The Lundin family, specialists in dust extraction equipment


The Lundin family, specialists in dust extraction equipment
Air never
The Lundin family,
specialists in dust
extraction equipment
from Gällö, Sweden,
have returned to the
air treatment business
with a new company
Both models are equipped with auxiliary power outlets.
In the forests of the Swedish province of Jämtland inventor Eric
Lundin developed and manufactured air cleaners, dust extractors
and cyclones with product names such as Aermin and Ermator. Eric passed away several years ago and shortly afterwards
the company was sold to Pullman Scandinavia, now Pullman
Ermator. But the Lundin family has now
resurrected the development and manufacture of dust handling equipment under the
new independent Sila brand.
Back to the roots
Eric Lundin’s son Mats has grown up with
dust handling equipment his whole life
and worked for many years side by side
with his father learning the craft and how
to do business. Other family members also
worked in the previous company, including
Eric’s grandson Andreas Lundin and relative
Ralf Nilsson. The business was sold shortly
after Erik died and Mats, a devoted musician, decided to live his dream and build a
recording studio. In the meantime Andreas
studied communication and advertising
in Stockholm and started his own advertis-Easy transport.
ing firm, while Ralf worked as a designer at
another company in the region.
“But somehow, we kept coming back to our roots, which
were well planted in the soil of dust handling devices,” says
Mats Lundin. “When we met we always discussed new possible
products and ideas for air filtering and vacuuming hazardous
dust. For various reasons, possibilities suddenly opened up which
made it easier for us to take the final decision to start producing dust-handling equipment again. We also had requests from
many of the old company’s former customers if we would be
starting again, so about a year ago we decided to set up our new
company Sila.”
Thinking ahead Andreas Lundin says that they have decided
to focus mainly air cleaners and different
accessories to improve the indoor working
environment. “But now, as before when
Eric ran the company, it is important not
to think like all other manufacturers in this
field. You have to think outside the box, so
to speak, even if it’s a terrible cliché, and
come up with something completely new,”
says Andreas. “The focus of our business is
on the user and his family. Our products
should be - and are - effective, safe and easy
to work with.”
Sila has only been operating for a
few months, although product development has been in progress for quite a time.
But it is only this year Sila seriously started
marketing the company and its products. The first products
are the two air cleaners, Sila1000A and Sila 2000A. They were
officially launched at the Swedish demolition show DEMCON
in September. “Detailed information about our new products can be found
on our website, but in general they have a very smooth design,
easy to set up, carry and transport. The compact design and
low weight does not affect the powerful capacity of the two air
cleaners,” says Andreas.
“The most important aspect of our air cleaners is safety.
Therefore our products have no eccentric locker or snap on
locker,” says Ralf. “This is one detail that significantly increases
the safety for users and offers a better performance of the product.
From the
left Sila 1000A
and Sila 2000A
PDi • Issue 4 • September - October 2012
PDi • Issue 4 • September - October 2012
r went out
It actually doesn’t matter if a product has a HEPA H13 filter if the
product itself has weaknesses. Therefore our filters are fixed with
proper screws. We therefore minimise the risk of quartz and asbestos particles to contaminate the clean side. Eccentric lockers have
a tendency to slide up during transport or break if they get hit.” Products
The smallest air cleaner, Sila 1000A, has a flow of 1,000m3/h
and measures just 300 x 514 x 495mm. It has two speeds, and is
provided with a coarse filter and a HEPA H13. Power is 185W
and it weighs 15kg and is stackable. Sila 1000A is ideal for use
in small spaces.
The bigger Sila 2000A has the capacity to clean larger areas,
for example when jack hammering or floor grinding. It has a flow
of 2,000m3/h and a power of 455W. Equipped with coarse filter
and HEPA H13 it purifies 99.95% of the most dangerous dust
particles. The weight is 25kg and measures 350 x 720 x 697 mm. Both models are fitted with auxiliary power output of up
to 1500W. In addition, they are fitted with a filter guard that
alerts when the filter needs to be replaced. Other features of Sila
2000A are rear wheels and a metal bow with adjustable handle.
The bow makes the transportation of the air cleaner smoother.
Wheels and handles make the model easy to move around. And
both can be fitted with an exhaust hose as an option.
Another accessory is the sanitation frame. This is a system
that helps the customer to encapsulate a room and create a vacuum, thus efficiently expelling all kinds of dust and particles. The
system was developed back in Erik’s time. But Sila has refined it
and made the set-up faster and safer. If for instance a bathroom
under renovation is sealed with a plastic in the door opening
the air cleaner is placed on the outside and the sanitation frame
on the other side. The frame is fitted with magnets and attaches
easily to the air cleaner. The operator just has to cut out the plastic
inside the frame, which is available for both air cleaner models.
The market
Sila is now in full production and a number of products have
already reached customers. “We have already received some
amazing reviews about our products and understandably we are
very pleased with that. We feel very encouraged to get as many
products as possible out on to the market since these products
speak for themselves and will convince our customers more than
anything we can say or write,” says Mats Lundin.
Initially, the emphasis is on the Swedish and Norwegian
markets. In Norway, the company is selling their products
through their dealer Norman Olsen, and who knows the Lundin
family tradition. “First, we want to be strong domestically and
Scandinavia is our platform, but we expect to begin to explore
the possibilities for export
to Germany as early as next
year,” says Andreas. “Nothing will stop us. We want
to get our products out in
several markets in Europe.
Of course the US is an
attractive market for us in
the long run and also other
parts of the world. But right
now we are taking one step
at a time. The customer
Issue 4 • September groups we are targeting Smooth transport.
The brains behind Sila; from the left Ralf Nilsson, Mats Lundin and Andreas Lundin.
are mainly concrete cutters, renovation contractors, companies
working with concrete floor grinding and polishing, demolition
contractors and of course the rental industry.”
The current focus is on air cleaners and a range of accessories.
But Sila has a long tradition of knowledge of dust extractors,
cyclones and other products.
The three entrepreneurs agree on that user-friendliness and
customer safety are paramount. They also stress that all products
that come from Sila are designed and manufactured in Sweden
and that it will remain that way.
“All the components are produced locally. We want to be close
to our partners, because that makes our footwork so much more
effective. Local production and hands-on management benefit
the quality and in its turn: our customers.” says Mats Lundin.
Strong wheels and
roll bar.
October 2012 •
PDi 59
Issue 4 • September - October 2012 •
PDi 33