DISDI Adaptation Design Document (29 August, 2012)
DISDI Adaptation Design Document (29 August, 2012)
Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure Program DISDI SDSFIE 3.0 Adaptation Design Document Prepared by: Geographic Information Services, Inc. 8/7/2012 Table of Contents SDSFIE Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 1 Conceptual Framework for the DISDI Adaptation ........................................................................................ 1 Feature Type List ...........................................................................................................................................2 Feature Types and Attributes .......................................................................................................................6 Enumerations ............................................................................................................................................131 Justifications..............................................................................................................................................251 SDSFIE Overview The Spatial Data Standards for Facilities, Infrastructure, and Environment (SDSFIE) is a standard developed by the Defense Installation Spatial Data Infrastructure (DISDI) Group and implemented across the Department of Defense (DoD) for management of their installations and environment (I&E) geospatial data. SDSFIE has evolved over time into a well-defined collection of geospatial feature types that map the essential business processes of the I&E community. The current version of SDSFIE (3.0) is designed to provide a core standard (SDSFIE 3.0 Gold) that can be profiled or extended based on the unique needs of the implementing organization. The process of profiling and extending SDSFIE is known as adaptation. The DISDI Group established a tiered or “top-down” approach to adapting SDSFIE in the “DoD Guidance for the Adaptation of SDSFIE 3.0 v1.0”. Adaptations are first created by headquarters-level organizations that belong to the DISDI Community of Interest (COI), for example Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Army Corps of Engineers. Each Component in the DISDI COI then develops its own implementation strategy. The implementation strategy and subsequent policy contains the specific process for developing further Adaptations building upon the Component’s approved Adaptation as a basis for modification. Conceptual Framework for the DISDI Adaptation The DISDI Adaptation of SDSFIE addresses the geospatial data requirements and business processes of the DISDI Program itself (in the form of the DISDI Common Installation Picture (DISDI CIP)), the DoD Explosive Safety Board (DDESB), the Sustainable Ranges Initiative (SRI), and the Defense Critical Infrastructure Program (DCIP). Each of these organizations has unique responsibilities and geospatial data requirements that serve all DoD Components and that are not necessarily covered by any one Component’s SDSFIE Adaptation. The DISDI Adaptation captures the principal geospatial data requirements for these organizations, which will position these organizations to fully implement SDSFIE 3.0. The complete requirements analysis is captured in a separate document titled “DISDI SDSFIE 3.0 Adaptation: Requirements Analysis”. This design document contains is divided into several sections. The first section lists all feature types that participate in the DISDI Adaptation. The second section contains a complete description of each feature type along with its associated geometries, attributes, data types, and enumeration assignments. The feature types listed in the first section are linked to the full feature type descriptions in the second section for easier navigation. The third section contains all details of each enumeration and its associated values that are used in the DISDI Adaptation. Finally, the fourth section contains lists of justifications for elements of the DISDI Adaptation that are extensions of SDSFIE 3.0 Gold elements. Except in the Justification section, DISDI Adaptation elements that are not part of SDSFIE 3.0 Gold have been printed in red type and italicized. 1 FeatureTypes AboveGroundStorageTank AccessControl AdministrativeBoundary AirAccidentZone AlternativeEnergy AmmunitionStorage ArrivalPoint Bridge Building ChannelLine ClosureStructure CommUtilityNode CommUtilitySegment Dam DocksAndWharfs DredgingEvent ElectricalUtilityNode ElectricalUtilitySegment ElevationContour EnvironmentalDischargePoint EnvironmentalRemediationSite EnvironmentalSampleLocation ExplosivesHandlingArea ExternalPropertyInterest Fence Fender FiringSite FloodControlEncroachment FloodControlProtectedLocation 2 Floodwall GasUtilityNode GasUtilitySegment GolfCourse Hulk ImpactArea Installation Inundation LandCover LandManagementZone LandmarkPoint LandParcel LandRepair LandUse Levee LeveeFailure Lock Marina MarineCable MarineCaution MilitaryDropZone MilitaryLandingZone MilitaryQuantityDistanceArc MilitaryRange MilitaryRangeEquipment MilitaryTrainingLocation MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned MilQuantityDistanceCombinedArc MooringStructure NavigationLandmark 3 PavementBranch PavementSection PollutionArea POLUtilityNode POLUtilitySegment PotentialEnvironmentalSite RadarEquipment RailroadFeature RailroadStation RailroadTurntable RailroadYard RailSegment RailTrack RecreationArea RiverineFlowStructure RoadArea RoadCenterline RoadPath RoadPointFeatureEvent RoadSeg Shoreline Site SpecialStatusSpecies SpeciesRange SpeciesSpecificHabitat SpotElevation StationLine StorageTankFarm Structure SupportStructure 4 SurveyJob TerrestrialEcologicalSystem ThermalUtilityNode ThermalUtilitySegment Tower TransportationRoute TransportationTunnel UnderGroundStorageTank UnderwaterObstacle UtilityFeature Vegetation VehicleParking VesselHoldingArea VesselRepairFacility WastewaterUtilityNode WastewaterUtilitySegment WatercourseLine WatercourseWithdrawal WaterUtilityNode WaterUtilitySegment Well WellField Wetland WrecksAndObstructions 5 AboveGroundStorageTank RequirementSources Definition: An above ground receptacle or chamber used for storing bulk commodities, fuels or chemicals. If 90% or more of the tank is located above the surface of the ground if must be considered an above ground tank. If the tank contains fuels and participates in a POL distribution network, consider also representing this tank as a POLUtilityNode. If the tank contains water and participates in a water distribution network, consider also representing this tank as a WaterUtilityNode. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName volumeUoM The unit of measure of volume. String(15) GSIP_VolumeUOM sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) volume The volume amount. Integer sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID aboveGroundStorageTankIDPK Primary Key. The unique identification number of an aboveground storage tank. Used to track individual item data records and to link to other data records. Begin with envast (e.g., envast2). String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) storageTankProduct Category of product String(20) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) StorageTankProductType DataSourceOrgName 6 AccessControl RequirementSources Definition: A structure (manned or unmanned) intended to control access to an area. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point, Line, Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) accessControlIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the AccessControl feature type. String(20) controlType The type of access control. String(12) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v3.0, extracted 4/2009. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName AccessControlTypeCode DataSourceOrgName 7 AdministrativeBoundary RequirementSources Definition: A limit or border of a geographic area under the jurisdiction/control/influence of some governmental or managerial entity. Not a DoD real property boundary. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName administrativeBoundaryIDPK The unique identifier for each AdministrativeBoundary feature. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) 8 AirAccidentZone RequirementSources Definition: Areas at the end of runways or beneath approach and departure flight paths where there is a higher potential for aircraft accidents. These areas include clear zones, and accident potential zones (APZ) I and II. Clear zones are areas immediately beyond the end of the runways with a high potential for accidents. These areas are traditionally acquired by the Government in fee and kept clear of obstructions to flight. All of these zones are used in the analysis of land use compatibility with surrounding communities. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID safetyZoneType A descriptor for the type of safety area defined. String(15) apzCategory The defined Accident Potential Zone (APZ) category for the zone. Integer surfaceCover A description of the surface cover of the land beneath the zone. String(30) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) airAccidentZoneIDPK Primary Key. A unique operator generated identifier of an airspace zone. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) managementAgency The agency assigned to manage and designate the airspace zone. String(30) EnumerationName SafetyZone DataSourceOrgName 9 AlternativeEnergy RequirementSources Definition: Locations used for the production of alternative energy sources, such as wind turbines, photovoltaic, etc. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point, Area Justification: Required for management purposes to track areas used for the production of alternative energy sources. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) AlternativeEnergyIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the AlternativeEnergy feature type. String(20) alternativeEnergyType The type of asset represented by this section. String(16) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName AlternativeEnergyType 10 AmmunitionStorage RequirementSources Definition: An area specifically designated and set aside from other portions of an installation for the development, manufacture, testing, maintenance, storage, or handling of ammunition and explosives (A&E). DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType ammunitionStorageIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) groundStatus The status of the ground level of the storage area (underground vs. above‐ ground). String(12) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID facilityNumber A locally developed asset identification String(10) that is normally visible, either painted or by signage on the exterior of a real property facility, used for visual identification of the facility. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(20) EnumerationName GroundStorageStatus DataSourceOrgName String(MAX) 11 ArrivalPoint RequirementSources Definition: A designated location where boats or tows wait to receive clearance to enter a lock chamber or basin. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point, Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) arrivalPointIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) frequency The radio frequency to use at the arrival String(10) point, if a radio is the expected means of communication. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) telephone The telephone numnber to dial to at the arrival point, if a telephone is the expected means of communication. String(10) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 12 Bridge RequirementSources Definition: A structure used by vehicles that allows passage over or under an obstacle such as a river, chasm, mountain, road or railroad. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID lowChordElevation The height of the lowest point of the Decimal bridge causing ineffective flow. This elevation is that which causes the flow of water under the bridge to change from low flow to high (or pressure) flow. The vertical datum must be specified in the metadata. bridgeType An enumeration defining the type of bridge. String(18) bridgeIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the Bridge feature type. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) verticalClearanceClosed The height of the bridge opening (when closed) in the navigation channel. Decimal dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName verticalClearanceClosedUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM referenceElevationVertDatum The vertical datum used for the reference elevation value. String(7) VerticalDatumType verticalClearanceOpen The height of the bridge opening (when open) in the navigation channel. Decimal referenceElevation The elevation to which the vertical clearance attributes relate. Decimal verticalClearanceOpenUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) isFixed Indicates whether or not the bridge can be opened for navigation (or other purposes). String(1) EnumerationName BridgeType GSIP_LengthUOM 13 topWidth The width of the bridge at its upper free surface (typically the roadbed). Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) referenceElevationUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM lowChordElevationUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM horizontalClearanceUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM horizontalClearance The width of the bridge opening in the navigation channel. Decimal referenceElevationDescription The description of the reference elevation. This attribute should be used to define what the refernece elevation refers to in the physical world, such as top of water surface at mean flow. String(MAX) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. 14 Building RequirementSources Definition: A roofed, floored and walled structure that is completely enclosed. Source: RPIM, v2.0, extracted 4/1/2008. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType buildingIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the Building feature type. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 15 ChannelLine RequirementSources Definition: Lines representing a maintained channel. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) depthUOM The unit of measure for the depth. String(16) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID waterDepth The nominal value of the depth of water range based on the associated unit of measure. Decimal channelLineType An enumeration of the kind or type of the channel line. String(19) hydroCode Permanent unique public identifer for the feature (e.g., USGS code or similar). String(30) isAuthorized Does this line represent the physical dimensions of a waterway channel authorized in the enabling legislation for a river and harbor navigation project. String(1) channelLineIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the ChannelLine feature type. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName GSIP_LengthUOM ChannelLineType DataSourceOrgName 16 ClosureStructure RequirementSources Definition: The means to close a vehicular, railroad, pedestrian or other opening in the flood control system. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType closureStructureIDPK Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(20) fcSegmentID Foreign Key link to the FC_SEGMENT table. Used to link the record to associated FC_SEGMENT table. Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) levelStation Stationing in feet along the levee. (120+00) String(20) closureStructureComments A description or other unique information concerning the subject item such as: as‐built gate details, cross sections, plans and details. String(255) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) closureType The type of closure. String(16) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) closureUse Accessing use of the closure; i.e. purpose String(50) for vehicles, individuals, etc. closureWidth The overall width of the closure in feet. Decimal verticalAccuracy Value represents vertical accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal closureHeight The height of the closure structure in feet. Decimal horizontalAccuracy Value represents horizontal accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal riverMile River mile marker. Decimal sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName ClosureType 17 dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName 18 CommUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a communications network, particularly an asset that participates in the transmission of a signal but that is not a cable. For example, an amplifier, antenna, or splitter. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. commUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each CommUtilityNode feature. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName commNodeType The type of communications network node that this feature represents. String(20) CommNodeType EnumerationName UtilityOperationalStatus 19 CommUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a communications network, particularly a cable for the transmission of a signal. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) commUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each CommUtilitySegment feature. String(20) commSegmentType The type of communications network segment that this feature represents. String(15) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName UtilityOperationalStatus CommSegmentType 20 Dam RequirementSources Definition: Barrier across flowing water that obstructs, directs or retards the flow, often creating a reservoir, lake or impoundment. Most dams have a section called a spillway, over which or through water will flow. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType watercourseName The name of the water body in which dam was constructed. String(30) damIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID cwmsLocationID An external identifier that is a foreign key into CWMS. String(30) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) natureOfConstruction An enumeration of the kind or nature of the construction of the feature. String(8) impoundmentName The name of the impoundment resulting String(30) from construction of the dam. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) nidID An external identifier that is a foreign key into National Inventory of Dams database. Integer EnumerationName ConstructionMaterialType DataSourceOrgName 21 DocksAndWharfs RequirementSources Definition: A manmade water‐land interface structure often for access to boats or ships. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition accessType An enumeration of types of access to the String(10) dock. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) purposeType An enumeration of purposes for the dock. String(8) docksAndWharfsIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the DocksAndWharfs feature type. String(20) natureOfConstruction An enumeration of the kind or nature of the construction of the feature. String(8) ConstructionMaterialType typeOfDock An enumeration of the kind or type of the dock. String(16) TypeOfDock dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) DataType EnumerationName DockAccessType DockPurposeType 22 DredgingEvent RequirementSources Definition: The activities associated with the removal, transport, placement, and/or disposal of material of a specific navigation project associated with a specific period of time. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName unitOfMeasureDepth The unit of measure for the maintenance depth above. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM eventDepth The average depth in feet of the dredged Integer cut. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) eventType The type of dredging event. String(10) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dredgingEventIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) EnumerationName DredgingEventType 23 ElectricalUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of an electrical distribution network, particularly an asset that participates in the transmission of electricity but that is not a line. For example, a transformer, fuse, generator, meter, or switch. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) electricalNodeType The type of electrical network node that this feature represents. String(24) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) electricalUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each ElectricalUtilityNode feature. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataType EnumerationName ElectricalNodeType UtilityOperationalStatus DataSourceOrgName 24 ElectricalUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of an electrical distribution network, particularly a line for the transmission of electricity. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) electricalUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each ElectricalUtilitySegment feature. String(20) electricalSegmentType The type of electrical network segment that this feature represents. String(18) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName UtilityOperationalStatus ElectricalSegmentType DataSourceOrgName 25 ElevationContour RequirementSources Definition: A line of constant value indicating elevation relative to some reference system and unit of measure. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType elevationContourIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) elevContourType The type of the contour line. String(13) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) contourElevation The elevation of the contour line. Decimal sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID elevationUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName ElevationContourType GSIP_LengthUOM DataSourceOrgName 26 EnvironmentalDischargePoint RequirementSources Definition: A specific location of an intentional discharge into the environment. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition isPermitted Does this source currently have a permit? String(1) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) environmentalDischargeIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier number of a specific location where air emissions or air pollution originates. Begin with airasp (e.g., airasp2 for air emission source point no. 2) String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataType EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 27 EnvironmentalRemediationSite RequirementSources Definition: A geographic area where a Defense Environmental Restoration Program or Compliance Clean‐up study or project is underway. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) envRemediationSiteIDPK The unique identification number of an String(20) environmental restoration site. Used to track individual item data records and to link to other data records. Recommend beginning with ehsitirp, followed by the predefined irp number. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 28 EnvironmentalSampleLocation RequirementSources Definition: The physical location at which samples are collected for the purpose of supporting environmental restoration or compliance. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) environmentalSampleIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for field sample collection location. Begin with sam_pt (e.g., sam_pt1). Once assigned, a location identifier must be consistent from one sampling occurrence to another. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 29 ExplosivesHandlingArea RequirementSources Definition: Explosives handing/storage areas where the boundary does not follow the boundaries of existing features and are not classified as real property assets. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: There are designated explosives handling and loading/unloading areas on piers, rail yards, airfields, parking areas, and possibly truck loading docks for ammunition/explosives. These areas usually outline the area where ammunition/explosives will be loaded on and off of ships, rail cars, and truck loading docks or temporary handling/storage but do not follow the existing boundaries of facility features. For example, polygons representing loading/unloading of explosives on and off ships overlay a portion of the pier and the cargo area of the ship. These polygons are required for designating explosives handling areas and ESQD arcs are generated off of these areas. AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName OperationalStatus Defines the operation status of the feature. String(17) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) ExplosivesHandlingAreaIDPK The unique identifier for each Explosives String(20) Handling Area sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) 30 ExternalPropertyInterest RequirementSources Definition: DoD interests in land held by non‐DoD (external) entities. Typically used for civil works projects, mitigation, or prevention of encroachment purposes. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName externalPropertyInterestIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) interestType Discriminator ‐ Property interest type. String(15) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) ExternalInterestType 31 Fence RequirementSources Definition: A freestanding structure designed to restrict or prevent movement across a boundary. It is generally distinguished from a wall by the solidity of construction: a wall is usually restricted to such barriers made from solid brick or concrete. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) fenceIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) fenceUse Code indicating what purpose the fence serves. String(15) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName FenceUseType 32 Fender RequirementSources Definition: A floating structure, normally fixed in place and constructed of wood, which is designed to protect vessels from impacting other features. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType fenderIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 33 FiringSite RequirementSources Definition: Locations used for the firing of weapon systems. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition firingSiteIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined String(20) identifier for each record or instance of a firing point. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) firingSiteType Discriminator. The type of firing point at the range. String(21) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID isStationary Is the firing line stationary or moving. String(1) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Operational status of the item. String(17) RangeOperationalStatus dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName DataType EnumerationName FiringSiteType 34 FloodControlEncroachment RequirementSources Definition: The location of structures or modifications to the flood control segment that are both approved and unapproved by the levee owner. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) comments A description or other unique information concerning the subject item. String(255) resolutionDate Resolution Date. Date leveeStation Stationing in feet along the levee. (120+00). String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) verticalAccuracy Value represents vertical accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) reportedDate Date encroachment was reported. Date floodControlEncroachmentIDP Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(30) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID fcSegmentID Foreign Key link to the FC_SEGMENT table. Used to link the record to associated FC_SEGMENT table. Decimal sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) isPermitted Value expressing if there is a permit? String(3) horizontalAccuracy Value represents horizontal accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 35 FloodControlProtectedLocation RequirementSources Definition: The areas protected landside of a levee, floodwall, or channel. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType floodControlProtectedIDPK Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(20) propertyValue The number which represents the property value that was protected by the area. Integer verticalAccuracy Value represents vertical accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal populationProtected The number of people that were protected by the area. Integer comments A description or other unique information concerning the subject item. String(255) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) hasFloodWarningSystem Is there a flood warning system? Y or N String(3) protectedAcres The number of planned evacuation routes for leaving an area. Integer minProtectedLevel Percent annual chance of flood event (e.g. 1% Annual Chance). Derived from the minimum level of protection from a single segment in the system. String(20) structuresSource A reference to the source data that structures data was derived from. String(50) populationSource A reference to the source data that population protected was derived from. String(50) propertyValueSource A reference to the source data that property value data was derived from. String(50) protectedAreaSource Source data for creating the protected area polygon. String(255) EnumerationName 36 egressNumber The number of locations for leaving an area. Integer sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID fcSegmentID Foreign Key link to the FC_SEGMENT table. Used to link the record to associated FC_SEGMENT table. Decimal dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) leveeStation Stationing in feet along the levee. (120+00). String(20) numberOfStructures The number of structures that were protected by the area. Integer horizontalAccuracy Value represents horizontal accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal DataSourceOrgName 37 Floodwall RequirementSources Definition: A structure erected to protect areas from high river stages. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName elevationTopUOM The unit of measure associated with the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM banksideCode A value for the side of the channel bank when facing downstream. String(15) BanksideCode riverBasin Name of the river basin that the segment is providing protection from. String(100) horizontalAccuracy Value represents horizontal accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal unitOfMeasureElevation The unit of measure for elevation values. String(16) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) wallType A value indicating the type or kind of floodwall. String(5) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) floodwallComments A description or other unique information concerning the subject item such as: any as‐built structural details. String(255) gageCode The commonly used identification number for the controlling gage. This should match what is in the COE CWMS Water Management Database. String(190) upRiverMile The relative mile marker at the up river end of the floodwall. Decimal floodwallength The length of the floodwall in miles. Decimal wallDepth The average depth of the floodwall in feet as measured from the protected side ground surface. Decimal elevationTop The elevation at the top of the floodwall. Decimal GSIP_LengthUOM FloodWallType 38 verticalAccuracy Value represents vertical accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal coordinateCaptureMethod Description of the method used to capture cross section information. String(31) wallWidth The width of the top of the floodwall in feet. Decimal foundationWidth The maximum width of the foundation in feet. Decimal sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) fcSegmentID Foreign Key link to the FC_SEGMENT table. Used to link the record to associated FC_SEGMENT table. Decimal sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID downRiverMile The relative mile marker at the down river end of the feature. Decimal floodSource Name of the waterbody that the segment is providing protection from. (Ex. Arkansas River, Lake Ponchatrain, etc). String(75) wallHeight The average height of the floodwall in feet as measured from the protected side ground surface. Decimal primaryMaterial The primary material used in the construction of the floodwall. String(16) floodwallIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) cutoffType The type of cutoff used to prevent seepage under the feature. String(11) CutoffType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName CoordinateCaptureMethod StructureMaterial 39 GasUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a gas distribution network, particularly an asset that participates in the transmission of some heat or installation gas product but that is not a pipeline. For example, a pump, valve or fitting. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) UtilityOperationalStatus dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName gasUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each GasUtilityNode feature. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) gasNodeType The type of gas network node that this feature represents. String(25) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. EnumerationName GasNodeType 40 GasUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a gas distribution network, particularly a pipeline for the transmission of some heat or installation gas product. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName gasSegmentType The type of gas network segment that this feature represents. String(12) GasSegmentType gasUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each GasUtilitySegment feature. String(20) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) UtilityOperationalStatus DataSourceOrgName 41 GolfCourse RequirementSources Definition: An outgranted location used for playing golf. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName outgrantIdentifier A unique identifier used to permanently and uniquely identify an outgrant agreement. Integer sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) golfCourseIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) 42 Hulk RequirementSources Definition: Refers to any permanently moored floating structure between the two waterlines that commonly has numerous people aboard. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) isHistoric Is the hulk have historic interest? String(1) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) isGaming Is the hulk have gaming interest? String(1) hulkIDPK Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 43 ImpactArea RequirementSources Definition: Areas having designated boundaries within the limits of which ordnance will detonate or impact. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID siteUsage Training, RDTE, Training RDTE. String(15) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) impactAreaIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an impact area. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) isDudded Dudded, Non‐dudded. String(1) operationalStatus operational Status. String(17) SiteUsage RangeOperationalStatus 44 Installation RequirementSources Definition: A single site or a grouping of two or more sites for real property inventory reporting. This can include a Base, camp, post, station, yard, center, homeport facility for any ship, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the DoD, including leased facilities or sites at which the Department of Defense is conducting environmental restoration activities, for real property purposes. Installations represent management organizations with a mission. This term does not include any facility used primarily for civil works, river and harbor projects, flood control projects, or contingency operations. (Source: Real Property Inventory Requirements, Jan 05). DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dateRecorded The date on which the composition of the final installation polygon was extracted from the RPI. Date installationIDPK The unique identifier for each Installation feature. String(20) 45 Inundation RequirementSources Definition: An accumulation of water that is the result of an inundation event, real or modeled. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) isActual Is the area the result of an actual event? If false, it assumed to be a modeled result. String(1) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) hydroCode Permanent unique public identifer for the feature (e.g., USGS code or similar). String(30) eventDate the date of the event (actual or modeled). Date inundationEvent discriminates the type of inundation event. String(14) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) inundationIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the Inundation feature type. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName InundationEventType DataSourceOrgName 46 LandCover RequirementSources Definition: The observed physical and biological cover of the land as vegetation or man‐made features. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) landCoverIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) landCoverType The type of land cover area. String(4) LandCoverType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName 47 LandManagementZone RequirementSources Definition: Feature used to divide a land area up into management zones. This can be used to define service areas, architectural style zones, or just some arbitrary division of the land. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) managementZone The type of management zone. String(30) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) landManagementZoneIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 48 LandmarkPoint RequirementSources Definition: A position identifying a landmark location. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) landmarkPointIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the LandmarkPoint feature type. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 49 LandParcel RequirementSources Definition: A parcel is a specific area of land that is under the command or control of a Military Service or the Washington Headquarters Service (WHS). A parcel is created by a transaction whereby a Military Service or the WHS acquires any interest in land, and the interest so acquired is evidenced by a legal instrument. Source: RPIM, v2.0, extracted 4/1/2008. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID landParcelIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the LandParcel feature type. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) DataType EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 50 LandRepair RequirementSources Definition: Location where a repair to the land is required. Levee inspectors should utilize the LeveeInspectionFeature and the Levee Inspection System to manage their data with respect to levee problems. