Tribute to our Volunteers Annual Dinner


Tribute to our Volunteers Annual Dinner
Volunteer Tribute
Accounting Aid Society provides tax assistance and other
services to promote the economic self-sufficiency of middleto low-income families, seniors and others in need through
programs, volunteerism and partnerships.
May 14, 2015
Vice Chair
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Masco Corporation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Clark Hill PLC
Bank of America
Masco Corporation
Payroll 1, Inc.
Gregory A. Nowak
Miller Canfield
Wayne State University
Clark Hill PLC
Ford Motor Company
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
Law Offices of
Jassi S Sachdev, PC
Plante Moran
The Auto Club Group
General Counsel
Clark Hill PLC
Tribute to Volunteers
May 14, 2015
Cocktail Reception
Strolling Dinner
Thank You and Welcome
Masco Community Spirit Awards
Special Mission Moments and Recognitions
Dessert and Coffee
Optional Afterglow
For those who wish to linger longer, there will be an informal afterglow at Ford Lanes
Lounge, 23100 Van Born Road, less than one mile west of Masco Corporation.
Free parking. Cash bar.
We extend our deep appreciation to Masco
Corporation for hosting this event.
onight we pay tribute to you and the hundreds of
friends, neighbors and colleagues who volunteered
with Accounting Aid Society this year because you
share in our belief that financial security and economic
opportunity should be available for everyone.
You represent part of the new excitement for growth and
opportunity we are experiencing in southeast Michigan
today, and we are extremely fortunate to have such invaluable partners.
As we move forward together, we are finding new ways to link resources and
services to those who need them the most. Beyond tax preparation, settling
IRS controversies, and financial coaching, our volunteers are working with
us on many other real-life issues.
Last fall, Accounting Aid Society volunteers helped high school students
complete college admission and financial aid applications. In December,
when City of Detroit retirees learned they had to file new pension claims by
year’s end, our volunteers rushed in. And when shut-off notices threatened
home water and heat supplies, our volunteers filed credit claims for struggling
All of these shared actions and efforts embody our core mission of strengthening
the financial well-being of southeast Michigan households.
From our call center representatives to our tax site supervisors, I want to truly
thank each and every one of you for your service, for sharing your skills and
time, and for being such great stewards of our community.
We all know our region faces many challenges. Your participation will
continue to make a lasting positive impact on its future. On behalf of our
Board, staff, and most of all, our clients, thank you for being a part of our
Together, I look forward to building a financially secure future for southeast
Kathleen Hatke Aro
Accounting Aid Society created the Masco Community Spirit Award to recognize those who exemplify
commitment to community through actions, leadership and stewardship. Accounting Aid named this
annual award after the Masco Corporation for its longtime support of our mission and for the company’s
tradition of excellence and service.
GHD CPAs and Advisors
For increasing our capacity to serve those in need in our communities
Accounting Aid Society was started by CPAs who wanted to give back to the community,
and many of our volunteers today work in the accounting field. We value and depend on
volunteers like those from GHD CPAs and Advisors, who believe that people who share a
sense of community can help each other with their goals.
Rooted in the southeast Michigan community since 1920, GHD has grown steadily from
a small and independent business counseling practice in Detroit, to one of the area’s largest
premiere accounting and consulting firms, offering a wide range of quality tax, auditing,
accounting and consulting services.
The long association GHD has with Accounting Aid began with providing leadership to our
Board of Directors more than 20 years ago, to providing financial operating support, and to
employees who volunteer as tax preparers. This is the seventh year GHD employees have
volunteered with the tax program by adopting an AAS tax site, and they donated more than
150 hours.
“We have come to think of working with VITA as our tax season kick-off and are excited
to get to it every year,” says Nancy Spalding, CPA, MST, senior manager with GHD. The
firm usually sets aside the first four Saturdays of each tax season to work with Accounting
Aid. “VITA is clearly one way we can use our specific skills to help our community. From
the partners of the firm to our interns, it’s a great experience and gives everyone a sense of
how they can help people. We really like being able to help wrestle with some of the difficult
issues that come in the door, as well as enjoying giving service to clients we recognize from
previous years.”
