CON S1 - Indiana University Bloomington
CON S1 - Indiana University Bloomington
INDIAN CON l S1 aISIDENT'S OFFICE RUSH RULES All Participants in Rush Especially Rushees READ RUSH RULES CAREFULLY See Inside Back Cover for Expenses 1936 and 1937 RUSH RULES Rush Rules for 1936-1937 1. Each girl participating in rush must plan to pledge a sorority at the end of that week. 2. Every girl desiring to participate in rush must pay a fee of fifty cents (50#) to Panhellenic Association on Thursday night before preference cards are signed. For late pledging 50# is paid at the Office of the Dean of Women when the pledge card is filed. 3. Formal open rush shall begin Tuesday, Sept. 8, at 2 o'clock p.m. and end Thurs- day, Sept. 10, at 8 o'clock p.m. "Rushing" shall be interpreted as communicating with or being with a rushee. There shall be no communication with rushees from 8 p.m. Thursday until Friday after lists are returned. Any contrary act will be a violation of Rule No. 12. 4. No sorority may have more than four parties, including Initial Tea, each of which must be given at the chapter house. No party shall last more than two and a half hours. The hours for parties are as follows: Tuesday, Sept. 8 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. Initial Tea 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Dinner 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. Dance Wednesday, Sept. 9 8:30 12:00 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:45 2:30 5:00 7:30 to 10:00 to to to. to a.m. Breakfast p.m. Luncheon p.m. Tea p.m. Dinner p.m. Dance Thursday, Sept. 10 8:30 to 10:45 a.m. Breakfast 12:00 to 2:30 p.n. Luncheon 3:0O to 5:30 to 5:00 p.m. Tea 8:00 p m. Dinner No invitations for fall rush parties shall be sent to the rushees before August 15. This includes any type of invitation to a party. Any group violating this rule will not be permitted to send invitations the following year. Invitations are to be sent by regular first-class mail. 6. Rushee shall accept only two parties in addition to the Initial Tea with any one sorority when communicated with before parties begin in September. She may accept parties with more than one sorority. 7. There shall be no splitting or breaking of engagements to accept another invitation, with the exception of the Initial Tea. 8. Each sorority may have three (3) extra hostesses besides the registered members of the group, whose University fees are paid or enough extra hostesses- to equal a total of 15 hostesses for the parties, excluding the chaperon. These extra hostesses may include alumnae, National fraternity officers, and patronesses. The extra hostesses attending each party must be registered in the Dean of Women's office by the sorority on thre first day of rush. Any changes should be reported at once. 9. Rushees are not to be called for by the sororities before parties. The address of the sorority is enclosed with the invitation to the rushee. 10. Cars may be used for errands by the sorority. All car permits must be obtained through the Dean of Women's Office before used for rushing. The maximum number of cars to be used by each group will be eight (8). Rush car permits will expire Saturday, Sept. 12. It is suggested that one girl of each group obtain the approval for the 8 cars. A sticker must be put on each car. 11. The services of men are not to be enlisted in any way for rushing purposes. No sorority girl shall arrange for a date for any dent Building on Friday morning, Sept. 11, between 8:30 and 9:30 a.m. to sign their rushee or any new student from the time she arrives in Bloomington until after the lists have been returned to the sororities by blue acceptance cards. Business managers of all sorority houses who -wish to move girls from temporary rooms to their houses or from dormitories to their houses are to meet members of the housing committee in the A.W.S. room in the Dean of Women. 12. The system of closed bidding has been adopted. Each sorority sends to the home. of the Dean of Women an alphabetical list with a carbon copy of girls it wishes to the pledge and the rush expense list. These lists must be-turned in at 9:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept: 10. The alphabetical list must be O.K.'d by the Assistant Dean of Women VERY for correct names, addresses, and telephone numbers of rushees. Use no nick names. All university Student Building between 8:30 and 10:30 each rushee shall call at Business Administration auditorium and fill out her preference card and the blue acceptance card and a.m. on Sept. 11. All changes of addresses are to be approved by the Dean of Women at this time. file them with the Dean of Women. No cards will be given out later than 8:20 p.m. 13. All cards must be signed by 9:15 p.m. Rushees must go to Business Adnmstration hall unaccompanied by any sorority members or men. Fifty cents (500) must be paid by each rushee before preference cards are given out. The attention of rushees is called to the fact that rol will be taken at all required meetings Friday and Saturday, Sept. 11 and 12. 