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType discoveryDate Date the feature was discovered. Date sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) problemType An indicator of the type of problem. String(26) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) source The source of the problem report. String(80) repairDate The date the repair was accomplished. Date sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) landRepairIDPK Primary Key. The unique identifier for each land repiar feature. String(20) EnumerationName ProblemType DataSourceOrgName 51 LandUse RequirementSources Definition: The way land or water is developed and used in terms of the types of activities allowed (i.e., airfields, farming, buildings, forest, hunting, recreational, etc.). DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType grantAreaSize Land grant area in acres. Decimal grantName The land grant or claim name. String(30) landUseIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dateCollected The year the data was collected. Integer landStatus A categorization of the use of land and water. String(9) planDurationInYears Expected duration of land use plan in years. Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) useType The type of land use area. String(16) LandUse dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName classification The classification of the land use area String(2) LandClass sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName LandUseStatus 52 Levee RequirementSources Definition: A natural or artificial embankment or dyke, usually earthen, which is used for controlling the waters of the sea, river, or other water bodies. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType downRiverMile The relative mile marker at the down river end of the feature. Decimal slopeWaterside The waterside slope ratio of the levee (ex. 3:1). String(10) gageOwner The name of the owner for the controlling gage. String(50) primaryMaterial The primary material used in the construction of the levee. String(16) StructureMaterial cutoffType The type of cutoff used to prevent seepage under the feature. String(11) CutoffType banksideCode A value for the side of the channel bank when facing downstream. String(15) BanksideCode riverBasin Name of the river basin that the segment is providing protection from. String(100) horizontalAccuracy Value represents horizontal accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) verticalAccuracy Value represents vertical accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal leveeIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) fcSegmentID Foreign Key link to the FC_SEGMENT table. Used to link the record to associated FC_SEGMENT table. Decimal gageCode The commonly used identification number for the controlling gage. This should match what is in the COE CWMS Water Management Database. String(190) EnumerationName 53 sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) slopLandside The landside slope ratio of the levee (ex. String(10) 3:1) crestWidth The average width in feet of the top of the levee used for flood fighting or access. Decimal coordinateCaptureMethod Description of the method used to capture cross section information. String(31) leveeComments A description or other unique information concerning the subject item such as: as‐built centerline profile and plan views. String(255) leveeLength The length of the levee in miles. Decimal upRiverMile The relative marker at the up river end of the levee. Decimal floodSource Name of the waterbody that the segment is providing protection from. (Ex. Arkansas River, Lake Ponchatrain, etc). String(75) leveeType A value indicating the type or kind of levee. String(9) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) crestAccess A description of the available access points to the crest of the levee. String(255) CoordinateCaptureMethod LeveeType DataSourceOrgName 54 LeveeFailure RequirementSources Definition: A levee section that has been eroded, breached, or failed by flood waters. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) failureDepth The depth to which the levee was eroded (feet). Decimal leveeStation Stationing in feet along the levee. (120+00). String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID fcSegmentID Foreign Key link to the FC_SEGMENT table. Used to link the record to associated FC_SEGMENT table. Decimal onFaultline Was the failure on a fault line? (Y or N) String(3) riverMile River mile marker. Decimal failureType The type of failure. String(22) horizontalAccuracy Value represents horizontal accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal failureDate The date of the failure. Date failureLength The overall length of the failure in feet. Decimal leveeFailureIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) repairDate The date the levee failure was repaired. Date comments A description or other unique information concerning the subject item. String(255) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName FailureType DataSourceOrgName 55 verticalAccuracy Value represents vertical accuracy in feet at the 95% confidence level in accordance with the NSSDA Standard. Decimal 56 Lock RequirementSources Definition: An enclosure consisting of a section of canal that can be closed to control the water level; used to raise or lower vessels that pass through it. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType lockIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName lockComponent An enumeration of the component of the lock that this feature represents. String(9) LockComponentType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) natureOfConstruction An enumeration of the kind or nature of the construction of the feature. String(8) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName ConstructionMaterialType 57 Marina RequirementSources Definition: Any facility or area for the exchange of people or materials from land to water such as a port, harbor, marina, launch area or small craft facility. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName ownership An enumeration of the owners and restrictions on the marina. String(17) Ownership sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID minimumUsableStage The water surface elevation at which the Decimal marina becomes unusable. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) minimumUsableStageUOM The unit of measure assoicated with the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM marinaType An enumeration of the kind or type of the marina. String(10) MarinaType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. marinaIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the Marina feature type. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) categoryOfCraftFacility An enumeration of the kind of type of craft retained in the marina. String(31) CategoryOfCraftFacility dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName 58 MarineCable RequirementSources Definition: Cable lines along a water route that are noted for navigation purposes. For example, telephone, telegraph, and communications cables. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition marineCableElev The clearance in feet between the Decimal lowest point under the cable line and the waters surface. marineCableIDPK Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) cableType Category of marine cable String(17) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) DataType EnumerationName MarineCableType DataSourceOrgName 59 MarineCaution RequirementSources Definition: An area of marine navigation representing a danger, rule, note, or advice not specifically identified with another object or feature. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName restriction Restriction. String(38) Restriction marineCautionIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID cautionType The Caution Type. String(25) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) CautionType 60 MilitaryDropZone RequirementSources Definition: A cleared area for personnel or equipment to land following a parachute jump or drop from an aircraft. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) operationalStatus Operational status of the item. String(17) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) militaryDropZoneIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) RangeOperationalStatus 61 MilitaryLandingZone RequirementSources Definition: Unimproved locations where aircraft (typically helicopters) can land to pickup or offload troops and cargo. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) militaryLandingZoneIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID operationalStatus Operational status of the item. String(17) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName RangeOperationalStatus DataSourceOrgName 62 MilitaryQuantityDistanceArc RequirementSources Definition: The protection requirements from potential explosive sites (PES) to different kinds of exposed sites (ES). DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName distanceUoM The unit of measure for the arc distance. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName distance The calculated distance of the arc from the Potential Explosive Site permimeter. Decimal facilityNumber A locally developed asset identification String(10) that is normally visible, either painted or by signage on the exterior of a real property facility, used for visual identification of the facility. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID ArcID ESS v6.1 software will generate a unique String(80) value for ArcID. This will be a unique identifier for each individual arc and can be linked to external tabular ESQD arc business data generated by the ESS software. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) militaryQuantDistanceArcIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) rpuid real property system unique identifier for facility property item. String(50) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) 63 MilitaryRange RequirementSources Definition: A designated land or water area set aside, managed and used to conduct research on, develop, test, and evaluate military munitions and explosives, other ordnance, or weapon systems, or to train military personnel in their use and handling; this does not include airspace. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) militaryRangeIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) operationalStatus The status of the range. String(17) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName RangeOperationalStatus 64 MilitaryRangeEquipment RequirementSources Definition: The location of equipment used for military training or testing; to include stand alone scoring systems, but not to include targets or target systems. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName operationalStatus Operational status of the item. String(17) RangeOperationalStatus sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) militaryRangeEquipmentIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) rangeEquipmentType Range Equipment Type. String(13) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) RangeEquipmentType DataSourceOrgName 65 MilitaryTrainingLocation RequirementSources Definition: A location where military training can be conducted which is not consdered a Military Range and can be scheduled by military training units. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName siteType Type of the site. String(38) TrainingSiteType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) militaryTrainingLocationIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) operationalStatus Operational status of the item. String(17) DataSourceOrgName RangeOperationalStatus 66 MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned RequirementSources Definition: Planning Explosives Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) arcs that represent the protection requirements from potential explosive sites (PES) to different kinds of exposed sites (ES). DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: Planning Explosives Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) arcs that represent the protection requirements from potential explosive sites (PES) to different kinds of exposed sites (ES). AttributeName Definition DataType rpuid Real property system unique identifier for facility property item String(50) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) milQuantDistanceArcPlannedI The unique identifier for each instance of the feature type String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) ArcID ESS v6.1 software will generate a unique String(80) value for ArcID. This will be a unique identifier for each individual arc and can be linked to external tabular ESQD arc business data generated by the ESS software. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) distance The calculated distance of the arc from the Potential Explosive Site Perimeter Real distanceUoM The unit of measure for the arc distance String(16) facilityNumber A locally developed asset identification String(10) that is normally visible, either painted or by signage on the exterior of a real property facility, used for visual identification of the facility EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 67 MilQuantityDistanceCombinedArc RequirementSources Definition: The combination of areas representing the protection requirements from potential explosive sites (PES) to different kinds of exposed sites (ES); a union of quantity distance arcs. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition ArcID ESS v6.1 software will generate a unique String(80) value for ArcID. This will be a unique identifier for each individual arc and can be linked to external tabular ESQD arc business data generated by the ESS software. distance The calculated distance of the arc from the Potential Explosive Site permimeter. Decimal sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID arcType type of the ESQD arc. String(17) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) militaryQuantDistCombArcIDP The unique identifier for each instance of the MilitaryQuantityDistanceCombinedArc feature type. String(20) distanceUoM The unit of measure for the arc distance. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName DataType EnumerationName QuantityDistanceArcType 68 MooringStructure RequirementSources Definition: A structure for the mooring of vessels. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID natureOfConstruction An enumeration of the kind or nature of the construction of the feature. String(8) mooringStructureIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the MooringStructure feature type. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) waterElevationCode An enumeration of the submergence category of the mooring structure. String(29) WaterElevationCode dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. mooringCategory An enumeration of the kind or type of the mooring structure. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName ConstructionMaterialType MooringCategory 69 NavigationLandmark RequirementSources Definition: A geographic or man‐made feature such as a monument, building, or other structure that is used for the development of position bearings. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) navigationLandmarkIDPK Primary Key. The unique identification number of features that serves as a navigation landmarks. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) 70 PavementBranch RequirementSources Definition: A pavement branch is a readily identifiable (named) element of a pavement network and is equivalent to a real property inventory linear structure asset (meaning that it carries a RPUID). Examples include, a roadway (H Street), a parking lot (Building 432. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. pavementBranchIDPK The unique identifier for each PavementBranch feature. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) pavementBranchType The type of asset represented by this branch. String(12) PavementBranchType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName DataType EnumerationName UtilityOperationalStatus 71 PavementSection RequirementSources Definition: A pavement section is a portion of a pavement branch that differs in some aspect from other sections such that further segmentation is required to uniquely identify that section. For example, if the only difference in a road is the pavement material type – concrete for part of the road and asphalt for the remainder of the road – that road branch has two sections. Common names should be stored in sdsFeatureName. Policy‐driven names (such as the airfield element naming in guidance from the Real Property Networking and Linear Segmentation Working Group) should be stored in sectionName. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) pavementSectionType The type of asset represented by this section String(16) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) pavementSectionIDPK The unique identifier for each PavementSection feature. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName PavementSectionType UtilityOperationalStatus DataSourceOrgName 72 PollutionArea RequirementSources Definition: An area depicting pollutant concentration boundaries. This would include operable unit boundaries, plumes, concentration boundaries in all media, and other environmental waste areas. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) contaminantType Classification of the pollutant. String(21) pollutAreaIDPK Primary Key. The unique identification number of a groundwater pollution plume. Used to track individual item data records and to link to other data records. Begin with ehgwtplu (e.g., ehgwtplu2). String(20) matrixType Type of the polluted matrix (e.g., air, groundwater, soil)._ String(13) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName ContaminantType MatrixType 73 POLUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a POL distribution network, particularly an asset that participates in the transmission of some POL product but that is not a pipeline. For example, a pump, valve or fitting. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) polNodeType The type of POL network node that this feature represents. String(16) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. pOLUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each POLUtilityNode feature. String(20) networkSubType The subtype of POL network in which this feature participates. String(16) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName POLNodeType UtilityOperationalStatus POLNetworkSubType DataSourceOrgName 74 POLUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a POL distribution network, particularly a pipeline for the transmission of some POL product. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) polSegmentType The type of POL network segment that this feature represents. String(22) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) networkSubType The subtype of POL network in which this feature participates. String(16) pOLUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each POLUtilitySegment feature. String(20) DataType EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName UtilityOperationalStatus POLSegmentType POLNetworkSubType 75 PotentialEnvironmentalSite RequirementSources Definition: An area that is suspected to possess environmental DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) potentialEnvironmentalSiteIDP Primary Key. The unique identification String(20) number of an area of concern. Used to track individual item data records and to link to other data records. Begin with ehsitaoc (e.g., ehsitaoc2). sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 76 RadarEquipment RequirementSources Definition: The location of equipment used for determining the presence and position of an object by measure the direction and timing of electromagnetic waves. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID modelNumber The Model, Product, Catalog, or Item Number of subject item. String(16) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) manufacturer The name of the manufacturer. String(30) powerUOM The unit of measure of power. String(23) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) powerEmitted The amount of power the radar emits. Decimal serialNumber The manufacturers serial, or unique identification number of the subject item. String(16) radarEquipmentIDPK Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) operatingSpectrum The operating spectrum of the radar. String(3) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName GSIP_PowerUOM FrequencyRange 77 RailroadFeature RequirementSources Definition: A feature associated with a railroad such as signals and switches. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID naicsCode North American Industry Classification System. Integer dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) featureLocation A brief description of the location of the feature relative to the rail segment; i.e. at crossing. String(25) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) railroadFeatureIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) featureType Discriminator. The type of railroad feature. String(6) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName RailroadFeatureType 78 RailroadStation RequirementSources Definition: A designated location where a train will stop to pick up or discharge passengers or cargo. Any buildings or loading platforms are separate features. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType railroadStationIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) isManned A Boolean indicating whether the station String(1) is normally manned. stationStatus Discriminator ‐ The current use status of the Railroad Station. String(9) stationUse The primary purpose or use of the station. String(32) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID railroadName The name of the organization, agency, or String(32) company operating the railroad using the station; i.e. AMTRAK, UNION PACIFIC, etc. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName StationStatus String(80) 79 RailroadTurntable RequirementSources Definition: A revolvable platform with a track for turning wheeled vehicles. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) railroadTurntableIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 80 RailroadYard RequirementSources Definition: An area containing a system of tracks for storage and maintenance of cars and the making‐up of trains. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) railroadYardIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID numberOfTracks Indicates the number of tracks within the yard. Integer EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 81 RailSegment RequirementSources Definition: A segment is a subdivision of a track into smaller units according to business rules in Department of Defense Guide for Segmenting Types of Linear Structures. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType railSegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each RailSegment feature. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName UtilityOperationalStatus DataSourceOrgName 82 RailTrack RequirementSources Definition: A track is the main designation for describing a physical linear portion of the network. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) networkSubType The subtype of railroad network in which String(13) this feature participates. RailNetworkSubType railConstructionType The track construction type. String(15) RailConstructionType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID railTrackIDPK The unique identifier for each RailTrack feature. String(20) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName UtilityOperationalStatus 83 RecreationArea RequirementSources Definition: An area defined for recreational purposes. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) recreationAreaIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the RecreationArea feature type. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v3.0, extracted 4/2009. areaType An enumeration indicating the primary recreational usage of the area. String(22) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName RecreationAreaType DataSourceOrgName 84 RiverineFlowStructure RequirementSources Definition: A natural or man‐made flow (or sediment) control structure in a water course or water body such as a dike or weir. This feature should not be used to model a levee. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) riverineFlowStructureIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the RiverineFlowStructure feature type. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) flowStructureType An enumeration of the kind or type of flow structure. String(24) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID natureOfConstruction An enumeration of the kind or nature of the construction of the feature. String(8) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) waterElevationCode An enumeration of the submergence category of the flow structure. String(29) DataType EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName FlowStructureType ConstructionMaterialType WaterElevationCode 85 RoadArea RequirementSources Definition: A non‐Gold Road feature explicitly included to provide a translation mechanism for the road_area feature from prior SDSFIE Releases. A portion of a road with similar characteristics such as the number of lanes or surface type. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: Provides a temporary location for storage of roads data equivalent to road_area in SDSFIE 2.6 until linear segmentation can be fully implemented. AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) RoadAreaIDPK The unique identifier for each RoadArea feature. String(20) basePrefix The directional prefix associated with String(10) the road name, if any, derived from the Pre_Dir attribute in prior SDSFIE releases. baseSuffix The road type and any other name suffix String(10) for the road derived from the Suffix attribute in prior releases of the SDSFIE. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) isPaved A boolean value indicating whether the road has a paved surface (true) or not (false). Boolean baseRoadName The name of the Street or Road without prefix or suffix to be used with Geocoding. String(255) roadCategory The road classification derived from the prior release attribute category_d String(16) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 86 RoadCenterline RequirementSources Definition: A non‐Gold Road feature explicitly included to provide a translation mechanism for the road_centerline feature from prior SDSFIE Releases. The center of the roadway as measured from the edge of the paved surface. The segments of a road centerline will coincide with the road segments in order to have similar characteristics. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: Provides a temporary location for storage of roads data equivalent to road_centerline in SDSFIE 2.6 until linear segmentation can be fully implemented. AttributeName Definition DataType baseRoadName The name of the Street or Road without prefix or suffix to be used with Geocoding. String(255) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) baseSuffix The road type and any other name suffix String(10) for the road derived from the Suffix attribute in prior releases of the SDSFIE. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) roadCenterlineIDPK The unique identifier for each RoadCenterline feature. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) roadCategory The road classification derived from the prior release attribute category_d String(16) rightTo The highest right address along the road to be used for geocoding purposes. String(10) isPaved A boolean value indicating whether the road has a paved surface (true) or not (false). Boolean rightFrom The lowest right address along the road to be used for geocoding purposes. String(10) leftTo The highest left address along the road to be used for geocoding purposes. String(10) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 87 leftFrom The lowest left address along the road to String(10) be used for geocoding purposes. basePrefix The directional prefix associated with String(10) the road name, if any, derived from the Pre_Dir attribute in prior SDSFIE releases. 88 RoadPath RequirementSources Definition: Linear, possibly discontinuous, portion of the road network that may be a collection of RoadSeg instances. This foreign key relationship is on the RoadSeg features. RoadPath features are identifiable (have a name, like Elm Street or Route 66) . RoadPath features correspond to a PavementBranch and, as such, are also LinearStructure features carrying an RPUID. This foreign key relationship is indicated by a non‐null pavementBranchIDFK reference. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) routeName Public identifier, a name such as Elm Street or Route 66. String(30) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) roadPathIDPK The unique identifier for each RoadPath feature. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 89 RoadPointFeatureEvent RequirementSources Definition: The location of a feature at a single point along a road segment. The foreign key relationship to the roadSeg feature is defined by roadSegIDFK. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID atPosiiton Position along the road for the feature. String(14) roadPointFeatureEventIDPK The unique identifier for each RoadPointFeatureEvent feature. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) featureClassName The feature class name for the feature being positioned. String(30) linearReferenceMethod The linear reference method of measurement defining the position values. String(10) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName RoadPointEventType LinearReferenceMethodType DataSourceOrgName 90 RoadSeg RequirementSources Definition: A portion of a road with similar characteristics such as the number of lanes or surface type. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName segmentLengthUOM The unit of measure for segment length dimensions. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM fieldMeasure Length of segment, as determined in the Decimal field; if isAnchorSection = True, then this is the official length of the segment for the linear reference system. status Status of segment entity; for example, proposed, under construction, open to traffic, abandoned, and so on. String(17) isAnchorSection Indicates whether the RoadSeg is an anchor section. An anchor section represents a section of road between two known and recoverable locations, that is to say, anchor points. Anchor sections state the official length of a road segment. Anchor points say w String(1) roadSegIDPK The unique identifier for each RoadSeg feature. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) segmentLength Length of the RoadSeg feature, which may differ from the field measured length due to differences in calculation. Decimal sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) RoadSegStatusType 91 Shoreline RequirementSources Definition: The boundary where land meets the edge of a large body of fresh or salt water. The shoreline is the mean high water line between high and low tide. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType collectionDate date that the shoreline data was collected. Date dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName heightAboveVerticalDatumUO the units of measure for the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID bankType the type of bank the shoreline segment represents (correlates to a manmade shortlineType). String(15) heightAboveVerticalDatum the nominal height of the shoreline above the vertical datum provided by the geomtry of the shoreline. Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) shorelineIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) shorelineTidalDatum In general, a datum is a base elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths. A tidal datum is a standard elevation defined by a certain phase of the tide. Tidal datums are used as references to measure local water levels and should String(7) VerticalDatumType shorelineType Indicator of the type of shoreline, natural, manmade, or unknown. String(7) ShorelineType EnumerationName BankType 92 Site RequirementSources Definition: A physical location that is or was owned by, leased to, or otherwise possessed or used by the Department of Defense, to include locations under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense where a hazardous substance has been deposited, stored, disposed of, or placed, or otherwise come to be located. Source: RPIM, v2.0, extracted 4/1/2008. As defined by DODI 4165.14, a site may exist in one of three forms 1) land only, 2) facility or facilities only, or 3) land and all the facilities thereon. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v3.0, extracted 4/2009. siteIDPK The unique identifier (UID) used to String(30) permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v2.0, extracted 4/1/2008. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) installationCode The code assigned by the Military String(6) Service (includes Washington Headquarters Services) or Agency used to identify the site or group of sites that make up an installation. This represents the official identifying code for a Services installation. Source: R EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 93 SpecialStatusSpecies RequirementSources Definition: Indicates existance of a special status species by the geographically described geometry either currently, historically, or the species is being recruited into the range. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType natureServeID The unique identifier for the NatureServe record of the species (http://www.natureserve.org). String(10) activityStatus The category of activity status for the species. String(11) ActivityStatusType kingdom A descriptor identifying one of the five taxonomic kingdoms into which scientists place all living organisms. String(8) KingdomType specialStatusCategory The category of the special status of the species. String(40) SpecialStatusCategoryType otherStatusValue A string value that is constructed per species as defined by appropriate otherStatusType. See http://www.natureserve.org/explorer/st atusus.htm for more details. String(30) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID commonName The common name of the species. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) scientificName The scientific name of the species. String(255) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) otherStatusType The category of the other special status for the species. String(24) isNative The species is a native species. If false, the assumption is that the specifies is exotic. String(1) stateListed The species special status is based on a notice published by a state. String(1) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName OtherSpecialStatusType 94 iucnRedListed The species is listed on the International String(1) Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. federalListed The species special status is based on a notice published in the Federal Register per the US Endangered Species Act. String(1) specialStatusSpeciesIDPK The unique identifier for each SpecialStatusSpecies feature. String(20) 95 SpeciesRange RequirementSources Definition: Indicates existance of a species by the geographically described geometry either currently, historically, or the species is being recruited into the range. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType natureServeID The unique identifier for the NatureServe record of the species (http://www.natureserve.org). String(10) kingdom A descriptor identifying one of the five taxonomic kingdoms into which scientists place all living organisms. String(8) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) activityStatus The category of activity status for the species. String(11) scientificName The scientific name of the species. String(255) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) isNative The species is a native species. If false, the assumption is that the specifies is exotic. String(1) speciesRangeIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) commonName The common name of the species. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) EnumerationName KingdomType ActivityStatusType DataSourceOrgName 96 SpeciesSpecificHabitat RequirementSources Definition: A location that has biotic and abiotic characteristics that supports a particular species. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType commonName The common name of the species. String(80) kingdom A descriptor identifying one of the five taxonomic kingdoms into which scientists place all living organisms. String(8) speciesSpecificHabitatIDPK The unique identifier for each SpeciesSpecificHabitat feature. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) habitatType A descriptor identifying the type of habitat in terms of it criticality to the existance of the species or suite of species. String(9) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) scientificName The scientific name of the species. String(255) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) isOccupied A boolean value representing whther the String(1) species or suite of species exists in the location. isNative The species is a native species. If false, the assumption is that the specifies is exotic. String(1) isCritical A boolean value representing whether or not an agency (like the US Fish and Wildlife Service in the United States) or country has determined and listed this location as critical to the existence of a species. String(1) isManagedHabitat A boolean value representing whether or not the habitat is managed. String(1) EnumerationName KingdomType HabitatType 97 isEssentialFishHabitat A boolean value representing whether or not NOAA has determined and listed this location as Essential Fish Habitat. String(1) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) natureServeID The unique identifier for the NatureServe record of the species (http://www.natureserve.org). String(10) DataSourceOrgName 98 SpotElevation RequirementSources Definition: A point on the surface of the earth of known elevation. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) spotElev The elevation at the selected point. Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) elevationUOM Unit of measure for elevation. String(16) spotElevationIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) elevationType Discriminator. The type of spot elevation. String(6) GSIP_LengthUOM SpotElevationType 99 StationLine RequirementSources Definition: Survey stationing line. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) stationLineIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the StationLine feature type. String(20) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 100 StorageTankFarm RequirementSources Definition: A defined or bounded geographical area where recepticles or chambers used for storing bulk fuels or chemicals are located. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) storageTankFarmIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for a regulated storage tank farm. String(20) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 101 Structure RequirementSources Definition: A facility classified as other than a building or linear asset. Source: RPIM, v2.0, extracted 4/1/2008. The selection of geometry for a Structure feature is indicated by the primary unit of measure as defined by the DoD Facility Analysis Category (FAC) code. This feature should not be used to represent an entity that meets the definition of LinearStructure, which is A distribution system that provides a common service or commodity to more than one building or structure. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType structureIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 102 SupportStructure RequirementSources Definition: A structure for the support of another structure, such as pilings supporting a bridge or dock. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) supportStructureIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the SupportStructure feature type. String(20) supportStructureType An enumeration of the kind or type of supporting structure. String(22) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName SupportStructureType 103 SurveyJob RequirementSources Definition: Generic area in which a survey activity was conducted. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName surveyJobIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the SurveyJob feature type. String(20) surveyType An enumeration indicating the type of survey. String(26) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) SurveyType 104 TerrestrialEcologicalSystem RequirementSources Definition: A terrestrial ecological system is defined as a group of plant community types that tend to co‐occur within landscapes with similar ecological processes, substrates, and/or environmental gradients. A given terrestrial ecological system will typically manifest itself in a landscape at intermediate geographic scales of 10s to 1,000s of hectares and persist for 50 or more years. Therefore, these units are intended to encompass common successional pathways for a given landscape setting. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) terrestEcologicalSystemIDPK The unique identifier for each TerrestrialEcologicalSystem feature. String(20) itescClassification International Terrestrial Ecological System Classification (ITESC) provides a comprehensive classification system for 651 terrestrial ecological system units for the lower 48 United States and adjacent Canada. This enumeration contains values that are the String(10) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) otherClassificationName This attribute is used to contain a classification that is not in the ITESC classification enumeration. String(80) itescIsInvalid The value of the itescClassification String(1) attribute is invalid, most likely because the ecosystem area is not found in North America and is thus not in the ITESC classification enumeration. If this value is True, then the otherClassification attribute should b sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName ITESCClassificationType 105 ThermalUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a thermal distribution network, particularly an asset that participates in the transmission of chilled water, refrigerant, hot water, or steam but that is not a pipeline. For example, a pump, valve or fitting. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType thermalUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each ThermalUtilityNode feature. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. networkSubType The subtype of thermal network in which this feature participates. String(29) ThermalNetworkSubType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) UtilityOperationalStatus sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. thermalNodeType The type of thermal network node that this feature represents. String(20) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) EnumerationName ThermalNodeType 106 ThermalUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a thermal distribution network, particularly a pipeline for the transmission of chilled water, refrigerant, hot water, or steam. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName networkSubType The subtype of thermal network in which this feature participates. String(29) ThermalNetworkSubType realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) thermalSegmentType The type of thermal network segment that this feature represents. String(12) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. thermalUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each ThermalUtilitySegment feature. EnumerationName UtilityOperationalStatus ThermalSegmentType String(20) 107 Tower RequirementSources Definition: A vertical projection, higher than its diameter, generally used for observation, storage, or electronic transmission. Examples are a fire tower, water tower, telecommunications tower, etc. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName groundAreaUOM Unit of measure associated with structure areas. String(17) GSIP_AreaUOM heightUOM Unit of measure associated with the height of the structure. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM heightMax Maximum height of structure. Decimal facilityName A commonly used name for the facility. String(65) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID towerIDPK Primary Key. A unique operator generated alphanumeric identifier assigned to a facility within an installation for identification throughout its life cycle. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) groundArea Area of the ground covered by the structure. Decimal pipeOpeningSizeInInches The size of the diameter of the pipe opening in inches. String(7) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) towerUseType A discriminator that specifies tower structure entities by operational use. String(14) TowerUseType towerMaterial The construction type of material used in the building. String(16) StructureMaterial towerCondition The condition of the structure. String(14) StructuralCondition PipeDiameterValues 108 dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName 109 TransportationRoute RequirementSources Definition: A designated course used by vehicles to travel from one location to another. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName transportationRouteIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) 110 TransportationTunnel RequirementSources Definition: The area of a transportation passage, open at both ends, used to provide access through or under a natural obstacle. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType transportationTunnelIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) tunnelLength The length of the tunnel. Decimal dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) verticalClearanceInMeters Indicates the actual vertical clearance to the top of the tunnel imposed by any restrictions (measured in meters). Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) lengthUOM The unit of measure for the length of the String(16) feature. averageHeight The average height of the tunnel. Decimal tunnelType The code that represents the type of tunnel String(8) naicsCode North American Industry Classification System. Integer averageWidth The average width of the tunnel. Decimal EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName GSIP_LengthUOM TransTunnelType 111 UnderGroundStorageTank RequirementSources Definition: An underground receptacle or chamber used for storing bulk commodities, fuels or chemicals. If 90% or more of the tank is located above the surface of the ground if must be considered an above ground tank. If the tank contains fuels and participates in a POL distribution network, consider also representing this tank as a POLUtilityNode. If the tank contains water and participates in a water distribution network, consider also representing this tank as a WaterUtilityNode. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID volumeUoM The unit of measure of volume. String(15) GSIP_VolumeUOM dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) underGroundStorageTankIDPK The unique identifier for each UnderGroundStorageTank feature. String(20) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. volume The volume amount. Integer sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) storageTankProduct Category of product String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName StorageTankProductType 112 UnderwaterObstacle RequirementSources Definition: A line marking a manmade obstacle which may be damaged as a result of anchor movement or vessel damage. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName underwaterObstacleIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of various underwater obstructions which hamper navigation. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) obstacleType The type of obstacle. String(4) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) UnderwaterObstacleType 113 UtilityFeature RequirementSources Definition: Any feature of importance to the utility that does not participate in the network itself. Examples, include SCADA sensors, cathodic protection devices, utility markers and areas, etc. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Line, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType utilityFeatureIDPK The unique identifier for each UtilityFeature feature. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. networkSubType The network (utility) subtype to which String(29) this feature relates. Some utility features can relate to multiple networks. This is the subtype of the primary (owning) utility. NetworkSubType networkType The network (utility) type to which this String(14) feature relates. Some utility features can relate to multiple networks. This is the type of the primary (owning) utility. NetworkType utilityFeatureType The type of utility feature. String(27) UtilityFeatureType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. EnumerationName UtilityOperationalStatus String(80) 114 realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) 115 Vegetation RequirementSources Definition: A discrete area where terrestrial flora has been classified according to the National Vegetation Classification Standard (Version 2). DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition formationSubclass A descriptor which is the second level in String(45) the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by geographically widespread (global) plant communities of similar physiognomy and dominant growth forms, typically related to major c FGDCFormationSubclassType vegetationType A descriptor of the dominant specimen type. String(25) VegetationType vegetationGroup The sixth level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a group of plant communities with a common set of growth forms and diagnostic species or taxa (including several character species of the dominant growth String(255) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sampleDate Sample date. Date vegetationIDPK The unique identifier for each Vegetation feature. String(20) division The fourth level in the NVC natural String(255) vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a group of plant communities in a given continental or other broad geographic area exhibiting a common set of dominant growth forms and many diagnostic p sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. DataType EnumerationName String(MAX) 116 formation A descriptor which is the third level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a geographically widespread (global) plant communities of similar physiognomy and dominant growth forms, typically related to major String(45) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) macroGroup The fifth level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a group of plant communities with a common set of growth forms and many diagnostic plant taxa, including many character taxa of the dominant growth forms, String(255) formationClass A descriptor which is the first (highest) String(42) level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a characteristic combination of dominant growth forms adapted to a very basic set of moisture / temperature regimes. sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) FGDCFormationType FGDCFormationClassType DataSourceOrgName 117 VehicleParking RequirementSources Definition: An area used for parking vehicles not including residential streets and driveways. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName surfaceType Type of different materials used to construct the surface. String(11) PavementMaterial dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName pavedStatus Discriminator ‐ The paving status of the parking area. String(7) PavementStatus sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) numberOfSpaces The total parking spaces available in the area including handicapped or reserved spaces. Integer vehicleParkingIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) 118 VesselHoldingArea RequirementSources Definition: Designated area for anchorage, fleeting, mooring of vessels. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName holdingType An enumeration of the kind or type of holding activity. String(9) HoldingType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName ownership An enumeration of the ownership of the vessel holding area. String(17) Ownership vesselHoldingAreaIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the VesselHoldingArea feature type. String(20) isActive A boolean indicating whether the vessel holding area is active or currently in use. String(1) purposeType An enumeration of the purpose of the vessel holding area. String(8) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) isPermitted A boolean indicating whether use of the area requires perimssion. String(1) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. PurposeType 119 VesselRepairFacility RequirementSources Definition: A facility able to perform repairs on marine vessels. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName facilityType An enumeration of the kind or type of the repair facility. String(7) VesselRepairFacilityType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM 3.0, extracted 4/2009. sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID vesselRepairFacilityIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the VesselRepairFacility feature type. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) 120 WastewaterUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a wastewater network, particularly an asset that participates in the handling of stormwater, sewage or industrial wastewater, but that is not a pipeline. For example, a pump, holding facility, and/or treatment facility. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) wastewaterNodeType The type of wastewater network node that this feature represents. String(15) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) networkSubType The subtype of wastewater network in which this feature participates. String(15) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) wastewaterUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each WastewaterUtilityNode feature. String(20) EnumerationName WastewaterNodeType UtilityOperationalStatus WastewaterNetworkSubType DataSourceOrgName 121 WastewaterUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a wastewater network, particularly a pipeline for the transport of stormwater, sewage or industrial waste between the source, holding facilities, and/or treatment facilities. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. wastewaterUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each WastewaterUtilitySegment feature. DataType EnumerationName String(80) String(20) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. wastewaterSegmentType The type of wastewater network segment that this feature represents. String(12) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) UtilityOperationalStatus networkSubType The subtype of wastewater network in which this feature participates. String(15) WastewaterNetworkSubType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID WastewaterSegmentType 122 WatercourseLine RequirementSources Definition: A HydroLine defining a reach of a naturally occuring watercourse (e.g., creek, stream, river). The ChannelLine feature should be used for man‐made channels, including those maintained within a watercourse by dredging. WatercourseLine is intended to support the definition of stream networks. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType toJunction the sdsID of the sink WatercourseJunction in the stream network to which this feature belongs. String(36) fromJunction the sdsID of the source WatercourseJunction in the stream network to which this feature belongs. String(36) isNavigable Indicates whether the line designates a navigable portion of the watercourse. String(1) watercourseElement discriminates which element of the reach is defined by this feature. String(19) watercourseLineIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the WatercourseLine feature type. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID reachIdentifier Defines a unique identifier for this particular reach of a river (a segment between two WatercourseJunctions, such as Upper, Lower, East Fork, or Reach 13). String(80) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) hydroCode Permanent unique public identifer for the feature (e.g., USGS code or similar). String(30) riverIdentifier Defines a unqiue identifier for the river to which this reach belongs (such as Piper Creek or White River). String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) EnumerationName WatercourseElementType DataSourceOrgName 123 WatercourseWithdrawal RequirementSources Definition: A point where water is withdrawn from a watercourse. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID withdrawalType the unit of measure of the like‐named value. String(15) WaterWithdrawalType dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName invertElevationUOM the unit of measure of the like‐named value. String(16) GSIP_LengthUOM sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) owner the owner of the withdrawal facility. String(80) watercourseWithdrawalIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) invertElevation the elevation of the bottom of the withdrawal structure. Decimal sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) EnumerationName 124 WaterUtilityNode RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a water distribution network, particularly an asset that participates in the transmission of water but that is not a pipeline. For example, a pump, valve or fitting. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName networkSubType The subtype of water network in which this feature participates. String(19) WaterNetworkSubType waterNodeType The type of water network node that this feature represents. String(25) WaterNodeType realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID waterUtilityNodeIDPK The unique identifier for each WaterUtilityNode feature. String(20) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. UtilityOperationalStatus DataSourceOrgName 125 WaterUtilitySegment RequirementSources Definition: A subdivision of a water distribution network, particularly a distribution pipeline. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID realPropertyNetworkIdentifier The designator that distinguishes one real property network (RPN) from another within a RPI database. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. String(4) sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) operationalStatus Defines the operational status of the feature. String(17) realPropertySiteUniqueId The unique identifier (UID) used to Integer permanently identify a Site. This UID will be a Real Property Site Unique Identifier (RPSUID). Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) networkSubType The subtype of water network in which this feature participates. String(19) waterUtilitySegmentIDPK The unique identifier for each WaterUtilitySegment feature. String(20) realPropertyUniqueIdentifier The real property unique identifier String(18) (RPUID) is a non‐intelligent code used to permanently and uniquely identify a real property asset. Source: RPIM, v4.0, extracted 7/12/2010. waterSegmentType The type of water network segment that String(12) this feature represents. UtilityOperationalStatus WaterNetworkSubType WaterSegmentType 126 Well RequirementSources Definition: A shaft dug or drilled into the Earth for the purpose of extracting fluids from the subsurface, collecting environmental samples, injecting fluids into the subsurface or extracting contamination or other impurities from the subsurface. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) wellResource The resource type which is being String(11) extracted from or injected into the earth. WellResource wellPurpose Purpose of use for the well. String(10) WellPurpose sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) wellPointIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName DataSourceOrgName 127 WellField RequirementSources Definition: An area containing natural resources wells. For example, gas, oil, water, steam wells. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType EnumerationName dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID wellFieldIDPK Primary Key. A locally assigned identifier for the record. String(20) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) wellFieldType The code indicating the type of well field String(5) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) WellFieldType 128 Wetland RequirementSources Definition: Geospatial feature composed of one unique wetland class (no complexes) used to determine USACE jurisdiction and regulatory impacts. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName hydrogeomorphology EMPTY String(10) HydroGeomorphologyType localName Locally known waterway name (the name of the site should be stored in the sdsFeatureName attribute). String(214748 sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) wetlandLength Length of the wetland when data is a line geospatial type (units are meters). Decimal wetlandIDPK Primary Key. A unique, user defined identifier for each record or instance of an entity. String(20) cowardin Wetlands classification according to the Cowardin System. String(6) CowardinType jurisdictionalFeature The jurisdictional feature type of the wetland. String(9) JurisdictionalFeatureType sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) wetlandArea Area of the wetland when data is an area (polygon) geospatial type (units are square meters). Decimal sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID EnumerationName 129 WrecksAndObstructions RequirementSources Definition: Submerged, or partially submerged, objects that are classified as hazards to marine navigation. DISDI CIP SRI DCIP DDESB GoldFeatureType? Geometries: Area, Point Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold AttributeName Definition DataType obstrDepth The nominal value of the depth of water to the obstruction based on the associated unit of measure. Decimal categoryOfObstruction An enumeration of the kind or category of the obstruction. String(44) sdsMetadataID The foreign key to a metadata record. String(80) dataSourceOrganization Source organization for the data record. String(20) DataSourceOrgName waterElevationCode An enumeration that defines the relationship between the wreck or obstruction and the water surface characteristically. String(29) WaterElevationCode sdsID A unique identifier for all features and objects in the SDSFIE. GUID sdsFeatureDescription A narrative describing the feature. String(MAX) wrecksAndObstructionsIDPK The unique identifier for each instance of the WrecksAndObstructions feature type. String(20) sdsFeatureName The common name of the feature. String(80) depthUOM The unit of measure for the depth. String(16) EnumerationName CategoryOfObstruction GSIP_LengthUOM 130 Enumerations AccessControlTypeCode Definition: The type of access control. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition barricade A barricade. cattleGuard A cattle guard. checkpoint Indicates the feature is a location where officials check vehicle contents. gate An access gate. tireShredder A tire shredder. ActivityStatusType Definition: The category of activity status for the species. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition active The species is active in the indicated range. inactive The species was historically active in the indicated range but is known to no longer be active. recruitment Species activity is being recruited into the indicated range. AlternativeEnergyType Definition: An enumeration of the different types of alternative energy. Justification: Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) Value Definition Geothermal Geothermal Hydroelectric Hydroelectric NaturalGas Natural gas Photovoltaic Photovoltaic WindTurbine Wind turbine 131 BanksideCode Definition: The side of the river bank when facing downstream. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition leftDescending Left descending bank nonRiverine non riverine rightDescending Right descending bank BankType Definition: Types of bank or bed armor lining in a waterway or a still body of water. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition ASPHALT asphalt CEMENTD_STONE cemented stones CONCRETE_LINED concrete lined DUMP_BRICK_CONC dumped brick and concrete DUMPED_ROCK dumped rocks FORMEDLINING formed channel lining GABIONS gabions OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. PILEDIKE pile dike PLACED_STONE placed stone SAND_CEMNBGRR sand cement/bag riprap TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. WILLOW_MAT willow mat BridgeType Definition: The type of the bridge. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition bascule The bridge is of the bascule type. covered The bridge is of the covered type. 132 frameExceptCulvert The bridge is of the frame (except culverts) type. lift The bridge is of the lifting type. orthotropic The bridge is of the orthotropic type. other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. pontoon The bridge is of the pontoon type. slab The bridge is of the slab type. suspension The main portion of the span is suspended from cables or wires. swing The bridge is of the swing type. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. tilt The bridge is of the tilt type. truss The main portion of the span is supported by trusses. trussDeck The bridge is of the truss deck type. unclassified The type of bridge is not classified. CategoryOfCraftFacility Definition: An enumeration of the kind of type of craft retained in the marina. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition boatHoist A hoist for lifting boats out of the water. boatyard A place on shore where boats may be built, stored and repaired. bulkTerminal A Bulk Terminal. containerTerminal A Container Terminal. ferryTerminal A Ferry Terminal. fishingHarbour A Fishing Harbor. landingOrLaunchingPlaceForBoats A place where boats may be landed or launched. parkingForBoatsAndTrailers A place on shore where boats and/or trailers may be parked. passengerTerminal A Passenger Terminal. RoRoTerminal A RoRo‐terminal. shipyard A Shipyard. straddlerCarrier A Straddler Carrier. syncrolift A Synchrolift. tankerTerminal A Tanker Terminal. 133 yachtHarbourOrMarina A Yacht Harbor or Marina. CategoryOfObstruction Definition: An enumeration of the kind or category of the obstruction. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition boom a floating barrier used to protect a river or harbour mouth or to create a sheltered area for storage purpouses. (IHO Dictionary, S‐32, 5th Edition, 505) crib A permanent structure set in the water, framed with wooden beams and filled with rocks or boulders. Used to anchor log booms or support other constructions, e.g. submerged outfalls, diffusers etc.. They may always be dry, submerged or cover and uncover. dangerousWreck a wreck which is considered to be dangerous to surface navigation diffuser a structure on an outfall through which liquids are discharged. The structure will usually project above the level of the outfall and can be an obstruction to navigation. distributedRemainsOfWreck (foul ground) an area over which it is safe to navigate but which should be avoided for anchoring, taking the ground or ground fishing. (IHO Chart Specifications, M‐4) fishHaven Areas somestimes called fishery reefs, that are established by private interests, usually sport fishermen, to simulate natural reefs and wrecks to attract fish. The reefs are constructed by dumping assorted junk in areas. foulArea The area warns mariners that all dangers are not identified individually and that navigation through the area may be hazardous. Commonly used to encode areas behind danger lines on navigation charts. (IHO Dictionary, S‐32, 5th Edition, 1915) foulGround areas over which it is safe to navigate but which should be avoided for anchoring, taking the ground or ground fishing. (IHO Chart Specifications, M‐4, 442.8) groundTackle equipment such as anchors, concrete blocks, chains and cables, etc., used to position floating structures such as trot and mooring buoys etc. iceBoom Floating barriers, anchored to the bottom, used to deflect the path of floating ice thus preventing the obstruction of locks, intakes, etc., and to prevent damage to bridge piers and other structures. (Canadian Hydrographic Service, Chart specifications). nonDangerousWreck a wreck which is not considered to be dangerous to surface navigation. 134 snagOrStump a tree, branch or broken pile embedded in the ocean floor, river or lake bottom and not visible on the surface, forming thereby a hazard to vessels. (IHO Dictionary, S‐32, 5th Edition, 4794) wellhead a submarine structure projecting some distance above the seabed and capping a temporarily abandoned or suspended oil or gas well. (IHO Dictionary, S‐32, 5th Edition, 5976) wreckShowingAnyPortionOfHullOrSuperstructure wreck of which any portion of the hull or superstructure is visible at the sounding datum indicated. wreckShowingMastOrMasts wreck of which only the mast(s) is visible at the sounding datum indicated. CautionType Definition: An enumeration of the various caution types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition anchoringProhibitionArea anchoring prohibition area. areaToBeAvoided area to be avoided. birdSanctuary bird sanctuary. dangerOfStrandingArea danger of stranding area. degaussingRange degaussing range. divingProhibitionArea diving prohibition area. dredgingArea dredging area. ecologicalReserve ecological reserve. fishingProhibitionArea fishing prohibition area. fishSanctuary fish sanctuary. gameReserve game reserve. historicWreckArea historic wreck area. inshoreTrafficZone inshore traffic zone. militaryArea military area. minefield minefield. naturalRockWall natural rock wall. natureReserve nature reserve. navigationalAidSafetyZone navigational aid safety zone. noWakeArea no wake area. offshoreSafetyZone offshore safety zone. prohibitedArea prohibited area. 135 researchArea research area. rockBottom rock bottom. sealSanctuary seal sanctuary. submergedCable submerged cable. submergedPipeline submerged pipeline. swimmingArea swimming area. swingingArea swinging area. waitingArea waiting area. waterSkiingArea water skiing area. ChannelLineType Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of the channel line. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition anchorageLine A line that extends from a fixed anchor to which a vessel may be anchored. leftChannelQuarter A line that represents the mid point of the left half of the channel (forming two left quarters) for channels that are over a particular width. rightChannelQuarter A line that represents the mid point of the right half of the channel (forming two right quarters) of the channel for channels that are over a particular width. stationLine A line used for stationing along a particular segment of the channel. toeLine A line indicating the fixed geographic (SPCS) location of the authorized channel limits (or perimeter boundaries of irregular basins), as designated on the project design documents and depicted on navigation charts. topOfSlope The upper marking of a slope, e.g. the ridge line or the separation line between two different gradients. trueCenterline A line that represents the true centerline of the channel. turningBasinLine A line that denotes the boundary of a turning basin portion of a channel. widenerLine A line indicating the edge of an enlarged section at the intersection of two channels. 136 ClosureType Definition: The type of closure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition bulkhead Bulkhead. miterHinge Miter hinge. miterPintel Miter pintel. movablePost Movable post. movableTruss Movable truss. other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. removablePanel Removable panel. rollLFrame Roll L Frame. rollOneWheel Roll one wheel. rollTwoWheel Roll two wheel. sandbag Sandbag. stoplog Stoplog. swingDouble Swing Double. swingSingle Swing Single. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. trolley Trolley. CommNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the types of communications network node. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition cAccessPoint An access point is a station that transmits and receives data in a wireless local area network (WLAN). cAmplifier Any electronic device intended to boost the power or amplify the signal associated with a communications system. cAntenna Device used to detect and measure various environmental conditions (e.g. Temperature, Fire, Intrusion, etc.) cAttenuator A device for reducing the amplitude of an electrical signal without appreciable distortion 137 cDBSplice An enclosed structure that represents a splice case (aerial or buried). cDevice Generic feature class for any communications device not otherwise provided as a feature class of its own. cFODistributionPanel A device attached to the end of a fiber optic cable for convenience in making connections. cGround A point or a series of connected points where the electrical configuration is grounded. cImpedanceMatching Device that matches the impedance between two transmissions in order to minimize signal attenuation and distortion. cLoadCapacitor Device used to eliminate problems with high‐frequencies on long telephone lines using capacitance. Spliced into the line. cLoadCoil Device used to eliminate problems with high‐frequencies on long telephone lines using inductance. Spliced into the line. cMediaConverter Device used to convert from one type of signal transmission media to another. cRepeater Device used to receive, clean up a signal, and then retransmit it. cSensor The location of equipment used to detect and measure various environmental conditions (e.g. Temperature, Fire, Intrusion, etc.) cSpeaker A device that converts an electrical signal into sound. Generally used as part of a public address, giant voice, or mass notification system. cSplice The connection of two or more cable sheaths at the Super Group, Binder/Bundle Group or Element Group. cSplitter A device to split a signal transmission into two or more signal paths while minimizing attenuation and distortion; generally used in broadband cable systems cTerminal A device attached to the end of a wire or cable for convenience in making connections. cTerminator A device that terminates an electrical or optical transmission media. CommSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the types of communications network segment. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition cSegmentedCable Used to represent a portion of the entire cable sheath as it is shown in an enclosed structure (building, manhole, vault, etc) so that the cable sheath does not have to be drawn between enclosed structures. 138 cServiceLoop Service loops contain extra cable that may be required in the future. ConstructionMaterialType Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of material used in construction. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition concrete Construction of an aggregate of gravel, pebbles, broken stone, or slag in a mortar or cement matrix. earthen Construction primarily of natural rock and soil materials. steel Construction of steel. ContaminantType Definition: Classification of the pollutant. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition Biological Biological. Chemical Chemical. ChemicalWarfare ChemicalWarfare. MedicalWaste MedicalWaste. Munitions Munitions. MunitionsConstituents MunitionsConstituents. Noise Noise. Radiological Radiological. CoordinateCaptureMethod Definition: Method used to capture information. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition digitizedOffOfQuadSheets Digitized off of quad sheets. doesNotExist does not exist lidar LIDAR other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. surveyedUsingLevelAndStationing Surveyed using Level and stationing. 139 surveyedUsingMappingGradeGPS Surveyed using mapping grade GPS. surveyedUsingRTKAndTotalStation Surveyed using Total Station. surveyedUsingRTKGPS surveyed using RTK GPS surveyedUsingTotalStation Surveyed using RTK and Total Station. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. usingPhotogrammetricTechniques Using Photogrametric Techniques CowardinType Definition: Enumeration of the Cowardin classification types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition E Deepwater tidal habitats and adjacent tidal wetlands that are usually semienclosed by land but have open, partly obstructed, or sporadic access to the open ocean, and in which ocean water is at least occasionally diluted by freshwater land runoff. E1 Subtidal, Estuarine. E1AB Aquatic Bed, Estuarine. E1AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1OW Open Water, Subtidal, Estuarine (used on older maps). E1RB Rock Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1RF Reef, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1RF2 Mollusc, Reef, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1RF3 Worm, Reef, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E1UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Estuarine. E2 Intertidal, Estuarine. 