Cool News 04-13-2012 - Epping School District
Cool News 04-13-2012 - Epping School District
Principal: Mr. Mark Vallone April 20, 2012 Dean of Students: Mrs. Erin Milbury Web Site: CALENDAR OF EVENTS. Principal’s Corner April 16th— 16th—20th – Spirit Week Monday-Hat day, Tuesday-Pajama Day, Wednesday-Wacky Hair Day, Thursday-Twin Day, & FridayTeam Day April 18th-Kindergarten 18th Screening, by appointment, @ EES Pre-School, there is NO SCHOOL for pre-school April 2323-27th– 27th– NO SCHOOL, SCHOOL Spring Vacation May 7th-PTO Meeting, 7:00 in 7th EES Artroom May 10th-5th to 6th Grade 10th Transition Parent info Night, 6:30 @ Epping Middle School A Very Spirited School This Week This was a fine week for Hats, Pajamas, Wacky Hair, Twins, Teams and Bracelets. There was a theme for every day and many, many of our students participated in these events. The National Honor Society pitched in by selling hand-woven bracelets to raise funds for charity. All in all, this was a very good week to swing into spring. . Author Ralph Fletcher to visit. Noted children’s author and New Hampshire resident Ralphy Fletcher will be at EES on May 24th to speak and demonstrate the craft of writing. His audience will be both students and teachers with talks to students during the school day and a teacher’s workshop after school. Fletcher is the author of Moving Day, Twilight Comes Twice, Hello Harvest Moon and Spider Boy. The school will host a pot luck luncheon for the author who will be signing copies of his books. Order forms for his books will go out the week we return from vacation. Please Have a Great Spring Vacation The time has come for a well deserved break for students and staff. Please enjoy the spring vacation and be back here on Monday, April 30. The office will be open Monday and Tuesday. Administrative Assistants Week Next Week. Do you realize how much the administrative assistants do for Epping Elementary School? If you ever spent some time in the main office you know that school Dervishes. To say they all are masters of multi-task is an understatement and the EES administrative assistants multi- task with a smile. I am ever so grateful for all that they do to keep this school running well. Thanks very much to administrative assistants Cheryl MacLeay, Karen Mongeon and to Michelle Trinceri, special education assistant and to Luetta Petrie and Anne Marie Peck who job-share the health office assistant position. EES & Community News Congratulations to the cast and crew of the Library's Story Explorers! This group of Kindergarten, first and second graders (and their big kid helpers) put on a wonderful production of Lisa Wheeler's “Ugly Pie” last Friday. Many thanks from Miss Tracie to the kids and their parents for all their hard work and support. The spring session of Story Explorers begins May 1st . The Spring Vacation Week Movie Series runs from April 23rd through the 27th in the children's room. Movies including one about puppets (with an 'M'), a rabbit with drumsticks, penguins in Antarctica, an adventurous small white dog and that boot-wearing cat will be shown in the afternoons at 1:00. Folks coming to the movie are asked to bring a snack to share and a spill-resistant drink. All children must be accompanied by an adult. The Thursday afternoon session of Preschool Storyhour will be canceled during vacation week. Check the website or stop by the library for the schedule. On Thursday, May 10th at 7 pm J. Dennis Robinson, author of “Strawberry Banke: A Seaport Museum 400 Years in the Making” delivers an interesting and informative program that will also be witty and entertaining. Hosted by the Friends of the Library, this program is made possible by a grant from the NH Humanities Council. Mother's Day is right around the corner and the May Pajama Night will celebrate Moms while giving Dads and kids a chance to make a special something for the deserving lady of the house. On Friday, May 11th children from 3 to 8 (and their grown-up chauffeurs) are invited to wear their pajamas to the library for crafts, stories and a scavenger hunt devoted to Mom. Pajama Night begins at 6:30. Participants are asked to bring a snack to share. Save the dates: The annual Spring Tea Party for children will be on Saturday, May 19th from 11 to 1 and the all-important Toy Sale to benefit the Summer Reading Program is scheduled for Saturday, June 23rd from 9 to noon. Donations of gently used toys, games, outdoor and sports equipment are already being collected. Clothing and stuffed animals will not be accepted. Keep the library in mind during spring cleaning! Epping’s public library is open Monday – Friday from 10 am to 8 pm and Saturday 10 to 2. For more information call 679-5944, or visit Reading Friends Book Club Readers in first and second grade are invited to join Miss Angela on Wednesday afternoons to practice reading aloud with peers. Snacks are provided and parents are required to remain in the building. Space will be limited to eight students so the kids feel comfortable, and preregistration is required. The next session starts Wednesday, May 2nd from 3:30 to 4:00 pm and will meet for seven weeks, ending June 13th. To register, please call 679-5944 and ask for the Children's Room. Girl Scouts Summer Camp 2012— 2012—Open to All Girls! Camp Seawood Portsmouth, NH Grades K-8 Sessions available between July 9-August 10 Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm before and after care is available for an additional fee. Day camp price range $190-$360 Bus stop at Epping American Legion Post 51, Sessions 2, 2A, 2B & 3A Open House Sunday, June 10, 2012 1:00-3:00pm For more information call 888-474-9686 or visit Financial aid available. Resident Camp Camp Chenoa, Antrim, NH—Camp Farnsworth, Thetford, VT Grades K-12 June 24-August 10 Resident camp price range: 4-day, $245-$260: $410-$550; 2-weeks, $710-$900 Serving New Hampshire and Vermont 888-474-9686 or KID’S KARAOKE With DJ Jeff Bradley SATURDAY, APRIL 21st. 6pm to 9pm Open to Epping Residents and Post 51 Legion Family Members for kids through 8th Grade At the American Legion in Epping, Rte. 125 Music, Games & Prizes Food & Refreshments— Refreshments—Adults $5/Kids are Free This event is not sponsored by the school. Epping Elementary School Student of the Week Week of April 1616-20, 2012 Grade 1 Grade 2 Mrs. BilodeauBilodeau-Olivia Gosselin Mrs. BlissBliss-MitchellMitchell-Dominic Spinelli Mrs. BoelterBoelter-Lucas Schleich Ms. CraneCrane-Jackson Knox Mrs. MahalarisMahalaris-James Le Mrs. DemersDemers-Abigail Houston Mrs. Pattee– Pattee– Allison Galante Mrs. GodboutGodbout-Skylar Fortin Mrs. SweitzerSweitzer-Christopher Sullivan Grade 3 Grade 4 Mrs. ButtButt-Tyler Melton Mrs. EckhardtEckhardt-Calle Bisaillon Mrs. DodgeDodge-Cassidy Pierce Mrs. HarrisHarris-Jacob Van Ambergh Mrs. RosselRossel-Alyssa Higginbottom Mrs. RobbleeRobblee-Hayley Pelletier Mrs. ThompsonThompson-Delaney Clough Grade 5 Mrs. BakerBaker-Ryan Johnson Mrs. FeldFeld-Darby Dwyer Mrs. TrueTrue-Lily O’Connell Mrs. YoungYoung-Devin Bobrinitz
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