14. All pledge services are to be held on Sunday evening, Sept. 13, at 5:30 p.m. IMPORTANT: Sororities will be notified when lists may be called for at the home of the Dean ofr Women probably between 7:A and 8:t5 a .,1ridly,Sept. 11. Rushees parlors of the Stu- IMPORTANT: women in temporary rooms who are not pledging at this time and who wish to have permanent rooms are to report to the housing committee in the A.W.S. room in the VERY IMPORTANT FOR RUSHEES TO READ: On Thursday, Sept. 10, at 8:15 p.m., must call at the 'Est Student Building' between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 11. These two lists brought to the housing committee shall be arranged alphabetically giving names on sheets provided by the Dean of Women. j 15 There shall be no secret bidding or spiking. Secret bidding constitutes intimating in any way to a girl before she signs her preference card that a bid may be given to her. Any contrary act will be a violation of rule No. 12 (for one semester). 16. The preference given to the Dean of Women by rushees and sororities is final. When a girl receives a bid under the preferential system the signing of the preference slip shall be binding to the extent that she shall be considered ineligible for one calendar year for a bid from any fraternity other than the one from which she has received the bid, in accordance with the correct functioning of the preferential system. If she signs a pledge card she is in- eligible here or elsewhere, to accept a bid from any other sorority until one calendar year has elapsed. 17. Two written pledge cards shall be signed immediately, that is, before pledges are announced publicly. One of these pledge cards must be file in the Dean of Women's Office within three days. No girl who has broken a pledge to one fraternity may be asked to join another fraternity at any college for one calendar year, according to the National Panhellenic Congress regulations. 18. There will be open rush for the remainder of the year beginning 9:30 a.m. on Sept. 11, except for h+uses whose quota is filled. 1g. All women students must pay University fees before participating in rush. Fees are not returned if there is a withdrawal from the University before six weeks of the new semester have elapsed, unless a statement from the University physician is presented. 20. The expenses of living in a sorority house varies from $30 to $50 per month. This amount includes room, board, and also sorority house fees. This does not include pledge fees and initiation fees which together vary from $35 to $100. See page 31. 21. $100 is the limit of the sum of money which any group may spend on rushing during rush week. This amount of money includes everything pertaining to rushing with the exception of transportation and meals. A list of rushing expenses shall be kept by each group and handed into the Dean of Women with the alphabetical lists and carbon copy of the girls it wishes to pledge. This expense account will be given by the Dean of Women to the President of Panhellenic who will present it to the Executive Board of Panhellenic. 22. A copy of the rush rules must be posted in a public place and in each sorority house U and on four bulletin boards on the campus. 23. No student cars may be parked in front of the Business Administration building Thursday night, Sept. 10, at the request of the Campus Police. 24. Special two-year students may be rushed, if there is no conflict in organization rul- ings. 25. All items of sorority expense are listed on attached sheet at end of this book. Rule 8. Same as 5. Rule 9. The offending chapters shall be denied the privilege of having any social functions with men during the second semester. Rule 10. (No penalty.) Rule 12. Deprivation of social privileges is the penalty. Rule 13. The offending chapters shall be denied the privileges of having any social functions with men during the second semester. Rule 18. The offending sorority shall have only three rush parties during the next fall rush week. PENALTIES FOR BROKEN RUSH RULES As suggested by National Panhellenic at request of Indiana University Panhellenic, 1928-29. Rule 1. Deferred initiation, the length of which would be dependent upon the seriousness of the infringement. Rule 2. The same as 1. Rule 3. Carries its own penalty. Rule 4. Rushee may be invited to only one rush party before the fall of 1936. Rule 5. Shortening the period of the formal party. Rule 6. Deprivation of social privileges is the penalty. Rule 7. Samre as 5. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS of THE PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION Article I-Name The name of this organization shall be Women's Panhellenic Association of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Article II-Object The object of this organization shall be to maintain a high plane of fraternity life and inter-fraternity relationship, to co-operate with college authorities and their ef- forts to maintain high social and scholastic standards throughout the whole college and for the discussion of questions of mutual interests and concern to the college and fra- ternity world. Article III-Organization Sec. 1. This Panhellenic Association of Indiana University shall be composed of two delegates from each chapter of the national fraternities represented in the institution, which have at least five chapters in institutions of collegiate rank. The delegates from any one chapter to be one alumna, one senior, and one lower classman, the lower classman of one year to be the senior of the next year whenever possible. Alumnae attendance is required at the meetings at which rush rules are -discussed. Sec. 2. These delegates shall be chosen in such manner as their respective chapters determine, to serve for one college year; and are not to be substituted for unless the delegate leaves college, or unless college program or outside work necessary to remain in college demands substitution. Sec. 3 Every delegate shall be assessed a fine of fifty cents (50) for non-attendance at any regular meeting unless a substi- tute is sent. A fine of fifty cents shall be assessed if more than one substitute be sent to any regular meeting. Article IV-Meetings Sec. 1. Regular meetings of this association shall take place once a month. The meeting shall be held on the first Monday in the month at 4 P.M. in the Student Building. --"Sc. 2. A special meeting may be called by the president or by any two members represented. Notice of meeting must be given to each chapter by the President. Article V--Officers Sec. 1. The officers of the Panhellenic Association of Indiana University shall be president, a secretary and treasurer. Sec., 2. The presidency is to be held in rotation by each chapter in the order of its establishment in the University as follows: Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Delta Gamma, Delta Zeta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta Delta Delta,' Sigma Kappa, Phi Mu, Phi Omega Pi, Alpha Chi Omega, Zeta Tau Alpha, Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, Beta Sigma Omicron, Alpha Delta Pi. Sec. 3. The secretaryship follows the presidency. The secretaryship is held by the fraternity next on the list after that fraternity holding the presidency. Sec. 4. The officers shall serve for a term of one year. The tOrm of office to begin with the opening of the institution. Sec. 5. The duties of the officers shall be those usually devolving upon such officers. Sec. 6. followed. Robert's Rules of Order shall be Article VI-Voting Sec. 1. Each fraternity -represented shall have one vote. Sec. 2. A two-thirds (2-3) vote shall be necessary 'to make rules .regarding rushing -and to carry all other motions. (Article recorded in the office of the Dean of Women. XI exception) Article VII-Powers Sec. 1. The powers of the Association shall be: 1. To make laws that pertain to its I own government. 2. To admit at its discretion petitioning fraternities. Note. A pledge is interpreted as a written agreement. The date of the broken pledge shall be the date the report was turned into the Dean of Women's office. Article IX-Order of Procedure Association called to order. Roll call of members. Reading of the minutes. Report of officers. Unfinished business. New business. Miscellaneous business. Adjournment. To levy dues of $5.00 to be paid by the fraternity by the third regular meeting of the year. 4. To impose a penalty upon any fraternity found guilty of infraction of the Constitution and By-Laws of 3. the Association. 5. To levy a fee of 50c for each girl Article X-Government The association may adopt such further laws for the government. as shall not be inconsistent with the constitution and bylaws. pledged during Rush Week, to de- fray expenses of the closed bidding system. This shall not apply to girls pledged at any other time. Article VIII-Penalties .i Article XI-Amendments This constitution may be amended at any meeting by a unanimous vote of the delegates of the Panhellenic Association of Indiana University. Any chapter breaking any of the rules of rushing, pledging, etc., by which it has promised to abide, in accordance with this constitution, shall be reported by the president of the local Panhellenic to the National Panhellenic Council. 2. No girl who has broken her pledge to, or resigned from one fraternity may be asked to join another group on this campus or any other campus, for one calendar year from date of Panhellenic agreements, as 1. F BY-LAWS No girl shall be asked to join a fra- ternity until she herself has matriculated. 