deep lock mortiser
deep lock mortiser
MODEL 8900 DEEP LOCK MORTISER Operator Manual & Parts List REVISION 43 REVISION 5HYLVLRQ 17-327 :KHQ \RX SXUFKDVH 1RUILHOG 0DFKLQHU\ 0DVWHUOLQH HTXLSPHQW WRROV DQG VXSSOLHV IURP RXU %X\HU¶V *XLGH RU XWLOL]H RXU DUUD\ RI WHFKQLFDO VHUYLFHV \RX DXWRPDWLFDOO\ KDYH WKH DGYDQWDJH RI RXU HQWLUH WHDP RI SHRSOH :H DUH WKH VXSSOLHU RI FKRLFH IRU GRRU KDUGZDUHLQVWDOODWLRQPDFKLQHVWRROVVXSSOLHVDQGNQRZOHGJH &$//72//)5(( 25 9,6,7285:(%6,7($7ZZZQRUILHOGFRP RELEASE 4: JUNE 2008 2 Operational Sequence . . . . . . . . blank . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 16 GENERAL SAFETY Read the Operator's Manual and learn to operate the machine safely. Be alert and observe all safety practices. This machine can be hazardous in the hands of an unfamiliar, untrained or complacent operator. DO NOT RISK INJURY Observe these safety rules at all times. 1. Disconnect all electrical power and air from the machine when adjusting, making repairs or cleaning. 2. Do not operate the machine without all guards and covers in place. 3. Maintain the machine for maximum safety and performance. Make DAILY inspections. 4. Never allow untrained operators to use the machine. 5. Turn all electrical power and air OFF when the machine is not in use or unattended. 6. Only qualified and trained personnel should make repairs. 7. Electrical connections and repairs should be made by a qualified electrician. 8. It is recommended that eye protection be worn while operating the machine. 9. It is recommended that hearing protection be worn while operating the machine. 3 SPECIFICATIONS Door Width: No limit Door Height: 76” to 108” Door Thickness: 1-3/8” to 2-1/4” Pocket Length: 1” to 8” Pocket Depth: Up to 6” Pocket Width: ¾” to 1-1/4” Faceplate Length: ½” to 8-1/2” Faceplate Width: 1” to 1-1/4” Faceplate Depth: Up to 3/8” Machine Cycle Time: Approx. 1-1/2 minutes Approximate Weight: 2000 lbs. Minimum Floor Space Required: 3’ x 15’ for 8’-0 doors 3’ x 17’ for 9’-0 doors Air Requirements: 2.0 CFM @ 100 PSI Vacuum Requirements: 1900 CFM with a 5” duct Mortiser Bits: ¾” dia. to 1-1/4” dia. ¼-28 NF threads Faceplate Bits: ½” dia. router bit ¼” or 1/2” shank 5 Electrical Requirements: With Vacuum208V-3 PHASE 60HZ @ 25 AMPS, AND 208V-1 PHASE 60HZ @ 20 AMPS OR 230V-3 PHASE 60HZ @ 25 AMPS, AND 230V-1 PHASE 60HZ @ 20 AMPS OR 460V-3 PHASE 60HZ @ 15 AMPS, AND 230V-1 PHASE 60HZ @ 20 AMPS Without Vacuum208V-3 PHASE 60HZ @ 10 AMPS, AND 208V-1 PHASE 60HZ @ 20 AMPS OR 230V-3 PHASE 60HZ @ 10 AMPS, AND 230V-1 PHASE 60HZ @ 20 AMPS OR 460V-3 PHASE 60HZ @ 10 AMPS, AND 230V-1 PHASE 60HZ @ 20 AMPS MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS: 3 PHASE APPLICATION MORTISER MOTOR PART NO. HP AMPS @ 230V BALDOR (M3559T) 15-300 3 7.2 MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS: SINGLE PHASE APPLICATION MOTOR PART NO. HP VOLT/ AMPS FACE PLATE ROUTER DEWALT MOTOR (DW616) 15-174 1-3/4 115V/ 11.0 OSCILLATOR 15-076 .5 GRAINGER (5K340) 6 115V/ 8.6 INSTALLATION PREFACE The information in this chapter refers to the installation and setup of the 8900 Deep Lock Mortiser. After the machine arrives: 1. Uncrate the machine and inspect for shipping damage or shortages. 2. Position the machine in its permanent location . 3. Provide the proper electrical supply (7 wire input)and make connections to machine and vacuum unit. 4. Provide the proper air supply and make connections. 5. Position and connect the vacuum system. SHIPPING DAMAGE AND SHORTAGES After the machine has been uncrated, inspect the entire machine and all other contents of the crate for shipping damage. In the event there was damage in transit notify the freight carrier and Norfield Industries immediately. Inspect the complete shipment against the packing slips to make sure all items listed are accounted for. If any shortages are noticed, the freight carrier and Norfield Industries must be notified immediately. While any shortages (other than back orders) or freight damages are the complete responsibility of the freight carrier, Norfield needs to be notified so that the replacement of lost or damaged parts can be expedited. MOVING THE MACHINE The easiest way to move the machine is by picking it up from below with a fork lift, but its weight distribution must be watched. Also, be careful not to damage any tubing, wiring or components mounted to the front or bottom of the frame. The machine weight approximately 2000 lbs. POSITIONING THE MACHINE It is recommended that you allow 4 feet between the rear of the machine, where the electrical panel is located, and any wall or structure. Material flow into and out of the machine should also be considered for optimum performance. Since the vacuum system can be located and/or connected on either end of the machine, placement should allow adequate space. 