140 E2AB Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2AB1 Algal, Aquatic, Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2EM Emergent, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2EM1 Persistent, Emergent, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2EM2 Nonpersistent, Emergent, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO1 Broad‐Leaved Deciduous, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO2 Needle‐Leaved Deciduous, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO3 Broad‐Leaved Evergreen, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO4 Needle‐Leaved Evergreen, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO5 Dead, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO6 Indeterminate Deciduous, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2FO7 Indeterminate Evergreen, Forested, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2RF Reef, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2RF2 Mollusc, Reef, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2RF3 Worm, Reef, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2RS Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SB Stream Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SB3 Cobble‐Gravel, Stream Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SB4 Sand, Stream Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SB5 Mud, Stream Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SB6 Organic, Stream Bed, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS1 Broad‐Leaved Deciduous, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS2 Needle‐Leaved Deciduous, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS3 Broad‐Leaved Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS4 Needle‐Leaved Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS5 Dead, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. 141 E2SS6 Indeterminate Deciduous, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2SS7 Indeterminate Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2US Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2US1 Cobble, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2US3 Mud, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. E2US4 Organic, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Estuarine. L Wetlands and deepwater habitats that are 1) situated in a topographic depression or a dammed river channel AND 2) lacks trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens with greater than 30% areal coverage AND 3) exceeds 8 ha (20 acres). L1 Wetlands and deepwater habitats that are 1) situated in a topographic depression or a dammed river channel AND 2) lacks trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens with greater than 30% areal coverage AND 3) exceeds 8 ha (20 acres). L1AB Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrne. L1AB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1OW Open Water/Unknown Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine (used on older maps). L1RB Rock Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L1UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Limnetic, Lacustrine. L2 Littoral, Lacustrine. L2AB Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2AB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. 142 L2AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2EM Emergent, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2EM2 Nonpersistent, Emergent, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2OW Open Water/Unknown Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2RB Rock Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2RS Rocky Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2US Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2US1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2US3 Mud, Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2US4 Organic, Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. L2US5 Vegetated, Unconsolidated Shore, Littoral, Lacustrine. M The open ocean overlying the continental shelf and its associated high‐energy coastline. M1 Subtidal Marine. M1AB Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Marine. M1AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Marine. M1AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Marine. M1AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Subtidal, Marine. M1OW Open Water, Subtidal, Marine (Used on older maps). M1RB Rock Bottom Subtidal Marine. M1RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Subtidal, Marine. M1RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Subdtidal, Marine. 143 M1RF Nonpersistent, Emergent, Lower Perennial, Riverine. M1RF1 Coral, Reef, Subtidal, Marine. M1RF3 Worm, Reef, Subtidal, Marine. M1UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Marine. M1UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated, Subtidal, Marine. M1UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Marine. M1UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Marine. M1UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Subtidal, Marine. M2 Intertidal, Marine. M2AB Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Marine. M2AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Marine. M2AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Marine. M2AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Intertidal, Marine. M2RF Reef, Intertidal, Marine. M2RF1 Coral, Reef, Intertidal, Marine. M2RF3 Worm, Reef, Intertidal, Marine. M2RS Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2US Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2US1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2US3 Mud, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Marine. M2US4 Organic, Unconsolidated Shore, Intertidal, Marine. P Includes all nontidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses or lichens, and all such wetlands that occur in tidal areas where salinity due to ocean‐derived salts is below 0.5%. PAB Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. PAB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. PAB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. PAB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. PAB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. PAB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. PAB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Palustrine. 144 PEM Emergent, Palustrine. PEM1 Persistent, Emergent, Palustrine. PEM2 Nonpersistent, Emergent, Palustrine. PFO Forested, Palustrine. PFO1 Broad‐Leaved Deciduous, Forested, Palustrine. PFO2 Needle‐Leaved Deciduous, Forested, Palustrine. PFO3 Broad‐Leaved Evergreen, Forested, Palustrine. PFO4 Needle‐Leaved Evergreen, Forested, Palustrine. PFO5 Dead, Forested, Palustrine. PFO6 Indeterminate Deciduous, Forested, Palustrine. PFO7 Indeterminate Evergreen, Forested, Palustrine. PML Moss‐Lichens, Palustrine. PML1 Moss, Moss‐Lichens, Palustrine. PML2 Lichen, Moss‐Lichen, Palustrine. POW POW‐PALUSTRINE, OPEN WATER. PRB Rock Bottom, Palustrine. PRB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Palustrine. PRB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Palustrine. PSS Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PSS1 Broad‐Leaved Deciduous, Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PSS2 Needle‐Leaved Deciduous, Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PSS3 Broad‐Leaved Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PSS4 Needle‐Leaved Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PSS5 Dead, Scrub‐Shrub. PSS6 Indeterminate Deciduous, Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PSS7 Indeterminate Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Palustrine. PUB Unconsolidated Bottom, Palustrine. PUB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Palustrine. PUB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Palustrine. PUB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Palustrine. PUB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Palustrine. R Wetlands and deepwater habitats contained within a channel, with two exceptions: (1) wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergents, emergent mosses, or lichens, and (2) habitats with water containing ocean‐ derived salts in excess of 0.5%. 145 R1 Tidal, Riverine. R1AB Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1AB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Tidal, Riverine. R1EM Emergent, Tidal, Riverine. R1EM2 Nonpersistent, Emergent, Tidal, Riverine. R1RB Rock Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1RS Rocky Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB1 Bedrock. Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB2 Rubble, Streambed, Ridal, Riverine. R1SB3 Cobble‐Gravel, Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB4 Sand, Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB5 Mud, Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB6 Organic, Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1SB7 Vegetated, Streambed, Tidal, Riverine. R1UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Tidal, Riverine. R1US Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1US1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1US3 Mud, Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R1US4 Organic, Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine. 146 R1US5 Vegetated, Unconsolidated Shore, Tidal, Riverine. R2 Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2AB Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2AB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2EM Emergent, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2EM2 Nonpersistent, Emergent, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2RB Rock Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2RS Rocky Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2UB Unconcolidated Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Lower Perennial, Riverine. R2US Unconsolidated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2US1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2US3 Rooted Vascular, Unconsolidaated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2US4 Floating Vascular, Unconsolidated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2US5 Unknown Submergent, Unconsolidated Shore, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R2US6 Unknown Surface, Unknown Surface, Lower Tidal, Riverine. R3 Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3AB Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. 147 R3AB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3RB Rock Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3RS Rocky Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3US Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3US1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3US3 Mud, Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3US4 Organic, Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R3US5 Vegetated, Unconsolidated Shore, Upper Perennial, Riverine. R4 Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB1 Bedrock, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB2 Rubble, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB3 Cobble‐Gravel, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB4 Sand, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB5 Mud, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB6 Organic, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R4SB7 Vegetated, Streambed, Intermittent, Riverine. R5 Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5AB Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. 148 R5AB1 Algal, Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5AB2 Aquatic Moss, Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5AB3 Rooted Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5AB4 Floating Vascular, Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5AB5 Unknown Submergent, Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5AB6 Unknown Surface, Aquatic Bed, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5RB Rock Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5RB1 Bedrock, Rock Bottom Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5RB2 Rubble, Rock Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5RS Rocky Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5RS1 Bedrock, Rocky Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5RS2 Rubble, Rocky Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5UB Unconsolidated Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5UB1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5UB2 Sand, Unconsolidated Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5UB3 Mud, Unconsolidated Bottom, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5UB4 Organic, Unconsolidated Bottom, Unknow Perennial, Riverine. R5US Unconsolidated Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5US1 Cobble‐Gravel, Unconsolidated Shore, Riverine. R5US2 Sand, Unconsolidated Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5US3 Mud, Unconsolidated Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5US4 Organic, Unconsolidated Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. R5US5 Vegetated, Unconsolidated Shore, Unknown Perennial, Riverine. RP Riparian ‐ Plant communities contiguous to and affected by surface and subsurface hydrologic features of perennial or intermittent lotic and lentic water bodies (rivers, streams, lakes, or drainage ways). RP1 Lotic, Riparian. RP1EM Emergent, Lotic, Riparian. RP1FO Forested, Lotic, Riparian. RP1FO6 Decidous, Forested, Lotic, Riparian. RP1FO7 Evergreen, Forested, Lotic, Riparian. 149 RP1FO8 Mixed, Forested, Lotic, Riparian. RP1SS Scrub‐Shrub, Lotic, Riparian. RP1SS6 Decidous, Scrub‐Shrub, Lotic, Riparian. RP1SS7 Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Lotic, Riparian. RP1SS8 Mixed, Scrub‐Shrub, Lotic, Riparian. RP2 Lentic, Riparian. RP2EM Emergent, Lentic, Riparian. RP2FO Forested, Lentic. Riparian. RP2FO6 Decidous, Forested, Lentic, Riparian. RP2FO7 Evergreen, Forested, Lentic, Riparian. RP2FO8 Mixed, Forested, Lentic, Riparian. RP2SS Scrub‐Shrub, Lentic, Riparian. RP2SS6 Decidous, Scrub‐Shrub, Lentic, Riparian. RP2SS7 Evergreen, Scrub‐Shrub, Lentic, Riparian. RP2SS8 Mixed, Scrub‐Shrub, Lentic, Riparian. U Upland ‐ Not a wetland or deepwater habitat of the United States as described by Cowardin. CutoffType Definition: Type of cutoff trench. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition combination combination concrete concrete noCutoff NO_CUTOFF sheetPile sheet pile slurryWall slurry wall DataSourceOrgName Definition: List of organizations who provided the data record. Justification: Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. Value Definition Air Guard Air National Guard Army Guard United States Army National Guard 150 Other Other unspecified organizations. USA United States Army USA Reserve United States Army Reserve USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers USAF United States Air Force USAF Reserve United States Air Force Reserve USMC United States Marine Corps USMC Reserve United States Marine Corps Reserve USN United States Navy USN Reserve United States Navy Reserve WHS Washington Headquarters Services DockAccessType Definition: An enumeration of types of access to the dock. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition community A dock used by a community of individuals. individual A dock used by an individual. public A dock used by the public. resort A dock used by a resort and its guests. DockPurposeType Definition: An enumeration of purposes for the dock. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition courtesy A dock used as a courtesy to patrons. fishing A dock used for fishing. mooring A dock used for mooring. other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. 151 DredgingEventType Definition: The type of dredging event. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition commercial commercial. dredged dredged. swept swept. ElectricalNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the types of electrical network node. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition eCapacitorBank Capacitors store electrical energy and release it back into the power system to reduce voltage drops. CapacitorBank neutralizes the effect of customer inductive loads, providing capacitive reactance to balance inductive reactance loss. eDynamicProtectiveDevice An isolation device which integrates with a system sensing device, such as an overcurrent relay, to isolates portions of an electrical distribution system in order to minimize system disruptions and damage. eExteriorLight Exterior lighting supplied by local distribution systems and generally the only service for which the electric utility installs, operates and maintains utilization equipment. eFuse Fuses are used to protect distribution devices from damaging currents. A fuse is an intentionally weakened spot in the electric circuit that opens the circuit at a predetermined current that is maintained for a predetermined amount of time. eGenerator Generator is a power source for providing electricity. Generators may be primary or standby power sources. eGroundingPoint A grounding point is a location on the network where a ground is located. eMeterPoint MeterPoint is the point at which energy is supplied to a customer. A service point can have one, many, or no meters. eMiscNetworkFeature Miscellaneous distribution system features. eOpenPoint OpenPoint is any one of a variety of insulated and shielded devices that connect high‐voltage cables to apparatus, including transformers. 152 eSwitch Switches are installed at strategic locations throughout distribution feeder circuits to redirect power flows to balance loads or for sectionalizing to allow repair of damaged lines or equipment. eTransformer The Transformer feature class captures information about distribution and power transformers. Distribution transformers convert electrical energy from primary voltages to utilization voltages. eVoltageRegulator Voltage regulators vary the ac supply or source voltage to the customer to maintain the voltage within desired limits. Voltage provided by regulators is changed using a tap‐ changing switch to adjust the number of secondary windings. ElectricalSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the types of electrical segment. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition eBusBar A bus bar is a large rigid conductor that connects multiple devices to multiple circuits. ePriOHLineSegment A primary overhead conductor. ePriUGLineSegment A primary underground conductor. eSecOHLineSegment A secondary overhead conductor. eSecUGLineSegment A secondary underground conductor. eTranOHLineSegment An overhead transmission conductor. eTranUGLineSegment An underground transmission conductor. ElevationContourType Definition: Basic types of value contours. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition APP_IND_DEP Depression contours which are estimated at some multiple of the smallest standard interval. APP_INDEX Contours which are estimated at some multiple of the smallest standard interval. APP_INTER Contours which are estimated at the smallest standard interval. APP_INTER_DEP Depression contours which are estimated at the smallest standard interval. 153 INDEX Contours placed at some multiple of the smallest standard interval. INDEX_DEP Depression contours placed at some multiple of the smallest standard interval. INTER Contours which represent the smallest standard interval. INTER_DEP Depression contours which represent the smallest standard interval. Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. ExternalInterestType Definition: Discriminator ‐ External property interest type. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition AGREEMENT DoD has an agreed interest (covered by an agreement). EASEMENT DoD has an easement. INFORMAL DoD has an informal interest. MITIGATION_AREA Property that has been restored, created, enhanced, or preseved, which is then set aside to compensate for development activites. RIGHT_OF_WAY DoD has a deeded right of way. FailureType Definition: The type of levee failure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition overtopping overtopping piping piping rotationalSlopeFailure rotational slope failure scourging scourging FenceUseType Definition: Codes indicating the use of the fence. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 154 agriculture agriculture boundary boundary cross cross grazingLease grazing lease private private residentialArea Residential area fences. security security vehicleBarrier vehicle barrier FGDCFormationClassType Definition: A descriptor which is the first (highest) level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a characteristic combination of dominant growth forms adapted to a very basic set of moisture / temperature regimes. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition aquaticVegetation 5. Hydromorphic Vegetation (Aquatic Vegetation). forestAndWoodland 1. Mesomorphic Tree Vegetation (Forest and Woodland). nonvascularAndSparseVascularRockVegetation 6. Lithomorphic Vegetation (Nonvascular and Sparse Vascular Rock Vegetation). polarAndHighMontaneVegetation 4. Cryomorphic Shrub and Herb Vegetation (Polar and High Montane Vegetation). semiDesert 3. Xeromorphic Scrub and Herb Vegetation (Semi‐Desert). shrublandAndGrassland 2. Mesomorphic Shrub and Herb Vegetation (Shrubland and Grassland). FGDCFormationSubclassType Definition: A descriptor which is the second level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by geographically widespread (global) plant communities of similar physiognomy and dominant growth forms, typically related to major c Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition borealForest 1.D. Boreal Forest. coolSemi‐DesertScrubAndGrassland 3.B. Cool Semi‐Desert Scrub and Grassland. freshwaterAquaticVegetation 5.B. Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation. mediterraneanScrubAndGrassland 2.B. Mediterranean Scrub and Grassland. mediterraneanTemperateAndBorealNonvascularAnd 6.B. Mediterranean, Temperate, and Boreal Nonvascular and Sparse Vegetation. 155 polarAndHighMontaneNonvascularSparseVegetatio 6.D. Polar and High Montane Nonvascular and Sparse Vegetation. polarTundra 4.C. Polar Tundra. saltwaterAquaticVegetation 5.A. Saltwater Aquatic Vegetation. semi‐DesertNonvascularAndSparseVascularVegeta 6.C. Semi‐Desert Nonvascular and Sparse Vascular Vegetation. temperateAndBorealAlpineVegetation 4.B. Temperate and Boreal Alpine Vegetation. temperateAndBorealShrublandAndGrassland 2.C. Temperate and Boreal Shrubland and Grassland. temperateForest 1.C. Temperate Forest. tropicalDryForest 1.B. Tropical Dry Forest. tropicalHighMontaneVegetation 4.A. Tropical High Montane Vegetation. tropicalMoistForest 1.A. Tropical Moist Forest. tropicalNonvascularandSparseVegetation 6.A. Tropical Nonvascular and Sparse Vegetation. tropicalShrublandGrasslandAndSavanna 2.A. Tropical Shrubland, Grassland, and Savanna. warmSemi‐DesertScrubAndGrassland 3.A. Warm Semi‐Desert Scrub and Grassland. FGDCFormationType Definition: A descriptor which is the third level in the NVC natural vegetation hierarchy, in which each vegetation unit is defined by a geographically widespread (global) plant communities of similar physiognomy and dominant growth forms, typically related to major Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition alpineScrubForbMeadowAndGrassland 4.B.1. Alpine Scrub, Forb Meadow and Grassland. borealFloodedAndSwampForest 1.D.2. Boreal Flooded and Swamp Forest. borealGrasslandMeadowAndShrubland 2.C.2. Boreal Grassland, Meadow and Shrubland. coolSemiDesertCliffScreeAndRockVegetation 6.C.2. Cool Semi‐Desert Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. coolSemiDesertScrubAndGrassland 3.B.1. Cool Semi‐Desert Scrub and Grassland. coolTemperateForest 1.C.2. Cool Temperate Forest. dwarfshrubHerbandNonvascularTundra 4.C.1. Dwarf‐shrub, Herb and Non‐vascular Tundra. freshwaterAquaticVegetation 5.B.1. Freshwater Aquatic Vegetation. lowlandAndMontaneBorealForest 1.D.1. Lowland and Montane Boreal Forest. mangrove 1.A.4. Mangrove. marineandEstuarineSaltwaterAquaticVegetation 5.A.1. Marine and Estuarine Saltwater Aquatic Vegetation. mediterraneanCliffScreeAndRockVegetation 6.B.1. Mediterranean Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. mediterraneanGrasslandAndForbMeadow 2.B.2. Mediterranean Grassland and Forb Meadow. mediterraneanScrub 2.B.1. Mediterranean Scrub. 156 polarAndAlpineCliffScreeAndRockVegetation 6.D.2. Polar and Alpine Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. temperateAndBorealBogAndFen 2.C.4. Temperate and Boreal Bog and Fen. temperateAndBorealCliffScreeAndRockVegetation 6.B.2. Temperate and Boreal Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. temperateAndBorealFreshwaterMarsh 2.C.5. Temperate and Boreal Freshwater Marsh. temperateAndBorealSaltMarsh 2.C.6. Temperate and Boreal Salt Marsh. temperateAndBorealScrubAndHerbCoastalVegetati 2.C.3. Temperate and Boreal Scrub and Herb Coastal Vegetation. temperateFloodedAndSwampForest 1.C.3. Temperate Flooded and Swamp Forest. temperateGrasslandMeadowAndShrubland 2.C.1. Temperate Grassland, Meadow and Shrubland. tropicalBogAndFen 2.A.4. Tropical Bog and Fen. tropicalCliffScreeAndRockVegetation 6.A.1. Tropical Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. tropicalFloodedAndSwampForest 1.A.3. Tropical Flooded and Swamp Forest. tropicalFreshwaterMarsh 2.A.5. Tropical Freshwater Marsh. tropicalHighMontaneCliffScreeAndRockVegetatio 6.D.1. Tropical High Montane Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. tropicalHighMontaneScrubAndGrassland 4.A.1. Tropical High Montane Scrub and Grassland. tropicalLowlandEvergreenRainforest 1.A.1. Tropical Lowland Evergreen Rainforest. tropicalLowlandShrublandGrasslandAndSavanna 2.A.1. Tropical Lowland Shrubland, Grassland, and Savanna. tropicalMontaneAndCloudForest 1.A.2. Tropical Montane and Cloud Forest. tropicalMontaneShrublandGrasslandAndSavanna 2.A.2. Tropical Montane Shrubland, Grassland, and Savanna. tropicalSaltMarsh 2.A.6. Tropical Salt Marsh. tropicalScrubAndHerbCoastalVegetation 2.A.3. Tropical Scrub and Herb Coastal Vegetation. tropicalSemiDeciduousForest 1.B.1. Tropical (Semi‐) Deciduous Forest. tundraWetMeadow 4.C.2. Tundra Wet Meadow. warmSemiDesertCliffScreeAndRockVegetation 6.C.1. Warm Semi‐Desert Cliff, Scree, and Rock Vegetation. warmSemiDesertScrubAndGrassland 3.A.1. Warm Semi‐Desert Scrub and Grassland. warmTemperateForest 1.C.1. Warm Temperate Forest. FiringSiteType Definition: Type of firing line Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition aerialGunnery Aerial gunnery/helicopter firing site. aerialGunneryLaser Aerial gunnery/helicopter laser firing site. 157 airDefense Air defense firing site. antitank Anti‐tank firing site. artillery Fixed artillery firing site. demolition Demolition firing site. firingLinePoint Firing line point used to develop firing line. grenades Grenades (Throw Bay). illumination Illumination firing site. largeCaliber Large Caliber (30mm or larger). laser Tactical vehicle laser firing site. missile Missile firing site. mlrs Multiple launch rocket system (mlrs) firing site. mortar Mortar firing site. recoilless Recoilless rifle firing site. screening Screening line site. smallArms Small arms firing site. tankFireBoxPoint Tank firing box point used to develop tank firing box area. trench Infantry trench site. vehicleBattlePosition Vehicle battle position firing site. FloodWallType Definition: The type or kind of floodwall. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition iWall I_WALL lWall L_WALL other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. tWall T_WALL FlowStructureType Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of flow structure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 158 barb A unique hydraulic structure used to provide bank protection for mild‐sloped, gravel‐bed streams in the Pacific Northwest. barrage A structure at the mouth of a tidal watercourse to increase its depth or maintain a separation between fresh and salt water or reduce the risk of tidal flooding up the river, or for tidal power generation. bendwayWeir An area marking a collection of bendway weirs normally associated with one another either by designation, name, or other identifier. checkDam A small dam designed to reduce flow velocity and control soil erosion. concreteChute A short and steep section of the channel bed armoured with concrete. Normally, chutes stabilize an erosion head preventing it from moving upstream, or reduce the overall grade of a channel by providing a low weir without the dangers of a free overfall. dike linear stone structure with a peaked or trapezoidal section located in pointway, secondary and main channel area and typically extending channelward from the convex bank to improve channel for navigation and flood control purposes. diversion A structure intended to divert the flow of water from the main channel, typically into a bypass or cut‐off channel. diversionGates A gate which may be closed to divert water from the main channel to a lateral or some other channel. engineeredLogJam A collection of large woody debris that create or redirect flow and provide stability to a downstream bar or island. floodSpillway A constructed means managing flood waters by diverting flood waters from the waterway to an alternative water course. inLineDetentionBasin A reservoir without control gates for storing water in the flow channel over brief periods of time until the stream has the capacity for ordinary flow plus released water; used for flood regulation. offChannelDetentionBasin A reservoir without control gates for storing water outside of the flow channel over brief periods of time until the stream has the capacity for ordinary flow plus released water; used for flood regulation. other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. overflowWeir A weir specifically designed to remove flows over a targeted discharge into another channel or detention area. pipeDiversion A pipe intended to divert the flow of water from the main channel. 159 rockChute A rock chute is a short and steep section of the channel armoured with rock. Chutes are normally intended to stabilize an erosion head preventing it from moving upstream, or to reduce the overall grade of a channel by providing a low weir. rockGroin A protective structure of stone or concrete; extends from shore into the water to prevent a beach or shoreline from washing away. spurDike An embankment for diverting the current of a stream. Sometimes used to direct flood flows into a bridge opening. Often referred to as a spur or a wing dam. submergedVane A small, double‐curved, patented structures for sediment management in rivers. They are designed to protect stream banks from erosion, maintain navigation depth and flood‐ flow capacity in rivers, and control sediment at diversions and water intakes. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. tideGates A structure typically used in secondary channels to divert ebb flow back to the main channel to aid flushing and reduce shoaling, but also used in salinity control. trainingWall A wall built along the bank of a river or estuary parallel to the direction of flow to direct and confine the flow. wingWall A structure designed to redirect the flow into a bridge opening and eliminate erosion under bridge piers, abutments and embankment. FrequencyRange Definition: This domain describes the operating frequency range of a piece of equipment used to transmit and receive communications signals via electromagnetic waves. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition HF High Frequency. LF Low Frequency. UHF Ultra High Frequency. VHF Very High Frequency. GasNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the types of gas network node. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 160 gControllableFitting Controllable fittings can be mechanically set to control the flow of gas through pipes. gDrip A Drip collects and pumps water that has accumulated in the gas distribution system. Drips are generally installed in low‐lying areas. gGasLamp A Gas Lamp is a street lamp fueled by natural gas. gMeterPoint MeterPoint represents the geographical location of a meter or bank of meters at meter points. Meters measure the volume of gas flow, which is defined by temperature and pressure. gNonControllableFitting Non‐controllable Fittings control the flow of natural gas through pipes. gOdorizer Because natural gas is odorless and colorless, odorizers are used for leak detection at or near the gas point of purchase. Odorizer delivery methods are based on the size of the system, flow, and electrical power available gPressureMonitoringDevice Devices that monitor gas flow through a pipe and include pressure recorders, pressure telemeters, and pressure charts. An electronic device can monitor the flow of gas remotely using SCADA systems to collect data. gRegulator A regulator is a mechanical device used for the controlled reduction of pressure in a gas distribution system. gRegulatorStation A regulator station defines the location of one or more pressure regulators gReliefValve This safety valve in a regulator station is designed to release when the set pressure is exceeded. Relief Valves ensure the system pressure does not exceed the maximum allowable operating pressure of a Distribution System. gRuralTap Taps are used to provide service connections on gas pipes and mains. Rural Tap represents supply from transmission pipe. gTownBorderStation A town border station is where the gas transmission system is converted to the distribution system. gValve A valve permits or prevents the flow of gas using ball, gate, plug or other mechanisms. Valves are pressure‐rated by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). GasSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the gas network segment types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 161 gMainLine Services connect customers to the gas distribution main either directly or through the customer meter. The yard line is the portion of the service line typically located between the meter and the property line. gServiceLine Services connect customers to the gas distribution main either directly or through the customer meter. The yard line is the portion of the service line typically located between the meter the property line. GroundStorageStatus Definition: Table with allowable input values for whether a storage facility is above ground or below ground. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition ABOVEGROUND Aboveground. EarthCovered earth covered. OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. GSIP_AreaUOM Definition: DISR approved units of measure for area. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition acre A conventional unit of measurement of area equal to 4,840 square yards, being 4,046.856 square metres. hectare A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one hectometre on each side, equal to ten thousand square metres. squareCentimetre A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one centimetre on each side, equal to one ten‐thousandth of a square metre. squareDecametre A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one decametre on each side, equal to one hundred square metres. squareDecimetre A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one decimetre on each side, equal to one hundredth of a square metre. squareFoot A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one foot on each side, being 0.09290304 square metres. 162 squareInch A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one inch on each side, being 0.00064516 square metres. squareKilometre A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one kilometre on each side, equal to one million square metres. squareMetre The derived unit of measurement of area in the SI units system. squareMillimetre A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one millimetre on each side, equal to one millionth of a square metre. squareStatuteMile A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one statute mile on each side, being 2,589.988 square kilometres. squareYard A conventional unit of measurement of area whose dimensions are one yard on each side, being 0.83612736 square metres. GSIP_LengthUOM Definition: DISR approved units of measure for length. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition astronomicUnit A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 1.4959787 x 10^11 metres. centimetre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.01 metres. dataMile A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 6,000 feet (1,828.8 metres). Used in the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) and Variable Message Format (VMF). decafoot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 10 feet (3.048 metres). decakilometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 10,000.0 metres. decametre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 10.0 metres. decifoot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to one tenth of a foot (0.03048 metres). decimetre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.1 metres. deciNauticalMile A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to one tenth of a nautical mile or 185.2 metres. 163 fathom A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 6 feet (1.8288 metres). foot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.3048 metres. halfFoot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to one half of a foot (0.1524 metres). halfHectometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 50.0 metres. halfMetre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.5 metres. hectofoot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 100 feet (30.48 metres). hectokilometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 100,000.0 metres. hectometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 100.0 metres inch A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.0254 metres. kilofoot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 1000 feet (304.8 metres). kilometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 1,000.0 metres. kiloyard A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 1000 yards (914.4 metres) metre The base unit in SI for the physical quantity length, defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a second. micrometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.000001 metres. millimetre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.001 metres. nanometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.000000001 metres. nauticalMile A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 1,852.0 metres. picometre A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.000000000001 metres. statuteMile A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 5,280 feet (1,609.344 metres). usSurveyFoot A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.3048006 metres. Set by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey as exactly 1200/3937 metres. usSurveyMile A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 5,280 U.S. Survey Feet (1,609.347 metres). 164 yard A conventional unit of measurement of length equal to 0.9144 metres. GSIP_PowerUOM Definition: DISR approved units of measure for power. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition footPoundForcePerSecond A conventional unit of measurement of power equal to 1.355818 watts. horsepowerElectric A conventional unit of measurement of power used in rating electric motors equal to 746 watts. horsepowerMechanic A conventional unit of measurement of power used in rating mechanical systems equal to 550 ft lbf/s (745.6999 watts). horsepowerMetric A conventional unit of measurement of power (75 kgf‐ metre per second) equal to 735.49875 watts. kgForceMetrePerSecond A conventional unit of measurement of power equal to 9.80665 watts. kilowatt A conventional unit of measurement of power equal to one thousand watts. megawatt A conventional unit of measurement of power equal to one million watts. microwatt A conventional unit of measurement of power equal to one millionth of a watt. milliwatt A conventional unit of measurement of power equal to one thousandth of a watt. watt The derived unit of measurement of power in the SI units system. GSIP_VolumeUOM Definition: DISR approved units of measure for volume. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition cubicCentimetre A conventional unit of measurement of volume whose dimensions are one centimetre on each side, equal to one millionth of a cubic metre. cubicDecimetre A conventional unit of measurement of volume whose dimensions are one decimetre on each side, equal to one thousandth of a cubic metre. cubicFoot A conventional unit of measurement of volume whose dimensions are one foot on each side, 0.02831685 cubic metres. 165 cubicInch A conventional unit of measurement of volume whose dimensions are one inch on each side, 0.000016387064 cubic metres. cubicMetre The derived unit of measurement of volume in the SI units system. cubicMillimetre A conventional unit of measurement of volume whose dimensions are one millimetre on each side, equal to one billionth of a cubic metre. cubicYard A conventional unit of measurement of volume whose dimensions are one yard on each side, 0.76445549 cubic metres. decilitre A conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume equal to one tenth of a liter and one ten‐thousandth of a cubic metre. litre A special name for a cubic decimetre, being a conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume whose dimensions are one decimetre on each side, equal to one thousandth of a cubic metre. millilitre A special name for a cubic centimetre, being a conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume whose dimensions are one centimetre on each side, equal to one millionth of a cubic metre. usCup A conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume that is 1/2 of a U.S. pint, being 0.00023658825 cubic metres. usFluidOunce A conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume that is 1/8 of a U.S. pint, being 0.00002957353 cubic metres. usGallon A conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume that is 231 cubic inches in dimension, 0.003785412 cubic metres. usPint A conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume that is 1/2 of a U.S. quart, being 0.0004731765 cubic metres. usQuart A conventional unit of measurement of liquid volume that is 1/4 of a U.S. gallon, being 0.000946353 cubic metres. HabitatType Definition: A descriptor identifying the type of habitat in terms of it criticality to the existance of the species or suite of species. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition critical An agency or country has determined and listed this location as critical to the existence of a species or suite of species. essential A subjective determination has been made that indicates that this location is essential to the existance of a species or suite of species. 166 managed A subjective determination has been made that indicates that this location should be managed with emphasis on a species or suite of species. unmanaged A known habitat not currently managed. HoldingType Definition: Type of a holding area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition anchorage A general area in which anchoring of vessels is permitted. It may or may not contain specific anchor berths. fleeting An area or location where barges or tows are assembled for further transport. mooring Any feature to which a line or chain may be tied to secure a vessel to a pier, dock, or wharf such as a bollard or cleat. HydroGeomorphologyType Definition: Enumeration of the hydrogeomorphology types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition DEPRESS Depressional is characterized by a water source consisting of return flow from groundwater and interflow with primarily vertical hydrodynamics. ESTUARINEF The water source of the estuarine fringe consists of overbank flow from estuaries, with bidirectional and horizontal hydrodynamics being dominant. LACUSTRINF A Lacustrine fringe has a dominant water source of lake overbank flow, and the dominant hydrodynamics are bidirectional and horizontal. MINSOILFLT Mineral soil flats have a water source of precipitation, and vertical hydrodynamics are dominant. ORGSOILFLT Organic soil flats have precipitation as the water source, and its dominant hydrodynamic is vertical. RIVERINE Riverine is characterized by a water source of overbank flow from a channel, and hydrodynamics which are predominantly unidirectional and horizontal. SLOPE The Slope wetland class is characterized by a water source of return flow from groundwater, with principally unidirectional and horizontal hydrodynamics. 167 InundationEventType Definition: discriminates the type of inundation event. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 10_YEAR Highest probability of waterway inundation every 10 years. 15_YEAR Highest probability of waterway inundation every 15 years. 25_YEAR Highest probability of waterway inundation every 25 years. 5_YEAR Highest probability of waterway inundation every 5 years. 50_YEAR Highest probability of waterway inundation every 50 years. 500_YEAR Highest probability of waterway inundation every 500 years. damBreak represents inundation as a result of dam break. femaOnePercent represents inundation from flooding that corresponds to the FEMA 1% chance probability. GENERAL Most common waterway inundation. hurricane represents inundation as a result of a hurricane (storm surge) event. leveeBreech represents inundation as a result of a levee breach. PROJECTED Current forecast waterway inundation. rainfall represents inundation as a result of a rainfall event(s). ITESCClassificationType Definition: International Terrestrial Ecological System Classification (ITESC) provides a comprehensive classification system for 651 terrestrial ecological system units for the lower 48 United States and adjacent Canada. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition CES103.020 Boreal Aspen‐Birch Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES103.021 Boreal White Spruce‐Fir‐Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES103.022 Boreal Jack Pine‐Black Spruce Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES103.581 Boreal‐Laurentian Bog (Woody Wetland). CES103.588 Eastern Boreal Floodplain (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES103.589 Boreal Ice‐Scour Rivershore (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES103.724 Boreal‐Laurentian Conifer Acidic Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES103.870 Boreal Blanket Bog (Woody Wetland). 168 CES103.871 Boreal Depressional Bog (Woody Wetland). CES103.872 Boreal Fen (Woody Wetland). CES103.873 Boreal Wet Meadow (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES105.799 Boreal Black Spruce Bog (Woody Wetland). CES105.800 Montane Boreal White and Black Spruce Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES105.848 Boreal White Spruce Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES105.849 Boreal Lutz Spruce Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES105.850 Boreal Black Spruce Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES105.851 Montane Boreal Aspen‐Birch Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES200.091 Temperate Pacific Tidal Salt and Brackish Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES200.876 Temperate Pacific Freshwater Aquatic Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES200.877 Temperate Pacific Freshwater Emergent Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES200.878 Temperate Pacific Freshwater Mudflat (Barren). CES200.881 North Pacific Maritime Coastal Sand Dune and Strand (Barren). CES200.882 North Pacific Maritime Eelgrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES200.998 Temperate Pacific Subalpine‐Montane Wet Meadow (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.019 Laurentian Acidic Rocky Outcrop (Steppe/Savanna). CES201.025 Great Lakes Acidic Rocky Shore and Cliff (Barren). CES201.026 Great Lakes Dune (Barren). CES201.034 Northern Great Lakes Interdunal Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.048 North Atlantic Rocky Intertidal (Barren). CES201.049 North Atlantic Tidal Sand Flat (Barren). CES201.050 North Atlantic Intertidal Mudflat (Barren). CES201.051 North Atlantic Cobble Shore (Barren). CES201.561 Acadian Near‐Boreal Spruce Barrens (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES201.562 Acadian Near‐Boreal Spruce Flat (Mixed Upland and Wetland). 169 CES201.563 Laurentian‐Acadian Pine‐Hemlock‐Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES201.564 Laurentian‐Acadian Northern Hardwoods Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES201.565 Acadian Low‐Elevation Spruce‐Fir‐Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES201.566 Acadian‐Appalachian Montane Spruce‐Fir Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES201.567 Acadian‐Appalachian Alpine Tundra (Shrubland). CES201.568 Acadian‐Appalachian Subalpine Woodland and Heath‐ Krummholz (Shrubland). CES201.569 Laurentian‐Acadian Acidic Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES201.570 Laurentian‐Acadian Calcareous Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES201.571 Northern Appalachian‐Acadian Rocky Heath Outcrop (Steppe/Savanna). CES201.572 Laurentian‐Acadian Calcareous Rocky Outcrop (Steppe/Savanna). CES201.573 Acadian‐North Atlantic Rocky Coast (Barren). CES201.574 Northern Appalachian‐Acadian Conifer‐Hardwood Acidic Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES201.575 Laurentian‐Acadian Alkaline Conifer‐Hardwood Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES201.576 Acadian‐Appalachian Conifer Seepage Forest (Woody Wetland). CES201.578 Acadian Coastal Salt Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.579 Acadian Estuary Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.580 Acadian Maritime Bog (Woody Wetland). CES201.582 Laurentian‐Acadian Wet Meadow‐Shrub Swamp (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.583 Boreal‐Laurentian‐Acadian Acidic Basin Fen (Woody Wetland). CES201.585 Laurentian‐Acadian Alkaline Fen (Woody Wetland). CES201.586 Laurentian‐Acadian Lakeshore Beach (Barren). CES201.587 Laurentian‐Acadian Floodplain Forest (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES201.594 Laurentian‐Acadian Freshwater Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.718 Laurentian Pine‐Oak Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). CES201.719 Laurentian‐Acadian Northern Pine‐(Oak) Forest (Forest and Woodland). 170 CES201.721 Great Lakes Alvar (Steppe/Savanna). CES201.722 Northern Great Lakes Coastal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES201.726 Great Lakes Wooded Dune and Swale (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES201.995 Great Lakes Alkaline Rocky Shore and Cliff (Barren). CES202.018 Central Interior Highlands and Appalachian Sinkhole and Depression Pond (Woody Wetland). CES202.024 Southern Ridge and Valley Calcareous Glade and Woodland (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.027 Great Lakes Wet‐Mesic Lakeplain Prairie (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.028 Central and Southern Appalachian Spruce‐Fir Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.029 Southern Appalachian Northern Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.033 Great Lakes Freshwater Estuary and Delta (Herbaceous Wetland). CES202.036 Cumberland Riverscour (Woody Wetland). CES202.043 Ozark‐Ouachita Mesic Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.046 North‐Central Interior Dry‐Mesic Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.047 North‐Central Interior Dry Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.052 Ozark‐Ouachita Fen (Herbaceous Wetland). CES202.053 Cumberland Wet‐Mesic Meadow and Savanna (Herbaceous). CES202.069 High Allegheny Wetland (Woody Wetland). CES202.268 Piedmont Hardpan Woodland and Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.288 Southern Appalachian Spray Cliff (Barren). CES202.294 Southern Appalachian Grass and Shrub Bald (Herbaceous). CES202.297 Southern Appalachian Granitic Dome (Barren). CES202.298 Piedmont Seepage Wetland (Woody Wetland). CES202.300 Southern and Central Appalachian Bog and Fen (Woody Wetland). CES202.306 Ouachita Montane Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.309 Cumberland Acidic Cliff and Rockhouse (Barren). CES202.312 Arkansas Valley Prairie and Woodland (Herbaceous). CES202.313 Ozark‐Ouachita Shortleaf Pine‐Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). 171 CES202.314 Ouachita Novaculite Glade and Woodland (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.317 Southern Appalachian Seepage Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES202.319 Southeastern Interior Longleaf Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.321 Interior Highlands Forested Acidic Seep (Woody Wetland). CES202.323 Southern Piedmont Small Floodplain and Riparian Forest (Woody Wetland). CES202.324 Southern Piedmont Large Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES202.325 Ozark‐Ouachita Shortleaf Pine‐Bluestem Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.326 Ozark Prairie and Woodland (Herbaceous). CES202.327 Southern Appalachian Rocky Summit (Barren). CES202.328 Southern Piedmont Glade and Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.329 Southern Piedmont Granite Flatrock and Outcrop (Barren). CES202.330 Southern Appalachian Montane Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES202.331 Southern Appalachian Montane Pine Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.332 Southern Appalachian Low‐Elevation Pine Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.334 Nashville Basin Limestone Glade and Woodland (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.336 Piedmont Upland Depression Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES202.337 Cumberland Sandstone Glade and Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.338 Alabama Ketona Glade and Woodland (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.339 Southern Piedmont Dry Oak‐(Pine) Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.342 Southern Piedmont Mesic Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.346 Interior Low Plateau Seepage Fen (Herbaceous Wetland). CES202.347 Eastern Serpentine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.348 Southern and Central Appalachian Mafic Glade and Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.352 Western Highland Rim Prairie and Barrens (Herbaceous). CES202.354 Eastern Highland Rim Prairie and Barrens (Herbaceous). CES202.355 Pennyroyal Karst Plain Prairie and Barrens (Herbaceous). CES202.356 Southern Interior Calcareous Cliff (Barren). CES202.357 Southern Interior Sinkhole Wall (Barren). 172 CES202.359 Allegheny‐Cumberland Dry Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.361 Cumberland Seepage Forest (Woody Wetland). CES202.373 Southern and Central Appalachian Cove Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.386 Southern Piedmont Cliff (Barren). CES202.453 Southern Ridge and Valley Patch Prairie (Herbaceous). CES202.457 Southern Ridge and Valley / Cumberland Dry Calcareous Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.590 Northeastern Interior Pine Barrens (Forest and Woodland). CES202.591 Central Appalachian Dry Oak‐Pine Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.592 Northeastern Interior Dry‐Mesic Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.593 Appalachian (Hemlock)‐Northern Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.596 Central and Southern Appalachian Montane Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.598 Appalachian Shale Barrens (Forest and Woodland). CES202.600 Central Appalachian Pine‐Oak Rocky Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.601 North‐Central Appalachian Acidic Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES202.602 Central Appalachian Alkaline Glade and Woodland (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.603 North‐Central Appalachian Circumneutral Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES202.604 North‐Central Appalachian Acidic Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES202.605 North‐Central Interior and Appalachian Rich Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES202.606 North‐Central Interior and Appalachian Acidic Peatland (Woody Wetland). CES202.607 North‐Central Appalachian Seepage Fen (Herbaceous Wetland). CES202.608 Central Appalachian River Floodplain (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.609 Central Appalachian Stream and Riparian (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.689 Central Interior Acidic Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES202.690 Central Interior Calcareous Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES202.691 Central Interior Highlands Calcareous Glade and Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). 173 CES202.692 Central Interior Highlands Dry Acidic Glade and Barrens (Forest and Woodland). CES202.693 North‐Central Interior Beech‐Maple Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.694 North‐Central Interior Floodplain (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.695 North‐Central Interior Sand and Gravel Tallgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES202.696 North‐Central Interior Maple‐Basswood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.698 North‐Central Interior Oak Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.699 North‐Central Interior Quartzite Glade (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.700 North‐Central Interior Wet Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES202.701 North‐Central Interior Wet Meadow‐Shrub Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES202.702 North‐Central Interior Shrub‐Graminoid Alkaline Fen (Woody Wetland). CES202.703 Ozark‐Ouachita Riparian (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.704 Paleozoic Plateau Bluff and Talus (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.705 South‐Central Interior Large Floodplain (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.706 South‐Central Interior Small Stream and Riparian (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES202.707 Ozark‐Ouachita Dry Oak Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES202.708 Ozark‐Ouachita Dry‐Mesic Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.727 North‐Central Oak Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). CES202.886 Southern Appalachian Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.887 South‐Central Interior Mesophytic Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.888 Bluegrass Savanna and Woodland (Herbaceous). CES202.898 Southern Interior Low Plateau Dry‐Mesic Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES202.899 North‐Central Interior Freshwater Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.044 Southeastern Coastal Plain Natural Lakeshore (Woody Wetland). CES203.055 Florida River Floodplain Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.056 West Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Oak and Shortleaf Pine Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). 174 CES203.057 Florida Peninsula Inland Scrub (Forest and Woodland). CES203.064 Central Atlantic Coastal Plain Sandy Beach (Barren). CES203.065 Red River Large Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.066 Atlantic Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.067 Mississippi Sound Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.069 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Calcareous Ravine (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.070 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Stream and River (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.071 Mississippi River Alluvial Plain Dry‐Mesic Loess Slope Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.072 Northern Crowleys Ridge Sand Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.077 Floridian Highlands Freshwater Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.078 Southern Coastal Plain Herbaceous Seep and Bog (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.079 Southern Crowleys Ridge Mesic Loess Slope Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.189 Lower Mississippi River Dune Pond (Forest and Woodland). CES203.190 Mississippi River Riparian Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.191 West Gulf Coastal Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.192 East Gulf Coastal Plain Savanna and Wet Prairie (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.193 Lower Mississippi River Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.194 West Gulf Coastal Plain Herbaceous Seepage Bog (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.195 Mississippi River Low Floodplain (Bottomland) Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.196 Mississippi River High Floodplain (Bottomland) Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.240 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Tidal Wooded Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.241 Atlantic Coastal Plain Dry and Dry‐Mesic Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.242 Atlantic Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.243 Atlantic Coastal Plain Embayed Region Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). 175 CES203.244 East Gulf Coastal Plain Florida Big Bend Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.245 Atlantic Coastal Plain Clay‐Based Carolina Bay Wetland (Woody Wetland). CES203.246 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.247 Atlantic Coastal Plain Blackwater Stream Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.248 Atlantic Coastal Plain Brownwater Stream Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.249 Atlantic Coastal Plain Small Blackwater River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.250 Atlantic Coastal Plain Small Brownwater River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.251 Southern Coastal Plain Nonriverine Cypress Dome (Woody Wetland). CES203.252 Atlantic Coastal Plain Streamhead Seepage Swamp, Pocosin, and Baygall (Woody Wetland). CES203.253 Atlantic Coastal Plain Sandhill Seep (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.254 Atlantic Coastal Plain Fall‐line Sandhills Longleaf Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.256 Atlantic Coastal Plain Indian River Lagoon Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.257 Atlantic Coastal Plain Indian River Lagoon Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.258 Southeastern Coastal Plain Interdunal Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.259 Atlantic Coastal Plain Embayed Region Tidal Freshwater Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.260 Atlantic Coastal Plain Embayed Region Tidal Salt and Brackish Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.261 Central Atlantic Coastal Plain Maritime Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.262 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Depression Pondshore (Woody Wetland). CES203.263 Northern Gulf of Mexico Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.264 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Dune and Swale (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.265 Central Atlantic Coastal Plain Wet Longleaf Pine Savanna and Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.266 Florida Panhandle Beach Vegetation (Barren). 176 CES203.267 Atlantic Coastal Plain Peatland Pocosin and Canebrake (Woody Wetland). CES203.269 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Pitch Pine Barrens (Forest and Woodland). CES203.270 Central Atlantic Coastal Plain Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.273 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Dune and Maritime Grassland (Herbaceous). CES203.274 Southwest Florida Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.275 Southern Coastal Plain Spring‐run Stream Aquatic Vegetation (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.277 West Gulf Coastal Plain Weches Glade (Steppe/Savanna). CES203.278 West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine‐Hardwood Flatwoods (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.280 West Gulf Coastal Plain Mesic Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.281 Atlantic Coastal Plain Upland Longleaf Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.282 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Tidal Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.284 Florida Longleaf Pine Sandhill (Forest and Woodland). CES203.291 South‐Central Saline Glade (Steppe/Savanna). CES203.292 East Gulf Coastal Plain Sandhill Lakeshore Depression (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.293 West Gulf Coastal Plain Upland Longleaf Pine Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.299 East Gulf Coastal Plain Tidal Wooded Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.301 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Sandy Beach (Barren). CES203.302 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Maritime Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.303 Mississippi Sound Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.304 Central Atlantic Coastal Plain Nonriverine Swamp and Wet Hardwood Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.353 East Gulf Coastal Plain Jackson Plain Prairie and Barrens (Herbaceous). CES203.364 West Gulf Coastal Plain Catahoula Barrens (Steppe/Savanna). CES203.371 West Gulf Coastal Plain Nepheline Syenite Glade (Steppe/Savanna). 177 CES203.372 West Gulf Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and Baygall (Woody Wetland). CES203.374 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Pitch Pine Lowland (Woody Wetland). CES203.375 East Gulf Coastal Plain Near‐Coast Pine Flatwoods (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.376 Central Atlantic Coastal Plain Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.377 West Gulf Coastal Plain Northern Calcareous Prairie (Herbaceous). CES203.378 West Gulf Coastal Plain Pine‐Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.379 West Gulf Coastal Plain Southern Calcareous Prairie (Herbaceous). CES203.380 Florida Dry Prairie (Herbaceous). CES203.382 Central Florida Pine Flatwoods (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.383 Atlantic Coastal Plain Sea Island Beach (Barren). CES203.384 Southern Coastal Plain Nonriverine Basin Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.385 East Gulf Coastal Plain Interior Shrub Bog (Woody Wetland). CES203.459 West Gulf Coastal Plain Near‐Coast Large River Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.463 Texas Coastal Bend Beach (Barren). CES203.464 Central and South Texas Coastal Fringe Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.465 Central and Upper Texas Coast Dune and Coastal Grassland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.466 West Gulf Coastal Plain Chenier and Upper Texas Coastal Fringe Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.467 Gulf Coast Chenier Plain Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.468 Gulf Coast Chenier Plain Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.469 Louisiana Beach (Barren). CES203.470 Mississippi Delta Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.471 Mississippi Delta Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.472 Central and Upper Texas Coast Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.473 Central and Upper Texas Coast Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). 178 CES203.474 Texas Coastal Bend Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.475 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.476 Southern Coastal Plain Mesic Slope Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.477 East Gulf Coastal Plain Northern Mesic Hardwood Slope Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.478 Southern Coastal Plain Blackland Prairie and Woodland (Herbaceous). CES203.479 South‐Central Interior / Upper Coastal Plain Flatwoods (Forest and Woodland). CES203.480 South‐Central Interior / Upper Coastal Plain Wet Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.481 East Gulf Coastal Plain Northern Loess Bluff Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.482 East Gulf Coastal Plain Northern Loess Plain Oak‐Hickory Upland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.483 East Gulf Coastal Plain Northern Dry Upland Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.487 West Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream and River Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.488 West Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.489 East Gulf Coastal Plain Large River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.490 Mississippi River Bottomland Depression (Woody Wetland). CES203.491 Central Florida Wet Prairie and Herbaceous Seep (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.492 East Gulf Coastal Plain Dry Chalk Bluff (Barren). CES203.493 Southern Coastal Plain Blackwater River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.494 Southern Coastal Plain Oak Dome and Hammock (Forest and Woodland). CES203.495 Southern Coastal Plain Sinkhole (Barren). CES203.496 East Gulf Coastal Plain Interior Upland Longleaf Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.497 Atlantic Coastal Plain Xeric River Dune (Barren). CES203.500 East Gulf Coastal Plain Dune and Coastal Grassland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.501 Southern Coastal Plain Hydric Hammock (Woody Wetland). CES203.502 Southern Coastal Plain Limestone Forest (Forest and Woodland). 179 CES203.503 East Gulf Coastal Plain Maritime Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.505 Southern Coastal Plain Seepage Swamp and Baygall (Woody Wetland). CES203.506 East Gulf Coastal Plain Interior Shortleaf Pine‐Oak Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.507 Florida Big Bend Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.508 Florida Big Bend Salt and Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.511 Texas‐Louisiana Fresh‐Oligohaline Subtidal Aquatic Vegetation (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.513 Mississippi Delta Maritime Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.516 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Fresh and Oligohaline Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.518 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Pond (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.519 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Tidal Salt Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.520 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Basin Swamp and Wet Hardwood Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.521 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Subtidal Aquatic Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.522 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Basin Peat Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.531 Lower Mississippi River Dune Woodland and Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.534 Panhandle Florida Limestone Glade (Steppe/Savanna). CES203.535 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Beach (Barren). CES203.536 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Wet Pine Savanna and Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.537 Southern Atlantic Coastal Plain Maritime Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.539 Southwest Florida Dune and Coastal Grassland (Herbaceous). CES203.540 Southwest Florida Perched Barriers Tidal Swamp and Lagoon (Woody Wetland). CES203.541 Texas‐Louisiana Coastal Prairie Pondshore (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.542 Texas‐Louisiana Coastal Prairie Slough (Woody Wetland). CES203.543 Texas Saline Coastal Prairie (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.544 Upper Texas Coast Beach (Barren). CES203.545 Upper Texas Coast Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). 180 CES203.547 West Gulf Coastal Plain Flatwoods Pond (Woody Wetland). CES203.548 West Gulf Coastal Plain Nonriverine Wet Hardwood Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.549 Lower Mississippi Alluvial Plain Grand Prairie (Herbaceous). CES203.550 Texas‐Louisiana Coastal Prairie (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES203.554 East Gulf Coastal Plain Northern Seepage Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES203.556 East Gulf Coastal Plain Southern Loess Bluff Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.557 East Gulf Coastal Plain Southern Loblolly‐Hardwood Flatwoods (Woody Wetland). CES203.558 East Gulf Coastal Plain Depression Pondshore (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.559 East Gulf Coastal Plain Small Stream and River Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). CES203.560 Southern Coastal Plain Dry Upland Hardwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES203.890 Central Florida Herbaceous Pondshore (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.891 West Gulf Coastal Plain Stream Terrace Sandyland Longleaf Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES203.892 Atlantic Coastal Plain Northern Salt Pond Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.893 Atlantic Coastal Plain Northern Bog (Woody Wetland). CES203.894 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Brackish Tidal Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES203.895 Northern Atlantic Coastal Plain Heathland and Grassland (Shrubland). CES204.001 North Pacific Maritime Dry‐Mesic Douglas‐fir‐Western Hemlock Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.002 North Pacific Maritime Mesic‐Wet Douglas‐fir‐Western Hemlock Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.062 North Pacific Coastal Interdunal Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES204.063 North Pacific Bog and Fen (Woody Wetland). CES204.085 East Cascades Oak‐Ponderosa Pine Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.086 East Cascades Mesic Montane Mixed‐Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.087 North Pacific Montane Shrubland (Shrubland). CES204.088 North Pacific Hypermaritime Shrub and Herbaceous Headland (Herbaceous). 181 CES204.089 North Pacific Herbaceous Bald and Bluff (Herbaceous). CES204.090 North Pacific Hardwood‐Conifer Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES204.092 North Pacific Volcanic Rock and Cinder Land (Barren). CES204.093 North Pacific Montane Massive Bedrock, Cliff and Talus (Barren). CES204.094 North Pacific Coastal Cliff and Bluff (Barren). CES204.095 North Pacific Serpentine Barren (Barren). CES204.097 North Pacific Mesic Western Hemlock‐Silver Fir Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.098 North Pacific Dry‐Mesic Silver Fir‐Western Hemlock‐Douglas‐ fir Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.099 North Pacific Alpine and Subalpine Dry Grassland (Herbaceous). CES204.100 North Pacific Montane Grassland (Herbaceous). CES204.101 Sierran‐Intermontane Desert Western White Pine‐White Fir Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.837 North Pacific Maritime Mesic Subalpine Parkland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.838 North Pacific Mountain Hemlock Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.840 Alaskan‐Vancouverian Maritime Western Hemlock Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.841 North Pacific Hypermaritime Sitka Spruce Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.842 North Pacific Hypermaritime Western Red‐cedar‐Western Hemlock Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.843 North Pacific Mesic Western Hemlock‐Yellow‐cedar Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES204.845 North Pacific Dry Douglas‐fir‐(Madrone) Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.846 North Pacific Broadleaf Landslide Forest and Shrubland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.847 North Pacific Lowland Mountain Hemlock Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.852 North Pacific Oak Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES204.853 North Pacific Alpine and Subalpine Bedrock and Scree (Barren). CES204.854 North Pacific Avalanche Chute Shrubland (Shrubland). CES204.855 North Pacific Mesic Low Shrubland (Shrubland). CES204.856 North Pacific Arctic Lowland Ericaceous Dwarf‐Shrub (Shrubland). 182 CES204.857 North Pacific Arctic Lowland Sagebrush Bluff (Shrubland). CES204.858 Willamette Valley Upland Prairie and Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES204.859 North Pacific Hardpan Vernal Pool (Herbaceous Wetland). CES204.861 North Pacific Active Inland Dune (Barren). CES204.862 North Pacific Dry and Mesic Alpine Dwarf‐Shrubland, Fell‐ field and Meadow (Shrubland). CES204.863 North Pacific Tussock Tundra (Herbaceous). CES204.864 Boreal Dry‐Mesic Meadow (Herbaceous). CES204.865 North Pacific Shrub Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES204.866 North Pacific Montane Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES204.868 North Pacific Glacial Outwash Forest and Shrubland (Barren). CES204.869 North Pacific Lowland Riparian Forest and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES204.874 Willamette Valley Wet Prairie (Herbaceous Wetland). CES204.875 North Pacific Intertidal Freshwater Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES204.879 Temperate Pacific Intertidal Mudflat (Barren). CES204.883 North Pacific Wooded Volcanic Flowage (Forest and Woodland). CES204.996 Modoc Basalt Flow Vernal Pool (Herbaceous Wetland). CES205.679 East‐Central Texas Plains Post Oak Savanna and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES205.682 Crosstimbers Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES205.683 Central Tallgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES205.684 Southern Blackland Tallgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES205.685 Southeastern Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES205.686 Northern Tallgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES205.687 Eastern Great Plains Wet Meadow, Prairie, and Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES205.688 Eastern Great Plains Tallgrass Aspen Parkland (Forest and Woodland). CES205.697 Eastern Great Plains Quartzite Rocky Outcrop (Steppe/Savanna). CES205.709 East‐Central Texas Plains Riparian Forest (Woody Wetland). CES205.710 East‐Central Texas Plains Floodplain Forest (Woody Wetland). 