2. Any girl pledged to a fraternity on any campus, leaving that college before she is initiated shall be considered eligible for 3 pledging to any group at the expiration of one calendar year. 3. There shall be printed rules on rushing, and a copy of these rules and a copy of the Panhellenic Constitution and By-Laws shall be mailed to every girl who is being rushed by any fraternity. 4. No chapter shall initiate any-girl until she has satisfactorily completed 15 hours of academic work in one term or semester at Indiana University, receiving 15 credit points with a minimum grade of D in all other hours of work carried including Physical Education. All conditions and incompletes must be worked off before initiation. Honorary members may be initiated at the discretion of the chapter and announcement of-the same made to the local Panhellenic Association. 5. The constitution and by-laws of the Panhellenic Association shall be printed not later than May of each year and two copies of the same sent to each of the National Panhellenic delegates of the fraternities represented in the Panhellenic Association and one to each national sorority represented on the campus. 6. All chapters shall announce pected visiting delegates, who shall to address the college Panhellenic tion at a regular meeting. 7. Students in summer school eligible for fraternity pledging. any exbe asked associaare in- 8. No chapter of any fraternity shall have the power to withdraw from its college Panhellenic association. 9. For the breach of any of the by-laws accepted- by the Panhellenic Association a fraternity may be subject to any penalty which the Association might impose, including expulsion. 10. To expell a fraternity from membership in the Panhellenic Association, a twothirds vote of all members is necessary. 11. Every fraternity must present to the Secretary of the Panhellenic Association a list of their candidates for initiation, with the grades and credit points of each, to be approved at least two days before their initiation. This list must bear the signatures of the Registrar, Dean of Women, and President of the local Panhellenic Association. 12. No fraternity in this association shall remove the pledge pin from a pledge of another fraternity in this association. 13. Pledge cards must be turned in for all girls pledged during Rush Week and during open rush for the entire year. These cards must be filed in the Dean of Women's Office within 36 hours after the pledge services are held. 14. Any fraternity releasing a girl of her pledge must give written notice to the Panhellenic President and to the Dean of Women's Office within 36 hours after time of breaking of the pledge. The President is to notify the association of any broken pledges at the next regular meeting 15. When a pledge releases herself from any fraternity of the Panhellenic Association, said fraternity must give written notification to the Panhellenic President and to the Dean of Women's Office within 36 hours. The President is to notify the association of these pledge releases at the next regular meeting. 16. There shall be no "Rough" of any kind-carried on at any time by any sorority in local Panhellenic. Penalty-Group reporfed to own national organization. ,17. Pledges of sororities becoming inactive are eligible for pledging after one calendar year from the date the group became inactive. 18. Any question not answered by this constitution shall be decided upon by a com- mittee, including the officers from the local Panhellenic association and the Dean of Women. Credit points in local Panhellenic:- member of Panhellenic at Indiana Univer- sity during the school year shall be fifty (50), exclusive of girls with established Bloomington residence. This rule to take effect Rush Week, September 1935, and to continue for a period of two years. Should a vacancy occur in the group pledged during the current year by anyone organization which has its quota filled, that chapter may pledge another girl to take the place of the one who has withdrawn. Whereas, a council shall be established, composed of the president of Panhellenic, having a voice with no vote; the Dean of Women, one vote; one disinterested faculty member, one vote; one business man, one vote; and four representatives of Panhel- lenic appointed by the president according to house capacity,- and approved by Dean of Women, one vote each. The representatives the as chosen by the president of Panhellenic shall' be: One A (any kind) ...-.---------- 3 Credit Points representative from the group of houses having a capacity of 40-46; two representatives from the group of houses having a B (any kind). capacity of 30-39; and one representative ... 2 Credit Points C (any kind) .........--------- I Credit Point D (any kind) ................. 0 Credit Point F .----------....-..............