7 INSTALLATION ggg 1 SECTION ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 1-4 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 127($OOHOHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQVVKRXOGEHPDGHE\DTXDOL¿HGHOHFWULFLDQ6HH)LJ %HIRUHPDNLQJDQ\HOHFWULFDOFRQQHFWLRQVLQVXUHWKDWWKHYROWDJHOLVWHGRQWKHVSHFL¿FDWLRQ SODWHRQWKHHOHFWULFDOER[GRRUPDWFKWKRVHRI\RXUEXLOGLQJ 1RU¿HOGUHFRPPHQGVWKDW\RXKDYHPDLQGLVFRQQHFWVZLWFKHVRQHIRUHDFKLQSXWVRXUFH QHDUWKHPDFKLQH7KHVHVZLWFKHVDUHXVXDOO\ZDOOPRXQWHGLQDSRVLWLRQFRQYHQLHQWWRWKH RSHUDWRUIRUVDIHW\UHDVRQV THREE PHASE POWER L1 - L2 - L3 6,1*/(3+$6(32:(5 L4 - L5 - L6 ),*85( 8 1900 five There are two 5" connection points, one located on each end of the frame base. f clamp RING BLANK 2-1-4 Adjusting the Faceplate Router for Beveled or Square Edge Doors. The angle the router assembly machines at can be changed to match beveled or square edge doors by turning the handle located on top of the frame. Turn the handle counter-clockwise for beveled doors and clockwise square edge doors. 12 See note below: Note: If the mortiser assembly has stopped in a position that the scale is not visible, a “JOG” function has been incorporated into the CYCLE START button. By depressing the START button momentarily and quickly releasing it, the mortiser will move a short distance and rotate the crank arm. A test door should be placed in the machine when using the Jog function. 13 2-2-5 Adjusting the Door Stops. To properly locate the lock and faceplate mortises, the 8900 is equipped with two Door Stop assemblies, one located at each end of the machine. The top of the door is referenced against the right hand assembly to produce a “left hand” door, and conversely, the left stop assembly is used for “right hand” doors. Each stop assembly consists of two manually actuated stop dogs and an adjustable rod which determines the relationship between the lock mortise and the faceplate mortise. With the faceplate mortise stop set to zero on the scale, the distance between the stop dogs should match the center to center distance of the mortiser and faceplate router and will produce a symmetrical rout. By loosening the rear clamp handle and offsetting the faceplate router stop assembly, an asymmetrical rout may be machined if required. To position the stop assemblies, mark a door at the desired lock height and align the mark with the centerline of the mortiser assembly. Loosen the clamp handles securing the stop assembly to the stop bar and slide the entire assembly until the dog on the right contacts the top of the door. Tighten the clamp handles. Turn the door around in the machine and repeat for the other stop assembly. 8900 OPERATIONAL SEQUENCE Section 3 1. Before processing a door, ensure that the Mortiser and Faceplate Router Assemblies are set to machine the correct width, length, and depth, and the Faceplate Router is at the proper angle. Always depress the Emergency Stop Switch before checking or making any adjustments. Check that the Door Stop Assemblies are set to the correct lock height. 2. Release the Emergency Stop Switch and turn the Control Power Switch to the ON position. 3. Load a door into the machine and position it against the appropriate lock mortiser Door Stop. 4. Clamp the door using the Foot Pedal. 5. Depress the Cycle Start button to start the machining cycle. 6. After the lock mortising operation is complete and the mortiser has returned to its home position, unclamp the door. 7. Shift the door to the left and position it against the faceplate router Door Stop. 8. Clamp the door. 9. Grasp the Faceplate Router Knob and depress the button in the center of the knob to start the motor and plunge the router assembly. 10. Machine the faceplate rout by moving the knob left and right and back and forth until the mortise is complete. Depress the button to stop the motor. 11. Unclamp and remove the door. 15 4 4 16 4 4 17 4 18 5 5 5 6 6 6 15-174 DEWALT DW 616 ROUTER MOTOR 1 12-008 GATES 300L100 TIMING BELT 1 blank GENERAL SAFETY Read the Operator's Manual and learn to operate the machine safely. Be alert and observe all safety practices. This machine can be hazardous in the hands of an unfamiliar, untrained or complacent operator. DO NOT RISK INJURY Observe these safety rules at all times. 1. Disconnect all electrical power and air from the machine when adjusting, making repairs or cleaning. 2. Do not operate the machine without all guards and covers in place. 3. Maintain the machine for maximum safety and performance. Make DAILY inspections. 4. Never allow untrained operators to use the machine. 5. Turn all electrical power and air OFF when the machine is not in use or unattended. 6. Only qualified and trained personnel should make repairs. 7. Electrical connections and repairs should be made by a qualified electrician. 8. It is recommended that eye protection be worn while operating the machine. 9. It is recommended that hearing protection be worn while operating the machine. 3 :HDUHRQHRI\RXUEHVWDVVHWV 7RGD\DQGLQWKHIXWXUH :HDUHWDNLQJDFWLRQRQWKHZD\WKHSUHKXQJ GRRULQGXVWU\ZLOOEHPDQDJHG ♦ Customer service ♦ Technology ♦ Increased Productivity ♦ Enhanced flexibility ♦ Reduced pre-hung door unit cost 2XUSODQVIRUWKHIXWXUHFRQWLQXHWRIRFXVRQRQHEDVLFSULQFLSOHWKDW VXSSRUWVRXUPRUHWKDQ\HDUVRIOHDGHUVKLSLQWKLVLQGXVWU\ :HJHWWKHMREGRQHWKHZD\WKHFXVWRPHUZDQWVWKHMREGRQH Reliability, Products & People 5HDG\WRIDFHWKHQH[WFHQWXU\ZLWK\RX Toll-Free 800-824-6242 PO BOX 459 • Chico, CA 95927 • (530) 891-4214 • FAX: (530) 879-3141