Lecture 8: Parametric Analysis of Variance
Lecture 8: Parametric Analysis of Variance
Parametric Analysis of Variance The same principles used in the two-sample means test can be applied to more than two sample means. In these cases we call the test analysis of variance. The null hypothesis for analysis of variance (AOV or ANOVA) is: H0 : μ1 = μ2 … = μk And this may be applied over both time and space. Assumptions of analysis of variance testing: 1. Observations between and within samples are random and independent (methodological issue). 2. The observations in each category are normally distributed (run normality tests on each group). 3. The population variances are assumed to be equal (homogeneity of variances test). j i Obs 1 Obs 2 Obs 3 Obs 4 Obs 5 Generic Data Set Group1 X1,1 X1,2 X1,3 X1,4 X1,5 Group2 X2,1 X2,2 X2,3 X2,4 X2,5 Group3 X3,1 X3,2 X3,3 X3,4 X3,5 Note that i denotes rows and j denotes columns. AOV: • Compares the variation within the groups (columns) to the variation among the group means. − If the variation among the group means is much greater than within the groups, reject H0. − If the variation among the group means is not much greater than within the groups, accept H0. There are 3 pieces of information that need to be determined to perform AOV: TSS (total sum of squares) – the sum of the squared deviations of the observation from the overall mean. BSS (between sum of squares) – the sum of the squared deviations between the groups. WSS (within sum of squares) – the sum of the squared deviations with the groups. We will use this set of equations because they are easier to calculate. k TSS = ∑ i =1 ni 2 X ∑ ij − C j =1 2 ni X ij ni ∑ j =1 −C BSS = ∑ ni i =1 WSS = TSS − BSS ( X ) ∑∑ where C = ij N 2 We test for differences among the groups using the F test. • The standard F test is simply a ratio of variances. • Here the F test is slightly modified to take into account: 1. The number of groups. 2. Differences in the number of group members. The F statistic is calculated as: F= BSS k −1 WSS N −k where k is the number of groups and N is the total sample size. This is basically the sample size weighted ratio of the within group variation to the between group variation. There are 2 types of degrees of freedom for the F statistic: • k – 1 (where k is the number of columns) for the numerator. • N – k (where N is the total sample size) for the denominator. Note that the table from the book is different than the web table. • Book p values are < or > a set alpha level. • Web table p values can be a range. A few words on Sum of Squares… • In all cases, the sum of squares is a measure of total variation from the mean in a data set. • If the sum of squares is large, then the data set has a lot of variation. This makes it more difficult to reject Ho (find a difference). • If the sum of squares is small, then the data set has little variation. This makes it earier to reject Ho (find a difference). • Once the sum of squares has been determined there are many ways of using the information. In AOV the sum of squares is partitioned into 3 distinct types. • This is because we are working with subsets of the total data set (3+ groups). It can be thought of as performing multiple and simultaneous difference in means tests (t-tests). Understanding the role of the total sum of squares (TSS) is straightforward: it is the total amount of variation in the data set. TSS = ∑ ∑ ( X ij − X ij ) i 2 j is equivalent to k TSS = ∑ i =1 ni ∑X j =1 2 ij −C ( X ) ∑∑ where C = ij N 2 For TSS the data are pooled together. The between sum of squares (BSS) is the “treatment” variance. • We want to compare these to each other. BSS = ∑ n j ( X j − X ij ) 2 j is equivalent to 2 ni ∑ X ij ni j =1 −C BSS = ∑ ni i =1 We are examining the distance between the means of each group (A and B). The within sum of squares (WSS) can be thought of as the “error” variance. • We want to factor out variation within the groups. WSS = ∑∑ i ( X ij − X j ) 2 j is equivalent to WSS = TSS − BSS The F test is simply the ratio between the error variance (within groups) and the treatment variance (between groups). F= BSS k −1 WSS N −k IF the ratio is small then the difference is also small (accept Ho). IF the ratio is large then the difference is also large (reject Ho). Tarascan Village Percent Population Employed Mountain Group Meseta Group Lake Group Mountain Meseta Lake We will drop