Credit Acceptance Corporation
For increasing our capacity to serve those in need in our communities
Credit Acceptance Corporation (CA), headquartered in Southfield, is an indirect auto
finance company working with car dealers nationwide to enable them to sell cars to
consumers on credit regardless of their credit history. CA is committed to helping consumers
receive a fresh start by helping them purchase reliable transportation while improving their
credit scores. Credit Acceptance takes pride in being a service-oriented company and has
supported a variety of charitable groups over its 40-year history. Accounting Aid is fortunate
that CA’s Great Place to Work Community Service Committee has partnered with us over
the last three years to prepare taxes at one of our largest suburban tax sites. More than 50
CA employees have been trained and certified through the program. This year they donated
more than 200 hours.
“It’s an engaging and gratifying volunteer experience. You get a chance to interact directly
with the families you are helping, so you immediately see the impact of your work,” says
Alisa Sarkic, CA financial analyst and its tax volunteer champion who has recruited the
corporation’s local volunteers and helped organize their training.
Shawn Goodwin
Excellent customer service is what you get when your call is answered by Shawn Goodwin
of our call center. Shawn was recruited as a volunteer to our program from Operation ABLE
of Michigan, and joined our workforce development program during the 2013-2014 tax
Previously, Shawn spent more than 10 years as a patient care associate in the neuroscience
traumatic brain injury unit of the Detroit Medical Center and this experience has proven
invaluable in providing good customer service to our clients. As Shawn explains to our callers
with resource concerns, “we have all been through something in our lives and I know we can
get through this too, so let’s get started by making an appointment for you.”
Since last May, Shawn has volunteered more than 2000 hours.
One caller was so impressed by Shawn’s warm disposition that she baked a pineapple upside
down cake to show her appreciation. “Shawn’s hard work, dedication, and wonderful rapport
with our clients are just some of the reasons why we appreciate and love her so much,” says
Karen Bryant, call center trainer/coordinator.
Howard Baron
A retired financial manager with Chrysler Corp., Howard Baron joined Accounting Aid
Society as a VITA volunteer in 2012. He enthusiastically expanded his volunteer roles by
signing up as one of our first financial coaches, a role in which he works one-on-one with
community members to help build their capacity for financial management. Through
coaching, Howard helps his coaching clients work out a budget, prioritize their debts, set
goals, and take other steps to create financial stability.
This year, in addition to financial coaching, Howard has expanded his role in the Financial
Opportunity Corps program by being a financial workshop presenter and coach trainer.
Coupled with his 200-plus hours as a VITA volunteer, Howard exemplifies the “taxes plus”
philosophy of Accounting Aid. He is also an active volunteer for several other community
organizations and projects.
“I look forward to every day I volunteer,” says Howard.
So do we.
Fletcher and John Starnes
Fletcher and John Starnes joined Accounting Aid Society as VITA volunteers in 2008 and
have served in several capacities – as tax preparation volunteers, tax season staff supervising
our Focus: HOPE site, and as Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC) volunteers. Since
earning the status of Enrolled Agent and opening their own tax practice together, they have
volunteered many hours as valuable members of our LITC pro bono panel. This past year
alone, they together donated 283 hours.
“It’s a great feeling to volunteer,” says Fletcher. “You see your contribution right away and
how it makes an immediate effect. And that’s a good feeling.”
The Starnes did not hesitate to submit Michigan Offers in Compromise as soon as new
procedures were in effect at the beginning of 2015. The issues that they have encountered in
the new process have led to good discussions with Michigan Treasury which are certain to
benefit future filers.
Today we are recognizing them both for their many hours of service and for the excellent
quality of their work. Many taxpayers now no longer have crushing tax debts or other IRS
matters to deal with, thanks to Fletcher and John.
When April 15 rolls around, we just keep
going. Our free income tax preparation
services are available year-round at our
five Neighborhood Tax Centers. During
the summer, the centers run weekdays
and serve clients by appointment only.
If you were not able to volunteer during
the tax season, want more tax preparation
experience, or have a little free time to
spare, please share some of your summer
with us! Find locations and hours via
your online volunteer log-in.
Our volunteer financial coaches are
trained and ready to help out. Clients
meet regularly one-on-one with a coach
over a period of months to get help with
budgeting, debt reduction, financial goal
setting and other money management
issues. If you know an individual or
family who might take advantage of this
service, ask them to give us a call!
ach and every one of our volunteers listed here played a role in our success this year. Together, we helped
improve the economic independence of thousands of families and individuals in southeast Michigan through
income tax preparation, financial coaching, our Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, and by connecting clients to
important services and resources through our Call Center.