-- 1 Credit Point from the group of houses having a capac- ity of 18-29. RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY PANHELLENIC FOR 1935-1937 The disinterested faculty member shall be chosen by the Dean of Women and the President of Panhellenic subject to the approval of Panhellenic council. Resolved: That the maximum number of girls to belong to any sorority that is a Whereas, the duties of this council shall be: (a) To meet every day of formal rushing, including Monday, meeting September 7, through Friday, September 11, and to meet at regular monthly intervals. Special meetings may be called whenever necessary. (b) To consider the effect of the above stated maximum on Panhellenic groups on this campus. (c) To make s p e c i a 1 provisions for groups, upon their petition, which find it impossible to meet running expenses as a result of this stated maximum. At such meeting for recommendations, one alumna member of the petitioning group shall sit with the council, but have no vote. (d) To make recommendations to Panhellenic for the revision of this system at the expiration of the trial period, two years. ETHICAL CODE FOR FRESHMEN A sorority is a group of University women varying in number who have elected to establish a close affiliation during their University life as students and later as alumnae. Each sorority has a house in which as -many members as wish live. They are under the direction of a mature chaperon. The sorority is a self-governing body that maintains high ideals in scholarship and social custom for its members. It is not compulsory that one join a sorority. The procedure of securing new members is termed rushing-and the sororities en- tertain frequently with breakfasts, luncheons, teas, dinners, or other parties in an effort to become better acquainted. Fall or formal rushing includes only the rushing before school is opened, Sept. 8-10. However, there are informal rushing parties during the remainder of the college year. IMPORTANT: These parties given by the sororities during the year are given in an effort to become better acquainted with you SHOULD YOU DESIRE TO ORGANIZE, OR BECOME A MEMBER OF ONE OF THEM. BUT IF YOU HAVE NO INTENTIONS OF BECOMING A MEMBER OF ANY GROUP, IT IS CONSIDERED UNETHICAL TO ACCEPT HOSPITALITY AT ALL. It is all right to go to a house and meet the girls to see if it is the group with which you wish to affiliate. TO ACCEPT THE F O U R T H INVITATION ISSUED BY A GROUP SIGNIFIES AN INTEREST IN THAT SORORITY, though it is not binding. Whether you bid, which is an invitation to member of that group, depends sorority. After a lid is accepted receive a become a upon the it is bind- ing and subject to Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitution and By-laws of the Pan- hellenic Council. Two members from every sorority on the campus compose what is known as a Panhellenic Association-which is the governing body for problems of common interest among sorority women. NOTICE: CONTRACTS FOR.- ROOM SIGNED AT THE DORMITORY ARE BINDING FOR SONE :SCHOOL YEAR. CONTRACTS FOR R O O M S IN APPROVED HOUSES OUT IN TOWN ARE BINDING FOR ONLY ONE SEMESTER. IF YOU EXPECT TO LIVE IN A SORORITY HOUSE THE SECOND SEMESTER, BE SURE YOU DO NOT RENT A ROOM FOR MORE THAN ONE SEMESTER. Alpha Delta Pi Founded at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Georgia, May 15, 1851 Number of College Chapters-60 Colors-Blue and White Flower--Violet Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1926 (Beta Alpha Chapter) President-Emmadale Allen, Jeffersonville, Ind. Rush Captain-Jane Fix, Bloomington, Ind. Location of Chapter House-1026 E. Third Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Omicron Pa Founded at DePauw University, October 15, 1885 Number of College Chapters, 57 Colors-Scarlet and Olive Green: Flower-Carnation and Smilax Date of installation of Chapter at Indiana University-1922 (Alpha Mu Chapter) Founded at Barnard College, Columbia University, January 2, 1897 Number of College Chapters-43 Color-Cardinal Flower--Jacqueminot Rose Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1916 (Beta Phi Chapter) President-Jean Butler, Hartford, Conn. President-Geneva. Crayden, Ramsey, Ind. Rush Captains-Grace Thompson, Whiting, Rush Captaiin-Helen Irwin, Richmond, Ind. Location of Chapter House-Jordan Avenue Ind., Shirley Howell, Indianapolis, Ind. Location of Chapter House-703 E. Seventh Beta Sigma Omicron Delta Delta Delta Founded at Boston University, ThanksgivFounded at University of Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo., December 12, 1888 Number of College Chapters--48 Colors-Ruby and Pink Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1926 (Alpha Beta Chapter) President-Adele O'Neill, Indianapolis, Ind. Rush Captains Mabelle Keene, Hobart, Ind., Mary Aldea, Indianapolis, Ind. Location of Chapter House-420 So. Fess ing Eve, 1888 Number of College Chapters-84 Colors-Silver, Gold and Blue Flower-Pansy Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter, 1917 (Delta Omicron Chapter) President - Sidney Sitwell, East Chicago, Ind. Rush Captain - Betty Carmony, Manilla, Ind. Location of Chapter House-818 E. Third Chi Omega Delta