the towns along the highways since we are interested only in rural towns. Lake Quiroga San Andres San Jeronimo Erongaricuaro Ihuatzio Jaracuaro Puacuaro Santa Fe Uricho Zurumutaro Tzintzuntzan Ajuno 51.55 54.12 36.61 48.73 59.91 49.09 50.52 71.19 33.22 54.68 46.38 37.52 Meseta Arantepacua Comachuen La Mojonera Nahuatzen Pichataro Quinceo San Isidro San Juan Sevina Tingambato Turicuaro Mountain 37.88 36.72 31.08 44.39 46.90 32.64 44.32 32.76 40.76 44.72 37.63 Ahuiran Angahuan Charapan Cocucho Corupo Nurio Pomacuaran San Felipe San Lorenzo Urapicho 47.56 47.21 45.92 24.41 38.92 39.14 48.09 36.11 38.64 29.90 Normality Tests by Group Ho: Village economic activity measurements are not significantly different than normal. qLake 37.97 = = 3.61 10.52 nLake= 12 qcritical = 2.80 – 3.91 Accept Ho. qMeseta 15.82 = = 2.86 5.53 nMeseta= 11 qcritical = 2.74 – 3.80 Accept Ho. qMountain = 23.68 = 2.97 7.97 nMountain= 10 qcritical = 2.67 – 3.69 Accept Ho. All village groups are not significantly different than normal (w/s qLake 3.61, p > 0.05, qMeseta 2.86, p > 0.05, qMountain 2.97, p > 0.05) Equality of Variances Test (Hartley Test1) Ho: The group variances are not significantly different. FMax Max s 2 = Min s 2 Group variances: Lake = 110.67 Meseta = 30.60 Mountain = 63.54 df = k − 1, nMax df = 2, 12 110.67 FMax = = 3.62 30.60 FCritical = 4.16 The group variances are not significantly different (F3.89, p > 0.05). 1 SPSS uses the less conservative Levene’s Test. • The Hartley test is VERY sensitive to the normality assumption. Even small deviations from normal can influence the results. • The test works best when the group sample sizes are equal. If the group sizes are roughly equal, use the group with the largest sample for determining the df and the smaller of the two dfs reported. • If in doubt, double check using the SPSS Levene’s test. Hypotheses Ho: There is no significant difference in the percent working population among the three Tarascan village groups. Ha: There is a significant difference in the percent working population among the three Tarascan village groups. Use between for two-group testing and among for 3+ group testing. Lake Quiroga San Andres San Jeronimo Erongaricuaro Ihuatzio Jaracuaro Puacuaro Santa Fe Uricho Zurumutaro Tzintzuntzan Ajuno Column Sums n1 = 12 n2 = 11 n3 = 10 ntotal = 33 51.55 54.12 36.61 48.73 59.91 49.09 50.52 71.19 33.22 54.68 46.38 37.52 593.5 Meseta Arantepacua Comachuen La Mojonera Nahuatzen Pichataro Quinceo San Isidro San Juan Sevina Tingambato Turicuaro Mountain 37.88 36.72 31.08 44.39 46.90 32.64 44.32 32.76 40.76 44.72 37.63 429.8 Ahuiran Angahuan Charapan Cocucho Corupo Nurio Pomacuaran San Felipe San Lorenzo Urapicho 47.56 47.21 45.92 24.41 38.92 39.14 48.09 36.11 38.64 29.90 395.9 k TSS = ∑ i =1 ni ∑X j =1 2 ij −C Lake Quiroga San Andres San Jeronimo Erongaricuaro Ihuatzio Jaracuaro Puacuaro Santa Fe Uricho Zurumutaro Tzintzuntzan Ajuno Column Sums 51.55 54.12 36.61 48.73 59.91 49.09 50.52 71.19 33.22 54.68 46.38 37.52 593.5 Sum of the observations (∑∑ X ) where C = 2 ij N x2 2657.4 2928.9 1340.4 2374.9 3589.6 2409.9 2552.2 5068.2 1103.8 2990.1 2151.5 1407.8 30574.6 Meseta Arantepacua Comachuen La Mojonera Nahuatzen Pichataro Quinceo San Isidro San Juan Sevina Tingambato Turicuaro 37.88 36.72 31.08 44.39 46.90 32.64 44.32 32.76 40.76 44.72 37.63 x2 1434.9 1348.7 965.7 1970.4 2199.6 1065.7 1964.5 1072.9 1661.3 1999.8 1416.0 Mountain Ahuiran Angahuan Charapan Cocucho Corupo Nurio Pomacuaran San Felipe San Lorenzo Urapicho 47.56 47.21 45.92 24.41 38.92 39.14 48.09 36.11 38.64 29.90 429.8 17099.5 395.9 16246.9 Sum of the squared observations Total observation sum = 593.5 + 429.8 + 395.9 = 1419.2 (∑∑ X ) ij k Total squared sum = 30574.6 + 17099.5 + 16246.9 = 63921 x2 2262.2 2228.4 2108.9 596.0 1515.1 1532.3 2313.0 1303.9 1493.3 893.9 ni ∑ ∑X i =1 j =1 2 ij k TSS = ∑ i =1 ni 2 X ∑ ij − C where j =1 (1419.2) 2 C= = 61034.2 33 TSS = 63921 − 61034.2 = 2886.8 ( X ) ∑∑ C= ij N 2 2 ni ∑ X ij ni j =1 −C BSS = ∑ ni i =1 Lake n=12 x2 Meseta n=11 x2 Mountain n=10 x2 Quiroga 51.55 2657.4 Arantepacua 37.88 1434.9 Ahuiran 47.56 2262.2 San Andres 54.12 2928.9 Comachuen 36.72 1348.7 Angahuan 47.21 2228.4 San Jeronimo 36.61 1340.4 La Mojonera 31.08 965.7 Charapan 45.92 2108.9 Erongaricuaro 48.73 2374.9 Nahuatzen 44.39 1970.4 Cocucho 24.41 596.0 Ihuatzio 59.91 3589.6 Pichataro 46.90 2199.6 Corupo 38.92 1515.1 Jaracuaro 49.09 