183 CES205.896 East‐Central Texas Plains Pine Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES205.897 East‐Central Texas Plains Xeric Sandyland (Herbaceous). CES206.150 Klamath‐Siskiyou Xeromorphic Serpentine Savanna and Chaparral (Steppe/Savanna). CES206.899 Mediterranean California Alpine Bedrock and Scree (Barren). CES206.900 Mediterranean California Alpine Fell‐Field (Shrubland). CES206.901 Sierra Nevada Cliff and Canyon (Barren). CES206.902 Klamath‐Siskiyou Cliff and Outcrop (Barren). CES206.903 Central California Coast Ranges Cliff and Canyon (Barren). CES206.904 Southern California Coast Ranges Cliff and Canyon (Barren). CES206.905 Mediterranean California Serpentine Barrens (Barren). CES206.906 Mediterranean California Coastal Bluff (Barren). CES206.907 Mediterranean California Northern Coastal Dune (Barren). CES206.908 Mediterranean California Southern Coastal Dune (Barren). CES206.909 Mediterranean California Mixed Oak Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.910 Mediterranean California Subalpine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.911 Northern California Mesic Subalpine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.912 Sierra Nevada Subalpine Lodgepole Pine Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.913 Mediterranean California Red Fir Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES206.914 Klamath‐Siskiyou Upper Montane Serpentine Mixed Conifer Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.915 Mediterranean California Mesic Mixed Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.916 Mediterranean California Dry‐Mesic Mixed Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.917 Klamath‐Siskiyou Lower Montane Serpentine Mixed Conifer Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.918 California Montane Jeffrey Pine‐(Ponderosa Pine) Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.919 Mediterranean California Mixed Evergreen Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES206.920 Central and Southern California Mixed Evergreen Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.921 California Coastal Redwood Forest (Forest and Woodland). 184 CES206.922 California Coastal Closed‐Cone Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.923 Mediterranean California Lower Montane Black Oak‐Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES206.924 Sierra Nevada Alpine Dwarf‐Shrubland (Shrubland). CES206.925 California Montane Woodland and Chaparral (Shrubland). CES206.926 California Mesic Chaparral (Shrubland). CES206.927 California Xeric Serpentine Chaparral (Shrubland). CES206.928 Mediterranean California Mesic Serpentine Woodland and Chaparral (Forest and Woodland). CES206.929 California Maritime Chaparral (Shrubland). CES206.930 Southern California Dry‐Mesic Chaparral (Shrubland). CES206.931 Northern and Central California Dry‐Mesic Chaparral (Shrubland). CES206.932 Northern California Coastal Scrub (Shrubland). CES206.933 Southern California Coastal Scrub (Shrubland). CES206.934 Baja Semi‐Desert Coastal Succulent Scrub (Shrubland). CES206.935 California Central Valley Mixed Oak Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES206.936 California Lower Montane Blue Oak‐Foothill Pine Woodland and Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES206.937 California Coastal Live Oak Woodland and Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES206.938 Southern California Oak Woodland and Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES206.939 Mediterranean California Alpine Dry Tundra (Herbaceous). CES206.940 Mediterranean California Subalpine Meadow (Herbaceous). CES206.941 California Northern Coastal Grassland (Herbaceous). CES206.942 California Central Valley and Southern Coastal Grassland (Herbaceous). CES206.943 California Mesic Serpentine Grassland (Herbaceous). CES206.944 Mediterranean California Foothill and Lower Montane Riparian Woodland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES206.945 Mediterranean California Serpentine Foothill and Lower Montane Riparian Woodland and Seep (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES206.946 California Central Valley Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES206.947 Mediterranean California Alkali Marsh (Woody Wetland). 185 CES206.948 Northern California Claypan Vernal Pool (Herbaceous Wetland). CES206.949 Northern California Volcanic Vernal Pool (Herbaceous Wetland). CES206.950 South Coastal California Vernal Pool (Herbaceous Wetland). CES206.951 Mediterranean California Coastal Interdunal Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES206.952 Mediterranean California Subalpine‐Montane Fen (Herbaceous Wetland). CES206.953 Mediterranean California Serpentine Fen (Herbaceous Wetland). CES206.954 California Central Valley Alkali Sink (Woody Wetland). CES206.999 Mediterranean California Eelgrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES300.728 North American Alpine Ice Field (Barren). CES300.729 North American Arid West Emergent Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES301.460 South Texas Dune and Coastal Grassland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES301.461 South Texas Salt and Brackish Tidal Flat (Barren). CES301.462 South Texas Lomas (Herbaceous). CES301.538 South Texas Sand Sheet Grassland (Herbaceous). CES301.730 Madrean Juniper Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES301.983 Tamaulipan Mixed Deciduous Thornscrub (Shrubland). CES301.984 Tamaulipan Mesquite Upland Scrub (Shrubland). CES301.985 Tamaulipan Savanna Grassland (Herbaceous). CES301.986 Tamaulipan Calcareous Thornscrub (Shrubland). CES301.987 Tamaulipan Clay Grassland (Herbaceous). CES301.988 Tamaulipan Tallgrass Grassland (Herbaceous). CES301.989 Tamaulipan Caliche Grassland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES301.990 Tamaulipan Floodplain (Woody Wetland). CES301.991 Tamaulipan Palm Grove Riparian Forest (Woody Wetland). CES301.992 Tamaulipan Arroyo Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES302.017 Chihuahuan Mixed Salt Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.031 Madrean Oriental Chaparral (Shrubland). CES302.035 Sonoran Mid‐Elevation Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.039 North American Warm Desert Interdunal Swale Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). 186 CES302.061 Chihuahuan Loamy Plains Desert Grassland (Herbaceous). CES302.731 Chihuahuan Creosotebush Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.732 Chihuahuan Gypsophilous Grassland and Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES302.733 Apacherian‐Chihuahuan Mesquite Upland Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.734 Chihuahuan Mixed Desert and Thorn Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.735 Apacherian‐Chihuahuan Semi‐Desert Grassland and Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES302.736 Chihuahuan Sandy Plains Semi‐Desert Grassland (Herbaceous). CES302.737 Chihuahuan Stabilized Coppice Dune and Sand Flat Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.738 Chihuahuan Succulent Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.741 Mogollon Chaparral (Shrubland). CES302.742 Mojave Mid‐Elevation Mixed Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.743 North American Warm Desert Badland (Barren). CES302.744 North American Warm Desert Active and Stabilized Dune (Barren). CES302.745 North American Warm Desert Bedrock Cliff and Outcrop (Barren). CES302.746 Chihuahuan‐Sonoran Desert Bottomland and Swale Grassland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES302.747 North American Warm Desert Cienega (Herbaceous Wetland). CES302.748 North American Warm Desert Lower Montane Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES302.749 Sonora‐Mojave Mixed Salt Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.750 North American Warm Desert Pavement (Barren). CES302.751 North American Warm Desert Playa (Barren). CES302.752 North American Warm Desert Riparian Mesquite Bosque (Woody Wetland). CES302.753 North American Warm Desert Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES302.754 North American Warm Desert Volcanic Rockland (Barren). CES302.755 North American Warm Desert Wash (Woody Wetland). CES302.756 Sonora‐Mojave Creosotebush‐White Bursage Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.757 Sonora‐Mojave Semi‐Desert Chaparral (Shrubland). CES302.758 Sonoran Brittlebush‐Ironwood Desert Scrub (Shrubland). 187 CES302.759 Sonoran Fan Palm Oasis (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES302.760 Sonoran Granite Outcrop Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES302.761 Sonoran Paloverde‐Mixed Cacti Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES303.038 Edwards Plateau Mesic Canyon (Forest and Woodland). CES303.041 Edwards Plateau Limestone Shrubland (Shrubland). CES303.650 Northwestern Great Plains ‐ Black Hills Ponderosa Pine Woodland and Savanna (Forest and Woodland). CES303.651 Edwards Plateau Floodplain Terrace (Forest and Woodland). CES303.652 Edwards Plateau Riparian (Woody Wetland). CES303.653 Edwards Plateau Cliff (Barren). CES303.654 Edwards Plateau Upland Depression (Herbaceous Wetland). CES303.655 Edwards Plateau Carbonate Glade and Barrens (Barren). CES303.656 Edwards Plateau Dry‐Mesic Slope Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES303.657 Llano Uplift Acidic Forest, Woodland and Glade (Herbaceous). CES303.658 Northwestern Great Plains Canyon (Barren). CES303.659 Central Mixedgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES303.660 Edwards Plateau Limestone Savanna and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES303.661 Great Plains Prairie Pothole (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES303.662 Northwestern Great Plains Shrubland (Shrubland). CES303.663 Western Great Plains Badlands (Barren). CES303.664 Southwestern Great Plains Canyon (Barren). CES303.665 Western Great Plains Cliff and Outcrop (Barren). CES303.666 Western Great Plains Closed Depression Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES303.667 Western Great Plains Dry Bur Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES303.668 Western Great Plains Mesquite Woodland and Shrubland (Shrubland). CES303.669 Western Great Plains Saline Depression Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES303.670 Western Great Plains Sand Prairie (Herbaceous). CES303.671 Western Great Plains Sandhill Steppe (Shrubland). CES303.672 Western Great Plains Shortgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES303.673 Western Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). CES303.674 Northwestern Great Plains Mixedgrass Prairie (Herbaceous). 188 CES303.675 Western Great Plains Open Freshwater Depression Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES303.676 Northwestern Great Plains Floodplain (Woody Wetland). CES303.677 Northwestern Great Plains Riparian (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES303.678 Western Great Plains Floodplain (Woody Wetland). CES303.680 Western Great Plains Wooded Draw and Ravine (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES303.681 Northwestern Great Plains Aspen Forest and Parkland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES303.817 Western Great Plains Foothill and Piedmont Grassland (Herbaceous). CES303.956 Western Great Plains Riparian (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES303.957 Northwestern Great Plains Highland White Spruce Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.001 Great Basin Semi‐Desert Chaparral (Shrubland). CES304.042 Great Basin Altered Andesite Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.045 Great Basin Foothill and Lower Montane Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES304.057 Columbia Plateau Vernal Pool (Herbaceous Wetland). CES304.058 Northern Columbia Plateau Basalt Pothole Ponds (Herbaceous Wetland). CES304.059 Inter‐Mountain Basins Interdunal Swale Wetland (Herbaceous Wetland). CES304.060 Northern Rocky Mountain Wooded Vernal Pool (Woody Wetland). CES304.080 Columbia Plateau Low Sagebrush Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES304.081 Columbia Plateau Ash and Tuff Badland (Barren). CES304.082 Columbia Plateau Western Juniper Woodland and Savanna (Forest and Woodland). CES304.083 Columbia Plateau Steppe and Grassland (Steppe/Savanna). CES304.084 Columbia Plateau Silver Sagebrush Seasonally Flooded Shrub‐Steppe (Woody Wetland). CES304.762 Colorado Plateau Mixed Low Sagebrush Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.763 Colorado Plateau Blackbrush‐Mormon‐tea Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.764 Colorado Plateau Hanging Garden (Herbaceous Wetland). CES304.765 Colorado Plateau Mixed Bedrock Canyon and Tableland (Barren). 189 CES304.766 Colorado Plateau Pinyon‐Juniper Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.767 Colorado Plateau Pinyon‐Juniper Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.768 Columbia Basin Foothill Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES304.770 Columbia Plateau Scabland Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.772 Inter‐Mountain Basins Curl‐leaf Mountain Mahogany Woodland and Shrubland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.773 Great Basin Pinyon‐Juniper Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.774 Great Basin Xeric Mixed Sagebrush Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.775 Inter‐Mountain Basins Active and Stabilized Dune (Barren). CES304.776 Inter‐Mountain Basins Aspen‐Mixed Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.777 Inter‐Mountain Basins Big Sagebrush Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.778 Inter‐Mountain Basins Big Sagebrush Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES304.779 Inter‐Mountain Basins Cliff and Canyon (Barren). CES304.780 Inter‐Mountain Basins Greasewood Flat (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES304.781 Inter‐Mountain Basins Wash (Barren). CES304.782 Inter‐Mountain Basins Juniper Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES304.783 Inter‐Mountain Basins Mat Saltbush Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.784 Inter‐Mountain Basins Mixed Salt Desert Scrub (Shrubland). CES304.785 Inter‐Mountain Basins Montane Sagebrush Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES304.786 Inter‐Mountain Basins Playa (Barren). CES304.787 Inter‐Mountain Basins Semi‐Desert Grassland (Herbaceous). CES304.788 Inter‐Mountain Basins Semi‐Desert Shrub‐Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES304.789 Inter‐Mountain Basins Shale Badland (Barren). CES304.790 Inter‐Mountain Basins Subalpine Limber‐Bristlecone Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES304.791 Inter‐Mountain Basins Volcanic Rock and Cinder Land (Barren). CES304.792 Columbia Basin Palouse Prairie (Herbaceous). CES304.793 Southern Colorado Plateau Sand Shrubland (Shrubland). CES304.794 Wyoming Basins Dwarf Sagebrush Shrubland and Steppe (Shrubland). 190 CES304.993 Columbia Basin Foothill and Canyon Dry Grassland (Herbaceous). CES304.998 Inter‐Mountain Basins Alkaline Closed Depression (Herbaceous Wetland). CES305.795 Madrean Encinal (Forest and Woodland). CES305.796 Madrean Lower Montane Pine‐Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES305.797 Madrean Pinyon‐Juniper Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES305.798 Madrean Upper Montane Conifer‐Oak Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.030 Northern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine Woodland and Savanna (Forest and Woodland). CES306.040 Northern Rocky Mountain Lower Montane, Foothill and Valley Grassland (Herbaceous). CES306.648 Southern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.649 Southern Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES306.801 Northern Rocky Mountain Avalanche Chute Shrubland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES306.802 Northern Rocky Mountain Mesic Montane Mixed Conifer Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES306.803 Northern Rocky Mountain Conifer Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES306.804 Northern Rocky Mountain Lower Montane Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES306.805 Northern Rocky Mountain Dry‐Mesic Montane Mixed Conifer Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES306.806 Northern Rocky Mountain Subalpine‐Upper Montane Grassland (Herbaceous). CES306.807 Northern Rocky Mountain Subalpine Woodland and Parkland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.809 Rocky Mountain Alpine Bedrock and Scree (Barren). CES306.810 Rocky Mountain Alpine Dwarf‐Shrubland (Shrubland). CES306.811 Rocky Mountain Alpine Fell‐Field (Herbaceous). CES306.812 Rocky Mountain Alpine‐Montane Wet Meadow (Herbaceous Wetland). CES306.813 Rocky Mountain Aspen Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.814 Rocky Mountain Bigtooth Maple Ravine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.815 Rocky Mountain Cliff, Canyon and Massive Bedrock (Barren). 191 CES306.816 Rocky Mountain Alpine Turf (Herbaceous). CES306.818 Rocky Mountain Gambel Oak‐Mixed Montane Shrubland (Shrubland). CES306.819 Rocky Mountain Subalpine‐Montane Limber‐Bristlecone Pine Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.820 Rocky Mountain Lodgepole Pine Forest (Forest and Woodland). CES306.821 Rocky Mountain Lower Montane‐Foothill Riparian Woodland and Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES306.822 Rocky Mountain Lower Montane‐Foothill Shrubland (Shrubland). CES306.823 Southern Rocky Mountain Dry‐Mesic Montane Mixed Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.824 Southern Rocky Mountain Montane‐Subalpine Grassland (Herbaceous). CES306.825 Southern Rocky Mountain Mesic Montane Mixed Conifer Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.828 Rocky Mountain Subalpine Dry‐Mesic Spruce‐Fir Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.829 Rocky Mountain Subalpine‐Montane Mesic Meadow (Herbaceous). CES306.830 Rocky Mountain Subalpine Mesic‐Wet Spruce‐Fir Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.831 Rocky Mountain Subalpine‐Montane Fen (Herbaceous Wetland). CES306.832 Rocky Mountain Subalpine‐Montane Riparian Shrubland (Woody Wetland). CES306.833 Rocky Mountain Subalpine‐Montane Riparian Woodland (Woody Wetland). CES306.834 Southern Rocky Mountain Juniper Woodland and Savanna (Steppe/Savanna). CES306.835 Southern Rocky Mountain Pinyon‐Juniper Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.837 Northern Rocky Mountain Western Larch Savanna (Forest and Woodland). CES306.955 Rocky Mountain Foothill Limber Pine‐Juniper Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.958 Northern Rocky Mountain Foothill Conifer Wooded Steppe (Steppe/Savanna). CES306.959 Middle Rocky Mountain Montane Douglas‐fir Forest and Woodland (Forest and Woodland). CES306.960 Rocky Mountain Poor‐Site Lodgepole Pine Forest (Forest and Woodland). 192 CES306.961 Northern Rocky Mountain Subalpine Deciduous Shrubland (Shrubland). CES306.994 Northern Rocky Mountain Montane‐Foothill Deciduous Shrubland (Shrubland). CES411.054 South Florida Depression Pondshore (Herbaceous Wetland). CES411.271 South Florida Shell Hash Beach (Barren). CES411.272 Southeast Florida Beach (Barren). CES411.273 South Florida Hydric Hammock (Woody Wetland). CES411.276 Southwest Florida Beach (Barren). CES411.285 Florida Keys Seagrass Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES411.286 South Florida Everglades Sawgrass Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES411.287 South Florida Hardwood Hammock (Forest and Woodland). CES411.289 South Florida Mangrove Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES411.290 South Florida Dwarf Cypress Savanna (Woody Wetland). CES411.365 South Florida Cypress Dome (Woody Wetland). CES411.366 South Florida Bayhead Swamp (Woody Wetland). CES411.367 South Florida Pine Rockland (Forest and Woodland). CES411.368 Southwest Florida Coastal Strand and Maritime Hammock (Forest and Woodland). CES411.369 Southeast Florida Coastal Strand and Maritime Hammock (Forest and Woodland). CES411.370 South Florida Wet Marl Prairie (Herbaceous Wetland). CES411.381 South Florida Pine Flatwoods (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES411.485 South Florida Slough, Gator Hole, and Willow Head (Herbaceous Wetland). CES411.486 South Florida Pond‐apple/Popash Slough (Woody Wetland). CES412.215 Hawaii Montane Rainforest (Woody Wetland). CES412.216 Hawaii Montane Bog (Herbaceous Wetland). CES412.217 Hawaii Montane Cloud Forest (Woody Wetland). CES412.218 Hawaii Wet Cliff and Ridge Crest Dwarf Forest and Shrubland (Shrubland). CES412.219 Hawaii Uluhe Fern Woodland (Woody Wetland). CES412.220 Hawaii Riparian Forest and Shrubland (Mixed Upland and Wetland). CES412.221 Hawaii Floodplain Forest (Herbaceous Wetland). CES412.222 Hawaii Freshwater Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES412.223 Hawaii Ihiihiluakea Vernal Pool (Herbaceous). 193 CES412.224 Northern Polynesia Tidal Salt Marsh (Herbaceous Wetland). CES412.225 Hawaii Freshwater Aquatic Bed (Herbaceous Wetland). CES412.226 Hawaii Lowland Rainforest (Woody Wetland). JurisdictionalFeatureType Definition: Enumeration of the jurisdictional feature types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition DELINEATE Delinea on only. ISOLATE Isolated (interstate or intrastate) waters, including isolated wetlands. NRPW Non‐RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. NRPWW Wetlands adjacent to non‐RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. RPW Relatively Permanent Waters (RPWs) that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. RPWWD Wetlands directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. RPWWN Wetlands adjacent to but not directly abutting RPWs that flow directly or indirectly into TNWs. TNW Traditional Navigable Waters (TNW), including territorial seas. TNWRPW Tributary consisting of both RPWs and non‐RPWs. TNWW Wetlands adjacent to TNWs. UPLAND Uplands. KingdomType Definition: A descriptor identifying one of the five taxonomic kingdoms into which scientists place all living organisms. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition animalia Animals are a major group of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdom Animalia. fungi A fungus is a eukaryotic organism that is a member of the kingdom Fungi. 194 monera Monera are bacteria and other mostly tiny, single‐celled organisms whose genetic material is loose in the cell. Once Monera were briefly understood to be one of five biological kingdoms. Now it comprises two kingdoms: eubacteria and archaebacteria. plantae Plants are a major group of multicellular, eukatyotic organisms of the kingdom Plantae. protista A protist is a unicellular eukaryotes that either exist as independent cells, or if they occur in colonies, do not show differentiation into tissues and are members of the kingdom protista. LandClass Definition: Discriminator. The classification of the land use area. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 1 Agricultural, Row Crop 10 Non‐Forested Wetlands 11 Shrub/Scrub 12 Water 13 Residential, Low Density 14 Residential, Medium Density 15 Residential, High Density 16 Commercial 17 Industrial, Light 18 Industrial, Heavy 19 Landfills 2 Agricultural, Pasture 20 Recreation 21 Other 22 Sandbar 23 Openland 24 Swamp 3 Agricultural, Aquaculture 4 Forest, Bottomland Hardwoods 5 Forest, Upland Hardwoods 6 Forest, Pine 195 7 Forest, Mixed Pine and Hardwoods 8 Tree Plantation 9 Marsh LandCoverType Definition: Various types of land coverings (using the U.S.G.S Classification System). Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 1000 urban or built‐up land 2000 agricultural land 3000 rangeland 4000 forest land 5000 water 6000 wetland 7000 barren land 8000 tundra 9000 perennial snow or ice LandUse Definition: Current use of any spatial portion of land. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition ADMINISTRATE administration AGRIFIELD agricultural field AIRFLDCLEAR airfield clearance AIRFLDPAVEMT airfield pavement AIROPSMAINTN aircraft operations and maintenance AMMOSTORAGE ammunition storage BEQ bachelor enlisted quarters BOQ bachelor officer quarters CIV_AEROPLANE_AP civil aeroplane airport CIVIL_HELIPORT CIVIL_HELIPORT COMMCOMMERCE community commercial COMMFACILITY community facility 196 COMMSERVICE community service COMMSERVICES commercial services CROP_PRODUCT crop production ELECOMBTTEST electronic combat ground test EMERGENCY_AFIELD emergency airfield ENLISTBARRAK enlisted barracks EXPLOSIVSAFZ munitions/explosive safety hazard zone FAMILYHOUSNG family housing FARM_CROPS farming, crops FARM_GRAZING farming, grazing FARM_NUTREE farming, nuts FARM_ORCHARD farming, orchard fruit FARM_VINEYRD farming, vineyard FLOW_EASEMENT Flowage Easement FLTLIN_RDTE flight line/research‐development‐testing‐evaluation FLYWAY flyway FOREST forest FUELS_AREA fuels area GLIDER_AIRFIELD GLIDER_AIRFIELD GOVERNMENTAL governmental GRANT grant GRAZING_AREA grazing area HAY_PRODUCE hay production area HELIPORT heliport HISTORIC historic HOUSEACCOMPD housing accompanied HOUSUNACOMPD housing unaccompanied HQ headquarters, HQ HUNTING_AREA hunting area INSTRUCOMMUN instrumentation/communication LAND_RESTORE land restoration LEASED_LAND leased land LEVEE Levee MAINTENANCE maintenance 197 MANUF_PRODUC manufacturing and production MEDIC_DENTAL medical/dental MIL_AEROPLANE_AP military aeroplane airport MILITARY military MILITARY_HELIPOR MILITARY_HELIPORT MINING mining MOBILE_HOME Mobile Home. NOISEOVRFLGT noise/overflight OPENBUFFZONE open space/buffer zone OPERATIONS operations Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. OUTDOOR_REC outdoor recreation PARCEL parcel PASTURE pasture PRIVATE private RAILROAD railroad RANGE range RDTE research, development, testing, and evaluation REAL_ESTATE real estate REC_CENTER recreation center RECREATIONAL recreational RESIDEOTHER residence, other RESIDPRIMARY residence, primary ROAD road SANITATION sanitation SCHOOL school SMALL_PLANE_AFLD small planes airfield SPACEPORT space port SUPPLY_STORE supply/storage TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. TEST_RANGE test range TIMBER timber TRAINING training TROOP_HOUSE troop housing 198 TROOPSUPPORT troop support UTILCORRIDOR utilities corridor UTILITY utility VOQ visiting officers quarters WATER water LandUseStatus Definition: Temporal categorization status of this land and water use record. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition EXISTING Present land status. FUTURE Land status beyond the present. OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. PAST Land status is historical, previous use, not current. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. TEMPORARY Land status not permanent. LeveeType Definition: The embankments and structures which are part of a levee system. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition frontline A levee adjacent to the river that, in conjunction with the mainline levee, forms a floodway. fuseplug A reach of levee designed to be overtopped, eroded, or breached in order to lower river stages during flood events. mainline The main levee structure adjacent to a river. other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. ring ring setback setback spur A levee segment extending from the main levee for protection against erosion by floods. sublevees sublevees TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. tributary tributary 199 LinearReferenceMethodType Definition: Discriminator for linear referencing methods of measurement. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition milepost The distance is given as a milepost value along the road segment from the start point of the segment. percentage The distance is measured as a percentage along the road segment from the start point of the segment. LockComponentType Definition: An enumeration of the component of the lock that this feature represents. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition chamber The chamber of the lock. gate The gate of the lock. guidewall The guidewall of the lock. wall The wall of the lock. MarinaType Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of the marina. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition harbor A sheltered port location in which ships may moor or anchor, take on discharge cargo, and which may or may not have gates to regulate water levels, usually with port facilities. marina An area of small docks and piers specifically for recreational and other small craft. port The location of a structure critical to the operations and/or maintenance of a port. Included are such things as container transfer facilities, fuel transfer facilities, and maintenance facilities. smallCraft An area of small docks and piers specifically for recreational and other small craft. 200 MarineCableType Definition: This table provides information about the marine cable line. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition mooringCableChain mooring cable chain. powerLine power line. telegraph telegraph. telephone telephone. transmissionLine transmission line. MatrixType Definition: Classification of the polluted matrix or medium (e.g., air, soil, groundwater). Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition AIR Air. GROUNDWATER Groundwater. Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. SEDIMENT Sediment. SOIL Soil. SOIL_AND_GW Soil and Groundwater. SOLID Solid product, materiel, etc. (e.g., wood, concrete, wallboard). SURFACE_WATER Surface water. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. MooringCategory Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of the mooring structure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition bollard bollard. chainWireOrCable chain Wire Or Cable. deviationDolphin deviation Dolphin. 201 dolphin dolphin. mooringBuoy mooring Buoy. postOrPileNonSupport post Or Pile Non Support. tieupWall tieup Wall. NetworkSubType Definition: An enumeration of the subtypes of utility networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition automotiveDiesel A POL network subtype used to convey automotive diesel fuel DF‐2 [F‐54]. b20 A POL network subtype used to convey alternative fuel bio‐ diesel (B20). bf1 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 1. bf2 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 2. bf3 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 3. bf4 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 4. bf5Heavy A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 5 heavy. bf5Light A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 5 light. bf6 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 6. chilledWaterReturn A chilled water return thermal network subtype. chilledWaterSupply A chilled water supply thermal network subtype. cng A POL network subtype used to convey compressed natural gas (CNG). communications The communications network subtype. craneTrack A railroad network subtype used for cranes. domesticSewage A wastewater network subtype used to transport domestic sewage. driveway A driveway is any unnamed road, alley or other surface that provides access to parking areas or those in front of administrations buildings, officers clubs, housing units, etc. dualTemperatureWaterReturn A dual temperature water return thermal network subtype. dualTemperatureWaterSupply A dual temperature water supply thermal network subtype. e85 A POL network subtype used to convey alternative fuel, E85. electrical The electrical network subtype. 202 fireProtectionWater A water network subtype used to convey water for fire protection. gas The gas network subtype. helipad A paved surface designed for the landing and takeoff of rotary‐wing aircraft. highTemperatureHotWaterReturn A high temperature hot water return thermal network subtype. highTemperatureHotWaterSupply A high temperature hot water supply thermal network subtype. hydrazine A POL network subtype used to convey hydrazine ‐ water (H‐ 70). industrialWaste A wastewater network subtype used to transport industrial waste. jetA A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Jet A. jetA1 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Jet A‐1. jp10 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐10. jp4 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐4. jp5 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐5. jp7 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐7. jp8 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐8. jpts A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Thermally stable. kerosene A POL network subtype used to convey kerosene. lowTemperatureHotWaterReturn A low temperature hot water return thermal network subtype. lowTemperatureHotWaterSupply A low temperature hot water supply thermal network subtype. lpg A POL network subtype used to convey liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). marineDiesel A POL network subtype used to convey marine diesel fuel [F‐ 76]. mogas A POL network subtype used to convey motor gasoline (mogas) [F‐46][ASTM D4814]. nonPotableWater A water network subtype used to convey non‐potable water. 203 o250 A POL network subtype used to convey steam turbine lubricating oils [0‐250] [MIL‐PRF‐17331]. o278 A POL network subtype used to convey lubricating oils [0‐ 278], [MIL‐PRF‐9000]. oilyWaste A wastewater network subtype used to transport oily waste. otherApron A paved surface designed for standing fixed‐wing or rotary‐ wing aircraft. Aprons support such activities as aircraft loading (passengers and materiel), and maintenance. otherReturn An uncategorized return thermal network subtype. otherSupply An uncategorized supply thermal network subtype. otto A POL network subtype used to convey OTTO fuels. parkingApron A paved surface designed for standing fixed‐wing or rotary‐ wing aircraft. Parking aprons support aircraft parking. parkingArea Parking areas include parking lots, parade grounds, lay down areas, hardstands, and other open air surface areas designated for storage. Parking areas may or may not include the associated unnamed access roads to the parking area (driveways). potableWater A water network subtype used to convey potable water. railroadTrack A railroad network subtype used for railroad equipment. rawWater A water network subtype used to convey raw water. roadway Roadways include named roads, streets, lanes, boulevards, and other ingress or egress routes intended for vehicular traffic. If unnamed, the roadway is a driveway, an alley, or an entry to a parking lot, if it is an integral part of the parking lot. runway A paved surface designed for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. saltWater A water network subtype used to convey salt water. shipsWaste A wastewater network subtype used to transport ships waste. sidewalk Sidewalks are pedestrian systems and includes other related and similar assets such as trails, walkways, and paths. steamReturn A steam return thermal network subtype. steamSupply A steam supply thermal network subtype. stormwater A wastewater network subtype used to transport stormwater. taxiway Sidewalks are pedestrian systems and include other related and similar assets such as trails, walkways, and paths. treatedWater A water network subtype used to convey treated water. 204 NetworkType Definition: An enumeration of the types of utility networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition communications A network used for the transmission of a signal. electrical A network used for the transmission of electricity. gas A network used for the transmission of some heat or installation gas product. pavement A network of paved surfaces used for the conveyance of vehicles and pedestrians. These networks include roadways, sidewalks, parking areas, and airfields. pol A network used the transmission of some POL product. railroad A network of railroad and/or crane tracks. thermal A network used for the transmission of chilled water, refrigerant, hot water, or steam. wastewater A network used for transport of stormwater, sewage or industrial waste between the source, holding facilities, and/or treatment facilities. water A network used for the transmission of water. OtherSpecialStatusType Definition: The category of other special status description contained in the otherStatusValue attribute. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition combinationFlaggedValues The taxon has no U.S. ESA status and is not named in the Federal Register; however, each infraspecific taxa have official status but at least two taxa are in a different status. Show a combination of the statuses with a flag. Example (value, value). combinationValues The taxon has one status currently, but a more recent proposal has been made to change that status with no final action yet published. For example, LE, PDL indicates that the species is currently listed as endangered, but has been proposed for delisting. flaggedValues The taxon itself is not named in the Federal Register as having U.S. ESA status; however, it does have U.S. ESA status as a result of its taxonomic relationship to a named entity. For example, if a species is federally listed as endangered, then by defaul 205 partialStatus Indicates partial status ? status in only a portion of the species range. Typically indicated in a full species record where at least one but not all of a species infraspecific taxa or populations has U.S. ESA status. Value pattern example (PS). partialStatusValues Indicates partial status ? status in only a portion of the species range. The value of that status appears because the listed entity (usually a population defined by geopolitical boundaries or defined administratively, such as experimental populations) do Ownership Definition: Ownership of an area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition private Privately owned area. public Public area with no access restrictions. public Restricted Public area with restricted access such as government areas. PavementBranchType Definition: An indicator of the type of pavement asset. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition driveway A driveway is any unnamed road, alley or other surface that provides access to parking areas or those in front of administrations buildings, officers clubs, housing units, etc. helipad A paved surface designed for the landing and takeoff of rotary‐wing aircraft. otherApron A paved surface designed for standing fixed‐wing or rotary‐ wing aircraft. Aprons support such activities as aircraft loading (passengers and materiel), and maintenance. parkingApron A paved surface designed for standing fixed‐wing or rotary‐ wing aircraft. Parking aprons support aircraft parking. parkingArea Parking areas include parking lots, parade grounds, lay down areas, hardstands, and other open air surface areas designated for storage. Parking areas may or may not include the associated unnamed access roads to the parking area (driveways). 206 roadway Roadways include named roads, streets, lanes, boulevards, and other ingress or egress routes intended for vehicular traffic. If unnamed, the roadway is a driveway, an alley, or an entry to a parking lot, if it is an integral part of the parking lot. runway A paved surface designed for the landing and takeoff of aircraft. sidewalk Sidewalks are pedestrian systems and includes other related and similar assets such as trails, walkways, and paths. taxiway A paved surface designed for the movement of (typically fixed‐wing) aircraft. PavementMaterial Definition: List of different materials used to construct roads. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition AC asphaltic concrete AC_PC asphalt over concrete overlay ASPHLCONC asphaltic concrete BBM bitumen bond macadam BRICK brick CHIPPEDSEAL chipped seal CONCRETE concrete CORAL coral CRUSHSTONE crushed stone EARTH earth GRASS grass GRAVEL gravel OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. SOD sod TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. UNIMPROVED unimproved 207 PavementSectionType Definition: The type of the pavement section. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition airfieldBridge An airfield bridge is a bridge designed for airfield traffic.. apron A paved surface designed for standing fixed‐wing or rotary‐ wing aircraft. Aprons support such activities as aircraft parking, loading, and maintenance. . curb A curb is the edge where a raised pavement/sidewalk/footpath, road median, or road shoulder meets an unraised street or other roadway. The purpose is for safety, to prevent motorists from driving onto the shoulder, median, sidewalk, or pavement. curbAndGutter The edge where a raised pavement/sidewalk/footpath, road median, or road shoulder meets an unraised street or other roadway. The purpose is to 1) serve as a gutter for drainage of the roadway, and 2) provide safety, to restrict motorists to the roadway. driveway A driveway is any unnamed road, alley or other surface that provides access to parking areas or those in front of administrations buildings, officers clubs, housing units, etc.. helipad A paved surface designed for the landing and takeoff of rotary‐wing aircraft. . intersection The distance is given as a milepost value along the road segment from the start point of the segment. overrun Overrun areas, also known as blast pads or stopways, are often constructed just before the start of a runway where jet blast produced by large planes during the takeoff roll could otherwise erode the ground and eventually damage the runway. parkingArea Parking areas include parking lots, parade grounds, lay down areas, hardstands, and other open air surface areas designated for storage. Parking areas may or may not include the associated unnamed access roads to the parking area (driveways).. pedestrianBridge A pedestrian bridge is a bridge designed for pedestrians and in some cases cyclists and horse riders, rather than vehicular traffic.. roadway Roadways include named roads, streets, lanes, boulevards, and other ingress or egress routes intended for vehicular traffic. If unnamed, the roadway is a driveway, an alley, or an entry to a parking lot, if it is an integral part of the parking lot. roadwayBridge A roadway bridge is a bridge designed for vehicular traffic.. 208 runway A tunnel is an underground passageway intended to convey pedestrian or vehicular traffic. shoulder A shoulder is a paved surface area reserved by the edge of a roadway, runway, taxiway, or other pavement area. It typically provides a safety or emergency buffer area and are often not as strong as the main paved areas.. sidewalk Sidewalks are pedestrian systems and includes other related and similar assets such as trails, walkways, and paths.. taxiway A paved surface designed for the movement of (typically fixed‐wing) aircraft. . tunnel A tunnel is an underground passageway intended to convey pedestrian or vehicular traffic. . PavementStatus Definition: Discriminator ‐ Paved or unpaved. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition paved The road has a concrete or other paved surface unpaved The road has no constructed or prepared surface PipeDiameterValues Definition: Allowable input values for pipe diameter. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 0.25 1/4 inch (0.25 inch) 0.5 1/2 inch (0.5 inch) 0.75 3/4 inch (0.75 inch) 1 1inch (1.0 inch) 1.25 1 1/4 inch (1.25 inches) 1.5 1 1/2 inch (1.5 inches) 1.75 1 3/4 inch (1.75 inches) 10 10 inch (10.0 inches) 12 12 Inch (12.0 inches) 14 14 Inch (14.0 inches) 15 15 Inch (15.0 inches) 16 16 Inch (16.0 inches) 209 18 18 Inch (18.0 inches) 2 2 inch (2.0 inches) 2.5 2 1/2 inch (2.5 inches) 20 20 Inch (20.0 inches) 21 21 Inch (21.0 inches) 22 22 Inch (22.0 inches) 24 24 Inch (24.0 inches) 28 28 Inch (28.0 inches) 3 3 inch (3.0 inches) 30 30 Inch (30.0 inches) 32 32 Inch (32.0 inches) 36 36 Inch (36.0 inches) 4 4 inch (4.0 inches) 42 42 Inch (42.0 inches) 48 48 Inch (48.0 inches) 5 5 Inch (5.0 inches) 6 6 inch (6.0 inches) 60 60 Inch (60.0 inches) 64_INCH 64 Inch (64.0 inches). 65_INCH 65 Inch (65.0 inches). 66_INCH 66 Inch (66.0 inches). 67_INCH 67 Inch (67.0 inches). 72 72 Inch (72.0 inches) 8 8 inch (8.0 inches) 84_INCH 84 Inch (84.0 inches). 85_INCH 85 Inch (84.0 inches). OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. POLNetworkSubType Definition: An enumeration of the subtypes of POL networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 210 automotiveDiesel A POL network subtype used to convey automotive diesel fuel DF‐2 [F‐54]. b20 A POL network subtype used to convey alternative fuel bio‐ diesel (B20). bf1 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 1. bf2 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 2. bf3 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 3. bf4 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 4. bf5Heavy A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 5 heavy. bf5Light A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 5 light. bf6 A POL network subtype used to convey burner fuel, no. 6. cng A POL network subtype used to convey compressed natural gas (CNG). e85 A POL network subtype used to convey alternative fuel, E85. hydrazine A POL network subtype used to convey hydrazine ‐ water (H‐ 70). jetA A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Jet A. jetA1 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Jet A‐1. jp10 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐10. jp4 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐4. jp5 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐5. jp7 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐7. jp8 A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Grade JP‐8. jpts A POL network subtype used to convey aviation turbine fuel, Thermally stable. kerosene A POL network subtype used to convey kerosene. lpg A POL network subtype used to convey liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). marineDiesel A POL network subtype used to convey marine diesel fuel [F‐ 76]. mogas A POL network subtype used to convey motor gasoline (mogas) [F‐46][ASTM D4814]. 211 o250 A POL network subtype used to convey steam turbine lubricating oils [0‐250] [MIL‐PRF‐17331]. o278 A POL network subtype used to convey lubricating oils [0‐ 278], [MIL‐PRF‐9000]. otto A POL network subtype used to convey OTTO fuels. POLNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the POL network node types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition oDispenser A fuel dispenser is a machine at a fueling station that is used to pump fuel into vehicles or AGE equipment. oFillStand A fill stand is used to directly fuel refueler trucks which, in turn, fuel aircraft. oFilterSeparator Filter separators provide water coalescing/filtration of hydrocarbon fuels such as jet fuel, kerosene, diesel, gasoline and similar liquids. oHydrantOutlet A hydrant outlet is used to directly fuel aircraft. oInjector An additive injector system is required to inject fluid additives directly into fluid products. Additive injector systems are most commonly designed to add customer required additives to bulk fuel products during the delivery process. (P) oLoadingArm A loading arm is a device used to fill trucks, rail cars, or boats. oMeter Flow meters measure the volumetric flow rate of fuel passing through the meter. oPump A pump is a piece of equipment that add energy to a fluid, such as fuel, being conveyed through a pipe or other closed conduit. oRelaxationTank Small tank in a fuel dispensing piping system downstream of filter/separators designed to remove static electricity from the liquid stream before discharge into a receiving tank. oStrainer Strainers mechanically remove solids to protect system components and equipment. oTank An atmospheric storage tank is a container for storage of POL product at atmospheric pressure. oValve Valves are used to control flow, pressure, and level within fueling systems. These can be control or isolation valves. 212 POLSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the POL network segment types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition oInstallationPipeline Installation pipelines are commonly used to transfer fuel on‐ base. oInterterminalPipeline Interterminal pipelines are crosscountry between installations. ProblemType Definition: The types of problems to be repaired. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition animalDamage Animal Damage ‐ An area where animals have burrowed or otherwise damaged the feature. crossDrainFailure Cross‐Drain Failure ‐ A failure of a drainage structure where the amount of erosion is exceeding the acceptable design of the structure. erodedSoil Eroded Soil ‐ Deterioration of the land caused by the action of flowing water. fillslopeErosion Fill Slope Erosion ‐ Erosion of the embankment or fill surface due to surface run‐off. fillslopeTensionCrack Fill Slope Tension Crack ‐ A crack on the road surface indicating mass slumping of the embankment material. flowFailure Flow Failure ‐ An area where the bank or revetment has failed in which the soil particles liquefy due to excess pore pressure and flow riverward. other Other ‐ A form of required land repair not part of this enumeration. Should be described in the featureDescription. roadSurfaceEntrenchment Road Surface Entrenchment ‐ The road surface is below the surrounding terrain due to blading and/or erosion of the road surface. roadSurfaceGullying Road Surface Gullying ‐ A large ditch‐like landform in the road surface created by large quantities of water eroding the road surface over a period of time. roadSurfacePonding Ponding ‐ The accumulation of water on the road surface indicating a saturation of the road bed. roadSurfaceRutting Road Surface Rutting ‐ Tire indentations > 2 inches in depth in the road surface indicating a saturated road bed at time of traverse. 213 roadSurfaceSedimentation Sedimentation ‐ The accumulation of material on the road surface or adjacent waterway due to erosion of the road surface. roadSurfaceSinkhole Road Surface Sink Hole ‐ A hole(s) in the road surface indicating a failure in the drainage system accompanied by erosion of material below the road surface. shoreErosion Shore Erosion ‐ Deterioration of the shoreline caused by the action of flowing water. slideArea Slide Area ‐ Area where land material has been moved downslope by the action of gravity or an external force such as floodwaters. slumpingOrSlidingBackslope Slumping Or Sliding Backslope ‐ A slump or slide consisting of the backslope occurring at or above the top of the cut slope portion of the road in which the bank has slid into the cut ditch or onto the road surface. steepSlopes Steep Slopes ‐ Area of overly steep sloping ground at or near the shoreline. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. vegetationDamage Vegetation Damage ‐ An area where vegetation has caused damage to the feature. PurposeType Definition: Purpose of a holding area Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition approach An area or location used for approaching a vessel holding area. cell A cell within a general vessel holding area where a vessel may be anchored or moored. parking An area or location used for the parking of a vessel. QuantityDistanceArcType Definition: Type of Explosive Safety Quantity Distance arc. Justification: Used to indicate the type of MilQuantityDistanceArc for DDESB. Value Definition singleFacility arc for a single facility unionOfFacilities arc unioned for a collection of facilities 214 RailConstructionType Definition: An enumeration of the types of rail construction. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition rAccess An access track. rAuxiliary An auxiliary track. rBalloon A balloon track. rBranch A branch track. rCrossover A crossover track. rLoading A loading track. rMain A main track. rOther Another type of track, not among others in this enumeration. rSecondary Main A secondary main track. rService A service track. rSiding A rail siding. rSpur A spur track. rStorage A storage track. rYard A yard track. RailNetworkSubType Definition: An enumeration of the subtypes of railroad networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition craneTrack A railroad network subtype used for cranes. railroadTrack A railroad network subtype used for railroad equipment. RailroadFeatureType Definition: Various types of point features associated with railroads. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition SIGNAL Any device, either lighted or unlighted, intended to convey information to passing trains or to alert others to the approach of a train. 215 SWITCH A device which permits trains for move from track to track, or two join two tracks. RangeEquipmentType Definition: Type of range equipment at this location. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition audio audio emitter emitter infrared infrared jammer jammer movement movement photoreceptor photoreceptor telemetry telemetry theodolite theodolite video video RangeOperationalStatus Definition: The status of operation. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition abandoned Abandoned. active The status is active. closed Officially closed, such as due to BRAC but not yet transferred out of DoD ownership. historic Historical record location or boundary, for a currently active item or for last‐known offical record of property no longer under DoD control. inactive The status is inactive. inService In Service. nonOperational Non‐operational, non‐closed location that is currently non‐ operational such as BRAC sites prior to transition. operational Operational location. other The status is not listed. programmed Programmed to become an operational location but not yet operational. 216 proposed Proposed location to become programmed, but not yet programmed. temporary Temporary. underConstruction Under Construction. unknown The status is unknown. RecreationAreaType Definition: Indicates the primary recreational usage of the area. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition AthleticField Designated area pertaining to a sporting or athletic field complex that encompasses one or more athleticField or athleticCourt RecreationFeature Types. autotouring Designated area pertaining to scenic driving, Jeep driving, motorcycle touring, driving touring, road trips, scenic back roads, by‐ways, motorcoach touring, bus touring, and trolley touring. biking Designated area pertaining to road biking, mountain biking, cycling. boating Designated area pertaining to marinas, motor boating, jet boating, motorized rafting, canoe trips, sailing, kayaking, paddle sports, scenic floats, tubing, whitewater rafting, drift boats, dory trips. camping Designated area pertaining to camping in developed sites, resorts, cabins; primitive camping, backpacking, overnight camping, modern camping; and camping in yurts, teepees, tipis, and tents. climbing Designated area pertaining to climbing, mountaineering, rock climbing. educationalPrograms Designated area pertaining to talks and programs, interpretive sites, outdoor skills training, orienteering, identification and gathering skill. equestrian Designated area pertaining to horseback riding (general) and horseback riding on trails. fishHatcheries Designated area of facilities used to cultivate and breed a large number of fish under controlled conditions. fishing Designated area pertaining to fishing (overall), freshwater fishing, warm water fishing, cold water fishing. hiking Designated area pertaining to hiking or walking, walking for pleasure, day hiking, running or jogging. historicCultural Designated and approved areas pertaining to visiting historical sites, visiting prehistoric / archeological Sites. 217 hunting Designated area pertaining to hunting (overall), big game hunting, small game hunting, migratory bird hunting. lodging Designated area pertaining to resorts, cabins, lookouts, shelters, and other permanent accommodations. museumOrVisitorCenter Designated area pertaining to museums, visitor centers, on‐ site locations that teach about the recreation area or location. offHighwayVehicle Designated area pertaining to the approved usage of off‐ highway vehicles (OHVs), snowmobiles, driving off road, and all terrain vehicles (ATVs). pet Designated area pertaining to exercising pets. picnic Designated picnic areas either developed or undelevoped. tailwaterArea Designated area adjacent to the outlet control structure of a reservior. waterSports Designated area pertaining to water courses, waterskiing, surfing, scuba diving, visiting a beach, swimming in an outdoor pool, swimming in lakes and rivers. wildlifeViewing Designated area pertaining to birdwatching or other nature study, view/photograph natural scenery, sightseeing. winterSports Designated area pertaining to snow/ice activities (overall), sledding, downhill skiing, ice skating outdoors, snowboarding, cross country skiing, ice fishing, snowshoeing. Restriction Definition: Restrictions placed on or near revetments. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition anchoringProhibited anchoring prohibited. anchoringRestricted anchoringrestricted. areaToBeAvoided area to be avoided. cargoTranshipmentLighteringProhibited cargo transhipment lightering prohibited. constructionProhibited construction prohibited. dischargingProhibited discharging prohibited. dischargingRestricted discharging restricted. divingProhibited diving prohibited. divingRestricted diving restricted. draggingProhibited dragging prohibited. dredgingProhibited dredging prohibited. dredgingRestricted dredging restricted. 218 drillingProhibited drilling prohibited. drillingRestricted drilling restricted. entryProhibited entry prohibited. entryRestricted entry restricted. fishingProhibited fishing prohibited. fishingRestricted fishing restricted. landingProhibited landing prohibited. noWake no wake. removalOfHistoricalArtifactsProhibited removal of historical artifacts prohibited. speedRestricted speed restricted. stoppingProhibited stopping prohibited. trawlingProhibited trawling prohibited. trawlingRestricted trawling restricted. RoadPointEventType Definition: Specifies the roadway item or operation at the feature. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition maxElevation The height above sea level of the road at the crest of a hill or mountain pass. miscellaneous Location of an event explained in the feature description. pass Whether a road element is regarded as a mountain pass. sign A device at an identified location used to convey information to the reader. tollbooth Location where tolls are collected for the use of a transportation facility. tollCharge Fee to be paid to travel on (a section of) a toll road. trafficBarrier Location of a barrier preventing traffic to pass. trafficCounter Location of a device counting the passing vehicles. RoadSegStatusType Definition: Status of segment entity; for example, proposed, under construction, open to traffic, abandoned, and so on. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 219 abandoned abandoned. openToTraffic open to traffic. proposed proposed. underConstruction under construction. SafetyZone Definition: Airspace zones for both safety and danger. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition AIM_RUNAWAY aiming area for runaway gun AIR_TRAFFIC air traffic control AIRSPAC_OBST airspace obstruction AIRSPACE_CLEAR airspace clearance AMMO_STORAGE ammo storage area BLAST_NOISE blast noise zone BOMBING_AREA bombing area DANGER_ZONE danger zone DROP_ZONE drop zone ELECMAGNETIC electromagnetic zone EXPLOSIVE explosive zone FLIGHT_CORRIDOR flight corridor HEIGHT_RESTRICT height restriction HELI_APPROACH heliport approach HI_SUPERSONIC high altitude supersonic zone JETTISON_AREA jettison area LANDINGZONE landing zone LO_SUPERSONIC low altitude supersonic zone MICRO_WAVE_PATH microwave signal path MIL_OPS_AIR_SPC military operations airspace NA not applicable NORMAL_IMPACT normal impact area OFF_LIMIT_AREA off limit area OPEN_BURN_LIMIT open burning limit area 220 Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. PRECISE_BOMB precision bombing circle PROHIB_AIR_SPC prohibited/alert airspace RADIATION_ZONE radiation zone RANGE_SURF_DANG range surface danger RICOCHET_AREA ricochet area RUNWAY_CLEAR runway clearance SAFETY_APPROACH safety/approach SPIN_AREA spin area TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. ShorelineType Definition: Indicator of the type of shoreline, natural, manmade, or unknown. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition manmade The shoreline is manmade. natural The shoreline is naturally occurring. Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. SiteUsage Definition: Specifies the overall use of the site. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition rdte rdte. training training. trainingAndRdte trainingAndRdte. SpecialStatusCategoryType Definition: The category of the special status of the species. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition 221 candidate Candidate. essentialExperimentalPopulation Essential experimental population. listedEndangered Listed endangered. listedThreatened Listed threatened. nonessentialExperimentalPopulation Nonessential experimental population. otherStatus Some other status is designated in the otherstatusType and otherStatusValue attributes. proposedEndangered Proposed endangered. proposedForDelisting Proposed for delisting. proposedSimilarityOfAppearanceEndangered Proposed endangered because of similarity of appearance. proposedSimilarityOfAppearanceThreatened Proposed threatened because of similarity of appearance. proposedThreatened Proposed threatened. similarityOfAppearanceEndangered Listed endangered because of similarity of appearance. similarityOfAppearanceThreatened Listed threatened because of similarity of appearance. specialConcern Special concern. SpotElevationType Definition: Discriminator ‐ Allowable values used to identify graphically a spot elevation. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition GROUND Measured from the surface of the earth. ROOF Measured from the peak of a structure roof. StationStatus Definition: Discriminator ‐ Allowable values used to identify graphically a use. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition ABANDONED The transportation feature is inactive and not in use ACTIVE The transportation feature is currently in use Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. 222 StorageTankProductType Definition: A list of products contained in storage tanks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition automotiveDiesel Automotive Diesel Fuel , DF‐2 [F‐54]. b20 Alternative Fuel Bio‐Diesel (B20). bf1 Burner Fuel, No. 1. bf2 Burner Fuel, No. 2. bf3 Burner Fuel, No. 3. bf4 Burner Fuel, No. 4. bf5Heavy Burner Fuel, No. 5 Heavy. bf5Light Burner Fuel, No. 5 Light. bf6 Burner Fuel, No. 6. chemicals Chemicals (please list actual chemicals in the feature description). cng Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). domesticwasteWater Domestic Wastewater. e85 Alternative Fuel, E85. fireProtectionWater Fire Protection Water hydrazine Hydrazine ‐ Water (H‐70). industrialWastewater Industrial Wastewater. jetA Aviation Turbine Fuel, Jet A. jetA1 Aviation Turbine Fuel, Jet A‐1. jp10 Aviation Turbine Fuel, Grade JP‐10. jp4 Aviation Turbine Fuel, Grade JP‐4. jp5 Aviation Turbine Fuel, Grade JP‐5. jp7 Aviation Turbine Fuel, Grade JP‐7. jp8 Aviation Turbine Fuel, Grade JP‐8. jpts Aviation Turbine Fuel, Thermally Stable. kerosene Kerosene. lng Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). lpg Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). marineDiesel Marine Diesel Fuel [F‐76]. 223 mogas Motor Gasoline (Mogas) [F‐46][ASTM D4814]. nonPotableWater Non‐potable Water o250 Steam Turbine Lubricating Oils [0‐250] [MIL‐PRF‐17331]. o278 Lubricating Oils [0‐278], [MIL‐PRF‐9000]. oilyWastewater Oily Wastewater. otto OTTO Fuels. potableWater Potable Water. propane Propane. rawWater Raw Water. saltWater Salt Water. shipsWastewater Ships Wastewater. stormwater Stormwater. treatedWater Treated Water. StructuralCondition Definition: Structural condition and state of repair of a building/structure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition BOARDEDUP boarded up BROKENNOUSE broken and unusable BURNTNOUSE burnt and not useable BURNTUSEABLE burnt but useable CONDEMNED condemned CRACKED cracked DAMAGED damaged DAMAGEHEVUSE heavily damage, but useable DAMAGELITUSE light damage, but useable DAMAGEMODUSE moderate damage, but useable DAMAGHEVNO heavy damage, and unusable DAMAGLITNO light damage, and unusable DAMAGMODNO moderate damage, and unusable DANGEROUS dangerous to use FAIR Fair or medium condition. FAIRESTIMATED Estimated in fair condition. 224 GOOD Good condition. GOODESTIMATED Estimated in good condition. GOODNOTNEW good, but not new HABITABLE habitable HABITABLENO not habitable MINORUSE minor use NEWLYBUILT newly built NEWUNFINISH newly built, but not yet finished NOTRESPASSNG no trespassing Other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. POOR poor POORESTIMATED Estimated in poor condition. QUARANTINED quarantined RADIOACTIVE radioactive TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. UNDERCONSTRUCT Planned or under construction. UNSERVICEABLE Unserviceable or not a weight bearing surface. USEABLE useable USEABLENO not useable StructureMaterial Definition: Basic material used for the construction of the frame and walls of a building/structure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition AL Aluminum BRICK brick BUILTUP builtup CANVAS canvas CARDBOARD cardboard CEMENT cement CEMENTBLOCK cement block CINDERBLOCK cinder block CIS Concrete Cast inSitu/Cast in Place 225 COMBINATION combination of materials COMPO Composolite CONCRETBLOCK concrete block CONCRETE concrete CONCRETEPILE concrete pile CONCRT_AND_STEEL Concrete and Steel. CONCRT_AND_WOOD Concrete and Wood. EARTHEN earthen, dirt FIBERGLASS fiberglass GLASS glass GLASS_REIN_PLAS Glass Reinforced Plastic GLASSBLOCK glass block GRASS grass HARD_SURFACED Hard Surfaced HIDES hides LOGS logs LOOSE_BOULDERS Loose Boulders MASNRY_AND_STEEL Masonry and Steel. MASONRY MASONRY MASONRY_AND_WOOD Masonry and Wood. METAL metal OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. PAINTED Painted PLASTIC plastic PRECAST Pre‐Cast Concrete SHEETMETAL sheet metal SNOW snow STEEL steel STEEL_AND_WOOD Steel and Wood. STEELPILE steel pile STONE stone STYROFOAM Styrofoam TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. TILE tile 226 UNSURFACED Unsurfaced WOOD wood WOODENPILE wooden pile SupportStructureType Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of supporting structure. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition aerialCableway Aerial Cableway/Sky Pylon. bridgePilingOrAbutment Piling or abutment used to support a bridge. electricalPylonOrPole Pylon or pole supporting electrical cabling or equipment. other Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. pontoon A set of flotation devices connected to form a base for supporting other structures. supportPiling Piling used to support some form of structural object such as a dock, deck or platform excluding those pilings used to support a bridge. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. telecommunicationsPole Pylon or pole supporting telecommunications cabling or equipment. SurveyType Definition: An enumeration indicating the type of survey. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition controlledSurvey controlled Survey. examinationSurvey examination Survey. passageSurvey passage Survey. reconnaissanceSketchSurvey reconnaissance Sketch Survey. remotelySensed remotely Sensed. 227 ThermalNetworkSubType Definition: An enumeration of the subtypes of thermal networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition chilledWaterReturn A chilled water return thermal network subtype. chilledWaterSupply A chilled water supply thermal network subtype. dualTemperatureWaterReturn A dual temperature water return thermal network subtype. dualTemperatureWaterSupply A dual temperature water supply thermal network subtype. highTemperatureHotWaterReturn A high temperature hot water return thermal network subtype. highTemperatureHotWaterSupply A high temperature hot water supply thermal network subtype. lowTemperatureHotWaterReturn A low temperature hot water return thermal network subtype. lowTemperatureHotWaterSupply A low temperature hot water supply thermal network subtype. otherReturn An uncategorized return thermal network subtype. otherSupply An uncategorized supply thermal network subtype. steamReturn A steam return thermal network subtype. steamSupply A steam supply thermal network subtype. ThermalNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the types of thermal network node. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition tAquastat An aquastat is a device used in thermal systems for controlling water temperature. tCondensateCollector A Condensate Collector is a well or a tank that collects condensate. tControlValve Control valves are used to regulate pressure and/or flow. tExpansionJoint An expansion joint is a piece of equipment installed in the system piping to allow for thermal growth or expansion. tExpansionLoop A bend (usually in the form of a horseshoe or w) which is inserted in a pipe run to provide for the expansion of the pipe resulting from a temperature change. 228 tExpansionTank An expansion tank is a tank used in closed thermal systems to absorb excess water pressure, which can be caused by thermal expansion as water is heated. tFitting The Fitting class represents the joint between two lines. tMeterPoint MeterPoint represents the geographical location of a point where service is provided. tProductionStructure Production structures are facilities which produce steam, high‐temperature water, low‐temperature water, dual‐ temperature water or chilled water. tPump A pump is a piece of equipment that moves, compresses, or alters the pressure of a fluid, such as water or air, being conveyed typically through a pipe. tReliefValve Relief valves are used to prevent over‐pressurization of the system or to remove air. tStrainer Strainers mechanically remove solids to protect system components and equipment. tSystemValve A system valve is a device installed in a pipeline to isolate flow. tTrap A Trap is a device that removes condensate from a steam system. ThermalSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the thermal network segment types. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition tMainLine A thermal mainline is pipe that transports steam, high‐ temperature water, low‐temperature water, dual‐ temperature water or chilled water. tServiceLine A thermal service line is pipe that connects to the main line and transports steam, high‐temperature water, low‐ temperature water, dual‐temperature water or chilled water to, or from, the meter point. TowerUseType Definition: Discriminator ‐ Allowable input values for the primary tower use. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition COMMUNICATION A tower structure that is primarily used for communication purposes. CONTROL A tower structure that is primarily used by an airport for air traffic control, etc. 229 COOLING A tower structure that is primarily used to store cooling liquids. FIRE A tower structure that is primarily used to spot and manage forest fires, wildlife, etc. NOT_APPLICABLE Not Applicable. OBSERVATION A tower structure that is primarily used by the Armed Forces for observation of military exercises, equipment testing, tourism, etc. OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. TRAINING A tower structure that is primarily used by the Armed Forces for jump training, rappelling, and training range management, etc. WATER A tower structure that is primarily used for water storage. TrainingSiteType Definition: Service SME provided. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition abatisSite ABATIS SITE. AirfieldTrainingArea ARMY AIRFIELD TRAINING AREA. airTransportMockup AIR TRANSPORT MOCKUP. amphibiousVehicleTrainingArea AMPHIBIOUS VEHICLE TRAINING AREA. armoredVehicleLaunchBridgeRaftFordArea ARMORED VEHICLE LAUNCH BRIDGE, RAFT, AND FORD AREA. arsofSniperTower ARSOF SNIPER TOWER. assemblyArea ASSEMBLY AREA. battleLab BATTLE LAB. bivouacSite BIVOUAC SITE. bsa BRIGADE SUPPORT AREA (BSA). cctt CLOSE COMBAT TACTICAL TRAINER (CCTT). combatTrail COMBAT TRAIL. confidenceCourse CONFIDENCE COURSE. coveredTrainingArea COVERED TRAINING AREA. decontamination DECONTAMINATION TRAINING SITE. divingTank DIVING TANK. 230 ecc EXERCISE CONTROL CENTER (ECC) SITE. efmb EXPERT FIELD MEDICAL BADGE (EFMB) TRAINING SITE. eib EXPERT INFANTRY BADGE (EIB) TRAINING SITE. engagementSkills ENGAGEMENT SKILLS TRAINER SITE. fieldFob FIELD OPERATING BASE (FOB). fieldTrainingArea FIELD TRAINING AREA. fireFightingRescue FIRE FIGHTING AND RESCUE TRAINING AREA. floatingBridgeSite FLOATING BRIDGE SITE. fob FORWARD OPERATING BASE (FOB). fscatt FIRE SUPPORT COMBINED ARMS TACTICAL TRAINER (FSCATT). ftx FIELD TRAINING EXERCISE (FTX) SITE. gasChamber GAS CHAMBER. handToHandCombatPit HAND TO HAND COMBAT PIT. icoftPad INSTITUTIONAL CONDUCT‐OF‐FIRE TRAINER (ICOFT) PAD. landNavigationCourse LAND NAVIGATION COURSE. laundryTrainingFacility LAUNDRY TRAINING FACILITY. leadershipReactionCourse LEADERSHIP REACTION COURSE. maneuverTrainingAreaAmphibiousForces MANEUVER/TRAINING AREA, AMPHIBIOUS FORCES. maneuverTrainingAreaHeavyForces MANEUVER/TRAINING AREA, HEAVY FORCES. maneuverTrainingAreaLightForces MANEUVER/TRAINING AREA, LIGHT FORCES. mates MANEUVER AREA TRAINING EQUIPMENT SITE (MATES). mcoftPad MOBIL CONDUCT OF FIRE TRAINER (MCOFT) PAD. mediumHeavyEquipment MEDIUM/HEAVY EQUIPMENT TRAINING AREA. mineWarfareArea MINE WARFARE AREA. mockShantieSite MOCK SHANTIE SITE. mockupJumpTower MOCKUP JUMP TOWER. movingTargetSimulatorBuilding MOVING TARGET SIMULATOR BUILDING. nbcChamber NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL (NBC) CHAMBER. obscurant OBSCURANT TRAINING SITE. obstacleCourse OBSTACLE COURSE. panelBridgeArea PANEL BRIDGE AREA. parachuteLandingFallPlatform PARACHUTE LANDING FALL PLATFORM. paradeDrillField PARADE/DRILL FIELD. physicalEducationTrainingFieldUSMA PHYSICAL EDUCATION TRAINING FIELD (USMA). 231 pipelineConstruction PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION TRAINING AREA. pol POL TRAINING FACILITY. poleOrchard POLE ORCHARD. prisonerOfWar PRISONER OF WAR TRAINING AREA. pyroTrainingSite PYRO TRAINING SITE. rangeSupportBuilding RANGE SUPPORT BUILDING. rangeTower RANGE TOWER. rappelling RAPPELLING TRAINING AREA. rappelTower RAPPEL TOWER. roadAirfieldConstruction ROAD/AIRFIELD CONSTRUCTION TRAINING SITE. rocaBuilding RANGE OPERATIONS AND CONTROL AREA (ROCA) BUILDING (RANGE OPERATIONS AND STORAGE BUILDING). rowpuApprovedSite REVERSE OSMOSIS WATER PURIFICATION UNIT (ROWPU) APPROVED SITE. sbc SMOKE, BIOLOGICAL, or CHEMICAL (SBC) TRAINING SITE. scrapVehicleSite SCRAP VEHICLE SITE. sewerTrainer SEWER TRAINER. shipLoadingAndUnloadingMockup SHIP LOADING AND UNLOADING MOCKUP. simulationsCenter SIMULATIONS CENTER. simulatorBuilding SIMULATOR BUILDING (MOTION‐BASED). simulatorBuildingNMB SIMULATOR BUILDING (NON‐MOTION‐BASED). sniperTower SNIPER TOWER. stxSite SITUATIONAL TRAINING EXERCISE (STX) SITE. suspendedHarnessMockup SUSPENDED HARNESS MOCKUP. swimSite SWIM SITE. tca TACTICAL CONCEALMENT AREA (TCA). timberBridgeArea TIMBER BRIDGE AREA. tocSite TACTICAL OPERATIONS CENTER (TOC) SITE (includes digital). trackedVehicleDriversCourse TRACKED VEHICLE DRIVERS COURSE. trainingTunnel TRAINING TUNNEL. ttb TACTICAL TRAINING BASE (TTB). ucoftPad UNIT CONDUCT‐OF‐FIRE TRAINER (UCOFT) PAD. underwaterFordingSite UNDERWATER FORDING SITE. urbanSprawlTrainingSite URBAN SPRAWL TRAINING SITE. vehicleNavigationCourse VEHICLE NAVIGATION COURSE. 232 water WATER TRAINING SITE. waterSupply WATER SUPPLY TRAINING AREA. wheeledVehicleDriversCourse WHEELED VEHICLE DRIVERS COURSE. TransTunnelType Definition: Allowable input values for types of tunnel. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition CANAL canal OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. RAILROAD railroad ROAD road / highway TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. TRAIL pedestrian trail TypeOfDock Definition: A facility or structure used for mooring/warping a ship or other vessel. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition ACCESS_RAMP Access Ramp from mooring facility BREAKWATER Breakwater FENDER Fender GENERAL A facility, other than a pier or wharf, used to tie up vessels alongside the shore. GROYNE Groyne LANDING_STEPS Landing Steps LOG_RAMP Log Ramp MOLE Mole OPEN_FACE_WHARF Open Face Wharf PIER A fixed structure, usually perpendicular to the shoreline, used to tie‐up vessels. PROMENADE_PIER Promenade Pier RAMP Ramp REVETMENT Revetment 233 RIP_RAP Rip Rap SEA_WALL Sea Wall SLIPWAY Slipway SOLID_FACE_WHARF Solid Face Wharf TRAINING_WALL Training Wall WHARF A fixed structure, usually parallel to the shoreline, used to tie‐up vessels. UnderwaterObstacleType Definition: The type of obstacle. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition pipe A pipe or pipeline. wire A wire or cable. UtilityFeatureType Definition: An enumeration of the types of utility features. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition cAccessCoverageArea The nominal coverage area for a wireless local area network (WLAN) access point. (A) cAirpipe A pipe which conveys pressurized air to a pressurized telephone cable system. (L) cAirPressureDevice A device which supports a cable pressurization system. (P) cAirPressureValve A valve which supports a cable pressurization system. (P) cCableLadder A ladder type structure used to support the vertical conveyance of communications cable. (P) cDuct A pipe like structure used for the underground conveyance of cable. (L) cDuctBank One or more ducts routed in parallel between two nodes. (L) cElectronicMarker Device that aids location of buried communications equipment or pathways. (P) cEquipment A generic piece of communications equipment not otherwise described. (P) 234 cManhole An enclosed structure (manhole, or handhole). If a polygon, then a single table row containing a butterfly layout showing the floor with walls flattened out to draw duct openings on the walls. If a point, then it is the center of the cover. cPathNode Node that represents a transition of different communications path segment types (i.e. duct to aerial) or attributes (i.e. duct material type from PVC to PE). (P) cPathSegment A link that represents an enclosure path of comm. items outside of a building, manhole, pedestal, or other enclosed structure. cPedestal An above‐ground enclosed structure that provides access to buried plant and a place to house splices, terminals, etc. (A) cRiser A pipe‐like structure used for the vertical conveyance of cable. (P) cVault An enclosed structure in a facility used for cable entrance. (A) cVertical A vertical is part of a mainframe where the outside cable plant terminates. (A/P) eAnchorGuy AnchorGuy is a wire or set of wires running from the top of the pole to an anchor installed in the ground and consist of wires, appropriate fastenings and the anchor. (P) eConduitSystem An underground system consisting of ducts, trenches or pipes that can contain conductors, extending between vaults or manholes. Conductors and cables can be drawn or pulled from manhole locations for repairs or changes. eDemarcationPoint The location where the service provider ownership ends, and the customer ownership begins. (P) eElectricalFacilitySite Polygon feature class to define boundaries of electrical facility stations. (A) eRiser A Riser is a cylindrical or channel enclosure attached to a pole or structure to provide protection for underground conduit as it transitions from overhead to underground. (P) eSpanGuy Span guys are installed to span from the top of one structure or pole to the other and offset the strain from the line conductor. Span guys transmit horizontal force to another pole until an anchor guy can be used. (L) eSpatialOperationsRecord The spatial operations record is a feature that is used to represent an operations record tied to a geographic location. These records may or may not be directly associated with another line or facility in the system. eSupportStructure SupportStructure supports electric devices. Examples include poles, towers, Hframes, and push brace poles. (P) eSurfaceStructure SurfaceStructure typical contains electric objects that are surface mounted. Examples include connection box, enclosure, pad, pedestal, and panel. (P) 235 eUndergroundStructure UndergroundStructure is a simple junction feature that includes vaults and manholes that house and protect electrical equipment. (P) eUtilityArea Polygon feature class to define boundaries of utility areas. (A) gAbandonedGasDevice The AbandonedGasDevice feature represents Gas Devices that have been abandoned in place. It may also contain selected attributes of any Gas Device, depending on configuration. (P) gAbandonedGasPipe AbandonedGasPipe feature represents GasPipe that has been abandoned in place or used as conduit; it may also contain selected attributes of GasPipe. (L) gAlcoholInjectionEquipment This device is used to inject alcohol into the flow of gas inside a pipeline. (P) gDemarcationPoint The location where the service provider ownership ends and the customer ownership begins. (P) gGasPipeCasing Gas Pipe Casing is a conduit through which a gas pipe may be placed. Casings provide gas pipes with protection from undue stress or abrasion. (L) gLeakSurveyArea LeakSurveyArea is a general use polygon that describes areas of leak survey by due date. (A) gLineHeater This device is used to heat natural gas inside a pipeline. (P) gPipelineMarker A Pipe Line Marker is placed as closely as practical over an underground gas line to identify the location of the facility and reduce the possibility of damage or interference. (P) gSCADASensor The SCADA sensor is a feature used to remotely measure the status of network components as part of a SCADA systems . SCADA systems provide alarms, responses, data acquisition, and control for collection and distribution systems. gScrubber This device is used to remove or scrub foreign materials from natural gas. (e.g. dust, dirt, etc.) (P). gSpatialOperationsRecord The spatial operations record is a feature that is used to represent an operations record tied to a geographic location. These records may or may not be directly associated with another line or facility in the system. gStationStructure Station Structures protect and provide access to above ground gas devices and facilities. (A) gUGEnclosureAccess The UGEnclosureAccess is a point feature class for locating the access point to the related UndergroundEnclosure (which is a polygon). (P) gUndergroundEnclosure A general‐purpose class intended to house various types of aspatial equipment found in a gas system; allows access to and provide protection of facilities and equipment in the gas system. The contained equipment does not participate in the network. 236 gUtilityArea The UtilityArea is an area of land surrounding a utility asset or an area of land specifically designated for utility use. (A) gUtilityMarker Utility markers indicate location and direction of underground pipe. (P) oAircraftFuelingFacility An aircraft fueling facility is a system made up of hydrant outlets (direct fueling system) and/or fill stands (refueler system) connected by installation pipeline to storage tanks that is used to deliver fuel to aircraft. oAnode The anode is connected to the pipe by means of wire and acts as the place of input for the current that is diverted. The anode is sacrificed to protect the metal in the pipe from corroding. oAutomaticTankGauging Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) Systems are devices that are permanently installed on‐site to monitor the underground storage tanks and provide inventory information and leak testing. (P) oCanopy A canopy is an overhead roof or structure that is able to provide protection for equipment or facilities. (A) oCasingSleeve Steel casing sleeves used for crossings where sleeves are required by authorities, where it is necessary to bore under the roadway or railroad tracks to avoid interference with traffic, or where boring is the most economical construction method. oDemarcationPoint The location where the service provider ownership ends, and the customer ownership begins. oMarineFuelingFacility An marine fueling facility is a system made up of dispensers/loading arms/articulating booms connected by installation pipeline to storage tanks that is used to deliver fuel to ships and boats. oMarineRDFacility A location used for receiving and/or dispensing of fuel to/from ships. (A) oMarineSpillContainmentBoom Flexible floating barrier consisting of linked segments designed to contain free oil on the surface of a body of water. (L) oOWSSystem A Oil/Water Separating (OWS) system is part of spill containment systems and is particular purpose is to separate POL product from water. (A) oPumpingFacility A structure, typically a building, containing pumps, filters, and controls as part of a larger fuel handling system. For example, off‐loading pumping facility, transfer pumping facility, hydrant pumping facility, pump pads, or pump houses. (A) oPumpMotor Electric motors are the prime power source for pumps in a fuel delivery system. Motors are generally powered by alternating current (AC). (P) 237 oSCADASensor The POL SCADA sensor is a feature that is used to remotely measure the status of POL network components as part of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. oServiceStation A facility where fuel is dispensed to mobile equipment or vehicles. (A) oSpatialOperationsRecord The spatial operations record is a feature that is used to represent an operations record tied to a geographic location. These records may or may not be directly associated with another line or facility in the system. oSpillContainment An area with some type spill collection and containment system used to prevent fuel spills from reaching the environment. (A) oSpillReport An area where a spill report has been made. (A) oTankTruckCarRDFacility A location used for receiving and/or dispensing of fuel to/from tank trucks or tank (rail) cars. (P) oUGEnclosureAccess The UGEnclosureAccess is a point feature class for locating the access point to the related UndergroundEnclosure (which is a polygon). (P) oUndergroundEnclosure UndergroundEnclosure is a general‐purpose class that is intended to house various types of spatial equipment found in a water system. The underground enclosures allow access to and provide protection of facilities and equipment in the water system. oUtilityArea The UtilityArea is an area of land surrounding a utility asset or an area of land specifically designated for utility use. (A) oUtilityMarker Utility markers indicate location and direction of underground pipe. (P) oValvePit Valve pits are provided for all valves installed in non‐traffic areas on underground fuel systems. These include high point valve/vent, isolation valve, and low point drain pits. (P) rArea An area subdivides thea RailNetwork into logical areas based on use or geographic location. It is comprised of a group of RailTracks. sAnode An anode is a feature (specifically, an electrical mechanism) that is applied to system components for the prevention of rust, pitting, and the corrosion of metal surfaces that are in contact with water or soil. sCasing The casing is a line protector that surrounds or encloses a wastewater line in order to protect it from physical damage or other ground‐based contaminants. sDemarcationPoint The location where the service provider ownership ends, and the customer ownership begins. (P) sPretreatmentDevice A Pretreatment Device is a piece of equipment that removes contaminants before they enter the waste stream. (P) 238 sPumpStation The PumpStation is a facility that collects and discharges sewage via pumps. (A) sSamplingSite A sampling site is a location for collecting wastewater samples within a collection system. Sampling site may be dedicated sampling devices, or they may be other devices of the system where a sample may be obtained. (P) sSCADASensor The SCADA sensor is a feature that is used to remotely measure the status of network components as part of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. sSepticTank A Septic Tank is a small‐scale anaerobic digester and leach field designed to treat wastewater from an individual facility, and is not connected to the wastewater collection system. (P) sSpatialOperationsRecord The spatial operations record is a feature that is used to represent an operations record tied to a geographic location. These records may or may not be directly associated with another line or facility in the system. sStandbyPower Standby power is an alternative power source that can be used when the primary power source fails. (P) sThrustProtection The ThrustProtection class represents a type of line restraint that is used to prevent pipe movement. Thrust protection is commonly implemented as thrust blocks (masses of concrete material) that are placed at bends and around valve structures. (A) sUGEnclosureAccess The UGEnclosureAccess is a point feature class for locating the access point to the related UndergroundEnclosure (which is a polygon). (P) sUndergroundEnclosure A general‐purpose class that is intended to house various types of aspatial equipment found in a wastewater system. The underground enclosures allow access to and provide protection of facilities and equipment in the wastewater system. sUtilityArea The UtilityArea is an area of land surrounding a utility asset or an area of land specifically designated for utility use. (A) sUtilityMarker Utility markers indicate location and direction of underground pipe. (P) tCasing The casing is a line protector that surrounds or encloses a thermal line in order to protect it from physical damage or other ground‐based contaminants. tDemarcationPoint The location where the service provider ownership ends and the customer ownership begins. (P) tSamplingSite A sampling site is a location that is used for collecting water samples within a distribution system. The sampling site may be dedicated sampling devices, or they may be other devices of the system where a sample may be obtained. (P) 239 tSCADASensor The SCADA sensor is a feature that is used to remotely measure the status of network components as part of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. tSpatialOperationsRecord The spatial operations record is a feature that is used to represent an operations record tied to a geographic location. These records may or may not be directly associated with another line or facility in the system. tSupport A Support is a device that limits the movement of thermal piping. tUGEnclosureAccess The UGEnclosureAccess is a point feature class for locating the access point to the related UndergroundEnclosure (which is a polygon). (P) tUndergroundEnclosure UndergroundEnclosure is a general‐purpose class that is intended to house various types of equipment found in a thermal system. The underground enclosures allow access to and provide protection of facilities and equipment in the thermal system. (A) tUtilityArea The UtilityArea is an area of land surrounding a utility asset or an area of land specifically designated for utility use. (A) tUtilityMarker Utility markers indicate location and direction of underground pipe. (P) wAnode UndergroundEnclosure is a general‐purpose class that is intended to house various types of equipment found in a wastewater system. The underground enclosures allow access to and provide protection of facilities and equipment in the wastewater system. wCasing The casing is a line protector surrounding or enclosing a water line to protect it from physical damage or other ground‐based contaminants. Casings are used when installing water mains under railroad tracks, major highways, and other obstructions. wDemarcationPoint The location where the service provider ownership ends, and the customer ownership begins. wSamplingSite A sampling site is a device that is used for collecting water samples within a distribution system. Sampling site may be dedicated sampling devices, or they may be other devices of the system where a sample may be obtained. (P) wSCADASensor The SCADA sensor is a feature that is used to remotely measure the status of network components as part of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. wSpatialOperationsRecord The spatial operations record is a feature that is used to represent an operations record tied to a geographic location. These records may or may not be directly associated with another line or facility in the system. wStandbyPower Standby power is an alternative power source that can be used when the primary power source fails. (P) 240 wSurgeReliefTank A surge relief tank is a piece of equipment used to absorb pressure increases in the water system. Surge relief tanks provide a buffer against throttling within the system by accepting water into a tank through a pressure valve. (P) wThrustProtection The ThrustProtection class represents a type of line restraint that is used to prevent pipe movement. Thrust protection is commonly implemented as thrust blocks (masses of concrete material) placed at bends and around valve structures. (A) wUGEnclosureAccess The UGEnclosureAccess is a point feature class for locating the access point to the related UndergroundEnclosure (which is a polygon). (P) wUndergroundEnclosure UndergroundEnclosure is a general‐purpose class that is intended to house various types of spatial equipment found in a water system. The underground enclosures allow access to and provide protection of facilities and equipment in the water system. wUtilityArea The UtilityArea is an area of land surrounding a utility asset or an area of land specifically designated for utility use. (A) wUtilityMarker Utility markers indicate location and direction of underground pipe. (P) UtilityOperationalStatus Definition: An enumeration of the possible operational status a utility feature. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition abandoned The feature is abandoned but remains in place. inService The feature is in service. proposed The feature is proposed. removed The feature has been removed. temporary The feature is temporary. underConstruction The feature is under construction. VegetationType Definition: A descriptor of the dominant specimen type. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition alga A nonvascular, photosynthetic plant with a simple form ranging from single‐ or multi‐celled to a filamentous or ribbon‐like thallus with relatively complex internal organization. (Abercrombie et al. 1966). 241 aquaticHerb A flowering or non‐flowering herb structurally adapted to live floating or submerged in an aquatic environment. Does not include emergent herbs such as cattails and sedges. (FGDC 1997, Jennings et al. 2006). bambooTree A woody‐stemmed, arborescent grass that is equal to or > 5 m in height at maturity. Only applies to woody‐stemmed bamboo graminoids. Includes the Arborescent grasses of Box (1981). broadLeavedDeciduousShrub A shrub that is typically more than 30 cm tall at maturity with leaves that have well‐defined leaf blades that are generally of at least microphyll size (>225 mm2, or 0.35 in2) and seasonally becomes bare‐stemmed temporarily. (FGDC 1997). broadLeavedDeciduousTree A tree with a branching crown, leaves that have well‐ defined leaf blades that are generally of at least microphyll size (>225 mm2, or 0.35 in2) and which seasonally loses all of its leaves and becomes temporarily bare‐stemmed. (FGDC 1997, Box 1981). broadLeavedEvergreenShrub A shrub that is typically more than 30 cm tall at maturity with leaves that are generally of at least microphyll size (>225 mm2, or 0.35 in2 and has green leaves all year round. (adapted from FGDC 1997, Box 1981). broadLeavedEvergreenTree A tree with a branching crown, leaves that have well‐ defined leaf blades that are generally of at least microphyll size (>225 mm2 or 0.35 in2) and which has green leaves all year round. (FGDC 1997, Box 1981). bryophyte A nonvascular, non‐flowering, photosynthetic plant that bears leaf‐like appendages or lobes and attaches to substrates by rhizoids. Includes mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. (Abercrombie et al. 1966). dwarfShrub A caespitose, creeping, matted, or cushion‐forming shrub typically < 30 cm tall at maturity due to genetic and/or environmental constraints, and generally small‐leaved. Excluding shrubs < 30 cm tall due to young age. (Mueller‐ Dombois and Ellenberg 1974). epiphyte A vascular or nonvascular plant that grows by germinating and rooting on other plants or other perched structures, and does not root in the ground (adapted from FGDC 1997). fernOrSporeBearingForb A non‐flowering, spore‐bearing forb. Includes nonaquatic, non‐woody ferns, clubmosses, horsetails, and quillworts. floweringForb A forb with relatively broad leaves and showy flowers. Does not include graminoids, ferns, or fern‐allies. forb A non‐aquatic, non‐graminoid herb with relatively broad leaves and/or showy flowers. Includes both flowering and spore‐bearing, non‐graminoid herbs. graminoid A non‐aquatic, flowering herb with relatively long, narrow leaves and inconspicuous flowers with parts reduced to bracts. Includes grasses, sedges, rushes, and arrowgrasses. 242 liana A woody, climbing plant that begins life as terrestrial seedlings but relies on external structural support for height growth during some part of its life (Gerwing 2004), typically exceeding 5 m in height or length at maturity. lichen An organism generally recognized as a single plant that consists of a fungus and an alga or cyanobacterium living in symbiotic association. (FGDC 1997). needleLeavedShrub A shrub that is typically more than 30 cm tall at maturity with slender, elongated leaves or with small overlapping leaves that usually lie flat on the stem. (FGDC 1997) needleLeavedTree A tree with slender, elongated leaves or with small overlapping leaves that usually lie flat on the stem. Includes scale‐leaved and needle‐leaved trees, deciduous and everrgreen, needleleaf trees. (FGDC 1997, Box 1981). palmShrub An evergreen, broad‐leaved, unbranched shrub that is typically more than 30 cm tall at maturity with a simple stem and terminal, rosulate crown of large, pinnate or fan‐ shaped leaves. Includes palms, espelettia, etc. palmTree An evergreen, broad‐leaved, flowering tree with a simple, unbranched stem and terminal, rosulate crown of large, pinnate or fan‐shaped leaves. A type of rosette tree. Palms are the primary taxa (but see Draceanaceae, some Pandanaceae etc in Box 1981). sclerophyllousShrub A type of broad‐leaved evergreen shrub with relatively small, leaves that are stiff and firm, and retain their stiffness even when wilted. (FGDC 1997, Whittaker 1975). sclerophyllousTree A type of broad‐leaved evergreen tree with leaves that are stiff and firm, and retain their stiffness even when wilted (FGDC 1997, Whittaker 1975, Box 1981). smallLeavedShrub A shrub more than 30 cm tall at maturity with very small leaves ( < 225 mm2, or 0.35 in2), or even leafless, sometimes armed with spines, usually having compound, deciduous leaves that are often reduced in size (Jennings et al. 2006, Whittaker 1975). smallLeavedTree A tree with very small leaves ( < 225 mm2, or 0.35 in2), or even leafless, sometimes armed with spines. Includes both evergreen and deciduous smallleaved trees, such as Acacia gregii, Mimosa (adapted from Thorn tree by Whittaker 1975). succulentForb A flowering forb with a fleshy stem and often with reduced leaves. Includes Salicornia and others. succulentShrub A shrub or shrub‐like plant that is typically more than 30 cm tall at maturity with fleshy stems or leaves with specialized tissue for the conservation of water. (adapted from FGDC 1997 and the Thorn shrub of Whittaker 1975) Includes cacti < 5 meters in h 243 succulentTree A tree or arborescent plant with fleshy stems or leaves with specialized tissue for the conservation of water. (FGDC 1997) Includes cacti, Joshua trees, euphorbias, and others over 5 meters in height at maturity. Referred to as arborescent stem‐succulent treeFern An evergreen, broad‐leaved, spore‐bearing tree (or arborescent fern) with a simple, unbranched stem and terminal, rosulate crown of large fronds. A type of rosette tree, including taxa from Cyatheaceae and some Velloziaceae (Box 1981). VerticalDatumType Definition: Altitude Datum Name, The identification given to the level surface taken as the surface of reference from which altitudes are measures. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition ALWP Average Low Water Plane DHQ Mean Diurnal High Water Inequality ‐ The difference in height of the two high waters of each tidal day for a mixed or semidiurnal tide.. DLQ Mean Diurnal Low Water Inequality ‐ The difference in height of the two low waters of each tidal day for a mixed or semidiurnal tide.. DTL Diurnal Tide Level ‐ The arithmetic mean of mean higher high water and mean lower low water.. GT Great Diurnal Range ‐ The difference in height between mean higher high water and mean lower low water.. HWI Greenwich High Water Interval ‐ The average interval (in hours) between the transit of the moon over the Greenwich meridian and the following high water at a location.. LWI Greenwich Low Water Interval ‐ The average interval (in hours) between the transit of the moon over the Greenwich meridian and the following low water at a location.. LWRP Low Water Reference Plane 1974 MHHW Mean Higher High Water ‐ The average of the higher high water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. MHW Mean High Water ‐ The average of all the high water heights observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. MLG Mean Low Gulf MLLW Mean Lower Low Water ‐ The average of the lower low water height of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. 244 MLW Mean Low Water ‐ The average of all the low water heights observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. MN Mean Range of Tide ‐ The difference in height between mean high water and mean low water.. MSL Mean Sea Level ‐ The arithmetic mean of hourly heights observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. Shorter series are specified in the name; e.g. monthly mean sea level and yearly mean sea level.. MTL Mean Tide Level ‐ The arithmetic mean of mean high water and mean low water.. NAVD_88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NGVD_29 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NTDE National Tidal Datum Epoch ‐ The specific 19‐year period adopted by the National Ocean Service as the official time segment over which tide observations are taken and reduced to obtain mean values (e.g., mean lower low water, etc.) for tidal datums. OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. SD Station Datum ‐ A fixed base elevation at a tide station to which all water level measurements are referred. The datum is unique to each station and is established at a lower elevation than the water is ever expected to reach. TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. VesselRepairFacilityType Definition: An enumeration of the kind or type of the repair facility. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition drydock drydock. slipway slipway. WastewaterNetworkSubType Definition: An enumeration of the subtypes of wastewater networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition domesticSewage A wastewater network subtype used to transport domestic sewage. industrialWaste A wastewater network subtype used to transport industrial waste. 245 oilyWaste A wastewater network subtype used to transport oily waste. shipsWaste A wastewater network subtype used to transport ships waste. stormwater A wastewater network subtype used to transport stormwater. WastewaterNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the types of wastewater network node Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition sCleanOut A clean out is an access point in a lateral used for maintenance purposes. sFitting The Fitting class represents the joint between two lines. sManhole A system valve is one that is fitted to a pipeline or orifice in which the closure member is either rotated or moved transversely or longitudinally in the waterway so as to control or stop the flow. sMeterPoint sMeterPoint represents the geographical location where the lateral ties into the main. sPump A pump is a piece of equipment that adds energy to a fluid being conveyed through a pipe or other closed conduit. sReleaseValve Release valves are used to purge air from a force main. sSystemValve A system valve is a facility that is fitted to a pipeline or orifice in which the closure member is either rotated or moved transversely or longitudinally in the waterway so as to control or stop the flow. sTreatmentPlant A facility designed to treat wastewater using physical, chemical and/or biological processes prior to discharge into receiving waters. tPumpingStation Pumping stations in wastewater systems, also called lift stations, are normally designed to handle raw sewage that is fed from underground gravity pipelines. Sewage is fed into and stored in an underground pit, commonly known as a wet well. WastewaterSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the types of wastewater network segment. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition sForceMain A force main is a pressurized sewer line that relies on pumping to transmit sewage from one location to another. 246 sGravityMain A gravity main is an unpressurized sewer line that relies on gravity flow to convey sewage from one location to another. sLateralLine A lateral line is an unpressurized sewer line that relies on gravity flow to convey sewage from the customer premises to the gravity main. WatercourseElementType Definition: discriminates which element of the watercourse the feature defines. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition geometricCenterline The element represents a line drawn in the geometric center of the watercourse and would typically be used to define the reach stations in a stream network with cross‐ sections. leftBank The element represents the bank to ones left while facing downstream. rightBank The element represents the bank to ones right while facing downstream. thalweg The element represents a line drawn to join the lowest points along the entire length of a watercourse in its downward slope, defining its deepest channel. thruWaterbody The element represents a line drawn in the geometric center of a Waterbody and thus represents the flow through a waterbody in a stream network. toe A line drawn to join points marking a transition between a steep and flat portion of the watercourse bed area (two or more such features would define the watercourse bottom, along with bank features and, a thalweg or geometric centerline). WaterElevationCode Definition: An enumeration that defines the relationship between the wreck or obstruction and the water surface characteristically. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition alwaysDry always dry: not covered at high water under average meteorological conditions. alwaysUnderwaterSubmerged always under water/submerged: remains covered by water at all times under average meteorological conditions. awash awash: flush with, or washed by the waves at low water under average meteorological conditions. (adapted from IHO Dictionary, S‐32, 5th Edition, 308). 247 coversAndUncovers Intended to indicate an area of a reef or other projection from the bottom of a body of water that periodically extends above and is submerged below the surface. Also referred to as dries or uncovers. (IHO Dictionary, S‐32, 5th Edition, 1111). floating floating: Resting or moving on the surface of a liquid without sinking (Concise oxford Dictionary). partlySubmergedAtHighWater partly submerged at high water: partially covered and partially dry at high water. subjectToInundationOrFlooding subject to inundation or flooding: an area periodically covered by flood water, excluding tidal waters. (Digital Geographic Information Standard ‐ DIGEST 1.2). WaterNetworkSubType Definition: An enumeration of the subtypes of water networks. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition fireProtectionWater A water network subtype used to convey water for fire protection. nonPotableWater A water network subtype used to convey non‐potable water. potableWater A water network subtype used to convey potable water. rawWater A water network subtype used to convey raw water. saltWater A water network subtype used to convey salt water. treatedWater A water network subtype used to convey treated water. WaterNodeType Definition: An enumeration of the types of water network node. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition wBackflowPreventionDevice A backflow prevention device is used to protect water supplies from contamination or pollution. wControlValve Control valves are used to regulate pressure and/or flow. wFitting The Fitting class represents the facility found at the joint between two lines where a transition of some sort must occur. wHydrant A hydrant enables fire fighters to attach fire hoses to the distribution network. Hydrants also have secondary uses that include flushing main lines and laterals, filling tank trucks, and providing a temporary water source for construction jobs. 248 wMeterPoint A meter point represents the location of the metering device. wPressureReducingStation Pressure reducing stations reduce the pressure from line pressure to the desired operating pressure and can switch from low to high pressure for flushing. wProductionStructure Production structures are facilities which produce raw or treated water wPump A pump is a piece of equipment that add energy to a fluid, such as water, being conveyed through a pipe or other closed conduit. wReliefValve The Fitting class represents the component found at the joint between two lines where a transition of some sort must occur. wStorageStructure Storage structures are facilities that store large volumes of water. wSystemValve A system valve is a facility that is fitted to a pipeline or orifice in which the closure member is either rotated or moved transversely or longitudinally in the waterway so as to control or stop the flow. WaterSegmentType Definition: An enumeration of the types of water network segment Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition wServiceLine A service line is a small‐diameter pipe that runs from the main line to the customer premises. WaterWithdrawalType Definition: discriminates the type of withdrawal. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition industrialWater withdrawal for industrial water supply. irrigation withdrawal for irrigation purposes. municipalWater withdrawal for municipal water supply. 249 WellFieldType Definition: The domains contains information about the type of natural resource being pumped or that was formerly pumped from the well field. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition GAS Natural Gas OIL Oil Field OTHER Other. Must be described in the sdsFeatureDescription attribute. STEAM Steam TBD A temporary value used until another value can be assigned. WATER WATER WellPurpose Definition: Purpose of use for the well. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition Extraction Extraction Injection Injection Monitoring Monitoring WellResource Definition: The resource type which is being extracted from or injected into the earth. Justification: SDSFIE 3.0 Gold Value Definition Air Air NATURAL_GAS Natural Gas None None OIL Oil STEAM Steam SULPHUR Sulphur Vapor Vapor Water Water 250 Justification:FeatureTypesandAttributes ElementName ElementType Justification *.dataSourceOrganization Attribute Allows for tracking of sources for individual records in the DISDI CIP. (Applied to all Feature Types) AlternativeEnergy Feature Type Required for management purposes to track areas used for the production of alternative energy sources. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) AlternativeEnergy.alternativeEnergyType Attribute Records the type of Alternative Energy. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) ExplosivesHandlingArea Feature Type There are designated explosives handling and loading/unloading areas on piers, rail yards, airfields, parking areas, and possibly truck loading docks for ammunition/explosives. These areas usually outline the area where ammunition/explosives will be loaded on and off of ships, rail cars, and truck loading docks or temporary handling/storage but do not follow the existing boundaries of facility features. For example, polygons representing loading/unloading of explosives on and off ships overlay a portion of the pier and the cargo area of the ship. These polygons are required for designating explosives handling areas and ESQD arcs are generated off of these areas. ExplosivesHandlingArea.OperationalStatus Attribute Records the operational status of the Explosives Handling Area. MilitaryQuantityDistanceArc.ArcID Attribute Unique ID generated by Explosive Safety Siting Software. MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned Feature Type Planning Explosives Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) arcs that represent the protection requirements from potential explosive sites (PES) to different kinds of exposed sites (ES). MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned.ArcID Attribute Unique ID generated by Explosive Safety Siting Software. MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned.distance Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (participates in subclassed feature type) MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned.distanceUoM Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (participates in subclassed feature type) MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned.facilityNumber Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (participates in subclassed feature type) MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned.milQuantDistanceArcPlannedIDPK Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (participates in subclassed feature type) MilQuantityDistanceArc_Planned.rpuid Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (participates in subclassed feature type) MilQuantityDistanceCombinedArc.ArcID Attribute Unique ID generated by Explosive Safety Siting Software. 251 ElementName ElementType Justification RoadArea Feature Type Provides a temporary location for storage of roads data equivalent to road_area in SDSFIE 2.6 until linear segmentation can be fully implemented. RoadArea.basePrefix Attribute Copied from the pre‐approved attributes for RoadCenterline. RoadArea.baseRoadName Attribute Copied from the pre‐approved attributes for RoadCenterline. RoadArea.baseSuffix Attribute Copied from the pre‐approved attributes for RoadCenterline. RoadArea.isPaved Attribute Copied from the pre‐approved attributes for RoadCenterline. RoadArea.RoadAreaIDPK Attribute Copied from the pre‐approved attributes for RoadCenterline. RoadArea.roadCategory Attribute Copied from the pre‐approved attributes for RoadCenterline. RoadCenterline Feature Type Provides a temporary location for storage of roads data equivalent to road_centerline in SDSFIE 2.6 until linear segmentation can be fully implemented. RoadCenterline.basePrefix Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.baseRoadName Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.baseSuffix Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.isPaved Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.leftFrom Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.leftTo Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.rightFrom Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.rightTo Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.roadCategory Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) RoadCenterline.roadCenterlineIDPK Attribute SDSFIE 3.0 Gold (Pre‐approved extension) 252 Justification:Enumerations ElementName ElementType Justification AlternativeEnergyType Enumeration Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) AlternativeEnergyType.Geothermal Enumeration value Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. AlternativeEnergyType.Hydroelectric Enumeration value Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) AlternativeEnergyType.NaturalGas Enumeration value Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) AlternativeEnergyType.Photovoltaic Enumeration value Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) AlternativeEnergyType.WindTurbine Enumeration value Adds the type of AlternativeEnergy feature. (Approved GEOFidelis 3.0 Element) DataSourceOrgName Enumeration Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.Air Guard Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.Army Guard Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.Other Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USA Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USA Reserve Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USACE Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USAF Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USAF Reserve Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USMC Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. 253 ElementName ElementType Justification DataSourceOrgName.USMC Reserve Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USN Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.USN Reserve Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. DataSourceOrgName.WHS Enumeration value Adds the list of Data Source Organization names for the extended Attribute of the same name. QuantityDistanceArcType Enumeration Used to indicate the type of MilQuantityDistanceArc for DDESB. QuantityDistanceArcType.singleFacility Enumeration value Used to indicate the type of MilQuantityDistanceArc for DDESB. QuantityDistanceArcType.unionOfFacilities Enumeration value Used to indicate the type of MilQuantityDistanceArc for DDESB. 254