at 512-930-3535 at the Chamber
Member Events
PWOW Christmas in July Luncheon July 23rd. Click here to
Sun City Rotary "An Evening in Paris" July 26th read more...
Georgetown Area Junior Forum - Fill the Bus. There is a box to fill
here in the Chamber lobby.
VFW Post 8587 Casino Night August 2nd. Read more....
Georgetown Chamber Members may submit their events by going to our website
and clicking on Members Only, Submit Event.
See More Member Events. Click on Calendar
A l Cla w son Disposa l
A ir bor n , In c.
A t m os En er g y
A u st in Com m u n it y
Colleg e
BBV A Com pa ss Ba n k
Ben ch T r ee
Ber r y Cr eek Cou n t r y Clu b
Bu r y + Pa r t n er s
Ca r r , Rig g s & In g r a m , LLC
Ch a t sw or t h Pr odu ct s
CiCi's Pizza
Com plia n ce Resou r ces
Da dy In su r a n ce
Est r ella Oa k s
Reh a bilit a t ion & Nu r sin g
Ex t r a co Ba n k s
Fir st St a t e Ba n k Cen t r a l
T ex a s
Fir st T ex a s Ba n k
FT W OODS Con st r u ct ion
T h e Fow ler La w Fir m
Geor g et ow n Beh a v ior a l
Hea lt h In st it u t e
Geor g et ow n
Ca n cer Cen t er
Geor g et ow n Com m er cia l
Pr oper t ies
Geor g et ow n Hea lt h
Fou n da t ion
Geor g et ow n Ra il
Equ ipm en t Co. (GREX )
Geor g et ow n T it le Co.
GX Cr ea t iv e
Com m u n ica t ion s
Hew let t Fa m ily of
Dea ler sh ips
In depen den t Ba n k
Ma c Ha ik For d, Lin coln
Mel's Lon e St a r La n es
Mer cedes-Ben z of
Geor g et ow n
Pa lla diu m USA
In t er n a t ion a l, In c.
Pa r k Pla ce Ca m pu s of Ca r e
Pr og r essiv e Office Sy st em s
Reg ion s Ba n k
Rock Spr in g s
Rog er s Con st r u ct ion
Rou n d Rock Ex pr ess
Scot t & W h it e
Sh eet s & Cr ossfield, PC
Sn eed, V in e & Per r y , PC
St a t e Fa r m In su r a n ce
Fea t h er st on e A g en cy
St a t e Fa r m In su r a n ce-Don
Hom ey er
St eg er Bizzell En g in eer in g
Su n Cit y T ex a s
Com m u n it y A ssn
T ex a s Br ow n st on e by
Nov a k Br ot h er s
T ex a s Elect r ic
Cooper a t iv es
T ex a s St a t e Un iv er sit y Rou n d Rock Ca m pu s
W esley a n Hom es
W illia m son Cou n t y Su n
Need a Location for a
Sponsor this newsletter for only $300 for 4 weeks or
$200 for 2 weeks.
If you are relocating your business, adding new products or just want to
educate the public about your business, the Chamberlink newsletter is
perfect for letting over 2,400 people know why they should do business with
you. Tell them in the newsletter! You will receive advertising and article
space each week and we will promote your business with touch of a finger. All
links are SmartPhone friendly. What a great way to generate a coupon!
Call Marlene today (512) 930-3535
Have a great week and be safe!
The Chamber Staff,
Karen, Allison, Keirsten, Stacy and Marlene.
Meeting, Training
Session or Event?
The Chamber's
meeting/event room and
board room
Call for rates on Event
Room. (512) 930-3535.
The Georgetown Chamber
of Commerce has an A+
rating with the BBB. What
is your rating? Click on
logo for more information.
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Georgetown App and
always be informed of the
happenings in town.
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Georgetown C hamber of C ommerce | 100 Stadium Drive | Georgetown | TX | 78626