Juliana Abercrombie
Darshell Abney
Chackuparambil Abraham
Abdurraouf Abukhatwa
Dawn Aginian
Mahfuj Ahmed
Tolani Akinnibosun
Ahmed Alata
Hussain Albattat
Ahmed Albonajem
Christine Alexander
Serena Al-Farah
Ali Ali
Ismahan Ali
Omar Ali
Maria Alindogan
Suzanne Al-Jawadi
Noor Al-Khafaji
Neil Allen
Linda Allen
Waseem Alqaifi
Nancy Alvarado
Amanda Alvarado
Lisa Amador-Elkins
Melissa Amore
Kenneth Andejeski
Chenita Anderson
Elizabeth Anderson
John Anstett
Rhonda Archie
Scott Asselin
Theresa Asselin
Joseph Astephan
John Ausen
William Austin
Haykal Awad
Susan Baker
Marisa Balcom
Nana Banahene
Maria Banou
Adelaida Barbat
Erica Barham
Howard Baron
Fatoumata Barry
Chelsea Barton
Michael Bastien
Frances Bayer
Olena Bazzi
Daniel Beatty
Marcus Belanger
Candelario Benavides
Todd Bergmann
Francis Bernardi
Michael Berry
Entjola Biba
Reema Biel
Jennifer Bielfield
Brian Binder
Emily Bitzarakis
Jeff Blowers
David Boudreau
Deirdre Bowie
Aretha Boyd
Shane Brender
Cecelia Brewer
Sherry Bridges
Abby Briggs
Joyce Broach
Richard Brown
Sandra Brown
Gary Bryner
Gaiterie Budhu
Aldo Bushi
Gregg Byrne
Nora Calderon
Alex Calderone
Mary Callaghan
Virginia Callen
Catherine Campbell
James Campbell
Lisa Campbell
Dora Canales
Alicia Cannon
Azalia Cannon
Gladys Cannon
Dothy Carlisle
Rachel Carroll
Kathy Carson
Larthell Carthan
Vladimir Celeda
Stephanie Chang
William Chase
Christopher Chatman
Siknah Chehab
Cheng Chen
Liuyuan Chen
Huy Chieu
Michael Chiumento
Cynthia Churches
Natalie Ciampichini
Curtis Clark
Nikita Clark
Rob Clary
Donna Clay
Jules Clos
Lara Colling
Rhonda Collins
Joy Combs
Valerie Congdon
Nick Cooper
Carl Corman
Kevin Cornell
Laura Corp
Nydia Correa
Frank Costello
Tony Couch
Douglas Crenshaw
Joan Crimmins
Natalie Crook
Karen Cunningham
Shawn Curran
Linda Curry
Cheryl Dau
Jeanne David
Randi Davis
Rami Debouk
Patricia DeGiuli
Paul DeLano
Michele Demers
Louis Denha
Samuel Denson
Elisha Deogracias
David Depalma
Adeet Desai
Kim DiBartolomeo
John Dillon
Caitlin Distelrath
Greg Doherty
Michael Dompier
Mary Jean Dong
John Douglas
Rohena Dua
Bozena Dulemba
Stacie Durant
MiShawn Earl
Joseph Ebiware
Tracy Eck
Dolores Edwards
Sheila Edwards
Lorraine Eggeraat
Mary Eicher
David Eisterhold
Janet Elbert
Lew Elbert
Malak El-Sayed
Rana El-Zein
Robert Ervin
Sonia Esquivel
Bernistine Eubanks
Richard Eusani
Delois Evans
Marcia Evans
Arlena Everson
James Fahrner
Lyubov Faucher
John Finch
David Flak
Jose Flores-Padilla
Jon Flott
Dennis Fogel
Douglas Fournier
Jennifer Fowler
Bridget Franklin
Keith Franklin
Susan Gainer
Mary Gallagher
Cynthia Garofali
Alex Garza
America Gasca
William Gateley
Maura Gatowski
John Gauthier
Linda Gawel
Katya Ayvazova Georgieva
Gordon German
Frederick Gerring
Simona Ghiurau
Kimberly Giles
Steven Glowacki
Adam Gnesin
Brendan Godvin
Michael Goellnitz
Edward Golick
Marianna Golovan
Shawn Goodwin
Vineeta Gopwani
Lashanna Goudy-Crooks
Satara Gray
Nathan Greenfelder
Jennifer Greenwell
Lisa Gregoria
George Gregory
Leonia Gregory
Ellisea Groce
Waseem Gulla
Kendal Gumbleton
Deborah Habel
Jennifer Hagaman
Ruth Hagen
Ali Haidar
Alyssa Hall
Christopher Hall