2409.9 Quinceo 32.64 1065.7 Nurio 39.14 1532.3 Puacuaro 50.52 2552.2 San Isidro 44.32 1964.5 Pomacuaran 48.09 2313.0 Santa Fe 71.19 5068.2 San Juan 32.76 1072.9 San Felipe 36.11 1303.9 Uricho 33.22 1103.8 Sevina 40.76 1661.3 San Lorenzo 38.64 1493.3 Zurumutaro 54.68 2990.1 Tingambato 44.72 1999.8 Urapicho 29.90 893.9 Tzintzuntzan 46.38 2151.5 Turicuaro 37.63 1416.0 Ajuno 37.52 1407.8 593.5 30574.6 395.9 16246.9 Column Sums 429.8 17099.5 (593.5) 2 (429.8) 2 (395.9) 2 BSS = + + − 61034.2 = 786.5 12 11 10 Only used to calculate the WSS TSS = 2886.8 BSS = 786.5 WSS = 2886.8 − 786.5 = 2100.3 F= BSS k −1 WSS N −k 786.5 393.25 3 − 1 = = 5.62 F= 2100.3 70.01 33 − 3 df = (k-1) = (3-1) = 2, (n-k) = (33-3) = 30 To get the probability range on this table, read DOWN the column. F = 5.62 Since 5.62 > 3.32 reject Ho There is a significant difference in the percent employed population among the three groups of Tarascan villages (F5.62, 0.01 > p > 0.005). Test of Homogeneity of Variances PctAct Levene Statistic .876 df1 df2 2 Sig. .427 30 ANOVA Pc tAct Between Groups W ithin Groups Total Sum of Squares 786.816 2095.240 2882.056 df 2 30 32 Mean Square 393.408 69.841 F 5.633 Sig. .008 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: PctAct LSD (I) Group 1 2 3 (J) Group 2 3 1 3 1 2 Mean Difference (I-J) 10.3886* 9.8698* -10.3886* -.5188 -9.8698* .5188 Std. Error 3.4885 3.5783 3.4885 3.6515 3.5783 3.6515 *. The mean difference is s ignificant at the .05 level. Sig. .006 .010 .006 .888 .010 .888 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound Upper Bound 3.264 17.513 2.562 17.178 -17.513 -3.264 6.938 -7.976 -17.178 -2.562 -6.938 7.976 Comparing our results to those of SPSS: TSS BSS WSS F p SPSS 2882.1 786.8 2095.2 5.63 0.008 Us 2886.6 786.8 2100.3 5.62 0.01 - 0.005 Multiple Comparison (AOV Post Hoc) Tests • Available in SPSS to compare all group pairs. • Used to determine which means are significantly different. • Similar to (but not exactly like) performing two group means tests while holding the other group(s) constant. • The post hoc test listed below are useful for non-paired comparisons and non treatment-control comparisons. For treatment-control (e.g. before- after) comparisons, use the Dunnet test. LSD (Fisher test) • The Least Significant Difference test assumes that if the null hypothesis is incorrect, as indicated by a significant F-test, Type I errors are not really possible. • LSD test has been criticized for not sufficiently controlling for Type I errors. • Although this is the first test on the list in SPSS, it is probably not the best. Bonferroni • Probably the most commonly used post hoc test because it is flexible, simple to compute, and can be used with any type of statistical test. • The traditional Bonferroni tends to lack power. • The Bonferroni overcorrects for Type I error. Sidak • A relatively simple modification of the Bonferroni formula that would have less of an impact on statistical power but retain much of the flexibility of the Bonferroni method. • This approach is convenient but has not received any systematic study. • It is unlikely that a single, simple correction will result in the most efficient balance of Type I and Type II errors. Tukey (Tukey’s HSD) • The HSD (honest significant difference) has greater power than the other tests under most circumstances. • Requires equal sample sizes. • If sample sizes are unequal, the Tukey-Kramer test is used by SPSS which computes the harmonic mean of the sample sizes for each group, slightly lowering the power of the test. Games-Howell • This test can be used when variances are unequal and also takes into account unequal group sizes. • Severely unequal variances can lead to increased Type I error, and with smaller sample sizes, more moderate differences in group variance can also lead to increases in Type I error. • This test appears to do better than the Tukey HSD if variances are very unequal (or moderately so in combination with small sample size) or can be used if the sample size per cell is very small (e.g., <6). • This is probably the most reliable post hoc test, but also the most conservative. Probabilities from 5 Post Hoc Tests Group Comparisons 1–2 GamesHowell 0.021 Tukey HSD 0.015 LSD 0.006 Bonferroni 0.017 Sidak 0.017 1–3 0.053 0.026 0.010 0.029 0.029 2–3 0.984 0.989 0.888 1.000 0.999 Note that the differences are slight, except for the GamesHowell test.