Gamma Founded at University of Arkansas--April Founded at Oxford Institute, Oxford, Mis- 5,'1895 sissippi-January 4, 1874 Number of College Chapters-90 Colors-Cardinal and Straw Flower-White Carnation Date of Installation of Indiana University Number of College Chapters-48 President-Mary Ellen Sharp, Peru, Ind. President-Alice Kuehn, South Bend, Ind. Rush Captain - Betty Whitlock, Terre Haute, Ind. Chapter'-1922 (Theta Beta Chapter) Rush Captain Ind. Virginia Gilberg, Whiting, ILocation of Chapter House-Jordan Avenue Colors-Bronze, Pink and Blue Flower-Cream Colored Rose Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1898 (Theta Chapter) Location of Chapter House-Jordan Avenue Delta Zeta Kappa Delta Pounded at Miami University, October 24, 1902 Number of College Chapters--58 Founded at Farmville State Teachers Col- Colors-Old Rose and Nile Green Flower-Pink Killarney Rose Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1909 (Epsilon Chapter) President-Marjorie Sipe, Indianapolis, Ind. Rush Captain-Helen Harris, Bloomington, Ind. Location of Chapter House-809 E. Seventh lege, October 23, 1897 Number of College Chapters-73 Colors-Olive Green and White Flower-White Rose Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1923 (Sigma' Upsilon Chapter) President - Mary F. Hampton, Tuskegee, Ala. Rush Captain-Martha McKenna, Madison, Kappa Alpha Theta Ind. Location of Chapter House-422 No. Fess Kappa Kappa Gamma Founded at DePauw University, January 27, 1870 Number of College Chapters-64 Colors--Black and Gold Flower-Black and Gold Pansy Number of College Chapters-70 Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1870 (Beta Chapter) Presidentd..ean Bedwell, Sullivan, Ind. Rush Captains-Rosemary Humphreys, Linton, Ind., Betty Sudbury, Bloomington, Ind. Location of Chapter House - Ninth Streets Founded at Monmouth College, October 13, 1870 Colors-Light Blue and Dark Blue Flower-Fleur-de-lis Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1873 (Delta Chapter) President-Lillian Waterman, Terre Haute, Ind. Rush Captain-Suzanna Atkinson, Sluss and ville, 'Id. Lvans- Location of Chapter House-1018 E. Third Phi Mu Founded at Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Georgia, March 4, 1852 Number of College Chapters-60 Colors-Rose and White Flower-Enchantress Carnation Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1920 (Delta Alpha Chapter) President-Margaret Stewart, Williamsport, Ind. Rush Captains-Dorothy Hoff, Indianapolis, Ind., Nancy May Benefiel, Indianapolis, Ind. Pi Beta Phi Founded at Monmouth College, April 28, 1867 Number of College Chapters-78 Colors-Wine and Silver Blue Flower-Wine Carnation Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1893 (Indiana Beta) President-Marjorie Rice, Roachdale, Ind. Rush Captains Peggy Failing, Indianapols, Ind., Jane Thompson, Wabash, Ind. Location of Chapter House-928 E. Third Location of Chapter House-Jordan Avenue Sigma Kappa Phi Omega Pi Founded at University of Nebraska, March 5, 1910 Number of College Chapters-20 Colors-Blue and White Flower-Lily of the Valley Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1922 (Xi Qhapter) President-Catherine Immel, Fort Wayne, Ind. Rush Captain-Sally Jewett, Anderson, Ind. Location of Chapter House-1012 E. Third Founded at Colby College, Waterville, Maine, November 4, 1874 Number of College Chapters-48 Colors-Maroon and Lavender Flower-Violet Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1918 (Tau Chapter) President - Mary~ M a r g a r e t Hulsman, Shelbyville, Ind. Rush Captain-Martha Crandall, Marengo, Ind. Location of Chapter House-Jordan Avenue Sigma Phi Upsilon Founded at Indiana 1934 University, October Colors-Green and Gold Flower-Talisman Rose President Ruth Goldberg, Bloomington, Ind. Rush Captain-Helen Zivien Ind. Indianapolis, Zeta Tau Alpha Founded at Virginia State Normal School, October 15, 1898 Number of College Chapters-71 Colors-Steel Grey and Turquoise Blue Flower-White Violet Date of Installation of Indiana University Chapter-1923 (Alpha Xi Chapter) President - Roberta Mardis, Shelbyville, Ind. Rush Captain Elfreda Grande, Indianapolis, Ind. Location of Chapter House--110 So. Jordan The Panhellenic Creed "We, the fraternity members, stand for good scholarship, for the guardians of good health, for the whole hearted co-operation with our college's ideals of student life, for the maintenance of fine social standards and the serving to the best of our ability, our college community. Good college citizenship as a preparation for good citizcnship in the larger world of alumnae days is the ideal that shall guide our chapter activities. "We, the fraternity women of America, stand for preparation for service through character building inspired in the close contact and deep friendship of fraternity life. To us fraternity life is not the enjoyment of special privileges but an opportunity to prepare for wide and wise human service."