Godfrey Hammel
Shantel Hampton
Joseph Hanba
Robert Hann
Hiam Harb
Cassie Hare
Carmen Harper
Kelly Harper
Julius Harris
Damon Harrison
Clyde Hatfield
Michael Hattar
Emiko Hayashi
Erin Hayden
Timothy Hegelein
Joel Heimbach
Ellen Heinitz
Lisa Hellen
Kahliaha Henderson
David Hennessy
Amy Hensley
Lorena Hernandez
Latonya Hicks
Tom Hill
Chembrianne Hobdy
Jeffrey Hoffman
Robert Hogans
Keshaw Hopkins
Terence Hopkins
Donald Hourican
Min Hu
Ping Hu
Michelle Huculak
Sarah Huebscher
Diane Hull
Jeffrey Humes
Deb Hunter
Brian Huntoon
Syed Hussain
Valeria Ibarra
Nozrul Islam
Mohammed Islam
David Jackson
Kanaka Jagannathan
Daniel Jahn
Charles Jamieson
Vincent Jarbo
Stephen Jarrell
Shaniya Jarrett
Monika Jelic
Kelly Jenkins
Steven Jenks
Dengcheng Ji
Tongle Ji
Mary Ann Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Graham Jones
Twinkle Joseph
Raj Kadiyala
Ahlam Kamash
Fadi Kathawa
Pardeep Kaur
Ajay Kaura
Eilish Keating
Peter Keating
Jeff Kendall
Bruce Kennedy
Mark Keskes
Melany Kesteloot
Raj Khaira
Bernard Kilbride
Mark King
Iyere Kio
Yevgeniy Kislyuk
Justin Kizy
John Kloian
Katheirne Klose
Mary Koerner
Erion Kola
Benoit Konango-Nyobe
Amy Koska
Donna Krantz
Carol Kranz
Joe Kraus
Michael Krushena
Nicole Kuhn
Sharon Kumari
Linda Kusch
Patricia Labbate
Michael Lalama
Maxwell Landry
Ronald Lang
Erin Lasenby
Kimberly Laughton
Michelle Lauka
Deborah Lavara
Andrew Lazoen
Janet Lee
Yan Lei
Linda Leinius
Tina Lejeune
Doris Leonard
Jacob Letzer
Virginia Li
Shibo Liang
Siyi Lin
George Linker
Thomas Linn
Yinqing Liu
Yong Liu
Meredith Lloyd
Warren Long
Tami Lopez
John Lott
William Lovelace
Kathy Luckett
Felicita Lugo
Tara Lukas
Elizabeth Luna
Jon Mackie
Terri Macnear
Bill Madro
Christian Maduka
Leslie Malcolmson
Peter Malcolmson
Jessica Mallender
Rebecca Mallender
Rubens Malo
Kevin Mankowski
Jadeep Mann
Anthony Marek
Christopher Marold
James Marrow
Jessica Marsh
Sheila Marshall
Jason Martens
Erika Martin
Susan Martin
Tenia Martin
Paul Mashni
Ophir Massey
Lawrence Matta
Steven Matti
Juanita Mayberry
Diane Mayer
Jacqueline McCollum
Rosalind McDavid
Brad McDonald
Thomas McDougall
William Mcelroy
John McGee
Ella McGhee
Brooke McMahan
Rajendra Mehta
Susan Meland
Sheryl Melber
Nelida Melchor
Matria Melvin
Peter Mercurio
Maria Gabriela Meridith
Marcelo Merlo
Miguel Merlo
Virginia Merlo
Jeanneth Merwin
Susan Metalski
John Micallef
Andrew Miller
David Milo
Snezana Milutinovic
Jeffrey Minch
Michael Minnich
William Minter
Arifah Mirza
Nekia Mitchell
Majd Mohsin
Mateo Mondragon
Jerome Monti
Joseph Moore
Leila Morcel
Justin Mordarski
Allen Morgan
Emmese Morgan
Jill Morketter
Ashley Morris
Sharonne Moss
James Mosteller
Matthew Motton
Anne Mount
Alayna Moury
Peter Mukhtar
Michael Mullins
Nancy Munnerlyn
Jayashree Murali
Kelli Murphy
Kevin Murphy
Charles Murray
Matthew Murtha
Leela Nagarajan
Manu Naik
Herve Narcisse
Darene Newman
Lawrence Newman
Tiffany Newman
Christina Nguyen
Spring Nguyen
Erin Nielsen
Ammar Noah
Daniel Northey
Rachel Nowak
Danuta Nowicka
Mazen Obeid
Julie Oldham
William Oleszczak
James O’Neill
Donna Opthoff
John Ortisi
Christian Orzel-Rostine
Nai-Ying Ou
Rafah Ouro
Rick Pacynski
Dharmendra Parakh
Sarah Pascual
Jacques Pasquier
Bhavna Patel
Jahnvi Patel
Neha Patel
Vani Patney
Marjorie Patterson
Catherine Patyi
Aesha Payne
Eugenia Payne
Leon Pearson
James Peele
Michael Pelc
Janet Peters
Rochell Peters
Cameron Phelps
Louis Phlips
Ted Podeszwa
Nancy Poma
Mairin Poniatowski
Andika Powell
Pradeep Prabhakar
Jason Prager
Kathryn Prew
Joshua Pritchard
Lucy Propst
Nicole Puckett
John Quaine
Venkat Raman
Tim Rapley
Sondos Rayes
Robertta Reiff
Denise Reske
Bonnie Reyes
Manuel Reyes
Jay Reynolds
Rosanna Reynolds
James Riehl
Justin Riley
Terrence Roach
Joseph Robach
Jacob Robert
Bonnie Robins
Alexa Robinson
Sharon Robinson
Bob Rocca
Stephanie Roehm
Rachel Rosenbaum
John Ross
Rosiland Rouser
Arthur Ruple
Sulaiman Saad
Ely Sagansay
Deborah Salazar
Salee Salim
Nicole Sammons
Robert Samples
Nadia Sanchez
Hannah Sanday
Rick Sanders
Dominic Sapienza
Alisa Sarkic
Aaron Sarver
Vesna Savic
Richard Sbaschnig
Christopher Scagnetti
Ron Schmaeman
Laura Schneider
Donna Schnell-Lee
Gregor Schubert
Joseph Schulenberg
Eric Schulte
Michael Schulte
Kathryn Schumacher
Felicia Scotland
Paul Secrest
Loesje Sens-Ottino
Renuka Shah
Jonathon Sharpe
Feng Shen
Dena Shields
Noor Sidiqi
Benjamin Silverman
Deanna Sims
Launzy Sims
Abhaydeep Singh
Harjashen Parvinder Singh
Suchita Singh
Megha Sinha
Ingrid Sizeland
Thomas Skelly
Mark Slaiwa
Michael Sleva
Moussa Slim
Kristie Slowke
Ivan Smirnov
Garylle Smith
Joyce Smith
Juliette Smith
Lexine Smith
Steve Smith
Graham Smithkort
John Soave
Yimin Song
Nancy Spalding
Ronald Spinner
Betsy Spratt
Shirish Srinivasan
Scott Stanford
Fletcher Starnes
John Starnes
Ariana Stefanovski
Holly Steinberger
Karen Stewart
Susan Stieber
Shaunetta Stokes
Deann Stowe
Martha Suarez
Lakshmi Sundaram
Magdalena Svimberska
Daniel Swisz
Vanessa Switzer
Amy Szczepaniak
Vijay Tailor
Brenda Talley
Jeffrey Tate
Bruce Taylor
Tameka Taylor
Robert Terberg
Kelly Terrell
John Theodore
Roxanne Thompson
David Thornton
Renee Thornton-Beatty
Connie Tincknell-Yandura
Jennifer Tindle
Christina Tobin
Brianna Todd
Sarah Tomkowiak
Trenton Toor
Claudia Torres
Roger Towne
Kimberly Tran
Mary Travier
Scott Trowbridge
Kieko Tsukuda
Charles Tully
Mary Turner
Thomas Turner
Marsel Usmanov
Caroline Valenti
Diana Varon
Maria VasquezMarquez
Silvia Vazquez
Tatianna Vega
Lauren Verbiscus
Anna Vue
Sofia Walker
William Walker
Paul Walker
Rosetta Waller
Huawei Wang
Rui Wang
Lindsey Warner
Joseph Washington
Hannah Wasil
Roy Waters
Winda Waters
Brooke Watts
Janet Webley
Stacey Wells
Alma Westbrook-Nunlee
Earlean Weston
Joyce Whitaker
Austin Wigent
Arketa Williams
Devin Williams
Lisa Williams
Susan Williams
Gregory Willy
Lynn Wilsher
Stanley Wise
Eric Wisniewski
Jack Woodberg
Johinnie Worrell
Greg Wright
Andrew Wright
Xingnan Wu
Wuming Xia
Yongli Xu
Helen Yantz
Therese Yglesias
Andrew Young
Sahar Yousif
Jie Yu
Dmitriy Zaderetsky
Aqsa Zahid
Eugene Zalubas
Nahida Zaman
Edgar Zarins
Suzanne Zavala
Ying Zhu
Every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information. If we have made an error, please accept
our apology and let us know.
Chenita Anderson
With her financial background and golden rule principles, volunteering as both a tax preparer
and a quality reviewer is a natural fit for Chenita Anderson and Accounting Aid Society.
Chenita began volunteering with us in the 1980s at the Butzel tax site in Detroit, about the
same time she received a B.A. in finance from Wayne State University and began her long
career in finance for several major banking institutions.
Over the last several decades, Chenita has volunteered at many of our tax sites – from Pontiac
to River Rouge to Highland Park -- and is a mainstay at our Duffield Branch Library and
River Rouge Senior Center tax sites. Growing up the oldest of seven children helped form
her belief that everyone should be treated the same, regardless of financial background, and
Chenita has always volunteered wherever we needed her to go. She has also expanded her
commitment to Accounting Aid by recruiting family and friends to be tax volunteers.
We are honored to recognize Chenita this evening as an outstanding volunteer for the tax
assistance program.
Johinnie Worrell
We are very fortunate to have Johinnie Worrell on our team. A volunteer since the 2007
tax season with an accounting degree from Davenport University, Johinnie is a former
accountant with Flagstar Bank and the Detroit Board of Education, and loves working with
She has served our clients at many tax sites, including Northend, Main Library, Butzel,
Oakland NTC, Focus: HOPE, Don Bosco, and the Southwest NTC. This season, Johinnie
was an important mainstay at Harper-Gratiot Multi-Service Center.
“Johinnie is very accurate, quick, friendly, and the clients always enjoy her,” says Brian
Foster, tax site supervisor.
Accounting Aid is very fortunate that Johinnie shares her expertise with the tax program in
service to our clients in need.
Candelario Benavides
Information technology is becoming increasingly important for our Tax Assistance Program,
and we are pleased to award Candelario (Rio) Benavides with the Outstanding IT Volunteer
Rio provided technological support every Saturday this season at our Main Detroit Library
location, reporting early to set up 20 laptops and related computer equipment, and staying
until the last client left to tear down and pack everything away. Rio also worked closely with
our own staff IT coordinator, Kassie Ward, on a new computer system allowing volunteers
to bring their own laptops to prepare returns.
“Rio troubleshot any network connection problems which may have occurred and resolved
them in a timely manner,” says Kassie. “His contribution was invaluable and it was a pleasure
working with him.”
Jack Woodberg
Jack Woodberg believes in a level playing field. When he isn’t attending college fulltime
for an accounting degree, he is either working fulltime as a college-level soccer referee, or
volunteering his time to do taxes. This season, Jack volunteered more than 70 hours to
prepare taxes for clients at our Osborn Neighborhood Tax Center.
“To help those who may not be as privileged as I have been, and see to it that they are getting
the best possible refund is an honor,” says Jack. “I am truly grateful to have the opportunity
to be reaching out to so many people in need of getting a reliable and fair tax return.”
Jack began his volunteer career with our tax assistance program during the 2014 tax season
when he was a student of Walsh College and a member of its Accounting and Taxation
Student Organization. This year, as a junior at Baker College, he continued his volunteer
work for us.
“Preparing taxes gives me the ability to grow as an accounting expert and learn real-world
experience,” he says.
Jack has a B.A. in philosophy, and when he completes his bachelor’s degree in accounting, he
plans to become a CPA. Being named this year’s outstanding student volunteer is an honor
he says. “This experience has tremendously humbled myself and really has helped me grow
as a person.”
Training Facilities Partners
• Brighton Senior Center
• Ford Resource and Engagement Center
• Macomb Intermediate School
District - Clinton Township
• Oakland Community College
- Orchard Ridge Campus
• Oakland University
• University of Michigan - Dearborn
• Walsh College - Novi and Troy Campus
Tax Site Hosts
• Arab Community Center for Economic
and Social Service (ACCESS)
• Brighton Education &
Community Center
• Brighton Senior Center
• Catholic Charities of Southeast
Michigan - Hispanic Outreach Services
• Center Line Parks & Recreation
• Detroit Main Library
• Don Bosco Community
Resource Center
• Duffield Branch Library
• Focus: HOPE
• Ford Resource & Engagement Center
• Lighthouse Community Development
• Neighborhood Service Organization
Harper-Gratiot Multi-Service Center
• Oakland County Treasurer’s Office
• OLHSA- A Community Action Agency
• Putnam Township Senior Center
• River Rouge Senior Center
• Samaritan House
• University of Detroit Mercy
Adopt-A-Site Partners
• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
• Catholic Charities of Southeast
Michigan - Hispanic Outreach Services
• Detroit Councilwoman
Racquel Castenada-Lopez
• State Representative Stephanie Chang
• Credit Acceptance Corporation
• DTE Energy
• EY
• Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
• Flagstar Bank
• Ford Motor Company
• General Motors Corporation
• GHD CPAs and Advisors
• Hewlett-Packard
• Michigan Association of CPAs
• Masco Corporation
• Law Firm of Miller Canfield
• Oakland University
• Plante Moran, PLLC
• PwC
• The Private Bank
• University of Detroit Mercy
• University of Michigan Dearborn - Beta Alpa Psi
• Walsh College
• Wayne State University
Gifts In-Kind
• Ally Financial
• Troy Baker
• Rachel Banks
• Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan
• Domino’s Pizza
• EY
• Miranda Ferguson
• Flagstar Bank
• Fox2 Detroit
• Tina LeJeune
• Madonna University
• Masco Corporation
• Kathryn Rand
• Steve Smith
2015 Fast Facts
This year, nearly 700 volunteers supported our mission through income tax preparation, financial coaching, our
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic, and by connecting clients to important services and resources.
Tax Assistance Program
• Our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program prepared income taxes and tax credits
for over 20,000 low-to-middle income households, including 1,200 through our online selfpreparation option.
• Tax refunds and credits totaled more than $21 million, infusing new money into the local
economy as refunds were spent for much-needed goods and services such as rent, groceries,
utilities, transportation, education, and saving for the future.
• 608 tax volunteers donated 19,242 hours at 22 locations, plus one-day events in Wayne,
Oakland, Macomb and Livingston counties.
• Our unique Homebound Tax Assistance Program served 157 clients with disabilities who were
unable to go to one of our tax sites.
• In addition to ongoing tax assistance, we are partnering with Focus: HOPE and other
community agencies to provide wrap-around resources and services for its HOPE Village
Initiative, a neighborhood in need that includes 5,300 residents living in the 100 blocks
immediately surrounding the Focus: HOPE main campus.
Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC)
• The LITC guided 108 taxpayers to resolve issues with the Internal Revenue Service thus
decreasing tax liabilities by $770,000. An additional 1,301 individuals who speak English as a second
language were provided information and education about taxpayer rights and responsibilities.
Financial Coaching
• The Financial Opportunity Corps has trained 41 volunteer financial coaches, workshop
presenters and financial ambassadors. Currently, 30 financial coaches have been paired with 33
participants to help improve their personal financial management.
• In partnership with Points of Light, Bank of America, and the Corporation for National
Community Service, the program is one of only 10 across the country.
Workforce Readiness
• The workforce readiness program links adults who need to refresh or strengthen their basic
skills with on-site training and real-time work experience in Accounting Aid’s call center.
• Initial Call Center volunteer staff includes referrals from community partners, Focus:HOPE
and Operation ABLE who want to provide job skills and actual work experience for their clients.
School Initiative
• As a member of the Detroit College Access Network, Accounting Aid is helping to increase
post-secondary attainment among all students, especially low-income and first-generation
students, in Detroit high schools by promoting a college-going culture that removes barriers to
college enrollment, persistence and completion. In 2014, Accounting Aid assisted 660 Detroit
high school seniors and their parents complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.
“Accounting Aid Society . . . Best-Managed Nonprofit”
– Crain’s Detroit Business
7700 Second Avenue, Suite 314
Detroit, MI 48202-2411
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